Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY...

i to V f r-- ?gre573gU'W.L'"3f'yi3sgBg3gsga segiteiiaganro "r . THE KENTUGKYKJM1ETTE :' TUESDAY, January 4, jiSorj. , xW.1 Hi). 851-- rvnt. LEXINGTON: Printed by DANIEL BRADFORD, (On Main S'treeti)p.icz Two DoLlAKs'p'feB. AUfcfM, iAii iW ADVAfcfc'-e.- ' FOR SALE ftr'Casiy or on Cw, of LAND aooo Acies ( Situate', lying Dmd being in the county or Bourbn, in the forks of Brush creek A H,nl, nn'. rear XlSlleriburg;, entered early in 1780, J on a military jfarrart vevid atU patented in tnji name 01 10 ieph CheV, and by laid Chew, conveyed! in trutt ID Robert. and. jonn wans, 01 m the citv a New-Yor- 1 he .gooa qua lity and convenient fyuatioii ot this tract of land is to generally known, thaPa particular difcriptio'n would be it isprefufoable those incli- ned to (urchtiTe wall examine, it. It The fnhfcrlber will sell it at private sale, and is not disposed of fooher, 4t will be offered publicly at the Paris Dif-- j .trict colirti 11 iMarch neitf where he ti-- 1 by application! may be leeii, and due attends rce will be given by IL T AYLOR, Attorney for Robt. se John Wrvtts. 30th Oa. ifot. 1 , flY OF THE MAIL. -0 DOLLARS REWARD. " WHEREAS a robbery Has been co rated on the mail, on its paffage fr-jf- a Frankfort, ii the state of Kentucky,, tpjs wa"rds Natln die, in the ft.ite of Tenh& see. and a reward of io ,loBars offered jjv lis PofHiaftet at Frankfort, in hsilfpif of the Poltmafter General, for the $$1 prehenfiorv and. ..onviction of the viyfj wlio perpetrated it. Now be it kn that hy viifne of the power veiled in J1oftijahV. rei'-il- by an act of the G reffeJof t 1 inited Sta'es. I do he Umfi-h- a I r tirMh-aft- of the Foil ti-- r iit Fr o kff 1, and d 1 offer an ad bnalre.wldtof Tjt?oottl: very ittth(fciai sm '.Q&Hripu nhftntm-- afti the cfi;Mrj or dlliafs ktoT&ak lot j J- . feirfeoN:ca&G , "3 Foftmafter General. 'General Pod Office, Wafhinsjton ") City , November 16 1802. J STATE OF KENTUCKY. "Mafo.i County fjt. October term. 1802. Stmucl Smith, complainant, " Aa 1st 'WiIKjit Wdod, Simon Kenton and ? Ikf-n- - Othe", 5 dants. IN CHANCERY. IT a .peariD"- - to the fatisfaet.on of the nurtth t the d'fendant Simon Kentoa, is not ah inhabitant- of this commonwealth, and he ha i' sailed to appear and file his arfwer, a ,rec h e to 1 iw and th ule. of this court , on mi "'on of the complainant by his attor ney, it is ordered, that unless the said defen- dant V is appi-a- r here on the'firft -- day of the next A r'l tvrm, mpefon, or'dyome, attor- - h-- " ot cor"" Co-- 1 u c- -y inr ) ! . d court, and file hisjanTwef to the n.'1; bill, the fam ihi be taken as 1 and it iS fjrthei ordered, that ,i r this order be advcrtfed for two fi c (fnly in some puhjic aUthOnfed nd th it another be poft-- J as the door riir -- hruftnthe town k)t Wauini- - '' i d polled at the doorXltthtHap- - n uife in (aid town, forft Sunday V aft-- r divine service. 1 . T'fts l Tbo. Marshall Jutt. C. c. TWELVE MONTHS CREDIT WILL BE CIVEN. TO BE SOLD, 4 "T") the highelt bidder, at the noule of JoiKH TtLroao, dec. in Lvington, a "ffw of Horses, Cattlq, Household and Kitiheri Furniture. Also,a Negro Wo- man to be hirnd for one year. Cafli will be etpedted of those who do notplirchafe to the amount of thirty fhilIings-T- he sale 10 beg'm at tt o'clock on Wednesday-th- 5th of January, is the weather will oermit.if rfofTon the next fair day' Bond with approved security will be required. JESSE LAMMF, Aminiflratorr December 2,0th, 1S02. "SADDLE FOUND 3 ?"OJLJND on the Georgetown road, a,sew ' mornings since, a half Worn - SIDDLE. The ownermay have it by applying to the fubferiberand paying charges. W11, ALLEN. Hcc. 3 lit, J 80a. , LEXINGTON DISTRICT COURT, September