Kelpod Process Manual & Graphic Standard

Kelpod Hydroponic Seeds Kelpod PROCESS MANUAL


Product Design / Concept / Graphic Standard / Process Manual / Branding / Business System

Transcript of Kelpod Process Manual & Graphic Standard

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KelpodHydroponic Seeds


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Logo Standard

Business System

Marketing Applications


+ Dimensions

+ Color Palette

+ Logo

- Color

- Black & White

+ Unacceptable Uses

+ Alternative Uses

+ Typography

+ Kelp and Hydroponic Research

+ Business Demographic

+ Sketches

+ Refinements

+ Finalized Logo

+ Letterhead

+ Envelopes

+ Business Cards

+ Vehicles

+ Billboards

+ Website

+ Promotional Items

+ Research

+ Prototype

+ Refined Mockup

+ Finalized Packaging

Case Studies

Logo Development







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CASE STUDIESMy aim for this research and design project was to come up with

a friendlier hydroponics packaging solution and an innovative pod

capsule made from kelp bulbs that would stay away from virgin

trees, plastic, and plastic coated products as much as possible in

the growing hydroponics industry.

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Case StudiesKelp and Hydroponics

Why Hydroponics? Hydroponics is the ability to grow plants, using a mixture that already has the necessary nutrients, in water. This allows

people to grow plants in their homes without the use of soil. The packaging will use a seed-based paper to reflect on the product

inside. Growing your own food, such as herbs and spices, through the use of hydroponics is not only better for your own personal

health because of the lack of pesticides and the added nutrients in the water, it is also better for the environment because it does

not pollute the soil.

Why Kelp? Kelp bulbs in the wild are used as floatation devices so that the stem and blades of the kelp will grow upwards to gather

sunlight. The bulbs hold in Carbon Monoxide, and thus are airtight, and act as a perfect container for this purpose. Because there

is already kelp harvesting taking place for various products, Kelpod provides a use for the bulbs which are usually thrown away.

Kelp bulbs harvested from the Pacific Ocean

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Case StudiesBusiness Demographics

Over 65




Under 18

Age of Consumers

Upper to Middle Class Consumers: Because the nature of setting up a hydroponic system in one’s home is currently very expensive, this product will be targeted

to those who will have the funds to set up this system in their homes. Currently the state of the market is very small, but it is gathering momentum and is continuing to

grow. Because the market for consumer hydroponics was just recently released to the general public, expenses to start a hydroponic garden is very high. Due to the

use of natural materials the overhead costs might initially be higher to start growing a hydroponic garden, however, once the consumer only needs to buy the pods to

grow their produce, it should be more cost effective than purchasing inferior quality produce from the market.

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LOGO DEVELOPMENTI wanted my logo to be easy to identify among a group, have its

own branding, and have its personality show through its usage.

This was achieved through the mark that is featured underneath

“Kelpod,” and can be seen throughout the marketing and business


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Logo DevelopmentSketches

Kel od

kel od



For my initial design, I tried to incorporate my mark into the overall design.

This was unsuccessful because when the mark was used as a letterform, it wasn’t

legible. The two sketches in the bottom right corner were too corporate and plain

for the main logo of my product. From these sketches I found the mark that I

wanted to incorporate with the rest of my design, which can be seen in the bottom

left sketch.

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Logo DevelopmentRefinements





KelpodHydroponic Seeds

Hydroponic Seeds

Once I knew that I wanted to use the mark from my preliminary sketches, I

found a font that would fit my theme. The font had a curly accent to some of the

letters that mimicked kelp moving in seawater. The next problem that I faced was

how to incorporate the mark with the text without it being too distracting. I found

that if the mark was changed to another color and placed underneath the logo,

rather than beside it, it looked like kelp growing from the pod.

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Logo DevelopmentFinalized Logo: Color

The full color logo must use all of the dimensions specified in order to maintain

its full integrity. The color logo also must have the correct color corresponding to

each part of the logo. This logo is appropriate for most uses of marketing the product

and can be used across all forms of media including both print and web usage This

logo is to be displayed against a white background, except on web usage and other

promotional items, where a grey background may be appropriate.

KelpodHydroponic Seeds


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KelpodHydroponic Seeds

Logo DevelopmentFinalized Logo: Black and White

Although the color logo is preferred, the black and white logo is also available

to use, and can be used when the budget does not allow for full color printing. This

logo needs to be printed on a white surface for it to be displayed properly.

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LOGO STANDARDThe logo standard is the terms and conditions that the logo may or

may not be used under. If there is ever a question about the logo

usage in an application that is not outlined here, please refer to the

graphics department for information on how to proceed.

