Writers Forum - February 2015


Transcript of Writers Forum - February 2015

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The field of science has always been a very

interesting topic which has led to

controversies, condemnation, confusion and

corroboration. Of late it has become a more popular

arena when one of the

speakers of Indian

Science Congress said

that the aeroplane was a

vehicle discovered in

the Vedic age, which

could move not just

from one country to

another, but also from one planet to another. This led to

a controversy as some scientists calling it as bringing

pseudo science into scientific discussions. Not to

forget the recent address by Pope Francis to the

Pontifical Academy of Sciences on Big Bang theory

which also led to numerous discussions and debates on

church's view on creation and its relation to science.

S c i e n t i f i c

m e t h o d s a r e

considered to be so

f u n d a m e n t a l t o

modern science that

s o m e c o n s i d e r

earlier inquiries into

nature to be pre-


Many ancient civilizations collected

astronomical information in a systematic manner

through simple observation. Though they had no

knowledge of the real physical structure of the planets

and stars, many theoretical explanations were

proposed. Basic facts about human physiology were

known in some places, and alchemy was practiced in

several civilizations. (See Homer's Odyssey and

India too has made remarkable contributions in the field of

mathematics, ayurveda medicine, astronomy, and even

metallurgy in its ancient civilizations.

The 17th century "Age of Reason" opened the

avenues to the decisive steps

towards modern science,

which took place during the

18th century "Age of

E n l i g h t e n m e n t " . T h e

Sc ien t i f i c Revo lu t ion

established science as a

source for the growth of knowledge. During the 19th

century, the practice of science became professionalized and

institutionalized in ways that continued through the 20th

century. As the role of scientific knowledge grew in society,

it became incorporated with many aspects of the functioning

of nation-states. (Heilbron 2003)

Science and religion is another field of great interest

to many philosophers, theologians and scientists since

classical antiquity. “The notion that science and spirituality

are somehow mutually

exclusive does a disservice

to both.” ― Carl Sagan

Every scientific

theory is functional within

a paradigm. Scientific

revolutions lead to change

in paradigm and new

theories emerge. Though

we fall back on empirical

evidence in science, we

must know that most

theories are assumptions.

A complete surrender to science and absolutizing it may not

be proper. Science informs us but we must find solutions.


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Sch Lumnesh Swaroop SJ

FEBruArY 2015 FEBruArY 2015 FEBruArY 2015

“Science is not only a disciple of reason but, also, one of romance and passion”“Science is not only a disciple of reason but, also, one of romance and passion” Stephen Hawking Stephen Hawking“Science is not only a disciple of reason but, also, one of romance and passion” Stephen Hawking

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“Science never solves a problem without creating ten more”“Science never solves a problem without creating ten more” George Bernard Shaw George Bernard Shaw“Science never solves a problem without creating ten more” George Bernard Shaw


Praveen Kumar SJPraveen Kumar SJPraveen Kumar SJ

Why do we call the Earth 'Mother Earth' and not 'Father Earth'? It is probably because of its quality of giving. The Earth, nature,

gives us its fruits, it sustains life and it teaches us. Mother is the first teacher that a child encounters. Just like a mother in a family, nature too is a great teacher. It only requires our readiness to listen to her quiet lessons. Every creature on this earth has a lesson to teach and Neela Kurinji is one such creature which has something to communicate to us.

Neela Kurinji (Strobilanthes kunthianus) is a shrub predominantly found in the Shola forests of Western Ghats and Nilgiri Hills of South India. It belongs to a g r o u p o f g r e g a r i o u s flowering plants which flower once in 12 years a n d d i e i m m e d i a t e l y after producing s e e d s . I t s f l o w e r i n g i s influenced by the surroundings, temperature, time of exposure to sunlight, humidity and favorable circumstances for pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal. Under these favorable conditions, the receptors such as phytochromes present in the leaves will send the signals to rush more nutrients, carbohydrates, sugars, water and florigens such as Gibberllins (plant harmones) to the meristems to produce floral buds. These floral buds bloom on receiving more sugars and water. But this blooming will take place only when the inhibitors concentration falls below certain critical levels.

In Kurinji plants this happens regularly after a gap of twelve years. During this gap of 12 years these plants gather resources and prepare themselves for flowering. By this time the inhibitor levels in Kurinji must have fallen below the critical levels making it suitable for both flowering and seed formation. Hence mass pollination takes place and seed formation occurs. Once the seeds are shed the plants will die.

What do we learn from this plant? Jesus lived for 33 years but was actively involved in his ministry only for three years. Was He then inactive during the 30 long years? Definitely not. Though we do not have any details of his early life we do have one sentence that tells us all. “He increased in wisdom and in years, and in divine and human favour. (Lk 2: 52) Jesuits are known for their long years of formation. One may look at it as postponing the day of ordination. But the real purpose is not to grow only in age but also in knowledge and wisdom. Formation is a time to become resourceful, to gather nutrients and to get our roots deeply embeded which will enable us to produce abundant flowers and seeds.

The strength of the tree depends on the depth of its roots. The word 'depth' is one of the favorite words of Fr. General Adolfo Nicolas, because he truly believes that if we want to be fruitful in our ministry we need to have depth; depth in our spiritual, academic, social and pastoral life. It is this depth that will make us effective. It is not the quantity of work that counts but the quality of work and this quality can come from depth. We are called to acquire this depth during our formation. The result of our formation should make us effective flower- bearers and bearers of fruit far and wide, fruit that will last.

Formation is a time to dream; dream for ourselves, dream for the society and dream for the world. Each one of us has a signature and this signature is unique. Let this signature not be used to sign an attendance register or to draw salary. Let our dream be our signature. Let us be known by our dream. This is possible only if we gather enough resources and nutrients during our long years of formation.

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We, human beings, have used our intelligence in our relationship with the physical world with all our capabilities to

arrive in history towards an era of industrial and technological development and thus have been responsible for the ecological imbalance in nature. Today, we are walking at high speed through a time of great danger where t e c h n o l o g y a n d h u m a n irresponsibility towards nature pose a great danger for the future of humanity and the planet. If we turn our attention to the time and the generations to come, there is an immediate call to rebuild this planet through sustainable action for the survival of human beings and of nature.

