KidWise Magazine - Autumn 2007

KidWise raising faith-filled kids autumn 2007 family games, recipes, tips and more! the perfect time for pie ... humble pie how to raise humble kids Latonya’s Harvest a KICKS story ‘humility in the harvest’ -from Pastor Rick


A family magazine published by KICKS Ministries. KidWise is full of great family articles, recipes, activity ideas, crafts, stories, and much more!

Transcript of KidWise Magazine - Autumn 2007

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KidWiseraising faith-filled kids

autumn 2007

family games, recipes, tips and more!

the perfect time for pie...

humble pie

how to raise humble kids

Latonya’s Harvest

a KICKS story

‘humility in the harvest’

-from Pastor Rick

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Dear Readers,

How excellent is the Name of our Lord! It says in Psalm 8:1, "Oh Lord, our Lord how excellent is thy name in all the earth!" We at KICKS hope that in this harvest season you will see and experience the excel-lence of the Name of the Lord. He is Lord of the harvest. Psalm 8:1 goes on to say that He is the One,"who has set thy glory above the heavens."

This word excellent means; noble, mighty, famous, gallant, glorious, goodly, lordly, worthy, noble one, and majestic. The Hebrew word makes it very clear that our Lord is excellent in every meaning of the word. This Hebrew word pronounced, 'adder', also means, large and very great and mighty and is used of kings by nations who are very powerful. He is truly excellent in our harvest and in every area of our lives.

As it says in Psalm 8:1, He has set His glory and has spread it out above the heavens, 'sha-mah-yim'. It means to spread out like a vault over the globe as supported by columns on foundations. The Lord wants us in the foun-dational position to be the support of His glory. He wants to spread out His blessing upon our lives that we may experience the harvest He has brought through Jesus Christ, the Son of God who is Lord of lords; Lord of all!

May you experience the harvest of His given seed of Himself through Jesus. That harvest of His glorious excellence. The harvest of His splendour and vig-ourous majesty which He has given to us in Himself. This is part of the harvest of His glory for us to behold. He is telling us in verse one that He has lifted Himself up, and is lofty and eminent, beautifully 'swelling' in His majesty and excellence to us and in our lives for that great and mighty harvest that He has provided us in His Lordship.

May the Lord be glorified in your life in His mighty harvest for you and your children. We can see that He has set His excellence for us to behold. May you find that excellence in this issue of KidWise Magazine as you read and experi-ence His word through what He has placed in our hands to do.

God's richest blessing in His harvest for you and your family,

Pastors Rick and Kim Robinson

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Pastors Rick and Kim Robinson have been

involved in children’s ministry for over 20

years. They are dedicated to providing

materials for families to help them have

the blessed family life that God intends.

They are parents of four, three of whom

are adopted, ages 3, 3, and 1, and grand-

parents of two, ages 3 and 1. They live in

Ohio with their son, daughter-in-law, and

grandchildren. Their home-based office,

TV-studios, and recording-studio send out

the message of the gospel to children and

families all over the world.

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07 eating humble pie

11 how to teach our children humility

15 Latonya’s Harvest - a KICKS story

21 humility in the harvest

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harvest time! -Family Financespg. 10

autumn fun for your toddlers! -KICKS Tots pg. 13

fried apple rings - KICKS Kitchenpg. 18

full of energy! -KICKS-er-cise pg. 19

tailored trail mix -KICKS Kitchen + Craft - pg. 22

Movies On Review pg. 24

lesson learned!from Elmer -pg. 25

member spot - pg. 26

wanna’ know how you can watch KidWise on TV? see our show-times listed on pg. 28


For more great family articles, reviews, crafts, recipes, games, and resources, visit our website at

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Have you ever heard of 'humble pie'?It's an old saying that began in the United Kingdom. In the US by the 19th century we would say, 'eat his words' when someone was humbled from a position of pride. To eat 'humble pie' was when someone began to admit they were in error. Where did it come from? It was around the 15th century when the word 'umbles' came about in the UK. 'Umbles' was the name given to those ingredients used in pies from leftovers and it came into print in the late 17th century when a man name Samuel Pepys began to make reference to these pies in his diary. On the 5th of July, 1662 he stated: “Having some venison given me a day or two ago, and so I had a shoulder roasted, another baked, and the umbles baked in a pie, and all very well done." On the 8th July 1663 he stated: "Mrs. Turner came in and did bring us an Umble-pie hot out of her oven, ex-traordinarily good."

These pies were made of up the leftovers that were known to be the 'lowly rank' of the animal. These lefto-vers were in fact, the worst of the 'game' (like a deer liver). I guess we could call it 'liver' pie? Well, another reason for it to have been called, 'umble pie' is that those who were of a 'humble situation', (lower income), or a ‘lowly rank’, would be sure they used all of their game to not waste anything. The interesting thing is that some people felt these pies were actually quite good.