lerm 1802. William Gist, John Kay, exe cutors, and Margaret Gate- - Complts. wood, executrix of Andrew 1 Gatewood deceased, " J Againlt .x Richard Taylor, executor, h Sarth Beard, William Beard, Mafeph Beard, Robert I. Beard, and Charles Megow-a- n heirs & devisees of John Campbell deceased, & James Sullivan S; Alexander f- - IN CHANCERY. THE defendant Robett I. Beard, ha- ving sailed to enter his appearance here- in agreeably to law and the rules of this court, anfl it appearing to the fatisfacYion of thej court, that he is not atl inhabitant, of this commonwealth, on the motion of the complainants by their counsel, it is ordered that the said defendant do ap- pear here pn the third day of the neit March term, aiartfwt-- r the complain ants' bill ; that a copy oF this order be j infe,rted in the Kentueky Gazette or He- rald according to law, another polled at the door oF the court-hous- e for Fayette county, and that this order ,be publiftiedj at the door of the Preibyterian meeting- - Jioufeain Lexington, 611 some Sunday itn-- a metyftcly alter divine lervice. jA copy. Telle, THOs. BODLEY, C.L.D.C. 2STATE OF KENUCKY. ,' JWasi"nSfon f)st' 'ct Court set.' I'1f' September term, i8o2j XjphpWilkins, Complainant, fjAjM5. Duvall, & AlcxanO Defend- - Scott, j ants. AiM L.riii.iNl.E.ttl. x . , - Mappe?ring to the fatisfaihon of the that the order of publication irr tht oaufe has not been. and the defendant Alex. . --- . k , Wffer baott, ltill appearing not to be an inhabitant1 of this coniniinwealth, and Mill sailing to appear and answer the complainant's bill, on the motion of the complainant by his attorney, it is order- - ' ed, that he appear here on the third day of our next February term, and answer the complair cnt's bill, and that a copy of this orlerbe publ'illied in tlw Ken- tucky Gizctte, for two months fuceffive-ly- , artoth-- r polttd at. the door-o- f the court-houl- e in Mason county, and that ! thn order be p abliflied at the Joot of the Baptiit meeting-hous- e i 1 Wi'lnngton, some Sunday in.mcliately aster divine lervice. A copy. Teflc FRANCIS. TAYLOR, CR-- . MILITARY LANua. FOR SALE. rj Acres Big and ttreeK on ootn liaes, ana dojonung the ji tract on which the beat of Jtiltice for JLiviualton coutnv ;s ettablmied, known by the name of Eiidieville. Also, Def'ts. here-m-ts- Llt-gm- t iodo acres on Ttadewatsr. The above lands Were entered, and. patented m the name ot White- head Colemarf, of the Virginia Continen- - tU Line, and are said tb be of ths frrft r quaiityi 111 that part r)F thu both, 16 to soil and situation 'Reference may be had to the office of Col. Riclid. C. Anderson, ho located and furveved ttiein. For terms to the fuhfLrihr in LeMngton. TNO. M. BOGGS. 'Klf the above lands are not fold.i! Derore,Uje Ut day ot January 1803, they win De leaiea on certain terms Apply aa above., . PUBLIC NOTICE IS hereby give,n, for no perfoir of per-so- Vhatfocvet,to bargain or'contrncl ..wiut nenry ttampftin, ot K.anhawa coun- - f '& m Virginia, torNj tract ot Jand in - r Fleming county, Mate 'of Kentucky Nor i Ltbr .1 Bond for a deed of. convevance for d land, which the fajd Hampton hath froVjqhn M'Coy ; for I do not intend ever tb make a title to the said Land, un- - j'lefs the said Hampton, renders mre fktis- - for the same. Given- - "under nty hand October the 8th, 1802 3 JOHN M'COY. ElLANlt'llEESSr For Sale at this Office a TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. ' .' STOP THIEF. SUPPOSED to have been stolen from the railing at doctor S. Brown's apothe-carykfho- in Lexington, on the night of tfia51Vinft. ' A SORREL HORSE, oifrieen hariHs z 2 inches high, 12 ysftirjs old, trotsSand pace,s, lliod beTore, hai finall star fn his sorehead, his. nght hyulgot