Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY...

f THE KENTUCKY GAZETT TL Extraordinary. Tlmrfday, August 15, i799. - - -- jrp Xj3A aAojd uv se sdau tpnj sci utiy 1 ieu,; 3; uodti Xtai Xeui 'aDilou sun J saAjajuiairj ieae ou cp oijav sjoqx" 'sunj 3T;qi Juie2e JusmXtd asut pin; pjEAvjoj omoD 0 payanba.! am pa;qapu; sjoui TIV r!lIl3PEI!lld PUE aJouiupsH i0 va XT sim 3A"I UctW I iaquisjdas J VJH 3H iflOH V '30LL0NL i. The Transylvania University now eftabliflied on such a footing, that education IS may be had at it, on as extensive a plan and as moderate terms, as at any institution of the kind, in tfje union. The -- Greek and Latin languages will be taught there, together with Mathematics, Geography, the Belles Lettres, and every other. branch of learning, that makes part of the useful course of academic education. A gentleman well qualified for that purpofc, will teach the French language. T"ioe who wifli to study Law and Politics,may' do it to advantage, under a profeflbr appointed for that purpose. An extensive law library is provided so- - the u(e qf the students. And such as intend to study Medicine, may be inftiu&ed in' Anatomy, Chemistry, Surgcrv, J.liil-wifer- y, andj the Theory and Practice of l'livfic; ;there being two profeifors appointed, to lefturc on thole different branches. Board mw be had at the University at the mode- rate fam of fftcen pounds per year. For this sum, Tludents will be dieted, and their cloaths wasted and mended--the- furmfliing their own bedding, cancMesand fi ewood,in their own apartment-- . One of the teachefswill reside in the houle ; consequent-I- v ,i- - cer attrition will be paid to their morals-Goo- d oaidW may likewise be had in the neighbor- hood of the University, and on moderate terms. The terns of tuition are sour pounds a year, to be paid quartern, in advance, for those who arc taught the Language , Geography, &c. ' Twenty dollars & eir foi i (in. lent-- , at law, with an addition of fi til. liars f ' "? i' those who make use of the law librarv. ro be pair! half Vearly in advance and t ren'y do1! r a vear for ihofe who attendee pro- feifors of mpduine. No (Indent will be received or continued, unless he conform to thc(b regula- tions. fGThe ri't" f rm will commence on the 29th day of the prefspt rmnth. rOHN BRADFORD, Chm. T. U. Lexington, Ke ntucky, Ap il 23th, 17S9- - f NOTICE. THE fabferiber cainelily requeflj all indebted to him by bond, note O' bonk ar count, to come forward arftl pay tl-e- oil". Such as have accounts (landing ooen audi cannot pay them at present, v. please to call and close them by gi ving tneif. notes. Alex. Parker. Lexington April 16, 1799. I AKEN uplby tlie fubferiber, in Clarke county, near Bnonlborougb, a gray liorfe, about j8 or 20 years old, about 13 hands high, his near ee out, branded on the near moulder and buttock thus E; appfaiftd to 1! 5s. NICHOLAS GEORGE. June I 5, 1 799- - t JUST PUBLISHED, ; And for sale at this office, and the office of the Guardian.of Freedom, Frankfort, Price 39. ' AN ACCOUNT - OF THE REMARKABLE OCCURRENCES IN THE LITE AND TRAVELS OF Col JAMES SMITH Of Bourbon Cwritj, During his captivity with the Indians, from the year 1755, to 1759, inclusive. flf Those persons who have fubferip-tio- n papers in their hands, are requested to return them to this office. Subscribers to the above work are informed that their copies are ready for delivery. Ten Dollars Reward. RUN away from the fubferiber in Lexington on lad, William Hughes, an apprentice to the silver smith's business, he is about eighteen years