Yet the worst thing to do would be to stay with the 'um-ble' definition that 'humble' would mean to look at one-self as 'of lowly rank'. God's definition for the word 'humble' is very different. In His eyes, we were of such a high ranking position that He came to this earth, died for us, and rose from the dead to set us in a high ruling position. One that is the rank of 'Kings and Priests'. He wants us to know that we can trust in His abilities to move us from 'a lowly rank' under sin, because He be-came of a ‘lowly rank' to seat us in Heavenly places

with Him, not only throughout eternity, but now in this earth. The word 'umble' actually is derived from a Latin and Old French word for 'loins', which is defined as 'parts of the body that should be covered with clothing'. Our children surely aren't meant to fall under an 'old fash-ioned' meaning to be humbled to the point of not being seen or heard. I would think the definition would be leading to the word 'humble' being defined as one who should stay under their godly covering, for children, that would be their godly parents. For Christians, that would be under the covering of the blood of Jesus. But, also, one who is 'humble' would be one who would stay under the covering of God's word, God's ways, God's grace, and God's authority and blessing! With that in mind, let’s teach our children that God has a better 'humble pie' recipe than that of the early centu-ries past. He has a 'humble pie' that is filled with His blessing and His power!!!!

Humility is a concept that needs to be directed in our children's lives. God wants our children to know that humility is not thinking less of one's self, but real humil-ity can be defined as, 'power under control', 'respecting the callings and gifts of another', and 'walking in God's ability to do what He has called you to do'. Humility is the very best way to experience all that God has for you. Here are some ‘ingredients’ for God's plan and design for the best 'humble pie' ever made. Take the time together as a family to study these scriptures and others on humility.

God’s Ingredients for ‘Humble Pie’:GOD’S GRACE - God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. “Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the

elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.” 1 Peter 5:5 (KJV)

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FEAR OF THE LORD - The fear of the Lord is defined to hate all evil (Prov.8:13). We are to go after God's ways. This humble pie ingredient

leads to the blessing of the Lord and His prosperity in our lives.“By humility and the fear of the LORD are riches, and honour, and life.” Proverbs 22:4 (KJV)

CAST YOUR CARES ON THE LORD - We can walk the way of humility by casting all our cares on the Lord and trusting in His word and plan for

our lives. “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” 1 Peter 5:7 (KJV)

GOD’S ABILITY - As we realize that all things in our lives come by God's ability working in us and not by our own works we can experience all that

He has for us to do. “And if by grace, then is it no more of works.” Romans 11:6 (KJV)

WE ARE THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD IN CHRIST - As we see that we are God's right-eousness through our accepting Jesus Christ, we

also see that we need to live a life that is filled with his forgiveness that he has brought through the blood of Jesus. We can and will experience His rights, His right-standing... His righteousness, and His blessing be-cause of our trusting and turning to Jesus. Because of this we are also meant to forgive others and walk in His righteousness. Just as He forgives us, we can for-give others.“But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption.” 1 Corinthians 1:30 (KJV)

IT’S THROUGH HIM - We can trust that it’s through Christ, His power, and His ability that we can do 'ALL' things. Jesus has burden removing, yoke destroying power and anointing. We are

blessed by His power working through us and in us and all around us, His super on our natural and in that, we CAN do ALL things. “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Philippians 4:13 (KJV)

JESUS IS LORD - Honor Him and know that be-cause Jesus is Lord we need to receive what He has done for us and not try to be lord over our lives ourselves. The Bible says that every knee

shall bow to Him. Lifting Him up as Lord in our lives is the best way to show the Lord we worship Him, believe Him, and trust Him, honoring Him as Lord of every-thing.“And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Philippi-ans 2:11 (KJV)

Love Holds It TogetherNow, what would be the ingredient that holds our 'humble pie' together? That would be 'the love of God'. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only be-gotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16 (KJV)

We need to remember that God's love moves anything that would try to separate us from Him right out of the way.

“For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things pre-sent, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8: 38-39 (KJV)

He wants us to know, as we 'humble ourselves'

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time.” 1 Peter 5:6 (KJV)

By receiving Him and believing in His promises for our lives, and most importantly receiving them, we will find ourselves lifted up. His anointing has worked through Jesus to remove anything that would try to come be-tween us and Him. God loves His children and we can show His love through living a life of humility before them, showing them God's gracious love and blessing. How do we do that? Not by struggling to try, but by simply 'trusting' in Him, His grace, and doing what He asks us to do.

Receiving Is The KeySo, what does a person have to do to get all this to ‘bake’? The biggest problem people have is being able to 'receive' what has been done for them. Did you know it is pride that would keep you from receiving from God? That's why the devil works his work of pride, so people would live by their own strength and power, reasoning and ideas that they would not be able to experience all that God has for them. To re-ceive is the greatest act of humility we have to offer the Lord. As we do this we honor that He is Lord and we can do all things through Him, experience His right-eousness, and 'receive' His reward of all the seed we have sown in our lives and through our lives. God wants to bless His people and us receiving His bless-ing and promises puts the action into motion to experi-ence all of God. So celebrate that your family has re-ceived, and will continue to receive from God because He has a family blessing for all of us to experience!

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7Be sure to check out

the KICKS Kids Activities (page 20) for

our family fun ‘Humble Pie’ recipe.


