Kootingal Public School STAR NEWSLETTER...consistent pitching. In the end, pitching was the...

PBL focusing on EFFECTIVE LEARNERS Stopping play when the bell rings PBL Award Noah Davis, Jaiden Cox, Edward Sipple, Annika Cayzer, Lily Shiels, Torah Humphris, Natalie Baker and Braidy Cork Important Dates to Remember Term 2 2019 Kootingal Public School STAR NEWSLETTER “Caring, Learning and Achieving Together.” Phone: 02 6760 3332 Email: [email protected] Website: https://kootingal-p.schools.nsw.gov.au Term 2 Week 5 Wednesday 29th May 2019 Executive Team - Principal - Cara Cracknell Assistant Principal - (Kinder to Year 2) - Nicole Chegwyn Assistant Principal (Yr 3 to 6) - Casey Kelly P & C Executive President: Rebecca Pollard Vice President - Vanessa Johnson Secretary: Tina Sipple Treasurer: Scott Cracknell Thursday 30th May - Girls Softball Gala Day Sat 1st June - P & C Trivia Night, 6:30pm, school hall Monday 3rd June - Playgroup Tuesday 4th June - Year 1 and 2 Choral Speech at Eisteddfod Friday 7th June - Uniform Survey closes at 3:30pm Monday 10th June - Queen’s Birthday - PUBLIC HOLIDAY Wednesday 12th June - Girls Basketball Gala Day Thursday 13th June - Boys Basketball Gala Day Friday 14th June - North West Cross Country Trials

Transcript of Kootingal Public School STAR NEWSLETTER...consistent pitching. In the end, pitching was the...


Stopping play when the bell rings

PBL Award Noah Davis, Jaiden Cox, Edward Sipple,

Annika Cayzer, Lily Shiels, Torah Humphris, Natalie Baker

and Braidy Cork

Important Dates to Remember Term 2 2019

Kootingal Public School

STAR NEWSLETTER “Caring, Learning and Achieving Together.”

Phone: 02 6760 3332 Email: [email protected] Website: https://kootingal-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

Term 2 Week 5 Wednesday 29th May 2019

Executive Team - Principal - Cara Cracknell Assistant Principal - (Kinder to Year 2) - Nicole Chegwyn Assistant Principal (Yr 3 to 6) - Casey Kelly

P & C Executive President: Rebecca Pollard Vice President - Vanessa Johnson Secretary: Tina Sipple Treasurer: Scott Cracknell

Thursday 30th May - Girls Softball Gala Day Sat 1st June - P & C Trivia Night, 6:30pm, school hall Monday 3rd June - Playgroup Tuesday 4th June - Year 1 and 2 Choral Speech at Eisteddfod Friday 7th June - Uniform Survey closes at 3:30pm Monday 10th June - Queen’s Birthday - PUBLIC HOLIDAY Wednesday 12th June - Girls Basketball Gala Day Thursday 13th June - Boys Basketball Gala Day Friday 14th June - North West Cross Country Trials

Merit Robert Merry

Gold Awards Robert Merry

Silver Award Riley McDowall, Kaitlyn Watts, Liam Jarrett and Oscar Wallace

Uniform Awards Charlotte Hunt, Koby-Jay Lang,

Ryan Hatton, Lewis Rule, Liam Jarrett, Ashton Nagle, Zachary Holliday and

Isabella Cannon

* Parents are able to make payments online by going to our website www.kootingal-p.schools.nsw.gov.au and then clicking on make a payment (located on front page). Please email or send into the office a copy of the online receipt. If payments are made online signed permission notes must still be returned to the front office.

* Voluntary contributions fees can be paid at the front office or online. They are $45 per year per student.

* Kindergarten Sound textbook, cost $14, are now available from the school office.

* Maths textbooks from Kinder to Year 6, cost $15 are now available from the school office.

* The Twits - Thursday 15th August 2019, cost $12 per student. Classes attending 3/4B, 3/4T, 5/6K and 5/6M. Permission note and money need to be returned to the front office by Thursday 4th July.

