Kapow! Steampunk Edition



Kapow! the metahuman fanzine returns with its steampunk themed issue!

Transcript of Kapow! Steampunk Edition

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Editor-In-Chief: Peter Matthews

Assistant Editor: Maxwell Davidson

Assistant Editor: Joy Kent

Advertising Director: Peter Higgs

Marketing Director: Hannah Kent

Contributing Writers:

Rebecca Brooke, Nanny Flambeau,

Christina Frost, Janie Kane,

Alexander Irons, Archibald McCreery,

Sara Saxon, Fred Sutter, Jared West.

Chief Photographer: Sara Saxon

Contributing Photographers:

Vic O‟Brien, Lisa Walters.

Contributing Designers:

Kelly Orton, Mary Hansen, Ronald



Unit 92

Justice Row

Kings Row

Paragon City

Tel: 763-9203

E-Mail: [email protected]

Our covergirl Trinket talks about herself

and the role of steampunk today

We take an exclusive look inside of the

steampunk spaceship, The Rustbucket.

An interview with a young timetraveller

Steampunk inspired words and phrases.

Page 5: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

A look at our favourite steampunk villain

An interesting overview of Steampunk

Space Pirate Thingamewhatzit

A selection of photos from the Steampunk

party hosted in pocket D.

The Steampunk Space Pirate‟s cook shares

a page from her cookbook,

This issue‟s quiz; discover if steampunk is

your punk style!

Unique advice from our Agony Uncle

Archibald McCreery

The best and worst of Architect

Entertainment reviewed.

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Page 7: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

ell here it is, the long

anticipated new look Kapow!

We launched the first glossy

issue of our magazine back

in February 2010 off the

back of our internet fanzine.

We had hoped to hark back

to the days of the original

Kapow which was printed

back in the 50s. Reception

of the magazine was far

better than we‟d first hoped

and we were soon eager to

put out more issues.

The biggest problem we had

was comparing ourselves to

other magazines sat on the

shelves. We are a self-

funded fanzine and next to

the glossy international

publications we started to

worry we wouldn‟t draw in

new readers due to looking

unprofessional in

comparison. The fan base on

our forums were a great

support to us at this time,

offering us both praise and

constructive criticism.

Initially we‟d wanted to

make changes right away

but the reality of a change

of style quickly hit us hard.

The costs of designers and

new editing software was

daunting and we had to

admit we‟d have to keep

ideas for a revamp on the


ideas for the revamp on the

office‟s „Brainstorming

Board™‟ and continue as we


Over the months we‟ve

scraped together the people,

knowledge and equipment to

change the look of our

magazine and we‟ve had a

lot of fun with it.

In addition to the new look

we‟ve changed the way we

run things as well. Back in

February of last year and

again in January of this year

we published issues devoted

to particular themes;

Valentines and Gladiators

specifically. These issues

received better feedback

than issues detailing general


So we decided that all future

issues will have a theme to

them. That‟s not to say we

won‟t keep in some other

articles not on the issues

theme! If a story has had a

big impact or there‟s a piece

of gossip that needs sharing

it will be in the mag!

With this issue we bring the

devoted theme born of a

trend we‟ve noticed

increasing in popularity in

the metahuman community


of late. Be it windup

devices, clunky machines

blowing out buckets of

steam or just a touch of

Victoriana in clothing

styles, the Steampunk

trend has hit, and hit hard!

In this issue we‟ll be

looking at what this style

is all about and what we

can expect from the

metahumans who are

choosing to adopt it. We‟ll

also be getting to know

more about those that

have been steamtech for


In closing I just want to

say a big thank you to our

ever faithful fans who

always keep our

enthusiasm up even when

the stress of getting things

to print in time becomes a

burden. I‟ve said it before

and I‟ll say it again;

Without you guys there

wouldn’t even be a


Peter Matthews


Page 8: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

Short days after our photographer Sara Saxon visited the Steampunk Space Pirates‟ ship, The Rustbucket,

(see Pages 8- 11) we received a visitor to the Kapow! offices. The ship‟s cat(girl), „Quirky‟, arrived with a

brown bag slung over a shoulder. The contents of the bag was one book entitled „Clockwork Lexicon‟, a

handwritten word and phrase book usually locked with a small brass device but it had been left open. We

copied down a few we liked and thought had a chance of cropping up with the use of rich and rare words

being flaunted about in tandem with the steampunk boom.



to flee; abscond; The old

prospector absquatulated with our

picks and shovel.



a meaningless or nonsensical

piece of writing, especially one

intended as a parody.



1. of or belonging to the period

before the Flood. Gen. 7, 8.

2. very old, old-fashioned, or out

of date; antiquated; primitive;

antediluvian ideas.



1. anxiety relieving.

2. antianxiety drug.



Riffraff; rabble



1. a roundabout or indirect way of

speaking; the use of more words

than necessary to express an


2. a roundabout expression.



a base or vile fellow.



1. coal dust; slack.

2. anthracite, especially of inferior




having or producing culms.




1. the use of equivocal or

ambiguous expressions, especially

in order to mislead or hedge;


2. an equivocal, ambiguous

expression; equivoque: The

speech was marked by elaborate


3. Logic. a fallacy caused by the

double meaning of a word.



1. a showy, useless trifle;


2. showy but useless



1. a person belonging to

characteristic of the lowest social

group in a city.

2. a street urchin.

Page 9: Kapow! Steampunk Edition



1. calm; peaceful; tranquil:

halcyon weather.

2. rich; wealthy; prosperous:

halcyon times of peace.

3. happy; joyful; carefree:

halcyon days of youth.



a scolding, vicious woman; hag;




having little or no money;

penniless; poor.



a worthless dog; mongrel.



pertaining to or resembling a

slug; sluglike.



Speaking or expressed in a lofty

or grandiose style; pompous;

bombastic; boastful.



to cloud over; becloud; obscure.



less than normal mental




a heavier-than-air craft designed

to be propelled through the air

by flapping wings.



