James godbey politics

My name is James Godbey and I am working on a computer science associates degree. I am in the process of switching from a career in Auto Mechanics to computer science because of an overall skill that is needed for both. A good developed technical problem solving skill which is basically taken something broken or inoperative and restoring it to its original working condition.

Transcript of James godbey politics

Page 1: James godbey politics

My name is James Godbey and I am working on a computer science associates degree. I am in the process of switching from a career in Auto Mechanics to computer science because of an overall skill that is needed for both. A good developed technical problem solving skill which is basically taken something broken or inoperative and restoring it to its original working condition.

Page 2: James godbey politics

Something that is very appealing from a political standpoint to me would not only be that we are free to vote, but also we are free to try convince as many others to agree with us as we want. This would be called being a political activist and if these views were rooted with

causes that are appealing to the public (the American voters) and get them to rally behind you then your views could very well end up in the

law books!

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The thing that surprised me the most is also the thing I least expected to learn. How our Congress

operates and more or less oversees the lawmaking was a surprise to me. More specifically when a bill

gets written and makes it as far as congress and gets passed, it can be vetoed by the president. This veto is not final though because congress can over-rule

the veto and pass the law anyway in the best interest of the people. To me that makes Congress as

a whole the final say so.

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When this country was founded there was an underlying root that everything was based on that is still present today but under acknowledged. Our money says it on every piece of it no matter which

type of money. When we bury soldiers there is a cross headstone. When our president was sworn into office he, at the end of the oath, says so help me God! If our country was founded on His basis, our

money has Him written on every piece, and our President makes promises to Him; then why can’t our children acknowledge Him in school. Yes the kids get a “moment of silence”, but that’s just exactly

what it is. Silence doesn’t acknowledge anything but silence. I also don’t feel that a Muslim, Hinduist, or any person other than Christian be expected to participate in prayer to God. God himself even gives all people the right to choose their own way. The argument I have is do not strip away any

chance for any child to acknowledge the religion they choose. Telling teachers, principals, and other school staff that they cannot talk about God, which is the very basic basis of this country, to me it is

kind of like saying that we are American but we can’t tell anyone that we are. I know this is a controversial issue, but all I am saying is that it is plainly black and white for me. Bring God back to

school and back to our country.

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I guess I am in the mood to hit all the controversial issues on this assignment. Good ole # 1 amendment that states our rights and freedom of speech, press, and religion are protected. More specifically the separation, or lack of, church and state. With everything I have read about it to try to fully understand it pointed to one thing. There is no specific detailed law for it or against it. The establishment clause is said to iron out the wrinkles ( the grey areas ) but to me it just dances around it. It is almost like it is purposely kept in the grey area for fear of having to take a stand on the issue for one side or the other from a written law standpoint. I will close with a simple question, If Congress can start their proceedings with prayers from a Minister of Christianity, ask our President to swear an oath and say so help me God, and write In God We Trust on all of our money, then should there be a separation of church and state?

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My favorite assignments were the Presidential Inauguration Reflection and the discussion topic over the death penalty. The Inauguration of President Trump was the first one I have

seen. I like how they give the ceremony somewhat of a Judicial feel to it the way they announce everyone’s full name from the President to the Narrator. The tradition that was

stated by the Narrator giving praise and credit to our founders made you feel proud to be an American. The discussion on the death penalty was a subject I could relate to. Being that

close to the ones that could have pushed for the death penalty it was not sought. “All” lives matter and everyone deserves a choice for life no matter the age. Years or minutes should

not make a difference on a person’s individual choice to choose to live!