4L -...

BOHEMIA Miss Helen Potuzak Is en joying a vacation of two weeks. Mrs. Ce jka , .of New York , was here to s pend a week at the home , of her son , Bmil Cejka. . Mrs. Julia Kovari k has been enter- tainin g her bro ther , J. Barn ey, who spent his vacatio n here at her home. The Misses Jennie Seldl and Geor- glanna Kovan da are stud cnLs at Brown 's Business School , Jamaica. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wcela and Mr. and Mrs, E. Hamel retur ned on Sunday evenin g from a motor trip of three da ys to Atlantic City * Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sobiscek , of Forest Hills , were here to spend the week-end at the home of Mr. Sobi- cek' s brother , Jose pli Sobicek. . Mrs. , Frank Knakal is to have as ber . guests over the week-end Mr. and Mrs . PospisII , Miss Frances Castka , and Alber t , Jerr y and Evelyn Pospi- sII , all of Astoria. Remember voters that It is the duty and the privilege of every citizen to vote at the primaries next Tuesday. The re gular polling places will be open from noon until 9 p. m. The " Misses Helen and Annabelle Heinltz entertained at bridge at their home on Locust avenue , t he prize winners bein g Miss Frances Behoun- ek and Mrs. William Stochl. Jr. Mr and Mrs. Northstrum , who have been guests for the past four weeks at the home of Mrs. Northstrum ' s sis- ter , Mrs. Frank Karshick , have re- turned to their home In Glen Cove. Mrs. Anna Kirb y, her dau ghter , Miss Minnie , and son , Gene Kirby, who is a member of the New York Police Force , were guests on Sun- da y of Mrs. Klrby ' s brother and sis- ter-in-law , Mr. and Mrs . William Hou- dek . Mrs. Edward Kre poia Is to spend a week at hor home on Walnut ave- nue , which Is bein g redecorated and In which alterations are bein g made. Wh en completed Mr. and Mrs. Kre- pel a are plannin g to make their home i n Qohemia. Mr. and Mrs. William Houdck have been entertaining their daughter , Mrs. Al v ln a Zema n , who came to Bohemia to ' visit Joseph Zeman , w ho makes his home here with hla grandparents. M r. Ze'man ' Is employed as linotype operator on the Patchogue Argus. The members of St. J ohn 's Episco- pal Church of Bohemia have been obliged t o change the date ot 'the Bo- h emian play from Sept. 28th to Oc- tober -12th because of the fact that one of the members of the cast Is In Europe and will not bo back until October, Bon' t miss this great Bo- h emian play entitled "Vs echky mysl la Hobo , ' which' w ill bo given In the C, S, P. S. Hall. It is a comedy which will make . you laugh for throe hours , Admission 75 cents; children , 2G com,«. ' ,: PATCHOGUE . Postmaster Harry T. Weeks, sec- ond vice-president ^ of' tho National As- sociation ot Postmasters , loft Pat- chogue on Monda y for Sacramento to attend the annual -conventio n of the amioola ' ttoh, hi. which ' lie Is ' scheduled to bo promoted to 'first vice-president. Mr. Weeks planned tlio entire trip to and from 'Sacramento, and is In charge of travellin g ' arrangements. Ho ban arran ge d for stopovers at Denver , Colorado Spr ings , Salt Lake City, ' Lake Tali oe and othor points. Tlio pnrtv will return to 'NoV York on 'O ctober 'Slid, ' ' . . 'ttyr, Uio flocoml mioppflfll yo Friday night, tho bital noss section of tills village wan bur glarised 'last week and tho local branch ot tho Aeolian Com- pany robbed of goods valued at $1,000. ¦ polled flimpnct that tho Job wan origin- wr- oil b ' y. oomo ono familiar with the store , since tho key to the caub , regis- ter , ' whloh 'has boon hidden In tho name place tor the past' few ' yea rs, wa« , it»od to , open It. Tlj o ' loot , whs oar-tea off In ' a truck , Jl'he cash rogln- tor; /Wa>; «!m»llW of : iu>bti t .$80, ami J ovetti V musicalv ' lnMr ' uintnita , ¦fcV iiuin, bVBjjbt ^>oor (js , an d fouV. -radlb . too ' ts ^j ^Wni ^'P ^i Iom wttV ,ol«iov«bd WWWJhb p)«o> V.Wj m onimad itoh bui |. ¦ ; ' : ' - ' 'JP nyjft ' bbAtv^^l yi j W ib4n»r «od. ajirj all ot them «^»Q^n» (from ' hitui *tlin , 8*$w a™ m^mm^mmmim ka -Woinen. Were ' rescued thnee miles out In thb 'ba ' jr on Thursda y afternoon by J63b.ua K'^ Budd In his power hoat , Grace Budd. ' Those in the party were Pauline Baris , Rose Mari e Harris , Barbara tmnlo p, Agnes Rlvkin and Edith Miller. Attired in bathin g suits and beach coats tbey had gone to the 'Oce ' an avenue dock to take the boat to Cherr y Grove , but missed it by a -few minutes. So the y re nted a row boat ' and started across. The y lost their direction ih the fog and the heavy waves washed over the boat and ,was little by little , submerging it. One of the girls fastened her red beach robe , to on , oar and star ted to wave it , luckil y attracting the atten tion of Budd . A warrant for the arrest of Louis G. Mechanic has been issued by Police Justice Au gust D. Schoenfeld , Jr., and he is now being sought by police , char ged with having attempte d to at- tack Ludwi g Brail , a Patchogue real estate man , with revolver. Mechanic came to Patchogue in the spring and leased a store in the Syndicate Build- ing which Is owned by a firm of which Brail is president. When Mechanic failed to pay this rent , Brail attempted to serve him with a summons. Brail claims tha t when he went to Mechan- ic's house , the la tter pulled a revolver from his pocket; but that after a tus- sle ho managed Jo compe l him i to dro p the weapon. Mechanic left Pa t- chogue shortly -atterwurd, and has not been seen here since. Police ar e seek- ing him in Brooklyn , wlu-r u he former- l y was in business. Wo uld Spoil Hit Game "Harr y," ven tured the fair heiress to the youn g man who had proposed to lier , "I don 't want