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Family Finances

Do you know that there is a season for every seed? That's sometimes where we can go wrong with our seed. So often we are looking for the answer before it has had time to grow. When a farmer plants his crop in the spring he knows within 3-4 months he will have a harvest. So many times people give up on their harvest because they have grown weary in believing that the harvest is coming. It is never a matter of "if" you get your harvest, it is a matter of when. There is a season ap-pointed for every seed to mature and produce the crop it has been planted for. When corn is planted it is harvested when the crop has matured. Even winter wheat is planted, goes through the cold season and is harvested in early spring. Nothing could stop the growth of that seed. Each has a job to do.

The farmer plants the seed. He knows when and where to plant it. The seed is planted in the ground. It is designed with power within it to do what it is supposed to do. The ground is where the seed is planted that gives it nourishment and the ability to grow. The season gives it the time needed to grow. The harvest comes and we are expected, as the farmers, to reap it.

Mark 4:26-28 says, "And he said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground; And should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up, he knoweth not how. For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear."

This is the way it is with our finances and every seed we have planted. We can trust the Lord with our seed, the Bible says that He brings the increase through the power of the Holy Spirit that.Our children are seed. We can't explain how they grow, but each day as we rise with the morning sun, our children are growing. Isaiah 54 tells us that they are taught of the Lord and, that the seed of His teaching grows within them.

The Bible also tells us that the seed is the word of God and that everything we do and say is seed. The Lord says there are seeds of life and death in our tongue. We can speak and know that it will produce life and good, or destroy and tear down. These words we speak will grow up as weeds or the great things we want to experience as a mighty harvest. Along these same principles is the truth that even our money is seed and as we sow, it will produce a harvest.

Everything you purchase for your children is seed in their lives. Parents who are spending money on their children's education and paying for Christian schools will produce a harvest in their

children. Music lessons, football games, toys, books, clothes, television (including the electric you spend to run it), and even movies. What is your money purchasing and sowing into the lives of your children? Where are you planting your financial seed? You not only have to look for great soil to plant in, you have to look for what you are planting as you spend your money on things you are purchasing for your children. God makes it very clear that people can be deceived about the seeds they are planting.

He says in Galatians 6:7, "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."

•First: God makes it clear in His word that it would be deception to think there is no harvest.

•Secondly:God makes it very clear in His word that saying there is no har-vest to planting seed is mocking Him in His design of seedtime and harvest.

•Thirdly:God makes it very clear in His word that man is sowing at all times and will 'reap'.

It is our desire for all of us, and God's wonderful children to 'reap' all the harvest that is good and pure. It is God's design to financially bless His children and our families. We need to re-member that even though the 'vision' may tarry, it is for an ap-pointed time. Every seed you plant is partnered with a vision for a harvest. When the farmer plants his seed, he sees his field growing and he has a vision of the harvest that will come. Ha-bakkuk 2:3 says the vision, "...will not lie, though it tarry, (lin-ger), wait for it, because it will surely come, it will not tarry, (be kept back)..."

The Lord is saying, though the harvest may appear to be wait-ing or lingering, it will not be hindered or kept back. It will come and it will not remain behind. This is the way with planting seed. When a farmer plants it, he doesn't see it, but it will not remain behind him, it will pop up and burst through for his harvest.

As you celebrate this harvest season, remember, your finances may look like they are holding back, but... they will not tarry behind the vision of your planted seed! All that you have sown into God's kingdom, your church, your children, and your fami-lies will produce the harvest God has for you!

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Have you ever heard the saying about eating 'humble pie'? As parents, humble pie can be a meal served regularly in our lives. It seems all the times we look at ourselves in the light of our children can be very humbling. Often times, no matter how uncomfortable that can be, it can very well be the best place for us in the eyes of our children. Teaching your children about 'humility' is a very important principle that will factor into every area of their lives. The Bible tells us to train up our children in God's ways so that they may walk in them. Jesus was an example of humility and we as parents can be as well, as we follow Jesus’ example. The Bible says that Moses was the meekest man and that can also be an example of God's humility for our lives.

First: "What is humility?"

Is humility bowing down and letting others walk all over you? Is this how godly humility is defined? Not at all. Even the dictionary can bring an unclear definition to humility as it defines it as, 'a modest or low view of one's own importance'. God doesn't want us to have a low view of our importance, nor does He want us to teach this to our children as humility defined. He sees our importance so defined that He came and died for us and gave us 'His power' to live through His resurrection. Yet, in His ex-ample He became last that we would be made first. Now that defines an example of humility. (Matt. 19:30, Matt. 20:16, Mark 9:35, Mark 10:31, Luke 13:30)

1. Humility thinks of others and allows them to go first. That would be a great lesson for our kids...

Secondly: "Humility sees your value as you exemplify God's ways to others."

Moses did not think of himself as not important, he realized that no matter how little experience he had, he was chosen by God. As he knew he was chosen by God he could look to God to make his decisions and lead him in all that he was doing in life. He knew that his example to others was a re-

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h o w t o t e a c h o u r c h i l d r e n h u m i l i t y

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KidWise KidTips

flection of God's character and ways. He wanted and needed the God of Israel to show Himself to the people through His life. He also knew that God would stand behind His choice and that He would not let him (Moses) go without equipping, directing, or providing for him. (Numbers 12:3)

2. Humility answers the call, reflects God's power, is an example of God's character, and depends on God's equipping us, directing us, and providing for us. This would be a great lesson for us as parents. We can live this out before our children that they may live the same humility in their lives as they look to our God and His ways.

