Jan/Feb Magazine 2013



Dancefit Magazine Shrink That Belly Fat!

Transcript of Jan/Feb Magazine 2013

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1. Sarah’s bit of babble – New Year’s Resolutions!!!!!

2. Shrink that Belly Fat – Top Tips!

3. Free Weight Loss Consultations

4. The latest HOT new workouts…Metafit & Kettle Bells!


6. Up to date Timetable

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Hi Dancefitters

Happy New Year! Where did January go? We’ve had floods, snow drifts, more floods, now

wind (no comment!) and you just wait until the summer when we’ll get a hose pipe ban

because it’s too hot!

Not a great start to the New Year admittedly weather wise. Has the ‘weather’ affected your

New Year’s Resolution of getting fit and healthy? MMMM!

Now you all know me by now (and if you don’t then come and chat to me, I don’t bite

(much)) and I hope you don’t mind me speaking the truth here, but we’ve all done it, every

January we make the same old New Year’s Resolution to ‘lose weight’ yet again, maybe

attend a class once a week, start eating lettuce and wonder why we’re not losing weight!

Then we get disheartened and fall back into our old habits of poor eating and no exercise by

March because we haven’t lost 2 stone! I’VE DONE IT – 1000’S OF TIMES!

Now here’s a few reasons why I think it happens and how WE can HELP you overcome

these hurdles:-

1. We expect to lose the 2 stone we put on over Christmas in about a week! Sorry girls

but it’s going to take more than exercising once a week and eating nothing but


How can we H.E.L.P you?

Book your FREE consultation with me and we can access your goals, lifestyle,

nutrition and the best way forward for you to lose those extra inches. Contact me

on 0116 3192023

2. We drag ‘a friend’ along to class with us, she doesn’t really want to go, she’s just

keeping you company. She stops going after a few weeks and you don’t want to go

on your own, so you stop going!

How can we H.E.L.P you?

All our instructors and clients are friendly and approachable and many ladies

attend classes on their own. Do it for you! We all have choices in our life and don’t

let anyone else’s decision influence what you want to achieve. We are here to

support you.

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3. Find a class that you enjoy – if you don’t enjoy it then you are more likely to quit!

How can we H.E.L.P you?

We do like to have fun in our workouts and we like to think you do to, but there

will be certain classes that are just not for you. Come and chat to us and let us

know the sort of workout that you do enjoy and we can point you in the right


4. Excuses, excuses, excuses – let’s blame everyone else why we can’t eat healthily or

exercise! Here’s a few of the excuses I’ve heard over the years:-

Eating healthily is too expensive – rubbish! Fruit and Veg is really cheap from

the MAHOOSIVE market in Leicester or try Aldi.

I’m too tired – Exercise boosts your energy, gets the blood flowing and

stimulates your happy hormones! It speeds up your metabolism and helps you

burn calories even after you stop exercising! What’s not to love about that?

I can’t afford it! -Running is free! What can you cut out in order to pay for a

class? Cigarettes, Eating out, Magazines?

I don’t have time! - Schedule exercise in as part of your day. Book your classes

in advance or arrange to meet someone there and then you are more likely to

stick to your appointment!

I don’t want to go on my own! I’m worried people will laugh at me - Everyone

attended their first class and felt the same at some point. To be honest – no-

one cares what you look like as they’re too busy worrying about what they look

like! Sorry but that’s true!

Can you add anymore to this list??

Whether you relate to any of the above or not – remember you do have a choice in life and if

you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got!

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‘Diet’ – the word Die with a T on the end!.. We stop eating ‘properly’ and still can’t seem to

lose the weight. Why is that? Well your body goes into starvation mode and wonders when

it’s going to get ‘fuel’ again so when you do eat; your body is just going to hold onto that

food for fuel.

Would you like to find out your daily calorie intake?

Then log onto http://www.dancefitstudio.myforever.biz/nutrilean

AMR = Active Metabolic Rate – The amount of calories you need if you’re exercising

BMR – Basal Metabolic Rate – The amount of calories you need just to survive on a

daily basis.

We’re not sure what to eat -

What does a balanced diet consist of? It must be good for me it says Low Fat on it! What’s a

Carb? What’s a Protein? What’s the difference between Trans Fat and Saturated Fat?

We don’t all need to enrol on a nutrition course (you can if you want to) but just a little bit

of basic knowledge does go a long way in understanding what is deemed healthy and

unhealthy in the food choices that we make.

So you can see just with those examples it doesn’t take much and you’re on your way to

that 90g of sugar per day!

BTW – its sugar that makes you fat not fat! SO CUT IT OUT and lose that Belly Fat!

For example: Your daily sugar allowance is up to 90g per day.