white, 116 brand recollected with jTmw saddle and a green faddle-tlot- h with yellow binding, plated ftjrrUp-iron- s, also plated curb bridle-bit- , onepar reins in iynuch worn. Also, at the same time and plnce., another SORREL HORSE, Fourteen hands inches high, 4yaro old, tiots andpaces a ftarjn his'forehead, his legs lately trimmed, his tail has been nicked, half worn laddie, double reined bridle, plated bits, maitingale with pla ted hooks ; one buckle to the collar. The above reward will be paid for the twohorfesandthefaddles,oi TENDOL-LAR- S for each of them and realonable charges by '. . WM. ALLEI and THOS. CARR. Lexingtonj Oct. 25th, 1802. tf jT NOTICE. tflfiAiiufiL Bpowif, for medical lervicfes, will plfo'fc to call on me, in Lexington, and either pay off' their ac- counts, 01 give due bills l)r. BroWn bemaf determined to have a final fettLement of all his account, hopes that those who do not find it convenient at present to make payment, Will nor heliu.e to give tKeir obligations, THOS. C. DAVIS. Dc. rth, 1802. NEW & CIlEArr GOODS. WILLIAM WEST, Has just received iH addition tb bis for- mer assortment, the following M E li CH - U U 1 S E, Viz. Fhie Cloths andCaffimers, CoarfeUo anl Coatings, Llaftic do. ard Flannels, Cirdinals, Fulled Stockings and Gloves, Worsted andCotto.i Stockings', Silk bhawls and Handei chiefs, Fancy Swanfdovn, elveiq. Thu.l feti and Cordurovs. ' T 1 1ll T tnona nrtrl I illlrr"C. Urfibrellas, Blistered Steel, Peniifylvania made Axes and Callings, Madder and indigo, Coperis and AUurn, ?lace and Nutmegs, Cirinanion, Green and Bohea Pewter and I in ware, 1006 of Milh-ifyLando- Cum-- 1 Ladleb Muffs atid Tippettai-jbjerlan- d River, including the Eddie I White Coloured furr Trimmings, aonlv taition Tea, Lace and Ed Spelling Books, Shies, Paper and Ink Fowder. Which he will frill at the- - rnofi reduced prices tor Cafli, or approved Country Produce. FIVE DOLLARS R'EWAkb. BROKE away or was stolen from the rifling at Mr. Po'er January's in this pUxe on the night of the 26th inft. A SUKKt U tiUKbii, it fouiteen htnds high, well mailej hl'ie face and rather slat, about sour or fjve yearsold, trots and canters well, (hod (sH round, fliort tail which he carries well, i& remarknble spirited, no brand re- - coTleted, wfirh a new handfowe double (kirted blue cloth with two rows of red trimming, leather furfingle andph- - XeJltirrup irons, also a plated curb bridle tolerably ivew reined with black leather and morocco brow band. Twill give fwe dollars reward to any nerfon who will deliver the said HORSE, SADDLE and BRIDLE, t M- - Robt. I Bradlev(orcp. John Pofllethwait of this place, or to Hubbard Tayloi of Clarke ounty'afnd realonable Charges paid. j n.iTtii,o 1.11 ajwii etirtgton, 48th Dc. 1802 ROUND TEXT COPIES, May Ik hzi at this Office, true 13' 3W Vt, . rom the Natloml Intelligence! 7K3 THOMAS PAtNEj , To the Citizens of tHSUmted Slatekt LErrsR tan AS congress .i on the paint of bieerinrt the public papers vnll iScdJarilf'fce occpieA with the debates bt theerffutijg feffion, ar.a as in conlequencc cf my lo5 .absence ircrii Amenca, my pnvdte affairs require my (bar it necefiary I do this or I could not prelte as I do my independence, ) 1 Hull cloie my adJrels to the publ ,c vntn tbibkttei. I cdna,ratulate them on the lucceft of th'e late elections, and-'d- t with the adduonal confatlencejthat while honelt men are choirtt and wile mealures puriued, neither the trea-.o- n ot apoltacy, m-'k- ed under the nahre of tederalitm, ot wbucn I have lpoksn in my se- - cond letter, nor the intrigues ot ioreign ermf lanes, afting in concert .with tht maik, cati picvad'. As to the hcentioufnefsof the papers a nartie that apoltaey htfs taken, it can hurt noUody b"ut the party