K PLOWS & PLOW CAST-INGS BY THE SEA. S. SFIANGLE & … · Wol.xxix. No. 18 Hightstown; W. J.,...

Wol.xxix. No. 18 Hightstown; W. J., Thursday, July 31, 1873. Whole No. - PltOrES5IOWAI.CAB.BS. "~ "" j j ^ CURB.IE, MOSOPATHIOTTIYSIOIAN.,:* SURGEON, (Suood iur to Dr Vulrbunk,) Cor. Milih unit Waril St's., .Ilightatmvn, N. J, OFFICE Ilouaa—7 to 9 n.. ia.,' linijlo" to B p. in. TIlKlitatoiiTi, Sopt 2 1 ' M HK. II N FAlltBANK, M. D , ilriilnitcolN \ Mollcil I'nlliwi lor Wo rnon. ami yia( at A-iftt'iniYIn 11<™ Mi'llni! liolli 1:0 T'jr WW'Hin. vlll bCJit tho roBldmioa nf Mrs, II, r •Hiitclilnflon, Bf OOKTON jSTRKF.T, TITOIIT8TOWN, N. .T., WoilnomliiT'or oimli woe*. J)l«i IBC-1 oi WoinTjfiitiil (MilKlicn E. CHAS F. DESHLEK. MAIN STRrCrVHTOHrSTOWN, N J OuFirr-TIimiti—TloforoO A M , ivtid from 1 to 3. nnd B In ,7 1" M.' (' ' Aprl-tf INSURANCE K G. IIOBBINS, AOPliTFOIt Tni! MERCER CO MUTUAL PIRF INSURANCE COMPANY, |^* ApplioutionHfor Imnxnnoobylottororoth orwiBO, puni Uuillj iittundud to Alto, huno)or nnd Coiuoyanor, amlMiMor InCimnaory ~ijh!~r ,*P'l •( J. P. JOHNSON, noMoiorATnrc cc in WAAVWS D. - i.lWnln Strool. Omen hnnrn Iron) 7 tn On., in.. 0 to I|i.m., nnilat "Illuu-rs lyliun nut prndnfllontilly onKimpd. <*rniil>nry €KHc«i,—ntj\f]•« Tlohooon, Bor^o . Main St 2a door aboj o Mothodllt Clmr i li (m Vto 1PM - kit A DAWKS, hUKUKON DENT t i s r . .mil M-Lnufadturor nf ) n. QrrmU-. aiiiu IoijtiH ,^=» Ollioonoxt to IRA SMOCK'S Store.— <5l33i Entriinoij un..Muln Btroot, oponito tho UnivorrtJilinfc Oliui'cl) Qr* TJOUI Uitrnutod WTIIIOUT PAIN, by tho uj^ HI 1, IH filing (Jiifl N. Hi—ThoiiowM'ntont-dum Uasoysn valunblo or Us H^htnoSH, comfort, nnd oluiuiltilflHH,iB also applied- An oxumtiiHtiiin in i nyitisil. . iipl Q M. SCllAKCJv,__ -* -nT'jrrrsTimtf.isr j , C I) (I N S li I, (, If »l I 'I r. A TV MA SIX II A._D 1'AAMlJirK IN CJIAMCI.ItY 11. At j -\nrii, - r,-A \v—o Jir I <J II X HTOWX, IN IIUTOIHKHON'.H Uihi,niN i 1 V J1.HSLT. QERING SIIANCfLK," .Tu^lIOC- of t h o Poaco, npiiy rnn-itrbrmvjT, N J J. O. or O. 1<\ WINDSOR I.rtlMH' In in * Hull, on I'm JIIVI hvr irh-niih, il 8 , ' ' «,L< II tlllllltl (.—It 1*1 RcfiiyfjL.it tlu' iroUiK> i ',tno uuo her'Jlfit to Jan. lith; Inol^ial\-o ii 111- H—,\.-r HA. IT, A M Trlnrfpnt /-i <> •» i> Ti.ITI«• i. IKH —uiaiiigiowN vjr LOUOI., No 2j <. Moots l,Vi:iU' MOVDAY EVEXINO, m tho Mil Hii|iti»t Clinrt-h fmicnnil itirvl. a!7 o'Llook Dojrroo mooungs soioutl Monday ovonlii^ ol inch month u.pl-1} JILh THE IIIGIITfalOWN II, CLOCK, and JEWELRY ST0RJC, .Main St.,.op. Baptist Churoh „,...„ .,.^.-U,i)^.lUiaiiriLjQivu; 1 unl4.un)i,ntl s tal,lim,toJiia_q.mHt mi^nt ol frood",_to ^hlcli In h_ci>iiHtjintl> in Lkin o *. ei {-I-iitLnH U tin-,, \rf 1 [lTHiom,"IlriTr*it-L*m i i-of uvcii ntjh*, \J LF unt l l n i - ' i r Ufufs-i I>1 ^ nloii" putoini, Rllviir.n'ndiihvt'tjdTuafc.'L'lililo tsptioii3 6c l'orkfl.'trnn ,ll.^l.ilrui>, focluit inul l'fii Jinlvoa, Nuudlua, yiiillna nud UTLtiin ^, t'ii>3, ^c VISo lur^o Htook of spei*. tiioliig uf.thuxuloliuaictlgnalco ol'-Ijivzama-it iHori'Is^ 1'iLrtloular atti ntlon p ihl to ill Lind<} of up 1 tf ILDPAIIUNt} )01f"^ (J TOIINSON LL 8 W E MONEY BY BUYINQ PLOWS & PLOW CAST-INGS S. SFIANGLE & SON. v niGIIT.STO'WN, N. J, Thoy soil fur Uii^h,oiHy, andforthitroason will finll oliuapot 1 thiin can bo purohaSHd Ol3o>vhoro CIS LL AR WTNDO Wdll ATES & 8 ASH WEIGHTS Constantly on hand roadytoruao Agouti-fur tho KIEBY HARVESTBR, thu oh6npo&t;Cotnbinod Al>iobino.in tho vtorld Ihpy hiivo for ialo tho rnlobrnlnil CUCUMBER lUibl^Ji smil tho cSoLjiost Pump in tho world \ Also^loi^b and Slod Shoo , Wngon BOJCOH, ^0 Iluvin^ miulo ii Ioi of piilternafor tho right and IMPROVED CIDER SCREWS, hoy uropropirod to fniEiuh tham at Now York prices MACHINERY nnPA.TRlll>"on reasonable torms __IIightatown,JV(aroh 1, 1809 np nf .Hill's Ico Oream and Dining room. -N .,Mo M gWBBNE STREET, irtfstinmlloj TTUH" Cirttp.fIo« OrmmfWatm £.* r ir -pro p d a ^ 0 .{ITLL; £M 3ctnftai.pQ*Utvali?4 p&jeclly and permanently EOPLE'S Frill? tN&mtfStCE CO OF -IUENION; N Tf" Ol'I'IOE-WO. 30 GltEBNESTHF.ET. - PAID KIP OAP-n>AL, *iOU 01)1) TOTAL-ASSKTH, ' Aprllist, l«7n, 308,000 S S bTRlKER, PnflinuT UIIAS SODIT, VuoPrOMilmt C V C UUAPlIl.Sur, C § l7ui'K-(, Treat lUskS taken as low an nny othor reliable Co., and all tosaos promptly adjusted apl-ly J R NORTON AOKHT ITiKhlHtown InqultoalC M NOlUON'h Store COMMIbbfoN MIIHCIIAK'lh J/[OUNT & OTESON,.- Wholoaalo; GomilitaBUin-Doitlijre In Ull-Ulnds or co uifTJi y J'Ji op vtiB, 2VIi & 213 MERCHANTS' ROW, n«i>l WiuliinBtonltlnrUrl, IX: V. Jjotwocn Tt.aui_and I ulton EilrtioCs A71IJAH 0. MOUKT. . jnaill'll II. JIMKHnll t^ All ordtr* rFrTivrtl will he pitnttnalty at- tended to- flip 1 -lyr; , J£ZBON It. VObL, _ J-iitUcc of tlio "Peooo, Oommlaitlonor: for 'tlkktnw Ai>kn,iivlti,lKeuieilt an 1*1 I)J (JOLE Furnishing Undertakers PO hhrond<iT Olnivs^rriiiio, Oiuhmerft, Mori u mill SiLtln ot tlio bt.<it inatcrhLl Wo mil «mclal nttctiMon ly tht* m ^V (.'orimt Fr< crxui, l ittil) patmitot] t>> rii-j Iur & (. (i. Wo coaiHietllilly BoUtili a couUutuLiii-u of tho imt onnjjfm of thu jmbllo. Allordufa promptly'ntt'ondotl to'nt nl| hours. It OOJJT^ d o L i'M^l-., npl-iy .. HMH Kt,,lli£ht«lu\yn, TTUTCHINSON, N011T0N & B0D1NE, AIION D 180, 187 A 1871 Woot Washington Marlrot NEW YORK tf T T I G H T S T O W N YOTTNG J,A OlI«JS JLJL SEMINARY F ill torm oommoneei Si pi 1st 1'uptlt- TL tulvul ut any tJino, ami charged Irora tUto oi tn tmmn '1 In* irturii*fit Htwly ( ompilftLi e\ orythlitK I-JHPH tin. I to thu thoroinrli Kluoatimi of mind nnd hoiirl Spuoiul iittoiitioii In gUon to the onlinn.r> Tn^li I biuiiolu rt •n*h, Murlc, Drawing .md IMlntlntf are IJJ fiiinpi tent ninl c rililint tcuohcri HLV WM M 7 an 27 1H7J IJEDDJE INSTITUTE. l-Oll LADIES AND GENT1.KMEN, HWJ-HTS'l'OWN. 1 N. T. Flrnt t^unrtor lipping Kept ,i T ypda Noy 1J S d " "' tl -Nof. ]:*, vmds Fob.-I, " iMi r, midi. Apill 1. t prllJOj onil« Tunu^ii , from Di' F ^ •Sorond 1 lilril o MnmHt. 1 ^ly^•l.t•-.to^v^^., OVER TllE BRUQ'STORE. OUTTINI? n«lMPTI,Y ATTENDED TO. •April ],• 187.1. ly Hightstown, N. J. COAL DY THE OAR LOAD, AT WIIOIJUSALE iiV. iirook. Ab- A ggod supply for tbjj JtuUitl Trado constantly oti hand Thn-jo wishing to purchnflo in oithor lnr/je mil) qunnUho% will liml U to llimr mieroat ;ivcmo a qnll. ^ — apl-tf JA.OOBTAHLY LlM J E W E L f i Y STORE, In Outonlt A. ltoKori' Now Building, HianTBTOWN, N. J Thti suliscrn>.or would caU attontlon to tho.now itock oi j^omla whWh ho husjuit iiiiimul noxLiluor o Ontoalt 1 ^ Hartiofts blioit, mtneletiny: t)f Oolil timi Sllvur \VitU l lHljs;onivrtIChivlTiH,-I\Ic(lallIonBt"UrilfuB PIna ofovory stylo, Jiar and i-'lnwor. Jtln^flt ol' various patterns, pllvor and jiliLtod To L iid Table apoonR and forks, O-un Upturns, -ViiiB repaired.. Fartlotilar'aLtonMitn ,itMil 0 n\\ kinds or-r_Cjinirhi^7 and work warranted to iv«fliLtlgt'ii.CCtOi\ b't'tlio money rofundod All kinds A No. 1 Pktod Ware. apl-ly IB A YAHLH K. R. FORM AN, F U-KNITU11B,'. AGRICULTURAL IMPLE MENTS, CARPENTER'^ AND MASON'S TOOLS, _ And ovory article u»ed liy Buihlora. AI'o, lftrpd a sortmont of. Tahlo and Pocltot Cut- ory, Floor Oil Cloth,-to , A Hhtt S t 24 1B y, , , p Hightatown, Sopt 24, 1BBI1 . ap T ty No. 19 MAIN bT , OP» BAPTIST CilUltCH, Ucftloriti L1| klmlrtof Hoots iwnt Slioo* ILi ts and .nmlnrUm linrmt iirloca ,i}Ully n u ,j, r p"HE CREAM Rlt)GE MARL. -The Cheape&t-Fertilker ; -in the Market. • '- ATdroiia WJI ((UHKSAI.I,, T, *a-A K ontiitHlght8tOTTii, J.S M B E a^OJT -M-AR L ! ToTnino good Whoitt tmd Ilyo.Til £oojUiiko woll, _ *^_ *' r ' USE PEMBBRTON 1 MAIIL ! To doublo your crop of Buckwheat, Mfr 26 or 50 bnnhol!! pot^iiorQ of ^ . ..:_„„* ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGANS WITH THE TRANSPOSING KEY BOARD PRICES FROffl $50 TO $750. d for a PrlcfJ l^lst. Aleo PATENT ARiON PIANOS, AVnrnnh ,1 tu st m,l In liini- Innm r Hi in i m lit l'l'niiiln tin iniiikLt (.IIIII (.uolli lit >. ilj»lii. t E. M. I1TUJC1-:, NO. 17 N. Tth STRHET, PHILADELPIl ARCIUTECT AN]) UUILDEU, HIGHTSTOWN, N. J. Jobbing promptly attondt il tO7~irml~~i] tip in i^ tutpirior nirtimor Shop on Moroi r stroct, abovo I>u^og' Hall .1 OHKS « IV I- U I, I, K JV. ST., C 1ONTINUL.S tl munurnotura CIIEAI* FOR J I'VSIl, LADirh <L 01 NTS' T A ^ Y anil PLAIN BOOTS, SiIIOFh, WMILltS .Sf-IIMMKi) Ai-, .-Klllid iHJtifrfWiit ol 'Ruady-MiLilo. ijoots and shoos constnntly on hand ]Jiio(.B and Khoo.4 repaired at short notice A oal! frniii my old riunds and oiifltoiiierFiR res poofull-solioilid i^htitimvn^A-pnl I, m7o - ly A HOME BY THE SEA. nv A. P. HILL. Hid I toll 3on nbou( Fa'aril Lano, From thu cltj ' ho oourlcd my Juno Hu novor fnrniTd any, hko ma * Yo 500, An' ho Wan in groon n* tbom loxvoq on jun troo 1* oil 1 1 dnn't wiinilor nim~li I Joolurd , Ilo hail noior boon nut <n -lm ulr Tor to loam ho*r to plot* nn' hoo A ii' *o, Di nr, oh ' "What on 'artli ooul J tlio po,,r folh r know ' I onnld not, Vn),t for OniiK' thnl I spin, !>or thought an^ bndy'ii* (*roon— What a iiuoor niun tliH cilj hlo ninkni' MY > ilt.,R And tihakn<t i -Why ho ihdn't Lnow harrom from laKoii ' Hut I i onldn't holp InfTin* nt nil i At n ndu ho took in » fill Thill IIL got_ I'vn rclatid It-to liiil fi>,v, It i Imo, But T cucii I dliill 1,11 it tn v,.,. WVd a -Ititnh yiiuiiH ponv that icir— •• 'Tivjn Iho inrulont lliinj; fur In «kn r ' Iniiio, ho n\nd lur to rulo him omi d iy, IV. plaj •i cut m iy, Nud" wjil "Mind lu, ,lon t mi, mv,,} NOIT jou'll Hunk il riKlrh tju™> ' -•--——" 'i.Jlut thu oity i-liii|i,_uji (o~lh it ilny - - " Though hi: nEo wnfln't Io«' III in a acoro An' fnur— Eut rnnrc— II nlnt novor nil horfiobick bcrnro J!ut I irnnFlo tl.., mublo an' lul Out tin, rritttr. nil s,d,lloil nn Ned, IIo oooiuiLiK.u.l to g ,t on vorr oprj, . An' I_ Oh, III\'~ fatnod i lookin 1 —nn> thouElit JL ihnuld dlo 1 A«Im olmnli to lUo Hml Uo lm lut TliDnrniiK foot HI tho Mirrup , jou hot lhat t t inndolilinsot lindiemU ' 'lliat doni •1 h.i fun ]!"gun, An' tho i-olt Binrlnd olTun a run oniMMittiM Ui woik in n nnllinoi unit so (..HIPS huim quite nut nf with rounli\ IIYHI^IUUIcou»ti\ hul iither chin J)i n llu- fold f l l f d t ), nnrt ither c ti!; lus nnd ntti'iiiumt, .mil *' " *>.-^. -1-- , ^ I --ft l l l l l l I l L L t ' l l l 11J1I-,, .111,1 -liowing juiUv pi imly tlmt nlu^ldoKciI Ju^ht-i-—Ilui- Hi II, w it li thn IIIH.HH t-^»r ,i-|-t" lu (.--born Aiiicri(..u>. lell liimtcll .ib JJHI rorn AincrK. nny body, mid ( b l l lumscll .it, K<i)d l lii'roiitMliij nlth d f h lf li.iviiif; enmc b> hif.ilntiii ldi-iiM ( f tmii lf nnd Ilk- in 4,hc city, ulilih iiuln'l uf £lu> lt-Mst D(conic Inn. .uul'nieriPil tint she couliliri,ilo lipiLoi tlinn m.iiij linn ' Well, Mi lti iijiiiiiiii Tliiinnm, I li(ii«' J'ou're (oiirritoil i uoii-rh. 1 ' HIIO niiRncrcjL him "il.in\ vju ' I mint -,\y >)ul you'io will inmuh \iiiiin(lr bniiolm in (Ins SIDW, liukwooili fiiMnmi fon vci wniilil by tlit uVuli ol nu', .mil nut ni ni noli IIH .1 k ( luu-cimmci'i t to nhilciivnv Hie tuiK , Lo In- npiiiin^ lipin, cpnn .ill my (Inv, ninl wicirMii^ .limit tin- loin Oil (luilr, no, (bunk ion , l'vi> hnil on<>iii;h of linid linns, I IKIH-VL l'Uw:utiv nhik- bo fore I 'iHlo ilown." "Pillii]) 1 ) tln;ii l '3somcliO(lv I'lsi-V" ^cii- tUITrl-Hl-ll '^o, 1 i n n I a n th.it tin II- is , (hough I don't mini! I Iliug y ()u tliitf dliln t criine lirmii- sin^Ii kn n mt n1 -i d i mci> flu Ilill I house too, 111 111!- SI1MM1 111, .111(1 .1 ln)iisl keeppr, ninl Ju- MIIII-1 iKivci-hlid ' " '••ijiK t h c m a U i lo «u>.li my hniuls '" "And why didn't jon ninny linn n»ki'il lien, bnir|iil\ nn in 1 1 w; of;"So oiiu.tV ll\ it It rim over lut'i ilio n«\t wcuk, us A\(nk hup n trick ofiloini;. When l.oniin saw Unit it mm only her When Louiin saw Unit it mm only her old fuliot tiiirl^inj; 11I0112 with thrt ro- tuniii k t I t do h 'u\ li-itui lu-r moiaui V weut ilown > in Imir ii muontl—hhe utiw bi lori' wi"iry linen months of . "hi 1 (lulu I ( MII lly his front (nth nnd , nit me lir-'d lost his front tuth nnd hi-, hi>,ums There's aa fcoml IHI, m Ihe sm IIH L \ T I jot mrc cuij'hl,"* OiLsmg, ^n^lv. "Well," Hiiid 1) ji, mini;, -iiid tanking liluc l^'lituiiif;s, -oli Flio nhole, I'm ^11 th'it Mm won't iiiur^ me, f n \,n\ vi not io inoicliinii tlum ,ni iiililflLi!_Aj Wl^ ~m \ m. i « I* i m& | i | | | i 1.1 'f I 1 ' I J I j l ' l * ^' 1 l \ r i p - a B * a ^ MI u nnd iniiKHiK, nnd she saw, too, that "dio 1 It'a ii deuced cold ilay foi an olii ruin," Biul Mi Unite, ilnverlni; butnre the wood file, ni il llu i(< itbould li ivu bi en ««p\"ul.il SLII ol Mviuhi't cie.ili-d'to unit LiixlomeiH. " W'IIII'H ihiytyou'VR qiil i. inking on_lln- cume, L u ' S t m t I uin'L -;ot no nioie nppi'tito ih in u bun In Au^iiit. liiliiillu and Tint win- sl"W ns cold moliHSi-i ; tbiy'vi-acen llieli 1)(-MI diM, 1 u'tknil, like- llioir nmslor. "Wish I'd nw.ippeii Vm to JJuuii Ioi thn >i nlinj.>a ix'id lioot , it iMJUkl bi ^ bin ii -food bii^'iin. Si m-rit Ini hi\i-to Mm, Lo I've [jol ii cold. 1 it ikon I'll tin ii ni uiul HUI-|I il nil '' "Thej (in^liin't I w , let joii eoimi," (••nil Till, iiiiii^nnnth, niHliocirili.il him .1 hnti Ic n| hot \\,uel tin hisln,t "Unile bl or IJLII ou^lit to fi ive I'oini 1 iinti'nl " "It i\ I'II'L Ih, n tuilt , I tlniujlit T i mild ulive n biltei bti^nli ".Illi llu hnnih Bin ii\id he'd LOIDU HI in) pluee, but his In nrl wi'n't "it en it," which lMiuninic imiii mic enmtotud l^iiiiisi Mi Hi m e w is II stksi .ill nielli, mid in thi> iiiiiriiiiiK nut out ,ol his lu .K 1 , .iiui i h • ' • , ^ '—' 1 ^ m "\ ' ' II r" K wim .o cliiiu'l know his ii^lit hand li-oin Ul and oillnl hums 1 IJi n, nnd ankid ^ i l loft, "Whoi ' lnlp '.nuirdor " fqucnkod Nod turiiin' pnlo , An' to Btonrtj linn-inlf, ^rnli]MMl~~Fh~o~t'\iI -An'yojtiuo^orsond Iho ooH-|innp,— ' ~^ An 1 Ihtinip, A n bu ni p Tho poor oity chap's fn 0o with IIH rump ' limn ho kuknil upnii'liiiLiprunir Tho young uonlloiniin off o' Ilia hnolt, Ivor-wlmok ' An' sinnck In a mud.puddlo, miry and blnck j-ppoa j»»t DHHV Win ii ulroliii' HIUBK Hi rough tho lnnOl An' sho si.uti tho poor cuis wliun ho Ml Poll limit . An —well An' it hu ntod t]io immh - Ed'urd Liino M^vor moro ciuiin ii ,uurtiii my Jano '•llo'u a litllo too wi rdiinl, I MIO," "AM 1 ho Needn't n,imo Tvnlli irOunl h'\m urtcr mo " TirUSioTBoalinE «>OIIIV HI. BRO Squan_V_illage, N. J. BOH by \\w smi, ivill fltul Uio ''Onfoii" -Gonvcmntri-of A(!Cen?!])y Railroad, : SITUATED ON THE JBLEBLL-VIEW-OF THE^SEA T .ittid oU"orIn(£ the following fbtliiQomOntS •<TO(M1 boitnl In a!woH nri*angC(I h o u s o a t Idw rates; ood (H?n or Tl\cr iinthing without n^ tu and From tho tfriLqh, inl> ofboafcsfrn~roTrln;; tLnd'Halllnic ' Shiuly iralks, pleasant ilrivo? nnd ljoa"utlfnl scon loij gum hi-i, doil tnnk her, in.lOhnn s.lici .llo.I iojii>rul no li tjipj, I c innnt dLfci Ilio, A.muth nuliuiMitlliil jihiMil on h(.i l.imi, [thnnk Ihtc, iluifSmmr, ,|,,, | a ™f L nltn n, co nou hholuaril Uiofmn-tFoimmir lh( ali(,oli«nhil^lil, Sliim4« IJiuIr br]Klit. (orini TH thi>> HIIDIIII lu tliii llBht, . ' Mio hi inl tlio Klail iniioiira us It lvi-nl rrom tlio throne-^ "(Jo rurllimj imcldniH mil lirlnichi r noul homo ' Thon omyjiril tlipj oamn horn flie porlalti oniirlit, RtTTtrVnopp wero tlioy of Hi it ilnrk ^to^ll^ nl^hl 11)"1 ontoroil tlio i liwnlior tho> < aino to tho lioil, O would 3ftui\i tain hor and h Iph Jior to Btay fWhoro ilnrkno^ and Borrow rolln ovor our way - Vi iii.niiieif," 'tlo roily tin mnftil nnd nnni K, Sinoii (lod, our (loir .bather, novor order* Hilli wrong:. lT _ !From Harper's "Wiiokly, LOVE AND 7 LGGGIif&,- Louiflfi'a fathoi. hud gcmt< nil with the ox team up 111 tho WOOIIH, sixty miles away, to make, tho camp boforo the winloi's log- ginK shouia bogm. Sho felt veiy lon"ly its BOOII as he rnia out of ai£ktT for more rcwons tlisin ono. In fho finl place, theie wn41aobody nt homo but little Tim, who could dig the paths, to bo Mhior nnd look after tho cuttle; graudmothoi, who wns companionable enough, with hci^ stoiirs otoldjiimea^but ajenr^motqjtbivi^ a, pio- teotbr.; nnd Susotto, who helped.about.thf! house, was only a'child. ZThefsecond rea- son was that slio hadiiuarrellcd with Kun, and Iti8tj-bi.it not leaatT-ho-anrt^cr^ uiicliT Simon" Mod driven oil on tho~ox team v?ith bftr f^t-hnr- Tf thiitC_had_cifir_heBD_a-tim» when ahn ha/1 fi-lt fliapoai was when' tho ox team had disappeared fiQtn night and it was jniposaililo to do so. , TIMJ fiict oC thp c.180 W&H that Sag liad UISI OS his own pror 1 " erty eycr since ho could rcmombpr, Ifo had boauod hec to and fiorb hard problems at district school, nnd had carried, her home on his alod j~at quilting, etiwing circle, or picnic he had chosen hpr^ for bis partner In the dance, had paid'his forfeits to her, aTidTfad revolted about her per aers, applied on jonng grassln tho fall. from TOUI? Shadow And so they Ty "He'll b 5£M£SWXW&£&&g£ lJ '.StJUA^ VIJjlfAUIS, MUJMMUUXU UU-V T dift^le^oiith-j^roiid^-y^or^iffitjgi "Jufyloiin ' * 1 whole i h iP(f till aho went ajyoj to tho city , v fi ii i. i«j r t<^- ^atf-". A vi --,< v- «as IllniOSt bllllkllie; 1,11 h>M) of htT , ,ltl(i if shi bud ahnned Unit she w is woiindi d, bj vi (ilk BI look, ho wna ii. idy in.iln i* himsilf bi'ueutli IILI lut, nud like it nil buk ''1 on ltd nmn/ini; |iuliie, Mi Thurm.iii, 1 must H.I\ " sin niniiKil ''I'm lony \nn iskid lur wlmt \on didn't H.UII, b(- lt-uuuld lui, IMII .ittk\Min\'if I hadn't nfu,<d the. way l mil 1 iliiln'l kiin« ilmt thin folks in ule ln\e—oillinvf i \e nl\v,i\s lieiited jt ' Tinted in- ^..,,.,.„„ e i u d Hi n. Ins l.icu uhm nan him, mid his ejcilike thnndei 1I,,UH, "DD \on cull it liniid-Kiiuo t r c i t n n n t lo lot tin i;« ,111 lov- niK \on Vi.XI iiltcr jeir, win),, it'HI^-IICIII- cned with mj HIinielli, without .i linvf Hint yTvn cOuliln'E" ii (inn ini-usiiu- lor mi,mine J Anil tin n to K o lnji'k upon .1 Iellnw, and lliiow him m i i hi n lHlv , |,,. (l() '""i I. I've hki n n.ili.ib, tliongli im ] OT , ,^ F l l u fvv i,ilTTTi ^ ..ii TZ nI T *™ ' Z ^ tlie ••imnnt—>"ti "«7nkT(l oii7~nnd ihou dit HOtllini; loo hinl In rlo lor yrrii ! If tint's I ilnn't w.iut I'M i to si r \ou u ;iJn '• l.oniBi h.vd en looking nl him willi ipiiMiii-; lie. "And .She fell i lienrt, f^ j 7 .i»» i«i. - i i j II\JI , i thi ii Uv lovcil IK i so desiii i i h .i »tfnupe, dih-lilfiil ilmlliil us it rc«ii«ii(li ,1 di.tly, Mie-lud hnlr a liiind lo no to him mid hold out hoi ,iim< nnd be Uhaprd to Ins be.itni" he.irt nnd fnritut tiniUniorr-niTrl lnxurv ami (.'IIOUHT" i.ithei n hi.nen on - ml, , mid while she luiit.ili-d hu ( m l Mid, ' Gnod l>y - I don't wnnt evei to mi w>ti n-;.iin —nnnd-l^ " "I n turn llu- s)intniiiiil,"(..nd she, in '••"••l-b> " And win 11 he »l slullt ShO t I ,,.,| . -_ ijLim " •'• " "^ ^••••••y ' •I siuht sho to.lc luvdi^e in .i K 1 ( ,y But now th.it h(> is c-mu (tin- I) Kin to hud \im\ much sh'e hud dipiudcd upon niii^ how inu( Ii mure III', nii'ii' [iii'SPiifc -VflTi-li) hci thin .III^ die.iin ol \\oilill\ piospi luy houi ti i jioldui. Perliap, l, M t oi this hit ieh ^h( jnn^lit m.\ei Invo kll'HMl ho« ill ll In. \\.I5 10 11(1,110] h()H sho -i.ilmd Uie iiipi illintiis ol hli. m .uisnti W L 11 7 <>• 11 ol the llnei wm to lLluin be fin o the wiiiLei'HscnHon ofloe;- ^inp; hi u.in in. oid, i to ln> in piovisioiis for Iho c imp—.la iln-y had only taken up enough Ioi n w. i k o i ten diiya—and pm li.ipn lkn would tm ihi one to tome , in <\hi(.h (..i-e bccouli'ji mlh .ivoiil hnn^in^ her Eonio woid ul her l.uhui nnd unclii \.nA then who mill. 1 , pi, diet hut h ( . mi s hl think it worth while ID H nei.ite IIIH lovo in IIIH (](i(|iirnt Rt^le I And Ilitii f.nuis.l l.iuiihi-d A II ki dly ut iho pmspi el, ,ind de rided thiil il lm w.u onouk-h in lovo lo do thus nnd thus, it w o u l d liu_Rftfe ioi her l>e\onil ,i prendT-eniiui to t.iku hi r own tune nliout niftkin^up, lo show a nupiome inn to put ihi> iixui into lliu eut, inisiik- IHU hi i (oi Uni Ii Simon, And Louisi, liilfliulitenul toih'ith, lumped upon u!d IliMii'i ri.vck ninl -<iilliipi.il nil the w ly to .Shoplon lm ihi in nu-Ni di)i Ioi " \hi-in' Vnihini; nioii' not li ss thin " Dnii^i ion-, '' Uli, I H tll "ii lit 'II pull Ihiou^h I'll IHIM Una pu si i IDIIHII, mid In. lounil lonuiiiow Tliiu's ill Jtnviink, ol ihu livi m - M ivcutk'n tmelli, nt mu pi.ice hid llu iiiuisjuip loins i wnk ,i^o, ,ind he'rt wb'nit to tiny. Thin's no li 1'in^ .lbinu UILSI things (lill.U)it cousiniiiions tnki» dm one dlf' fin nil-, AI h-iisl, jiiu iieidn't be •il.iinud IH pie i-1it. (haul iDominj;," willinn ciuplinsij on the yuml IJIMMHI thiiiMlit it ,Mii mi) Ihiiv b u t .1 fjood moiiunjj, nllu lite ciiiiilini ol his pinfes- aioil il prrvi-nic wn» nitlnli.iwii, ltm tin ni>xt dnj lm Intliii iv is no hittei, nor v ' lheiK\t, Ihouuli tin doctor .i^mnil he Ul-il In i\ ii lining .is HI II ,,s iijulil he ex peeled, whftli VLi~tliit mi^ht be Iimrrtirw.ia~oo~bus\, uiul nLiiyivitl .iliinmutd nursniK, Looking nud look • ilu i the limisi., nud i t ..in- in. m ,,n.| set in, Colil^njid biusteriaffj^ijrji RIKIW ; just anoii^ll' iiftiiutui'hhk lonely. 'TIIB \Vm(l a«n-f ftitionp'. like the viU'ee ilf nngry Water-cffAlraea^Anri* K])lint«rq(l i-vi-nt, bpiijjhs in tbq,fonMt..an(i uprooted li|nr.lpi| trees, ttnd BeeraijiJ t^kffan ttmtjible pfesencu Itnarrtlofftlio rt'ct the wood^—.fiome inipcrfioriaUon of* whnae touch was a bloWyUnd,! wlnln the Snow built 'up its ,..". # ])IIIIL*CH, cr^•^tl|| by evystal ; wreatheil nbout the h\iii(*; frrecn, tniKi^trled'evory boulder, hid the dead lenyes nnd hollftwS under the ai'rci'n, lor It *wnn by no nieantl dlMip ; the wn.ll.hnr wiia *-ori Ii mmo (li in n. li^ht fall, jitat c-nou^]>t<7 dinpe u.itilrc gracefully tii'ita folds, and Cive n piomuje, pfmriie to come. JJofuia tho sky hnd clenri'd tho last moiillifiil of food hi>d Sffintubed, npd *i J cept for a p\rlililgo that I!™ hnd inndo Blurt to kill with'ii club—for th'erft were no llre-nrras yot li> ci\mp—ntid'n fnbblt'luken lira rude tnipof thutr nwn oonatruoUnj;, Ihiiy liad not utjteti nny thltig^pr^-yod^yii^ Hut they neiq robunt men. Who woulrf' li.ixii a tough fl^lit with stnlviifloiTbtfora siucuiubiiig j and then thoi'o rtas niJ lack of u itcr. , In the me-in wlnle, thor wore tilrnoa^ HB miii'li eouciined foi i l l . Jtruco us for lhem*elvi s. lie. mii^ht hnve loMtihis way f Ihev tearml, of-been overtiikcn by tho stoi m or thu wolves ; ho might come Into eunp nny moinciit loo tut reduced to Help linnsull, nud need their ifu\k nssls nnee, hinco their stomnchn wero idlo, Ih n hriiiii bccnino correspoudinplv so tive uitli femltil iiuagiimuotis. Evory diy they prupoffeii Betilr.^ out to walk home—but pnliipR he would coniio'to'- niiii row , nnd then J,huy hnlcd to dcaert _llii u_ post, besides, Iho we.ilhcr wim "*"*" uld, n.nd, reduced by ' mn'M cold, -md ketrjln^ ouli i 'niui ,,„,„ TnTimij; tTH~childien, Kit-ilu null- nl the Mielc ni ul j__diliiloiii_\\oi(li, Jhnnuli he -wnnr-cniihTnilly liilkin^ nboiit Ih,, enmp biM-, null Himiiy_w In II lui own ihou^hi wiiiidtri-d nlieiu-vii shi hid tun, to think thorn—li.ii^iiiuiuit mih iiiiairiniin U 1 un Jtlcii,-h,^^lin^-witli snim(—un,| ovoi-firoci ncs, mil upintuij;, "I 1 ,,,,,; torn wick, Ioi n noi-k, foi n week," loumin^ the il.ijgun hm fiii£i-is nnd n.a in^ the count, ,ind In fjinnin^ over n-un nnd i^nin. na n it in-!,, ,i p U //h- upoirtbc -m-i of whu-li-hm lile ilii|ii-ii,h ,1. And io the lcvei i.m to the th d.iy mid turned, 'ind tin pilu-nl I. Ii into n quid sleep, and nwoke too HI ik md I in^uid t( put nonli tnt-viliei, oi in i,.iin iiil,7-i nn, ho . nnd II, w.n n\ i. 11, n., i ,, hips the tluiil il ij n'lt, r ihe li vei tun Hi iL In snddi nl\ look np ihe tin, id i-u hei_e hu hint dioppid it mid uiked, I!-.w lon^ hnvo I buen ii-hiyin Pi , IJII ' J ' T ~ ~ " Tivclw (1MS " "•While's Hen .md TJuile Si •"' " Why, y o u I, ft 'em in en nip, I ith.-r " '*I<efL 'fill III (-AII)p I Twi Ivi dil)Hll!{ll," ' sniped, " with n ivc. k 4 prm i-innit '-- 1 ahnulilii'L wonder if (hey weic both i u hpiH-en by tins time I WU.xl hev \ou bm thinking nt till thiu while, eh V" " 1 didn't know they Ind only a week's piovisions," mud Jjoutan, allowing n ^h,iiil> lice; "nnd I h ul to look .iftei joii nnd I hi I, IOI " "Will, di.n't will nunlliti minulo iiiund in, , nmj h 1-jie.m up old lioui nnd p, mid Inki i-otue brnuly nnd md don't h-l '< ni m t nil they want, innko ^iue!;k\op 'em short Jome it irl ydurinlf, ninl dnn'L |>u aLind- ng Ilill like u ghost and lolks u-dyiii,-- foi ••ofjou" . t~l. . ^ . T T .1. ••••- t mience of which hu « is soon nodding o(f 10 sli ep, when through thu fog of h|n si'nii-conseiousui8» he mumpd to Jiear A sort ol rui-jiiiR in hi? enrs, nt first 'i raero ihn.iil nfnuUnri, then loudei iimrhenrerT ns ifovery treo In tho foreal win n. church sU-eple with nil tbo bcll» n-twIiiRloj}.— Then ho lionril no more till n Btootliured Kioin from Undo Simon cumed him to rnise. himself upon bin elbow. The'dra -win Htill minppine, and -bliiziu;? hrlpflitly, nnd the form nnd jironlo of n woman wan shallowed forth upon Ihuwnll of the camp —nveiy familiar fnc-u nud figure it wns, too, that appeared to ho betiding' OTcr Roiuclhiiic; Hint ttna cooking on Iho lire—. Wai ii. the i\( ited nction of li|« brain that phologi iphcd Ijouis i TJiucn 'on tho wn'll ? 11 4", he prayed that it mi^ht lust forever. Thin lu> turnud hit he.wl lnn<;uidly toward the Indt nuil met a p^ir of eyes that hnd slione Ioi him .n'.l hit, lifo with tlio tapci- n ition of a will-o'_ Ihe w|ap,*' Were they ntill to haunt him' ncrous iho Conflocs of this woild i th.m ,m iiddei imii cd I What wns it, then, that nehod ao day iiflir d.n, ,is the dull, cold Xo\ember wind L fiuhed nhoiij_lhc house .md touched Ihe u< l^hhonii-r pines in(i) ylColinii hnrpH nnd -nepr up the dcul leiivc-H only to so itli i tin m iiRmn ? W\\\ wns she ahvn>i ell lining her even dewu tins j[|o4t_wliiteiieiL countt^y-rond-? -And w'lint wns lfTlrnrtiunbltil iu hei ho-iolu whonuvoi a speck nppe.uoil aqainst- ihe fios-ly (iky? Hut Lntum h id in koncd lMlhoiit hnr lniHt—Hun wns nol the iiiaii^vTuT wftB fond of loilfi.iting a love that hnd been received so coldly.—ite-rtldn'tTnoun t« leave the woodil till Mnirh, if ho could hold out so lonp;. M;in over, it wai Ml Bnice himself who propoflcd io go back with tho ox tcim and bum; Cho supplies and lure the ™en "1 don't leel i|mtp n^ht nhnut the head," said he, "ntid I w.tnt-Lnimn to wisiot me. TlmrJ'll ^rr~out loMiopton ib«l seo Scnles and WeiRht about tho sup- pliha, and bn bnpk hi fire you and Si hnvo eat up all llus 'ore Tietvrato;' 1 i " * " '—•—Sir^'-^frtl-K** a twitieu of disappointment which ho wouldn't own tn lilirmelf '.'Wo'llffut tbo hovol ready,for.th« cattlo wiulu you're bff, and tnko a trlimp through the woods and spot tho bent timber-foi felling •» , " "There's ('noush'to no," wid XTnelo Si- mon 'jyouMl^boJyiok m iLve da.va,-say-? n - "ITT'm lucky. Ifow's the Rloren, Si?" "Good for a wook, I «honli! say, iniclThi tlioy are. But th6 cornier—you—get—back- It'll be n, BiKhtri-'miieir-for you he bcttorv •"I. JYou neo, we haven't hnd any Ibin^ but~inits yot,—though u we'r goinc; to hev an open winter." drovo oft lhrouK,lho woods wiih team, "Provisions foruwnel^th V ThUt'll iido ye oveti'I roofcin. Thorn's a eight of work to be- cot thrtmgh-wtth iu A week's time." 1 TliSre's J "tlloBUppIi(;8"-to riiCgot; 1 and- the handg to be ; Mred ; letnniB' see— flyo'cuttero,' 'two' tcnrnstoi'B' nnd a'cook ; I'll tnki c u e (if in\qelr, nnd -to'll STi.inilma. Il'iim and (Jim ksti p c.in do the dnUncu by niu'litluli 'J'.iki- my (run to keen (ill tho woly,«, ,iud littlu Tim, and a lantern." <• "But how ulinll I QmUhc wnj ?"— Tjoniai w.is ulieady IIIBUIU bur iieli«si- nnd raufll La - .— "Bless urn, •! hitiy ooiildn't mms it thiiU.ea nm nolelied with n si ir, cvery- half null, on tlm U ft hind aide Thero' take Ti-n, ind be off" And ai tlieie -ivm not an able bodied p nl—Hmt~nonsnn who who wasn't! oM logpiii^, and IIH •rrandma md Susotte Louhl hike care nf Jioi pitiont, and Bon wuaatftiving without luir, what could she do but go V And how were they. fa> ing in tlio camp, ai\ty miles away 111 tho hi^ntol Iho wood, which was alnuisl hku a pumu\i,l loii,nt? Afler Mr. ]Jruce*« depnrnin- t1ioy~liail~ cone about their work with a will; wbilo Undo Simon was bu«y on the h«v«l> for the cattle,-Bun had 'walkcd'iuiles ami JIlllfB l h r o i i u h _ l l m Rvfl;ot-SCe||l.ml wnoil tho timber , and inns had nspn and net, when one morning, before the neck w.ifl r ouU, XJugle Simon jvnasurpiincd lo ace tho bottom of, the in()nl-cl|Obt, ."Toiigh luck J" stiid be, brtclly i" but there'* Hwnmp pork to'eko it oiU t »"^-JtnTF s-plunjtOiHiis itnndTirafMonlly fntir the pickle, and h.trl eoraelhins of ftchaso after two or 'thres inai'-niflciint'-'piCceBr The two menJookcd_at-uacb_Qther in diamny said Ben.' "' But whaUfhe sHouldn'tf" asked iho oldei man, notsn nnoguino. ,<„> ' . s""Vo got legs of our own.V * wouli^be a. nico eXcurMoi, sixty,milea' afootU Wliy. we hhall freeze to'doatKli' or, -un wniedrOncou ivolvt-H I \Vlritorei bo mii eiuhiie hiiuaclf, IJi n felt' that Unelo "siniim'i Htiin^tli WIIB utterly inadfqu.it(/ to the simple. They ivcio besot with a Iliouani'd pi indventuroK ,.ihefo was not onlv^i htm in Iho wiiy^ butnll m.niner of pi-ula, leil nnd iiniipnury, So .they « uted, pei force, wiKelnnp; tho days van- ish in a lender dream of color, Hud tho Blurs m.iko their nilent jmirnny acrosn the dee|is of hruvon, nud tlio moimufra dawn us the ioie blooms, unfolding pclul altar pctnl iif e\(piiRite, bloom Th«y bii^ied' tbi iim-hi n htill nbiiiit the camp nnd hovel, ^hini; n thousnud lnst touchca, RU( li as tin \ wonlil iimei havn thou^tit of pnu(* Ut .molluir time,"(;atherinf; nre-wooil, and I'eUiy^ the nihhil Imp in vnln. And otio rtiy lliu Mi, fi II fiouiTii'ti's rranhu-rhnud, nnd he |iinl d i n ^ i d dimaclf inside tlio i ninn, nud »lrct( lied lunif.i If huJorQ lhji_ tile. Uucle buuun h id uh-endy—given out _" \\^ilkii^i' liome_einilil hardly havn "in m Hor»e," IJun aiiid, simply. I'erlmpa he win thinking of Homebody who might hue met hlrn, kindly, at the jotlrtiey'ij end, in viuw of tho dangera ho hnd "IA ilinna Bmco '11 come yet," returned Uni le Simon. Throiifjli a chink In tho camp door Boil walehod the Sunset fidu like u flie amnnr; the woods, .ind onu by one the stars »liin» -mrtT-eitcli—rn-rlB appnllrtfrl-aritttrrflivttnd- thu noivllarn li^hU pilpiUlu roady alnng the sky The howlhi'T of wolves echoed diBiuiilly, wlulu now and then a brunch (•nuked in the foiest, and the wind tr.»l>- Hindi n (oliiCor.l.ihle f-low, llllflpr "•(• )n- ter t.inte 'his guiul that I liavo made for you, 1 ' aaid I>mim, quietly. " Vou'muafc oo nearly famished." _ ' "How camo you hero ?'» was all'the answer Uou vouebsnfed, " l r ou nio mia;l\ty polite if yop aro 'moil starved. Who elaffcould cOtne, liarl father not ablo to_ lift his .bead ? I biongHt Tim; ho is piilttng'-up tho* hoiaea. It's no such pluasatit journey either, I p,ni tell you, between tho waive* 4iud Um float,—not to mention a Cold weL- como.' Como, ninH you Jjoitig tO"tako aometliiug ? Here's—broEtf-aiuL^hnUidy— and pjrucl^lako your choice^ 1 ' 3 ' ' "^ ay, yon shall chooeu for mo,""sai(f Jii u. " Listen Unloss jou take 'back: thu words you spoke when, we mot lost, unless you givo inu back love foe love, I! swoar I will not taal'o a inorebl 'of "nny thinft you havo to'offer, "111 Stay hero -and starve—rather Hutu tako u «rumb ot- inifoLl i^om. y.outf hiijid^^ t nfcj >iRyr>- * ''Wl^t ( did 4-8)iv ?'!, aukeii fliouwa, meekly. , " _ ^ . ^ ^ _ " i "* Tr '^ !) * f 11 Xna Biiid tliat yoiTcould^ live without p..')'' ' " ! ' '.'.' ,' . -I, " , , . ! .... ' 'Oh yes, I suppose If,could, "•A-mT **«*&*. „ a^^H^iihinbiroOr&tiiiSavWhaOlt.aii nTddor, Bon."/ i i'< < •,< • , li 'n.^tjiu \^~ I want'to marry s/su,« Jwa,vti)or . n o . ^ "Vory woll;-havo 8on>a-broth' flini Aid 'th Tim* And 'thon Tim* came .Inj'-JHn Simon' awAke,'

