T.F.C.AI, NOTICE . ' STATE OF NEW YORK .. County Court Suffolk County - First National Bank of: "'¦ Islip: Plaintiff ,: :NOTlCE OF -against- : SALE Jennie Myers and: File No. „. Lorraine Myers , : 21574. Defendants.: Pursuant to the Judgment of .. Foreclosure and Sale made and en- tered in the above entitled action , dated the 25th day of June , 1954, . I , the undersigned Referee therein named , will sell at public auction "" on the front steps of the Town Hall at Islip. Suffolk " County, Now York , on the 13th day of Augusl , 1954 at ¦ 3:00 P.M. Daylight Saving Time , " the premises described in said judgment , to wit: ALL that certain piece or par- cel of land , together with the I buildings and improvements thereon erected , situate , lying and being at; Bayport , in the Town of Islip. County of .Suffolk and State of New York, and more mr " ticularly bounded ;,nci -je»cribed as follows : r BEGINNING at a point formed by the intersection of the easter- •• ly side of Bay Avenue and the ' ; southerly side of Middle Coun- ' try Road , also known as the Bay- port Main Road and running :; thence southerly along the east- erly side of Bay Avenue 260 feet to the land late of Sidney Terry ; running thence easterly along (he northerly line of land late of Sid- ney Terry 191 feet to the land of Edmund Brown ; running thence - northerly along the westerly line . of the land of Edmund Brown GO feet to the land late of George N. Ashby; running thence west- erly along the southerly line of the land late of George N. Ashby 90 feet to a point; running thence northerly along the west- erly line of the land late of George N. Ashby 200 feet to the southerly line or side of Middle ' Count ry Road , also known as the Bayport Main Road; running thence westerly along lh<- south- erly line or side of the Middle Country Road 95 feet to the point or place of beginning. SUBJECT, to all covenants and restrictions of record , if anv . ~ ALSO, SUBJECT , however , to any and all zoning ordinances or amendments thereto , heretofore adopted by any Town . County or Municipality having jurisdiction thereover . BEING and intended to be the same premises conveyed to Jen- nie Myers , by The Dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn , hv deed dated the 20th day of March , 1951 and duly recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk' s Office on Anril 12th , 1951 in Liber 3202 of Deeds. Page 575. Dated: June 30th . 1954. HENRY G . WENZF.L , III . Referee. FREDERICK W. TUCK , JR. Attorney for Plaintiff Office and Post. Office Address 5. 9(5 Main Street Islip. New York ?,GtG fisiip iathing Keacfoes Riverhead—The first phase of the Health Departments annual survey of bathing waters in Suffolk has been completed , according to Dr. Philip J . Rat'le , Commissioner I of Health. All Islip Town beaches, public and private , have been classified in the top group as safe waters. The three beaches elsewhere in Suffolk reported last season to have walers in Class B "Polluted . . . not recommended for bathing " remain- ed in that class. They are West End ; Beach and Port Jefferson Harbor i in Brookhavei: Town . Library Park in Hiuitinrton and The Landing in S- .nit .htown . A r.ccond report bused on addi- tional samples collected and sur- veys made durirr . ' the current bath- ing season will be released next: monlh. Patchogue—Canaan Lake , North . . .Patchogue , claimed a life last. Fri- 'j day when Richard Lange . 11 , of 77 Norton Street , Patchogue drowned about V5 'feet from the southwest shore He had been playing in the water with a friend , Arthur Oc- chiuzzo , also 11. of 90 Norton Street ) when the tragedy occurred. The Occhiuzzo boy also got. into difficulty but ' was rescued by an unknown youth. _ Provide clean nosls , gather eggs "frequently, cool them immediate-1 . " ly> and package theni with lhe large ) ¦ end up if you want high quality ! ' eggs , says Dewey McNiece. Cornell poultry specialist. DKOWNS AT CANAAN i \ SlG RED^ Tl 11 FiBST n«A u ' n[ \ , JGCLAW STOCK - *"' * " ^ ^ \ vau s ftVE &Lil / Q . f -e ^tQlH \ _ _ _ —Ip "*^*"* «L \\ UHOLHMA \\ I \ Di WHS \\ A v~y =p« ia value A ftftW R°,^ aE °,e jT' iTTs \ »' I : ' 1\,, MET AL 'rfE. ^S- U f X el ' Betlei Edg* . |O . P \ I mu ch » 3.50 per ,- rf- I I j I r f sLATS 23 " to L ;,. e , 6 x M. veguW S^O *. ; 1 r 'f wiDE BY «- > " OR \\ P^= 9 90 \\ *% f> \l\ ' 1 " " " ~"~ as& ^ss^ m!amseS&!e0iS0 ^^ jg ^sjife^P^^^ ¦ P ' GLASS C0RP _ : 57 Pa rk Avenoe Bay Shore 7- 7000 J OPEN FRSDAY & SATURDAY UNTIL 9 P. M. PLENTY OF FREE PARKING SPACE I Hs ^ mi ^ K. BV^ Hr% EH H~ Jfk ¦ ^L nnf ^^ JHl^^^^^^^^H V' lfc i -^'" e^f $Sr\ ? iSi^' lwt//' . \Z£ NO MESS--IESS WORK WITH PYROf AX BOTTLED GAS Mo messy cleaning up with modern P YUOFAX gas-operated Mag ic Chef or Caloric ranges. They have wipe-clean porcelain enamel finishes , rounded oven corners, removable, broilers , . spill-over tvaya under non-clog- ging top burners , no grease- catching crevices. See UH today for tho best fuel for cook ing, water heating, and refrigeration— Cits f* ^rwm!m ^ % Jr *^2^^>^- '*vj z3ssa£*zy ** r V~T n. - .ci> ¦ t::vt. ^~ SUPERIOR BOTTLEO GAS SERVICE THURBER APPLIANCE STORE 209 W. Main Street. SayviUn 1 '1-2212 CAROL KOOPERSTEIN SAYVILLE 4-1436- On Tuesday afternoon a delight ful dessert, and card parly was hek at the Pleasure Lodge in Oakdud sponsored by the Oakdale Son!h- side Hospital Auxiliary. Mrs. Ar- thur Oervenka was chairman . Tin following attended: Mrs. S. Thomp- son , Mrs. C. Fiesel , Mrs. J. Turner Mrs. (J. Sehlosser , Mrs. Joseph Link , Mrs . Donald MacLeod , Mrs, J. Iloelim , Mrs. M. Judge , Mrs, Marl in Sonin , Mrs. M. Goldstein , | Mrs. Ernest Poppitz , Miss Edkh I Clark , Mrs. Kalhorino Schmaltz , Mrs . Robert Morris , Mrs. Everet t Bo.met; , Miss Virginia Rennet !. Miss Kathleen Bennett , Mrs. C. Fred lloppmann , Mrs. Fred Schwab , Mrs. Belly Mac-Donald Miller , Mrs. Joseph Fernandez . Mrs. Alfred Bunge , Mrs. Clayton Bayles , Mrs. Joseph Fernandez Jr.. Mrs. M. P. Ileffernan , Mrs. II. Zingennan , Mrs. Harry Hunt . Airs. Victor Bracht. Mrs. G. Massroman- ro , Mrs . Charles Strobe! , Mrs. Theodore C. Reischmann , Mrs. Willis Cole, Mrs. Charles McMan- us . Mrs. Kenneth Dykstra , Mrs. Max Solomon , all of Oakdale , Mrs. Frank A. Badolatlo , Mrs. John Mc- Giff , Mrs. James McGiff , Mrs. Frank A. Sweeney, Mrs. William Shelbourne , Mrs. John J. Hart. Mrs. Charles R. Norman , Mrs. Pa- trick Spollen , Mrs. Frank Hake. Mrs. Kenneth F. Jost , Mrs. Fred- erick Skelton , Mrs. Leonard Groh , Mrs. Allen Anderson , Mrs. George Kennedy, Miss Belinda Edwards , all of Sayville , Mrs . George Jacob and Mrs. Byron DeVoe , of Bay- port , Mrs. John Finch, of Yonkers . Mrs. William C. Stress, of Mal- vcrne , Mrs. Oscar Glueck , of Blue Point , Mrs. M. L. Leny Mrs. R, Rose , Mrs. E. K. Stein. , Mrs. S. Xnerling, of Amityvillc, Mrs. Henry Nye , Mrs. K. Porelsen , of Bay Shore. Mrs. B. Templin , of Port j V, .wiiiii^loa , ii;id Mrs. E . Prince , of j Glen Cove I Tile annual picnic of the gradu- j ates of Our Lady of Wisdom Aca- i demy was held Saturday at the ! new home of Mr . and Mrs. Duncan ! McKellar , of Bellevue Road , Oak- j dale. A clam bake was enjoyed by j the adults and there were games j and prizes for the 10 children present. Adults attending were Mr. and Mrs . Philip Gentler , of i-'icii- monti Hill , Mr. and Mrs. George Schnarrs , of Brooklyn , Mr . and j Mrs. Thomas McKay, of Bellerose .; Miss Patricia McKeon. of St. AJ-j bans , and Mr. and Mrs. Francis ) Wissert. * of Northport. ! Mr. and Mrs. Gustavo Schlosser , j of Twin River Drive , entertained j at a buffet supper on Sunday at' -! ternoon and evening. Those pre- J ion! were Mr. and Mrs- .iolm Cus- ter . Mr. and Mrs. James Turner. ] Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fiesel . Mr. | and Mrs. Theodore C. Reischmann. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Murphy, all of fw ' m River Drive . Mrs. Ann Meade . : he Misses Anne and Virginia Meade , of Sayville Miss Kalherine rioggins . ci ' Oakdale , Charles Fiesel Jr ., Miss Eva Tressne r , of New York , diaries Esclienbach , Ri- ehard Meade. Theodore R eisch- mann , Jr. , and Thomas Morj&m . For iirompl action ir. selling your properly see Albert L. Cough , 'iroker , Montauk Highway, Oak- ; dale. Tel. Sayville 4-0385. G4tf On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Caesar Ceparano . of Grassmcre Avenue, enleriained Mr . and Mrs. Carl Fu- rillo . of the Brooklyn Dodgers , and M. 