or the pcrlons who iupport luch papeis, 1 Iier'd is naturally a wholelome pride in the publitj mind that revolts at the open vul0antyj it teels ltltlf dilhonored even by hearing itj & a chaste woman tetL dilhonor by hearing ob' Iceiuty lhe cainot avoids It can fr ile afvi:, or-b- e diverted with ftiokes of fatnical hu- mour, but it dctefts the blackguard The same sense of propriety that governs in pu-va- te companies governs in public Lie. Is 4 man in company run h"i3 wit upon another, it iny draw a troni some perlbns pre-le- ii , out as loon as he turns a blackguard ih. his ia,i6uage the Company gives him up, and it s tie lame 111 pubbc lite. The event of the late elections lhcws this to be true ; fvV in piopoition as thoie papers have bctomb iiior. and more vulQar & abufnc, the Uecioifs hav gojii,e ic More-againl- t thepartj they support or that supports them. 'I heir pfeds-cello- r Poicuptnvj had wit .These fcribble1 have none But 33 fron as his ilcclguai-tiiih- t (lor it is the proper nahie of it) outrun hi! wil, he vvs abandoned bye-ver- body but thK Enlifh minjller that protected him 'i he Spanilh ptoveb lays, there r.cvtr lOds a cover large ftwitgb lobide ttself;" and thi proveib applies to the case of thole papen and the lhattered leninant oj the iadticni thst luppoi so thenu The ialfehojdsthey tabneate, k mc abuse they cucwate, is i cover to nlds. iomething from being leen, but i not lartfc enough to hide lttelf. It is as a tub throwa out to the whale to prevent irs atfackin and hnUng the vcflel. They want to diaV the attention of the public from thinking or enqwrng into the mtafures of the hue adniiniitration, and the Veafon vhy i'o mnch public mony was raised and expended j and io tar as a lie to-ia- y, and a new one will antwer this purpose, it &.niricH shens. Iv is nothing to them whether they be believed 01 not, lor is the negative pur- psfe be answered, the main point is answered to therm He that picks om pocket alVays tries' tt n ike you look another way. " Look," faVi h-- j "at yoi man 'tother side the street, wi at a note he has got ! Lord, yonder is, a, chimney on sire ,l Do you see yon man goinir along in; tHe ialamander great coat ? 1 hat 13 tli-- viy man that Hole orfe of Jupter'b latd-htc- s, andlold it to a courftiyma'i sc a gold watch ahd it set his on fiie "' No the mati that has Ins hand in your packet, does not c?re a forthnrg whether you be'ioe; what he says or not All his aim, is to pre- vent your looking at bim ; and this u th& cale with the remnant of the federal faction, rbe leaden of it "have impoled upon thd countiyj and they want to turn the attention; of it from the fubjeftj In taking up any public matter, I have never made it a consideration, and never will, whether it be popular Or unp'opulai but wile i thei it be right or wrong. The right will always become the popular is it has courage to (he itself, and the fnorteft way is always a firait line. I difpife expedients, they arc the gutter hole of politics, and the ftik where reputation dies. In tlr p- -i Fit,t cast?, as in e( ejy bthd I cannot be aceuled of ufino-an- y ; &t'i I hi' e no doubt but thousands will hiz-af'- T be ready tr f y, as Goverteyr Mort. sad to nie, aster liavmg abuse xr.a pretty handsomely lncongtels, for the bppofi-- t, on I gave the fraudulent demand of Silas Decine of two thousand pounds fterHng . ' Well .'we are all duped, and I dm among tbr rst. Were the late admitiitration to"be called u - on to give reafbns for the exptnee it pjr tie country to, it can give nonet 1 e dan e ot an mvaiion as a ouoois'that icrtd coet1 to raise taxis and armies to De erj ed on some other puipofe, !i is thj of Amencahe'i-vx- d it true, th C, inth. "Vhieh whey ippqrted ttjol? etri