1. the Skeptic doctrines of

Pyrrho and his followers.

2. extreme or absolute


And a Few Phrases:

To steal:

“To obtain by means of questionable legality.”

“To tactically acquire.”

“To obscond away with in a quiet and oh so unobserved manner”


“A Fortuitous Combination of Circumstances”



superficial knowledge.



1. (used with a singular verb)

electronic equipment for

determining the position of

storms by locating their

accompanying atmospherics.

2. (used with a plural verb) the

atmospheric discharges located

by this device.



existing or being everywhere,

especially at the same time;

omnipresent: ubiquitous fog;

ubiquitous little ants.

Quirky absquatulated with the

Lexicon when we looked away.

The Midnighter Club is

rumoured to hold antediluvian

knowledges in its halls.

War Witch enjoys a halcyon day in Croatoa

Page 10: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

The vessel belonging to the Steampunk Space Pirates,

The Rustbucket, has become well-known in Paragon. It‟s

a marvel of bolted together pieces that defies all logic by

taking flight and enjoying journeys through time and

space. When the offer of a tour of the ship was offered

to Kapow! we were all thrilled despite worries over

exactly what kinds of shenanigans were commonplace

within the metallic walls.

Despite a good degree of nerves I met the captain of the

ship, Captain Boarder, in Boomtown where his vessel

was parked for the day. After some time politely

declining his flirtatious advances I was whisked away

onto the ship and treated to my first look at the vessel‟s


The first thing that struck me was the noise, the whir of

the machinery in the engine rooms, the clunks and clicks

of something further into the ship and the ruckus of loud

and cheerful voices of the crew both at work and at

play. As I walked alongside the captain I took in the

rust-coloured walls and the vast number of vents,

switches and levers, it took a good deal of self-restraint

not to want to pull a few levers!

Boarder directed my attention towards the main engines

and the „Temporal Flux Control‟ the setup that allows the

ship to travel safely through time. The dashing captain

Temporal Flux Control

Main Engines

Thingame’s “Bed”

Robot Recharging Station

Page 11: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

told several tales from

throughout the ages that

wouldn‟t have been possible if it

weren‟t for the Temporal Flux

Control before we moved on.

Passing the laboratories I had the

privilege of seeing a few of the

crew‟s science officers at work.

Precisely what was being worked

on I really couldn‟t tell but there

was a good deal of „discussion‟

over what to do next with an

artfully arranged pile of scrap

metal and smaller devices.

Without warning one of the crew

threw a lever channelling a

dancing electrical spark through

their creation, causing it to whir

and provoking a mixture of

merriment and arguments

amongst the others in the lab.

(For an overview of the robotic

pirate that was created and gets

all of his upgrades here,

Thingamewhatzit, turn to Page


Next we moved on to the


„bucket‟s medical department was

where I was shown an array of

equipment, each with a more

baffling name and purpose than

the last. Whilst I couldn‟t entirely

follow what I was being shown, I

was assured that the equipment

had saved the lives of the crew

on more than one occasion.

From the med bay I was escorted

to the front of the ship and

nothing could have prepared me

for what I saw. At the fore of the

ship is the helm and the weapons

systems. First we climbed up to

look at the weapons array.

Treated to a comfortable seat in

front of a blaster turret I looked

out of the windows over

Boomtown and imagined what it

would be like to see the stars

through the thick glass.

Again I found myself overcome

with temptation, the buttons and

controls laid out in front of me

called to me. I (just) resisted the

urge to shoot the weapon at a

pile of scrap and hopped up,


ready to continue my tour.

The captain next led me to the

helm, the real front of the entire

ship. Through the large windows

I looked out over the view again

and wondered what the flight

deck would be like when the

Rustbucket was in flight. In front

of the main windows sat three

control desks, one with the main

ship‟s wheel where the captain or

the main pilot would sit and two

more for navigation or support


Again, Boarder was quick to tell

more tales of his ship and his

crew, of all the sights that had

been viewed from the helm‟s

windows. Some of his

descriptions defied reality and

when he invited me to travel with

him to see them one day I found

myself tempted!

After seeing where the crew work

I was keen to get a glimpse of

where the crew live and relax. A

short walk from the front of the


Walkway past the crew quarters

Page 12: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

Ships Wheel & Command Console ship are the crews‟ quarters. As on many ships

throughout the world a lot of the quarters were

arranged into closely packed bunks though

some rooms allowed a little more space,

obviously an incentive for the crew to keep up

good performances onboard. I was even

offered a brief glance into some of the officers‟

rooms, suites with even more space and more

comfortable looking beds.

From there we moved on to the captain‟s

quarters and I must say it appears to pay off to

be the man in charge! Boarder‟s suite

possesses a private bathroom, study and living

room and in his bed chambers an impressive

four-poster. Again the captain‟s flirtatious

nature shone through and I had to politely

decline his advances.

Keen to move on I asked to see where the crew

relax between shifts and the captain kindly

obliged. We next visited the mess hall, realm of

the remarkable ship‟s cook Nanny Flambeau

(Nanny shares one of her recipes on Page38).

In addition to the mismatched chairs of the

crew I yet again got to see the perks of being

in charge by seeing the grand captain‟s table.

Lastly we moved on to the place where the

crew spends most of its time off, the main bar.

With beer on tap and grog aplenty I whiled

away the rest of my visit in the good company

of a handful of the crew, sharing (increasingly

grandiose) tales and a lot of merriment.

Ships Weapons

Part of the Rustbucket’s extensive Laboratories

Page 13: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

Crews Quarters

The Main Bar

The Captain’s Quarters

Page 14: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

Professional and Affordable Capture or Extermination of Monstrous and Arcane Threats.

An Established and Trusted Company, Now Working Worldwide.

Consultations are Free. Don’t Hesitate to Contact Us for a Quote.

Further Information on our Previous Work can be found on Our Website.