Thirdly: "There is favor in humility."

King David is an example of humility. He thought of others, he was called by God, and he understood that it was God behind his call that would provide all that was needed to answer it. After David had been made king, Israel was divided and he was going to be king over 'all' of Israel. It was at that time that David made it clear to God that if He had called him to be made king, that it would be God who would have to win the hearts of the people over to him. He knew that he could not serve as king with-out the support of the people. In that, his humility kept him from trying to win the people and de-pended on God to bring him the favor. As we answer the call in our lives as parents, as well as in our jobs, ministries, and other areas, we can depend on God to bring favor in our lives from others. Teaching our children that trusting God for favor in all areas of our lives keeps our focus on His Lord-ship and work and keeps our eyes off of the pride of trying to 'look good' in the eyes of others. God will take us to the front of the class and bring the recognition He has planned for our lives.

3. Humility trusts God for favor and promotion knowing that it is through Him and His word being upheld in our lives that we increase and grow in stature, wisdom, and achievement.

As parents we are called and chosen for our children. In that, we depend on the Lord to provide His grace to parent and lead our chil-dren as we determine to be a humble example of God's character, power, word, and life in their lives. God will cause us to rise in favor with them and others as we trust Him and show the way of humility to our children. We can be an example of these godly principles in their lives. God wants your children to see you walk 'boldly' in His ways, and to teach them God WILL bring favor, promotion, and blessing in our humility to 'trust Him' for all that He has provided for us through Jesus Christ. Teach your children not to turn and be a victim of the world and its pride, but to be a bold example of God's ways and grace as they boldly walk in the ways of God and trust Him for His favor.

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Through 'humility' we see that:

*All our substance and ability is found in Him.

*We can think of others first.

*God is our provision. He will provide for all our needs. We don't have to do things on our own.

*God will supply favor and promotion in our lives as we trust Him to do it.


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Hey parents! With these beautiful days of autumn upon us let's make the most of it by celebrating the

season with our little ones. There are lots of things you can do for fun, even though the weather is cool-

ing down. Here are some of our ideas.

•Take a Stroll!Through the park or neighborhood, autumn is a beautiful time of year to enjoy a walk! Strap them in the stroller or walk hand in hand. Talk to your little ones about all the dif-ferent colors they see and ask them their favorite! This is great exercise AND lots of fun!

•Teach Colors and Sizes!Use the different colors and sizes of the season as a way

to teach them to your toddlers by making a mini book. Collect a few leaves from your yard and press them (make sure you don't leave any leaves in reach of your toddlers). If you live in an area where the leaves don't

change, search old magazines or the internet for pictures of leaves or things that are related to autumn. Things such

as apples, pumpkins, harvest fields, etc. (Try to pick im-ages that are isolated, and predominately one color.) Ad-here the leaves or images to a page -- you can even have your little one help with a glue stick. Look through your completed book with your toddler and say the different col-ors and sizes of the leaves or pictures. As you read it daily, start to ask the size or color of the object. You'll see them learn and say them along with you.

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•Be a Helper!Is your yard full of leaves falling from your trees (or maybe even your neighbors trees)? Even as toddlers, they can still "help" while you're out-side raking or cleaning up the leaves. Look for smaller tools (rakes, wheelbarrows, etc.) at your local hardware or department store. As they watch you work, they'll catch on and love to give it a try with you. When you're finished, pile high the leaves (check for and remove any branches), and have fun jumping in them together. (Yes, parents, you can still have fun 'jumping in the leaves' even though you're grown!)

•Pick a Pumpkin!Your toddler will have a blast going to the pumpkin patch and picking out a pumpkin. (And this is another

great way to teach color and size!) After he’s picked his favorite (with your help, of course), take it home and make something yummy with it -- pumpkin bread, muffins, or everyone’s favorite, pumpkin pie! Let him watch and help as you make it. He’ll be so proud at all he’s helped you accomplish -- picking the pumpkin AND making something yummy with it! (**You can also use an apple orchard and do the

same thing.)

Whatever you do with your toddler this season, have fun spending time together as a family while your little one learns and grows in the process!

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m n F u n


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atonya sat looking out the win-dow. She watched the rain drop to the sandy soil by what seemed a thousand drops at a time on the peanut fields before her. The gen-tle plants were blowing in the wind as the spring rain rushed in. "It's amazing how the peanut is hidden beneath the soil as it grows.", she thought. Her father had planted their crops just a couple months back and the oval shaped plant was just a few summer months away from reaching its maturity. Latonya knew when she walked into those fields by the early autumn that her tiny 10 year old frame would find those plants almost waist high. How pretty the yellow flowers were as the rain droplets fell on the green leaves. "Come soon, there will be a mighty harvest hidden beneath the soil and we’ll find a huge and great harvest of peanuts!" she giggled.