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Logo StandardDimensions

KelpodHydroponic Seeds




The logo is set at 3.21” x 4.63” and may be reduced to any fixed variation of

these proportions. If the logo is set to a size where the subtitle is not clearly legible,

the alternative logo variation may be used. (Refer to Page 20)

2 x-height

3 x-height


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Logo StandardColor Palette

C: 57%

M: 6%

Y: 100%

K: 0%

C: 0%

M: 0%

Y: 0%

K: 0%

C: 88%

M: 27%

Y: 100%

K: 15%

C: 0%

M: 0%

Y: 0%

K: 100%

The colors that are featured within the palette reflect upon the natural

environment that kelp is found in. After researching seaweed kelp more intensively

one will note that there are multiple components that make up seaweed, such as

the blade and the pod. The lighter green shade is representative of the kelp blades

that capture sunlight to feed the plant. Alternatively, the darker shade is a sample

of the pods that help keep the kelp bouyant by acting as a gas chamber.

KelpodHydroponic Seeds


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Logo StandardUnacceptable Uses

KelpodHydroponic Seeds

KelpodHydroponic Seeds


The logo was created a certain way, please do not modify or change the logo outside of the outlined

ways. Do not write over the mark, or cover any of the text that makes up the logo. The logo is also made to be

flat. Do not add additional computer effects to the logo such as shadow, glows, emboss, etc. If using the mark

separately from the rest of the logo, do not make it apart of another graphic. The mark is to remain separate

and distinct. The logo looks a certain way, do not rotate it, flip it (either horizontally or vertically), or squish it.

Do not cut off any of the logo, it is to be fully intact if the text is used, and if only the mark is used, then it is to

be fully visible as well. Finally, do not modify the logo colors, use the colors from the palette.

Do not combine graphics Do not cut off the logo

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Logo StandardUnacceptable Uses

KelpodHydroponic Seeds

Do not rotate the logo Do not skew the logoDo not change colors Do not flip the logo

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Logo StandardAlternative Uses

Alternate uses of the logo include using the mark, as can be seen on marketing tools such as business cards. If using the mark be

aware of how it fits with the rest of the design. If the background of the design is white, use the positive mark with the lighter green filling.

Another use of the mark is using the lighter green color and having the negative mark. Be sure to color match the background with the logo

color if using it this way. This can also be applied to the black and white versions of the mark as well.

If the logo is reduced to a smaller size and the subtitle of “Hydroponic Seeds” cannot be viewed, one may use the alternate version

of the logo where the subtitle is across the bottom of the logo instead.

KelpodHydroponic Seeds

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Logo StandardTypography

Royal Chicken

Gotham Bold

Gotham Light

ABCDEF GHIJKLMNOPQRST UVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789



The logo features a typeface called “Royal Chicken” for the main text. Royal Chicken is best used for display and large headline usage.

Keep the amount of text in this typeface very limited. Also use the corresponding dark green for any headline text in this typeface.

The subtitle typeface that is used is part of the Gotham family, and it is the light variation. It is easy to read and for most purposes

is very content-appropriate. Keep this typeface in the pantone black color from the color palette.

If the headline is being for separate marketing purposes, another variation of the headline typeface can be Gotham Bold. This font

is generally more easy to read, and is better for headlines that are longer.

If your company does not have one of the fonts listed above, please contact the Kelpod headquarters and the graphics department

will respond with the necessary steps to proceeding with the design.

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The business system follows a very minimal theme and prevents the

graphics from competing with the message. Alignment and margin

information is specified on the following pages.

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KelpodHydroponic Seeds

Sample Company Address2000 Mariana Street,Miramar, CA 94019650.726.2434

Dear Mr John Smith,

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia,

there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the

Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies

it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences

fly into your mouth.

Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost

unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum

decided to leave for the far World of Grammar. The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so, because

there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and devious Semikoli, but the Little

Blind Text didn’t listen.

She packed her seven versalia, put her initial into the belt and made herself on the way.

When she reached the first hills of the Italic Mountains, she had a last view back on the skyline of

her hometown Bookmarksgrove, the headline of Alphabet Village and the subline of her own

road, the Line Lane. Pityful a rethoric question ran over her cheek, then she continued her way.

Best Wishes,

Elisha St. Denis


Kelpod Corporate Ctr.1000 Ocean Avenue,Half Moon Bay, CA 94018

[email protected]









1” 1”



8.5” x 11”

The letterhead is consistant with the rest of the business system, as it is minimal

& clean, provides good contrast, and is legible and easy to read. This letterhead

places the logo, without the mark, in the top-left hand corner. The recipient of the

letter is placed underneath the logo, and is aligned with the left side. The body copy

is Gotham Light, and the font size is 8pt.

All contact information of Kelpod, including the address, phone number,

email address, and website, is in the light green bar at the bottom. When placed in

an envelope, the paper is to be tri-folded so that the logo is first seen when opening

the envelope.