Page 15: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

One hero that has been seen out and about in

Paragon sporting a look reminiscent of the

Steampunk style for a while now is the young hero

Tom Orrow. Tom is striving to prove himself and

establish his name within the City. We met up with

him in the neighbourhood he knows best in Kings

Row to get to know him a little better.

Words by Alexander Irons

Photography by Sara Saxon

Page 16: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

When he‟s in his casual clothes

Tom could easily be taken for

your average teen, sporting a

bright Freedom Phalanx fan t-

shirt and working hard on his

car. Despite clearly loving his

vehicle he was easily pulled

away from fiddling with the

engine to talk to us. Tom

“Orrow” Orovski was relaxed

and very approachable, he was

open and honest about his

past, and our future.

“You see.. I am a time-

traveller. A real one... In 2372 I

did this science project at

school you see. I wanted to

make a portable version of a

spacetime distorter or a time-

machine.” He told us.

“Ha... I was influenced by all

those stories of super-heroes

from the past. Legendary stuff

of holo-movies etc.

So.. that worked.. and failed.

The jump

spacetime distorter or a time-

machine.” He informed us.

“Ha... I was influenced by all

those stories of super-heroes

from the past. Legendary stuff of

holo-movies etc.

So.. that worked.. and failed. The

jump started at first test. But

some core-circuits got damaged.

And now I am stuck here.”

Despite being clearly saddened at

being stranded the young man

held himself strongly as he

recounted the traumatic

experience of his arrival in our


“I got hit by a car when I arrived,

I guess the road I ended up on

was on the place my house would

come to be built. They brought

me to one of these meatcleaving

hospitals... No DNA reordening..

no nano tech! I thought I was

going to die or something.”

Even though our tech was not as

advanced as what he had grown

up with the processes the

medical facility, The Hyperion

Clinic, used to heal Tom‟s injuries

were gratefully received by the

young man once he had gotten

over his initial shock. Through the

clinic he was first introduced to

the heroic group The Militia who

he has helped on occasion.

When he first arrived he

attempted to get home by

remaking the damaged part of his

device, but he has had problems.

“Recently I also made a bigger

system to try and reproduce my

missing navigational circuit. The

navigational system this size

need a molecular circuit though,

it‟s a part that is easy to get... in

225 years when it is invented.

You see my problem?

I tried to remake it a bit bigger

and I managed to travel through

time.. but could pinpoint the

place. It took me a month to at

least bring me back to point of


Page 17: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

time.. but could pinpoint the

place. It took me a month to at

least bring me back to point of


His difficulties haven‟t stopped

him working on the technology

however and in the meantime he

uses the „side effects‟ of the

spacetime distorter to fight


“Now that I cannot pinpoint the

exact time and coordinates to

return home I adapted the

system on a lot of its secondary

functions needed for the time-

jumps. Wormholes, Deflector

shields, Gravitational time

dilation, Gravitational mass

manipulation, Anti-gravity...

those are all effects possible with

the portable distorter!”

He went on to explain that in

addition to the device he also has

psychic potential he hopes to

develop one day.

“I did actually enlisted in school

for Psionic mastery class. It

involved a DNA change to

enhance my psi abilities. But I

am crappy with it and I am still

looking for people here who can

teach me to develop it. Ehh.. this

accident broke off my study.”

Alongside his looking for a

mentor he works repairing cars in

addition to heroing. We spoke to

him about his motivations for

being a hero and the reasoning

seemed to be threefold, of course

he wanted to help people but

there were other factors.

“I like old fashioned 2D shows..

And I love the heroes of this age”

He wanted to be like the heroes

from history he‟d been a fan of

growing up, the heroes who‟s

deeds had stood the test of time,

which brought him to his other


“So what do I do to make them

able to find me... I get myself in

the papers. Heroic deeds help.

Maybe my dad finds me in there and

Page 18: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

Have you had an experience similar to Tom’s? Are you an out of place traveller from a possible past or

future? If so the registered Paragon-based charity The Association of the Temporally Misplaced (or ATM for

short) nay be of interest to you. Offering both support to the temporally misplaced and accepting those

from another time who have settled in this time period to act as mentors to the lost.

For more information visit the website: http://www.atm.org

able to find me... I get myself in

the papers. Heroic deeds help.

Maybe my dad finds me in there

and then knows where to come

get me”

After some discussion on his

heroing work and hopes of

getting home we got onto the

subject of the outfit he wears

most often whilst performing

heroic deeds. We pointed out how

it was very steampunk it was and

asked if it was purposeful.

“Ah.. yes.. after people called me

Steampunk I checked what it

meant. It must be the homemade

stuff. This system is unfinished

metal and still a clunky design.

And the time-travel effect...

well... that made some think of

Jules Verne I guess. I have no

link to any Victorian age though.

I love what scientists can do with

the sometimes ancient tech

available though. It looks

awesome... Reminds me of my

kiddy kits when I grew up.”

Reminds me of my kiddy kits

when I grew up.”

When asked about the rise in

steampunk style he simply


“Beats me! Fashion? That is

something I never understood.”

He gave a down to earth grin,

and despite his being able to do

amazing things we found

ourselves relaxed in his company.

Discussion soon broke down into

amicable small talk for the

duration of the interview, but

before we left we asked if there

was anything he‟d like to say to

the Kapow readership and he

responded with conviction.

“Even if you are out of time,

lost your family and everyone

you care about and need to

start a new life... never forget

who you are and what you

stand for. Keep your style!”

Page 19: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

Pick a design for your

contraption; Refined and

Small or Big and


Why do you do

what you do? For

Queen and

Country or All for


When working, how

do you perform

best; Alongside

Others or On Your


How do you prefer

to hear your music;

At the Theatre or

On the Radio?

What is more

important to you;

Being Polite or

Bending the


You need to

decorate and invest

in a piece of art, do

you pick a Painting

or Sculpture?

Your contraption is

faltering a little, is it

Spouting Steam or

Leaking Oil?

It‟s time to use a

handheld shooter,

does yours Shoot

Bullets or Fire


How do you start

the contraption

you‟re working on?

