Jatropha orignal.Nomenclature Origin History Botany and morphology Medicinal uses of jatrofa,...

B.Sc (Hons) Agronomy

Transcript of Jatropha orignal.Nomenclature Origin History Botany and morphology Medicinal uses of jatrofa,...

PowerPoint Presentation

041 7862527B.Sc (Hons) AgricultureAgronomy 7th Semester


JatrophaJatropha curcas L.




Contents:NomenclatureOriginHistoryBotany and morphologyMedicinal usesProduction technologyBibliography

Nomenclature:Family: Euphorbiaceae

Botanical name: Jatropha curcas L.

Origin:It is native to the American tropics, most likely Mexico and Central America. It is native to the American tropics, most likely Mexico and Central America.


Botany & morphology of jatropha:

It is a small tree or shrub with smooth gray bark.Normally, it grows between three and five meters in height, but can attain a height of up to eight or ten meters under favorable conditions.

Leaves:It has large green to pale-green leaves.Alternate to sub-opposite.Three-to five-lobed.

Botany & morphology of jatropha:

Flowers:The petiole length ranges between 6-23 mm.The inflorescence is formed in the leaf axil.Flowers are formed terminally, individually.Female flowers slightly larger and occurs in the hot seasons.

Botany & morphology of jatropha:

Botany & morphology of jatropha:Fruits:Produced in winter when the shrub is leafless.It may produce several crops during the year if soil moisture is good and temperatures are sufficiently high.Each inflorescence yields a bunch of approximately 10 or more ovoid fruits.


Botany & morphology of jatropha:Seeds: A three, bi-valved cocci is formed after the seeds mature and the fleshy exocarp dries.The seeds become mature when the capsule changes from green to yellow, after two to four months.Per 100 g, the seed is reported to contain 6.6 g H2O, 18.2 g protein, 38.0 g fat, 33.5 g total carbohydrate, 15.5 g fiber, and 4.5 g ash.

Jatropha plant

Medicinal uses:Plants are a rich source of many natural products most of which have been extensively used for human welfare, and treatment of various diseases.J. Curcashas been used as traditional medicine to cure various infections.

Medicinal uses:This is the cure for cancer.Four antitumor compounds, including jatropham and jatrophone, are reported from other species of jatropha.Homeopathically used for cold sweats, colic, collapse, cramps, cyanosis, diarrhea, leg cramps. Used in folk remedies for cancer.

Cold sweat: chill & fear , colic : abdominal pain, collapse: failure of action, cramps: muscular contraction, cyanosis: a bluish discoloration of skin due to lack of oxygen, diarrhea: looseness of bowels13



Bio Diesel : Bio Diesel is the most valuable form of renewable energy that can be used directly without any complicate chemical process.

Bio Diesel is environmental friendly and ideal for heavily polluted cities.

Bio Diesel produces 80% less carbon dioxide and 100% less sulfur di-oxide emissions. It provides a 90% reduction in cancer risks.

Bio Diesel can be used alone or mixed in any ratio with mineral oil diesel fuel. The preferred ratio if mixture ranges between 5 and 20%.

Bio Diesel extends the lives of diesel engines.

Less Global Warming: Biofuels contain carbon that was taken out of theatmosphere by plants and trees as they grew.

The Fossil fuels are adding huge amounts of stored carbon dioxide (CO2) to the atmosphere, and causes the world to warm.

Biodiesel reduces CO2 emissions to a considerable extentand in some cases all most nearly to zero.

Economic Growth: Biofuels create new markets for agricultural products and stimulate rural development because biofuels are generated from crops. In the near future bio-diesel will be a big industry especially two-thirds of the people in the developing world get their incomes from bio-diesel industry.

Energy Independence:

Considering that oil priced at $60 per barrel has a disproportionate impact on the poorest countries.38 of which are net importers and 25 of Which import all of their oil.

Production technology

Locality and distribution:CLIMATE:Ideal temperature range is 20-40 degrees C.Do not recommend planting in areas with a history of frost.Ideal rainfall is over 1,000-1500 mm/yr.Ideal dry months not exceed 4 months.

Locality and distribution:

SOIL TYPESoil pH 6-9.Very well drained sandy loam is ideal.Very sandy to heavier soils are acceptable.Good drainage is essential.

Locality and distribution:WIND:Ideally a location with protection from heavy winds.Some wind is acceptable but if it is excessive it can have a detrimental effect on pollination by pollinators such as insects and bees.

