Job roles

Job roles By jasmine, holly, brogan and jade

Transcript of Job roles

Page 1: Job roles

Job roles

By jasmine, holly, brogan and jade

Page 2: Job roles


We have decided that jasmine is going to be the director in the group because she has the most knowledge out of us and also has the most control with the group activities so we thought she is the one out of us who's most suited to this job role.

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We have decided that jasmine is going to be the producer in our group because we thought she is the most suited for this job role out of us. we also think she is the most responsible in the group managing certain aspects of the film.

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Camera man

• We have decided that in our group, brogan is going to be the camera person because she is good when it comes to filming, she has good skill and enjoys it which we thought she would be most suited.

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Sound technician

• We have decided within our group for jade to be the sound technician because of wide range of interesting music so we thought she would be most suited.

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Location scout

• We have decided that jade is going to be the location scout as a job role because she knows a wide range of different places and is always out so we thought she is most suited for this role.

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• The editor in the group is holly because she has a good skill when it comes to editing things and using technology and apps to complete this. So we all decided she is the most suited for this role.