Turn a Key or

Throw the Lever!

Your contraption

has failed, do you

Take Time to

Mend It or Bodge


Choose a type of

metal to craft your

contraption from:

Brass or Steel.

Add an addition to

your outfit; A

Military Jacket or

Body Armour.

Time for tea! Would

you like yours in a Fine

China Cup or in a Steel


You’re making some

modifications, are they

to Your Vehicle or

Your Body?

Are your clothes

mostly coloured

Black or


Your Style

is A! See

Page 18 for more!

Your Style

is B! See

Page 18 for more!

Your Style

is C! See

Page 19 for more!

Your Style

is D! See

Page 19 for more!

With the growing popularity of Steampunk several other

styles have also started to surface more. From

subgenres of Steampunk to similar Punk styles. You

may be unsure which is a style for you. So we‟ve picked

four of these styles and have put together a quiz to see

w which one would suit you best. Just follow the lines that correspond to the colour of your choice!


Page 20: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

Style A is „Victorian Steampunk‟. This style is inspired by Victoriana, the fashions

popular in 19th Century Britain, particularly the styles worn by the Upper Class.

The major difference being the sci-fi leanings of the genre allowing for armour

and devices. The main metals used in this style are usually tarnished, earthy

tones tones such as brass and copper. Contraptions of the Victorian

Steampunk style are driven by steam power or more often


T Victorian Steampunk favours smaller sleeker designs,

things that would conform well to the Queen‟s sensibilities.

As such this style is far more polite and refined than its

stylistic cousin; „Classic Steampunk‟

Another noteworthy theme of Victorian Steampunk is the

allowance for more modern social norms for women.

Whilst women are still be expected to be lady-like this

style allows for things that would be scandalous in the

Victorian age, such as wearing trousers

Style B is „Classic Steampunk‟. Whilst this style has its roots in Victorian aesthetics aesthetics it doesn‟t draw on Upper Class sensibilities. Instead Classic Steampunk is a

practical style. The contraptions born of this style are often bigger and clunkier than those

of the „Victorian Steampunk‟ style but are also made of earthy metals such as copper and

br brass. They are also often cobbled together, parts

bolted on as additions are made to the devices.

Stylistically clothes of this style borrow from both

Upper and Lower Classes of Victorian culture.

Classic Steampunk has a real „Make do and mend‟

men mentality and is very down to earth, someone who

follows this style is likely to „hit it with a spanner‟ if they

believe it has an outside chance of helping something.

This style is big, bulky, spouts steam and is in your face.

You may enjoy: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

You May Enjoy: Girl Genius (comic)

Page 21: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

Style C is „Dieselpunk‟. Whilst Steampunk is based on Victorian stylings Dieselpunk

d draws is roots in the interbellum period (the time between WWI and WWII) through the

second World War. This retrofuturistic style is reminiscent of what World War Two would

be have been like if it had had more sci-fi leanings.

This style mixes military uniforms, in particular equipment and

paraphernalia paraphernalia associated with aviation. Inspired by the war there is a

focus on dog fights, zeppelins and astounding underwater vehicles.

Inspirations for this style include things prevalent in the era;

pulp magazines, serial films, film noir, art deco and wartime


Contraptions in this style are likely made of steel and have

the sleek lines associated with art deco.

Style D is „CyberPunk‟. Whilst the other punk styles focus on retro-futurism, Cyberpunk

focuses on a possible near-future, but as opposed to sleek technology

and safe havens this style looks at the counterculture. Cyberpunk is

best surmised by „high tech and low life‟

This style is practical, designed for those living on the edge of a

dystopian society. Cybernetic enhancements, hacking equipment

and body armour are commonplace.

As well as drawing influence from technological possibilities in

the near future this style also takes inspiration from the punk

style, especially that popular in the 1980s.

Of the four styles we‟ve surmised here this style was the most

popular in current culture (until the current Steampunk boom)

being popular amongst certain goth circles.

You May Enjoy: Richard Morgan’s Books

You May Enjoy: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow.

Page 22: Kapow! Steampunk Edition
Page 23: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

After some discussion in the Kapow! offices

we came to the conclusion that we simply

couldn‟t do a steampunk issue without

mentioning the „Prussian Prince of

Automatons‟ Lord Nemesis. His style, along

with the uniforms of his army perfectly


supervillain to retreat.

Following the event police forces became

more cooperative towards masked crime-

fighters, which in turn lead to many

metahumans choosing to use their

powers more openly. This growing public

support eventually culminated in the

passage of the 1936 Citizen Crime

fighting Act.

Even though Lord Nemesis had retreated

from his fight with Statesman his web of

influence within the United States still

hadn‟t been entirely untangled. His work

over the previous decades continued as

he patiently plotted, still secretly

controlling much of America‟s arms and

war material manufacturing capability.

Throughout the Second World War

Nemesis, through his agents and

minions, had access to the latest military

equipment and vast sums of money.

With the advent of Victory in Europe Day

the Prussian Prince finally found his

moment to put his plans into action. In

the pre-dawn hours of the day after the

post-war celebrations Nemesis

assembled his horde of fanatic robot

followers within striking distance of

Washington D.C.

As the sun rose over Capitol Dome, it

brought flights of jet powered strike bots,

the arcs of rocket-rifle fire, and

devastating atom ray blasts. Nemesis

and his clockwork troops quickly overran

military and super powered protectors


President Truman only escaped thanks to

a well-placed hero with teleportation

powers. Nemesis now held most of

Congress and the entire Supreme

Court hostage. He staged an

elaborate ceremony on the Capitol

steps, and forced the Chief Justice to

swear him in as Emperor of the


encapsulate the steam punk style.

Nemesis and his forces have

appeared often in the news

over the last decade facing off

against heroes and villains

alike. It’s often hard to imagine

a time he wasn’t a regular

threat to the people of America.

But how did he rise to this level

of power and influence?

Kapow! is here with a brief

history on notable events in his

c remarkable career.