Transcript of Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY...




r-- ?gre573gU'W.L'"3f'yi3sgBg3gsga segiteiiaganro"r .

THE KENTUGKYKJM1ETTE:'TUESDAY, January 4, jiSorj. , xW.1Hi). 851-- rvnt.LEXINGTON: Printed by DANIEL BRADFORD, (On Main S'treeti)p.icz Two DoLlAKs'p'feB. AUfcfM, iAii iW ADVAfcfc'-e.- '

FOR SALEftr'Casiy or on Cw,

of LANDaooo Acies (

Situate', lying Dmd being in the countyor Bourbn, in the forks of Brush creek

A H,nl, nn'. rear XlSlleriburg;, enteredearly in 1780, J

on a military jfarrartvevid atU patented in tnji name 01 10

ieph CheV, and by laid Chew, conveyed!

in trutt ID Robert. and. jonn wans, 01 m

the citv a New-Yor- 1 he .gooa qua

lity and convenient fyuatioii ot thistract of land is to generally known,thaPa particular difcriptio'n would be

it isprefufoable those incli-

ned to (urchtiTe wall examine, it. It

The fnhfcrlber will sell it at private

sale, and is not disposed of fooher, 4t

will be offered publicly at the Paris Dif-- j

.trict colirti 11 iMarch neitf where he ti-- 1

by application! may be leeii,and due attends rce will be given by

IL T AYLOR, Attorney forRobt. se John Wrvtts.

30th Oa. ifot.

1 , flY OF THE MAIL.


WHEREAS a robbery Has been co

rated on the mail, on its paffage fr-jf- a

Frankfort, ii the state of Kentucky,, tpjs

wa"rds Natln die, in the ft.ite of Tenh&see. and a reward of io ,loBars offeredjjv lis PofHiaftet at Frankfort, in hsilfpif

of the Poltmafter General, for the $$1prehenfiorv and. ..onviction of the viyfjwlio perpetrated it. Now be it knthat hy viifne of the power veiled inJ1oftijahV. rei'-il- by an act of the G

reffeJof t 1 inited Sta'es. I do heUmfi-h- a I r tirMh-aft- of the Foilti--r iit Fr o kff 1, and d 1 offer an adbnalre.wldtof Tjt?oottl:very ittth(fciai

sm '.Q&Hripu nhftntm-- aftithe cfi;Mrj or dlliafs


lot j J-

. feirfeoN:ca&G, "3 Foftmafter General.'General Pod Office, Wafhinsjton ")

City , November 16 1802. JSTATE OF KENTUCKY.

"Mafo.i County fjt.October term. 1802.

Stmucl Smith, complainant," Aa 1st

'WiIKjit Wdod, Simon Kenton and ? Ikf-n- -

Othe", 5 dants.IN CHANCERY.

IT a .peariD"- - to the fatisfaet.on of thenurtth t the d'fendant Simon Kentoa, is

not ah inhabitant- of this commonwealth, andhe ha i' sailed to appear and file his arfwer,a ,rec h e to 1 iw and th ule. of this court ,

on mi "'on of the complainant by his attorney, it is ordered, that unless the said defen-

dant V is appi-a-r here on the'firft --day of thenext A r'l tvrm, mpefon, or'dyome, attor- -h-- " otcor""Co-- 1 u

c- -y



! . d court, and file hisjanTwef to then.'1; bill, the fam ihi be taken as

1 and it iS fjrthei ordered, that ,ir this order be advcrtfed for twofi c (fnly in some puhjic aUthOnfednd th it another be poft-- J as the door

riir -- hruftnthe town k)t Wauini- -

'' i d polled at the doorXltthtHap- -

n uife in (aid town, forft SundayV aft-- r divine service. 1

. T'fts l

Tbo. Marshall Jutt. C. c.


TO BE SOLD,4 "T") the highelt bidder, at the noule ofJoiKH TtLroao, dec. in Lvington, a

"ffw of Horses, Cattlq, Household andKitiheri Furniture. Also,a Negro Wo-

man to be hirnd for one year. Cafli willbe etpedted of those who do notplirchafeto the amount of thirty fhilIings-T- he

sale 10 beg'm at tt o'clock on Wednesday-th-

5th of January, is the weather willoermit.if rfofTon the next fair day' Bond

with approved security will be required.JESSE LAMMF, Aminiflratorr

December 2,0th, 1S02.