� Modern man has arrived at a stage in history where he feels he can control his genetic heritage through genetic manipulation. He also feels capable of taking in his own hands his own evolution as his project, though the risk involved in it is enormous. But, can human beings justify that they have the right to do so? It is in this context that we need to think about human responsibility towards not only nature but also the nature of human being himself/herself. It is imperative to think of a new ethic because the former is inadequate for today's problems and those of the future. An act of the reason that pushed us toward destruction should lead us to act differently from

b e f o r e , w i t h r e s p o n s i b i l i t y towards sustainable construction. Thus, we need to take responsibility for t h e d a n g e r o f e c o l o g i c a l destruction that the modern technology and the attitude of m o d e r n h u m a n being are posing to the planet earth. �




TOWARDS NATUREAlwyn Ronald D'Souza SJAlwyn Ronald D'Souza SJAlwyn Ronald D'Souza SJ

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In this context the position of human beings today should be one of caretaker of nature, as we have been created as its stewards. Thus, we need to safeguard nature, which

implies that we cannot 'dominate' over nature in its literal sense. The call to stewardship is a privilege given to humankind by God. Hence, it should be a responsible stewardship. We need to keep in mind one of the important principles of 'eco-justice', viz. that there is 'interconnectedness' between us and nature. When we keep in mind this principle and listen to God's voice, a bridge of mutual love is formed between the creator and the creation. The creation that God has entrusted to us has to be offered back to God in a good condition and for this we are supposed to sustain it. It is through us

human beings that God is shaping the future condition of the environment.

If the degradation of environment has to stop and the sustainable development has to begin, then it should be a continual enhancement of life for the whole planetary community. Since God continues his work of creation He sustains creation. It is only by the grace of God that we have received it to be used responsibly and to be taken care of. Without nature with a good future, we cannot think of the existence of human beings as it is a sine qua non requirement for their survival. Hans Jonas in his work, “The Principle of Responsibility” says that the interest of the human being must coincide with that of the rest of his earthly life that he/she is part of. So, we have two obligations to fulfil with responsibility: first, with respect to nature and the second, with respect to human beings themselves.

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“The science of today is the technology of tomorrow”“The science of today is the technology of tomorrow” Edward Teller Edward Teller“The science of today is the technology of tomorrow” Edward Teller

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When we come to realize the negative effects of our actions towards nature, we discover that through our utilitarian attitude we have violated the dignity of nature and that of other human beings, especially that of the poor and the marginalised. Hence, we need to change our destructive way of going about in nature, if we want that future generations should live in agreeable conditions prevailing in it. We need to act responsibly now, to manage our future and also that of the generations to come. We can save our resources, protect the natural heritage entrusted to us, think of future generations and denounce the selfishness of our generation. As human beings, if we are to respect the limits that are imposed on us by God and use in a responsible way the freedom given to us, we need to tenderly handle this creation by cultivating the garden and filling the earth and taking care of it with integrity.

However, we share this responsibility with all our contemporaries engaged in many areas such as political

authorities, industry, researchers and biologists, farmers, large distributors a n d c o n s u m e r s . T h u s , t h e environmental problem is not just local but global. The environment is not just a means to serve human ends. As we read in the Bible, “and God saw it was good” and in the covenant with Noah God shows us that all the created beings were blessed. In God's eyes no life on earth is insignificant because there is a special bond between God and the created things. Thus, as human beings we need to act responsibly as we live dependent

on nature and other human beings. Therefore, we need a kind of new ethics which would cover those acts which have a bad consequence in the future to both the environment and the human beings.

Cont’d from pg. 04Cont’d from pg. 04Cont’d from pg. 04




TOWARDS NATUREAlwyn Ronald D'Souza SJAlwyn Ronald D'Souza SJAlwyn Ronald D'Souza SJ

Faith is universal. Our specific methods for understanding it are arbitrary. Some of us pray to Jesus, some of us go to Mecca, some of us

study subatomic particles. In the end we are all just searching for truth, that which is greater than ourselves. Camerlengo Carlo Ventresca (Angels & Demons- A Novel)

Pope Francis makes shocking declarations! It comes as a shock to all of us because we are still far behind in our thinking. The Pope has shown us a way for a much creative thinking. This is all because of his union with God. It is through the spirit of God he speaks, and he is relevant. Years ago we were very poor in our reasoning. Only great scientists were able to think concretely. Today through modern technology we are forced to think creatively, but we fail to think. What is the reason behind this? It is our own negligence.

Pope has accepted the advent of the world through the God particle. One of the greatly criticized novel “Angels & Demons” has a beautiful dialogue: “Ally? Science and religion are not in this together! We do not seek the same God, you and I! Who is your God? One of protons, masses, and particle charges? How does your God inspire? How does your God reach into the hearts of man

and remind him he is accountable to a greater power! Remind him that he is accountable to his fellow man! Man cannot put God's Creation in a test tube and wave it around for the world to see! This does not glorify God, it demeans God!” This is what we have been in the past. Now through the leadership of Pope Francis we have become relevant Catholics.

Science is nothing but a search for God. God has done so many things for us and it is our duty to find it. Science and religion are the two sides of the same coin. Outwardly, it may seem Science & religion are mutually repelling forces, but in reality, they are closely bound together.


FEBruArY 2015 FEBruArY 2015 FEBruArY 2015

“Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge”“Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge” Carl Sagan Carl Sagan“Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge” Carl Sagan

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Our beloved Pope Francis, whose pontificate has been marked by a number of surprises from day one of his papacy, surprised the

world once again on October 27, 2014 during his address to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. His statement that “God is not a magician with a magic wand” spurred up a big debate across the world. Even the Indian news channels, for whom the Church issues are not a matter of sensation, took up this issue for a high level debate. It is a known fact that the Catholic Church has long had a reputation for being anti-science from the earlier times - most famously when Galileo faced the inquisition and was forced to retract his “heretic” theory that the earth revolved round the Sun. Hence, the Pope's acceptance of evolution and big bang theory came as a big surprise to the world.

Since the publication of Charles Darwin's Big Bang theory in 1859, the Church's attitude towards this theory has been slowly evolving, in other words, getting refined. Initially the theory was criticized and objected to by the Church due to her conservat ive s t a n d in her b e l i e f a n d doctrine, but no papacy offered an authoritative pronouncement on this theory. It was only in 1950s after almost 90 years, that Pope Pius XII in his encyclical, Humani Generis took a neutral stand on the theory and confirmed that there was no conflict between the Church and the theory of evolution. From then on his successors have reaffirmed this and built on the foundation laid by him. Now the present Pope has publicly accepted these theories; hence, he has contributed his part in re- building the long broken bridge between faith and science.

Evolution is all around us. It has become part and parcel of our lives. There is a huge difference between the humans now and humans 500 years ago. Although physically we may look almost similar we have huge differences in our way of thinking, acting and doing things. Our horizon of exploration has expanded beyond our reach;

we can now travel to the moon and the other planets –something that was a mere dream a century ago; the diseases which used to be fatal then are cured with a pill today, the corn we eat today is different from the corn that raised by our ancestors then. These are a few signs of evolution which tell us that the universe is never the same and is evolving with time.

