Kansas Surface Register 5232007

KANSAS SURFACE WATER REGISTER April 18, 2007 prepared by Kansas Department of Health and Environment Division of Environment Bureau of Environmental Field Services Curtis State Office Building Topeka, Kansas 66612

Transcript of Kansas Surface Register 5232007

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KANSAS SURFACE WATER REGISTER April 18, 2007 prepared by Kansas Department of Health and Environment Division of Environment Bureau of Environmental Field Services Curtis State Office Building Topeka, Kansas 66612

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EPA REGION 7’S ACTION ON THE KANSAS August 2, 2006 Kansas Surface Water Register SUBMISSION

Under Section 303(c) of the Clean Water Act (CWA), the Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is charged with reviewing and approving or disapproving state-adopted water quality standards. In order to determine if new or revised state water quality standards are consistent with federal regulations and the CWA, EPA must review the water quality standards and determine: 1. Whether the state has designated beneficial uses for waterbodies that are consistent with the goals of CWA § 101(a)(2) and, if not, whether the state has conducted a use attainability analysis to justify a different designation; 2. Whether water quality criteria were adopted to protect the designated uses and are based on sound scientific rationale; 3. Whether the state has adopted water quality standards according to its legal procedures, and; 4. Whether the state submission includes the minimum elements for water quality submissions specified in 40 C.F.R. §§ 131.6 and 131.20. Today’s decision regarding changes to the August 2, 2006 Kansas Surface Water Register (Register) is summarized below. Specifically, EPA is approving the designation of primary contact recreation (PCR) or secondary contact recreation (SCR) for waters for which KDHE performed Use Attainability Analyses (UAAs) to support such a designation. The majority of EPA’s action centers on those revisions to the Register regarding contact recreation designations that changed water body assignments from PCR to SCR, SCR to PCR, or removal of a water body from classified status in the Register. Many of the waters for which KDHE has submitted new or revised use designations are subject to EPA’s July 7, 2003 promulgation action. See, 68 Federal Register, 40428. In that action, EPA promulgated federal regulations establishing primary or secondary contact recreation use designations for 1,286 waters and an expected aquatic life use designation for one water. KDHE has now adopted new and revised use designations for 604 classified stream segments located throughout Kansas and 89 classified surface waters other than classified stream segments located throughout Kansas. EPA’s July 2003 promulgation affected 258 classified stream segments and 53 classified surface waters other than classified streams in this submittal. Where KDHE has adopted use designations consistent with the CWA and regulations at 40 C.F.R. § 131.10, Region 7 will recommend that the Agency initiate the rulemaking necessary to withdraw the federal use regulations. Promulgated waters that are subject to today’s action are specifically identified within this enclosure.


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Until the federal use designations for waters in Kansas are withdrawn, the federal uses for those waters, as codified at 40 C.F.R. § 131.34, will remain applicable water quality standards for CWA purposes. However, in the July 2003 federal promulgation, EPA also adopted a provision that allows the Regional Administrator to grant a variance from the promulgated federal contact recreation use designation under certain circumstances. See, 40 C.F.R. § 131.34(c). EPA’s action today is approving some contact recreation use designations that are different from those promulgated in the EPA’s July 7, 2003 rulemaking. In the interim period between today’s approval of the new or revised Kansas contact recreation use designations and the withdrawal of the federal use designations, application may be made to the Regional Administrator for a variance from the federally promulgated contact recreation use designation to the approved Kansas contact recreation use, pursuant to the terms and conditions of 40 C.F.R. § 131.34(c). There are classified streams in today’s decision that impact other states because Kansas streams flow into a neighboring state. In these cases, KDHE proposed a new or revised contact recreation use designation that is less stringent than some of the receiving state’s designation. Per the requirement of C.F.R. 131.10(b), EPA is obligated to consider a state’s downstream use designation. This regulation states: “in designating uses of a water body and the appropriate criteria for those uses, the State shall take into consideration the water quality standards of downstream waters and shall ensure that its water quality standards provide for the attainment and maintenance of the water quality standards of downstream waters.” EPA provided the new or revised contact recreation use designation for interstate streams to the four border states and EPA Regions 6 and 8. Only the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB) raised concerns on some streams because Kansas’ designation does not meet the more stringent criteria for the streams’ designation in Oklahoma. However, discussions between OWRB and EPA have resulted in an agreement that KDHE’s less stringent contact recreation designation was sufficient as long as any NDPES permits consider the more stringent criteria of OWRB’s bacterial standards. Currently, Oklahoma’s bacteria standards for waters designated primary contact reads: c) Compliance with 785:45-5-16 shall be based upon meeting the requirements of one of the three (3) options specified below for bacteria. Upon selection of one (1) group or test method, said method shall be used exclusively over that thirty (30) day period. Provided, where concurrent data exist for multiple bacterial indicators on the same waterbody or waterbody segment, no criteria exceedances shall be allowed for any indicator group. (1) Coliform Bacteria: The bacteria of the fecal coliform group shall not exceed a monthly geometric mean of 200/100 ml, as determined by multiple-tube fermentation or membrane filter procedures based on a minimum of not less than five (5) samples collected over a period of not more than thirty (30) days. Further, in no more than 10% of the total samples during any thirty (30) day period shall the bacteria of the fecal coliform group exceed 400/100 ml. (2) Escherichia coli (E. coli): E. coli shall not exceed a monthly geometric mean of 126/100 ml based upon a minimum of not less than five (5) samples collected over a


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period of not more than thirty (30) days. No sample shall exceed a 75% one-sided confidence level of 235/100 ml in lakes and high use waterbodies and the 90% one-sided confidence level of 406/100 ml in all other Primary Body Contact Recreation beneficial use areas. These values are based upon all collected samples. Analysis procedures shall follow EPA-600/4-85/076, "Test Methods for Escherichia coli and Enterococci in Water by the Membrane Filter Procedure." (3) Enterococci: Enterococci shall not exceed a monthly geometric mean of 33/100 ml based upon a minimum of not less than five (5) samples collected over a period of not more than thirty (30) days. No sample shall exceed a 75% one-sided confidence level of 61/100 ml in lakes and high use waterbodies and the 90% one-sided confidence level of 108/100 ml in all other Primary Body Contact Recreation beneficial use areas. These values are based upon all collected samples. Analysis procedures shall follow EPA-600/4-85/076, "Test Methods for Escherichia coli and Enterococci in Water by the Membrane Filter Procedure." EPA will ensure that KDHE considers Oklahoma’s bacterial standards when implementing NPDES permits for facilities that discharge into streams that flow in Oklahoma. A list of these streams is compiled in Table 1, attached hereto. We would also like to call attention to a situation with classified stream segments that are characterized by KDHE as being “urban.” KDHE’s document Guidance Document for Use Attainability Analyses, December 1, 2001, states that urban streams are to be classified for primary contact recreation. This document was developed by KDHE after extensive public hearings throughout the state. KDHE’s UAA Guidance documents states: 1). In order to protect public health, the primary contact recreation use shall be assigned as an attainable use to all waters along: (check applicable conditions) _____ public parks _____ public parkways _____urban streams and other waters with a high probability of public access: (check applicable conditions) _____ boat ramps _____ nature trails _____ camping areas _____playgrounds KDHE is proposing new or revised designations of secondary contact recreation, class a, or classified status removal from the KS Surface Water Register for twelve (12) urban streams in this submission. These “urban streams” are often characterized by the proximity to public uses as outlined in the UAA Guidance document. KDHE recognizes that its protocol calls for these streams to be designated with the higher PCR designation. However, KDHE believes that a Kansas statute prohibits the PCR designation because the statute relies on depth for designation purposes. EPA recommends that KDHE modify the Guidance Document for Use Attainability Analyses, December 1, 2001, to correct any mis impression by the public that use designations


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are based on proximity to typical urban settings and in order to reflect the state’s actual designation practices pursuant to K.S.A. 82a-2001. The new or revised contact recreation designation of secondary contact class a for eleven (11) of these urban streams could allow the bacteria indictor species, E. coli, to be present at concentrations that are 9x greater than allowed under KDHE’s most protective criteria for primary contact recreation. If KDHE desires to protect citizens who live near or along these urban streams at a higher level than afforded by the secondary contact recreation designation, the KDHE could adopt more stringent criteria for these waterbodies. SECTION I – PROVISIONS EPA IS APPROVING A. Approval of Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Primary Contact Recreation – Subject to EPA’s Promulgation for Primary Contact Recreation Based on the results of UAAs performed in 2004, the State adopted primary contact recreation use designations in the August 2, 2006 Register for the classified stream segments identified in Table 2. EPA has noted the previous contact recreation designation in the previous Register, dated November 5, 2004. EPA notes that under Section 101(a) of the CWA and its implementing regulations in 40 C.F.R. §§ 131.2 and 131.10(g), that UAAs are not required to support the new primary contact recreation use designations. EPA has, however, reviewed the State’s UAAs upon which the new or revised primary contact recreation use designations are based and hereby approves them. These classified stream segments were included in the EPA’s July 2003 promulgation and were assigned use designations for primary contact recreation. Based on the approval of the State’s use designations, Region 7 will recommend that the Agency initiate the rulemaking procedures necessary to withdraw the federal use designations. The complete list of classified streams approved by EPA for primary contact recreation, that were subject to EPA’s July 2003 promulgation are identified in Table 2 (attached below). B. Approval of Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Primary Contact Recreation – Not Subject to EPA’s Promulgation Based on the results of UAAs performed in 2004, the State adopted primary contact recreation use designations into the August 2, 2006 Register for the classified stream segments identified in Table 3. In Table 3, EPA has noted the previous contact recreation designation in the previous Register, dated November 5, 2004. EPA notes that under Section 101(a) of the CWA and its implementing regulations in 40 C.F.R. §§ 131.2 and 131.10(g), that UAAs are not required to support the new primary contact recreation use designations. EPA has, however, reviewed the State’s UAAs upon which the new or revised primary contact recreation use designations are based and hereby approves them. These classified stream segments were not included in the EPA’s July 2003 promulgation. The complete list of classified streams approved by EPA for primary contact


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recreation, that were not subject to EPA’s July 2003 promulgation are identified in Table 3, (attached below). C. Approval of Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Primary Contact Recreation – Subject to EPA’s Promulgation for Secondary Contact Recreation Based on the results of UAAs performed in 2004, the State adopted primary contact recreation use designations into the August 2, 2006 Register for the classified stream segments identified in Table 4. In Table 4, EPA has noted the previous contact recreation designation in the previous Register, dated November 5, 2004. EPA notes that under Section 101(a) of the CWA and its implementing regulations in 40 C.F.R. §§ 131.2 and 131.10(g), that UAAs are not required to support the new primary contact recreation use designations. EPA has, however, reviewed the State’s UAAs upon which the new or revised primary contact recreation use designations are based and hereby approves them. These classified stream segments were included in the EPA’s July 2003 promulgation and were assigned use designations for secondary contact recreation. Based on the approval of the State’s use designations, Region 7 will recommend that the Agency initiate the rulemaking procedures necessary to withdraw the federal use designations. The complete list of classified streams approved by EPA for primary contact recreation, that were subject to EPA’s July 2003 promulgation are identified in Table 4 (attached below). D. Approval of Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Secondary Contact Recreation – Subject to EPA’s Promulgation for Primary Contact Recreation Based on the results of UAAs performed in 2004, the State adopted secondary contact recreation use designations into the August 2, 2006 Register for the classified stream segments identified in Table 5. In Table 5, EPA has noted the previous contact recreation designation in the previous Register, dated November 5, 2004. EPA notes that under Section 101(a) of the CWA and its implementing regulations in 40 C.F.R. §§ 131.2 and 131.10(g), UAAs are required to support contact recreation use designations that are less protective than a primary contact recreation use designation. EPA has reviewed the State’s UAAs upon which the new or revised secondary contact recreation use designations are based and hereby approves them. These classified stream segments were included in the EPA’s July 2003 promulgation and were assigned use designations for primary contact recreation. Based on the approval of the State’s use designations, Region 7 will recommend that the Agency initiate the rulemaking procedures necessary to withdraw the federal use designations. The complete list of classified streams approved by EPA for secondary contact recreation, that were subject to EPA’s July 2003 promulgation are identified in Table 5 (attached below). E. Approval of Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Secondary Contact Recreation – Not Subject to EPA’s Promulgation Based on the results of UAAs performed in 2004, the State adopted secondary contact recreation use designations into the August 2, 2006 Register for the classified stream segments


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identified in Table 6. In Table 6, EPA has noted the previous contact recreation designation in the previous Register, dated November 5, 2004. EPA notes that under Section 101(a) of the CWA and its implementing regulations in 40 C.F.R. §§ 131.2 and 131.10(g), UAAs are required to support contact recreation use designations that are less protective than a primary contact recreation use designation. EPA has reviewed the State’s UAAs upon which the new or revised secondary contact recreation use designations are based and hereby approves them. These classified stream segments were not included in the EPA’s July 2003 promulgation. The complete list of classified streams approved by EPA for secondary contact recreation, that were not subject to EPA’s July 2003 promulgation are identified in Table 6, (attached below). F. Approval of Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Secondary Contact Recreation – Subject to EPA’s Promulgation for Secondary Contact Recreation Based on the results of UAAs performed in 2004, the State adopted secondary contact recreation use designations into the August 2, 2006 Register for the classified stream segments identified in Table 7. In Table 7, EPA has noted the previous contact recreation designation in the previous Register, dated November 5, 2004. EPA notes that under Section 101(a) of the CWA and its implementing regulations in 40 C.F.R. §§ 131.2 and 131.10(g), UAAs are required to support contact recreation use designations that are less protective than a primary contact recreation use designation. EPA has reviewed the State’s UAAs upon which the new or revised secondary contact recreation use designations are based and hereby approves them. These classified stream segments were included in the EPA’s July 2003 promulgation and were assigned use designations for secondary contact recreation. Based on the approval of the State’s use designations, Region 7 will recommend that the Agency initiate the rulemaking procedures necessary to withdraw the federal use designations. The complete list of classified streams approved by EPA for secondary contact recreation, that were subject to EPA’s July 2003 promulgation are identified in Table 7 (attached below). H. Classified Stream Segments Which EPA is Approving Removal from the Kansas Surface Water Register – Not Subject to EPA’s Promulgation EPA is approving the deletion of the classified stream segments from the Register identified in Table 8. This determination is based on UAAs performed by KDHE in 2004 and submitted to EPA for review and approval in this decision. Under Section 101(a) of the CWA, and its implementing regulations, UAAs are necessary to support any recreational use designation less protective than a primary contact recreation use designation. EPA has reviewed the State’s UAAs upon which the removal of these waters from the Register are based, which demonstrate that there is insufficient water present to support contact recreational use. These classified stream segments were not included in the EPA’s July 2003 promulgation. The complete list of classified streams approved by EPA for removal from classification in the Kansas Surface Water Register, that were not subject to EPA’s July 2003 promulgation are identified in Table 8, attached hereto.


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J. Approval of Classified Surface Waters other than Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Primary Contact Recreation – Subject to EPA’s Promulgation for Primary Contact Recreation Based on the results of UAAs performed in 2004, the State adopted primary contact recreation use designations into the August 2, 2006 Register for the waters identified in Table 9. In Table 9, EPA has noted the previous contact recreation designation in the previous Register, dated November 5, 2004. EPA notes that under Section 101(a) of the CWA and its implementing regulations in 40 C.F.R. §§ 131.2 and 131.10(g), that UAAs are not required to support the new primary contact recreation use designations. EPA has, however, reviewed the State’s UAAs upon which the new or revised primary contact recreation use designations are based and hereby approves them. These classified surface waters other than classified stream segments were included in the EPA’s July 2003 promulgation and were assigned use designations for primary contact recreation. Based on the approval of the State’s use designations, Region 7 will recommend that the Agency initiate the rulemaking procedures necessary to withdraw the federal use designations. The complete list of classified streams approved by EPA for primary contact recreation, that were subject to EPA’s July 2003 promulgation are identified in Table 9 (attached below). O. Approval of New Classified Surface Water other than Classified Stream Segment to the Kansas Surface Water Register – Approval of Primary Contact Recreation The State added a new classified surface water other than classified stream segment to the Register. EPA is approving this new classification and its assigned primary contact recreation, class B, because it is consistent with the CWA goal uses identified in Section 101(a) and EPA’s implementing regulation in 40 C.F.R. §§ 131.2 and 131.10(g). This new water was not included in EPA’s July 2003 promulgation. The complete list of classified surface waters other than classified stream segments approved by EPA for a new addition to the August 2, 2006 Register is identified in Table 10, attached hereto. P. Approval of Non-101(a)(2) use designations to Classified Surface Waters Other Than Classified Stream Segments KDHE included new or revised use designations to 87 classified surface waters other than classified stream segments. Kansas water quality standards define additional use designations beyond the CWA required “fishable/swimable” use (K.A.R. 28-16-28d(b)). These additional uses include: 1). domestic water supply use, 2). food procurement use, 3). groundwater recharge, 4). industrial water supply use, 5). irrigation use, and


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6). livestock watering use. These new or revised uses are considered to be non-101(a)(2) uses (i.e., not “fishable/swimable”). Based on the UAAs for these additional designations, EPA has reviewed them and hereby approves them. For thoroughness, EPA has noted these new or revised non-101(a)(2) uses in Table 11, attached hereto. SECTION II – NON SUBSTANTIVE REVISIONS A. Non Substantive Revisions to Classified Stream Segments in the Kansas Surface Water Register EPA notes the appropriateness of KDHE’s revisions to the 2006 Register for changes in latitude/longitude, changes in HUC, and re-segmentation to classified stream segments in the State. These changes do not require EPA review and approval. Therefore, no action is taken. For thoroughness, EPA has noted these changes in Table 12, attached hereto. B. Non Substantive Revisions to Classified Surface Waters other than Classified Stream Segments in the Kansas Surface Water Register EPA notes the appropriateness of KDHE’s revisions to the 2006 Register for changes in the names of classified waters other than classified stream segments. These changes do not require EPA review and approval. Therefore, no action is taken. For thoroughness, EPA has noted these changes in Table 13, attached hereto.

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Table 1

Names of Kansas streams that flow into the State of Oklahoma. These interstate streams have been approved by EPA as secondary contact recreation, class b streams.

# Basin Stream Name HUC 8 Segment County 1 Neosho Turkey Creek 11070205 29 Labette2 Neosho Tar Creek 11070206 19 Cherokee3 Verdigris Snow Creek 11070103 25 Labette4 Verdigris Onion Creek 11070103 39 Montgomery5 Cimarron Cimarron River 11040008 11 Clark 6 Neosho Fourmile Creek 11070206 18 Cherokee7 Neosho Little Shawnee Creek 11070207 22 Cherokee


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Table 2 Approved Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Primary Contact Recreation – Subject to EPA’s Promulgation for Primary Contact Recreation. EPA Region 7 will recommend that the Agency initiate the rulemaking procedures necessary to withdraw the federal use designations.

# Basin Stream Name HUC 8 Segment County Primary Contact Recreation Class

2004 KS Register Contact Recreation Designation

1 MO Middle Fork Wolf River 10240005 67 Brown C no designation 2 MO North Fork Wolf River 10240005 66 Brown C no designation 3 MO Deer Creek 10240011 32 Atchison C no designation 4 MO Jordan Creek 10240011 30 Doniphan C no designation 5 MO Owl Creek 10240011 33 Atchison C no designation 6 MO Rock Creek 10240011 21 Doniphan C no designation 7 MO Salt Creek 10240011 34 Leavenworth C no designation 8 MO Walnut Creek 10240011 23 Atchison C no designation 9 MO White Clay Creek 10240011 31 Atchison B no designation 10 MC Little Bull Creek 10290102 51 Johnson C no designation 11 MO Brush Creek 10300101 54 Johnson B no designation 12 MO Coffee Creek 10300101 57 Johnson B no designation 13 MO Dyke Branch 10300101 55 Johnson B no designation 14 MO Indian Creek 10300101 32 Johnson B no designation 15 MO Negro Creek 10300101 58 Johnson B no designation 16 MO Tomahawk Creek 10300101 53 Johnson B no designation17 LA Gypsum Creek 11030013 5 Sedgwick B PCR, class C 18 VE Bachelor Creek 11070101 21 Greenwood C no designation 19 VE Moon Branch 11070101 43 Greenwood, Lyon C no designation 20 VE North Branch Verdigris River 11070101 13 Greenwood C no designation

21 VE North Branch Verdigris River 11070101 15 Chase,

Greenwood, Lyon C no designation 22 VE Slate Creek 11070101 25 Greenwood C no designation

23 VEVerdigris River, Bernard Branch 11070101 16 Greenwood C no designation


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Table 2 continued Approved Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Primary Contact Recreation – Subject to EPA’s Promulgation for Primary Contact Recreation. EPA Region 7 will recommend that the Agency initiate the rulemaking procedures necessary to withdraw the federal use designations.

# Basin Stream Name HUC 8 Segment County Primary Contact Recreation Class

2004 KS Register Contact Recreation Designation

25 VE Walnut Creek 11070101 19 Greenwood B no designation 26 VE West Creek 11070101 17 Greenwood C no designation 27 VE Battle Creek 11070102 18 Greenwood, Butler C no designation 28 VE Coon Creek 11070102 25 Greenwood C no designation 29 VE Ivanpah Creek 11070102 19 Greenwood, Butler C no designation 30 VE Salt Creek 11070102 14 Greenwood, Elk C no designation 31 VE Spring Creek 11070102 12 Greenwood C no designation 32 VE Swing Creek 11070102 989 Greenwood C no designation 33 VE Watson Branch 11070102 23 Greenwood C no designation

34 VE Drum Creek 11070103 34Neosho,

Labette, Montgomery C no designation 35 VE Pumpkin Creek 11070103 28 Labette, Montgomery C no designation 36 VE Sycamore Creek 11070103 52 Montgomery B no designation 37 NE Allen Creek 11070201 5 Lyon C no designation 38 NE Badger Creek 11070201 45 Lyon C no designation 39 NE Bluff Creek 11070201 8 Morris, Lyon C no designation 40 NE East Branch Rock Creek 11070201 34 Wabaunsee C no designation 41 NE East Creek 11070201 39 Morris C no designation 42 NE Fourmile Creek 11070201 48 Coffey, Lyon C no designation 43 NE Kahola Creek 11070201 43 Chase, Morris, Lyon C no designation 44 NE Lebo Creek 11070201 51 Coffey C 45 NE Rock Creek 11070201 7 Morris C no designation

46 NE Rock Creek 11070201 9Wabaunsee, Morris, Lyon C no designation


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Table 2 continued Approved Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Primary Contact Recreation – Subject to EPA’s Promulgation for Primary Contact Recreation. EPA Region 7 will recommend that the Agency initiate the rulemaking procedures necessary to withdraw the federal use designations.

# Basin Stream Name HUC 8 Segment County Primary Contact Recreation Class

2004 KS Register Contact Recreation Designation

47 NE Antelope Creek 11070202 19 Marion C no designation 48 NE Catlin Creek 11070202 20 Marion C no designation 49 NE Coon Creek 11070202 32 Chase C no designation 50 NE Doyle Creek 11070202 21 Marion C no designation 51 NE Mud Creek 11070202 6 Marion C no designation 52 NE Spring Creek 11070202 28 Marion C no designation 53 NE Spring Creek 11070202 29 Marion C no designation 54 NE Turkey Creek 11070202 31 Chase, Marion C no designation 55 NE Bloody Creek 11070203 40 Chase C no designation 56 NE Crocker Creek 11070203 46 Chase C no designation 57 NE Peyton Creek 11070203 25 Chase C no designation 58 NE Rock Creek 11070203 37 Chase C no designation 59 NE Long Creek* 11070204 12 Coffey C no designation 60 NE Martin Creek 11070204 49 Anderson, Allen C no designation 61 NE North Big Creek 11070204 16 Greenwood, Coffey C no designation 62 NE Slack Creek 11070204 30 Allen C no designation 63 NE South Big Creek 11070204 17 Woodson, Coffey C no designation 64 NE Turkey Creek 11070204 18 Woodson, Coffey C no designation 65 NE Turkey Creek 11070204 32 Neosho C SCR, class b 66 NE Cherry Creek 11070205 4 Cherokee C no designation 67 NE Lake Creek 11070205 24 Labette C no designation 68 NE Little Cherry Creek 11070205 32 Cherokee C no designation

*Long Creek is also assigned the non-101(a)(2) uses of Domestic Water Supply Use (DS), Groundwater Recharge (GR), Industrial Water Supply Use (IW), Irrigation (IR), and Livestock Watering Use (LW). EPA approves these additional new uses.


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Table 2 continued Approved Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Primary Contact Recreation – Subject to EPA’s Promulgation for Primary Contact Recreation. EPA Region 7 will recommend that the Agency initiate the rulemaking procedures necessary to withdraw the federal use designations.

# Basin Stream Name HUC 8 Segment County Primary Contact Recreation Class

2004 KS Register Contact Recreation Designation

69 NE Ogeese Creek 11070205 38 Neosho C no designation 70 NE Thunderbolt Creek 11070205 44 Cherokee B no designation 71 NE Shawnee Creek 11070207 17 Cherokee C no designation


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Table 3 Approved Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Primary Contact Recreation – Not Subject to EPA’s Promulgation

# Basin Stream Name HUC 8 Segment County Primary Contact Recreation Class

2004 KS Register Contact Recreation Designation

1 MO Missouri River 10240005 1 Doniphan B PCR, class B 2 MO Missouri River 10240005 2 Doniphan B PCR, class B 3 MO Missouri River 10240005 19 Doniphan B PCR, class B 4 MO Missouri River 10240005 21 Doniphan B PCR, class B 5 MO Manley Creek 10240007 14 Marshall, Nemaha C PCR, class C 6 MO Wolf Creek 10240007 13 Marshall B PCR, class C 7 MO Independence Creek 10240011 22 Doniphan, Atchison C PCR, class C 8 MO Island Creek 10240011 37 Wyandotte C PCR, class C

9 MO Missouri River 10240011 1Wyandotte,

Leavenworth B PCR, class B 10 MO Missouri River 10240011 2 Leavenworth B PCR, class B 11 MO Missouri River 10240011 4 Leavenworth B PCR, class B 12 MO Missouri River 10240011 5 Leavenworth, Atchison B PCR, class B 13 MO Missouri River 10240011 7 Atchison B PCR, class B 14 MO Missouri River 10240011 9 Atchison B PCR, class B 15 MO Missouri River 10240011 11 Atchison B PCR, class B 16 MO Missouri River 10240011 13 Doniphan, Atchison B PCR, class B 17 MO Missouri River 10240011 15 Doniphan B PCR, class B 18 MO Missouri River 10240011 19 Doniphan B PCR, class B 19 MO Missouri River 10240011 9099 Wyandotte B PCR, class B 20 KLR White Rock Creek 10250016 45 Jewell C PCR, class C 21 KLR Elm Creek 10250017 39 Cloud C PCR, class C 22 KLR Parsons Creek 10250017 12 Clay, Washington C SCR, class b 23 KLR Republican River 10250017 1 Geary C PCR, class C 24 KLR Republican River 10250017 7 Clay B PCR, class C 25 KLR Republican River 10250017 8 Clay C PCR, class C


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Table 3 continued Approved Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Primary Contact Recreation – Not Subject to EPA’s Promulgation

# Basin Stream Name HUC 8 Segment County Primary Contact Recreation Class

2004 KS Register Contact Recreation Designation

26 KLR Republican River 10250017 9 Clay C PCR, class C 27 KLR Republican River 10250017 11 Clay C PCR, class C 28 KLR Republican River 10250017 17 Cloud C PCR, class C 29 KLR Republican River 10250017 18 Cloud C PCR, class C 30 KLR Republican River 10250017 26 Cloud B PCR, class C 31 KLR Salt Creek 10250017 19 Cloud C PCR, class C 32 KLR Salt Creek 10250017 23 Republic C PCR, class C 33 KLR Salt Creek 10250017 30 Cloud C PCR, class C 34 KLR Salt Creek 10250017 34 Jewell, Republic C PCR, class C 35 KLR Clarks Creek 10270101 8 Geary C PCR, class C 36 KLR Clarks Creek 10270101 9 Geary, Morris C PCR, class C 37 KLR Kansas River 10270101 1 Riley B PCR, class B 38 KLR Kansas River 10270101 3 Riley B PCR, class B 39 KLR Kansas River 10270101 4 Riley B PCR, class B 40 KLR Kansas River 10270101 6 Riley B PCR, class B 41 KLR Kansas River 10270101 7 Geary B PCR, class B 42 KLR Wildcat Creek 10270101 2 Riley B PCR, class C 43 KLR Antelope Creek 10270102 67 Wabaunsee C PCR, class C 44 KLR Deep Creek 10270102 26 Riley B PCR, class C 45 KLR Deer Creek 10270102 41 Shawnee B PCR, class C 46 KLR Kansas River 10270102 1 Douglas B PCR, class B 47 KLR Kansas River 10270102 3 Shawnee B PCR, class B 48 KLR Kansas River 10270102 4 Shawnee B PCR, class B 49 KLR Kansas River 10270102 10 Shawnee B PCR, class B 50 KLR Kansas River 10270102 11 Shawnee B PCR, class B


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Table 3 continued Approved Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Primary Contact Recreation – Not Subject to EPA’s Promulgation

# Basin Stream Name HUC 8 Segment County Primary Contact Recreation Class

2004 KS Register Contact Recreation Designation

51 KLR Kansas River 10270102 13 Shawnee B PCR, class B

52 KLR Kansas River 10270102 14Shawnee,

Pottawatomie B PCR, class B 53 KLR Kansas River 10270102 24 Pottawatomie B PCR, class B 54 KLR Kansas River 10270102 25 Pottawatomie B PCR, class B 55 KLR Shunganunga Creek 10270102 40 Shawnee B PCR, class C 56 KLR Soldier Creek 10270102 5 Shawnee B PCR, class C 57 KLR Delaware River 10270103 1 Jefferson B PCR, class C 58 KLR Delaware River 10270103 22 Jackson, Brown B PCR, class C 59 KLR Cedar Creek 10270104 38 Johnson B PCR, class C 60 KLR Kansas River 10270104 1 Wyandotte B PCR, class B 61 KLR Kansas River 10270104 2 Johnson B PCR, class B 62 KLR Kansas River 10270104 3 Johnson B PCR, class B 63 KLR Kansas River 10270104 4 Johnson B PCR, class B 64 KLR Kansas River 10270104 18 Johnson, Douglas B PCR, class B 65 KLR Kansas River 10270104 19 Douglas B PCR, class B 66 KLR Kansas River 10270104 21 Douglas B PCR, class B 67 KLR Kansas River 10270104 23 Douglas B PCR, class B 68 KLR Mill Creek 10270104 39 Johnson B PCR, class C 69 KLR Stranger Creek 10270104 6 Leavenworth C PCR, class C 70 KLR Wakarusa River 10270104 30 Shawnee, Douglas B PCR, class C 71 KLR Big Blue River 10270205 7 Riley, Marshall B PCR, class C

72 MCHundred and

Forty Two Mile Creek 10290101 40 Lyon C PCR, class C 73 MC Bull Creek 10290102 24 Johnson B SCR, class b 74 MO Blue River 10300101 33 Johnson B PCR, class C


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Table 3 continued Approved Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Primary Contact Recreation – Not Subject to EPA’s Promulgation

# Basin Stream Name HUC 8 Segment County Primary Contact Recreation Class

2004 KS Register Contact Recreation Designation

75 MO Wolf Creek 10300101 1102 Johnson B PCR, class C 76 CI Crooked Creek 11040007 1 Meade C SCR, class b 77 LA Grouse Creek 11060001 15 Comanche B PCR, class C 78 VE Holderman Creek 11070101 47 Greenwood C no designation79 VE Verdigris River 11070101 1 Wilson C PCR, class C 80 VE Verdigris River 11070101 3 Wilson C PCR, class C 81 VE Verdigris River 11070101 5 Wilson, Woodson B PCR, class C 82 VE Verdigris River 11070101 11 Greenwood C PCR, class C 83 VE Willow Creek 11070101 9017 Greenwood C no designation 84 VE Fall River 11070102 1 Wilson B PCR, class C

85 VE Fall River 11070102 2Wilson,

Greenwood, Elk B PCR, class C 86 VE Fall River 11070102 3 Greenwood B PCR, class C 87 VE Fall River 11070102 7 Greenwood B PCR, class C 88 VE Fall River 11070102 8 Greenwood B PCR, class C 89 VE Fall River 11070102 9 Greenwood B PCR, class C 90 VE Fall River, East Branch 11070102 635 Greenwood C PCR, class C 91 VE Fall River, West Branch 11070102 11 Greenwood C PCR, class C 92 VE Otter Creek 11070102 13 Greenwood B PCR, class C 93 VE Verdigris Creek 11070103 29 Montgomery B PCR, class C 94 VE Verdigris River 11070103 27 Montgomery B PCR, class C 95 VE Verdigris River 11070103 33 Montgomery B PCR, class C 96 VE Verdigris River 11070103 35 Montgomery B PCR, class C 97 VE Verdigris River 11070103 36 Wilson, Montgomery B PCR, class C 98 VE Verdigris River 11070103 38 Wilson B PCR, class C 99 NE Allen Creek 11070201 3 Lyon C no designation


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Table 3 continued Approved Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Primary Contact Recreation – Not Subject to EPA’s Promulgation

# Basin Stream Name HUC 8 Segment County Primary Contact Recreation Class

2004 KS Register Contact Recreation Designation

100 NE Munkers Creek 11070201 18 Wabaunsee, Morris C no designation 101 NE Neosho River 11070201 1 Coffey B PCR, class C 102 NE Neosho River 11070201 2 Lyon C PCR, class C 103 NE Neosho River 11070201 6 Morris, Lyon C PCR, class C 104 NE Neosho River 11070201 10 Morris C PCR, class C 105 NE Neosho River 11070201 11 Morris B PCR, class C 106 NE Neosho River 11070201 23 Morris C PCR, class C 107 NE Neosho River 11070201 26 Coffey, Lyon B PCR, class C 108 NE Cedar Creek 11070202 22 Chase C PCR, class C 109 NE Clear Creek 11070202 4 Marion B PCR, class C 110 NE Cottonwood River 11070202 1 Chase, Marion B PCR, class C 111 NE Cottonwood River 11070202 2 Marion C PCR, class C 112 NE Cottonwood River 11070202 3 Marion C PCR, class C 113 NE Cottonwood River 11070202 7 Marion C PCR, class C 114 NE Cottonwood River 11070202 8 Marion C PCR, class C 115 NE North Cottonwood River 11070202 14 Marion, McPherson C PCR, class C 116 NE Cottonwood River 11070203 2 Chase B PCR, class C 117 NE Cottonwood River 11070203 4 Chase B PCR, class C 118 NE Cottonwood River 11070203 6 Chase B PCR, class C 119 NE Mercer Creek 11070203 716 Chase, Butler C no designation 120 NE Middle Creek 11070203 5 Marion, Chase, Morris C no designation 121 NE South Fork Cottonwood River 11070203 9 Chase C PCR, class C 122 NE Big Creek 11070204 14 Coffey C PCR, class C 123 NE Dinner Creek 11070204 823 Greenwood, Coffey C no designation 124 NE Elm Creek 11070204 1050 Allen B no designation125 NE Indian Creek 11070204 924 Anderson, Allen C no designation


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Table 3 continued Approved Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Primary Contact Recreation – Not Subject to EPA’s Promulgation

# Basin Stream Name HUC 8 Segment County Primary Contact Recreation Class

2004 KS Register Contact Recreation Designation

126 NE Neosho River 11070204 1 Neosho B PCR, class C 127 NE Neosho River 11070204 3 Neosho, Allen B PCR, class C 128 NE Neosho River 11070204 5 Allen B PCR, class C 129 NE Neosho River 11070204 6 Allen B PCR, class C 130 NE Neosho River 11070204 8 Allen B PCR, class C

131 NE Neosho River 11070204 10Allen,

Woodson, Coffey B PCR, class C 132 NE Neosho River 11070204 11 Coffey B PCR, class C 133 NE Neosho River 11070204 13 Coffey B PCR, class C 134 NE Fly Creek 11070205 1 Cherokee C PCR, class C 135 NE Hackberry Creek 11070205 460 Labette C no designation136 NE Labette Creek 11070205 21 Labette C PCR, class C 137 NE Labette Creek 11070205 22 Neosho, Labette B PCR, class C 138 NE Neosho River 11070205 2 Cherokee, Labette B PCR, class C 139 NE Neosho River 11070205 3 Labette B PCR, class C 140 NE Neosho River 11070205 5 Cherokee, Labette B PCR, class C 141 NE Neosho River 11070205 9 Labette B PCR, class C 142 NE Neosho River 11070205 11 Neosho, Labette B PCR, class C 143 NE Neosho River 11070205 15 Neosho B PCR, class C 144 NE Neosho River 11070205 17 Neosho B PCR, class C 145 NE Cow Creek 11070207 16 Crawford, Cherokee B PCR, class C 146 NE First Cow Creek 11070207 27 Crawford B SCR, class b 147 NE Shoal Creek 11070207 2 Cherokee B PCR, class C 148 NE Spring River 11070207 1 Cherokee B PCR, class C 149 NE Spring River 11070207 3 Cherokee B PCR, class C 150 NE Spring River 11070207 4 Cherokee B PCR, class C


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Table 3 continued Approved Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Primary Contact Recreation – Not Subject to EPA’s Promulgation

# Basin Stream Name HUC 8 Segment County Primary Contact Recreation Class

2004 KS Register Contact Recreation Designation

151 NE Spring River 11070207 6 Cherokee B PCR, class C 152 NE Spring River 11070207 7 Cherokee B PCR, class C 153 NE Spring River 11070207 19 Cherokee B PCR, class C 154 LA Arkansas River* 11030010 3 Reno B PCR, class C 155 UA Arkansas River** 11030004 1 Rice, Barton C SCR, class b 156 UA Arkansas River** 11030004 2 Barton C SCR, class b 157 UA Arkansas River** 11030004 4 Pawnee C SCR, class b 158 UA Arkansas River** 11030004 5 Pawnee C SCR, class b 159 UA Arkansas River** 11030004 10 Pawnee, Edwards, Ford C SCR, class b 160 UA Arkansas River** 11030004 11 Ford C SCR, class b

*EPA incorrectly reported that Arkansas River, HUC 11030004, segment 3 was approved for Primary Contact Recreation, class A in the December 7, 2005 decision concerning that particular use designation change. EPA hereby recognizes the mistake and approves Arkansas River, segment 3 as having a contact recreation designation of Primary Contact Recreation, class B. **Arkansas River, HUC 11030004, for segments 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, and 11 were incorrectly reported as SCR, class b in the December 15, 2003 and November 5, 2004 KS Surface Water Register. KDHE has fixed this error in the August 2, 2006 Register. EPA hereby recognizes this past error and correction.


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Table 4 Approved Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Primary Contact Recreation – Subject to EPA’s Promulgation for Secondary Contact Recreation. EPA Region 7 will recommend that the Agency initiate the rulemaking procedures necessary to withdraw the federal use designations.

Basin Stream Name HUC 8 Segment County Primary Contact Recreation Class #

2004 KS Register Contact Recreation Designation

1 KLR Lost Creek* 10270102 60 Pottawatomie B SCR, class b *Lost Creek is also assigned the non-101(a)(2) uses of Domestic Water Supply Use (DS), Food Procurement (FP), Groundwater Recharge (GR), Industrial Water Supply Use (IW), Irrigation (IR), and Livestock Watering Use (LW). EPA approves these additional new uses.


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Table 5 Approved Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Secondary Contact Recreation – Subject to EPA’s Promulgation for Primary Contact Recreation. EPA Region 7 will recommend that the Agency initiate the rulemaking procedures necessary to withdraw the federal use designations.

