Jackson for President 2-B - Greenbelt News Reviewgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19840510.pdf ·...

Paae12 ORUNBELT NEWS RBVIElV liken Will llftt At Beltwa' Plaza The Sterra Club'• Patuxent Group is aponaorinr a 12 mile aprine hike alone the C ol 0 Canal from Seneca to Turtle Run on Sat., May 12. Meet at 8 a.m. by the Beat Co. store at Beltway Plan. Bring Lunch. There. Ia a amall fee. Call Carl at 801-776-4888 for more Infor- mation. ARTS AND CRAFTS FAIR There are atlll openings for Greenbelt artlaana In the June 2, Arta A Crafta Fair being planned by the Greenbelt Cul- tural Arta Center as part of the Greenbelt Day celebrations, notes . Fair coordinator, Eileen jlon. · Queriea should be made to at 345-2454 evenings and weekends. Muslclana are also iieeded for entertelnment plan- ned during the 6 - hour fair to be held in front of the Utopia rtteater. Bingo 7a30p.m •. eVf111 Tbunday at St. BalCh's 135 CreseeDt Road GIAY PANIHIIS lALlY TO SAVI HEALTH CAll Loeal GraJ' Putben will take aldentlal candidates of both par- . part in a Metropolitan ana rally tlea have been Invited to clve to uve health can lloaday May their poaltlona on euaranteelnr 7 at 11 a.m. at the Democratic adequate health care for all National Headquarten and at 1 Americana, stopping eaealatlng p.m. at the Republican National health care eo1ta and re1torine Headquarten. Tranaportatlor the euta In Medicare and Medl- wlll be provided. Intereated per- eald. Marrte Kuhn may alao be sons will meet at the Suburban present. For Information Tel. Bank at 10 a.m. All leadlnr pre- 474-6890. SUBURBANN THE NEIGHBORHOOD BANK MlMilR Y .. ..,... W.COIU' MlMIIlR I'Dit Greeflbelt:Oftfie 103 Cenlerway • 20770 270.7521 . ' .... , Introductory Sale Panasonic Sport 500 Sale price $154.95 ree. $189 Spring Spec:lala: Tune-up 814.911 Complete Overhaul 839,95 WITH THIS AD ONLY COlLEGE PARK SCHWINN® 5003 GRIINBILT RD. 345-7675 VOTE RMiect Janet Cantwell to the GHI Board of Directors A_,.ncl the Annual Membenhip meeting May 16 · Vote May 17 Rehab Will Be Over. by Fall GHI will be Operating With YOUR Money Who Will Repre .. nt You! Talk to MAC He'll Listen Donald llae Wirick, Ph.D., 18 C Rldee Road, workl aa a manace- ment analyst for Peace Corpa. He baa been an active member of the· Greenbelt community and attenda Board meetinea reeularly. Mae aeelnl to serve Greenbelt. He wanta your inpui. He needa your vote for the GHI Board. Pd. Ad. Jackson for President 2-B Vote for Jackson's 3 Female Delegates VIRGINIA BIAUCHAMP • 7 A Vice-president, Prince George's Educator's Assn. HILDA PIMBIRTON • 11 A Prince George's County Council CORAL. RICI-11D Civil Rl1hts Leader Tuesday, May 8- 7 a.m .. to 8 p.m. Vote for Jackson's 4 Male Delegates WAYNI K. CURRY ·13C Attorney DICATUR W. TROniR • 20C Maryland State Senator fLOYD I. WIUON • 21 A Prince George's County Council Chairman ALBIRT R. WYNN· 21 C Maryland House of Dele1atea JEIIE JACKION He's spent his life fighting America's wrongs • • He knows lww to make America right! Por Information or tranepertatlon to the Polls, pleaM call 316-3445. by authorltr ·Buren• L. Brown, Treuurw " ...... ', 6mlbdt llewsltuitw Ull ........ : .. if Te Wt·lew Clef, Yr ... 111111 AN IND....... , NIWIPAPII Volume 47, Number 25 P.O. Box 88, Grtlltbtlt, Karylpd 107'70 Thu...MaJ ·10, 1984 AMit I• It O•ly .. tell i• Ill Electitl 111 Apida for· The eml;r «<llteited r-. ap. · - , , by Mavla Fleteher peara to be for tiM three- · ., · · t'f Wlnnen lfitre When the members of mcnnbu- Aadlt Committee. Aa of Greenbelt Homes, Inc. go to Ma:; Katharine the ann u a 1 membership Keene, John Lewia (currently on the board of dlrecton) and mem- meeting on Wedaesday, May bera Sherry lAYln Hyde aacl 16, they will be voting on Steven Curtla llllll ftled for the several agenda items, one of Audit Committee alota. Two can· them with far-reaching aig- dldatea ftlect by petition - Leo nifteanee for the ftnaneing of Hool and Gary Peek. Thla com- GHI homes in the future. mlttee Ia charred In the bylaw• da M 17 of the corporatlen with ve17 On the next Y ay broad powera to teView aetlcma they will elect four members by the board of dlrecton and of the nine-member board of Gm manapment. In addition, directors and all members of the committee co, by abaple the three-member A u d i t majority vote, call· mem· Committee. berahip meetlnp. In fact, ueol'· Unleel laat minute candidates put their namea In contention for the aeata on tha board of dlnetora, there will be no race at all. Aa of May 4, the dud- line for aabmittlnc blocraphles to the NOIIllnatlona and Elections Committee, only four candidates had done ao: lncumbenta Janet Cantwell and llarlt Dombrvw1ki, member Donald "JJae" Wirick and current Audit Committee member Ray McCawley. With four poaitlon1 to be ftlled, the eleetlon of theM candldatea Ia a fonrone eonclualon unleas aome- one'a na- Ia IIChled to the bal- lot br petition-. proce•a which waa open until yeaterday May 9. Tbe - Ao-eonteat altuatlon al10 aiata in the caae of the No- mlnatlou ancl Election Com- mittee, where emir the ftore 111- cumbenta ftled the "willinpaa to Mrve" notlfteatlon by the deadline. Incumbenta an llary llolen, Steve Slnden, John Tar· lor, Jane Dldaa ancl S.ndra Smith. dlq to GHI General lla1111pt Shekar Narullahall, who replied to a queatlon from the Nen · &nlew, the Audit Cclalmlttee llaa aom• powera uot •hand ann b;r tha Board af Direeton. For example, the aacllt oommlttee eaa rniew pencmnel recorda whleh are available to the board onl7 at the dleeretion of manap-- meni. cr-... .A,_.. If th• memberahlp !\lis few election eholeee on llay 17, there will be no shortap of apnda Items a•d apnda petition• for them to act on at the memberalllp mMtlq on May 16. In terma of availability of mortpp fund• for ftnanclnr future nnle• of GHI bomea, pro- abl;r the mOlt alptftcant Item on .U apnda Is GHI'a propoaed participation In a joint mort- ,.,. llanldnr cooP...In with the National Con1umer Coopera- tive Bank. At their meetlne on April 14, membera of the GHI See GHI, Pare 11, col. 1 Ill ·the Pnaklential Demo- cratic Prima17 m em llay 8, Walter Mo .. waa the front_ nmner. llonclale, who raaped the hirbut vote count m the State, ftnilbe4 ... cond In t'he county when laue waa vote-ptter. Gary Hart placed aeeond In the Stata and ln Gnenbelt and waa third coant;r 1Jide, (See bosea on pqe '7.) In the elty, llondale ramer- eel the moat votel In Preeineta 8 (Center School), 6 (St. Bqh'a. School), and 18 (E. a-evelt). In Precinct I (8priqbill Lake School), Jaekaon waa number one, llcna- clale aeeond ud Bart third. J aekaon r&D behind llonclale in Precinct 18 where Ba" tnlah· eel third. . Democrat Sten;r . Bo7er trouneed lila oppoaenta iD all 0-"elt ..... ta iD tlte Mil Colqrmlval Dldrilt I'MI wWlt ltUehf,t beat hla- e&aillareft fer' the alot. Two aittlq jnd1f81, Arthur II. llont:r Ahalt, Jr •. IIICI G. R. Hoovey Johuon Wftl victori- oua in the Democratic cont .. t for Juclae, 7th Judicial Cir- culi. On the Repabllcaa aide, Ahalt ..... , .. the wbmer with Johuon and Arthlll' A. llu· ahall, Jr. Ill a tie. It- theJ ftnlahed almllariJ i1l the eoaa- ty, an thl'tll will be on the baJ.. lot In a non·partlun race In November. Recreation Gets First New Staffer In 10 Years, Pushes for Another By Leta Maeh At an April 24 City Coun- cil work session on the Rec- reation and Parks budpt, City Manager James Giese explained that llll the wJshes of the Recreation Depart- ment were not reflected In the proposed 1984-86. city bud1et becau11e he had to balance the requests of all city departments. The pro- poaed recreation and parka b u d 1 e t provides for over- all expenditures of '749,000. "Now It'a __declalon to set JOa)s and prloritlea.' he charpd CouneD. .,. ea'll'\ take • baek -t eY8l'J rear to the nelda of other apWnecl Reere- atlem Director Huk lmq. 1"- lnr woald like two llllclltioaal full-time reenattoa eocmllaatora bat onlr cme Ia fancied Ia the propoHCl badp&. TIM eoet fJf Wa new poettiem woald be •• 1tJ a ndueUGa lu part.tl- 1td houra maklnr the net eoat of the new poaitlon t7,400. Given theae eondltlona, l"lnr would have the new atafr mem- ber apllt time between the city's two recreation centars - the Youth Centar and Sprlnrhlll Lake Recreation Center. Irvlnr would prefer two new full-time ataft' memben ao that there would be one for each center. PnMntly, the recraatlon centen are auperviaed two nlehta by part-time atalr membera. Irvtnr bellena that a full- time quallfted profauloul would have more experienee and be bettar prepared to handle aome of the 10phlatleated problema whleh ean oeeur. ..1 don"t want It t.o .... lllce the put-tlmera aran't dolq a rood job" l"lnr haat.ned to UJialn. In fact, manr part-time people trained In Green- bah Mft roae em to bettar-pay- hlr Joa elMwilerl. "HaM ..U. a rood areument for ...,., ..... 1 ad," a4mltted GleM. Oeaellmember Toni Bram aald • 'W01II4 like aaother full- time penon, .,n.anlr ·to lie aure that an adult waa praent at the centera at all tlmee, Alladlnr to better aaiarlee In otber jurtadletiona, l"lnl won- dered whether the elaaalftcatlona of two key atalr memben - the aaalatant recreation director and secretary - could be uprraded. The uaietant recrutlon tllreetor h11 been naponalble tor the Mlf- aupportlnr prorram• which brlnr In revenue. PartlciJIMion In theM procrama lncreaaed In 1881 to 90,882 from 1881'a partlelpatlon ftrure of 82,761. Partlelpatlon In all recreation prorram• waa up t.o 111,0'79 In 11111 from 101,700 In 1911. One of I"lnr'a nqueata - a aeeond part-tl- ... - waa ntreeted ln the JII'OPOIId budpi. Thl• ..Utioll wilt pro- ride o8lee atalbw for aaeh taake •• elua reri*&U.. and !a- formation II .... J tllnaP Ia· turdar. AI noted i1l tiM dGeldlent, ..,. Ia . the tnt chaap In the atnd1lft f1l the See RBCRBATJON, .... I. eeL I Then ,... b> uafcc.._tle .._ lq Ia p ..... and .... ._ ..... 10 tM letter . we11t out a week .... , So_.., OCC le 111'11Dir die· ....... of tar to idp ..- mall Ia or brine .tn, the ,._. ....... can and to:iPon 'tll(e· NP1:r 4ate ln the let •• Betvnl .INa thle iulliDr an apected to .-ble 000 to reach Ita rod of 1,000 ..... -.. and aobaerillera amd tBO;eoo ill mem- bera' .capital\ .llemben ·mel acriben now total 1'10 and llllm- bera' capital a little .over .-,ooo. TentatlorelJr GOC p ..... to buy the Co-op Supermarket aDcl Phar- macy aa of tile cl- of buaineaa Saturday J1111e II and Mlin oper- atlne It on Sunday June 8. A ........ o. Bat.. liar 11. tilt .... Willi · hr Hope CI8Mr ·• ......... atYoatlaC.... ..... .. , "·. --. Couel1 ......... .... Bulldiq Tile.. llaJ 11, • .... httHa on CltJ ....... . llunlelpal hilda,... Wed., Mar II, I .... GJIJ aual lleetlnc, Ceaw leiiMl Audltori•m Thara., liar 17, 7. a.a. te I p.a. GRI ADI'lual Eleetloa. Municipal Ba1ldlq a,. Mary Lou Wllllam10a The Public Worka Department, City Manarer Jamta K. Giese laid. "alway• baa more projects to do thall can be aecompllllbed.'' But, Giese noted, the Department "Ia dolna them ooe by one." Be ill renerally pleased with the atate of Greenbelt'• "lnfrutrueture" -the current new word Ill mu- nicipal Jarron meaning those things a clty rov ...... -t Ill reapoalble,:Jor, IUCh u streets and lng, buiWII\aJ aad parks. "We had to cle> ftl7 little Pllkhiq, Utfa year," l&ld Giese, and ft wu a • .,. ,_.,tor pot-holes." · ':' ,.,.., ·.,. In 10- areas our plannlnr "Ia the current , ...... ........... •· a little ene'lfetlc,'' Public Work• pendltarea It Ia not a hoad-*""IIDI head Georre Smith elaborated budaet, GieM aald. on Giese'• point. "We like to nt Two ltema feature new prejeeta out a little more than we ean expected to be undertaken bJ the do. . . create a challenge." city thla year. One of the two In wllat haa bec:ome a tradl- poaitionl In the publle worlu tlem, llaror Gil Weldenf•lil be- depart-nt prcrrid11 for clan· ran the n'riew of Ule public lnr and for the worke budpt em April 115 aaklna North ,JCnd School, t.o be called the director what, It anything, the North End Ceatar w1lea M• he would me. to have that didn't qulnd anr 4ar now the elt;r. make It Into the new badpt. TIM MCODd Ia aa .,..._..tal Smlth'i anewer, "A rabber tired lntra-eltr llaa, t.o lie ........ wttll baek hoe," enatacl much lnternt the Recreation 0.,.&11 .. for on the ,.rt ef council. It al1o apeeial tripa. broarh' a ,..._t to atalr from ..,_ C1l11tlea counellman 1'ftl White for fur- Apln dlla , .... Me.... ,_ en ther lnformatloll, "more rraphlc propoaed for ,.,.. ............ 4eeerlptlon fw and aeeda fH or propam. While tlte JII'O- for the eoam, ,...r." (The beck rram wtn run ddet' &alia ,._, hoe Ia planned for lnclualon in Gleae aar• tile put *" reus the followiar J'8&r'• budrat.) hew pro'rided .,.. ..,..., Hat Even th"-b the year'a budrat year coald taU a . ..,_ .... ,, of t8'71,800 Ia .... htly down from lee P'CJBLIC t. .... 1 r-------------------------- --- -perafe(y Circulation Manager for the News Review (in the core of o......... ) Hwe ...,.,.1 hours available Thunllay ....... _., Wurk well with chilclren a.- I and Want to IIMIIce a contribution to your .... , ....... , The Newt ............ ,.., .... I ..... _ _.... ___ ... ·. , ' , 1