One teaspoon of granulated sugar = about 4g sugar.

Fruit and Fibre Cereal (per 100g) = 24g sugar – 6 teaspoons of sugar

Muller Light Yoghurt Strawberry = 12g of sugar – 3 teaspoons of sugar

Can of Coke = 39g of sugar = 9-10 teaspoons of sugar!!!

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There are so many ‘simple’ things you can change in your day to day life which will help you

to start losing that Belly Fat. We can all follow ‘diets’ and ‘count calories’ and have ‘cheat

meals’ but at the end of the day it’s the quality of the food that we put into our mouths

that’s important and NOT the fact that xyz chocolate bar has less calories than a normal

chocolate bar – ARGHHH!! Where’s my soap box?

I’m very passionate about losing weight the sensible way and have, probably like a lot of

you, tired many ‘fad’ diets only to put more weight back on over time.

I was also very confused to what the best way was to lose weight and the sort of exercise I

should be doing. Do I do Cardio or resistance? What’s the difference? I was leading a very

busy life, working away, very stressful – when am I going to find time to exercise? Then the

children came along and that good old vicious circle of I ‘need’ to lose my baby weight

NOW! But I’m too busy and too tired to exercise and I really don’t know what I should and

shouldn’t be eating to be able to lose my baby fat!

It’s taken me a long time to figure out what’s best for my body (because everyone is

different) and now I want to share with you how you can find out what’s best for your body

and keep that weight off FOREVER!

Book your FREE Consultation and Free Mind Set Assessment Today!

Contact Sarah on 0116 3192023

Or email [email protected]

Which would you like to be?







The aim of this programme is to HELP you achieve all of the above.

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What does the 12 Week H.E.L.P Programme consist of?

Weekly Diet & Nutritional Education straight to your inbox so you can learn how to

make educated food choices for life - Sugar, Carbs, Protein, Fats, Fluid, how to read a

Food Label

Goal Setting & Motivational Guidance to keep you on track

Food & Activity Diaries

Weekly Home Workouts via Private Video Link

*30 minute – One to One weekly food diary analysis & Motivational Coaching via

Telephone or in person to suit your personal circumstances

Access to the Secret Facebook Group

Unlimited classes at the Dancefit Studio for the 12 weeks (don’t worry if you’re short

of time and can’t make it to class – you can use the FLABeLOS machine which is just a

10 min quick programme)

What makes this course so different from all the other Diet Programmes out there?

We have a high weight loss success rate due to the simple yet effect structure of the course.

This is NOT a Diet! – this is a Healthy Eating Lifestyle Programme.

We educate you about food and nutrition so you are able to make educated food choices for life

Exercise is not enough if you want to lose weight – Your eating habits can be the cause of why you can’t lose those extra inches!

We work closely with you to set realistic goals.

We provide motivational coaching tips that HELP to keep you in the right frame of mind when losing weight.

Every Body is different – therefore everybody will lose weight/tone up at different rates – we don’t make false promises – we work with you to work out what is best for you!

I don’t want you to go through the Dieting Hell I’ve been through – trying to lose my baby

weight and Yo-yo dieting since my 20’s!

I want to HELP you get your Life back on track and so I would like to offer you a FREE

Consultation with myself and FREE Mindset Assessment (Normally £20) to see if you are ready

to make those changes to your life.

Quick and Easy Programme to Follow – especially if you’re busy and short on time!


Contact Sarah on 0116 3192023


email: [email protected]


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Can anyone join?

No (and we’re not being unkind here!) One of the reasons why people ‘fail’ at weight loss is because they’re not in the right frame of mind. No doesn’t mean no forever, as we work with you to get you into the right frame of mind for the programme!

Are you psychologically ready to lose weight?

How much do you believe you can lose the weight?

Where are you on your weight loss journey?

Are you ready to start your Healthy Eating Lifestyle Programme forever?

By sitting a serious of test questions, you will be able to see where you are in your

weight loss journey

Why do we do this? People are more committed to the Programme because they are

ready to change their lifestyle and eating habits, therefore resulting in greater

weight loss success.

I don’t want you to go through the Dieting Hell I’ve been through – trying to lose my baby

weight and Yo-yo dieting since my 20’s!

I want to HELP you get your Life back on track and so I would like to offer you a FREE

Consultation with myself and FREE Mindset Assessment (Normally £20) to see if you are ready to

make those changes to your life.


Contact Sarah on 0116 3192023


email: [email protected]


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See what are our ladies have to say

Here's some great feedback from some of the girls who did our Clean 9 and 12

Week Healthy Eating Lifestyle Programme last year.