of age, rather (lender, fair complexion, black hair, ver full black eyes, and has holes in his ears for the reception of rings or bobs. He took with him a jeans (hort coat and breeches, of an olive green co- lor, a round about linen jacket of a dark color, a pair of black bjck (kin breeches, and a new fur liat. He was seen on the road that leads to Cin- cinnati, riding a very fmalldark bay liorfe, and fix- ed with raddlebags, &rc. as tho' he intended a long journey, and is supposed to be making for Detroit. Wnoever takes up,fiid apprentice, and delivers him to ma in Lexington, or will confine him in any jail, and give such inforlnation that I get him again, (hall be entitled to the above reward. All persons are hereby forewarned from affiiUngor harbouring said apprentice a n.rlt Aujuft 1 ft, I79j. Samuel Ayres, HOUSES &LOTS FOR, SALE, Q in mount.sterunc. ON one of which lots, is a TAN YARD, through which runs a conltant stream of water; together, with a good dock of Hides and 13nrk. They will be sold low tlerahle crpflir SniH Wc will Ui Tnld sin. of or tosrether. For terms annlv the Lexincton. Tannarv tft, noo fubferiber oil premises. N' B. Travellers can always be fEIElt niUUTWAN. umum, ujcon nams, vemlon do. dried Febnrryi3, 1799. , 0 be tongues, cheese, fcc. g.-- TUP WRtffPfRFP? TTAVE jufl . received,,nd nonopened for fa.e " &Z? -- "' -- . """TARV LANDS IN THE STATE t ij n r ts c : ''a Z u i " u u i o ; - Among which are the following, Viz : ItOLLIN's ancient his-- tory, JAuffel's modern Eu- rope, 1'iutarch's Lives, Staunton's embail'y, Elegant extracts in v crfe, Do. do. epjftles, Godwin's Political Ju- - (ticc, Enquiier, Guthrie's orations'of Ciceio, TravelsofAnacharfes, llelvetius on man, Loclte, on the human underllanding, Genlis, on education, Johnson's lives of poets Zimmerman, on foli- - tude, Stewart's philofopby, Morse's geogrjphy, Sheridan's dictionary,' Entick's do. American revqlution, Jcfferfon's Virginia, Keate's Pelew Spectator, Guardian, Melmoth's eflays, Cook's voyages, woiks. Evelina. Z-- 0 Jeftbdois, " llobinfon Crufoe, Lexicon, Lcuefden's Greek Tef- - tamenti, Young's Diftionafy, Luaau's dialogues, Cicero Delphini, , ' Ovid Delphini, f Kudiman's Tudiments, Homer's Tli.iH. . , Hutchinion's phon. Xeno- - Nepos Delphini. Livius, Clarke's Cor- - den andErafeus, Selecla e Profanis, Whitefield's works, ferrnons, Watt's glory ofChrift, of Watts and Dod- - ridge, Baxter's Saints' rest, GISd tidings, Flavel'i hufoandry fpi- - ritualireH. tr 1 Navigation do. Lowth on Isaiah-- , Qloud of.witnefles. Grace aoounding", -- Pilgrim's progress, JJoly war, Davis's ferrnons, Walker's do. Night thoughts, Edwards on redempti- on, on afTections, " Campbell on miracles, . Do , doffmall. Rochefler's life." Life of Gardner, ; Fisher's catechism, Blair's lectures abridg- ed, ferrnons, Bolton's fourfold (late, Willifon on the fabbath on til's sacra- - inent, Dodridge's rise and progress, Watts's lyric poems, Newton ontheprophe- - k is . , Kowe's letters, Hervey's the'uorth the meditations, Beauties ofHervey, Newton's letters to his wise, Common ppyer books Mflton's paradise lost, and regained, Watt's pfalnis & hymns - psalms, - hymns, Olney do. School bibles, Testaments, Webster's and spelling books, American feleftion, Joseph Andrews, Italian, Butler's anology, Ferguson's astronomy, (JDeath of Cain U Abel, jDutch almanacs, Chap books, primeis, Zic. Ledgers and journals, Blank books of several kinds, ' quills ind wafers, Together with a num. ber of other useful books. nr,An7ceJntend, a!rrtmen' "Mr to nnpiove their minds by reading, lAay expeftto purchase on lower terms for cafti, than has ever been r tfa ra t (aIh 1. 