jVggg 'If Thoma. Latest JJr - Library of Congress€¦ · I ingest Credit Apparel Institution in...

I ingest Credit Apparel Institution in the United States Easter Apparel jr /\ XITE ara aqulp- /]/ I N. * V ptd with rf** \ \ Na v* Spring <Uu V \ Ooodi In avary (J, m dapartmant. M, ? \ our Jr Js{ Tl Liberal I 1 0, Credit .*&?»/ 1 I Mlf/ Plan %\\\ w ' \ \\' Wi " U \,w H \u25a0 Y Easter r? c Buying v , 'N Easy r V X X zr OUR ahowlng of charming N«v» Spring Styla* la compiataly rapraiantativa of tha country's foramoat d#»ign«ra? tha dapandablllty of our manchandlaa auuraa lading aatufactlon?prlcaa ara modarata in avary inatanct. ::::::: Snappy, Styleful Millinery the spring styles that are in demand SHE WAITS TEN YEARS DUKE COMMANDS ITALY'S BIG FLEET PENDLETON. Or.. March 23? A divorce dfcrf* aikrd for 10 > par* ago bjr Mm. Ulllan Head haa Juat been granted Union Savings & Trust Co. OF SEATTLE Resource* Naarly *5,000.000 WHY NOT 9AVK7 "\u25a0vary man. woman and child ought to aava. That la the eameat and repeated aahortatlon of all tha good and wlaa man who hava lived To laam to aava la really tha flrat Important laaaon of Ufa."?Thomas Burt en. Interest 4 Per Cent JAMES D. HOGE. President N. B. SOLNER. Vie* Praaidant and Trust Officer. HOGE BUILDING In tha Heart of tha Financial District. DON'T MARRY UNTIL YOU SEE THE ESCAPE \u25a0 The Duke of the Abruttl. whose romance with Ml** Katherlne Kl- kins, now Mr*. William P. Hltt. at- tracted world wide attention a few years ago. haa taken romtnand of Italy's fleet of dreadnaughts. The dnke Is a vice-admiral In the Italian navy and haa Just embarked on hi* flagship, the new dread- naught. Conte dl favour The dreadnnugnt squadron which he will lend Include the IMnte Mlghlere. Calo Ihilllo. (Julll Cesare and Davlncl, the moat powerful warships Italy ever had n one squadron. CLASS A THIRD %T riKF Tkf Kmbs# Bf Keystone Comedies UK %T* J. P. TODD SENDS SALMON EAST $1.25 For which ha d»ll»«n If. ? tpr?m pre paid to an. aiprtM offlca. ?«\u25a0 ? j»* 4o'ith»rn Tour n-ghbor haa proh- abls Mnt on< Alk hlra how It if- rlv»4 f P TODD. It Caiman Dw>k, Paaftte If Women Only Knew In many ways woman'* dally toil wear* on the kidney*, and If at tacks of backache, dlzzlnea*. nerv- ousnee*. despondency and urinary trouble* are frequent, she ought to *u*pect that her kidney* are out of order and thvt It Is not some 'wom- an's trouble" Resides using a flrst-c|**» kidney remedy, however, the patient ought to be sensible and atop for a while th* every-dsy habits that hurt the kidneys. Avoid heavy eating, e* peclallv me*t Substitute water snd milk for tea and coffee Stop worrying and working too hard Get some light outdoor exercise, such a* walking, and plenty of rest and sleep. [man * Kldnev Pill* contain no dangerous or lyiblt-formlng drug* This remedy I* *uc< e<*fully used and recommended all over the civ. Illzed world Seattle women publicly endorse them. Seattle Testimony: Mrs. J, H, Doynton, Jr. 6016 49th Ave. 8 W.. Seattle, *ay»: "The first *lgn of kidney trouble In my case w** a dull, heavy ache In the amall of the back. I ljad dlziv apell* and mv back *:i* lame iml *ore all the time. Mv kidney* art- Ed Irregularly and I waa feeling mls'-rable when one of my friend* told me to try Doan's Kidney Pill* After I had taken a few dose*. I felt better I kept on using I Joan's Kidney Pill* and they cured me," "What's the matter, mother?" pills Sold by sK DeslervFVice 50c. Ftater-MiJbumCo. ftopt Buffalo,K.Y By Esther Hoffmann A lltil« man viddlrd Into th«* movl* atudlo. Morning." aald Charlna Chaplin, "aomn morning How'a thr light? Kvarythlng rvady? go" Ho abufftrd hl» «*»cut»d a fnw atapa of a ring dntira. pullad ovnr hla n»r falling irtHinnra and lit Into th» bualnrmi of th>< day Ilka a pyclona PHOTO PLAYS YOUNQ CELEBRITY HERE STAR?TUESDAY. MARCH 23. 1915. PAGE 3. Chaplin, Comedy Ch.inpion, Chats With a Star Writer I ad\ Reporter Watches Movie's Most Fnmou* Come- dian at Work?Charley Never Has Any Idea What Ile's Cioinj; to I)o. That Is <»nr of the atrlklng thing* about Chaplin the way he attack* hi* work. Hp goe* at It with a ru*h anil the rush laula until the work In dun*. At noon the player* \u25a0topped their **ork anil I *cnt over and Intro- duced m)*»lf to the little comedian "Pretty *oo«l morning'* work," ?aid Chaplin. "Juat what ta It you , want to know about*'' I hastened to marshal my thoughts. "What la your Idea of comedy T" I finally a*ked Chaplin leaned on la prop and hi* «?>«?* took on a look iof lntere*t at thr mention com* edy "You see, that a all 1 do. think corned v I go before the camera without the *llghte*t no itlon of what I am going to do I try to loee my*elf and 1* the char- acter I am representing" Chaplin started hla »t**e at th« age of T, doing clog dancing In a theatre. It waa juat a year ago that he got tlm hum h to go Into moving picture*. ? ? a Charles Chaplin, showing how ha looks off lha acraan. and a poaa In amw movie make up Tha larger picture waa taken from "Th« Cham plon," a two reel sldespntter fea tured this wiik at tha Melbourne. part drama. "The Knockout." Hler lint comed Jf. "Pllh* Weekl> " ? ? ? Odaon Tutadiy "When Woman Walta, two-part drama. "A Mother of Hhadows." two-part drama, and a Keritour comed jr. ? ? ? RESIDENCE THEATRES A movi«. celebrity at the aga of & years la tha distinction which be- long* to little Madgn Kvans, who fill* an Important role In tha pic lure, "Allaa Jimmy Valentine." atj the l'l»mm»r thla we«k. Madgn gala a blgirer salary than the aver-j age hualneea man. She probably la fllme<l more than any other juvenlla In movledom. The child * beauty haa caught the fancy of many llloa- tratnra, poater designers and adver- tl«lng experts on l>oth (Idea of the Atlantic. a ? ? A SEATTLE RUMOR