'iis . Carl Jr. and Jan . and Mr. and Airs. Vincent Marino . Miss Louise Marino. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Poppc Mr . and Mrs. Frank Romps , Mr. and Mrs . Cero Separano , and Miss Grace Reiehart. T . -asI Wednesday, the Oakdale Civic Association held its monthly ¦ neeting at the Oakdale- School. I 'riu- members discussed the plans . . - ia;lc for the shopping center to ' yj erected in lhe Oakrlale-West Sayville area . There will be the jlcction of n\v officers soon. The place to buy your fuel is Otto ' s Coal & Oil Co., for over 50 , -ears at Greeley- Avenue , at the . ¦ailroad , Sayville. Phone Sayville 1-H00 . 86tl On Sunday evening the dinnei un-sts of Mr. and Mrs. Duncar McKellar . of Bellevui! Hoad , wen VIr. and Mrs . Slephen Avosz , ani ion . Danny, of Manhattan. -| On Wednesday evening a sur I ' -wise bridal shower was given foi -(Miss Marion Schnepf by Mrs. Ill -; chard Smilh , of Shore Drive -I Among the invited guests wen - .Mrs. Henry Schnepf , Mrs. Alber; - i Mal.cyka , Mrs. George Vogt , Mrs , : William Miller , Mrs. Robert Pel- ij ' jiard , and Mrs. T. LoFavors , an lllu- Misses Joan ¦ Scanlou, Clair i Mclntire . Mary Margaret Me!:, (lire , Joan Hemingway, Ma:' ' Thompson , Ark-no Kubistek . an ! lihoiia Koopcrslein , all of Oakdah j Miss Viiri!iia Travel) , of West Sa:- ! ville . Mr- - . Daniel Timoney of lir, I Shore. Miv. Stanley Rumplick , : j isiip, Mrs. Harnld Schnepf , of Laic | llonkunkoma . and Mrs. Author, | Peiry, of Sayville. Miss Sclnu-; I will be married to Gerald Rumr I lick , of Islip Terrace, on Sunda> July 25, i!i St. Ann 's Episcopa Church , in Sayville . The Red Cross Swimming Lcs sons began at Second Pond oi .Monday, at one p.m. The follov. ing children are taking the 1c sons: Susan Koopcrslein , Line) Scale , Lawrence Son in , Anthon; Libairo , Jack Libaire , Frank Leo grande Jr. , David McKellar , Join Lawther . John Remmer , Georg: Kemmer . Mary Ellen Meyer , Cath McKellar , Lynne Lawther , Kare- Remmer . Carol Starke, Apri Starke . Susan Starke . Valerie Pow ell . Paulette Powell , Carolyn Pet ers . Eugene Seioria , Carl Subriz : Paul Barbero , Linda Barbero , Sor ja Berg, Edward Brugel , Edwar- Hcnkel , Lawrence Herbert , Dank Kopack , and Robert I'elcrs. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Reiscl, maun , of Twin River Drive , had a their week-end guests .Mr. an Mrs. Harry Lynch , of New Yorl; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mullens , i. Philadelphia. Miss Jacquelin Lynch , of New York , and Richar Semi , of Miami. Miss Eva Trof- ner , of New York, was their Sin day dinner guest. A Social Chfb has been organ!' <-d within Idle Hour for teenage! ovf . -r t<i. Officers were elected a (lie last meeting. Tliey are .lac: Doty, President: Gerald Buntiiu Vice-President: Joan Ilemingwa;. Secretary and Alfred Lama .ir Treasurer. Last week Mr. and Mrs. Geor; Meyer , of Bellevue Road , spent ii; week at their home in Brookly: Mi - , and Mrs. Arthur McKune an daughters . Maureen and Patrici. stayed with the Meyer cliildrc while they were gone. On Saluirday the guests of Mi and Mrs. James Greene and daugi. ters , Ann Marie and Eileen , o Bellevue- Road , were Mr. and Mr: Auihor Trufelli and ^sons , Arlhu Jr. and John , and daughter , Pa tricia , of Rocky Point. On Tuesday the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs . Vincent. O'Connel , of Fern Place, were Mr. and Mr. Adam Ginch. Mr. and Mrs. Josep Fernandez. Mr. a-id Mrs. .loser ' Fernandez Jr . and Mr. and Mr. 1 II. W. Gangaware. On Sunday the guests of Mi and Mrs. George Kubistek aiv daughter , Arlene , and son . Rubor ' of Bellevue Road , were Capt. an Mrs. Stanley Greer and daughter. Donna and Patricia , and son , Ml chael , of New York. On Sunday Mr . and Mrs. Robev Nezbed , of Shore Drive visile Capt. and Mrs. Oliver Hendrick and daught ers, Janet , Nancy, an- Joyce , of Mitchel Field. Last week Mr . and Mrs . Byro- j Borst and . son , Byron Jr., an' I daughter , Lois , visited relatives ii J Ithaca and Cobleskill . N . Y ., an- [ later a visit at Walkins Glen. I On Saturday the dinner guest: j of Mr . and Mrs. Frank Doty an< j son , John , of Shore Drive , wen ; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kieman , o! ; Smithtown. | Mr . and Mrs. Newton Spioss , Sr.. I of Baltimore , Md. , are visiting Mr i and Mrs. Newton Spicss Jr., ol 1 Fornwood Avenue. , t j On Tuesday evening Mr. ant { , Mrs. Victor Bracht , of Coniicl quol ' Drive , visited Mr. and Mrs . Frei Bracht , of Far Rockaway. J j Last: week end Mr . and Mrs : | Harold Andcrberg, of Billmon j Avenue , visited their daughter J Mrs. Helen Cooke , of. Massilon , O I On Tuesday, Mrs. Victor Bracli who !