Kirstin Gunn's Portfolio



An Advertisor's Portfolio

Transcript of Kirstin Gunn's Portfolio

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Contents Manifesto ResumeL’Oréal Brandstorm Weir Family Exhibit Under ArmourBYU Direct MailNew Grains

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I get my straightforwardness, good taste and realism from my mom; they can be talents or curses. When asked for

advice we will answer immediately and can’t help but be the devil’s advocate. She taught me that it is better to be over

dressed then under dressed. We both only truly enjoy a movie if it is a believable story.

She also brought me up to dream as big as the Dallas sky.

On my own I have learned that… I love to see the view around me. So when I say I am going

running I find myself walking most of the time. I don’t like being left alone, so I bring people around my

table by good food. Food is the one thing I will not skimp on.

Being the youngest in the family of all girls I have learned how to become an excellent peacemaker (especially if it is a

dispute over clothes) and I was born talking loud.

When I get really excited I start to talk louder and faster. I can’t help but tell people the things I find

interesting or am passionate about.

My house is always under construction because I am constantly rearranging, organizing, painting

or who knows what else. I always see room for improvement and love change.


Manifesto Exper ience

BYU AdLabAccount Manager

Provo, UT Current

BYU S.A.S.Creative Services

ReceptionistProvo, UT


BYU Communications Internship Office

Directors Assistant Provo, UT

Dec. 2010 - Aug. 2011

Invitations Etc.Store Manager

Provo, Ut Aug. 2009 - Dec. 2010


Provo, UT Summer 2010

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Manifesto [email protected] inGunn

Assistant Account Executive

Brigham Young UniversityCommunications B.A. Emphasis in Advertising Business Management Minor

Related Courses Account Management Research Methods Media Planning Creative Concepts Account Planning

Public Speaking Adobe Suite Surveys - Qualtrics SPSS Media Planning Interviewing Keeping my friends close and my enemies closer Campus Finalist for L’Oreal Brandstrom 2012 American Advertising FederationBYU Chapter

Sundance Film Festival 2012

Exper ienceBYU AdLab

Account ManagerProvo, UT


BYU S.A.S.Creative Services

ReceptionistProvo, UT


BYU Communications Internship Office

Directors Assistant Provo, UT

Dec. 2010 - Aug. 2011

Invitations Etc.Store Manager

Provo, Ut Aug. 2009 - Dec. 2010


Provo, UT Summer 2010

• Manage teams of student planners and creative’s • Help clients set objectives • Write brief’s and conference reports • Develop time lines and ensure deadlines are met • Strategically present to clients

• Keep office running smoothly and project files organized Help designers with ad layout and content • Make sure all cost are accounted for • Orchestrate gathering ad approvals • Deliver final projects

• Organized and input forms for over 100 students each semester • Acted as an informational resource for all students • Created and managed Employer Database

• Liaison between store and owner • Created employees schedules and payment • Placed orders based on retail demand • Recorded monthly profit reports • Acted as contact person for vendors

• Learned Search Engine Optimization • Developed skills to maintain social media presence • Helped implement advertising for clients


Object ive

Educat ion

Sk i l l s

AwardsMember of


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L’Oréal Brandstorm 2012Problem

“Be creative and imagine the new iconic and innovative product – or product range – of The Body Shop, respecting the brand’s Values.”

TacticsAnalyze the current beauty market and position of The Body Shop.

Insight 135 million women are seeking a facial hair solution; yet there are very

few comfortable or natural solutions.

Lemon (a free trade ingredient) has the power to naturalize skin and odor, which would solve two main problems of facial hair removers.

Women go to blogs more then ever for beauty advice.

What I Did

With my team I was able to

research, and analyze the market. I

was also able to brainstorm ideas for

product, packaging and a marketing

plan. A two-year plan was made from

my ideas on which markets would be

best. I learned how to express my

ideas to an art direct, and

collaborate with a team.

Campus Finals Case Study


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L’Oréal Brandstorm 2012Campus Finals Case Study

Solution We proposed Bare with Lemon. A two-step solution for women’s facial hair; first a comfortable hair remover, and second a daily hair abetment to slow facial hair growth. These products would have never-seen-before, touch free applicators. The remover would dry as a peel to reduce mess, and the abetment would go on the same as a lotion stick as part of a daily beauty regimen.