# Basin Stream Name HUC 8 Segment County Secondary Contact Recreation Class

2004 KS Register Contact Recreation Designation

1 MO Cold Ryan Branch 10240005 70 Doniphan b no designation 2 MO Halling Creek 10240005 68 Doniphan b no designation 3 MO Rittenhouse Branch 10240005 69 Doniphan b no designation4 MO South Fork Wolf River 10240005 57 Brown b no designation 5 MO Spring Creek 10240005 65 Doniphan b no designation 6 MO Striker Branch 10240005 72 Doniphan b no designation 7 MO Unnamed Stream 10240005 55 Brown b no designation 8 MO Deer Creek 10240007 18 Nemaha b no designation 9 MO Fisher Creek 10240007 28 Nemaha b no designation 10 MO Illinois Creek 10240007 30 Nemaha b no designation 11 MO Rattlesnake Creek 10240007 27 Nemaha b no designation12 MO Rock Creek 10240007 20 Nemaha b no designation 13 MO Tennessee Creek 10240007 29 Nemaha b no designation 14 MO Turkey Creek 10240007 5 Nemaha b no designation 15 MO Wildcat Creek 10240007 22 Nemaha, Marshall b no designation 16 MO Wildcat Creek 10240007 23 Nemaha b no designation 17 MO Wolf Pen Creek 10240007 25 Nemaha b no designation 18 MO Noharts Creek 10240008 42 Brown b no designation 19 MO Brush Creek 10240011 26 Doniphan b no designation 20 MO Fivemile Creek 10240011 35 Leavenworth a no designation

21 MONorth Branch

Independence Creek 10240011 29 Doniphan b no designation 22 MO Smith Creek 10240011 28 Doniphan b no designation 23 MO Threemile Creek 10240011 36 Leavenworth a no designation


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Table 5 continued Approved Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Secondary Contact Recreation – Subject to EPA’s Promulgation for Primary Contact Recreation. EPA Region 7 will recommend that the Agency initiate the rulemaking procedures necessary to withdraw the federal use designations.

# Basin Stream Name HUC 8 Segment County Secondary Contact Recreation Class

2004 KS Register Contact Recreation Designation

24 MO Walnut Creek 10240011 25 Doniphan b no designation 25 MO Whiskey Creek 10240011 235 Atchison b no designation 26 MO White Clay Creek 10240011 9031 Atchison b no designation 27 KLR Little Arkansas Creek 10270101 13 Riley b no designation 28 KLR School Creek 10270207 49 Washington b no designation 29 MC Spring Creek 10290102 50 Johnson a no designation 30 VE Big Cedar Creek 11070101 39 Wilson b no designation 31 VE Brazil Creek 11070101 31 Woodson b no designation 32 VE Buffalo Creek 11070101 2 Wilson, Woodson b no designation 33 VE Cedar Creek 11070101 32 Woodson b no designation 34 VE Chetopa Creek 11070101 22 Wilson, Neosho b no designation 35 VE Crooked Creek 11070101 38 Wilson b no designation 36 VE Dry Creek 11070101 27 Woodson, Greenwood b no designation 37 VE Elder Branch 11070101 37 Wilson b no designation 38 VE Fancy Creek 11070101 28 Greenwood b no designation 39 VE Greenhall Creek 11070101 26 Greenwood b no designation 40 VE Homer Creek 11070101 20 Greenwood b no designation 41 VE Kelly Branch 11070101 42 Greenwood, Lyon b no designation 42 VE Kuntz Branch 11070101 29 Greenwood b no designation 43 VE Little Sandy Creek 11070101 33 Wilson, Woodson b no designation44 VE Long Creek 11070101 45 Greenwood b no designation 45 VE Onion Creek 11070101 23 Greenwood b no designation 46 VE Rock Creek 11070101 14 Greenwood, Lyon b no designation 47 VE Ross Branch 11070101 35 Wilson, Greenwood b no designation


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Table 5 continued Approved Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Secondary Contact Recreation – Subject to EPA’s Promulgation for Primary Contact Recreation. EPA Region 7 will recommend that the Agency initiate the rulemaking procedures necessary to withdraw the federal use designations.

# Basin Stream Name HUC 8 Segment County Secondary Contact Recreation Class

2004 KS Register Contact Recreation Designation

48 VE Sandy Creek 11070101 4 Wilson, Woodson b no designation 49 VE Shaw Creek 11070101 40 Chase, Lyon b no designation 50 VE Snake Creek 11070101 36 Wilson b no designation 51 VE Tate Branch Creek 11070101 44 Greenwood, Lyon b no designation 52 VE Van Horn Creek 11070101 46 Greenwood b no designation 53 VE West Buffalo Creek 11070101 34 Wilson, Woodson b no designation 54 VE Wolf Creek 11070101 41 Chase, Lyon b no designation 55 VE Burnt Creek 11070102 24 Greenwood b no designation 56 VE Coon Creek 11070102 36 Wilson, Elk b no designation 57 VE Crain Creek 11070102 32 Greenwood b no designation 58 VE Honey Creek 11070102 26 Greenwood b no designation 59 VE Indian Creek 11070102 15 Wilson, Elk b no designation 60 VE Kitty Creek 11070102 27 Greenwood b no designation 61 VE Little Indian Creek 11070102 34 Elk b no designation 62 VE Little Salt Creek 11070102 35 Greenwood, Elk b no designation 63 VE Oleson Creek 11070102 21 Greenwood b no designation 64 VE Otis Creek 11070102 20 Greenwood b no designation 65 VE Plum Creek 11070102 30 Greenwood b no designation66 VE Rainbow Creek, East 11070102 17 Wilson, Elk b no designation 67 VE Salt Creek 11070102 38 Wilson a no designation 68 VE Silver Creek 11070102 33 Greenwood b no designation 69 VE Snake Creek 11070102 31 Greenwood b no designation 70 VE Biscuit Creek 11070103 53 Montgomery b no designation 71 VE Bluff Run 11070103 54 Montgomery b no designation


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Table 5 continued Approved Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Secondary Contact Recreation – Subject to EPA’s Promulgation for Primary Contact Recreation. EPA Region 7 will recommend that the Agency initiate the rulemaking procedures necessary to withdraw the federal use designations.

# Basin Stream Name HUC 8 Segment County Secondary Contact Recreation Class

2004 KS Register Contact Recreation Designation

72 VE Choteau Creek 11070103 63 Montgomery b no designation 73 VE Claymore Creek 11070103 50 Labette, Montgomery b no designation 74 VE Deadman Creek 11070103 57 Montgomery b no designation 75 VE Deer Creek 11070103 51 Labette b no designation 76 VE Dry Creek 11070103 37 Wilson, Neosho b no designation 77 VE Mud Creek 11070103 59 Labette b no designation 78 VE Onion Creek 11070103 39 Montgomery b no designation 79 VE Potatoe Creek 11070103 31 Labette, Montgomery b no designation 80 VE Prior Creek 11070103 62 Montgomery b no designation 81 VE Richland Creek 11070103 49 Labette b no designation 82 VE Rock Creek 11070103 58 Montgomery b no designation 83 VE Rock Creek 11070103 61 Neosho, Labette b no designation 84 VE Snow Creek 11070103 25 Labette b no designation 85 VE Spring Creek 11070103 55 Montgomery b no designation 86 VE Wildcat Creek 11070103 60 Labette b no designation 87 NE Crooked Creek 11070201 35 Morris b no designation 88 NE Eagle Creek 11070201 25 Coffey, Lyon b no designation 89 NE Elm Creek 11070201 36 Morris a no designation90 NE Four Mile Creek 11070201 24 Morris b no designation 91 NE Horse Creek 11070201 33 Wabaunsee b no designation 91 NE Lairds Creek 11070201 30 Morris b no designation 93 NE Lanos Creek 11070201 21 Morris b no designation 94 NE Parkers Creek 11070201 27 Morris b no designation 95 NE Plum Creek 11070201 50 Lyon b no designation


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Table 5 continued Approved Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Secondary Contact Recreation – Subject to EPA’s Promulgation for Primary Contact Recreation. EPA Region 7 will recommend that the Agency initiate the rulemaking procedures necessary to withdraw the federal use designations.

# Basin Stream Name HUC 8 Segment County Secondary Contact Recreation Class

2004 KS Register Contact Recreation Designation

96 NE Plumb Creek 11070201 49 Lyon b no designation 97 NE South Eagle Creek 11070201 47 Lyon b no designation 98 NE Walker Branch 11070201 42 Morris b no designation 99 NE Wolf Creek 11070201 41 Morris b no designation 100 NE Bills Creek 11070202 30 Chase, Butler b no designation 101 NE Clear Creek 11070202 5 Morris, Marion b no designation 102 NE East Branch Clear Creek 11070202 24 Morris, Marion b no designation 103 NE French Creek 11070202 16 Marion b no designation 104 NE Perry Creek 11070202 23 Marion b no designation 105 NE South Cottonwood River 11070202 17 Marion b no designation 106 NE South Cottonwood River 11070202 18 Marion b no designation 107 NE Spring Branch 11070202 26 Marion b no designation 108 NE Stony Brook 11070202 25 Marion b no designation 109 NE Beaver Creek 11070203 29 Lyon b no designation 110 NE Buckeye Creek 11070203 44 Chase b no designation 111 NE Bull Creek 11070203 26 Chase b no designation 112 NE Coal Creek 11070203 43 Lyon b no designation 113 NE Collett Creek 11070203 21 Chase b no designation 114 NE Coyne Branch 11070203 33 Chase b no designation 115 NE Dodds Creek 11070203 15 Morris b no designation 116 NE French Creek 11070203 32 Chase b no designation 117 NE Gould Creek 11070203 36 Chase b no designation 118 NE Holmes Creek 11070203 35 Chase b no designation 119 NE Jacob Creek 11070203 28 Chase, Lyon b no designation


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Table 5 continued Approved Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Secondary Contact Recreation – Subject to EPA’s Promulgation for Primary Contact Recreation. EPA Region 7 will recommend that the Agency initiate the rulemaking procedures necessary to withdraw the federal use designations.

# Basin Stream Name HUC 8 Segment County Secondary Contact Recreation Class

2004 KS Register Contact Recreation Designation

120 NE Kirk Creek 11070203 48 Chase b no designation 121 NE Moon Creek 11070203 31 Lyon b no designation 122 NE Mulvane Creek 11070203 22 Chase b no designation 123 NE Phenis Creek 11070203 30 Lyon b no designation 124 NE Prather Creek 11070203 23 Chase b no designation 125 NE Schaffer Creek 11070203 17 Morris, Chase b no designation 126 NE School Creek 11070203 16 Morris, Chase b no designation 127 NE Sharpes Creek 11070203 38 Chase b no designation 128 NE Silver Creek 11070203 34 Chase b no designation 129 NE Stout Run 11070203 27 Chase b no designation 130 NE Stribby Creek 11070203 20 Chase b no designation 131 NE Badger Creek 11070204 42 Coffey b no designation 132 NE Bloody Run 11070204 25 Woodson, Allen b no designation 133 NE Carlyle Creek 11070204 47 Anderson, Allen b no designation 134 NE Charles Branch 11070204 27 Allen b no designation 135 NE Cherry Creek 11070204 20 Woodson b no designation 136 NE Coal Creek 11070204 4 Allen b no designation 137 NE Cottonwood Creek 11070204 48 Allen b no designation 138 NE Crooked Creek 11070204 44 Coffey b no designation 139 NE Draw Creek 11070204 34 Neosho b no designation 140 NE Goose Creek 11070204 29 Allen b no designation 141 NE Mud Creek 11070204 26 Allen b no designation 142 NE Mud Creek 11070204 31 Allen b no designation 143 NE Onion Creek 11070204 24 Allen b no designation


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Table 5 continued Approved Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Secondary Contact Recreation – Subject to EPA’s Promulgation for Primary Contact Recreation. EPA Region 7 will recommend that the Agency initiate the rulemaking procedures necessary to withdraw the federal use designations.

# Basin Stream Name HUC 8 Segment County Secondary Contact Recreation Class

2004 KS Register Contact Recreation Designation

144 NE Owl Creek 11070204 19 Woodson, Allen b no designation 145 NE Owl Creek 11070204 21 Woodson b no designation 146 NE Plum Creek 11070204 22 Woodson b no designation147 NE Rock Creek 11070204 7 Allen b no designation 148 NE Rock Creek 11070204 15 Coffey a no designation 149 NE Rock Creek 11070204 23 Woodson b no designation 150 NE School Creek 11070204 38 Coffey b no designation 151 NE Scott Creek 11070204 40 Coffey b no designation

152 NE Spring Creek 11070204 46Anderson, Woodson,

Coffey b no designation153 NE Sutton Creek 11070204 35 Neosho, Allen b no designation 154 NE Turkey Branch 11070204 28 Neosho, Allen b no designation 155 NE Twiss Creek 11070204 45 Woodson, Coffey b no designation 156 NE Varvel Creek 11070204 43 Coffey b no designation 157 NE Village Creek 11070204 33 Wilson, Neosho b no designation 158 NE Wolf Creek 11070204 37 Coffey b no designation 159 NE Bachelor Creek 11070205 40 Neosho b no designation 160 NE Canville Creek 11070205 16 Neosho, Allen b no designation 161 NE Center Creek 11070205 25 Cherokee b no designation 162 NE Deer Creek 11070205 27 Labette b no designation 163 NE Denny Branch 11070205 31 Cherokee b no designation 164 NE Elk Creek 11070205 19 Neosho b no designation 165 NE Elm Creek 11070205 43 Cherokee b no designation166 NE Flat Rock Creek 11070205 12 Neosho b no designation


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Table 5 continued Approved Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Secondary Contact Recreation – Subject to EPA’s Promulgation for Primary Contact Recreation. EPA Region 7 will recommend that the Agency initiate the rulemaking procedures necessary to withdraw the federal use designations.

# Basin Stream Name HUC 8 Segment County Secondary Contact Recreation Class

2004 KS Register Contact Recreation Designation

167 NE Flat Rock Creek 11070205 14 Neosho, Allen b no designation 168 NE Fourmile Creek 11070205 49 Neosho b no designation 169 NE Grindstone Creek 11070205 42 Cherokee b no designation

170 NE Hickory Creek 11070205 10Crawford,

Neosho, Labette b no designation 171 NE Limestone Creek 11070205 7 Crawford b no designation 172 NE Little Elk Creek 11070205 47 Neosho b no designation 173 NE Little Labette Creek 11070205 23 Neosho, Labette a no designation 174 NE Litup Creek 11070205 36 Crawford, Labette b no designation 175 NE Mulberry Creek 11070205 35 Crawford, Cherokee b no designation 176 NE Murphy Creek 11070205 41 Cherokee, Neosho b no designation 177 NE Pecan Creek 11070205 45 Neosho b no designation 178 NE Plum Creek 11070205 34 Cherokee b no designation179 NE Rock Creek 11070205 48 Neosho b no designation 180 NE Spring Creek 11070205 30 Labette b no designation 181 NE Stink Branch 11070205 37 Cherokee b no designation 182 NE Tolen Creek 11070205 39 Neosho, Labette a no designation 183 NE Town Creek 11070205 28 Cherokee, Labette a no designation 184 NE Turkey Creek 11070205 29 Labette b no designation 185 NE Tar Creek 11070206 19 Cherokee b SCR, class b 186 NE Long Branch 11070207 21 Cherokee b no designation 187 NE Taylor Branch 11070207 25 Crawford, Cherokee b no designation


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Table 6 Approved Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Secondary Contact Recreation – Not Subject to EPA’s Promulgation

# Basin Stream Name HUC 8 Segment County Secondary Contact Recreation Class

2004 KS Register Contact Recreation Designation

1 MO Unnamed Stream 10240005 240 Brown b no designation 2 MO Wolf River 10240005 54 Brown b PCR, class C 3 MO Wolf River 10240005 56 Brown b PCR, class C 4 MO Clear Creek 10240007 132 Nemaha, Marshall b no designation 5 MO Harris Creek 10240007 166 Nemaha b no designation 6 MO Honey Creek 10240007 26 Nemaha b PCR, class C 7 MO South Fork Big Nemaha River 10240007 3 Nemaha b PCR, class C 8 MO South Fork Big Nemaha River 10240007 16 Nemaha a PCR, class C 9 MO Unnamed Stream 10240007 212 Nemaha b no designation 10 MO Wolf Creek 10240007 12 Nemaha b PCR, class C 11 MO Walnut Creek 10240008 39 Brown b PCR, class C 12 MO Jersey Creek 10240011 38 Wyandotte a PCR, class C 13 MO Nine Mile Creek 10240011 161 Leavenworth b no designation 14 MO Quarry Creek 10240011 176 Leavenworth b no designation 15 MO Seven Mile Creek 10240011 157 Leavenworth b no designation 16 UR Bluff Creek 10250003 70 Cheyenne b SCR, class b 17 UR Hackberry Creek 10250003 3 Cheyenne b SCR, class b 18 UR South Fork Republican River 10250003 4 Cheyenne b PCR, class C 19 UR South Fork Republican River 10250003 6 Cheyenne a PCR, class C 20 UR South Fork Republican River 10250003 7 Cheyenne a PCR, class C 21 UR South Fork Republican River 10250003 9 Cheyenne b PCR, class C 22 UR Spring Creek 10250003 67 Cheyenne b SCR, class b 23 UR North Fork Sappa Creek 10250010 2 Rawlins b SCR, class b 24 UR Boy Creek 10250011 13 Norton b SCR, class b


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Table 6 continued Approved Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Secondary Contact Recreation – Not Subject to EPA’s Promulgation

# Basin Stream Name HUC 8 Segment County Secondary Contact Recreation Class

2004 KS Register Contact Recreation Designation

25 UR Jones Creek 10250011 17 Norton b SCR, class b 26 UR Sappa Creek 10250011 3 Norton b SCR, class b 27 UR Sappa Creek 10250011 4 Norton, Decatur b SCR, class b 28 UR Sappa Creek, Long Branch 10250011 5 Norton, Decatur b SCR, class b 29 UR Walnut Creek 10250011 11 Norton b SCR, class b 30 UR Beaver Creek 10250012 1 Sherman, Rawlins b SCR, class b 31 UR Little Beaver Creek 10250013 1 Rawlins b SCR, class b 32 UR North Beaver Creek 10250013 2 Rawlins b SCR, class b 33 UR Buffalo Creek 10250015 21 Norton b SCR, class b 34 UR Horse Creek 10250015 18 Norton b SCR, class b

35 UR North Fork Prairie Dog Creek 10250015 11 Thomas,

Sheridan, Decatur b SCR, class b

36 UR Prairie Dog Creek 10250015 12 Thomas,

Sheridan, Decatur b PCR, class C 37 UR Spring Creek 10250015 15 Norton b SCR, class b 38 UR Walnut Creek 10250015 13 Phillips b SCR, class b 39 KLR Republican River 10250016 1 Republic b PCR, class C 40 KLR Republican River 10250016 2 Republic, Jewell b PCR, class C 41 KLR White Rock Creek 10250016 47 Jewell b PCR, class C 42 KLR White Rock Creek 10250016 49 Smith, Jewell b PCR, class C 43 KLR Buffalo Creek 10250017 37 Cloud, Jewell b PCR, class C 44 KLR Elk Creek 10250017 15 Republic, Cloud b PCR, class C 45 KLR Fourmile Creek 10250017 67 Geary b PCR, class C 46 KLR Middle Buffalo Creek 10250017 9037 Jewell b PCR, class C 47 KLR Timber Creek 10250017 6 Clay, Riley b PCR, class C


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Table 6 continued Approved Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Secondary Contact Recreation – Not Subject to EPA’s Promulgation

2004 KS Register Contact Recreation Designation

Secondary Contact Recreation Class # Basin Stream Name HUC 8 Segment County

48 SS North Fork Smoky Hill River 10260002 1 Logan b SCR, class b 49 SS Indian Creek 10260003 15 Gove b SCR, class b 50 SS Salt Creek 10260003 26 Gove, Scott, Lane b SCR, class b 51 SS Six Mile Creek 10260003 23 Scott b SCR, class b 52 SS Smoky Hill River 10260003 17 Gove b SCR, class b 53 SS Smoky Hill River 10260003 19 Gove b SCR, class b 54 SS Smoky Hill River 10260003 20 Gove b SCR, class b 55 SS Smoky Hill River 10260003 21 Gove, Scott b SCR, class b 56 SS Smoky Hill River 10260003 24 Scott b SCR, class b

Logan, Wichita, Wallace 57 SS Chalk Creek 10260004 4 b SCR, class b

58 SS Ladder Creek 10260004 1 Logan b SCR, class b 59 SS Ladder Creek 10260004 5 Logan, Scott, Wichita a SCR, class b 60 SS Twin Butte Creek 10260004 2 Logan, Wallace b SCR, class b 61 SS Hackberry Creek 10260005 3 Gove b SCR, class b

Middle Branch 62 SS Hackberry Creek 10260005 4 Gove b SCR, class b 63 SS North Branch Hackberry Creek 10260005 5 Gove, Logan b SCR, class b 64 SS Big Creek 10260007 7 Trego, Gove b SCR, class b 65 SS Ogallah Creek 10260007 6 Trego b SCR, class b 66 SS Saline River 10260009 14 Trego b SCR, class b 67 SS Saline River 10260009 16 Trego, Sheridan b SCR, class b 68 SS Saline River, North Fork 10260009 15 Graham, Sheridan b SCR, class b 69 SS Spring Brook Creek 10260009 21 Sheridan b SCR, class b 70 SO Antelope Creek 10260013 13 Graham, Sheridan b SCR, class b


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Table 6 continued Approved Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Secondary Contact Recreation – Not Subject to EPA’s Promulgation

# Basin Stream Name HUC 8 Segment County Secondary Contact Recreation Class

2004 KS Register Contact Recreation Designation

71 SO Coon Creek 10260013 8 Graham b SCR, class b 72 SO Jackson Branch 10260013 24 Graham b SCR, class b 73 SO Sand Creek 10260013 11 Graham b SCR, class b 74 SO Sand Creek 10260013 15 Sheridan, Thomas b SCR, class b 75 SO Wildhorse Creek 10260013 18 Graham a SCR, class b 76 SO Youngs Creek 10260013 21 Graham b SCR, class b 77 KLR Silver Creek 10270101 12 Riley b PCR, class C 78 KLR Mission Creek 10270102 34 Shawnee b PCR, class C 79 KLR Unnamed Stream 10270102 1389 Shawnee b SCR, class b 80 KLR Slough Creek 10270103 9 Jefferson b PCR, class C 81 KLR Fancy Creek 10270205 9029 Riley a no designation 82 UA Whitewoman Creek 11030002 1 Scott b SCR, class b 83 LA Chisolm Creek 11030012 1693 Sedgwick a PCR, class C 84 LA Chisolm Creek 11030013 4 Sedgwick a SCR, class b 85 LA Chisolm Creek 11030013 6 Sedgwick a SCR, class b 86 LA Chisolm Creek 11030013 8 Sedgwick a PCR, class C 87 LA Unnamed Stream 11030014 289 Reno b SCR, class b 88 LA Unnamed Stream 11030014 411 Sedgwick, Kingman b SCR, class b 89 LA Unnamed Stream 11030015 249 Kingman b SCR, class b 90 LA Unnamed Stream 11030015 253 Kingman b SCR, class b 91 LA Unnamed Stream 11030015 261 Kingman b SCR, class b 92 LA Unnamed Stream 11030015 270 Kingman b SCR, class b 93 LA Unnamed Stream 11030015 271 Kingman b SCR, class b 94 LA Unnamed Stream 11030015 417 Kingman b SCR, class b


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Table 6 continued Approved Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Secondary Contact Recreation – Not Subject to EPA’s Promulgation

# Basin Stream Name HUC 8 Segment County Secondary Contact Recreation Class

2004 KS Register Contact Recreation Designation

95 LA Unnamed Stream 11030015 514 Kingman b SCR, class b 96 LA Unnamed Stream 11030015 518 Kingman b SCR, class b 97 LA Unnamed Stream 11030015 520 Kingman b SCR, class b 98 LA Unnamed Stream 11030015 579 Kingman b SCR, class b 99 CI Bluff Creek 11040008 2 Comanche b PCR, class C 100 CI Cimarron River 11040008 5 Comanche, Clark b PCR, class C 101 CI Cimarron River 11040008 11 Clark b PCR, class C 102 CI Middle Kiowa Creek 11040008 1182 Kiowa, Comanche b SCR, class b 103 CI West Kiowa Creek 11040008 1180 Kiowa, Clark b SCR, class b 104 CI Wiggins Creek 11040008 1173 Kiowa, Clark b SCR, class b 105 VE Little Chetopa Creek 11070101 471 Wilson, Neosho b no designation 106 VE Otter Creek, South Branch 11070102 28 Greenwood b PCR, class C 107 VE Tadpole Creek 11070102 29 Greenwood b no designation

108 VE Big Hill Creek 11070103 32 Neosho, Labette,

Montgomery a PCR, class C 109 NE Level Creek 11070201 9023 Morris b PCR, class C 110 NE Cannonball Creek 11070203 745 Chase, Greenwood b no designation 111 NE Diamond Creek 11070203 3 Marion, Chase b PCR, class C 112 NE Dry Creek 11070203 42 Lyon b SCR, class b 113 NE South Fork Cottonwood River 11070203 10 Chase, Butler b PCR, class C 114 NE Little Indian Creek 11070204 939 Anderson, Coffey b no designation 115 NE South Owl Creek 11070204 552 Woodson b no designation 116 NE Bachelor Creek 11070205 396 Labette b no designation 117 NE Downey Creek 11070205 731 Neosho a no designation

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Table 6 continued Approved Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Secondary Contact Recreation – Not Subject to EPA’s Promulgation

# Basin Stream Name HUC 8 Segment County Secondary Contact Recreation Class

2004 KS Register Contact Recreation Designation

118 NE Brush Creek 11070207 23 Cherokee b SCR, class b 119 NE Brush Creek 11070207 26 Crawford, Cherokee b SCR, class b 120 NE Clear Creek 11070207 28 Crawford b SCR, class b 121 NE East Cow Creek 11070207 24 Cherokee b SCR, class b 122 NE Short Creek 11070207 881 Cherokee b no designation 123 NE Turkey Creek 11070207 18 Cherokee b PCR, class C 124 NE Unnamed Stream 11070207 886 Cherokee b PCR, class C


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Table 7 Approved Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Secondary Contact Recreation – Subject to EPA’s Promulgation for Secondary Contact Recreation. EPA Region 7 will recommend that the Agency initiate the rulemaking procedures necessary to withdraw the federal use designations.

# Basin Stream Name HUC 8 Segment County Primary Contact Recreation Class

2004 KS Register Contact Recreation Designation

1 MO Burger Creek 10240007 24 Nemaha b no designation 2 VE Bernard Creek 11070101 24 Greenwood b no designation 3 NE Little Fly Creek 11070205 26 Cherokee b no designation


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Table 8 Classified Stream Segments Which EPA is Approving Removal from the Kansas Surface Water Register, August 2, 2006 – Not Subject to EPA’s Promulgation.

# Basin Stream Name HUC 8 Segment County 2004 KS Register Contact Recreation Designation 1 UR Cowpe Creek 10250003 8 Cheyenne SCR, class b 2 UR Crosby Creek 10250003 72 Cheyenne SCR, class b 3 UR Delay Creek 10250003 66 Cheyenne SCR, class b 4 UR Sand Creek 10250003 68 Cheyenne SCR, class b 5 UR Driftwood Creek 10250004 59 Rawlins SCR, class b 6 UR Elm Creek 10250004 64 Rawlins SCR, class b 7 UR Middle Fork Sappa Creek 10250010 1 Rawlins, Decatur SCR, class b

8 UR Middle Fork Sappa Creek 10250010 3 Sherman,

Thomas, Rawlins SCR, class b 9 UR South Fork Sappa Creek 10250010 4 Thomas, Decatur, Rush SCR, class b 10 UR South Fork Sappa Creek 10250010 6 Sherman, Thomas SCR, class b 11 UR Unnamed Stream 10250010 5 Sherman, Thomas SCR, class b 12 UR Cotton Creek 10250011 15 Decatur SCR, class b 13 UR Deer Creek 10250011 7 Norton SCR, class b 14 UR Dry Creek 10250011 8 Norton SCR, class b 15 UR Maple Creek 10250011 18 Norton SCR, class b 16 UR Rock Branch 10250011 10 Norton SCR, class b 17 UR Sheep Creek 10250011 19 Norton SCR, class b 18 UR Middle Beaver Creek 10250012 2 Sherman SCR, class b 19 UR Middle Beaver Creek 10250012 8 Sherman SCR, class b 20 UR North Fork Beaver Creek 10250012 3 Sherman SCR, class b 21 UR South Beaver Creek 10250012 11 Sherman SCR, class b 22 UR Unnamed Stream 10250012 10 Sherman SCR, class b


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Table 8 Classified Stream Segments Which EPA is Approving Removal from the Kansas Surface Water Register, August 2, 2006 – Not Subject to EPA’s Promulgation.

# Basin Stream Name HUC 8 Segment County 2004 KS Register Contact Recreation Designation 23 UR Little Beaver Creek 10250013 3 Sherman, Cheyenne SCR, class b 24 UR Little Beaver Creek 10250013 4 Sherman, Cheyenne SCR, class b 25 UR Sand Creek 10250013 7 Sherman, Cheyenne SCR, class b 26 UR Battle Creek 10250015 24 Norton SCR, class b 27 UR Big Timber Creek 10250015 9 Decatur SCR, class b 28 UR Dry Creek 10250015 23 Norton SCR, class b 29 UR Elk Creek 10250015 3 Norton, Phillips SCR, class b 30 UR Fancy Creek 10250015 19 Norton SCR, class b

31 UR North Fork

Prairie Dog Creek 10250015 17 Norton SCR, class b 32 UR Plum Creek 10250015 14 Decatur, Norton SCR, class b 33 UR Robinson Creek 10250015 16 Norton SCR, class b 34 UR Sand Creek 10250015 20 Norton SCR, class b 35 UR Walnut Creek 10250015 25 Norton SCR, class b 36 UR Wildcat Creek 10250015 26 Norton SCR, class b 37 SS Sand Creek 10260002 2 Logan, Sherman SCR, class b 38 SS Cheyenne Creek 10260003 36 Gove, Lane SCR, class b 39 SS Plum Creek 10260003 18 Gove, Scott SCR, class b 40 SS Salt Creek, East 10260003 35 Lane SCR, class b 41 SS Spring Creek, West 10260003 33 Scott SCR, class b 42 SS Unnamed Stream 10260004 6 Wichita SCR, class b

43 SS Middle Branch

Hackberry Creek 10260005 6 Gove, Logan SCR, class b


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Table 8 Classified Stream Segments Which EPA is Approving Removal from the Kansas Surface Water Register, August 2, 2006 – Not Subject to EPA’s Promulgation.

# Basin Stream Name HUC 8 Segment County 2004 KS Register Contact Recreation Designation

44 SS South Branch

Hackberry Creek 10260005 7 Gove, Logan SCR, class b 45 SS Spring Creek 10260005 2 Gove SCR, class b 46 SS Saline River, North Fork 10260009 17 Thomas SCR, class b 47 SS Saline River, South Fork 10260009 18 Thomas SCR, class b 48 SS Tomcat Creek 10260009 28 Ellis, Rooks SCR, class b 49 SS Trego Creek 10260009 24 Trego SCR, class b 50 SO Bow Creek 10260011 16 Sheridan SCR, class b 51 SO Bow Creek, South 10260011 17 Sheridan SCR, class b 52 SO Rock Creek 10260013 22 Graham SCR, class b 53 SO Sand Creek 10260013 27 Graham SCR, class b 54 SO Skunk Creek 10260013 26 Graham SCR, class b 55 SO Slate Creek 10260013 25 Rooks SCR, class b 56 SO South Martin Creek 10260013 23 Sheridan SCR, class b 57 SO Storer Creek 10260013 20 Sheridan SCR, class b

58 LA East Fork

Rattlesnake Creek 11030009 5 Kiowa SCR, class b

59 LA South Branch

Rattlesnake Creek 11030009 9 Kiowa SCR, class b 60 CI Crooked Creek 11040007 2 Meade, Ford, Gray SCR, class b 61 CI Unnamed Stream 11040007 1180 Meade SCR, class b 62 LA Cottonwood Creek 11060002 30 Comanche SCR, class b


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Table 9

Approved Classified Surface Waters other than Classified Stream Segments with Use Designations of Primary Contact Recreation – Subject to EPA’s Promulgation for Primary Contact Recreation. EPA Region 7 will recommend that the Agency initiate the rulemaking procedures necessary to withdraw the federal use designations.

# Basin Lake Name HUC 8 Lake ID

County Primary Contact Recreation Class

2004 KS Register Contact Recreation Designation

1 UA Stone Lake 11030008 LM014001 Barton B no designation


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Table 10 Approval of new classified surface water other than classified stream segment to the Kansas Surface Water Register, August 2, 2006 – Approval of Primary Contact Recreation

# Basin Lake Name HUC 8 Segment County Primary Contact Recreation Class 1 NE Mined Land Lake 26* 11070205 LM037201 Crawford B

*Mined Land Lake 26 is also assigned the non-101(a)(2) use of food procurement (FP) in the 2006 KS Register. EPA approves this new use designation.


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Table 11 Approval of non-101(a)(2) use designation changes to classified surface waters other than classified stream segments in the 2006 KS Register. These new or revised use designations are for Domestic Water Supply Use (DS), Food Procurement Use (FP), Groundwater Recharge Use (GR), Industrial Water Supply Use (IW), Irrigation (IR), and Livestock Watering Use (LW) for the following classified surface waters other than classified stream segments. New or revised designations are shown in bold. “X” denotes assigned designated use. “O” denotes non-support of designated use.

# Basin Lake Name HUC 8 Lake ID







LW 1 CI Mallard Lake (Moss Lake East) 11040002 LM060301 Morton O X X X X X 2 CI Point of Rocks (Moss Lake West) 11040002 LM060501 Morton O X X X O X 3 CI Clark County State Fishing Lake 11040008 LM010101 Clark X X X X X X 4 CI St. Jacobs Well (Big Basin Wildlife Area) 11040008 LM060001 Clark X X X X O X 5 KLR Rimrock Park Lake 10250017 LM070501 Geary X X O X X X 6 KLR Ogden City Lake 10270101 LM011701 Riley X X X X X X 7 KLR Alma City Lake 10270102 LM050001 Wabaunsee X X X X X X 8 KLR Pottawatomie County State Fishing Lake #1 10270102 LM012901 Pottawatomie X X O X X X 9 KLR Shawnee County State Fishing Lake 10270102 LM012501 Shawnee X X O X X X 10 KLR Washburn Rural Environmental Lab Lake 10270102 LM043701 Shawnee X X O X X X 11 KLR Atchison County Park Lake 10270103 LM060601 Atchison X X O X X X 12 KLR Douglas County State Fishing Lake 10270104 LM011301 Douglas X X O X X X 13 KLR Frisco Lake 10270104 LM065201 Johnson X X O X X X 14 KLR Leavenworth County State Fishing Lake 10270104 LM012301 Leavenworth X X O X X X 15 KLR Olathe Waterworks Lakes 10270104 LM062201 Johnson X X O X X X 16 KLR Pierson Park Lake 10270104 LM061801 Wyandotte X X X X X X 17 KLR Rose’s Lake (renamed from Lenexa Lake) 10270104 LM062501 Johnson X X O X X X 18 KLR Strowbridge Reservoir 10270104 LM051201 Osage X X O X X X 19 KLR Pottawatomie County State Fishing Lake #2 10270205 LM013201 Pottawatomie X X O X X X 20 KLR Washington County State Fishing Lake 10270207 LM010901 Washington X X O X X X 21 LA Kiowa County State Fishing Lake 11030009 LM042801 Kiowa X X X X X X 22 LA Hargis Lake 11030013 LM039901 Sumner X X O X X X 23 LA Kingman County State Fishing Lake 11030015 LM010401 Kingman X X X X X X


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Table 11 continued Approval of non-101(a)(2) use designation changes to classified surface waters other than classified stream segments in the 2006 KS Register. These new or revised use designations are for Domestic Water Supply Use (DS), Food Procurement Use (FP), Groundwater Recharge Use (GR), Industrial Water Supply Use (IW), Irrigation (IR), and Livestock Watering Use (LW) for the following classified surface waters other than classified stream segments. New or revised designations are shown in bold. “X” denotes assigned designated use. “O” denotes non-support of designated use.

# Basin Lake Name HUC 8 Lake ID







LW 24 LA Cowley County State Fishing Lake 11060001 LM013401 Cowley X X O X X X 25 LA Barber County State Fishing Lake 11060003 LM013101 Barber X X O X X X 26 MC Cedar Creek Lake 10290101 LM040701 Anderson X X O X X X 27 MC Lebo City Lake 10290101 LM041201 Coffey X X O X X X 28 MC Lyon County State Fishing Lake 10290101 LM010501 Lyon X X O X X X 29 MC Osage County State Fishing Lake 10290101 LM012401 Osage X X O X X X 30 MC Blue Mound City Lake 10290102 LM046401 Linn X X O X X X 31 MC Edgerton City Lake 10290102 LM065001 Johnson X X O X X X 32 MC La Cygne Lake 10290102 LM044002 Linn X X X X X X 33 MC Louisburg State Fishing Lake 10290102 LM043801 Miami X X O X X X 34 MC Miami County State Fishing Lake 10290102 LM043601 Miami X X X X X X 35 MC Spring Hill City Lake 10290102 LM073501 Johnson X X X X X X 36 MC Bourbon County State Fishing Lake 10290104 LM013301 Bourbon X X O X X X 37 MC Bronson City Lake 10290104 LM046201 Bourbon X X O X X X 38 MC Rock Creek Lake 10290104 LM045201 Bourbon X X X X X X 39 MO Brown County State Fishing Lake 10240005 LM010301 Brown X X O X X X 40 MO Hiawatha City Lake 10240005 LM011601 Brown X X O X X X 41 MO Sabetha City Lake 10240007 LM011501 Nemaha X X O X X X 42 MO Pony Creek Lake 10240008 LM073001 Brown X X O X X X 43 MO Atchison County State Fishing Lake 10240011 LM012601 Atchison X X O X X X 44 MO Big Eleven Lake 10240011 LM067101 Wyandotte X X X X X X 45 MO Jerry’s Lake 10240011 LM067801 Leavenworth X X X X X X 46 MO Lake Warnock (Atchison City Lake) 10240011 LM039801 Leavenworth X X O X X X


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Table 11 continued Approval of non-101(a)(2) use designation changes to classified surface waters other than classified stream segments in the 2006 KS Register. These new or revised use designations are for Domestic Water Supply Use (DS), Food Procurement Use (FP), Groundwater Recharge Use (GR), Industrial Water Supply Use (IW), Irrigation (IR), and Livestock Watering Use (LW) for the following classified surface waters other than classified stream segments. New or revised designations are shown in bold. “X” denotes assigned designated use. “O” denotes non-support of designated use.

# Basin Lake Name HUC 8 Lake ID







LW 47 MO Lansing City Lake 10240011 LM067201 Leavenworth X X O X X X 48 MO South Lake Park 10300101 LM067501 Johnson X X O X X X 49 MO Stohl Park Lake 10300101 LM062801 Johnson X X O X X X 50 NE Chanute Santa Fe Lake 11070204 LM044401 Neosho X X X X X X 51 NE Bartlett City Lake 11070205 LM045401 Labette X X O X X X 52 NE Mined Land Lake 12 11070205 LM035901 Cherokee O X X X X X 53 NE Mined Land Lake 17 11070205 LM048201 Cherokee O X X X X X 54 NE Mined Land Lake 22 11070205 LM036801 Cherokee O X X X X X 55 NE Mined Land Lake 23 11070205 LM036901 Cherokee O X X X X X 56 NE Mined Land Lake 27 11070205 LM037301 Cherokee O X X X X X 57 NE Mined Land Lake 30 11070205 LM037601 Cherokee O X X X X X 58 NE Mined Land Lake 44 11070205 LM048401 Cherokee O X X X X X 59 NE Neosho County State Fishing Lake 11070205 LM044601 Neosho X X O X X X 60 NE Empire Lake 11070207 LM074101 Cherokee X X X X X X 61 NE Mined Land Lake 05 11070207 LM047401 Crawford X X X X X X 62 NE Mined Land Lake 06 11070207 LM047601 Crawford O X X X X X 63 NE Mined Land Lake 07 11070207 LM047801 Crawford O X X X X X 64 SS Fossil Lake 10260006 LM052601 Russell X X O X X X 65 SS Geary County State Fishing Lake 10260008 LM043201 Geary X X O X X X 66 SS Herington Reservoir 10260008 LM047201 Dickinson X X X X X X 67 SS McPherson County State Fishing Lake 10260008 LM013501 McPherson X X X X X X 68 SO Antelope Lake 10260013 LM069501 Graham X X O X X X


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Table 11 continued Approval of non-101(a)(2) use designation changes to classified surface waters other than classified stream segments in the 2006 KS Register. These new or revised use designations are for Domestic Water Supply Use (DS), Food Procurement Use (FP), Groundwater Recharge Use (GR), Industrial Water Supply Use (IW), Irrigation (IR), and Livestock Watering Use (LW) for the following classified surface waters other than classified stream segments. New or revised designations are shown in bold. “X” denotes assigned designated use. “O” denotes non-support of designated use.

