Keeping Up With The Facebook

Keeping Up with The Facebook {No Kardashians Here} Lauren Melcher Digital Strategist, Weber Shandwick Minneapolis [email protected]


Presented to Weber Shandwick Minneapolis all-staff on November 15, 2011.

Transcript of Keeping Up With The Facebook

  • 1. Keeping Up withThe Facebook {No Kardashians Here}Lauren MelcherDigital Strategist, Weber Shandwick [email protected]

2. Whats new?Whats on the way? 3. Recent Changes OPEN GRAPH CODE ACCESSIBILITY FOR DEVELOPERS, INCREASEDFLEXIBILITY TALKING ABOUT THIS DATA/MEASUREMENT IN REAL TIME THE TICKER Coming Soon TIMELINE FOR BRAND PAGES (AND PERSONAL PROFILES)ROLL-OUT TBD 4. VERB ANY NOUNFacebook gestures 5. -- 8th Bridge 6. IMPLICATIONSONLINE SHOPPING: wantTELEVISION SHOWS: watchingELECTIONS: votedWhat you wont see: dislike (and other bannedwords, according to Facebooks discretion) 7. TALKING ABOUT THISmeaningful analytics for brand performance on Facebook 8. The currentbarometer of howmuch conversationis being generatedby a Page onFacebook.-- Facebook 9. BUT WHERE DOES IT COME FROM? Refreshes daily but goes back a week User interactions that impact the number: LIKING A PAGE POSTING TO A PAGES WALL LIKING, COMMENTING ON OR SHARING A PAGE POST ANSWERING A QUESTION POSTED RSVPING TO AN EVENT MENTIONING A PAGE IN A PERSONAL POST PHOTOTAGGING A PAGE LIKING OR SHARING A CHECK-IN DEAL CHECKING IN AT A PLACE 10. THE TICKERlove it or hate it? 11. REAL-TIME NEWS Source 12. TIMELINE FOR BRANDSthe evolution of Pages 13. Source 14. Source 15. Source 16. FACEBOOK TIMELINE FOR BRANDS More emphasis on visuals MORE BRANDING CAPABILITIES Source Separation betweenbrand posts and userposts (possibly) MORE COMMUNITY MANAGEMENTOPPORTUNITIESSource 17. PLUSFive Smaller Changes 18. 1. Subscribe to profile feature 19. 2. Ability to search postsby everyone 20. 3. Facebook Places = dead4. Longer character limit for posts(5,000 characters instead of 420) 21. 5. More mobile friendly overall(support for mobile versions of apps+ long-awaited iPad app)