Kingsman Trailer Analysis


Transcript of Kingsman Trailer Analysis

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Text On ScreenThe first text on screen appears within the trailer at 32 seconds. 20th Century Fox is a subsidiary of 21st Century Fox. 20th Century Fox is a distribution company that is renowned for what it does. This company is useful to the film as, because the distribution company is highly rated, it is likely that people will want to watch the film, for reasons such as, they may be an audience members favourite distribution company.

The next text on screen is a production logo which is displayed at 34 seconds. ‘Marv’, also known as ‘Marv Films’ is a British production company. The purpose of showing the production company logo is because, audience members may have previously seen a film where this company produced it and they might have enjoyed it. Therefore, if they see that this company has produced another film, they are likely to go and watch the new released film due to previous likings.

Furthermore, the next text on screen is shown at 1 minute, 3 seconds. The colour of the text, which is gold corresponds with the film title. For example ‘Kingsman’, when you think of a King, you automatically think of riches and gold, therefore, having gold text on screen means that it is correct to the genre.

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The next text on screen displays the title of the film in gold writing, as did the previous. This shows an ongoing theme of high status and the idea of royalty. The title is big and bold as it should be, because it is the title.

The credits are displayed at 2 minutes and 21 seconds. It shows the director and the additional people who helped out in the making of the film.

This credit display is shown a second after the previous, this is because it isn’t something that is hugely important, just a commemoration. At the bottom of the credit list are two actors within the film who could be said to be the films unique selling point. It is likely that the audience members eyes are going to be drawn to the bottom of the screen, meaning that they will see the USP.

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This text on screen, shows where the film is available to view. This is useful to the production and distribution company, as they will be able to widen the amount of people who will engage in their media as they will have an increased audience.

One of the most important texts on screen always appears at the end of the trailer. This is because, the producers want to sell you their media text. The producers create an exciting trailer that makes you want to watch the film. Therefore, showing the date at the end of the trailer, they are aware that it is going to stay in your mind. This is further reinforced because, the date ‘OCTOBER 24’ is the largest text on screen, which shows that it is of most importance.

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SoundAt the beginning of the trailer the first piece of sound heard is a non-diegetic, asynchronous soundtrack. This soundtrack sets up a base and creates an atmosphere for the audience, which is pacey and upbeat. Following on from that, at 9 seconds within the trailer, a non-diegetic voice over is heard. His voice has a sense of dominance as it sounds very powerful. This builds up the tension and enhances the action genre as, along with the music there is the added enigma code as the audience would question who he is.

Following on from the previous point, the enigma code is then answered as the following shots are of this character, therefore showing, that the narrator is talking about him. The narrator makes these comments “Drugs, petty crime, This idea of him being the character who is narrator is talking about is reinforced, when we see him committing crimes.

The action genre is further reinforced when the trailer gets to 1 minute and 1 second, this is because we see an explosion, which is a typical convention. As well as seeing the explosion we also hear a big ‘BANG’, which creates the feeling of, excitement, adrenalin and enigma, as seeing fire is not something seen regularly and enigma is created because we do not know what's happened or why its happened.

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At this point within the trailer, the soundtrack that has been playing suddenly stops, and the dialogue “solve problems under pressure, like what to do when one of your group has no parachute?”, almost becomes amplified. In my opinion this is because it is a line that would entice the audience into seeing the film, along with all the other elements. Further to that, enigma is created as the audience would want to know what happened, did they devise a plan to get through this challenge?

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EditingAs this trailer is for the genre of action, a lot of the editing is fast paced. It goes from one cut, to the next. Within the trailer, there isn’t any continuity, this is to be expected as it isn’t the final film. The purpose of the trailer is to show the key or the most exciting scenes to entice an audience into watching the film.

This is an example of a scene whereby there are various different cuts that take place over a short space of time. This fast paced editing is one of the conventions of an action film, therefore, my partner and I will be using this type of editing within out trailer.

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There is also another type of editing within the trailer, called a ‘flash cut’. This is where the screen flashes from one scene, to a black screen, then to a new scene.

This type of editing, constantly puts the same character within the frame. This shows the audience that he is the main character, as the editing has him, continuously within the camera shots, highlighting this.

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Camera WorkThe first shot within the trailer is an establishing shot, as it establishes the setting. After this shot, we are introduced to the protagonist and the master shot is displayed.

The over the shoulder shot, displays this character in a way whereby, he appears to be superior to the person he is facing. As audience members, we can gather that, from this, he plays a significant role within the film, and he is of power.

This shot frames the protagonist at a low angle which is representative of making him look powerful and having dominance, this highlights that he is a strong character, furthermore, he is framed underwater which shows that there is some sort of a struggle but he is not letting that affect him.

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Within this trailer there are numerous amounts of props that suggest and reinforce the genre. Firstly, we are shown a large closet of different weaponry, for example, guns and knives, something that is seen constantly in other action trailers/movies.

The title of the film ‘Kingsman: The Secret Service’ is reinforced through the use of Mise-en-Scene. Firstly, a part of the secret service is based in a prestigious tailors, which looks fit for a king. Furthermore, ‘the secret service’ and the action genre is known for having amazing gadgets.

Returning to this point that I made previously, the action genre is conformed to through the fact the trailer contains a car chase, which is a convention of this genre. The car chase creates a sense of excitement, but also enigma as it is a police car in which the protagonist is having a car chase with. This would make the audience question what is going to happen t the protagonist, does he get in trouble? Do they crash?

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Additionally, the action genre is then further reinforced through the range of different ‘training’ the characters go through, so that they are able to get the position of ‘Lancelot’. As an audience member, seeing and hearing (from the trailer) all of the different tasks that the characters go through, it makes you question what is going to happen to them. The use of skydiving, military training and an unexpected flood of water during the night makes this film have all the qualities of a film that would want to be seen by a variety of audiences. It’s not boring, the trailer has a variety of locations within the trailer.

In all action films, there are fight scenes, here is one of them. This reinforces the genre as it contains an action convention. An explosive fight scene creates excitement for the audience, seeing this in a trailer would make the audience want to see this film because it has that wow factor. A normal day to day prop that we use (an umbrella) is transformed within this trailer as a weapon and a means of protection.

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Referring back to our mood board, the lighting within the trailer conforms to the lighting that is meant to be of an action film, as in some, not all there is low lighting that is either blue or yellow. Here are some examples:

Within this camera shot we see the protagonist tied to a train track which is fast approaching him. However, from the previous dialogue where one of the characters says “you are about to embark on the most dangerous job interview in the world” we can infer that this is just a test. However, we are unaware of how far the test will go, will he die? Or does he escape?The amplified train horn and the panicked and distressed facial expression on the protagonists face creates tension, uncertainty along with adrenalin.