There la a report afloat which refu*ea to down that the Washing ton Kllm Co, one of Hmlllm home Industrie*. haa sold Ita recently enacted Scenic Hot Hpringa picture to one of the large movie conrern* at a fancy figure The atory la de- nied at the local office, where It la stated that the company will mar ket none of It* production* until May ? ? ? BORROW STORE FOR FILM "Atmoaphere" of the real kind wa* secured by the Edison Klin. Co when Illrector Ijinndon Waal enllated the Adama-Klsnagan dry. goods atore. the Itroni. New York.! and a corpa of aale*glrl*. when tna atore waa given over to the movie concern to take the three reeler, "Killed Against Order*." Thr.u- *and* of curlou* spectator* watch ed the proceeding* from the street. ? ? ? DO YOU KNOW THAT? Kathlyn William*, who playa tbe lead In The Spoilers." thl* week'a offering at the llhambra. la a pro tegc of Senator Clark, known In Montana a* The Copper King"** Clark'* Interest In the movie *tar enabled her to obtain an education at the Franklin Sarijent Dramatic; school. New York I'pon gra/lua- tlon, *he wa* at otice tendered an offer by the Selig company, which ahe readily accepted. Ml** Will- iama wa* horn In Montana and graduated from a high achool In that atatr ? ? ? ACTOR IS ON DEATH BED Nolan Uriio, Thanhoii*er actor- author-director, la dying, according to lateat word from hla bedside ? ? ? STERLING COMES BACK Here * where Charley Chaplin 1* In for a run. Word Sterling ha* abandoned III*Sterling Co., al*o hi*; proposed vaudeville tour. He ha* *lgned a new contract with thei Keyatone company ? * ? Colonial Until Tuesday Night "The I.ure," five part feature ? ? ? Clemmer Until Wedneiday Night "Alia* Jimmy \'alenllne," drnmv ? ? ? Alaska Ur.tll Tuesday Night "Mr* lliack 1* Hack," comedy-! drama. ? ? ? Liberty Until Tuetday Night "Sun*hlne Molly," drama ? ? ? Mleelon Until Tueiday Night "Mother'* Roae." three part dra \ tna; "In thfc Park," comedy.- ? ? ? Alhambra All Week ' Tim-Spoiler*," drama ? ? ? Clj*« A Until Tuesday Night "The Day That Wa* Head." two- part Majestic; "Mutual Weekly"; "Ambroae'a Utile Hatchet," Key- atone comedy, and another drama ? ? ? Tlllkum Until Tue*day Night "J'bgutoiu of the Violin," three At th« Mom# Until Wsdnesdsy 'The Peril* of I'aullne," No. IS, two [>arta "A Htudy In Scarlet." twopart drama. "The Mearta of the Itradys." drama: "Those Ofrman Howlers." comedy. At Ye College Plsyhouae Until Wednesday "What a Woman Will l*»." two part drama. "An Outlaw's Honor." drama, "Children of t'hance." dra ma: "Three Time* and Out." com- edy. VANCOUVER, H C., March 21. ?A epecial today from Urlt tanla Beach, the aiene of the frightful avalanche which wiped out the »haft houaee at the Brlttanla copper minei, 40 mllea from thla city, confirme the flret eatlmate of 60 dead, while the number of Injured will reach practically the eame figure, and a number of the latter will prob ably die. A <11 /.en of the Injured ha\e been brought to thla city, and are under treatment at the i.eneral Inmpltal lleai ue work la proceeding alow I). owlliK to tile difficulty of blind llim the mountain high tnaeaea of allow, Ice and rock under which tin unfortunate inlnera were burled I'|> In an early hour Ihla mnrnlnx Jo hi id Ira had been recovered It la believed aoine of the mlaalhK are allll alive under th« mio», and the work of reacue la help* frantli Iklly ruahed In tho hope of aavliiK (heae. HE GETS DAMAGES FROM GAR COMPANY SPOKANE, March 23 A Jury has awarded H. T. tillaon 11,500 ns a remit of Injuries auatalned when a street car Rate «as (dammed In ht* fare tillaon alleged he fell and suf fered Injuries to his legs, head and Hpllte. 96,000 CANADIAN TROOPS IN SERVICE OTTAWA, March :n IjK"«i fIK urea reaching thin city show ap proximately 95.000 Canadian ao! are on active *ervlce. Second general recruiting of third company, coast artillery, Tues day night. at Armory. How to Get Kid of a Bad Cough. % llnatr-Madr Itemed? tfcet Will lies It «4stlekl>?4 heap ? ?sit I aall« >t»»«lr ODEON TUESDAY t'lHwT %T PIHr A Keystone Comedy and Two 2-part Dramas CURES WITHOUT DRUGS Wonderful Invention Re- store* Health While You Sleep. Kv \u25a0 Ison't f«ks a- <th»r <1"»s of dmia * Tma know how they upset your' ii'imtrh and rause had dictation You know the manv <lie«gM-eat.'e effects of drug* yet \ m go «m isk hf them for every little pain or dis order. Juat beeauaai you were taught that nothing viae could nirs havs the natural war of rur ing dfaeaae and rhronln atlmanta the wn nature dost It cure * Ith electricity ELECTRA-VITA Waar Klartra-Vita whlla you il#«|t It f»eda a constant stream of eler trlrlty to your nerves, and they carry It |i» svevv othar organ and tlaaue ?>f your body, raatorlng health and vim Klertra Vita la a ae|f.charged body battery, which pumpa a ateady. un- broken etraam «-f galvanb' Itv Into the nervea f"r houra. whll«- you alern. Infualng tham with n«»\% anargy and building up flia entlr» statfm to a strong, healthy rondl tlon Whlla vnu ara aleeplng It pour Ing e eontlnuoui r'irrant nf life ghlng eiactrMty Into your i**'am The weak starving nertra ahaorl and retain thla form and groe atr"hg tinder If a vitalising Influenea You *aka up In the morning with m feeling of ethllaraflon Your old ! 'lote energy qulrkh returna. you frel the tingle of new life In ? out j . alns. you walk with Inrraaaed vigor The dull, tired aenaatlon the head- a< hea all dlsappsar. and eoon \ -n ar.-i a rejuvenated man. In posaeaslon of parfert health. 1tt.%1 I 111 I I v II II sr it ATI HOOK rHKK. fall for our baautlful to.' jpnge book, whlrh talla all nb>»ut our, treatment. Thla h»ok la llluafrated »lth pl»--iurea of fully developrd men and women, showing how Klartra v it is la appllad. and eiplalnlng many , hinge you want to know Wall sand book, rloaely aeale.l and prepaid free If >«>u will wrlta <>r 'all for It feat of Kl<"Ha Vila If vnu '-all Conaultstlon free office houra S a m to f. p *n Haf urday a\aninga. 