It seemed like only yesterday that her father had told her the story about a man named Mr. George Washington Carver. Such a wise man whom God had blessed so mightily. She wondered what it was like for his family to have lived in such a time in Missouri. His faith, her daddy told her, is what carried him out of where he was to a prosperous place that God had for him. Her father had told her all about the plantation and how Mr. Carver's parents were slaves. She giggled as she thought about how God used a simple 'peanut', so small, to set a man free from such evil to bring a great harvest of blessing in his life. "The Lord set him free! Not only from poverty, but from slav-

ery. And a 'little peanut' was how the Lord did it", she mused.

Latonya's father walked into the room as the sun began to set on the peanut fields. "Latonya, what are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking about the peanut, Daddy. Tell me more about George Washington Carver, please?", she gently asked as she turned to look into the rich color of her father's deep brown eyes.

"Well", Latonya's father said as he scooped her up on his lap, "Mr. Carver was an amazing man of God...", LaTonya's father con-tinued as he picked up his George Washington Carver book from the table beside them. He turned through the pages of pic-tures as he spoke, "He was ten years old, just like you, when he became a Christian and accepted Christ in his life. He was born in Missouri on the Moses Carver plantation and his father died right before he was born. While he was still a baby, slave traders kidnapped him and his mother and later returned him to the Moses Carver plantation. He was known to tell about his story.“

As Latonya's father read the quotes from the book, she looked with interest while she sat perched on his lap. The book read, “My sister, mother and my-self were ku klucked, and sold in Arkansas and there are now so many conflicting reports concern-ing them I dare not say if they are dead or alive. Mr. Carver, the gentleman who owned my

mother, sent a man for us, but only I was brought back, nearly dead with whooping cough with the report that mother and sister were dead, although some say they saw them afterwards going north with the soldiers. At the age of 10 years, I left for Neosho, a little town just 8 miles from our farm, where I could go to school. Mr. and Mrs. Carver were per-fectly willing for us to go where we could be educated the same as white children. I remained here about two years, got an opportu-nity to go to Fort Scott, Kansas with a family. Every year I went to school, supporting myself by cooking and doing all kinds of house work in private families.”

Latonya’s father continued, "God turned his life around and Mr. Carver never lost faith in the Lord as he grew. He knew slavery and prejudice was never God's plan and that God had a plan for his life beyond what he had been through as a child. He proceeded forward, graduating from college and studying botany, which is the science of plants. He went to Tuskegee Institute, which was in Tuskegee, where also he lived."

He explained as they leafed through the pages, “Mr. Caver said, “I am more and more con-vinced, as I search for truth that no ardent student of nature, can `Behold the lillies of the field'; or `Look unto the hills', or study even the microscopic wonders of a stagnant pool of water, and honestly declare himself to be an Infidel. More and more as we come closer and closer in touch with nature and its teachings are

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Latonya's Harvesta KICKS Story


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we able to see the Divine and are therefore fitted to interpret cor-rectly the various languages spo-ken by all forms of nature about us.

"My life time study of nature in it's many phases leads me to believe more strongly than ever in the Biblical account of man's creation as found in Gen. 1:27, `And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created he them.' Of course sciences through all of the ages have been searching for the so-called `miss-ing link' which enables us to in-terpret man from his very begin-ning, up to his present high state of civilization. I am fearful lest our finite researches will be wholly un-able to grasp the infinite details of creat ion, and therefore we lose the great truth of the creation of man.’ ”

"How did he dis-cover the secrets to the peanut?" Latonya asked.

"Well,", her father continued, " He told how, 'God has indeed been good to me and is yet opening up wonders and al-lowing me to peep in as it were. I do love the things God has cre-ated, both animate and inanimate objects. I am absolutely nothing except as God speaks through me.'

"And, Washington Carver knew God created the universe and he also said that the God who cre-ated the universe created the rules by which it is governed. He was opposed to all theories of evolution and strongly believed in the creation of the world as the Bible tells us. He always told that his faith in Jesus was the only

'mechanism by which he could effectively pursue and perform the art of science'. It was always his desire to merge science and religion that people would know and understand that the God of creation was also the God of sci-ence. He went to the Lord, and he asked the Lord to show him the secrets of the universe. And you know what? The Lord an-swered him!"

"What did he say, Daddy?" Lato-nya's bright eyes bounced as she asked. Her father replied, "Mr. Carver said, 'The Lord told me, 'The secrets of the universe are too infinite for that 'peanut brain' of yours, go to the peanut!'.

“He declares that as he wanted to know all the secrets of the uni-verse that the Lord taught him the humility to know and teach others that there are things that man just can't understand next to the greatness of God and His crea-tion. As God brought him to study the peanut, George Washington Carver was a blessed man and was proclaimed to have discov-ered so many facets of the pea-nut. God prospered him and he always remembered to honor God in all that he did with his work and with his money. He re-ceived a great harvest of God's blessings and promises in his life.

“Look at what else he said, it's written right here, Latonya.” Her father read aloud the statements beside the pictures of the great man of faith,

"I attempted to show that there was no conflict between science and religion.; I never have to grope for methods: the method is revealed at the moment I am in-spired to create something new, without God to draw aside the curtain I would be helpless.; If this is not inspiration and information from a source greater than my-self, or greater than any one has wrought up to the present time, kindly tell me what it is. `And ye shall know the truth and the truth

shall make you free.' John 8:32. Science is simply the truth about anything.