I asked ‘would you recommend our Clean 9 Detox Programme and

12 Week Healthy Eating Lifestyle Programme’?

Maria De Souza – Clean 9 and Healthy Eating Lifestyle Programme - Testimonial Since starting up with Sarah and her team at Dancefit Studio's, I already decided now was the time to lose weight after having my second child. After the first week of classes, I had lost an amazing 4lbs! I got talking to Sarah, and she guided me to try the Clean 9 Cleansing Programme that I started in September 2012. Three days later I was another 5lbs lighter and after the programme was completed, I had lost 9lbs in 9 days as well as my 4lbs before making me 13lbs lighter in just 14 days!! The Clean 9 Programme had set me up to continue to reach my goals and with help and support from Sarah and Hollie, I was then involved in the 12-Week H.E.L.P Programme. This was then a continuation from the Clean 9 and it actually gave me the chance to see what I was eating and what times of the month I was eating as well as why I was eating! Before, I used to skip meals and didn't really make time for myself - everything was about the kids! Since being on the 12 weeks programme, I had gained the knowledge of what my eating habits were in the first week, and what I thought was healthy to reality! The 12 week programme had given me the chance to understand my body, understand my mind and understand how to lose weight healthily, easily and happily. I had found the food I was eating the previous night was the reason why I couldn't sleep as well and why I woke up tired every morning, also, that our minds trick us into falling into bad habits. Now I eat more than I ever used to eat and I'm left feeling satisfied after dinner. Since completing the 12 week programme a week before Christmas, I had already told myself that I wouldn't put the weight back on over Christmas. I ate what I wanted to eat and didn't deprive myself over the festive period and I understood when I can do this, which made me stay the same weight throughout Christmas and didn't put anything on, which I found easy all because I gained this knowledge from H.E.L.P. After Christmas, I decided that I wanted to go back on the Clean 9 Cleansing Programme again and start again, so I did and lost another 7lbs. This then put me back on track after Christmas to get back into reaching my long-term goals and short-term goals. Since the 2 Clean 9 Programmes and the H.E.L.P I have lost a total of 31lbs (2 stone 3lbs) in 16 weeks!! This is the most I have ever lost and I feel the need to keep going. During the whole time, Sarah and Hollie were there for support so it felt like I wasn't alone.

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The way I feel now about myself is so different to how I felt 4 months ago. In 16 weeks I have dropped 2 jean sizes and feel very energetic every day. For me personally, if you're on the Clean 9, I would really recommend going onto the H.E.L.P straight away as this will continue the weight loss and your head will already be in the right frame of mind to carry it on. Starting the Clean 9 the second time round was so much easier after being on H.E.L.P too, it gave me the knowledge to try so many recipes so that I was never bored and was so easy to pick what I am going to eat on what day instead of just slamming something in the oven because I 'don't have the time!' My children were fussy eaters, and since going on both programmes, dinner times have been so much better for them too, they are now trying different things! Reading labels properly has given me the knowledge to make the right decisions for myself and my young family and shopping is done in no time as we prepare the week ahead to avoid fast food. The treats that I used to take for granted as a 'quick fix' are so much more appreciated now. I can't thank Sarah and her team enough for helping me achieve what I have already. This has definitely H.E.L.P-ed me (see what I did there!!)...and hope it can help more and more people! This is not the end, it's just the beginning! Tara

Definitely! Lost a stone in 10 weeks. Plan was really easy to get into and I felt like my

lifestyle totally changed by week 4. Still feeling great


The healthy way to lose weight, keep it off AND enjoy food


Would defo recommend the Clean 9 detox. I lost 9lbs in the 9 days and not to mention all

the inches I lost too. Energy levels were off the chain, my skin feels great even now a month

later after doing it (eczema sufferer) and I will be looking to do it again May/June time

before my hols....xxxx


I would definitely recommend the clean 9 and the 12 week programme! I've lost 26lbs so

far, that's starting the clean 9 and going straight into the 12 week programme! Only 2lbs

away from 2 stone ATM! It's my biggest achievement so far (weight loss wise!) and I feel

great! I will be starting the clean 9 programme again next week (or the week after!)

The knowledge I now have has set me up to succeed! As well as knowing what I should and

shouldn't be eating I can also have a treat! Those things that weren't treats before and were

part of everyday eating taste so much better now that I am not eating them most days!

Food actually makes me feel good instead of guilty! Doing the clean 9 a second time round, I

feel more confident after the first time and 12 week programme as I know the outcome,

and I know what is involved! Bring on 2013!! This is the best I've felt for years! Thank you

team Hollie Thompson and team Sarah Johnson ...xxxxxxx Btw my total loss of 26lbs has

happened all in 3 and a half months...only 14 weeks!! Xxx

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Maria (again Ha Ha!)