Transcript of K PLOWS & PLOW CAST-INGS BY THE SEA. S. SFIANGLE & … · Wol.xxix. No. 18 Hightstown; W. J.,...

Page 1: K PLOWS & PLOW CAST-INGS BY THE SEA. S. SFIANGLE & … · Wol.xxix. No. 18 Hightstown; W. J., Thursday, July 31, 1873. Whole No. - PltOrES5IOWAI.CAB.BS. "~ "" j j^ CURB.IE, MOSOPATHIOTTIYSIOIAN.,:*

Wol.xxix. No. 18 Hightstown; W. J., Thursday, July 31, 1873. Whole No.- PltOrES5IOWAI.CAB.BS.


(Suood iur to Dr Vulrbunk,)

Cor. Milih unit Waril St's., .Ilightatmvn, N. J,

OFFICE Ilouaa—7 to 9 n.. ia.,' linijlo" to B p. in.

TIlKlitatoiiTi, Sopt 2 1 '

MHK. II N FAlltBANK, M. D ,i l r i i ln i tcolN \ Mollcil I'nlliwi lor Wo

rnon. ami yia( at A-iftt'iniYIn 11<™ Mi'llni! liolli 1:0T'jr WW'Hin. vlll bCJit tho roBldmioa nf Mrs, II, r•Hiitclilnflon,

Bf OOKTON jSTRKF.T, TITOIIT8TOWN, N. .T.,WoilnomliiT'or oimli woe*.

J)l«i IBC-1 oi WoinTjfiitiil (MilKlicn



OuFirr-TIimiti—TloforoO A M , ivtid from 1 to

3. nnd B In ,7 1" M.' (' ' Aprl-tf




| ^ * ApplioutionHfor ImnxnnoobylottororothorwiBO, puni Uuillj iittundud to

Alto, huno)or nnd Coiuoyanor, amlMiMorInCimnaory ~ijh!~r ,*P'l •(

J. P. JOHNSON,noMoiorATnrc

cc in WAAVWS

D. -

i.lWnln Strool .Omen hnnrn Iron) 7 tn On., in.. 0 to I | i .m., nnilat

"Illuu-rs lyliun nut prndnfllontilly onKimpd.<*rniil>nry €KHc«i,—ntj\f]•« Tlohooon, Bor^o .Main St 2a door aboj o Mothodllt Clmr i li (m

Vto 1 P M -

kit A DAWKS, hUKUKON DENTt i s r . .mil M-Lnufadturor nf ) n. QrrmU-.

aiiiu IoijtiH, ^ = » Ollioonoxt to IRA SMOCK'S Store.—<5l33i Entriinoij un..Muln Btroot, oponito thoUnivorrtJilinfc Oliui'cl)

Qr* TJOUI Uitrnutod WTIIIOUT PAIN, by thouj^ HI 1, IH filing (Jiifl

N. Hi—ThoiiowM'ntont-dum Uasoysn valunbloor Us H^htnoSH, comfort, nnd oluiuiltilflHH,iB also

applied- An oxumtiiHtiiin in i nyitisil. . iipl

Q M. SCllAKCJv,__

-* -nT'jrrrsTimtf.isr j ,C I) (I N S li I, (, If »l I 'I r. A TV


11. At j -\nrii, •

- r,-A \v—oJir I <J II X H T O W X ,IN IIUTOIHKHON'.H Uihi,niN

i 1 V J1.HSLT.