# Basin Lake Name HUC 8 Lake ID







LW 69 SO Sheridan County State Fishing Lake 10260013 LM069401 Sheridan X X O X X X 70 SO Rooks County State Fishing Lake 10260014 LM011901 Rooks O X X X X X 71 SO Jewell County State Fishing Lake 10260015 LM012801 Jewell X X O X X X 72 SO Ottawa County State Fishing Lake 10260015 LM014101 Ottawa X X X X X X 73 UA Hamilton County State Fishing Lake 11030001 LM016101 Hamilton O X X X X X 74 UA Lake Charles 11030003 LM071101 Ford X X O X X X 75 UA Concannon State Fishing Lake 11030005 LM053601 Finney O X O X X X 76 UA Ford County State Fishing Lake 11030006 LM070801 Ford X X X X X X 77 UA Goodman State Fishing Lake 11030008 LM052401 Ness X X X X X X 78 UR Saint Francis Wildlife Area 10250003 LM071401 Cheyenne X X X X O X 79 VE New Yates Center Lake 11070101 LM053801 Woodson X X O X X X 80 VE Thayer New City Lake 11070101 LM049601 Neosho X X O X X X 81 VE Wilson County State Fishing Lake 11070101 LM015101 Wilson X X O X X X 82 VE Woodson County State Fishing Lake 11070101 LM011801 Woodson X X O X X X 83 VE Montgomery County State Fishing Lake 11070103 LM010701 Montgomery X X O X X X 84 VE Moline City Lake #2 11070104 LM048001 Elk X X O X X X 85 VE Polk Daniels Lake

(Elk County State Fishing Lake) 11070104 LM012701 Elk X X X X X X

86 VE Sedan City North Lake 11070106 LM048601 Chautauqua X X O X X X 87 WA Butler County State Fishing Lake 11030018 LM049401 Butler X X O X X X


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Table 12 Non substantive revisions to classified stream segments in the Kansas Surface Water Register, August 2, 2006.

Basin HUC 8 Stream Name Segment Revision CI 11040006 Cimarron River 9002 Segment is the result of split to Cimarron River, segment 2 CI 11040007 Spring Creek 9003 Segment is the result of split to Spring Creek, segment 3

KLR 10250017 Salt Creek 19 Latitude/Longitude adjusted due to

combined with Salt Creek, segment 20 KLR 10270104 Scatter Creek 9013 Segment was added due to NHD error in 2004 Register KLR 10270104 Scatter Creek 13 Renamed to Walnut Creek, segment 13, lat/long adjusted LA 11030012 Chisolm Creek 1693 Renamed to Chisholm Creek, segment 1693 LA 11030013 Chisolm Creek 4 Renamed to Chisholm Creek, segment 4 LA 11030013 Chisolm Creek 6 Renamed to Chisholm Creek, segment 6 LA 11030013 Chisolm Creek 8 Renamed to Chisholm Creek, segment 8 MC 10290101 Tauy Creek, West Fork 9911 Segment is the result of split to Tauy Creek, segment 11

SS 10260003 Smoky Hill River 21 Latitude/Longitude adjusted due to deletion of

Smoky Hill River, segment 22 from the 2004 Register

SS 10260004 Ladder Creek 1 Latitude/Longitude adjusted due to deletion of

Ladder Creek, segment 3 from the 2004 Register

SS 10260006 Smoky Hill River 7 Latitude/Longitude adjusted due to deletion of

Smoky Hill River, segment 8 from the 2004 Register

SS 10260006 Smoky Hill River 12 Latitude/Longitude adjusted due to deletion of

Smoky Hill River, segment 14 from the 2004 Register

SS 10260006 Smoky Hill River 16 Latitude/Longitude adjusted due to deletion of

Smoky Hill River, segment 17 from the 2004 Register

SS 10260008 Gypsum Creek 20 Latitude/Longitude adjusted due to deletion of

Gypsum Creek, segment 21 from the 2004 Register

SO 10260013 Solomon River,

South Fork 6 Latitude/Longitude adjusted due to deletion of

Solomon River, South Fork, segment 7 from the 2004 Register

SO 10260013 Solomon River,

South Fork 9 Latitude/Longitude adjusted due to deletion of

Solomon River, South Fork, segment 10 from the 2004 Register


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Table 12 continued Non substantive revisions to classified stream segments in the Kansas Surface Water Register, August 2, 2006.

Basin HUC 8 Stream Name Segment Revision

SO 10260014 Solomon River,

South Fork 1 Latitude/Longitude adjusted due to deletion of

Solomon River, South Fork, segment 2 from the 2004 Register

SO 10260014 Solomon River,

South Fork 8 Latitude/Longitude adjusted due to deletion of

Solomon River, South Fork, segment 9 from the 2004 Register

SO 10260014 Solomon River,

South Fork 10 Latitude/Longitude adjusted due to deletion of

Solomon River, South Fork, segment 798 from the 2004 Register UA 11030008 Bazine Creek 9 Renamed to Bazine Dry Creek, segment 9


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Table 12 continued Non substantive revisions to classified stream segments in the Kansas Surface Water Register, August 2, 2006.

2006 Latitude 2006 Longitude Basin HUC 8 Stream Name Segment Revision Upper Lower Upper Lower

CI 11040006 Cimarron River 2 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 37.1462 100.7915 37.0009 100.5533

CI 11040006 Cimarron River 9002 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 37.4201 101.1207 37.1462 100.7915

CI 11040007 Spring Creek 3 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 37.2583 100.4111 37.2235 100.3597

CI 11040007 Spring Creek 9003 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 37.3836 100.5193 37.2583 100.4111

KLR 10250017 Salt Creek 19 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 39.6578 97.5634 39.5959 97.5258

KLR 10270102 Ross Creek 35 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 38.9009 95.9702 38.9541 95.9574

KLR 10270102 Rock Creek 21 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 39.2409 96.2466 39.2686 96.3961

KLR 10270102 Vermillion Creek 15 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 39.2399 96.2456 39.2125 96.2346

KLR 10270104 Scatter Creek 9013 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 39.2460 95.2547 39.3205 95.2627

KLR 10270104 Walnut Creek 13 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 39.3205 95.2628 39.2813 95.1063

KLR 10270205 Carter Creek 59 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 39.6447 97.0553 39.5149 97.0129

KLR 10270205 Fancy Creek, West 29 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 39.6364 97.0646 39.4916 96.8798

LA 11030014 Unnamed Stream 999 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 37.9076 98.1837 37.9099 98.1832


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Table 12 continued Non substantive revisions to classified stream segments in the Kansas Surface Water Register, August 2, 2006.

2006 Latitude 2006 Longitude Basin HUC 8 Stream Name Segment Revision Upper Lower Upper Lower

MC 10290101 Marais Des Cygnes River 17 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 38.5864 95.4015 38.6206 95.2857

MC 10290101 Mud Creek 49 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 38.5374 95.3917 38.6183 95.3010

MC 10290101 Tauy Creek, West Fork 9911Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 38.8300 95.2714 38.6682 95.2260

MO 10240011 Whiskey Creek 235 Latitude/Lo

Adjustment 39.3162 95.8234 39.3249 95.6401 ngitude

MO 10240011 White Clay Creek 31 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 39.3155 95.1237 39.3333 95.7445

MO 10240011 White Clay Creek 9031 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 39.3331 95.7445 39.3331 95.6488

NE 11070201 East Creek 39 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 38.5364 96.6275 38.5708 96.5635

NE 11070201 Four Mile Creek 24 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 38.6399 96.6966 38.6206 96.4566

SS 10260003 Smoky Hill River 21 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 38.8830 101.0642 38.7537 100.7255

SS 10260004 Ladder Creek 1 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 38.7692 100.9265 38.7978 100.8629

SS 10260006 Smoky Hill River 7 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 38.7814 98.4182 38.7387 98.3026

SS 10260006 Smoky Hill River 12 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 38.7915 98.8038 38.7913 98.7733

SS 10260006 Smoky Hill River 16 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 38.7100 99.0831 38.7903 98.9194


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Table 12 continued Non substantive revisions to classified stream segments in the Kansas Surface Water Register, August 2, 2006.

2006 Latitude 2006 Longitude Basin HUC 8 Stream Name Segment Revision Upper Lower Upper Lower

SS 10260008 Gypsum Creek 20 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 38.5420 97.4495 38.5420 97.4495

SS 10260008 Lime Creek 51 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 38.6006 96.9115 38.7377 96.9613

SS 10260008 Lyon Creek 31 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 38.7377 96.9613 38.9801 96.8457

SS 10260008 Lyon Creek, West Branch 34 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 38.6420 97.0925 38.6525 96.9314

SO 10260012 Beaver Creek 10 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 39.7509 98.8523 39.6464 98.8597

SO 10260012 Beaver Creek, Middle 13 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 39.9707 98.9748 39.7485 98.8430

SO 10260013 Solomon River,

South Fork 6 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 39.3667 99.7854 39.3782 99.6140

SO 10260013 Solomon River,

South Fork 9 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 39.3484 99.8861 39.3667 99.7854

SO 10260014 Solomon River,

South Fork 1 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 39.4264 98.5389 39.4644 98.4393

SO 10260014 Solomon River,

South Fork 8 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 39.3976 99.3928 39.4367 99.2320

SO 10260014 Solomon River,

South Fork 10 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 39.4032 99.4228 39.3976 99.3928

VE 11070103 Big Hill Creek 30 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 37.1058 95.5943 37.0611 95.6100

VE 11070104 Elk River 1 Latitude/Longitude

Adjustment 37.2660 95.9198 37.2565 95.6942


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Table 13 Non substantive revisions to classified waters other than classified stream segments in the Kansas Surface Water Register, November 5, 2004. Basin Subbasin HUC 8 Waterbody Name Lake ID Revision

KLR Lower Kansas 10270104 Rose’s Lake LM062501 Named changed from

Lenexa Lake to Rose’s Lake

NE Middle Neosho 11070205 Mined Land Lakes Wildlife Area LM038841

Named changed from Mined Land Lake 42 Wetland

to Mined Land Lakes Wildlife Area


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TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page No. 1 DESIGNATED USES OF MAJOR CLASSIFIED STREAMS ................................................... 1

Cimarron Basin .............................................................................................................................. 2

Kansas/Lower Republican Basin ................................................................................................... 4

Lower Arkansas Basin ................................................................................................................... 16

Marais des Cygnes Basin .............................................................................................................. 24

Missouri Basin .............................................................................................................................. 29 Neosho Basin ................................................................................................................................ 32

Smoky Hill/Saline Basin............................................................................................................... 39

Solomon Basin .............................................................................................................................. 45 Upper Arkansas Basin................................................................................................................... 49

Upper Republican Basin ............................................................................................................... 51 Verdigris Basin ............................................................................................................................. 53

Walnut Basin................................................................................................................................. 58


OTHER WATERS (EXCLUDING STREAMS) CONSTITUTING OUTSTANDING NATIONAL RESOURCE WATERS .............................................................. 62

Cimarron Basin ............................................................................................................................. 61

Kansas/Lower Republican Basin .................................................................................................. 62

Lower Arkansas Basin .................................................................................................................. 64

Marais des Cygnes Basin .............................................................................................................. 66

Missouri Basin .............................................................................................................................. 68

Neosho Basin ................................................................................................................................ 69

Smoky Hill/Saline Basin............................................................................................................... 71

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Solomon Basin.............................................................................................................................. 72 Upper Arkansas Basin .................................................................................................................. 73 Upper Republican Basin............................................................................................................... 74 Verdigris Basin............................................................................................................................. 75

Walnut Basin ................................................................................................................................ 76


NATIONAL RESOURCE WATERS .......................................................................................... 79 4 MISCELLANEOUS SURFACE WATERS CONSTITUTING SPECIAL

AQUATIC LIFE USE WATERS.................................................................................................. 81

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Designations apply only to unimpounded reaches of the specified stream segments. Use designations assigned to classified streams not listed in this table are determined by the Department on case-by-case basis in accordance with K.A.R. 28-16-28d(d). Abbreviations: HUC = hydrologic unit code SEG = stream segment CLASS = antidegradation category GP = general purpose waters EX = exceptional state waters ON = outstanding national resource waters AL = designated for aquatic life use S = special aquatic life use water E = expected aquatic life use water R = restricted aquatic life use water CR = designated for contact recreational use A = Primary contact recreation stream segment is a designated public swimming area B = Primary contact recreation stream segment is by law or written permission of the

landowner open to and accessible by the public C = Primary contact recreation stream segment is not open to and accessible by the public

under Kansas law a = Secondary contact recreation stream segment is by law or written permission of the

landowner open to and accessible by the public b = Secondary contact recreation stream segment is not open to and accessible by the public

under Kansas law DS = designated for domestic water supply use FP = designated for food procurement use GR = designated for ground water recharge IW = designated for industrial water supply use IR = designated for irrigation use LW = designated for livestock watering use X = referenced stream segment is assigned the indicated designated use O = referenced stream segment does not support the indicated designated use blank = capacity of the referenced stream segment to support the indicated designated use has

not been determined by use attainability analysis Br = branch Cr = creek Fk = fork M = middle R = river


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: UPPER CIMARRON (HUC 11040002)Cimarron R 37.0682 102.0418 37.4128 101.1275 1 EX S X X X X XXa

SUBBASIN: NORTH FORK CIMARRON (HUC 11040003)Cimarron R, N Fk 37.4764 101.4869 37.4195 101.1133 1 GP E X X X X XXa

SUBBASIN: BEAR (HUC 11040005)Buffalo Cr 37.5124 102.0412 37.5203 102.0235 10 GP E O O OOb

SUBBASIN: UPPER CIMARRON-LIBERAL (11040006)Cimarron R 37.0007 100.5507 37.0007 100.5531 1 GP S X X X X XXC

Cimarron R 37.1462 100.7915 37.0009 100.5533 2 GP S X X X X XXC

Cimarron R 37.4201 101.1207 37.1462 100.7915 9002 GP S X X X X XXC

SUBBASIN: CROOKED CREEK (HUC 11040007)Crooked Cr 37.2235 100.3597 37.0023 100.1438 1 GP S X X X X XXC

Spring Cr 37.2583 100.4111 37.2235 100.3597 3 GP S X X X X XXC

Spring Cr 37.3836 100.5193 37.2583 100.4111 9003 GP S X X X X XXC

Stumpie Arroyo 37.2139 100.5121 37.1331 100.3887 1247 GP S b

Unnamed Stream 37.2016 100.4782 37.1912 100.4768 1253 GP S b

Unnamed Stream 37.1783 100.5039 37.1689 100.4470 1259 GP S b

SUBBASIN: UPPER CIMARRON-BLUFF (HUC 11040008)Bear Cr 37.3047 99.7926 37.0541 99.7138 18 GP E b

Big Sandy Cr 37.0621 99.8106 37.0417 99.7620 6 GP E XC

Big Sandy Cr 37.0681 99.8314 37.0621 99.8106 7 GP E Xb

Big Sandy Cr 37.2073 100.3417 37.0681 99.8314 9 GP E Xb

Bluff Cr 37.0680 99.4948 37.0252 99.4713 2 GP S X X X X XXb

Bluff Cr 37.4999 100.0036 37.0680 99.4948 13 GP S X X X X XXC

Cavalry Cr 37.4156 99.3675 37.1790 99.4680 3 GP S X X X X XXC

Cimarron R 37.0241 99.4750 37.0000 99.4562 1 EX S X X X X XXC

Cimarron R 37.0416 99.7615 37.0241 99.4750 5 EX S X X X X XXb

Cimarron R 37.0013 99.8371 37.0416 99.7615 11 EX S X X X X XXb

Day Cr 37.2703 99.6729 37.0673 99.6139 20 GP E b

Gyp Cr 37.3707 100.1102 37.1678 100.0654 25 GP E b

Indian Cr 37.3480 100.0124 37.1553 100.0453 14 GP E b

Kiger Cr 37.3549 99.9529 37.0681 99.8314 8 GP E b

Kiowa Cr 37.4912 99.4331 37.1790 99.4680 12 GP S b

Kiowa Cr, Middle 37.4999 99.4988 37.3516 99.4845 1182 GP S X X X X XXb

Kiowa Cr, West 37.4498 99.6408 37.3140 99.4728 1180 GP S X X X X XXb

Little Sandy Cr 37.3551 99.9181 37.0611 99.8069 652 GP E b

Snake Cr 37.0002 99.6613 37.0620 99.6073 21 GP E b

Stink Cr 37.0047 99.8660 37.0443 99.7863 17 GP E b


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: UPPER CIMARRON-BLUFF (HUC 11040008)Trout Cr 37.0152 99.5856 37.0540 99.5457 19 GP E b

Twomile Cr 37.1376 100.1553 37.1267 100.0096 15 GP E b

Wiggins Cr 37.4888 99.4607 37.3695 99.4529 1173 GP S b

SUBBASIN: LOWER CIMARRON-EAGLE CHIEF (HUC 11050001)West Cr 37.0791 99.3493 36.9996 99.4176 24 GP E b


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: MIDDLE REPUBLICAN (HUC 10250016)Antelope Cr 39.9750 98.3116 39.8966 98.2621 66 GP E b

Ash Cr 39.9855 98.4901 39.8755 98.4429 65 GP E b

Bean Cr 39.9416 98.0196 39.8993 97.9228 76 GP E b

Big Timber Cr 39.8061 98.2480 39.8917 98.1597 1301 GP E b

Buffalo Cr 39.9799 98.6409 40.0024 98.6403 59 GP E C

Burr Oak Cr 39.9939 98.4521 39.8726 98.3106 48 GP E Xb

Cedar Cr 39.9978 98.5100 40.0025 98.5092 63 GP E

Cora Cr 39.9378 98.7244 39.8990 98.5603 51 GP E X Xb

Crosby Cr 40.0022 97.9735 39.9954 97.9749 77 GP E C

Crow Cr 39.9345 99.2399 40.0020 99.1624 52 GP E b

Dry Cr 39.8993 97.7084 39.8418 97.8302 80 GP E Xb

Korb Cr 39.9748 98.2439 39.8995 98.2067 72 GP E C

Long Branch 39.9766 98.2761 39.8986 98.2405 68 GP E b

Lost Cr 39.9551 99.0116 40.0022 99.0168 53 GP E C

Louisa Cr 39.9824 98.5757 40.0023 98.5838 61 GP E b

Norway Cr 39.9679 98.2032 39.8977 98.1575 73 GP E b

Oak Cr 39.9620 98.2094 40.0024 98.2116 75 GP E b

Otter Cr 40.0021 97.7719 39.9068 97.8404 79 GP E b

Rebecca Cr 39.9569 99.1501 40.0021 99.1067 39 GP E b

Republican R 39.9193 97.8556 39.7987 97.7908 1 GP S X X X X XXb

Republican R 40.0021 98.0536 40.0022 98.0673 2 GP S X X X X XXb

Spring Cr 39.8527 98.2233 39.8957 98.1893 71 GP E b

Spring Cr 39.9551 97.9863 39.9420 97.8629 78 GP E b

Taylor Cr 39.9694 98.1863 39.8984 98.1583 74 GP E b

Walnut Cr 39.9725 98.8101 40.0025 98.6898 40 GP E C

Walnut Cr 39.9875 98.3708 39.8837 98.2891 46 GP E b

White Rock Cr 39.8846 98.0280 39.9197 97.8553 41 GP E X X X X XXC

White Rock Cr 39.8837 98.2891 39.8999 98.1457 45 GP E X X X X XXC

White Rock Cr 39.8726 98.3106 39.8837 98.2891 47 GP E X X X X XXb

White Rock Cr 39.8990 98.5603 39.8726 98.3106 49 GP E X X X X XXb

White Rock Cr 39.9550 98.6667 39.8990 98.5603 50 GP E X X X XXC

White Rock Cr, N Br 39.9788 98.5839 39.8779 98.4776 60 GP E b

Wolf Cr 39.9439 98.3184 39.8913 98.2773 67 GP E b

SUBBASIN: LOWER REPUBLICAN (HUC 10250017)Beaver Cr 39.8565 97.9168 39.7109 97.8014 45 GP E Xb

Beaver Cr 39.4796 97.4332 39.5605 97.3760 61 GP E Xb

Buffalo Cr 39.6196 97.8733 39.5945 97.7140 29 GP E Xb

Buffalo Cr 39.6416 98.1256 39.6196 97.8733 37 GP E Xb

Buffalo Cr, East 39.8245 98.1392 39.6416 98.1256 68 GP E b

Buffalo Cr, Middle 39.8056 98.2368 39.6705 98.1396 9037 GP E Xb


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SUBBASIN: LOWER REPUBLICAN (HUC 10250017)Cheyenne Cr 39.5114 97.9124 39.6145 97.8571 55 GP E b

Coal Cr 39.7886 97.5540 39.6820 97.5601 47 GP E b

Cool Cr 39.6702 97.6653 39.5949 97.6408 50 GP E b

Dry Cr 39.4877 97.1846 39.3802 97.1347 1369 GP E b

East Cr 39.8231 97.5148 39.6578 97.5634 21 GP E b

Elk Cr 39.6344 97.4244 39.5857 97.3770 14 GP E XC

Elk Cr 39.7738 97.3920 39.6344 97.4244 15 GP E Xb

Elk Cr, W Fk 39.7809 97.4547 39.6344 97.4244 16 GP E Xb

Elm Cr 39.4336 97.6049 39.5738 97.4440 39 GP E XC

Elm Cr, E Br 39.4120 97.5182 39.5289 97.4642 62 GP E b

Elm Cr, W Br 39.4400 97.6131 39.5050 97.5282 59 GP E b

Finney Cr 39.4589 97.0511 39.3564 97.1071 64 GP E b

Five Cr 39.3753 97.4085 39.3610 97.1611 413 GP E b

Fourmile Cr 39.1426 96.8459 39.0701 96.8594 67 GP E b

Hay Cr 39.6783 97.6886 39.5908 97.6694 49 GP E b

Huntress Cr 39.3802 97.1347 39.3591 97.1302 9354 GP E B

Lincoln Cr 39.4303 97.0143 39.3269 97.0812 65 GP E b

Marsh Cr 39.8568 97.9658 39.7069 97.9410 35 GP E Xa

Marsh Cr, East 39.8380 98.0853 39.7374 97.9505 42 GP E Xb

Marsh Cr, West 39.8125 98.1072 39.7069 97.9410 36 GP E Xb

Mud Cr 39.4913 97.3566 39.5470 97.3380 63 GP E b

Mulberry Cr 39.3997 97.5166 39.4591 97.2258 40 GP E Xb

Oak Cr 39.4318 97.6518 39.5804 97.5733 58 GP E b

Otter Cr 39.2217 97.1492 39.3108 97.0696 66 GP E C

Parsons Cr 39.7499 97.3377 39.5581 97.2628 12 GP E C

Peats Cr 39.7928 97.2049 39.5057 97.2319 10 GP E b

Republican R 39.0764 96.8989 39.0594 96.8009 1 GP S X X X X XXB

Republican R 39.3109 97.0695 39.2645 97.0286 7 GP S X X X X XXB

Republican R 39.4593 97.2259 39.3109 97.0695 8 GP S X X X X XXC

Republican R 39.5053 97.2326 39.4593 97.2259 9 GP S X X X X XXC

Republican R 39.5578 97.2635 39.5053 97.2326 11 GP S X X X X XXC

Republican R 39.5860 97.3768 39.5578 97.2635 13 GP S X X X X XXC

Republican R 39.5796 97.4441 39.5860 97.3768 17 GP S X X X X XXC

Republican R 39.5957 97.5258 39.5796 97.4441 18 GP S X X X X XXC

Republican R 39.5949 97.7140 39.5957 97.5258 26 GP S X X X X XXB

Republican R 39.7987 97.7908 39.5949 97.7140 28 GP S X X X X XXC

Riley Cr 39.8930 97.6475 39.7331 97.5938 24 GP E Xb

Rush Cr 39.1271 96.8849 39.1713 96.8441 1477 GP E b

Salt Cr 39.6578 97.5634 39.5959 97.5258 19 GP E XC

Salt Cr 39.7331 97.5938 39.6578 97.5634 22 GP E XC

Salt Cr 39.9018 97.6010 39.7331 97.5938 23 GP E XC


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: LOWER REPUBLICAN (HUC 10250017)Salt Cr 39.6455 97.8899 39.6196 97.8733 30 GP E XC

Salt Cr 39.7069 97.9410 39.6777 97.9173 34 GP E XC

Salt Cr, West 39.8995 97.6959 39.6497 97.5640 25 GP E Xb

Spring Cr 39.6645 97.1840 39.5798 97.1882 53 GP E b

Spring Cr 39.4954 97.0611 39.3802 97.1347 1354 GP E b

Timber Cr 39.3880 96.8973 39.2343 96.9740 6 GP E Xb

Turkey Cr 39.7346 97.4852 39.6981 97.5427 51 GP E b

Upton Cr 39.7000 97.4955 39.6074 97.4918 52 GP E b

Whites Cr 39.4746 97.8724 39.5948 97.8034 54 GP E Xb

Wolf Cr 39.4394 97.6616 39.5842 97.6932 38 GP E XC

SUBBASIN: UPPER KANSAS (HUC 10270101)Clarks Cr 39.0479 96.7309 39.0886 96.7109 8 GP E XC

Clarks Cr 38.6762 96.8014 39.0479 96.7309 9 GP E XC

Davis Cr 38.8521 96.6477 38.9605 96.7513 18 GP E Xb

Dry Cr 38.8726 96.6043 38.9918 96.7393 19 GP E XC

Humbolt Cr 38.8926 96.5359 39.0479 96.7309 10 GP E XC

Kansas R 39.1589 96.5612 39.1860 96.5262 1 GP S X X X X XXB

Kansas R 39.1313 96.5832 39.1589 96.5612 3 GP S X X X X XXB

Kansas R 39.1351 96.6503 39.1313 96.5832 4 GP S X X X X XXB

Kansas R 39.0899 96.7092 39.1351 96.6503 6 GP S X X X X XXB

Kansas R 39.0594 96.8009 39.0899 96.7092 7 GP S X X X X XXB

Kitten Cr 39.2674 96.6905 39.2144 96.7024 14 GP E B

Little Arkansas Cr 39.2856 96.8548 39.2380 96.7670 13 GP E b

Little Kitten Cr 39.2286 96.6442 39.1841 96.6248 16 GP E B

Mcdowell Cr 38.9771 96.5125 39.1305 96.5824 11 GP E XC

Mulberry Cr 38.7528 96.7903 38.8291 96.8241 20 GP E b

Ralls Cr 38.8035 96.7355 38.8593 96.7896 21 GP E b

Sevenmile Cr 39.2050 96.8248 39.1348 96.6507 5 GP E b

Silver Cr 39.3020 96.7783 39.2230 96.7208 12 GP E X X X X XXb

Swede Cr 39.0809 96.5620 39.0333 96.5977 17 GP E Xb

Threemile Cr 39.1736 96.8386 39.0847 96.7315 15 GP E X X X X XXC

Wildcat Cr 39.3518 96.8720 39.1596 96.5613 2 GP S X X X X XXB

SUBBASIN: MIDDLE KANSAS (HUC 10270102)Adams Cr 39.4211 96.3247 39.2654 96.2526 53 GP E Xb

Antelope Cr 39.0761 96.4078 39.1709 96.3281 67 GP E C

Bartlett Cr 39.3990 96.1106 39.3187 96.0585 55 GP E b

Big Elm Cr 39.3450 95.7331 39.3219 95.7382 90 GP E b

Blackjack Cr 39.2367 96.4114 39.1870 96.4226 64 GP E b

Blacksmith Cr 38.9831 95.8547 39.0637 95.8409 102 GP E b


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: MIDDLE KANSAS (HUC 10270102)Bourbonais Cr 39.2700 96.0785 39.1199 96.0150 63 GP E XC

Brush Cr 39.3767 96.3346 39.2599 96.3378 57 GP E C

Coal Cr 39.6393 96.1418 39.5344 96.0991 46 GP E b

Coryell Cr 39.2482 95.9194 39.2107 95.9489 94 GP E b

Cow Cr 39.4642 96.1045 39.5090 96.1334 45 GP E b

Cross Cr 39.4982 96.0349 39.1094 95.9666 12 GP E XC

Darnells Cr 39.4429 96.3242 39.4029 96.3966 51 GP E b

Deep Cr 39.0192 96.4761 39.1570 96.3613 26 EX S X X X X XXB

Deep Cr 39.2826 96.1138 39.2024 96.1115 1229 GP E C

Deep Cr, E Br 39.0670 96.4088 39.0773 96.4959 72 GP E X X X X XXb

Deer Cr 38.9610 95.6208 39.0530 95.6251 41 GP E X X X X XXB

Dog Cr 39.0151 96.0685 39.0717 96.1052 78 GP E b

Doyle Cr 39.2566 96.0770 39.1544 96.0541 69 GP E C

Dry Cr 39.0005 96.0346 39.0674 96.0167 79 GP E C

Dutch Cr 39.2600 95.8411 39.2427 95.8848 92 GP E b

Elm Cr 39.2015 95.6611 39.1644 95.5945 98 GP E C

Elm Cr 39.1379 95.5456 39.0753 95.5296 103 GP E b

Elm Slough 39.2068 96.3861 39.2516 96.3296 58 GP E b

Emmons Cr 39.0943 96.4043 39.1583 96.3761 66 GP E b

French Cr 39.6440 96.1661 39.5011 96.1492 19 GP E C

Gilson Cr 39.6249 96.2342 39.5758 96.2213 47 GP E b

Halfday Cr 39.2422 95.7054 39.1031 95.6975 97 GP E X X X X XXC

Hendricks Cr 39.0680 96.4037 39.0330 96.2684 73 GP E C

Hise Cr 39.5239 96.2790 39.4799 96.1576 43 GP E b

Illinois Cr 38.8380 96.3462 38.9742 96.3397 30 EX S X X X X XXC

Illinois Cr 39.3460 95.9731 39.2664 96.0150 62 GP E X X X X XXb

Indian Cr 39.4784 96.2955 39.3329 96.2166 20 GP E X X X X XXb

Indian Cr 39.2054 95.6716 39.0965 95.6497 1365 GP E X X X X XXa

James Cr 39.2599 95.8810 39.2573 95.8889 87 GP E b

Jim Cr 39.4750 96.2732 39.3919 96.1778 52 GP E b

Johnson Cr 39.0051 96.0609 38.9573 96.0156 84 GP E b

Kansas R 39.0672 95.5171 39.0579 95.3979 1 GP S X X X X XXB

Kansas R 39.0867 95.5956 39.0672 95.5171 3 GP S X X X X XXB

Kansas R 39.0853 95.6269 39.0867 95.5956 4 GP S X X X X XXB

Kansas R 39.0651 95.8326 39.0853 95.6269 10 GP S X X X X XXB

Kansas R 39.1087 95.9673 39.0651 95.8326 11 GP S X X X X XXB

Kansas R 39.1096 95.9920 39.1087 95.9673 13 GP S X X X X XXB

Kansas R 39.2125 96.2346 39.1096 95.9920 14 GP S X X X X XXB

Kansas R 39.1573 96.3608 39.2125 96.2346 24 GP S X X X X XXB

Kansas R 39.1860 96.5262 39.1573 96.3608 25 GP S X X X X XXB

Kuenzli Cr 38.9444 96.1301 39.0553 96.2030 82 GP E b


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: MIDDLE KANSAS (HUC 10270102)Little Cross Cr 39.4176 95.9805 39.2838 96.0341 61 GP E b

Little Muddy Cr 39.1673 95.6381 39.0886 95.6021 99 GP E C

Little Soldier Cr 39.1839 95.7983 39.1268 95.7947 6 GP E X X X X XXC

Little Soldier Cr 39.2598 95.7554 39.1839 95.7983 7 GP E X X X X XXb

Loire Cr 39.0618 96.4047 38.9845 96.3271 80 GP E C

Lost Cr 39.3416 96.1571 39.1937 96.1561 60 GP E X X X X XXB

Messhoss Cr 39.1896 95.7434 39.1108 95.7738 96 GP E C

Mill Cr 39.0038 96.2809 39.1085 95.9923 27 EX S X X X X XXC

Mill Cr, E Br 38.9602 96.2670 39.0038 96.2809 31 EX S X X X X XXC

Mill Cr, E Br 38.8885 96.1109 38.9602 96.2670 33 EX S X X X X XXC

Mill Cr, S Br 38.8275 96.2217 38.9602 96.2670 32 GP S X X X X XXb

Mill Cr, W Br 38.9742 96.3397 39.0038 96.2809 28 EX E X X X X XXC

Mill Cr, W Br 38.8603 96.5404 38.9742 96.3397 29 EX E X X X X XXb

Mission Cr 38.9890 95.9353 39.0648 95.8335 34 GP E X X X X XXb

Mission Cr 38.9519 95.9737 38.9890 95.9353 36 GP E X X X X XXB

Mission Cr 38.8843 96.1001 38.9519 95.9737 37 GP E X X X X XXC

Mission Cr, N Br 38.9382 96.1117 38.9499 96.0384 83 GP E C

Mission Cr, S Br 38.8983 96.0127 38.9519 95.9737 38 GP E Xb

Mud Cr 39.5704 96.2592 39.5530 96.2095 44 GP E b

Mud Cr 39.3414 96.5292 39.3236 96.4655 56 GP E b

Muddy Cr 39.3024 95.6946 39.0679 95.5178 2 GP E XC

Muddy Cr, W Fk 39.2988 95.7105 39.2159 95.6154 93 GP E Xb

Mulberry Cr 39.6471 96.2226 39.5970 96.1955 42 GP E b

Mulberry Cr 39.1171 96.2465 39.0709 96.1400 77 GP E b

Nehring Cr 38.8925 96.1104 38.9496 96.2438 81 GP E XC

Paw Paw Cr 39.1083 96.3004 39.0509 96.2300 75 GP E b

Pleasant Hill Run 39.3955 96.5112 39.2686 96.3958 23 GP E XC

Pomeroy Cr 39.3526 96.1578 39.3392 96.2147 59 GP E b

Post Cr 39.0147 95.9753 39.0875 95.9146 101 GP E b

Pretty Cr 39.0761 96.3178 39.0452 96.2453 74 GP E b

Riley Cr 39.2708 96.0931 39.1942 96.0865 1223 GP E C

Rock Cr 39.2686 96.3958 39.2409 96.2463 21 GP E XC

Rock Cr, E Fk 39.4921 96.3163 39.2686 96.3958 22 GP E Xb

Ross Cr 38.9009 95.9702 38.9541 95.9574 35 GP E b

Salt Cr 39.3044 95.9457 39.2365 95.9675 88 GP E b

Sand Cr 39.2268 96.4493 39.1865 96.4609 65 GP E b

Shunganunga Cr 39.0531 95.6249 39.0527 95.5811 39 GP E X X X X XXB

Shunganunga Cr 38.9804 95.8109 39.0530 95.6251 40 GP E X X X X XXB

Shunganunga Cr, S Br 38.9386 95.6993 39.0171 95.7123 106 GP E X X X X XXB

Snake Cr 39.2146 96.0116 39.1645 95.9597 95 GP E b

Snokomo Cr 38.9456 96.1222 39.0614 96.1457 85 GP E b


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: MIDDLE KANSAS (HUC 10270102)Soldier Cr 39.1268 95.7947 39.0862 95.6266 5 GP E X X X X XXB

Soldier Cr 39.2599 95.8863 39.1268 95.7947 9 GP E X X X X XXC

Soldier Cr 39.6514 95.9759 39.4197 95.9288 9009 GP E X X X X XXC

Spring Cr 39.4639 96.0747 39.5225 96.1134 48 GP E b

Spring Cr 39.3644 96.1411 39.4061 96.1655 54 GP E C

Spring Cr 39.1049 96.2300 39.0613 96.1938 76 GP E b

Spring Cr 39.0158 95.4987 39.0643 95.4641 105 GP E b

Stinson Cr 38.9866 95.5942 39.0518 95.5843 394 GP E X X X X XXb

Sullivan Cr 39.3437 95.9636 39.2470 95.9878 89 GP E C

Tecumseh Cr 38.9583 95.5644 39.0543 95.5709 107 GP E X X X X XXb

Turkey Cr 39.1215 96.1565 39.1239 96.0357 71 GP E C

Unnamed Stream 39.2350 95.8023 39.1839 95.7983 8 GP E b

Unnamed Stream 38.8285 96.1887 38.9085 96.2148 693 EX S X X X X XXC

Unnamed Stream 39.1451 95.6354 39.1277 95.6526 1367 GP E X X X X XXa

Unnamed Stream 39.1281 95.7241 39.1160 95.7014 1389 GP E X X X X XXb

Vassar Cr 39.0033 95.9580 39.0845 95.9071 100 GP E b

Vermillion Cr 39.2409 96.2463 39.2127 96.2344 15 GP E XC

Vermillion Cr 39.3329 96.2166 39.2409 96.2463 16 GP E X X X X XXC

Vermillion Cr 39.5011 96.1492 39.3329 96.2166 17 GP E X X X X XXC

Vermillion Cr 39.6553 96.0000 39.5011 96.1492 18 GP E X X X X XXb

Walnut Cr 39.2600 95.8103 39.1605 95.8554 91 GP E Xb

Wells Cr 39.1311 96.2674 39.1909 96.1690 68 GP E b

Whetstone Cr 38.9864 95.5453 39.0648 95.5326 104 GP E b

Wilson Cr 39.4715 96.4500 39.3412 96.4328 50 GP E C

Wolf Cr 39.6019 96.0037 39.5505 96.0430 49 GP E C

SUBBASIN: DELAWARE (HUC 10270103)Banner Cr 39.4431 95.8705 39.4718 95.7176 45 GP E Xb

Barnes Cr 39.6874 95.9434 39.6890 95.8584 39 GP E b

Bills Cr 39.4143 95.7383 39.4687 95.6488 47 GP E b

Brush Cr 39.6333 95.3983 39.6381 95.4298 44 GP E b

Brush Cr 39.3467 95.3618 39.3359 95.4470 54 GP E C

Burr Oak Cr 39.1905 95.3130 39.2220 95.3384 8 GP E XC

Catamount Cr 39.3929 95.5720 39.4209 95.5165 49 GP E C

Cedar Cr 39.3419 95.5631 39.3512 95.4654 32 GP E XB

Cedar Cr 39.9098 95.8477 39.8443 95.7909 37 GP E Xb

Cedar Cr, North 39.3928 95.7043 39.3419 95.5631 46 GP E XC

Cedar Cr, South 39.3701 95.7380 39.3419 95.5631 9032 GP E XC

Claywell Cr 39.2348 95.5306 39.1779 95.5320 56 GP E XC

Clear Cr 39.6590 95.3847 39.6196 95.5162 19 GP E B

Coal Cr 39.4977 95.4257 39.3840 95.4932 50 GP E XB


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: DELAWARE (HUC 10270103)Delaware R 39.1137 95.4256 39.0593 95.3968 1 GP E X X X X XXB

