King Abdulaziz School Philosophy


Transcript of King Abdulaziz School Philosophy

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King Abdulaziz School Philosophy

King Abdulaziz School believes that the aim of education is to foster the development of the child as a whole per-

son. We believe students should be encouraged to think critically, creatively and become autonomous learners,

and exploit their academic and personal potential. We want students to be productive in their lives, to value and

maintain their cultural heritage, appreciate and respect different cultures and feel responsible to serve their own

country and the world at large.

We believe learners bring their own strengths and uniqueness to the classroom. Our teachers strive to cultivate

learning partnerships with our learners. Teaching is not about instructing or imparting information to learners as

if their minds are waiting to be filled with information. Rather, we believe that teaching is about empowering

learners to take responsibility for their learning, inspiring courage to grow intellectually, cultivating curiosity,

providing opportunities for developing relationships, clarifying values, uplifting the spirit and igniting action.

Finding connections among the different disciplines within the school programme of inquiry is sought and main-

tained through the regular collaborative sessions among the grade level teaching team. Single- subject teaching

has to be planned by the grade level teaching team to enhance the conceptual understanding, the targeted

knowledge and skills in each unit of inquiry (Broadening the interpretation of PYP Requirement C3.1.b,


Rigorous assessments are essential in all aspects of teaching and learning. Assessing aims to discover what our

learners know and have learned at different stages in the learning process. We believe that effective assess-

ments cover the five essential elements of learning; the acquisition of knowledge, understanding of concepts,

the mastering of skills, the development of attitudes and encouraging the initiative to take action. Effective as-

sessments allow learners to share their understanding with others by using a variety of ways, based on their

learning styles, abilities and multiple intelligences. Moreover effective assessments enable learners to base their

learning on real-life experiences that can lead to further inquiries.

A thorough education includes the development of the qualities of compassion, tolerance, respect for the rights

and cultures of all people, the skills for the peaceful resolution of conflict, and the development of environmen-

tal responsibility. Our School aims to prepare young minds in becoming leaders, which meet the global challeng-

es of the 21st century and grow to become international minded individuals that push for positive change in the


Our school fosters an atmosphere of academic excellence and encourage intellectual inquiry and critical thinking.

Our classrooms aim to achieve a holistic environment that nurtures the whole student.

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Our vision “To inspire the individual potential of all students and enable them to become principled, proficient, inquiring, and caring lifelong learners.”

We were honored by the visit of Sheikh Suliman Mohammad Wali-u-

Din Suliman, the Deputy Chairman of King Abdulaziz School Board of

Directors to school on 10th January, 2018. The aim of the visit was to

follow up on the academic and professional development of the

school. Sheikh Suliman met the Head of School and expressed his ap-

preciation to the whole team for the efforts that they are putting in to

promote King Abdulaziz School to higher academic standards.


King Abdulaziz School, the International

section was established in 2013,

after we identified a real need to offer a

broader international curriculum to our

students. King Abdulaziz School strives

to cultivate dynamic educational

experiences that prepare students for

life. The campus comprises purpose-

built, fully-equipped school premises

which provides state of the art facilities.

In pursuit of this vision, the school

believes in a balanced-developmental

approach towards each child spiritually,

morally, intellectually, socially,

emotionally and physically. It is the

school’s firm belief that together we

can Make a Difference.

تعريف أولياء الأمور ببرنامج السنوات الابتدائية

نظمت مدرسة الملك عبد العزيز القسم الدولي عرضاً لأولياء أمور الطلاب لتعريفهم ببرنامج السنوات الابتدائية ورؤية ورسالة وأهداف المدرسة .

King Abdulaziz School conducted an orientation session for the parents of our students to familiarize them with the Primary Years Programme, its mission and vision statements and objec-tives.


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Celebrate with us as Medina’s first IB PYP World School!

King Abdulaziz School is now an authorized IB World School for the Primary Years Programme.

King Abdulaziz School is the FIRST and currently ONLY school in Medina,

Saudi Arabia to be authorized as an IB (International Baccalaure-

ate) World School for the Primary Years Programme (PYP). We received

our authorization in December, 2017 and we are so delighted to imple-

ment this prestigious, rigorous, student-centered learning programme.

As an IB World School offering the Primary Years Programme, we are

glad to be part of a global community of schools committed to develop-

ing knowledgeable, caring young people who will be ready to negotiate

their futures successfully and make contributions resulting in a more

harmonious and peaceful world.