Every religion from its very inception is constantly evolving with the passing of time -sometimes forward , sometimes backward. When a religion turns its back on reality, it slips down the path of destruction. Late Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini seems to have said that “the Church is 200 years behind in her thinking”. This statement is very true and this is why the Church came in conflict with the secular world during the time of enlightenment. Until the recent times the Church has failed on her part to be in touch with the real world. This could be one reason why it is losing its relevance among its educated faithful around the world, especially in the West in recent years. However, now with the arrival of Pope Francis there is a new tide of reform in the Church. He by his unique way of approach is trying to make our Church a relevant one. If his initiative has to be continued, it needs our support. We can first begin by making our formation and apostolates relevant to the present time. Come, let us join hands with him in making our Church a relevant and acceptable one.


Roydon Misquith SJRoydon Misquith SJRoydon Misquith SJ

Writers’ ForumWriters’ ForumWriters’ ForumPg.06Pg.06Pg.06FEBruArY 2015 FEBruArY 2015 FEBruArY 2015

“Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life”“Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life” Immanuel Kant Immanuel Kant“Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life” Immanuel Kant

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For many years one concept has always interested me and has been keeping me wondering……the significance of science in our day-to-day life, especially that part of science which integrates life and philosophy. It was a blessing in disguise for me as I was able to choose, during philosophical studies, the philosophy of genetics as the topic of my memoir, referring to famous French thinkers such as François Jacob and Michel Morange. Hence as part of my search in the philosophy of science I would like to revisit this dissertation which I had written and try to cull out some personal insights. The first major question which occurred in my mind and which I posed in my paper is the determinism of genetics. Are genes the ultimate architect of life or are they merely a tool t o w a r d s a g r e a t e r organization of life? Are there any other factors which might influence this whole process? For, in today's way of understanding life, especially with regard to its origin and significance, we try to give an important place to the study of genetics and we elevate it to a respectful status. What exactly can we understand by this? I'm tempted to give my conclusion, but I shall try to do it at the end of this article.

First and foremost, genetics cannot be understood as an entity which is self-dependent and

self-reliable to d i r e c t l y influence the functioning of a body. It is v e r y w e l l r e l a t e d t o various other aspects of life a n d m y important point of explanation lies in this, that

genes are interdependent on the proteins and the external factors of a being which influence their functioning.

To begin this we need to clarify all the misguided concepts concerning genes; only then will the true understanding reveal itself. Secondly, it is also necessary to study the prominence of genes with respect to some important elements of nature such as heredity and evolution, because these two fields of study will definitely help us not only to understand the properties of genes but also the basic essence of life on earth. Thirdly Living Being is a “System” which is as complex as it seems beautiful. It is a delicate networking

of the genes, the proteins and most importantly the external factors which influence it. Hence, Life is not something which could be understood with the sole knowledge of genes but wi th a fur ther profound philosophical and empirical study of the various factors which influence it.

Though the arguments and justification of this idea and the philosophy of genetics remain sketchy in this article, I would

like to restrict myself to these important points, because the topic which I've raised requires a further detailed and deeper reflection which might take pages and hours to bring out. With this article I would just like to touch the tip of the iceberg wherein we could say without hesitation that Life doesn't restrict itself to the mere study of the genes but involves other factors correlated to it. Life is a truth which demands an integrated knowledge of science, philosophy and transcendental truth.



Vinod AJ SJVinod AJ SJVinod AJ SJ

Writers’ ForumWriters’ ForumWriters’ ForumPg. 07Pg. 07Pg. 07FEBruArY 2015 FEBruArY 2015 FEBruArY 2015

“Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.” “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.” Albert Einstein Albert Einstein“Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.” Albert Einstein

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A hall filled with tensed spirits looking focused at each one trying to recall what he had studied.

Then the bell rings, a moment of silence; some of the earnest prayers in the class rooms are heard during the exams. Some fold their hands, some open arms, some hold their heads as if one concept may jump out if it's not tight enough. One chap is looking at the picture of the philosopher whose exam we have today.Then the bell rings again.Huge sighs of tension, some look lost, others perspire, and some wipe their sweaty palms.

W a i t a sec…Why is this exam paper in blue colour!! W h a t ' s t h e idea? To make it 'attractive' or t o i n s t i l l fear…?FOCUSAfter collecting the question paper, I begin to allot time for each question.Hello ! What's this? Only the subject and the course are in typed font…!FOCUSWhen allotting time for each section I realize there isn't much time to…TO THINK…all you've got is 260 sec to think, with a default speed of 90sec per page. Meaning, my friend, you have to memorize the concepts. You can't waste your time thinking…PHILOSOPHY you see…After the first section is done I keep my pen down, relax a bit, because the section finishes before time.Don't you think it's a rat race? If you ask anyone in this class to elucidate the concepts they are writing, they will …but ask its implication on the world and how it works ...some will get angry, others may try to answer, and some others will look straight into your eyes and say “It won't be asked for the exam”

FOCUSThis section requires more time, hence I start with the ones that I'm sure of. Fortunately I remember all the sub points each in the same order as it is in the text.

EUREKA... I get it… with this sort of education you can be very effective, competent, in great demand but the only tiny problem is you'll not be a pioneer, trailblazer , trend setter but a faithful follower.Weaving other people's dream, Of how the country must be …Whose memorial should be honored …?And why primary school syllabus must be changed….May be you have taken FORMING MEN AND WOMEN FOR OTHERS too seriously.

FOCUSI see the time and I realize that my allotted task can't be executed within the time because I have to rush.RUSH….yeah. Rush because you have not logged out your net pack. And your PC will automatically update itself in your account and you will be left with a few MBs, if you are very lucky it will be KBs.Remember this code 1100/ 6/3G/30. It's a recharge offer Rs1100 for 6 months 3G pack with 30GB download...Last ten minutes and I have one last question to attend to.And I forgot to mention unlimited browsing. Anyways you continue your work because your province can afford 5000 for 20GBs

FOCUSThe last question is of sixteen marks and the answer shouldn't exceed 2 pages.My friend, you must do yoga you know, why because it helps you STRETCH in all directions JUST LIKE THAT ….FOCUS I finish my papers arranged into a bundle, tagged it and walked out of the hall. One of my friends asked me, “How did you finish the paper so fast?”And I said to him J U S T L I K E THAT.FOCUS…


Martin Joseph SJMartin Joseph SJMartin Joseph SJ

Writers’ ForumWriters’ ForumWriters’ ForumPg. 08Pg. 08Pg. 08FEBruArY 2015 FEBruArY 2015 FEBruArY 2015

“Science and religion are not at odds. Science is simply too young to understand.” “Science and religion are not at odds. Science is simply too young to understand.” Dan Brown Dan Brown “Science and religion are not at odds. Science is simply too young to understand.” Dan Brown

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Over the last four hundred years or so there has been tremendous growth in science. It has focused on objectivity rather than subjectivity

of anything as long as it is observable. It has confirmed valid theories and rejected false theories irrespective of who proved it. That is why we see scientific progress in the world today.