Transcript of Jackson for President 2-B - Greenbelt News Reviewgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19840510.pdf ·...

Page 1: Jackson for President 2-B - Greenbelt News Reviewgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19840510.pdf · Panasonic Sport 500 Sale price $154.95 ree. $189 -~-Spring Spec:lala: Tune-up 814.911


liken Will llftt At Beltwa' Plaza •

The Sterra Club'• Patuxent Group is aponaorinr a 12 mile aprine hike alone the C ol 0 Canal from Seneca to Turtle Run on Sat., May 12. Meet at 8 a.m. by the Beat Co. store at Beltway Plan. Bring Lunch. There. Ia a amall fee. Call Carl at 801-776-4888 for more Infor­mation.

ARTS AND CRAFTS FAIR There are atlll openings for

Greenbelt artlaana In the June 2, Arta A Crafta Fair being planned by the Greenbelt Cul­tural Arta Center as part of the Greenbelt Day celebrations, notes

. Fair coordinator, Eileen Peter~ jlon. · Queriea should be made to ~lleeh at 345-2454 evenings and weekends. Muslclana are also iieeded for entertelnment plan­ned during the 6 - hour fair to be held in front of the Utopia rtteater.

Bingo 7a30p.m •.

eVf111 Tbunday

at St. BalCh's

135 CreseeDt Road

GIAY PANIHIIS lALlY TO SAVI HEALTH CAll Loeal GraJ' Putben will take aldentlal candidates of both par- .

part in a Metropolitan ana rally tlea have been Invited to clve to uve health can lloaday May their poaltlona on euaranteelnr 7 at 11 a.m. at the Democratic adequate health care for all National Headquarten and at 1 Americana, stopping eaealatlng p.m. at the Republican National health care eo1ta and re1torine Headquarten. Tranaportatlor the euta In Medicare and Medl­wlll be provided. Intereated per- eald. Marrte Kuhn may alao be sons will meet at the Suburban present. For Information Tel. Bank at 10 a.m. All leadlnr pre- 474-6890.


Greeflbelt:Oftfie 103 Cenlerway • Greenaettc~ 20770

270.7521 . ' .... ,

Introductory Sale

Panasonic Sport 500 Sale price $154.95

ree. $189

-~-Spring Spec:lala: Tune-up 814.911

Complete Overhaul 839,95 WITH THIS AD ONLY


5003 GRIINBILT RD. 345-7675



Janet Cantwell to the

GHI Board of Directors A_,.ncl the Annual Membenhip meeting May 16

· Vote May 17

Rehab Will Be Over. by Fall

GHI will be Operating With YOUR Money

Who Will Repre .. nt You!

Talk to MAC

He'll Listen

Donald llae Wirick, Ph.D., 18 C Rldee Road, workl aa a manace­ment analyst for Peace Corpa. He baa been an active member of the· Greenbelt community and attenda Board meetinea reeularly. Mae aeelnl to serve Greenbelt. He wanta your inpui. He needa your vote for the GHI Board.

Pd. Ad.

Jackson for President 2-B Vote for


3 Female Delegates

VIRGINIA BIAUCHAMP • 7 A Vice-president, Prince George's Educator's Assn.

HILDA PIMBIRTON • 11 A Prince George's County Council

CORAL. RICI-11D Civil Rl1hts Leader

Tuesday, May 8- 7 a.m .. to 8 p.m. Vote for Jackson's

4 Male Delegates

WAYNI K. CURRY ·13C Attorney

DICATUR W. TROniR • 20C Maryland State Senator

fLOYD I. WIUON • 21 A Prince George's County Council Chairman

ALBIRT R. WYNN· 21 C Maryland House of Dele1atea

JEIIE JACKION He's spent his life fighting America's wrongs • • •

He knows lww to make America right! Por Information or tranepertatlon to the Polls, pleaM call 316-3445. by authorltr ·Buren• L. Brown, Treuurw

" ...... ',


llewsltuitw Ull ........ : .. if Te Wt·lew Clef, Yr ... 111111


Volume 47, Number 25 P.O. Box 88, Grtlltbtlt, Karylpd 107'70 Thu...MaJ ·10, 1984

AMit I• It O•ly .. tell i• Ill Electitl 111 Apida for· A••ullleelilcll_~ro•

The eml;r «<llteited r-. ap. · - , , ~ by Mavla Fleteher peara to be t~~at for tiM three- · ., · · t'f Wlnnen lfitre

When the members of mcnnbu- Aadlt Committee. Aa of Greenbelt Homes, Inc. go to Ma:; '· I~~CUD~bent Katharine the ann u a 1 membership Keene, John Lewia (currently on

the board of dlrecton) and mem­meeting on Wedaesday, May bera Sherry lAYln Hyde aacl 16, they will be voting on Steven Curtla llllll ftled for the several agenda items, one of Audit Committee alota. Two can· them with far-reaching aig- dldatea ftlect by petition - Leo nifteanee for the ftnaneing of Hool and Gary Peek. Thla com­GHI homes in the future. mlttee Ia charred In the bylaw•

da M 17 of the corporatlen with ve17 On the next Y • ay • broad powera to teView aetlcma they will elect four members by the board of dlrecton and of the nine-member board of Gm manapment. In addition, directors and all members of the committee co, by abaple the three-member A u d i t majority vote, call· ~~p~~eial mem· Committee. berahip meetlnp. In fact, ueol'·

Unleel laat minute candidates put their namea In contention for the aeata on tha board of dlnetora, there will be no race at all. Aa of May 4, the dud­line for aabmittlnc blocraphles to the NOIIllnatlona and Elections Committee, only four candidates had done ao: lncumbenta Janet Cantwell and llarlt Dombrvw1ki, member Donald "JJae" Wirick and current Audit Committee member Ray McCawley. With four poaitlon1 to be ftlled, the eleetlon of theM candldatea Ia a fonrone eonclualon unleas aome­one'a na- Ia IIChled to the bal­lot br petition-. proce•a which waa open until yeaterday May 9.

Tbe - Ao-eonteat altuatlon al10 aiata in the caae of the No­mlnatlou ancl Election Com­mittee, where emir the ftore 111-cumbenta ftled the "willinpaa to Mrve" notlfteatlon by the deadline. Incumbenta an llary llolen, Steve Slnden, John Tar· lor, Jane Dldaa ancl S.ndra Smith.

dlq to GHI General lla1111pt Shekar Narullahall, who replied to a queatlon from the Nen

· &nlew, the Audit Cclalmlttee llaa aom• powera uot •hand ann b;r tha Board af Direeton. For example, the aacllt oommlttee eaa rniew pencmnel recorda whleh are available to the board onl7 at the dleeretion of manap-­meni. cr-... .A,_..

If th• memberahlp !\lis few election eholeee on llay 17, there will be no shortap of apnda Items a•d apnda petition• for them to act on at the memberalllp mMtlq on May 16.

In terma of availability of mortpp fund• for ftnanclnr future nnle• of GHI bomea, pro­abl;r the mOlt alptftcant Item on .U apnda Is GHI'a propoaed participation In a joint mort­,.,. llanldnr cooP...In with the National Con1umer Coopera­tive Bank. At their meetlne on April 14, membera of the GHI

See GHI, Pare 11, col. 1

Ill ·the Pnaklential Demo­cratic Prima17 m Gret~n~t em llay 8, Walter Mo .. waa the front_ nmner. llonclale, who raaped the hirbut vote count m the State, ftnilbe4 ... cond In t'he county when laue lt~ekaon waa ~ vote-ptter. Gary Hart placed aeeond In the Stata and ln Gnenbelt and waa third coant;r 1Jide, (See bosea on pqe '7.)

