NEWSLETTER TERM 3 WEEK 4 16 th August 2019 KOJONUP DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Blackwood Road, Kojonup, WA, 6395 Phone: 9831 3300 Canteen: 9831 1403 Email: [email protected] FROM THE PRINCIPAL Clare Roser I open the Week 4 newsletter with a sad farewell and a warm welcome, to Ms Laura Lilly and Mr William Crawford, respectively. Ms Lilly joined us this year after having spent time at Jurien Bay DHS and Meekatharra DHS. She quickly won the hearts and minds of her Year 6 students and has made a huge contribution to so many whole school activities (her idea for the Talk4Writing hook would have to be a highlight!). Laura has been successful in securing a teaching position at Queens Park PS in Perth and she will be leaving us on Friday, 16.8.19. The KDHS community wish her all the best and hope that she stays in contact through some pen pal activities with her new class. Mr Crawford spent Thursday with the Year 6 class and Ms Lilly, meeting with parents for a chat session in the afternoon. We are very fortunate to have the talented Mr Crawford join our team for the rest of the year! Science Week This week we celebrated the wonderful world of Science. Our brilliant Science teachers, Ms Keegan and Mr Kirwen, organised a variety of demonstrations and investigative tasks to challenge the students thinking. It was wonderful to also see our senior students supporting the primary students during the activities. Dance Week Next week we are visited by Pamela Humphries for our week of dance and movement. All students will be involved in a daily session with their class, to learn some traditional and modern dances. At the end of the week, the students will showcase their skills in a mini concert. We may even see some creative dance moves from some staff members! School Production Rehearsals for the school production, Alice In Wonderland, are well underway. Practices for all cast members and stage helpers are running on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at the town hall under the direction of Mrs Fleay, Ms Lilly and Mrs Watson. We would like to thank parents, staff and the Kojonup Theatrical Society for their support and encouragement in getting this project off the ground. The show will run for 2 nights, Friday 13th and Saturday 14th September. Tickets are now on sale at Nightingales Nursery. We hope to see you all there! Youth Focus Web Based Counselling For many young people, being able to access counselling services in rural and remote locations can be difficult. Schools may not have the capacity to provide face to face services for general counselling as our school psychology services are largely dedicated to issues affecting a student’s academic progress. We have recently developed a partnership with Youth Focus to engage in Web Based Counselling for young people between the ages of 12 and 18. Students are able to access sessions with a qualified Youth Focus counsellor in Perth or Albany, via a specifically set up iPad. Students can request to participate or be referred by teaching staff via the school contacts, Mrs Roser and Mrs Hornby (our school health nurse). An information sheet, outlining the service and consent forms will then be sent home for you to read with your child. As our students are under 16 years of age, the consent form needs to be signed by a legal guardian for the student to participate. This is a free service and students can continue for as long as needed. Please contact Mrs Roser or Mrs Hornby for more information. Uniform Reminder Please be vigilant in ensuring your child is in correct school uniform and has appropriate footwear for a day at school. This is particularly important for High School students as several of their subject areas require specific regulation dress for OSH reasons. Students will not be allowed to participate in Home Economics, D&T, Science lab work, PE and Farm if they do not have covered in footwear as per the Dress Code. We are also giving constant reminders regarding hooded jackets and jumpers. These also pose significant safety issues in a manual arts and science room and are not to be worn to school. I urge you to revisit the School Dress Code, as approved by School Council, with your child to avoid them losing their Good Standing. If there is a legitimate reason for your child not being in uniform, please give the office a call to inform us. FROM THE DEPUTY PRINCIPAL Clive Reardon Welcome Everyone, Another fortnight is now behind us as we prepare for the fortnight ahead, welcome to weeks 5-6. Thank you to all staff and presenters local and from a far who directly and or indirectly assisted us in our NAIDOC Activities this year at KDHS. From all accounts the presentations were well received by all concerned. Our visiting presenters positively commented on the terrific behaviour overall of our students and the fact that they were willing and keen to actively participate in all the sessions. Great work everyone.


Page 1: KOJONUP DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL...NEWSLETTER TERM 3 WEEK 4 16th August 2019 KOJONUP DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Blackwood Road, Kojonup, WA, 6395 Phone: 9831 3300 Canteen: 9831 1403 Email: Kojonup.dhs@education.wa.edu.au


16th August 2019

KOJONUP DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Blackwood Road, Kojonup, WA, 6395 Phone: 9831 3300 Canteen: 9831 1403 Email: [email protected]

FROM THE PRINCIPAL – Clare Roser I open the Week 4 newsletter with a sad farewell and a warm welcome, to Ms Laura Lilly and Mr William Crawford,

respectively. Ms Lilly joined us this year after having spent time at Jurien Bay DHS and Meekatharra DHS. She quickly

won the hearts and minds of her Year 6 students and has made a huge contribution to so many whole school activities

(her idea for the Talk4Writing hook would have to be a highlight!). Laura has been successful in securing a teaching

position at Queens Park PS in Perth and she will be leaving us on Friday, 16.8.19. The KDHS community wish her all

the best and hope that she stays in contact through some pen pal activities with her new class. Mr Crawford spent

Thursday with the Year 6 class and Ms Lilly, meeting with parents for a chat session in the afternoon. We are very

fortunate to have the talented Mr Crawford join our team for the rest of the year!