Religion is based on belief system. It speaks about the things that cannot be seen, touched, smelled and heard at the level of human thinking. It can be done so only at a spiritual level. That is why science and religion do not look alike from any angle. But we need a change today. Our attitude of p u s h i n g sc ience and r e l i g i o n against each o t h e r m u s t change . We need to learn to i n t e r r e l a t e both science and religion. Only then our j o u r n e y t o w a r d s r e l i g i o - s c i e n t i f i c w o r l d c a n begin.

In the world where people dominate through scientific discoveries, religion makes sure that we humans are not bosses in the world but there is someone who is above us. When science gives new discoveries and makes the life of the people a newer one, religion can save the world from conflicting and complicated situations.

When we consider ourselves great by our scientific discoveries, religion makes us realize tat we are still tiny beings in a large universe. Thus both religion and science balance our life and makes us contribute to the world within our own capacity which is a tiny thing in the large universe.

Albert Einstein said, “Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind”.




Science and religion are two sides of the same coin Both need each other to make a human being focused and secure in life. Isaac Newton says, “Gravity explains the motion of the planets but it cannot explain who sets the planets in motion”. Science plays its role at a certain level. It cannot explain the ultimate cause by which all things came into being. Only religion has played its role here. According to religion, there is an all powerful Being by which everything proceeds. Thus both science and religion work hand in hand in explaining the ultimate truth of reality.

There are certain elements that are common in a religio-scientific world. Faith is the basis for both science and religion. “Sun rises in the east” is the discovery of Science. But how are we sure that sun is going to rise in the east tomorrow? Since I have faith in science I agree with what it says about the future in the natural world. Similarly religion also speaks about the future. It gives knowledge about the supernatural world. It is because of our faith, we believe it.

Secondly, Truth is the ultimate aim of both Science and religion. Science is open for the new theories as long as it can disprove the old theory or contribute to the world something new and thus try to give the truth of reality to people. Religion also on the other hand, seeks the ultimate truth from which everything evolves. It is the truth that keeps people energetic, enthused and happy in life.

In this way both science and religion make this world a happy place where everyone is satisfied about both natural and supernatural nature of life. It is possible to accept both science and religion only when a person is walking towards a religio-scientific world where religion and science have one goal and one mission.

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Merwyn Fernandes SJMerwyn Fernandes SJMerwyn Fernandes SJ

FEBruArY 2015 FEBruArY 2015 FEBruArY 2015

“Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality.” “Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality.” Carl Sagan Carl Sagan“Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality.” Carl Sagan

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What is the story of this universe? Who governs this universe? What will be its fate? These basic questions have driven

innumerable scientists to inquire into this awesome physical reality. Philosophers too have argued with great logic and intuition about this universe, which they call both physical and transcendental. The same search has propelled me to delve into this topic for my dissertation. The standard model theory in theoretical physics is one of the most celebrated theories about the story of the universe. It proposes that there are 12 particles and four forces that are fundamental to this universe. One of the 12 particles is Higgs Particle, the one proposed to be the cause for mass in the universe. Mass is crucial, without which it is impossible for this universe to exist the way it is existing today.

In the early A u g u s t o f 2 0 1 2 , t h e scientists at C E R N a n n o u n c e d that they had f o u n d a p a r t i c l e - s o m e t h i n g similar to the Higgs particle.

If the particle is the God particle, then does it become a contender with God to govern this universe? So, will our understanding of this reality change? Is there Compatibility of God with the God particle, under the complementarity principle? The complementarity principle states, “Certain physical concepts are complementary. If two concepts are complementary, an experiment that clearly illustrates one concept will obscure the other complementary one, For example, an experiment that illustrates the particle properties of light will not show any of the wave properties of light. This principle also implies that only certain kinds of information can be gained in a particular experiment. Some other information that is equally important cannot be measured simultaneously and is lost.”

One may raise the question as to how the complementarity principle which governs physical quantities, relate to a transcendental God who is beyond the reach of empirical verification! The discovery of Higgs boson brought a lot of media hype with it. The hype that this

discovery would be a great blow to the various religious faiths sounds very fallacious and needs to be addressed. Will the discovery of Higgs particle negate the existence of God? The application of complementarity principle will answer this question.

The mutual exclusivism of God and the God particle is valid implying both are exclusive in their own realms. It can be derived from the principle that the discovery of the Higgs particle may exclude God from its definition of the origin and the structure of this universe, but it cannot negate God's existence. As Thomas Aquinas notes, we are led by faith to affirm that the world had a beginning in time and an eternal creation is possible. Here the eternal creation is taken with an understanding of creation as against change. God and God particle are two concepts that cannot be explained by one theory or an experiment. We need to look at both of them as complementary. Both are required for a holistic and complete understanding of this reality. But are God and the God's particle complementary? Can an understanding be reached in this realm of human thinking about God whom we cannot verify and the God particle which we cannot spiritualise? What is the final ground where both the scientist and a mystic shall amicably say “Amen?”

Nithin Monteiro SJNithin Monteiro SJNithin Monteiro SJ

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“Those who say that the study of science makes a man an atheist must be rather silly.”“Those who say that the study of science makes a man an atheist must be rather silly.”“Those who say that the study of science makes a man an atheist must be rather silly.”

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The reality is such a complex design that it offers more than what human beings can perceive. The important thing that I need to stress is that the realms of God and the God particle are both exclusive yet complementary. On one hand, the whole world is reaping the fruit of s c i e n c e a n d technology. On the other, it is also basking in the love of God. The search of science for a grand unified theory that explains this complex universe with great simplicity is surely a genuine search. However, can it offer such a unified theory? Moreover, will science reach an end in developing such a unified theory?

Religion too has made God its monopoly. The supernatural understanding of God as prescribed by religion needs to be critically analysed and decoded. Can religion and spirituality give the final word about God? Does religion own a copyright over God? Religion as understood by some of the religionists has been a cause of terror and disaster in recent times. Religion has monopolised God and has manipulated the idea of God for its progress and survival. Religion is dependent on God and not vice-versa. Hence our understanding of God needs to change as we pass from one milestone to another in this pilgrimage to reach the pinnacle of truth viz., God experience.