In the elty, llondale ramer­eel the moat votel In Preeineta 8 (Center School), 6 (St. Bqh'a. School), and 18 (E. a-evelt). In Precinct I (8priqbill Lake School), Jaekaon waa number one, llcna­clale aeeond ud Bart third. J aekaon r&D behind llonclale in Precinct 18 where Ba" tnlah· eel third. . Democrat Sten;r . Bo7er trouneed lila oppoaenta iD all 0-"elt ..... ta iD tlte Mil Colqrmlval Dldrilt I'MI wWlt ~loJua ltUehf,t beat hla- e&aillareft fer' the con~rn~~~elonal alot .

Two aittlq jnd1f81, Arthur II. llont:r Ahalt, Jr •. IIICI G. R. Hoovey Johuon Wftl victori­oua in the Democratic cont .. t for Juclae, 7th Judicial Cir­culi. On the Repabllcaa aide, Ahalt ....., .. the wbmer with Johuon and Arthlll' A. llu· ahall, Jr. Ill a tie. It- theJ ftnlahed almllariJ i1l the eoaa­ty, an thl'tll will be on the baJ.. lot In a non·partlun race In November.

Recreation Gets First New Staffer In 10 Years, Pushes for Another

By Leta Maeh At an April 24 City Coun­

cil work session on the Rec­reation and Parks budpt, City Manager James Giese explained that llll the wJshes of the Recreation Depart­ment were not reflected In the proposed 1984-86. city bud1et becau11e he had to balance the requests of all city departments. The pro­poaed recreation and parka b u d 1 e t provides for over­all expenditures of '749,000. "Now It' a ~ __declalon to set JOa)s and prloritlea.' he charpd CouneD.

• .,. ea'll'\ take • baek -t eY8l'J rear to the nelda of other deput~Denta." apWnecl Reere­atlem Director Huk lmq. 1"­lnr woald like two llllclltioaal full-time reenattoa eocmllaatora bat onlr cme Ia fancied Ia the propoHCl badp&. TIM eoet fJf Wa new poettiem woald be •• 1tJ a ndueUGa lu part.tl- 1td

houra maklnr the net eoat of the new poaitlon t7,400.

Given theae eondltlona, l"lnr would have the new atafr mem­ber apllt time between the city's two recreation centars - the Youth Centar and Sprlnrhlll Lake Recreation Center. Irvlnr would prefer two new full-time ataft' memben ao that there would be one for each center. PnMntly, the recraatlon centen are auperviaed two nlehta by part-time atalr membera.

Irvtnr bellena that a full­time quallfted profauloul would have more experienee and be bettar prepared to handle aome of the 10phlatleated problema whleh ean oeeur. ..1 don"t want It t.o .... lllce the put-tlmera aran't dolq a rood job" l"lnr haat.ned to UJialn. In fact, manr part-time people trained In Green­bah Mft roae em to bettar-pay­hlr Joa elMwilerl.

"HaM ..U. a rood areument for ...,., ..... 1 ad," a4mltted GleM. Oeaellmember Toni Bram aald • 'W01II4 like aaother full-

time penon, .,n.anlr ·to lie aure that an adult waa praent at the centera at all tlmee,

Alladlnr to better aaiarlee In otber jurtadletiona, l"lnl won­dered whether the elaaalftcatlona of two key atalr memben - the aaalatant recreation director and secretary - could be uprraded. The uaietant recrutlon tllreetor h11 been naponalble tor the Mlf­aupportlnr prorram• which brlnr In revenue. PartlciJIMion In theM procrama lncreaaed In 1881 to 90,882 from 1881'a partlelpatlon ftrure of 82,761. Partlelpatlon In all recreation prorram• waa up t.o 111,0'79 In 11111 from 101,700 In 1911.

One of I"lnr'a nqueata - a aeeond part-tl- ... ..~e&ant - waa ntreeted ln the JII'OPOIId budpi. Thl• ..Utioll wilt pro­ride o8lee atalbw for aaeh taake •• elua reri*&U.. and !a­formation II .... J tllnaP Ia· turdar. AI noted i1l tiM ~ dGeldlent, ..,. Ia . the tnt chaap In the atnd1lft f1l the See RBCRBATJON, .... I. eeL I

Then ,... b> uafcc.._tle .._ lq Ia p ..... and .... ._ ..... t~mloJMie. 10 tM letter . we11t out a week ...., So_.., OCC le 111'11Dir die· ....... of • le~ tar to idp ..- mall Ia or brine .tn, the ,._. ....... t~te, can and to:iPon 'tll(e· NP1:r 4ate ln the let ••

Betvnl .INa thle iulliDr an apected to .-ble 000 to reach Ita rod of 1,000 .....-.. and aobaerillera amd tBO;eoo ill mem­bera' .capital\ .llemben ·mel aa~ acriben now total 1'10 and llllm­bera' capital a little .over .-,ooo.

TentatlorelJr GOC p ..... to buy the Co-op Supermarket aDcl Phar­macy aa of tile cl- of buaineaa Saturday J1111e II and Mlin oper­atlne It on Sunday June 8. A

........ o. Bat.. liar 11. tilt .... Willi · hr Hope ~· CI8Mr ·•

......... atYoatlaC.... ..... .. , "·. --. Couel1 ......... -~-.... Bulldiq

Tile.. llaJ 11, • .... httHa H•ri~ on CltJ ....... . llunlelpal hilda,...

Wed., Mar II, I .... GJIJ ~ aual lleetlnc, Ceaw leiiMl Audltori•m

Thara., liar 17, 7. a.a. te I p.a. GRI ADI'lual Eleetloa. Municipal Ba1ldlq

a,. Mary Lou Wllllam10a The Public Worka Department, City Manarer Jamta K.

Giese laid. "alway• baa more projects to do thall can be aecompllllbed.'' But, Giese noted, the Department "Ia dolna them ooe by one." Be ill renerally pleased with the atate of Greenbelt'• "lnfrutrueture" -the current new word Ill mu­nicipal Jarron meaning those things a clty rov......-t Ill reapoalble,:Jor, IUCh u streets and ~ ._.:~ lng, buiWII\aJ aad parks. "We had to cle> ftl7 little ~ Pllkhiq, Utfa year," l&ld Giese, and ft wu a • .,. ,_.,tor pot-holes." · ':' ~ ,.,.., ·.,.

In 10- areas our plannlnr "Ia the current ,...... ........... •· a little ene'lfetlc,'' Public Work• pendltarea It Ia not a hoad-*""IIDI head Georre Smith elaborated budaet, GieM aald. on Giese'• point. "We like to nt Two ltema feature new prejeeta out a little more than we ean expected to be undertaken bJ the do. . . create a challenge." city thla year. One of the two

In wllat haa bec:ome a tradl- nt~w poaitionl In the publle worlu tlem, llaror Gil Weldenf•lil be- depart-nt prcrrid11 for clan· ran the n'riew of Ule public lnr and -In~ for the worke budpt em April 115 aaklna North ,JCnd School, t.o be called the director what, It anything, the North End Ceatar w1lea M• he would me. to have that didn't qulnd anr 4ar now ~ the elt;r. make It Into the new badpt. TIM MCODd Ia aa .,..._..tal Smlth'i anewer, "A rabber tired lntra-eltr llaa, t.o lie ........ wttll baek hoe," enatacl much lnternt the Recreation 0.,.&11 .. for on the ,.rt ef council. It al1o apeeial tripa. broarh' a ,..._t to atalr from ..,_ C1l11tlea counellman 1'ftl White for fur- Apln dlla ,.... Me....,_ en ther lnformatloll, "more rraphlc propoaed for ,.,.. ............ 4eeerlptlon fw u~ea and aeeda fH or propam. While tlte JII'O­for the eoam, ,...r." (The beck rram wtn run a· ddet' &alia ,._, hoe Ia planned for lnclualon in Gleae aar• tile put *" reus the followiar J'8&r'• budrat.) hew pro'rided .,.. ..,..., Hat

Even th"-b the year'a budrat year coald taU a . ..,_....,, of t8'71,800 Ia .... htly down from lee P'CJBLIC W~ t. .... 1 r-------------------------- ---

-perafe(y Circulation Manager

for the

News Review (in the core of o ......... )

Hwe ...,.,.1 hours available Thunllay ......._.,

Wurk well with chilclren a.- I and ~~pt

Want to IIMIIce a contribution to your....,......., The Newt ............ ,.., ....

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l GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW ............. Mil& aaaiT-IF .. ......... _. .. ..--.... "" ...,,..,........ ..,...

... ...,, ................... tr4o4llll 0.., ...... 1 .............. ....

¥11111111 •• 0 ; .,.,. ...... ..,_ a.Mne ...... lleiM -.oov IAe ()llalnllen. Arthur Donn Peter Our· ......., ...... ,._., .~oan ,_ .1uc1r ao ... , •. l'lllllp J . ....,,.. ... M.non "•rl· -. ...... 14o01, J.-1 J-. Mllll ...... Rulli~. Marlla Ka~=-~ftno ~ ~ ... '="&!:"=. ~u=,r:e.::"~oo~e.-. Aclrl-...~• ~~-JtO..., !loci ~rlw 1111 ~ Cllariee F. S·-· Jr .• · Poarl 81-1. .,.._j liMOn, aanciN lul'llar Smtih, ,_ Tuclllr, J.., Tutkl .. lcz. Dtllllo VIlli Allon. ....... w.llll. -- .....,...., ·llhaiYn IIOIIoll: CINollollell ......, MM Gingell. 4T~.i .............. ..,......, ......... Cl-. 47 ....... 1: ............. 474-4131; -

........... -----llii·inl ~ ......... .......... _,........, ....... c.,.- ..................... ..,, ... IIOAIID 01' DIIIICTOD

...... ltiiM ltiDiftlk• Vtoe ,_,, 1111 Rowland; lee., Barbaro Ll-'tl; Treoo .• Vlrglnlo

._ ..... ; ...... ii~e~o~~er. IIAII. IUIICfiiPTIONI: SSoa par ,oar. Aclftrllllntl and -· altlcleo m!IY be mailed - 11. G-"111" dltpOalted In our bOo at .,. OrMnbell COoob ...,eery etore beloro 1 ...... TtllldaJ Of' dellftred 1o .,. aclllorlal olllce In tho ioaMoiiettl ol 15 Parllwav ~J-... ,.11. Tile ollloe 1e otMn MondiiY aflor 1 pm lor dleplay ....,.,.lolng; doadllne II \i;... -;..... altlciM 1111d cl-lhd adl are -ted -· 8 pm on Tuooday; dold· lllell10 p.lll.

Volume 47, Number 25

City Orpaizatio• lnited To Join in Greeahelt Day

Thursday, May 10, 1984

Urges Caution On New Venture To the Editor:

lake Sale Saturday At ~he Library A Bake Sale to beneftt the

Greenbelt Cultural Arts Center will be held on Saturday, May 12 from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. in front of the Utopia Theatre.

Correction . We ineorrectly reported ·last

week that the Golden Age Club bad celebrated ita 22nd birth· day. Inatead the organisation Ia 27 yean old. The News Re· view regrets the error .

GHI Has Potential Solution To Re-Sale Financing Woes

Thursday, May 17 .. Adult Book Diacusslon. 10:15

a.m. Joanna Stratton's Pioneer Women.