We are very proud to become part of this recognized community of ex-

cellence in global education.


The School Mission


King Abdulaziz School strives to cultivate dynamic educational experiences that prepare students for life. It aims at providing stimulating academic pro-grammes and a friendly learning environment that enable students to reach their full potential intellec-tually, physically and emo-tionally.

King Abdulaziz School pre-pares students to be open to other perspectives, val-ues and traditions whilst recognizing their own iden-tity and taking pride in their cultural heritage.

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For the provocation activity, children made popcorn in the classroom! The KG students observed as the popcorn was being made. As the kernels were getting warm, students started smelling the popcorn. They could also hear its sound. Once the popcorn was ready, students had the opportunity to closely look and touch the popcorn and explore its texture. Lastly, students tasted the popcorn. They used language to fill in our “I can describe popcorn” chart.

For the unit of inquiry ‘5 senses’, KG students engaged in a variety of activities in which they had to use their 5 senses to explore things around them. KG students tasted different drinks and described them: sweet, sour, bitter, etc.

Learners also used their hands to explore different textures and describe how they felt: soft, rough, hard, etc. Students demonstrated the learner profile traits of being communicators and risk-takers as they took part in each of the activities.

IB Learner Profile


The aim of all IB programmes

is to develop internationally-

minded people who, recog-

nizing their common human-

ity and shared guardianship

of the planet, help create a

better and more peaceful


Their world, as big as they want…...

“The attributes of the IB

learner profile are at the

heart of all IB programmes.”

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“Education is not preparation for life; Education is life itself”

With this thought in mind, we launched the Book Reading Competition to provide our students with the opportunity to read literature from around the world in simplified English. The competition involved the following activities:

• Reading books

• Writing reflections

The rate of borrowing in the library has increased three times more compared to last year. Students read more than 30-40 books within 2 months and wrote their reflec-tions. They gave presentations to the panel on their favorite book. The students were awarded with certificates for their participation and wonderful presentation.



Grade 2 students inquired into the differ-

ent designs and structures of buildings

during the unit “Where we are in place

and time.” After watching videos, reading

books, discussing and learning about

different structures and buildings of the

past, present and future, they created

their cities. First, they built a city with

buildings and houses from the past in

groups. Then they built a city of the pre-

sent with current buildings and houses.

Finally, they made their future buildings

at home and brought them to school to

present them and build their future city in

groups. The learners enjoyed all the learn-

ing experiences and engagements. KAS

acknowledged the students by awarding

them with a certificate for being amazing

“Little architects”.

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دام عزك يا وطن

(حيث تزينت المدرسة وطلابها بعلم المملكة وأقيمت فعاليات 78احتفال المدرسة والطلاب باليوم الوطني)

الاحتفال بحضور مشرفي إدارة التعليم وتضمن الاحتفال أنشطة شعرية إضافة إلى العرضة السعودية.

On the occasion of the celebrations of the 87thSaudi National Day, King Ab-dulaziz School students and faculty celebrated this glorious event to express their pride in their flag, rulers and country. An array of activities was conducted including poems and traditional dances. The event was attended by Ministry of Education officials.







On October the 11th, 2017, learners from Grade 2 presented a short play enti-tled ‘My One-eyed Father’. The play was inspired by a Korean urban legend.

The objective of the play, was not merely to present a play to the school general assembly, but rather to in-culcate and reflect on the learner’s profile attributes and IB attitudes (Principled/Caring and Respect) that we were highlighting during the transdisciplinary theme ‘Who we are’. The aim of the play was to remind the audience on the obligation of being good (caring, respectful, and prin-cipled) towards parents as well as the importance of seeking knowledge.

Caption describing picture or graphic

ورشة عمل )خط الرقعة (

تفعيل لوحدة البحث أين نحن في الزمان والمكان

تم تنفيذ ورشة عمل في مادة اللغة العععربعيعة يعوم

م وذلعك 7167/ 66/ 61الخمعيعا العمعوافع

بحضور الخطاطة / بشرى الكبيسي لتعلعيعم طع

المع معا الأسعاسعيعة لعخعط العرقعععة الصف الثالث

وذلك تفعي ً لوحدة البعحعث )أيعن نعحعن فعي العزمعان

والمكان ( وقد استغرق ذلك حصتيعن معتعتعالعيعتعيعن

وقد استمتع الط في الورشة مصرحين بذلك فعي

تأم تهم بعد الورشة .