-; a member of lhe Ivy Chili atlemicd a party at. Dougla.ston. Mrs. William Butler i.s spendin; _ , the week with her parents , Mr . am Mm. Frank Duly, of Shore Drive | The Idle Hour Taxpayers ' Asso v ! elation will hold a clam bake a - j the Club House on July til d. - I Many children of Oakdale havi - | enjoyed attending the <;irl Scon , day camp in West Sayville . Mr. and Mrs. Willis Cole hav< - returned from a motor trip tlirougl f New England . 1 NEW AIR FORCE ACVBF.MY ) | The new Air Force Acadenn j will be situated ai Colorad ' i ; Springs . Colorado , according i,- ( , -n . j announcement by Air Force Sec 1 rotary Harold E. Talholt. Mr . T.il J bolt said he was satisfied thai tin j site "is not only the best prcsen i\ ed but that if is admirable for ih, . establishment and development n - -'the United Stales Air Forces A LT . demy. " IOAKDALE N EWS .JIUNALINCJ an accompany ing destroyer from the si gnal bridge of the radar-riicket ' destroyer USS Leary at sea . Midshipm an Alex J. Viessmann, s on of Dr. and Mrs. A lfred H. Viessmann of 243 Greene Avenue whi ps his fl ags in the wind to relay a message. Viessmann graduated from Scton Hall Hi gh School in 1953 and is now enrolled aj a sop homore at Brown University. HOSPITA L STAY According to government statis- ies . the average length of stay in ho nation ' s general hospitals was educed from .0.8 days in 1952 to '.3 days in 1953. Governmental enoral hospitals had a reduction >' from 10.4 to 15.1 and nongovcrn- lental from 7 .5 to 7.4. j More than half of the ice cream j ] produced in this country is van- i'illa , almost one-fifth i.s chocolate , ; and about 10 percent is strawberry. For safety ' s sake , always step into the center of a boat , never ! jump. I East. Islip—Kenneth Warren , of; I Lindenliiirsf , and his passenger ,! | Harold Tliein , of Brighiwalcrs , es- \ caped serious injuries Tuesday j when their eastbnund car left Mon- i tank Highway here , crashed \ through hedges , knocked down a: liv e , smashed Into the side of a j house , overturned and rolled into ! a shallow creek. I YVIIFAV! While congressional Republican leaders are still gunning for ad- journment, by July 31st , with Uhe cooperation of Democratic leaders , indications are that it will be -Au- gust 15th or later before Congress can wind up its current session. Three controversial measures— general farm legislation , a u .pro- posed $3,500 , 000 , 000 foreign-aid program and revision of the Atpmic Energy Act—may hold up adjourn- ment. CONGRESS WINDUP I'ori .lettcrson—Mrs. Victoria Seaturro , 60 , of Edge wood Avenue , Farmingville , one of six persons who ate poisonous toad stools thinking they were mushrooms last week , died in Mather Memorial Hospital here Tuesday. The victim had been a cardiac patient, accord- ing to Coroner P. Jerome Laviano. Remove mildew as soon as pos- 1 Siblc . but do not brush it off in the ' house , for it is a plant and will ! arow. DIES AFTER POISONING Ptl. Cornelius Kaan and Ray v- .ond Warner were summoned t; .i Bayport home at. four o'clocl .Vednosday morning on a com Main! that prowler. '; were attempt i :ig to enter the house . When Hie | i' ;':. -'ers arrived I hey found no sigi i of any disturbance. ; The only one who was disturb I :l , they found , was the man o: ! he house who elai-fif-d he sav :nakes and as fast as he elioppet | , ' .eir heads off oilier heads grew He also saw several mvn wh< ! ' .'ere looking in at the windows . ; The offices figured it was ; i -ase for a physician so called Dr German LoRow who administcrcc i sedative. The lady of the housi old the cops her husband war . . "ry nervous and was secinjj things I ha! weren 't ihere. " Ptl Kami and Warner were not inclin- ed to disagree. bufferin g Snakes! Mm Bhiftis SI® Saw Them