.Tu^lIOC- of t h o P o a c o ,npiiy rnn-itrbrmvjT, N J

J. O. or O. 1<\WINDSOR I.rtlMH'

In in * Hull, on I'm JIIVI h v ri r h - n i i h , il 8 , ' '

«,L< II tlllllltl(.—It 1*1

RcfiiyfjL.it tlu' iroUiK>i',tno uuoher'Jlfit to Jan. lith; Inol^ial\-o

— ii 111- H—,\.-r HA. IT, A M Trlnrfpnt

/ - i <> •» i> Ti . ITI«• i. I K H —uiaii igiowNvjr LOUOI., No 2j

<. Moots l,Vi:iU' MOVDAY EVEXINO, m tho MilHii|iti»t Clinrt-h fmicnnil i t i rvl . a!7 o'Llook

Dojrroo mooungs soioutl Monday ovonlii^ ol inchmonth u.pl-1}



II, CLOCK, and


.Main St.,.op. Baptist Churoh

„,...„ .,.^.-U,i)^.lUiaiiriLjQivu;1unl4.un)i,ntlstal,lim,toJiia_q.mHtmi^nt ol frood",_to ^hlcli In h_ci>iiHtjintl> in Lkino

*. e i {-I-iitLnH U tin-,, \rf1[lTHiom,"IlriTr*it-L*mii-of uvci intjh*, \J LF unt l ln i - ' i r Ufufs-i I>1 ^ nloi i" p u t o i n i ,Rllviir.n'ndiihvt'tjdTua fc. 'L'lililo tsptioii3 6c l'orkfl.'trnn,ll.^l.ilrui>, focluit inul l 'fii Jinlvoa, Nuudlua, yiiillnanud UTLtiin ^, t'ii>3, ^ c VISo lur^o Htook of spei*.tiioliig uf.thuxuloliuaictlgnalco ol'-Ijivzama-it iHori'Is^

1'iLrtloular a t t i ntlon p ihl to i l l Lind<} ofup 1 tf ILDPAIIUNt}

)01f"^ (J TOIINSON




Thoy soil fur Uii^h,oiHy, andforthitroason willfinll oliuapot1 thiin can bo purohaSHd Ol3o>vhoro

CIS LL AR WTNDO Wdll ATES & 8 ASH WEIGHTSConstantly on hand roady tor uao

• Agouti-fur tho KIEBY HARVESTBR, thuoh6npo&t;Cotnbinod Al>iobino.in tho vtorld

Ihpy hiivo for ialo tho rnlobrnlnil CUCUMBERl U i b l ^ J i

smil tho cSoLjiost Pump in tho world\ Also^loi^b and Slod Shoo , Wngon BOJCOH, ^0

Iluvin^ miulo ii Ioi of piilternafor tho right and

IMPROVED CIDER SCREWS,hoy uropropirod to fniEiuh tham at Now Yorkprices

MACHINERY nnPA.TRlll>"on reasonable torms__IIightatown,JV(aroh 1, 1809 np n f

.Hill's Ico Oream and Dining room.


irtfstinmlloj TTUH" Cirttp.fIo« OrmmfWatm

£.* r ir -pro p ^ ° d a ^ 0 . { ITLL;

£M 3ctnftai.pQ*Utvali?4 p&jeclly and permanently


Ol'I 'IOE-WO. 30 G l t E B N E S T H F . E T .

- P A I D KIP OAP-n>AL, *iOU 01)1)TOTAL-ASSKTH, ' Aprl l i s t , l«7n, 308,000

S S bTRlKER, P n f l i n u TUIIAS SODIT, VuoPrOMilmt

C V C UUAPlIl .Sur, C § l7ui'K-(, TreatlUskS taken as low an nny othor reliable Co.,

and all tosaos promptly adjustedapl- ly J R NORTON AOKHT ITiKhlHtown

InqultoalC M NOlUON'h Store


J/[OUNT & OTESON,.-Wholoaalo; GomilitaBUin-Doitlijre In Ull-Ulnds or

co uifTJi y J'Ji op vtiB,2VIi & 213 MERCHANTS' ROW,

n«i>l Wiu l i i nB ton l t l n rUr l , IX: V.Jjotwocn Tt.aui_and I ulton EilrtioCs

A71IJAH 0. MOUKT. . jnaill ' ll II. JIMKHnllt ^ All ordtr* rFrTivrtl will he pitnttnalty at-

tended to- f l ip 1 - l y r ; ,

J£ZBON It. VObL, _

J-iitUcc of tlio "Peooo,Oommlaitlonor: for 'tlkktnw Ai>kn,iivlti,lKeuieilt an

1 * 1 I ) J


Furnishing Undertakers

PO hhrond<iT Olnivs^rriiiio, Oiuhmerft, Moriu mill SiLtln ot tlio bt.<it inatcrhLlWo mil «mclal nttctiMon ly tht* m V (.'orimt Fr<

crxui, l ittil) patmitot] t>> rii-j Iur & (. (i.Wo coaiHietllilly BoUtili a couUutuLiii-u of tho imt

onnjjfm of thu jmbllo.Allordufa promptly'ntt'ondotl to'nt nl| hours.

I« It OOJJT^ d o L i'M^l-.,npl-iy .. HMH Kt,,lli£ht«lu\yn,


180, 187 A 1871 Woot Washington MarlrotNEW YORK



F ill torm oommoneei Si pi 1st 1'uptlt- TLtulvul ut any tJino, ami charged Irora tUto oi tntmmn

'1 In* i rturii* fit Htwly ( ompilftLi e\ orythlitK I-JHPHtin. I to thu thoroinrli Kluoatimi of mind nnd hoiirlSpuoiul iittoiitioii In gUon to the onlinn.r> Tn^li Ibiuiiolu rt

•n*h, Murlc, Drawing .md IMlntlntf areIJJ fiiinpi tent ninl c rililint tcuohcri

HLV WM M7 an 27 1H7J


HWJ-HTS'l'OWN.1 N. T.Flrnt t^unrtor lipping Kept ,iT ypda Noy 1JS d " " ' t l -Nof. ]:*, vmds Fob.-I,

" iMi r, midi. Apill 1.t prllJOj onil« Tunu^ii

, from Di'

F ^•Sorond1 lilril

oM n m H t . 1 ^ly^•l.t•-.to^v^^.,


OUTTINI? n«lMPTI,Y ATTENDED TO.•April ],• 187.1. ly


iiV. iirook. Ab-

A ggod supply for tbjj JtuUitl Trado constantlyoti hand

Thn-jo wishing to purchnflo in oithor lnr/jemil) qunnUho% will liml U to llimr mieroat;ivcmo a qnll. ^ —


LlM JEWELfiY STORE,In Outonlt A. ltoKori' Now Building,


Thti suliscrn>.or would caU attontlon to tho.nowitock oi j omla whWh ho husjuit iiiiimul noxLiluoro Ontoalt1^ Hartiofts blioit, mtneletiny: t)f Oolil timi

Sllvur \VitUllHljs;onivrtIChivlTiH,-I\Ic(lallIonBt"UrilfuBPIna ofovory stylo, Jiar and i-'lnwor. Jtln^fltol' various patterns, pllvor and jiliLtod To L

iid Table apoonR and forks, O-un Upturns,-ViiiB repaired.. Fartlotilar'aLtonMitn ,itMil0 n\\ kinds or-r_Cjinirhi^7 and work warranted toiv«fliLtlgt'ii.CCtOi\ b't'tlio money rofundod

All kinds A No. 1 Pktod Ware.apl-ly IB A YAHLH




And ovory article u»ed liy Buihlora.AI'o, lftrpd a sortmont of. Tahlo and Pocltot Cut-

ory, Floor Oil Cloth,-to , AH h t t S t 24 1By, , , p

Hightatown, Sopt 24, 1BBI1 . ap T ty

No. 19 MAIN bT , OP» BAPTIST CilUltCH,

Ucftloriti L1| klmlrtof Hoots iwnt Slioo* ILi ts and

.nmlnrUm linrmt iirloca , i } U l l y

n u , j ,rp"HE CREAM Rlt)GE MARL.

— -The Cheape&t-Fertilker

; -in the Market. • '-

ATdroiia WJI ((UHKSAI.I, ,

T ,

*a-AKontiitHlght8tOTTii, J.S

M B E a^OJT -M-AR L !

ToTnino good Whoitt tmd Ilyo.Til£oojUiiko woll, _ *^_

• * ' r ' USE PEMBBRTON1 MAIIL !To doublo your crop of Buckwheat, Mfr 26 or 50

bnnhol!! pot^iiorQ of ^ . . . : _ „ „ *




PRICES FROffl $50 TO $750.

d for a PrlcfJ l^lst. Aleo

PATENT ARiON PIANOS,AVnrnnh ,1 tu st m,l In liini- Innm r Hi in i m litl ' l 'niii ln tin iniiikLt ( . I I I I I (.uolli lit >. ilj»lii. t

E. M. I1TUJC1-:,



Jobbing promptly attondt il tO7~irml~~i]tip in i tutpirior nirtimor

Shop on Moroi r stroct, abovo I>u^og' Hall

.1 O H K S « IV I- U I, I , K JV.ST.,

C1ONTINUL.S tl munurnotura CIIEAI* FORJ I'VSIl,

LADirh <L 01 NTS' T A ^ Y anil PLAINBOOTS, SiIIOFh, WMILltS .Sf-IIMMKi) Ai-,

.-Klllid iHJtifrfWiit ol 'Ruady-MiLilo. ijoots andshoos constnntly on hand

]Jiio(.B and Khoo.4 repaired at short noticeA oal! frniii my old riunds and oiifltoiiierFiR res

poofull-solioilidi^htitimvn^A-pnl I, m7o - ly



nv A. P. HILL.

Hid I toll 3on nbou( Fa'aril Lano,From thu cltj ' ho oourlcd my JunoHu novor fnrniTd any, hko ma

* Yo 500,An' ho

Wan in groon n* tbom loxvoq on jun troo

1* oil1 1 dnn't wiinilor nim~li I Joolurd ,Ilo hail noior boon nut <n -lm ulrTor to loam ho*r to plot* nn' hoo

A ii' *o,Di nr, oh '

"What on 'artli ooul J tlio po,,r folh r know '

I onnld not, Vn),t for OniiK' thnl I spin,!>or thought an^ bndy'ii* (*roon—What a iiuoor niun tliH cilj hlo ninkni'

MY > ilt.,RAnd tihakn<t i

-Why ho ihdn't Lnow harrom from laKoii '

Hut I i onldn't holp InfTin* nt nil iAt n ndu ho took in » fill

Thill IIL got_ I'vn rclatid It-toliiil fi>,v,It i Imo,

But T cucii I dliill 1,11 it tn v,.,.

WVd a -Ititnh yiiuiiH ponv that icir— ••'Tivjn Iho inrulont lliinj; fur In «kn r ' —Iniiio, ho n\nd lur to rulo him omi d iy,

IV. plaj

•i cut m iy,Nud" wjil "Mind lu, ,lon t mi, mv,,} •

NOIT jou'll Hunk il riKlrh tju™> ' -•--——"'i.Jlut thu oity i-liii|i,_uji (o~lh it ilny - - "Though hi: nEo wnfln't Io«' III in a acoro

An' fnur—Eut rnnrc—

II nlnt novor nil horfiobick bcrnro

J!ut I irnnFlo tl.., mublo an' lulOut tin, rr i t t t r . nil s,d,lloil nn Ned,IIo oooiuiLiK.u.l to g , t on vorr oprj,

• . An' I _Oh, I I I \ ' ~

fatnod i lookin1—nn> thouElit JL ihnuld dlo1

A«Im olmnli to lUo Hml Uo lm lutTliDnrniiK foot HI tho Mirrup , jou hotlha t t t inndolilinsot lindiemU ' 'lliat doni

•1 h.i fun]!"gun,

An' tho i-olt Binrlnd olTun a run

oniMMittiM Ui woik in n nnllinoiunit so (..HIPS huim quite nut nfwith rounli\ IIYHI^IUUIcou»ti\hul iither c h i n J)i n llu- fold

f l l f d t

), nnrtither cti!; lus nnd ntti'iiiumt, .mil* ' • " * > . - ^ . - 1 - - , ^ • I - - f t l l l l l l I l L L t ' l l l 1 1 J 1 I - , , . 1 1 1 , 1

-liowing j u i U v pi imly tlmt nlu^ldoKciIJu^ht-i-—Ilui- Hi II, w it li thn IIIH.HH t-^»r ,i-|-t"lu (.--born Aiiicri(..u>. lell liimtcll .ib JJHIr o r n AincrK.

nny body, mid (b l

l lumscll .it, K<i)dl lii'roiitMliij n l th

d f h lfli.iviiif; enmc b> hif.ilntiii ldi-iiM ( f t m i i lfnnd Ilk- in 4,hc city, u l i l ih iiuln'l uf £lu>lt-Mst D(conic Inn. .uul'nieriPil t i n t shecouliliri,ilo lipiLoi tlinn m . i i i j linn

' Well, Mi lti iijiiiiiiii T l i i i n n m , I li(ii«'J'ou're (oiirritoil i uoii-rh.1' HIIO niiRncrcjLhim " i l . i n \ v ju ' I m i n t -,\y >)ulyou' io wi l l i n m u h \iiiiin(lr b n i i o l min (Ins SIDW, l iukwooi l i fiiMnmi fon vciwniilil by tlit uVuli ol n u ' , .mil nut nini noli IIH .1 k( luu-cimmci' i t to n h i l c i i v n vHie tuiK , Lo In- npiiiin^ lipin, cpnn .ill my(Inv, ninl wicirMii^ . l imit tin- loin Oil(luilr, no, (bunk i o n , l'vi> hnil on<>iii;h oflinid l i n n s , I IKIH-VL l 'Uw:utiv nhik- bofore I ' iHlo i lown."

"Pillii])1) tln;iil'3somcliO(lv I'lsi-V" ^cii-tUITrl-Hl-ll

' ^ o , 1 inn I a n th.it tin II- is , (houghI don't mini! I Iliug y ( ) u t l i i t f dliln tcriine lirmii- sin^Ii kn n mt n1 -i d i mci>flu Ilill I house too, 111 111!- SI1MM1 111, .111(1.1 ln)iisl keeppr, ninl Ju- MIIII-1 iKivci-hlid ' "'••ijiK t h c m a U i lo «u>.li my hniuls ' "

"And why didn't j o n n inny linnn»ki'il l ien, bnir|iil\

nn in1 1 w; of;"So oiiu.tVll\ it It rim over lut'i ilio n « \ t wcuk, usA\(nk hup n trick ofiloini;.

When l.oniin saw Unit it mm only herWhen Louiin saw Unit it mm only herold fuliot tiiirl^inj; 11I0112 with thrt ro-t u n i i i k t I t doh ' u \ li-itui lu-r moiaui V weut ilown

> in Imir ii muont l—hhe utiw bi lori'wi"iry linen months of

. "hi1 (lulu I ( MII llyhis front (nth nnd

, nit me lir-'dlost his front t u t h nnd hi-, hi>,umsThere's aa fcoml IHI, m Ihe sm IIH L\TI

jo t m r c cu i j 'h l ,"* OiLsmg, ^n^lv."Wel l ," Hiiid 1) ji, mini; , -iiid tanking

liluc l^'lituiiif;s, -oli Flio nhole , I'm ^11th'it Mm won't iiiur^ me, f n \,n\ vi notio i n o i c l i i n i i tlum ,ni iiililflLi!_AjWl^

~m \ m. i « I * i m & | i | | | i 1 . 1 ' f I 1 ' I J I j l ' l * ^ ' 1 l \ r i p - a B * a ^ MI u

nnd iniiKHiK, nnd she saw, too, that "dio

1 It'a ii deuced cold ilay foi an olii ru in ,"Biul Mi Unite , i lnverlni; butnre the woodfile, ni il llu i(< itbould li ivu bi en ««p\"ul.ilSLII ol Mviuhi't cie.ili-d'to unit LiixlomeiH." W'IIII'H ihiytyou'VR qiil i. inking on_lln-cume, L u ' S t m t I uin'L -;ot no nioienppi'tito ih in u bun In Au^iiit . liiliiilluand Tint win- sl"W ns cold moliHSi-i ;tbiy'vi -acen llieli 1)(-MI d i M , 1 u'tknil,like- llioir nmslor. "Wish I'd nw.ippeiiVm to JJuuii Ioi thn >i nlinj.>a ix'id lioot ,it iMJUkl bi ^ bin ii -food bi i^ ' i in . Si m-ritIni h i \ i - to Mm, Lo I've [jol ii cold. 1it ikon I'll tin ii ni uiul HUI-|I il nil ' '

" T h e j (in^liin't I w , let joi i eoimi,"(••nil Till, iiiiii^nnnth, niHliociri l i . i l him.1 hnti Ic n| hot \\,uel tin h i s ln , t " U n i l ebl or IJLII ou^lit to fi ive I'oini1 iinti'nl "

" I t i\ I'II'L Ih, n tuilt , I tlniujlit Ti mild ul ive n biltei b t i ^ n l i ".Illi lluhnnih Bin ii\id he'd LOIDU HI in) pluee,but his In nrl w i ' n ' t "it en i t ," whichlMiuninic imi i i m i c enmtotud l^iiiiisi

Mi Hi m e w is II s t k s i .ill nielli , mid inthi> iiiiiriiiiiK nut out ,ol his lu .K1, .iiui

• i h • ' • , • • • ^ '—' 1 ^ m"\ ' ' II r"K wim .o

cliiiu'l know his ii^lit hand li-oin Uland oi l lnl hums 1 IJi n, nnd ankid ^

i l


"Whoi ' lnlp '.nuirdor " fqucnkod Nodturiiin' pnlo ,

An' to Btonrtj linn-inlf, rnli]MMl~~Fh~o~t'\iI-An'yoj t iuo^orsond Iho ooH-|innp,— '

~^ An1 Ihtinip,A n bu ni p

Tho poor oity chap's fn0o with IIH rump '

limn ho kuknil upnii'liiiLiprunir

Tho young uonlloiniin off o' Ilia hnolt,Ivor-wlmok 'An' sinnck

In a mud.puddlo, miry and blnck

j-ppoa j»»t DHHVWin ii ulroliii' HIUBK Hi rough tho lnnOl

An' sho si.uti tho poor cuis wliun ho Ml

Poll limit .

An —well

An' it hu ntod t]io i m m h - Ed 'u rd LiinoM^vor moro ciuiin ii ,uur t i i i my J a n o'•llo 'u a l i t l lo too wi rdiinl, I MIO,"

" A M 1 hoNeedn ' t n,imo Tvnlli i rOun l h ' \ m ur tc r mo "

TirUSioTBoalinE«>OIIIV HI. B R O

Squan_V_illage, N. J.

BOH by \ \w smi, ivill fltul Uio ''Onfoii"

-Gonvcmntri-of A(!Cen?!])y Railroad,



.ittid oU"orIn(£ the following fbtliiQomOntS

•<TO(M1 boitnl In a!woH nri*angC(I housoat Idw rates;

ood (H?n or Tl\cr iinthing withoutn^ tu and From tho tfriLqh,

inl> ofboafcs frn~ roTrln;; tLnd'Halllnic '

Shiuly iralks, pleasant ilrivo? nnd ljoa"utlfnl scon

loij gum hi-i, doil tnnk her, in.lOhnn s.lici .llo.Iiojii>rul no li tjipj, I c innnt dLfci Ilio,A.muth nuliuiMitlliil jihiMil on h(.i l.imi,[thnnk Ihtc, i luifSmmr, , | , , , | a ™fL n l t n n , c o


hholuaril Uiofmn-tFoimmir lh( ali(,oli«nhil^lil,Sliim4« IJiuIr br]Klit. (orini TH thi>> HIIDIIII lu tliii

llBht, . '

Mio hi inl tlio Klail iniioiira us It lvi-nl rrom tlio


"(Jo rurllimj imcldniH mil lirlnichi r noul homo '

Thon omyjiril tlipj oamn horn flie porlalti oniirlit,RtTTtrVnopp wero tlioy of Hi it ilnrk ^to^ll^ nl^hl11)"1 ontoroil tlio i liwnlior tho> < aino to tho lioil,

O would 3 ftu i\i tain hor and h Iph Jior to BtayfWhoro ilnrkno^ and Borrow rolln ovor our way -

Vi iii.niiieif," 'tlo roily tin mnftil nnd nnni K ,Sinoii (lod, our (loir .bather, novor order* Hilli

wrong:. lT

_ !From Harper's "Wiiokly,


Louiflfi'a fathoi. hud gcmt< nil with theox team up 111 tho WOOIIH, sixty miles away,to make, tho camp boforo the winloi's log-ginK shouia bogm. Sho felt veiy lon"lyits BOOII as he rnia out of ai£ktT for morercwons tlisin ono. In fho finl place, theiewn41aobody nt homo but little Tim, whocould dig the paths, to bo Mhior nnd lookafter tho cuttle; graudmothoi, who wnscompanionable enough, with hci stoiirsotoldjiimea^but ajenr^motqjtbivi^ a, pio-teotbr.; nnd Susotto, who helped.about.thf!house, was only a'child. ZThefsecond rea-son was that slio hadiiuarrellcd with Kun,and Iti8tj-bi.it not leaatT-ho-anrt^cr^ uiicliTSimon"Mod driven oil on tho~ox team v?ithbftr f t-hnr- Tf thiitC_had_cifir_heBD_a-tim»when ahn ha/1 fi-lt fliapoaiwas when' tho ox team had disappearedfiQtn night and it was jniposaililo to do so., TIMJ fiict oC thp c.180 W&H that Sag liad

UISI OS his own pror1"erty eycr since ho could rcmombpr, Ifohad boauod hec to and fiorb

hard problems at district school, nnd hadcarried, her home on his alod j~at quilting,etiwing circle, or picnic he had chosen hprfor bis partner In the dance, had paid'hisforfeits to her, aTidTfad revolted about her

per aers, applied on jonng grassln tho fall. from TOUI? ShadowAnd so they Ty"He'l l b


dift^le^oiith-j^roiid^-y^or^iffitjgi"Jufyloiin ' * 1 whole ihiP(f till aho went ajyoj to tho city

, v f i ii i. i«jrt<^- ^atf-". A vi --,< v-

« a s IllniOSt bllllkllie; 1,11 h>M) of htT , ,ltl(iif shi bud ahnned Unit she w is woiindi d,b j vi (ilk BI look, ho wna i i . idy i n . i l n i*himsilf bi'ueutli IILI l u t , nud l i k e it nilb u k

''1 on l t d nmn/ini; |iuliie, Mi Thurm.iii,1 must H.I\ " sin n in i iKi l ' 'I'm l o n y\nn iskid lur wlmt \ o n didn't H.UII , b(-

l t - u u u l d l u i , I M I I .ittk\Min\'if Ihadn't n f u , < d

the. w a yl

mi l

1 iliiln'l kiin« ilmt thinfolks in ule ln\e—oillinvf

i \ e nl\v,i\s lieiited j t

' T i n t e d in- ^. . , , . , .„„e i u d Hi n. Ins l.icu u h m nan him, mid hise j c i l i k e thnndei 1I,,UH, " D D \on cull itliniid-Kiiuo t r c i t n n n t lo lot tin i;« ,111 lov-niK \on Vi.XI iiltcr j e i r , win),, it'HI^-IICIII-cned with mj HIinie l l i , without .i linvfHint yTvn cOuliln'E" ii ( inn ini-usiiu- lormi,mine J Anil tin n to Ko lnji'k upon .1Iellnw, and lli iow him m i i hi n l H l v , | , , .(l()'""i I. I've hki n n.ili.ib, tliongli im ] O T , ,^F l l u f v v i , i l T T T i ^ . . i i TZ n I T *™ ' Z ^

tlie ••imnnt—>"ti "«7nkT(l oii7~nnd ihou ditHOtllini; loo h i n l In rlo lor yrrii ! If t i n t ' s

I ilnn't w.iut I'M i to si r \ou u ;iJn '•l.oniBi h.vd 1« en looking nl him willi


lie. "And.She felli lienrt,

f ^ j 7 . i » » • i « i . - i i j I I \ J I , i

thi ii Uv lovcil IK i so desiii i i h.i »tfnupe, d ih- l i l f i i l i lml l i i lus it rc«ii«ii(li ,1 d i . t l y , Mie- lud hnlr aliiind lo no to him mid hold out hoi ,iim<nnd be Uhaprd to Ins be.itni" he.irt nndfnritut tiniUniorr-niTrl lnxurv ami (.'IIOUHT"i.ithei n h i . n e n on - m l , , mid while sheluiit.ili-d hu (ml Mid, ' Gnod l>y - I don'twnnt evei to mi w>ti n-;.iin —nnnd-l^ "

"I n turn llu- s)intniiiiil,"(..nd she, in

'••"••l-b> " A n d win 11 he»l slullt ShO t I

,,.,|. -_ ijLim " • '• " " ^ ^ • • • • • • y '

•I siuht sho to.lc luvdi^e in .i K 1 ( , yBut now th.it h(> is c-mu (tin- I) Kin to

hud \im\ much sh'e hud dipiudcd uponniii^ how inu( Ii mure III', nii'ii' [iii'SPiifc-VflTi-li) hc i t h i n .III^ die . i in ol \ \o i l i l l \piospi l u y h o u i t i i j ioldui . P e r l i a p , l,Mtoi this hit i eh ^h( jnn^lit m. \e i Invo

kll'HMl h o « ill ll In. \\.I5 10 11(1,110] h()Hsho - i . i lmd Uie iiipi i l l in t i i s ol hli. m

. u i s n t i WL117 <>• 11 ol the l lnei w mto lLluin be fin o the wiiiLei'HscnHon ofloe;-^inp; hi u.in i n . o id , i to ln> in piovis io i i sfor Iho c imp—.la iln-y had only taken upenough Ioi n w. i k oi ten diiya—and pmli.ipn l k n would tm ihi one to t o m e , in<\hi(.h (..i-e b c c o u l i ' j i m l h .ivoiil h n n ^ i n ^her Eonio w o i d ul her l.uhui nnd unclii\.nA then w h o mill.1, pi , d iet hut h(. m i s h lth ink it worth w h i l e ID H n e i . i t e IIIH lovoin IIIH (](i(|iirnt Rt^le I A n d Ilitii f.nuis.ll.iuiihi-d A II ki dly ut iho pmspi e l , ,ind derided thii l il lm w . u onouk-h in lovo l o dothus nnd t h u s , i t would liu_Rftfe i o i herl>e\onil ,i prendT-eniiui to t.iku hi r o w ntune nliout n i f tk in^up, l o show a nupiome

inn to put ihi> i ixui in to lliu e u t , i n i s i i k -IHU hi i (oi Uni Ii S i m o n , A n d L o u i s i ,l i i l f l i u l i t e n u l t o i h ' i t h , lumped upon u!dIliMii'i ri.vck ninl -<iilliipi.il nil the w ly to.Shoplon lm ihi in nu-Ni di)i Ioi

" \ h i - i n ' Vnihini ; nioii' not li ss t h i n

" Dnii^i ion-, '' Uli, I Htll"ii lit 'II pullIh iou^h I'll IHIM Una p u si i IDIIHII,mid In. lounil l o n u i i i o w T l i i u ' s i l lJ t n v i i n k , ol ihu l i v i m - M i v c u t k ' nt m e l l i , nt mu pi.ice h i d l lu i i i u i s j u i plo ins i w n k ,i^o, ,ind he'rt wb'nit to tiny.T h i n ' s no li 1'in^ . lb inu UILSI th ings( l i l l .U) i t c o u s i n i i i i o n s tnki» d m one dlf 'f in nil-, A I h-iisl, j i i u i i e idn ' t be•i l . i inud IH p ie i-1it. (haul iDominj ; ,"w i l l i n n ciupl insij on the yuml IJIMMHIthiiiMlit it ,Mii mi) I h i i v but .1 fjoodmoi iunj j , n l l u lite ciii i i l ini ol his pinfes-aioil il prrvi-nic wn» n i t ln l i . iw i i , l tm tinni>xt dnj l m Intliii iv i s no h i t t e i , nor v 'l h e i K \ t , Ihouuli t in doctor . i ^ m n i l heUl-il In i\ i i lining .is HI II ,,s iijulil he e xpee led , whftli VLi~tliit mi^ht be

Iimrrt irw. ia~oo~bus\ , uiul n L i i y i v i t l. i l i inmutd nursniK, Looking nud look• i lu i the limisi., nud it . . i n - in. m , ,n . |

set in, Colil^njid biusteriaffj^ijrjiRIKIW ; just anoii^ll' iiftiiutui'hhklonely. 'TIIB \Vm(l a«n-f ftitionp'.like the viU'ee ilf nngry Water-cffAlraea^Anri*K])lint«rq(l i-vi-nt, bpiijjhs in tbq,fonMt..an(iuprooted li|nr.lpi| trees, ttnd BeeraijiJ t^kffanttmtjible pfesencu Itnarrtlofftlio rt'ctthe wood —.fiome inipcrfioriaUon of*whnae touch was a bloWyUnd,!wlnln the Snow built 'up its ,..".#])IIIIL*CH, cr^•^tl|| b y evystal ; wreatheilnbout the h\iii(*; frrecn, tniKi^trled'evoryboulder, hid the dead lenyes nnd hollftwSunder the ai'rci'n, lor It *wnn by no nieantldlMip ; the wn.ll.hnr wiia *-ori Ii

mmo (li in n. li^ht fall, jitat c-nou ]>t<7dinpe u.itilrc gracefully tii'ita folds, andCive n piomuje, pfmriie to come.