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Caption describing picture or graphic

Poetry Elocution at KAS

The poetry elocution contest will

be held in the month of February,

2018. This activity is organized to

explore and encourage students

to develop their public speaking

skills in English and boost their

confidence. It will inspire students

to come forward and recite poems

on the stage. It also aims at allow-

ing students to choose poems,

internalize their meaning and then

share them with an audience. The

students’ performance will be

evaluated on the following crite-

ria: pronunciation, expression,

tone of voice an articulation and

interpretation. Awards will be

given to the students for their


International Teachers’ Day

قام قسم اللغة العربية بتنفيذ الأنشطة التالية احتفالاً باليوم العالمي للغة العربية في يوم الإثنين المواف

وهي على النحو التالي: 68/67/7167

أولاً: أنشطة موحدة في جميع الفصول

إجراء مسابقة ثقافية عن اللغة العربية وعلومها وفنونها -6

عرض أنواع الخط العربي-7

ثانيا: أنشطة مختلفة

قدم الط في الصف السادا مجموعة من المعلومات عن اللغة العربية من خ ل استراتيجية خذ واحدة وأعط -6

واحدة كما ألقى بعض الط أشهر الأبيات الشعرية وعرفوا برواد الأد العربي

قدمت مجموعة من ط الصف الخاما محاورة بين العامية والفصحى بينما قدمت مجموعة أخرى نشيدا يصور -7

جمال العربية

قدم الطلاب الورود والهدايا الرمزية للمعلمين

أثناء الطابور الصباحي تعبيراً عن امتنانهم

وحبهم لمعلميهم، كما قامت إدارة المدرسة بتوزيع

شهادات الشكر على المعلمين لما يقدمونه من

.عطاء لأبنائنا الطلاب

In celebration of Teacher’s Day, King Ab-dulaziz School offered teachers and ad-ministrators flowers as a token of their love and appreciation for their teachers’ devotion and commitment to help them learn. Similarly, the school administra-tion awarded teachers with thank you certificates.

معرض الثقافات العالمية

اليوم العالمي للغة العربية!

(PYP)تطبيقاً لمخطط وحدة البحث )من نحن( في برنامج السنوات الابتدائية

قام طلاب الصف الخامس في نهاية الوحدة بتنفيذ معرض يمثل ثقافات الدول

المختلفة حيث ارتدى كل طالب زي دولة اختارها وأحضر أمثلة على طعامها

وشرابها وعملتها النقدية، كما عرض علم الدولة ونشيدها الوطني، ثم تكلموا

عن ثقافة الناس وعاداتهم في تلك الدولة وكيف أثروا وتأثروا بثقافات الدول


In alignment with the unit of inquiry “Who we are,” Grade 5 students organized an exhibition which represented the cultures of different countries Each student put on tradi-tional clothes of a country he chose, brought artifacts like coins and foods which pertain to that country. Students also brought flags of the countries and played their national anthem. Worthy to mention, students gave presentations about the countries highlighting each country’s culture and traditions and how countries affected each other.

We are Risk takers!

Grade three learners were shown a

real- life goat’s heart in the Science

lab! We chose a goat’s heart be-

cause it is roughly the same size as a

human heart. Learners wore their

surgical gloves and investigated the

heart. We conducted a live dissec-

tion and all learners participated.

There was a mixed reaction amongst

our learners. Some were really en-

gaged and enjoyed the hands-on

experience. On the other hand,

some were not so keen, and would

have preferred to see a picture or

watch a video!

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“There are only two lasting gifts we should give our children; one is roots and the second is wings”

A Day for all Kiddies

Children’s day is a day established to promote mutual exchange between the societies and un-

derstanding among the children about the protection of their rights. It is celebrated on

November 20th each year to promote international togetherness, awareness among

children worldwide, and improving children's welfare. King Abdulaziz School is pleased

to celebrate Universal Children’s Day this year with an event that will focus on the

theme “Know your rights”.

As per the ethos and culture of KAS celebrating all local, national, and International days,

KAS teachers and children celebrated the day with great enthusiasm followed by a varie-

ty of wonderfully-planned activities. Students were engaged in inquiring into their rights

and they recognizing that they are the future and they have the right to have quality

education, safe shelter, safe environment, proper health care, play and healthy food.

The afterschool enrichment clubs give learners a chance to do extra-curricular activities in a fun dynamic atmosphere. These clubs are heavily student-led as the learners are involved in the entire process- from the planning and design-ing stage right up until the final project.