Golden Age Club by Blanche E. Lee

The Greenbelt Golden Age Club has been invited by the Greenbelt American Legion Post #186 to lunch on Wednesday, May 16, and to hold their regular meetlnr. All members who have paid their 1984 due• are to leave Greenbelt at 10:30 a.m. from Suburban Bank. Thotte who drive are aaked to please llhare their can.

Mowatt Memorial United Methodlat Chureh

.tO Rid1e Rd. 4'74-1410 Sunday School 9:80 A.M.

(for all ages) Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Rev. Dr. James Chong Park

Pastor 474-1924

Thursday, May 10, 1984

Substitute Carriers Needed Now

G,..nbelt News Review 441 or 654-7423

Greenbett Baha'I Coaaulty P.O. Box 245

Greenbelt, MD 20770 84~2918 I 4'14-40811


Baltimore 111ft. at PowW 1110 .... Beltmlle

· 8:30a.m. Holy Eucharlat 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharlat

Firat and third Sunda11 10 :30 a.m. Homing Prayer

Second and fourth Sundays 10:30 a.m. Sunday School

Rev. John G. Bale, Rector 422-8057

Sunday June 3 mark• the City of Greenbelt'• 47th Anni­venary recognising Ita founding and Incorporation In 1937. Tra­ditionally, the ftrat weekend In June Ia celebrated with a host of community program•, apecial evema and a wide range of re­enatloaal aetlyltiel. For thla apeeial oeeaalon, all events are

Assuming for the sake of the argument that the Greenbelt Homes, Ine. board of director's propoaal to the membership to be permitted to go into partner-. ahlp with the National Consumer Cooperative Bank (NCCB) in a new banking business is a good idea, should the members vote for the board's proposed motions to implement thla1

Next week's Greenbelt Homes Inc. Annual Membership :Meeting will have on its agenda 11o propo· sal to set up a new entity which would aid in solvin~~; a long-time GHI problem - financing re­sales of GHI homes. The propo­sal is complex, so I urge all GHI members to rend the nlll· terial sent out with the notice of the meeting and, if possible. to attend tonight's Board meeting · at City Council Chambers or watch the proceedings on cable Greenbelt Comm~nity Church

· open to the public. Scheduled for the wtt~kend of

June 1, 1 and 8, all Greenbelt or­eanisationtt, groupe, cluba and bualneiHI are invited to parti­cipate. Rtaldenta are ent.ouraged to attend the variety of comme­morative happening•. Participa­tion may be no mon than pre­parlnr and diaplaying home made poatera or perhaps a birth· da;r banner acknowledging .the ~­eaalon. For a more acttve m­voiYiment an organization mirht con1ider a special program relat­lnr Ita role In Greenbelt's paat, p~nnt and/or future.

· Annul actlvltlea Include the A:nnlyeraary Addreaa by the Ma· J'Of and City Council and the performance of the G~lt Concert Band of Prince George• County on the Rooaevelt Mall. Special events will be held at the llunlcipal Swimminr Pool, a teen dance, plua weekend tournament. In tennla, golf and toftball. Table pmea, Recrea­tion Centen' Open Howe, city biatorleal dlaplaya and much mon will be available. Thla year, addltiOIIal prorrama include a fand·ralllnr Art Featival by the Caltural Alita Centar to beneftt the Utopia 'Ibeater.

All orpnlaatlona are cordially lnYited to add their actiYity to Uat of weekend happenlnp. Con­tact the Greenbelt Rtereatlot1 Department Bualneaa 0 ftl e e, wttlutaJa 8 a.m. - fi p.m., at

. 4'74-t8ft for adclltlonal detalla. Show city •Pirit and civic pride!

Greenbelt Ia a great plaee to work and call "home"!


TV. The goal of the new corpora­

tion would be to loan money to . finance the purchase of GHI

houses at the lowest rates possi· ble. Its activities would be di­rected by a five-member Board - three appointed by the Co-op Bank and two appointed by GHI.

It strikes me that Greenbel­tera are still reeling under the experience of having their o~her main co-op get 110 big, ao Wide­spread geographically and func­tionally that the original Green­belt-founded and Greenbelt-con­trolled atorea could be junked bJ' that other co-op, or sold back to the members at a atit! price. We should learn a lesson from it. If not, "never again." at least, "let's be careful this time."

But the GHI board's proposals are so looM you can do anythinJ:: under them, I fear-not just get Into the banking business, wh1ch we don't know, and as a relatively powerlell junior partner, at that.

Board propoaal No. 1 -would let GHI boy stock in any non­profit bualnna "which may pro­mote the welfare and interests" of GHI members. What does this excluded T It certainly would let GHI buJ' atock in the new gro­eti'J co-op, and maybe get Into non-pro6t medical reaearch or co-op lrJ'ODP medical practice any· when In the Washington Metro area. )(aybe elaewhere, too.

Board proposal # 2 would let the GHI board make one­ahot lnYMtmentl In the stock of aDJ' and all 1uch aaaoeiatlons, pT"OYlded they tell ua about It (I think) In the meeting notice. Thla propoaal would eliminate the p,...nt bylaw requirement that -be riven at leaat 30 daya' noUee of IUCh eipendltures to­ptbl!r with detailed Information about them and that the mem­ber& ftnt Yote In favor of each aueh eipen41ture of fund• for

GHI's fiJiatlcial contribution would equal the amount of mom•y rebated by the Co-op Bank on GHI's originnl stock purchase (about $200,000). The Co-op Bank's contribution ini­tially would be the amount (about $2,800,000) which GHI did not borrow on its original authoriz­ed loan amount. It is expected that additional amounts would be made available by the Co-op Bank later.

The major benefit to GHI members would be a more stable source ·of funds to ftnance re· sales at lower than average in­terest rates.

Making this idea a reality will require the passage of sev­eral amendments to the by laws at the Annual Meetin!l'. This will require a two-thirds majority. I urge ail interested members to come to the Annual Meeting on Wedneaday, May 16.

Don Volk

partner In the new business, and it doesn't even tie that spend­ing power to any conditions as to what the new buaineaa would do.

Mr. and Mra. Don Nordllne of J:urene, Oreaon announce the en­ppment of their daupt.er, Ktnt.ea Ruth, to Paal DaYicl Blr· awr, - of t.bt an. and lin. ..W.rd Blrner of Gnenlltlt. .

ltlnt.en Ia a .,adaate of the Sehool of Nanhlr at the Ualvtr· 1ity of Portland and Ia currently employed aa a community health aurn.

INrpoaea other than doing our houalna bualneu. So under thla propoaal, they'd merely have to tell ua aomet.hlng- little-bout it a couple of weeki befort the m-btnhlp meeline. It Ia clear t..- the propoHd wcmllna that 0111" -lien would not han to lie llllf_.... adequately before thtJ YOte 011 the laaue. I am not aun whether the proposed word­lq would etlll require an af· lraatln Yote by the membership btfon the board could npend lllCIIItJ for non-houalne purpona.

That Is, even If what they tell us about the new business is what they now think lt would do, they aren't putting that fun­ctional deacriptlon and !'Ofldltlon Into the authorlzlnr motlun iwe're uked to pass. So when they go to turn the money over to the new buslne11, It could be that the senior partner could take the new business-nd ua-into wat­ers we've never been told we will be sailing ln.

I think our board and their lawyera whom we pay should be a lot more apeclftc and pro· tectlve of our intereata in the language they rive ua to ap:· prove. I hope they'll bring ua amended, and far more tightly re1tricted, language for their three propoaala at th• May 16 GHI mem".lershlp meeting. Other­win, I hope we aend them baek to the drawing board.

l t'

Paat9r Birner will atllkiate at the wecldlne on Aq. II, 1814 In Portland, Ore110n. The eoupla plan to !In In St. Louia, Ko. while Paul complete• h1a ftnai year at Concordia Tbeolorteal Btmlaary.

The third board motion glvea the board the rlpt to chuck tiOO,OOO more of our money in­to tht haDda of NCCB which would. be the nnlor, controllina

That Ia, anumlng the idea of the new buslnesa Is ba•lcally a good one. Which alao remaina to be demonatrated.

Mat Amberg

(United Church of Christ) Hillaide and Creacent Roads

Phone 474-6171 mominaa

10 am Sunday Homing Worship and

Church School for Children Infant Care Provided at

Fellowship Center behind Church Richard 1-Yitt, Interim Minister

Find Strength for Your Life

Worship With Vs

GREENBELT BAPTIST CHURCH 474-4212 Crescent 6 Greenhlll Rdl.

Bible Study for all ages (Sun.) Worship Se"ice Midweek Prayer Service (Wed.)

8:45a.m. 11 a.m. A 7:00 p.m.

8:00 p.m.

ST. HUGH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. David Conway, Peator

Rev. Francia G. Kulata, Aaaociate Putor

MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday 6 p.m.

Sunday 8, 9 :30, 11 a.m., 12 :30 p.m. Dally Ma11: 7:30a.m Monday- Friday, 9 a.m. llondaJ- S.tmdaf Sacrament of Reeonclllatlon: Saturday U p.m.

c Holy Cross Lutheran Churth

6905 GrHnbelt Road Worship Services Sundays 8:30 and 11 :11§ a.m.

Sunday School 9 :110; Pre-School ProtTam II :110 Youth and Adult Ctau. 10 a.m.

Edward H. Blrner, Paator Telepla ... 141-1111

Thursday, May 10, 1984

·o· • o ••ry pens At tlte Utopia

"The Diary of Anne Frank," the dramatisation of a journal kept by a yoUJII' girl while she and her family hid from per­·aeeutlon In war-tom Holland during World War ll, opena Fri­day, May 11, at 8:16 p.m. In the Utopia Theater.

Running for three weekend• at 8:15 p.m. with a Sunday ma­tinee at 2 :80 p.m. on May 20, the last play of the Greenbelt Cultural Arts Center 1988-84 season feature• a 10-member caat, headed by Angela Schrei­ber In the title role.

Mr. Frank ia played by Vincent Kimball, who recently moved to Hanover Parkway from Balti­more, where he waa active in the Baltimore Lab Theatre. Marie Toualgnant of Olivewood Court has the role of Mlep, ~ond Ro­bert O'Malley of University Squ­are Is Mr. Van Daan. Ray Tur­ner of Brae Brook Village playa Peter.

Lauren Ethel Rieth and Jelf Beyrent, who atarred in one of the recently preseRted One Act Playa, take the rolea of Mrs. Van Daan and Mr. Duaael.

Marro Ia played by Maria Reevea of Adelphi, while Hana Sherbow of Bowie haa the role of Mrs. Frank and David Pinion of Beltavllle Ia Mr. Kraler.

The acenery for "Diary" has been built under the direction of Tom Schreiber.

Lobby Dlaplay

Lori Hopaon Paul, who star­red recently In the One-Act "Somethlnr Unapoken," baa ar­ran&'ed a dlaplay In the theater lobby to rive theater-acien ad­ditional undentandina of the Anne Frank 1tory and the elr­cumatancea under which her di­ary waa written. The ltema In the dlaplay are routinely uaed to Illuminate the story to her atudenta at the Maryland School for the Deaf In Frederick, MD.