1. ... wji.tiu i,iic in 11115 piacc uciorej r--rt TltOTTER 6- - SCOTT ' ? KENTUCKY lAWS. JUST PUBLISHED, Ad for file the Office of the Kentucky Gazette : Price 2 is. ' AN EDITION OF THE Laws of Kentucky Comprehending those of a Genera Nature, in force, and which have beeri afted on tho Legislature thereof. I luuiiniti Willi COPIOUS IN&EX, And a List: of Local, or Private Lavs. TO WHICH IS PREFIXES, Tie Constitution of the United States, With the Amendments The of Benjamin Casey; older to the depositions witneftes and to perpetuate testimony said ihi afts -- as (ball be deemed neceflary and agreeable to law. 4 Kadcliif. C John Reed. July 20, i7oo. A TAVERN. '& ' I HEfubrcribtr beo-- leavp tn. -j. J. and the public in general, that be has opened T 'A V E 11 N at the sign of the Sheaf of Wheat, just back the court-hous- He is furniihed with every necefiary which tend to accommodate those who may call upon him. 3l" Thomas cle to the furniihed with gt is. FOR SALE, b 6i""" 9 OF TENNESSEE Idands, Jennyn's Life Best at OO Acres. ConinrhpnHir. .1. A. . . - acres each, adjoining thefouthern boundaries of an -- .. . tw loIlul,VjiarKlvlllej ot tne eastern bunk of the river Cumberland, with a sine fprin- - of water in each of the said trafts. . 46 town lots, and out lots, being part of $6 town lots and out lots in the aforefiid addition to the town ot Clarksville. 53 separated out lots of two acres each, beine 5a" "U5 on the east side of the afore--sai- d addition to the town of Clarksville, leferved for the accommodation of the the town lots, during the term of from November lalt. . In theIllinois grant, N. W. Terrxtort. 00 acres, being part of a 500 acie survey No. 1 2b, granted to John Moore, as ferjeant of artillery in the Illinois regiment, by a deed of the trustees of said grant. Lands lying near the village Kaskaskias. In the Illinois diftrift, now of county St. Clair N W. Territory, granted by court or commandant lor the date of Virginia, in 1783. 1440 acres, viz. 960 in 8grants of 120 acres 480 in a grants ofa4o acres ;joined together on the east side of the river KafcafUas, opposite the village ol the same name. 464 acres bound:d on the front the said river Kalkalkias. 3880 ditto, comprehending 10 grants in the vear 1784, lying together on the west side of the river .........-- ., -- Uv,t ana near tne vUlageof the same name. fcrmon's, fr 36 d'tto, bounded on by aforesaid letters. 10 erants. now by by Alfoone lot in the town of Kafkafeias, pleasantly near the bank of the river. For furtherinformation apply to p- - P. HOEERT. - Who hasforfale 4Solbs. of very good Gunpowder A TAN-YAR- D: HE fubferibers have openen a Tan-Yar- d, in the town ns irro,-;ii- o which they are determined to carry on in the best manner poflible. Cnlli, or .Saddleiy, Svill be given for all kinds of Hides. They will also take hides to be tanned on the hares. Those who will be so good as to savor them with their custom, may depend on being satisfied. Z3" S Wm. Versailles, an. 16, 1799. tf Z AOfOUNG SINGLE MAN is well acquainted .