James, Introduction


Transcript of James, Introduction

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“ Intro to the

Epistle ofJames”James 1:1

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Introduction…•The Book of James is so practical and down to earth that it’s been called ‘The Proverbs of the New Testament’•Full of practical illustrations of “doing” rather than just “hearing”•Only truly Born-again Believers will really get this•So often the church gets its theology twisted up and thinks that somehow our ‘works’ make us Christians

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“James, a bond-servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes who are dispersed abroad: Greetings.2 Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. 4 And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”

James 1:1-4, NASB

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A. Configuration of the Book•James teaches us to apply the doctrines we’ve learned from other books•It talks about how to turn trials and tests to joy; it talks about listening and doing; teaches showing no favoritism; also it talks about faith and deeds; taming the tongue; wisdom; submitting ourselves to God; boasting about tomorrow; a warning to rich oppressors; patience in suffering; and it finally about prayer in faith.

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A. Configuration of the Book•These are tools we can use every day and every night of our lives•Do you know that you can sit under the best teachers of all time, and still learn nothing?•Judas is the prime example– if you don’t apply what you learn as a Christian (not the other way around), judgment will turn against you in the end•James teaches us we are responsible for what we learn

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B. The theme of the book…•Spiritual maturity, v 4

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“4 And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”

James 1:4, NASB

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B. The theme of the book…•Spiritual maturity, v 4•Is there a difference between Spiritually Mature Christians and Physically Mature Christians?•Think of the church house as either a Launchpad or a nursery•Christianity is like this dude•If we don’t constantly apply what we learn, we backslide…

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C. The author…•Not James the disciple– brother of James, son of Zebedee– son of thunder•He was probably dead before this was written– Herod got him in 44 A.D.•Not the other disciple James, “the Lesser” he had neither the stature nor influence to have written this•We strongly believe James the Greater, or James the Just wrote this epistle

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C. The author…•Half brother of Jesus, son of Mary and Joseph, also called “Old Camel Knees” because he spent so much time praying•Within 10 years of Pentecost, he became very influential in the church, especially the Hebrew church we just finished studying•Peter reported to him on his release from prison (Acts 12:17).•Paul acted on James advice (Acts 21:18-26).

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C. The author…•He was a very strict Jew himself, but was author of the tolerant letter to Gentile Christians (Acts 15:13-29)•He endorsed Paul’s evangelism to Gentiles, but was himself mainly concerned with the Jews•His life work was to win Jews, and “Smooth their passage to Christianity”, quoted O.T. 45 times•Josephus says martyred in Temple,62-66 AD, Ananias the HP wanted him to denounce Christ

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D. The bondservant…•V1

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“James, a bond-servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes who are dispersed abroad: Greetings.”

James 1:1, NASB

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D. The bondservant…•V1, the Jewish believers he was writing to knew him well, that’s why any further introduction was unnecessary•Simply id’d himself as a sevant•If I was Jesus’ brother…•The awl to the ear…•Greek- Kyrios– Lord– One God

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Take Home!1. Let us be

Bondservants of Christ– become the kind of Believer that’s more concerned about His wants than our own

2. Our identity is in Him, not in our own accomplishments