Delaware R 39.3512 95.4654 39.2855 95.4526 12 GP E X X X X XXB

Delaware R 39.4550 95.5410 39.3512 95.4654 13 GP E X X X X XXC

Delaware R 39.4805 95.5466 39.4550 95.5410 14 GP E X X X X XXC

Delaware R 39.5427 95.5245 39.4805 95.5466 15 GP E X X X X XXC

Delaware R 39.5625 95.5345 39.5427 95.5245 17 GP E X X X X XXB

Delaware R 39.6380 95.6239 39.5625 95.5345 21 GP E X X X X XXC

Delaware R 39.6528 95.6364 39.6380 95.6239 22 GP E X X X X XXB

Delaware R 39.9239 95.8461 39.7397 95.6911 23 GP E X X X X XXb

Elk Cr 39.4762 95.7647 39.4550 95.5410 29 GP E XC

Elk Cr 39.6247 95.9262 39.4762 95.7647 30 GP E XC

Grasshopper Cr 39.6196 95.5162 39.5625 95.5345 18 GP E C

Grasshopper Cr 39.7647 95.6337 39.6196 95.5162 20 GP E b

Gregg Cr 39.8750 95.8591 39.6794 95.7136 24 GP E XC

Honey Cr 39.2970 95.2758 39.2413 95.3076 55 GP E b

Little Grasshopper Cr 39.6371 95.3335 39.5427 95.5245 16 GP E b

Little Slough Cr 39.2614 95.3412 39.2166 95.4246 805 GP E C

Little Wild Horse Cr 39.1700 95.3359 39.0829 95.3967 57 GP E C

Mission Cr 39.7148 95.5336 39.6453 95.5180 40 GP E X X X X XXB

Mosquito Cr 39.6171 95.8882 39.5761 95.7322 602 GP E b

Muddy Cr 39.6362 95.7583 39.6380 95.6239 25 GP E XC

Muddy Cr 39.8163 95.8931 39.6362 95.7583 26 GP E Xb

Nebo Cr 39.4251 95.6472 39.4491 95.5386 48 GP E b

Negro Cr 39.5942 95.6441 39.5350 95.5291 43 GP E b

Otter Cr 39.7111 95.4395 39.6327 95.5177 41 GP E b

Plum Cr 39.8107 95.7723 39.7177 95.7136 36 GP E Xb

Rock Cr 39.2892 95.6065 39.1711 95.5225 34 GP E XXC

Rock Cr 39.3282 95.3414 39.3174 95.4384 53 GP E XC

Slough Cr 39.2220 95.3384 39.1930 95.3926 7 GP E XXC

Slough Cr 39.2057 95.2196 39.2220 95.3384 9 GP E XXb

Spring Cr 39.6701 95.9640 39.5480 95.6968 42 GP E C

Squaw Cr 39.7938 95.6912 39.7397 95.6685 38 GP E b

Straight Cr 39.5739 95.8558 39.4805 95.5466 28 GP E Xb

Tick Cr 39.2715 95.5476 39.1986 95.5542 52 GP E XC

Unnamed Stream 39.4691 95.8179 39.4762 95.7647 31 GP E b

Walnut Cr 39.4043 95.3359 39.3506 95.4553 51 GP E XC

Wolfley Cr 39.7562 95.9122 39.6362 95.7583 27 GP E Xb

SUBBASIN: LOWER KANSAS (HUC 10270104)Baldwin Cr 38.9686 95.3577 39.0120 95.2698 69 GP E b

Barber Cr 39.0406 94.7250 39.0877 94.7142 373 GP E X X X X XXb


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: LOWER KANSAS (HUC 10270104)Brenner Heights Cr 39.1417 94.6988 39.1046 94.7082 1175 GP E X X X X XXb

Brush Cr 39.2918 95.0623 39.2500 95.0832 49 GP E b

Brush Cr, West 39.3296 95.1915 39.3139 95.1101 46 GP E b

Buck Cr 39.1733 95.2799 39.0432 95.2922 22 GP S X X X X XXb

Burys Cr 38.8175 95.7033 38.8861 95.6290 32 GP E XC

Buttermilk Cr 39.3765 95.1860 39.3584 95.1115 44 GP E b

Camp Cr 39.5680 95.2912 39.4789 95.2272 41 GP E X X X X XXb

Camp Cr 38.7798 95.5876 38.8916 95.5279 66 GP E X X X X XXC

Camp Cr 38.8816 94.9158 38.9637 94.9181 74 GP E X X X X XXb

Captain Cr 38.7592 95.1335 38.9729 95.0405 72 GP E X X X X XXC

Cedar Cr 38.8185 94.8773 38.9821 94.9197 38 GP E X X X X XXB

Chicken Cr 38.8110 95.3313 38.8678 95.3380 79 GP E b

Clear Cr 38.9574 94.8646 39.0170 94.8155 383 GP E X X X X XXB

Coal Cr 38.7804 95.1435 38.9131 95.1844 80 GP E XC

Cow Cr 39.0773 95.1041 39.0288 95.0967 58 GP E b

Crooked Cr 39.4281 95.2399 39.4587 95.1895 10 GP E XC

Crooked Cr 39.3047 95.2962 39.4281 95.2399 12 GP E XC

Dawson Cr 39.3505 95.2086 39.3338 95.1140 45 GP E b

Deer Cr 38.9550 95.5603 38.9637 95.4468 701 GP E C

Elk Cr 38.7768 95.5440 38.8884 95.4830 68 GP E XXC

Fall Cr 39.2050 95.1974 39.2285 95.0735 52 GP E Xb

Hanson Cr 38.9392 95.0093 38.9587 94.9707 437 GP E X X X X XXb

Hays Cr 39.0155 94.7647 39.0397 94.8095 406 GP E b

Hog Cr 39.0855 94.9599 39.1287 95.0112 54 GP E b

Howard Cr 39.3560 95.2247 39.4111 95.2437 43 GP E b

Hulls Branch 39.3378 95.2434 39.3974 95.2597 42 GP E b

Indian Cr 39.3480 95.2208 39.2888 95.1982 48 GP E b

Jarbalo Cr 39.1922 95.1446 39.1868 95.0494 51 GP E b

Kansas R 39.0452 94.7921 39.1152 94.6083 1 GP S X X X X XXB

Kansas R 38.9837 94.9187 39.0452 94.7921 2 GP S X X X X XXB

Kansas R 38.9823 94.9559 38.9837 94.9187 3 GP S X X X X XXB

Kansas R 38.9979 95.0241 38.9823 94.9559 4 GP S X X X X XXB

Kansas R 38.9567 95.0832 38.9979 95.0241 18 GP S X X X X XXB

Kansas R 38.9809 95.1635 38.9567 95.0832 19 GP S X X X X XXB

Kansas R 39.0422 95.2924 38.9809 95.1635 21 GP S X X X X XXB

Kansas R 39.0579 95.3979 39.0422 95.2924 23 GP S X X X X XXB

Kent Cr 39.0173 95.1481 38.9703 95.1217 73 GP E b

Kill Cr 38.8196 94.9678 38.9809 94.9562 37 GP E X X X X XXB

Little Cedar Cr 38.8549 94.8252 38.9167 94.8865 76 GP E X X X X XXB

Little Kaw Cr 39.0855 94.9529 39.0370 94.8901 59 GP E C

Little Mill Cr 38.9522 94.7522 39.0071 94.8154 78 GP E X X X X XXB


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: LOWER KANSAS (HUC 10270104)Little Sandy Cr 39.2346 94.9667 39.1792 94.9881 883 GP E b

Little Stranger Cr 39.2968 95.0213 39.1446 95.0144 881 GP E b

Little Stranger Cr 39.4363 95.3810 39.5194 95.3348 959 GP E C

Little Turkey Cr 39.1180 94.8396 39.0621 94.7662 62 GP S X X X X XXC

Little Wakarusa Cr 38.8229 95.1188 38.9264 95.1361 71 GP E C

Lynn Cr 38.9682 95.6681 38.9011 95.5814 67 GP E XC

Mattoon Cr 39.1151 94.6722 39.0948 94.6698 1178 GP E X X X X XXb

Mill Cr 38.8641 94.7999 39.0426 94.7970 39 GP E X X X X XXB

Mission Cr, East 39.1150 94.8461 39.0582 94.8323 61 GP E X X X X XXb

Mission Cr, West 39.0976 94.8698 39.0649 94.8400 1164 GP E b

Mooney Cr 39.3552 95.2118 39.4291 95.2362 1011 GP E b

Mud Cr 39.1715 95.2372 38.9815 95.1637 20 GP E X X XC

Muncie Cr 39.1249 94.7348 39.1030 94.7033 55 GP E X X X X XXb

Ninemile Cr 39.1026 95.1630 39.0070 95.0289 15 GP E Xb

Ninemile Cr 39.1953 95.2177 39.1026 95.1630 17 GP E Xb

Oakley Cr 38.9869 95.3626 39.0371 95.3625 56 GP E b

Piper Cr 39.1297 94.8603 39.1401 94.9010 1154 GP E B

Plum Cr 39.1643 95.2515 39.0952 95.2565 50 GP E b

Prairie Cr 39.2108 95.2183 39.2786 95.1742 47 GP E b

Rock Cr 38.7715 95.5314 38.8663 95.4311 35 GP E X X X X XXB

Rock Cr 39.2436 95.0268 39.2009 95.0431 902 GP E b

Scatter Cr 39.2460 95.2547 39.3205 95.2627 9013 GP E b

Sixmile Cr 38.9714 95.8493 38.8896 95.7234 65 GP E XC

Spoon Cr 38.8079 95.0116 38.9200 94.9840 75 GP E b

Stone House Cr 39.0937 95.3240 39.0335 95.3306 57 GP E Xb

Stone House Cr, East 39.1535 95.3243 39.0937 95.3240 9057 GP E Xb

Stone House Cr, West 39.1484 95.3352 39.0937 95.3240 830 GP E b

Stranger Cr 39.0070 95.0289 38.9977 95.0269 5 GP E X X X X XXC

Stranger Cr 39.0962 95.0241 39.0070 95.0289 6 GP E X X X X XXC

Stranger Cr 39.2285 95.0735 39.0962 95.0241 7 GP E X X X X XXC

Stranger Cr 39.4587 95.1895 39.2813 95.1060 8 GP E X X X X XXB

Stranger Cr 39.5705 95.3750 39.4587 95.1895 9 GP E X X X X XXb

Tonganoxie Cr 39.1975 95.1905 39.0962 95.0241 14 GP E XB

Tooley Cr 39.0442 94.7757 39.0498 94.7769 379 GP E X X X X XXb

Turkey Cr 38.9679 94.7175 39.0771 94.6188 77 GP E X X X X XXB

Unnamed Stream 39.4312 95.3119 39.4281 95.2399 11 GP E b

Unnamed Stream 39.1489 95.1441 39.1026 95.1630 16 GP E b

Unnamed Stream 38.8037 94.9134 38.8801 94.9710 452 GP E X X X X XXb

Unnamed Stream 38.9795 95.7933 38.9275 95.7638 583 GP E b

Unnamed Stream 38.9737 95.7599 38.9342 95.7694 584 GP E b

Wakarusa R 38.9184 95.2919 38.9556 95.0829 24 GP E X X X X XXB


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: LOWER KANSAS (HUC 10270104)Wakarusa R 38.9355 95.3355 38.9184 95.2919 25 GP E X X X X XXB

Wakarusa R 38.8861 95.6290 38.8884 95.4830 30 GP E X X X X XXB

Wakarusa R 38.8955 95.9522 38.8861 95.6290 31 GP E X X X X XXC

Wakarusa R, Middle Br 38.9340 95.9191 38.8997 95.8524 64 GP E X X X X XXb

Wakarusa R, S Br 38.8872 96.0287 38.8927 95.8182 63 GP E X X X X XXb

Walnut Cr 39.3205 95.2628 39.2813 95.1063 13 GP E b

Washington Cr 38.7953 95.4100 38.9184 95.2919 36 GP E Xb

Wolf Cr 39.1706 94.8932 39.0488 94.8860 53 GP E X X X X XXC

Yankee Tank Cr 38.9663 95.3492 38.9185 95.2721 70 GP E B

SUBBASIN: LOWER BIG BLUE (HUC 10270205)Ackerman Cr 39.8160 96.3470 39.7029 96.3648 49 GP E b

Big Blue R 39.2473 96.5924 39.1860 96.5262 1 GP E X X X X XXB

Big Blue R 39.2572 96.5943 39.2473 96.5924 2 GP E B

Big Blue R 39.5854 96.5703 39.5127 96.6452 7 GP E X X X X XXB

Big Blue R 39.6978 96.6789 39.5854 96.5703 17 GP E X X X X XXB

Big Blue R 39.8292 96.6565 39.6978 96.6786 18 GP E X X X X XXB

Big Blue R 39.8941 96.6622 39.8292 96.6565 20 GP E X X X X XXC

Big Blue R 39.9997 96.5966 39.8941 96.6622 21 GP E X X X X XXC

Black Vermillion R 39.6483 96.4790 39.5852 96.5690 8 GP E X X X X XXC

Black Vermillion R 39.6905 96.4437 39.6483 96.4790 10 GP E X X X X XXC

Black Vermillion R 39.6965 96.3820 39.6905 96.4437 11 GP E X X X X XXb

Black Vermillion R 39.7242 96.3291 39.6965 96.3820 13 GP E X X X X XXb

Black Vermillion R 39.6740 96.0649 39.7242 96.3291 14 GP E X X X X XXb

Black Vermillion R, Clear Fk 39.5168 96.3108 39.6483 96.4790 9 GP S X X X X XXC

Black Vermillion R, N Fk 39.9296 96.3437 39.7242 96.3291 15 GP E X X X X XXb

Black Vermillion R, S Fk 39.5544 96.3057 39.6965 96.3820 12 GP E X X X X XXb

Bluff Cr 39.5000 96.4020 39.5427 96.5448 573 GP S B

Bommer Cr 39.9319 96.5631 39.9284 96.6223 40 GP E b

Bucksnort Cr 39.4775 96.4489 39.4947 96.5254 566 GP S b

Carter Cr 39.6447 97.0553 39.5149 97.0129 59 GP E b

Cedar Cr 39.6422 96.3706 39.6715 96.4540 56 GP E b

Corndodger Cr 39.7218 96.5487 39.6196 96.5343 52 GP E b

De Shazer Cr 39.5724 96.4594 39.6459 96.4920 55 GP E b

Deadman Cr 39.6083 96.9820 39.5040 96.9856 60 GP E b

Deer Cr 39.9960 96.6697 39.9000 96.6522 36 GP E b

Dog Walk Cr 39.7399 96.5271 39.7496 96.4556 53 GP E b

Dutch Cr 39.8145 96.7359 39.7754 96.6847 44 GP E Xb

Elm Cr 39.7776 96.5650 39.6756 96.6286 46 GP E Xb

Elm Cr, North 39.9527 96.4600 39.9720 96.6024 41 GP E b

Fancy Cr 39.4916 96.8798 39.4670 96.7618 9029 GP E Xa


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: LOWER BIG BLUE (HUC 10270205)Fancy Cr, N Fk 39.6163 96.9256 39.4916 96.8798 61 GP E Xb

Fancy Cr, West 39.6364 97.0646 39.4916 96.8798 29 GP E XC

Game Fork 39.5907 96.6971 39.6202 96.5756 54 GP E Xb

Hop Cr 39.8650 96.7772 39.8005 96.6785 43 GP E b

Horseshoe Cr 40.0015 96.8779 39.8941 96.6622 26 GP E XC

Indian Cr 40.0015 96.7063 39.9275 96.7233 37 GP E b

Jim Cr 39.6079 96.3567 39.6230 96.4430 57 GP E b

Johnson Fork 39.7271 96.5356 39.6608 96.4713 51 GP E b

Kearney Branch 39.6521 96.2477 39.6382 96.3230 58 GP E b

Lily Cr 39.8725 96.5800 39.8240 96.6034 39 GP E b

Little Indian Cr 40.0015 96.7485 39.9502 96.7668 35 GP E b

Little Timber Cr 39.8155 96.3649 39.7001 96.4108 48 GP E C

Meadow Cr 39.9995 96.7403 39.9439 96.7491 34 GP E b

Mill Cr 39.3580 96.8431 39.2943 96.6961 31 GP E XXC

Mission Cr 40.0012 96.5310 40.0012 96.5323 22 GP E C

Murdock Cr 39.9745 96.4040 40.0010 96.4482 42 GP E b

Otter Cr 39.3930 96.9279 39.4724 96.8347 67 GP E XXb

Otter Cr, North 39.5837 96.8226 39.4663 96.7724 62 GP E XXB

Perkins Cr 39.7644 96.5558 39.7596 96.4645 47 GP E b

Phiel Cr 39.2412 96.6511 39.2471 96.5925 68 GP E b

Raemer Cr 39.8772 96.7826 39.9024 96.6976 33 GP E b

Robidoux Cr 39.9943 96.3565 39.6905 96.4437 16 GP E XB

Schell Cr 39.7839 96.5936 39.8194 96.6155 45 GP E b

School Branch 39.5740 96.8485 39.4737 96.8162 63 GP E b

Scotch Cr 39.9057 96.5670 39.9027 96.6330 38 GP E b

Spring Cr 39.9299 96.4741 39.8292 96.6565 19 GP E XB

Spring Cr 39.4349 96.5300 39.5481 96.5881 65 GP S XXB

Timber Cr 39.5852 96.6712 39.5370 96.6177 64 GP E XB

Weyer Cr 39.7440 96.1099 39.7722 96.2406 50 GP E b

SUBBASIN: UPPER LITTLE BLUE (HUC 10270206)Dry Cr 39.9716 97.7149 40.0022 97.6921 41 GP E b

SUBBASIN: LOWER LITTLE BLUE (HUC 10270207)Ash Cr 39.7458 97.1374 39.8081 97.0426 36 GP E Xb

Beaver Cr 39.7154 96.9601 39.7923 96.8765 38 GP E b

Bolling Cr 39.8063 96.8314 39.7445 96.8150 42 GP E b

Bowman Cr 40.0000 97.3202 39.8675 97.2420 21 GP E Xb

Buffalo Cr 39.7781 97.1893 39.8394 97.1384 32 GP E b

Camp Cr 39.7604 97.1518 39.8112 97.0646 35 GP E b

Camp Cr 39.7061 96.9522 39.6605 96.8145 44 GP E b


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: LOWER LITTLE BLUE (HUC 10270207)Cedar Cr 39.8616 96.8164 39.8634 96.8865 40 GP E b

Cherry Cr 39.9449 97.4448 39.8515 97.3485 25 GP E Xb

Coon Cr 39.6987 97.0749 39.6953 96.7641 23 GP E XC

Fawn Cr 39.6062 96.7419 39.6867 96.7018 45 GP E b

Gray Branch 39.9908 97.2472 39.8622 97.2277 27 GP E b

Humphrey Branch 39.9756 97.4077 40.0021 97.4354 24 GP E b

Iowa Cr 39.7972 97.2557 39.8594 97.2024 34 GP E b

Jones Cr 39.9537 97.2296 39.8659 97.2172 29 GP E b

Joy Cr 40.0017 97.1183 39.9432 96.9720 13 GP E b

Lane Branch 39.8373 96.9722 39.8060 96.8925 39 GP E b

Little Blue R 39.6953 96.7641 39.6978 96.6786 1 GP E X X X X XXC

Little Blue R 39.9226 96.9272 39.6953 96.7641 2 GP E X X X X XXC

Little Blue R 39.9432 96.9720 39.9226 96.9272 3 GP E X X X X XXC

Little Blue R 39.9995 97.0129 39.9432 96.9720 4 GP E X X X X XXb

Malone Cr 39.7271 96.9169 39.7768 96.8693 37 GP E b

Melvin Cr 39.7889 97.1987 39.8480 97.1638 33 GP E b

Mercer Cr 39.7224 96.8927 39.7538 96.8284 43 GP E b

Mill Cr 39.8878 97.0066 39.9226 96.9272 14 GP E XC

Mill Cr 39.8480 97.1638 39.8878 97.0066 16 GP E Xa

Mill Cr 39.8498 97.1765 39.8381 97.1340 18 GP E Xb

Mill Cr 39.8675 97.2420 39.8498 97.1765 20 GP E Xb

Mill Cr 39.9045 97.5636 39.8675 97.2420 22 GP E Xb

Mill Cr, S Fk 39.8452 97.5237 39.8480 97.3321 31 GP E b

Myer Cr 39.9872 97.3547 39.8566 97.2919 26 GP E Xb

Riddle Cr 40.0017 97.1941 39.8381 97.1340 17 GP E b

Rose Cr 39.9654 97.7097 40.0020 97.5087 12 GP E b

Salt Cr 39.9913 97.2128 39.8498 97.1765 19 GP E Xb

School Cr 40.0017 97.0292 39.9995 97.0129 49 GP E b

Silver Cr 39.9924 97.2343 40.0018 97.2332 28 GP E b

Spring Cr 39.9955 97.1314 39.8878 97.0066 15 GP E Xb

Spring Cr 39.9626 97.1126 39.9095 97.1036 30 GP E Xb

Walnut Cr 39.8644 96.7941 39.7191 96.7681 41 GP E C


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: RATTLESNAKE (HUC 11030009)Rattlesnake Cr 38.0579 98.7441 38.2164 98.3565 1 GP S X X X X XXa

Rattlesnake Cr 37.7170 99.1863 38.0579 98.7441 3 GP S X X X X XXb

Rattlesnake Cr 37.4835 99.7728 37.7170 99.1863 4 GP S X X X X XXb

Spring Cr 37.9208 98.9070 37.9721 98.8076 7 GP E b

SUBBASIN: GAR-PEACE (HUC11030010)Arkansas R 38.0428 97.9431 37.6910 97.3488 1 GP S X X X X XXB

Arkansas R 38.0448 97.9639 38.0428 97.9431 3 GP S X X X X XXB

Arkansas R 38.1746 98.2285 38.0448 97.9639 4 GP S X X X X XXB

Arkansas R 38.2152 98.3504 38.1746 98.2285 5 GP S X X X X XXB

Big Slough 37.7819 97.7312 37.8256 97.5099 9011 GP E Xb

Gar Cr 37.8582 97.8294 37.8973 97.6888 8 GP E a

Peace Cr 37.9668 98.6462 38.1741 98.2287 6 GP S XC

Salt Cr 38.0532 98.2765 38.0444 97.9641 7 GP E XC

SUBBASIN: COW (HUC 11030011)Blood Cr 38.5901 99.0413 38.4754 98.7013 15 EX S b

Cow Cr 38.3083 98.1936 38.0428 97.9427 1 GP E X X X X XXC

Cow Cr 38.4387 98.3572 38.3083 98.1936 3 GP E X X X X XXb

Cow Cr 38.4468 98.4809 38.4387 98.3572 5 GP E X X X X XXb

Cow Cr 38.6432 98.6527 38.4468 98.4809 6 GP E X X X X XXb

Cow Cr 38.0501 97.9298 37.9791 97.8400 1755 GP E X X X X XXB

Dry Cr 38.3742 98.0786 38.2429 98.0863 22 GP E b

Jarvis Cr 38.3989 98.1193 38.2683 98.1155 19 GP E b

Little Cheyenne Cr 38.4446 98.6338 38.4468 98.4809 7 EX S Xa

Little Cow Cr 38.5473 98.2410 38.3083 98.1936 2 GP E XC

Lost Cr 38.6069 98.3024 38.4154 98.3300 17 GP E b

Owl Cr 38.4266 98.1604 38.3097 98.1825 18 GP E b

Plum Cr 38.6195 98.5063 38.4387 98.3572 4 GP E Xb

Salt Cr 38.3937 98.1816 38.3130 98.2058 21 GP E B

Spring Cr 38.3162 98.4175 38.3469 98.2940 20 GP E b

SUBBASIN: LITTLE ARKANSAS (HUC 11030012)Beaver Cr 38.1440 97.2422 38.1139 97.3220 26 GP E b

Black Kettle Cr 38.2628 97.4855 38.0085 97.5072 368 GP E B

Bull Cr 38.4346 97.6748 38.3521 97.6530 24 GP E X X X X XXC

Chisholm Cr 37.9077 97.2839 37.7554 97.3476 1693 GP E X X X X XXa

Chisholm Cr, Middle Fork 37.8347 97.2412 37.7539 97.3509 817 GP E X X X X XXb

Dry Cr 38.3494 98.0473 38.3402 97.9675 22 GP E b

Dry Turkey Cr 38.4507 97.5753 38.2467 97.6465 13 GP E X X X X XXB

Emma Cr 37.9979 97.4457 37.9350 97.4408 6 GP E Xb

Emma Cr, Middle 38.2744 97.3635 37.9979 97.4457 7 GP E B


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: LITTLE ARKANSAS (HUC 11030012)Emma Cr, West 38.3749 97.3997 37.9979 97.4457 8 GP E C

Gooseberry Cr 37.9548 97.2977 37.9067 97.3519 17 GP E b

Horse Cr 38.5221 98.0791 38.4156 98.0183 19 GP E b

Jester Cr 38.0631 97.2754 37.8505 97.4017 2 GP E C

Jester Cr, W Fk 38.0537 97.2821 37.9685 97.3153 18 GP E C

Kisiwa Cr 38.0190 97.7870 37.9589 97.4708 15 GP E b

Little Arkansas R 37.8505 97.4017 37.6911 97.3478 1 GP E X X X X XXB

Little Arkansas R 37.9180 97.4352 37.8505 97.4017 3 GP E X X X X XXC

Little Arkansas R 37.9350 97.4408 37.9180 97.4352 5 GP E X X X X XXC

Little Arkansas R 37.9589 97.4708 37.9350 97.4408 9 GP E X X X X XXC

Little Arkansas R 38.1230 97.6006 37.9589 97.4708 10 GP E X X X X XXC

Little Arkansas R 38.5296 98.1551 38.1230 97.6006 14 GP E X X X X XXB

Lone Tree Cr 38.4143 97.9076 38.2719 97.9196 20 GP E b

Mud Cr 38.0788 97.3626 37.9804 97.3892 16 GP E b

Running Turkey Cr 38.4169 97.4689 38.2745 97.6225 25 GP E b

Salt Cr 38.4293 97.9582 38.3477 97.9736 21 GP E b

Sand Cr 38.2300 97.2795 37.9180 97.4352 4 GP E XB

Sand Cr 38.3176 98.0524 38.2579 97.9123 23 GP E XC

Turkey Cr 38.2467 97.6465 38.1230 97.6006 11 GP E C

Turkey Cr 38.4498 97.5541 38.2467 97.6465 12 GP E Xb

SUBBASIN: MIDDLE ARKANSAS-SLATE (HUC 11030013)Antelope Cr 37.3021 97.3186 37.2076 97.2664 25 GP E Xb

Arkansas R 37.1341 97.1434 37.0480 97.0015 1 GP S X X X X XXB

Arkansas R 37.3216 97.1665 37.1341 97.1434 2 GP S X X X X XXB

Arkansas R 37.6315 97.3043 37.3675 97.1864 3 GP S X X X X XXB

Arkansas R 37.6910 97.3488 37.6315 97.3043 9 GP S X X X X XXB

Arkansas R 37.3675 97.1864 37.3216 97.1665 18 GP S X X X X XXB

Beaver Cr 37.3154 97.3359 37.2349 97.3825 29 GP E b

Beaver Cr 37.2499 97.0683 37.1623 97.0967 33 GP E b

Big Slough 37.8251 97.5180 37.6815 97.4091 11 GP E XB

Bitter Cr 37.4779 97.1630 37.4144 97.2001 28 GP E b

Chisholm Cr 37.6399 97.3061 37.6336 97.3049 4 GP R O O O O OOa

Chisholm Cr 37.7177 97.3224 37.6399 97.3061 6 GP R O O O O OOa

Chisholm Cr 37.7523 97.3416 37.7177 97.3224 8 GP E X X X X XXa

Chisholm Cr, East 37.7889 97.2428 37.7177 97.3224 7 GP E X X X X XXB

Cowskin Cr 37.6005 97.3896 37.3673 97.1867 10 GP E X X X X XXB

Cowskin Cr 37.6126 97.4090 37.6005 97.3896 12 GP E X X X X XXb

Cowskin Cr 37.7229 97.4913 37.6126 97.4090 13 GP E X X X X XXC

Cowskin Cr 37.7385 97.6905 37.7229 97.4913 14 GP E X X X X XXb

Dog Cr 37.5304 97.2085 37.4172 97.2174 531 GP E b


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: MIDDLE ARKANSAS-SLATE (HUC 11030013)Dry Cr 37.6934 97.6250 37.7229 97.4913 15 GP E b

Dry Cr 37.6606 97.5518 37.6126 97.4090 16 GP E b

Gypsum Cr 37.7473 97.2311 37.6399 97.3061 5 GP E X X X X XB

Hargis Cr 37.3352 97.3479 37.2343 97.3876 24 GP E B

Lost Cr 37.2744 97.1827 37.2611 97.1597 23 GP E b

Negro Cr 37.0411 97.1443 37.0813 97.0857 20 GP E b

Oak Cr 37.3636 97.4129 37.2755 97.4343 26 GP E C

Salt Cr 37.0894 97.2369 37.1105 97.1283 22 GP E b

Slate Cr 37.4117 97.7485 37.1345 97.1439 17 GP E XC

Spring Cr 37.0689 97.1735 37.0843 97.0914 19 GP S b

Spring Cr 37.1348 97.0456 37.1000 97.1032 21 GP E b

Spring Cr 37.4014 97.4973 37.2968 97.4593 27 GP E b

Spring Cr 37.3586 97.1018 37.2115 97.1497 34 GP E b

Spring Cr 37.6146 97.1823 37.5100 97.2677 37 GP E C

W V C Floodway 37.5765 97.3657 37.5515 97.2852 456 GP E b

W V C Floodway 37.7225 97.3936 37.6005 97.3896 9001 GP E Xb

W V C Floodway 37.6005 97.3896 37.5765 97.3657 9010 GP E X X X X XXb

W V C Floodway 37.6815 97.4091 37.6005 97.3896 9011 GP E b

Winser Cr 37.2881 97.2702 37.1915 97.2297 32 GP E b

SUBBASIN: NORTH FORK NINNESCAH (HUC 11030014)Crow Cr 37.9173 97.9251 37.8459 97.9204 11 GP E b

Dooleyville Cr 37.9602 98.6360 37.9109 98.5218 8 GP E b

Goose Cr 37.7127 98.3545 37.8296 98.1785 10 GP E Xb

Ninnescah R, N Fk 37.7265 97.7934 37.5680 97.7050 1 GP E X X X X XXC

Ninnescah R, N Fk 37.8417 98.1476 37.8228 97.8986 5 GP S X X X X XXb

Ninnescah R, N Fk 37.8355 98.7482 37.8417 98.1476 6 GP S X X X X XXb

Red Rock Cr 37.9734 98.0967 37.8660 97.9859 12 GP S Xb

Rock Cr 37.7833 97.7382 37.7031 97.7841 13 GP E b

Silver Cr 37.7579 98.5905 37.8417 98.1476 7 GP S Xb

Spring Cr 37.7576 97.7058 37.6160 97.7368 14 GP E b

Unnamed Stream 37.7800 98.4336 37.7895 98.3547 289 GP S b

Unnamed Stream 37.6745 97.8272 37.6498 97.7676 411 GP S b

Unnamed Stream 37.9076 98.1837 37.9099 98.1832 999 GP S b

Wolf Cr 37.8327 98.4089 37.8293 98.3216 9 GP E b

SUBBASIN: SOUTH FORK NINNESCAH (HUC 11030015)Coon Cr 37.6061 98.5802 37.6563 98.5303 9 GP E b

Coon Cr 37.5331 97.9980 37.5539 97.8992 17 GP E b

Hunter Cr 37.5549 98.1994 37.6409 98.0847 14 GP E b

Mead Cr 37.5555 98.3725 37.6308 98.3254 10 GP E b


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: SOUTH FORK NINNESCAH (HUC 11030015)Natrona Cr 37.6905 98.7432 37.6572 98.6252 307 GP S b

Negro Cr 37.5724 98.0770 37.6276 98.0454 13 GP E b

Nester Cr 37.7030 97.8712 37.5954 97.8068 15 GP S b

Ninnescah R, S Fk 37.5731 97.8334 37.5676 97.7051 1 GP S X X X X XXb

Ninnescah R, S Fk 37.6379 98.3440 37.5731 97.8334 3 GP S X X X X XXC

Ninnescah R, S Fk 37.6401 98.7680 37.6379 98.3440 4 GP S X X X X XXC

Ninnescah R, S Fk 37.5957 98.9287 37.6400 98.7676 6 GP S X X X X XXb

Ninnescah R, W Br of S Fk 37.6231 98.9513 37.6400 98.7676 5 GP S X X X X XXb

Painter Cr 37.5735 98.6528 37.6378 98.3436 7 GP S Xb

Pat Cr 37.5553 98.3302 37.6278 98.3065 11 GP S C

Petyt Cr 37.5609 98.2858 37.6281 98.2317 12 GP E b

Sand Cr 37.5463 98.1016 37.5920 97.9497 18 GP S b

Smoots Cr 37.7050 98.2353 37.5742 97.8287 2 GP S X X X X XXb

Spring Cr 37.7821 98.0000 37.6958 97.9796 8 GP E b

Unnamed Stream 37.6527 98.1462 37.6345 98.1385 249 GP S b

Unnamed Stream 37.6754 98.2499 37.6350 98.2414 253 GP S b

Unnamed Stream 37.6940 98.2746 37.6524 98.2714 259 GP S b

Unnamed Stream 37.6656 98.2867 37.6507 98.2785 261 GP S b

Unnamed Stream 37.6738 98.3322 37.6375 98.3332 270 GP S b

Unnamed Stream 37.6903 98.3602 37.6380 98.3423 271 GP S b

Unnamed Stream 37.6482 98.3978 37.6499 98.3819 417 GP S b

Unnamed Stream 37.6929 98.1951 37.6343 98.1922 514 GP S b

Unnamed Stream 37.6596 98.2097 37.6343 98.1922 518 GP S b

Unnamed Stream 37.6540 98.1670 37.6309 98.1571 520 GP S b

Unnamed Stream 37.6947 97.8715 37.6014 97.8706 579 GP S b

Wild Run Cr 37.5382 98.2219 37.6207 98.2001 16 GP E b

SUBBASIN: NINNESCAH (HUC 11030016)Afton Cr 37.6555 97.5838 37.5965 97.6344 148 GP E b

Clear Cr 37.6903 97.6645 37.6371 97.6759 161 GP E b

Clearwater Cr 37.6015 97.6358 37.5487 97.6294 4 GP S b

Clearwater Cr 37.7193 97.6583 37.6015 97.6358 7 GP E b

Elm Cr 37.4140 97.4735 37.4291 97.3824 10 GP E C

Ninnescah R 37.4601 97.3820 37.3216 97.1665 1 GP S X X X X XXC

Ninnescah R 37.5485 97.6294 37.4601 97.3820 3 GP S X X X X XXC

Ninnescah R 37.5676 97.7051 37.5485 97.6294 8 GP S X X X X XXC

Polecat Cr 37.7266 97.6770 37.6245 97.6547 59 GP E C

Sand Cr 37.4999 97.9307 37.5448 97.6912 14 GP S b

Silver Cr 37.4236 97.5311 37.4728 97.4700 12 GP E b

Spring Cr 37.5832 97.5263 37.4600 97.3816 2 GP E C

Spring Cr 37.6154 97.5765 37.5094 97.5633 15 GP E b


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: KAW LAKE (HUC 11060001)Arkansas R 37.0029 96.9231 36.9991 96.9249 14 GP S X X X X XXB

Arkansas R 37.0480 97.0015 37.0029 96.9231 18 GP S X X X X XXB

Beaver Cr 37.1181 96.6332 36.9991 96.6865 9 EX E X X X X XXC

Blue Branch 37.3433 96.7187 37.2994 96.6883 30 GP E b

Bullington Cr 37.2576 96.6133 37.2334 96.7080 28 GP E b

Cedar Cr 37.4035 96.5336 37.3084 96.6796 32 GP E b

Chilocco Cr 37.0492 97.1623 36.9990 97.0890 19 GP E b

Crabb Cr 37.1867 96.6139 37.1332 96.7831 29 GP E XC

Ferguson Cr 37.4458 96.5185 37.4590 96.5721 38 GP E b

Franklin Cr 37.5000 96.6058 37.4535 96.5803 35 GP E b

Gardners Branch 37.3902 96.5592 37.3948 96.6341 39 GP E b

Goose Cr 37.4648 96.6396 37.3906 96.6436 34 GP E b

Grouse Cr 37.0613 96.8669 37.0223 96.9281 15 EX S X X X X XXB

Grouse Cr 37.5836 96.5343 37.0613 96.8669 16 EX S X X X X XXC

Little Beaver Cr 37.0732 96.7638 36.9991 96.8138 11 GP S b

Myers Cr 37.0284 96.7442 36.9991 96.7696 24 GP E b

Otter Cr 37.0508 96.8258 37.0225 96.8975 20 GP E b

Pebble Cr 37.2333 96.7719 37.1844 96.8450 26 GP E b

Plum Cr 37.3182 96.7312 37.2805 96.7803 33 GP E Xb

Riley Cr 37.4652 96.5089 37.4643 96.5684 37 GP E b

School Cr 37.2894 96.6327 37.2626 96.6926 31 GP E b

Shellrock Cr 37.0700 96.7527 37.0097 96.8115 22 GP E b

Silver Cr 37.3389 96.7644 37.0613 96.8669 17 GP E XC

Snake Cr 37.3068 96.8160 37.2213 96.8299 25 GP E C

Spring Cr 37.0820 96.7218 36.9992 96.7124 21 GP E b

Turkey Cr 37.2578 96.7512 37.2002 96.7141 27 GP E b

Wagoner Cr 37.5239 96.4987 37.4738 96.5577 36 GP E b

SUBBASIN: UPPER SALT FORK (HUC 11060002)Arkansas R, Salt Fk 37.0275 98.8558 36.9995 98.8343 4 GP E X X X X XXb

Arkansas R, Salt Fk 37.0906 98.9961 37.0275 98.8558 6 GP E X X X X XXb

Arkansas R, Salt Fk 37.1189 99.0378 37.0906 98.9961 8 GP E X X X X XXb

Arkansas R, Salt Fk 37.1105 99.0524 37.1189 99.0378 10 GP E X X X X XXb

Arkansas R, Salt Fk 37.1172 99.0889 37.1105 99.0524 11 GP E X X X X XXb

Arkansas R, Salt Fk 37.0875 99.1359 37.1172 99.0889 13 GP E X X X X XXb

Arkansas R, Salt Fk 37.1589 99.4066 37.0875 99.1359 15 GP E X X X X XXb

Ash Cr 37.1996 98.9298 37.1501 98.9879 20 GP E b

Big Sandy Cr 37.2398 98.8767 37.0275 98.8558 5 GP E b

Cave Cr 37.0178 99.0504 37.0651 98.9749 28 GP E b

Deadman Cr 37.2370 98.9017 37.1293 98.8542 22 GP E b

Dog Cr 37.1748 99.1064 37.1184 99.0759 29 GP E b


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: UPPER SALT FORK (HUC 11060002)Hackberry Cr 37.1633 98.7981 36.9995 98.8162 23 GP E Xb