Science Week

This week we celebrated the wonderful world of Science. Our brilliant Science teachers, Ms Keegan and Mr Kirwen,

organised a variety of demonstrations and investigative tasks to challenge the students thinking. It was wonderful to also

see our senior students supporting the primary students during the activities.

Dance Week

Next week we are visited by Pamela Humphries for our week of dance and movement. All students will be involved in a

daily session with their class, to learn some traditional and modern dances. At the end of the week, the students will

showcase their skills in a mini concert. We may even see some creative dance moves from some staff members!

School Production

Rehearsals for the school production, Alice In Wonderland, are well underway. Practices for all cast members and stage

helpers are running on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at the town hall under the direction of Mrs Fleay, Ms Lilly and Mrs

Watson. We would like to thank parents, staff and the Kojonup Theatrical Society for their support and encouragement

in getting this project off the ground. The show will run for 2 nights, Friday 13th and Saturday 14th September. Tickets

are now on sale at Nightingales Nursery. We hope to see you all there!

Youth Focus Web Based Counselling

For many young people, being able to access counselling services in rural and remote locations can be difficult.

Schools may not have the capacity to provide face to face services for general counselling as our school psychology

services are largely dedicated to issues affecting a student’s academic progress. We have recently developed a

partnership with Youth Focus to engage in Web Based Counselling for young people between the ages of 12 and 18.

Students are able to access sessions with a qualified Youth Focus counsellor in Perth or Albany, via a specifically set up

iPad. Students can request to participate or be referred by teaching staff via the school contacts, Mrs Roser and Mrs

Hornby (our school health nurse). An information sheet, outlining the service and consent forms will then be sent home

for you to read with your child. As our students are under 16 years of age, the consent form needs to be signed by a

legal guardian for the student to participate.

This is a free service and students can continue for as long as needed. Please contact Mrs Roser or Mrs Hornby for

more information.

Uniform Reminder

Please be vigilant in ensuring your child is in correct school uniform and has appropriate footwear for a day at school.

This is particularly important for High School students as several of their subject areas require specific regulation dress

for OSH reasons. Students will not be allowed to participate in Home Economics, D&T, Science lab work, PE and Farm

if they do not have covered in footwear as per the Dress Code. We are also giving constant reminders regarding

hooded jackets and jumpers. These also pose significant safety issues in a manual arts and science room and are not

to be worn to school. I urge you to revisit the School Dress Code, as approved by School Council, with your child to

avoid them losing their Good Standing. If there is a legitimate reason for your child not being in uniform, please give the

office a call to inform us.

FROM THE DEPUTY PRINCIPAL – Clive Reardon Welcome Everyone,

Another fortnight is now behind us as we prepare for the fortnight ahead, welcome to weeks 5-6.

Thank you to all staff and presenters local and from a far who directly and or indirectly assisted us in our NAIDOC

Activities this year at KDHS. From all accounts the presentations were well received by all concerned. Our visiting

presenters positively commented on the terrific behaviour overall of our students and the fact that they were willing and

keen to actively participate in all the sessions. Great work everyone.


23rd September 2016


23rd September 2016

Page 2: KOJONUP DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL...NEWSLETTER TERM 3 WEEK 4 16th August 2019 KOJONUP DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Blackwood Road, Kojonup, WA, 6395 Phone: 9831 3300 Canteen: 9831 1403 Email: Kojonup.dhs@education.wa.edu.au

Monday 26.08.19 is the start of Book Week. We will hold our annual Book Week parade in the Junior Primary

Undercover Assembly Area. Our parade is open to all years and our students will have the opportunity to parade their

outfits to the rest of the school first thing in the morning at 9:00 am. For parents, guardians and community members

who wish to come along you’ll be most welcome to come celebrate with us this very important week ahead. Please see

the Book Week advertisement in this newsletter for further details. The Book Week Theme this year is: Reading Is My

Secret Power. Reading is an integral part of our school program and we certainly encourage all our students to read as

much as possible because we believe that, ‘knowledge is power’. Our goal is to empower all our students so as they go

forward in their lives, they are fully prepared and well read.

Please continue to consult our school calendar within this newsletter if you want or need to know what is happening at


Until our next edition may it rain or not depending on your agricultural wants and needs.

Stay well, play nicely together and tight lines.



th & Saturday 14

th September 2019

Come and see our very talented KDHS students unleash their stage performance skills in the 2019 school production, Alice in Wonderland. Tickets available at Nightingale’s Nest & Nursery. $20 – Adults $10 – 16 years & under. Tickets includes supper.

BOOK WEEK 2019 Book Week is nearly upon us, the theme this year is “Reading Is My Secret Power”. Dress up day will be held Monday, 26

th August. There will be a morning assembly, starting at 9am in Junior Primary undercover area, where the

students can showcase their costumes.