In a world that is facing acute fanaticism and fundamentalism, a breakthrough is needed. The navel gazing philosophy has brought a kind of apathy for the other. Philosophy, which needs to help a person enlighten himself/herself, has turned into ideologies that have led to some of the worst bloodbaths in human history. Science too, being “value-neutral,” has caused a lot of suffering rather than easing the life in this world. We are faced with contradictions and conflicts that pose a threat to our own existence rather than to the existence of God.

The discoveries and inventions are not a threat to God's existence. These are manifesting themselves as threats to our own existence. The peak of evolution, human race, has repeatedly fallen out of grace, confessed before the universe

and its designer, and has been restored as the jewel of this creation. However, it is good to note that the anthropic principle forms the basis for al l our interpretations of this universe. It is only the human beings who can reflect on this universe. This universe would exist even if our race would be extinct. It would just continue to exist, though there would no one to call it “the Universe.”

What is one to make of all this? Using an organizing p r i n c i p l e l i k e

Complementarity helps us to avoid choices leading to such philosophical dead ends. We live in one world, with different aspects. The big split is between facticity (what there is) and function (what we do with it). Complementarity can help us to a deeper understanding of the way in which material and immaterial aspects of our experience combine to form a broad representation of reality. The price paid is the admission of a fundamental indeterminacy into our descriptions of experience. Complementarity is not a form of dualism, but provides us with a broad, coherent description of all those aspects of reality, which confront us in our daily lives.


Nithin Monteiro SJNithin Monteiro SJNithin Monteiro SJ

Writers’ ForumWriters’ ForumWriters’ ForumFEBruArY 2015 FEBruArY 2015 FEBruArY 2015 Pg. 11Pg. 11Pg. 11

“Religion is a culture of faith; science is a culture of doubt.” “Religion is a culture of faith; science is a culture of doubt.” Richard P. Feynman Richard P. Feynman“Religion is a culture of faith; science is a culture of doubt.” Richard P. Feynman

Cont’d from pg. 10Cont’d from pg. 10Cont’d from pg. 10

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Every creature on earth traces back its origin to the single cell, which was the first living thing on earth. This means that we all have the same

origin. In fact big bang theory says that everything including the greatest star began with one bang several years ago. So, are we all made of the same stuff as that of the stars? It seems so.

I t ' s n o t only science, but a l s o r e l i g i o n which upholds that we all have a one common origin. Yet, many of us fail to understand this. The result of our failure to understand this fundamental truth is the extinction of life. Many creatures have become extinct and many more are in the line to join them.


FROM A SINGLE CELLNithin Coelho SJNithin Coelho SJNithin Coelho SJ

It is not only against other species that we are in conflict, but also among ourselves. This is not a new thing. Humans have waged war since the existence of life. At the beginning it was against other species, then against each other. By harming others, we are harming ourselves, as we

are part of the same basic creative force of the universe.

How can we stop this extinction drive that we began so long ago? How to stop ourselves from causing our own extinction? The only way is by raising our consciousness to the mystery of togetherness in creation. In other words, to accept that we

are all one and that we belong to each other in the sense of our common origin. With this sense of belonging in our heart, we can grow and live as real human beings without the need of war in the name of religion or science.

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Complementarity has a broad vision, which applies not only to God and the God particle. The 'I' of the universe, who/what governs all of the physical phenomena is an important part of our lives. The physical reality is the concrete foundation that really helps us to understand ourselves as intelligent beings. The aspect of the divine in each one of us and in this universe needs to be contemplated upon. An understanding of both God and the God particle is essential to understand ourselves in this pilgrimage to the cave of our hearts. Only in this cave can we feel and listen to the silence of this reality. The whole reality comes to a standstill. It is here, the physical laws become no more relevant and the theology of religion becomes less important. This is the cave of our hearts, which a scientist calls 'the singularity' and the mystic calls the 'divine experience.' It is here that our thinking transcends and our comprehension becomes affection. This is the experience that cannot be explained!

To conclude, the 'I' of the universe is not more about owning this universe! God and God particle are not here to contend to own/govern this universe! It is the projection of the 'navel gazing spirituality' of the human race which always aims at owning and not sharing! The complementarity principle gives equal space to each. God cannot be reached by the way of science. Similarly, God particle cannot be discovered and verified by theology. They are two distinct realms. Only a heart large as this universe can accept this fact. Hence God and the God particle are exclusive in their own realms, and yet complementary. To this both the scientist and the mystic shall say, “YES.”


Nithin Monteiro SJNithin Monteiro SJNithin Monteiro SJ

FEBruArY 2015 FEBruArY 2015 FEBruArY 2015

“The man of science has learned to believe in justification, not by faith, but by verification.” “The man of science has learned to believe in justification, not by faith, but by verification.” Thomas Henry Huxley Thomas Henry Huxley“The man of science has learned to believe in justification, not by faith, but by verification.” Thomas Henry Huxley

Cont’d from pg. 11Cont’d from pg. 11Cont’d from pg. 11

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Human person is continually grappling with a perennial question, 'who am I? One of the implications of this question is the origin of

the universe. In the course of human history human person has been trying to articulate the origin of the reality based on his/her limited experience. It has given rise to various responses such as creation, evolution, emanation etc. Here I would like to focus on the first two. The difference between creation and evolution lies in the way reality is approached. Creation tries to respond by giving a faith perspective whereas evolution has its foundation on the scientific knowledge. This has led to a major controversy called creation-evolution controversy or creation Vs evolution debate. Both of them try to claim their position to be the best whereas our focus here would be to bring about a dialogue between the two.

Creationism: This view certainly contradicts the whole idea of evolution. This is propagated by some fundamentalist Christians and others who say that the book of Genesis must be taken literally. Hence, God is seen as having created the world, day by day as a series of complex, finished products.

Evolutionism: This view holds that everything, from the distant galaxies to the entire human person evolved from a primitive super molecule. Hence the idea of a creator God is outright negated.

In this post-modern era the level of support for evolution is more among the scientific community and academia whereas the creation accounts are continually challenged leading to a faith crisis among the believers. To begin with, an important characteristic of creation is that it is a making of something out of nothing.

