Kathryn Iles Fashion Portfolio 2013

Kathryn D. Iles Design Portfolio


This is Kathryn's fashion portfolio. She also has a more costume focused one in Kathryn Iles Costume Portfolio 2013

Transcript of Kathryn Iles Fashion Portfolio 2013

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Kathryn D. Iles Design Portfolio

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About MeHello. My name is Kathryn Iles and I am currently a Fashion Design student studying the University of Cincinnati College of DAAP.

I pride myself on being a relatively easy designer to work with. I am a conscientious worker, who always strives to be better through listening to what my client wants. I am always easily accessible and go the extra mile to exceed your expectations.

Contact Me If you would like to see more of my work check out my blog.

If you would like to discuss about a project you can reach me either through my blog or by email.

Email: !"#$%&'()!"*+,*#&+


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CAD Pattern and Fabric Development

Red Dress & Children’s Wear

Tailoring: 1940’s Modern

Textile Play and Construction

Biotechnology Trend Forecasting

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Trend Forecast Spring 2014

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Shopp ing in today ’s soc i e ty ha s become an ever yday occurence w i th Paren t ’s l ook ing fo r

qua l i t y a t a l ower p r i ce po in t . T hat i s why a s to re such a s Targe t i s a p r ime cand idate to

ca r r y th i s co l l e c t i on o f Ch i ld ren’s wear p r in t s and de s i gn s fo r Spr ing/Summer 2014 . Tar-

ge t i s a s to re that ha s t ran s fo r med i t s e l f t o be one o f the top brands that focu s on qua l i t y

a t a f a i r p r i ce. T hey s ea rch fo r new and fun pr in t s tha t can be ea s i l y t ran s l a t ed be tween

co t tons and kn i t s , and th i s co l l e c t i on doe s nus t tha t . P r in t s have fo r med in two ways fo r

the upcoming s ea son w i th sma l l and c lo se l y packed o r l a rge and bo ld . T h i s co l l e c t i on be ing

in co t ton and kn i t s a l l ows fo r a f l ex ib l e p r i ce po in t and i s j u s t what the Targe t shopper i s

l ook ing fo r.

Target and Market Research

* June, a six-year-old girl born in the south of France is a petite strawberry blonde with blue green eyes and freckles for miles. * the community garden between a secret friend’s and her apartment buildings in Boston.

* !e garden serves as a place of sanc-tuary for the pair, from parents, school, and troubles inbetween. Meeting here, the two "nd each other to become friends.

* June is found planting seeds and tend-ing to the #owers, just the way her mother taught her before her passing. For June, the garden is a connection for her to her mother, a place of peace with a spiritual atmosphere.

* As the two continue to grow and meet they slowly become children of the urban garden, seeking shelter and refuge under the stocks and leaves.

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S a n c t u a r i e s a r e d e ve l o p e d a n d e x p r e s s e d t h ro u g h d i f f e r e n t m o d e s i n u r b a n s e t t i n g s .

T h ey c a n b e s e e n i n c o m mu n i t y g a r d e n s , ro o f t o p g a r d e n s , ve g i t e c t u r e , c i t y g r e e n s p a c -

e s , f ro n t s t e p s , ve r t i c a l g a r d e n s , w i l d l i f e r e f u g e s a n d i n t e r i o r p l a n t s / g a r d e n s . U r b a n

s a n c t u a r i e s e x p r e s s f e e l i n g s o f s p i r i t u a l i t y, s e c u r i t y, p e a c e , f r e e d o m , a n d e s c a p e . I t i s

s i m p l y a n o u t l e t t o t h e n a t u r a l w o r l d .

Urban Sanctuaries

Drivers for Urban Sanctuaries

* Bioeconomy- President Obama 2013- National Bioeconomy Blueprint- Health, Food, and Energy- Genetically Enhanced Produce

* Biotechnology- Biohackers, Designers, Artists- Technology furthering humans - Health, Food, and Energy- Biological growth of goods

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ds fg j kh fdgk jhn f k ldb jn f ldbk fdnv loae io rbd fmf ldkbma f ldkmvaco iecmog r ; ae romvd l fmvo l

kd smvcpob i fmnfdop ibkmloear ighck lmv mle rckovmlerg f iov j k l amgerod fb ivaek lmrgc iovk -

ma le rhgbd fo jk l aemrghobd f ime l r,hbd f ioml rdg fbop imle rhbd fo ik lmerg iopkmlerbd fp iokm-

l e rgd f i v jomk laerhg jbd f iopkmrehbd f iokmaerh lbd f j v iomkraeh j fbd io j k lmrehgbd f iok lmareg f -

du iob j l ve r i j oe r iogd fv c iokme l ragd iovkaehr iobd f kmlhg.

