
Kids Written and Illustrated by Kaye, Hye Yeon, Harriet, Yumiko and Amy


Children's Story

Transcript of Kids

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KidsWritten and Illustrated


Kaye, Hye Yeon, Harriet, Yumiko and Amy

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Kids “What are you too boys blabbering on about?” Miss Pots exclaimed. Charlie and Tom were both extremely fond of her art class, but surprisingly also “the chit chatting”. Tom and Charlie were two passionate kids who were addicted to art projects. They would grab every single opportunity they could get. Luckily, Miss Pots was just introducing a new upcoming sculpting challenge. It was to be done as a pair. The boys jumped off their seats screaming with glee! “I can’t believe there is finally a pair project! I’m so happy I could cry!” Tom shouted out. “I know right! It’s been like forever!” Charlie replied even louder. “Oi, you two! This is not a shouting competition, thank you very much.” Miss pots yelled. The two boys apologized whilst trying their best not to laugh.

Once the class had ended. Lunch break began. But so did the discussing. Charlie spit his ideas out left and right. Back and forth. Two and fro. Charlie was always the type of person who would talk for ages and not even give anyone time for their own opinions. On the other hand, Tom was a shy, caring, quiet, compassionate young boy, who never wanted any trouble. But sometimes his own personality frustrates himself. For example, his mind is full of exotic amazing creations but he is too shy to open his mouth to state something. It has ruined many great opportunities. �“When will it be my turn…” �Illustration By Amy

Illustration by Kaye

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Tom mumbled quietly to himself. He had finally built up the courage to speak up. Unfortunately, the minute he opened up his mouth, he was interrupted by the school bell. “I guess I should head up to my next class. I really enjoyed our talk. Lets meet up later” Charlie said as he swung his bag onto his shoulder. Tom walked into the classroom with his head down, eyes welling, and a smile upside down. He was awfully upset by the fact that he didn’t get to share any of his ideas with Charlie. Tom’s class tutor noticed a cheerless face on Tom and asked him about the reason behind Tom’s sorrow. Tom told her exactly what had happened. She instructed Tom to speak to Charlie about all the ideas in Tom’s mind. After the school ended, Tom rushed to find Charlie to share the thoughts in his head. Charlie paid almost no attention to Tom. Plus, he decided to interrupt Tom’s speech rudely by saying “Yeah! Yeah! That’s great! But no.” Tom wasted another ten minutes listening to Charlie gibbering on nonstop. He then went home feeling down in the dumps. Not saying a word to anyone (including his mum), just walking straight upstairs to be alone. Tom decided not to leave his room until the following morning. He even asked for food to be delivered to his room. Tom slept as earlier as possible hoping to wake up to a better day tomorrow.

“Um..Hi Tom! So, you know, the art project? I thought you might want to hand it over to me this weekend. No offence, but our groups’ sculpture looks like a complete mess compared to the other groups’. We’ve not done much you see?” asked Charlie. “Of course, you don’t mind, right?” Charlie added. He seemed to be get annoyed by the minute, as Tom merely shrugged his shoulders and muttered a brief “Fine by me, do it your way.” Charlie didn’t know what had gotten into Tom this week. Tom was usually nice and friendly towards Charlie, but he was suddenly acting up this week. Charlie hated this, as it really got on his nerves whenever Tom was acting all mean to him. He started to become like this since they started talking about the art project. Charlie decided to go and talk to him, when, unfortunately, the bell rang for class. Charlie slumped back into his seat and glanced at his timetable, which read ‘After break: Maths ‘. ‘Just great,’ he thought. ‘Nothing’s going well today. ‘

Tom was in his seat waiting for class to begin. He was so frustrated at Charlie. He kept trying to do the project by himself. After all, it was a group project, and Tom wanted to contribute too. True, he had been a little cold towards Charlie, but he deserved it. He didn’t know Charlie would turn out to be such a jerk. He sighed, as he angrily slammed his pencil case and maths his desk. �

Next period was maths, his most hated subject. Ms. Diane walked into the classroom as the third bell for class rang. She tapped her desk lightly to calm her pupils down. She grabbed a whiteboard marker and started writing down sums on the whiteboard. Tom tried to concentrate on his sums, but it was pointless. He wanted to kick that skinny freak sitting in front of his face. He couldn’t concentrate because all he had in mind was the way Charlie was acting selfish. The normally illegible equations on the board now looked like ancient Egyptian letters. Not that he cared.

“I am so angry” muttered Tom under his breath, “Why does Charlie always want to do it his way”. Suddenly the room went completely quiet, angrily, Charlie screamed at the top of his voice, ranting on and on about how Tom never listened to him or his ideas on how to construct this art sculpture for this crazy art competition. “You always want to take charge of everything, you think you have the best ideas, you never want to listen to anyone else's opinions” he whined on. Tom just stood motionless not daring to open his timid little mouth, he was thinking back to how he was bullied in his last school, how all the children picked on him for being different with his chubby face and brown curly hair, he never fitted there and he

Illustration By Harriet

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is never going to fit in here he thought to himself. How dare he think he is better than me, he doesn't even like art. His only interests are skateboarding and sports, but I suppose he would be good at those being so tall and slim. Tom, looking down at his feet in an embarrassed way, finally mumbled “I never wanted to take charge of this project, the teacher forced us to work together as a team, but that will probably never happen now, but nevertheless we have to finish this sculpture by next week, so I am prepared to shake hands and put our differences aside for the sake of our team”. Charlie took his hand out of his khaki pants and offered it to Tom to shake. Tom who had been secretly planning in his mind a way to get back at Charlie, instead of shaking Charlie's outstretched hand, he gestured as if to shake it but pulled his hand back at the same time pulling a weird face and poking out his tongue with his hands to his ears. Everyone laughed.