Transcript of .JIUNALINCJ -...



.. County CourtSuffolk County

- First National Bank of:"'¦ Islip:

Plaintiff ,::NOTlCE OF

-against- : SALEJennie Myers and: File No.

„. Lorraine Myers, : 21574.Defendants.:

Pursuant to the Judgment of.. Foreclosure and Sale made and en-

tered in the above entitled action ,dated the 25th day of June, 1954,

. I, the undersigned Referee thereinnamed , will sell at public auction

"" on the front steps of the Town Hallat Islip. Suffolk"County, Now York ,on the 13th day of Augusl , 1954 at¦ 3:00 P.M. Daylight Saving Time ,

" the premises described in saidjudgment, to wit:

ALL that certain piece or par-cel of land , together with the

I buildings and improvementsthereon erected , s i tua te , lyingand being at; Bayport , in the Townof Islip. County of .Suffolk andState of New York, and more mr

"• ticularly bounded ;,nci -j e»cribedas follows:

r BEGINNING at a point formedby the intersection of the easter-

•• ly side of Bay Avenue and the'; southerly side of Middle Coun-' try Road , also known as the Bay-

port Main Road and runn ing:; thence southerly along the east-

erly side of Bay Avenue 260 feetto the land late of Sidney Terry ;running thence easterly along (henortherly line of land late of Sid-ney Terry 191 feet to the land ofEdmund Brown ; runn ing thence

- northerly along the westerly line. of the land of Edmund Brown GO

feet to the land late of GeorgeN. Ashby; runn ing thence west-erly along t h e southerly line ofthe land late of George N.Ashby 90 feet to a point; runningthence northerly along the west-erly line of the land late ofGeorge N. Ashby 200 feet to thesoutherly l ine or side of Middle 'Count ry Road , also known as theBayport Main Road; runningthence westerly along lh<- sou th -erly line or side of the MiddleCountry Road 95 feet to the pointor place of beginning.

SUBJECT, to all covenants andrestrictions of record , if anv .~ ALSO, SUBJECT, however, toany and all zoning ordinances oramendments thereto , heretoforeadopted by any Town . County orMunicipali ty having jurisdictionthereover.BEING and intended to be thesame premises conveyed to Jen-nie Myers, by The Dime SavingsBank of Brooklyn , hv deed datedthe 20th day of March , 1951 andduly recorded in the SuffolkCounty Clerk's Off ice on Anri l12th , 1951 in Liber 3202 of Deeds.Page 575.

Dated: June 30th . 1954.H E N R Y G . WENZF.L, III .

Referee.FREDERICK W. TUCK , JR.Attorney for P l a i n t i f fOffice and Post. Office Address5.9(5 Main StreetIslip. New York ?,GtG

fisiip iathing Keacfoes

Riverhead—The first phase oft h e Health Departments annualsurvey of ba th ing waters in S u f f o l khas been completed , according toDr. Phil ip J. Rat'le , Commissioner

I of Health.All Islip Town beaches, public

and pr ivate , have been classif iedin the top group as safe waters.The three beaches elsewhere inSuffolk reported last season to havewalers in Class B "Polluted . . . notrecommended for ba th ing " remain-ed in that class. They are West End

; Beach and Port Jefferson Harbori in Brookhavei: Town . Library Park

in Hiuit inrton and The Landing inS-.nit .htown .

A r.ccond report bused on addi-t iona l samples collected and sur-veys made d u r i r r.' the current bath-ing season will be released next:monlh.

Patchogue—Canaan Lake, North. . .Patchogue, claimed a life last. Fri- 'j

day when Richard Lange. 11, of 77Norton Street , Patchogue drownedabout V5 'feet from the southwestshore He had been playing in thewater with a fr iend , Arthur Oc-chiuzzo, also 11. of 90 NortonStreet ) when the tragedy occurred.The Occhiuzzo boy also got. i n t odifficulty but' was rescued by anunknown youth.

_ Provide clean nosls , gather eggs"frequently, cool them immediate-1." ly> and package theni wi th lhe large )¦ end up if you want high quality!' eggs, says Dewey McNiece. Cornell

poultry specialist.



SlG RED^Tl11 FiBST n«Au'n[ \

, JGCLAW STOCK - *"' * "


vau sftVE &Lil /Q . f -e tQlH \

___——Ip"* *"*«L \\ UHOLHMA \\I \ Di WHS \\ A v~y =p«ia value A ftftW R°, aE °,e

jT'iTTs \ »' I:


1 \ , , METAL 'rfE. S- U fXel 'Betlei Edg*. |O.P \ I much » 3.50 per ,-rf - I I j

I r fsLATS 23" to L;,.e ,6 x M. veguW S^O*. ;

1 r 'f wiDE BY «->" OR \ \ P^= 990

\ \ *% f> \l\ '

1 —" "" ~"~ as&ss m!amseS&!e0iS0^ j g sjife P^ ¦

P' GLASS C0RP_ :57 Park Avenoe Bay Shore 7-7000J


Hs mi K. BV Hr% EH H~

Jf k ¦ L nnf ^ JHl^^^^^^^^H


i -^'"e f $Sr\ V°?iSi 'lwt//' . \Z£


Mo messy cleaning up withmodern PYUOFAX gas-operatedMagic Chef or Caloric ranges.They have wipe-clean porcelainenamel finishes, rounded ovencorners, removable, broilers,