Evolution need not necessarily contradict the idea of creation but rather presupposes creation. When we try to reach the source of evolution, it stops at the primitive super molecule. Even today science is not able to explain the origin of that primitive super molecule. Dialogue between creation and evolution (or religion and science) could be found in the vision of Teilhard de Chardin. He speaks about the unfolding of two stages in the process of evolution. The first stage is the unconscious process from the big bang to the emergence of human being. In the second stage 'Man is evolution become conscious itself '. In this framework God pours out the divine wisdom into the primitive super molecule for a creative evolution of the universe. Hence, in Teilhard's vision creation and evolution are not diametrically opposed to each other; instead, they are dialectically related to each other.

Pope Francis in his own characteristic style is trying to bring about a dialogue between creation and evolution, saying that evolution and the big bang theory are in fact real and that God is no magician with a magic wand. “The Big Bang, which today we hold to be the origin of the world, does not contradict the intervention of the divine creator but, rather, requires it. Evolution in nature is not inconsistent with the notion of creation, because evolution requires the creation of beings that evolve.” (Address to the Pontifical Academy of Science, October 2014). Mutualism, a biological concept, can very well be applied here. It is a symbiotic interaction between different species that is mutually beneficial. Creation and Evolution are articulations about the origin of the universe seen from different worldviews. Let there be mutual sharing so as to enhance our understandin g w h i c h would lead to a better articulation o f t h e c o m p l e x r ea l i t y i n which we f i n d ourselves in.

Writers’ ForumWriters’ ForumWriters’ ForumPg. 13 Pg. 13 Pg. 13



Norwin Pereira SJNorwin Pereira SJNorwin Pereira SJ

FEBruArY 2015 FEBruArY 2015 FEBruArY 2015

“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.” “It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.” Charles Darwin Charles Darwin“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.” Charles Darwin

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This article is based on the model of Science - Religion - Dialogue but it has another component assigned to it namely Trans-

humanism. I would like to first present to you the current update on all these grounds namely my ideas on the present state of Science, Religion; in particular Catholicism, a dialogue between these two, the present efforts being made towards Trans-humanism highlighting its purpose and then after considering our present stand, we shall take a leap into the future.

� Let us begin with the scope of Science. Beyond doubt Science has progressed far beyond any human imagination just over the last 400 years. There was a great curiosity to find out something in each of those scientists and they did it. They progressed, found something new, documented it and carried on. Others came in found something else, something better, disproved the past, made the necessary corrections and moved on. This method has continued ever since and thus science has progressed so much. In search for the truth, they did not hold on, rather they let go, and as a result of this automatic humbling experience science stands where it is today. The progress has been thick a n d f a s t a n d i s e v e r i n c r e a s i n g .

� Let us look at the sphere of religion, with Catholicism in particular. For centuries we the church have held on to the dogmatic teachings. We have hardly changed and further what is worse is that we refuse to. It took 400 years for even the church to admit that Galileo was right and the universe was heliocentric rather than geocentric. Holding on to dogmatic views certainly we are heading towards ruin as in the past. Cardinal Martini said in an interview just before his death, the church is lagging by 200 years. It is proving to be true. With Latinization there is hardly any place for or recognition to in-culturation.

There is a kind of dichotomy between a heretic and a dogmatic. I would say both the views are extremes and we ought to take the mid path. Not denouncing the critic as well as not upholding the skeptic. The church has to shun its dogmatic ways and

Ryan Rodrigues SJRyan Rodrigues SJRyan Rodrigues SJ

Writers’ ForumWriters’ ForumWriters’ ForumPg. 14Pg. 14Pg. 14



accept humbler position. What has religion made out of God? Was it really ever needed in the very first place? Institutionalized religion has certain structures that need to be I would say done away with at times. Institutionalization is out of the need for self preservation and in some cases even will lead to serving someone's self interests. There exists so much of corruption inside the church! The outside world is bound to ask, is this the way God choose to lead us? I have often held the view that science does not really reject

God as much as it does to the God of religion! With the election of Pope Francis fresh life has been breathed by the Spirit of God into the Church. Things are beginning to change and t h a t i s a p o s i t i v e n o t e .

� Thus, what is inevitable is the sphere of dialogue. Religions can dialogue on a common table of science. Science as it is, is progressing thick and fast and religion has miles to catch up. But it is time now. Religion is going its own way and science along its own.

Presently they do not seem to meet at any common point and therefore dialogue has to settle this issue. Science and Religion do not need each other but human beings need both as Einstein rightly said. God has to and will certainly evolve from the dialogue over science and religion. The need of the hour is this. If we do not bridge the long increasing gap between these two realms then that will be the end of human kind. Will God be happy without his own creation, in his own image and likeness? Will science have any meaning without the existence of the human race? They both who think they are independent now will have to rely upon each other. That is where we are leading to, and that is the role of dialogue.

� �

FEBruArY 2015 FEBruArY 2015 FEBruArY 2015

“No one should approach the temple of science with the soul of money changer” “No one should approach the temple of science with the soul of money changer” Thomas Browne Thomas Browne“No one should approach the temple of science with the soul of money changer” Thomas Browne

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I must say that to some extent we are trying to play God when it comes to spheres of trans-humanism. Cloning of sheep is already done; secretive efforts are being made to clone humans, though illegal and condemned out rightly. Those who are trying to make a super human race have actually got all of their intentions wrong. They want to create a superior race so that they can gain command over other humans, make them slaves and thus subdue the earth. This is the update from this sphere. Some questions I wish to raise here. First, why is there no end to human greed for power? Secondly why cannot we become life savers, by making new limbs or organs for those deprived human being through our technology. In other words why not we make the best use of the great talent we have to do well to the whole human race! That is where trans-humanization really stands at the moment.

After having looked at the current status of Science, Religion, Dialogue and Trans-humanization, I would like to dream of a future where all these four work hand in hand.� Science evolves beyond imagination, religion leaves out its dogmatic standpoint, both of them

dialogue and trans-humanism becomes a necessity in the positive sense. So what I want to imagine for the future is this! Science develops itself so much that humans will be genetically modified in so far as they can adapt to the signs of the times.

Science keeps on progressing at a rapid speed and religion humbly accepts the good work that is being done. There is a continuous dialogue between science and religion where science explains to religion the current affairs and religion based on its relevant traditional experience substantiates what science has said. In terms of progress science takes the lead, while in terms of issues relating to ethics and morality, religion is chosen unanimously to show the way. In this way no one sphere is dominating. This calls for the present church setup to die down and for a new church to emerge, may be the one which has the real vision of Christ. If humans evolve to a trans-human state biologically, and that all in thus future race is born a super human being, what is the relevance of God then? God too will evolve. In what way He will make these super humans truly human, make them relational beings, create harmony in the universe and marvel at his creation. This is my vision for the whole cosmos so as to make it a better place.