to think that you nre nmrrvlne me for my money. " "That goes double , " responded the youn g man. "I don ' t wan t you to think so, either. " ' An Appropriate Honor Edwin—Vou see, deares t , if we axe married before I graduate I won 't re- ceive my degree. Gernldlne—Oh , that ' s so. You can 't be a bache lor of arts when you're married. Perha ps they 'll make you a husband of arts or some thing. The High Cost The Yegg—Awfu l , ain 't It , the way a partment rents have gone up? The Di p—It' s a shame. Petty lar- ceny won 't get you nowhere. Yori gotta lift nt least a coupla centuries before they 'll give you a cell in tlie Jnil. NOT WORTH IT She—Why ciin ' t Joe mend Ids ways ' H t—IltM-iuisi ' lie 's nn t worth n ilnrn Redeeming Feature She cnn.M.t i.'iit . Mil Aha can pet . And no II.u young mnn thln lt f. She la the ln'i-l '" mpnulon yet , Mllnd y nt Die Unit s. Knew N othing More Powerful Tlie l.n wjci—in cnurse , my denr i niiilnin, tho gi'.'iii thi ng In a enso of tills Bi'i't Is in Im rnilm 'R snmcthlng In- to th e evidence tlm t will nppcu l lo tlie Ju ry. Clie nt—Oli, I ahull cl uing* my dross every day. Superseded Telegraph fn .(miliar y, I8S2. tli o telephon e wite Ural lined for disunitin g triiln a MONUMENTS ^^mm^ Hf Memorials of every type. i 11 | MBJ^Hl 11 1 -^ We e f\A S IN Lfl*. I Defective vision retards I _, .__ . rw tri 1 lhe scn001 child seriousl y. I T* S i A II* 1 ° rre n,ust see to learn. 1 ^^ B Hav e us examine your I Under mana gement of I child' s eyes now . i Mrs. Itachel Terr y I8 _ 1 89 East Main Street ffe?pB?S ^ jT ti B /LSSU^Ill Telephone Sayville 1469 Bayport Coal Co* INCORPORATED Yard at Kensington Ave., Baypor t , N. Y. HIGH GRADE COAL -:- WOOD Q UALITY AND COURTES Y Yard Phone Bayport 613 or Bayport 28 THE BAYV1EW HOUSE FOOT OF FOSTER AVE.. SAYVILLE Restaurant Board and Rooms Home Cooking Club Breakfast Business Men ' s Luncheon REGULAR DINNERS AND DINNERS DE LUXE Moder ate Prices Special Arrangements for Parties , et c. C. J. Wackerow, Prop. Tel. Sayville 1464 BKB_ a_ean_a_^_Bn_e_«BMB_nM_H_Hs_B«K_i_B^_^a_^_a_a_ Au tomatic $m i ic f Home-Heattn g'WrKMJJ ^ i „_ £ Sf^iiP$$i$#l •*tr Bfl__M ^ H «Wff Hr_ ^"_li l "^J w^^fwI^^jTs F/BI ^l _^i____-_ _ M /^{ MiCTiia aB^ p^ -¦- e^ss§_ \$Aay$ 4L ^El ectric Furnace-Man Tho Electrle Fimmco .Man is c niiHtiiiiily on demonstration in our show r oom. He sure to see It, Autom atic Coal Burner Co. 18 Candee Avenue Phone 1334 | SAYVILLE, N.Y. NOW IS THE TIME TO SOW YOUR LAWN ^ ^j mrnm^ . i Choice Central Park Lawn Seed WHEELBARROWS, RAKES AND LAWN if ¦ EQUIPMENT '' " ' ¦ ' . ' ¦ ' : ; ; : ;V. g| _ . . ' , T ~Z " . •¦ ¦ : " - :X* : fS$$S Auto s : Eros. ;:; t fill ,. GE ^ R^' ,M ifcRtHA ^TS' ' : : ' ' ';' ' ;' ; vri ,, : r 4 ifia ' We Deliver ^^^yphone^U ; V^' ' s.BaypritC i ^^ flS ' ^J:,.u I ,,,,. - „?, i n ' ., ' . ¦ nKn // ' Mm » "" " n iiii i IT^a ii. Ml »i...>i. M <l ,. )l lili f ., f ¦ ¦ ¦ ii my n il l J . Mwjm ' i - . > "I , ' , /A\#, ^il« ^ 1 , •• * " ' , !h:r idM' i ^ s .* '^ ^iarA V>ii * ;^ !^£iM i i r^i i- i,i^ | fe'' i'' .rf , .,.vi ' /' y ''i;vii' *! ' i , , -\ ;'i"«? KiiS fehlers Ar ' e «onafe After Sti ninier Abroad and in Canada ¦6t. 'Ann's Choir Pres ents Mrs. Post w c ^. ; awa t l s. «terrlir y rHwbrey T Fred Schatt . Undergoes C ^fedd1nV. pl|rn s' nave been aihndunced hy MisS " ' Wirian " A' ./ feo ' uV' ori, dau ghter ot Mra. Albert -t. Bo uyon , of 25 Tennis ' .Oeurt , Brookl yn. .Miss Bouyon and ' palmer ^' atr ' anid . Pigot , son of ' Jtfrs. j . ieftoy . .Cholweil iS —retild . 'bf iay-port ,. wiir ha . inerried on the evening ; of Wear teSday,. ' October SO ' Oii' aJt ' tSe ' PaTU line/ liianli ' altan. ' " MIbs Bbuyoh !. wttl ' liaye as Her maid of hosnoiri ' ikrs. Geor geJ PJ BChodeB of Stf. ' /Aiban ' s, %. I. ,. Mr. P1 gpt , ha3 ^ehQBen aa Ilia "b' est. ' man. Nathaniel Norton of Blue -Poin t , and the ushers . will be Gflorfee -F. TUiotles , ot. St. Albans ,; J bha ;(&r 'istbffel and \VaMer . Tuttie pi BrookVy n, aad ' ^iV- liam PlctaJi , Jr., of Ba y siiore. hlr. Pl got and , Wa. bride : ' hn ' ve ' taTcen ' ; an aipar ' tm ' ent atj 25 . Teiyhls dourt , Jvliere they . >»lil ' make, their home. Mrs. Hob- «rt V. B ' anS ' s. of (Rockville Centre , 'en- tertained at luncheon , brid ge arid n kitchen shower for Miss Bou yon- on Frida y. . Amon g the .guests " were Miss Bouyon , Mrs. Fairchlld , Mrs. Rhod es, Mrs. ' &' . E. Morrison , '" Mrs. ' Henr y Nealei Mrs 1 . JB. Lj Faris , Mrs. Leon- Rowland , Mrs! J.Vweob ' iliaslj, " l^ra. G. A. Morrison , Mi SB Fannie L. Tddd , Miss Ruth Bliss and MI Ss 'Jeanett Mor-, rlson. Mrs. 'E. Frederick Oundrum ;enter- ' tained very pleasantly . 24 ladies at luncheon and brid ge at the Island Hills club house on Saturda y. On Wednesday ' Mrs. Guridrum entertain- ed 12 ladies at ; luncheon and brid ge at her home oh Corinet quot Road. Mrs. Anna Elsenhauer and her dau ghters , Mrs. Clinton Hintz and Miss Ma thilda Eisenhauer , who have been occu pying the bungalow of Mrs.. AlessBiiarb Scufii returned to their home in Brookl yn on Sunday. Mr. and , Mrs. William L- . Mantha and -dau ghter . Miss Alice, and son , Robert , and Miss Ida -Frieman , left on Satur da y for a week' s automobile trip ' in northern New York and Can- ada. Mr. and .Mrs.. Pellack , of Nutley, N. J., gave a shower lost Saturday ev- enin g for Miss Mary Rltacco, who Is to marry Edward J. Woodhouse , son of Sirs. Fred Schait , on September 29. -Remember voters that it is the duty and tho privilege of every citizen to vote at the primaries next Tuesday. The re gular polling places will be open from noon until 9 p. rri. Mrs. Fre d Yates and tlau EMer , Miss Dorothy, of Brooklyn, bave .been; spendin g several days with Mrs. , Yates * parents , Mr. and Mrs . Albert . Lnrso ti. , Sunday at the M«thodtst Church tbo pastor will •preach, concerning "Abundant Grace " and in tho evenin g . the . subject will bo "The Gospel of f. Chr ist. " Mrs. Julius Chevalloy and daugh- ter , Miss Eu genia, aro -on a motor trip -throu gh Now York state and ox-' , pect to spend a few days ht Nia gara- Fulls. ' . •( Mr. and Mrs. Lanna gnn returned , to Tor flBt Hills on Tuesday after I spending tlio summer In tho Bauer collate on McConnoll avenue. | 1 - Willldm •Friemnti. -whn lias lieon 1 In s lll . lioaltli. for . several , week " , was (ok- ' ; , en to tlio Southrtldo Hoipltal on Moh- d ay fdr ! obstfrvatlon. . ¦ .. - . , , . . . i | i Mrs. Qllvo , Chnttawa y,'Of New Yprk , - City , a' pont los 't week nt the parson- - ngo with her parents , tho Rov. And Mrs. A, l». Hubbard. \;~ Mtt ' *-ft«tr«r«t Orlitf y/« ' NW- .V< rV, r >' 'ernd 'NSttli, M. CKsliln. -at HamrtPOm ek,. i , wcro 'Wook-onil . ituoiMB ot Mr. hnd R r«.. William Buila. ' ' V - , Mrs , Bamuol Frost and Mrs , Tl oo- i doro Snydo * . have re turned from a si*' j woeTtB' vacation : a, t XlrWoO and 1 In ^ . dorlioolc , N. Y. ' . . . i- . ' , ; Mr. cind Mrs , .Chn rl°« ' Ball ;h iVo , ( cloned their homo on Bnoilocor t vo- . mie anil rotur ' nofl 'lo N«w| York (or tlio winter. - . - •;: . ' . ;? :j : X H tray dbir «*nri y on ttondbi ^-rhc rj n«; , Ing broltp ^to tlio ch,lcko . n w ynrd |jDf , j; ' ii. Anderson and killed -18 lariio, ohiokone , * . ' ¦ " ¦ ' " ' 1, Mr. nntl Mrs. iioboirt Bwords llavo ' 4«iur )ibil !' t6 tliolr Voitio on ' Sna ' dooor nvtiiiu o ' ut ter a •moiitii 'i ato y at OUor |:y ' arovo, . " . - , , . , . . ' ; ' - . 'Mr « ' . ' ' j; F rorilt Vn KmiftT , of ; Nutl0y, v;• » ' , ' ot iWr nloco. Mrs. Fraiik f. •AiHtw. ¦ ¦ ; ¦ ; ; , '' ¦ j ''' ' A^ riy;jomoB v W/,1tbunB ro ' tt rit- ea ' oil 'WW, frdm a 'Wo . vloous' v Bit J ¦ .^ItU hla pn rwtn lu Indiana. > V ,MlB « 'fflr flt?i*^ hnl * ;: ' '* ,n Monday will > I- enter tho . ;Bo»«i ,\ Show, ' / fleer/ota-lal J' :, - School In Patohp^ u». ( ,, ', .- , . ,., , ¦ ¦ ' : »!• .,;CH)or«« K. nioof la maklnB a i •U aay;' , rob(ifrbVy i ; trom " tili\ Woo nt, i V' "V,L:ib> »; ; inwi»a{,^ .! . '' ¦ . ' ¦;; 1 ' nonopiphayallov: la . ap »»dlri« oo- ^ ^&^kM^^^^ ¥ M^i^lM^vM^t^c^iM-ii ^m^MM^^^M^i^ ith Gift in Gr atitude for Her Kindness. eWh after Six Wuljks :«r» tjr etrbft. peration for Appendicitis. "Billy ' 1 ftiiuB , w-b ' bls pent many -of- his earl y -days - -fn -Bayport , and f br years " was ^' member of the -Sa yVille Ba«eball Teata. Witts ttdta- V ja ' home lii Denver , " Cblo ^ where he ' has been' lii business for blmself for -a -number of years, to renew his subscription to .the News, In order to keep in touch with 'his old friends' There: He has Tiad with him for the month of August Cart M. Huus , Jr., 16- year-old son .of his -brother , and writes that ' they have enjoyed some great -times, moun- tain climbin g and campin g out. He says that : on Septerab ' er " Stb wheir the te ' iripemtiire here was over 90, ft was down to 40 'de grees ' there! Mr. Huus , who is a dealer in 'safety Inks , station- ery ; and office " sbpplie ' s, h' as ' - just mov- ed ' his 'busine " iiB ; dOwhtown Into a much better and mofe central location than he lias had for ' -fhe iast eleven years. Notices are . posted .for a.meeting of the Bayport . Fire District , - to be " held oh Friday evenin g, Se ptember 27th , at 7:30r The Meet ing is to elect a lire commissioner " for live years to succeed James H. Snedecor , and a treasurer lor three ' years "to succeed Eu gene Stoll. It la pertnlssalile for elthe ' r or boftli ' of ' these nieii :; to suc- ceoii " th ' emselvea. Their offices expire on October 30th , 1929. At this meet- in g nn upprbpriaition of $3 , 000 will also be voted u pon ' . This Is to ' cover the put chase of; ' new ' hose , general equipment , ' coal " and to- provide ' main- tenance , funds , and salar y for the J anitor , .. Mr. and Mrs. , Richard Hambley re- turned home last week after a visit to Detroit , where the y have been s pending six weeks with their son ' , Richard Hamb ley. While tbey were awa y, ' Mr. ' Hainbley celebrat ed his birthday and aays he had a royal -good time. "Dick , Sr., " bein g quizzed re- garding the number of bir thdays ' , smili n gly admitted to at least "tweat y." Mr. and Mrs. J. R. And erson are entertainin g this week their son and dau ghter-in-law , Mr .and Mrs. James Anderson , of New York. On Tuesday evenin g Mr. and Mrs. And erson en- tertained at brid ge Mr. arid Mrs. Nor- inan fienl ' amln , Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Huston , Mr. and ; ' Mrs. Fraiik W. An- tes, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur W. Lynch. ' ' ' M rs. Rafael Del Castill o went to Now York on Monda y to have her ri ght arm x-ra yed and it was found to be broken ih two places , on e b r eak bein g at th e olbow. Her 'nose was also ve ry badly injure d wben she fell on tho step at their boardin g house in Hurle yville , N. Y., where sTie had gone with lier child ren for a vacation. , Sunda y 's Brookl yn Tlmea carried a pi cture of William H. Todd , of Brook- lyn.and Bayport presenting the Todd Life Boat Ra ci ng Troph y to the crew of tho shi p Sud Americano. The crew won the third annual lhtornatlbnaMlfo boat race Ini tlio Hu dson River on Lab or bay. . . ' Frod Bhait , of the plumbin g firm of St u ar t & Sha lt , was stricken with an attack of acute appendicitis on Sat- urday afternoon , and wan operated upon nt tho South slde Hospital by t)r. HlnVreth. Mr. Shalt Is -restin g comfortabl y at . the pre sent writing; Mrs. W. K. Pout has ' boon presented With a gold tlilniblo by the choir! ot St, Ann ' s Church. Tho gift was ; In ap preciation ot i\ie uso of "Stroin d- liomo" tho .Post oatato , for tho recent mudlbalb iivbn 'try Mio choir. j /' Hmllo '' stqii. : liaB . takbn. 