Arguably Lord

Nemesis‟ most

well known

appearance was

on July 11th

1932, now more


referred to as

Brass „Brass Monday‟. Following

Statesman, Maiden Justice, The

Dark Watcher, Elementar and team

Vambrace uncovering a suspicious

web of influence through a

company called „Southern United‟

Nemesis swiftly dispatched

hundreds of steam-powered killing

machines onto the streets of Steel

Canyon. Such a showing of force

had not been seen since the time

of the Civil War.

Statesman worked alongside

local authorities to rally the

fight against the Prussian

Prince‟s forces. The

confrontation ended in

Statesman fighting Nemesis

himself and forcing the


Page 24: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

Heroes came flooding back from

across the Atlantic to face this

unanticipated threat. By the time

the first heroes arrived, led by

Statesman and the Freedom

Phalanx, they found the situation

even more dire than they could

have imagined.

Nemesis had hidden nerve gas

bombs throughout the twenty

largest cities in America. With the

touch of a button he released the

deadly toxin, ensuring a painful

death to tens of millions if they

did not receive the antidote

within 24 hours.

What followed was the most

desperate hour America's heroes

had ever known. World famous

champions of freedom fought

deadly robots and atomic

armored shock troops in the

streets of our nation's capital.

Finally, the heroes faced down

the evil genius himself on the

steps of the Capital building.

simply occurred as a means of

distraction from his over-arcing


Whispers in the metahuman

community say that amongst

his most recent plots Nemesis

played a large part in

orchestrating the Rikti War. It‟s

said that he openly

monologued, declaring his

motives in wanting the Rikti to

attack Primal Earth. Those who

know the way the Prussian

works however worry that he

had further reasons for his

actions that may surface in the

years to come.

Whether this is true or not it

can be certain that Lord

Nemesis is still out there,

gaining influence and

resources, through his loyal

automatons. We at Kapow! feel

certain that he is out there

preparing for another

opportune moment to turn his

steam-powered forces on us

once more.

Our sleep won‟t be too uneasy

however as both superhero and

supervillain alike would not

welcome the Prussian as their

Emperor and we have every

faith a metahuman or grouping

of metahumans will either

unearth his plot and stop it or

at the very least will be swift to

act against Nemesis when he

does show his hand.

Overall, Lord Nemesis is an

admirable figure, an intelligent

and patient man who will

always give his all to become a

true ruler and its these traits

that make him a truly terrifying

foe and constant threat.

steps of the Capital building.

Nemesis was ready for them,

unleashing his atom-ray upon

the assemblage, instantly killing

dozens of heroes. However, in

the chaos, Sister Psyche

managed to use her telepathic

powers to pick the location of

the antidote from Nemesis'

mind. The rest of the heroes fell

back before the metal clad

monster's onslaught.

Wounded but still mobile, Sister

Psyche escaped the scene of the

carnage and got word out to the

Army. Within hours, Dr.

Mnemonic had synthesized an

airborne version, and the air

force and flying heroes were

spreading it across the infected


Nemesis' poison was

neutralized, and Washington

was surrounded. Hundreds of

heroes converged on the capitol

and joined together for a second

march on Washington.

for a second march on

Washington. They fought

through the remainder of

Nemesis' forces and thought

they had defeated the evil

genius himself, only to find

that all they had captured

was a robot duplicate.

Nemesis had escaped once


Although Nemesis lost, he

had done great damage

and, more significantly,

ushered in a new era for

super powered villains the

world over and in Paragon

City particularly.

Ever since his brief time as

Emperor of the Americas,

Lord Nemesis‟ presence has

often been felt though

sightings of the man himself

have been slim to none.

Many argue that all of the

plots seen conducted by the

Nemesis Army in the

previous decades have


Written by Jared West.

Page 25: Kapow! Steampunk Edition
Page 26: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

Hello and welcome to my first „Epic Reviews‟ article. I‟m Bex, avid gamer and inventor. The introduction of

the Architect Entertainment Studios to Paragon City and the Etoile Isles has been a real step forward in

gaming. AE allows us all to create our own worlds, hypothetical situations and of course fun games. In addition

to creating our own stories we can play through the vast array of stories written by other AE users. The sheer

number of unique AE Story Arcs can be a little daunting however so I‟m here to help you get an insight into

the best (and worst!) the system has to offer. In this issue I‟ll be reviewing two arcs that exemplify the

steampunk theme.

Arc Overview: Something has

gone missing from your contact‟s

laboratory and he offers to fairly

compensate you for its retrieval.

Initial Contact: Nathaniel von

Graff is a gentleman-tinkerer. An

engineer-adventurer, dabbling in

the technologies of numerous

time periods. Seemingly out of

place and ahead of his time




a meaningless pr nonsensical piece of

writing, especially one intended as a




1. of or belonging to the period before the

Flood. Gen. 7, 8.

2. very old, old-fashioned, or out of date;

antiquated; primitive; antediluvian ideas.

anxiolytic [ang-zee-uh-lit-ik]

1. anxiety relieving.

2. antianxiety drug.



Riffraff; rabble

place and ahead of his time


Difficulty: Variable. This arc

uses custom critters and really

relies on your difficulty settings

for guidance. I would however

advise that you don‟t turn your

mob sizes up too high due to

critter powers – those of you

familia arc doesn‟t rely on custom

critters to keep it afloat, instead

focusing on the



1. of or belonging to the period before the

Flood. Gen. 7, 8.

2. very old, old-fashioned, or out of date;

antiquated; primitive; antediluvian ideas.

anxiolytic [ang-zee-uh-lit-ik]

1. anxiety relieving.

2. antianxiety drug.

canaille [kuh-neyl]

Riffraff; rabble

The story isn‟t the most original

but is quite classical of the genre

and quite easy to lose yourself in

of you don‟t think too deeply on


The Downside: The critters may

present a little too much of a

challenge to some people,

especially in great numbers.

The story has a few places where

it could be improved to add some

depth and ease the flow of the

missions but I shan‟t discuss

those ideas here (no spoilers

from me!)