JJofuia tho sky hnd clenri'd tho lastmoiillifiil of food hi>d Sffintubed, npd * i J •cept for a p\rlililgo that I!™ hnd inndoBlurt to kill with'ii club—for th'erft were nollre-nrras yot li> ci\mp—ntid'n fnbblt'lukenlira rude tnipof thutr nwn oonatruoUnj;,Ihiiy liad not utjteti nny thltig^pr^-yod^yii^Hut they neiq robunt men. Who woulrf'li.ixii a tough fl^lit with stnlviifloiTbtforasiucuiubiiig j and then thoi'o rtas niJ lackof u itcr. ,

In the me-in wlnle, thor wore tilrnoa^ HBmiii'li eouci ined foi i l l . Jtruco us forlhem*elvi s. lie. mii^ht hnve loMtihis way f

Ihev tearml, o f -been overtiikcn by thostoi m or thu wolves ; ho might come Intoe u n p nny moinciit loo tut reduced toHelp linnsull, nud need their ifu\k nsslsnnee, hinco their stomnchn wero idlo,Ih n hrii i i i bccnino correspoudinplv s otive uitli femltil iiuagiimuotis. Evoryd i y they prupoffeii Betilr.^ out to walkhome—but pnl i ipR he would coniio'to'-niiii row , nnd then J,huy hnlcd to dcaert

_llii u_ p o s t , besides, Iho we.ilhcr wim"*"*" uld, n.nd, reduced by '

mn'M cold, -md ketrjln^ ouli i 'niui ,,„,„TnTimij; tTH~childien, Kit- i lu null- nl theMielc ni ul j__d i l i i l o i i i_ \ \o i ( l i , Jhnnuli he-wnnr-cniihTnilly liilkin^ nboiit Ih,, enmpbiM-, null Himi iy_w In II lui own ihou^hiwiiiidtri-d nlieiu-vii shi h id tun, to thinkthorn—li.ii^iiiuiuit m i h iiiiairiniin U1 un

Jtlcii ,-h,^^lin^-witli snim(—un,|ovoi-firoci ncs, mil upintui j ; , " I 1 , , , , , ;torn wick, Ioi n noi-k, foi n week,"l o u m i n ^ the il . ijgun hm fiii£i-is nnd n.ain^ the count, ,ind In fjinnin^ over n - u nnnd i^nin. na n it in-!,, ,i p U / /h - upoirtbc

-m-i of whu-li-hm lile ilii|ii-ii,h ,1. And

io the lcvei i.m to the th d.iy midturned, 'ind tin pi lu-nl I. Ii into n quidsleep, and nwoke too HI ik md I in^uid t(put n o n l i tnt-viliei, oi in i,.iin iiil,7-i nn,


. nnd II, w.n n\ i. 11, n., i ,,h i p s the tluiil il ij n'lt, r ihe li vei tunHi iL In snddi nl\ look np ihe tin, id

i-u hei_e hu hint dioppid it mid uiked,I!-.w lon^ hnvo I buen ii-hiyinPi , IJII ' J ' T ~ ~

" Tivclw ( 1 M S "" • W h i l e ' s Hen .md TJuile Si •"'" W h y , you I, ft 'em in en nip, I ith.-r "'*I<efL ' f i l l III (-AII)p I T w i Ivi d i l )Hl l !{ l l , "' sniped, " with n ivc. k 4 prm i-innit ' - -

1 ahnulilii'L wonder if (hey weic both iuhpiH-en by tins time I WU.xl hev \ o u bmthinking nt till thiu while, eh V"

" 1 didn't know they Ind only a week'spiovis ions," mud Jjoutan, allowing n^h,iiil> l i c e ; "nnd I h ul to look .ifteijoii nnd I hi I, IOI "

" W i l l , di.n't wi l l nunlliti minuloiiiund in, , nmj h 1-jie.m up old l ioui nnd

p, mid Inki i-otue brnuly nndmd don't h-l '< ni m t nil they

w a n t , innko ^ i u e ! ; k \ o p 'em short —Jome it irl ydurinlf, ninl dnn'L |>u aLind-ng Ilill like u ghost and lolks u-dyiii,-- foi

• • o f j o u "

• . t~l. . ^ . T T .1. • • • • - t

mience of which hu « is soon nodding o(f10 sli ep, when through thu fog of h|nsi'nii-conseiousui8» he mumpd to Jiear Asort ol rui-jiiiR in hi? enrs, nt first 'i raeroihn.iil nfnuUnri, then loudei iimrhenrerTns ifovery treo In tho foreal win n. churchsU-eple with nil tbo bcll» n-twIiiRloj}.—Then ho lionril no more till n BtootliuredKioin from Undo Simon cumed him tornise. himself upon bin elbow. The'dra

-win Htill minppine, and -bliiziu;? hrlpflitly,nnd the form nnd jironlo of n woman wanshallowed forth upon Ihuwnll of the camp—nveiy familiar fnc-u nud figure it wns,too, that appeared to ho betiding' OTcrRoiuclhiiic; Hint ttna cooking on Iho lire—.Wai ii. the i \ ( ited nction of li|« brain thatphologi iphcd Ijouis i TJiucn 'on tho wn'll ?11 4", he prayed that it mi^ht lust forever.Thin lu> turnud hit he.wl lnn<;uidly towardthe Indt nuil met a p^ir of eyes that hndslione Ioi him .n'.l hit, lifo with tlio tapci-n ition of a will-o'_ Ihe w|ap,*' Were theyntill to haunt him' ncrous iho Conflocs ofthis woild i

th.m ,m iiddei imii cd I What wns it, then,that nehod ao day iiflir d.n, ,is the dull,cold Xo\ember windL fiuhed nhoiij_lhchouse .md touched Ihe u< l^hhonii-r pinesin(i) ylColinii hnrpH nnd -nepr up the dculleiivc-H only to so itli i tin m iiRmn ? W\\\wns she ahvn>i ell lining her even dewutins j[|o4t_wliiteiieiL countt^y-rond-? -Andw'lint wns lfTlrnrtiunbltil iu hei ho-ioluwhonuvoi a speck nppe.uoil aqainst- ihefios-ly (iky? Hut Lntum h id in koncdlMlhoiit hnr lniHt—Hun wns nol the iiiaii vTuTwftB fond of loilfi.iting a love that hndbeen received so coldly.—ite-rtldn'tTnount« leave the woodil till Mnirh, if ho couldhold out so lonp;. M;in over, it wai MlBnice himself who propoflcd io go backwith tho ox tcim and bum; Cho suppliesand lure the ™en

"1 don't leel i|mtp n^ht nhnut thehead," said he, "ntid I w.tnt-Lnimn towisiot me. TlmrJ'll ^rr~out loMioptonib«l seo Scnles and WeiRht about tho sup-pliha, and bn bnpk hi fire you and Si hnvoeat up all llus 'ore Tietvrato;'1 i

" * " '—•—Sir^'-^frtl-K**a twitieu of disappointment which howouldn't own tn lilirmelf '.'Wo'llffut tbohovol ready,for.th« cattlo wiulu you're bff,and tnko a trlimp through the woods andspot tho bent timber-foi felling •» , "

"There's ('noush'to no," wid XTnelo Si-mon 'jyouMl^boJyiok m iLve da.va,-say-?n-

"ITT'm lucky. Ifow's the Rloren, S i ? ""Good for a wook, I «honli! say, iniclThi

tlioy are. But th6 cornier—you—get—back-I t ' l l be n, BiKhtri-'miieir-for youhe bcttorv

•"I. JYou neo, we haven't hndany Ibin^ but~inits yot,—though uwe'r goinc; to hev an open winter."

drovo oft lhrouK,lho woods wiihteam, "Provisions foruwnel^th V ThUt'lliido ye oveti'I roofcin. Thorn's a eight ofwork to be- cot thrtmgh-wtth iu A week'stime." 1TliSre'sJ"tlloBUppIi(;8"-to riiCgot;1

and- the handg to be ;Mred ; letnniB' see—flyo'cuttero,' 'two' tcnrnstoi'B' nnd a'cook ;

I'll tnki c u e (if in\qelr, nnd -to'llSTi.inilma. Il'iim and (Jim ksti p c.in dothe dnUncu by niu'litluli 'J'.iki- my (runto keen (ill tho woly,«, ,iud littlu Tim, anda lantern." <•

"But how ulinll I QmUhc wnj ?"—Tjoniai w.is ulieady IIIBUIU bur iieli«si- nndraufll La - .—

"Bless urn, •! hitiy ooiildn't mms it •thiiU.ea nm nolelied with n si ir, cvery-half null, on tlm U ft hind aide Thero'take Ti-n, ind be off"

And ai tlieie -ivm not an able bodiedp nl—Hmt~nonsnn who

who wasn't! oM logpiii^, and IIH •rrandmamd Susotte Louhl hike care nf Jioi pitiont,and Bon wuaatftiving without luir, whatcould she do but go V

And how were they. fa> ing in tlio camp,ai\ty miles away 111 tho hi^ntol Iho wood,which was alnuisl hku a pumu\i,l loii,nt?Afler Mr. ]Jruce*« depnrnin- t1ioy~liail~cone about their work with a will; wbiloUndo Simon was bu«y on the h«v«l> forthe cattle,-Bun had 'walkcd'iuiles amiJIlllfB lhroiiuh_llm Rvfl;ot-SCe||l.ml wnoil

tho timber , and inns had nspnand net, when one morning, before theneck w.iflrouU, XJugle Simon jvnasurpiincdlo ace tho bottom of, the in()nl-cl|Obt,

."Toiigh luck J" stiid be, brtclly i " butthere'* Hwnmp pork to'eko it oiUt»"^-JtnTF

s-plunjtOiHiis itnndTirafMonlly fntir thepickle, and h.trl eoraelhins of ftchaso aftertwo or 'thres inai'-niflciint'-'piCceBr Thetwo menJookcd_at-uacb_Qther in diamny

said Ben.'" ' But whaUfhe sHouldn'tf" asked iho

oldei man, notsn nnoguino. ,<„> ' .

s""Vo got legs of our own.V *

wouli^be a. nico eXcurMoi, sixty,milea'afootU Wliy. we hhall freeze to'doatKli'

or, -un wniedrOncouivolvt-H I \Vlritorei bo miieiuhiie hiiuaclf, IJi n felt' that Unelo"siniim'i Htiin^tli WIIB utterly inadfqu.it(/to the s i m p l e . They ivcio besot with aIliouani'd pi indventuroK ,.ihefo was notonlv^i htm in Iho wiiy^ butnll m.niner ofpi-ula, leil nnd iiniipnury, So .they« uted, pei force, wiKelnnp; tho days van-ish in a lender dream of color, Hud thoBlurs m.iko their nilent jmirnny acrosn thedee|is of hruvon, nud tlio moimufra dawnus the ioie blooms, unfolding pclul altarpctnl iif e\(piiRite, bloom Th«y bii^ied'tbi iim-hi n htill nbiiiit the camp nnd hovel,^hini; n thousnud lnst touchca, RU( li astin \ wonlil iimei havn thou^tit of pnu(*Ut .molluir time,"(;atherinf; nre-wooil, andI'eUiy^ the nihhil Imp in vnln. And otiortiy lliu Mi, fi II fiouiTii'ti's rranhu-rhnud,nnd he |iinl d in^ id dimaclf inside tlioi ninn, nud »lrct( lied lunif.i If huJorQ lhji_tile. Uucle buuun h id uh-endy—givenout

_ " \\^ilkii^i' liome_einilil hardly havn"in m Hor»e," IJun aiiid, simply. I'erlmpahe win thinking of Homebody who mighth u e met hlrn, kindly, at the jotlrtiey'ijend, in viuw of tho dangera ho hnd

"IA ilinna Bmco '11 come yet," returnedUni le Simon.

Throiifjli a chink In tho camp door Boilwalehod the Sunset fidu like u flie amnnr;the woods, .ind onu by one the stars »liin»-mrtT-eitcli—rn-rlB appnllrtfrl-aritttrrflivttnd-thu noivllarn li^hU pilpiUlu roady alnngthe sky The howlhi'T of wolves echoeddiBiuiilly, wlulu now and then a brunch(•nuked in the foiest, and the wind tr.»l>-

Hindi n (oliiCor.l.ihle f-low, llllflpr "•(• )n-

ter t.inte 'his guiul that I liavo made foryou,1' aaid I>mim, quietly. " Vou'muafcoo nearly famished." _ '

"How camo you hero ?'» was all'theanswer Uou vouebsnfed,

" lrou nio mia;l\ty polite if yop aro'moil starved. Who elaffcould cOtne, liarlfather not ablo to_ lift his .bead ? IbiongHt Tim; ho is piilttng'-up tho*hoiaea. It's no such pluasatit journeyeither, I p,ni tell you, between tho waive*4iud Um float,—not to mention a Cold weL-como.' Como, ninH you Jjoitig tO"takoaometliiug ? Here's—broEtf-aiuL^hnUidy—and pjrucl^lako your choice^1'3' ' "

ay, yon shall chooeu for mo,""sai(fJii u. " Listen Unloss jou take 'back:thu words you spoke when, we mot lost,unless you givo inu back love foe love, I!swoar I will not taal'o a inorebl 'of "nnythinft you havo to'offer, "111 Stay hero

-and starve—rather Hutu tako u «rumb o t -inifoLl i^om. y.outf hiij id^^ t nfcj >iRyr>- *' 'Wl^ t ( did 4-8)iv ?'!, aukeii fliouwa,

meekly. , " _ . ^ ^ _ " i"*T r '^ ! ) *f

11 Xna Biiid tliat yoiTcould^ live withoutp..')'' ' " ! ' '.'.' , ' . -I, " , , . ! . . . . ' —'Oh yes, I suppose If,could,

"•A-mT **«*&*.„ a^^H^iihinbiroOr&tiiiSavWhaOlt.aiin T d d o r , B o n . " / i i'< < •,< • , l i ' n . ^ t j i u \ ^ ~

I want'to marry s/su,« Jwa,vti)or . no . ^

"Vory woll;-havo 8on>a-broth' flini

Aid 'th Tim*And 'thon Tim* came .Inj'-JHnSimon' awAke,'

Page 2: K PLOWS & PLOW CAST-INGS BY THE SEA. S. SFIANGLE & … · Wol.xxix. No. 18 Hightstown; W. J., Thursday, July 31, 1873. Whole No. - PltOrES5IOWAI.CAB.BS. "~ "" j j^ CURB.IE, MOSOPATHIOTTIYSIOIAN.,:*

on »ppllo«t!onXHOB. B. APPLBGKT,

Higtaulown, :

JULY 31, 1873.• Q , M '. ' ' "" ™ -•-•-- 7"

"*tfa newest fraud discovered among thocommanlty of !New York is

fi d

DICKENS 't EDWIN DUOOD."—Spring-field papers revive the story of the young

TT whu 1» "fluhni*man in Uratliouoro,ing" Dickens' story, " The Mjatory ofEdwin Drood.", The Union, in fact, onSaturday doYoUa nearly eight column, tothe-matter} nnd asserts that tho work isnot only nearly completed, but that a newnOTel by Dickons i» to bo lorbhcotningfrom the same source, "au amanuensis, nmedium, if you will, but-an uuprofesaion-nl ODo, and a person who know nothingwhatever about spiritualism -until this

T U B UJLIL.— The Mount Hollygives tbc following interesting dotnils in

Iftlbutedtoa-mimbfl^orflrms engaged fltmngo-experietice bof.-ll 1 im; who-hasJ ^ E j ' T _ • Ll J._L_ _ . . _ .M. ^ * • I *-m- ._. • I ._ ^_I __ _ t «. rf« <1 • •>* b« f » « r^H ^I.M.f « &«f &1 T r l l l A t W\


This branch-of lh-' carded oft by the racdl-

rof. agents for the Peruvian Govern-eiit and »e»end Now York Importers

, ^i^mfiftQS71l5B-hl-tho eiibstitution by-)-machiiist, not fur frV'iWee latter parlies of a spurious, mnnu-1ffaHured article for the genuine Peruvltin' guano. Ttie'tattercoutains about 15 per

df Bmmonla, In which lies Iho chief"tho fcrtllieor. Tho inferior tu-

'•tlele, which sells at about 310 n ton Icni,' " only frOHTllrtu 13 per cent.—

_„ , ._. . of Iho adulterated articlesshowed that they contained only from 3 toft per pent, ot ammonia, and about 30 to" '• per cent, of nn earthy ronttcr whollyforeign to genuine guano. The publica-tion a. while ago of these facts by theAgricultural Society did not have thefeffect of stopping the sale of the adultara-

-tlons, but thi^e.uvian Govern meut i\.wroused to tffke action In tho matter foithe protection of Us trade, aud is nownbout to Institute suits against the odi'nd-ers and punish them to the extent or the

l aw. —-~ — —»** . —

A feature of the extensive combination1 litrmeis

"pupularly known M thu " lui-iuem B"'"'ges" Is the system of cooperative pur-chases established by tho moiubun. Theyemploy nn agent who receives ordurs fromthe granges for lmplc|nonli, groceries,dry goods, boots nnd shoea, plnnoa—inabort f9r anytlung and everything theynfced,"*"" -much-cheaper,

""first gOQf'to the ncareatr-timn-l-u see if hcan deal there on ri-swounblo terms ; ifnot helgoes loiTlargtr town, until dually

"ho goes to Chicago for all largo pin clinics.—Ill mnWt ca*e» the State RSJPUI was-en-

trusted! with iho larger triiiiaaUi'inn, ushe received orders for tho snnio kind olgnodi from all the g r a n g e and bought ntwholesale. At llio outset wholesaledcnlerl nnd ninnufacturcia in Chicago,Milwaukee nnd St. Louis rfluaei! to s.-llat wblolesalo rates to the grangci) on the

'ground thnt it would luin thtir country* tu»toiuur»; but eventually they c»inii

7- dowir nnd are now-»«ry- willing to nciliuit•rder» nUd offer special -Inducements togranges. The piullts thus a.iyed to thefarmers form au dnormoua aggregate.

?phn blind "which »et-unt-iu—P-UrJuliCpt'llio Inrnmous riiilrond robbers, WHS hoard

• from by telegraph ou Sunday. Thuy hudcrossed tlio Hunnibiu and bt Joseph rail-roiuT Tfio~~robbora had

ip theories to advance or proselytes toke, aud who cares not n fig apparently

whether spiritualism »ta«d or full." Ilois described. nB a pfJniMooUlnfi nlnn, n

ears of-ngi",a native of Boston, with no trainingwhatever for literary «oik: Tho Unionwriter proceeds to gUe a long history ofthe way in which ho eamu to undertaketho woik, follows it up wilh e-£lrnct>i-froii.seveinl chapters of the foithcomlngtoliinie, aud-eotielinle»-witli the Mlo^lng1

" I camo to Jiniltli'boro ccpi-cling tollnd this decidedly posthumous work ftbubble which could^bi; easily blown iiwny.AfLer two dayi' enrefut and somewhat

'critical examination. I go awny, L con-fess, a good deal pii/.7.h'd. I u ji-ct In thetlrat plucti ns nn ImpossibhLy—ni uverjone would tlo lifter thoroughly niv(sll>!il-ing Iho mailer—the theory tluil thisinamiiciipt was written by the youngman. Mi. A llu BII>B hi' lnis never rt.tilthe (Irol voltiiue, uud I enretiot whetherIn; hits or not, belli" fully convinced thathe is not capable of willing so much asone page of the nee-Hid volume. Tins, ofcomae, is no dhpaiagemcul', for howninny men arc LH pubic of lining whatDickens left uiulouu V I am driven, then,to inre|it mm nf llm two riiin-liisiimn :—

At Mount Holly, the rain-full washeavy aud Iho hall itonoi lftrfio, but .for-tunately there was little wind, so thatthe chunks "of ice came dowu prettynearly straight, causing little dHiuagecompared wilhtho destruction olBuwhere.Trinity' Church sufleied to the extent ofabout sc'vfiitj'-flvt panes i)f glnso, Amli-r-son's canuing- factory ahont ninety, LftoJbCnwRiU'w skylight alxty-flyc,. tlio aky-lli<ht of Miller's drug store twonty, J. \V.Urown's greon bouse about i;fglity, thegreen house nt Dunn's cottage 'lorty,Shiun's creoii house oiily~twotvc~; Rpnr-


extract tho following from a letter in t h eIQt

nier's itkylight nnd the ekyliglit atThomas1 gallery weru also well riddled —IVult and vcj;«tabh-o wi-rtt also damagedto some extent Iii this town. The savngework of the ntorm commenced ticm '

i n - •*

A. A. Yard of Farmlngdalo who went toMaryland to indentify the murdered manIJedlo;

On Saturday, July 12th, the N. T.Herald reached om vlllugo nbout 10ovlorkj A. M. :Mr. Jldlsted Wnlnrlght,who taken the papei regularly, look hishome, and in the course of tlic «lny it rBllinto the hmids ol IHB vcner.ibh- t»ther-iii-l.iw. Mi. Jaini'h Birdie, who, ••nice thedentil of Ins wife, IIILS resided with Jl.r W.In reading the papBr his attention \Vns nt-Irnekd to the-Iliiming nnnounci mcnl oftwo executions In MaryLuid, and on rend-ing ulinig, thi> linina of Eugene Aicblenurdcll nUrnctcd his attention as mtiifthing fiimihai. He went up ilain) andfyumlTMjniP U'ttera-froin MR aon-JiimcR,lind-'ori comparing-them f d t hdated Xov. 18lh, w»R fiom Dumfries, V:i ,and another, Di c Oth, ttotn Uryiitilown.l id. , placpe nc.tr the scene of murder, bothsigned In full Eugene Archie BurdcH,Inn right taiimc under, also BtntlnK tbntliew»H coming home and would clean Iriscloekn for him. ^^r, Rcdlu was ;it oneefliilielkd tb.it It could be no other than lu-tBOII, hut to put 11 beyond n_douhL_ha

Haiotsport, and-would neem to hnve IcroaBi-d in fury and deatrUctivenpRS nsthe line advances towards~Moori.8towu,Where Us force wns turriHc.

At the latter plnce, it is Btntod ncnilyall the tt\nw (ii wmdovwior houses f.icini;Iho Bide the storm approached was bio-ken , shutters were blown of! nnd demol-hhed ; trues prostrated, frnci's lilnwn

beaten from the trees. The IUIII-MIOULS,in some instances, incnmircd live inchesIn circumference, and were driven with,Bucli violence that in striking unaliolterfd" count ly M we nearcd IIowe»' htnio fcattle cimaetl blood to (low, Bome animals ' " " J ~ "'" " "'""' '"*'"•' 'being budly injured. People as soon asIhi! storm npp-iincln-d alint themnelvc^ intheir hoUDO, "ind thus averted dnngt-r.—Tho tornado raged from east to west andwas of about llnrl) mluutes dumtion.—

'The roof of A II. llurr'3 oonnciviitorywus blown oft" , also the roofufMr. Cole'stavern A lady mi'iicd Haiues, who had

qiii-Htrd Unit senich might bo mnde.Auiiidlngly, on Monday afternoon Mr.