'ovor tli o bu s. .Inoaa ot^tho Ban .station niid confo c tlonor y-Btqre ' on rSonth -Main -streot, conducted tor eomo .tlrite by George B. Amberman . , ¦ Mr s. Mdr y*Pa >k «lr rbUifnoil hom o on Monda y from Syracuse ) wHoro she has boon spending ' " tuo aiimtnor In Hie 'flcorko •gtiiliBlttj ia TiBllKo . . ' on; Soo> mhn -ayonne. i .' ' ¦ ¦ , - . ' ¦ , ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦ . *;: ]); : ' ")' ¦: i ' , , : " i;; ;Mr/ ' , nhV :>l|^^iiu^/_i : hna ^ tij- turned ta ^e^^ rk ^a ^ ^tH day j ariafr api 'iiAWji , ' tile .' suinmor "ftw ' t ' liolr fioihi ou \lib- boy ; atV jbo foot of b flti lri lriii l Lane ; ' ^vr, : '.: | HV ¦ ' . •: ¦ ' . ; *' . ' " ' ¦ ' , -. " - .»: r - ", ^>(- .--. 'o ¦ ¦ - ' ' . ' . ¦ j;. . ' Mr. o, iia ,Wa, ..Ott6 .Hlllonbrnnjl , An- lortalubd , abom; n *ftbon v rtf«lft tlve«i ana friends at a ' /par ty ' at < ' t lidlr hotrw Cn Bootnlin , l o)voriuo InaJ t; fFlitayainty bvdni ln>. ' ;' - ¦: ' i v^' ^ '^f'^lV^- .rf ; ,\' j 'AKrod MoWiiijU, toriarho tlmo MotU In. ' tho lodol nor il^bn Vtbro, liaa fbein mado manager o ' f' tiHo ' litbVo . I ' n '!am> ' trai ' .uilp, ' ¦ . ' ;^ ' .; 'pi^/; ; :i^j , . '' ; - 'jSo ' liolbiia 'pump kin ; - tli«R ' '|' ' 'i^ahlbolk<. oil . dally. ; , A1bo oolalrii. ' .N ' iWh'i lUalk' . cry, iionr Tost OOlce ; Sball Boyvillo , ' 808. " ' v ^ : . . . 7 ;.:v ' ' -•P.m t Mr«(: ((j« ri* 'i*n ; nd^jbyiMrfn Hl 1 at list tto ' ir/b '^n Iloy avoritio ?of t^io past , low dbya ' . ' ; 'v ; ). : i;i , 1 Mrn , ' -ItaHra ^ii Hi. fl>nltli onWrtalnbrt . I lior ' bvlilKP , «iub , <)tt. i^a^riaBiia y atta ^ | W»» v.vm, - ¦ ¦ ¦• y.„ - ^ %;^_,i''ii^.'4/ ' ' ; ^W ; ':>'t^' i' '^. 'V'* .'^'^^i i/>^ 7V,n ^- :>k^" r ' ~i. ; -ii \j . ¦ ' ; ' ., ' ' . '!' . ,; A ; iitpMMm « i » " i—¦a"" ————a__—_^__B_w__—____________ Mrs. Geor ge N. West an d Jhrries TT. " BneBec Or attended a meeting rmd din- ner , yesterday i ' fternobn /aad-last- ev- ' enln g of -the combined school -boards of Brookhaven and , Isli p I'dw ' ns. ' The meeti ng 4n the .nfternoon ; ' tbok place In the Patchogue (High School . " ' Din- ner was serve d at the Lauref Hotel. Randall ' M. Saunders of ' the De part- ment -tif Education at Albinyj ' address- e ' d the ' meetin g on attendance and attendance " omcers ; Mrs. William Walker and hor sons , ' James and Frank , of Crestwood , N. Y., bave been ' visiting at Uie home of Mrs. Walker ' s brotber-in-law and sis- ter , Mr. and Mrs. James J. Mclnerne y. Mr . and Mrs. Robert ¦H. .. Koehler re- turned the JafcCer . pa rt ... of last week from a six weeks tri p abroad and in Canada. Elwyn and Robert Sohaefer each have a small saddle pon y. BawvoiftSffiam^ Visiters Gs > * -: *• ¦rT * ^*K»^r ^" -^^ rt . .^i^ -*^ ^^ ^ ^* s^' wrV ^^ tf ^j . tv ;^ - .'-j - . _. ' . ¦ - ¦ . *-. ¦,» -. j j, . , , .(.; ¦ - " j -h . . - ¦ ¦ ' ¦' ¦• 'A_«_—_—_______«____¦_ —*_» T Come Here ' " TO SECURE THAT .- WELL GROOMED APPEARANCE Specialists in Ladies ' and Children' s Hair Bobbing Films—A bottle of -Hair Silo to , each any koIH»K » ualr out. Gommunity Barber Shop i ' ; " dOHNNV , Prop, ' 14 Cimdee 'Ami, " . Snyville . i«ii. ii)>i j i ' iii ' i rmiiii ii i , Ti ' i ji n i i n i im i ) i UhV^i f ^H^'' ' " , |( - SmW^m ;, - . . ' s. mwmmss^ikA '^ , ^* \ I. S. Snedecor ' s Sons , Inc. i _¦_> __ ' The Baypo rt I Feed Store Coal ¦:¦ Feed FERTILIZ ERS j Tel. Bayport 1070 | i—¦n_———__—_¦_______——___——__¦__«_. Ylamons K^andies Famous for QUALITY, VARIETY nnd LOW PRICES mrrr zr - ' ••—-— :.:=;, ¦ ¦ ¦ , ¦ ' . :. " t* llb.ChocolatePcanut^" Hi & Raisin Clus ters .. _I4j c Hb.VaniUaCrcamed 5PDC " L Nuts . o . . 29° lib. Chocolate Nut s ™^ Caramels . . . _J" lib, Milk Chocolate *™^ Fresh Fruit . . . 4-9 l ib. Assorted Choc- s ™gJJ olates . . . . O z) Th* •if 'PackageFoncy Dlppcd x . I Marshmallow Big!libChocOlatcCoverc d 3 1 . Spanish Nougiitincs I 1 lb. Molasses Cream It , Lumps , 4LL THREB FOR OQC FRED'S SHOPPE 141 Hailroad ' ,Avenue ' Phone Suyvill<J 608 " ' ' ¦• ¦ [ ' ' ¦ " " ' ' - ' *m ¦w»|ii>a^ ia^^ wi_ Maw»a >___TM| ^aw_yi>a*"«'a~' j , " < . ' 'V 1 ' 1 ' > '/ ' < \ u ,v ' " IJU-M , i ,,, w ' ' I' l -r '- ' J , ' ,v ' U?i < 1!U m '> '• ' " Prepare for a Good ! Position at a \ School That Ranks With The Best j OUR SCHOOL OFFERS j COURSES IN Bookkee ping Accoun tancy ! Rapid Calculation \ Business P.eiimanahip I Bus. English ami Correspondence Commercial Law Spelling and Definitions | Stenography J I Touch Typewriting i i Pilinfi ! I Office Practice | j Business Organization ami Admin- i •is tratlon Commercial Arithmetic. Day and Evening Classes J Our Ciraduatos are In constant j | demand. i I i South Shore I Secretarial School i j Tele phone 2018 | Patchogue, L. I., N. Y. Mary A. Townsend-F iake , Principal SAMUEL S. GERARD Contracting Mason - Builder Mason work i n' all its bra nches a special ty Estimate s Cheerfully Given TeL Bayport 310 Bayport i A proper and 'comfo rta ble sleeping position is. important, for rest an d health. An excellent posit ion is plac- ing the rig ht arm at the back , the body lying partly on the side and part- ly on the abdome n. Bayport Method ist Episcopal Church Alfred b. Hubbard , pastor. Sunda y School at 10 a. m. Preachin g service at 11 a. m. Epwortb League at 7 p. m. Evenin g worship at 7:30 p. m. Wednesda y evening—Prayer meet- ' ins, 7:30 p. m. i > Thursda y evening—Choir rehearsal. ! ^ i For Cbtnfort in Meefr