?"OJLJND on the Georgetown road, a,sew

'mornings since, a half Worn -

SIDDLE.The ownermay have it by applying tothe fubferiberand paying charges.

W11, ALLEN.Hcc. 3 lit, J 80a. ,


William Gist, John Kay, executors, and Margaret Gate- - Complts.wood, executrix of Andrew 1

Gatewood deceased, " JAgainlt .x

Richard Taylor, executor, hSarth Beard, William Beard,Mafeph Beard, Robert I.Beard, and Charles Megow-a- n

heirs & devisees of JohnCampbell deceased, & JamesSullivan S; Alexander


IN CHANCERY.THE defendant Robett I. Beard, ha-

ving sailed to enter his appearance here-

in agreeably to law and the rules of thiscourt, anfl it appearing to the fatisfacYionof thej court, that he is not atl inhabitant,of this commonwealth, on the motion ofthe complainants by their counsel, it is

ordered that the said defendant do ap-

pear here pn the third day of the neitMarch term, aiartfwt--r the complainants' bill ; that a copy oF this order be jinfe,rted in the Kentueky Gazette or He-

rald according to law, another polled atthe door oF the court-hous- e for Fayettecounty, and that this order ,be publiftiedjat the door of the Preibyterian meeting- -

Jioufeain Lexington, 611 some Sunday itn-- a

metyftcly alter divine lervice.jA copy. Telle,


2STATE OF KENUCKY.,' JWasi"nSfon f)st' 'ct Court set.'I'1f' September term, i8o2j

XjphpWilkins, Complainant,

fjAjM5. Duvall, & AlcxanO Defend- -

Scott, j ants.AiM L.riii.iNl.E.ttl. x




Mappe?ring to the fatisfaihon of thethat the order of publication

irr tht oaufe has not been.and the defendant Alex.. --- . k ,

Wffer baott, ltill appearing not to be aninhabitant1 of this coniniinwealth, andMill sailing to appear and answer thecomplainant's bill, on the motion of thecomplainant by his attorney, it is order- - '

ed, that he appear here on the third dayof our next February term, and answerthe complair cnt's bill, and that a copyof this orlerbe publ'illied in tlw Ken-

tucky Gizctte, for two months fuceffive-ly- ,artoth-- r polttd at. the door-o- f the

court-houl- e in Mason county, and that !

thn order be p abliflied at the Joot of theBaptiit meeting-hous- e i 1 Wi'lnngton,some Sunday in.mcliately aster divinelervice.

A copy. TeflcFRANCIS. TAYLOR, CR--.


FOR SALE.rj Acres

Big andttreeK on ootn liaes, ana dojonung the ji

tract on which the beat of Jtiltice forJLiviualton coutnv ;s ettablmied, knownby the name of Eiidieville. Also,




iodo acres on Ttadewatsr.The above lands Were entered,

and. patented m the name ot White-head Colemarf, of the Virginia Continen- -

tU Line, and are said tb be of ths frrft r

quaiityi 111 that part r)F thu both,16 to soil and situation 'Reference maybe had to the office of Col. Riclid. C.Anderson, ho located and furvevedttiein. For terms to the fuhfLrihrin LeMngton.

TNO. M. BOGGS.'Klf the above lands are not fold.i!

Derore,Uje Ut day ot January 1803, theywin De leaiea on certain terms Applyaa above., .

PUBLIC NOTICEIS hereby give,n, for no perfoir of per-so-

Vhatfocvet,to bargain or'contrncl..wiut nenry ttampftin, ot K.anhawa coun- -

f'& m Virginia, torNj tract ot Jand in- r Fleming county, Mate 'of Kentucky Nori Ltbr .1 Bond for a deed of. convevance for

d land, which the fajd Hampton hathfroVjqhn M'Coy ; for I do not intendever tb make a title to the said Land, un- -

j'lefs the said Hampton, renders mre fktis- -for the same. Given-- "under nty

hand October the 8th, 18023 JOHN M'COY.