SOSFIIIIIIrailerSet Fer s.tanar at Dtetia

Thla Saturday, May 12, the Save Our Services (SOS) Clti­aena Committee wlll aponaor a fQnd-nialn&' rteninr at the Greenbelt Cultural Arta Center'• tlve performance of "The Diary of Anne Frank." A portion of the ticket price will ro toward helpiJII' to defray some of the out-of-pocket coats incurred by the three local lawyera who aer­ved "pro bono" (withq_'\lt accept­ing a fee) aa counsel in the legal eflort to halt the Co-op divesti­ture of ita Greenbelt food, phar­macy and auto services.

Ticket aalea have been brlak, so those who do not wiah to min out on this apeclal evening at the theater ahould ret tickets soon. The S.O.S. Committee will once again be nlling tickets In front of the Utopia Theater on Saturday, May 12 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tickets will also be sold at the door that evening.

Awartla Aueilltly On TaeldaJ, llay 11 at 8 p.m.,

Eleanor Rooaevelt Blrh Sehool will hold Ita Academic Award• Aanmbly. 'Ibe varloua academic cklpartmenta at the hlrh aehool will pnaent awardl to their out,. atandlnr atudenta. Alao, the PTSA will prennt P50 academic award• to alx nnlon.

Prior to the awarda prorram, the PTSA will have a abort bual­neaa meetinc, at which the elee­tlon of the oftlcera for the 1984-86 achool year will take place . The PTSA meetinr will berln at 7:30p.m.

In addition to the play, the SOS Committee will boat a re­ception afterward ao that the audience can meet the eaat. At that time there will 'also be a bake aale and raffle for a com­plete dinner for two at the re­cently opened "TGI FRIDAYS" restaurant on Greenbelt Road. For further information on this gala evening, call Joe l11aaca at



MEETING Wednesday, May 16

8:00 p.m. Center School Auditorium

Major Items of Business: e Action on Mlnutea of May 18, 1988

• Rtporta of <Mieera, Dlreetora, 6 Elected Committee•

e Prenntatlon of Award•

e PrtM:ntatlon of Candldatea

e Election of Nomlnatlona 6 Election• Committee

e Old Bualneaa--Sale of Adjacent Frame Boiler Room•

e Propond Sale of Muonry Duplex Boiler Rooma

Play Director Judy Holland of Rldl8 Road conaldera ,thla dra­matisation (by Francea Goodrich and Albert Hackett from the book of the aame name) to be 11peeially lnapirina. A New York "nmea review commented that "the real miracle waa the bloa­aomlng of Anne'a character."

• Propond Creation of New Cooperative Mortrare Company aa a Joint Venture with the National Conaumer Cooperatlft Bank

• Propond Bylawa Amendmente

• Memberahip Petition about Mlnutea

• llemberahlp Petition about New Board Kember Eclueatlo:n

• Memberahlp Petition about Contlleta of Intereat

• Memberahlp Petition about Buyback of H-The play opened on Broadway

In 19611 and baa won almoat every award poaalble, ineludina a Pullt­ser Prise. Life Mapalne hailed It aa "the moat movlnr play to emern from World War 11."


ON THURSDAY, MAY 17, '7 a.m. • 8 p.m. AT THE IIUNICI·


... \ ... - "\

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-P'OP~I~ ....UeY..U..... ......... VIMI


..... OFF ... ~ ---·


e Aluminum 1" Mtnlllllncll ~ L ..... • Ve~ttoM~IIr L.ewolor a .._....,.... • Wood 11nc11 a Wowtn Woodl'riCirloll


e--e· ... -·---e e ONI CALL DOD IT AU e WI MNC~e WI M1A1U1111 e WIINITALLI

937-3733* "FREISHOP·AT,HOM!

Sf.llYICE .av.uu••~

Jlile.A .. Resaellllll Due to 1M* SuDdlr'• IJide..

ment ...U...1 ,'thl .... 'WIIIt-. Memorial Bw..A-aM- 1W .,._ to

nent. able at tile llunlelpal · B1aillllq ucl

rucheduled for SundaF, liar 10. Thla event bettn• ai 10 a.m. In front of the GreeDbelt Youth Center. Riden have uatU 4 p.m. to ,.t In u many mllu u they · pouibly can. The route pneeecll throurh Greenbelt 011 Nortbwar, Ridl8 and . keleareh Boada and Into the Beltmlle A~ultural Center, then baok throuch Green­belt endinr at tbt Youth Center.

btb LlbnrJ. '"' ... .,..__ tlcin,caU ............. ..... _, ........... ......

ftt penoa ......... .. moat dollara will ~ a Ill­cycle doaated bJ · Qa'nftll.


.Monday, May 14, ,_.


1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Meditation

Pledge of Allerlance to the Flaa 4. Minute• of Council Meetinp

• Regular Meetlnr, April 23, 1984 • Council Work Seaaion, April 24, 1984 • Council Work Seulon, April 211, 1984 • Council Work Seaaion, April 80, 1984 • Council Work Seaalon, May 1, 1984

15. Addklona to Al8nda by Council and lla:naiW II. COMMUNICATIONS


7. PBBiiBNTATION OF PKOCLAMATlO:NI "Police Week" "POppy llonth"

8. --~tltidlll a11cl Requeata 9. A4mlnletratlve Report.

10. Committee Reports Ill. OLD BUSINESS

11. Rtaolutlon of the City of Greenbelt, llaryland, Zalulllw the Corporate Boundarle• of the City of Greenbelt U .... Provlaiona of At-tlcle 23A, Stction 19(b)(2) of the ~ t.ted Code of the State of Maryland, by Annut-.r c...­tain Landa and Property Boundtcl oa All Sldta by .... Property Prenntly Within the Corporate Llmlta of "' City of Greenbelt, Such Lancia Comaonl1 J:nowa u die Properitlea of Elinor M. Seaet and the Holy Crou LIKh­eran Chureh, and aa More J'ully Dtaerlbtd Ia Jlla& of Annexation Prepared by John D. Emler 6 AJ~oe~a-. P.A., Dated March 198., All Located AdJac!tlt to the Intei'IICtion of the Baltimore-Wuhlqton Parlnra1 ... Capital Beltway (lnteratate 911), Near Greenbelt .... Old. Route HIS); And Further ProYlcliBI tor tile ..... Treatment of Taxable Real Property bJ the City Ia tM AN& Annexed from the Efleetlv. Date of ~ Until Such Time •• Said Property Ia RtMMd, or Ita OwMnhlp or it1 Character or ·tta u..,. Chanpa ,.... that In Eflect at the Time of the Annexation, Wlllcbnw Cheqe Shall Occur Firat • lteond Readlnr

11. A Btaolutlon to Eatabllah a Good S.marltaa a,.la1 Help J'und for the Purpoll of Rtetlvlq DoaaU.. .. Coatrlbutiona, and Dlaburaln1 Fancla Ia Aeeordaue .... Appt'Oftd Guidellnea to Aulat Penou Ia ....

• s.eo.cl Rtadlnr 18. Zoalq llap Amendment Petitkm A·NII, Poltloa of

TkDir Property Rtaonlnr from Rural·a..tdtatlal ta 11111-cltlltlal Tcnrnboue (Ach11017 Plannlna Board Reoport No. aa)

14. GI'MII Ridre Hou11 Budpt J'Y 1184/81 111. 11.-orlal Park Concept for OrMDbtlt C-•hrr

(PUB/CRAB Report No. 4-84) 11. &aantlon and Bder at Gntabtlt c-.-,

(ru.tCRAB Communleatloa) 1'7. PoaNon Claulfteatioa Plaa 11. Coaet1 Bill 1-1884, Tranalt Diltrlet Oftrlar S..


• 114 Itaa No. 1814-1, a.urlutaa of r ........ u liM Tttallll OMatl

• Bit Item Mer. 1884-1, Wheel ~ 10. ltteipatiOD from Public Aoetla ... Leta1 OriFr.._

AcMao17 Commltltee 11 Liq11or Llctnll Tranafer • 800'7 ._.,_1 Dltft

J'roiB ••Y Lift, Ine. to AII/PIIIIIIII lluW D. II .......

V. IIIIC&I.LAN&OUI NOTI:: Tl&lllt a pnllmlnary armcla- nbjeet to ......

Page 3: Jackson for President 2-B - Greenbelt News Reviewgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19840510.pdf · Panasonic Sport 500 Sale price $154.95 ree. $189 -~-Spring Spec:lala: Tune-up 814.911

GREENBELT NJ!WS REVIEW Thursday, May 10, 1984

•an•• at 111 INn, •••it ••• lo•iutilu ••• · Elttti••• Ct••ittee · c..•i••• mental Protection u a labora- Active in the Grftllbelt Co­tory eeientist and as an environ· operative Nursery School, Sherry

tiona (3 terma), Ad Hoc on Ele­ction Procedurea, and the Ad Hoc ·on Financing Reaalea. FolloWIDa are brlet blo­

paphleal llketehes written by the candidates running for olleeB in GHI. Candi· dates for the Board and Aud­it Committee will be ecnnpet· lq bl eleetions wJ'lleh will be held on Thanday, May 1'7 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the City Coundl Chambers. Tboee runnln1 for the Nom· tutlou and Eleetlnns Com· mlttee will be elected at the Allaaal Meeting at Center School on Wednellday, May 11. The meetln1r bel(ll\11 at 8p.&

Space Fl .. ht Center, N.A.S.A. He Ia presently a member of the GHI Board of Directors aervlnc bla ftrst term. During this term he baa been involved with many of GHI'a committees, in particu­lar, the Engineering and Main­tenance and the Ad Hoc Com­mittee studying residential mo­iature. In addition he has aerved as the corporation's treasurer alnce 1983.

mental health Inspector. serves on their board of direc-Lewia has served .on the GHI tors, and regularly works with

Board of Directors from 1986- the children. She also works with 84. He has eerved aa chairman A.W.O.R.T., a nationwide charit­of the Engineering and Malnten- able organization which does ance Committee and the Finance fundraising and other work to Committee. He Is also a member beneftt underprivileged youth.

June Dldaa 10·L Laurel BID

of Citizens" for Greenbelt. Sherry ia also a member of the Greenbelt Food Coop, a lo-

June Dldaa baa been a Green­bel~ _resident elnce Jul:r, 1981. She b'as been an active member of the Finance and Personnel Commltteea aince 1981. June Ia a member of the N & E Com­mittee and wa1 a member of last year's N & E Committee, but withdrew to run for the Board of Directora.

cal food buying club. Sherry is an advocate of co­

operative living.

-IIIFIIIEITOII (1111 Fer OilY Fe1r)

Mac Wirick 18-C Rldre Road

Mac Wlric'k lives with his wife Mary and children, Reed and Meadow, at 13-C Ridge Road. Following hia graduation from Indiana Univel'sity where be ma­jored In sociology, hi a tory, and political aclence, be aerved as a Peace Corpe Volunteer In Thai­land. He then returned to Thai­land on a Fulbright Fellowship where he conducted reaeareh on Thai education. He did graduate work at Cornell and Yale Unl­.,.,nit\ea through a National De­fenae Fellowahlp and holds a Ph.D. In curriculum development from Indiana University. Cur­nnU:r, Mac Ia employed •• a manal'lment analyst with the Peaee Corps in Washington.

Since moving to Greenbelt in 1981, )lac hu been active In :routh aoccer and swim team, the Garden Club, and the PTA. He patroni&ea Greenbelt buainesses, the library and various cultural evente. Speaking before the County achool board, he cam­palmed for the preaervatlon of Center School and in support of ita teachen. Mac attends GHI meetlnp:a regularly.