Transcript of 4L -...

BOHEMIAMiss Helen Potuzak Is enjoying a

vacation of two weeks.Mrs. Cejka, .of New York , was here

to spend a week at the home , of herson , Bmil Cejka. .

Mrs. Julia Kovari k has been enter-tainin g her bro ther , J. Barn ey, whospent his vacatio n here at her home.

The Misses Jennie Seldl and Geor-glanna Kovan da are stud cnLs atBrown 's Business School , Jamaica.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Wcela and Mr. andMrs, E. Hamel retur ned on Sundayevenin g from a motor trip of threedays to Atlantic City •*

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sobiscek , ofForest Hills , were here to spend theweek-end at the home of Mr. Sobi-cek's brother , Jose pli Sobicek.

. Mrs. , Frank Knakal is to have asber . guests over the week-end Mr. andMrs . PospisII , Miss Frances Castka ,and Alber t , Jerr y and Evelyn Pospi-sII , all of Astoria.

Remember voters that It is the dutyand the privilege of every citizen tovote at the primaries next Tuesday.The re gular polling places will beopen from noon until 9 p. m.

The " Misses Helen and AnnabelleHeinltz entertained at bridge at theirhome on Locust avenue , the prizewinners being Miss Frances Behoun-ek and Mrs. William Stochl. Jr.

Mr and Mrs. Northstrum , who havebeen guests for the past four weeks atthe home of Mrs. Northstrum 's sis-ter , Mrs. Frank Karshick , have re-turned to their home In Glen Cove.

Mrs. Anna Kirb y, her daughter ,Miss Minnie , and son , Gene Kirby,who is a member of the New YorkPolice Force , were guests on Sun-da y of Mrs. Klrby 's brother and sis-ter-in-law , Mr. and Mrs . William Hou-dek .

Mrs. Edward Kre poia Is to spenda week at hor home on Walnut ave-nue , which Is being redecorated andIn which alterations are bein g made.Wh en completed Mr. and Mrs. Kre-pel a are plannin g to make their homein Qohemia.

Mr. and Mrs. William Houdck havebeen entertaining their daughter , Mrs.Alvlna Zeman, who came to Bohemiato 'visit Joseph Zeman , who makeshis home here with hla grandparents.Mr. Ze'man ' Is employed as linotypeoperator on the Patchogue Argus.

The members of St. J ohn 's Episco-pal Church of Bohemia have beenobliged to change the date ot 'the Bo-hemian play from Sept. 28th to Oc-tober -12th because of the fact thatone of the members of the cast Is InEurope and will not bo back untilOctober, Bon't miss this great Bo-hemian play entitled "Vsechky myslla Hobo ,'' which' will bo given In theC, S, P. S. Hall. It is a comedy whichwill make .you laugh for throe hours ,Admission 75 cents; children , 2Gcom,«. ' ,:

PATCHOGUE. Postmaster Harry T. Weeks, sec-

ond vice-president ^ of' tho National As-sociation ot Postmasters , loft Pat-chogue on Monda y for Sacramento toattend the annual -conventio n of theamioola 'ttoh, hi. which ' lie Is 'scheduledto bo promoted to 'first vice-president.Mr. Weeks planned tlio entire trip toand from 'Sacramento, and is Incharge of travellin g' arrangements.Ho ban arran ge d for stopovers atDenver , Colorado Spr ings , Salt LakeCity, 'Lake Talioe and othor points.Tlio pnrtv will return to 'NoV Yorkon 'October 'Slid, ''. .'ttyr, Uio flocoml mioppflfll yo Fridaynight, tho bital noss section of tillsvillage wan bur glarised 'last week andtho local branch ot tho Aeolian Com-pany robbed of goods valued at $1,000.¦polled flimpnct that tho Job wan ori gin-wr-oil b'y. oomo ono familiar with thestore , since tho key to the caub , regis-ter , ' whloh 'has boon hidden In thoname place tor the past' few ' years,wa« , it»od to , open It. Tljo ' loot , whsoar-tea off In ' a truck , Jl'he cash rogln-tor; /Wa >;«!m»llW of : iu>bti t .$80, amiJovettiV musicalv' lnMr 'uintnita , ¦fcV iiuin,bVBjjbt ^>oor(js, and fouV. -radlb. too'tsj ^Wni ^'P^i

Iom wttV ,ol«iov«bd

WWW J hb p)«o>V.Wj m onimad itoh bui |.

¦;': '-' 'JP nyj ft ' bbAtv^^lyi j Wib4n»r «od. ajirjall ot them «^»Q^n» (from '™hitui *tlin,

8*$wa™m mm mmmimka

-Woinen. Were 'rescued thnee miles outIn thb 'ba'jr on Thursda y afternoon byJ63b.ua K ' ^Budd In his power hoat ,Grace Budd. ' Those in the party werePauline Baris , Rose Mari e Harris ,Barbara tmnlop, Agnes Rlvkin andEdith Miller. Attired in bathin g suitsand beach coats tbey had gone to the'Oce'an avenue dock to take the boatto Cherry Grove , but missed it by a-few minutes. So the y re nted a rowboat 'and started across. The y losttheir direction ih the fog and theheavy waves washed over the boatand ,was little by little , submerging it.One of the girls fastened her red beachrobe , to on , oar and star ted to waveit , luckil y attracting the atten tion ofBudd .

A warrant for the arrest of LouisG. Mechanic has been issued by PoliceJustice August D. Schoenfeld , Jr., andhe is now being sought by police ,char ged with having attempte d to at-tack Ludwi g Brail , a Patchogue realestate man , with revolver. Mechaniccame to Patchogue in the spring andleased a store in the Syndicate Build-ing which Is owned by a firm of whichBrail is president. When Mechanicfailed to pay this rent , Brail attemptedto serve him with a summons. Brailclaims tha t when he went to Mechan-ic's house , the la tter pulled a revolverfrom his pocket; but that after a tus-sle ho managed Jo compe l him i todro p the weapon. Mechanic left Pa t-chogue shortly -atterwurd, and has notbeen seen here since. Police ar e seek-ing him in Brooklyn , wlu-r u he former-ly was in business.

Would Spoil Hit Game"Harr y," ven tured the fair heiress

to the youn g man who had proposedto lier, "I don 't want to think thatyou nre nmrrvlne me for my money."

"That goes double ," responded theyoun g man. "I don 't wan t you tothink so, either. " '

An Appropriate HonorEdwin—Vou see, deares t , if we axe

married before I graduate I won 't re-ceive my degree.