7 *0 to » The Electra-Vita Co. I)KIT. 4 lloont 20fi l.mprena Theatre llldg. Me* ond Ave. tor Mprlng, Neisttle, Huab l.etter to l»r. Kilmer ft Co Mlnghamton. N. V For You BODIES OF 35 MEN DUG OUT OF AVALANCHE $2.50 For 10 Days More We will fit a cold filled frame with spherical len*e* and leather <*»??. romi.l»'f. for $:? > Th'e 1" cludea a careful and accurate exam lnatlon. Curry Optical Co. EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS Third Floor, 3064-M Arcade Bldg Bring This Ad With You If you have ? had r-DUffh or rhset cold which rtfuiti to ylfid io ordin- ary remedies. get from any drugglat U ounces of IMnei < LO renta* « nrl h I I pollr Into * pint bottle and fill 11** ! bottle with plain granulated eugnr ayrup Htart taking a teaapoonful I every hour or two In ?4 houra your Icmigh will be conquered. or vary (nearly so K.v*n whooping cough la greatly relieved In this way. The ahova mlsturs mukn a full pint a family supply- of the fincat rough »yrup that tnonev could buy {at a «o«t of onlv f- 4 cants Kaally prepared In 6 tnlnulea. Full dlrec- I tl«»na with IMnex Thla Pln*i end Kugar Hyrup prep ' arnlion takea right hold of n rough j avid |lvr* ftlm<»t Inatant relief it j loosens th* drv. hoars* or fight . ooffh In a way that la really r\u2666« markable. Alao <jul<k)v heala the Inflamed membranea which acrom- pan* a painful cough, and etopa tlir formation «»f phlegm In the throat ? nt|d bronchial ttlhea. time ending 11.r> I paralstent looee cough l*lre||ent for I bronchitis spasmodic croup and win- ter coughs Keeps perfe.tly hiiiJ tastes good chlldrsn ilk* It IMnet Is a special and highly ron- . entrated rompotind «>f genuine Nor- way pins citract. rlrjh In gualarol, which Is so healing to ths mem- branes T«» old disappointment, ask your drugglat f«»r ounces of IMnex. do not accept anything else A guarantee i»f absolute aatlafa« Hon or in«»ney promptly refunded g«>ea with thla prepa rat lon The IMnex Co.. Ft Wayne. Ind. A Splendid Kidney Medicine In the year 1901, at the age of 11. I was a terrible sufferer of Kidney trouble In an agßravated form. My father sent to you for n sample bottle of your celebrated remedy, which he received promptly and he beßan Riving me Hwamp-Hoot Im- mediately. The contents of thl* one bottle relieved me In a remark able way and three larKe size bot- tles effected n complete cure. I consider your Swamp Knot to be a Rrand medicine and I cheer- fully recommend It to all sufferers of Kidney trouble, no matter how loriß standing, as It no doubt saved my life. HBNRY W. BMITII. Hayvllle, N. V. Personally appeared before me this .loth of .Inly, l»<i<), Henry W. Smith, who subscribed the above statement and made oath that the same Is true In substance and In fll< t REWARD FISI.I.KHATII, Notary Public, Suffolk County, N, Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do Send ten rents to Ur Kilmer & Co., Dept. It. Ulnghaniton, N. Y.. for a aatnpie size buttle. It will ronvlnre any one. You will also receive a booklet of valuable In formation, telling about the kid neys anil bladder. Regular fifty- cent and one dollar sl/.e bottles for Hale at all drug stores. DICK THINKS I LOOK DIFFERENTLY (Copyright. 1915, by the Newspaper Knterprlse A»*oclallon l When Olck came home to dinner he waa very cross, but I waa de termlned not to pay any attention to It I mr.de up my mind that Mr Dick would h.ive to learn some time that It «aa not to be all Klve" on im- part and "take" on his. There I* no leaaon why a man ahould make hla bnalneas an excuse for Retting out of doing any aortal stunt his wife would like to do which does not happen to strike hla fancy. Of courae there are women who plav the aortal *..me too »treniiotia- l.v, but II *eema 'o me. from what I have experienced and »hat many of my friend* have told me. that a married ma V* social pleasure* are verv much enhanced If he know* he ha* a wife waltlnK at home to put wet towela on hla head if he ha* been out with the boys or |>et him a little If Mime woman whom he has tried to flirt with turna him down. Tl Is lde» that "a wife * place la In the home" has t«*en worked to \u25a0 lewth. Men wmi to think that th«- inarrlare ceremony I* a sentence to Imprisonment for life wltliln the wall* of a bouse for the woman concerned. Some of them make their wive* "trusties" and let them do thin** on the oiitolde a* a mark of favor. Other wive* get otit on a parole a* lone a* "good t>e- havlor" last* ("Kood l>ehavlor" l>e- Inc to lie ' cood" In the ??Rttmatlon nf the husbandt l«at<*lv Mck had disclosed » tendency to ko back To thl* medieval mode of thought I had laid out hla evt nln* dothea on hla bed and aa I heard hi* key In the door I turned on the water In hla bath, for It waa late. "I'm not Rolnie to dre*a before dinner." be *ald curtly, as he heard the water running and saw that I had made all the preparation for him to do so I did not say a word?Juat quiet ly turned off the water "Did you call up Mrs Tenney and tell her you were finally coin- Itiß*" he aaked. Aa he did so It reeinsd to me he was rather ner- vous "1 tried to Ret her," I answered "but the maid aald ahc had Rone out for a few minute* and 1 left word with her. It won't make any difference with Donna TeiHiey, and I know ahe will Rlad to have ua come even at the last minute Hick looked both relieved and apprehensive, but he aald nothing I was busy putting on a new black RO«n which I knew was go litk to be particularly becoming to tne I had had It made in the last t! rro days *lth particular reference to m* condition, and my dressmaker liad cleverly built It so that I could wear It for normal occasions a* lone an I felt like koliik out. My akin, which you know, little hook, has thi' translucent fairness that la Riven the red-haired woman, fairly Rleamed above the Jetted bodice, whose dark color made me look particularly slender. 