It Wainiight and myflplf stnrted.* * Thed I ' htcountly

wlldor nnd wo noticed nerontmanybut iomcwli.it dilTeient from oura inUpon K' ttiiiE oul of the carnage ,it ITStore Mi. \V. piodncfd Sx plcluie of J. M15i:illfi, tnken about twelve or fourteenyciiiHUgn, and .Hid asked Mi llowus if li-rcvo£;iii/f(l it After looking .11 it a longWlulu, lie biokc out with the exolnm.itiythat it "fiivoii'dN Ilurdvil mightily--th

Kithet some man of geinuH is umiig ihmludividuiil as a go-between, in order topluco an extriiordlunry wotk buTore thepublic in mi extraordinary wsiy or thebook is, as it prulesseH to bo, diciutcd byDickens. uluiHClf from the other world.—Thconesuppo ition is Bcain-ly more aitouuding. tlian the other. If there is In.y«spnoatttaiijin, lieietnffiTi' nnlii'ird 'inf.;wlioIs' ttWSii write as -DILLLIIS wrote, lie"surely bns no LIIUIC to n-noit to «ny MUI.IIdevjeu as thla. , If, on the OIIMT bund,CliarleH DiclTells himeclf, "'.liongli dend,yet spenkuth," wliatnhall we iiuxt expect'tIt ia but fiiir to suy thut, with llie oppor-tunity for inrcBtigjiliiiu, IJJMind U!)t thelenil cvitlcuce oitinny h.ui'l of IViitid,while tho ntiine />f llio " lUiiiiiiuenaiB,"were I illowed to give it, would dispelnny HiiggLHllon of Unit kind lioul tllrin I ml a ot every citizen of this pi.iee whoknows him,"

taken shelter in n ohed, «•«« wevoiely in- man lli.it W.IH muiduieil ;" and upon omlured by its lieing blown down. Severnli sajinn he was lhi> man \\u wiilied to inhorsed nnd cown Itft in the open fields, it dontify, lie went on to-describe bun, ••is loporlcd, weic kille I. In n number of | appcir.ince, manners, his deyteiitjinstances iin-rrmlH wnn cni thiough bythe ice, and sliUe"'roofs wcro jjiL-utlyilumai'ed. The ' Htonn uas aHo yt'ry


werc pushing to South-wenleru Minsounwhere tln-v belona, and arc known us panor a band of banditti and robljcrs which ibWtorror to—ull-thal-portloii of tho Slate.They have betri poiltlvfcly Ideulifled aspart of a well known gang of bank robbersTheir J'amllicn ore «aid to cultivate smalllarms in that suction, and their homes ure


A UUVAWAY Jxioo.-MoilvE.-j-Tjiiily on

Sundny minniug Engmei-r Conw.iy, nf theBaltimore and Ohio Itiulroad, IOHI controlof his engine on a dowu griidn two mlloftaast of~Altiimonl, whuu the eti^tii" T:inivwny, ami whilegofifg furiy mtlmnin liour,(ttputk-tlio r«Hi of n Liughl tinmitlnog twenty curs limdud wilh corn, col-Ton, ml'l ttiliaeeo fr<)iir*"tlitr"\vTBt. KiigEneer Conn ny and" IIIB dnver^ "Manillauud ljllioit, fiom B.ubour mid IIuirlHoiicounties, West Virginia, wert killed. T

-Htirku, coiuhu'lor,—and—E.—CJor-iinrybriikcin.in, both ol 1'n.dinntit, and .drover namul ltijuohls, wire biullyinjured- The track la clear, aud Iraluaarc now runh'g as usual.

heavy at Ilivutt' n, 1'iilinyiii, nnd neiijbborhood.

The corn (IUUIH between II.nni"sportand Wilson'* tjialmn pn-si'iit u uiLkeuiugspi'Cliicie. IIuniSiLda ot acn-i -fit nciivigorous ciops, which promised to hi Ipmake up the di.firieiii:C!> in otliLi product*,were In a fi-w minutes utterly ruined, the

Tiirerl fllulkd nttniliiiy «iiily__as. iwmlaLevid<*i>Ov-B.-'Cff Uio-fiHy ol the atonn-nnilthe unciTtnintv of thu firrnLrs ri-tnrnq —One gi'iillemiiu ni'.u Miminnlle—JuiiiphHiiliii'H,_.rr—«ho ixpi-1'tt.d to continenceon Monday to miij-ki-t hia con mid lo-maliics, hiii mil a b.iaki-t nt iilher left, hisenllrt" pliinttn^n lmvinc bi'i-n deitrovedbeyond lecovnyr His luas IB I'stlmiUcdat nbout 81,000. Tim is a aingle tine,stores :iud pcihttps liuutlreda cbu'd pre

SLIlt UK BOl'H II '•hnwllljj.P.msinK over ihi- railroad to Philadel-

phia on Motidliy wo noticed ai-vei.U fur-mtrs plowing ilieu corn fiUils, Us if hop-ing to rcBcuu Boinathlll^ of the ruinedonip, hut the attempt lookid hopeless—Tins is in butter npirit, honiver, thanshown by some ollnin we lime liLiinl of,who hnve given up for the season, uit rl}diseournged, iiud ilHLlniigeil Llieir hiiud-,Tho blow IB a heavy one to otn tut mereand truclii-iH and upon the lop nf~it BL'ileH


T"~ O.TUB.WOHKISaOtASd, mill. Of fciniilBIflO a week gunrnclcoil Rotptolitli emplcj

mon i at bums, dry or inning: no oapltol ttqair-pd, fall Instruotiom »n-l viiluiiblii pmili»ge i igoods t* ftart with >ent frso by mnif Aadr«Mj

«t, Now York

NEW STORE, NEW GOODS.Xoffur tq the publfo a well floleotod utock uf

Family Groceries =____JFB.UIT'B,

GLASSJWARE, __ '__O K . O 'O/EE. 3 H. TT,

WOOD & WILLOW WARE.I rcjsptolfully mk uu ciutoinntinn oT lay


NtRieot a Cough.- Nothing i« «n°™ of(rtiiln tcUy iho foundation for futsro ovU oontenuBiinei.

WELLS' 0AEB0LI0 TABLETS.nro a euro ouro Tur oil dlseiHoi of - .rtrunns. Bora Thronl, Colila, CroutH DyplhettliAsthuia, Cutarrh, Honraonoss, Dryne»» of th«Throlit, WinilpilH., or Bronchial Tubco, aqd i l lDlaonroaiif thtLung* . '_ In nil ijintj of snddco-cold,*Tioyri!t«t t»ktn,ihtnoTAUT.ETS nhould ho ntomplly mid freer, v•*od Tboy cnunlue ill? otronliitliin of the Mcod,

-milignto thB-osverlty-of-llm-aUMk, amLwilLJlL!

jul 31-lf.And other Country Proiliico

J M 6-MtTH


FREE TO BOOK AGENTS.AN KL.EGANTLY DdUND CAN VASSINO BOOKror llm l«i«t nml tliMipi'iit Vnmllj Htblo c u r |ml)-

" -[ivr/i* tniuiv byotc tt^oiitjirlpturt I

; will \M Hunt fntnhip Ncurij 700 11-nn J51ffulitH uiw nitotitiff wllli uiii

COBS. Aildrcp-(r Hiiitin^ LXiiiirk'iiLtwill uliow you what iiiir fi^Jits arc

unitil mil, ILlllI 1VL

A" * no-*

gytwo, in nluiDSl cru-bing lo those whohnvo—seun^vhuit— wliolo-Boason-'R-toil-ro-jhidt'tFtTi ft-tunM of runi-^-biit-lhey-ihoiildnot yet (»ive up,—rulHITfc'taiir iim

l hy ( p,

rubbish and liy to realixcfore the winter cumca uu.


the pen,-ami numerous other liLtlowhich aatiafiied IIH, thorouglliy, tlrtthiywnithe niLin. " Mr. llnwes then told his wifito bring tho Biinst oi puper Hurdell hnwritten on. Upmi pxuminingit we founa Ht:ir very nuainly drawirln iin inlricatiinamiir, lihii-hh Rtl led tho "Stm of Jeruualeln," .1 id ili".i»ned A8 ap.ittern forliedquilt. HohudalHo written liis nau'out in full—

wInch .npcnatrH—fni—hiT-bp1njTTrtylPrt~irt'liMielun.in. Hut hi- was noted while litlionif foi pi-iniin.itini; other men. IliaKi ii lLuic on Ihi' lelti-iB .md on the picruot p.ipi-r found ill Ilowi-s' wcii-ppifocl/ac-•iniitri. We <lid nut iliHcuVPrnnythinqniiIho opposite mdi- of tlio piper until thp nrrival home, wht'ii Mri. W. c.illid our nt-ti-ntion to It. .Shu had di»i-oM>red hianiiini wiitlin as he often ttioteit nt home,hy holding n penfil 111 each hand anilwilting in uppoMti- ilirn tnniH at the sunetime. ".Innit'S M.-H-"-wfiB gruHvlcd >illover it in such .1 wny that we thought itw.is aililplt: IliniuihuHallildulbut upon c\.iinin:ition It is v r j plniu,b'lth of us bi'in;; well siti-.hu! tli.it-EugpnoAiehie llmdoll, miudi red J)i-c. 2(i 1S72,niiiV-IIuwi'smtuLij Culvert county. Mil.,and Jaunt M. Ui-dK-, of_F.irnimg(l,ile,.Moiimonili County. «cre "Ihp n:ime, aud

jj.iti- fiirllni, nc coiieluilid to leturnnonic

—'JJIm-nnvr-ninrmiigt nnoHirr-^fi. IIowci,-klnrity




|aly 10 .|\v


oinbrdccs tlio lntitfiiiit'iin ii horfcp <>< TjtusonB Irtr

ntidH It tm^irHi if hy rreeMmttti M(Cop]i, (.'

Hmii i , ami tl» t'.Lr^i nml P n - i l i i nil i>irti «f thu



CINCINNATI, O., July 28.—At Rogers-ville, Oliio, on Silurday night, during thetrlnl of a man calling hinui'lf Jell'.Davis,

Who would hot thuinammit crimo but, would •hwlil thoaii doapcra-does to fbe"liMit.- Oue ot thufrr boldLBi.

mim junnun IIKI


_iQbher(«» wiis^hat of thu Cory dunlit Iowa in day light d tiling a tna»« IULLI-ing. When Henry flay liana WBB speak-ing thoy rode up to tho spcukur ud told

" him' What 1 hey hud done, and dashed^WHy^on Ihclrtioreen under cover of unvj

. * revolvero. A reward or Sf 13,000 in offcicd• for those engngud In thu railroad rob- berics. .

Persona" coucerced in liTe nidurnocppolicies arc Mimuwhm, lnturiiatcd in thuresult of a suit of Mr. Schujler, of theDrm of Schuylcr, llu.ilev mid Grahoin,or Now York against the jEtna InsumuceCompany,' or Hartford, to "recover tho

" aniount'duo on a^fivc yoars rndowiiinentpolicy of .*20,000. Thu Uuurant of that

— lliiuuily. aii^s tin1 (Jlivuliind Ilntihl,Mi. I*. T. 11 it nurn pel formed nn net thatpruhiihly no nthci man in thu wot Idwould have thought of, much less acluiil-

TiT7l7TTi7.~ .V b l i y j l l r t o y , HPVI II V i ' l I H l l l ' l ,

nh-Mr-'ltartninr'a-(riendB. in.i'int recoviin^ from a lung ill'HUBS, lio Is a fayorltu with this shnwnVnn;nnd it WIIH 11 no'ru1 nlilictinn ..lu the llttlufellow that he could tmtjBee.tln l

7company jioino 419,000 toi premiums, heSsofl'crcd at tho,expiration of hlsjiolioy

*th6"aum~ofnbbofSia.TWO, theclann"bcingthat the bixluncu is covered b) uncancoicdnotes. This-iB only one of n multitude ofsimilar case*, where the holdeis of shortSHuow"ment polFctfa-Oiid thunifiPl»w ofli-redsums greatly less than'-that paid to the

at tho time the lnnni-

Ktilalied nnd the prisoner knocked down,jlrngced out of doorti, nhot twim- Wilhrevolver?, and then dutj^ed lHO~H|uarcaaudliun;; to a"trco unlil tri-rtitr~ " '

A baiiit of KII-KIIIX miule an ntluekupon tho larm of Mrs. AfaHoli~Hri)wn,mother of the Hon. U Omtv Hniwn, InOupti county, Kentucky, on L'mliiy nijjht,killed Louis Wilson (colored) burned hi1*house and damaged other farm property.The farm contaiua lnr^e uruwin^ crops ollobmco nud corn which It will lii- diHIuullto harvest In the nbsence of labor drivenoffby Ku-Ivlu^. Othrr fiirms were nliovisited :ind warmd nni to omploj n'cnnnsas wprkmon. Il is Bind thu Ku KliixL.UU(! from Henry comity.

— An nnplcV-on Trout I.nkp, Oiilnno,lately had his hat blown an ay, nml nhlli-rowldg hivrti to rpcorer ft v'ii's "wfprlWo*to see it spinning across thu w.iter at atremendou* ri^o. On ovrrtukini; it-Jiefound that a lnrge trout had t.kpu nnnr/UflLinl fly ullliod to the hnt, but thelino broke belore the tiotil could besccurod.

llivnlkl. O'w.rviiiij.1 tli« lanni in, tin1

cousin ol llienun herb the cow.udlj blow wns struikthiit killed .IB (>ciierou>i a In arli-d m.m ascould In- fininil.-nn i-npiny lo no one buthimself, .1 man WIFOM-dbilitv, h.iil it he«ndiri-cteil pn.poily. would h.ivi1 hi 1 n .1 powi r filming ub. Wo .il°o siiw thp null} thatthe IIPRI" threw llie liod} in nttei lurmnRtin- poi-kpli inside out, notle.miiKn scrapof Miiything to lnileiitif-s him by-

K - Guns,Shot tJu'ns, #8 Ut HM'>0- SingleHOB, to #7fi. Kuvolvcru, +0 t

O i l l F j l ft. to O I I A I 5

:i to iK2P. KI;

PIlfNTINO AbPECIALTY,utllioOiiIottoOfHoo

Ubolil In nil tl

r, NiiwYork.

(•iiriii>o\er} piln, kc Tr\Dti Bi i »i "• lltnT, Pniprl

. ju»2o-lw

l lMtl l^n-^*1 i .a*»JM«»*'»-


v* -www — T

vi-ry short tlmo, rosluri) llCftlthy notion to tne >l'foctt-d organs " • ~'~ "i

W K L M ' C*nliuLln TADJ.FTS nr« put up only Inh/,,n hatsa. 'Inks no onl)atitut,o« ' If Hioy oiramituo fonud »t jottr ilruggist'a, soml nt nnoc I* tlioAKont in Now York, who will return thoiii by roturn mini, DUI 'T ur. DECKIVKII JIV IIIITATIUV.

JOHN Q KELLOGO, l5"Plnt; at , «w J nrk-jy ll) 4tr Bolo Agont for United dt'ito*.

I'rloo 25 conts 11 l)(i)c Scrid for Clloulur.bold by Dru((|{iBt»

•20 Fouin-K AVENUE, NJ'.W yonitOwi.nnkkcoulnic, A\ ritlUK, En^ltPb IlrAncliua, nnil

lnutmrtion Uay uii'l T • - • - ' - -lm% , I.n.ili08* Hi piirtmont ut'iuiriito , 'lchtfriil'liTtaii{^lit to nun, ivinnen, bojp nml plrts liriv-vl^nllYti riud reduof d t o »16 , a xcont dumnml fur opera



F. Burnham'a H"cw Turbine

nln of M«U1 SpringTniBscs onttr«ly nhviutotlight ± dny Vrilfi ifiiii{<i^ ± kept on till ^ urt. ft

U i l th ltUotfUdLr nil circunint

TT\ »ni night ± dnyfoctod, r Uinlnn th


— E D

FAtn^liti t frco Aililrcm, l a rk , Pn.JHJ 21 in

fed. i


S for.uiiln-l Itf tooLli In 18flJ, iiml

lo (ivor 07,fi00 nutlontfl wtttioii' l i

DIE «»:i£AICD,Jtncn Hired. PKllniUlpliiii,

, lifiUKhtor tvmliil Fur, Ihimla -I 111 lij m-() U. til \w 1.M1111I111 il befuru pulil fur

Jlllj 10 4IV

iBTiit iiosi inurnvuii HfiMU 11, Htron^tlioin rnn-i rnniour uroiiiniluliir Obstruction*! known 111)liili 1 In MriliLil

Ii ifiAniiAii-v A"A1 u'T> to conitttuttitnfl -lwnrnilniin" mill iloliilltnti'il.lii Iho warm wt^ l l u r i i lS|irliiK mid Siiinuwr, «l iui t l io bioml la not In »o-tlvi. clioulntloii, cuiiiciiumtty Katlmrlnif Impiirl.tlpq-fnrm Flu^itl^lini.'*!! nml Iniimrrnt mtUirlDt tnoHii.rill\c oririiMH, mid U niiinlli iltil h\ 1 iiiiiuri*.T ruptinnu, I)luti.li(.s, UiillB,IFiiiiliili.»,si>rol»lii, ht. ,

\\rni-> \\ i- Mt \^i* i.AMiuiD from uvorwiirk, anil(liilliiiHK ilruniliimi nml Incrlln tiiltn llu. nluri- "Teiiori;> iirM \ V " r thli H tm.1!!! jmt-ilii it lonirlybiillilu up nml Iii l|i tho \1 tu l forma to rognlnOiilrriiii|ii.rii.tli»|»i»i.r .

1^ niriiKATfn^ sir\[Mi.H, freiiucntl> tin Linit-nml S|ilniiiliMiiit|)niiMjily pi rlorm thi-li fiiiHtloni,tlii llttrliromiil Ui ln i r \ l lrBniii i iro linn UM pr .

I 1I111 ItiirmiuKiiura '>! thviiiinniuhnnil liilvilliiuH nudprc<ll»po!ilttim tn hlllumi iliTiin^cmont

Extract of JURUBEB-A-nr TUPOF THE lB-|i

Pnlnful ulf* 1 Itiiim of tho bl.iililor ini(nTrlnnr\ orK HIP, (jruM II) iU|iOt,itB, Irrlt illim nf tlio ni-'tk «ftin, blnilikr. with ill Ilk ull> iirliolillii^ the m i n i , inHtrliiur". Minlnal wmikm »» nml hi ullin>iulllliilll_of iho purl-* iLiunii'iuili_il 1 in III III A

j tiLiHN 'b~iTVDKAbTlN~cnjrpnxnsnrwill til- foumi n moHt ciaoicloiin renteil> ^i-nil forolri iiliira to 11 K L i n i a o t ' o , 4 1 I J I 1 K I ( > S I , Is Y,hnlil liv IlniB

^ u | u i i L i u i u 1 t ^ i t i ^ _ t i j r

t*l i»t r bnttlt \ or 0 lor ^fi

Hi illFaolly lr»iii llm SOI 'TI I^A.;M_1*< [iLiiilJnrl> ynltpil lo nil tlii-*n illlll-

Htll ll"-tjlCn tlm 1*1 Kl (ll\lMlI*O\HIIH, »iml itl-MOVIAH linrtlULIIIlONUtinill lMVUlthll Alfllll.tFITIlLtP

,_diu]Lf 11 in PIU t L \ LAKi'A.aa.iiirw>»«>»n In pm

"HIKII 11, JoMf nml DKniisrtu m 'knim^ I K I I O I m^e til niLtlit litnl pl .mi"


AND NERVOUS DISEASES.Hii T o\(.r iffini-'tU eurcfl tlii. worst umni ofl^i'vur,£, i trmiil Aniio, uti , Iii '21 Imiiri su i t )itr mulllur*^ Ihtmilj ii'tlmn itiri. fur I'liulurii, \ollnw-Fticr, Sun-Stiokp l-iinaiilliilliiirlri.il juj JO »t

A „ . , „ , , , I 'Vlfri) I—fiTri-ln-iilnr»iinil price, 111IiVBlllMA 4i r , - f l ,i ^ i_Ijih 1111, IMilliiilLll " '


BlUGrTAM Y0UN<ihAin,

AUTOMATIC HOUSE-PUMP.For I>Wi lllnn-j IMi-y n»il CJontitr\, Op^ratml by anrplus liiiLt (Vuin Clinking nuib* Nulri(.U«niir»rtik-IiiK piLrU jtcquln « no mtt ntlon Imlnpi mlent « rHI*IV uitA and/on i 1uunii>i hi*!*1. fUnirto mill unluU[HIT Drmvp ITHIIT l>ohi will or uit'tiirn twenty liTn-l icl pi-tneuOlt 11I11H1, (hiirl/ontfill) .inllmlttil,) «•--11\iiin^ Hixr ^iilltniH pmi«wr~t"n~tiiirk nl iTrir-nt—

-luritEc. tmur ititfioU iH^rm miiiHWHl* *!-.—IFuin|« put\ El 1 i f - _. I **.. «• 1 XB -1 f l ' m m l"l TjlIT"^t

A(5<iic, «•> t . lhrrti hi , Now Yiirk July 101»

i I.I<Ulfl(l,ll F , ,tj in In soli Atfi'nt lor tlio (Inltod SIIIIIKPrlci'Ono'Dollar iior-llottlii.- , Si'iiil for Olroulnr.

thp hoily, JII wi- \\j_ro p.ituflcd Hint it w.wlieyonil ifOiignition,"it hnvintj hi-i'tl moveilI hi or limiM, .nil nun louts in Ihu Episio

j , nbout ii lmlf " i"'1" flora

.—ThoTIM-"-'Civii. U\MAOI:" L1

pyca of the siill^ri-r, am! (liMiung ihpn Hist t'.i'e im lrr the new CivilLiiUHe, hXimii-tly leiniirked "Nevur^uimlJ Ti-inni'i.im.e I.iuv of New-Ymk m-ciinilif yon eiituint (;o to tup BIIOW we iniiatTj^rj^-pTVQ^-^htTr n \\011111n not 1 find iutnv—

l^ thu nlmw i» yim I" rtlKl soon ufleilefl thu linust1. Surely cnoiisfh, in ii Bhoitliuio u, ciinivmi, totiBistiiifi; "of tin"; fourek'|ilmiitrt mill nil tlu\ i'(itni;ls nml drnnn;-iluriiH, ilrcw up in front of thu hoiiau,Iwh'iu iiccoiiippinii-'il by lliulr ntten'rinnlnMid kcppcrH, Th'i tmined cli'plinnt aniluunittlti wunt tliojl'^li nuinuroiii ti'itka itutlperformances, '"Ijlttli" Trot" vinwmg themnie from tlio open window, nlnin"t wildwilh dcliRhl, w liili" n 1 irjju cmwd jjiitliL-rcdin the btreiit io " tike in'1 tho live .exhi-

bition, Allor pi'rliiinilni; fur hull nilhour th^ iiuiiunls wvru cynduclcJ buck toLlie sliow lot.

company^tliqug;«pco was made,ihu»gent8 of the company

,"„"_ -'reprlsonted TtiMItlro-prcinlttnlnolcs werenot to be paid.'1

Wpvlcarn simictbMip i»»w-i very- ilnj1

'••.buurtbe-pumalfcardB. Thu hili'Bl valua-Jr' lile*plec<:, ° r Informmion in tliat they can-\tfol >o sent at ,tho ordloftiy ratu wlmn• wrlttett ftver tha side intended only for thu

r." -. .a'ddreaa. .fXou,iu»y .write your lcltor ftudLV L»i!pj?«»'lblc iiJjnfero»cgpie

it 11 I f lt

A mnn named Jliupnn im-il to commitsuicide nl CJnokstown, Jliirlinjilitii cimnly,ono daj lust week by limi^nm. U P wenthrtp-the • gut-ret it ml i-icrr iMm cnd-nf-th&rope to ii pep; nnd mnde a IIOOHP of theoilier, into which he. inecrlul luihiAd.—lie then- Jumped, when the lope 8lipi,ciloft the peg rtnd h«Bnri'nt lliuuigb. the lull!

A ^i-^y JM t,(>Mi' OIMI v f i / vntix.—wns instituted in JN'uw liinntiwiek oilThuradny CTcntng—thut of a bmiH.li ofthe"~""H«d- CroBs of-eoriiiiiintinu"—nndto bt. k'noiwii n» " Uonnliiiitinu

t-rn ki-ppeil l

would piost'pntP himI f f h


W A N T E D.An aotivo Agent m this section lor theN E W 'VICTOR' SEWING MACHINE,


Terms ' Ujipieeedciited.Semi fur t'lrruliir '-\ Il'TOK' S I«. Cu ,

jul> 10 Jw 61 tas t Tenth bt , Now York

Main Street, opposite Baptist Church,


lor damiipes for the IOSH of time of herhusb.ni'l while ilnmk, .mil Also for lcenv-ciy of 11 tini' whu-h hurt been imposed forilrunki-niu-S'i. Tlip 1B8UP, howivei, wn»nvonled by the t.ivi'rn-kpel)er, who protnt-ly paid the HUP, nnd rnsnititfpd in this w«>In ci>mi>rnmie.c th>> Mut. Thifl l iw bidsf'ur, if piiippily infiiii-i'd, In be quite H'Setllcirnl an ii^enev in belnilf ot tlie temper-

.13 prohibition itself.

the order In New Jcrs«y, the ohncti-r forwlili'h was recent I v obtlitni'U from EM^-hmd by ilvroine BrUi'fitlPii, £iq. , -who hubbecu" ftppomted "Divisional IntemlnnlGenernl lor HIP Mute ol New-.IiTHt-j,"un'l to whom all api'licntioiia muat bemnde for the eaiahlialniieiit uf new "eondnves" in oihor_ plncttaJn_lbo filntu.—While Ibp " Red Cum »f Conatiinllne"18 a very old limtilutinii, having beenorganized over llftt'Pii huiiilred yeiira »go,it is cimipnrali\i ly "new in Una country,*their being ill the United Statvs nnlj some

TOM Tin "Mil Oi IDONK.—Tin-re mw(.'OUIIIIIMHIIII- evpJteniLiit lit the Trenton!)i-l)ot,on Siitur.hiv, hi the (irilv.il of Sir.C'harl'S T)icki>i. n'f Munphis, Telioeshee,who is tweiilv Lhipr yinrs of nffp, :iodstaniUi-quiii'ly to the height ol thirty-oneuu lies. He Buys he mensuied With TomThumb only four weeks nao, nnd foundthat ho was .si1; inches leas hi height ihun




A SPECIALT Y, ,Closing Out at Cost, Very. Low.