Gernldlne—Oh , that 's so. You can 'tbe a bache lor of arts when you'remarried. Perha ps they 'll make you ahusband of arts or something.

The High CostThe Yegg—Awful, ain 't It , the way

apartment rents have gone up?The Dip—It' s a shame. Petty lar-

ceny won't get you nowhere. Yorigotta lift nt least a coupla centuriesbefore they 'll give you a cell in tlieJnil.


She—Why ciin ' t Joe mend Ids ways 'H t—IltM-iuisi ' lie 's nn t worth n ilnrn

Redeeming FeatureShe cnn.M.t i . ' i i t . Mil Aha can pet .

And no II.u young mnn thln l t f.She la the ln 'i-l '" mpnulon yet ,

Mllnd y nt Die Unit s.

Knew Noth ing More PowerfulTlie l.n wjci—in cnurse , my denr

iniiilnin, tho gi ' .' iii thi ng In a enso oftills Bi' i 't Is in Im rnilm 'R snmcthlng In-to th e evidence tlm t will nppcu l lo tlieJu ry.

Clie nt—Oli, I ahull cluing* my drossevery day.

Superseded Telegraphfn .(miliar y, I8S2. tlio telephon e wite

Ural lined for disunitin g triiln a

MONUMENTS ^ mm HfMemorials of every type. i 11 | MBJ^Hl 11 1 - ^

We ™ e f\A S IN Lfl*. I Defective vision retards I_, .__ . rwtri 1 lhe scn001 child seriousl y. I

T* S i A I I * 1 °rre n,ust see to learn. 1^ • B Hav e us examine your I

Under mana gement of I child' s eyes now . iMrs. Itachel Terr y I8 _ 1 •

89 East Main Street ffe?pB?S j TtiB/LSSU^Ill

Telephone Sayville 1469


Yard at Kensington Ave., Bayport, N. Y.HIGH GRADE


Yard Phone Bayport 613 or Bayport 28


Restaurant Board and Rooms Home CookingClub Breakfast Business Men 's LuncheonREGULAR D I N N E R S AND D I N N E R S DE LUXE

Moder ate PricesSpecial Arrangements for Parties , et c.

C. J. Wackerow, Prop. Tel. Sayville 1464BKB_a_ean_a_^_Bn_e_«BMB_nM_H_Hs_B«K_i_B^_^a_^_a_a_

Automatic $m i ic fHome-Heattng'WrKMJJ i„_£ Sf iiP$$i$#l•*tr Bfl__M^H«Wff Hr_^"_lil

" Jw^^fwI^ jTsF/BI


p -¦-

e ss§_\$Aay$ 4L^Electric Furnace-ManTho Electrle Fimm co .Man is cni iHt i i i i i l y on demonstration in our

show room. He sure to see It ,

Autom atic Coal Burner Co.18 Candee Avenue Phone 1334




^ jmrnm . iChoice Central Park Lawn Seed

WHEELBARROWS, RAKES AND LAWN if¦EQUIPMENT ' ' " ' ¦ ' . ' ¦' : ;;:;V.g|

_ . . ', T~Z " . •¦ ¦ : "-:X*: fS$$SAutos : Eros. ; : ; t fill,. GE^R^',MifcRtHA ^TS'' : : ' ' ';' ';'; vri ,, : r 4 ifia

'We Deliver ^^^yphone^U ; V^' ' s.BaypritCi^^ flS' J:,.u I ,,,, . - „?, i n ' ., ' . ¦ nKn // 'Mm» """ n iii i i IT^a ii.Ml»i...>i.M<l ,.)llilif.,

f ¦¦¦ ii myn il l J . Mwjm

' i - . > "I , ',/A\#, il«^1 • , •• * " ',!h:r idM'i ^ s .*' ^iarAV>ii*; ! £iMii r^ii-i,i^ |fe''i''.rf ,.,.vi'/'y ''i;vii' *! 'i,,-\ ;'i"«?

KiiSfehlers Ar'e «onafe After Sti ninier Abroad and in Canada¦6t. 'Ann's Choir Pres ents Mrs. Post w

c ^.;awa i«tls.«terrlir y rHwbrey TFred Schatt .Undergoes C

^fedd1nV.pl|rns'nave been aihnduncedhy MisS"'Wirian" A'./ feo'uV'ori, dau ghterot Mra. Albert -t. Bouyon , of 25 Tennis '.Oeurt , Brookl yn. .Miss Bouyon and 'palmer ^'atr 'anid .Pigot , son of 'Jtfrs. j

. ieftoy ..Cholweil iS —retild .'bf iay-port ,.wiir ha .inerried on the evening ; ofWear teSday,.'October SO'Oii' aJt' tSe' PaTUline/ liianli 'altan. ' " MIbs Bbuyoh !. wttl 'liaye as Her maid of hosnoiri ' ikrs.GeorgeJ PJ BChodeB of Stf.' /Aiban 's, %. I.

,. Mr. P1gpt ,ha3 ^ehQBen aa Ilia "b'est. 'man.Nathaniel Norton of Blue -Point, andthe ushers .will be Gflorfee -F. TUiotles ,ot. St. Albans ,; Jbha ;(&r'istbffel and\VaMer . Tuttie pi BrookVy n, aad '

^iV-liam PlctaJi , Jr., of Bay siiore. hlr.Plgot and , Wa. bride : ' hn've ' taTcen '; anaipar'tm'ent atj 25 . Teiyhls dourt , Jvlierethey. >»lil' make, their home. Mrs. Hob-«rt V. B'anS 's. of (Rockville Centre , 'en-tertained at luncheon , brid ge arid nkitchen shower for Miss Bouyon- onFrida y. .Amon g the .guests "were MissBouyon, Mrs. Fairchlld , Mrs. Rhod es,Mrs.' &'. E. Morrison ,'" Mrs. ' Henr yNealei Mrs

1. JB. Lj Faris , Mrs. Leon-Rowland , Mrs! J.Vweob' iliaslj, "l^ra.G. A. Morrison , Mi SB Fannie L. Tddd ,Miss Ruth Bliss and MI Ss 'Jeanett Mor-,rlson.

Mrs. 'E. Frederick Oundrum ;enter- 'tained very pleasantly . 24 ladies atluncheon and brid ge at the IslandHills club house on Saturda y. OnWednesday ' Mrs. Guridrum entertain-ed 12 ladies at ; luncheon and brid geat her home oh Corinet quot Road.

Mrs. Anna Elsenhauer and herdaughters , Mrs. Clinton Hintz andMiss Ma thilda Eisenhauer , who havebeen occupying the bungalow of Mrs..AlessBiiarb Scufii returned to theirhome in Brookl yn on Sunday.

Mr. and , Mrs. William L-. Manthaand -dau ghter . Miss Alice, and son ,Robert , and Miss Ida -Frieman , lefton Satur day for a week's automobiletrip 'in northern New York and Can-ada.

Mr. and .Mrs.. Pellack , of Nutley,N. J., gave a shower lost Saturday ev-enin g for Miss Mary Rltacco, who Isto marry Edward J. Woodhouse , sonof Sirs. Fred Schait , on September29.