Sophie Corbett - A big effort in reading groups and spelling Mackenzie O’Neill - Recognising and learning rhyming words and an improved knowledge of sounds Charlotte Hunt - Being able to recognise all 43 Jolly Phonics sounds Hunter Barbett - Excellent results in L3 writing vocabulary task Zac Pollard and Lillian Wilson - Improved results in L3 writing vocabulary task Arla Dines - Demonstrating commitment to achieving new goals in literacy Owen Radmore - Being respectful to others and sharing great connections during literacy discussions Letrell Allen - Being an enthusiastic participant in Mathematics lessons Mason Russ - Using adjectives in his writing Keith Sichter - Sharing his inferential comprehension Chloe Cannon - Drawing and labelling Pig the Pug Zepplin Goman - Demonstrating improved resilience when learning gets ‘tricky’ Ethan Walker - Great work in writing during character development activities Nicholas Holliday - Improved effort application and results in reading Lincoln Jobson - Working independently in Mathematics Damien Nicholls - Always following teacher instructions and asking for help when he needs it Connor Hilton - Big improvements in reading and jumping up in reading levels Joshua Thompson - Improved application and results in spelling Taite Goodfellow - Outstanding sportsmanship and skills during PE and Sport Angus Frewen - Demonstrating persistence with division problems Colbie Butler - Pleasing improvements in reading with Mr Cracknell Addyson Vernon - Commitment to assisting in Breakfast Club Coby Hobden - Maintaining high standards in the presentation of bookwork in all subjects

Breakfast Club is again providing toast and juice to all students in 2019. It operates on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Thank you to Baker’s Delight for supplying our bread and the many families who have made donations.

Mrs Jan Morrish Breakfast Club Organiser

School Banking Thursday

Weekly Awards

Message from the Front Office

Weekly Bronze Awards

Breakfast Club

Clothing Pool will only be open on: Tuesday and Wednesday mornings

9am to 9:30am Please come to the office.

Congratulations to our Boys Softball team as they won the Tamworth Zone PSSA Knockout Gala Day last week. The day beat all of my expectations as the boys played in a very effective manner, managing pressure right to the very end. Our first game was against a combined team of Duri and Currabubula Public Schools. In the past, they have been a formidable opponent with raw skills and determination. In this game, Kootingal saw glimpses of this however we were able to withstand the test and play well in both the field and with the bat.

Our second game was against a depleted Barraba Central School team. Barraba was a great hitting team with plenty of boys who could hit the ball a long way. Bailey Hilton, our main pitcher, kept his cool and just plugged away at each batter with consistent pitching. In the end, pitching was the difference across the whole day. We came away with another convincing win and headed to the final against Tamworth Public School.

Tamworth Public School is renowned for having good cricketers. This meant they could strike the ball with ease. They were a very good batting team, but again their pitching was their downfall. Our boys stood as batters picking the best balls to hit. Our boys also played strategically, knowing they didn’t have to hit the badly pitched balls. At the bottom of the first innings, Kootingal was down 7-5.

In the second innings, our fielding prowess shone through taking this innings 7-5 in return. This tied the game and moved us into a tie-breaker. This was completely new territory for Kootingal. In neither the boys or girls were we accustomed to this scenario.

In the tie-breaker, we were superb in the field; our best effort of the day. In no time at all, we had Tamworth Public School out with only three batters home. We only needed four runs.

Again, we were strategic in our batting. Tamworth Public changed pitcher again for what seemed the fifth time in the game. Again, this was to no avail. Kootingal kept their cool, calm heads and we came away with the win in easy fashion without losing a batter. The boys couldn’t believe their fortune.

All our boys put in solid efforts and I would like to make mention of all of them. Bailey Hilton, our pitcher, remained calm and composed throughout the whole day. He listened well and took on advice given with great success. Brenden Thompson, our catcher and talker of the team, demonstrated great maturity calling out runners and plays after each batter, and assisted Bailey with his pitching. Luke Sydenham on first base was also our lead batter. Luke understood his roles and assumed them with great responsibility, again managing the stress of leading our batting and taking solid catches on first base. Zepplin Goman, our youngest team member, batted superbly and assisted in the field on second base. Zepplin kept a calm head while batting, demonstrating such steely determination. Joshua Thompson, our third baseman, controlled this section of the field taking balls from his brother behind the plate with calmness. Joshua also took to batting with ease. Jordan Byrne was our short stop. With his lethal arm to first base, not many batters reached their target. Callym McKelvie was left outfield with a rather large throw. Callym’s skills improved greatly across the day demonstrating great confidence in his batting and his ability to get around the bases. Will Lulham and Jayden Rankin shared the centre outfield position. Will is

known for his striking of the ball with a great big thump and Jayden’s ability to strike the ball has improved immensely. Their other great power is being ‘vertically challenged’ as pitchers had great trouble pitching to them, letting the ball sail over their heads or be around their feet. Last, but most certainly not least, is Nate Symons in right outfield. Nate has a wicked long throw and kept the ball short to get it to first base. Nate also performed the best slide of the day to second base.