( with managing a o aftock ofherfes and catt.'e, farm, and S'" care number of hands, will meet with employ. A !l None need can't come recommended. kreCP'inS, " e,MraI f .March 26th, 1 799- - by us, gentlemen and Ijdies who wilh " U4 ; Alexander Parker HAS just received of from Philadelphia, 3 general ? DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARD WARE, the 2-- UNEENS & CHINA WARE, Vhich he will sell on terms for CASH. Lexington, June 12th, 1799. Twenty Dollars Reward. Tt AN AWAY fiom the fubferibers, on the night the 4th of Inlv. 1700.0 w-- w. ui Voir Nil e .. O ; . . . ' rv ,ncnesnien by thename rnuTt L, perhaps he try to pass by the name of PHILL BURLEY, yellowift. complexion, thick lips, spreads hu mouth when he .laughs, has a bad sear on his lest little singer, occasioned by a reap, hook ; took with him a mixed caffimer coat, with afplitontheleftflioulder.narrotf'backs. with th " pockets inside, a pair of mixt overalls of country Tie Aft of Separation from Vtrgtnta, white cloth, (hirt, and marfcfflei vest. Also a mu ano ' A la"0 rain nearly the same rather smaller. and Constitution Kentucky. Is' outlotslying pJrchafersof ftlerchan-diz- e, WILKINS, WHO (J nearly the same height hatha p;ace out of the lest fideofhis nose, oncofhis sore teeth out, took with 111 m rll.'.Ff . L! s vn ...... u.vw. iuiim iM.itijuwu 'imiiiimc iviAjurl-- , once , SUBSCRIBERS to the above Work will be Va"ci by the name of JAMES, sometimes by the supplied with their copies by applying at this Office name of PETER ROBINSON : is tightly examin. edwiU reply, why do you think so ? Or, what makes NOTICE, you think so ! Is the above negroes are taken and JH AT the commiffiouw appointeiby ffifiaSSX'S mlet daT'ofASextTat S LtnXt" fU" "" provement about three quarters of a mile above T..C TITmi- - r HnrnUni-V- . .nill o.U, r...:.l I LI Wl 13111 SllM-O- .....u - ....... maul, luj udviu wiuiams ior -- . vubkuiu in take of sundry improvement, do filch-oth- er Benjamin may Tiebatts. situated REID. moderate John Suttpnjun. WILSON's GRAMMAR, Price 2,s 6d, res. sale ax this. orn$fit S 3 r s S a ;n9 " ?: o " 3 P 3 CU O sit rr l.3 Cq 2 11 o g a-- 3 S " P O " o-- 2"" it zr q n jjiT!!2 E.S.S Its -- .5 s'3 33 "S q o i5 r- -: . n S sc a JTP o u r- -i cr - S.w STe " - b. 3 3 ra X. 15 o" 2. 2 n o O. 3 fD a 3 2 5 A p . P2 -S S'sr ej ft 3M d b S&S 2.c 1 0-- 3 r s iBa - r.T n 3 as apply who well may age, Si .n0. q.3-- p-- -- rig 2, 2,3 3 5"3. J. iS V 3. 2. E f. - . -- ,l. - S 1 g -- t" . : 3 " s- - e " m r . p. n O 5 a : ;oo C3 S, S n" sr 5" s" 5. 3 1 r" .W S. s? - a ' Sjl c re ?iO ' tW " 2 of s S 3J I O. s a a oq iis S a-- i a. S, s s 3 r: 2 13 E. & H S a M - -- C 5 a a 2 sc m 3 2 a. 3 S. w ? ,:. S s 5 t? k it 3 3 3 3 O w J o a 3 o. 2 - 3 7 "7 7 t1- - 5" a dOP t. 7 " o o o 1 o O) f 3 H? 3n3 - V . 3- - c O -- n" T f - k 3 2 srS 3i -- . z Q. r " ,. , m 1 I a " o 3 o. - 5' i3 ET! " ft u c.2 " " o O' "! a - i? O 3 a n rt ft " " ft 3o 3 p CJ w n n. n - n H 3 o 1 S3 EL" P-- .T o n 3 fD n a T"-- H C r? 2 3. C" W s D" 5 5 t- - 3 3 "' i; 3 rf a. rS O 2 tr o fD S 0 o co 5-- IT I 5 1 o3 X2 Z27 M.?i. P3-W'f a.B-3-- i Ss:d3 "i:- - ;r - m Z 4 o. . n O 6J C-- c u 5 u 5 10 fh n ?T 3 3,2- Silo?!" 2 op C.'no"- - Sbi.i.2.5 e 2 3 5 o m '? rHSs4 o S10' E o 0. H 3 P. 3 o ii tVi. rr a a 1 Ki 3 "03 " 3 3 2 " o- - S? o cr ? tL- - --. rr w . 3f " o g o 5 1 m a n " a S'? 55-2- . ,ii,u3 ri C3 C3 a n a a. a. S-- 0.0 5. a E! 31 T" o SS3 n. 3- - &3i CO TE-Z.-3- 3-- " il1 o 3 Q- - & sc aSS'"stS-3";3-HS- " iar 4 JTf& n .nOr-",Bqwtfw- '' "w 33 3 r " W U o o so - -- ro So fi M - - i ' . 1 cu . . " ' - - - i - - " - ' J5 5 . ft s a S c o s-- r. 1 J? ft !. 3" 3 n r r y - 3 3- - & 1 O o W tr,. a -- s r 9- - ? 3 r o rrB t q. i,-- 1 s .1: cl 5-- j " : tjfnrjn o a H O ?o O w T3 o r f S p S ri- - c7 ,D. - v - - w ! ; V: n3 , 10 2 o n ft 3 3 a 2 2 S" w 5 o P --5 " O -- 1 O O V! 3 O : a EJ 1 - oo " S r JJ p f n i s ft i s t o i O f i o 0-- 3 "I- - S3. o ft f ir 0-- 1 PI S3 3 o r o H