Business SystemLetterhead

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Business SystemBusiness Cards

4.125” x 9.5”

KelpodHydroponic Seeds

Kelpod Corporate Ctr.1000 Ocean Avenue,Half Moon Bay, CA 94018650.399.6344

KelpodThe envelope features a very straightforward and minimalist approach. The

front of the envelope features the mark in its negative form, and the company’s

corporate address in a light green, consistent with the graphic standards. The bar

across the front allows for added contrast for the mark and the address.

The back of the envelope showcases the full logo on a plain white background

all over. The unique shape of the envelope is used to mimic the blades of the kelp

that are featured in the mark. Inside the envelope features the main light green

color as well.

From top to bottom:

Front of the envelope, Back of the envelope,

Inside Detail



Back Detail

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Business SystemEnvelope

KelpodHydroponic Seeds

Elisha St. DenisCEO

Kelpod Corporate Ctr.1000 Ocean Ave.

Half Moon Bay, CA 94018

The front of the business card features a light green to white gradient that

reaches from the bottom of the card up to the top. This effect leads the eye up

towards the logo at the top. The name on the business card is in Gotham Bold at 12pt.

The address and phone number is right justified, and is at a 10pt Gotham Light font.

The back of the card features the negative white mark against a light green

background with the company website underneath at 10pt Gotham Light font.

Front Back

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Business SystemComplete System

KelpodHydroponic Seeds

Kelpod Corporate Ctr.1000 Ocean Avenue,Half Moon Bay, CA 94018650.399.6344


KelpodHydroponic Seeds

Elisha St. DenisCEO

Kelpod Corporate Ctr.1000 Ocean Ave.

Half Moon Bay, CA 94018


KelpodHydroponic Seeds

Sample Company Address2000 Mariana Street,Miramar, CA 94019650.726.2434

Dear Mr John Smith,

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia,

there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the

Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it

with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly

into your mouth.

Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost

unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided

to leave for the far World of Grammar. The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were

thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and devious Semikoli, but the Little Blind Text

didn’t listen.

She packed her seven versalia, put her initial into the belt and made herself on the way.

When she reached the first hills of the Italic Mountains, she had a last view back on the skyline of

her hometown Bookmarksgrove, the headline of Alphabet Village and the subline of her own road,

the Line Lane. Pityful a rethoric question ran over her cheek, then she continued her way.

Best Wishes,

Elisha St. Denis


Kelpod Corporate Ctr.1000 Ocean Avenue,Half Moon Bay, CA 94018

[email protected]

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The following demonstrate how the logo is to be used on

promotional items, as well as marketing and social platforms.

Having a good marketing platform is crucial for the success of the

brand and needs to be properly utilized.

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Marketing ApplicationsVehicles

The top vehicle is mainly intended to transport Kelpod products from one area to another. The body of the van is the light green from

the color palette to create more dramatic appeal. The main logo is featured on both sides of the vehicle, and the negative mark is featured

on the top and back of the van.

The bottom vehicle is intended to be for promotional purposes, or for company personal transport. The body color detail of the car

is the same as the van.

Both of these vehicles are also available with white body paint with the logo placement in the same area. Instead of the negative

mark on the top and back, the positive green fill mark is the replacement.

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Marketing ApplicationsBillboards

KelpodHydroponic Seeds

Why buy your food when you can grow it yourself?

KelpodHydroponic Seeds

Why buy your food when you can grow it yourself?

The billboard ads for Kelpod are designed to be simple and easy to read from a distance. These ads feature only the logo with the

website information underneath. The logo should take up 1/4th of the billboard height, with the website at the top of the bottom 1/4th. The

website typeface should be Gotham Bold and must have a black fill.

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Marketing ApplicationsWebsite


Label TwoLabel Two Label ThreeLabel Three Label FourLabel FourLabel OneLabel One



KelpodHydroponic Seeds


Home About Products Shop

Bitters Tonx irure mollit, vegan Odd Future Truaut wolf synth odio. Mumblecore veniam DIY roof party, Blue Bottle sriracha sar-torial. Laboris readymade Bushwick banh mi. Gentrify McSwee-ney's fap Godard, Cosby sweater American Apparel retro ad. Sel-vage hashtag sint flexitarian eiusmod, nulla McSweeney's. Loca-vore VHS sapiente laborum twee, Banksy Echo Park odio

McSweeney's 90's banh mi forage you probably haven't heard of them. Wayfarers placeat beard chillwave. Whatever gastropub church-key aesthetic dreamcatcher type-writer. Actually plaid mlkshk YOLO ad bespoke, assumenda culpa Truaut McSweeney's Marfa XOXO magna Portland. Hoodie mustache sartorial viral sint small batch. Enim ad sartori-

Shop ProductsKelpod


Water Solution

KelpodHydroponic Seeds

KelpodHome About Products Shop

Bitters Tonx irure mollit, vegan Odd Future

Truaut wolf synth odio. Mumblecore veniam

DIY roof party, Blue Bottle sriracha sartorial.

