Katalogy Siemens Ad4 Cfc En

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Transcript of Katalogy Siemens Ad4 Cfc En

  • 7/28/2019 Katalogy Siemens Ad4 Cfc En


    Continuous Function Chart CFC

    Linking and parameter assignmentinstead of programming




    The CFC (Continuous Function

    Chart) engineering tool permits

    the conversion of technological

    specifications into executable

    automation programs with the

    minimum of input. It is only neces-

    sary to select ready-made blocks

    from a library, to position them on

    a CFC using drag and drop, to link

    them together graphically, and to

    set their parameters. Advancedprogramming knowledge

    is not required.

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    Graphical engineering for PLCs and PCSs


    The CFC editor is an open engineer-ing tool for versatile application,and permits graphical editing ofautomation functions on the basisof ready-made function blocks.It executes with the MicrosoftWindows 95, 98, Me, NT 4.0, 2000Professional and XP Professionaloperating systems. You can use theCFC editor to generate, test andcommission an executable user pro-gram for a CPU. The tasks imple-mented with SIMATIC S7 as organi-

    zation blocks (OB) constitute theinterface between the CPU's operat-ing system and the user program.

    As a result of the simple handlingand convenient mode of operation,the CFC has already become estab-lished as the engineering tool forthe following systems:

    SIMATIC S7 (S7-300 withCPU 314C/CPU 316 or better,S7-400, S7-400H, S7-400F/FH)





    Drive ES Graphic


    DESIGO building control system

    GUI and catalog

    The CFC editor permits two process-ing modes: generation mode andtest mode. You can select two views

    for the chart-oriented graphic con-figuring in generation mode:

    Page view in which all details canbe processed

    Chart overview with two columnswith three pages each for opera-tions extending beyond one pageor chart.

    A sequence editor similar to theWindows Explorer is also availablefor optimizing the executionsequence.

    The page view has a central workingarea and two margins in which thereferences extending beyond singlepages or charts are shown (inputson left, outputs on right). The CFCorganizes and manages these refer-ences automatically. When clickinga reference with the mouse, the cor-responding signal is tracked, andthe chart with the partner blockopened.

    A catalog window and a window forprocessing the chart connectionscan be displayed in the working areaas shown in the figure. The blocks,

    libraries and charts categorized inhierarchical lists (tree structure) aremanaged in separate layers in theCFC catalog, and switching betweenthe layers is possible using buttons.

    The size of the catalog depends onthe target system and the librariesused. A standard library with blocksfor mathematical functions andautomation functions for SIMATICS7-300 and S7-400 such as closed-loop control blocks, clock genera-tors, counter blocks or timer blocksis already integrated in the catalog.

    Blocks created according toCFC conventions using any pro-gramming languages such as LAD,FBD, STL or S7-SCL can be useddirectly for CFC configuring, inte-grated into the standard library, ormanaged in separate libraries. Indi-vidual charts can also be stored inlibraries, and positioned in furtherCFCs.

    Display of a CFC with chart connections and CFC catalog

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    Mode of operation

    Mode of operation

    Creation of CFC

    The CFC editor operates accordingto charts. When creating a newproject, a chart folder is generatedfor saving the CFCs produced for theuser program. The number of chartsdepends on the size of the applica-tion and its configuration producedby the planning engineer. You cre-ate a new chart in the chart folderusing a name which is unambiguousthroughout the CPU. It consists asstandard of a subchart with 6 pages,and can be extended up to 26 sub-charts by inserting further ones.

    Positioning, linking and parame-terization of blocks in the CFC

    According to the technological defi-nitions, ready-made blocks or chartscan be selected from a catalog, posi-tioned on a working area in the CFCusing drag and drop, linkedtogether, and parameterized. Sup-ported by powerful autorouting andan integral message configuration,it is thus possible to clearly config-ure and document complete signal

    flows. Since the CFC itself handlesmanagement of the target systemresources, the planning engineercan concentrate on the technologi-cal aspects of the configuration andneed not possess deep knowledgeof the automation system.

    Ready-made blocks can be blocksfrom libraries or programs, or basedon self-created types. A blockinserted from the catalog into theCFC for the first time is automati-cally transferred to the program-specific block view of the catalog to

    permit fast reuse.Blocks/charts can be linked togetheron the same page, on differentpages of the same chart, or in differ-ent charts of a CPU. It is always thecase that the data types of the linkedinputs and outputs must be compat-ible, and this is always checked bythe CFC during the linking proce-dure.