Transcript of Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY...

Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY · f THE KENTUCKY GAZETT TL Extraordinary. Tlmrfday, August 15, i799. - ---jrp


THE KENTUCKY GAZETT TL Extraordinary. Tlmrfday, August 15, i799.- -

--jrp Xj3A aAojd uv se sdau tpnj sci utiy 1 ieu,; 3;uodti Xtai Xeui 'aDilou sun J saAjajuiairj ieae oucp oijav sjoqx" 'sunj 3T;qi Juie2e JusmXtd asutpin; pjEAvjoj omoD 0 payanba.! am pa;qapu; sjouiTIV r!lIl3PEI!lld PUE aJouiupsH i0 va XTsim 3A"I UctW I iaquisjdas J VJH 3H iflOH V


The Transylvania Universitynow eftabliflied on such a footing, that educationISmay be had at it, on as extensive a plan and as

moderate terms, as at any institution of the kind,in tfje union.

The -- Greek and Latin languages will be taughtthere, together with Mathematics, Geography, theBelles Lettres, and every other. branch of learning,that makes part of the useful course of academiceducation.

A gentleman well qualified for that purpofc, willteach the French language.

T"ioe who wifli to study Law and Politics,may'do it to advantage, under a profeflbr appointed forthat purpose. An extensive law library is providedso- - the u(e qf the students.

And such as intend to study Medicine, may beinftiu&ed in' Anatomy, Chemistry, Surgcrv, J.liil-wifer- y,

andj the Theory and Practice of l'livfic;;there being two profeifors appointed, to lefturc onthole different branches.

Board mw be had at the University at the mode-

rate fam of fftcen pounds per year. For this sum,Tludents will be dieted, and their cloaths wastedand mended--the- furmfliing their own bedding,cancMesand fi ewood,in their own apartment-- . Oneof the teachefswill reside in the houle ; consequent-I- v

,i-- cer attrition will be paid to their morals-Goo- d

oaidW may likewise be had in the neighbor-hood of the University, and on moderate terms.