" M y b e l o v e d friend, keep your hand in that of the Master, walk daily by His side, so that you may lead others into the realms of true happiness, where a religion of hate, (which poisons both body and soul) will be un-known, having in its place the

`Golden Rule' way, which is the `Jesus Way' of life, will reign supreme. Then, we can walk and talk with Jesus momen-tarily, because we will be attuned to His will and wishes, thus mak-ing the Creation story of the world non-debateable as to its reality. God, my beloved friend is infinite, the highest embodiment of love. We are finite, surrounded and often filled with hate. We can only understand the infinite as we lose the finite and take on the infinite."

Latonya wiggled off her father's lap and jumped with glee as she looked out the window at their soon coming harvest. "Just think,

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Daddy, God gave one simple man the wisdom to know about the peanut so we could all be blessed with a harvest too!"

"That's right, Latonya. When we go after all that God has for us in our lives, when we stand for what is right and pursue truth, trusting in the Lord all the way, He will not only bless us, He will bless others through us, too. We are blessed with a great harvest in peanuts every year because of a man who was humble enough to listen and sow his life, his time, his educa-tion, his money, and his ways to God. Mr. Carver discovered over three hundred uses for the pea-nut and hundreds more for soy-beans, pecans, and even sweet potatoes! We are blessed with lots of things, like adhesives, bleach, buttermilk, chili sauce, ink, instant coffee, mayonnaise, meat tenderizer, metal polish, pa-per, plastic, shaving cream, shoe polish, synthetic rubber, wood stain, and much more.

“Through this man, recipes and many other things came about through the wisdom and the se-crets of the universe that God gave him by his trusting in the Creator of the universe and living for Jesus every day of his life. He is an example for us, Latonya, to look to as a hero of faith. He re-ceived the Roosevelt Medal for Outstanding Contribution to Southern Agriculture. On it was inscribed, 'to a scientist humbly seeking the guidance of God and a liberator to men of the white race as well as the black'. Even the 'Times' newspaper knew Mr. Carver as an anti-evolutionist through his statements that God guided his research and because he called God, "Mr. Creator".

“He is the one that discovered that the peanut is part of the pea family and not a nut at all! Today because of his discoveries we are a part of over 10,000 farms in Georgia growing peanuts. Look, Latonya, here is one of his

prayers printed in the back of this book!"

They both looked together at the worn pages and the prayer found on the back cover. Neither know-ing how they could have missed it so many times before. Latonya and her father read it together, and decided to take from the heri-tage and learn from such a Chris-tian man of honor. As the sun set that day, they both realized how it’s God's plan and design to bring a harvest of great magnitude to every man, woman, and child....

"May God ever bless, keep, guide, and continue to prosper you in your uplifting work for hu-manity, be it great or small, is my daily prayer. And may those whom he has redeemed learn to walk with Him not only daily or hourly, but momently through the things he has created."

"My Prayers seem to be more of an attitude than anything else. I indulge in very little lip service, but ask the Great Creator silently daily, and often many times per day, to permit me to speak to him through the three great Kingdoms of the world, which he has cre-ated, the Animal, Mineral, and Vegetable Kingdoms; their rela-tions to each other, to us, our re-lations to them and the Great God who made all of us. I ask him daily and often momently to give me wisdom, understanding and bodily strength to do His will, hence I am asking and receiving all the time."

Latonya and her father turned as they watched the sun set on the peanut fields that day. Both of them realized it was time to 're-ceive' all that God had for them in His word and all He had for them in 'their' harvest. God is a good God and it is His plan to do His people good all the days of their lives. Latonya looked up into her father's face, "Daddy", she asked, "I will always be your peanut won't I?"

"Yes, Latonya, you are the great-est peanut in my life, you are my greatest harvest of all...", he said.

Through this story about Latonya and her father, may we remember the last words written here from George Washington Carver, “I ask him daily and often momently to give me wisdom, understanding and bod-ily strength to do His will, hence I am asking and receiving all the time." May this spiritual principle of “asking and receiving all the time” which Mr. Carver brought attention to, be a re-minder to the church today. We have not, because we ask not... and we need to be ‘asking and RECEIVING’ everyday. Let's teach this kingdom principle to our children as we walk it out daily!

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George Washington Carver

Family Activity

Spend some time talking about

George Washington Carver and the

many things he accomplished through

applying God’s wisdom and guidance

to his life. Use the internet or library to

look up information on his life and the

many things he discovered and made

known that we use every day.

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What You’ll Need:3 large applesbutterbrown sugarcinnamonhoney

Instructions1. Core and slice apples.2. Melt butter on medium heat.3. Place apples in skillet, sprinkle with brown sugar, cinnamon and honey. Fry each side until brown.4. Remove and enjoy!

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KICKS Family Life - KICKS Kitchen

Fried Apple Rings

For more KICKS Family Life KICKS Kitchen recipes visit

This recipe is delicious and perfect for autumn! Try as a breakfast side, or even for dessert!