Ray McCawley 7-A Reeeareh Road

A GHI resident since 1977, Ray McCawley .Ia currently serv­Ing a third term on the Audit Committee. He has also served on other committees: Finance: Aesthetics and Environment: Long Range Planning; Ad Hoc Electric Conversion: Engineer­ing and Maintenance; Member and Community Relation3; News­letter and Design Book.

McCawley is chairman of the Greenbelt Park and Recreati<.m Advisory Board, serves on the Langley Park-College Park­Greenbelt Master Plan Citizens Advisory Committee, has been a city election Judge, is an elec­tion Judge for the county, and is active in the Prince George's County Federation of Park and Recreation Councils.

McCawley works in member­ahip services for the United States Parachute Association, has contributed to "Parachutist" magazine and recently completed his 1000th freefall jump.

Born near Plttaburgh, he mov­ed to the Waahlngton area in 1961, graduated from High Point ( 1972) and ha• a BS in engineering (Case Western Re­eerve Unlveraity, 1976).

IIIII COIIInEE . (lett Fer 01ty T~ree)

Steve Curtis I·M Rld11e Road

Katherine Keene 1-B Hlllalde Road

Born In Seattle, Washington, Katherine Keene was educated in the Seattle public achools and earned a B.A. at the University of Washington with a major il' sociology. During World War II served with the United States Army as a WAC, seeing active service in the European Theatre of Operations with the OSS, the secret intelligence branch of our services. Later attended Colum­bia University, getting an MA. Taught in public schools in Wash­ington state, came to Maryland in 1955, moving to GHI In 1959.

Taught . Western civilization and Far Eastern history at High Point for 20 years before join· lng the Eleanor Roosevelt faculty when that school opened. Retired in June, 1981. Ia registered at the University of Maryland in the Golden Oldie program, tak­Ing courses In literature for plea­sure.

Member of GHI Board 1966 to 72; served on N .t E Com­mittee, Audit Committee 1965/6 and 1981 to present. Also on City and county committees.

Sherry L. Hyde 71-H Rid1a Road

Sherry Levin Hyde lives at 71-H Ridge Road with her husband Michael and three children-Erin 4, Stephanie 2Y•, and Bryan 1.

She is a lifelong resident of Prince George'• County and grew up in Berwyn Heights and has known Greenbelt all her life.

Janet M. Cantwell 1-D Ganlenwa,.

Janet Marrichl Cantwell has lived at 2-D Gardenway since ll'l8 with her huaband, Michael, aDCl their two children, Brendan and Taylor Ann. She has served Oft the Board of Directors of GHI alnee 1982 aa aecretary. Janet baa been a member of the fol­lowlnc GHI committees: Member Complalnta, Ad Hoc Committee for Kembera' Electric Bill prob­!111111: Aeatbetica .t Environment. She Ia a native of Baltimore, movlnc to College Park In 1973 where abe received a B.S. In Ml­eroblolof)' In 111711. Janet did graduate work In Bio-medical Selencea at Hood Collece In Fre­derlelt, Kd. She wu formerly employed for aeven yean aa a Mieroblologiat at FDA and NIH. Preaentl:r abe Ia a full Ume homemaker. Her huaband, Klc­bael, baa been a Greenbelt real­dent alnce 1111111. Janet Ia lnvolv-

Steve Curtis hu been a resi­dent of Greenbelt and a member of GHI for nine years. He has served the cooperative in which he livea both aa a member of the board of directors and by having chaired and been an active mem­ber of a number of GHI commi­ttee&. He Ia 11 past president of Citizens For Greenbelt.

Curtla Ia a native Washing­tonian and wu educated In lo­cal auburban Maryland schoo!A. He received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D., all In physic• and all at the Unlveralty of Maryland. He haa worked at Goddard Space Flight Center in t.Jreenbelt for the put 111 yean where he Ia currently a. space aclentlst. In add!'""' he baa aonaulted for both the Department of Energy and Loa Alamos National Lab­oratory on energy related mat­ten.

She attended Prince George';; Community College where ahe served as delegate to the Stu­dent Government Aaaoclation for two years. While at P.G.C.C. she also served on the Student Union Board.

Sherry has lived In G.H.I. for six yean. She haa attended bOard and membenhlp meetlnp.

• eel in the GreenbeU Cooperative Nuner:r School, aerving aa a member of the executive Board of Director• alnee 1984.

John Lewla U-M Rld11e Road

101111 TillS I ELECTIOII

COIIITTEE (Vete For Oaly Fiye ••••••es••J lie••

•• , 11) John M. Taylor 4-H Laurel BlU Road

John Taylor has been a mem­ber of GHI since 1965 - and a member of the N & E Committee since 1981.

Mary Molen 1 Woodland War

Mary Moin hal lived in Greenbelt for the laat decade. She is currently serving as Chairman of the Nomination• and Electiona Committee.

Sandy Smith 14-W .Laurel Hlll

Sandy Smith has lived in GHI for 8 years with her huaband Ray. Thia Ia her ftrat term on the N .t E Committee. She aerv­ed aa chair of the Member & Community Relations Committee for two yean. Smith works for the Department of Health and Human Servicea aa an Inform•· tlon oftleer.

Stephen Slnden 15-K Rltl1e Road

Her work experience includes being a retail store manager: legal secretary/office manager for four yean In transportation, estate planning and general law: an executive aeeretar:r for nine years in the con1tructlon industry. She i1 presently em­ployed by Savoy Conatructlon Co., Inc., Silver Spring. She has been a resident of the Waahing­ton area since 1963.

Gary Peck 57-C Rld1e Road

Gary Peek waa born In New­port Newa, Virginia and then moved to the auburba of Phila­delphia, Pennsylvania. He attend­ed college nearb:r at Eaatern Baptist In St. Davida llnd \\&1

graduated In 1972 with a B.A. in Biology. Shortl:r thereafter he began working aa a labora­tor:r technician at the Univer­sity of Penna:rlvanla. In 1976 Peck moved to the Wa•hil:gLon, D.C. area to work at the Belb.­ville Agricultural Reaeareh Cen­ter. He mOTed to Greenbelt In January, 11183 and waa manicd a year later. Since then he baa become active In Citl&ena for Greenbelt.


2 Br, 1 Ba, Upgraded unit Shaded patio off 2nd Br.

Stephen Slnden baa been a member of GHI for 17 yean. He baa aerved on the following GHI Commltteea: Nomlnatlo~a .t Elec-

CAC, Pool, Parldq Great lnTelltment. C&ll Jim for appt. - 474-28815/474-1181

Al10 open 1-11 Saturdar, Ma:r 12. Uae papr for 1101,

4880 Hartwick Rd. s...._ .......

f_ Wl1 IID1111IT\'fl1lli * IIDn~~ n~ ©h.\rnrnw ®W'IT

WITH tbla coapoa

SI..OOoll reaalar ...... -~-..._or


PIZZA Mark Dombrowakl

t-K Ganl•war

John Lewi• hu lived with hi• wife Cathy In GHI slnre !9~4. He waa born In W aahington, DC, and baa alao lived in C..:hcv.,ny and CoiiP&'e Park Hi• eduratlnn waa In Prince Georl'l• County and at the Univen.ty of Mil• y­land where he received a B.S. de­gree.

1121 QRD.-LT RD. coapoa eaplna

..:May 31, 1914 Mark Dombrowakl baa lived

with hia wife Denlae In the Greenbelt vicinity continuoualy 1lnee 11174. He ia an electrical -.t-r employed at Goddard

Lewla haa had experience In conatructlon and roofing before workinr with the Montcomer:r County DepartmenL of Environ·

CINIANO 10. OMINHt.T, MD 10770

IIHONe 112·2100

.. S.parateci/Divonecl

Flushlntl Locatlona For w .. k of May 13

CeiCirean Prevention Meeting Scheduled

Catholla to Meet Separated aD4 nmwe.a ~ath~~-o

lica will meet May 18, 11184, at 7:80 p.m. In Grenoble Hall at St. Hugh'• Church. Fr. Vince O'Brien will apeak on "Grief to Growth." A aoctalwiU. follow the ta~; men are aaked to brine a beverage and women are ~liked to brine a •nack. The meeting Ia open to all lntereatecl paraone. For more Information or for di· reetiona call 474-0858.

The Wuhln~ Subul'han Sanltar'J Commlulon annoUJII!et the location• when a:ratematic water main ftuahlng will be con .... dueted b:r ita maintenance

· crewe, the week of Ma:r 18-19, u follows:

The CMarean PreTention Move­ment Chapter of the Greater Wublngton, D.C. Area will be meeting Monda:r, Ma:r 14 at 7:80 p.m. at a home in the Greenbelt area. The dlaeuaalcm thla month will be "Childbirth Education: Ita Role in Ceaarean Prevention and Vaginal Birth After Ceaa· rean." For information call 1152-1489. The program ia free.

Sunda:r Enning, Ma:r 18 (to Mo&dar Jlorning) - !Jreenbelt Road from Hanover Parkwa:r to Good Luck Road.

Tueeday Evening, May 15 (to Weclneada:r Morning) Mandan Road from Greenbelt Road to Brae Brook Drive.

Weclneaday Enning, May 16 (to Thunday Morning) - Area bounded b:r Greenbelt Road, Man­dan Road, Glen Ora Drive and Frankfort DriTe.

5 :~:A;~::: R ~ ~ CE~;·;~;,;~YM ~~:. ~

Thursday Evening, May 17 (to Frldar Morning) - Canrilng Terrace east of Mandan Road.

Food. G•-· Claae BootJaa, Ratrte, Cake Walk, Uaed Book Bale · . · ·J'un for all

The work, which involves the opening of t\re bydranta to clear aedlment from the pipelines and contl'o} water dlacoloratlon, will be done between 11 o'colek In the eveninc and aeven (7) o'clock In the morning in onler to mlnl­ml&e ineonvenlenee to euatomere u a malt of low preuure or temporar:r diKoloratlon.

A'll'l euatomen In the areaa belq ftuehecl, who have dlac:olor­atlou, ahould walt until the wa­ter runa clear at the tap before doblc afl'l clothe• laundering or dlabwaahlng.

An Information aheet on the lt84 Beheclulecl BI-Count:r Pro­pam ma:r be· obtained from the Commiulou'• Public Atralra Of­tlee. Pbone (301) 6119-4172.

Two New Plafll'llllls A.wf•s.-er

Two aQIIIIIIer pla:riP'ou.a• have lleen addH to tlae Greenbelt. araa for thl• aeaaon. The communltle• of .Qnenbrlar and Wlndaor Green will each be aerved with auper­'filecl 1wnmer pla:rground pro­puna be"gbmlng Monday, June 15. ~epou1ored by the Green­belt Reenatlon Department and JlarJlancl • National CapItal Park and Plannlac Commlaalon, theM new pla:rgrounda join the two exiating one• operated In Springhill Lake and Old Green-belt.

Stetr fllllding for the aetlvi tiea waa reeentl:r approved In the M-NCPPC Ftaeal Year 1885 Bud­get. The elt:r baa allocated funda for all equipment and auppllea. Exaet loeatlona for the n- play­grounda are being reviewed for local approval. Theae n- toea­tiona and additional detail• will be announced when the:r are ftna-Used.

'nM aummer aupemaed play­ground program Ia deelrned for c:JlildreD entering the ftrat grade ihrougll 11 :rean of age. Youth•, agea 11 - 16 :rean, an ncour­apcl to participate u Pla:rground Volunteer& and aaeiat the atatf.