I couldn’t be prouder of the team’s efforts, nor of their sportsmanship. They kept themselves together, composed throughout each game, and gave their opposing teams congratulatory cheers at each game’s conclusion. They represented their school, families and community with great pride. Congratulations team!

Thank you to our team of supporters who came and went throughout the day. It’s a rather new sport for most but I’m sure everyone enjoyed watching it. A massive thank you to Mrs Donna Goman for scoring throughout the day. I am very appreciative of Donna’s knowledge of the game and her ability to keep score under pressure, and I know our competitors appreciated it as well. Our next game is against Ben Venue Public School from Armidale and I am currently managing the arrangements.

Congratulations also to Bailey Hilton, Jordan Byrne, Brenden Thompson and Luke Sydenham on their selection in the Tamworth Zone Softball team. These boys will compete for spots in the North West team in the coming weeks.

It wouldn’t be another busy week at Kootingal Public School without another sporting event! Good luck to our Girls Softball team as they compete in the PSSA Knockout and Gala Day this Thursday. All the best also to our students who are trialling for the Tamworth Zone Softball team at the completion of the gala day.

Congratulations to Dustyn Swadling of Year 2. Dustyn is improving wonderfully in his reading and was keen to demonstrate his skills. Although a little nervous, he never gave up and used lots of strategies to assist his reading. Great work Dustyn. Keep up the wonderful work!

Thank you to everyone who has responded to the survey regarding the girls’ uniform. This is the first survey issued with information notes issued to all students. The survey will close 3:30pm Friday 7th June. From this first survey, we will gain an answer as to whether or not our community wish to have a singular summer uniform or remain with the current dress and have an alternate short/skort option.

Mrs Cracknell’s Message

Best of luck to Jordan Byrne as he competes in the PSSA Football carnival this week. Jordan is one of our many sporting stars at Kootingal Public School who has had a rather busy schedule. Last week, Jessie Johnson, Damikah Barwick-Taylor and Emma Jarrett competed in the PSSA Football carnival in Lismore.

To complete last week, Kootingal Public School took a strong contingent of runners to the Tamworth Zone Cross Country carnival in Nundle. Congratulations to Ethan Walker placing 3rd in the 8/9 years, Jordan Byrne on winning the 12 years age division and Damikah Barwick-Taylor placing 4th in the 12 years. Ethan, Jordan and Damikah will compete at the North West Cross Country trial held in Mullaley later this year.

Last week, I reported the purchase of an additional 10 MacBook Air laptops to compliment our existing fleet for our K-2 students. These laptops arrived late last week and they are now ready for imaging. This will allow the older style MacBooks to become a library resource.

Don’t forget this Saturday 1st June, the P&C are hosting a Trivia Night. This fantastic night is scheduled to commence at 6.30pm for a 7pm start of trivia rounds. Tickets are $15 per person with a maximum of 8 per table. Tickets are available from our school’s front office and can be purchased individually. All proceeds are going towards furthering the opportunities of all students at Kootingal Public School.

This week our focus for PBL is stopping play when the bell rings. This expectation is underpinned by the core value Effective Learners.

This expectation is important to the smooth operation of our school. A school’s core business is to support the academic learning of each child. Stopping play when the bell rings is a signal to our students they are ready for learning. The expectation is students immediately cease playing, leave the play area to obtain a drink, go to the toilet and wash their hands. By the second bell, it is expected students are lining up on their verandah ready to go to class.

Please ensure all Library books are returned during your child’s library lessons or they can be placed in the red returns box anytime during the week.

Library Borrowing days are: KL (Mrs Lawrence) - Thursday K/1M (Miss Magann) - Thursday 1/2B (Miss Booby) - Friday 2L (Mrs Lulham) - Friday 3/4B (Miss Bennett) - Wednesday 3/4T (Mrs Tobin) - Wednesday 5/6K (Mrs Kelly) - Tuesday 5/6M (Mrs Morrish) - Tuesday

All students must have a library bag for home borrowing. If you need a library bag, the Library is selling them for $2, which will be spent on purchasing more books for the Library.

Library News

Mrs Cracknell PBL