Helloooo! Right, I know a lot of people probably take this for granted but this is something I

need to shout out!! Since continuing the healthy eating lifestyle programme after the 12

weeks, I have noticed a massive change in my 3 year old and 19 month old! They are now

eating so much more because they can see I'm eating the good stuff! They went from being

so fussy and only eating chicken nuggets (even if I cooked them from scratch they wanted

processed ones!) to now eating porridge, raw spinach leaves, brown pasta, brown rice,

grilled chicken breasts, lean beef, tuna, chick peas, kidney beans, lentils, veg broth and lots

of veg! Desserts have now changed to a piece of fruit or fruit salads for them and the Brita

filter is constantly being filled up, they have slowed down on the juice! And to make things

even funnier, my 3 year old boy who is my 'reminder' tells me 'mama no carbs for dinner!'

THANK YOU Sarah Johnson AND Hollie Thompson I've been banging my head for years to

break their habits, and it's finally happening! Xxxx


Keep smiling and we can’t wait to Dance with you soon

Sarah and the Dancefit Team xxxx


REQUEST TO [email protected]

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The latest HOT new workouts…Metafit & Kettle bells


The original 30 minute metabolic body weight workout that just keeps on working.

An interval training class suitable for all abilities that uses only body weight and basic

exercises to raise your heart rate and increase your resting metabolic rate (how quick you

burn calories when doing nothing!)

You'll work muscles you didn't even know you had and can help to quickly see a change in

fitness levels and body shape!

Kettle bells

This class is fantastic for fat loss, raising your metabolic rate, improving posture, strength

and your energy levels. Kettle bell classes focus on high repetitions of exercises and

exercises in a circuit to really target your muscle groups- especially your glutes! Want that

pert bum by the summer and nice toned arms? This is the class for you!

20 sessions for £20!

Perfect if you’re short of time!

A 10 minute session = 1 hour workout!


*Advance booking required. *Must be 18 or over.

*Results may vary, should be undertaken in conjunction with a controlled diet and healthy lifestyle.

To book – contact Dancefit Studio on 0116 3192023

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First Floor, 80-84 High Street, Leicester, LE1 5YP Tel: 0116 319 2023

Email: [email protected] www.dancefitstudio.co.uk

**Classes not included in Monthly membership** ** All classes must be booked in advance** C = Cardio T = Toning

Day Time Class type Cardio or Toning

Location Instructor

Monday 5.30pm – 6.15pm Ultimate Body Toning T Dancefit Studio Sarah Johnson

Monday 6.15pm – 7.00pm Zumba C Dancefit Studio Sarah Johnson

Monday 7.00pm – 7.45pm Kettlebells C & T Dancefit Studio Hollie Thompson

Tuesday 5.30pm – 6.15pm Zumba C Dancefit Studio Hollie Thompson

Tuesday 6.15pm – 7.00pm Zumba C Dancefit Studio Angelica

Tuesday 7.00pm – 7.30pm **Energy Blast** C Dancefit Studio Leah Golde

Tuesday 7.15pm – 8.15pm Zumba C New College, Glenfield Rd Sarah Johnson

Wednesday 10am-10.45am Zumba C Dancefit Studio Sarah Johnson

Wednesday 5.45pm – 6.30pm Zumba C Dancefit Studio Hollie Thompson

Wednesday 6.30pm – 7.15pm MetaFit T Dancefit Studio Hollie Thompson

Wednesday 7.15pm – 8.15pm **Ballet Tone** T Dancefit Studio Alison Bacon

Thursday 10am- 10.45am Zumba C Dancefit Studio Sarah Johnson

Thursday 5.30pm – 6.15pm Ragga Fusion C Dancefit Studio Angelica

Thursday 6.15pm – 7pm Zumba C Dancefit Studio Hollie Thompson

Thursday 7pm – 7.45pm Sculpt & Tone T Dancefit Studio Hollie Thompson

Thursday 7.15pm – 8.15pm Zumba C Knighton Parish centre Sarah Johnson

Friday 10am – 10.45am Legs, Bums & Tums T Dancefit Studio Sarah Johnson

Friday 10.45am -11.30am Zumba C Dancefit Studio Sarah Johnson

Friday 5.45pm – 6.30pm Zumba C Dancefit Studio Sarah Johnson

Saturday 10am – 11am Zumba C Dancefit Studio Sarah Johnson

Sunday 10am – 11am Zumba C Dancefit Studio Hollie Thompson

Sunday 11am – 11.45am Abs-Solutely Fab Abs T Dancefit Studio Hollie Thompson

Prices 1 hr class - £4.50 (£4 Concessions) 45 min class - £3.50 (£3 Concessions)

£30 Monthly (unlimited classes except those marked ** on the timetable)