IK AfricaLivingstoneo\t r Olio pUKO*, itnh W 50 Incomplete nil\M)ik>* LioolI1.11.il lonkoul lor thoin St.i uliirM iin'l PC- pTimfof thi^ irreftti'st

ml Inferior.ml fur 1 Ir

of thnllttl lmo


"DIIUNKAUDS:1'AUJtS 0 I' Uifcim,h i4 a pi rmnnrnt ami liiiln^ULCfualnl t\l)LlrliMic«,ariinni Mr o\ liH me

GPIUM-, J » 1 « I I I I ; . , N 1 .

ri-iiiiilT. T 1.113cursminrantDi"! Si'na

nTiH &oHO\T.

Try.It hulil 11 ivprlcliir. Now ^ o r k - » ' * ' "

A U>,N1 H AVABiTr.l* t" Introiluco 71 Now N. v-iVolil iH— Ilooki-, I'liKmiliip* M- N11 lompnpypuj^ largercomiultifilona AtlilrpiiBi wltliHInmp liirlirli o llstf* nnil 1 italokuufl, Amerkun NoM-lly l'it ,JIB llriiinlwnj, N. \ • jy^l4w

only" one hundred in Knglml p :coUntrien. The nieinbcrn tire recruitedfrom the Kui!»htJ.V'inplnra, mid \\xn <*Ttho1'ork Kitu of M

Jpct ol allinutioi).

ENTBRPRI 1 'E —Thp Mnriwv Hill P,ub-IIBIIIIIB CJoitipnoy, 129 E.nt 3Sth Ktree\,h.ivi'ja'-l iiindP nir.inKiTnoiiU wilh "TheGruphicCfinipuny" for 11 fmtlipr lj,000Of thut ntihiho L'lirnmo, "Thiovi Physicto IlipUogs," jc<n>y<tffwhieh ihvy piesenttne\erj piirelmsci ~o$ l)r. Pootp's mostpopulnr hoolt,--P[«i7i Home Talk nnd Med-ical Common Scnie.



Lawns at One Shilling, other Summer Dress Goods at SimilarTrices.

PROYISIONS; FRUITS & SPICES.Anything in the Store at as low prices as thoy can be bought any-

Pd ~~y- where for Cash o_r Country Produce.

_ );1ij n tr

a Q(\ IN I'OIJUWI Eliii1

I.llnnryor Poiiiry nml-hiini. , tin InTho Niw IIuuai'kttpcr'-t^Mii^iuiil, 1>> Jnnil .lira btovro Anj IIIIIM mn 11 «rhiiM. nn ii^^nij. T H Vom> & IToIlnttlon, l uleufro imd t»*til priini.li'to

ViTk,4 4W

BIkforu rcniovlng tt> our New Store, ^

JVb. 2GS South' Second Steeet* Jwo oirrr n iltacnitiitiir Ton*Pilrvnciil':"ror Onnh, on"' —

our lurjru atooK iif Fuinlturo nniv In iittiro

juy 1i

nnd plaster into the 100111 below, rnnsiU1,;considerable 1 n 111 au s by

_'; . Jiaml.-Uppn^ theL iruuHgresa llm 1

hut let no

postagn muat be forlhcorairn,'

his uuccremonioun nppuarnncc. l i e lin<becn_driDking. - - ^

ithe Newark Evening Com icr, met with a.jinfiular,.nccldent on Sundny. 1'lory to shaving himself he drew the razor,over his naked arm, mid'hy smno mishopi,,|Ucted'upon himself ft drenilful wound

-grglitr 01—ten ciiticl-iYfa-Tmtirbjnto<lT--iMrtl | - BTrtrrchTomrl und-vplnmp scem^ totouched the mnt h mid symp.itliy of thopopnlP. It ifi li> t.l)P credit of the Dortorthat ho & signed llm picture, which Biap-hun has aoiidinirahly iinmti-d. The Doc-tor in -strongly -'new Bch'ool,'1' and ciin atfor.l to humorously lllusli'uU'iin cimviia thee\ulam.ition of Hivrofct—"-Throw Phy^ic-

I.N HuuiON CouNir.—Amurdei mid outrn^i; win coitiiiulli'd ucnr

JJ_Ii\i plsior_ OroVe, Iludaon county, on•" ' Sunday week, the facLs ol which"cain<no

light oitly-lnBl-i'ridny. It appon» iliatDelia Cochran, 11 cook iu-thu ostalilisb-

f Mf. »• L. DaviR,. Oeean (

(ifiorge JJro>yrt,,H,hoy residingark, wlille cutting his nnimfnpiltrri i

ftw; duya ago, d7»pperl-his fcilotT

was enticed uway upon Iho rfver andthere outraged mid murdered. Her bodyhaving .boon ,founil by some residentsITloni the Bh"oro, was buricd^wldiliidPeonthaste,'and rrot until hor employer luiidein^cBfigiiUori intolho»i!rtusa-uf-lior disnp-pcuriiuce did the full uflnir come to li|jlit.Tho matter la being thoroughly lookedOtOi ' • • - '- 1 ~ — - . -. _<_f -

E MARKET,Next Door to Richardson'B Hotel,


"Bleotsd are the I'ure 1n.ll1.art."Juat roliily. from an orlginnl piiilitinj; by V »WnURh Tbi» pioturo i» grimily ndinlruil by nilwho sue it, nod la auro to bcoomo highly jiopulnr.

hou((h-M(»uteil ln-1o gy ppBlylh ftf tho aft.in onfur to ro loh tho injG6o« A Mcoro lurfio s»lo«,

thB )irlno m lnndn muoti Inwor thmi Uint »t whichnDy Climmoof liko nunhly hns cvi-E lioon wilUTerm! eitronwly l i b« r» , I d dSolil only by Bubsoriptloo. Apply ntouro ohmoo i i f torr i lor i Cl»culilr>,flK M . Pi|hli»nor, 7^'tdolphin. Pn ,

nt onou to m-Ao [ « « • -


iyntn ni1~|

. . _ . . while soiucUtng foflt-ln-thtrgniSgive in I blader ml^- ,hl». kaou-|»lut, littlietlng ntoDttssi - - ^ a pniUfel - - • ' '


lla'nnnh Hedinan, up old resident<>r Tncknhoo; f Atlantic ccumty, died verysiiddLiily on SalUcdny uyeniug lust,1 nt tho

Jii^BRiSsffl,Vl'hev.'"inoilt) nil hantef?blll tcftffo niio ol (hem

< l l/d

li-nt qualitiei, arid,Jt«d a'good meinory upIP tin ft£?W-nVr^atkV ; , ' - - ' '/, ;

not. ntlctiip

triTiooliiirmiid wilh Ha bonutiful awl «einonnli[iillliiBtnitionB.Rii wotl HB ptonBod wilh us Irian nmlpinunpt literary COdjuntBy ,A inngnlfm.iilit, fullpHRO mnrinv Y10W opoDS tho HMInUor, from thopotiollot-M F. H de fisaB, W. A , nno of ourgriMit pnlntori o ^ o t o r tooijofl. I t 1k t h h h t y 1)0 Boolt

Mo nj• I T V rp'jrk ill Ih

A Work of Intonso Interost onil"Intrin

By tho glflod son of tho funio^B "Potor Parloy,Thoronultorgnmthistorlonl roBonroh • An Au-tliontio History of NiivigtttUm' nnd it« MnnlfilldDmoovorioa ainoe tho flood. Abounds with t t tl ine InoldontB. Fi!»rfu'~IH»i'Blars, LnwInSB-l B l a B i l d G

» l « o I d e B o t i b o D i T t g p g , j Sion -&0.- —Ovor 200 Tinrritoil Cuts'" BubieofNawn..-,.. T.n. .>KN fa V, AlSTTO HJlDBAHPBR0S.,Publs7«3SonsomHl:,Tlii'.1a.1


truttafnly 1)0 .Boolt nlmoat Buy Jnjr on

ng Islnnil SouSd. ^Vlt. F V L


CHEAP FOH CASHIi naw.full n

png« piotureof'-L»ke AtWArYS-FRESH.a churning on6-oi3S'lun«=iJiiWirrol:'O iff tiesft^ili " Price pai3—fortho Opoloaoilllt;"—"wr as Bn.0 Tltws

proposod g'tont Nutional Park. *» «TOIin«n»Hj"Urnal./Atond«t and eloquent full

mnnrt iin.iiiii.ly Intnrnftlm-- ' Tlmrn nro two an-

:HgktfuH!^oriaJ;;^b|^;'^|Si™,;^j^rckmi\nn/Ch»lrlmn,,i»ni'tA.urn'T(Sn T\a<i%n,'1)3

wirttercreallv Iniproved71tl» probable, however,"

"gof Congress, for si tew Oaye. -tienaior^Arpeuler, beini; president uf tho Senatepro tern, wlllprcaldo ducingMr. WIUWU'Billqcaa. ^

A trnin of care w,it,h-Ule-»iew a r brake

trip • f Ib'i r ihnnni i/ifi 11 h is in

rrn< unl nt imn11 1>I»I r Wllhiiut j

Page 3: K PLOWS & PLOW CAST-INGS BY THE SEA. S. SFIANGLE & … · Wol.xxix. No. 18 Hightstown; W. J., Thursday, July 31, 1873. Whole No. - PltOrES5IOWAI.CAB.BS. "~ "" j j^ CURB.IE, MOSOPATHIOTTIYSIOIAN.,:*


'THOB.'B.' APPL6OI3T, Eni-ron AW.D Fnoi'itiKTun

Torm*, single oopy,&"to 10 copies,](tor mots oo

(1,60 In1,50 "

», 1.50 "MOTICI!

- OUR j!TEUil8 ARK CASH IN. _J lar t i f tor Hfl nflmo v\U hn milerod upon our

Mall book without tho iJABji From this rule wo•hnlt not doTiftlo.

Wo shall gjvo dud nolico of the oxpirition nfanoh subscription and hopo tfont our friends willb& promplMn ronewlyg so as tiot to iniia A number

' of I lio papor ' _ ^ _ _ _ _ _

and. Comment^.

T o "NEW Y O R K JIY R A I L . — A Lew daysninco w<rwent~to"Xuw YorRT ~Tt was tliofnai. tiirio'ior nisuiy months. ; Wo startedfor tlio depot nt U^lf piint ni^ht o 'dm*.—Wo vWiiitcd yiprojiutil .ittoi nino o'clockfor the traiii. We tried to diBcoM;! thoreason of the th'lny, but could uuly n^cer-

"talu Hie fact that tlio regular Itno was rtc-ln}cd-no,irly-ini hour,—-Wt suppose it wasto i i w t tho timu winch luullecn aiinounc-cd for all excursion that day. "If wo werein tho h.ilnt of Kointf loiNew Vmfc onbusiness wo should nak tho railroad'not. todulny tha regular liutia to snyo the expotisoof :i •special t iain for MI excursion. AtJamcsbutg wo liud a jileamuit ride ever totho Judctiou in &,wr attached to .i i oaltrain, and tnnde close connection foi New

-^fork-where we arrived at . 12 o'clock.—(Joining down to the pier rather 'curly- wolisu'"the pleasure with it number? find it's,of.sittinK arouud in the dust .yfid (In i (»ftho old bulges until the iirrivul of thuboat. If vro wero going to Nuw ^ oikoften wo should :wk tlie cumpnny lo pro-

Kind of a waiting romii foi pa^-g at Piei 1. Coming honiL on the

lioiit wo .had a very pleasant riile but, thol.idits under oui chaigo thought thciowere loo miny drunken men 'aboiud for

_, \\u jiliiTukl

A PlfEA.bANT>£itll\—Our habit of tak-ing things easy IQ the Mimmer time id sowell known thnt it will not antotiufh ourrenders to learn Hint \\u hnvo been off onItutjlher excursion"." On F n d iy iBBC~TTluuty conaistinU__or Dr. DcMilcr, Mi.Di-Wayne Pollen and iinrjiolvi'itowur.Mr.-l'V-F.urof-Urnnbur.Y, and Mr..1. Zeeb of jSfewuik .tcrcplrd a kind offerof Copt. Bunlinm of IYilh Ainhov to enjoy:l conplo of d i y ' t sailing, t)l oouise wo"went in tho (Jornu Louise, And of LOIHIQCnpli. Ie.uic Hi-ai1) w.min charge. 'Witha nice full ami breeze we Diluted about teno'elock nnd hud mirli a enil .is \\» puorlandsmen scklom dream nlioiit.. Alimgthe romantic shore of Staten -Islmul andout on the frlo«MiUi -swi'lh'off Ntndv Hookwe trolled for blue lis>h until Into m thodnv, when «n honilril fur tlio Highlandsaud aliaiboi. ~As~\u* passriTtlie Honk, we"run close in to OMUUIIIC thu new fortilic.itions which Uncle Pmu be^.in to buildwhen John Bull grumbled nt Ukllii; oil IALibiim.i dose, "When comploted this t\ illhe a very (iibiolUr^forilieugUi nnd sizeA mile, or so IIIIIIL the Hook we paisodliytho depotH "f the X-..T-SimLlieru-1-ailio.ulwhich .it tins point connt'cLs. li) lio.it foiXoiv Voik I'.itsmjj tluou^li Hoisa-shovwe let go" our anchor in Piilnisutt.i i u u ,just uuder the "Nsivpnink riu-hUndn nndabout ten rnikt. troin Lung JJi.uich. I'uptlionharn soon hid an .iwiung 8lrol<.hcdover the dock und o u r j u r t y Went in foi ulittle recreation. Some got out their lines,Home (us of couisu) went, on bhoie nitersutpe, otlnTs umusuil thi-inwKuB with aenmc of checkurs, while Ikn and the crowwent after nl.ims. I t is nedlcn to sayth.it tlio last imnu'il lmd the licit •UMTI-SM,and of nil the good tlunga th.it ( \e\ wi'iitmindly down the thioats of hungry men,the cl'iin-chowdei that Ike concucied TtookUieleid. After supper we rowi-d acrOBB

For (lie QIIITTK. ^ a

J i n . TIDITOU :—Tn~~thi<i ngo of Uiblo"rouding, Sunday Schools, nnd Bibledicliouauc*) man> of the children can toU

"Tft tharitro~taf« WPrc c vhorted tu-tako noiutetest from their bretliiTii. And it will

o a. man u o b . i r m in the long mil, Cii"1

in our day, lu lend a needy fuond .1 fe\ydollars without mloreit till ho c m turnliiusolf. But wo havu a lltiFo nior&.'tn sayiilmut usury BouvioiT anthoi vt h mod-em law dictionary or gliMt ^ ilui> tlm-«defines uiury. ' •TIIP llle^i' pioht which \trccciviid by the.lender of a sum of "moneyi'rnm t hu borrower for its une. lu a more

eudi"diriTn~propLi~Si lHi r i rn tlie~iecel|itof any piolit whaU^er for Iho use ofmoney." Consultingsomo4 or. 5 Hebrew

MCOII'. now in my mom, 1 tind they .illsubstantially, agreo with ISuuvier, orrnlIiprhd~wTnrrlrom~ "See Ui. Ail.im=iC'l.irKe'i conimenlary on L'--.ilim 15, 5,

SK.'UII/ iiguthva unlawful inltrfit, oitliat which is gut by taking tho ivlviintnguof a distressed, neighbor, no nmu whofears God can b« guilty of it. The wordtutshuch, which we. translate Usury, conic*ftoin-)«<--/ii(i/i, to biio ns .i-M.r)u-ut-,-»iidhcie mu-il aiglnly tli.it lilting oi dtloiuul'Ji<?ii-ri/, which ruins iho man who .vas itto pay."

Sec .IIMI thealile-work, ,T A Ah'-candiMpr-ofcssui••"" Tliuiil. Scin. I'rincutou,' on'rHnlniH, 15, 5. " l to ihnt puttuth not outliia money' to usury, nor taketh rewindagaiiibt thu liinoiLiii. ' ' 'The ie H obvi-ous iillubnm to the *lut|ii(<nt jd'ohrijitionin, Uio Mosaic l«w, not fif lending moneyupon interest for commercial purposes, apractice then unknown, but of UBUTHHIMlending to tho poor, and especially topoor Isiiiolitys," Did not Turf, Alex-niicli!i- know the difference between interestaud usury in the luodiu-ii generally accep-ted sense of the word ? Is ho not a niod-

to the bcauh'on which the boys built sandforts and shot night hawks until it wnsdusk A tind b.ith closed the d.iy's enjoyincut and we all retired to our bunks aud

dreams, except one poor fellow

^purposes or else to have a police olficer onboard. Arriving sit Am buy -wu. took thetiain, which, .liter u. Vny long wait in (he«nl, got ui home some tinio otter "iuveno'clock. If » c weio .1 legului liiissunguron the—road wu shoiildBUKijeal that ron-iiectiohs : BOt'QJ to bo a liltlo out of onli r

. Whiln in New Yoik we visited W.ifili-iiigtr.n .M.iiktt, A great nnpiovemi-ntlnii bet u made here by the clraiuug out olthu oh^ booths whkh toimerly diigr-ired

i tins pi ice and nnpedeil buauievi. Thv\li.'irp all been removed hy thu hen.lt h oflt-ACis, Wu found^om m.ukLtmcn liiny.—1'e.iclica are begin I ng to rpmts in ,ind enra-m.nid giiod ' |>riii;».* We. a iw bomr HUL

-oneB-nt—the st.md of—'NtCTsri;—Pullir it-l'ullen. Mount iS; Jlme'ion .ire m full

, although M77Jm«tsoti.is disabled.—

and nt Ihe bt.ind of J . Ai Lirai1 &. Co , wefound Mi. S. M Alex inder who composes4ho Co. All tho dealtirji seem to li:ivc .inIdea that this la to he a BI.IIOII of hmdwoikj high prices .ind-4IU ill pi olita—something liko 1B0G was. We .llso c i lkd nl-22(5 Washington St., where ML'SSIH, l'.nKei & I'urrint"- ha\o built _up_.i thriving

IIUI'BII,—M r —iAtrker—wua—inii'uimk tblt* good huiuor ovel the successful result of <i receut addition to the

rr-^"..l-IIelriiry, dickory, doclf," t heiiVmse . ran,-u]>- Clio clock. The clnckstruck one, .and down Jie rum—hickory,dickory, dock'1 ' \Vo have jjfley hen id

" that old sloiy, aifd~could ~ne\er~"under^liiiuid why tho mouse ran down at thatt'jne, unless it was because he wanted totako thu one O'clock train. . If that wastbe C.IBO, and it tho clock wiis a town

""cTb^k, "th~at mouse"pot-lefLfpi certain, l ie•found that the train had been gouo four

Oi five minutes.Now wo wish Boliio brie to inform" us

why our town clock ia so often vory wrong•Hurt no'ver exactly right. A u invalid ladywho look1, a quarter of au^hour^-by thotown clockyto get to the . dopot .Mie- otherd.vy, had to run to mjiko the tiain. Apiuinpt busine&a in.m who allowed Inoi-

/ self just live minutes to \yalk: a block and™Lj*(ke .Jiis_tH1»1_,ha il iho iirMrilci'o.jif a

glimpde of the rear car ]Urtt befoioit wentout 4>r sight at the ruivc- l ie set down

"- .and vvhiHtlcd -" [ wont, go home till morning"

and concluded that " t h e best laid plansof mice and men" aro ofleu interferedwKh,by-the town clocks

J . M. Sery «nid provj"no

old stand of Appleget & !Noiton. I t isa good plate for bu^in*"* -and ilr.-Rmithli.ivmg laid i nn fine Mock is dcletmiued

1 to merit a fair share of public patronage,.- We hjtpc ho will be successful, llights-' "'to*n1- is big enough lo- auppnit fl:H ll1*

-• caterofa.

cliill and sliooIcTor .i couple of hours.- -we-tried the fish-for

awhile and then gut uuder way witb-it-frish noiitli wester blowing haid, Si.ind-ing in under, thu Highlands me had ir:oi>d MOW of the Juriey eo>ist which at

this pom!, is oJL_thc wildect und bolduatdifacupllon. NearPoitMoiimouth, whereIhe old Iliuilnu .mil Delaware Ji.iy lmdthen 1,Hiding, «e had a view of nh.it ib.tiled pound hilling. A pound if .1 M-HIVI

ofnets so .uiant;ed, like l i 'mrs on a faun,that thp hsh aie guided mU") a place fiomwlurh th i j t ' lnnot esc,i|ie lu thcona wepxamiiipd ,i very luigo si hool of Spinieh

iLki'lul were ( iuf;ht, bnn'jjn^ fiom 50cctitH to a dollar a pound in I he in.irki I—-

nd-welW<H-ili-it-wu B.IV frnni-thc-spu, IiiLU we brought lmine._The_bav is thion^ed with sloops iinrt

schoonciB elig.igLil 111 C.Lti hmp; the meliha-

r c"itizens wTTo"go by the boat to. Now York have proha-lily been favored with a aificll nf tlio bigship, nnchnied in th« fifi'At Kills, inwhich these fish are Converted into oil.—It is a heavy business and employs Urgemim.hora.iif men.

After a spli ml id dinnri "I nhrnk (lib wemade another strclcb-up the huy, under atwo icufud sail, for'hard, .uid even u t t l ia t the d n k s of thilonp weip well w<ii>hc(l aud thpclnthing

•of-the-party-well-so.ikedjbefore-we-Knt>=up«Anchoring a t the " t;ul 01South Aiuboy wo again made the -weuVtish huppoi, and then ilurtud foi home

A more pleasnnt trip in more agreeablecolupiiaywo bLliLVo we novel mjojed. -

l}ima'i,A.us.—During the past week ourborough has be.e.n favored with severalviaitois whose identity can not belishfid; The bakery of Mr. Young, theH'llflr of Mrs" Bl.iuvelt's DoTiiding hoiise,,md tho IUptist p.usonagc h.uee.ich beenentered by thieves and at the last namedplace .'i quinbcr of- burglars tools were for-gotten. Wo do not see what is to becomoof our borough—burglars about aud the.Mayor .it Ocean (Trove.

EVHIHITIOV.—On Friday evening l is ta vnry interesting oeuision was onjoyed atthe Allen's- District School House- near

eru and lcariuil writer Vlo Di. Ad.mi ( l.uke'-i coiumeu-

taiy on Ttovi iba i!S, 8. " l i e that bjusun and unjnit g.nn miie.iseth his sub-

foi him t in t

whole n o t e : - '•• l ie thai hy uamy"—nicieaapth his substance." ~Ky takingnnlnwlul inlciesl lor Ins inonei , lendingto n nian in sre.it distress money £oi theuse of which he u q u n e t a n (toibdii.nl <.iim"() that the natncn of nil those uulcchugli.iid-heartod consuiiiin.ito villains in thenation, who thus Like advantage of thenneighbor's neri'smtii s to (in ILII thenibeUes,weie published at every market cioy,, iudthen the delinquents nil sent to thenhiolher Havages in >.'ew Zeiil.uui. I twDiildbea happy i iddmee to thu emmt i j . ' ' X

IiAir. I{()\D 111 M-. —-Thp he.ivv alumeis on I'upsday i veiling ilul a gient deal

-nLjJ.liiiaRP lii_Uie_rufdr The—j

the ro,nl bed «ii ' waslnd nnny mpl.ices"aTin the ti.ick cmcied withsaixl,**iMiHiiijr—it—jrrttit— drill of dt'hiy m fl'ClgTitti .uns_ A^Jif_njL_vsMtlL_alsu ociuried onthe .MoiuilouUi Junction hiandi, ne.n

The 'I'rrtrt-rrii wav Ireiglit rittrofT the track, several cars worn wreckedand tho track was not cleared until laicyi'.-tiTiluy morning.

Caleb Wright, fiiiiiierly conductor (hithis in id, has b u n piuimitcil to Ihi IIUMlion of «upor\i 'or.

Mr. It. M. Kurly, shirls this wed;'for »short vacation at Ocean (inive. • .Hu bus

the, irliRi.iph i'<Iii » ,unl Una 1, Ins 111 hirest. O. K.

nn exhibition which WHS well attended,-the loom tind yard being ciowdi-d. ThetuHcliLr, Miss^ir.ittio M .iplo conductedthfie^rciscs, which couaistcJ of dialogues,addreBses, snngs ifec. A visitor infoiinsus that the pi-iformances weic of a veiyhigh oidei*<«id leikctud gicirciedit uponthe nbilitv of the pupils <ind the fldcljly ofthe tpachor. A aolo by_littlp l^ydia Uam-

a recitation- by Eddie Cunnmg-hnm wcie mrntinned »s especiully credit-able. Miss Canie ShangTe picsided a tthe oigan and was assiited m the instru-mental music by Mr. T. M^.'Scroggj andJtr . John II. Khangle with flute and violin.After tho exercises worn concluded Mr.John M, Allen oxpiesiod the pleaAine of

—Dining the showei on.lfiemoiin Ihe lighting s tunk a

pin-o.ik tiTe on ihe funi of Mi JushuaII. jSTortoH iicur 'Milfoid \ lloik of ten.sheep and two l.ilnbn were Ijing undei thetiee and yio next morning thev wenfound dead. Tumi the uppeaiance it isbehoved—that tlnty had—heen umtuiit.nie-oubly killed as it could not he seen thnlany of I hum h.id utiuggled orthen pobiliou.