-Remember voters that it is the dutyand tho privilege of every citizen tovote at the primaries next Tuesday.The regular polling places will beopen from noon until 9 p. rri.

Mrs. Fre d Yates and tlauEMer , MissDorothy, of Brooklyn, bave .been;spendin g several days with Mrs. ,Yates * parents , Mr. and Mrs . Albert

. Lnrso ti. ,Sunday at the M«thodtst Church

tbo pastor will •preach, concerning"Abundant Grace " and in tho evenin g

. the . subject will bo "The Gospel off . Chr ist."

Mrs. Julius Chevalloy and daugh-ter , Miss Eugenia, aro -on a motortrip -throu gh Now York state and ox-'

,pect to spend a few days ht Niagara-Fulls. ' . •(

Mr. and Mrs. Lanna gnn returned, to Tor flBt Hills on Tuesday afterI spending tlio summer In tho Bauer

collate on McConnoll avenue. |

1 - Willldm •Friemnti. -whn lias lieon1 Ins lll. lioaltli. for. several , week", was (ok-'; , en to tlio Southrtldo Hoipltal on Moh-

• day fdr ! obstfrvatlon. . ¦. . -. , , . . . i |

i Mrs. Qllvo ,Chnttawa y,'Of New Yprk,- City , a'pont los't week nt the parson-- ngo with her parents , tho Rov. And

Mrs. A, l». Hubbard.\;~ Mtt '*-ft«tr«r«t Orlitf y/«'NW-.V< rV,r>' 'ernd 'NSttli, M. CKsliln. -at HamrtPOm ek,.i , wcro 'Wook-onil . ituoiMB ot Mr. hnd R r«..

William Buila. ' ' V -, Mrs , Bamuol Frost and Mrs , Tl oo-i doro Snydo* .have re turned from a si*'j woeTtB' vacation :a,t XlrWoO and 1 In^. dorlioolc , N. Y.' . • .• . i- . ', ; Mr. cind Mrs , .Chnrl°« 'Ball ;h iVo,( cloned their homo on Bnoilocor t vo-. mie anil rotur 'nofl 'lo N«w| York (or

tlio winter. - •.-'¦ •;: . ' .;? :j :X H tray dbir «*nriy on ttondbi ^-rhc rjn«;

, In g broltp ^to tlio ch,lcko.nw ynrd |jDf, j; ' ii. Anderson and killed -18 lariio,

ohiokone , • * „ • .' ¦ "¦' •" ' 1,Mr. nntl Mrs. iioboirt Bwords llavo

' 4«iur )ibil !'t6 tliolr Voitio on ' Sna'dooornvtiiiu o 'ut ter a •moiitii 'i atoy at OUor |:y

' arovo, ." . - , , . , . . ' ; '- . 'Mr «'.'' j; Frorilt Vn KmiftT , of ;Nutl0y,

v;•»',' ot iWr nloco. Mrs. Fraiik f.•AiHtw.

¦ ¦ ;¦

; ; , ' ' ¦

j ''' 'A^riy;jomoBvW/,1tbunB ro'tt rit-ea 'oil 'WW, frdm a'Wo .vloous' v Bit

J ¦ .^ItU hla pnrwtn lu Indiana. •

> V ,MlB « 'fflrflt? i*^ hnl*;:

''*,n Monday will> I- enter tho .;Bo»«i ,\ Show,' / fleer/ota-lal

J' :,- School In Patohp^u».( ,, • ',• .- ,. ,., , ¦¦ ' :»!•.,;CH)or«« K. nioof la maklnB ai •Uaay;', rob(ifrbVyi ; trom" tili\ Woont, i V'

"V,L:ib>»;;inwi»a{,^ .!.'• ' ¦ . ' ¦;; •1 ' nonopiphayallov: la . ap»»dlri« oo- ^^&^kM^^^ ¥M^i^lM^vM^t^c^iM-ii

^m^MM^^ M^i^

ith Gift in Gr atitude for Her Kindness.eWh after Six Wuljks :«r» tjr etrbft.peration for Appendicitis.

"Billy '' 1 ftiiuB, w-b'blspent many -of-his earl y -days- -fn -Bayport , and fbryears "was ' member of the -SayVilleBa«eball Teata. Witts ttdta- Vj a 'homelii Denver ," Cblo where he' has been'lii business for blmself for -a -numberof years, to renew his subscriptionto .the News, In order to keep in touchwith 'his old friends' There: He hasTiad with him for the month of AugustCart M. Huus , Jr., 16-year-old son .ofhis -brother , and writes that ' theyhave enjoyed some great -times, moun-tain climbin g and campin g out. Hesays that : on Septerab 'er " Stb wheir thete'iripemtiire here was over 90, ft wasdown to 40 'degrees ' there! Mr. Huus ,who is a dealer in 'safety Inks , station-ery ;and office "sbpplie's, h'as ' -just mov-ed 'his 'busine"iiB;dOwhtown Into a muchbetter and mofe central location thanhe lias had for '-fhe iast eleven years.

Notices are .posted .for a.meetingof the Bayport . Fire District ,- to be"held oh Friday evening, September27th , at 7:30r The Meet ing is to electa lire commissioner "for live years tosucceed James H. Snedecor , and atreasurer lor three ' years "to succeedEugene Stoll. It la pertnlssalile forelthe'r or boftli ' of ' these nieii : ; to suc-ceoii "th'emselvea. Their offices expireon October 30th , 1929. At this meet-ing nn upprbpriaition of $3,000 willalso be voted upon'. This Is to 'coverthe put chase of; ' new ' hose , generalequipment ,' coal "and to- provide ' main-tenance , funds , and salar y for theJ anitor ,

. . Mr. and Mrs. , Richard Hambley re-turned home last week after a visitto Detroit , where the y have beenspending six weeks with their son',Richard Hamb ley. While tbey wereaway, ' Mr. ' Hainbley celebrat ed hisbirthday and aays he had a royal -goodtime. "Dick , Sr., " bein g quizzed re-garding the number of bir thdays ',smili ngly admitted to at least"tweat y."

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Anderson areentertainin g this week their son anddau ghter-in-law , Mr .and Mrs. JamesAnderson , of New York. On Tuesdayevenin g Mr. and Mrs. Anderson en-tertained at brid ge Mr. arid Mrs. Nor-inan fienl 'amln , Mr. and Mrs. W. H.Huston , Mr. and ; 'Mrs. Fraiik W. An-tes, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur W.Lynch. ' ' '

M rs. Rafael Del Castill o went toNow York on Monda y to have herright arm x-rayed and it was found tobe broken ih two places , one br eakbein g at th e olbow. Her 'nose wasalso very badly injure d wben shefell on tho step at their boardin ghouse in Hurle yville, N. Y., wheresTie had gone with lier children for avacation. ,

Sunda y 's Brookl yn Tlmea carried api cture of William H. Todd , of Brook-lyn.and Bayport presenting the ToddLife Boat Ra cing Troph y to the crewof tho shi p Sud Americano. The crewwon the third annual lhtornatlbnaMlfoboat race Ini tlio Hudson River onLab or bay... '

Frod Bhait , of the plumbin g firm ofStuart & Shalt , was stricken with anattack of acute appendicitis on Sat-urday afternoon , and wan operatedupon nt tho South slde Hospital byt)r. HlnVreth. Mr. Shalt Is -restin gcomfortabl y at .the pre sent writ ing;

