John Boddie Portfolio 2000 2015

John Boddie 2014 Portfolio John Boddie Selected Projects 2000-2015 Photo: Suguna Chicken coop, Tamil Nadu, India All images taken/ developed by John Boddie except where noted

Transcript of John Boddie Portfolio 2000 2015

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John Boddie

Selected Projects


Photo: Suguna Chicken coop, Tamil Nadu, India All images taken/ developed by John Boddie except where noted

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Intellectual property


2004-2009: Disruptive Innovation

and product development in

Boston, Singapore and India

2009-2011: Startup sensor

business in Singapore

2011-Jan 2014: Rural

interviews in Afghanistan


Moving Forward

Rural Product Development, India (2007-2009)

Disruptive Innovation, Massachusetts, Singapore (2004-2007)

Intellectual Property, Massachusetts (2000-2004)

Recent Project, Afghanistan (2011-2013)

Technology Project, Singapore (2009-2010)

Photo: Farmer, Kanchepuram, Tamil Nadu, India

Current Projects, Skypoint/ Handasa (2014-2015)

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Moving Forward: Improving

stakeholder communications in

difficult envrionments.

Goal: To work with consumers, stakeholders,

designers, engineers, and client firms to bring

new products and services to relevant markets

Photo: Slice of mountain range between Kabul and Khost provinces. Taken in helicopter.

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Ongoing Project: Skypoint Vantage Concept: Skypoint Vantage works with international

development firms to improve cleint communications.

It does this by using a blend of geotagging, time-lapse,

aerial footage, still photography and video to give an

improved sense of program status.

Execution: Services are provided at a standard rate of

USD 250 per camera per day + travel. This rate

includes basic-post production. Advanced post-

production services (compositing, etc) are handed on

a case-by-case basis.

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Ongoing Prroject: Handasa لهندسة

Concept: Handasa, LLC is focused on non-representational art. Most of this

art has its origin either in the Islamic world itself or in the circle and

straightedge techniques that allowed much of the design aesthetic of the

Islamic world to evolve

Execution: The designs are hand drawn, mapped to vector files, and

then machined in Brooklyn using (with some early exceptions) locally

sourced wood either from from ReCo in the Brooklyn Industrial Zone or

from IM Fine Lumber in Queens

Products: The present product line includes standlone tile and panel art that can easily be adapted

for use in doors and parquet floors, laser cut wood veneer picture frames, sectioned antique

persian rugs, and prints, drawing and standalone tiles imported from Istanbul and Lisbon.

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Recent Project: Afghanistan 2011-2013

Photo: community members at drainage improvement project in Laghman province

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Program: USAID Community Development Program

Employer: Central Asia Development Group (CADG)

Projects: 257 Provinces:19

Afghan Residents Employed: 213,488

Person Days Of Work Generated By

Afghan Community Members:


Canals Repaired: 1,188 Miles Sidewalks Repaired: 8,247,857 ft2

Karez Well Systems Repaired: 2,681 Roads Graveled: 380 Miles

Water Gates Repaired: 817 Roadside Canals Repaired: 259 mi

Flood Protection Walls Repaired:

17,726,020 ft3 Municipal Canals Repaired: 56 Miles

Intakes Repaired: 241 School Buildings Repaired: 36

Check Dams Repaired: 44 Health Center (Clinic, Hospital)

Buildings Repaired: 15

Reservoirs Repaired: 61 Other Buildings (Shop Stalls,

Government Buildings) Repaired: 266

Goal: To stabilize troubled parts of Afghanistan

through employment-intensive public works projects

Map depicts 2,500+ project worksites across 257 projects and 19 provinces. Carried out interviews in 10 of these provinces

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Role: Reporting Manager (2012, 2013)

Deputy Reporting Manager (2011, 2012)

100+ interviews,

60+ project site visits across

10 provinces in Eastern

Afghanistan & Herat


45 minutes to 2 hrs in length

Photos, clockwise from top left: Interviewing villagers in Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan. Photo taken by CADG operations manager; Farmer, Logar

province; community members working on canal repair, Dera-e-Noor, Nangarhar province, Community members repairing street in Wardak province

Took place at project worksites, government offices,

shops, and houses in villages/ towns

Focused on daily life prior to project, immediate impact

of work and long term expectations

Intended to provide CADG/ USAID with useful feedback

and material to share with Dept. Of State

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Provided valuable experience in

navigating stakeholder chains

in order to reach otherwise

inaccessible consumers

Provided experience in

conducting low-key interviews

under hard time constraints

Provided valuable cross-

cultural interview experience.