Overall: I‟d recommend giving

this arc a go. Even if you don‟t

finish it the enemies and

Nathaniel make it well worth the


familiar with the multiple

glue arrows slow down will

understand me well on this

one! May not be great for

very low level players.

Gameplay: The two things

I loved most about this arc

are the designs of the

mobs you face and the

characterisation of NPCs

you meet. Nathaniel‟s

speech patterns are a joy,

giving a great impression

of what a steampunk

adventurer should be and

the critters are just

awesome, brass evil twirly

moustaches! What‟s not to


back to basics and to

investigate a local


Steampunk eye-candy

Page 27: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

Arc Overview: The Steampunk

Kingdom sees you playing the

role of a rookie hero asked to

investigate Clockwork activity.

Initial Contact: Sgt. Stevens is

your regular PPD man but

though he‟s not dripping in

personality he gets right to the

point as a contact would for a


Difficulty: This arc doesn‟t rely

on custom critters to keep it

afloat, instead focusing on the

classic enemy of the clockwork.

As such it‟s a good game to play

for beginners and veterans

alike. More experienced gamers

may want to dial their difficulty

settings up a bit.

Gameplay: Want to know what

it‟s like to be a newbie hero? Or

maybe want to reminisce over

what things were like in the

early days of your hero career?

This is a great arc for you.

Amongst the dirth of „Save the

World‟ arcs it‟s refreshing to get

back to basics and to investigate

a local occurrence.

The map choices are short and

sweet without being

disappointingly small and the

objectives are clearly defined

and all fit well with the

overarcing story.

Throughout the missions there‟s

a sprinkling of humour that

causes a smile or two but

doesn‟t detract from the overall

serious feel of the story, it just

adds to the depth of the arc.

At four short missions in length

the arc develops well and

doesn‟t get too bogged down in

complex mechanics.

The Downside: As with a lot of

AE content there‟s the odd typo

here and there but nothing too

jarring. I‟d also suggest that

Sgt. Stevens could be a little

more talkative.

The level cap of the arc is 20 so

people who are attached to

higher level skills and abilities

may not enjoy the missions as

much as I did.

Overall: This is a fun little arc

that should appeal to a lot of

people that‟s easily open to

group or solo play. As well as

being an amusing game I‟d

potentially recommend it as a

training sim for up and coming

heroes to get a feel for what

lies ahead of them. It‟s also a

fantastic option for gaining

experience for those level ones

who are fresh to the Architect


Replayable, simple, fun!

Page 28: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

Profile Thingamewhatzit

Real Name: TMWD-A1 v51146 Resource

extraction and refining droid.

Processing system: Pneumatic/Hydraulic Nano-valve

network makes the model A1 resistant to EMP and

scrambling systems targeting electronics.

Operating System: Modified Mining program compromised

by virus. Primary nature of modification expansion of

resource, contaminant and equipment table.

Chassis: Robust mining chassis was left unmodified.

Resultant lack of shielding means that the power plant puts

out dangerous levels of energy at full combat power, the

stresses induced from the extra steam pressure mean the

chassis is vulnerable to compromise when hit by a large

enough physical force.

Power Plant: Modified banks of micro-steam

turbines provide twice the original output roughly

20MW/hr. Ultra efficient intakes gather water from

the atmosphere where it runs through a series of

micro and nano condensers. Combustibles are

gathered by the Q.R.E. System. Original boost was

provided by simply adding an additional generator to

his back, this was unfortunately far too unstable

even for the good doctor.

Motivation: Resource extraction and Adventure.

Wenching Status: Courting

Hands contain Quantum Resource Extractors used

for the extraction and refining of resources also used

for quantum tunnelling to arrive at resource sites.

Secondary usage includes refuelling of the model A1.

Shovel-matron 4000: Original extraction tool, used

to move Q.R.E. output to a suitable receptacle, also

used to extract raw form juice products organic


Pick-matron 4000: Extraction tool, used to break

up resources that don't respond well to the Q.R.E.


Rikti 9000+: Extraction tool combines the

capabilities of the Shovel-matron and Pick-matron

and raises them to higher levels of efficiency due to

an energy state cutting edge.

Boarding Axe: Weapon insisted on by the Captain

to assist in boarding actions.

Optic units, contain lens systems to allow incoming

light to be focused and redirected into a “Death Ray”.

Thingame and his wench, Victoria

Page 29: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

Originally from a potential

future, super heroine and

this issue‟s covergirl Trinket

„Chronological‟ Carter is well

known for her use of

steampunk stylistic choices

and gadgetry.

During her cover shoot

Trinket spoke at length on

the subject of the use of

steampunk in the modern


Many criticise the use of

„outdated‟ technology in the

present day but there are

many people who still use

designs based in older

technologies, Trinket helped

us understand why.

Page 30: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

specifically to design for them.

Besides, by that point I‟d

registered for my heroing license

and was using my designs to help

the people of the city. Why „fix‟

what isn‟t broken?

K: Many critics state that by

using older techniques

steampunk creations will fall

behind more modern ones..

T: (Laughs) Yeah, you‟ll always

get naysayers, people who

assume their way is the only way

to do things right. If something‟s

getting results that‟s the main

point right?

The way I see it is that all

inventors are artists in their own

way, we all have techniques and

materials we‟re most comfortable

with. Sure I can, and have,

studied the use of different

metals, power sources, adaptions

and methods and I integrate

them into what I do but if I

changed my style I‟d be playing

catch up to others who work in

that style for quite some time.

I‟m also a firm believer in

individuality, it helps foster

creativity which is at the forefront

of all great invention. There are

so many things we wouldn‟t have

today if it weren‟t for someone

thinking out of the box.