Ryan Rodrigues SJRyan Rodrigues SJRyan Rodrigues SJ

Loud announcement heard all around,

For a volunteer to enter the womb of terror.

No sound was heard in the surround,

For fear of radiation from the reactor.

Should I be the one, an old man?

To sacrifice my comfort for others!Should I do it for the love of all men?Or at least for my child and another's!

Here I write it for you, my child,To let you know that I have lived my days.

And I lived them for you, my child.Now I am ready to die, that live you may.

I know not what awaits me there!Yet, I go in to shut it down.

To save all hearts from death's terror,Which for long has held us down.

Soldiers lay down their lives,For the country of theirs.

Today, I do the same,For humanity of ours.

Spend not your time, shedding tears,For you got it, with ransom of

mine.Don't waste it in

useless fearsRather make it, the best gift of


RANSOM OF MINERANSOM OF MINEThis poem is an inspiration from the 2011Fukushima accidentThis poem is an inspiration from the 2011Fukushima accident

RANSOM OF MINEThis poem is an inspiration from the 2011Fukushima accident

Nithin Coelho SJNithin Coelho SJNithin Coelho SJ

FEBruArY 2015 FEBruArY 2015 FEBruArY 2015

“Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who sets the planets in motion.” “Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who sets the planets in motion.” Isaac Newton Isaac Newton“Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who sets the planets in motion.” Isaac Newton

Cont’d from pg. 14Cont’d from pg. 14Cont’d from pg. 14

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“The more I study science, the more I believe in God.”“The more I study science, the more I believe in God.” Albert Einstein Albert Einstein“The more I study science, the more I believe in God.” Albert Einstein

RELIGION AND SCIENCERELIGION AND SCIENCERELIGION AND SCIENCEContradict or Complement…?Contradict or Complement…?Contradict or Complement…?

A Mystical wind blows over the world today

crossing all boundaries of religions and

cultures. Sensitivity to the ultimate

mystery is awakened even in scientists, philosophers

and artists….The crisis felt in the traditional circles

of Christianity is a pointer to the call of the spirit to

e x p l o r e t h e

d e e p e r

dimensions of


The rising

r e s t l e s s n e s s

wi th in human

h e a r t s , e v e r

i n c r e a s i n g

l o n g i n g f o r

something new

every time and the

growing global

consciousness of

deep interdependence in the one world, hints at the

relentless search human is in, today.

The reality around us is multifaceted and

mysterious. The more one explores, the more one is

revealed of the hidden mysteries of life and of the

universe. The inbuilt longing or search or restlessness

very subtly connects human back to the mysterious

reality of which he/she is part and parcel. Human

more than ever is in search of his roots and the

purpose of his existence today and the advances in

science and technology is one of the expressions of

this relentless search. Science, in simple terms is a

systematic study of the reality.

People often tend to think that science and

religion are at cold war with each other. I believe this

is nothing but an exaggerated statement, which carries little

weight. Religion as we see aims at an inner quiet journey, to

the deeper reality. Science is an active search for the hidden

mysteries and an attempt to understand the reality. On the

periphery they might come across, as contradicting each

other, but analyzing deeply we come to realize that they

complement each other.

Let us explore this

through the example of

big-bang theory, for our

better understanding.

(What I am presenting

here is a very superficial

analysis, which needs to

be r e f l ec ted more

deeply) The existential

question that haunts

humans often is –Where

did I come from? This

leads me to speak about

the creation of our

universe. Science comes up with the idea of Big Bang. A

mighty explosion that happened at some point in time when

all the mass of the universe was together. The immensely

dense mass or atom, that exploded led to the present

structure of the (ever expanding) universe. In simple words,

it's a process of contraction and expansion. Logically

arguing, the expanded universe, someday, is bound to come

back to its original state again or contract again as before.


Rayan Lobo SJRayan Lobo SJRayan Lobo SJ

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“If you study science deep enough and long enough, it will force you to believe in God.”“If you study science deep enough and long enough, it will force you to believe in God.” Lord William Kelvin Lord William Kelvin“If you study science deep enough and long enough, it will force you to believe in God.” Lord William Kelvin

Reflecting on the big bang we come to

understand that everything came from the same atom

or has a common origin. Thus the reality around, the

cosmos, the heavenly bodies, the trees, the

mountains, the animals and birds, the stars and

everything in the universe share common elements.

They share a common origin and a common destiny

(coming together again or contraction). Without

getting into details, I would just like to state that we

find similar teachings in

Vatican II documents


T h e i n n e r

rest lessness or the

i n b u i l t u r g e t o

interconnect could well

be understood in terms

o f t h e d e e p e r

relat ionship human

beings have with the rest

of the universeAt this

point it would be apt to note that even the world class

scientists are not fully sure what exactly led to the

big-bang. Religion responds with the idea of

uncaused cause, whom it names – GOD or creator.

Dwelling on

the point of

e x p a n d e d

universe that is

b o u n d t o

contract again,

leads us to the


of gathering of

a l l t h i n g s

together again.

St Paul in his letter to Eph. 1:10, “as the plan for the

fullness of time, to gather up all things in him, things in

heaven and things on earth”. Thus can we call the ongoing

scientific and technological advances, a step towards the

gathering of all creation?

Yet another point we need to keep in mind from the

big-bang theory is the aspect of universal brotherhood. If

all of us came from the same source, there is nothing or no

one called, 'the other'. This

leads to the understanding of

universal family. Isn't this the

deeper message of every

religion? The conflict arises

when the institutionalized

religions of today try to

project that they possess all

answers and all truth in them.

The recent record-breaking

controversial Hindi Movie –

PK challenges the organized

institutional structure of


There is an interesting argument in the movie in the

temple scenario between a shopkeeper and PK(an alien

trying to understand religion and God). Having bought the

statue of a god,

PK realizes that

i t ' s n o t

functioning and

rushes to return

i t t o t h e

s h o p k e e p e r ,

saying, “God is

not working.

H i s b a t t e r y

must be down.”

RELIGION AND SCIENCERELIGION AND SCIENCERELIGION AND SCIENCEContradict or Complement…?Contradict or Complement…?Contradict or Complement…?

Rayan Lobo SJRayan Lobo SJRayan Lobo SJCont’d from pg. 16Cont’d from pg. 16Cont’d from pg. 16

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Perplexed shopkeeper tries to convince PK saying,

that “there is nothing wrong. I myself created it with

my own hands…” PK,

not able to understand

the logic behind it asks

a further question,

“Did you create God or

God created you?”

