JUNE 2014 - RetailTribecdn.retailtribe.com/websites/merchant/golf/downloads/George SPCA... · JUNE...

What your wants to ask a JUNE 2014 NEWS & NEWS & UPDATES UPDATES BLANKET BLANKET BINGO BINGO Our last Bingo was fabulous, raising some R2 300! This not only covered the treatment of Siska, a puppy who’s owner is wheelchair- bound, but for many other animalssee pg 2. OUR NEXT BINGO IS FRI 4 JULY OUR NEXT BINGO IS FRI 4 JULY 7 for 7.30 pm 7 for 7.30 pm @ the George Bowling Club @ the George Bowling Club Please bring an old Please bring an old BLANKET BLANKET or or TOWEL for our SPCA dogs! TOWEL for our SPCA dogs! Delicious home-made soups available plus a cash bar and plenty of good fun and prizes! Don’t miss this fun dialogue where various pets get the chance to ask SPCA vet, Dr Elke Schwellnus, various important questions they’d like answered from itches to stitches, wing clipping to the pros and cons of ‘snipping’! Come to the Garden Route SPCA AGM and hear this talk plus and even ask a question you might like answered. Garden Route SPCA AGM GEORGE MUSEUM HALL, entrance Caledon St. 10am, SATURDAY, 19 July You can renew your membership, enjoy an illustrated report-back on the work of the past year, get the low-down on your pets’ health concerns and finish up with tea! See you there! For it is in giving that we receive. Saint Francis of Assisi Sat 26 July is SPCA COLLECTION DAY in George. We’re only allowed two collection days per year… so please give generously. If you’d like to help on the day, please call Maria for details : 044 878 2819 or 072 245 0111 Will I really be happier without my b- b-b#lls?

Transcript of JUNE 2014 - RetailTribecdn.retailtribe.com/websites/merchant/golf/downloads/George SPCA... · JUNE...

What your wants to ask a

JUNE 2014


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BLANKETBLANKET BINGOBINGO Our last Bingo was fabulous, raising some R2 300! This not only covered the treatment of Siska, a puppy who’s owner is wheelchair-bound, but for many other animals—see pg 2.


7 for 7.30 pm7 for 7.30 pm

@ the George Bowling Club@ the George Bowling Club

Please bring an old Please bring an old BLANKETBLANKET or or

TOWEL for our SPCA dogs! TOWEL for our SPCA dogs!

Delicious home-made soups available plus a cash bar and plenty of good

fun and prizes!

Don’t miss this fun dialogue where various

pets get the chance to ask SPCA vet,

Dr Elke Schwellnus, various important

questions they’d like answered from

itches to stitches, wing clipping to the

pros and cons of ‘snipping’!

Come to the Garden Route SPCA AGM

and hear this talk plus and even ask a

question you might like answered.

Garden Route SPCA AGM GEORGE MUSEUM HALL, entrance Caledon St. 10am, SATURDAY, 19 July

You can renew your membership, enjoy an illustrated report-back

on the work of the past year, get the low-down on your pets’

health concerns and finish up with tea! See you there!

For it is in giving that we receive. Saint Francis of Assisi

Sat 26 July is SPCA


We’re only allowed two collection days per year… so please give generously.

If you’d like to help on the day, please call Maria for details : 044 878 2819 or 072 245 0111

Will I really be

happier without my


Page 2

Above: Pixie,

the MinPin, is

encouraged to

take her first sip

of water after

her extensive


Centre: This


beautiful cat

will need a new

home once her

front leg has


Thank you so much for saving my precious pup!

“While my fingers were deep inside her

tiny chest, I felt her heart stop!”

Here are 3 stories that will warm your heart...all thanks to those kind

people who support the SPCA and those who have taken out Life or

Medical Care memberships and thereby helped fund these rescues.

“When the Miniature Pincher arrived at the SPCA, I did not think there

was any hope... she’s smaller than a cat and had been run over by a car!”

says Dr Elke Schwellnus, resident vet at the Garden Route SPCA,

George. “Both lungs had collapsed and I was sure her

internal organs were damaged. During emergency surgery I

felt her heart stop! Working at breakneck speed we injected

the drugs needed to get it beating, finished the internal

repairs and stitched her up. We monitored her anxiously…

but the next day she showed signs of pulling through… and

later that week was taken home by her very lucky owner.”

“The cat I’m holding was found with her leg crushed in a

gate. Although she can’t weight bear on her one front paw,

she may well make a full

recovery. She has not been

claimed. So if you want a super

affectionate cat, please adopt

her!” says Elke.

Having delivered two still-born

pups, this little lady was rushed

to the SPCA where Tossie

Botha and Estelle le Roux

managed to save a last pup by

applying CPR to his tiny body!

Look how THIN she is!

What were they thinking when giving them away? Did this Boerboel’s owner imagine that his gardener was going to feed her properly and take her on lovely walks every day? Well, the reality is that she’s been starving and spending her life chained to a tree!

And did the owner of this little pug-daxie cross believe that he would be cuddled and loved and taken to a vet when stress and malnourishment brought on mange?

Unfortunately these are not the only dogs that find themselves given to employees who can’t say NO and can’t afford to care for them!

We find them all too often!

The SPCA asks that owners who can no longer keep a pet to please bring them to the SPCA and NOT give them away!

Inspector Bruyns has fallen in love with the gentle boerboel and is hoping for an equally loving owner to adopt her!