Tom dashed from the torture chamber, math class –obviously, to the art room where Charlie was, and placed his right ear on the wooden door to secretly check how Charlie was doing. A voice came through the door, grumbling about how much his bruised palm ached so much. Tom felt weird so he decided to leave but he stopped when a tall figure with a furious face was standing in front of him. “What are you doing here?” Charlie questioned Tom with an icy glare. Shocked. Tom’s heart stopped for few seconds, he was as shocked as a fly stuck in the cruel black spider’s web. Tom wanted to reply but his words got stuck in his throat and his body was trembling and he wanted to escape reality so badly. However, it was impossible fears were pulling him down the ground. His blue eyes got watery; it was like a gentle waterfall created from the rain of fears. His whole world spun around and his vision got blurry. Silence filled up the room. Charlie then repeated his question with a stare of Medusa. Tom tried to think of a solution but all he had in his head was a picture of him and Charlie playing together happily. Right, he thought. Charlie was indeed selfish. Charlie was spoiled. Charlie was snobbish. He was Tom only friend. Hope began to grow in Tom’s heart, destroying the fears. Tom collected every piece of courage he had and finally opened his mouth. “Uh... I …,” he’s voice trailed off. Chest up, be a man, be brave! Tom believed in himself and shouted with all his might. “Charlie, look, we have to finish this together before the deadline. We have to do this… together!” Bang! Tom’s words were bullets that went through Charlie’s heart. Charlie got confused with the unknown feelings he had. He then let out a long sigh and made a decision.

“Finish off the upper part without talking to me,” Charlie ordered. Tom stared at Charlie for a long time not believing what he heard wasn’t a dream. Through the windows, the sun was peeping into the art room promising that everything would be fixed soon. Even though they didn’t talk, but at least Tom could help his friend and finish the project together. Tom tried to hide his smile but failed as he ended up laughing with his tummy bouncing up and down like a gigantic ball. This made Charlie chuckled. Eventually after a few hours of sculpting, the two stood proudly in front of the finished sculpture. Tom turned to Charlie and gave him a friendly smile. Charlie blushed, his red face was like a freshly picked tomato, and he left the room shyly. Outside the room, Charlie could smell the fresh grass and he could smell ‘summer’. The colorful crickets were chirping a cheep chirpy melody as if they were in chamber choir.

Illustration By Yumiko

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Charlie finally decided to talk to Tom and apologize. Charlie’s personality is normally impatient and he also hates awkwardness, which is why he finally had his resolve, which is to talk to Charlie. Even though he seems selfish, he actually doesn’t want anybody to hate him and he wants to be friends with Tom. Tom, who is the shy one, wants to be friends but just had no courage to act. Charlie walked trying to find Tom in every corner, finally… Tom was standing, looking at the statue they built. Proud. Charlie walked in and called. “Tom!” Tom looked stunned and faced Charlie. “Let’s be friends!” Tom was slightly confused since Charlie said that so bluntly. “Actually, I’m sorry for being so selfish…” Charlie paused for a moment. “I hate awkwardness so let’s be friends now okay?” He said with a blush. Tom really didn’t say anything but nodded. Finally Tom and Charlie made up. Thanks to Charlie who actually patiently settled thing with Tom. Now they’re the best of friends. “Now!! Everybody!! Let’s hear the winners of the art project!!” An announcement went, reporting everybody. Tom and Charlie looked up, surprised. They both forgot that it was the day of the announcement. “I will announce the top 3! Third place… made by… Millay Syrup and Justin Beaver! The Fish statue! Congratulations!” Tom and Charlie looked at the person announcing without even blinking. “Second place!! Made by… David L. and Philadephia!! The Dragon statue! Congratz’ again!” Now the pressure is on. “FIRST PLACE!! Made by… Charlie and Tom!!! The friendship statue!! Congratulations and a round of applause please! For our winners!!” They both was stunned for a second. No need for words, they hugged each other and did fist bump, for now, their best friends, and nothing matters more.

Tom went to his favorite place in school and sat down next to a tree. The air was warm and fuzzy. He sat down and started reading a new book called ‘What is Love?’ Before he open the book he thought… What is love? Then he thought of the thing he loved, his family, relatives, and other things. He thought hard. Wondering endlessly throughout his mind. ‘Is love the feeling of compassion?’ He thought. Before he could think of anything else, there was a voice coming closer to him, calling his name… It was Charlie’s voice. “Tom, Tom!” Charlie cried, “What is it, Charlie?” Tom yelled back. “You want to play soccer? The team is ready if you’re in.” reported Charlie. “You better come quickly” “I’ll be there!” Tom replied. Charlie turned away and about to run to the soccer field… then suddenly Tom yelled out “Charlie wait!” “Charlie immediately turned back and faced Tom and replied “What?!” “Can you come here a minute, there something I wanted to ask you.” Charlie who was wondering about the question ran back to Tom. “What is it Tom? Tell me, tell me!” “Well, do you know what love is?” Tom finally asked. “That’s a boring question. Well, let’s see…” Charlie thought for a minute… Then he replied “The way I love zombie movies? I’m actually not quite sure either.” Tom thought about the answer… “So you loved zombie movies? I can lend you some if you want, I don’t really watch them anymore. Then they talked about zombie movies and how to get the limited ones. “This conversation is getting boring since I’ve already have all the limited ones.” Said Charlie. “Agreed” Agreed Tom. “Another thing I’ve been thinking about is friendship, and compassion.” “What do you think they are?” Asked Tom again. “Well, one thing I know when we had a fight, is you have to be cooperative , for others to be cooperative for you. -The End-

Illustration By Hye Yeon Illustration By Amy