The two-year plan would include sending bloggers free samples of Bare with Lemon and ask them to try it and review it on their blog with a generous coupon incentive. There would be special window displays in store highlighting the new free trade ingredient, lemons, as well as a mirror with a natural light simulator for women to check for facial hair. By the end of 2014 Bare with Lemon would be in all The Body shop stores around the world.

Creative by Mariam Blanco

Blogger Package Micro-Website

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Weir Family Exhibit BYU’s Museum of Art opened an exhibit called The Weir Family, 1820-1920:

Expanding the Traditions of American Art

Problem The exhibit wanted to have a social media presence.

Insight If students and other patrons of the museum knew the background of

the Weir family they would be more likely to go see the exhibit.

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SolutionNot only have an information page for the exhibit, but create a page for the main artist, Julian Alden Weir. On his page, he made posts taken directly from things he had written while he studied in Europe.

What I Did I was the account manager for the

social media campaign. I worked with multiple people from the museum to gather information and deciding how long the campaign would last. I learned how to handle client conflicts like not

being able to reach people and making sure all the material was

ready to go on the page.

Weir Family Exhibit

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Under Armour

Problem To rebrand Under Armour Soccer

Insight Under Armour is an American brand and to be accepted all over the

world they need something all soccer players can rally around.

SolutionLike America, they will start a revolution… a soccer revolution. The ads

looked completely different then other soccer campaigns, and incorporated the ‘propaganda’ feel. A key part is having stickers made so

that soccer players can put them everywhere and spread the idea of an Under Armour’s Soccer Revolution.

Final Project for a Creative Concepts Class

Print Ads

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What I Did Acted as an account manager in

a team with two creative’s. I made sure we were sticking with the strategy we had set down. With

this project I learned how to brainstorm with creative’s and

stay involved with the process.


Stickers Outdoor

Creative by James Taylor and Rob Witt

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BYU Direct Mail Problem

BYU Administrative wanted to know if it would cut costs to decrease the amount of direct mail they sent out. We were asked to focus on the mail sent to professors. The school has a strict email policy that

had to be worked around.

Tactics.Had 7 professors collect mail for a month and then interviewed them.

Interviews were conducted with on-campus entities that send out direct mail.

Insight Go through mail quickly

Check mailbox infrequently Feel like businesses on campus are for students Perceive the bookstore as not having good deals

Are more likely to open something if their name is on it Tend to prefer email

Feel guilty about how much paper is wasted

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SolutionWe made three recommendations: limit advertising, change perspective of professors on direct mail, and to improve marketing for on-campus entities. This last suggestion would involve taking away the broad approach. They need to know they can’t send the same things to professors that they send to students. Retail stores would need to know what professors are buying as well. With the Bookstore and Creamery they can track what is purchased using their signature card that gives them a discount.

What I Did I was the account manager in the

BYU Adlab for this project. I lead

a team of students and helped set a

timeline. We all did primary and

secondary research. I was able to

present our recommendations, with two

other students, to a BYU Committee.

From this I learned how to set an

objective when the client is very

vague about what they need.

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New Grains A new gluten-free bakery in Provo, UT that I worked for in a research class.

Problem Find out who the target market is for their gluten-free products

and how they compare to similar brands.

TacticsA survey was sent out and had 142 respondents. The survey

divided people into three groups: those who were gluten-free, those who live with someone who is

gluten-free and those who just live a healthy lifestyle. Respon-dents were asked a series of questions to help us compare

other gluten-free brands. The survey was then analyzed using SPSS.

What I Did

I led the team and helped write

the survey. We first researched the

industry to be able to write questions.

Together we analyzed the data. With a

team I presented our findings to the

client. I learned about primary research

and how to present information to

a client in a way they

will understand.

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Insight The target audience would include:Women ages 18 to 34They are married but do not necessarily have children

By comparing gluten-free brands we found that New Grains can own being the affordable brand that doesn’t sacrifice taste or texture.

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