The terns of tuition are sour pounds a year, to bepaid quartern, in advance, for those who arc taughtthe Language , Geography, &c. ' Twenty dollars& eir foi i (in. lent-- , at law, with an addition offi til. liars f ' "? i' those who make use of thelaw librarv. ro be pair! half Vearly in advance andt ren'y do1! r a vear for ihofe who attendee pro-feifors of mpduine. No (Indent will be receivedor continued, unless he conform to thc(b regula-tions.fGThe ri't" f rm will commence on the 29th dayof the prefspt rmnth.

rOHN BRADFORD, Chm. T. U.Lexington, Ke ntucky,

Ap il 23th, 17S9- - fNOTICE.

THE fabferiber cainelily requeflj allindebted to him by bond, note

O' bonk ar count, to come forward arftl paytl-e- oil". Such as have accounts (landingooen audi cannot pay them at present,v. please to call and close them by giving tneif. notes.

Alex. Parker.Lexington April 16, 1799.

I AKEN uplby tlie fubferiber, in Clarke county,near Bnonlborougb, a gray liorfe, aboutj8 or 20 years old, about 13 hands high, his nearee out, branded on the near moulder and buttockthus E; appfaiftd to 1! 5s.

NICHOLAS GEORGE.June I 5, 1 799- - t


Andfor sale at this office, and the office ofthe Guardian.of Freedom, Frankfort,

Price 39.'





Col JAMES SMITHOf Bourbon Cwritj,

During his captivity with the Indians,from the year 1755, to 1759, inclusive.

flf Those persons who have fubferip-tio- n

papers in their hands, are requestedto return them to this office.

Subscribers to the above work areinformed that their copies are ready fordelivery.

Ten Dollars Reward.RUN away from the fubferiber in Lexington on

lad, William Hughes, an apprenticeto the silver smith's business, he is about eighteenyears of age, rather (lender, fair complexion, blackhair, ver full black eyes, and has holes in his ears forthe reception of rings or bobs. He took with hima jeans (hort coat and breeches, of an olive green co-lor, a round about linen jacket of a dark color, apair of black bjck (kin breeches, and a new furliat. He was seen on the road that leads to Cin-cinnati, riding a very fmalldark bay liorfe, and fix-ed with raddlebags, &rc. as tho' he intended a longjourney, and is supposed to be making for Detroit.Wnoever takes up,fiid apprentice, and delivers himto ma in Lexington, or will confine him in any jail,and give such inforlnation that I get him again, (hallbe entitled to the above reward. All persons arehereby forewarned from affiiUngor harbouring saidapprentice a n.rlt

Aujuft 1 ft, I79j.Samuel Ayres,

HOUSES &LOTS FOR, SALE,Q in mount.sterunc.

ON one of which lots, is a TAN YARD,through which runs a conltant stream

of water; together, with a good dock ofHides and 13nrk. They will be sold low

tlerahle crpflir SniH Wc will Ui Tnld sin.


or tosrether. For terms annlv the Lexincton. Tannarv tft, noofubferiber oil premises. N' B. Travellers can always be

fEIElt niUUTWAN. umum, ujcon nams, vemlon do. driedFebnrryi3, 1799.

, 0 be tongues, cheese, fcc. g.--

TUP WRtffPfRFP?TTAVE jufl . received,,nd nonopened for fa.e " &Z?-- "' -- . """TARV LANDS IN THE STATE

t ij n r ts c : ''aZ u i " u u i o ;

- Among which are the following, Viz :