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This cheer is full of energy! The motions make for some quick exercise and the confession will build your spirit! Learn this one together as a family and speak it throughout the day together. Try it outside after raking some leaves, and throw some in the air as you shout the final line.

drop and touch the ground as you speak: I CAN DROP AND TOUCH THE GROUND

jump up and turn as you speak:THEN GET UP AND TURN AROUND

cover, then uncover your face as you speak:ONCE WAS LOST BY NOW I’M FOUND

jump and raise your arms as you shout:JESUS HAS FORGIVEN ME!!!





K I C K S - E R - C I S E

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making HUMBLE pieBefore you begin, be sure to read the ‘Eat-

ing Humble Pie’ article (page 8). And check out our KidWise KidTips (page 11).

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Supplies:•A large baking plate or round cookie sheet

•Packaged 'Sugar Cookie Dough' to represent the things we need to walk out in our lives in order to have humility.

•Package Icing to represent the blessing of God in our lives.

•Cake Decorating Icing (in a tube) to write scriptures on finished ‘pie’.

Directions:1. Preheat oven according to the cookie package instructions.

2. Spread the cookie dough evenly over the cookie sheet. Talk about some of the words associated with humility. Words such as

honor, submission, respect, love, meekness, obedience, etc. Pretend that you’re ‘stirring’ these as ingredients into your Humble Pie as you talk about how you

can walk in these things in your lives.

We hope KidWise is helping you have some family fun! For more

family activities, visit our

KICKS Kid Activities

3. Bake it according to the cookie package instructions. Explain to your kids that you’re baking this Humble Pie with the power of the fire of the Holy Spirit in your lives and by receiving what He has done for you.

4. Remove from oven, allow to cool, and ice it with packaged icing. Discuss with your kids the blessing of God in your lives. Pretend that the icing is the blessing on top of all of the things associated with humility that you ‘stirred’ into your Humble Pie. The things that you walk in in order to receive the blessing in your lives.

5. Decorate your Humble Pie by writing scriptures related to humility on it. (Check the ‘Eating Humble Pie’ article on page 8 for scriptures.)

6. Set up your ‘party’ with your Humble Pie and some decorations using the scriptures you’ve gone over (from this KidWise issue, and others you may have). Turn your ‘party’ into a chance to talk more about walking in humility to-gether. Use this time together to make confession cards based on the things you have learned as a family about walking in humility, and areas that you personally know you need to work on.

Have fun together learning and enjoying God ’s ways and blessing for you!

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I recently heard a great story about remaining humble during the harvest of seed sown. The story is worthy of repeating, I believe it can help us under-stand why sometimes those around us struggle withbasic principles of faith. The story was of a young man who was in need of good transporta-tion. He knew and understood the Word of God and the princi-ples of faith concerning Mark 11:23-24. When the manifesta-tion of a really nice car came, he

was asked by a fellow Christian how he got it. Without giving any

thought he quickly replied " I believed it in!". The response from the young believer was delayed and pon-derous, he said "Great". The happy car owner went on his way. Later the Lord started dealing with the happy car owner about his response to the young Christian. Here is a rough outline of the conversion be-tween him and the Lord.

The Lord’s Question: How did you believe it in?Response: I used my faith.Question: Where did you get your faith?Response: Your Word says you gave me a measure of faith.Question: Where did you get the money to buy the car?Response: You provided it Lord.

At that point the young man realized where this was going and quickly repented and from that time on when asked how he got something he quickly said that it was the Lord. Sometimes believers think every-body is on the same page when it comes to spiritual revelation. They answer questions as though it will be completely understood. The fact is many of us have somewhat differing understandings of basic spiritual truths. Not necessarily wrong but perhaps immature or incomplete. Take time to answer questions con-cerning God's blessing in your life in a way that teaches others so they won't feel like the same ‘good God stuff’ is just not for them.

Stay humble in the harvest. Remember God is the author and finisher of our faith. It's all about HIM, not us.

Blessings,Pastor Rick

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humility in the harvest

- Taken from one of Pastor Rick’s blog entries.To view more of Pastor Rick’s blogs,visit

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KICKS Family Life - KICKS Kitchen + KICKS Craft

Tailored Trail Mix + Jars

Trail mix is one of my favorite snack foods of all! It's perfect for the fall season with hiking trips, outdoor fun, and enjoying the beautiful colors of the season. The most fun is picking your favorite goodies for your 'tailored' trail mix. Below are our ideas, but be sure to keep in mind the appropri-ate snacks for the ages of your kids. Be creative and have fun making this just the way YOU love.

We used:•granola (We made our own using oats, wheat germ, sunflower seeds,

sesame seeds, brown sugar, cinnamon and honey. Look for a recipe online if you'd like to try making your own, or you can purchase granola from the grocery.)

•peanuts•pumpkin seeds•Golden Grahams Cereal•Honey Smacks Cereal•Reeses Pieces•chocolate and peanut butter swirl morsels •coconut•dried cranberries•dried dates

Other suggestions:•dried bananas, raisins or other dried fruit•almonds, cashews, other nuts•chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, cinnamon

chips•Honey Nut Cheerios, Grape Nuts, or other cereal•small pretzels•broken up peanut butter or oatmeal cookies•candy corn

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Check out the KICKS Club website for more fun recipes and crafts as well as craft video segments.

Visit and go to ‘Fun Stuff ’ or ‘Video On Demand’.