Reinforced the understanding

that interviewers should not

project their own

product/service tradeoffs on

interview subjects.

Photo at right: Interviewing villagers in Paktika Province, Afghanistan. Photo

taken by CADG cash for works manager

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Concept: Award winning solid

state pH sensor technology from

Japan could be commercialized to

look at enzyme reactions

Role: Co-Founded Bio-X Pte ltd, a

firm intended to commercialize

this technology in Singapore.

Worked with SPRING Seeds– a

Singapore Government Agency–

to secure first round funding and

then worked with Xentiq (a

Singapore engineering firm) to

ready a desktop version of

technology for scale-up


Outcome: Successfully raised money, but

for factor presented problems.

Technology suffered instability in the face

of electrical voltage variance. This

problem became worse with a smaller

form factor. Original inventor has since

developed a smaller form factor that can

be used to measure heat in Chile

peppers today.

Photos above (L to r): Proof of concept device. Proof of concept form factor developed with Xentiq, PTE LTD,, Rendering of Spec for Manufacture device provided by Xentiq engineers

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First full concept-to-spec for

manufacture process

highlighted many of the time

and budget constraints that

confronted clients in the past

Provided valuable experience

representing technology to

investors in Singapore,

Thailand, the Philippines and


Allowed insight into the

methods used to structure

startup practiced by a well

known serial entrepreneur in


Photo above : Interior of proof of concept ISFET biosensor developed in Japan

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Rural Product

Development, India


Photo: Translator waiting for interview, part of garment supply chain research

in rural Tamil Nadu

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Temple Diamonds (2009)

Photo: 4 diamonds, total 5.5 ct made from hair taken from Puja at Temple in India

Concept: Carbon from hair

shaved during Indian temple

ceremonies could be transformed

into diamonds through heat/

pressure/ epistaxis and then sold

as a memento of the ceremony

Role: Personal project. Created

demo, contacted board members

at temple in Thiruthani, visited

temple and collected hair, flew

hair to Russia to create diamonds,

pitched finished diamonds to

head of temple

Outcome: Commercialization halted

after Temple fee requirements harmed

the cost structure for the business.

Lesson learned: Introducing projects

into religious or other socially closed

networks requires thorough

understanding of all stakeholders and

will require time.

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Small Business Interviews

(Innosight, 2007-2008)

Photo: Above, surgical table used by rural medical practitioner, Tamil Nadu, India. Left:

Stock image of LG KP220 phone used in training. Photo taken from manufacturer website.

50+ small business

interviews in urban and

rural India between

2007 and 2000.

Intended to identify

supply chain

opportunities for

outside investors

Tailor, Uttar Pradesh Loom operator, Tamil Nadu

Truck Fleet Owner, Chennai Weavers, Uttar Pradesh

Dharavi slum, Mumbai

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Teledermatology (Innosight, 2008)

Photo: Above, surgical table used by rural medical practitioner, Tamil Nadu, India. Left:

Stock image of LG KP220 phone used in training. Photo taken from manufacturer website.

Concept: Rural medical practitioners in India were unable to differentiate

among the wide range of skin conditions that harmed villagers during

the rainy season. Mobile camera phones available in India would provide

the base for a service offering improved diagnostics through local


Role: Interviewed 15 rural medical practitioners on office procedures

and course of diagnosis and treatment for skin conditions. Interview

included training on phone and pricing test. Worked with engineers

to develop camera phone lens attachment and launched early

outreach to medical students to provide diagnosis

Benefit: Provided useful experience in stakeholder interviews

along the rural medial supply chain. Provided valuable practice in

demonstrating a given technology while seeking feedback on

product and service features/ trade-offs.