. spill-over tvaya under non-clog-ging top burners , no grease-catching crevices. See UH todayfor tho best fuel for cook ing, waterheating, and refrigeration—

Cits f *^rwm!m% Jr * 2^ > -'*vjz3ssa£*zy**—r V~T n.-.ci>¦ t::vt. ^~



209 W. Main Street.

SayviUn1 '1-2212

CAROL KOOPERSTEIN SAYVILLE 4-1436-On Tuesday afternoon a delight

ful dessert, and card parly was hekat the Pleasure Lodge in Oakdudsponsored by t h e Oakdale Son!h-side Hospital Auxil iary. Mrs. Ar-t h u r Oervenka was chairman . Tinfol lowing attended: Mrs. S. Thomp-son , Mrs. C. Fiesel , Mrs. J. TurnerMrs. (J. Sehlosser, Mrs. JosephLink , Mrs . Donald MacLeod , Mrs,J. Iloelim , Mrs. M. Judge , Mrs ,Marl in Sonin , Mrs. M. Goldste in ,

| Mrs. Ernest Poppitz , Miss EdkhI Clark , Mrs. Kalhorino Schmal tz ,Mrs. Robert Morris , Mrs. Everet tBo.met; , Miss Virginia Rennet !.Miss Kathleen Bennett , Mrs. C.Fred l loppmann , Mrs. FredSchwab, Mrs. Belly Mac-DonaldMiller , Mrs. Joseph Fernandez .Mrs. Alfred Bunge, Mrs. ClaytonBayles , Mrs. Joseph Fernandez Jr..Mrs. M. P. Ileffernan , Mrs. II.Zingennan, Mrs. Harry Hunt . Airs.Victor Bracht. Mrs. G. Massroman-ro , Mrs. Charles Strobe!, Mrs.Theodore C. Reischmann , Mrs.Will is Cole, Mrs. Charles McMan-us. Mrs. Kenneth Dykstra , Mrs.Max Solomon , all of Oakdale , Mrs.Frank A. Badolatlo , Mrs. John Mc-Giff , Mrs. James McGiff , Mrs.Frank A. Sweeney, Mrs. WilliamShelbourne, Mrs. John J. Hart.Mrs. Charles R. Norman , Mrs. Pa-trick Spollen , Mrs. Frank Hake.Mrs. Kenneth F. Jost , Mrs. Fred-erick Skelton , Mrs. Leonard Groh ,Mrs. Allen Anderson , Mrs. GeorgeKennedy, Miss Belinda Edwards ,all of Sayville, Mrs. George Jacoband Mrs. Byron DeVoe, of Bay-port , Mrs. John Finch, of Yonkers.Mrs. William C. Stress, of Mal-vcrne , Mrs. Oscar Glueck , of BluePoint , Mrs. M. L. Leny Mrs. R,Rose, Mrs. E. K. Stein., Mrs. S.Xnerling, of Amityvil lc, Mrs. HenryNye, Mrs. K. Porelsen , of BayShore. Mrs. B. Templin , of Port jV, .wiiiii loa , ii;id Mrs. E. Prince , of jGlen Cove I

Tile annual picnic of the gradu- jates of Our Lady of Wisdom Aca- idemy was held Saturday at the !new home of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan !McKellar , of Bellevue Road , Oak- jdale. A clam bake was enjoyed by jthe adul ts and there were games jand prizes for the 10 childrenpresent. Adults a t t end ing were Mr.and Mrs . Phi l ip Gent ler , of i-'icii-monti Hill , Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeSchnarrs, of Brooklyn , Mr . and jMrs. Thomas McKay, of Bellerose .;Miss Patricia McKeon. of St. A J - jbans , and Mr. and Mrs. Francis )Wissert.* of Northport. !

Mr. and Mrs. Gustavo Schlosser, jof Twin River Drive, en te r ta ined jat a buffet supper on Sunday at'-!ternoon and evening. Those pre- Jion! were Mr. and Mrs- .iolm Cus-ter . Mr. and Mrs. James Turner. ]Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fiesel . Mr. |and Mrs. Theodore C. Reischmann.Mr. and Mrs. Neal Murphy, all offw 'm River Drive . Mrs. Ann Meade .: he Misses Anne and VirginiaMeade , of Sayville Miss Kalherinerioggins . ci' Oakdale , CharlesFiesel Jr ., Miss Eva Tressner , ofNew York , diaries Esclienbach , Ri-ehard Meade. Theodore R eisch-mann , Jr. , and Thomas Morj&m.

For iirompl action ir. selling yourproperly see Albert L. Cough ,'iroker , Montauk Highway, Oak- ;dale. Tel. Sayville 4-0385. G4tf

On Monday Mr. and Mrs. CaesarCeparano . of Grassmcre Avenue,en le r ia ined Mr . and Mrs. Carl Fu-r i l l o . of the Brooklyn Dodgers , andM.'iis . Carl Jr. and Jan . and Mr. andAirs. Vincent Mar ino . Miss LouiseMarino. Mr. and Mrs. Fred PoppcMr . and Mrs. Frank Romps , Mr.and Mrs . Cero Separano , and MissGrace Reiehar t .