ItOLLIN's ancient his--tory,

JAuffel's modern Eu-rope,

1'iutarch's Lives,Staunton's embail'y,Elegant extracts in

v crfe,Do. do. epjftles,Godwin's Political Ju- -


Guthrie's orations'ofCiceio,

TravelsofAnacharfes,llelvetius on man,Loclte, on the human

underllanding,Genlis, on education,Johnson's lives of poetsZimmerman, on foli- -

tude,Stewart's philofopby,Morse's geogrjphy,Sheridan's dictionary,'Entick's do.American revqlution,Jcfferfon's Virginia,Keate's PelewSpectator,Guardian,Melmoth's eflays,Cook's voyages,

woiks.Evelina. Z--0Jeftbdois,

" llobinfon Crufoe,Lexicon,

Lcuefden's Greek Tef--tamenti,

Young's Diftionafy,Luaau's dialogues,Cicero Delphini, ,

' Ovid Delphini, fKudiman's Tudiments,Homer's Tli.iH.. ,Hutchinion's

phon.Xeno- -

Nepos Delphini.Livius, Clarke's Cor- -

den andErafeus,Selecla e Profanis,Whitefield's works,

ferrnons,Watt's glory ofChrift,

of Watts and Dod- -

ridge,Baxter's Saints' rest,GISd tidings,Flavel'i hufoandry fpi- -




Navigation do.

Lowth on Isaiah-- ,

Qloud of.witnefles.Grace aoounding", --

Pilgrim's progress,JJoly war,Davis's ferrnons,Walker's do.Night thoughts,Edwards on redempti-

on,on afTections,

" Campbell on miracles,. Do , doffmall.

Rochefler's life."Life of Gardner, ;

Fisher's catechism,Blair's lectures abridg-


Bolton's fourfold (late,Willifon on the fabbath

on til's sacra- -inent,

Dodridge's rise andprogress,

Watts's lyric poems,Newton ontheprophe- -

k is. ,Kowe's letters,Hervey's the'uorth the

meditations,Beauties ofHervey,Newton's letters to his

wise,Common ppyer booksMflton's paradise lost,

and regained,Watt's pfalnis & hymns

- psalms,- hymns,

Olney do.School bibles,Testaments,Webster's and

spelling books,American feleftion,Joseph Andrews,Italian,Butler's anology,Ferguson's astronomy,

(JDeath of Cain U Abel,jDutch almanacs,Chap books, primeis,

Zic.Ledgers and journals,Blank books of several

kinds, '

quills ind wafers,Together with a num.

ber of other usefulbooks.

nr,An7ceJntend, a!rrtmen' "Mrto nnpiove their minds by reading, lAay expefttopurchase on lower terms for cafti, than has ever beenr tfa ra t (aIh 1. 1. ...wji.tiu i,iic in 11115 piacc uciorej




JUST PUBLISHED,Ad for file the Office of the Kentucky Gazette :

Price 2 is. '


Laws of KentuckyComprehending those of a Genera Nature,

in force, and which have beeri afted on thoLegislature thereof. I

luuiiniti WilliCOPIOUS IN&EX,

And a List: of Local, or Private Lavs.TO WHICH IS PREFIXES,

Tie Constitution of the United States,With the Amendments

The of

Benjamin Casey; older to the depositionswitneftes and to perpetuate testimony

said ihi afts --as (ball be deemed neceflary and agreeable to law.

4 Kadcliif.C John Reed.

July 20, i7oo.



' I HEfubrcribtr beo-- leavp tn. -j.

J. and the public in general, that be has opened

T 'A V E 11 Nat the sign of the Sheaf of Wheat, just back thecourt-hous- He is furniihed with every necefiarywhich tend to accommodate those who may callupon him.

3l" Thomascle to

the furniihed with

gt is.FOR SALE,

b 6i""" 9 OF TENNESSEE






OO Acres. ConinrhpnHir. .1. A. . . -acres each, adjoining thefouthern boundaries of an

-- .. . tw loIlul,VjiarKlvlllej ot tne easternbunk of the river Cumberland, with a sine fprin- - ofwater in each of the said trafts. .46 town lots, and out lots, being part of $6 townlots and out lots in the aforefiid addition to thetown ot Clarksville.53 separated out lots of two acres each, beine

5a" "U5 on the east side of the afore--sai- daddition to the town of Clarksville, leferved forthe accommodation of the the townlots, during the term of from November

lalt. .In theIllinois grant, N. W. Terrxtort.00 acres, being part of a 500 acie survey No.