Outcome: Investors chose to discontinue funding

when revenue and profit projects failed to match


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Sample Projects: Low Cost Lane Detection

(Innosight, 2008)

Photo: Left, initial remote control mount and car mount for optical lane detection system, above, initial drawings for printable fly screen.

Outcome: Searching for “advertising

offset” opportunities that would defray

the cost of goods for low-income

consumers in India, we asked whether

printable window fly screens could

prove popular with consumers and

advertisers alike

Outcome: Client brought technology in-house and proceeded with

internal development

Printable Fly screen

Windows (Innosight, 2008)

Concept: Given the changes in technology around freight trucks in the

United States and Europe, was it possible to develop analogous solutions

in a low cost fashion for India.?

Role: Developed contract with outside engineering firm to develop a

lane change detection system based solely on edge detection using

“off the shelf” optical and hardware processing components.

Outcome: Client brought concept in-

house for further development.

Role: Developed concept with client

engineers- part of a larger concept

portfolio. Tested consumer response

to concept during set of five

interviews in slums in Mumbai, India.

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Above, Rendering (remade) of initial refrigerator design. Top flaps reduced cost while Peltier cooling component in back

replaced expensive compressor. Designed to keep one meal cool for one night so that it could be eaten in morning. Bulk

of innovation worked handled by engineers. Contributed majority of value by guiding initial concept discussions with

team of 15 engineers.

Challenge: Develop a refrigeration

solution that will be attractive to low-

income Indian households lacking


Role: Worked with client engineers to develop simple refrigerator similar

in footprint to “basin of water + box” solution used by non-consumers.

Several of the engineers had been raised in impoverished households,

allowing some familiarity with the problem. Drew up initial rendering (re-

drafted version at left) and pitched idea within company.

Simple Refrigeration

(Innosight, 2007)

Outcome: Senior managers within Innosight developed fuller business plan and client company

successfully commercialized the Chotu Kool refrigerator roughly two years later.

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Disruptive Innovation, Innosight Massachusetts, Singapore (2004-2007)

Innosight client work was research focused and rarely involved consumer interviews. As

such it is less relevant to this portfolio

Benefit: Provided great exposure to professional standards for

client interaction and consulting. Sparked an appreciation for non-

standard consumer segmentations as well as the outsized

demographics that remain untouched by major product and

service launches today

Focused on identifying disaffected consumers and untapped markets for major FMCG clients in the United States and Asia

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Intellectual Property, Massachusetts (2000-2004)

Photo: Supermarket scanner, Home Depot

Concept: Synthetic sapphire, used for satellites and military-grade

optical applications, was cheap enough for use in commercial

optical scanning. Supermarket scanners were the first target.

Role: Front end research. Worked with materials expert to scan patent

portfolio held by aerospace company, broke out technology

components and mapped components to new application areas from

security cameras to coatings for vehicle mirrors. Scratch resistance and

manufacturing cost seemed to favor supermarket checkout scanners.

Worked with engineers to develop formal business plan. Engineers

went forward with successful lift out.

Sample Project

Benefit: While much of the work

at EKMS focused on assessments

of existing technology, these

projects provided insight into

both the potential of technology

re-application as well as the

limitations the companies face

while trying to engineer new

product and service solutions

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Intellectual Property, Massachusetts (2000-2004)

Provided query and acquisition process for a major offshore Liquid Crystal Display manufacturer. Forced

$13M reduction in asking price for technology portfolio

Worked closely with technology expert and legal team to bring seek relief from US Government-led

infringement of several smart card patents (This involved extensive paperwork and investigative work, as

well as a lengthy filing process under the auspices of Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) Part 227)

Provided support to license agreement around patent filing protest in Europe (Technology: Smart Cards)

Provided due diligence in Interactive Television acquisition by French company Canal+

Provided valuation of new chemical separation technology for estate tax purposes

Provided pre-licensing assessments in the areas of telecommunications and digital hearing aids

Provided due-diligence in Chapter 7 Sale of Arthur D Little assets- this included a valuation of ADL

Commercial Advance Technology

Provided assessment of focal plane environment technology for cell phones in support of legal action

Developed valuation of a Warehouse Management Software Firm for a major lender

Other Projects