Thcquestion in the minds of the thought-ful is, did the bolt which shatteied thetres foini twelve-Mrifts to -sunultnneously Btuke the twelve sheep, ol _wa-theli death caused hy the suddon leapingof the electric force-nut of the ground ?

Ju,u.inu8,watentifc place are l<i\eisoT good_hvin^.and -s-jci.il plonsiin>. Hiuing tho hotsenson'thcj indulgeji^tpnsiv_(;iy_m sailing,.

i -iCiiuLNjtuuv.—A fmtival \yill b» Imlil in_Uie grounds'of tho f i r s t Church on Tues-day, -'August i>tli,_afterrioan~aud oveniog

" i-boncfil of thw Sunday SUiouLhiita^yi y . A good time is expected. ~ If thodny

ould_l)B atormy thu festival will be on

^T. * y ^ i ^ ^ . ^ . u . 1 . < ... wpods^ jueetlng is tobe held a t Sen Plain, Monmouth county,

?jX *.' ' contmenclog oi^ the 21at day-^of-Aumisr.•TJtp-'inuw' church at tlint -placo wilb bejjudiCttted-aomeLiui" during

thoaudloDCO and'thPJr .anryeciatinn of-lho- JUJP-eDOllL Cfflidition-and uow-.a just-th

efforts of tho childreLapiVeeiC-"TTho admission

was free,Jakon fo

but a liberal collection wa«"

DiD I t —A man named J. J

found in tho woods ne.ir Ml, Holly, onSunday, witiriiisTihroat bndly cut, lolcl"a"story of being robbed and then injured bytKriiHJ ne"gToesT (*)n ln-veatigatipn it_wa«found out that Jobstown whiskoy had

' This is a flourishing appointment uuderthe charge b£ Hev. E. D. Blults, rnnd themeeting will no" doubt bo an interestingoner,- " -* ", .

Y . ^Rtoim

imniuiiK i (1 fin

C A.—Til consequence of thetin union meeting under iho

of tMb, Y. l i t ' - r 'C^ AssiociaUon-eVemng woe

jinitpom'1 md will heMiold ncitStibbniht t i inn,; in Hw II >i^isb.-iClmrch."/EfIortsnr- -hi'injt.iuaOt'.li) nmtw.tiijii mpnffny'onBnf iinii iiri*interest. ^Xho^pnblilr.i'ro enr-dnllv IUIIUII loa iUnd

jams the man had cut his own throatwith a pen knife.

STREET evening anItinornnt peddler Cullcctcd a cruwd-in-;.hf!centre of tho town find disp"enBCd humbugand vulgarity to tho~ delight of his audi-ence. He_had sexernllnBtrurpente and aseierniflBtraments and amouth from-which-ho brought out a gooddeal of bad. music and worae language.—'If one of our respectable merchants should,go out .in

fnmoi H k

loaftt duck, broil, d chicken, leecream and musiC. Parlies for pleasureamid shady ret rents arc the order of theliayT Pleasure JL'oInt Baa been" tho Bcenfof these festive gathei ingft, hut on Fridayast^they discovered a new campus, and

dedicated it for future Pnjoymont. "VToaccept an invitntiou to tlio nextgathering.

T P r . i v i \ - M r D.iulelW. 1,'oc-rioe, the dealer m celecy_plmita,_has re-moved to the Harris property on Stocktonstreet but still keeps up the business, liehna a fine lot i)f all kinds of cillery plant

time to put thorn out, \

iryus to sayjnjiy'ho'foi

erdenircihas nol runaway bulthnt ho

dmiii; a amid bmincsq nghopposite the depofTnTBoFdeutoWirr

MTr T«aacD.ton, is ereclini? an extensive trestle T»orconnecting with tlre~ruil:oird~tfaclc~athe north end of Stockton Stioot bridgSntFthrough tho

-In—ir-nnrtherly—directrolot in the renr of JIrsg l n

Mcribah 6." Tnndovon'B 'residence. Tintrance to tho yard from Stockton streeopposite tha passeligor •'n'(!potr"'bi!tw?fli

T' VandoVe n's Bakery and Maple SCunningham's Drug store. Mr. Nortoipurposes'being ready to furnish customer,

!with a^gbod-article'of'coal^ the lOth'dn;of August.

F B D B I K INBTrrdrK.—Tho next twinTHlmt ' t t l"n will froinmfnn on Iho, do_t.he aatne- .thTH.lmt'tntl"n, will

,th<f r^. ,Tho present prospects indu»l<'i* \< ryfullitl

N.—Tho Long Brauchis " prohibited"~irfiono of tha hotels

bore. AVo eympathi^J with our nelgh->or, but ought to/ bo glad that he haft thusno lei*,flut of biablcs and hos t lm to interiew daily. - *

A K K Y O U iNatlitr.n.--If not. < all onI'oorbccs *V; iTogors lmincdintcl}, delaysro dangerous

aels all pi net. nt Vorrhee-J

The (iii.tul Firo lnsuiancn of[.us ouu of Iho best. Vpoiln.es

j l togeis, .Agents— — -*-*.-#-

S VT.T W \ i i-K —Suit watel day. the oldfishioncil time in tlid navea, is to he tele-ir.ited this yeai at So>i(lr Anihov 12M ui-lon trains will he run by the H. II, Com-

nra tho country or town need unke nnrovision foi then dituier as the l.idies ofic Tust Jletlwidtnt ChurLh areVieparinK

o furniHh good meals and lelrtshmenisit ;i very reasnnnblo price. jy 21 2\v

P r L W I l . l U I l l — OITWu itnjK, T u i d , l i > i in . l

l ' I , , U \ . 1I0MK TALK.—Unnrinbor. you Retgi'iiuino Oil Chrcinio for n.ithjnj!.. .Miinoy ro-

inilml i fnul . i t n l i u l I ; 'M I . V U L r . A o n t

Kor Ivinii of JA[ipi!llt<i. Ily»pcpsl:i. IIHIIIII-BHIMI.liiltrv-^^ion ol'Splvh* ilihl (luiitirtil Ittililllty. t>rtholriirlima f.iniw, Purri>-l'lii>i<|iDrAt(.'il r:ll,\lr or (Tufl-nyn Hindu l>y Cnsvrrll, Ilii/.iiril fc. (> . , New "York,mil will hy nil ilriiKKl'KiH, fn Iho \,e»l ti-iilc." AH Ullmuljnit limit liir jiilk'iilri rticucrlnc fmin lofurpr lit In I -leKli H', II h I ^ mi i,)» .1 Irf I iki n illlrlnftin ,«oason It [n-ovoiiU tovur ami iitfjm untl wther hi

ltluut luvurri, • . \\y .104 \i

Tliurii in no wmo (tf Tiyftpup iiL thin (Jri^ir'n ADRI Hmvcrnll l n,,1 run' ('ouu, li, tin- Hri i ;Mi i i i i-Miipln J. ruiiiilniclnin in,l W W hiukiiinnil

n<|ittrii ulioMt It.' If yiin suU'cr lrnii* UniiiK-iMHisrtli;k IIi]ii,liit]li<7, Sour Slonuirli, IHIII^ISIIMII. I.lvrronipli.liii. or iturmi^i'iiu'iit or tha Syittoin, Iry II,wu or llihiu ilom-» will ri-lii-vii yon.Il.tH. lion'-i O t r i n LII s \ i t i p |H i ioif f >l,l In m i r ym i nn.1 i II > In tho I t i l l c t s t n t . ^ w ., lni\ti nut

i « H u m t h r i l l li.isi.Ir. ,1 I. I U M » IMIIII I ) I I I U ^ I " I I-> lll-^ K U I lio liLdl tiiL.ll, inu l l n 1 i u r ^ 1 1 Imm-iiiMl)l l) i i 1 III i it i r I i i n ^ i l N t n . s n i i | i i , .i t l l ul h t h Tr m i l l i i l , , ! ] K n l l h u FI / . , I ,

P L U N I I C n i L l A L K — l t u h . r u n , nnd" rftojT

I'LVTH U l f \ n ^ T A L K — U u i i T . i i i i a Dim p n ' t ,

1(10 i)iutnT3s C i i ' r j ~ e [ i . i i i l o r c i i i iu ine . l fu l l ul

i i i rurmnt ion lor u l t .


J. C: FISHER & SONJIAVI: iu-.f i^iii IN A


<»l l , - \ t M i l ) . uliANH UMIIK, •

rui:lii.liiiK.lltii:AKKAST, DINN'KK lind T1">A SETS,

CIIA.MllHRnnil TOILET. 3KTS, . ' ,|


FIllU'P 1 : A X M ; . F R U I T ; . I A K S linil FKWIT IIISHF.S or nil kimls,


J.C. FISHER & SON,line 13 if IInl|i'llnU

I'l'l)—A fiinupr in uvory town asigeiit foi the tJullins Solid Steel Plims.''in terms, write to OourriNs ,& Co., J IJiVnler Miot'l, Xew Ymk. npi 17 ,!in.

l.V, \HT -Nonr tins lmruu^h, on thu 27th nnl.I diuUui mfiiiiluin, Willijiin J , ^uti t>f Fohn mul

ii.lii Knurl t niJi-il 1 y c i r mill nielli innntlia.

N.M3L —In tlitd liurmiKh, "n tlio ^itli nut ,jk'rn iiil'iuitum, M.irjin-t r^\holl», iliin^htci

and (;iiiLrU>tlo Duiinul, ii|;i.-it 15 inuutlid.


7i«* ntlitf? r h t i r s t l u y o

' lnml . «'ij A . ,11,

> II ItM IIVI It HI Al l Oil IF [Mil, HOV. . ) , H,

, -!'<. I', ill. I'nijur, 7 .i .-lull.

3 .>'< Im k S LhliLlh]\I(i< tln^ riinrmlii> u\IIHr(l\|M'[IH \LlHT('HGReiI,ittur—^ tlili itli Hilr\ I. e-*. 'Mti.nln^ .it n oVl.it-k

-, ililinlh HI li'iiil, 10 A . SI.VB-UII I V M h CiiiTiini. Ilnv. J V l"f,MicK, T'n.i

II.r—->IM i Ituii, Hi.rMliii; ID'i, i>,-l,i,-k, i;n'iilni,-V£ . i i In k Si l i l i i lh 'i-li.ml, -.> i>. j | l'ri>i,r,

ii . S u i n l i i y

k. In (In* Y . M (' A l u l l .

. f h ^ ^ r*-M>£_^—tjEifl^hAyipBW«f#*j t it M vi ra»^

11 !•: A L KB T.A-T K.Will ho no'lil in Piflillij Vi 10. onSitnnl.iy, AU^UMI '2<J, 1873,

t t in , l lo t i : ! nl I-:. I ! , Iili-li.-ir.lMiiit. In Iho horonjrli ,,rli^)it itu\vtiT n i l rho rl irht unit hHt'ri^t iifjIol.Ti S l o. I«L oil hi n\l t h a t i Ltiititi lot ol hiiiil iltnl iiromlH* U l n £ i , n t h o i inl i l io roml IINLIIIH^ rmtn -ilfi:hl^nwil to (U-iiuh.iry, i i i l i i i lulnp: tnnilrf or .linm,n II,Lull, i l ^ r l r n i i u Applo^'ufo, ivml othcrii , r o n i i i l n l n ^i iiori'B, l i c lnu tin; lot wliorirfm tin; Ooiir'lJiiiiU yj in-in^in>liicr_ Mojnor l - i l I u i U l t n t o Ifiillillt!^ iimvitundp-

t Knlu to co inn ionco nt '2 o.'i'loiik I ' . K . Atiiiniliini:D^ivon uiut o imiHt ions m u i l o k n o w n liy

O. I I . H K B t l .11. .O. KOHIIINK,

]Uli'JB flif . . ABHI^niioii.




A llonutntiD Nnrrntivo of Uio Loss of Cii|<lrilnOrant of tho nrl^1 milimiTi.-Liin.l of-ttlfl-A'l

vonlurci of lih ChilJron Jinil !rM«iiilctri—- "his DiioiiTory nml Knqouo Kui-

brncing tha Di>«cri|>tnin of u'UtadtEFWarM.

Undor thaAuthor of'TwcntyThoufltind

170 Pino Engrnvlnga 6ZQ Pagol Prioo J3 50-flnrim WAITED Pur iliimiril'tlyo cirouturs,crinR, tDrritory, olo., uildroiis-

J B LIPP1NC0TT.V TO,jul-31 2m Publishe^K,' Philndotpbia

R ANTED.A plftflft for a larl of arvnntcon iMjistoro «r ftf._.

in tlili town Will board wlttThT,, plronH- Ciinenino Trflll rooumnionilpd imil hni hftd viino oxnorlenoe Iti buslnegs Small Biilury roqmnul Inqillro nt this aOW j u l 30-1 m

VT.ATH miittho (laiiAta


A Reliatle Manure for all Crops.Beo that ..r.tj lftg"hM dilr Trad, attr t .

- T. H. GHAY'K


JN o L. _t*Jiiit U V 1 AT^TGFDANOlUoeiTod direst from tho Oaiornmonl.

JOSIAH J, ALLEN'S^SOWS,JVb 4 South Delaware Avenue

ORTffAaBS, DBHBSAiI^LEAKKa^.;,- ., J" , . , , ' , fur 84lo aUbo Oimtto OBlo,


No. 17 Stockton St., U\\ ln,ro imij bo [minil IK OLnoml I,mil t>l

ii itW l{ltll''Mh TioMMon-i, I lour nml Touil .ifAM Kin,la

l'AH1Ii:iC M I I A K I I I U I I K , Shlixrl-i,

I ' l i l X K l i K Y , SCONi: W \Hi: I,urllnin Wiiro,111 ,M Wuri,, An

I l k i U K T I , mil in 7iu"lir! I'olntii. Markit,(. liith, « nml Knnoy Ii'1-.kL U ,

, ; - ^ < *I><f«EI»

IRA SMOCK, A {rent.For th» SIlUEV/SDlMiy. fill-t3 INS. COMPANY

Candles Extinguished

LlfflP LIGHTS NO ffiQBB-s nn.il i l i r t , in




TI IAN (MTY (IAS.KxJdtiiiio it u( ViK»rb*!f!?' «t Ko^prH! now rtt(>r»»

r^-ry n1j;ht. Ft will h<* ]>nt in Hrvurnl ihvrlMtt^itin t*i\yn in n fovr dnytf, nnd in «no ot tho jiublio

Ti in tli« *M!«t 1* 1*• V*m dim Itu v f«*r vtmr.ohtiroh,PI-IHM.1. hull, Mtur>K TuiUnrv. ilw,'liin-! tun) tinliilnltor un\ pi it t'G wht ni h^ht m ier|imi_il — -

Siitirtrii^liuti ^iitirinitntiil fn tjVvry fsMirj^hy thfl

JtHas Co.,of ••/WVHV.y -Jt i 'NI'AUli l L ]IY1>IU)-L'A1U)ON


G.,R. KU.SSEL, Agent.l for 'Gtroiiinr, up 18-tf


Has Remove^ to Emporium Building, Main St., Hightstown.A Full Btnck of Men's, Boys'VLhdlcB1, Mlnsoa', Youth l ' Bud OblldrnD

i, Shoes, Gaiters—and Balmorals

Has a General Assof trr>ejit of all Goods ^usuallyfound in a

WELLREGULConbtimors will save 5 to 15 Per Cent, by Dealing at

J.April JO_tf

ROOFINfl FF.LT.This felt |«.thick, dUraljlo and ;ohoap^

read) for Immediate urn1, tlun ho np[illn| hy tnpx-lMjrlon^cd hands, hand for clrciiinr. For iu.le hy3IE11CUANT & CO.. ljnportefjt of Tin Plate, M*t-ittfl, i c , 607 Alfcrkut S u t Phlltidtilphia, my 521 in

K 0 ^

Ufc' t

^yAY><i lornjnit*, uth f l J

tram inn Fubgorit>or onlice to tho tarmlD^ businosp^ ie about 13^oars old,all potions nru forblil harborlngor trantln^ ]ilm o^my aconrtnt undei1 the pftAuHy of the Jaw.


Importer. Munuf&cturor of nnd Hunler laVine dfllrt nnd Sttnt Watoho., Solid Cl 11 V'lm

l Q l | L S l U i


HAIRAn entirely new.UISCrOyery,; Bovor:b4o«nuB rancidor itlcky ; proiorret mad bsstatltflf Ihs'lialr to thuIntent lierlinl nl lilt Snlil wliiilflmtirnni) retail ABA.TO1I BLOB'S \V1O. TOWEEtOBNAMEN.TA_r, 1IAIH Fiiotorf.n Bond 8U»nt, Now York% • . . jnyCJIUw

, JV«K yu.r^T>rag|rlit (dr It.- — t—- T-T.


,TtioTann rontMnlnir abot u n (trr^ii fbrmorioconpled liv H l r h i n l O Konflrnr, rto*M iltnatsil'mile north II« irinhUtowu, In now o'tttM nt prlvnt•• in Th«lm(ir»i,rrai<nliicfliiiil>ln. » irnoil bnum


The capabilities of this OffiW foif ' 1




me not surpassed by rttiy Office ill

(he country, dttd it is

known that we. can

Better Work for Less Money

limn ciui be had in the lrti-ge citte*.

nooKgi, "


and all kiitdw «f


* ttt tho Gniotte OfflBIn Chancery of* New Jefrst

TO JOHN D ,II) \lrluo of itn order of tho C<mrt.of Ohntionry of

Ni^v ltrr*oy, mttdo on tliCftiy of the d&tv htroof, lU

nml j mi ato ii (lcioiiiln.ntt ynq uru f<it|ulrc(l to a


t y

Ix'iirr plt'n^I, demur, oritimwet toLhi) t•111 on df b f th ti l f 3 ^ tibxt.ttt bflforo the ArKt

„ bin win he tnkrtii *B .you. Tlio iaM bill In filed to forfeolo&u a tnortfcuicfl^Iton bjr jo\i (tf wIMIft&i "Wjirwiolti on tho seven-(rcnili ijiiy flf "".Tt(fio ~ A1* I ' "lfl^B4'on thnt~CftrtattiTn tern Iloilfo ami l iot , In the Village of Ctvnbnry,In thu f^tmnty ol MMdKfot and State of Now J«r

t omtl bo^

nfiHtipo and tht 1>onu which It was {]wit^ nr*lKttm\ u> the rompislnnnt Pfft

Cnln W1f)}ts&i iff Anslfrnmont, bearlnj^date M,*T im r18TO[ ftnd jftfl nro mnde a fi^fonu^nt In said 4&q«(fIICCAUSO tu~u tpavo eaTd bond and niorl

HQ >ou holtl a mOrLfCAKO nfvoo said 1

the )mjmento( __ —^__ T ,

whlfh__m5irtK*I?o iant nmncd bearidatoo An^jl fld^

S A M U E L M . S O H A N O K .

jly 71 flw Htphtitoirn,. Dlutftn Cu., XiT X-lttited J d - " '

BANK CHECKS AND CHECK BOO1CS;- — -Prkkttd At the G(netto Offlo*.

vt^t xn SHOW ,

In tho-pi*tt*ro

, 1873.TOR BA iMi'jar. I«irVUi*>f6 TATttsmm*. _ fr J. Uurrle, »dmlntflitfttor or

^ irao a|id j m t fro-tind debts of «»td <I«-^

the • » m h 4 i

Thp BAM _ . ...•dTto tbiji tcHir-t^ undAr *<>inii or tho por8oi>nl esi

fur as he«h

to-ply'hlH said debtalmnd ptaiftn^ tft^nld of t>« OoartlD tiiopromlHS. "Thv.Oonrt tli

n onler^ that all pertwiff tntenstbd In »h*»#lohr_.w*a af niw V r f iT*fi ^H-T ~" ~rt nn irldiur, tti« rwcKTh flay

milt., to show cauflo, fraut'tt)ejXb4TCtof the \+m\f and rani oitale oTiatd d t e e a w ] fn t h »Cjounty at THewer-Ji Bltl-Hii4li*r>M-*B>irtllbnunQlent lo pay his »* I 1 T tp


-mm ygipc owO-npnly v l Q


Page 4: K PLOWS & PLOW CAST-INGS BY THE SEA. S. SFIANGLE & … · Wol.xxix. No. 18 Hightstown; W. J., Thursday, July 31, 1873. Whole No. - PltOrES5IOWAI.CAB.BS. "~ "" j j^ CURB.IE, MOSOPATHIOTTIYSIOIAN.,:*



That down !B her frsaf t she moans and qriesi anattaraelo wfio '


Hqwelsanij nsd BQffiolj and a!sak;tiiidAnd ants iho nltliahls d&greef

-Prfa nnS proper* they tiro 'Afc* wstldisg! JBU need nnt pff nnr Ipagfc

lato Ihelf Bdlafei fsr fault or ftaw ,^Chgfo are ng

TOYS,amT ft vtsrj flnb apartment of

Genti1-Furnishing"Goods, TLals


Thoj B,re-l|roHg, and walk by the Luff —

*3 TIT'S ft i !TT*f ">* hi Ac %i&f .3IOYO Jsjgbl vU gUnfrte

skirts •(IIow koon ikey nro on the wont of 'sin ';

he Boned In the hoart ef eaeU assertsltsoll—ana Me paek begin,

BrftYely, By master!f Mangle her now '

A ^f^pth W ? 1 ' " *"fu! 'trim'Ana Bol in the daylight dare you ntow

Pity for wfetekodyeii

Xnofo, there f oneygh now—hnndiomrlj dnno '{How whltely jour teo|h shew when ymi snarl'}

And haw, like ft poor, scared door, did run(Whither?) the %%UHn«l « l / l ' : - j s "

Whither—But that dan bo nought to ynn—Why will her shadow flung on ynur path ?

And HeaTgn, of course must bo pleased to ^iowA itreag fflanfi terrible wrath

I ly ell j liRm 4 l|^nof—ofwljatyou plmie ,And you mny be sniotfl fur nu^ht I know,

Bnt 1 swear, 0 excellent Pbariseeg,That Tflillor thnn driven snow,

Oonnpared with you H the soul yon drnTOHard on the borrlbl edgui of ball

of LnTe,I

A* cur//

—(Jrea t cXdtcmcii t iircTnili l i iX iwLnn ,j u i t now, on account, A ! lht> di>piiilnliori *of invprtiLTpssni etccru, which mu rn,iiti-

''Ing at larWln thr'wrtntl*. Ti n n\ UtU-f[lays ngo they bi oken open the cirjnr of ncat lit Brighton, ntul bofore thu rnipln^PBcould piovolit i(, foiiTiuccaaildiliJi rankingtheir CBcapo, Thoy woie nil lnijjo ciLLIy,.with >witle-lirjnehlng liurna, nuei wcitmaddened by their long euiiliiicnuiii

nSvonicuJi aeciiunB—fiu-jj_A\l.iJUnjn, iin<lIho gnrdon i of sffvihil BuntI | l | 11Lln lmvfbeflO to tn u p RnU' Iiatlly d.iiniigml by Ihuravenous buntts

Thu pnrdana of Mr, FuHrr. ' iml 3Str I ' I - I -toii , In Nuwton hjivnhrun lltfiiill} ruinidT h o b e n i t s woulil ludrtfiily nppunr n l a n m epoin t , niakn n duati Tor the \u>r(.tii]ilLB nrtd

i v ines i n T H F ^ d l k U

liiM'trJushorns, nua thun dmtippoiir IIR ^]y HB thpy enmn. On Sutiiulny morningInsit ono wns ioen (it Xcwtnn Ijiiwi i Full ,

— on, iho mud bank, about l i \u ii'iluuk Inthe mortinig, nnd nnothor %VILB d

P t E k S

/7 A f,I. vl Npi SEE HTMNuv ? 1 y


<iii li nnl u MIIILL^ ni

ias; Carriages; Carryalls,fe( , i t n i i ' n fi> r ^ i i Q r l i s j i f u l w n r k i i n n n m l n f t l i o lir-pii n t t i r h t j , m i d J ^ n i n l inKin h ( f s i , jt j j i f i i ' . l i , Ju tj4 i n Lifh (1 i n f u l l f u r < i i " | i i i t M r, n u n n i l i l n n m fH i t l n , r Ii Hi m i i ^ l i r h n< < f i | » n H j * i i t r t > M S I M Sl i t Llil 1 Eisllif 4-5 ] t i I s ( J j i j ) l t n t HtLL l i t t>LU{U-|^(i( i ' m r a l » i U * i i i { . i i i m i n i i u n M M i r k > . t i n l i l i i u i i i i j u I r D

tp.Sini-Lr, IIIOIITSIOWN, N. 3,


Rtniftton SlrBBt UmiT RTnrfi

Qeofge Hyams,AuDnunLcff lo fhr imblli tlmf hn n i l l rijpn un


TTXITTTHTTTVVTsT, N .V , l l f n . l l l J U l l l k i > ) l I I l u l l " I - ( L i , [

g,.rn«ftr PtospoetEyck, oik Sjlvnu Hn-li* " 'The IroiJUunt' nppcnrnrici: of (lib IJU.I

hni at length aroused tha ppujili', nml onSaturday no leii tbnn HIS, cjijliiionl pl 1tIB^

One party lily In wnTt^nciti Mi Liltnn'ngiLiuyii, mm wnu.u niounriiiiii jippcuit-Li n trudiivod il volluy ol 1I1I1.L «liui, fWini s Hfum. H e innillv liriniillalu il l ih Imnm.