Page 3

As a GR SPCA MEMBER you can help prevent unwanted puppies and kittens!

Your entire R100 annual STERILIZATIONS membership fee goes

towards the sterilization of a dog or cat that would otherwise be pro-

ducing unwanted litter after unwanted litter!

Such pups are often born sickly or develop mange after weaning and

are discarded by the owners. Unless sterilized, bitches can be

infected with TVT, a sexually transmitted cancer that is expensive

and very hard to treat!

The R500 000 mass sterilization project that we were awarded by the WC Dept of Agriculture means that 1285 dogs from Borchards and Lawaaikamp will be sterilized… so sterilizations for animals belonging to owners in other underprivileged areas and local pensioners must still carry on! Please help us!

If you can afford more than R100 annually, why not become an ‘ADOPT-A-SPAY’ SPONSOR and contribute monthly?

TO BECOME A MEMBER OR ’ADOPT-A-SPAY’ SPONSOR, please call Yvette 044 878 1990 or email [email protected].

Praat van onbaatsugtige liefde!

Tannie Katriena het haar lewe lank op n plaas op

Geelhoutboom deur gebring. Deur moeilike en goeie

tye het sy haar vyf diere kinders met deernis hanteer.

Ons as die Education Unit het haar een keer per maand

besoek om haar hondjies te dip. Sy het nooit baie geld

gehad nie, maar as sy haar maandelikse toelaag kry, het

sy eers gesorg dat haar diere kinders kos kry. Haar diere

kinders het haar beskerm en niemand kon naby haar

kom nie. Haar honde was haar alles en as sy praat van

hulle het dit geklink asof hulle mense is.

Sy het n baie lang siek bed gehad en as ons daar kom sal

ons altyd die vyf honde met haar aantref op die bed. Sy

is onlangs oorlede met hulle getrou op haar bed. Hulle

was langs die bed toe hulle haar lyk ontdek en wou haar

nog beskerm min het hulle geweet sy is oorlede.

Die familie het ons laat weet om die honde te kom haal

omdat daar geen ander heenkomewas nie. Een van die

honde ‘Killer’ was deur haar seun aangeneem. Ons het

Killer gaan aflaai maar die volgende dag het hy 45 km

ver gehardloop na sy ou huis dit het twee keer gebeur

nadat die seun hom kom haal het. Ons het Killer twee

weke gelede terwyl ons daar verby gegaan het voor

Katriena se huis se deur gekry, met hartseer, vraende oë

waar is my Mammie?

"Ek gaan definitief die R70 pm een doen want julle kyk so mooi na my daxi Peanut ek vertel vir ALMAL hoe skoon is haar hok en al die hokke!!! Julle is AWESOME!!!!!!!"

In response to our Facebook appeal for folks to ‘ADOPT-

A-KENNEL’ at the GR SPCA for R70pm to help us care

for the dogs awaiting adoption in that kennel, we received

this wonderful response from Angelique in Mossel Bay:

Killer waited

in faithful


Killer has now gone to a loving home! From the photo you’ll see that he was typical of many township

dogs who spend their lives outside with no kennel! If you have an old kennel that you no longer need,

please donate it to the SPCA. We will ensure it goes to a dog in need!

Page 4

OFFICE HOURS: Weekdays 9am—4pm

Sat 9am-11am

GEORGE: 044 878 1990

A/H Emergencies: 082 378 7384


044 693 0824

A/H Emergencies: 072 287 1761


When Senior Inspector Salomé Bruyns arrived at the SPCA last Sunday

afternoon, she found these lads waiting outside the locked gates. They had found a tortoise in Eden Park and not wanting it to be eaten, they walked all the way to the SPCA to hand it in! What kindness!

But on Wednesday 11th June, Inspector Henrico Pypers was called out: children were beating a young Vervet monkey in Eden Park. He found it - but it was dead. Its tail had been cut off! Henrico is busy investigating and will lay a charge. This follows the discovery of two dead monkeys in

the rubbish behind a George supermarket. They had been shot with a pellet gun and one had had its hands removed!

And on Thursday 12th June, the community of Brenton-on-Lake, Knysna, was reeling with shock and disgust following an unspeakable act of cruelty. A well-known resident, dragged his one-year-old ridgeback on a leash behind his black sports car in what appears to be a fit of sadistic anger

after the dog had escaped from his property. Eyewitness saw the animal being lugged mercilessly behind the car and over a speed bump at high speed. When the car came to a stop, they surrounded it in an effort to prevent the owner from continuing the torture. They have laid a charge against the abuser at the Knysna Police. The ridgeback, was taken to the Knysna Veterinary Clinic.

Vervet Monkeys are protected

in terms of the Western Cape

Nature Conservation

Ordinance, 19 of 1974. People

contravening the ordinance

can be fined or receive a

prison sentence.

Call 044 878 1990 (George) or 044 693 0824 (Mosselbaai) to see how you can help.

A wonderful volunteer, Cheryl Joubert, has made up 60 warm fleecy jackets for our SPCA dogs. Snugly comfortable, they promise to last longer than knitted ones.

If you’d like to buy one for YOUR dog, Cheryl will use the money to make more SPCA doggie coats! Sizes are XS/S/MS/M/ML/L/XL and prices range from R50 to R140. To order yours, contact Cheryl on 072 775 9185.

Why not

spend your

67 minutes

helping at

an SPCA?