K: There are many arguments for

modern technology over

retrotech, do you have any


T: Lots! Far too many to detail

them all right now. I don‟t want

to bore you or overburden you

with babble, that really wouldn‟t

be cool. So I‟ll stick with a few


Upkeep and repair is a biggy, if

your design is sleek and parts

tinymade do creating and selling

devices I made from scrap. I was

a scavenger so of course my

designs leant themselves to the

rusty, cobbled together aesthetic.

those colonists, making do with

scrap to repair their machines

and vehicles that the steampunk

style came to be.

K: So what brought you to our

time period?

T: That‟s... a story for another

time I think, it‟s a long and very

personal one. What I can say

however was that it was a device

of my own invention that got me

here. I needed to get away and I

cobbled it together in my free

time. I had hoped to jump to a

parallel universe not too different

from the one I was in, but in the

end I was hurried and ended up


It‟s why I call where I‟m from a

potential future, I have no way of

knowing if I flung myself into my

past or the past of a parallel. As I

plan not to return I guess it

doesn‟t especially matter though.

K: So why did you continue using

devices in the steampunk style?

T: Well, to begin with I was

scared and alone when I got

here. I was only sixteen and I

was worried that whoever found

me would try to send me back to

the place and time I‟d escaped

from, so I ran.

I was in hiding for a while and

made do creating and selling

devices I made from scrap. I was

a scavenger so of course my

designs leant themselves to the

rusty, cobbled together aesthetic.

K: As you earnt more money did

you consider making your

designs sleeker?

T: Sure, I considered it, but by

that point I‟d grown attached to a

style I thought of as my

signature. And beyond that

people who like the steampunk

look started seeking me out


I was in hiding for a while and

made do creating and selling

Kapow: Can you tell us a little bit

about yourself to get the ball


Trinket: Sure! I guess the biggest

thing is that I‟m not from this

time period, I‟m from a potential

future, the same potential as

Captain Boarder and his crew in


K: Both you and the crew of the

Rustbucket use steampunk

technology, is it the prevalent

choice in your time?

T: Actually, no. The future I‟m

from has the haves and the have-

nots when it comes to

technological advancement. The

rich and powerful have far

sleeker designs, very high-tech

and what most would think of

when you hear the term

„futuristic‟. That didn‟t stop the

poorer people of the universe

wanting to reach for the stars

however and inventive souls

started to pull together more

viable space vessels for the

common man.

In my time Earth has colonised a

lot of hospitable planets, it‟s from


Page 31: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

matter where or when you‟re

from you‟ll always find those who

ask „What if..?‟. Whether it‟s first

discovering the fire or developing

a new quantum stabiliser for a

chrononauts vehicle the main

drive, the initial spark, is still the


Prof Danger and I work together

well because we‟re both inventors

and we‟ve both had to adapt to

this time, she‟s a real mentor to

me and a good friend and

colleague to have.

K: Thank you for your time

Trinket, is there anything else

you‟d like to say to our


T: Oh, wow, yikes!

Talk about pressure, hah, you

don‟t make it easy do you?

I mean, sure, I would love to say

something here that would be

profound, words for the ages that

would be repeated long after I‟m

gone but I‟m not a writer. I‟m

just a girl out of her space and

time who was lucky enough to

manage to cobble a life together

in Paragon in this time period.

I was in hiding for a while and

made do creating and selling

devices I made from scrap. I was

K: You‟re looking for an

apprentice? Can our readers

contact you if they‟re interested?

T: Sure, why not? I‟m open to

possibilities and I want to find

someone who thinks in different

ways. So contacting me after

reading an article in a

metafanzine is as likely as any

other method of contacting me!

What I will say however is that I

work closely with one of the

leaders of The Foundry, Professor

Amelia Danger. The Prof is an

intelligent woman but is also a

timetraveller, she comes from

Victorian times however and as

such has different sensibilities to

most in modern Paragon City so

anyone wanting to work with me

would need to be able to be

sensible when the situation called

for it, be able to be polite and the

ability to make a good cup of tea

is a bonus!

K: You‟re from a future and she‟s

from the past. Doesn‟t that make

working together difficult?

T: You‟d think so, but it really

doesn‟t. An inquisitive mind is a

timeless quality. It doesn‟t matter

send me back to the place and

time I‟d escaped from, so I ran.

I was in hiding for a while and

tiny then finding a replacement in

the field is going to be near

impossible. Steampunk is all

about bodging things together,

bolting things on making repairs

on the fly. I‟d argue that

steampunk designs are far more

resilient in the hands of a trained

engineer or mechanic.

Another advantage that has come

up for me especially is the use of

my technology when heroing. As

well as helping people in this time

period I‟ve been going on

temporal adventures, righting

wrongs throughout the

timestreams. My steampunk

inventions are far far easier to

explain away in a greater number

of time periods than something

more modern looking. And again,

there‟s the repairs and upgrades

issue, I‟d never get a good

plasma coil a century ago, scraps

of metal however are easier to

pick up!

K: Would you advise future

inventors to create things in a

similar style to your inventions?

T: I really wouldn‟t. I‟m happy to

take on an apprentice to teach

the things I know, I‟m looking for

one now in fact, but! And this is a

big but! I stick by what I said


Invention is just that, inventive! I

would never tell a creator the

way things should be done, it‟s

their decision to make. Sure, give

a trainee sculptor the clay, the

tools, lessons in some techniques

but let them achieve the end

product themselves with time,

practice and their own creativity.

Sure, that probably sounds a

little wishy-washy for a tech head

but that‟s just the way I am. I‟m

opinionated and stick by my

opinions, its how I‟ve gotten as

far as I have in my careers as a

hero and inventor.

Page 32: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

That said I do have a few things to share

beyond what I‟ve said so far;

Reach for the stars, nothing is out of reach,

you just need to find the right tools and skills

to get you there.

You’re not alone, no matter what happens,

no matter how alienated you feel you are there

are others out there who are just as lonely and

there are people who will love you for or

despite the things you think of as flaws.

Never force your opinions onto others, if

you want others to respect you show them

respect first, talk openly. Debate, don‟t argue.

...if anyone ever asks you to say a few words

for a magazine article remember clichéd

phrases are cool and never go out of style!