Print Production

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s idgknfdkgr jnrohgi jndfkgjngire jhnoegiuvni jbdfkgefwjtgnbdksfgeinwybdlnsgbj lngjofp;bdkl

ns jg lwkjabmsjngbdlseghjqabdjnajghiqbdlnghablndahigqablndgiqpablndeghqkabdnkeghqa-

blndjhkewolnsbdjhweoblsdhwobf j shrwuo wuf i s sdhreiudfnbhrwegobdik l sghmej ioabds l jk-

gnabiodl j sgebdj l snkdshirwlnsbfhirowf lnshi j rofk lmnhi joklmndf j ieodklnmkmlje iotdklnmgj

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Flat and Garment Development

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Red Dress & Children’s Wear

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The object ive was to create a connect ion between the Red Dress project and Chi ldren’s

Wear whi le s taying moder n. El izabeth Taylor and her chi ldren inspired this connect ion as

she was infamous in red and 70’s inspired chi ldren’s wear i s on trend.

Elizabeth Taylor Inspiration

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Production Outcome

The red dress was inspired by a photo of El izabeth Taylor in a p leated s i lk gown. This dress i s l ight and f lowing, empha-s iz ing the pleat ing in the col lar and the blocking detai l o f the wais t . The chi ldren are featured in 70’s inspired fabr ic pr ints wi th moder n detai l ing represent ing the mini adul t s El izabeth’s chi ldren had to become.

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The object ive for the Red Dress was to take knowledge

lear ned about creat ing a dress pat ter n to one’s own mea-

surements based on a col lect ive inspirat ion. This dress was

featured in the Red Dress Show put on by Cincinnat i ’s Red

Heart Associat ion.

Red Dress Development

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The object ive for Chi ldren’s Wear was to create two moder n looks us ing chi ldren’s mea-

surements and inspirat ion that re lated to the Red Dress. Using detai l s in the col lar s and

s leeves to update these 70’s looks, these k ids rocked the runway at DAAP’s Spring Fashion


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Children’s Wear Development

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Tailoring: 1940’s Modern

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This ta i lored jacket Ref lects a s leak and c lass ic mi l i tar i s t ic s ty le that emphasizes l ine and s tructure. This wool jacket f i t s comfortably to the contour of the body and s tands out wi th i t s unique blocking at the s leeve, neck, and shoulder. With a f lat hook and eye c losure a l l down the front this ta i lored jacket i s per fect for any fa l l look this season.

Construction Outcome

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The object ive for the Tai lor ing Project was to take knowledge lear ned about creat ing a jacket pat ter n and ta i lor ing and construct ing a jacket by hand. This jacket pushes the l imits as i t features a set in rag lan s leeve that i s a d i s -t inct component of the s tove pipe col lar.

Inspiration and Development

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Textile Play and Construction

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Mood and Inspiration

Requiem for a DreamShe woke suddenly hu!ng and pu!ng, gasping for breath. She tried to her self that it was only a dream but Aislin knew better. It felt too real to be only a dream.

Dreaming of her darkest fears coming true and engul"ng her, Aislin a quiet and reserved co#ee shop worker who hides in her clothes. Hoping the madness will disguise her from the truth that she is all alone, she watches as the night takes over the light of day breathing heavily, dreading the moment she sleeps next.

Coming forth from a realm of fear, th i s col lect ion i s engul fed by the a iry a l lure of dreams and the rough darkness of a suf focat ing nightmare. Inspired by horror f i lms such as the shining and cons i s tent mixing of chi f fons, sat ins, and leather on the runway. This col lect ion i s guaranteed to take you to the edge of fear and beauty.

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The object ive was to take knowledge lear ned about creat ing

for mal dresses to models ’ measurements and so l id i fy i t wi th

the knowledge of sewing construct ion and text i les to create

a wel l f i t ted gar ment .

Designing Product

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Wanting to show of f a p lay of d i f ferent text i les, featured i s a use of ta i lor ing with sat in ,

chi f fon and synthet ic leather. The dresses feature pleat ing, dart and seam manipulat ion,

as wel l as a pr incess seam inset . Inpired by a 1940’s s i lhouette, these dresses br ing a mod-

er n edge and f lare with the deta i l o f synthet ic leather.

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Production Outcome

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Biotechnology Trend Forecasting

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Bioindustrial Revolution

As scientists develop more complex vaccines and therapies to treat virus strains, biomutations are forming, becoming a larger enemy than the virus itself. Discover Magazine comments that develop-

pandemic or even if controlled could show terrorists how to breed bioweapons. These fears call to action a creation of protocol for

Antibiotic resistant viruses and diseases are evolving each day to form a superbug as the human body is forced to change with antibiotic use. Research presented in Science Daily suggests

contributing directly to diseases such as obesity, allergies, and asthma. Resistant viruses would be less likely to evolve and form if humans could coexist with the bacteria within to promote health.

Biohacking and genetic modification has brought rise to programming the perfect species. According to Science Daily, although genetic modification could extend a person!s life and improve health it runs at the risk of unforeseen mutations and function rejection. To avoid negative results in a technological amped bioindustrial environment is to regulate and take better care of human health before the need for genetic corrections.

Advancements in tinkering and gene research has led to the evolution of biomutation and the overwhelming possibility of human pandemic. A Bioindustrial Revolution is technologi-cally motivated for the improvement of human life as well as socially driven in the necessity of self-biohacking and diagnostics. Biohacking and gene therapy vaccinations once were thought as enriching advancements but have mutated to create a monster for the modern apocalypse.

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Thank You for your Time and Considerat ion