June July newsletter finished 5


Transcript of June July newsletter finished 5

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Company News

It was a pleasure to see so many people attend the evening event at West Bretton on 22 nd July (more on the event itself later in the Journal), and a shame that I had to leave early to put my children to bed. Thank you all for helping make it an enjoyable and successful event.

As you are hopefully aware the Directors assessed the Company’s ability to adapt and change, particularly with regard to taking the Company forward, and came to the conclusion that a remoulding of the management structure was an important first step. The Directors have therefore placed the overall day-to- day running of the Company in the hands of a single Chief Executive Officer, supported by Departmental Heads.

The resultant management structure is as follows:

This gives everyone a definite line of command in terms of their responsibilities and their authority. Unfortunately the size of the Journal is such that not everyone can be shown, so if you’re in any doubt as to where you sit within the organisation please be sure to ask.

A priority issue that I am addressing is the combative and sometimes bullying behaviour that is evident in parts of our organisation. Everyone deserves to be treated professionally and with respect, and actions that make life at work difficult or unpleasant for others have no place within Job Earnshaw & Bros Ltd. I look to you all to help ensure that this issue is resolved as quickly as possible.

John Earnshaw

A Message From the CEO

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Thumbs Up for the New Canteen

The production canteen has been looking a little sorry for itself lately, having not been decorated in roughly 20 years, and it was

about time it received a facelift! Katie and Ben began work on Friday evening hoping to get the first coat of paint done in a reasonable timescale, unfortunately they vastly underestimated the task ahead of them! The walls needed sanding down and 20 years of dust and cobwebs needed cleaning off!

Whilst they were replacing some broken ceiling tiles they discovered a nest in the roof, it seems the local rats had been stealing paint balls from a storage locker on site and were squirreling them away in their bed, unfortunately for the rats they removed the insulation the rats were using to make a nest in the hope they wouldn’t return with their green poop!

They actually managed to get two coats of paint on all the walls, the only downside being it was now 1.30am and way past Katie’s usual 10pm bedtime! They returned Saturday morning at 8am, along with Pete Cooper (Joiner), and Graham (Electrician), armed with plenty of caffeine to fuel them through the day. Pete was tasked with revamping the tables, and what a fine job he did, the tables came up a treat! Graham quickly ran a cable into the canteen so we were able to set up the TV.

They spent the rest of the day painting; cleaning and setting the furniture back up.

They decided they needed the Sunday to recover from all that work and returned at 5am Monday morning ready to add the finishing touches, new lockers were installed with the help of Mark and Danny and the remaining debris was removed ready for the production staff to begin arriving at 7am!

The team quickly began to arrive and were extremely surprised at what had been done for them. They were very grateful for the time and effort Ben and Katie had put in over the weekend and even more grateful they now had somewhere much brighter to sit and have their breaks.



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GALLERY: Company Rounders

Company News

We had a fun day at West Bretton Cricket Club on Thursday 21st July to play a game of rounders. There was also a hot buffet and kindly, a free bar for staff to enjoy. Sue’s husband, Ed, was on hand to take shots of all that came to the evening. Here’s a selection of photos that Ed took. You can see the rest at:


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GALLERY: Company Rounders

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Roger took some initiative this month that paid off. When he went to Blacker Hall Farm to get the Friday sandwiches, he popped into the gift shop to enquire about their thoughts on our rustic decorations. They loved them! Roger set up a meeting between himself, Jen and Caron from the gift shop to discuss their interest in working together on this project. We have since taken some pieces over to Blacker Hall which are on display both inside and outside the gift shop. We have noticed that a great number of customers have taken interest in our products and most stop to look. This is great news for the project to have its creativity recognised by another local company. We’ve been told that they do a lovely cup of tea and scrumptious scone so head down there and have a nice day out!

Department News

Earnshaws @ Blacker Hall

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Selling Like Hot Cakes

Roger and Andy have been particularly busy over the last couple of months, balancing their existing work with the new rustic project. They have managed to create these lovely stands above which have sold on eBay as well as the bespoke chairs and table below. Percy was kind enough to lend some time to the project to take some photos with cupcakes on, which Katie had made specially for the day. Since putting these new photos up on eBay, the sales have increased which is fantastic!

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GALLERY: The New Gantry

The existing gantry was ripped out, ready for the new gantry to be put in place this month.

The new gantry is longer than its predecessor which means that more logs can be loaded at once.

It has been boarded on top with plywood to make it easier to sweep up.

The new gantry was lifted into place with Robert Nicholls’ loadall and Graham Gascoigne on the fork


It was carefully put into the perfect place. The spirit level bubble showed that the new gantry sat level.

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The chain needed to be perfectly aligned too. Andy did some grinding and so did Graham.

The men made sure to put their best high visibility vests on.

Roger helped Timmy to put on a lovely pink vest.

The legs have been bolted to the floor by Timmy.

The hanging chain guides were lifted up with a forklift and bolted in.

The Gantry is now in working order!

More careful alignment.

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Mining Museum Decking

Our Trade department have supplied the national coal mining museum with

decking. Here you can see the before and after photos. Doesn’t it look good?

Department News



Health & Safety

As I have been getting more involved with the Health & Safety of the company it has come to my attention that we can be a little

blasé about certain safety aspects. I am working towards full and effective risk assessments in all areas of the business but this will only happen with your help. As I am coming around looking at the machines and talking to you all I would find it really helpful if you could make me aware of any unusual occurrences/little foibles the machine might have so it can be considered within the risk assessment and mitigated if deemed necessary.