Literature Club

In the literature club, students decided on a moral story to showcase to an audience in the Grand Finale play. The students chose the story of The Good Man and His Son. They chose this story as it resonated with them and they wanted to give the role of their wise father’s justice. Through the story, our young actors have learnt a great lesson-“If you please everyone, you will please no one”. Green/Environmental Club

G.E.C is an Environmental Club that

aims to promote environmental aware-

ness to the KAS learning community.

G.E.C is a growing club that continues

to attract learners who are curious

about nature and science. This year,

G.E.C hosted a student-led environ-

mental science fair that included 4

major concepts: Recycling, Solar ener-

gy, Water and Plants.

This academic year, our activities have

included the following:

• Researching in the ICT Lab on the 4

major concepts to be showcased at

the fair

• Viewing and sharing

• Experimenting: Making a water- filtra-

tion system/ Moving water

• Making a solar oven

• Planting tomatoes and onions

• Making new paper using recycled


The above activities have been part of

our journey towards the fair. We are

happy that the fair was a successful

and inspiring event to not only those

who attended, but the learners who

decided to become part of the Change/


Universal Children’s Day



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Grade 5 students visited the Grand Mosque of Medina as part of their unit of inquiry under the theme "Where we are in place and time". The main objective of the trip was to enable students to explore the discoveries regarding the scriptures of the Holy Quran. They inquired into the stages through which the scriptures had been reserved over the years.

KAS is proud to be an IB-MYP CANDIDATE School

In our endeavor to provide our teachers with effective training to ac-

quire the necessary knowledge and skills to implement the Middle

Years Programme, King Abdulaziz School launched three on-site work-

shops for Middle School teachers from October to December, 2017.

The workshops centered on teaching and learning in the 21st century

and aimed at equipping our teachers with the necessary pedagogical

tools to enhance teachers’ practices and boost student learning. In-

deed, our teachers have participated effectively in the workshop activi-

ties and discussions displaying nothing but fervent enthusiasm to learn

from the tasks that have been assigned to them.

We can say with certainty and conviction that we have all learned

about what it means to be effective IB MYP teachers. We are delighted

to see that our teachers have grasped the essence of preparing effec-

tive lesson plans initiating solid strategies and assessment tools to

gauge student learning and achievement. On a further note, we were

highly-impressed by the positive feedback we received from the work-

shop leaders who were amazed by our teachers’ distinct contributions

to make the workshops a great success.

KAS is proud to an-nounce that it has offi-cially become an IB MYP candidate school. The MYP is a challeng-ing framework that encourages students to make practical connec-tions between their studies and the real world. Students who complete the MYP are well-prepared to undertake the IB Diploma Programme (DP) or Career-related Programme (CP). The MYP cur-riculum framework comprises eight sub-ject groups, providing a broad and bal-anced education for early adolescents.

The Board of Directors are keen on

providing training for teachers as per

the IB requirements and are paying for

in-school, online and regional work-



ورشة تعلم لغة الإشارة

تفعيل لوحدة البحث كيف نعبر عن أنفسنا

م تعمعت 7167/ 67/ 78في يوم الخميا المواف

زيارة المترجمة الأستاذة / حنان السراني معن معركعز

فتيات طيبة للصم إلى الصف الثعانعي الابعتعدائعي وذلعك

لتدري الط علعى كعيعفعيعة اسعتعخعدام لعغعة الإشعارة

لتفعيل وحدة البحث )كيف نعععبعر ععن أنعفعسعنعا ( وقعد

استمتع الط وظهعرععلعيعهعم . العحعمعاا والعتعفعاععل

حيث طلبوا من المترجمة ترجمة بعععض معن العكعلعمعات

باستخدام لغة الإشارة و قد قام العطع بعتعععلعم جعمعل

عديدة بلغة الإشارة ثعم اسعتعمعععوا إلعى قصعة معن قعبعل

المترجمة و قد أبدى الط فضولهم من خع ل طعر

العديد من الأسئلة منها : كيف بإمكاننا مناداة الأصم ؟

وكيف يعرف الأصم بوجود حري في المنزل ؟ ثعم

بعد ذلك قاموا بتمثيل الجمل باستعخعدام لعغعة الإشعارة

حيث كانت الورشة مليئة بالحيوية والنشاط وبعد ذلك

كتبوا تأم تهم وقد كانت تجربة فعالة وجميلة وممعتعععة

لهم كما ظهر في تأم تهم .