bounded ovdr il stnn1 wiill ami kit, iiunu" of tiro"ilrot¥"!iitvinf 1 ikinnnTurn

AnoUitr purty was man; gucrt4jf.nl.—They itnftod out nbi)UI< .tjuou n'Llonlc onSntmUay nttsfuaonj-Hritl-iiouii-LTitiiB upooa rcrnuious liiokinjj slier. Tln-y bniL;rdugny, nnd although ho Wng lni, hu wnanot lunch liurt. Muddencil b^ tin noisiand tho pain, l Mistf-er dwhul lliruiifttithe woods, bronHihg tilt Iimba of Lrcus noddoiuolialilng wliotcrar emifo in his wity,—9 ? h l l t t l

p , y k y y t l a >ku.nialiuinand picpittd to utluLk tlio LIHHHJ' ntOV»ty 439101,* (shot nllor shot mm. di»

^, unlil half a dcunn hulluts h.id

- ~uy J I r.—stuei—jMuri—titKnn!»-rti>-ci-in-tln'bund, and ciiuauig deaUi, Thu niiuut'sBl'ulhuBtmlien gul lnrei l up HicUopliiL-i ul Uiu

- chn.80 na bent ll toy (--'-'"Hi, »ml ulhiTH nri,now on uiu ntpi't, fnr h mmil.tr opportuni-ty, Probably n. dozi a pmlics arii-Uuw inibB woods, bunt onrljliijvingICi.s%Lou fiointh& wild untile pest All iihiBlriition ciltUo fni,uinur in «lneli them millle nrs1

ij*s|i|tanQ Lrtni^i Wipilywyn byliuiilSuHf tlfp^no ipjt.* 'A, jjnpu(AAifC'tliD actor's he id, {THHSM;;till? horns* and under nnu enrf jiud

EQ tight hall it OULH Ur-iwa lluit it grovtihad been utfF lit tha flush, nnd Uiu UusliwasfllleU'witll 'rfin^otB*—JJoa&ii 1-mi\stripl) i\ r*- u i . i

Sit-?IN I'lli] L \ l l t't M l 1 . 1 ^ 1 lil 1 MvXMl'U^Trr iTira tH Un pa in uuni> in Un luupITiil iTrrrvri l u l l ) , >i i 1 i H i

NOTICEI STATE TH1 VAAf \HI Til iiriOl'I I,, 1)1 CJ1I ' u rn i l l l i i t Hi Hit. ( l u l u id I h . ' - l i i r i i . r i l i u | Mui

t t n i i i u uf Mi r t i r, Hindi, u n l l u u » u i U H i l d a s uiMiiv A l l . i i lu* I l i i i U c i n d i V h t htiniii-i I m u i *u\

J i U I I I J i l i i l i i i m i i t i i l i i - ' l t i l l ' m l mi l ul 1,11/n hi Hi I I I I I I ,i I , l l i l i u r U i o t m i l l nl M i r . >r , | , , :P | t • | : im 111 t h u i l i u m M n i( r i j it li u r ;i Hi n u n Mull t I i jn » u h .MI rlli i r , i n u r h Jur* I h u h r f i i l i Hrns, Mm n{ fci'lirti*n r \ n n \ t . In I I I K iiiiii i m i h t h ' I r u m t h n ,111, t l H i h lU F l i r iunl Ull i i n J i t r li L,II I f t u I i h i l l j ^ III HI In liMI u u ui tn i i I i jni ( mii l i r i m i in iMIli in i t l o n )n l l l i l n Hu I l i i i u m IlinJt ' , « | l l l u Tiin u r h i p p u l n lh l d n { l u s r i i t l l n t l i g i ^ h i i s ^ l l l t Halt SHfiihitHtl 1t i r II I K i J I M l l N i ,

i i i i i ' i ^ n i A i l i n h i M ' r i i t i i rllnlud Mm Slut, A 11 1HT1

PEBFITMERY,11 I f i r n l n ATit] n i L p Ji 11%== 1 n p f t l i n t l ' l lLfTilIiL iBUni t

-'unnt; tn tlia h r h r o f tbft Siintmt o n| L|n

ul Mm \ II uni m y i i n 1 1 ! N n f hi i n l i u ' - l n l i N - n ^ . i

iirT itii i n t "P i l l \ it if h iiii^11-Hid I lirlil I m i i i l i n l H u l a ,

a In r i f i l l n I i i l l i,i 114 m u- • • • - I . . . 1 . Ml U .11 7 '

u l I n i n i i i f j it I i l i i L I I ! J L I - « ] , ! i jU i L i L u i i a , u m i ^ r m u l l i.ii . t U l t u t i i H H I . ( < f H , ^ n^i^lI n u u MI ! K I H I t i n t ^ 1 n f } i> M l i 11

I J u i » i 1 n \n o t n l n ^ - n l m m n I n n 1 C Ll 1 <!at .1 t h l «il«T , n m ! m i i r u i f r i t r i»«^fi 1 fIti>f t I'M v I n i nt ^liti-l 1 i-«"i Ii 1 ' t i i n i ( n i ! !* r 0 itlr 1 r u t I ni 11 inwHihin Lh™-fliii« Htr Htirlfrrt wi l l ' » im f r n ^ h a n nliH HI in r in Lljil Hi n h r i i m i n t ? it I ml nl i iNI il « r A l ^ I l f \ H I Ii i l |

J j m » J m _ \ i l n i l i i h 4 i i t t

IJHLU 1 wuyswii, A " i r i « t —" ~



Hufni;,,,™ 1 llnw

1 I'HI.MI \T, i n " \

I wi l l h r 111I tu h u m U, 1 L ' • l i i r t n i i l l t . i l .

Tfas RutlfiDd Herald tilli tho

An old resklcut of Castioton,, v l y j ,

wai *rce«ntly-Ml*Iiii^ in lho-1 ilce, hoiniinncliprcd out n. fuwrodi fiom the

lfiflls ftt rtll ffu /?

0<.»I tli-il wltin)*Jt

r IT tlW I VI.- %

lij •Wuril,, II i t S l u m ,

A. PEHEINE,Grocery & X4gupi^StQre3

»isi i»jr« m WH,'w" J .Thn ub§eribor would call attention U, bin lar

and eiimjilule ^tiieltn^t^rnnnrii.g. l'iwhlnh ho i« llni,! it thu \ [yy luiTu^t Uii 's figu

jirn Fi'nurshiil tn "mil litiufu jliuJ ^ i l i fiini ill Iunilfliif

an uhUnlltirtljiiiujuiit ofo^arliou ho—pnllyit out—^n foiiVgallon ^ug, wittrannn-.

"" thine iosido*lugging nt the lino. Upon— ^ " ^ ' E ^ B S I I ^ the^ugj a 'thi'u^ pni!ntl"piGktijEfl'

• wns found. Tlio ppcibabilitua MO tlml—. tills fli*i, in hu enTly ""tt>stiii7iml,"

of a pllll9SQ|>hicul •turn of mind, or _.nWit op a ' ' llttla tlinu'* lir*uitrt!roriiiiinc^tWnt; tii rrmlio lni lioartliipuyr"lift 1 H1-•tifed—this jugi-ond'bLMiig unnblo tn-i{'

"lio had.ttUuiued Jiii piuauut wch'lit nnd

Hnmi, Tiftk, Lnril, ri«li, pDWIl'D l'MUIT, lI'ICI S COAI'SI \MI I tNU

l3rtlmlJlBOOM3flLllili KU^lkyK4j|d

J - j EAaTiifisr AKii-hTfntL i'Aius, '

TltAISH LUAVE IIinilT*TOWN AJor PhlladnlnhJ-i at 7 83, BB7 £ M . 1 and 0 8'i

Ion ; and T4 B 21* A H , B 2i I" II , 1 In Pcmboron and Mt 3!nll/ »

r.)r Now Ynrk ft«, A M imM 07-I1. M viaFiinmouth Junction and y^a I'ufth Ainhn\, anilM—frrM—mr-Munmeii'tfl

et Hlrcet TorLiive rin]fidof[i _1 (I i!LA M , 5 iiHiltn* J t V i n i . liu iMUton ituifI'.r'lmilin.JI , mil ii A M , I iObnil 'i "U-l" i l ,mSlt Ilully uilil I'LlnbtrlcmLpiiVii ^yiif Yttrk Ifnni (furt pt TiisiJlirH?i'opor

'ortliimlt n'rirtii nt T A Al nnil 1 V Sf ^m[ei l u li Jnlii^limi H A M MUJ 'LIUI Auibu\,.nil .MB 1- ,M vliiHniill, Aml.uy'



M - i li nnH i\ Sl>•^•-^^^ —H.-ntTrmi,r,-le«T™ow H«bun lit III Hi A M a n d * 2S41, M., urid

.owmtnwn a | T Hi A M

Trains loaio W l'hil nln fnr Iltrnidiiirt}, Tittnufg mid l l ieWeat ut BTII1 A »(, nnd 1" III, mid

L> ;il iluTT5 - -• „,! n v. li Hf .],.ly ( ,

yuniiiiyrnirt nrjritrn07:10l'nr llitrrinl nr^ ^ illiailfpnrt,*lhe-f3il ilngionsml I'rin at 12 10 r.r<l 11 ^ 1" J£

Fur nurrt!*linf£ I liiiifn, Ganundnlgiia, Nt.igaraills .5.0 , nt 7 III A M »A lhrs i i^b Pn-?nfii*i5r train esprr la l ly fnf nar->n rnn^in^ IVrfitKiird, IPIIVIS ri i i l i idelphlu i t

2 0F> A Al dully nxsopt JMtmdiiy Por puanrtge Iiy

link AS»nl- l i n i l i r k o t >«t I'hil nla , iviioroiriit Clji»e.anil rn i i^r imt tiukct" i in im nblanudPur fiirtliur infnrniiitlun tn o TJmo talilLS which

rill lil' iibtllllli 1 I t Iho tietli-E uIBenA I t'A'-shil', li M TJHYD, ,Ia ,

Cjnii'l ^fiiiiager Geii'l l*a s AyentIitii I H


- - fi^

AQJi^T for TIlE^TrH^I Y CI J l Ifi^ iltAAWl^ UJtHl A£* Y —uirfr^ Hupefinf miluprmentp to all•Jc sjring firft ulft-it ln?ur1'nL»e npnn Jill prnperty liuhlo lu destruction by lire BttglllnglTaugqg,

Public Iltiilthiigf. Chiir* he*, CoUilft''Bf J-olinisI llnugep, otOj, insyred fnf HUB, Ihree sf flio. yearn, OFpi rpi tiinl Mnrns Mereli iiidife nnfl Vi rennul Prnp erlj tnKrn [ii a niYn^nltlo r-itfg ns mifijty andpruijangp i\il\ ponnil Infnriuitinn ^hLarfully gHgn ronpooting tho Company s builneig.

U J orTJII, PnOMDl C AND^TIttJST Cn of PlilImKlfhln InFurnnco on llfoA 4 H i l l l l l d l h l 4 M

A H E M for 1IIL IBAKIiLIH INSnilANCL CO , of Philadelphia Ai!at», S2,8jO,TJl.

A OLNT fur tho N0I111I AMEIIIOAM rnsuronco Company Chartered 1701 Allots $2,781,581

1Y MH11IAIj,_t»e MOMOUTIlu MUIUAIJ i proiimlly adjusted and solUsd*


1 C 1'UAHOn, Ajjeilt

FOR RENT.A BKIOK hmm; AND nwmtiTNa on stock

ton ktrsut* Olifi of tho'lllGit hthfidg in thn townApply lo T C, PUA110E


EKSTT., rtjrnor of Mi-roar \ml Morrissn

Ohmip A^jli to 1' U,

A h Yaoi m i J B Horn us

JU UL t l U U l J l l U i

Hoar thi- Iron Bridge, lilun bt ,


nB'nnlly nn hnntl njit] tp or

•la , nml nil the



a, nn Jmut ml l i i

I n r v l M i r l n t t i ti, n n ] " I t i l l P I l

ltiil""!—Bill' li rolrt-nHi V " i — I l l - i i l ir» It I—nnliH, Btiiiit! u4, i-iii E in uiu! ilk i l u , LruaaI &

-fmtl-I^Int H i l l , . . . I s A l l l l i u l i H I M '


A very Itirgp tissnrtnient of

unnimcys, oic,

J!AIN'LS, OILS,r, Paint Brush

es, Yarnibh Brushes3 &c,3nm! rnllttm! It wIHi i ' ii-MJiItii, n«r.l In l"ilntir=A r t U n , aivtXn un Inlli J- n»i lcel l i i lh eullilt UiQfiai4r iiaaroniiKu al DII^ pfLilc LUS'-UI

cor.ra Anns HI>AKKTJ1IVCI


ai.nvrs i iHli* fn^IHlN \T1O^ Coin Ml' Piu Ell 1

Mil Ihi* iJ iln «StSI,^ I 'l j.mjrvi'1 Ihiit t nA l r W U S In. E£»-.I,«B.1> (IS

Al 0 Miiuufjeturer-i and Pealers|in

Flne"?/&lmtt Parlor Suite,


iini.i" TOP ci Nriij/rAJir,] s, r-? TABLBS,Sslll \ir II 111 A TLIL, LOHJff.LS, hO-

IA-IK11JUM gllAIItS, I.OUKINU(JLAehl >> liir-oii"portiu t, CASE

l J T r i l A I l U h U l


China and GlasswareTo ho found in tho City of Ircnton,inaybosoon at

Xi-N- C 13in-i-lelclo"s,

(Uppoaito tho Market,)




LAMPS, 1EA TUAYS, i.r , ,lcinnk t your own interest nnd examine my

mu iE hefnro iiurchnsinjz I'liowhnreGusturner8 from jibrond c in Lme tbnir goods cure

fully packed and shipped without ndditionaelnrgo.—=- = = = ;—— —

limping fur Brnid and. Einhruidcry done

„ . J T S R J N A R Y S T J B O I O N , if now prepared to,"Y treat an dlieaiei insidemai to iiorni, s i t u s ,

Eheen, and nwlDo ; perform all operations in a lorentitle manner

The Jest Medicines


'"Imia Street, opp, Voorhees & Eogera',olTora to t|ie oltiionn of Hlgbtltown, f


S-T O K E g,

Suooeesorto TVM B, DUHYBB A> CO ,


Boancgtrhlly oBbra to the public nt tho SI J standon Main ntrcot, noi t dour ta tho Kail lload JIo-tn], n cmnplete stook of articles usually kept in nfirst oliiBS Brug and J?rescnptisn Store, suited totha neighborhood

Tho undersigned has determined to mnko it inevery way worthy tit tho patronage and supportot thn publio Porsonal and itnet attention atnil limes will be given to tho compounding anddlspoBiing of


lo m to insnrs aoouraoy nndguacd against orrora

Tnnt my alack lins I nan recently ielootod and oarotakon to imvo

orilic B U T QDALITV

Thopulllo may roat assarod that all Modioinos-UuilJijiiy^mjjtlli^


idcry donuplSloy

IQ.MrilA 1 JiSjnlimrowfi

, tIflft J,l, IS \ | 'KS '1 II \ I'nY nn.l


Ult i B M h ,

IE) FltA^lES'in bund and inmln In orlnr WALNUT BRACK

rue near AND L\E(^- ' I1 srocK or

O ^.rll- T5TE T S ;nil kind?


Also llfigor9


mi hnnil inrt mntle np to order

-promptly iitteAn mir PiiH

i n?h, i?n nrp j ^Mm pnhliQ in


t"* *'f>no and Hush Rtittnn Ghnir**kil t i>»iiigji Im*i been pnreljnsptl of tliohow \of\i. und I'liihidulphiiLfurpiirLil tn ulfur our Luatrunurs nnd

^cnprnl n finm* RSBnPtim> t of theiiniiu niiil t*nSiIsthiin fina e\cr boon didi tliia eit^, und ill ailuw priets^"

iron CASHupanyothir fgsiisnsiblo dcalora

oli 23 I T I ,





my s 3m

I m id Fancy:Ms.FAHCY GOODS, The unhSBrltanr Trlihos to Inpjrm tho Lidles, nf

HlnktHtuftn and vltlnllj1-that he hns rejnoycd_lilsMILLINERY AND FANQY BTOKD - ~ ~~ ? I

dloi will nml at my store I



PUjsIiiiiina ]>i( PEFlpUftns earofullf en

Parlor andThujiunt mniiiifit,turoil

Oui nhn and motto li "PuiRgtl ttlslaetlon toStnf o open on Bunday Trnm 1 to 19 A, TVI ,

t o i l ' JI

—npTTJ*Ty" iVjrU nUtNINUIIAMby tho J b t l ^ S- hk\ mil birrnl ] >i.uia n-finllnt b J l j J l l l E^'i GAEEIAGEiwill flnj.it to thur iul> linage to

=F o

at great SftW^lnsOiiv OUi 8 t , l)ct«OLn ad anil 2d Avonuosa & \\h\\MVA ORGIfl CO.IIU riiraoIitlllaE Cn\l uii or

'f_Ii_A33IAMHIJl(3 s, BUiS*,rnn i tm AT.TMT71., httn cen UUi nnd

T3HTS"[rot>t8, NUW UtlliJv ul l 'Y., SjrI5efliiuoiriilljirordrtn pr r Daniel J). Norton,

it Piillun, Mr 7«8i i-liV Viinltgato, MrMi» Iami

Jlt-mml-'rrSJpiiilrarWr(ins-Id—lriiliUlmilnsn. Wouilwnrd.John q Ftehei' For ra6choinnl* po

TIicso ^ K l l i l l trtutos-fii inj llip aro mioftiiTitwlt^itllTEi 1, M ^ v j „ '

t TJdttfu lHultiyl-in-l.iw of tnu I.i*pL Llw&^iLtin liantl f

Paper Patterns,= InslsluBs, Durahlii r.llioitinl— .Oho-ip Tfliii bo«t 1'unip l « tho

^ ,!—AttQiititm is_ogjieoinlly Invited tn BliilUil07'< Pnt-

t I d Bk

^ I J F ^ ^ J 9 J ' l V J p r #23,000,pfhis wife,,wlig wiu l ^

tbdnlG K O . K . R D T K

AlJo AKOBL Tortlia. WJ.liLu'nn 1 i JCHrSlTrh. &

UnTTI,K., I,AndPHOHUCE UF AIA, KIWlIb ii intoil,

ah the hljjhest iniifkut ralojiilll ht If J on I*IUUQ "vour o^e»ii^lit use tboio Perfcstund frnni Mum to GryaEfll Py*bblcp,

, nnd durlye= tljulr nmnnmid'^on tierfmnt nf thoir

o? will fnat iniiiiyl jigg wiirFimted-gnfiBrior.ta nil ptlierg. in

cut IinprnYi'd Braekqt and NewDrop Cheek Valve, whioh oan bo

"without",the Turn __ .^^


J. g and wilt natlant any othnrTfiiTBile Vy Di-ilors evorjwliora

^ * f Q P f i d tljtf, blaufceno I Hight»tnwn, May 1,1BH -tl!tt1iuniiin body

wti, aHolt ft jontfnanUo^ OT tUotr fnvgr^vnUBlalllil thatIn the future as In tho JIHSL to nieot the eeiamentla'tlnn of all whoie'ordofa^ IJa^ 'Hl la ,hoBor td r«-I1D1V l i l P M K I i m m i l S J H O H ! IHIllTB

In the ranttoil tf Jnnrilu 1TTOQP RKTRTH

not.'lnn^. nKacHiU

foil toJilB iiuttft, iimlcfhaUii ii ^ jis*ivun j l s t JM whom they can only bFobtfiine'd Nn Pod-jo 27-ly

11,8 far ILthat t.fn

aIdiIIitlfOJiirLlnitli»Di|iuni(!» lilt isuiilttTidiaitaAhutffilportinSInftiwlBi In tho u tn t

flll?^vat sf ttatcU-dscE lsed, uli|iear-1i«I^rB th

EDUCATIONITU W VTIIW fe th^AiAt. Tn. tlia^cunIrS. rifSlL^fSBTH rrrrJjrTWnSlSw S1 im l8*[iriilli.W ini (hertugh, r'T,HORSE j f e

•fi.mmi^f-, .'j • ' . q - r r i^ ettrfTiilEo the toeth h\ u Hanunyandjil ' il rutinuTif nulil dj;

r si jMereor, nlwnilil not'h.wjld i , (ifimj ullietrnUe,, , • , i . • « „ . , 'I t 1* iillo IrtntSKed tft Throw <«io Bm¥ by a Fs

i, aventile nt n convenient I'liuxi, io tha t wJio'n tlttis gala esjtnty of

i tIrs M i l s LIBVAnTKH-i r It aITS Tj-LstnAvifUHi-AiiruKkT u a UnLolally, Tli\ wifLg ciiuiiiu'i. wiiirtiio 'Wntitrn't'iiiiifli p», H

BBHlt -MUltopulllBU U l l i r J I a M B l C J l

TIIQ Eiibaorlllor, afflmt ts' rollnqulik tUe ttiilllUoiLnl, lMiljltoSfile, + K *

t%/t *Z^ll

'O g l ^ l J l 3GLl/"l873/WO. 141-2EA5I,STAT1 SJ.

OUNlr rtUtDnim,Uletl. arUri>linn'a Uuur

l July 3GLli/"l873utt.liig nn a coyiy tt^tnS ordor.ivltliln twonty doftp 5

him ifteHntj** ftaFSuldoing botti th

ikuocuie UI»Q jm£vgi, jif.,nvo> qE^^o ynofic^pByi|e,u ^pla«» iraala ootfnty fnbtHa'felveoyf twoftontSs."-Ql

'Ti i .^f t 1pBEnn 1BUOJ6WEW.oBOF.iuimrtt? o iffifflB^SS^oiBlty?Harp4' CetjdjybmT s t g M e . J ^ ^




ifflo 9, ¥nnu a,

SPRING GOODSOr tho l)Lst FurLljLjn nml

AI?y, thu Ijcit asriurtmtnt of



No. 37 East State SI,npr 2i fira

rjiui, JAU.I.I.1.U'


AoLnnwltilaciI lij tlin Ilr« mn-Iail talent nf thoonun'iT In En Iho B l s r PIANO now uniilo, tliomust duiablu ilml tltu LliLaiitalmust duiablu ilml tltu

Wo have oonftantly on hand Prenh Citrate OLMngnnsia, mado,oiory day, Seidlits Puwders,bnda Powjers, *6e , its






together with Pranh and Genuine


tamps, Brackets, Globes, Chim-THWH. Sf.n

Tho iindorsiEned tiy utrict attonlina to hii.inefshopen to merit tho aanfidenso and fsvor of tli


O e t l l yW. STOKES

of 0,11 BtyljiB,

Trunks, Taliias] Oabbas, Umbrellas*Also, will keep iLfg.II nssortment 01

Oii,ll and o^amlno |ro€dg and prieos.


W, S.. APPLE&ET, Oranbury, N. J",invlti a attonUnn to his now stock or


NEW AND 8E00ND HAND WORK,all nfwhloliilhiioiiOB of thu limit rnasmmlile prlcmKBEAIRIN9 DONE BY 2S.P1RI1N0ED


photograpli and AabrotypeQALLEHY, MAIN 8T IIItJIITSTOWN

The suhsoribor rcsncetfully informs tho Ladlosand tiontlcmen nV Ilightstown and vicinity tlinf

prepared to oinonto pnrtmllii from locket Jo life*size, in tho liighmt ntylo ol tho art,

GAIUEb BE V l i l T E ,for brilliancy of tone and faithfulness tn nature-nn! to he u\ei_llcd. by thoso of any Qullory in the-United Htntei.

BNT.AHIJBD PTIQTnriTHPTTR tot».i fr?^ o | j

ed ui Ink. pr Watqr CjdQrsB 3 i J

m y gp jeitn have pleinrea fronf^thesame Hugiilfv cs ill liny linin

Price ol DAftTE Dl VIBITEB, (2 50 pnr domon." LAKOIJ PIiniOHHAPnS Si 26


Pkliin.1 Fpnitl iT ill fill gljlrii

a A Qlt i rFIN, Photugrnphor

W. H. C. MURPHY,buooonsor to WM 11ICK8,


T I 5 B N T O M , »I S.,

dealer in



UOUbLie*, Ae,

Pictures Emmod to Order _ Flutes puVin looking


AnnounoDB to the puljlle that ho lifiu tftlmn'tlio


Alnislicnn rnrn\c 5 oars In thn oltalilUhmrntol I iMtiJhL>rNiin lientim, ho feeUeympetent to do^nud %\ uFk iinii till* Td all khiils ot

A DVEMISE^ODH BLISINEhb•ci- Hi tho ilighlBtnwn ffazotto,

J UST n n KIVJ II nnd Inr'.ilo a larjo lot olUjo and lluurlnm Wlilikui, from Lnulmlllo.

KmtncKA«1J BJui A FEHHIN\E, '

p U N A W A Y - T h i s Is to Rivo nntlep that myXI MITo;—BTTirfTrinm, litn liic Jolt mvbod andbnmrdBn thol7tllnr lnlio, nil porxonx nro forhltlhurliarlni; ur trimtlii^ Im on mj ngenunt as I ulllnot be ri^iiouslblu fur any ilelirs Him m LV euntraet

•— IAUOU 1'KINUE,jnnollliia Omnliury, IC J ,



tliatlias ever been ln.Ki;fhti£own,T&nd thoisublerl- * . .ber flatters himself thitt,h.il.¥iajr had full e^peglencg ^ lIn pnrehitiing i?'io<ls In £he ab"Q"yo?Ilneg, noel&HaE" ' ""Jfoil to give eiitlro naUfiftictUi", aadT in stylo, taste "anil harmony of colors, to pleiiso anoTdellghfe the

3 are iHTlted to^eall and examine mj stockjwotlier they wlgh to purchaiQ OFOTt, anilt i 1 nrnporinned'-aQaiod of IICKRCII to pnr-.

lor jwUiBDi t)d lurpiuseil la into s i t and at-'-, n urni> yiiHiuuiMj, {U niinliijr/tfTrm'i OF <eheapneis In (rjee bynny ono ThaiUflna all,ray