1 caught In the glass Dick look liik at 1110 as 1 put a few finishing touches to my hair. Ills even brlßhtened and he came and Rlanced over my shoulder. "Margie, you seem like n Rlrl," he said, "1 Im-llcvo you have been foollnß me about a comlnß baby," and then he hesitated and looked me very closely In iny eyes a* he tilted my face to his "No, dear. It is true,'' he said rather seriously, "there Is a look In your eyes that you have never had before." "Don't you like It as well?" 1 asked. "I lovi» you ton thousand times better, little mother-to-be," hp said "The look in your eyes Ih Ir- resistible It In mysterious and beckoning." "tiraclous, IHcU! I hope tho men at the party will not Interpret It that way," I said with u laugh. (To Be Continued Tomorrow.) HOLD TWO AS SPIES POUT ARTIU'K, Out . March 23. ?An Investigation of the recent movements of Car! Pchitildt and Oustoff Stephens, arrested on hu* plclon of being German tides, Is in progress. The pair were arrested ns they slept on a train. The an- thorltlsa alleged they nere r-'cen'l.v observed cloaelv scrutinizing the C. I*. K. bridge here. WICKERSHAM PAYS TRIBUTE TO SECY. LANE The executive committee of the Alaska bureau, Seattle Chamber of Commerce, entertained at lunch Monday, at the Arctic club, In hon- or of Hon. Jamea A. Wlckersham, delegate from Alaaka. DOCTORS PUZZLE OVER CASE OF BOY Physician* fear his skull In frac- luied. K v IT 5 x ESI /J*7 / jS" \ i jS "h' \ \ Thoma. A. Vi V T\ Erfi.cn'. / 4- 1 AA vVv'H\ Latest $1.00 ?; jVggg 'If G "'*« A WEEK 7sj|ljjj| JJr , Kdison Diamond Point At , ' fm " Hornless Phonograph | | J'fpl .. No ? - - fj Needles to With <>iif I H»/.fn Mlu** Anofo#rol \ Min«it? v % * | WfZgjr I jyl Change 'I' l » In* fit <?«, i, i wit u IMln'.f) I f 111 I' 1" '?' , ' ,t Thl» I" H ?!»\u25a0». i '?» I ' ? '-f i tf : ? ..f'l I f I i' #-\u25a0 "to» ' k ? I r \ * * iw * % " w * *nawt- | 1\ «.f nt «iml« .ill tl ?? »«) ft I''»!>*i«.»t N uulM f * i'> I '»r m<l «»|#«r * I Com* inn! »>*«r this InMrumeot play your favorit* nni*i< tin- |irl<>- i.hi,i eie with tl.e di./«n recorda I" hut mi ji:i \u25a0\u25a0 fiTf ?mail down then 11 a week, arid there Ji'' \e\ extra* I*l C.H HOPPEP NEPiyilA Seattle's Talking Machine Headquarters Z>!±kZ t'ther Alaakan guests were Jal-*t l.lnderbe rg, mining operator «»f Nome and I'rltice William S< und region, W. A I)lckey. mining oper ator from Prince William sound, *eo namei, Mount McKlnley. and (??org* Hutchinson. cashier of the First National bank of Fairbanks. Alaaka Judge Wlckeraham paid a glow- ing tribute to Secretary Lane for 111* great constructive work of Alas- kan development, predicting thai when It »ii worked out we would <a <ie\eloptnent that would em- brace *? II sections of Alaska. Ilr complimented the Alaaka bu- reau and the i>eople of Seattle (or their part iti bringing alxnit this d*r*lopinMit. and i-ald never were the Alaskan people no united aa at Ir« »eat. working a* a body for tne upbuilding of the Northland, and appreciating fully the help extend- ed by Seattle. Though llalph Williams. 12 year old newsboy. was run down and In Jured by an automobile at Third an J I'nlvemity last night, and re- ceive! a large bump on the head, the 111 remembers nothing of the sccident. DOG SHOW TO BE LARGEST IN CLUB HISTORY, When the entry list for the 21st annual show of the Seattle Kennel club close* today, there will be found listed the largest number of dogs ever shown in any bench ex- hibition since the doggy folks be- gan displaying their breeds here- a bonis This Is the confident as- sertion of the managers of the show. Including President K W. Mrydon and Secretary lieorge Tin- to There la no opposition to the Se- attle show this spring in the Pa- cific Northwest, and that la one reason why the *how, which will be held at Holier'* skating rink. First ave and Seneca St., March 31 and April 1. 2 and 3, is going to be audi a big affair. Neither Vancouver nor Victoria will have any showing of the dogs, and Tacoma has with- held It* spring show. While Seattle haa always been well represented In Ita own bench exhibition, and will be largely in evidence at the showing next week, there never ha* been such an out- of-town intereat manifested in the local show aa that of the impend- ing affair. In addition to the biK entry list regiatered from British Columbia and Tacoma?more than a hundred dogs coming from the kennela of these place#?there are entries In from as far es«t aa Mon- tana and Idaho, while Oregon will have a big delegation of breeder® on the catalogue Today 1* tt}« last day for enter- ing one'* doK» with Secretary G«*. Tlnto. at 20" Vnl»er»lty »t. E. M. Davit, prc«id*nt Alton, Jackson & Peoria Elertrlc, Ret* on* to fourteen years' prison sentence for embezzlement. If you haven't yet smoked your first NEBO plain end "Utterly Different" cigarette ?then you owe your palate a dime. Pav the debt. Drop in at the near- est tobacco store, and treat yourself to an "Utterly Different" cigarette. " Utterly Different"?loo per cent, different. We've put over a century-and-a- lialf of accumulated experience and expertness into making NEBO dain end " Utterly Different." Now it's yours. Don't put off your pleasure. Make this the "Utterly Different' 9 day. GUARANTEE? If after smoking half the package of NEBO W"'" >->«i you arc vot delighted, return balance ofpackagc to P. Lorillard Co., New York (Extab- lished 1760) and receive you r money back. 1 4 CIGARETTES \ lc vMBmSt