ElLANlt'llEESSrFor Sale at this Office



'.' STOP THIEF.SUPPOSED to have been stolen from

the railing at doctor S. Brown's apothe-carykfho-

in Lexington, on the night oftfia51Vinft.' A SORREL HORSE,

oifrieen hariHs z 2 inches high, 12ysftirjs old, trotsSand pace,s, lliod beTore,

hai finall star fn his sorehead, his. nghthyulgot white, 116 brand recollectedwith jTmw saddle and a green faddle-tlot- h

with yellow binding, plated ftjrrUp-iron- s,

also plated curb bridle-bit- , oneparreins in iynuch worn. Also, at the sametime and plnce., another

SORREL HORSE,Fourteen hands inches high, 4yaro old,tiots andpaces a ftarjn his'forehead, hislegs lately trimmed, his tail has beennicked, half worn laddie, double reinedbridle, plated bits, maitingale with plated hooks ; one buckle to the collar.

The above reward will be paid for thetwohorfesandthefaddles,oi TENDOL-LAR- S

for each of them and realonablecharges by '. .


Lexingtonj Oct. 25th, 1802. tf


tflfiAiiufiL Bpowif,for medical lervicfes, will plfo'fc to call on me,in Lexington, and either pay off' their ac-

counts, 01 give due bills l)r. BroWn bemafdetermined to have a final fettLement of allhis account, hopes that those who do not findit convenient at present to make payment,Will nor heliu.e to give tKeir obligations,

THOS. C. DAVIS.Dc. rth, 1802.


WILLIAM WEST,Has just received iH addition tb bis for-

mer assortment, the followingM E li C H - U U 1 S E,

Viz.Fhie Cloths andCaffimers,

CoarfeUo anl Coatings,Llaftic do. ard Flannels,

Cirdinals,Fulled Stockings and Gloves,Worsted andCotto.i Stockings',Silk bhawls and Handei chiefs,Fancy Swanfdovn,

elveiq. Thu.l feti and Cordurovs.' T 1 1ll T tnona nrtrl I illlrr"C.

Urfibrellas,Blistered Steel,Peniifylvania made Axes and Callings,Madder and indigo,Coperis and AUurn,?lace and Nutmegs,Cirinanion,Green and BoheaPewter and I in ware,

1006 of Milh-ifyLando- Cum-- 1 Ladleb Muffs atid Tippettai-jbjerlan-d

River, including the Eddie I White Coloured furr Trimmings,




Lace and EdSpelling Books,Shies,Paper and Ink Fowder.

Which he will frill at the-- rnofi reducedprices tor Cafli, or approved CountryProduce.

FIVE DOLLARS R'EWAkb.BROKE away or was stolen from the

rifling at Mr. Po'er January's in thispUxe on the night of the 26th inft.

A SUKKt U tiUKbii,it fouiteen htnds high, well mailej

hl'ie face and rather slat, about sour orfjve yearsold, trots and canters well, (hod

(sH round, fliort tail which he carrieswell, i& remarknble spirited, no brand re- -

coTleted, wfirh a new handfowe double(kirted blue cloth with two rowsof red trimming, leather furfingle andph- -

XeJltirrup irons, also a plated curb bridletolerably ivew reined with black leatherand morocco brow band.

Twill give fwe dollars reward to anynerfon who will deliver the said HORSE,SADDLE and BRIDLE, t M- - Robt.

I Bradlev(orcp. John Pofllethwait of thisplace, or to Hubbard Tayloi of Clarkeounty'afnd realonable Charges paid.

j n.iTtii,o 1.11 ajwiietirtgton, 48th Dc. 1802

ROUND TEXT COPIES,May Ik hzi at this Office,

true 13'



. rom the Natloml Intelligence!7K3

THOMAS PAtNEj ,To the Citizens of tHSUmted Slatekt

LErrsR tan

AS congress .i on the paint of bieerinrtthe public papers vnll iScdJarilf'fce occpieAwith the debates bt theerffutijg feffion, ar.aas in conlequencc cf my lo5 .absence ircriiAmenca, my pnvdte affairs require my

(bar it necefiary I do this or Icould not prelte as I do my independence, )1 Hull cloie my adJrels to the publ ,c vntntbibkttei.

I cdna,ratulate them on the lucceft of th'elate elections, and-'d- t with the adduonalconfatlencejthat while honelt men are choirttand wile mealures puriued, neither the trea-.o-n

ot apoltacy, m-'k- ed under the nahre oftederalitm, ot wbucn I have lpoksn in my se- -

cond letter, nor the intrigues ot ioreign ermflanes, afting in concert .with tht maik, catipicvad'.