In operation for aill ween, the prolftlll Ia bald Jlonda:r thru J'rlday, 10 .a.m. - 4 p.m., from J11M II tbroulh Auguat 8. Of­fend fne of eharP. •ornlng aad afternooD aetiYid• lnetude uta and erafte, pm•, tripe and apedal.nML Howner, tlaen wi11 .. a .-lnal fee for apeclal -enfta ltaaa ancl bull tranaporta· tloa for leld trlfL p,...nglatn­tloe ta 110\ reqaind. Par\leipanta _, ftl'latel' a\ Ulelr nelpbor· hood pl&Jpoand beg\DDllll MOll· daJ Jane 15. Pla:rgrouncla will be eloMd on WedDIIda:r. Jul:r 4 and loeatlona without ahel&.n will be eloMd durlnc \Delement wea· tlaer.

For additional Information, contact the Greenbelt Recreation Department, weekcla:ra 8 - II, at 474-18'18.

Free admiaalon to the gym. Eventa coat 1 or IMre tlcketl at tOe. a tleket. Everyone welcome.


VOTE Mark .Dombrowski


VOTE FOR A VOICE by au\borltJ' of cancllclata


and the

Greenbelt Players pr ... nt

"THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK" Friday, May 11 ·Saturday. May 26



' . ~ For Diamonds, Fine Jewelry ancl

Watch• Nobody_ Com• Close ••• Far

Quality, Selection and Value

• Discount to senior citians Golden A .. Clult

• ,._Giftwrapping with any purchale

• We accept all Malor Credit Cards • Lay Away and ftnancing available any time

GREENWAY CENTER 441~12/441~13

Weekly information meetinp about muonry etnle­tural repairs and painting will be held on 'Mondays ~ 1)..6:30 p.m. in the GHI Board' Room. The next meethw is seheduled for -

Monday, MIAy 14 The purpoae of thla meetlnc I• to keep )"011 Informed. UIMa to

and nepcmd to :rour concern& about palntiq ancl atnctunl npaln.

Tbe OBI Hotline (47'-1844) a1lo proYIIlel lafonuttoll dillllt rehab IDcladiDc aehedulea and the atatu at apeelaii"'CCQQIU. .,_. tq WaiDiu 11oan, a .tatr llldlber Ia aftllable to .....- ,.. quntlona. At otMr .-., :rou can lilt. to the pN-nMJM4 ..,_. .. tloa .... J.laft • .....-If fOil atiD ... Wp.

I'• laf.-tloa about JOIIl' pn-eoaatnetloll ...,..._ • po1t .- tiM pertieular work doDI to f0'1I' 111lit, eaD • ..._. .... (6'1...-o). Yoa ua tbla uk to .,.all to tM 011 t~• .._ ........ PMJ J.-... of .u.erllaa PNpertr Oouta...,• ...



PBUGBO'l' n ~­NOW 1189'1 :..



Page 4: Jackson for President 2-B - Greenbelt News Reviewgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19840510.pdf · Panasonic Sport 500 Sale price $154.95 ree. $189 -~-Spring Spec:lala: Tune-up 814.911


, I I •


Pap I ltuDmJ:LT NEWS UVU:W ~~~----------------~~

lew l•••rial l1rken PI•••~ For Viet•••, ltru• l1r ~~~~

by BID Rowland During Its re&"Ular meeting on April 28, Greenbelt's city

council received two proposals for new memorials within the city. Council also volunteered to buy and install "Neighbor­hood Crime Watch" signa.

The Ladies Auxiliary of Greenbelt American Legion Post 186 advised council that it wants to use the money awarded to the Auxiliary in a new-memberships competi­tion to erect a memorial in honor of persons from Greenbelt who died in the Vietnam War and, if names can be ob­tained, in the Korean War. A separate slant marker, 18 inches high, with inscribed base, would be used for each war.

The Memorial will probably be erected In the vlclnlty of the ex­lati~ war memorial adjacent to Centerway, and the Auxiliary hopea to complete the project by Memorial Day. Council author­ized city staff to work with the Auxiliary in aecompllahlng the project.

Memorial Park

and trees. The board• see the park aa a place for pP.ople to walk or sit and enjoy the wood­lands and the landscaping, but not as a place for active recre­ational uses.

Council is expected ·to decide during ita next regular meeting on May 14 what further steps to take with regard to the memorial park concept.

Kayor pro tem Richard Pllakl, a Boxwood realdent, added an it­em to &he eveni~'a apnda to uk why dtlsen memben of the new crime watch orcanizatlona In Boxwood and Lakewood are hav­inc to buy their own aicna to deaipate their development& as nelchborhood crime watch com­munities. Why, Pilskl wanted to know, should not the city pay for these aipa !

Councllmember Antoinette Bram, alao a resident of Boxwood, suggested that it Ia "Kind& nice for a change, Isn't It!" to ftnd citizens who· are not coming to "Father or Mother City" with their hands out, and aaw It aa a matter for civic pride.

But Pihkl Insisted be would rather have signs that show the entire city Ia watching for crime. The signs should be a city respon­sibility, he said. Council then a­greed that the city will provide and erect signs for each part of the city that establishes a neigh­borhood crime watch program meeting the training and parti­cipation requirements established by the Greenbelt Police Depart­ment.

Council also received recommen­dations from two city advisory boards recarding development of GrHnbelt Cemetery aa a memor­Ial park. City Manager James Giese had recommended such a park to council in the mid-1970's, and although the proposal waa reviewed at that time, council did nrot act to go ahead with the con­cept. But when council recently decided to reopen sale of burial plots In the cemetery, counril at the ~arne time asked the Park and Recreation Advisory Board and the Community Relations Advis­OrY Board to take a fresh look at Giese's decade-old concept.


The two boards, In a joint re­port to council, have now endors­ed Giese's original proposal, hut with the additional recommenda­tions that the Turner Famly crave area be preserved in "an appropriate and respectful man­ner," that there be a "carefully deviaed devel'>pment plan for th~ memorializing and honoring of Greenbelt citizens," and that a park be provided "for the enjoy­ment of the Jiving and 1n partic­ular for the enjoyment of Green­belt citizens and the occupants of the neighboring ofl\ce buildings."

The joint board• want to aee the park developed ao a• to ex­pand on the exiatinr natural as­seta of the property, with present wooded area8 essentially left In their natural estate. A aysten1 of paths would permit acceaa from adjacent ofl\ce buildinra, but or­namental Jant!acapinc would be provided In auch a way 11 to dis­courage park usen from entering the burial part of the cemetery property. Memorial• tJ Green­belt citizens would be In auch forma aa monumenta, marken,


GrHnbelt Seniors The exerclae procram un­

der the Jeaderahlp of Rose Ha­ber that Ia normally held on Mondaya Ia aeheduled to be held next Tuuday, Kay 11, at e:IO a.m. In the Ifill of the Youth Centar.

Ed Tumey of "Tumey'• World" featured on Channel 7 and hla camera crew will be then to tale'IIH and perhapa hlt.nlew the participants In the pfOIT&m.

All 11111lon ara Invited to come and nerelH. K:rra'• ~ (normally held Oil Tueday) will meet on 110ft· ay, llay \4, far tbla WMk oaly.

FOR AUDIT COMMITTEE • MBA from U. of Md., concentration in Finance

• Served on E&M Committee • GHI Member since 1979

by authority of candidate

Greenbelt Recreation Department



WHERE: Baltimore Memorial Stadium

WHEN: Friday, June 22. Bus leaves the Youth Center at 6 p.m. Game time is 8 :05 p.m. Return approximately 12 midnight.

COST: $10. - Lower Reserve Seats

• These tickets JCO quickly • Contact the Recreation Department, M-F, 9-5, 474-6878.

Las ·Vegas Nlte May 12, .1984

s:oopm to 2:00am G.-eenbelt Fll'e Rou•e sucreeaentBd. Greenltelt,. MD

Free Beer • Door Pnza

...... Drl•b ........ 8al•

MU1 .. 20Y .... e1Ap..,Oid..,

Ad•hd•n~M (I_..._ E•ateelor Dr•wl•••)

lpar..-cllv ~ Vd. Fft 001>4 ond ... - HOQh foolboll Progoom



Six Years of Active Participation In GHI ·

• Current Audit CommittH Member

• Past Audit Committee Chalr

• Has served on Finance, A&E, E&M, Long Range Planning, Ad Hoc Heating Conversion and other CommlttHs

• Has attended Board MHtings Consistently since 1978


MEMBERSHIP MEniNG, MAY 16 VOTE MAY 17 • by authority of candidate


,hl2~.'?.~~0. ~; GREENBELT •. MD .. (\,.~t,

345-0598 \)»'-)


1 75 L


SEAGRAM'S 7 80" Blend

1.75 L



3 L



Ca. o1 24 • 12 oz. 12 Pok N.R. Botllea • Warm Only


AMARETTO Dl SARONNO 565o6'u!, 1Lt~~i~'


MR. BOSTON QIN 8Qa Engllah MArket

1.75 L



Ca. of 24 • 12 oz. 12 Pak C.na W111~m Only





POLICE CADET-Grade GC-4, $12,376 beginning salary. Must be between the ages of 18 and 21.

POLICE OFFICER CANDIDATE-GC-7, $16,244.80 be'­glnning salary. Must be between the ages of 21 and 36.

POLICE OFFICER-GP-1, $16,931.20 beginning 11alary. Mu11t be between the ages of 21 and 35 and certified by the Maryland State Training Commission.

A cost-of-living increase It! expected for all potlitiontl effective 7/1/84. Applicants for all poaltion11 must have high school diplomas or equivalent, have a valid driver's license and be in good 'physical condition with vision cor­rectlble to 20/20, not to exceed 20!70 uncorrected. En­trance exam will be required of all applicants.

AppllcatlonR will be accepted at the City Office, 25 Crescent Road, Greenbelt, Maryland 20770, ,phone 474-8052, until June 6, 1984.

---- ... _ ... ~-·-. ~ ,:/·~_:.__ ______ ......_....._ __ ....._ _________ _


(UnofRcial R .. ults) DBIIOCRATS a.,. T~ttaJ


Voter& V otea ,. Preelnet Center #8

Voten Vot.. ,. 1607 787 45.9 1141& 141 211.9

St. Hugh'• #6 SHL#S Roosevelt #13

l872 686 46.8 18f& 1164 ~.7

456 1211 27.4 4'1'9 82 17.2

1829 780 42.6 881 12() 7.6

Total 8180 2716 44.8 2160 468 ,j 1.7

Democratic Primary -May 8, 1984 1

UnofRclal R .. ults Precinct Preelnet Preelnet Preelnct

I 6 8 11

Candidate Center No. End SHL ERBB Total

p,..ldent • Alan Cranston 4 0 1 II

John Glenn 2 9 4 • 111

Gary Hart 24.11 229 18 .. 221 708

Ernest Holllnca 1 1 0 • 2

Jesses L. Jackson 75 69 208 230 682

Lyndon LaRouche, Jr. 10 4 6 • 19

Georre McGovern 13 11 6 e 80

Walter Mondale 364 283 177 266 1080

Con~reaa 5th Dlat. Steny H. Hoyer,. 493 420 302 464 1679

Lawrence E. Keval 37 23 • 34 94

Craig E. Ransom 16 18 • 19 113

Judre 7th Judicial Circuit Arthur M. Ahalt, Jr. 378 306 238 89'Z 1809

G.R.H. Johnson 314 269 228 870 1181

Arthur Marshall, Jr. 237 198 169 246 840

•Figures Uncertain •• Although the Board of Elections confirmed that this wu the figure reported, it will be at least a week before the official count is completed. It appears that Hart's vote In SHL is Incorrect.