Transcript of jVggg 'If Thoma. Latest JJr - Library of Congress€¦ · I ingest Credit Apparel Institution in...

Page 1: jVggg 'If Thoma. Latest JJr - Library of Congress€¦ · I ingest Credit Apparel Institution in the United States Easter Apparel jr /\ XITE ara aqulp- /]/ I N. * V ptd with

I ingest Credit Apparel Institution in the United States


jr /\ XITE ara aqulp-/]/ I N. * V ptd with

rf** \ \ Na v* Spring

<Uu V \ Ooodi In avary(J, m dapartmant.

M, ? \ ourJr Js{ Tl Liberal

I 1 0, Credit.*&?»/ 1

I Mlf/ Plan%\\\ w

' \ \\' Wi"

U \,wH \u25a0 Y Easter

r? c Buyingv

,'N Easy

r V X XzrOUR ahowlng of charming N«v» Spring

Styla* la compiataly rapraiantativaof tha country's foramoat d#»ign«ra? thadapandablllty of our manchandlaa auuraalading aatufactlon?prlcaa ara modaratain avary inatanct. :::::::

Snappy, Styleful Millinerythe spring styles that are in demand


divorce dfcrf* aikrd for 10 > par*

ago bjr Mm. Ulllan Head haa Juatbeen granted

Union Savings& Trust Co.


Resource* Naarly



9AVK7"\u25a0vary man. woman and child

ought to aava. That la the eameat

and repeated aahortatlon of all thagood and wlaa man who hava lived

To laam to aava la really tha flratImportant laaaon of Ufa."?ThomasBurt en.

Interest 4 Per Cent

JAMES D. HOGE.President

N. B. SOLNER.Vie* Praaidant and Trust Officer.

HOGE BUILDINGIn tha Heart of tha Financial






The Duke of the Abruttl. whoseromance with Ml** Katherlne Kl-kins, now Mr*. William P. Hltt. at-tracted world wide attention a fewyears ago. haa taken romtnand ofItaly's fleet of dreadnaughts.

The dnke Is a vice-admiral In the

Italian navy and haa Just embarkedon hi* flagship, the new dread-naught. Conte dl favour

The dreadnnugnt squadron whichhe will lend Include the IMnteMlghlere. Calo Ihilllo. (Julll Cesare

and Davlncl, the moatpowerful warships Italy ever had none squadron.


Tkf Kmbs# Bf

Keystone ComediesUK %T*



$1.25For which ha d»ll»«n If. ? tpr?m prepaid to an. aiprtM offlca. ?«\u25a0 ? j»*

4o'ith»rn Tour n-ghbor haa proh-abls Mnt on< Alk hlra how It if-

rlv»4f P TODD. It Caiman Dw>k, Paaftte

If Women Only KnewIn many ways woman'* dally toil

wear* on the kidney*, and If attacks of backache, dlzzlnea*. nerv-ousnee*. despondency and urinary

trouble* are frequent, she ought to*u*pect that her kidney* are out oforder and thvt It Is not some 'wom-an's trouble"

Resides using a flrst-c|**» kidneyremedy, however, the patient ought

to be sensible and atop for a whileth* every-dsy habits that hurt thekidneys. Avoid heavy eating, e*

peclallv me*t Substitute watersnd milk for tea and coffee Stopworrying and working too hardGet some light outdoor exercise,

such a* walking, and plenty of restand sleep.

[man * Kldnev Pill* contain nodangerous or lyiblt-formlng drug*

This remedy I* *uc< e<*fully usedand recommended all over the civ.

Illzed worldSeattle women publicly endorse


Seattle Testimony:Mrs. J, H, Doynton, Jr. 6016 49th

Ave. 8 W.. Seattle, *ay»: "Thefirst *lgn of kidney trouble In mycase w** a dull, heavy ache In theamall of the back. I ljad dlzivapell* and mv back *:i* lame iml*ore all the time. Mv kidney* art-

Ed Irregularly and I waa feeling

mls'-rable when one of my friend*told me to try Doan's Kidney Pill*After I had taken a few dose*. Ifelt better I kept on using IJoan'sKidney Pill* and they cured me,"

"What's the matter, mother?"

pillsSold by sK DeslervFVice 50c. Ftater-MiJbumCo. ftopt Buffalo,K.Y

By Esther HoffmannA lltil« man viddlrd Into th«*

movl* atudlo.Morning." aald Charlna Chaplin,

"aomn morning How'a thr light?

Kvarythlng rvady? go"Ho abufftrd hl» «*»cut»d a

fnw atapa of a ring dntira. pulladovnr hla n»r falling irtHinnra andlit Into th» bualnrmi of th>< day Ilkaa pyclona




Chaplin, Comedy Ch.inpion,Chats With a Star WriterI ad\ Reporter Watches Movie's Most Fnmou* Come-

dian at Work?Charley Never Has Any Idea WhatIle's Cioinj; to I)o.

That Is <»nr of the atrlklng thing*about Chaplin the way he attack*hi* work. Hp goe* at It with a ru*hanil the rush laula until the work Indun*.

At noon the player* \u25a0topped their**ork anil I *cnt over and Intro-duced m)*»lf to the little comedian

"Pretty *oo«l morning'* work,"

?aid Chaplin. "Juat what ta It you

, want to know about*''I hastened to marshal my

thoughts."What la your Idea of comedy T"

I finally a*ked Chaplin leaned onla prop and hi* «?>«?* took on a lookiof lntere*t at thr mention com*edy

"You see, that a all 1 do. thinkcorned v I go before the

camera without the *llghte*t noitlon of what I am going to do Itry to loee my*elf and 1* the char-

acter I am representing"Chaplin started hla »t**e

at th« age of T, doing clog dancing

In a theatre. It waa juat ayear ago that he got tlm hum h togo Into moving picture*.

? ? a

Charles Chaplin, showing how halooks off lha acraan. and a poaa Inamw movie make up Tha largerpicture waa taken from "Th« Champlon," a two reel sldespntter featured this wiik at tha Melbourne.

part drama. "The Knockout." Hler

lint comed Jf. "Pllh* Weekl>"

? ? ?

Odaon Tutadiy

"When Woman Walta, two-partdrama. "A Mother of Hhadows."two-part drama, and a Keritourcomed jr.

? ? ?