We have experienced another near miss in the last week or so too. These must be reported immediately, to your supervisor, me or a director. Unless someone has been really daft or unnecessarily reckless this will not result in disciplinary procedures but will result in the problem being identified and dealt with so it cannot happen again.

If you have any Health & Safety concerns at all please come and see me so I can look into them and sort them out. I can’t deal with what I don’t know about!

All the work I am doing at the moment is to keep everyone safe so while I know it can be annoying please remember it is about keeping every one of us safe and healthy. We don’t want anyone getting hurt do we?


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Mining Museum Decking

Angry Birds

Staff Corner

Jen Graduated!After four years at the University of Huddersfield,

Jen has finally graduated with a 2:1 in Music Journalism. She looks happy about it! Creating, designing and writing this newsletter started out as a university project and has continued to run.

Although not music related, the journalistic element of this newsletter has allowed Jen to keep busy with writing, as well as providing the team with something to read.

The lovely office staff clubbed together to get Jen a card and some wonderful rainbow lilies!

Kammy Selfie!

We’ve had another local famous person visit one of our sites this month.

Sky Sports Commentator, Kris Kamara, popped down to the Midgley site for some supplies. Here he is having a cheeky photo with Matty, Natalie, Brett and John. John took his own selfie with Kris before the rest of the team jumped in!

Katie had a trip to Wentworth this month to induct our newest member of the team Nathan Coley – yes you’ve guessed it, Dean’s son. You can imagine her surprise when she found Dean cowering by the tills, there was an unwanted visitor loitering by his desk.

It was then she discovered Dean has a slight fear of “flying things”, luckily for him, Katie came to the rescue and was able to shoo the offending bird out of the shop and back outside into the world. We can report that both the pigeon and Dean are safe and recovering well from their ordeal!

FACT: Ornithophobia is a type of specific phobia, which is an abnormal and irrational fear of birds. The origin of the word ornitho is Greek (meaning bird) and phobia is Greek (meaning fear).

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Staff Night Out

Jen and Katie arranged a night out in Horbury on Friday 1st July for staff. There was Jen, Katie, Ali, Louise & Richard, Sue, Percy, Andy Holden and Timmy! The night ended at about 2 o clock in Wakefield - a good night out! Here’s some photos from the night. We will be arranging another night out soon and it would be great to see you all there if you can make it.

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Brett Hinchliffe

Name: Brett Hinchliffe

Job Title: Retail Assistant

Time at Earnshaws: 1 year, 5 months

Hobbies: I play cricket for Horbury Bridge Cricket Club. I’d describe myself as an “all-rounder”. In fact, I hit 55 a couple of weeks ago. I also play 5-a-side on a Thursday night too, in the nets (I’m a self-confessed Gordon Banks!) I support Huddersfield Town and have had a season ticket since I was 8-years-old.

I love listening to all sorts of music. Ranging from jazz through to Def Leppard. The songs that cheer me up are Beautiful Day by U2 and Let’s Get it On by Marvin Gaye.

One of my biggest passions in life is pigeon racing. I have a few; Simon, David, Mark, Marcus, Desmond (my favourite), Martin, Lucas, Tyson, Luther, Zack, Steven, Frank, Ronald, Donald, Pink, Trigger, Fesl, John, Damien and Parker. Unfortunately, there was an accident with my first pigeon. My dad and I were out in the field training Terrance (it was just like Kes) when he flew straight out into the road and was hit by a truck. You never forget your first pigeon.

Staff Factfile

How many pigeons does Brett really have?Question

Would you like to be in the fact file, or know someone who has an interesting story to tell? Get in touch!

“ ”

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eBay customer, Michelle Scully, wanted to buy a log slice from us in June in order to make something special. We catered for her request and Andy found Michelle the perfect slice. Here’s what she did with it:

Michelle says:

The idea for the table was from something I saw on Google. They had used a Lazy Susan as a table top, but I wasn’t too keen and wanted to take it a step further and make it more natural. Having been brought up in Malawi, I have a deep love of natural wood items/carvings etc.

The tree trunk piece was a gift from some friends of mine. I varnished the trunk and the log slice with Ronseal weatherproof natural varnish. I painted the markings on, as I didn’t want to score the wood and risk making a mess of it. The log slice was then attached to the trunk with 3 small brackets.

The bug counters were made from painted stones. I used acrylic paints and varnished them to make them weather-proof. This was so therapeutic - if I could make a living from painting stones I think I would!

Log Checkers Table

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Log Checkers Table

During the work carried out on the new gantry, the team were reminded to wear their high visibility vests as a safety precaution. Jen had a dashing pink vest which Timmy thought he would look good in. Roger offered to dress Timmy accordingly in the pink high vis - which is the largest extra small we’ve ever seen! Competition time: simply, the best caption wins! Send them in to Jen, either in an email or on a slip of paper. Keep them clean please! The best caption will receive a special prize.

Fun Stuff

Logic Puzzle: The BallHow is it possible that you can you throw a ball as hard as you can and have it come back to you, even if it doesn’t bounce off anything? There is nothing attached to it, and no one else catches or throws it back to you.

If you’re struggling to work it out and it’s starting to bug you, ask Jen for the answer!

Caption This!

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Thanks for reading Job’s Journal