Indian Cr 37.2831 99.1592 37.1189 99.0378 9 GP E Xb

Inman Cr 37.2711 98.9359 37.1856 99.0011 21 GP E b

Mule Cr 37.4822 99.4192 37.0906 98.9961 7 GP S X X X X XXb

Mustang Cr 36.9994 99.1810 37.0875 99.1354 31 GP E Xb

Nescatunga Cr 37.3139 99.2421 37.0875 99.1359 14 GP S X X X X XXb

Nescatunga Cr, E Br 37.3031 99.2136 37.1791 99.2114 27 GP E b

Red Cr 36.9998 99.1086 37.1105 99.0524 16 GP E b

Spring Cr 37.3887 99.1607 37.3192 99.1241 24 GP E b

Unnamed Stream 37.2079 99.3027 37.1004 99.2964 503 GP E X X X X XXb

Wildcat Cr 37.2244 99.1341 37.1172 99.0889 12 GP E b

Yellowstone Cr 36.9994 98.8513 36.9994 98.8498 17 GP E b

SUBBASIN: MEDICINE LODGE (HUC 11060003)Amber Cr 37.4948 98.6427 37.3824 98.5937 12 GP S Xb

Antelope Cr 37.3112 98.5093 37.2426 98.5561 22 GP E b

Bear Cr 37.3047 98.9921 37.3567 98.8777 13 GP S b

Bitter Cr 37.2408 98.7882 37.3119 98.7253 18 GP E b

Cedar Cr 37.2010 98.7950 37.2815 98.6319 20 GP E Xb

Cottonwood Cr 37.4269 98.8475 37.3577 98.8465 16 GP E b

Crooked Cr 37.4978 98.6708 37.4145 98.6509 11 GP E b

Driftwood Cr 37.1210 98.7620 36.9990 98.6589 905 GP E b

Dry Cr 37.1912 98.7392 37.1367 98.6596 21 GP E b

Elm Cr 37.4278 98.6846 37.2607 98.5876 3 GP S X X X X XXB

Elm Cr, North 37.5608 98.7840 37.4278 98.6846 4 GP S X X X X XXb

Elm Cr, South 37.4280 98.7700 37.4278 98.6846 5 GP S X X X X XXb

Elm Cr, South E Br 37.5409 98.8277 37.4280 98.7700 10 GP S X X X X XXb

Little Bear Cr 37.2203 98.8105 37.3142 98.7551 19 GP E b

Little Mule Cr 37.1907 98.7664 36.9989 98.5230 9 GP E b

Medicine Lodge R 37.2607 98.5876 36.9981 98.3636 2 GP S X X X X XXC

Medicine Lodge R 37.3703 98.9210 37.2607 98.5876 6 GP S X X X X XXb

Medicine Lodge R 37.5160 99.3323 37.3703 98.9210 8 GP S X X X X XXb

Medicine Lodge R, N Br 37.5348 99.2772 37.4483 99.1989 24 GP E X X X X XXb

Mulberry Cr 37.4975 98.8930 37.3693 98.8903 14 GP S b

Otter Cr 37.3946 99.1607 37.4332 99.1185 25 GP E b

Puckett Cr 37.3082 98.8693 37.3508 98.8370 15 GP E b

Sand Cr 37.3994 98.7500 37.3273 98.7627 17 GP E b

Soldier Cr 37.6083 99.0397 37.4361 99.0368 27 GP S b

Thompson Cr 37.5992 99.1787 37.4489 99.1093 26 EX S X X X X XXb

Turkey Cr 37.6035 98.9888 37.3703 98.9210 7 GP S b

Unnamed Stream 37.3659 98.6358 37.2967 98.6436 370 GP S b


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: MEDICINE LODGE (HUC 11060003)Unnamed Stream 37.4010 98.7754 37.3408 98.7940 415 GP S b

Unnamed Stream 37.4605 98.9146 37.4515 98.9202 452 GP S b

Unnamed Stream 37.5157 99.1929 37.5114 99.1570 559 GP S b

Wilson Slough 37.2329 98.5195 37.1668 98.5425 23 GP E b

SUBBASIN: LOWER SALT FORK (HUC 11060004)Camp Cr 37.2655 98.2525 37.1349 98.2432 68 GP E b

Cooper Cr 37.0654 98.0553 36.9981 98.0720 71 GP E b

Crooked Cr 37.0412 97.9207 36.9986 97.9268 24 GP E b

Little Sandy Cr 37.3681 98.4917 36.9979 98.2734 39 GP E b

Little Sandy Cr, E Br 37.3749 98.5016 37.2388 98.4123 65 GP E b

Little Sandy Cr, W Br 37.3749 98.5016 37.2388 98.4123 9039 GP E b

Plum Cr 37.1435 98.1763 37.0625 98.2190 70 GP E b

Pond Cr 37.0427 97.8928 36.9987 97.8675 18 GP E b

Rush Cr 37.0104 98.1169 36.9980 98.1193 69 GP E b

Salty Cr 37.1765 98.4462 36.9979 98.2964 40 GP E b

Sandy Cr 37.3641 98.3323 36.9979 98.2093 37 GP E Xb

Sandy Cr, West 37.3626 98.3785 37.1972 98.3182 67 GP E Xb

Spring Cr 37.3065 98.3799 37.1649 98.3490 66 GP E b

SUBBASIN: CHIKASKIA (HUC 11060005)Allen Cr 37.5513 98.3599 37.4744 98.2785 40 GP S b

Baehr Cr 37.2225 97.9041 37.0847 97.8644 22 GP E C

Beaver Cr 37.3456 97.6159 37.2034 97.6294 28 GP E b

Beaver Cr 37.1662 98.1727 37.1160 98.0551 46 GP E b

Big Spring Cr 37.5178 97.9769 37.4175 97.9533 34 GP E b

Bitter Cr 37.1269 97.2832 36.9990 97.2652 4 GP E b

Bitter Cr, East 37.0687 97.1874 36.9988 97.2247 16 GP E b

Blue Stem Cr 37.5327 98.0422 37.4454 98.0143 48 GP E b

Bluff Cr 36.9986 97.5287 36.9986 97.5485 13 GP E X X X X XXC

Bluff Cr 37.3711 98.3263 36.9986 97.5600 15 GP E X X X X XXC

Chicken Cr 37.4765 98.5413 37.4041 98.4968 36 GP E b

Chikaskia R 37.2509 97.7830 36.9987 97.4649 8 EX S X X X X XXB

Chikaskia R 37.4444 98.1992 37.2509 97.7830 9 EX S X X X X XXC

Chikaskia R 37.5167 98.5781 37.4444 98.1992 10 GP S X X X X XXb

Chikaskia R, N Fk 37.5548 98.4909 37.4816 98.3635 37 GP S X X X X XXb

Copper Cr 37.4983 98.0649 37.4436 98.0285 42 GP E b

Dry Cr 37.0118 97.3017 36.9987 97.3074 17 GP E b

Duck Cr 37.5304 98.0159 37.4266 97.9708 32 GP S b

Fall Cr 37.1991 97.8189 36.9986 97.5590 14 GP E Xb

Fall Cr, E Br 37.1776 97.6989 37.0884 97.6851 27 GP E b


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: CHIKASKIA (HUC 11060005)Goose Cr 37.4357 98.3488 37.4053 98.2999 38 GP E b

Kemp Cr 37.5125 98.2653 37.4636 98.2631 49 GP E b

Long Cr 37.2590 97.5396 37.1775 97.5631 529 GP E X X X XXb

Meridian Cr 37.1604 97.3376 37.0043 97.3805 20 GP E C

Prairie Cr 37.1483 97.5658 37.1273 97.5880 512 GP E X X X XXb

Prairie Cr, East 37.2993 97.5278 37.1519 97.5683 516 GP E X X X XXC

Prairie Cr, West 37.3135 97.5604 37.1519 97.5683 527 GP E X X X XXb

Red Cr 37.5394 98.1820 37.4439 98.0736 43 GP E b

Rock Cr 37.2443 97.9884 37.1061 97.9732 23 GP E b

Rose Bud Cr 37.5372 98.0882 37.4502 98.0824 44 GP E b

Rush Cr 37.3729 98.1263 37.1736 98.0958 45 GP E b

Sand Cr 37.5780 98.7943 37.4444 98.1992 11 GP S X X Xb

Sand Cr, East 37.3789 98.1578 37.2509 97.7830 12 GP E X X Xb

Sandy Cr 37.4503 97.8475 37.3384 97.8587 30 GP E X X Xb

Shoo Fly Cr 37.1681 97.3998 36.9989 97.3794 6 GP E X X X X XXC

Shoo Fly Cr, East 37.1681 97.3998 37.0930 97.4417 19 GP E b

Shoo Fly Cr, West 37.2356 97.4547 37.0930 97.4417 9006 GP E b

Shore Cr 37.3659 97.6652 37.2422 97.6783 35 GP E X X Xb

Silver Cr 37.3717 97.6980 37.2534 97.6911 29 GP E X X Xb

Skunk Cr 37.4525 98.4353 37.3933 98.3728 39 GP E b

Spring Branch 37.1958 97.8538 37.0728 97.8341 21 GP E b

Spring Cr 37.1597 97.3661 37.0299 97.3955 18 GP E X X X X XXC

Spring Cr 37.1955 97.5069 37.0767 97.5345 25 GP E X X X X XXb

Spring Cr 37.3930 98.0050 37.2809 97.8089 31 GP E X X X X XXb

Spring Cr 37.1734 98.0496 37.1101 98.0343 47 GP E X X X X XXB

Spring Cr 37.3616 98.0751 37.1929 98.0534 9047 GP E X X X X XXb

Wild Horse Cr 37.5501 98.1952 37.4390 98.1642 41 GP E b

Wildcat Cr 37.0290 98.0241 37.0950 97.9500 24 GP E b


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: UPPER MARAIS DES CYGNES (HUC 10290101)Appanoose Cr 38.7677 95.4890 38.6199 95.3309 16 GP S Xb

Appanoose Cr, East 38.7486 95.4424 38.6823 95.4326 89 GP E b

Batch Cr 38.8673 96.0413 38.7981 95.9681 86 GP E b

Blue Cr 38.6348 95.3996 38.6000 95.3501 81 GP E b

Bradshaw Cr 38.1474 95.2755 38.2128 95.2530 75 GP E C

Cedar Cr 38.1612 95.4713 38.3341 95.2579 66 GP E XXb

Cherry Cr 38.2209 95.5272 38.2407 95.4714 74 GP E b

Chicken Cr 38.8086 96.0938 38.6916 96.0453 70 GP E b

Chicken Cr 38.5727 95.6809 38.5152 95.6722 93 GP E b

Coal Cr 38.4863 95.4442 38.5864 95.4015 48 GP E Xb

Dragoon Cr 38.8597 96.1187 38.6870 95.7193 27 GP E X X X X XXC

Dry Cr 38.4223 95.2058 38.3580 95.1963 57 GP E C

Dry Cr 38.5751 95.6277 38.5630 95.5155 95 GP E b

Duck Cr 38.6389 96.1600 38.5362 95.9520 41 GP E XXb

Eightmile Cr 38.7988 95.3909 38.6206 95.2857 13 GP E Xb

Eightmile Cr, W Fk 38.7743 95.4073 38.7312 95.3555 88 GP E b

Elm Cr 38.8524 96.1362 38.5682 95.9742 39 GP S X X X X XXb

Frog Cr 38.3616 95.8087 38.4634 95.6854 42 GP S C

Hard Fish Cr 38.5179 95.4725 38.5876 95.4665 47 GP E b

Hickory Cr 38.6795 95.0307 38.5789 95.1111 8 GP E C

Hill Cr 38.6901 96.1957 38.6036 96.0503 71 GP E Xb

Hundred And Forty Two Mile Cr 38.7745 96.1968 38.5682 95.9742 40 GP E X X X X XXC

Hundred And Ten Mile Cr 38.6473 95.5636 38.5978 95.5088 20 GP E X X X X XXB

Hundred And Ten Mile Cr 38.8356 95.8599 38.7086 95.6379 25 GP E X X X X XXb

Iantha Cr 38.4212 95.5055 38.3396 95.3351 62 GP E Xb

Jersey Cr 38.6489 95.7862 38.6004 95.7363 76 GP E b

Kenoma Cr 38.4068 95.5241 38.3198 95.3828 64 GP E XC

Little Rock Cr 38.3974 95.5456 38.4483 95.5862 73 GP E b

Locust Cr 38.7922 96.1995 38.7675 96.1157 69 GP S C

Long Cr 38.3380 95.7112 38.5208 95.6101 1531 GP S Xb

Marais Des Cygnes R 38.5042 94.9486 38.4892 94.9196 1 GP S X X X X XXC

Marais Des Cygnes R 38.5772 95.0920 38.5042 94.9486 3 GP S X X X X XXB

Marais Des Cygnes R 38.5789 95.1111 38.5772 95.0920 7 GP S X X X X XXC

Marais Des Cygnes R 38.5652 95.1293 38.5789 95.1111 9 GP S X X X X XXC

Marais Des Cygnes R 38.5903 95.1587 38.5652 95.1293 10 GP S X X X X XXC

Marais Des Cygnes R 38.6206 95.2857 38.5903 95.1587 12 GP S X X X X XXB

Marais Des Cygnes R 38.5864 95.4015 38.6206 95.2857 17 GP S X X X X XXC

Marais Des Cygnes R 38.5876 95.4665 38.5864 95.4015 18 GP E X X X X XXC

Marais Des Cygnes R 38.5978 95.5088 38.5876 95.4665 19 GP E X X X X XXC

Marais Des Cygnes R 38.5949 95.5135 38.5978 95.5088 28 GP E X X X X XXC

Marais Des Cygnes R 38.5422 95.5404 38.5949 95.5135 30 GP E X X X X XXC


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: UPPER MARAIS DES CYGNES (HUC 10290101)Marais Des Cygnes R 38.5254 95.5786 38.5422 95.5404 31 GP E X X X X XXC

Marais Des Cygnes R 38.5208 95.6101 38.5254 95.5786 32 GP E X X X X XXC

Marais Des Cygnes R 38.5101 95.7086 38.5208 95.6101 33 GP E X X X X XXB

Marais Des Cygnes R 38.5362 95.9520 38.5143 95.9229 37 GP E X X X X XXC

Marais Des Cygnes R 38.5682 95.9742 38.5362 95.9520 38 GP E X X X X XXC

Middle Cr 38.4837 95.4356 38.5652 95.1293 50 GP E Xb

Mill Cr 38.4829 95.4565 38.4823 95.4902 1589 GP E X X X X XXb

Mosquito Cr 38.4829 95.1402 38.4528 95.0714 52 GP E b

Mud Cr 38.5374 95.3917 38.6183 95.3010 49 GP E b

Mud Cr 38.6470 95.8334 38.6968 95.7768 78 GP E b

Mud Cr 38.4880 96.0000 38.5140 95.9240 91 GP E Xb

Mute Cr 38.5895 95.9099 38.6047 95.8048 92 GP E b

Ottawa Cr 38.6273 95.1941 38.5903 95.1587 9011 GP S Xb

Plum Cr 38.5940 94.9894 38.5042 94.9486 2 GP E b

Plum Cr 38.7000 95.9367 38.7225 95.8583 79 GP E b

Popcorn Cr 38.7665 95.7264 38.6946 95.7275 87 GP E b

Pottawatomie Cr 38.4528 95.0714 38.4968 94.9267 51 GP S X X X X XXC

Pottawatomie Cr 38.4262 95.1075 38.4528 95.0714 53 GP S X X X X XXC

Pottawatomie Cr 38.3776 95.1371 38.4262 95.1075 55 GP S X X X X XXb

Pottawatomie Cr 38.3580 95.1963 38.3776 95.1371 56 GP S X X X X XXb

Pottawatomie Cr 38.3341 95.2579 38.3580 95.1963 58 GP S X X X X XXC

Pottawatomie Cr 38.3442 95.3013 38.3341 95.2579 59 GP S X X X X XXC

Pottawatomie Cr 38.3396 95.3351 38.3442 95.3013 61 GP S X X X X XXb

Pottawatomie Cr 38.3198 95.3828 38.3396 95.3351 63 GP S X X X X XXC

Pottawatomie Cr, N Fk 38.3469 95.5760 38.3198 95.3828 65 GP E X X X X XXC

Pottawatomie Cr, S Fk 38.1324 95.1450 38.3776 95.1371 67 GP S X X X X XXC

Rock Cr 38.3541 95.5658 38.5254 95.5786 43 GP E Xb

Rock Cr 38.5335 95.3393 38.5998 95.2341 97 GP E Xb

Sac Branch 38.4272 95.1420 38.4262 95.1075 54 GP E b

Sac Branch, N Fk 38.4351 95.2026 38.4272 95.1420 9054 GP E C

Sac Cr 38.4709 95.4394 38.3442 95.3013 60 GP E XC

Salt Cr 38.7273 95.9943 38.5949 95.5135 29 GP E XC

Sand Cr 38.6946 95.2911 38.6468 95.3017 82 GP E b

Smith Cr 38.6901 95.9198 38.7063 95.8075 77 GP E b

Soldier Cr 38.7766 96.0424 38.7420 95.8737 1083 GP E b

Spring Cr 38.7059 95.3937 38.6897 95.3376 84 GP E b

Switzler Cr 38.8367 95.9247 38.7102 95.7875 80 GP E Xb

Tauy Cr 38.6682 95.2260 38.6273 95.1941 11 GP S Xb

Tauy Cr, E Fk 38.8023 95.1832 38.6682 95.2260 85 GP E X X X X XXb

Tauy Cr, W Fk 38.8300 95.2714 38.6682 95.2260 9911 GP S Xb

Tequa Cr 38.4872 95.5183 38.5422 95.5404 44 GP E b


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: UPPER MARAIS DES CYGNES (HUC 10290101)Tequa Cr, E Br 38.4785 95.4463 38.4872 95.5183 46 GP E X X X X XXb

Tequa Cr, S Br 38.4199 95.5143 38.4872 95.5183 45 GP E b

Thomas Cr 38.1803 95.5125 38.2668 95.4020 72 GP E Xb

Turkey Cr 38.5942 95.0846 38.5772 95.0920 4 GP E C

Turkey Cr 38.5960 95.0124 38.5942 95.0846 6 GP E C

Unnamed Stream 38.5911 95.0249 38.5942 95.0846 5 GP E b

Unnamed Stream 38.8809 96.1018 38.8216 96.0353 1072 GP E X X X X XXb

Walnut Cr 38.7572 95.1384 38.6273 95.1941 90 GP E Xb

Willow Cr 38.4296 95.6279 38.5066 95.5920 94 GP E C

Wilson Cr 38.6853 95.2658 38.6198 95.2769 83 GP E b

Wolf Cr 38.5792 95.6541 38.5235 95.6212 96 GP E b

SUBBASIN: LOWER MARAIS DES CYGNES (HUC 10290102)Big Sugar Cr 38.2407 94.7425 38.2355 94.6835 31 EX S X X X X XXC

Big Sugar Cr 38.0871 95.0903 38.2407 94.7425 32 GP E X X X X XXC

Buck Cr 38.0946 94.9296 38.1388 94.8879 44 GP E b

Bull Cr 38.6332 94.8754 38.5484 94.8594 24 GP E X X X X XXB

Bull Cr 38.8245 94.9822 38.7432 94.9662 26 GP E b

Davis Cr 38.3195 94.9466 38.2483 94.8773 38 GP E b

Dorsey Cr 38.6298 94.8154 38.5645 94.8459 22 GP E Xa

Elm Branch 38.6925 94.7446 38.7063 94.8004 48 GP E b

Elm Branch 38.5360 94.7717 38.4748 94.8122 53 GP E b

Elm Cr 38.3398 94.9569 38.3590 94.8275 40 GP S C

Hushpuckney Cr 38.4373 94.9339 38.4043 94.8671 37 GP E b

Jake Branch 38.5513 94.7098 38.5016 94.7132 54 GP E b

Jordan Branch 38.4475 94.9164 38.4758 94.9108 36 GP E b

Little Bull Cr 38.8253 94.8945 38.7373 94.8649 51 GP E X X X X XXC

Little Sugar Cr 38.1120 95.0110 38.2407 94.7425 33 GP E XB

Little Sugar Cr, N Fk 38.0784 94.9639 38.1394 94.9145 43 GP E b

Marais Des Cygnes R 38.2355 94.6835 38.2186 94.6122 4 EX S X X X X XXB

Marais Des Cygnes R 38.2777 94.7194 38.2355 94.6835 5 EX S X X X X XXB

Marais Des Cygnes R 38.2788 94.7213 38.2777 94.7194 11 EX S X X X X XXB

Marais Des Cygnes R 38.3665 94.8102 38.2788 94.7213 15 EX S X X X X XXB

Marais Des Cygnes R 38.4758 94.9108 38.3665 94.8102 16 EX S X X X X XXC

Marais Des Cygnes R 38.4892 94.9196 38.4758 94.9108 29 EX S X X X X XXC

Martin Cr 38.7704 95.0636 38.7639 94.9810 99 GP E b

Middle Cr 38.4889 94.7459 38.2788 94.7213 12 EX S X X X X XXB

Middle Cr 38.5238 94.6263 38.4889 94.7459 13 GP E XB

Middle Cr 38.3436 95.0945 38.3665 94.8102 30 GP S C

Mine Cr 38.1160 94.8035 38.2044 94.6119 1244 GP E C

Mound Cr 38.3890 95.0525 38.3926 94.9582 35 GP E b


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: LOWER MARAIS DES CYGNES (HUC 10290102)Muddy Cr 38.1782 94.7482 38.2234 94.6691 46 EX S X X X X XXb

Richland Cr 38.3148 94.8659 38.2513 94.8144 41 GP S b

Rock Cr 38.7668 95.1068 38.7001 94.9971 27 GP E Xb

Smith Branch 38.7341 94.9176 38.7017 94.9390 47 GP E Xb

Spring Cr 38.7777 94.8165 38.7265 94.8698 50 GP E X X X X XXa

Sugar Cr 38.2447 95.1679 38.2045 94.9977 42 GP E XC

Sugar Cr, North 38.3380 94.6473 38.2777 94.7194 6 EX S X X X X XXB

Sugar Cr, North 38.4643 94.6126 38.4102 94.6566 10 GP E X X X X XXB

Sugar Cr, North 38.3152 95.0727 38.2390 94.9207 39 GP E X X X X XXC

Sweetwater Cr 38.7679 94.8012 38.6940 94.8193 49 GP E X X X X XXC

Tenmile Cr 38.7473 94.7156 38.6332 94.8754 25 GP E X X X X XXb

Turkey Cr 38.1872 94.9106 38.2352 94.8471 45 GP E b

Unnamed Stream 38.6836 94.7491 38.6522 94.7326 754 GP S X X X O OXC

Walnut Cr 38.5384 94.7371 38.4889 94.7459 14 GP E b

Walnut Cr 38.1127 94.6673 38.1192 94.6135 34 GP E b

Walnut Cr 38.6165 94.9859 38.5774 94.8928 52 GP E b

Wea Cr, North 38.7447 94.6753 38.6028 94.7841 21 GP E XC

Wea Cr, South 38.5645 94.8459 38.5484 94.8594 18 GP E Xb

Wea Cr, South 38.6030 94.7840 38.5645 94.8459 19 GP E XC

Wea Cr, South 38.5909 94.6323 38.6030 94.7840 20 GP E XC

SUBBASIN: LITTLE OSAGE (HUC 10290103)Clever Cr 37.9503 94.7923 38.0206 94.7551 7 GP E b

Elk Cr 38.1038 94.8572 38.0210 94.7714 11 GP E XC

Fish Cr 37.9460 94.7715 38.0096 94.7043 8 GP E C

Indian Cr 38.1093 94.6775 38.0018 94.6409 12 GP E b

Irish Cr 38.0861 94.9824 38.0185 95.0041 202 GP E b

Laberdie Cr, East 38.0958 94.7064 38.0196 94.7222 13 GP E b

Limestone Cr 37.9265 95.1000 37.9876 94.9568 5 GP E XC

Little Osage R 38.0257 95.0892 37.9918 94.6140 3 GP S X X X X XXB

Little Osage R, Middle Fk 38.0461 95.2145 38.0257 95.0892 36 GP S X X X X XXC

Little Osage R, N Fk 38.1142 95.1489 38.0257 95.0892 220 GP E C

Little Osage R, S Fk 37.9511 95.2057 38.0061 95.0770 249 GP E b

Lost Cr 38.0674 94.9383 38.0173 94.7978 10 GP E b

Owl Cr 38.0791 94.9802 38.0187 94.9903 9 GP E b

Reagan Branch 37.9378 94.9481 37.9840 94.9351 6 GP E b

SUBBASIN: MARMATON (HUC 10290104)Bone Cr 37.5976 94.8023 37.6695 94.7120 9019 GP E b

Buck Run 37.7358 94.7170 37.6956 94.6176 46 GP E C

Bunion Cr 37.7208 94.8785 37.7872 94.8998 39 GP E C


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: MARMATON (HUC 10290104)Cedar Cr 37.8721 94.8401 37.8172 94.7919 41 GP E Xb

Cox Cr 37.5580 94.6609 37.6849 94.6217 324 GP E C

Drywood Cr, Moores Branch 37.7893 94.7029 37.7829 94.6171 17 GP E C

Drywood Cr, W Fk 37.6695 94.7120 37.6857 94.6177 19 GP E C

Drywood Cr, W Fk 37.6183 94.8310 37.6706 94.7153 323 GP E B

Elm Cr 37.7290 94.8674 37.7810 94.8277 15 GP E b

Hinton Cr 37.7360 95.0584 37.7702 94.9594 38 GP E C

Lath Branch 37.8172 94.6755 37.8522 94.6554 42 GP E b

Little Mill Cr 37.9586 94.8247 37.9081 94.8131 34 GP E C

Marmaton R 37.8522 94.6554 37.8512 94.6161 5 GP S X X X X XXC

Marmaton R 37.8486 94.7031 37.8486 94.7031 7 GP S X X X X XXB

Marmaton R 37.8107 94.7806 37.8284 94.7271 8 GP S X X X X XXB

Marmaton R 37.8027 94.8152 37.8107 94.7806 11 GP S X X X X XXC

Marmaton R 37.9334 95.1627 37.8027 94.8152 12 GP S X X X X XXC

Mill Cr 37.9302 94.9240 37.8486 94.7031 6 GP E XC

Owl Cr 37.6941 94.9241 37.7456 94.9543 45 GP E b

Paint Cr 37.7917 94.8241 37.8027 94.8152 13 GP E XC

Paint Cr 37.7037 94.9656 37.7917 94.8241 14 GP E XC

Pawnee Cr 37.6393 94.8900 37.7810 94.8277 313 GP E C

Prong Cr 37.7169 94.9893 37.7327 94.9652 44 GP E b

Robinson Branch 37.8738 94.8747 37.8251 94.8665 40 GP E b

Shiloh Cr 37.9492 94.6726 37.8907 94.6152 36 GP E b

Sweet Branch 37.9219 95.1055 37.8743 95.1078 30 GP E b

Tennyson Cr 37.8828 95.0267 37.8287 95.0017 31 GP E C

Turkey Cr 37.9185 94.9955 37.8464 94.9496 33 GP E b

Walnut Cr 37.8998 94.9112 37.8359 94.9019 32 GP E b

Walnut Cr 37.7217 94.7440 37.6839 94.6960 47 GP E C

Wolfpen Cr 37.7432 95.0819 37.8035 95.0618 37 GP E b

Wolverine Cr 37.9330 94.7185 37.8653 94.6844 35 GP E C

SUBBASIN: SOUTH GRAND (HUC 10290108)Harless Cr 38.5934 94.6232 38.6015 94.6115 67 GP E b

Pony Cr 38.6751 94.6370 38.6433 94.6107 48 GP E b


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: TARKIO-WOLF (HUC 10240005)Cedar Cr 39.8329 95.2847 39.9476 95.2505 51 GP E C

Cold Ryan Branch 39.7447 95.1940 39.7862 95.2244 70 GP E b

Coon Cr 39.7759 95.1223 39.8373 95.1689 71 GP E

Halling Cr 39.6992 95.3225 39.7757 95.2890 68 GP E b

Mill Cr 39.8617 95.2887 39.9454 95.2458 52 GP E

Mission Cr 39.8426 95.2828 39.9020 95.2003 339 GP E X X X X XXb

Missouri R 39.9000 95.1896 39.9008 94.9659 1 GP S X X X X XXB

Missouri R 39.9482 95.2489 39.9000 95.1896 2 GP S X X X X XXB

Missouri R 40.0000 95.3081 39.9903 95.3077 19 GP S X X X X XXB

Missouri R 39.9903 95.3077 39.9482 95.2489 21 GP S X X X X XXB

Mosquito Cr 39.7692 95.1010 39.8620 95.0901 73 GP E C

Rittenhouse Branch 39.8251 95.2658 39.8029 95.2124 69 GP E b

Spring Cr 39.9243 95.3367 39.9130 95.3024 65 GP E b

Striker Branch 39.8429 95.2429 39.8591 95.1844 72 GP E b

Unnamed Stream 39.8445 95.3547 39.8080 95.3827 55 GP E X X XXb

Unnamed Stream 39.8600 95.5322 39.8120 95.4596 240 GP E b

Wolf R 39.8051 95.3785 39.8989 95.1909 53 GP E X X X X XXC

Wolf R 39.8080 95.3827 39.8051 95.3785 54 GP E X X X X XXb

Wolf R 39.7940 95.6407 39.8080 95.3827 56 GP E X X X X XXb

Wolf R, Middle Fk 39.7416 95.5489 39.8118 95.4446 67 GP E X X X X XXC

Wolf R, N Fk 39.8371 95.5598 39.8053 95.4809 66 GP E X X X X XXC

Wolf R, S Fk 39.6500 95.3410 39.8051 95.3785 57 GP E X X X X XXb

SUBBASIN: SOUTH FORK BIG NEMAHA (HUC 10240007)Big Nemaha R, S Fk 39.9531 96.0353 40.0008 96.0374 3 GP S X X X X XXb

Big Nemaha R, S Fk 39.9189 96.0323 39.9531 96.0353 15 GP S X X X X XXC

Big Nemaha R, S Fk 39.6622 96.0288 39.9189 96.0323 16 GP S X X X X XXa

Burger Cr 39.9874 96.1111 39.9427 96.0756 24 GP E b

Clear Cr 39.9546 96.3388 39.9612 96.1280 132 GP E b

Deer Cr 39.9326 95.8480 39.9189 96.0323 18 GP E b

Fisher Cr 39.7867 96.1179 39.8228 96.0602 28 GP E b

Harris Cr 39.8717 95.8965 39.9102 96.0315 166 GP E b

Honey Cr 39.9786 95.8642 40.0004 95.8341 26 GP E X X X X XXb

Illinois Cr 39.6844 96.0491 39.7823 96.0493 30 GP E Xb

Manley Cr 39.9836 96.3411 39.9652 96.2159 14 GP S X X X X XXb

Rattlesnake Cr 39.9806 95.8718 40.0006 95.8555 27 GP E X Xb

Rock Cr 39.9437 95.8620 40.0003 95.7968 20 GP E b

Tennessee Cr 39.7309 95.9404 39.8066 96.0602 29 GP E b

Turkey Cr 39.9757 96.1461 39.9531 96.0353 4 GP E X

Turkey Cr 40.0008 96.1465 39.9757 96.1461 5 GP E Xb

Unnamed Stream 39.9632 95.9805 40.0002 95.9712 212 GP E b


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: SOUTH FORK BIG NEMAHA (HUC 10240007)Wildcat Cr 40.0008 96.2419 40.0009 96.2234 22 GP E b

Wildcat Cr 39.8335 96.1557 39.8782 96.0432 23 GP E b

Wolf Cr 39.9652 96.2159 39.9757 96.1461 12 GP E X X X X XXb

Wolf Cr 40.0009 96.3007 39.9652 96.2159 13 GP E X X X X XXb

Wolf Pen Cr 39.9554 95.9130 39.9213 95.9885 25 GP E b

SUBBASIN: BIG NEMAHA (HUC 10240008)Noharts Cr 39.9154 95.4650 39.9757 95.4744 42 GP E b

Pedee Cr 40.0006 95.7284 39.9754 95.6834 41 GP E

Pony Cr 39.9131 95.8005 40.0003 95.6274 38 GP E X

Roys Cr 39.9006 95.4903 39.9753 95.3821 40 GP E X

Terrapin Cr 39.9191 95.7361 39.9047 95.5884 308 GP E Xb

Walnut Cr 39.8145 95.6908 40.0001 95.5648 39 GP E Xb

SUBBASIN: INDEPENDENCE-SUGAR (HUC 10240011)Brush Cr 39.7543 95.0662 39.6681 95.0272 26 GP E b

Corral Cr 39.3398 94.9438 39.3346 94.9099 175 GP E O X O O XOb

Deer Cr 39.5693 95.2456 39.6211 95.0985 32 GP E C

Fairfax Drain Ditch 39.1405 94.6225 39.1536 94.6312 9098 GP R b

Fivemile Cr 39.2979 94.9685 39.3013 94.9022 35 GP E a

Independence Cr 39.6361 95.1051 39.5798 95.1016 20 GP E X X X X XXC

Independence Cr 39.6709 95.3341 39.6361 95.1051 22 GP E X X X X XXC

Independence Cr, N Br 39.6901 95.2889 39.6691 95.2020 29 GP E b

Island Cr 39.1792 94.8948 39.2056 94.8138 37 GP E X X X X XXC

Jersey Cr 39.1219 94.6706 39.1208 94.6077 38 GP R X X X X XXa

Jordan Cr 39.7368 95.1511 39.6593 95.1877 30 GP E C

Missouri R 39.3014 94.9007 39.1152 94.6083 1 GP S X X X X XXB

Missouri R 39.3924 94.8890 39.3014 94.9007 2 GP S X X X X XXB

Missouri R 39.4284 94.9777 39.3924 94.8890 4 GP S X X X X XXB

Missouri R 39.4699 95.0440 39.4284 94.9777 5 GP S X X X X XXB

Missouri R 39.4996 95.0521 39.4699 95.0440 7 GP S X X X X XXB

Missouri R 39.5129 95.0765 39.4996 95.0521 9 GP S X X X X XXB

Missouri R 39.5790 95.1016 39.5129 95.0765 11 GP S X X X X XXB

Missouri R 39.7317 94.9706 39.5790 95.1016 13 GP S X X X X XXB

Missouri R 39.8265 94.8790 39.7317 94.9706 15 GP S X X X X XXB

Missouri R 39.9008 94.9659 39.8265 94.8790 19 GP S X X X X XXB

Missouri R 39.1153 94.6078 39.1145 94.6074 9099 GP S X X X X XXB

Nine Mile Cr 39.2355 94.9565 39.2627 94.8763 161 GP E Xb

Owl Cr 39.4338 95.0855 39.4697 95.0452 33 GP E C

Peters Cr 39.7721 95.0727 39.7465 94.9482 27 GP E XC

Quarry Cr 39.3538 94.9354 39.3523 94.9113 176 GP E b


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: INDEPENDENCE-SUGAR (HUC 10240011)Rock Cr 39.7595 95.1249 39.6361 95.1051 21 GP E C

Salt Cr 39.3027 95.0274 39.3890 94.9433 34 GP S XC

Seven Mile Cr 39.2376 94.9713 39.2243 94.8364 157 GP E Xb

Smith Cr 39.8438 94.9681 39.8491 94.9378 28 GP E b

Sorter Cr 39.1529 94.7329 39.1712 94.7063 142 GP E X X X X XXb

Threemile Cr 39.3180 94.9683 39.3151 94.9072 36 GP E a

Walnut Cr 39.5155 95.1848 39.4998 95.0529 23 GP E C

Walnut Cr 39.7618 95.0539 39.7325 94.9710 25 GP E b

Whiskey Cr 39.5184 95.1395 39.5347 95.1109 235 GP E b

White Clay Cr 39.5244 95.1863 39.5587 95.1287 31 GP E B

White Clay Cr 39.5587 95.1287 39.5591 95.1141 9031 GP R b

SUBBASIN: LOWER MISSOURI-CROOKED (HUC 10300101)Blue R 38.8285 94.6347 38.8606 94.6083 33 GP E X X X X XXB

Brush Cr 38.9952 94.6222 39.0334 94.6072 54 GP E X X X X XXB

Camp Branch 38.7443 94.6635 38.8285 94.6347 56 GP E X X X X XXb

Coffee Cr 38.8221 94.8021 38.8084 94.6806 57 GP E X X X X XXB

Dyke Branch 38.9759 94.6316 38.9652 94.6078 55 GP E X X X X XXB

Indian Cr 38.8995 94.7563 38.9383 94.6078 32 GP E X X X X XXB

Negro Cr 38.8467 94.6926 38.8606 94.6083 58 GP E X X X X XXB

Tomahawk Cr 38.8674 94.7566 38.9305 94.6206 53 GP E X X X X XXB

Wolf Cr 38.8134 94.8116 38.8084 94.6806 1102 GP E X X X X XXB


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: NEOSHO HEADWATERS (HUC 11070201)Allen Cr 38.4417 96.1870 38.4292 96.1635 3 GP E XC

Allen Cr 38.6883 96.2264 38.4417 96.1870 5 GP E XC

Badger Cr 38.5245 96.0882 38.3941 96.0605 45 GP E XC

Big John Cr 38.7434 96.4043 38.6191 96.4403 37 GP E

Bluff Cr 38.7422 96.2080 38.6312 96.3681 8 GP E XC

Crooked Cr 38.6826 96.6720 38.7461 96.6370 35 GP E Xb

Dows Cr 38.6468 96.1873 38.4417 96.1870 4 GP E X

Eagle Cr 38.2610 96.2110 38.2805 95.8764 25 GP E Xb

Eagle Cr, South 38.2171 96.1428 38.2665 96.0409 47 GP E b

East Cr 38.5364 96.6275 38.5708 96.5635 39 GP E C

Elm Cr 38.6644 96.6661 38.6528 96.4831 36 GP E Xa

Four Mile Cr 38.6399 96.6966 38.6205 96.4563 24 GP E Xb

Fourmile Cr 38.1793 96.0163 38.2680 95.9473 48 GP E XC

Haun Cr 38.6383 96.7165 38.7515 96.6499 29 GP E

Horse Cr 38.8203 96.3218 38.7479 96.3126 33 GP E b

Kahola Cr 38.5344 96.5093 38.5356 96.3323 43 GP E C

Lairds Cr 38.8605 96.5870 38.7317 96.5809 30 GP E b

Lanos Cr 38.8603 96.5552 38.7159 96.5434 21 GP E Xb

Lebo Cr 38.4114 95.8447 38.2965 95.9050 51 GP E C

Level Cr 38.7097 96.8047 38.7609 96.7354 9023 GP E X X X X XXb

Munkers Cr 38.8313 96.3535 38.7300 96.4997 18 GP E X X X X XXC

Munkers Cr, E Br 38.8258 96.3282 38.7934 96.4085 31 GP E X

Munkers Cr, Middle Br 38.8092 96.3917 38.7722 96.4535 32 GP E X XX

Neosho R 38.2805 95.8764 38.2751 95.8451 1 GP S X X X X XXB

Neosho R 38.4292 96.1635 38.3846 96.0520 2 GP S X X X X XXC

Neosho R 38.5356 96.3323 38.4292 96.1635 6 GP S X X X X XXC

Neosho R 38.6528 96.4831 38.5728 96.3811 10 GP S X X X X XXC

Neosho R 38.6788 96.5072 38.6528 96.4831 11 GP S X X X X XXB

Neosho R 38.7739 96.7596 38.7142 96.5518 23 GP E X X X X XXC

Neosho R 38.3846 96.0520 38.2805 95.8764 26 GP S X X X X XXB

Neosho R, W Fk 38.6696 96.7921 38.7613 96.7119 28 GP E X X X X XX

Parkers Cr 38.8255 96.6824 38.7615 96.6671 27 GP E b

Plum Cr 38.4301 95.9555 38.3439 95.9779 50 GP E b

Plumb Cr 38.5090 96.0968 38.4251 96.1198 49 GP E b

Rock Cr 38.6312 96.3681 38.5728 96.3811 7 GP E XC

Rock Cr 38.8138 96.2042 38.6312 96.3681 9 GP E XC

Rock Cr, E Br 38.8226 96.2294 38.7548 96.3036 34 GP E C

Spring Cr 38.5428 96.5322 38.5990 96.5118 40 GP E

Stillman Cr 38.5540 96.1768 38.4674 96.1692 44 GP E

Taylor Cr 38.5174 96.1007 38.4360 96.1623 46 GP E

Unnamed Stream 38.6403 96.6644 38.6242 96.6108 946 GP E


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: NEOSHO HEADWATERS (HUC 11070201)Walker Branch 38.5695 96.4563 38.5858 96.4038 42 GP E b