A movi«. celebrity at the aga of &

years la tha distinction which be-long* to little Madgn Kvans, whofill* an Important role In tha piclure, "Allaa Jimmy Valentine." atjthe l'l»mm»r thla we«k. Madgngala a blgirer salary than the aver-jage hualneea man. She probably lafllme<l more than any other juvenllaIn movledom. The child * beauty

haa caught the fancy of many llloa-tratnra, poater designers and adver-tl«lng experts on l>oth (Idea of theAtlantic.

a ? ?

A SEATTLE RUMORThere la a report afloat which

refu*ea to down that the Washing

ton Kllm Co, one of Hmlllm homeIndustrie*. haa sold Ita recently

enacted Scenic Hot Hpringa picture

to one of the large movie conrern*

at a fancy figure The atory la de-nied at the local office, where It lastated that the company will market none of It* production* untilMay

? ? ?

BORROW STORE FOR FILM"Atmoaphere" of the real kind

wa* secured by the Edison Klin.Co when Illrector Ijinndon Waalenllated the Adama-Klsnagan dry.goods atore. the Itroni. New York.!and a corpa of aale*glrl*. when tna

atore waa given over to the movieconcern to take the three reeler,

"Killed Against Order*." Thr.u-*and* of curlou* spectator* watched the proceeding* from the street.

? ? ?

DO YOU KNOW THAT?Kathlyn William*, who playa tbe

lead In The Spoilers." thl* week'aoffering at the llhambra. la a protegc of Senator Clark, known InMontana a* The Copper King"**Clark'* Interest In the movie *tarenabled her to obtain an educationat the Franklin Sarijent Dramatic;school. New York I'pon gra/lua-tlon, *he wa* at otice tendered anoffer by the Selig company, whichahe readily accepted. Ml** Will-iama wa* horn In Montana andgraduated from a high achool Inthat atatr

? ? ?

ACTOR IS ON DEATH BEDNolan Uriio, Thanhoii*er actor-

author-director, la dying, accordingto lateat word from hla bedside

? ? ?

STERLING COMES BACKHere * where Charley Chaplin 1*

In for a run. Word Sterling ha*abandoned III*Sterling Co., al*o hi*;proposed vaudeville tour. He ha**lgned a new contract with theiKeyatone company

? * ?

Colonial Until Tuesday Night"The I.ure," five part feature

? ? ?

Clemmer Until Wedneiday Night"Alia* Jimmy \'alenllne," drnmv

? ? ?

Alaska Ur.tll Tuesday Night"Mr* lliack 1* Hack," comedy-!

drama.? ? ?

Liberty Until Tuetday Night"Sun*hlne Molly," drama

? ? ?

Mleelon Until Tueiday Night"Mother'* Roae." three part dra \

tna; "In thfc Park," comedy.-? ? ?

Alhambra All Week' Tim-Spoiler*," drama

? ? ?

Clj*« A Until Tuesday Night"The Day That Wa* Head." two-

part Majestic; "Mutual Weekly";"Ambroae'a Utile Hatchet," Key-atone comedy, and another drama

? ? ?

Tlllkum Until Tue*day Night"J'bgutoiu of the Violin," three

At th« Mom# Until Wsdnesdsy

'The Peril* of I'aullne," No. IS,

two [>arta "A Htudy In Scarlet."twopart drama. "The Mearta of theItradys." drama: "Those OfrmanHowlers." comedy.

At Ye College Plsyhouae UntilWednesday

"What a Woman Will l*»." twopart drama. "An Outlaw's Honor."drama, "Children of t'hance." drama: "Three Time* and Out." com-edy.

VANCOUVER, H C., March21.?A epecial today from Urlttanla Beach, the aiene of thefrightful avalanche which wipedout the »haft houaee at theBrlttanla copper minei, 40 mlleafrom thla city, confirme the flreteatlmate of 60 dead, while thenumber of Injured will reachpractically the eame figure, anda number of the latter will probably die.A <11 /.en of the Injured ha\e been

brought to thla city, and are undertreatment at the i.eneral Inmpltal

lleai ue work la proceeding alowI). owlliK to tile difficulty of blind

llim the mountain high tnaeaea ofallow, Ice and rock under which tinunfortunate inlnera were burled

I'|> In an early hour Ihla mnrnlnxJo hi id Ira had been recovered

It la believed aoine of the mlaalhKare allll alive under th« mio», andthe work of reacue la help* frantliIklly ruahed In tho hope of aavliiK(heae.


has awarded H. T. tillaon 11,500 nsa remit of Injuries auatalned whena street car Rate «as (dammed In ht*fare tillaon alleged he fell and suffered Injuries to his legs, head andHpllte.


OTTAWA, March :n IjK"«i fIKurea reaching thin city show approximately 95.000 Canadian ao!

are on active *ervlce.

Second general recruiting ofthird company, coast artillery, Tuesday night. at Armory.

How to Get Kid of a BadCough.

% llnatr-Madr Itemed? tfcetWill lies It «4stlekl>?4 heap

? ?sit I aall« >t»»«lrODEON TUESDAY

t'lHwT %T PIHr

A Keystone Comedyand Two 2-part Dramas

CURES WITHOUT DRUGSWonderful Invention Re-

store* Health WhileYou Sleep.

Kv \u25a0Ison't f«ks a- <th»r <1"»s of dmia *

Tma know how they upset your'ii'imtrh and rause had dictationYou know the manv <lie«gM-eat.'eeffects of drug* yet \ m go «m isk

hf them for every little pain or dis

order. Juat beeauaai you were taught

that nothing viae could nirs

W» havs the natural war of ruring dfaeaae and rhronln atlmantathe wn nature dost It cure*Ith electricity

ELECTRA-VITAWaar Klartra-Vita whlla you il#«|t

It f»eda a constant stream of elertrlrlty to your nerves, and they carry

It |i» svevv othar organ and tlaaue?>f your body, raatorlng health andvim

Klertra Vita la a ae|f.charged bodybattery, which pumpa a ateady. un-broken etraam «-f galvanb'

Itv Into the nervea f"r houra. whll«-you alern. Infualng tham with n«»\%

anargy and building up flia entlr»statfm to a strong, healthy rondltlon

Whlla vnu ara aleeplng It l« pourIng e eontlnuoui r'irrant nf lifeghlng eiactrMty Into your i**'amThe weak starving nertra ahaorl

and retain thla form and groeatr"hg tinder If a vitalising Influenea

You *aka up In the morning with m

feeling of ethllaraflon Your old !'lote energy qulrkh returna. youfrel the tingle of new life In ? out j. alns. you walk with Inrraaaed vigor

The dull, tired aenaatlon the head-a< hea all dlsappsar. and eoon \ -n ar.-i

a rejuvenated man. In posaeaslon of

parfert health.