I b e l i e v e

peop le today a re

desperately trying to

protect God (which is

their own creation), which is the biggest lacuna of

our times. I would put such a highly institutionalized

religious attitude as mere socio-political approach,

which gives little room to the spirit. But these

irrational practices shouldn't hinder us from reading

the signs of our times, for as Christians we believe in

a God, who writes straight even on crooked lines.

The occasional conflict between science and religion

needs to be seen as a reminder for you and me to explore the

deeper dimensions of faith. The

authentic search in science and

religion invites us to glance at a

RELIGION which is beyond

religions and at a GOD who is

beyond gods. They also very

subtly convey to us that there is

an awakening to the ultimate

mystery, in human.

A s I c o n c l u d e , I

improvise on what I said earlier, that a genuine search in

science and religion complement each other, leading to the

deeper shores of faith, where one feels secure and restful. In the

understanding of St Augustine, that will be a point when the

creation meets its creator or according to St Paul, a moment,

when all things are gathered in HIM.

RELIGION AND SCIENCERELIGION AND SCIENCERELIGION AND SCIENCEContradict or Complement…?Contradict or Complement…?Contradict or Complement…?

Cont’d from pg. 17Cont’d from pg. 17Cont’d from pg. 17 Rayan Lobo SJRayan Lobo SJRayan Lobo SJ

Joseph Jerald SJJoseph Jerald SJJoseph Jerald SJ

Nithin Coelho SJNithin Coelho SJNithin Coelho SJ

“Science is simply common sense at its best” “Science is simply common sense at its best” Thomas Huxley Thomas Huxley“Science is simply common sense at its best” Thomas Huxley

Writers’ ForumWriters’ ForumWriters’ ForumPg. 18Pg. 18Pg. 18FEBruArY 2015 FEBruArY 2015 FEBruArY 2015

Page 19: Writers Forum - February 2015

Has humankind been achieving lately that which was originally ascribed only to God?”, would be a legitimate, distressed

and disturbed question of any one following the recent developments in biotechnology, genetic engineering and cloning, involving creation and c loning of l i fe f o r m s i n laboratories. Well! If you are one, then believe me you are not alone whose ground is shaken. R e l i g i o n s a n d ethical groups are al l up in arms a g a i n s t i t . Biotechnologists a r e s e v e r e l y reproached and accused of “Playing God”, by entering into the domains into which only the omnipotent God can. The Vatican has put its own sanctions and directives on it, and the Islam clerics have declared that they would kill those engaged in such activity.

What is it all about? For those of us who are unaware of what genetic engineering or biotechnology is and does. here is something in a nut shell. Biotechnology is the use of living systems and organisms to develop or make or modify products or processes for specific use. Genetic engineering is a specialized branch of biotechnology; it is the process of manually adding new DNA to an organism. The goal is to add one or more new biological traits that are not already found in that organism. Cloning is part of Genetic engineering. It involves manually making in the laboratory genetically identical copies of individuals.

Like any field of research and technology, biotechnology too – though it has made its positive contribution in making human life better, happier and safer – has received and continues to receive sharp and vehement reproach and has become a locus of strong and endless ethical controversy. The uproar against GMO (Genetically modified crops) is

rather weak and feeble when compared to the o t h e r a r e a s w h i c h directly involve human life like embryo transfer, in-vitro fertilization, test t u b e b a b i e s e t c . Biotechnologists are blamed for disregarding creation and natural p r o c e s s e s o f l i f e generation. Here are just a few examples, which have raised thunderous reactions:

Virgin births- in vitro fertilization precluding the physical sexual reproductive processes.

Cloning- first sheep (the famous “Dolly”), then dogs and now for exorbitant fees, your favorite pet's DNA can be cloned for those who miss them. Who can give a guarantee that there aren't attempts underway in some top secret laboratory somewhere to clone humans?

Creation of artificial life forms: In a lab environment a living and reproducing single celled organism was created from completely synthetic chemicals!!! Isn't that directly doing the work of God (even if it's in the minutest level)??There are other examples but this should get the ball rolling.





“God [is] the author of the universe, and the free establisher of the laws of motion.”“God [is] the author of the universe, and the free establisher of the laws of motion.” Robert Boyle Robert Boyle“God [is] the author of the universe, and the free establisher of the laws of motion.” Robert Boyle

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Sujay Daniel SJSujay Daniel SJSujay Daniel SJ

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Ethical issues with such technology can range from basic identity as a living organism to commodification of it. Is it ok to manufacture embryos which suit the choices of the market? Would it not amount to buying a pair of jeans in a mall? Will the newly born genetically modified humans be better than those born of normal parental union? Would it lead to a sci-fi fiction like Dr. Frankenstein, and lead to a war between those humans who were created and those manufactured? The implications and debate is lengthy and intricate. There are completely logical, e m o t i o n a l a n d pressing reasons on both sides. But we need to take a stand…

As Christians and Jesuits, we face bio-medical issues as religious believers and members of the Church with certain convictions about God, this world, and life. So, the bioethical decisions of a Christian ought to reflect a proper understanding of these convictions. Here are some convictions we need to bear in mind:

1. Creation is a quality of God alone, it's only God's prerogative.

2. Humans are created by God in his image and likeness. He creates us in dignity and loves us to death. The worth of the whole person comes ultimately from God.

3. All life forms are of inherent worth and dignity and are not to be t r e a t e d a s c o m m o d i t i e s which can be manipulated to s u i t h u m a n selfish needs.

4. Technology is a gift of God's intelligence in us and should be made use of to complement the work of God. It should be used only to enhance the quality of life and one should take responsibility for it.

5. All life forms are unique, and creating clones is showing disrespect to the one c l o n e d , a n d commodifying the clone.

We Jesuits who are known for our pro-life stance in all our endeavors and who are radically interested in the innate dignity of human life, should know and take a stand on such life-affecting issues. Jesuits' dedication to science should arise from the gems of our spirituality which is “to find God in all things”. Even as we are

actively involved in path breaking biotechnology research in our institutions, we are called at the same time to be catalysts in molding the ethical perspective of our students. We have amidst us an eminent and renowned biotechnologist, Fr. Leo D'Souza, who has the credit of being the only person to be successful in growing a cashew tree using tissue culture technology. We can make a positive difference in the life of the people through their research and findings. When the whole world is accusing biotechnologists of “playing God” for taking science to extremes, let us be known for “Playing God”, in promoting life in all its dignity, value and love.


“Science is not about making predictions or performing experiments. Science is about explaining.” “Science is not about making predictions or performing experiments. Science is about explaining.” Bill Gaede Bill Gaede“Science is not about making predictions or performing experiments. Science is about explaining.” Bill Gaede

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