Page 3: KOJONUP DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL...NEWSLETTER TERM 3 WEEK 4 16th August 2019 KOJONUP DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Blackwood Road, Kojonup, WA, 6395 Phone: 9831 3300 Canteen: 9831 1403 Email: Kojonup.dhs@education.wa.edu.au

SCIENCE WEEK In Week 4, students celebrated Science Week by engaging in many interesting activities. The Kindies, Pre-Primaries

and Year 1s and 2s did some rotational activities with the Year 8-10s; including looking at pond water under a

microscope and blowing a balloon up using baking soda and vinegar. The Year 3s enjoyed making terrariums with the

Year 8s, and the Year 4s loved making and racing balloon rockets! The Year 5s got their hands dirty making slime, and

the Year 8s, 9s and 10s had an exhausting week running all the activities. Overall, everyone had a great time learning

about various Science topics through these activities.

Students also participated in quizzes each morning in their year groups, with questions about general knowledge

Science topics. An amazing array of knowledge was demonstrated as classes put their minds together. Well done

everyone - the winners will be announced on Monday morning!

The highlight of Science Week, however, was the star-gazing evening that took place at KDHS farm. Students from

KDHS and St. Bernard’s enjoyed some incredible sights of the Milky Way, and watched in awe through telescopes as

Saturn and Jupiter passed right by Earth. Mrs. Shepherd was instrumental in organising this fabulous night. This is what

she had to say: “”Thank you to all the families who came to star gaze, planet spy and moon awe this evening. We thank

Len North, Chris and Maureen Waters, our local astronomers for sharing their knowledge with us.

A huge thank you to Mrs Nicki Levis and Mr Jesse Kirwen for all their work in helping to organise Science Week


-Miss Keegan.


George Leitch Sam Waldron Montana Arnold Charlize Anderson

Rihari Romic Sophie Zacher Zaide Chesson Mikaela Gibbons

Harry Kelly Zander Chesson Beau Baker Jamaine Weazel

Olivia Kelly Alexander Venn Jessica Parker Millie Plowman

Fenella Fleay Fletcher Clifton Pania Watene Libby Hardingham

Kordell Smith Georgia Holland Patrick Crapella Wiremu Watene

Lacey Hallett Ingrid Jorgensen Elyssa Sutcliffe Tylah Gardner

Ruby Clews Bonnie Norrish Dylan Livsey Yr 7 D&T Class

Dustin Michael Imogen Ladyman-Palmer



Asha Mason Millie Plowman

Pania Watene Terehia Potaka-Osborne

Jessica Parker

Georgia Williams

Eden Morrison-Gianatti

Page 4: KOJONUP DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL...NEWSLETTER TERM 3 WEEK 4 16th August 2019 KOJONUP DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Blackwood Road, Kojonup, WA, 6395 Phone: 9831 3300 Canteen: 9831 1403 Email: Kojonup.dhs@education.wa.edu.au

ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE I am really happy to stay the next twelve months here in Kojonup and learn more about the

Australian way of life. I am excited in getting to know more about sheep work and other

animals like horses. In my free time I do a lot of activities, next to playing the drums and the

cello, as well as being a scout, I play soccer and go swimming. I have three more siblings in

Germany, two sisters and a brother. I am really looking forward spending my time far away

from home in Australia.

Paul Schoenberner


Hello all I'm Mr Crawford, I was born in Margaret River and I love the outdoors, skating, camping, surfing

and bushwalks. I also love gardening and playing guitar with a massive

appreciation for the natural beauty and beautiful community that Kojonup has to

offer. I am excited to be here and really appreciate the incredibly warm welcome

I've already received, if you haven't seen me and managed to say 'hello' yet I'm

looking forward to when we do get to catch up and get to know each other.


th August, sixteen Year 8s, community volunteers and shire of Kojonup staff planted 4000 trees at

Myrtle Benn Sanctuary. As part of a combined, Farm, Science and HASS education, the students were able to be part

of land conservation and also look at vegetation, soil and land use.


Ms Lilly and the Year 6 class held a special morning tea on Thursday, 15.8.19 to say a BIG THANK YOU to the Renew

Op Shop and Rotary Club for their kind donations towards the Year 6 camp. The students had a wonderful time and

appreciate the donation to make this all possible.

Page 5: KOJONUP DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL...NEWSLETTER TERM 3 WEEK 4 16th August 2019 KOJONUP DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Blackwood Road, Kojonup, WA, 6395 Phone: 9831 3300 Canteen: 9831 1403 Email: Kojonup.dhs@education.wa.edu.au



5 19

Dance Week School Psychologist

20 Kindy Day

21 Play Café 9.30am-11.30am

22 Kindy Day




6 26

Book Week Kindy Day

Book Week Dress Up Day School Psychologist

27 Kindy Day


29 Kindy Day

ECE Father’s Day Breakfast

30 Newsletter Assembly – Year 5 2:00pm

Page 6: KOJONUP DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL...NEWSLETTER TERM 3 WEEK 4 16th August 2019 KOJONUP DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Blackwood Road, Kojonup, WA, 6395 Phone: 9831 3300 Canteen: 9831 1403 Email: Kojonup.dhs@education.wa.edu.au