1tt.%1 I 111 I I v II II sr it ATI l»HOOK rHKK.

fall for our baautlful to.'jpnge book, whlrh talla all nb>»ut our,

treatment. Thla h»ok la llluafrated»lth pl»--iurea of fully developrd men

and women, showing how Klartrav it is la appllad. and eiplalnlng many, hinge you want to know Wall sand

book, rloaely aeale.l and prepaidfree If >«>u will wrlta <>r 'all for It

feat of Kl<"Ha Vila If vnu '-allConaultstlon free office houra S

a m to f. p *n Haf urday a\aninga.

7 *0 to »

The Electra-Vita Co.I)KIT. 4

lloont 20fi l.mprena Theatre llldg.Me* ond Ave. tor Mprlng,

Neisttle, Huab

l.etter tol»r. Kilmer ft Co

Mlnghamton. N. V

For You



For 10 Days MoreWe will fit a cold filled frame

with spherical len*e* and leather<*»??. romi.l»'f. for $:? > Th'e 1"cludea a careful and accurate examlnatlon.


Third Floor, 3064-M Arcade BldgBring This Ad With You

If you have ? had r-DUffh or rhsetcold which rtfuiti to ylfid io ordin-ary remedies. get from any drugglat

U ounces of IMnei < LO renta* « nrlh II pollr Into * pint bottle and fill 11**! bottle with plain granulated eugnr

ayrup Htart taking a teaapoonful

I every hour or two In ?4 houra yourIcmigh will be conquered. or vary

(nearly so K.v*n whooping cough lagreatly relieved In this way.

The ahova mlsturs mukn a fullpint a family supply- of the fincatrough »yrup that tnonev could buy

{at a «o«t of onlv f- 4 cants Kaallyprepared In 6 tnlnulea. Full dlrec-

I tl«»na with IMnexThla Pln*i end Kugar Hyrup prep

' arnlion takea right hold of n roughj avid |lvr* ftlm<»t Inatant relief itjloosens th* drv. hoars* or fight. ooffh In a way that la really r\u2666«

markable. Alao <jul<k)v heala theInflamed membranea which acrom-pan* a painful cough, and etopa tlirformation «»f phlegm In the throat

? nt|d bronchial ttlhea. time ending 11.r>I paralstent looee cough l*lre||ent forI bronchitis spasmodic croup and win-ter coughs Keeps perfe.tly hiiiJtastes good chlldrsn ilk* It

IMnet Is a special and highly ron-. entrated rompotind «>f genuine Nor-way pins citract. rlrjh In gualarol,which Is so healing to ths mem-branes

T«» old disappointment, ask yourdrugglat f«»r ounces of IMnex.do not accept anything else Aguarantee i»f absolute aatlafa« Hon orin«»ney promptly refunded g«>ea withthla prepa rat lon The IMnex Co.. FtWayne. Ind.

A Splendid Kidney MedicineIn the year 1901, at the age of 11.

I was a terrible sufferer of Kidneytrouble In an agßravated form. Myfather sent to you for n samplebottle of your celebrated remedy,which he received promptly and hebeßan Riving me Hwamp-Hoot Im-mediately. The contents of thl*one bottle relieved me In a remarkable way and three larKe size bot-tles effected n complete cure.

I consider your Swamp Knot tobe a Rrand medicine and I cheer-fully recommend It to all sufferersof Kidney trouble, no matter howloriß standing, as It no doubt savedmy life.

HBNRY W. BMITII.Hayvllle, N. V.

Personally appeared before methis .loth of .Inly, l»<i<), Henry W.Smith, who subscribed the abovestatement and made oath that thesame Is true In substance and Infll< t


Suffolk County, N, Y.

Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do

Send ten rents to Ur Kilmer &

Co., Dept. It. Ulnghaniton, N. Y..for a aatnpie size buttle. It willronvlnre any one. You will alsoreceive a booklet of valuable Information, telling about the kidneys anil bladder. Regular fifty-cent and one dollar sl/.e bottles forHale at all drug stores.


(Copyright. 1915, by the NewspaperKnterprlse A»*oclallon l

When Olck came home to dinnerhe waa very cross, but I waa determlned not to pay any attentionto It

I mr.de up my mind that Mr Dickwould h.ive to learn some time thatIt «aa not to be all Klve" on im-part and "take" on his.

There I* no leaaon why a manahould make hla bnalneas an excusefor Retting out of doing any aortalstunt his wife would like to dowhich does not happen to strikehla fancy.

Of courae there are women whoplav the aortal *..me too »treniiotia-l.v, but II *eema 'o me. from what Ihave experienced and »hat manyof my friend* have told me. that amarried ma V* social pleasure* areverv much enhanced If he know*he ha* a wife waltlnK at home toput wet towela on hla head if heha* been out with the boys or |>et

him a little If Mime woman whomhe has tried to flirt with turnahim down.

Tl Is lde» that "a wife * place laIn the home" has t«*en worked to

\u25a0 lewth. Men wmi to think that th«-inarrlare ceremony I* a sentenceto Imprisonment for life wltliln the

wall* of a bouse for the womanconcerned. Some of them maketheir wive* "trusties" and let themdo thin** on the oiitolde a* amark of favor. Other wive* get otiton a parole a* lone a* "good t>e-

havlor" last* ("Kood l>ehavlor" l>e-

Inc to lie ' cood" In the ??Rttmatlonnf the husbandt l«at<*lv Mck haddisclosed » tendency to ko back Tothl* medieval mode of thought

I had laid out hla evt nln* dothea

on hla bed and aa I heard hi* key

In the door I turned on the waterIn hla bath, for It waa late.

"I'm not Rolnie to dre*a beforedinner." be *ald curtly, as he heardthe water running and saw that I

had made all the preparation forhim to do so

I did not say a word?Juat quietly turned off the water

"Did you call up Mrs Tenney

and tell her you were finally coin-

Itiß*" he aaked. Aa he did so Itreeinsd to me he was rather ner-vous

"1 tried to Ret her," I answered"but the maid aald ahc had Roneout for a few minute* and 1 leftword with her. It won't make anydifference with Donna TeiHiey, andI know ahe will h« Rlad to haveua come even at the last minute

Hick looked both relieved andapprehensive, but he aald nothing

I was busy putting on a newblack RO«n which I knew was golitk to be particularly becoming to


I had had It made in the last t! rro

days *lth particular reference to

m* condition, and my dressmakerliad cleverly built It so that I couldwear It for normal occasions a*

lone an I felt like koliik out.My akin, which you know, little

hook, has thi' translucent fairnessthat la Riven the red-haired woman,

fairly Rleamed above the Jettedbodice, whose dark color made melook particularly slender.