Propagation methods:

GENERATIVE PROPAGATIONEFFECTING FACTORSDirect seedingQuality of seedsSeding depthDate of sowingTransplantation of precultivated plantsSeeds beds(bare roots)Poly bagsType of precultivation Length of precultivation Age of precultivation


Propagation methods:

VEGETATIVE PROPAGATION(cuttings)Direct plantingRight timeTransplanting of precultivated plantsSeeds beds(bare roots)Poly bagsRight size Right age Right strain Right source

Propagation methods:

Successful precultivation is characterized by:High germination rates of seeds High sprouting rates of cuttings High survival rates

Growing seasons:

GROWING SEASONSFor the countries falling in Northern hemisphere For the countries falling in Southern hemisphereNursery raising: MarchNursery rising : SeptemberPlantation: MayPlantation :November

Crop density:Hedgerows or soil conservation:Recommend spacing for hedgerows or soil conservation is 15cm - 25cm x 15cm-25cm in one or two rows respectively and 2m x 1.5m to 3m x 3m for plantations. Thus there will be between 4,000 to 6,700 plants per km for a single hedgerow and double that when two rows are planted. Satisfactory planting widths are 2 x 2 m, 2.5 x 2.5 m, and 3 x 3 m. This is equivalent to crop densities of 2500, 1600 and 1111 plants/ha, respectively.

Crop density

Jatropha growing media for max. Yields:

A proprietary mixture of essential bio-fertilizer, micro-nutrients- more than 10 components from different groups all assisting the plant growth, neem paste, Charcoal preparation etc. in prescribed ratio for better growth and yield of seeds and oil.


Optimum rainfall is 800 mm.500 - 600 mm of rainfall is the limit. Below it the production depends on the local water condition in the ground.It will also stand for long periods without water - up to 2 years and then grow again when rains occur again.


Weeding:Timely weeding (4 times a year) is necessary.

Use of fertilizer:

Mycorrhizal associations have been observed with jatropha and are known to aid the plants growth under conditions where phosphate is limiting.It is recommended that 1 kg of farmyard manure plus 100 g of neem waste for every seedling.Or 2.5 t organic fertilizer per ha.After transplantation and the establishment of the plant fertilizer such as N, P and k should be applied. Twenty gram urea + 120 g SSP and 16 g MOP should be applied annually.

Pruning:Pruning 1st pruneThe plants need to produce side shoots for maximum sprouting and maximum flowers and seed. Between 90 and 120 days top of all plants at 25 cm. Cut the top off cleanly and cut top to produce 8 12 side branches.It is considered good practice. In order to facilitate the harvesting, it is suggested to keep the tree less than 2 meters.


Specific intolerance with other crops was not detected.On the contrary the shade can be exploited by shade-loving herbal plants; vegetables such red and green peppers, tomatoes, etc.

CROP YIELD:Seed production ranges from about 2 tons per hectare per year to over 12.5t/ha/year, after five years of growth.

Without irrigationMT/HALOWNORMALHIGHYear 20.501.001.50Year 30.751.251.75Year 40.901.752.25Year

CROP YIELD:MT/HAIRRIGATEDLOWNORMALHIGHYear 10.751.252.50Year 21.001.503.00Year 55.258.0012.50

Processing and handling :After collection the fruits are transported in open bags to the processing site. Dried in shade until all the fruits have opened.When the seeds are dry they are separated from the fruits and cleaned. Seeds are oily and do not store for long. Seeds older than 15 months show viability below 50%.

Pests and diseases: Collar rot disease (caused by macropphomina phaseolina or rhizoctonia bataticola) at juvenile stages or by water-logging at adult stages.Leaf spots disease (caused by cercospora jatrophaecurcas, helminthosporium tetramera or pestalotiopsis spp.).Root rot disease (caused by fusarium moniliforme) and damping off (caused by phytophtora spp.).

Pests and diseases: Insects:Leaf webbersRed spider mitesGreen bug infestationsMealy bug infestationsLeaf miners


South African Medical Research Council Bursary Holder, Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, Medical University of Southern Africa, South AfricaDepartment of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Medical University of Southern Africa, South AfricaDepartment of Paediatrics and Child Health, Medical University of Southern Africa, South Africa*Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, P O Medunsa 0204, South

ERS 482/682 (Fall 2002)