    Linking means the establishment ofa communication connection fortransmitting values between theoutput of a block/chart and one ormore inputs of the same or a differ-ent block/chart. They can also belinks between outputs/inputs of ablock/chart and so-called chart con-nections (input/output interfaces of

    a chart) or objects outside the CFC(operands such as bit memories orinput/output variables of the pro-cess image). A special form is textlinking of block/chart inputs toblock/chart outputs. If a chart withlinks extending beyond it is copiedor shifted into another program, thelinks at the block inputs becometext. At the end of processing, thesetext links can be closed using amenu command. Links which can-not be closed (matching linkingpartner does not exist) are listed andcan be followed up.

    Configuring is made easier in thatyou can copy or shift individualblocks or groups of blocks beyondchart limits. The links betweenblocks are still retained. Even com-plete charts, including the blocksused in them, can be copied andshifted, even into other programs.

    Adaptation of sequenceproperties

    The sequence properties of theblocks define when the CPU exe-cutes the blocks within the user pro-gram, and in what time sequence.They are decisive for the timeresponse of the target system, i.e.for response times, dead times, or

    the stability of time-dependentstructures.

    When creating a new CFC, asequence group with the name ofthe chart is automatically created ina cyclic task, and all blocks of thischart are inserted into this group.Thus each block is already assignedsequence characteristics as standardwhen inserted, and these character-istics can be optimized by the con-figuring engineer using modifica-tions in the sequence editor or byusing algorithms. The algorithm ini-tially determines the optimum blocksequence for each sequence groupseparately, and then the optimumsequence for the groups.

    Overview of a CFC with 4 pages

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    Mode of operation / configuring

    In order to configure a task, you canmanually add further sequencegroups to the group which has beencreated automatically. All sequencegroups can be provided with addi-tional attributes for "Downscaling"and "Phase offset".

    Sequence groups can be switchedon and off controlled by the pro-gram by linking to a Boolean blockoutput.

    Compile CFCs into executableprogram

    To make the user program execut-able for the current CPU, all CFCspresent in the chart folder and rep-resenting this user program arecompiled into the correspondingmachine code. Different compilersare used depending on the targetsystem, e.g. the SCL compiler forSIMATIC S7. As soon as a completecompilation exists, it is also possibleto just compile the modifications.

    The compilation includes a consis-tency test which can also be exe-cuted separately. At the end of acompilation procedure, you can

    check the compilation sequenceusing a report.

    Loading and testing a compileduser program in the CPU

    Before testing and commissioningcan be carried out, it is first neces-sary to load the user program spe-cific to the target system from theCFC into the CPU. Following suc-cessful complete loading, programmodifications can also be loadedwithout interrupting processing ofthe CPU program (CPU stop).

    Following selection of test mode,you can use the functions for onlinemonitoring and parameterization of

    block connections as well as thefunctions integrated in the CFC edi-tor for supporting commissioningsuch as display of the CPU state,starting and stopping the program,CPU reset or setting of the clock.Individual charts or their sequencegroups can be specifically switchedon and off in test mode.


    The CFC editor permits comprehen-sive documentation of the completestructure of your application. Inaddition to the current chart

    (optionally including the chart con-nections) and the associated refer-ence data such as executionsequence, block types used, cross-references, block calling hierarchy,text links, local data, and resourceassignments or statistical data, it isalso possible to print the reportsproduced during configuring andcommissioning.

    Special configuring systems

    Chart-in-chart system for imple-menting hierarchical charts

    The chart-in-chart system permitsyou to encapsulate a chart for reuse,i.e. to assign it chart connections towhich block inputs/outputs relevantto the connection with othercharts/blocks are applied. A chartprepared in this manner can be posi-tioned like a block in other charts,opened there, individually modifiedand linked. It is thus possible to gen-erate structured hierarchies accord-ing to technological aspects whoseelements can be standardized andreused.

    Compile chart as block typeYou can also compile a chart as ablock type, and subsequently use itlike a standard block. As with thechart-in-chart system, you must alsopreviously define and link connec-tions for this chart. Following thecompilation, blocks of this type canbe used as often as required and canalso be modified centrally.

