January 20, 2015 Welcome to your final semester of High School!!!!! What is Global Perspectives? ...

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January 20, 2015 Welcome to your final semester of High School!!!!! What is Global Perspectives? What information will we cover? Types of govt? Slide 2 January 22, 2015 Objectives: To develop a better understanding of comparative governments. Question: What form of government believes in a representative form of government where people are chosen to vote for us? Slide 3 Slide 4 Comparative Government Vocabulary Slide 5 Anarchy From Greek: anarcha, "without ruler" A theoretical social state in which there is no governing person or body of persons, but each individual has absolute liberty without the implication of disorder. Anarchists are those who advocate the absence of the state, arguing that common sense would allow for people to come together in agreement to form a functional society allowing for the participants to freely develop their own sense of morality, ethics and behavior.. Examples: French Revolution Jamaica 1720 Spain 1936 Slide 6 Aristocracy Aristocracy is a form of government where power is kept by an elite class. From Greek "aristokratia", rule of the best Nobility China, Islam, Europe Slide 7 Autocracy An autocracy is a form of government in which the political power is held by a single self appointed ruler. from Greek word autocratic -"self-ruler", or to: "rule by one's self. Can be a: monarch, dictator, despot, tyrant Slide 8 Tribe A tribe consists of a social group existing before the development of states and government. most contemporary tribes do not have their origin in pre-state tribes, but rather in pre-state bands. Bands comprise small, mobile, and fluid social formations with weak leadership, that do not generate surpluses, pay no taxes and support no standing army. Slide 9 Theocracy Theocracy is a form of government in which a God or a deity is recognized as the supreme civil ruler. The word theocracy originates from the Greek (theokratia), meaning "the rule of God". In a pure theocracy, the civil leader is believed to have a direct personal connection with God. (Moses, Muhammad) Iran, Saudi Arabia, The Vatican, pre-WWII Japan Slide 10 Communism Communism is a socio-economic structure that promotes the establishment of a classless (no rich/poor), stateless (no govt) society based on common ownership of the means of production. It is usually considered a branch of the broader socialist movement that draws on the various political and intellectual movements that trace their origins back to the work of Karl Marx. the world's wealth should be shared equally, and that unequal distribution caused by class distinctions, is the root of all social evils, driving men to greed, selfishness and exploitation. Former Soviet Union, China, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba. Slide 11 January 22, 2015 Objectives: To develop a better understanding of comparative governments Slide 12 Fascism Fascism is an authoritarian political ideology that considers the individual subordinate to the interests of the state, party or society as a whole. Private propery allowed (opposite of Communism). Fascists seek to forge a type of national unity, usually based on ethnic, cultural, racial, religious attributes. The key attribute of fascism is intolerance of individualism. 1923-1945 Italy 1933-1945 Germany 1939-1975 Spain Slide 13