T .-asI Wednesday, the OakdaleCivic Association held its mon th ly¦ nee t ing at t h e Oakdale- School.

I 'riu- members discussed the plans. .- •ia ;lc for the shopping center to' yj erected in lhe Oakrlale-WestSayvi l le area . There will be thej lcc t ion of n\v off icers soon.

The place to buy your fuel isOtto 's Coal & Oil Co., for over 50,-ears at Greeley- Avenue , at the.¦ailroad , Sayville. Phone Sayville1-H00. 86tl

On Sunday evening the dinneiun-sts of Mr . and Mrs. DuncarMcKellar . of Bellevui! Hoad , wenVIr. and Mrs . Slephen Avosz , aniion . Danny, of M a n h a t t a n .

-| On Wednesday evening a surI ' -wise bridal shower was given foi- ( M i s s Marion Schnepf by Mrs. I l l- ; chard S m i l h , of Shore Drive- I Among the inv i ted guests wen- .Mrs. Henry Schnepf , Mrs. Alber ;- i Mal.cyka , Mrs. George Vogt , Mrs, : Wi l l i am Mil ler , Mrs. Robert Pel-i j

' j iard , and Mrs. T. LoFavors , anl l l u - Misses Joan ¦ Scanlou, Clairi M c l n t i r e . Mary Margaret Me!:,( l i r e , Joan Hemingway, Ma:'' Thompson , Ark-no Kubi s tek . an! l ihoi ia Koopcrslein , a l l of Oakdahj Miss Viiri!iia Travel) , of West Sa:-! v i l l e . Mr- -. Daniel Timoney of lir,I Shore. Miv. Stanley Rumplick , :j i s i ip , Mrs. Harnld Schnepf , of Laic| l lonkunkoma . and Mrs. Author ,| Peiry, of Sayville. Miss Sclnu- ;

I w i l l be married to Gerald RumrI lick , of Is l ip Terrace, on Sunda>July 25, i!i St. Ann 's EpiscopaChurch , in Sayville.

The Red Cross Swimming Lcssons began at Second Pond oi.Monday, at one p.m. The follov.ing children are taking the 1csons: Susan Koopcrslein , Line)Scale , Lawrence Son in , Anthon;Libairo , Jack Libaire , Frank Leogrande Jr. , David McKellar , JoinLawther. John Remmer, Georg:Kemmer . Mary Ellen Meyer, CathMcKellar , Lynne Lawther, Kare-Remmer . Carol Starke, ApriStarke . Susan Starke. Valerie Powell . Paulette Powell , Carolyn Peters. Eugene Seioria , Carl Subriz :

Paul Barbero , Linda Barbero, Sorja Berg, Edward Brugel , Edwar-Hcnkel , Lawrence Herbert , DankKopack , and Robert I'elcrs.

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Reiscl,maun , of Twin River Drive , had atheir week-end guests .Mr. anMrs. Harry Lynch , of New Yorl ;Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mullens, i.Phi ladelphia . Miss JacquelinLynch , of New York , and RicharSemi , of M i a m i . Miss Eva Trof-ner , of New York, was their Sinday dinner guest.

A Social Chfb has been organ!'<-d w i th in Idle Hour for teenage!ovf .-r t<i. Officers were elected a( l ie last meeting. Tliey are .lac:Doty, President: Gerald B u n t i i uVice-President : Joan Ilemingwa;.Secretary and Alfred Lama .irTreasurer.

Last week Mr. and Mrs. Geor;Meyer , of Bel levue Road , spent i i ;week at the i r home in Brookly:Mi -, and Mrs. A r t h u r McKune andaughters . Maureen and Patrici.stayed with the Meyer cliildrcwhile they were gone.

On Saluirday t h e guests of Miand Mrs. James Greene and daugi.ters , Ann Marie and Eileen , oBellevue - Road , were Mr. and Mr:A u i h o r Tru fe l l i and ^sons , A r l h uJr. and John , and daughter , Patr ic ia , of Rocky Point.

On Tuesday the dinner guestof Mr. and Mrs . Vincent. O'Connel ,of Fern Place, were Mr. and Mr.Adam Ginch. Mr. and Mrs. JosepFernandez. Mr. a-id Mrs. .loser 'Fernandez Jr . and Mr. and Mr.1II. W. Gangaware.

On Sunday the guests of Miand Mrs. George Kubistek aivdaughter , Arlene , and son . Rubor 'of Bellevue Road , were Capt. anMrs. Stanley Greer and daughter .Donna and Patricia , and son , Mlchael , of New York.

On Sunday Mr . and Mrs. RobevNezbed , of Shore Drive visileCapt. and Mrs. Oliver Hendrickand daught ers, Janet , Nancy, an-Joyce , of Mitchel Field.