Decorate your jars!

We used a Ball jar, some ribbon (May Arts),

a tag, and some fabric (cut with pinking

shears) to decorate our jars. Have fun with

the family, making each jar (filled with their

‘tailored trail mix’, of course) custom to

each family member. Be sure to either label

or tag each jar with each family member’s

name. Be creative and have fun!

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Movies On Review -A Christian PerspectiveMister Blandings Builds His Dream HouseRECOMMENDED"a fun adventure for the whole family"

"Mr Blandings Builds His Dream House" is a fun classic and would be a fun black and white movie for family viewing. The 1948 movie writ-ten by Norman Panama is one of the classics from the past. Panama also is the writer of 'White Christmas' and many others. The movie stars Cary Grant and Myrna Loy and is one of Grant's best acted films. This fun film finds Grant moving from NYC with Loy and his two daughters, Joan and Betsy, played by Sharyn Moffett and Connie Marshall. The Blandings de-cide to move from their overstuffed apartment and head to Connecticut to commute to the city. They find an affordable house that needs much work and eventually needs to be torn down and rebuilt. The fun-for-all adventures lead you through this family's comical ways of dealing with the issues and is a fun family classic you can enjoy with your children.

Although not perfect in content from the Chris-tian perspective, it’s clean and fun with a few objectionable innuendoes that can be dis-cussed. Such as, Jim Blandings begins to get jealous of his wife and best friend Bill, played by Melvyn Douglas, that eventually leads him by the end of the film, to imagine that they could be having an affair. This is never fully played on or brought out to the forefront of the plot and re-mains in the background of the film. Her inno-cence does shine through and Jim Blandings comes across more like a bumbling character.

Loy was often cast in parts to play strong women, and women who could stand individu-ally in the forefront of society while remaining 'a woman'. She always portrayed these strong characters with femininity, yet making a state-ment about the equality of women. Myrna Loy was so outspoken in the 40's against Adolph Hitler during the war she appeared on his black-list. She was the first actress to work for the UN (UNESCO) and was a devout Democrat and feminist of her time. She starred in the original "Cheaper by the Dozen". In the 1930's, Loy challenged MGM bosses about racial issues and is known to have asked them, "Why does every black person in the movies have to play a servant? How about a black person walking up the steps of a court house carrying a brief-case?"

Knowing we can never find a perfect film, "Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House" is a fun ad-venture for the whole family. The only problem for your kids may be its black and white viewing. It's too bad black and white is not so clear today in Hol-lywood's content when it comes to good morals and character.

Genres: Drama, ComedyRunning Time: 1 hr. 34 min.Release Date: June 4, 1948

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For more movie reviews and information about Movies On Review, visit

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L e s s o n L e a r n e dwi th E lmer

Last Sunday in Sunday School my friend Freddy was upset be-cause he forgot his offering money. I told him that he needed

to hope he would get some money by the time the offering plate was passed around. I looked over at him and he

was sitting there with his Bible open, praying. I said, “Freddy, what are you doing? You need to find some money. You should be looking under the pew or in the hymnal rack or your pockets for some dough-rolly.” It was just as I said that Daisy, a girl from the class next door, came in and walked up to

Freddy and said that as she was praying before class the Lord spoke to her and said that Freddy needed

money and she was to go give him some. I quickly realized that the Lord met his need because he believed he received according to last weeks lesson on Mark 11:23-24. I guess my idea of looking on the floor was not what Freddy needed. He needed to work his faith like we learned last week. As for me, the lesson has been learned.

See ya later, Alligator!- Elmer

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Hey kids! Check out my blog! There’s all kinds of cool stuff from me up there!

For more tipsfrom Elmer on

how to be awise kid, visit

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member Spot!KICKS Kids

Send us your letters, photos and drawings!

We would love to hear from YOU!

You can email your goodies to [email protected]

subject: Fun Spot

Or you can mail your stuff toKidWise Magazine85 N. Columbus St.Sunbury OH, 43074

Crystal, age 10

Mackenzie, age 7

Jordan, age 10

Miriam, age 5

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We would like to say a special thank you to our sponsors!

Aprons (pgs. 18 & 20) provided by Apronique -

Ribbon for KICKS Craft (pg. 22) provided by May Arts -

For a full list of KICKS sponsors or more information on howyou can help, visit

KidWise 27

Magazine Credits:

Editors in Chief:Rick & Kim Robinson

Creative Director:Tony Robinson

Art Director:Candice Robinson

Cover photo:Tony Robinson

KICKS Craft &KICKS Kitchen:Kim RobinsonCandice RobinsonPhotos: Tony Robinson

All articles written by Kim Robinson Rick Robinson

Copy Editors:Kathy TaylorTrudi Merryman

KidWise Magazine is published by KICKS Ministries/Victory Harvest Church, Inc., a nonprofit organization, copyright 2007. All right reserved.

Make sure you check out the KICKS Club website. It’s full of fun stuff for you, your kids, and the entire family. Music videos, crafts, recipes, downloadable songs and coloring pages... the list goes on and on. Visit the website today,

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contact us:

KidWise Magazine85 N. Columbus St.Sunbury, OH 43074