Wolf Cr 38.5420 96.4984 38.6005 96.4905 41 GP E b

Wrights Cr 38.6417 96.2812 38.5508 96.3474 38 GP E

SUBBASIN: UPPER COTTONWOOD (HUC 11070202)Antelope Cr 38.2214 97.2584 38.3232 97.1470 19 GP E C

Bills Cr 38.0755 96.8655 38.1517 96.7960 30 GP E b

Bruno Cr 38.3663 96.8893 38.2606 96.8340 27 GP E X

Catlin Cr 38.2427 97.1491 38.2685 96.9741 20 GP S XC

Cedar Cr 38.0989 96.6456 38.2610 96.7923 22 EX S X X X X XXC

Clear Cr 38.3635 97.0165 38.3386 97.0213 4 GP E X X X X XXB

Clear Cr 38.5950 96.9157 38.3635 97.0165 5 GP E X X X X XXb

Clear Cr, E Br 38.5291 96.9000 38.4366 96.9625 24 GP E X X X X XXb

Coon Cr 38.2232 96.6871 38.2414 96.8121 32 GP E C

Cottonwood R 38.2392 96.9138 38.2626 96.7885 1 GP E X X X X XXB

Cottonwood R 38.2685 96.9741 38.2392 96.9138 2 GP E X X X X XXC

Cottonwood R 38.3386 97.0213 38.2685 96.9741 3 GP E X X X X XXC

Cottonwood R 38.3568 97.0701 38.3386 97.0213 7 GP E X X X X XXC

Cottonwood R 38.3693 97.0846 38.3568 97.0701 8 GP E X X X X XXC

Cottonwood R, North 38.3850 97.3684 38.4545 97.1941 14 GP E X X X X XXC

Cottonwood R, South 38.3232 97.1470 38.3568 97.0701 17 GP E X X X X XXb

Cottonwood R, South 38.4055 97.3418 38.3232 97.1470 18 GP E X X X X XXb

Doyle Cr 38.2145 97.2555 38.2392 96.9138 21 GP E X X X X XXC

Dry Cr 38.3856 97.4232 38.4258 97.3765 401 GP E O X O O OOb

French Cr 38.4336 97.3255 38.3859 97.1678 16 GP E XXb

Mud Cr 38.5683 97.1668 38.3635 97.0165 6 GP S XXC

Perry Cr 38.4259 97.3336 38.5110 97.3036 23 GP E b

Spring Branch 38.2508 97.1636 38.3060 97.0153 26 GP E b

Spring Cr 38.2208 97.2058 38.1615 97.1050 28 GP E XC

Spring Cr 38.1206 96.9239 38.2345 96.9342 29 GP S XC

Stony Brook 38.2404 97.3130 38.3147 97.2619 25 GP E b

Turkey Cr 38.0889 96.8730 38.1893 96.8206 31 GP E C

Unnamed Stream 38.3364 97.2173 38.3189 97.1667 456 GP E C

SUBBASIN: LOWER COTTONWOOD (HUC 11070203)Beaver Cr 38.4714 96.3480 38.4098 96.3335 29 GP E b

Bloody Cr 38.2408 96.4023 38.3706 96.4473 40 GP S XC

Buck Cr 38.3169 96.6116 38.3710 96.5250 39 GP E

Buckeye Cr 38.4970 96.4710 38.4041 96.3683 44 GP E Xb

Bull Cr 38.4576 96.4519 38.3929 96.3785 26 GP E b

Camp Cr 38.5760 96.8962 38.5807 96.8123 14 GP E


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SUBBASIN: LOWER COTTONWOOD (HUC 11070203)Cannonball Cr 38.0955 96.4066 38.0796 96.4830 745 GP E b

Coal Cr 38.2837 96.2360 38.3647 96.0812 43 GP E Xb

Collett Cr 38.4691 96.7467 38.3954 96.7070 21 GP S b

Corn Cr 38.1625 96.4962 38.1682 96.5545 47 GP E

Cottonwood R 38.3638 96.4778 38.3783 96.0675 1 GP S X X X X XXC

Cottonwood R 38.3911 96.6247 38.3638 96.4778 2 GP S X X X X XXB

Cottonwood R 38.3777 96.6342 38.3911 96.6247 4 GP S X X X X XXB

Cottonwood R 38.2626 96.7885 38.3777 96.6342 6 GP S X X X X XXB

Cottonwood R, S Fk 38.1041 96.5417 38.3638 96.4778 9 EX S X X X X XXC

Cottonwood R, S Fk 38.0252 96.5316 38.1041 96.5417 10 EX S X X X X XXb

Coyne Branch 38.2271 96.6886 38.2867 96.7427 33 GP E b

Crocker Cr 38.1549 96.6429 38.1815 96.5624 46 GP E C

Diamond Cr 38.6414 96.7396 38.3911 96.6247 3 GP E X X X X XXb

Dodds Cr 38.6288 96.7111 38.5459 96.7404 15 GP E b

Dry Cr 38.2796 96.2590 38.3713 96.1390 42 GP E O X O O OOb

Fox Cr 38.5245 96.6266 38.3939 96.5508 19 GP E X XB

French Cr 38.3620 96.8280 38.2725 96.7692 32 GP E b

Gannon Cr 38.4765 96.5919 38.4166 96.6498 24 GP E

Gould Cr 38.3739 96.7055 38.3477 96.6675 36 GP E b

Holmes Cr 38.2759 96.6780 38.3210 96.6901 35 GP E b

Jacob Cr 38.2753 96.3451 38.3992 96.3623 28 GP S Xb

Kirk Cr 38.1959 96.6202 38.2128 96.5629 48 GP E b

Little Cedar Cr 38.0594 96.4262 38.1041 96.5417 11 GP E

Little Cedar Cr 38.1316 96.4211 38.1540 96.5535 45 GP S

Mercer Cr 38.0793 96.5921 38.1499 96.5557 716 GP E C

Middle Cr 38.5543 96.8850 38.3777 96.6342 5 GP S XC

Mile-and-a-Half Cr 38.6600 96.7962 38.5643 96.7663 13 GP E

Moon Cr 38.4689 96.3025 38.3968 96.2734 31 GP E b

Mulvane Cr 38.4991 96.6398 38.4387 96.6643 22 GP E b

Palmer Cr 38.5127 96.6272 38.4892 96.5643 403 GP E a

Peyton Cr 38.4987 96.5086 38.3813 96.4205 25 GP E XC

Phenis Cr 38.2845 96.3005 38.3862 96.2631 30 GP E b

Pickett Cr 38.4932 96.7688 38.5011 96.7050 18 GP E

Prather Cr 38.3298 96.6147 38.3855 96.5463 23 GP E b

Rock Cr 38.1768 96.6535 38.2646 96.5366 37 GP E XC

Schaffer Cr 38.5507 96.6494 38.4784 96.6907 17 GP E b

School Cr 38.5730 96.6781 38.5149 96.7111 16 GP E b

Sharpes Cr 38.1482 96.4427 38.2733 96.5180 38 GP E b

Silver Cr 38.3690 96.7870 38.3079 96.7181 34 GP E b

Six Mile Cr 38.6296 96.8907 38.5602 96.7548 452 GP S X X X X XXC

Spring Cr 38.3200 96.4043 38.3745 96.4302 41 GP E


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SUBBASIN: LOWER COTTONWOOD (HUC 11070203)Stout Run 38.4427 96.5152 38.3683 96.4840 27 GP E b

Stribby Cr 38.5114 96.7942 38.4085 96.7845 20 GP E b

SUBBASIN: UPPER NEOSHO (HUC 11070204)Badger Cr 38.1975 95.6021 38.1493 95.6545 42 GP E b

Big Cr 37.9067 95.1720 37.6256 95.3366 2 GP E XC

Big Cr 38.0946 95.7266 38.0706 95.6692 14 GP E XXC

Big Cr, North 38.1563 96.0018 38.0946 95.7266 16 GP E C

Big Cr, South 37.9864 95.9420 38.0946 95.7266 17 GP E XC

Bloody Run 37.8795 95.5196 37.8111 95.4935 25 GP S b

Carlyle Cr 38.0650 95.3665 37.9837 95.3923 47 GP E b

Charles Branch 37.8749 95.3959 37.8228 95.3910 27 GP E b

Cherry Cr 37.9988 95.7053 37.8498 95.5757 20 GP E Xb

Coal Cr 37.8612 95.2591 37.7691 95.4505 4 GP E Xb

Cottonwood Cr 38.0217 95.4163 37.9651 95.4139 48 GP E Xb

Crooked Cr 38.2608 95.5670 38.0615 95.6252 44 GP E Xb

Deer Cr 38.1207 95.1558 37.9508 95.4421 9 GP E X X X X XXC

Dinner Cr 38.1347 95.9731 38.0636 95.8565 823 GP E XC

Draw Cr 37.7163 95.3601 37.6541 95.3423 34 GP E b

Elm Cr 37.9490 95.2096 37.8997 95.4202 1050 GP E B

Goose Cr 37.8167 95.2684 37.7411 95.2754 29 GP E b

Indian Cr 38.1427 95.4616 37.9796 95.5000 924 GP E C

Little Indian Cr 38.1559 95.5296 38.0639 95.4796 939 GP S b

Little Turkey Cr 37.6545 95.4572 37.6403 95.4166 397 GP E X X X X XXb

Long Cr 38.3660 95.6097 38.1067 95.6675 12 GP E X X X X XXC

Martin Cr 38.0882 95.3778 37.9816 95.4794 49 GP E XC

Mud Cr 37.7827 95.5161 37.7765 95.4510 26 GP E b

Mud Cr 37.8569 95.2423 37.7919 95.2212 31 GP E b

Neosho R 37.6254 95.3371 37.6180 95.3395 1 GP S X X X X XXB

Neosho R 37.7688 95.4510 37.6254 95.3371 3 GP S X X X X XXB

Neosho R 37.7907 95.4494 37.7688 95.4510 5 GP S X X X X XXB

Neosho R 37.8997 95.4209 37.7907 95.4494 6 GP S X X X X XXB

Neosho R 37.9508 95.4426 37.8997 95.4209 8 GP S X X X X XXB

Neosho R 38.0706 95.6695 37.9508 95.4426 10 GP S X X X X XXB

Neosho R 38.1067 95.6675 38.0706 95.6692 11 GP S X X X X XXB

Neosho R 38.2428 95.7565 38.1068 95.6678 13 GP S X X X X XXB

Onion Cr 37.9184 95.5083 37.8459 95.4725 24 GP S b

Owl Cr 37.8498 95.5757 37.7905 95.4497 19 GP E b

Owl Cr 37.9261 95.8795 37.8498 95.5757 21 GP E b

Owl Cr, South 37.8657 95.7501 37.8506 95.5797 552 GP S b

Plum Cr 37.9417 95.5956 37.8658 95.5878 22 GP E b


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: UPPER NEOSHO (HUC 11070204)Rock Cr 37.9679 95.2059 37.9117 95.3889 7 GP E Xb

Rock Cr 38.1682 95.8159 38.1905 95.7338 15 GP E Xa

Rock Cr 37.9499 95.5959 37.9767 95.5159 23 GP E Xb

School Cr 38.3476 95.6434 38.2988 95.6353 38 GP E b

Scott Cr 38.2834 95.5752 38.1831 95.6415 40 GP E b

Slack Cr 37.8038 95.3076 37.8016 95.4018 30 GP E C

Spring Cr 38.1234 95.5168 38.0064 95.5499 46 GP E Xb

Sutton Cr 37.7422 95.3652 37.7083 95.4127 35 GP E b

Turkey Branch 37.7666 95.3388 37.7085 95.3140 28 GP E b

Turkey Cr 37.9188 95.8860 38.0700 95.6691 18 GP E XC

Turkey Cr 37.6062 95.5280 37.6351 95.4126 32 GP E XC

Twiss Cr 38.1217 95.5241 38.0276 95.5758 45 GP E b

Varvel Cr 38.1154 95.8989 38.0691 95.8294 43 GP E b

Village Cr 37.6316 95.5992 37.7085 95.4175 33 GP E Xb

Wolf Cr 38.3284 95.6732 38.1472 95.7057 37 GP S b

SUBBASIN: MIDDLE NEOSHO (HUC 11070205)Bachelor Cr 37.4466 95.2293 37.5007 95.2100 40 GP E Xb

Bachelor Cr 37.2973 95.4096 37.2801 95.2244 396 GP E b

Canville Cr 37.7405 95.0962 37.5628 95.2974 16 GP E Xb

Center Cr 37.1526 94.9253 37.0978 95.0446 25 GP E b

Cherry Cr 37.3188 94.8316 37.0789 95.0696 4 GP E XC

Deer Cr 37.2321 95.2978 37.1034 95.1942 27 GP E Xb

Denny Branch 37.1753 94.8808 37.1759 94.9729 31 GP E b

Downey Cr 37.5404 95.0898 37.5034 95.1538 731 GP E a

Elk Cr 37.5000 95.4632 37.5961 95.3252 19 GP E Xb

Elm Cr 37.5416 94.9546 37.4666 94.9210 43 GP E Xb

Flat Rock Cr 37.5585 95.1309 37.5006 95.1574 12 GP S Xb

Flat Rock Cr 37.7063 95.0214 37.5585 95.1309 14 GP E Xb

Fly Cr 37.1041 94.8498 37.0128 95.0471 1 GP E XC

Fourmile Cr 37.6614 95.1554 37.5338 95.2125 49 GP E b

Grindstone Cr 37.4849 94.9780 37.4248 94.9381 42 GP E b

Hackberry Cr 37.0844 95.3532 37.0976 95.2033 460 GP E C

Hickory Cr 37.5364 94.9791 37.3379 95.1043 10 GP E Xb

Labette Cr 37.0991 95.1556 37.0483 95.0820 20 GP S X X X X XXC

Labette Cr 37.3102 95.2385 37.0991 95.1556 21 GP E X X X X XXC

Labette Cr 37.4785 95.4584 37.3102 95.2385 22 GP E X X X X XXB

Lake Cr 37.0038 95.2898 37.0991 95.1556 24 GP E XC

Lightning Cr 37.3495 94.9584 37.1765 95.0715 6 GP E X

Lightning Cr 37.6253 94.9010 37.3495 94.9584 8 GP E X

Limestone Cr 37.4274 94.8238 37.3495 94.9584 7 GP E b


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SUBBASIN: MIDDLE NEOSHO (HUC 11070205)Little Cherry Cr 37.3069 94.8043 37.2180 94.9426 32 GP E C

Little Elk Cr 37.5053 95.4207 37.5683 95.4054 47 GP E b

Little Fly Cr 37.0518 94.9468 37.0333 95.0192 26 GP E b

Little Labette Cr 37.4546 95.4360 37.3102 95.2385 23 GP E Xa

Little Walnut Cr 37.6910 95.0313 37.5665 95.0927 46 GP E b

Litup Cr 37.3555 95.0287 37.2832 95.1037 36 GP E b

Mulberry Cr 37.4412 94.9854 37.3335 94.9652 35 GP E b

Murphy Cr 37.5180 95.0521 37.4731 95.1298 41 GP E b

Neosho R 37.0481 95.0818 36.9995 95.0350 2 EX S X X X X XXB

Neosho R 37.0788 95.0702 37.0481 95.0818 3 EX S X X X X XXB

Neosho R 37.1764 95.0720 37.0788 95.0702 5 EX S X X X X XXB

Neosho R 37.3377 95.1045 37.1764 95.0720 9 GP S X X X X XXB

Neosho R 37.5001 95.1581 37.3377 95.1045 11 GP S X X X X XXB

Neosho R 37.5733 95.3109 37.5001 95.1581 15 GP S X X X X XXB

Neosho R 37.6180 95.3395 37.5733 95.3109 17 GP S X X X X XXB

Ogeese Cr 37.4909 95.3550 37.5144 95.2294 38 GP E C

Pecan Cr 37.6615 95.2683 37.6031 95.2949 45 GP E b

Plum Cr 37.3084 94.9236 37.3069 94.9957 34 GP E b

Rock Cr 37.5198 95.3684 37.5731 95.3109 48 GP E b

Spring Cr 37.2325 95.2870 37.2063 95.1986 30 GP E Xb

Stink Branch 37.2818 94.9746 37.2588 95.0414 37 GP E b

Thunderbolt Cr 37.5161 94.8494 37.4142 94.9309 44 GP E B

Tolen Cr 37.4113 95.2212 37.3490 95.2519 39 GP E a

Town Cr 37.0365 95.1596 37.0208 95.0624 28 GP E a

Turkey Cr 37.0000 95.2156 37.0848 95.1325 29 GP E X Xb

Unnamed Stream 37.2874 95.1780 37.2466 95.2020 298 GP E X X X X XXb

Unnamed Stream 37.3085 95.1907 37.2862 95.2208 303 GP E X X X X XXb

Unnamed Stream 37.3188 95.1992 37.2892 95.2205 304 GP E X X X X XXb

Unnamed Stream 37.3240 95.2018 37.3047 95.2266 305 GP E X X X X XXb

Walnut Cr 37.6553 94.9746 37.5585 95.1309 13 GP E Xb

Wolf Cr 37.3576 94.8345 37.3559 94.9106 33 GP E X X X X XXb

SUBBASIN: LAKE O' THE CHEROKEES (HUC 11070206)Fourmile Cr 37.0725 94.8812 36.9992 94.9315 18 GP E

Tar Cr 37.0666 94.8439 36.9989 94.8520 19 GP E X X O O XOb

SUBBASIN: SPRING (HUC 11070207)Brush Cr 37.2214 94.8215 37.0619 94.7280 23 GP E Xb

Brush Cr 37.3750 94.7928 37.2968 94.6799 26 GP S Xb

Clear Cr 37.5785 94.7594 37.5117 94.8090 28 GP E b

Cow Cr 37.6051 94.8457 37.1985 94.6374 16 GP S X X X X XXB


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SUBBASIN: SPRING (HUC 11070207)Cow Cr, East 37.5052 94.6556 37.3576 94.6842 24 GP S b

First Cow Cr 37.5437 94.7269 37.3873 94.7218 27 GP S B

Little Shawnee Cr 37.2866 94.7859 37.1792 94.6967 22 GP E X

Long Branch 37.2898 94.7337 37.2424 94.6675 21 GP E Xb

Shawnee Cr 37.2499 94.7998 37.0914 94.6857 17 GP E XC

Shoal Cr 37.0328 94.6175 37.0391 94.6685 2 EX S X X X X XXB

Short Cr 37.0904 94.6179 37.0933 94.6825 881 GP E b

Spring R 37.0553 94.7012 36.9987 94.7125 1 EX S X X X X XXB

Spring R 37.0914 94.6857 37.0702 94.6977 3 EX S X X X XXB

Spring R 37.1298 94.6269 37.0914 94.6857 4 EX S X X X X XXB

Spring R 37.1985 94.6374 37.1524 94.6178 6 EX S X X X X XXB

Spring R 37.1942 94.6179 37.1985 94.6374 7 EX S X X X X XXB

Spring R 37.1436 94.6177 37.1298 94.6269 19 EX S X X X X XXB

Taylor Branch 37.3677 94.6171 37.2874 94.6700 25 GP S Xb

Turkey Cr 37.1247 94.6177 37.1298 94.6269 18 GP S X X X X XXb

Unnamed Stream 37.0143 94.6174 37.0319 94.6192 886 EX S X X X X XXb

Willow Cr 37.0831 94.8455 37.0365 94.7270 20 GP E X


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: SMOKY HILL HEADWATERS (HUC 10260001)Capper Draw 38.9634 101.5884 38.9013 101.5174 311 GP S b

Coon Cr 38.8286 101.6187 38.8895 101.5936 20 GP S b

Eagletail Cr 38.8709 101.9593 38.8994 101.6938 17 GP S a

Goose Cr 39.0603 102.0463 38.9388 101.7528 5 GP E b

Lake Cr 39.1468 101.8945 38.9246 101.4067 2 GP E b

Lake Cr, S Fk 39.1133 101.9762 39.0760 101.7182 18 GP E b

Pond Cr 39.0217 101.7442 38.8958 101.6100 21 GP S b

Rose Cr 38.8225 101.7616 38.8878 101.6322 19 GP S b

Smoky Hill R 38.9246 101.4067 38.9204 101.2805 1 GP S X X X X XXb

Willow Cr 38.9817 102.0458 38.9258 101.8888 7 GP S b

SUBBASIN: NORTH FORK SMOKY HILL (HUC 10260002)Smoky Hill R, N Fk 39.0468 101.3835 38.9255 101.2792 1 GP E X X X X XXb

Smoky Hill R, N Fk 39.1869 101.8534 39.0468 101.3835 3 GP E X X X X XXa

SUBBASIN: UPPER SMOKY HILL (HUC 10260003)Big Windy Cr 38.6756 100.2074 38.7789 100.1675 38 GP E b

Downer Cr 38.9449 99.9660 38.7853 99.9303 11 GP E C

Downer Cr, E Br 38.9592 100.0475 38.9000 99.9889 39 GP E b

Goat Canyon Cr 38.6692 99.7556 38.7153 99.7821 41 GP E b

Hell Cr 38.7157 100.8749 38.7537 100.7255 25 GP E b

Indian Cr 38.9257 99.9118 38.8138 99.8151 7 GP E b

Indian Cr 38.9113 100.5482 38.7761 100.2702 15 GP E b

Page Cr 38.6539 99.9120 38.7501 99.7609 31 GP E b

Salt Cr 38.6277 100.7922 38.7499 100.5577 26 GP E b

Sand Cr 38.6645 100.0709 38.7876 99.9123 29 GP E b

Sand Cr 38.6766 100.2198 38.7698 100.2141 37 GP E b

Sand Cr, E Br 38.6309 99.9596 38.7324 99.9419 40 GP E C

Six Mile Cr 39.0390 101.2006 38.8830 101.0642 23 GP E b

Smoky Hill R 38.7876 99.9123 38.7850 99.8689 9 GP E X X X X XXC

Smoky Hill R 38.8081 100.0493 38.7853 99.9303 12 GP E X X X X XXb

Smoky Hill R 38.7959 100.1122 38.8081 100.0493 13 GP E X X X X XXb

Smoky Hill R 38.7761 100.2702 38.7959 100.1122 14 GP E X X X X XXb

Smoky Hill R 38.7519 100.2810 38.7761 100.2702 16 GP E X X X X XXb

Smoky Hill R 38.7468 100.4538 38.7519 100.2810 17 GP E X X X X XXb

Smoky Hill R 38.7499 100.5577 38.7468 100.4538 19 GP E X X X X XXb

Smoky Hill R 38.7537 100.7255 38.7499 100.5577 20 GP E X X X X XXb

Smoky Hill R 38.8830 101.0642 38.7537 100.7255 21 GP E X X X X XXb

Smoky Hill R 38.9204 101.2805 38.8830 101.0642 24 GP E X X X X XXb

Wild Horse Cr 38.6472 100.2367 38.7959 100.1122 28 GP E b



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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: LADDER (HUC 10260004)Chalk Cr 38.7601 101.6220 38.7692 100.9265 4 GP S b

Ladder Cr 38.7692 100.9265 38.7978 100.8629 1 GP S X X X X XXb

Ladder Cr 38.5974 101.2242 38.7692 100.9265 5 GP S X X X X XXa

Ladder Cr, South 38.6918 101.7070 38.6759 101.5695 12 GP E b

Twin Butte Cr 38.7900 101.5433 38.7719 100.9294 2 GP S b

SUBBASIN: HACKBERRY (HUC 10260005)Hackberry Cr 38.9509 100.5489 38.8969 100.1858 3 GP E X X X X XXb

Hackberry Cr, M Br 38.9651 100.5726 38.9509 100.5489 4 GP E b

Hackberry Cr, N Br 39.1290 101.0322 38.9651 100.5726 5 GP E b

Spring Cr, West 39.0287 100.5501 38.9681 100.5170 8 GP E b

SUBBASIN: MIDDLE SMOKY HILL (HUC 10260006)Ash Cr 38.5561 98.2087 38.6648 98.1736 1190 GP E Xb

Beaver Cr 38.6405 98.6811 38.7985 98.5906 33 GP E XC

Big Timber Cr 38.6432 99.3180 38.7075 99.2689 24 GP E b

Big Timber Cr 38.5981 99.4768 38.6432 99.3180 25 GP E b

Big Timber Cr 38.6688 99.7439 38.5981 99.4768 27 GP E b

Buck Cr 38.6011 99.1830 38.7100 99.0831 29 GP E b

Buffalo Cr 38.8883 98.3191 38.7387 98.3026 6 GP E Xb

Clear Cr 38.7957 98.1358 38.6775 98.0784 42 GP E Xb

Coal Cr 38.6291 98.5824 38.7867 98.4873 34 GP E b

Cow Cr 38.8887 98.3269 38.7602 98.3675 38 GP E b

Eagle Cr 38.5593 99.0648 38.7151 99.0687 30 GP E b

Fossel Cr 38.8913 98.9645 38.7915 98.8038 13 GP E X X X X XXb

Goose Cr 38.6304 98.7618 38.7910 98.7032 39 GP E C

Landon Cr 38.6129 98.8996 38.7765 98.8451 31 GP E Xb

Loss Cr 38.6517 98.3816 38.7430 98.3235 44 GP E b

Mud Cr 38.6354 98.2230 38.6682 98.1722 47 GP E b

Oxide Cr 38.5995 98.2941 38.7058 98.2070 45 GP E b

Sellens Cr 38.6140 98.8653 38.7913 98.7733 32 GP E Xb

Shelter Cr 38.5850 99.2116 38.6983 99.2148 43 GP E b

Skunk Cr 38.6027 98.1528 38.6781 98.1361 48 GP E Xb

Smoky Hill R 38.7387 98.3026 38.6621 98.0733 5 EX S X X X X XXa

Smoky Hill R 38.7814 98.4182 38.7387 98.3026 7 EX S X X X X XXb

Smoky Hill R 38.7867 98.4873 38.7814 98.4182 9 EX S X X X X XXb

Smoky Hill R 38.7985 98.5906 38.7867 98.4873 10 GP E X X X X XXb

Smoky Hill R 38.7913 98.7733 38.7985 98.5906 11 GP E X X X X XXb

Smoky Hill R 38.7765 98.8451 38.7913 98.7733 12 GP E X X X X XXb

Smoky Hill R 38.7903 98.9194 38.7765 98.8451 15 GP E X X X X XXb

Smoky Hill R 38.7100 99.0831 38.7903 98.9194 16 GP E X X X X XXb


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: MIDDLE SMOKY HILL (HUC 10260006)Smoky Hill R 38.7075 99.2689 38.7100 99.0831 18 GP E X X X X XXC

Smoky Hill R 38.7169 99.3362 38.7075 99.2689 19 GP E X X X X XXC

Smoky Hill R 38.7236 99.4062 38.7169 99.3362 21 GP E X X X X XXC

Smoky Hill R 38.7891 99.7221 38.7236 99.4062 22 GP E X X X X XXC

Spring Cr 38.7401 98.4830 38.7839 98.4324 41 GP E b

Thompson Cr 38.5325 98.1861 38.6475 98.0704 37 GP E Xb

Turkey Cr 38.6234 98.3170 38.7333 98.2644 46 GP E b

Unnamed Stream 38.8685 99.4676 38.7169 99.3362 20 GP E a

Unnamed Stream 38.7062 99.5550 38.7236 99.4062 23 GP E b

Unnamed Stream 38.5909 99.3230 38.6432 99.3180 28 GP E b

Wilson Cr 38.8613 98.4874 38.7897 98.4504 40 GP E b

Wolf Cr 38.6549 98.4773 38.7461 98.3466 36 GP E b

SUBBASIN: BIG (HUC 10260007)Big Cr 38.8082 98.9798 38.7903 98.9194 1 GP E X X X X XXC

Big Cr 38.7980 99.0838 38.8082 98.9798 3 GP E X X X X XXb

Big Cr 38.9367 99.6089 38.7980 99.0838 5 GP E X X X X XXB

Big Cr 39.1232 100.7844 38.9367 99.6089 7 GP E X X X X XXb

Big Cr, N Fk 39.0034 99.3729 38.7980 99.0838 4 GP E X X X X XXb

Chetolah Cr 38.9427 99.3254 38.8506 99.3121 8 GP E a

Mud Cr 38.9601 99.1696 38.8215 99.1040 9 GP E b

Ogallah Cr 39.0430 99.8498 38.9367 99.6089 6 GP E b

Walker Cr 39.0013 99.1626 38.8082 98.9798 2 GP E b

SUBBASIN: LOWER SMOKY HILL (HUC 10260008)Basket Cr 39.1340 97.2936 39.1584 97.1966 40 GP E b

Battle Cr 38.4179 97.4755 38.5396 97.4508 23 GP E b

Carry Cr 38.6993 97.1048 38.8707 96.9215 35 GP S XC

Chapman Cr 39.2064 97.3005 38.9602 97.0064 3 GP E X X X X XXC

Chapman Cr 39.3749 97.4953 39.2064 97.3005 4 GP E X X X X XXb

Chapman Cr, West 39.2747 97.4918 39.2064 97.3005 5 GP E X X X X XX

Dry Cr 38.5870 97.7958 38.7447 97.5837 36 GP E b

Dry Cr, East 38.7586 97.5314 38.8516 97.5342 43 GP E b

Gypsum Cr 38.6818 97.4197 38.8607 97.4129 18 GP E X X X X XXC

Gypsum Cr 38.5396 97.4508 38.6818 97.4197 20 GP E X X X X XXC

Gypsum Cr 38.4378 97.4942 38.5396 97.4508 22 GP E X X X X XXb

Gypsum Cr, North 38.5579 97.5437 38.5333 97.4746 57 GP E X X X X XXb

Gypsum Cr, South 38.3927 97.4256 38.5420 97.4495 24 GP E X X X X XXb

Gypsum Cr, W Br 38.6872 97.5160 38.7860 97.4356 44 GP E X X X X XXb

Hobbs Cr 38.5974 97.3495 38.6938 97.4208 48 GP E b

Holland Cr 38.7438 97.2887 38.8797 97.2485 25 GP E XC


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SUBBASIN: LOWER SMOKY HILL (HUC 10260008)Holland Cr, East 38.5937 97.2742 38.7438 97.2887 27 GP E b

Holland Cr, West 38.5912 97.3102 38.7438 97.2887 26 GP E b

Kentucky Cr 38.4552 97.5629 38.6168 97.6158 17 GP E

Kentucky Cr, West 38.4695 97.6208 38.5241 97.6089 54 GP E b

Lime Cr 38.6006 96.9115 38.7810 96.9610 51 GP S X X X X XXC

Lone Tree Cr 38.9972 97.1194 38.9450 97.0840 41 GP E

Lyon Cr 38.8707 96.9215 38.9801 96.8457 31 EX S X X X X XXC

Lyon Cr 38.5529 96.9902 38.7376 96.9610 540 EX S X X X X XXC

Lyon Cr, W Br 38.6420 97.0925 38.8707 96.9215 34 GP S XC

Mcallister Cr 38.7040 97.3516 38.7279 97.4224 49 GP E b

Middle Branch 38.5499 97.1956 38.6062 97.1968 58 GP E b

Mud Cr 39.1288 97.3304 38.8882 97.2140 8 GP E a

Otter Cr 38.8952 96.8182 38.9527 96.8487 42 GP E b

Paint Cr 38.4408 97.7152 38.5232 97.7098 52 GP E b

Pewee Cr 38.5751 97.5458 38.6338 97.5903 56 GP E b

Sand Cr 38.7045 97.9791 38.6023 97.9329 46 GP E b

Sharps Cr 38.4954 97.9440 38.5273 97.7627 16 GP E b

Smoky Hill R 38.9804 96.8464 39.0594 96.8009 1 GP E X X X X XXC

Smoky Hill R 38.9599 97.0063 38.9804 96.8464 2 GP E X X X X XXC

Smoky Hill R 38.8830 97.1922 38.9599 97.0063 6 GP E X X X X XXC

Smoky Hill R 38.8801 97.2487 38.8830 97.1922 9 GP E X X X X XXC

Smoky Hill R 38.9037 97.3694 38.8801 97.2487 10 GP E X X X X XXC

Smoky Hill R 38.8608 97.4132 38.9037 97.3694 11 GP E X X X X XXC

Smoky Hill R 38.8575 97.5062 38.8607 97.4129 12 GP E X X X X XXC

Smoky Hill R 38.6168 97.6158 38.8575 97.5062 13 GP E X X X X XXB

Smoky Hill R 38.5273 97.7627 38.6168 97.6158 14 GP E X X X X XXB

Smoky Hill R 38.5963 97.9659 38.5273 97.7627 15 GP E X X X X XXB

Spring Cr 38.6255 97.5234 38.7807 97.4329 45 GP E b

Stag Cr 38.5966 97.5309 38.6818 97.4197 19 GP E b

Turkey Cr 38.8046 97.1818 38.8827 97.1916 28 GP E XC

Turkey Cr 38.5798 97.2490 38.8046 97.1818 30 GP E XC

Turkey Cr, East 38.5661 97.0933 38.6933 97.1622 50 GP E C

Turkey Cr, W Br 38.6272 97.2543 38.8046 97.1818 29 GP E XC

Unnamed Stream 38.7204 97.1263 38.7549 97.0892 32 GP S Xb

Unnamed Stream 38.7071 97.0853 38.7044 97.0502 515 GP S b

Unnamed Stream 38.7363 96.9995 38.7347 96.9743 542 GP S C

Unnamed Stream 38.7217 96.9389 38.7225 96.9519 618 GP S b

Unnamed Stream 38.8369 96.8852 38.8731 96.9115 638 GP E X X X X XXb

Wiley Cr 38.6784 97.9351 38.6087 97.9284 47 GP E b



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SUBBASIN: UPPER SALINE (HUC 10260009)Cedar Cr 38.8622 98.7869 38.9598 98.6783 30 GP E b

Coyote Cr 39.0277 100.1332 39.1118 100.0879 23 GP E b

Eagle Cr 39.2730 99.0796 39.1094 98.9107 6 GP E b

Happy Cr 39.2359 99.9769 39.1172 99.8491 25 GP E C

Paradise Cr 39.1094 98.9107 38.9837 98.7907 5 GP E Xb

Paradise Cr 39.2266 99.3908 39.1094 98.9107 7 GP E X X O O XOb

Saline R 38.9837 98.7907 38.9787 98.7431 4 GP E X X X X XXb

Saline R 38.9594 98.8822 38.9837 98.7907 8 EX E X X X X XXb

Saline R 39.0902 99.3460 38.9594 98.8822 9 EX E X X X X XXb

Saline R 39.0794 99.4861 39.0902 99.3460 11 GP E X X X X XXb

Saline R 39.1135 99.7044 39.0794 99.4861 12 GP E X X X X XXb

Saline R 39.1132 99.9663 39.1135 99.7044 14 GP E X X X X XXb

Saline R 39.1599 100.7132 39.1150 99.9709 16 GP E X X X X XXb

Saline R, N Fk 39.2563 100.3771 39.1150 99.9709 15 GP E X X X X XXb

Saline R, S Fk 39.2268 101.3663 39.1599 100.7132 18 GP E X X X X XXb

Salt Cr 38.9694 99.0734 38.9594 98.8822 20 GP E XC

Spring Brook Cr 39.2310 100.6340 39.1625 100.4592 21 GP E b

Spring Cr, East 39.2282 99.4536 39.0902 99.3460 10 GP E b

Sweetwater Cr 39.0186 99.1881 39.0622 99.0960 29 GP E

Trego Cr 39.0441 99.6735 39.0794 99.4861 19 GP E b

Unnamed Stream 39.2314 99.8672 39.1135 99.7044 13 GP E b

Unnamed Stream 39.0754 100.2417 39.0789 100.1171 1061 GP E b

Wild Horse Cr 39.2499 99.5783 39.1130 99.5435 27 GP E b

SUBBASIN: LOWER SALINE (HUC 10260010)Bacon Cr 39.2884 98.3975 39.1098 98.3366 7 GP E Xb

Blue Stem Cr 39.0022 98.5973 39.0264 98.4773 33 GP E b

Bullfoot Cr 38.9919 98.2078 39.0082 98.1363 14 GP E XC

Coon Cr 39.2200 98.7292 39.1052 98.6788 31 GP E b

Dry Cr 38.7417 97.6245 38.8612 97.6302 29 GP E a

Eff Cr 38.8170 97.9007 38.8753 97.7933 23 GP E Xb

Elkhorn Cr 38.8377 98.1809 39.0140 98.0896 17 GP E Xb

Elkhorn Cr, West 38.8436 98.2000 38.9574 98.1018 38 GP E b

Fourmile Cr 39.2215 98.6399 39.0889 98.6268 30 GP E b

Lost Cr 39.1222 98.1669 39.0355 98.1565 34 GP E b

Mulberry Cr 38.8612 97.6302 38.8919 97.6022 19 GP E Xb

Mulberry Cr 38.8389 97.7044 38.8612 97.6302 20 GP E Xb

Mulberry Cr 38.8753 97.7933 38.8389 97.7044 21 GP E b

Mulberry Cr 38.7894 98.0289 38.8753 97.7933 22 GP E C

Owl Cr 38.8830 98.0181 38.9939 97.9642 39 GP E b

Ralston Cr 38.6297 97.8446 38.7626 97.8023 28 GP E


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SUBBASIN: LOWER SALINE (HUC 10260010)Saline R 38.8919 97.6022 38.8575 97.5062 1 GP E X X X X XXC

Saline R 38.9736 97.8290 38.8919 97.6022 2 GP E X X X X XXC

Saline R 39.0140 98.0896 38.9736 97.8290 3 GP E X X X X XXb

Saline R 39.0082 98.1363 39.0140 98.0896 4 GP E X X X X XXb

Saline R 39.0284 98.2066 39.0082 98.1363 5 GP E X X X X XXb

Saline R 39.0036 98.4285 39.0284 98.2066 9 GP E X X X X XXb

Saline R 38.9667 98.4973 39.0036 98.4285 13 GP E X X X X XXb

Shaw Cr 38.9202 97.8047 38.9571 97.7720 41 GP E b

Spillman Cr 39.1098 98.3366 39.0284 98.2066 6 GP E Xb

Spillman Cr, N Br 39.2362 98.5000 39.1098 98.3366 8 GP E Xb

Spring Cr 38.8498 98.2076 38.9919 98.2078 16 GP E Xb

Spring Cr 38.7658 97.7990 38.8389 97.7044 24 GP E b

Spring Cr 38.7626 97.8023 38.7658 97.7990 26 GP E b

Spring Cr 38.6346 97.8789 38.7626 97.8023 27 GP E b

Spring Cr, West 38.7631 97.9948 38.7658 97.7990 25 GP E b

Table Rock Cr 38.8867 98.0048 38.9736 97.8290 18 GP E b

Table Rock Cr 38.8091 98.0313 38.8634 97.9488 40 GP E b

Trail Cr 39.2043 98.3054 39.0767 98.2735 32 GP E b

Twelvemile Cr 39.0776 98.0550 39.0134 98.0119 36 GP E b

Twin Cr, West 38.9004 98.4179 38.9919 98.3772 37 GP E b

Wolf Cr 39.0494 98.5148 39.0036 98.4285 10 GP E Xb

Wolf Cr, E Fk 39.2390 98.6166 39.0494 98.5148 11 GP E Xb

Wolf Cr, W Fk 39.1753 98.8267 39.0494 98.5148 12 GP E Xb

Yauger Cr 39.1050 98.1494 39.0269 98.1480 35 GP E B


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SUBBASIN: UPPER NORTH FORK SOLOMON (HUC 10260011)Ash Cr 39.7758 99.4861 39.6570 99.4013 24 GP E b