As to the hcentioufnefsof the papersa nartie that apoltaey htfs

taken, it can hurt noUody b"ut the party orthe pcrlons who iupport luch papeis, 1 Iier'dis naturally a wholelome pride in the publitjmind that revolts at the open vul0antyj itteels ltltlf dilhonored even by hearing itj &a chaste woman tetL dilhonor by hearing ob'Iceiuty lhe cainot avoids It can fr ile afvi:,or-b- e diverted with ftiokes of fatnical hu-

mour, but it dctefts the blackguard Thesame sense of propriety that governs in pu-va- te

companies governs in public Lie. Is 4man in company run h"i3 wit upon another,it iny draw a troni some perlbns pre-le- ii

, out as loon as he turns a blackguard ih.his ia,i6uage the Company gives him up, andit s tie lame 111 pubbc lite. The event ofthe late elections lhcws this to be true ; fvVin piopoition as thoie papers have bctombiiior. and more vulQar & abufnc, the Uecioifshav gojii,e ic More-againl- t thepartj theysupport or that supports them. 'I heir pfeds-cello- r

Poicuptnvj had wit .These fcribble1have none But 33 fron as his ilcclguai-tiiih- t

(lor it is the proper nahie of it) outrun hi!wil, he vvs abandoned bye-ver- body but thKEnlifh minjller that protected him

'i he Spanilh ptoveb lays, there r.cvtr lOdsa cover large ftwitgb lobide ttself;" and thiproveib applies to the case of thole papen andthe lhattered leninant oj the iadticni thstluppoi so thenu The ialfehojdsthey tabneate,k mc abuse they cucwate, is i cover to nlds.iomething from being leen, but i not lartfcenough to hide lttelf. It is as a tub throwaout to the whale to prevent irs atfackinand hnUng the vcflel. They want to diaVthe attention of the public from thinking

or enqwrng into the mtafures of thehue adniiniitration, and the Veafon vhy i'omnch public mony was raised and expended jand io tar as a lie to-ia- y, and a new one

will antwer this purpose, it &.niricHshens. Iv is nothing to them whether theybe believed 01 not, lor is the negative pur-psfe be answered, the main point is answeredto therm

He that picks om pocket alVays tries' ttn ike you look another way. " Look," faVih-- j "at yoi man 'tother side the street,wi at a note he has got ! Lord, yonder is, a,chimney on sire ,l Do you see yon man goiniralong in; tHe ialamander great coat ? 1 hat 13tli-- viy man that Hole orfe of Jupter'b latd-htc- s,

andlold it to a courftiyma'i sc a goldwatch ahd it set his on fiie "' Nothe mati that has Ins hand in your packet,does not c?re a forthnrg whether you be'ioe;what he says or not All his aim, is to pre-vent your looking at bim ; and this u th&cale with the remnant of the federal faction,rbe leaden of it "have impoled upon thdcountiyj and they want to turn the attention;of it from the fubjeftj

In taking up any public matter, I havenever made it a consideration, and never will,whether it be popular Or unp'opulai but wile

i thei it be right or wrong. The right willalways become the popular is it has courageto (he itself, and the fnorteft way is alwaysa firait line. I difpife expedients, they arcthe gutter hole of politics, and the ftikwhere reputation dies. In tlr p- -i Fit,t cast?,as in e( ejy bthd I cannot be aceuled of ufino-an- y

; &t'i I hi' e no doubt but thousandswill hiz-af'- T be ready tr f y, as GoverteyrMort. sad to nie, aster liavmg abuse xr.apretty handsomely lncongtels, for the bppofi-- t,

on I gave the fraudulent demand of SilasDecine of two thousand pounds fterHng .' Well .'we are all duped, and I dm among

tbr rst.Were the late admitiitration to"be called u -

on to give reafbns for the exptnee it pjr tiecountry to, it can give nonet 1 e dan e

ot an mvaiion as a ouoois'that icrtdcoet1 to raise taxis and armies to De erjed on some other puipofe, !i is thjof Amencahe'i-vx- d it true, th C,inth. "Vhieh whey ippqrted ttjol? etri