1 2b, granted to John Moore, as ferjeant of artilleryin the Illinois regiment, by a deed of the trustees ofsaid grant.

Lands lying near the village Kaskaskias.In the Illinois diftrift, now ofcounty St. Clair NW. Territory, granted by court or commandantlor the date of Virginia, in 1783.1440 acres, viz. 960 in 8grants of 120 acres480 in a grants ofa4o acres ;joined together on theeast side of the river KafcafUas, opposite the villageol the same name.464 acres bound:d on the front the said riverKalkalkias.3880 ditto, comprehending 10 grants in the vear

1784, lying together on the west side of the river.........-- ., --Uv,t ana near tne vUlageof the samename.

fcrmon's, fr 36 d'tto, bounded on by aforesaidletters. 10 erants.



Alfoone lot in the town of Kafkafeias, pleasantlynear the bank of the river.

For furtherinformation apply top- - P. HOEERT.-

Who hasforfale 4Solbs. of very good Gunpowder


HE fubferibers have openen a Tan-Yar- d,

in the town ns irro,-;ii- o

which they are determined to carry on inthe best manner poflible. Cnlli,

or .Saddleiy, Svill be given for allkinds of Hides. They will also takehides to be tanned on the hares. Thosewho will be so good as to savor themwith their custom, may depend on beingsatisfied.

Z3" SWm.

Versailles, an. 16, 1799. tfZ AOfOUNG SINGLE MAN

is well acquainted.(

with managing ao aftock ofherfes and catt.'e,

farm,and S'"care number of hands, will meet with employ. A !l

None need can't come recommended.kreCP'inS, " e,MraI f .March 26th, 1 799- -

by us, gentlemen and Ijdies who wilh "



Alexander ParkerHAS just received

offrom Philadelphia, 3 general





Vhich he will sell on terms for CASH.Lexington, June 12th, 1799.

Twenty Dollars Reward.Tt AN AWAY fiom the fubferibers, on the night

the 4th of Inlv. 1700.0 w-- w. uiVoir Nil e .. O ; . . .

' r v ,ncnesnien by thenamernuTt L, perhaps he try to pass by the nameof PHILL BURLEY, yellowift. complexion, thicklips, spreads hu mouth when he .laughs, has a badsear on his lest little singer, occasioned by a reap,hook ; took with him a mixed caffimer coat, withafplitontheleftflioulder.narrotf'backs. with th

" pockets inside, a pair of mixt overalls of countryTie Aft of Separation from Vtrgtnta, whitecloth, (hirt, and marfcfflei vest. Also a muano ' A la"0 rain nearly the same rather smaller. and

Constitution Kentucky.




ftlerchan-diz- e,



(J nearly the same height hatha p;ace out of the lestfideofhis nose, oncofhis sore teeth out, took with111 m rll.'.Ff . L! s vn...... u.vw. iuiim iM.itijuwu 'imiiiimc iviAjurl-- , once, SUBSCRIBERS to the above Work will be Va"ci by the name of JAMES, sometimes by the

supplied with their copies by applying at this Office name of PETER ROBINSON : is tightly examin.edwiU reply, why do you think so ? Or, what makes

NOTICE, you think so ! Is the above negroes are taken and

JHAT the commiffiouw appointeiby ffifiaSSX'Smlet daT'ofASextTat S LtnXt" fU" ""provement about three quarters of a mile above T..C TITmi- - rHnrnUni-V- . .nill o.U, r...:.l I LI Wl 13111 SllM-O-.....u - ....... maul, luj udviu wiuiams ior -- . vubkuiu

in take ofsundry

improvement, do filch-oth- er







John Suttpnjun.

WILSON's GRAMMAR,Price 2,s 6d,

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