Last week Mr . and Mrs . Byro-j Borst and . son , Byron Jr., an'I daughter , Lois, visited relatives iiJ I thaca and Cobleskill . N . Y ., an-[ later a visit at Walkins Glen.I On Saturday the d inner guest:j of Mr . and Mrs. Frank Doty an<j son , John , of Shore Drive , wen; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kieman , o!; Smi th town.

| Mr . and Mrs. Newton Spioss, Sr..I of Balt imore, Md. , are v i s i t ing Mri and Mrs. Newton Spicss Jr., ol1 Fornwood Avenue.

, tj On Tuesday evening Mr. ant

{ , Mrs. Victor Bracht , of Coniiclquol' Drive , visited Mr. and Mrs . Frei

Bracht , of Far Rockaway.

J j Last: week end Mr . and Mrs: | Harold Andcrberg, of Bil lmon

j Avenue , visited t h e i r daughterJ Mrs. Helen Cooke , of. Massilon , OI On Tuesday, Mrs. Victor Bracli

who !-; a member of l he Ivy Chil iatlemicd a party at. Dougla.ston.

Mrs. W i l l i a m But ler i.s spendin;_ , the week w i t h her parents , Mr . am

M m . Frank Duly , of Shore Drive| The Idle Hour Taxpayers ' Asso

v ! e lat ion wil l hold a c lam bake a- j the Club House on J u l y t i l d .- I Many chi ldren of Oakdale havi- | enjoyed a t t e n d i n g t h e < ; i r l Scon, day camp in West Sayvi l l e .

Mr. and Mrs. W i l l i s Cole h av<- returned from a motor t r ip t l i r ouglf New England .


) | The new Air Force Acad ennj wi l l be s i tua ted ai Colorad '

i ; Springs. Colorado , according i ,-( ,-n. j announcement by A i r Force Sec1 rotary Harold E. Ta lh o l t . Mr . T.ilJ bolt said he was sat isf i ed t h a i t in• j site "is not only the best prcseni \ ed but that if is admirable for ih ,. establishment and development n -- ' t h e United Stales Air Forces A LT.



.JIUNALINCJ an accompanying destroyer from thesignal bridge of the radar-riicket' destroyer USS Leary atsea. Midshipman Alex J. Viessmann, son of Dr. and Mrs.Alfred H. Viessmann of 243 Greene Avenue whips his fl agsin the wind to relay a message. Viessmann graduated fromScton Hall High School in 1953 and is now enrolled aj asop homore at Brown University.

HOSPITA L STAYAccording to government statis-

ies. the average length of stay inho nation 's general hospitals waseduced from .0.8 days in 1952 to'.3 days in 1953. Governmentalenoral hospitals had a reduction>' f rom 10.4 to 15.1 and nongovcrn-lental from 7.5 to 7.4.

j More than half of the ice cream j] produced in this country is van-i ' i l l a , almost one-fifth i.s chocolate ,; and about 10 percent is strawberry.

For safety 's sake, always stepi n t o t he center of a boat , never !jump . I

East. Islip—Kenneth Warren , o f ;

I L indenl i i i r s f , and his passenger, !

| Harold Tliein , of Brighiwalcrs , es- \caped serious injuries Tuesday jwhen their eastbnund car left Mon- it a n k Highway here , crashed \th rough hedges, knocked down a :live, smashed I n t o t h e side of a jhouse, overturned and rolled into !a shal low creek. I

YVIIFAV!While congressional Republican

leaders are sti l l gunn ing for ad-journm ent , by July 31st , with Uhecooperation of Democratic leaders,indications are that it will be -Au-gust 15th or later before Congresscan wind up its current session.Three controversial measures—general farm legislation , a u .pro-posed $3,500,000,000 foreign-aidprogram and revision of the AtpmicEnergy Act—may hold up adjourn-ment.


I'ori .lettcrson—Mrs. VictoriaSeaturro , 60, of Edge wood Avenue ,Farmingvil le , one of six personswho ate poisonous toad stoolst h i n k i n g they were mushrooms lastweek, died in Mather MemorialHospital here Tuesday. The vic t imhad been a cardiac patient, accord-ing to Coroner P. Jerome Laviano.

Remove mildew as soon as pos- 1Siblc . but do not brush it off in t h e 'house , for it is a plant and wil l !arow.


Ptl. Cornelius Kaan and Rayv-.ond Warner were summoned t;

.i Bayport home at. four o'clocl•.Vednosday morning on a comMain! t h a t prowler.'; were a t tempt

i :ig to enter the house. When Hie

| i' ;':.-'ers arrived I hey found no sigii of any disturbance.; The only one who was disturbI :l , they found , was the man o:! he house who elai-f i f -d he sav

:nakes and as fast as he elioppet| ,' .eir heads off oilier heads grew

He also saw several mvn wh<! '.'ere looking in at t h e windows.; The offices f igured it was ;i -ase for a physician so called Dr

German LoRow who administcrcci sedative. The lady of the housiold t h e cops her husband war.•."ry nervous and was secinjjthings I ha! weren 't ihere." Ptl

Kami and Warner were not inclin-ed to disagree.

bufferin g Snakes! MmBhiftis SI® Saw Them