Beaver Cr 39.8053 99.5991 39.6719 99.5615 23 GP E b

Big Timber Cr 39.7839 99.7912 39.6428 99.7275 8 GP E Xb

Bow Cr 39.4500 100.2266 39.6098 99.1834 15 GP E Xb

Cactus Cr 39.7997 99.7030 39.6569 99.5762 28 GP E b

Crooked Cr 39.8151 99.6812 39.6624 99.5509 6 GP E

Elk Cr 39.6631 100.2283 39.6136 99.9951 12 GP E b

Elk Cr, East 39.7253 99.9969 39.6205 99.9207 25 GP E b

Game Cr 39.7606 99.8373 39.6219 99.8047 10 GP E b

Lost Cr 39.5344 100.0156 39.6089 99.9834 20 GP E b

Scull Cr 39.7762 99.7445 39.6471 99.6564 21 GP E b

Solomon R, N Fk 39.6624 99.5509 39.6759 99.2380 5 GP E X X X X XXb

Solomon R, N Fk 39.6428 99.7275 39.6624 99.5509 7 GP E X X X X XXb

Solomon R, N Fk 39.6219 99.8047 39.6428 99.7275 9 GP E X X X X XXb

Solomon R, N Fk 39.6136 99.9951 39.6219 99.8047 11 GP E X X X X XXb

Solomon R, N Fk 39.2810 101.2812 39.6136 99.9951 13 GP E X X X X XXb

Wolf Cr 39.7947 99.5532 39.6650 99.4719 22 GP E b

SUBBASIN: LOWER NORTH FORK SOLOMON (HUC 10260012)Beaver Cr 39.7485 98.8430 39.6464 98.8597 10 GP E Xb

Beaver Cr, E Br 39.9526 98.8079 39.7485 98.8430 11 GP E Xb

Beaver Cr, Middle 39.9707 98.9748 39.7485 98.8430 13 GP E b

Beaver Cr, West 39.9585 98.9972 39.7509 98.8523 14 GP E Xb

Boughton Cr 39.9010 99.4522 39.7748 99.4070 34 GP E b

Cedar Cr 39.6779 98.9489 39.6478 98.9053 16 GP E b

Cedar Cr 39.7016 99.0045 39.6779 98.9489 18 GP E b

Cedar Cr, East 39.9344 99.0089 39.6779 98.9489 17 GP E Xb

Cedar Cr, East 39.9711 99.0564 39.8803 99.0556 37 GP E b

Cedar Cr, Middle 39.9478 99.1348 39.7016 99.0045 19 GP E b

Cedar Cr, West 39.9385 99.1861 39.7016 99.0045 20 GP E b

Deer Cr 39.6961 99.1393 39.6656 99.0989 23 GP E Xb

Deer Cr 39.7185 99.1856 39.6961 99.1393 25 GP E Xb

Deer Cr 39.7250 99.2500 39.7185 99.1856 27 GP E Xb

Deer Cr 39.7332 99.3278 39.7250 99.2500 29 GP E X X X X XXb

Deer Cr 39.8209 99.6385 39.7332 99.3278 31 GP E Xb

Glen Rock Cr 39.5595 98.9647 39.6396 98.9376 41 GP E

Lawrence Cr 39.5417 98.8796 39.5701 98.7370 44 GP E b

Little Oak Cr 39.7403 98.4924 39.5411 98.4806 3 GP E

Oak Cr 39.5411 98.4806 39.5004 98.4624 2 GP E XXb

Oak Cr 39.8811 98.6940 39.5411 98.4806 4 GP E Xb

Oak Cr, East 39.8362 98.5478 39.6799 98.5497 40 GP E Xb


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SUBBASIN: LOWER NORTH FORK SOLOMON (HUC 10260012)Oak Cr, West 39.8570 98.6922 39.7192 98.5917 39 GP E b

Plotner Cr 39.9118 99.3803 39.7332 99.3278 30 GP E X X O X XOb

Plum Cr 39.9276 99.2542 39.6961 99.1393 24 GP E b

Solomon R, N Fk 39.5181 98.6039 39.4990 98.5072 5 GP E X X X X XXb

Solomon R, N Fk 39.6028 98.8164 39.5181 98.6039 7 GP E X X X X XXC

Solomon R, N Fk 39.6464 98.8597 39.6028 98.8164 9 GP E X X X X XXb

Solomon R, N Fk 39.6478 98.9053 39.6464 98.8597 15 GP E X X X X XXb

Solomon R, N Fk 39.6510 99.0248 39.6478 98.9053 21 GP E X X X X XXb

Solomon R, N Fk 39.6604 99.1031 39.6510 99.0248 22 GP E X X X X XXb

Spring Cr 39.9023 98.7156 39.6028 98.8164 8 GP E Xb

Spring Cr 39.9154 99.3327 39.7250 99.2500 28 GP E Xb

Starvation Cr 39.8996 99.4897 39.8040 99.4625 38 GP E b

Twelvemile Cr 39.7258 98.6986 39.5181 98.6039 6 GP E b

SUBBASIN: UPPER SOUTH FORK SOLOMON (HUC 10260013)Antelope Cr 39.4196 100.2347 39.3529 100.0777 13 GP E b

Brush Cr 39.2656 100.1316 39.3483 99.8499 17 GP E b

Coon Cr 39.4826 99.9230 39.3667 99.7854 8 GP E b

Foster Cr 39.4077 100.2381 39.3498 100.2143 19 GP E b

Jackson Branch 39.2513 100.0342 39.2929 99.9079 24 GP E b

Sand Cr 39.4631 100.0000 39.3483 99.8957 11 GP E b

Sand Cr 39.3417 100.8340 39.3416 100.3180 15 GP E b

Solomon R, S Fk 39.3782 99.6140 39.3867 99.5089 4 GP E X X X X XXb

Solomon R, S Fk 39.3667 99.7854 39.3782 99.6140 6 GP E X X X X XXb

Solomon R, S Fk 39.3483 99.8957 39.3667 99.7854 9 GP E X X X X XXb

Solomon R, S Fk 39.3529 100.0777 39.3483 99.8957 12 GP E X X X X XXb

Solomon R, S Fk 39.3416 100.3180 39.3529 100.0777 14 GP E X X X X XXb

Solomon R, S Fk 39.2457 101.4451 39.3416 100.3180 16 GP E X X X X XXb

Spring Cr 39.4869 99.8532 39.3782 99.6140 5 GP E b

Spring Cr 39.2454 99.5594 39.3690 99.5423 817 GP E b

Wildhorse Cr 39.2491 99.7908 39.3691 99.7002 18 GP E a

Youngs Cr 39.4517 100.0536 39.3531 100.0067 21 GP E b

SUBBASIN: LOWER SOUTH FORK SOLOMON (HUC 10260014)Carr Cr 39.2422 98.6122 39.4261 98.4542 21 GP E XXb

Covert Cr 39.2524 98.8979 39.4276 98.7055 19 GP E Xb

Dibble Cr 39.5150 99.3552 39.4294 99.2821 363 GP E a

Kill Cr 39.2727 99.0000 39.4337 98.7791 18 GP E Xb

Lost Cr 39.2455 99.5331 39.3976 99.3928 13 GP E b

Medicine Cr 39.2659 99.1803 39.4316 99.1377 16 GP E b

Medicine Cr 39.2895 99.0652 39.4526 98.8331 17 GP E b


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SUBBASIN: LOWER SOUTH FORK SOLOMON (HUC 10260014)Solomon R, S Fk 39.4264 98.5389 39.4644 98.4393 1 GP E X X X X XXC

Solomon R, S Fk 39.4276 98.7055 39.4264 98.5389 3 GP E X X X X XXC

Solomon R, S Fk 39.4337 98.7791 39.4276 98.7055 4 GP E X X X X XXB

Solomon R, S Fk 39.4526 98.8331 39.4337 98.7791 5 GP E X X X X XXb

Solomon R, S Fk 39.4316 99.1377 39.4526 98.8331 6 GP E X X X X XXb

Solomon R, S Fk 39.4367 99.2320 39.4316 99.1377 7 GP E X X X X XXb

Solomon R, S Fk 39.3976 99.3928 39.4367 99.2320 8 GP E X X X X XXb

Solomon R, S Fk 39.4032 99.4228 39.3976 99.3928 10 GP E X X X X XXB

Twin Cr 39.2394 98.7590 39.4264 98.5389 20 GP E Xb

Twin Cr, East 39.3184 98.5781 39.4134 98.5543 29 GP E b

SUBBASIN: SOLOMON RIVER (HUC 10260015)Antelope Cr 39.0107 97.6951 39.0283 97.6243 58 GP E b

Battle Cr 39.1207 98.2161 39.2010 98.0797 33 GP E Xb

Battle Cr 39.0425 97.7356 39.0592 97.6728 57 GP E Xb

Coal Cr 39.2165 97.4918 38.9827 97.4947 2 GP E b

Cris Cr 39.4633 97.7945 39.3382 97.8350 48 GP E b

Elkhorn Cr, West 39.0903 98.0674 39.1633 97.9901 47 GP E b

Fifth Cr 39.3445 98.1067 39.2375 98.0842 45 GP E b

First Cr 39.2831 97.9235 39.1482 97.8980 28 GP E C

Granite Cr 39.6243 98.4237 39.5297 98.3787 24 GP E b

Leban Cr 39.3807 98.2270 39.4349 98.1080 41 GP E b

Limestone Cr 39.6118 98.3429 39.4794 98.2985 18 GP E X X X X XXC

Limestone Cr 39.8387 98.2864 39.6118 98.3429 19 GP E X X X X XXC

Limestone Cr, Middle 39.8270 98.3940 39.6258 98.3560 21 GP E X X X X XXb

Limestone Cr, West 39.8406 98.4499 39.6258 98.3560 22 GP E X X X X XXb

Lindsey Cr 39.2586 97.4973 39.0989 97.6944 7 GP E b

Lost Cr 39.2472 97.8675 39.1247 97.7586 56 GP E b

Mill Cr 39.3557 98.3993 39.4526 98.4092 38 GP E b

Mortimer Cr 39.4397 97.7634 39.2933 97.7955 49 GP E Xb

Mulberry Cr 39.5929 98.1687 39.4563 98.1258 36 GP E b

Pipe Cr 39.2204 97.6337 39.1214 97.7121 9 GP E Xb

Pipe Cr 39.4292 97.5985 39.2204 97.6337 10 GP E Xb

Pipe Cr, West 39.4240 97.6072 39.2204 97.6337 11 GP E Xb

Plum Cr 39.6066 98.1640 39.4341 98.0686 13 GP E Xb

Rattlesnake Cr 39.2010 98.0797 39.1936 98.0433 31 GP E Xb

Rattlesnake Cr 39.2041 98.2871 39.2010 98.0797 32 GP E Xb

Salt Cr 39.1482 97.8980 39.0722 97.6814 27 GP E XC

Salt Cr 39.1936 98.0433 39.1482 97.8980 29 GP E Xb

Salt Cr 39.2942 98.4139 39.1936 98.0433 30 GP E Xb

Sand Cr 39.1835 97.5173 39.0156 97.6034 4 GP E b


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SUBBASIN: SOLOMON RIVER (HUC 10260015)Second Cr 39.2742 97.9755 39.1537 97.9362 54 GP E b

Solomon R 38.9827 97.4947 38.9039 97.3695 1 GP E X X X X XXC

Solomon R 39.0156 97.6034 38.9827 97.4947 3 GP E X X X X XXC

Solomon R 39.0722 97.6814 39.0156 97.6034 5 GP E X X X X XXC

Solomon R 39.1214 97.7121 39.0989 97.6944 8 GP E X X X X XXB

Solomon R 39.4341 98.0686 39.1214 97.7121 12 GP E X X X X XXC

Solomon R 39.4685 98.1662 39.4341 98.0686 14 GP E X X X X XXa

Solomon R 39.4794 98.2985 39.4685 98.1662 16 GP E X X X X XXb

Solomon R 39.4743 98.3144 39.4794 98.2985 23 GP E X X X X XXb

Spring Cr 39.0732 97.9939 39.1474 97.9230 53 GP E b

Walnut Cr 39.3391 98.4074 39.4536 98.3476 26 GP E Xb


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: MIDDLE ARKANSAS-LAKE MCKINNEY HUC (11030001)Arkansas R 37.9704 101.1264 37.9299 100.7917 1 GP S X X X X XXB

Arkansas R 37.9433 101.6556 37.9704 101.1264 3 GP S X X X X XXB

Arkansas R 38.0152 101.9652 37.9433 101.6556 5 GP S X X X X XXB

Arkansas R 38.0273 102.0343 38.0152 101.9652 9 GP S X X X X XXB

Unnamed Stream 37.9821 101.1900 37.9704 101.1264 18 GP E b

SUBBASIN: WHITEWOMAN (HUC 11030002)Whitewoman Cr 38.3350 101.0972 38.4379 100.8974 1 GP E b

Whitewoman Cr 38.5859 102.0446 38.3350 101.0972 2 GP E b

SUBBASIN: ARKANSAS-DODGE CITY (HUC 11030003)Arkansas R 37.9299 100.7917 37.7473 100.0190 1 GP E X X X X XXB

SUBBASIN: ARKANSAS-PICKEREL (HUC 11030004)Arkansas R 38.3545 98.6829 38.2152 98.3504 1 GP S X X X X XXB

Arkansas R 38.2545 98.9435 38.3544 98.6825 2 GP E X X X X XXB

Arkansas R 38.2111 98.9816 38.2545 98.9435 4 GP E X X X X XXB

Arkansas R 38.0688 99.2397 38.1684 99.0953 6 GP E X X X X XXB

Arkansas R 37.6579 99.7583 38.0688 99.2397 10 GP E X X X X XXB

Arkansas R 37.7473 100.0190 37.6579 99.7583 11 GP E X X X X XXB

Ash Cr 38.3436 99.3367 38.2545 98.9435 3 GP E b

Coon Cr 37.9516 99.3823 38.0688 99.2397 7 GP E Xb

Coon Cr 37.7450 99.9118 37.9516 99.3823 9 GP E XB

Cow Cr 37.8437 99.7611 37.7666 99.6100 14 GP E b

Dry Walnut Cr 38.3680 99.2417 38.3356 98.8087 9013 GP E Xb

Little Coon Cr 37.8451 99.7056 37.9516 99.3823 8 GP E b

Mulberry Cr 37.6127 100.2417 37.6579 99.7583 12 GP E b

White Woman Cr 37.8612 99.7468 37.9204 99.5821 15 GP E b

SUBBASIN: PAWNEE (HUC 11030005)Cocklebur Cr 38.3626 99.4168 38.1852 99.3200 12 GP E b

Hackberry Cr 38.3193 100.5153 38.2108 100.1033 4 GP E b

Pawnee R 38.1690 99.1592 38.1684 99.0953 1 GP E X X X X XXC

Pawnee R 38.1837 99.5608 38.1690 99.1592 2 GP E X X X X XXC

Pawnee R 38.2108 100.1033 38.1832 99.5640 3 GP E X X X X XXb

Pawnee R 37.9658 100.5974 38.2108 100.1033 5 GP E X X X X XXb

SUBBASIN: BUCKNER (HUC 11030006)Buckner Cr 38.1251 99.6937 38.1837 99.5608 1 GP E X X O O OOb

Buckner Cr 37.9244 100.4003 38.1251 99.6937 2 GP E X X O O OOa

Buckner Cr, S Fk 37.8373 100.2801 37.9523 100.1953 6 GP E B

Duck Cr 37.7951 100.1005 37.9026 99.9417 8 GP E b


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SUBBASIN: BUCKNER (HUC 11030006)Elm Cr 37.7518 99.9342 37.9011 99.8844 5 GP E b

Saw Log Cr 37.9011 99.8844 38.1251 99.6937 3 GP E C

Saw Log Cr 37.8240 100.2133 37.9011 99.8844 4 GP E b

Spring Cr 37.9596 100.0742 38.0677 99.9458 7 GP E b

SUBBASIN: UPPER WALNUT CREEK (HUC 11030007)Darr Cr 38.4137 100.3610 38.4312 100.2093 12 GP E b

Walnut Cr, Middle Fk 38.5288 100.3795 38.5382 100.1381 7 GP E X X X X XXb

Walnut Cr, N Fk 38.4795 99.9833 38.4096 99.8792 1 GP E X X X X XXb

Walnut Cr, N Fk 38.5382 100.1381 38.4795 99.9833 5 GP E X X X X XXb

Walnut Cr, N Fk 38.6151 100.4024 38.5382 100.1381 6 GP E X X X X XXb

Walnut Cr, S Fk 38.3629 100.6072 38.4096 99.8792 10 GP E X X X X XXb

Wild Horse Cr 38.6379 99.9953 38.4795 99.9833 4 GP E b

SUBBASIN: LOWER WALNUT CREEK (HUC 11030008)Alexander Dry Cr 38.6481 99.7981 38.4723 99.5842 7 GP E b

Bazine Dry Cr 38.6197 99.9544 38.4359 99.6889 9 GP E b

Boot Cr 38.5505 99.0508 38.4507 98.9618 15 GP E b

Dry Cr 38.4006 99.1657 38.4606 99.0172 14 GP E b

Otter Cr 38.3753 99.4009 38.4540 99.2869 12 GP E C

Sand Cr 38.5683 99.4129 38.4846 99.1396 3 GP E b

Sandy Cr 38.3535 99.4436 38.4743 99.3911 11 GP E b

Walnut Cr 38.3783 98.7344 38.3544 98.6825 1 GP E X X X X XXC

Walnut Cr 38.4846 99.1396 38.3783 98.7344 2 GP E X X X X XXC

Walnut Cr 38.4540 99.2869 38.4846 99.1396 4 GP E X X X X XXC

Walnut Cr 38.4743 99.3911 38.4540 99.2869 5 GP E X X X X XXb

Walnut Cr 38.4723 99.5842 38.4743 99.3911 6 GP E X X X X XXb

Walnut Cr 38.4359 99.6889 38.4723 99.5842 8 GP E X X X X XXb

Walnut Cr 38.4096 99.8792 38.4359 99.6889 10 GP E X X X X XXb


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SUBBASIN: ARIKAREE (HUC 10250001)Arikaree R 39.9779 102.0514 40.0031 102.0134 1 GP S X X X X XXC

SUBBASIN: SOUTH FORK REPUBLICAN (HUC 10250003)Big Timber Cr 39.7799 101.5774 40.0027 101.5329 61 GP E b

Bluff Cr 39.7937 101.6561 39.8969 101.7025 70 GP E b

Cherry Cr 39.7650 102.0507 39.7868 101.8053 5 GP E b

Hackberry Cr 39.8931 101.9807 39.9100 101.7038 3 GP E b

Republican R, S Fk 39.9100 101.7040 40.0027 101.5570 2 GP S X X X X XXC

Republican R, S Fk 39.7869 101.8057 39.9100 101.7040 4 GP S X X X X XXb

Republican R, S Fk 39.7526 101.8433 39.7869 101.8057 6 GP S X X X X XXa

Republican R, S Fk 39.6724 102.0159 39.7525 101.8428 7 GP S X X X X XXa

Republican R, S Fk 39.6570 102.0500 39.6724 102.0159 9 GP S X X X X XXb

Spring Cr 39.8729 101.8542 39.8189 101.7747 67 GP E b

Valley Cr 39.7620 101.6937 39.8448 101.7473 69 GP E b

SUBBASIN: UPPER REPUBLICAN (HUC 10250004)Jones Canyon 39.9999 101.4824 40.0026 101.4833 50 GP E b

SUBBASIN: UPPER SAPPA (HUC 10250010)Sappa Cr, N Fk 39.5761 101.2979 39.6899 100.8455 2 GP E X X X X XXb

SUBBASIN: LOWER SAPPA (HUC 10250011)Boy Cr 39.8972 99.9821 39.9892 100.0026 13 GP E b

Cotton Cr 39.8222 100.4282 39.8651 100.4443 15 GP E b

Dutch Cr 39.9343 99.9252 40.0017 99.9406 16 GP E b

Jones Cr 39.9176 99.9481 40.0016 99.9841 17 GP E b

Sappa Cr 39.9738 100.1438 40.0017 99.9923 3 GP E X X X X XXb

Sappa Cr 39.7847 100.5779 39.9738 100.1438 4 GP E X X X X XXb

Sappa Cr, Long Branch 39.8323 100.3179 39.9738 100.1438 5 GP E X X X X XXb

Spring Branch 39.8915 100.2402 39.9549 100.2409 9 GP E b

Squaw Branch 39.9332 100.0583 39.9849 100.0525 12 GP E b

Walnut Cr 39.8859 100.0288 39.9864 100.0246 11 GP E b

SUBBASIN: SOUTH FORK BEAVER (HUC 10250012)Beaver Cr 39.4433 101.6872 39.8185 101.0337 1 GP E X X X X XXb

Beaver Cr, South 39.3233 101.8459 39.4433 101.6872 9 GP E X X X X XXb

SUBBASIN: LITTLE BEAVER (HUC 10250013)Beaver Cr, North 39.8069 101.3906 39.8290 101.1154 2 GP E X X X X XXb

Little Beaver Cr 39.8290 101.1154 39.8223 101.0303 1 GP E X X X X XXb

SUBBASIN: BEAVER (HUC 10250014)Beaver Cr 39.8223 101.0303 40.0019 100.5376 2 GP E X X X X XXb


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SUBBASIN: PRAIRIE DOG (HUC 10250015)Buffalo Cr 39.8230 99.6485 39.8663 99.7476 21 GP E XXb

Horse Cr 39.9862 99.7535 39.8915 99.6957 18 GP E XXb

Jack Cr 39.8922 99.4657 39.9960 99.4182 22 GP E b

Prairie Dog Cr 39.9058 99.6852 40.0020 99.5006 2 GP E X X X X XXC

Prairie Dog Cr 39.7992 99.9266 39.8663 99.7476 4 GP E X X X X XXa

Prairie Dog Cr 39.7145 100.2424 39.7782 100.0280 8 GP E X X X X XXb

Prairie Dog Cr 39.6350 100.5167 39.7145 100.2424 10 GP E X X X X XXb

Prairie Dog Cr 39.3127 101.3053 39.6350 100.5167 12 GP E X X X X XXb

Prairie Dog Cr, N Fk 39.5376 100.8455 39.6350 100.5167 11 GP E X X X X XXb

Spring Cr 39.9285 99.9034 39.8413 99.8419 15 GP E b

Walnut Cr 39.9161 99.3382 40.0021 99.3473 13 GP E b


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SUBBASIN: UPPER VERDIGRIS (HUC 11070101)Bachelor Cr 37.9696 96.3286 37.8380 96.1007 21 GP E XXC

Bernard Cr 37.9706 96.2198 37.9096 96.1747 24 GP E XXb

Big Cedar Cr 37.6215 95.5332 37.5091 95.6659 39 GP E b

Brazil Cr 37.9124 95.9008 37.8444 95.9636 31 GP E b

Buffalo Cr 37.7868 95.5904 37.6352 95.7517 2 GP E Xb

Buffalo Cr, West 37.7963 95.7590 37.6813 95.7336 34 GP E Xb

Cedar Cr 37.9148 95.8846 37.8671 95.9416 32 GP E Xb

Chetopa Cr 37.5852 95.5127 37.4367 95.6685 22 GP E Xb

Crooked Cr 37.6240 95.6180 37.5858 95.7140 38 GP E b

Dry Cr 37.9888 95.9227 37.8559 95.9761 27 GP E b

Elder Branch 37.6754 95.6017 37.6443 95.7469 37 GP E b

Fancy Cr 37.7570 96.0688 37.8020 96.0350 28 GP E Xb

Greenhall Cr 38.0426 95.9629 37.9892 96.0229 26 GP E b

Holderman Cr 38.1121 96.1984 38.1229 96.0976 47 GP E XC

Homer Cr 37.9904 96.2752 37.8380 96.1007 20 GP E XXb

Kelly Branch 38.2183 96.1658 38.1483 96.1554 42 GP E b

Kuntz Branch 37.7600 96.0821 37.8180 96.0696 29 GP E b

Little Chetopa Cr 37.4951 95.4736 37.4826 95.5823 471 GP E b

Little Sandy Cr 37.7628 95.7971 37.6821 95.8345 33 GP E b

Long Cr 38.1371 95.9774 38.0644 96.0497 45 GP E b

Miller Cr 37.8393 95.8735 37.8098 95.9640 30 GP E

Moon Branch 38.2507 96.2632 38.1683 96.1946 43 GP E C

Onion Cr 38.0553 96.2138 37.9999 96.1424 23 GP E b

Rock Cr 38.2859 96.3309 38.1636 96.2100 14 GP E Xb

Ross Branch 37.6958 96.0101 37.6885 95.8755 35 GP E b

Sandy Cr 37.8993 95.8422 37.6761 95.8370 4 GP E Xb

Shaw Cr 38.2640 96.3719 38.1801 96.2810 40 GP E b

Slate Cr 38.0599 96.3100 37.9731 96.1096 25 GP E XC

Snake Cr 37.6093 95.8714 37.6168 95.7649 36 GP E Xb

Tate Branch Cr 38.2119 96.1194 38.1491 96.1266 44 GP E b

Van Horn Cr 38.0636 96.1297 38.0575 96.0507 46 GP E b

Verdigris R 37.6352 95.7517 37.4009 95.6644 1 GP S X X X X XXC

Verdigris R 37.6761 95.8370 37.6352 95.7517 3 GP S X X X X XXC

Verdigris R 37.7409 95.9318 37.6761 95.8370 5 GP S X X X X XXB

Verdigris R 37.8857 96.0072 37.8222 95.9689 11 GP S X X X X XXC

Verdigris R 38.1523 96.1665 37.8857 96.0072 12 GP S X X X X XXC

Verdigris R, Bernard Br 38.0914 96.3458 38.1523 96.1665 16 GP E X X X X XXC

Verdigris R, N Br 38.1636 96.2100 38.1523 96.1665 13 GP E X X X X XXC

Verdigris R, N Br 38.0900 96.3579 38.1636 96.2100 15 GP E X X X X XXC

Walnut Cr 37.8380 96.1007 37.7874 95.9944 19 GP E XB

West Cr 38.0952 96.2785 37.8857 96.0072 17 GP E XC


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SUBBASIN: UPPER VERDIGRIS (HUC 11070101)Willow Cr 38.0952 96.2785 37.9731 96.1096 9017 GP E XC

Wolf Cr 38.2287 96.4014 38.1882 96.3134 41 GP E b

SUBBASIN: FALL (HUC 11070102)Battle Cr 38.0231 96.5448 37.9883 96.5086 18 GP E C

Burnt Cr 37.8574 96.4727 37.7878 96.4124 24 GP E b

Clear Cr 37.5188 95.7410 37.5016 95.8253 37 GP E X X X X XXb

Coon Cr 37.8532 96.4639 37.8704 96.3965 25 GP E C

Coon Cr 37.5103 95.9959 37.5576 95.9395 36 GP E b

Crain Cr 37.6993 96.0298 37.6325 96.0499 32 GP E b

Fall R 37.5770 95.9573 37.4009 95.6644 1 EX S X X X X XXB

Fall R 37.6132 96.0374 37.5915 95.9609 2 EX S X X X X XXB

Fall R 37.6396 96.0645 37.6132 96.0374 3 EX S X X X X XXB

Fall R 37.7190 96.1606 37.6821 96.1123 7 EX S X X X X XXB

Fall R 37.8080 96.2890 37.7190 96.1606 8 EX S X X X X XXB

Fall R 37.8568 96.3573 37.8080 96.2890 9 EX S X X X X XXB

Fall R, E Br 38.0812 96.4065 37.8568 96.3573 635 EX S X X X X XXC

Fall R, W Br 38.0156 96.4816 37.8568 96.3573 11 EX S X X X X XXC

Honey Cr 37.7513 96.3349 37.7210 96.1973 26 GP E Xb

Indian Cr 37.5783 96.1732 37.5770 95.9573 15 GP E Xb

Ivanpah Cr 37.8847 96.5764 37.9016 96.4466 19 GP E XC

Kitty Cr 37.7534 96.4002 37.7831 96.3423 27 GP E b

Little Indian Cr 37.4947 96.0991 37.5416 96.0716 34 GP E b

Little Salt Cr 37.5858 96.1230 37.6160 96.0618 35 GP E b

Oleson Cr 38.0244 96.4415 37.9508 96.3921 21 GP E b

Otis Cr 38.0284 96.4609 37.9213 96.4595 20 GP E Xb

Otter Cr 37.6182 96.5155 37.7190 96.1606 13 EX E X X X X XXB

Otter Cr, S Br 37.6182 96.4435 37.6849 96.3024 28 GP S X X X X XXb

Plum Cr 37.6578 96.2676 37.6071 96.1999 30 GP E b

Rainbow Cr, East 37.4631 95.9758 37.5101 95.8620 17 GP E b

Salt Cr 37.6545 96.2731 37.6132 96.0374 14 GP E XC

Salt Cr 37.6047 95.8746 37.5118 95.8416 38 GP E Xa

Silver Cr 37.6362 95.9592 37.5915 95.9609 33 GP E b

Snake Cr 37.6657 96.2387 37.7055 96.2160 31 GP E b

Spring Cr 37.7030 96.5143 37.8080 96.2890 12 GP E C

Swing Cr 38.0162 96.3066 37.9662 96.3843 989 GP E C

Tadpole Cr 37.7405 96.3781 37.7014 96.2738 29 GP E Xb

Watson Branch 37.7595 96.4042 37.6915 96.3815 23 GP E C

SUBBASIN: MIDDLE VERDIGRIS (HUC 11070103)Big Cr 37.0255 95.3137 36.9993 95.3279 21 GP E


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SUBBASIN: MIDDLE VERDIGRIS (HUC 11070103)Big Hill Cr 37.1058 95.5943 37.0611 95.6100 30 GP E X X X X XXC

Big Hill Cr 37.4631 95.4537 37.1058 95.5943 32 GP E X X X X XXa

Biscuit Cr 37.0978 95.6896 37.0503 95.7086 53 GP E b

Bluff Run 37.1147 95.7156 37.0738 95.7380 54 GP E b

Choteau Cr 37.3572 95.5989 37.2857 95.6634 63 GP E b

Claymore Cr 37.1509 95.5030 37.0551 95.5911 50 GP E Xb

Deadman Cr 37.0041 95.7818 37.0559 95.7233 57 GP E b

Deer Cr 37.0524 95.3602 37.0726 95.5067 51 GP E Xb

Drum Cr 37.4444 95.5000 37.1961 95.6309 34 GP E XC

Dry Cr 37.4521 95.5132 37.3891 95.6622 37 GP E Xb

Fawn Cr 37.0037 95.7951 37.0798 95.7468 56 GP E

Mud Cr 37.2292 95.4420 37.1666 95.4518 59 GP E b

Onion Cr 37.1760 95.9010 36.9994 95.5981 39 GP S Xb

Potatoe Cr 37.1988 95.5062 37.1058 95.5943 31 GP E Xb

Prior Cr 37.3607 95.6196 37.3449 95.6843 62 GP E b

Pumpkin Cr 37.2917 95.3943 37.0370 95.5848 28 GP E XC

Richland Cr 37.1511 95.3260 37.1229 95.4643 49 GP E b

Rock Cr 37.1557 95.7392 37.2119 95.6729 58 GP E b

Rock Cr 37.3787 95.4729 37.3844 95.5188 61 GP E b

Snow Cr 37.0310 95.3435 36.9993 95.5146 25 GP E Xb

Spring Cr 37.0615 95.8185 37.0959 95.7642 55 GP E b

Sycamore Cr 37.1040 95.6772 37.0293 95.6527 52 GP E B

Verdigris R 37.0370 95.5848 36.9994 95.5888 27 GP S X X X X XXB

Verdigris R 37.0611 95.6100 37.0370 95.5848 29 GP S X X X X XXB

Verdigris R 37.1961 95.6309 37.0611 95.6100 33 GP S X X X X XXB

Verdigris R 37.2565 95.6942 37.1961 95.6309 35 GP S X X X X XXB

Verdigris R 37.3891 95.6622 37.2565 95.6942 36 GP S X X X X XXB

Verdigris R 37.3976 95.6633 37.3891 95.6622 38 GP S X X X X XXB

Wildcat Cr 37.2975 95.4183 37.2482 95.4768 60 GP E b

SUBBASIN: ELK (HUC 11070104)Bachelor Cr 37.3871 95.9436 37.3124 95.9698 25 GP E b

Bloody Run 37.3427 96.0718 37.3351 96.0111 26 GP E b

Bull Cr 37.4360 96.4073 37.4734 96.3443 33 GP E b

Card Cr 37.2063 95.9393 37.2534 95.8531 19 GP E b

Chetopa Cr 37.2088 95.8486 37.2340 95.8109 18 GP E b

Clear Cr 37.3083 96.2142 37.3621 96.1486 30 GP E C

Clear Cr 37.4909 96.4668 37.4874 96.3602 32 GP E b

Coffey Branch 37.2432 96.0716 37.2739 96.0114 20 GP E b

Duck Cr 37.4579 95.9545 37.2960 95.9165 3 GP E XC

Elk R 37.2660 95.9198 37.2565 95.6942 1 GP E X X X X XXC


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SUBBASIN: ELK (HUC 11070104)Elk R 37.3763 96.0437 37.2660 95.9198 2 GP E X X X X XXC

Elk R 37.3785 96.0634 37.3763 96.0437 6 GP E X X X X XXC

Elk R 37.3708 96.1716 37.3785 96.0634 8 GP E X X X X XXC

Elk R 37.4209 96.2164 37.3708 96.1716 9 GP E X X X X XXC

Elk R 37.4522 96.2324 37.4209 96.2164 10 GP E X X X X XXC

Elk R 37.4538 96.2725 37.4522 96.2324 12 GP E X X X X XXC

Elk R 37.6077 96.5258 37.4538 96.2725 14 GP E X X X X XXC

Elk R, Mound Br 37.4319 96.4096 37.4209 96.2164 15 GP E X X X X XXb

Elk R, S Br 37.5423 96.4985 37.5098 96.4016 38 GP E X X X X XXC

Elm Branch 37.4195 95.8331 37.3744 95.8710 23 GP E b

Hickory Cr 37.4383 95.9828 37.3534 96.0190 28 GP E b

Hitchen Cr 37.5171 96.1517 37.3785 96.0634 7 GP E XC

Hitchen Cr, East 37.4962 96.1093 37.4540 96.1513 35 GP E b

Little Duck Cr 37.3714 95.9268 37.3238 95.8877 24 GP E b

Little Hitchen Cr 37.4606 96.1070 37.4216 96.1535 37 GP E b

Painterhood Cr 37.5180 96.0403 37.3763 96.0437 5 GP E Xb

Painterhood Cr, East 37.5017 95.9843 37.4271 96.0495 36 GP E b

Pan Cr 37.3440 96.1026 37.2961 96.0805 27 GP E b

Pawpaw Cr 37.6097 96.3085 37.4522 96.2324 11 GP E b

Racket Cr 37.3497 95.7847 37.2824 95.7807 21 GP E Xb

Rock Cr 37.6049 96.3418 37.4538 96.2725 13 GP E XC

Rowe Branch Elk R 37.5833 96.4087 37.5481 96.4414 39 GP E X X X X XXb

Salt Cr 37.3116 96.1862 37.2660 95.9198 17 GP E XC

Salt Cr, South 37.3146 96.1694 37.2956 96.0930 29 GP E b

Skull Cr 37.3952 96.3785 37.4161 96.3599 31 GP E

Snake Cr 37.5643 96.2469 37.4739 96.2468 34 GP E b

Sycamore Cr 37.4200 95.7950 37.2790 95.7445 22 GP E Xb

Wildcat Cr 37.3813 96.3757 37.3708 96.1716 16 GP E Xb

SUBBASIN: CANEY (HUC 11070106)Bachelor Cr 37.2678 96.1078 37.1965 96.1477 47 GP E b

Bee Cr 37.2331 95.9989 37.0537 95.9701 9 GP E Xb

California Cr 37.2156 96.0383 37.1723 95.9895 48 GP E b

Caney Cr, Middle 37.3322 96.3679 37.1074 96.0529 12 GP E X X X X XXC

Caney Cr, North 37.3200 96.2552 37.1074 96.0529 11 GP E X X X X XXC

Caney R 37.1555 96.4940 36.9991 96.2849 19 EX S X X X X XXC

Caney R 37.4816 96.4672 37.1555 96.4940 20 EX S X X X X XXC

Caney R, E Fk 37.4473 96.4221 37.3610 96.4667 52 GP E X X X X XXb

Cedar Cr 37.1525 96.6145 37.0755 96.4653 30 GP E XC

Cedar Cr 37.1168 96.2946 36.9992 96.2395 32 GP E XC

Cheyenne Cr 37.1310 95.8701 37.0196 95.9539 40 GP E Xb


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: CANEY (HUC 11070106)Coon Cr 37.0368 96.1912 36.9991 96.2255 36 GP E C

Corum Cr 37.4095 96.4092 37.3351 96.4521 51 GP E b

Cotton Cr 37.1171 95.8913 37.0732 95.9527 38 GP E b

Dry Cr 37.1082 96.4381 37.0520 96.4379 29 GP E b

Fly Cr 37.2266 96.0620 37.1529 96.1092 46 GP E b

Hafer Run 37.0541 95.8157 37.0398 95.9195 509 GP E C

Illinois Cr 37.1998 95.9330 37.1076 95.9509 39 GP E b

Jim Cr 37.2427 96.6146 37.2057 96.5609 49 GP E b

Lake Cr 37.0349 96.0486 37.0347 95.9636 34 GP E b

Little Caney Cr 37.0537 95.9701 36.9991 95.9537 8 GP E XC

Little Caney Cr 37.1074 96.0529 37.0537 95.9701 10 GP E C

Otter Cr 37.3318 96.5375 37.1555 96.4940 21 EX E X X X X XXC

Otter Cr 37.0636 96.1722 37.0871 96.1072 33 GP E X X X X XXb

Pool Cr 37.1829 96.3557 37.1470 96.2660 43 GP E C

Possum Trot Cr 36.9993 96.4502 37.0272 96.4137 74 GP E

Rock Cr 37.0484 96.6576 37.0419 96.4263 28 GP E XC

Spring Cr 37.2952 96.2793 37.1669 96.2744 44 GP E C

Spring Cr 37.3549 96.5258 37.2720 96.4621 53 GP E b

Squaw Cr 37.2715 96.4185 37.2366 96.4618 42 GP E b

Sycamore Cr 37.1415 96.3415 37.0235 96.3513 31 GP E b

Turkey Cr 37.2298 96.2353 37.2136 96.1760 45 GP E b

Union Cr 37.2936 96.5254 37.1977 96.4923 41 GP E b

Wolf Cr 37.1835 96.1848 37.1085 96.1536 35 GP E C

Wolf Cr 37.3741 96.3839 37.2588 96.4636 50 GP E C


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SUBBASIN: UPPER WALNUT RIVER (HUC 11030017)Badger Cr 37.7735 97.0770 37.7384 97.0078 36 GP E Xb