Mrs. W. K. Pout has ' boon presentedWith a gold tlilniblo by the choir! otSt, Ann 's Church. Tho gift was ; Inappreciation ot i\ie uso of "Stroin d-liomo" tho .Post oatato , for tho recentmudlbalb iivbn 'try Mio choir. j

/ ' Hmllo''stqii.:liaB .takbn. 'ovor tli o bus..Inoaa ot^tho Ban .station niid confo ctlonor y-Btqre ' on rSonth -Main -streot,conducted tor eomo .tlrite by GeorgeB. Amberman . ,¦ Mr s. Mdr y*Pa >k«lr rbUifnoil hom oon Monda y from Syracuse ) wHoro shehas boon spending ' "tuo aiimtnor InHie 'flcorko •gtiiliBlttj ia TiBllKo ..'on; Soo>mhn -ayonne.i.' ' ¦ ¦ , -. '¦, ¦ ¦¦ '¦ . *;: ]); :' ")' ¦: i ', , : " i ;;

;Mr/ ',nhV :>l|^^iiu^/_i:hna tij-turned ta e^ rk ^a^^tHday jariafrapi 'iiAWji, 'tile .'suinmor "ftw 't'liolr fioihiou \lib- boy ; atV jbo foot of b fltilri lriii lLane ; ' ^vr, :'. : |HV ¦ ' . • : ¦ ' . ; * ' . ' •" '¦ • ' , -. " - .»:r -", ^>(- .- - . 'o ¦ ¦ - ' ' . '. ; ¦¦ j ; . . '• Mr. o,iia ,Wa,..Ott6 .Hlllonbrnnjl , An-lortalubd , abom; n*ftbon v rtf«lft tlve«i anafriends at a '/par ty ' at <'t lidlr hotrw CnBootnlin ,l o)voriuo InaJ t; fFlitayainty bvdniln>. '; ' - ¦: 'i v ^ ' ^ '^f'^lV ^ - . rf ;,\' j

'AKrod MoWiiijU, toriarho tlmo MotUIn.' tho lodol nor il^bn Vtbro, liaa fbeinmado manager o'f ' tiHo 'litbVo. I'n '!am>'trai '.uilp, ' ¦

. ';^ '. ; 'pi^/; ;:i j ,.'';- 'jSo'liolbiia 'pump kin ;- tli«R'' |'''i^ahlbolk<.oil. dally. ; ,A1bo oolalrii. '.N'iWh'i lUalk'.cry, iionr Tost OOlce; Sball • Boyvillo,

' 808. "' v^ : . . .7;.:v ' • ' ¦- •P .mt Mr«(: ((j« ri*'i*n ; nd^jbyiMrfn

Hl1at list tto 'ir/b '^n Iloy avoritio ?of t^iopast , low dbya'. ' ; 'v ; ). : i;i ,

1 Mrn ,' -ItaHra ^ii Hi. fl>nltli onWrtalnbrt .I lior 'bvlilKP ,«iub , <)tt. i^a^riaBiia y atta ^|W»»v.vm,- ¦¦¦ • y.„- ^%;^_,i''ii^.'4/ ' !» ' ;^W ;':>'t^'i''^.'V'* .'^'^^ii/>^7V,n^- :>k ^ "r ' ~i. ;-ii \j . ¦';'., ' '.'!' . ,;A;m»iitpMMm

«i»—"i—¦a"" ————a__—_^__B_w__—____________

Mrs. George N. West and Jhrries TT."BneBecOr attended a meeting rmd din-ner , yesterday i'fternobn /aad-last- ev-'enlng of -the combined school -boardsof Brookhaven and , Islip I'dw 'ns. ' Themeeting 4n the .nfternoon ;'tbok placeIn the Patchogue (High School . "' Din-ner was served at the Lauref Hotel.Randall ' M. Saunders of 'the Depart-ment -tif Education at Albinyj' address-e'd the 'meetin g on attendance andattendance " omcers ;

Mrs. William Walker and hor sons,'James and Frank , of Crestwood , N. Y.,bave been ' visiting at Uie home ofMrs. Walker 's brotber-in-law and sis-ter , Mr. and Mrs. James J. Mclnerne y.

Mr . and Mrs. Robert ¦H. ..Koehler re-turned the JafcCer .part ...of last weekfrom a six weeks tri p abroad and inCanada.

Elwyn and Robert Sohaefer eachhave a small saddle pon y.

BawvoiftSffiam Visiters Gs>*'¦-: *• ¦rT * *K»^r^"-^^ rt.. i -* ^ ^ *s^'wrV

^ tf^j. tv ;^ -.'-j - ._.' . ¦-¦. *-. ¦,» -. j j, ., , . ( . ; ¦ „ -

" • j -h . • . - ¦¦ ' ¦' ¦• 'A_«_—_—_______«____¦_—*_»



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The Bayport IFeed Store

Coal ¦:¦ FeedFERTILIZ ERS j

Tel. Bayport 1070 |i—¦n_———__—_¦_______——___——__¦__«_.


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lib. Chocolate Nut s™^Caramels . . . _J"

lib, Milk Chocolate *™^Fresh Fruit . . . 4-9

lib. Assorted Choc- s™gJJ

olates . . . . Oz)

Th* •if 'PackageFoncyDlppcdx. I Marshmallow

Big! libChocOlatcCovercd


1 . Spanish NougiitincsI 1 lb. Molasses CreamIt, Lumps,


FRED'S SHOPPE141 Hailroad ',Avenue 'Phone Suyvill<J 608



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' —-'

*m ¦w»|ii>a^ia^^ wi_Maw»a>___TM|^aw_yi>a*"«'a~' j, " < . ' 'V 1 '1 ' > '/

' < \ u ,v '" I J U - M ,i,, , w' ' I' l -r '- ' J , ' ,v ' U? i < 1!U m '> '•"» „ ' "

Prepare for a Good !Position at a \

SchoolThat Ranks With The Best j


Bookkee pingAccoun tancy !Rapid Calculation \Business P.eiimanahip IBus. English ami CorrespondenceCommercial LawSpelling and Definitions

| Stenography JI Touch Typewriting ii Pilinfi !I Office Practice |j Business Organization ami Admin- i

•is tratlonCommercial Arithmetic.

Day and Evening Classes JOur Ciraduatos are In constant j

| demand. iI i

South ShoreI Secretarial Schooli

j Tele phone 2018

| Patchogue, L. I., N. Y.Mary A. Townsend-F iake , Principal

SAMUEL S. GERARDContracting Mason - Builder

Mason work in' all its bra nchesa special ty

Estimate s Cheerfully Given

TeL Bayport 310 Bayporti

A proper and 'comfo rta ble sleepingposition is. important, for rest andhealth. An excellent posit ion is plac-ing the right arm at the back , thebody lying partly on the side and part-ly on the abdome n.

Bayport Method ist Episcopal ChurchAlfred b. Hubbard , pastor.

Sunda y School at 10 a. m.Preachin g service at 11 a. m.Epwortb League at 7 p. m.Evening worship at 7:30 p. m.Wednesda y evening—Prayer meet- '

ins, 7:30 p. m. i >Thursda y evening—Choir rehearsal. !

^ i

For Cbtnfort in Meefr