January 2010 - 2010. Slide 2 Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) The AQTF is the national...

January 2010 - 2010

Transcript of January 2010 - 2010. Slide 2 Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) The AQTF is the national...

January 2010

- 2010

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Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF)

The AQTF is the national set of standards which assures

nationally consistent, high-quality training and

assessment services for the clients of Australia’s

vocational education and training system.

AQTF 2010 is the current version of the framework.

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Component of the AQTF

The Essential Standards for Registration

Training organisations must meet these standards in order to deliver and

assess nationally recognised training and issue nationally recognised


Standards for State and Territory Registering Bodies

State and Territory registering bodies are responsible for registering

training organisations and for quality assuring the training and assessment

services they provide.

Excellence Criteria

These are criteria that registered training organisations may use voluntarily

to continue improving the quality of their training and assessment and to

gain recognition of their performance.

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Essential Standards for Registration


9 Conditions of Registration

3 Standards

3 Quality Indicators

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Conditions of Registration

1. Governance

2. Interactions with the registering body

3. Compliance with legislation

4. Insurance

5. Financial management

6. Certification & issuing of qualifications statements of attainment

7. Recognition of qualifications issued by other RTOs

8. Accuracy and integrity of marketing

9. Transition to training packages/ expiry of accredited courses


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Essential Standards

Standard 1 The RTO provides quality training and assessment across all of its operations

Standard 2 The RTO adheres to principles of access and equity and maximises outcomes for its clients

Standard 3 Management systems are responsive to the needs of clients, staff and stakeholders, and the environment in which the RTO operates.

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Essential Standards

Employer satisfaction (this includes competency development and training & assessment quality)

Learner satisfaction (this includes learner engagement and competency development)

Competency completion rate(This will be calculated for qualifications and units of competency)

Quality Indicators

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Why the change from 2007 to 2010?

Strengthen Essential Standards for existing RTOs

Acknowledging the need to differentiate between providers that have proven track record and those that are new to the training industry

Changes in packaging rules (a) will provide RTOs with more electives that can be chosen from a broader range of units and (b) RTOs will be able to offer clients more choice to cover their specific needs.

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What are the changes from 2007 - 2010?

Changes to essential standards for registration

Changes to essential standards for initial registration

Major changes to packaging rules for the Training Packages

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The Major Changes

The new packaging rules:

One third or more of total units required to gain a VETqualification will be electives

The choice of elective units can be broadened, to allow one sixth of total units to be included from other qualifications in a Training Package, other Training Packages and accredited courses

Licensed and trade occupations will be exemptfrom these measures

All units will be called either core or elective. Recommended combinations of electives for particularspecialisations will be presented as groups.

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What’s different?

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What’s different? (cont.)

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What’s different? (cont.)

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What’s different? (cont.)

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What’s different? (cont.)

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What’s different? (cont.)

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What’s different? (cont.)

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What’s different? (cont.)

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The changes will be implemented throughout 2010

Practical aspects of implementation will be worked through with State Training Authorities and the Industry Skills Councils

The National Quality Council will provide opportunitiesfor stakeholders to be involved in implementation issues

Timeline for RTOs – until further advised.