Bemis Cr 37.8856 96.5870 37.8504 96.7327 8 GP E Xb

Bird Cr 37.8130 96.6472 37.8285 96.8169 213 GP E C

Cole Cr 38.0789 96.7543 37.9387 96.7856 15 GP E C

Constant Cr 37.8407 96.9240 37.7965 96.8627 41 GP E a

Dry Cr 37.7721 97.2232 37.6745 97.0006 27 GP E b

Dry Cr 38.0414 97.1325 37.9273 97.0425 32 GP E b

Durechen Cr 38.0125 96.5597 37.9202 96.7532 12 GP E XXC

Elm Cr 37.7876 96.9514 37.6828 96.9928 43 GP E Xa

Fourmile Cr 37.9879 96.9122 37.8862 97.0496 20 GP E Xb

Gilmore Branch 37.9775 96.8192 37.9455 96.7851 39 GP E Xa

Gypsum Cr 38.0132 97.2499 37.9284 97.1515 30 GP E b

Henry Cr 38.1149 97.1061 37.9850 97.0276 33 GP E Xb

Lower Branch 37.8324 96.5677 37.8513 96.7174 42 GP E Xb

Prairie Cr 37.8646 97.2397 37.8419 97.1149 35 GP E b

Rock Cr 37.9335 96.9418 37.8532 97.0379 37 GP E b

Sand Cr 37.9071 97.2491 37.9021 97.1907 29 GP E b

Satchel Cr 37.9058 96.5766 37.8800 96.7500 10 GP E XXa

School Branch 38.0829 96.7070 38.0061 96.7234 45 GP E Xb

Sutton Cr 37.8188 96.9316 37.7544 96.8795 40 GP E b

Walnut Cr 38.0639 97.2642 38.0283 97.1968 44 GP E b

Walnut R 37.8171 96.8394 37.6564 96.9904 2 GP E X X X X XXC

Walnut R 37.8368 96.8108 37.8171 96.8394 3 GP E X X X X XXB

Walnut R 38.0215 96.5533 37.9427 96.7589 14 GP E X X X X XXB

Walnut R, W Br 38.0559 96.8621 37.8171 96.8394 16 GP E X X X X XXC

Whitewater Cr 37.8052 97.2310 37.8278 97.0955 34 GP E b

Whitewater Cr, E Br 38.1006 97.1893 37.9682 97.1571 31 GP E Xb

Whitewater R 37.6745 97.0006 37.6564 96.9904 17 GP E X X X X XXC

Whitewater R 37.8140 97.0218 37.6745 97.0006 18 GP E X X X X XXC

Whitewater R 37.8862 97.0496 37.8140 97.0218 19 GP E X X X X XXb

Whitewater R 37.9812 97.0235 37.8862 97.0496 21 GP E X X X X XXb

Whitewater R 38.1116 97.0840 37.9812 97.0235 23 GP E X X X X XXb

Whitewater R, E Br 38.1034 96.9043 37.9812 97.0235 22 GP E X X X X XXb

Whitewater R, W Br 37.8530 97.1195 37.8140 97.0218 24 GP E X X X X XXC

Whitewater R, W Br 38.1249 97.2369 37.8530 97.1195 25 GP E X X X X XXb

Wildcat Cr 38.0000 97.2562 37.8530 97.1195 26 GP E b

Wildcat Cr, West 37.9797 97.2643 37.9267 97.2171 28 GP E b

SUBBASIN: LOWER WALNUT RIVER (HUC 11030018)Black Crook Cr 37.2668 96.9279 37.2197 96.9802 18 GP E a

Cedar Cr 37.3254 96.8115 37.3016 96.9572 19 GP E b


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Designated uses of major classified streams (continued)




SUBBASIN: LOWER WALNUT RIVER (HUC 11030018)Chigger Cr 37.5412 96.8262 37.4844 96.9032 21 GP E b

Crooked Cr 37.3679 97.0949 37.3066 97.0425 31 GP E b

Durham Cr 37.4506 96.8830 37.4674 96.9436 23 GP E b

Dutch Cr 37.4724 96.7328 37.3393 96.9441 4 GP E C

Eightmile Cr 37.6303 97.1596 37.4474 97.0356 30 GP E X X X X XXb

Foos Cr 37.3553 96.9665 37.3117 97.0275 26 GP E b

Fourmile Cr 37.7370 97.1962 37.6047 97.0076 16 GP E X X X X XXB

Hickory Cr 37.6611 96.5191 37.6068 96.9097 12 GP E XC

Hickory Cr, N Br 37.6611 96.5191 37.6099 96.6435 9012 GP E XC

Honey Cr 37.6681 96.6226 37.6221 96.6932 33 GP E b

Little Dutch Cr 37.4023 96.9500 37.3480 97.0419 27 GP E b

Little Walnut R 37.6068 96.9097 37.5429 97.0161 11 GP E X X X X XXC

Little Walnut R 37.7268 96.5350 37.6068 96.9097 13 GP E X X X X XXb

Little Walnut R, S Br 37.6750 96.5101 37.7095 96.7447 34 GP E X X X X XXC

Lower Dutch Cr 37.4633 96.7235 37.4475 96.8117 20 GP E b

Muddy Cr 37.5784 96.7325 37.4619 97.0248 9 GP E XC

Plum Cr 37.5855 96.6406 37.6220 96.7307 36 GP E b

Polecat Cr 37.5652 97.1863 37.4338 97.0386 17 GP E XC

Posey Cr 37.2120 97.0313 37.1596 96.9521 37 GP E b

Richland Cr 37.4281 96.7698 37.3935 96.8901 25 GP E b

Rock Cr 37.5871 96.5423 37.4206 97.0128 6 GP E X X X X XXC

Rock Cr, N Br 37.5633 96.6140 37.5080 96.7864 35 GP E b

Sanford Cr 37.4117 96.9569 37.3993 97.0147 29 GP E b

Spring Branch 37.7025 97.2123 37.6612 97.1494 32 GP E B

Stalter Branch 37.4260 96.9157 37.4393 96.9847 24 GP E

Stewart Cr 37.4336 97.1230 37.3723 97.0470 28 GP E b

Swisher Branch 37.5482 96.8746 37.4870 96.9198 22 GP E b

Timber Cr 37.3393 96.9441 37.2439 97.0028 2 GP E C

Timber Cr 37.4995 96.6505 37.3393 96.9441 3 GP E X X X X XXa

Walnut R 37.2439 97.0028 37.0469 97.0013 1 EX S X X X X XXB

Walnut R 37.4206 97.0128 37.2439 97.0028 5 EX S X X X X XXC

Walnut R 37.4338 97.0386 37.4206 97.0128 7 EX S X X X X XXC

Walnut R 37.4619 97.0248 37.4338 97.0386 8 EX S X X X X XXC

Walnut R 37.5429 97.0161 37.4619 97.0248 10 EX S X X X X XXC

Walnut R 37.6495 96.9911 37.5429 97.0161 14 GP E X X X X XXC


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Use designations for classified lakes not listed in this table are determined by the Department on a case-by-case basis in accordance with K.A.R. 28-16-28d(d). Classification and use designation applies to all waters contained within the particular Wildlife and Park, Wildlife Refuge, State Park, wetland, or Wildlife Area. Classification and use designation applies to all waters contained within the Nature Conservancy wildlife preserve (designated as Cheyenne Bottoms in this Register) and KDWP Cheyenne Bottoms Wildlife Area (Cheyenne Bottoms). Abbreviations:

HUC = hydrologic unit code CLASS = antidegradation category GP = general purpose waters EX = exceptional state waters ON = outstanding national resource waters AL = designated for aquatic life use S = special aquatic life use water E = expected aquatic life use water R = restricted aquatic life use water CR = designated for contact recreational use A = Primary contact recreation lakes that have a posted public swimming area B = Primary contact recreation lakes that are by law or written permission of the landowner

open to and accessible by the public C = Primary contact recreation lakes that are not open to and accessible by the public under

Kansas law a = Secondary contact recreation lakes that are by law or written permission of the

landowner open to and accessible by the public b = Secondary contact recreation lakes that are not open to and accessible by the public

under Kansas law DS = designated for domestic water supply use FP = designated for food procurement use GR = designated for ground water recharge IW = designated for industrial water supply use IR = designated for irrigation use LW = designated for livestock watering use X = referenced lake is assigned the indicated designated use O = referenced lake does not support the indicated designated use

blank = capacity of the referenced lake to support the indicated designated use has not been determined by use attainability analysis.

KWP = Kansas Wildlife and Parks LK/ L = lake NWR = National Wildlife Refuge RES = reservoir SFL = State Fishing Lake

W = wetland W.A. = Wildlife Area


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Designated uses of major classified lakes and lakes constituting outstanding national resource waters (continued)



SUBBASIN: UPPER CIMARRON (HUC 11040002)Cimarron Lake (Moss Lake Middle) Morton LM060401 L EX S B X X X X X XMallard Lake (Moss Lake East) Morton LM060301 L EX S B O X X X X XPoint of Rocks Lake (Moss Lake West) Morton LM060501 L EX S B O X X X O X

SUBBASIN: CROOKED CREEK (HUC 11040007)Lake Meade State Park Meade LM010601 L GP S B X X X X X XMeade Co. State Park W.A. Meade LM986289 W GP E B X X X X X X

SUBBASIN: UPPER CIMARRON-BLUFF (HUC 11040008)Clark Co. SFL Clark LM010101 L GP S B X X X X X XLake Coldwater Comanche LM042601 L GP E A X X X X X XSt. Jacobs Well (Big Basin W.A.) Clark LM060001 L EX E B X X X X O X


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Designated uses of major classified lakes and lakes constituting outstanding national resource waters (continued)



SUBBASIN: MIDDLE REPUBLICAN (HUC 10250016)Lovewell Lake Jewell LM015001 L GP E A X X X X X X

SUBBASIN: LOWER REPUBLICAN (HUC 10250017)Belleville City Lake Republic LM060701 L GP E B XJamestown W.A. Cloud LM052801 W EX E B X X X X X XMilford Lake Geary LM019001 L GP E A X X X X X XMilford W.A. Clay LM986449 W GP E a X X X X X XRimrock Park Lake Geary LM070501 L GP E B X X O X X X

SUBBASIN: UPPER KANSAS (HUC 10270101)Ogden City Lake Riley LM011701 L GP E A X X X X X X

SUBBASIN: MIDDLE KANSAS (HUC 10270102)Alma City Lake Wabaunsee LM050001 L GP E B X X X X X XCedar Crest Lake Shawnee LM986234 L GP E B O X O O OCentral Park Lake Shawnee LM060901 L GP E B O X O O ODornwood Park Lake Shawnee LM062301 L GP E B O X X O O OGage Park Lake Shawnee LM061101 L GP E B XJeffrey Energy Center W.A. Pottawatomie LM039501 L GP E B X XLake Jivaro Shawnee LM075001 L GP E A XLake Shawnee Shawnee LM012201 L GP E A XLake Sherwood Shawnee LM986111 L GP E A XMyer's Lake Shawnee LM075201 L GP E B O X O O OPillsbury Crossing W.A. Riley LM986166 L GP E B XPottawatomie Co. SFL #1 Pottawatomie LM012901 L GP E B X X O X X XShawnee Co. SFL Shawnee LM012501 L GP E B X X O X X XTopeka Public Golf Course Lake Shawnee LM050101 L GP E B X X O X X XWabaunsee Co. Lake Wabaunsee LM042001 L GP E A X X XWamego City Lake Pottawatomie LM062101 L GP E B O X O O OWarren Park Lake Shawnee LM062001 L GP E B X X X X X XWashburn Rural Environmental Lab Lake Shawnee LM043701 L GP E B X X O X X X

SUBBASIN: DELAWARE (HUC 10270103)Atchison Co. Park Lake Atchison LM060601 L GP E B X X O X X XBanner Creek Lake Jackson LM032001 L GP E A X X XElkhorn Lake Jackson LM061001 L GP E B O X O O OLake Jayhawk Jefferson LM039701 L GP E A XLittle Lake Brown LM062601 L GP E B X X X O OMission Lake Brown LM013601 L GP E A X X XMuscotah Marsh Atchison LM985255 W GP E a X X X X X XNebo SFL Jackson LM061501 L GP E B XOskaloosa Lake Jefferson LM061701 L GP E A X X XPerry Lake Jefferson LM029001 L GP S A X X X X X XPerry W.A. Wetland Jefferson LM029041 W GP E B X X X X X XPrairie Lake Jackson LM061901 L GP E A X X XSabetha Watershed Lake (Niehues) Nemaha LM075101 L GP E B O X O O O


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Designated uses of major classified lakes and lakes constituting outstanding national resource waters (continued)



SUBBASIN: LOWER KANSAS (HUC 10270104)Antioch Park Lake Johnson LM067701 L GP E A O X O O OBaker Wetlands Douglas LM014401 W GP E B X X X X X XCarbondale West Lake Osage LM060801 L GP E B XCedar Lake Johnson LM061601 L GP E B X X XClinton Lake Douglas LM030001 L GP S A X X X X X XDouglas Co. SFL Douglas LM011301 L GP E B X X O X X XFrisco Lake Johnson LM065201 L GP E B X X O X X XGardner City Lake Johnson LM040401 L GP E A X X XLake Dabanawa Jefferson LM054001 L GP E A XLake Quivera Wyandotte LM986104 L GP E A XLakeview Estates Lake Shawnee LM075301 L GP E B XLeavenworth Co. SFL Leavenworth LM012301 L GP E B X X O X X XLone Star Lake Douglas LM011401 L GP E A XMahaffie Farmstead Lake Johnson LM986142 L GP E B O X O O OMary's Lake Douglas LM061401 L GP E B O X O O ONew Olathe Lake Johnson LM061301 L GP E A X X XNorth Park Lake Wyandotte LM062701 L GP E B O X O O OOlathe Waterworks Lakes Johnson LM062201 L GP E B X X O X X XOverbrook Lake Osage LM997104 L GP E B XPierson Park Lake Wyandotte LM061801 L GP E B X X X X X XPotter's Lake Douglas LM073401 L GP E B O X O O ORose's Lake Johnson LM062501 L GP E B X X O X X XShawnee Mission Lake Johnson LM041801 L GP E A XStrowbridge Reservoir Osage LM051201 L GP E B X X O X X XSunflower Park Lake Johnson LM073601 L GP E B O X O O O

SUBBASIN: LOWER BIG BLUE (HUC 10270205)Centralia Lake Nemaha LM073701 L GP E A X XPottawatomie Co. SFL #2 Pottawatomie LM013201 L GP E B X X O X X XRocky Ford W.A. Riley LM986173 L GP E B XTuttle Creek Lake Riley LM021001 L GP E a X X X X X XTuttle Creek W.A. Riley LM986432 W GP E a X X X X X X

SUBBASIN: LOWER LITTLE BLUE (HUC 10270207)Lake Idlewild Marshall LM061201 L GP E B XWashington Co. SFL Washington LM010901 L GP E B X X O X X XWashington W.A. Washington LM010941 W GP E B X X O X X X


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Designated uses of major classified lakes and lakes constituting outstanding national resource waters (continued)



SUBBASIN: RATTLESNAKE (HUC 11030009)Kiowa Co. SFL Kiowa LM042801 L GP E B X X X X X XQuivira Big Salt Marsh Stafford LM050601 W ON S B O X X X X XQuivira Little Salt Marsh Stafford LM050201 W ON S B O X X X X X

SUBBASIN: GAR-PEACE (HUC11030010)Carey Park Lake Reno LM063001 L GP E A X

SUBBASIN: COW (HUC 11030011)Barton Lake Barton LM072701 L GP E a XCheyenne Bottoms Barton LM050401 W ON S B O X X X X XSterling City Lake Rice LM064801 L GP E B X

SUBBASIN: LITTLE ARKANSAS (HUC 11030012)Dillon Park Lakes Reno LM063101 L GP E B O X O O OHarvey Co. Camp Hawk Lake Harvey LM063401 L GP E A O X O O OHarvey Co. West Park Lake Harvey LM049001 L GP E A X XInman Lake McPherson LM050301 L GP E B X X X X X XMcPherson Wetlands McPherson LM986456 W GP E a X X O X X XMingenback Lake McPherson LM064701 L GP E B O X O O ONewton City Park Lake Harvey LM064201 L GP E B X

SUBBASIN: MIDDLE ARKANSAS-SLATE (HUC 11030013)Buffalo Park Lake Sedgwick LM985934 L GP E B XCadillac Lake (Pracht Wetland) Sedgwick LM054101 W GP E B X X X X X XChisholm Creek Park Lake Sedgwick LM064601 L GP E B O X O O OEagle Lake (Belaire Lake) Sedgwick LM985927 L GP E B XEmery Park Lake Sedgwick LM063201 L GP E A XHargis Lake Sumner LM039901 L GP E B X X O X X XHarrison Park Lake Sedgwick LM986333 L GP E B XHorseshoe Lake Sedgwick LM063501 L GP E B X XKid's Lake Sedgwick LM063601 L GP E B X XMoss Lake Sedgwick LM064101 L GP E B X XRiggs Park Lake Sedgwick LM986340 L GP E B XSlate Creek W.A. Sumner LM014201 W GP E a O X X X O OVic's Lake Sedgwick LM064301 L GP E B X XWatson Park Lake Sedgwick LM064401 L GP E B XWindmill Lake Sedgwick LM064501 L GP E B X X

SUBBASIN: NORTH FORK NINNESCAH (HUC 11030014)Cheney Lake Reno LM017001 L GP E A X X X X X X

SUBBASIN: SOUTH FORK NINNESCAH (HUC 11030015)Kingman Co. SFL Kingman LM010401 L GP E B X X X X X XKingman W.A. Kingman LM010441 W GP E a X X X X X XKWP Hatchery and Ponds Pratt LM050501 L GP E B X X X X X XLemon Park Lake Pratt LM063901 L GP E B X


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Designated uses of major classified lakes and lakes constituting outstanding national resource waters (continued)



Pratt Co. Lake Pratt LM064001 L GP E B XTexas Lake W.A. Pratt LM053001 W EX E a X X X X X X

SUBBASIN: NINNESCAH (HUC 11030016)Lake Afton Sedgwick LM049201 L GP E B X

SUBBASIN: KAW LAKE (HUC 11060001)Cowley Co. SFL Cowley LM013401 L GP E B X X O X X XKaw W.A. Cowley LM014801 W GP E a X X X X X X

SUBBASIN: MEDICINE LODGE (HUC 11060003)Barber Co. SFL Barber LM013101 L GP E B X X O X X X

SUBBASIN: CHIKASKIA (HUC 11060005)Anthony City Lake Harper LM048801 L GP E A XIsabel W.A. Pratt LM014301 W GP E a X X X X X XWellington Lake Sumner LM042201 L GP E A X X O X X XWellington New City Lake Sumner LM986326 L GP E A X X X


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Designated uses of major classified lakes and lakes constituting outstanding national resource waters (continued)



SUBBASIN: UPPER MARAIS DES CYGNES (HUC 10290101)Cedar Creek Lake Anderson LM040701 L GP E A X X O X X XCrystal Lake Anderson LM064901 L GP E B X X XGarnett North Lake Anderson LM040601 L GP E A X X XHarveyville Lake Wabaunsee LM040801 L GP E A X X XHole In The Rock Douglas LM986036 L GP E B O O X O O OLebo City Lake Coffey LM041201 L GP E A X X O X X XLebo City Park Lake Coffey LM065601 L GP E B O X O O OLyndon City Lake Osage LM065901 L GP E B X X X XLyon Co. SFL Lyon LM010501 L GP E B X X O X X XMelvern Lake Osage LM027001 L GP E A X X X X X XMelvern W.A. Osage LM986487 W GP E a X X X X X XOsage City Reservoir Osage LM066101 L GP E B X X XOsage Co. SFL Osage LM012401 L GP E B X X O X X XOsawatomie City Lake Miami LM066201 L GP E B X X XPomona Lake Osage LM028001 L GP E A X X X X X XRichmond City Lake Franklin LM046801 L GP E B X X XScranton City Lake Osage LM986180 L GP E B XSpring Creek Park Lake Douglas LM066801 L GP E B XWestphalia Lake Anderson LM066901 L GP E B X X X

SUBBASIN: LOWER MARAIS DES CYGNES (HUC 10290102)Blue Mound City Lake Linn LM046401 L GP E B X X O X X XEdgerton City Lake Johnson LM065001 L GP E B X X O X X XHillsdale Lake Miami LM035001 L GP S A X X X X X XLa Cygne Lake Linn LM044002 L GP E B X X X X X XLouisburg Old Lake Miami LM065701 L GP E A X X XLouisburg SFL Miami LM043801 L GP E B X X O X X XMarais Des Cygnes N.W.R. Linn LM053301 W EX S B X X X X X XMarais Des Cygnes W.A. Linn LM053201 W EX S B X X X X X XMiami Co. SFL Miami LM043601 L GP E B X X X X X XMiola Lake Miami LM051001 L GP E A X X XMound City Lake Linn LM051401 L GP E B X X O X X XPaola City Lake Miami LM073201 L GP E B XParker City Lake Linn LM066301 L GP E B X X XPleasanton Lake #1 Linn LM066401 L GP E B X X XPleasanton Lake #2 Linn LM066501 L GP E B X X XPleasanton Reservoir Linn LM044201 L GP E A X X XSpring Hill City Lake Johnson LM073501 L GP E B X X X X X X

SUBBASIN: LITTLE OSAGE (HUC 10290103)Prescott City Lake Linn LM066601 L GP E B X X XXenia Lake Bourbon LM074401 L GP E B X X X X X X

SUBBASIN: MARMATON (HUC 10290104)Bone Creek Lake Crawford LM043901 L GP E B X X O X X XBourbon Co. SFL Bourbon LM013301 L GP E B X X O X X X


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Designated uses of major classified lakes and lakes constituting outstanding national resource waters (continued)



Bronson City Lake Bourbon LM046201 L GP E B X X O X X XElm Creek Lake Bourbon LM044801 L GP E A XFort Scott City Lake Bourbon LM045001 L GP E A X X XFrisco Lake Crawford LM068501 L GP E B XGunn Park East Lake Bourbon LM065401 L GP E B O X O O OGunn Park West Lake Bourbon LM065501 L GP E B O X O O OLake Crawford State Park #2 Crawford LM011101 L GP E A XRock Creek Lake Bourbon LM045201 L GP E B X X X X X X


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Designated uses of major classified lakes and lakes constituting outstanding national resource waters (continued)



SUBBASIN: TARKIO-WOLF (HUC 10240005)Brown Co. SFL Brown LM010301 L GP E B X X O X X XHiawatha City Lake Brown LM011601 L GP E B X X O X X XTroy Fair Lake Doniphan LM073801 L GP E B X

SUBBASIN: SOUTH FORK BIG NEMAHA (HUC 10240007)Nemaha Co. SFL/W.A. Nemaha LM010801 W GP E B X X X X X XSabetha City Lake Nemaha LM011501 L GP E B X X O X X X

SUBBASIN: BIG NEMAHA (HUC 10240008)Pony Creek Lake Brown LM073001 L GP E B X X O X X X

SUBBASIN: INDEPENDENCE-SUGAR (HUC 10240011)Atchison Co. SFL Atchison LM012601 L GP E B X X O X X XBig Eleven Lake Wyandotte LM067101 L GP E B X X X X X XJerry's Lake Leavenworth LM067801 L GP E B X X O X X XLake Warnock (Atchison City Lake) Atchison LM039801 L GP E A X X O X X XLansing City Lake Leavenworth LM067201 L GP E B X X O X X XMerrit Lake Leavenworth LM985279 L GP E B XSmith Lake Leavenworth LM985286 L GP E B XWyandotte Co. Lake Wyandotte LM042401 L GP E A X

SUBBASIN: LOWER MISSOURI-CROOKED (HUC 10300101)Heritage Park Lake Johnson LM062401 L GP E A XSouth Lake Park Johnson LM067501 L GP E B X X O X X XStohl Park Lake Johnson LM062801 L GP E B X X O X X X


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Designated uses of major classified lakes and lakes constituting outstanding national resource waters (continued)



SUBBASIN: NEOSHO HEADWATERS (HUC 11070201)Council Grove City Lake Morris LM043001 L GP E A X X X X X XCouncil Grove Lake Morris LM022001 L GP E A X X X X X XFlint Hills N.W.R. Coffey LM072401 W ON E a X X X X X XJohn Redmond Lake Coffey LM026001 L GP E A X X X X X XJones Park Lake Lyon LM068701 L GP E B O X O O OLake Kahola Morris LM043401 L GP E A X X XOlpe City Lake Lyon LM041001 L GP E A X

SUBBASIN: UPPER COTTONWOOD (HUC 11070202)Hillsboro City Lake Marion LM985958 L GP E B O X O O OMarion Co. Lake Marion LM012101 L GP E A X X O X X XMarion Lake Marion LM020001 L GP E A X X X X X XMarion W.A. Marion LM986470 W GP E B X X X X X X

SUBBASIN: LOWER COTTONWOOD (HUC 11070203)Chase Co. SFL Chase LM010201 L GP E A XPeter Pan Lake Lyon LM068901 L GP E B O X O O O

SUBBASIN: UPPER NEOSHO (HUC 11070204)Chanute Santa Fe Lake Neosho LM044401 L GP E B X X X X X XCircle Lake Woodson LM985941 L GP S B XGridley City Lake Coffey LM045601 L GP E A X X O X X XIola City Lake Allen LM986050 L GP E B XJohn Redmond W.A. Coffey LM986494 W GP E a X X X X X XLeonard's Lake Woodson LM985972 L GP S B XNeosho Falls City Lake Woodson LM985989 L GP E B O X O O ONew Strawn Park Lake Coffey LM073101 L GP E B O X O O OWolf Creek Lake Coffey LM039601 L GP E B X XYates Center Reservoir Woodson LM069201 L GP E A X X X

SUBBASIN: MIDDLE NEOSHO (HUC 11070205)Altamont City Main Lake (#1) Labette LM068001 L GP E B XAltamont City West Lake (#3) Labette LM068201 L GP E B XBartlett City Lake Labette LM045401 L GP E B X X O X X XHarmon W.A. Labette LM986029 L GP E a XMined Land Lake WA Cherokee LM038841 W GP E a O X X X X XMined Land Lake 10 Cherokee LM035701 L GP E B XMined Land Lake 11 Cherokee LM035801 L GP E B XMined Land Lake 12 Cherokee LM035901 L GP E B O X X X X XMined Land Lake 13 Cherokee LM036001 L GP E B XMined Land Lake 14 Cherokee LM036101 L GP E B XMined Land Lake 17 Cherokee LM048201 L GP E B O X X X X XMined Land Lake 18 Cherokee LM036401 L GP E B XMined Land Lake 19 Cherokee LM036501 L GP E B XMined Land Lake 20 Cherokee LM036601 L GP E B XMined Land Lake 21 Cherokee LM036701 L GP E B X


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Designated uses of major classified lakes and lakes constituting outstanding national resource waters (continued)



Mined Land Lake 22 Cherokee LM036801 L GP E B O X X X X XMined Land Lake 23 Cherokee LM036901 L GP E B O X X X X XMined Land Lake 24 Cherokee LM037001 L GP E B XMined Land Lake 25 Cherokee LM037101 L GP E B XMined Land Lake 26 Cherokee LM037201 L GP E B XMined Land Lake 27 Cherokee LM037301 L GP E B O X X X X XMined Land Lake 28 Cherokee LM037401 L GP E a XMined Land Lake 29 Cherokee LM037501 L GP E B XMined Land Lake 30 Cherokee LM037601 L GP E B O X X X X XMined Land Lake 31 Cherokee LM037701 L GP E B XMined Land Lake 32 Cherokee LM037801 L GP E B XMined Land Lake 33 Cherokee LM037901 L GP E B XMined Land Lake 34 Cherokee LM038001 L GP E B XMined Land Lake 35 Cherokee LM038101 L GP E B XMined Land Lake 36 Cherokee LM038201 L GP E B XMined Land Lake 37 Cherokee LM038301 L GP E B XMined Land Lake 38 Cherokee LM038401 L GP E B XMined Land Lake 39 Cherokee LM038501 L GP E B XMined Land Lake 40 Cherokee LM038601 L GP E B XMined Land Lake 41 Cherokee LM038701 L GP E B XMined Land Lake 42 Cherokee LM038801 L GP E B XMined Land Lake 43 Cherokee LM038901 L GP E B XMined Land Lake 44 Cherokee LM048401 L GP E B O X X X X XMined Land Lake 45 Cherokee LM039001 L GP E B XNeosho Co. SFL Neosho LM044601 L GP E B X X O X X XNeosho W.A. Neosho LM053401 W GP S B X X X X X XParsons Lake Neosho LM041401 L GP E A X X XTimber Lake Neosho LM069101 L GP E B X X X

SUBBASIN: SPRING (HUC 11070207)Empire Lake Cherokee LM074101 L GP E B X X X X X XMined Land Lake 01 Crawford LM035101 L GP E B XMined Land Lake 02 Crawford LM035201 L GP E a XMined Land Lake 03 Crawford LM035301 L GP E B XMined Land Lake 04 Crawford LM035401 L GP E B XMined Land Lake 05 Crawford LM047401 L GP E B X X X X X XMined Land Lake 06 Crawford LM047601 L GP E B O X X X X XMined Land Lake 07 Crawford LM047801 L GP E B O X X X X XMined Land Lake 08 Crawford LM035501 L GP E B XMined Land Lake 09 Cherokee LM035601 L GP E B XMined Land Lake 15 Cherokee LM036201 L GP E B XPittsburg College Lake Crawford LM073301 L GP E B O X O O OPlayter's Lake Crawford LM069001 L GP E B O X O O O


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Designated uses of major classified lakes and lakes constituting outstanding national resource waters (continued)



SUBBASIN: NORTH FORK SMOKY HILL (HUC 10260002)Sherman Co. SFL/W.A. Sherman LM070201 L GP E B O X X O O OSmoky Hill Garden Lake Sherman LM070101 L GP E B X X X X X X

SUBBASIN: UPPER SMOKY HILL (HUC 10260003)Cedar Bluff Lake Trego LM013001 L GP E A X X X X X XLogan Co. SFL Logan LM070401 L GP E B O X O O O O

SUBBASIN: LADDER (HUC 10260004)Lake Scott State Park Scott LM011201 L GP S A X X X X O X

SUBBASIN: MIDDLE SMOKY HILL (HUC 10260006)Fossil Lake Russell LM052601 L GP E B X X O X X XKanopolis Lake Ellsworth LM016001 L GP E A X X X X X X

SUBBASIN: BIG (HUC 10260007)Big Creek Oxbow Ellis LM070301 L GP E B X X X X X XEllis City Lake Ellis LM069601 L GP E B X X X X X X

SUBBASIN: LOWER SMOKY HILL (HUC 10260008)Geary Co. SFL Geary LM043201 L GP E B X X O X X XHerington City Lake Dickinson LM069701 L GP E A X X XHerington City Park Lake Dickinson LM072801 L GP E B O X O O OHerington Reservoir Dickinson LM047201 L GP S B X X X X X XLakewood Park Lake Saline LM069801 L GP E B XMcPherson Co. SFL McPherson LM013501 L GP E B X X X X X X

SUBBASIN: UPPER SALINE (HUC 10260009)Plainville Township Lake Rooks LM070001 L GP E B X X O X X XSheridan W.A. Sheridan LM014501 W GP E B X X X X X XWilson Lake Russell LM014001 L GP E A X X X X X X

SUBBASIN: LOWER SALINE (HUC 10260010)Saline Co. SFL Saline LM013701 L GP E B X X X X X X


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Designated uses of major classified lakes and lakes constituting outstanding national resource waters (continued)



SUBBASIN: UPPER NORTH FORK SOLOMON (HUC 10260011)Kirwin Lake Phillips LM011001 L ON S A X X X X X XKirwin N.W.R. Phillips LM072501 W ON S a X X X X X XLogan City Lake Phillips LM069301 L GP E B O X O O O

SUBBASIN: LOWER NORTH FORK SOLOMON (HUC 10260012)Francis Wachs W.A. Smith LM986012 L GP E a O X O O O

SUBBASIN: UPPER SOUTH FORK SOLOMON (HUC 10260013)Antelope Lake Graham LM069501 L GP E B X X O X X XSheridan Co. SFL Sheridan LM069401 L GP E B X X X X X XWebster Lake Rooks LM012001 L GP E A X X X X X X


SUBBASIN: SOLOMON RIVER (HUC 10260015)Jewell Co. SFL Jewell LM012801 L GP E B X X O X X XOttawa Co. SFL Ottawa LM014101 L GP E B X X X X X XWaconda Lake Mitchell LM018001 L GP E A X X X X X X


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Designated uses of major classified lakes and lakes constituting outstanding national resource waters (continued)



SUBBASIN: MIDDLE ARKANSAS-LAKE MCKINNEY (HUC 11030001)Beymer Lake Kearney LM071001 L GP E A X X X X X XHamilton Co. SFL Hamilton LM016101 L GP E B O X X X X XHamilton W.A. Hamilton LM016141 W GP E a O X X X X X

SUBBASIN: ARKANSAS-DODGECITY (HUC 11030003)Lake Charles Ford LM071101 L GP E B X X O X X X

SUBBASIN: PAWNEE (HUC 11030005)Concannon SFL Finney LM053601 L GP E B O X O X X XFinney Co. SFL/W.A. Finney LM070701 L GP E B O X O O O O

SUBBASIN: BUCKNER (HUC 11030006)Boy Scout Lake Hodgeman LM070601 L GP E A X X X X X XFord Co. Lake Ford LM070801 L GP E B X X X X X XHain SFL Ford LM070901 L GP E B X X O X X XHodgeman Co. SFL/W.A. Hodgeman LM986272 L GP E O X O O O OJetmore Lake Hodgeman LM073901 L GP E A X X X X X X

SUBBASIN: LOWER WALNUT CREEK (HUC 11030008)Goodman SFL Ness LM052401 L GP E B X X X X X XMemorial Park Lake Barton LM071501 L GP E B XStone Lake Barton LM074001 L GP E B X


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Designated uses of major classified lakes and lakes constituting outstanding national resource waters (continued)



SUBBASIN: SOUTH FORK REPUBLICAN (HUC 10250003)Saint Francis W.A. Cheyenne LM071401 L GP E B X X X X O X

SUBBASIN: SOUTH FORK BEAVER (HUC 10250012)Atwood Township Lake Rawlins LM071201 L GP E B X X X X X X

SUBBASIN: PRAIRIE DOG (HUC 10250015)Colby City Lake Thomas LM071301 L GP E B X X O X X XNorton Lake (Sebelius Lake) Norton LM010001 L GP E A X X X X X XNorton W.A. Norton LM986418 W GP E a X X X X X X


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Designated uses of major classified lakes and lakes constituting outstanding national resource waters (continued)



SUBBASIN: UPPER VERDIGRIS (HUC 11070101)Eureka Lake Greenwood LM040201 L GP E A X X O X X XMadison City Lake Greenwood LM051801 L GP E A X X XNew Yates Center Lake Woodson LM053801 L GP E B X X O X X XQuarry Lake Wilson LM986357 L GP E B X X XThayer New City Lake Neosho LM049601 L GP E B X X O X X XThayer Old City Lake Neosho LM072201 L GP E A X X XToronto Lake Woodson LM024001 L GP E a X X X X X XToronto W.A. Greenwood LM986500 W GP E a XWilson Co. SFL Wilson LM015101 L GP E B X X O X X XWoodson Co. SFL Woodson LM011801 L GP S B X X O X X XWoodson W.A. Woodson LM011841 W GP S B X X O X X X

SUBBASIN: FALL (HUC 11070102)Fall River Lake Greenwood LM023001 L GP E A X X X X X XFall River W.A. Greenwood LM023041 W GP E a X X X X X XOtis Creek Lake (Eureka) Greenwood LM053901 L GP E B X X XSevery City Lake Greenwood LM072101 L GP E B X X X

SUBBASIN: MIDDLE VERDIGRIS (HUC 11070103)Big Hill Lake Labette LM031001 L GP E A X X O X X XEdna City Lake Labette LM071701 L GP E A XLa Claire Lake Montgomery LM072901 L GP E B XLake Tanko (Cherryvale City Lake) Montgomery LM071601 L GP E B XMontgomery Co. SFL Montgomery LM010701 L GP E B X X O X X X

SUBBASIN: ELK (HUC 11070104)Elk City Lake Montgomery LM025001 L GP E a X X X X X XElk City W.A. Montgomery LM985293 W GP E a X X X X X XMoline City #1 (Santa Fe Lake) Elk LM071801 L GP E A X X XMoline City Lake #2 Elk LM048001 L GP E B X X O X X XMoline Reservoir Elk LM071901 L GP E A X X XPolk Daniels Lake (Elk Co. SFL) Elk LM012701 L GP E B X X X X X X

SUBBASIN: CANEY (HUC 11070106)Caney City Lake Chautauqua LM072601 L GP E B X X XCopan W.A. Montgomery LM014901 W GP E B X X X X X XMurray Gill Lake Chautauqua LM048701 L GP E A X X O X X XSedan City North Lake Chautauqua LM048601 L GP E B X X O X X XSedan City South Lake Chautauqua LM072001 L GP E A X X O X X X


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Designated uses of major classified lakes and lakes constituting outstanding national resource waters (continued)



SUBBASIN: UPPER WALNUT RIVER (HUC 11030017)Augusta City Lake Butler LM040001 L GP E A X X XAugusta Santa Fe Lake Butler LM041601 L GP E A X X XEl Dorado Lake Butler LM033001 L GP E A X X X X X XHarvey Co. East Lake Harvey LM052001 L GP E A X

SUBBASIN: LOWER WALNUT RIVER (HUC 11030018)Butler Co. SFL Butler LM049401 L GP E B X X O X X XWinfield City Lake Cowley LM050801 L GP E A X X X X X XWinfield Park Lagoon Cowley LM072301 L GP E B X


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Surface waters identified below shall be classified as outstanding national resource waters:

(1) Cimarron National Grasslands (Morton and Stevens counties); classification applies to all surface

waters within national grasslands.


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Surface waters identified below shall be designated as special aquatic life use waters:

(1) All oxbow lakes and wetlands within that portion of Allen County encompassed by a line that

extends from latitude 37.7471, longitude 95.4336 west to latitude 37.7471, longitude 95.4600, then

south to latitude 37.7400, longitude 95.4600, then east to latitude 37.7400, longitude 95.4433, then

south to latitude 37.7329, longitude 95.4430, then east to latitude 37.7329, longitude 95.4338, then

north to point of origin.

(2) All wetlands within that portion of Allen County encompassed by a line that extends from latitude

37.9220, longitude 95.4090 west to latitude 37.9216, longitude 95.5190, then south to latitude

37.8199, longitude 95.5190, then east to latitude 37.8199, longitude 95.4102, then north to point of


(3) All wetlands within that portion of Anderson County encompassed by a line that extends from

latitude 38.2130, longitude 95.2596 west to latitude 38.2130, longitude 95.4255, then south to

latitude 38.1108, longitude 95.4260, then east to latitude 38.1103, longitude 95.2621, then north to

point of origin.

(4) All wetlands within that portion of Atchison County encompassed by a line that extends from

latitude 39.5355, longitude 95.5153 west to latitude 39.5355, longitude 95.5528, then south to

latitude 39.5210, longitude 95.5528, then east to latitude 39.5210, longitude 95.5153, then north to

point of origin.

(5) All cave waters and associated springs within that portion of Cherokee County encompassed by a

line that extends from latitude 37.0745, longitude 94.6177 west to latitude 37.0745, longitude

94.7402, then south to latitude 36.9985, longitude 94.7402, then east to latitude 36.9985, longitude

94.6177, then north to point of origin.

(6) All wetlands within those portions of Cherokee and Labette counties encompassed by a line that

extends from latitude 37.3379, longitude 94.6177 west to latitude 37.3379, longitude


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94.7055, then south to latitude 37.1778, longitude 94.7045, then west to latitude 37.1787, longitude

95.0862, then south to latitude 36.9994, longitude 95.0862, then east to latitude 36.9985, longitude

94.6177, then north to point or origin.

(7) All wetlands within that portion of Douglas County encompassed by a line that extends from

latitude 38.9279, longitude 95.2232 west to latitude 38.9279, longitude 95.2415, then south to

latitude 38.9136, longitude 95.2415, then east to latitude 38.9136, longitude 95.2232, then north to

point of origin.

(8) All wetlands, oxbow lakes and classified streams within that portion of Linn County encompassed

by a line that extends from latitude 38.3742, longitude 94.6130 west to latitude 38.3742, longitude

94.8440, then south to latitude 38.1382, longitude 94.8425, then east to latitude 38.1389, longitude

94.6130, then north to point of origin.

(9) All wetlands within that portion of Woodson County encompassed by a line that extends from

latitude 37.8219, longitude 95.8520 west to latitude 37.8219, longitude 95.8704, then south to

latitude 37.8069, longitude 95.8707, then east to latitude 37.8069, longitude 95.8520, then south to

latitude 37.7922, longitude 95.8520, then east to latitude 37.7922, longitude 95.8337, then north to

latitude 37.8069, longitude 95.8337, then west to latitude 37.8069, longitude 95.8520, then north to

point or origin.

(10) Cheyenne Bottoms Preserve (Barton County); classification applies to all surface waters within the

Nature Conservancy wildlife preserve.

(11) Cimarron National Grasslands (Morton and Stevens counties); classification applies to all surface

waters within national grasslands.

(12) Konza Prairie Natural Area (Geary and Riley counties); classification applies to all surface waters

within natural area.

(13) McPherson Valley Wetlands (McPherson County); classification applies to all surface waters

within state owned portions of wetlands.