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The second KAS PYP workshop took place on Wednesday 20th December, 2017 in the KAS School library. In total, there were 20 participants including members from the Ministry of Education, parents and the local community. The workshop was conducted by Ms. Sarah Mostafa and Ms. Shehnaz Nana.

The PYP model was discussed as an overall discussion to help them become more familiarized about the core aspects of the PYP program.

The 5 Essential Elements were discussed through a series of strategies and activities: Concentric circle, CSI (color, symbol, image), Raven envelope, I see/I think/I wonder.

The last part of the workshop was all about the parent’s role in the PYP.

1/10011/08تم في يوم الإثنين الموافق

عقد الاجتماع الأول لمجلس الآباء

والمعلمين لمدارس الملك عبد العزيز

وذلك بمشاركة إدارة المدرسة. استغرق

الاجتماع ما يقرب من الساعة والنصف ،

استعرض فيها مدير المدرسة خطة

وأهداف وبرامج المدرسة ، بالإضافة

لعرض رؤية ورسالة المدرسة وما نسعى

لتحقيقه خلال الفترة القادمة. كما تم فتح

المجال لمقترحات أولياء الأمور وتم

تسجيل هذه المقترحات لتنفيذ ما يتناسب

مع أهداف المدرسة.

First Parent-Teacher Associ-ation Meeting

On Monday, 20th November, 2017, King Abdulaziz School held its first Parent-Teacher As-sociation meeting to share the school’s plans, objectives and educational programmes. The meeting lasted for one hour and a half where parents had the opportunity to get acquainted with the school mission, vision and its future plans. The parents presented their suggestions which were taken by the school administration to study and im-plement.

IB-PYP orientation for school community

اجتماع مجلا الآباء والمعلمين

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There is no more critical need in our society today than preparing teachers who know

their subject matter well and who understand the social and emotional needs of stu-

dents. Education is now arriving at the same conclusion as other fields, such as busi-

ness, medicine, the media, and the military. Investing in professional development

should be the number one priority. Investing in teachers and supporting their learning

are the keys to improving our school. The Board of Directors are keen on providing

training for teachers as per the IB requirements and are paying for in-school, online

and regional workshops.

Throughout the year, all PYP teachers

attended the IB in-school workshops


1. IB PYP category 2 workshop on

assessment held in Nov, 2017


2.IB PYP category 2 workshop on as-

sessment held in Dec, 2017 (Arabic)

3. IB PYP category 1 workshop on

Making PYP Happen for new teachers

on 2-4 Feb, 2018 in Amman, Jordan

KAS will be hosting more in-school workshops in 2018 including the Inquiry workshop

and concept-based teaching.

English Language B HIGHLIGHTS

English Language B is an additional language-learning course designed for learners with very little or no English knowledge. The main focus of the course is on language acquisition and devel-opment of language skills with a highlight on Phonics. These language skills are developed through the study and Language B guide 5 Nature of the subject use of a range of written and spoken material. Such material will extend from everyday oral exchanges to literary texts. This material is chosen to enable learners to develop mastery of English language skills and intercul-tural understanding.

This year, the English Language B course has progressed at a faster pace than last year. Before the second term started, already 20 % of the English Language B learners returned to the class. It has been a wonderful start to the year and we hope to get even more students back in the classroom this term.

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KAS is the best school in Madina. It is the first

IB school in Madina. We use to have many fun

based activities and field trips. I am happy that

I am in KAS. I love my school and teachers.

Basim Hassan Al Sharif- Grade 3

Students’ Testimonials

I have been in this school for many years. Many changes have taken place dur-ing my stay at this school. These changes big or small had a great impact on me. In this school we focus on understanding new concepts rather than memorizing facts. The teachers guide us and follow up on our academic progress and per-sonal development. It is the best school and I will always be supporting this school for whatever it does till I get old. I hope to see this school improving day by day.

Ahmad Faisal Al Saud-Grade 4

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Editorial Team:

Editor –in-chief: Ms. Raheela Akram


Mr. Abdennaceur Saadaoui

Mr. Raffick Badul

Mr. Mohammad Hammoush

Members: Faculty and Students

Contact Info

Address: King Abdulaziz School Ali Ibn Abi Taleb Road P.O. Box 43111, Madina 41561 Saudi Arabia Phone: +966 503 454 420 or +966 553 039 300 Email: [email protected]

Major up-coming Events

• First Student-Led Conference—27th March, 2018

• Janadriyah-8th March, 2018

• First IB PYP Exhibition of Grade 5– 28th April, 2018

• KG Graduation Ceremony– April, 2018