    CFC in test mode: monitoring and definition of input/output values

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    Display of chart as overview ordetail view

    Import, position, copy, shift,delete, link and parameterizeblocks

    Autorouting function:only the connections to be linkedare marked. The CFC editor auto-matically determines the linerouting, and draws the lines (alsobeyond sheet/chart limits)

    Create, open, close, copy, shift,replace, rename and deletecharts; insert and delete sub-charts

    Expansion of chart size using sub-charts (up to 26 subcharts)

    Adaptation of chart properties,and create connections for chart

    Insert and process text fields

    Automatic management of mar-gins with convenient signal track-ing; when linking to chartinterconnections, a double clickon the margin opens the higher-

    level chart Text links with targets present in

    a different chart folder or stillunknown: create, change, searchand delete; close open text links

    Copy, change and delete links

    Hierarchical CFCs (chart-in-chartsystem): further CFCs can beincorporated into a CFC. Everyincorporated CFC can be individ-ually modified without the modi-fications having an effect onother positions

    Generation of new block types,

    also through compilation ofcharts; these blocks can be modi-fied centrally, and can be reusedat any other positions

    Link structures, and edit structureelements

    Change the execution sequenceby inserting, removing and shift-ing objects

    Create, edit and delete sequencegroups

    Consistency check

    Compilation of complete chartfolder

    Compilation of modifications

    Downloading of the completeCFC program onto the targetsystem

    Delta online downloading (load-

    ing of modified configuration inthe CPU status "RUN-P")

    Reading back of parameters(modified values are read backinto the CFC data archive)

    Start, reset, stop and continuethe program

    Compare time stamps of userprogram

    Reset CPU of a target system

    Display current module status ofthe CPU, and set the time

    Two test modes:

    - Process mode; the dynamic acti-vation of the measured valuescan be switched off for individ-ual blocks. This avoids overload-ing of the CPU and bus

    - Laboratory mode; the dynamicactivation is not subject to anylimitations, and efficient testingduring commissioning is there-fore possible

    Display and dynamic activation ofcurrent measured value at blockinput/output of output fields

    Display of value for monitoring

    any connections of blocks andCFCs in a separate window

    Online overwriting of currentparameter values by the user

    Monitor function; stack informa-tion and system status informa-tion can also be scanned usingthe CFC debugger

    Supporting of CPU passwordprotection

    Printout of current chart andchart connections; selectablescope/printing area using option

    Printout and export (csv format)of chart reference data- Execution sequences of groups

    and blocks- Linking with operands- Linking with sequence groups- Block types used with their

    invocations- Program resources used

    (DBs, FBs, ...)- Required and existing localCPU data

    - Block calling hierarchy ofnested blocks

    - Text links- Statistical data (number of

    charts, blocks, links, ...)

    Printout of configuring andcommissioning reports

    Editing functions Compiler functions

    Administration, loading, test-ing and debugging functions

    Documentation functions

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    Siemens Aktiengesellschaft

    Automation and DrivesIndustrial Automation SystemsP.O. Box 4848, D-90327 Nuremberg


    Order No. 6ZB5310-0JT02-0BA2Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany

    315204 KB 1003 3.0 SR En

    Siemens AG 2003Subject to change without prior notice

    Highlights / technical data

    Required hardware/software

    Hardware platform PG/PC with Pentium processor and

    min. 256 MB RAM,

    approx. 60 MB hard disk for CFC; approx. 500 MB total,

    graphics resolution min. 1024 x 768, recommended: 1280 x 1024

    Operating system Microsoft Windows 95 incl. ServicePack 1, Windows 98, Windows Me,Windows NT 4.0 incl. ServicePack 5, Windows 2000 Professional orWindows XP Professional

    Basic programming software STEP 7 V5.1 or later, ServicePack 6

    Programming language for target systemsbased on SIMATIC S7, including compiler

    S7-SCL V5.0 or later plus ServicePack 3 with Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000

    S7-SCL V5.1 or later plus ServicePack 4 with Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP

    Other target systems Compiler and test environment of target system

    Highlights Technologically oriented configuring

    Simple, fast acquaintance

    Can already be optimally used in the draft phase

    Minimum configuring input through fast and clearpositioning, parameterization and linking of ready-made blocks

    Clear display of control structures

    High degree of standardization

    Prepared charts can be reused as desired

    Implementation of hierarchical charts using chart-in-chart system

    Generation of new block types by compilation ofalready created charts

    High system availability through online modificationcapability

    Lower error rate and shorter commissioning timescompared to conventional programming

    Clear documentation of charts, chart connections,chart reference data as well as configuring andcommissioning reports

    Generation of executable code for the target system"at the press of a button"

    Optimum embedding into the configuration world ofSIMATIC S7, but can also be used for other targetsystems

    Convenient creation of own blocks