1 caught In the glass Dick lookliik at 1110 as 1 put a few finishing

touches to my hair.Ills even brlßhtened and he came

and Rlanced over my shoulder."Margie, you seem like n Rlrl,"

he said, "1 Im-llcvo you have beenfoollnß me about a comlnß baby,"and then he hesitated and lookedme very closely In iny eyes a* hetilted my face to his

"No, dear. It is true,'' he saidrather seriously, "there Is a lookIn your eyes that you have neverhad before."

"Don't you like It as well?" 1asked.

"I lovi» you ton thousand timesbetter, little mother-to-be," hp

said "The look in your eyes Ih Ir-resistible It In mysterious andbeckoning."

"tiraclous, IHcU! I hope tho menat the party will not Interpret Itthat way," I said with u laugh.

(To Be Continued Tomorrow.)


?An Investigation of the recentmovements of Car! Pchitildt andOustoff Stephens, arrested on hu*

plclon of being German tides, Is inprogress. The pair were arrestedns they slept on a train. The an-thorltlsa alleged they nere r-'cen'l.vobserved cloaelv scrutinizing the C.I*. K. bridge here.


The executive committee of theAlaska bureau, Seattle Chamber ofCommerce, entertained at lunchMonday, at the Arctic club, In hon-or of Hon. Jamea A. Wlckersham,delegate from Alaaka.


Physician* fear his skull In frac-luied.

K v IT5 x ESI/J*7 / jS" \ i jS "h' \ \ Thoma. A.Vi V T\ Erfi.cn'.

/ 4- 1 AA vVv'H\ Latest

$1.00 ?; jVggg 'If G"'*«

A WEEK 7sj|ljjj| JJr ,

Kdison Diamond Point At ,'fm


Hornless Phonograph | | J'fpl..



- fj Needles toWith <>iif I H»/.fn Mlu** Anofo#rol \ Min«it? v


* | WfZgjr I jyl Change

'I' l » In* fit l« <?«, i, i wit u IMln'.f) If 111 I' 1" '?' , ' ,t Thl» I" H ?!»\u25a0». i '?» I ' ? '-f i tf : ? ..f'l IfI i' #-\u25a0 "to» ' k ? I r\ * *iw* % " w * *nawt- |

1\ «.f nt «iml« .ill tl ?? »«) ft I''»!>*i«.»t NuulM


i'> I'»r m<l «»|#«r * I

Com* inn! »>*«r this InMrumeot play your favorit* nni*i<tin- |irl<>- i.hi,i eie with tl.e di./«n recorda I" hut mi ji:i\u25a0\u25a0 fiTf

?mail down then 11 a week, arid there Ji'' \e\extra* I*l

C.H HOPPEP NEPiyilASeattle's Talking Machine Headquarters Z>!±kZ

t'ther Alaakan guests were Jal-*tl.lnderbe rg, mining operator «»fNome and I'rltice William S< undregion, W. A I)lckey. mining operator from Prince William sound,*eo namei, Mount McKlnley. and

(??org* Hutchinson. cashier of theFirst National bank of Fairbanks.Alaaka

Judge Wlckeraham paid a glow-ing tribute to Secretary Lane for111* great constructive work of Alas-kan development, predicting thaiwhen It »ii worked out we would<a <ie\eloptnent that would em-

brace *? II sections of Alaska.Ilr complimented the Alaaka bu-

reau and the i>eople of Seattle (or

their part iti bringing alxnit thisd*r*lopinMit. and i-ald never werethe Alaskan people no united aa atIr« »eat. working a* a body for tneupbuilding of the Northland, andappreciating fully the help extend-ed by Seattle.

Though llalph Williams. 12 yearold newsboy. was run down and InJured by an automobile at Thirdan J I'nlvemity last night, and re-ceive! a large bump on the head,the 111 remembers nothing of thesccident.


CLUB HISTORY,When the entry list for the 21st

annual show of the Seattle Kennelclub close* today, there will befound listed the largest number ofdogs ever shown in any bench ex-hibition since the doggy folks be-gan displaying their breeds here-a bonis This Is the confident as-sertion of the managers of theshow. Including President K W.Mrydon and Secretary lieorge Tin-to

There la no opposition to the Se-attle show this spring in the Pa-cific Northwest, and that la onereason why the *how, which will beheld at Holier'* skating rink. Firstave and Seneca St., March 31 andApril 1. 2 and 3, is going to be audia big affair. Neither Vancouvernor Victoria will have any showingof the dogs, and Tacoma has with-held It* spring show.

While Seattle haa always beenwell represented In Ita own benchexhibition, and will be largely in

evidence at the showing next week,there never ha* been such an out-of-town intereat manifested in the

local show aa that of the impend-ing affair. In addition to the biKentry list regiatered from BritishColumbia and Tacoma?more than

a hundred dogs coming from thekennela of these place#?there areentries In from as far es«t aa Mon-tana and Idaho, while Oregon willhave a big delegation of breeder®on the catalogue

Today 1* tt}« last day for enter-ing one'* doK» with Secretary G«*.Tlnto. at 20" Vnl»er»lty »t.

E. M. Davit, prc«id*nt Alton,Jackson & Peoria Elertrlc, Ret* on*to fourteen years' prison sentencefor embezzlement.

If you haven't yet smokedyour first NEBO plain end"Utterly Different" cigarette?then you owe your palatea dime.

Pav the debt. Drop in at the near-est tobacco store, and treat yourselfto an "Utterly Different" cigarette.

" Utterly Different"?loo per cent,different.

We've put over a century-and-a-lialf of accumulated experience andexpertness into making NEBO dain end" Utterly Different."

Now it's yours.

Don't put off your pleasure.

Make this the "UtterlyDifferent' 9


GUARANTEE? If after smokinghalf the package ofNEBO W"'" >->«i you arcvot delighted, return balance ofpackagcto P. Lorillard Co., New York (Extab-lished 1760) and receive you r money back.


\ lc vMBmSt