Besides if you can touch just one person with

your words, no matter how hackneyed they

are, then you‟ve done something worthwhile!

Words by: Janie Kane

Photography by: Vic O’Brien

Page 33: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

You’re not alone

Every year countless people throughout the world are affected by blossoming metahuman

powers, be it their own or those of a loved one. The Foundry is a registered charity

operating out of Talos Island, Paragon City offering help and support for people struggling

to understand all forms of metahuman abilities. We operate anonymous phone support and

a drop in service for people wanting or needing help with powers. Don’t suffer alone,

contact The Foundry today.

The Foundry

Talos Island, Paragon City

(800) 763-1903 | www.TheFoundry.org

Page 34: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

Your unregular advice column from self-proclaimed expert, Magus-Colonel Archibald

William Stephen McCreery.

Dear Archie,

How do I tell my undead

boyfriend that I'm pregnant?

Signed, Babymaker in


Ho there, lass! The answer is

simple: Don't! As I learned to my

cost in Nepal, such offspring are

invariably the infernal spawn of

dark and apocalyptic forces bent

on the ruin of humanity! Alas, my

vampiric wife did warn me shortly

before she was consumed from

within by the the devilish little

tyke. But I was young and foolish

(though still as dashing as I am

now, I assure you), and I thought

the bond between a Father and

Son could transcend dimensional

wards and the will of the Old

Ones. Turns out not!

Do the right thing and throw

yourself from a bridge or tall

building right away!

Dear Archibald,

In your opinion, what is the


correct procedure for

tremuffling a drunging


Yours, Doctor Adventure

If memory serves, counter-

clockwise. Good luck with the

wibbler beams, dear chap!

Help! Please! I've- I've been

kidnapped. Some kind of..

There are people outside and

I don't know what-.. They're

coming! What- I- Ah! Aaaagh!

Fret not, laddie or lassie! Plenty

of times I've been in a pickle

such as yours, so it's important

not to lose hope! For example, if

you are reading this reply then it

means your captors are of

sufficient good taste to purchase

this delightful publication. Surely

a good sign!

However, now I consider your

predicament more, since you are

not me, the chances are that you

are now actually dead, a

hideously mutated laboratory

experiment, a brainwashed


soldier, or similar. So you must

forgive me if I dedicate no more

of said delightful publication's

page space on a lost cause. Good

luck anyway!


My girlfriend is always asking

me to wear my superhero

costume in the bedroom. At

first I didn't mind, but now

I'm worried she doesn't love

the person behind the mask.

From a True Believer

Well, my dear do-gooder, I'm

afraid without evidence such as

pictographs and videograms of

your supple athletic frame both

wearing and not wearing your

tight spandex leotard, I cannot

venture an opinion. I also offer

my services as a personal

relationship consultant in this

case. And doubtlessly, we can

come to a mutually beneficial

arrangement regarding the small

matter of payment.

Do you have a query, dilemma, problem or general curiosity you would like to direct to the

Magus-Colonel? Please don’t hesitate to send them to us at the address on Page 2.

Page 35: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

On June 11th 2011

heroes and villains alike

gathered in the lower

blue bar of Pocket D to

drink, tell stories and

share their love of all

things steampunk.

Kapow photographer

Sara Saxon was there to

capture the night’s


Cecilie Michaux-Breaker Kit Danger

Page 36: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

Archibald McCreery ensures Chiroptech’s tale is listened to.

Pocket D regulars Claire and Vanessa Arthur Mainbark

Page 37: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

Foxienne A celebrating clockwork Good Gentleman

Dr Fallout, King of Cogs and Nanny Flambeau

Assembled partygoers

Page 38: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

Ray Hammerfall approves of Clockwork Kong

Gentleman Freak

Page 39: Kapow! Steampunk Edition
Page 40: Kapow! Steampunk Edition
Page 41: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

Nanny‟s Fungus Splodge (also known as Quorn veggie spaghetti bolognaise)

Things we‟ll need:

2 tbs Oil (not the black kind as it don't taste right!)

2 small Onions

1 small packet of Minced Stuff (can be Quorn™ or any other mince)

1 tin of Chopped Tomatoes (or some real tomatoes and an axe to get the right texture)

Tomato Sauce or Tomato Pureè

1 Red Pepper all chopped up

Some mushrooms (if yer like 'em)

1 teaspoon of Yeast Extract (or that stuff you'll either love or hate!)

4+ teaspoons of mixed herbs

How t‟do it:

Get the large frying pan down and make sure there's no brains left on t'outside o'it.

Put in a bit o' oil and heat it up.

Throw in some chopped onions and fry 'em for about 2 minutes.

Throw in the minced stuff and fry that for about 4 minutes or so.

Boil some water in a kettle and then pour 1/4 of a pint in to a container.

Dissolve the yeast extract in the boiling water then pour it in to the pan.

Chuck in the chopped tomatoes with a squirt o' sauce or pureè to taste.

Throw in the mushrooms and chopped pepper.

Mix it all round and then give it a stir every once in a while and let it simmer for about 20 minutes

or so, or until it looks right.

Dollop it out on to plates of spaghetti or some kind of pasta. Jolly delicious and should be enough

for 2-3 people!

On our trip to the Rustbucket we were fortunate enough to get their cook, Nanny

Flambeau to agree to share with us her book of recipes. Printed below is one of

our favourites, enjoy!

Page 42: Kapow! Steampunk Edition
Page 43: Kapow! Steampunk Edition

The Hyperion Clinic is a medical facility open to all those who have developed some form

of mutation, with the focus on "late-life, unexpected or accidental mutation and

transmutation". The clinic has specific expertise on diagnosing and treating those who

have had their genetics altered through exposure to outside agents, be they energy

based, chemical or technological in origin

Appointments available and a walk-in service is offered on weekdays between 9am and 6pm.

The Hyperion Clinic, High Park, Kings Row

Call (800) 789-9999 (Toll-free) for more information.

Page 44: Kapow! Steampunk Edition