Laboris readymade Bushwick banh mi. Gentri-

fy McSweeney's fap Godard, Cosby sweater

American Apparel retro ad. Selvage hashtag

sint flexitarian eiusmod, nulla McSweeney's.

Locavore VHS sapiente laborum twee, Banksy

Echo Park odio McSweeney's 90's banh mi

forage you probably haven't heard of them.

Wayfarers placeat beard chillwave.

Whatever gastropub church-key aesthetic dreamcatcher type-

writer. Actually plaid mlkshk YOLO ad bespoke, assumenda culpa Truf-

faut McSweeney's Marfa XOXO magna Portland. Hoodie mustache sar-

torial viral sint small batch. Enim ad sartorial try-hard, adipisicing aliquip

nesciunt cupidatat.

Paleo Blue Bottle Pitchfork distillery minim, Neutra 8-bit letter-

press wolf flexitarian pariatur. 8-bit four loko cardigan fugiat fashion

axe bicycle rights. Bushwick deserunt fap Vice fugiat. Esse you proba-

bly haven't heard of them small batch, proident Carles flexitarian loca-

vore Echo Park selfies stumptown tattooed freegan. Scenester salvia



KelpodHydroponic Seeds


Home About Products Shop

Shop Products


Water Solution

Bitters Tonx irure mollit, vegan Odd Future

Truaut wolf synth odio. Mumblecore veniam DIY

roof party, Blue Bottle sriracha sartorial. Laboris

readymade Bushwick banh mi. Gentrify McSwee-

ney's fap Godard, Cosby sweater American

Apparel retro ad. Selvage hashtag sint flexitarian

eiusmod, nulla McSweeney's. Locavore VHS

sapiente laborum twee, Banksy Echo Park odio

Bitters Tonx irure mollit, vegan Odd Future

Truaut wolf synth odio. Mumblecore veniam DIY

roof party, Blue Bottle sriracha sartorial. Laboris

readymade Bushwick banh mi. Gentrify McSwee-

ney's fap Godard, Cosby sweater American

Apparel retro ad. Selvage hashtag sint flexitarian

eiusmod, nulla McSweeney's. Locavore VHS

sapiente laborum twee, Banksy Echo Park odio

The website is used for both informational and shopping services. The website is clean and very straightforward featuring the logo

in the top left hand corner and the navigation to the right. The company website is mobile responsive and adapts to any size device that

the user is holding. Below are examples of the website on cellular, tablet, and desktop devices.

Website on Smartphones Website on Tablets Website on Desktop Computers

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Marketing ApplicationsPromotional Items

Below are some examples of promotional items. The Kelpod logo, or the mark, must be the primary focus on the product. If the

product does not have a white background, gray be substituted.

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PACKAGINGEveryday, the retail shelf life is a battle zone where brands compete

for consumer attention. When designing my package and graphics

I wanted to have maximum shelf impact. I wanted to attract and

target consumers as they walk down an aisle full of seed packages

to motivate them and pick up Kelpod’s package.

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PackagingConcept Designs

I knew from the beginning that I needed something to house the pod, but figuring

out the outer packing was difficult. The initial concept drawings were revolved

around the pod, and explored how many should be in each container and what

the pod-housing container should look like. It was not until later that I started

exploring with folding paper to make the mock-ups.

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After working on different folding techniques, I came up with the idea of

using a triangular shaped container that would hold the pod inside. This shape

allows one of the packages to be fit in the outer container, and features an easy

way to extract the pod outside. Each pod container is meant to be easy to fit in

one’s hand, and be easy to transport. Because of the way it is folded, the user does

not have to actually touch the pod inside, instead, they can turn it upside down

and press each side to pop it out.

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Outer Packaging: The outer packaging is made from paper with seeds embedded inside of it. This allows the consumer

to plant the product, instead of disposing it. This creates a sustainable solution that is also beneficial to

the consumer because they are up-cycling the product and contributing to their own garden, or to their


Housing Container: The outermost triangle that houses the Kelpod containers is made from a lightweight cardboard

that is strong enough to maintain its shape, but light enough to not interfere with the overall design and

aesthetics of the inside packaging. The outer container features a window made form acetate that allows

the audience to view the triangular containers within. Because the package is made into a triangular shape,

it can easy be stacked to make a square, which allows easier transport when shipped and exported.

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PacakagingFinalized Design

My goal was to incorporate fresh bold and lucid colors. Each package has the logo on front, as well as a window in the shape of the

vegetable, spice, or herb, on the back to see the pod containers inside. Specific growing information as well as a description of the seed

is on either side of the packing.

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KelpodHydroponic Seeds