Recreation Review Tennis Court Uae

The city owns and operates ten­nis courts at both Braden Field and Lakecreat Drive. There is a si~n-up board at both locations. All players must sign in aa out­lined by the poated rulea. To a­void unnecessary delaya, please check the posted permits for tour­naments. Swimmlnc Pool Paaaea

Season panea, for the Green­belt Municipal Swimming Pool's 1984 summer, are on sale at the Treuurer's 011\ce, Municipal Building, Monday through Fri­day, 9 a.m .• 4 p.m. The pool op­ens on Saturday, May 26, 10 a.m. Compare prices and aave. Bro­chures are available at the Muni­cipal Building and Recreation Centers. CPR

Only one clan remain• open be­fore the summer recess. Spaces are available for May 111 and 16, 7 · 10:30 p.m. at the Youth Cen­tPr. To pre·rerlater, call the Rec­reation Department Businus Of­flee, weekdays, 9 • II, 474-8878.

DIKount A muaement Park Tlfket•

Once alfain, the Recreation De­partment has avallabl~ discount

tickets for many of the amu~e­ment parks in the area. The tickets are on sale at the Youth Center from 9 a.m.

.. I> p.m. Monday thru Friday. The parks participating this year are Busch Gardens, Great Adventurl' Saf.Mi, Hershey Park, Kings Do­minion and Wild World. These tickets allow unlimited use of all rides and attractions at each park attended during the 1984 season. This special discount program i• sponsored for the heneftt of the Maryland Recreation and Parks AsRociation to continue its ef · forts in improving conservation parks and recreation in Maryland; Support MRPA and save money on future amusement park trips at the same time.

Athletl~ Field Permlta Firat priority for practice and

game use of the city's athletic fields Ia to city permit holder8. All others uRe on a ftrat come, ftnt serve baais. Due to the heavy amount of field maintenance and renovation being planned this Spring, participants should be prepared for some antkipated delays for field play at the North· way and Braden Field Complexes. Weather permitting, fteld proj­ecta will be carried out aa timely •• poulble.



j Thursday, May 10 8:00p.m.


Preliminary Agenda 1. Membership Information Setl8ion on Items for

Annual Membership Meeting 2. Management proposal on board minute!!. 8. Mechanical ventilation for brick attics 4. NAHC training session

The meeting will be televised on public service cable TV channel A-10.

Republican Primary • May I, ·t914 App ..... Swflee

BAII'Ii DAT IDflea oa

•WuUrl •llefrlpnton Unoftlclal Results

PneiDet Preelact Pnellld Predact 11 I • 8 •Dryen •Pneun

CallllL:late Ceater No.'BIIIl BBL BRBI Tetal


111 111

•Bupe •D~t~~nra~Mn. Preeideat Ronald Reapn 118 1011 Coarnu lth Diet. John E. Ritchie 82 56 Kenneth Robinson 88. 81 John E. Sellner· 10 Jadre 7th Jadlelal Circuit Arthur M. Ahalt, Jr. 90 G.R.H. Johnaon 84 Arthur Marahall, Jr. 84

Police Blotter 8uecl on Information

Releaeecl by the Greenbelt Pollee Department

A 1tronr-arm robbery took place on MayS at 3:80p.m. when two juvenile suspects set upon a juvenile victim in front of the mall in Beltway Plaza. They took the victim's gym bag and watch and fted via a Metro bus which was just departing.

Three non-resident juvenile• were arrested at Greenway on May 4 when they were seen throwing bottles at parked cars. One was carrying a BB gun. They were charged with possession of a deadly weapon, trespassing and malicious destruction.

Fonr rnconr:: --~ · " ...

occurred in the vicinity of Breeze­wood Terrace and Eo~monston ltd. during the night of May 2-3. Ra­dio• and tire8 were stolen.


75 60 56

Two vehicles parked in the rear of Beltway- Pl.aza were vandali7.ed on the nirht of May 7. Two addi­tional cases of vandalized autos occurred on Hlllside Rd. and Cre­scent Road. Both Incidents took place during the night of May II.

GHI NOTES The GHI Board of Directors

will meet Thursday, May 10 at 8 p.m. in City Council Chambers. Members will be given the oppor­tunity to ask questions concern­ing the agenda items for the An­nual Membership Meeting. Other agenda items are a management proposal on Board minutes, me­chanical ventilation for brick at­tics, and NARC training aesalot•. The meeting will be televised on Cable TV channel A-10.


4t1 11

68 88 42


58 41 12

78 60 79


1186 117 241

NYMAN -iiALTY, INt. "Rick" lart.er, GRI, CU

*CertUled Reaidentlal s,.. clallat (CRS)

*Graduate Realton ln•ti­tute (GRI)

*Member, Prince Georre• County Board of Realton •1981 Realtor A1aoelate

of the Year •t979 Community In­

volvement Award •1981-1983 Bd. of Direc-

tors •MLS Listing Award et981- 7th PI: Moat Settled •1982- 5th Pl. Most Settled

WANTED! Properties to market in the Greenbelt area. (GHI, C h a r I e s t o w n e VIllage, Greenhriar, Windsor Green, Lakeside, Boxwood, Lake­wood, Woodland Hilla). Call for no obligation conaulta­tion. Thank you Greenbelt.

441-1010 474-5700 Ask for "Rick"


Dlleoata to .... ~ ...... 141-1111


Like a good nt:ighbor. State Farm istht:rt:. See me for car, home. life and health insurance.

Don W. Taulelle, clu 8951 Edmonston Rd. Greenbelt, Md. 20770




State Farm lnaurlnCI Compenon . Home Ottieea: 81oomtn9ton. lllonooa.

',,,,,,, ........... '. ,,,,., '' ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, .. Katherine Keene FOR AUDIT COMMinEE


IN A RESPONSIBLE MANNER. • .. ! by authority of candidate

J_... ..................................... ..


An Independent Candidate Committed to: • ln1Urln8 lounclloard • Ma-na.ement Declalona e Safeauaiclln8 Member l,......stl e KMpln8 Greenbelt Affordable A six-year Greenbelt resident with a rrowing family, Sherry la com­mitted to Insuring sound policiea A practices by Board and manap-ment. · She'll be a atronr and Independent voice for member intereltat on the Audit Committe.

- To keep GHI affordable, we must apend our GHI feea wlaely. SherrJ will be a conscientious montor of corporate spending.


by' aatboritJ of .........

. .,.

Page 5: Jackson for President 2-B - Greenbelt News Reviewgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19840510.pdf · Panasonic Sport 500 Sale price $154.95 ree. $189 -~-Spring Spec:lala: Tune-up 814.911



Reereatia ..... (c..tlued ,... ..... ..,

a.cr..tlcm l>epartmen~ admla.. letratlon propoMd In the paat ten ,...n."

Other hlpllchte of the nere­atlon and parka and uaoelated budpta an the followtnr:

- acldltloa&l aldewalka and laaUeapm. around the Sprinr· hUI Lake Center .

- nplacemem of four buket­baU bac:kboal'lla and· rlm.e · at SprlnrhUl Lake

-no fee c:hanpa for the IWimmlnr pool

- te,OOO w n,.Jr pool :aldm­mer linea whlc:h ma:r be leaking 'WIIiter.

- ,1,700 for a portable pard c:halr and benehea for the pool bathhouae

- a line kem for the pur­c:haae r4 the PEPCO aubltetlon propert:r In the proeeaa of ap­praiaal and nerotlation. 'nle eity hopea for a rrant to eover a rood portion of this expenae

- replacement of about half of the pool ft)ten

- a clupllc:Minr mac:hiM, bas­ketball for the youth Center and a 100Z'Wbollnl ·for SprlnrhiU Lake In the NYenae aharinw fund.

Two ltema tbat wan not fund­ed wwe a heat pump/air eondl­tton.r for the YODtb Center um­naatala and a -...... wall for the pool. The tumfna' wall haa beeD mentioned for -~ ,,..,., bat at an eeUmated tiO.OOO It ba been e ......... too· •pen­al'ft. Bnm a._eeted IDON n­aeuela be done on wa,. to pro­Yicle a turnm. wall. "StrOle It or do aometlllnr abwt It," abe eoneiQded.

Thunday, :May 10, 1984

City Atlellenior ata.n. To Fill Out Questionnaire

The CftJ of Greenbelt hu pre­pared a que.Uonnaln to obteln retaeral Information from Green­belt Senior Cltlaena on thefr llfnt:rle in anu aueh u health, trauportatlon, are and Income and to lclentlfJ what the:r - u their needa and problema.

Reaponaea. to the questionnaire will provide the City Coacll and ateft' with information on the need• or problema pnaently be­Ing experleneecl , bJ theae nal­deata. It Ia fti'J' important that evel?'one .In GNenbelt age eo or older eomplete a q~J~ationnaln. Queatlonnaln forma will be dla­trlbvted at Golden Are Club meetlnp and to all Green Rldp Houae reaidente and will be print. ed in next weeks News ReYiew.

Coplea of tile aurvey are avail­able In the Finance OMc:e at the elty'a Municipal Buildiq, Green RldJe Houae, the Sprlnrhlll Lake Community Center, the Green­belt Homn, Inc:. ofllee, the city Recreation Centera in the lobby broehan raeb, the Greenbriar Communlt:r Cellter Actlvltlea of­tee, and the . Greenbelt Branch Library. The eit;r ot11eea will mall a queatlonnalre upon requellt be­inc made by telephone to 474-8000. Pleue tompiete only one.

Queationnairea c:an be return­ed to tbe citr otieea, Z6 Crneent Road or ntamed to where they 'wen pieked up.

People with queationa ahould­c:all 47 4-8000.

Patlidpate in Your Coop Attend your annual memiMtnhip meeting May 16

.Vote May 17

Re-Elect Janet Cantwell to the


b7 aatborlty of eMidiciMe

Get Mom out of the ldtehen, and let her be our gue&t. It'• the perfect Mother'• Day .Ut from the entire family. Memorable cUnlq Ia a tradition with us ... eveey day I CMIIpliMntGf'W dalm for WIOCMr. ............ ...,., ................ ........ .....,_ ... ...


Open from 11:80 ttl 9:80p.m.

ReNI'fttioM nqaeeted fu I or aoN.


- ------- ~ - .. '·

10210 .......... llwl., lt. 1 Col .... Parle Beltway lxit 2SA

Greenbelt· Municipal Pool



EXPANDED WEEKEND HOURS Now Open Saturdays & Sundays at 10 a.m.


Weather conditions permittinr, nonnal houn of operation are from 1:00 p.m. - 8:16 p.m., Monday throurh Friday and Saturday• and Sundays 10:00 a.m .• 8:15 p.m. except Saturdays of Home Swim Meeta. The schedule will be posted and the pool will open at 1:00 p.m. Weekday mornlnrs an rese"ed for swim leuon programs and

reneral pool maintenance.


Sinrle •·Family Senior Citlsen

Greenbelt Reeideat

P&.oo tBO.OO

(62 yean and over) FREE Gunt Seaaon Child Paaa

(per ehlld) $60.00

Noa-Cit:r Realdent '85.00 $140.00



NOTE: Slnrle HalOn puaes are aurreat­ed for married c:ouples with c:hlld­

nn under elK ( 6) yeera of age

FAMILY PASSES: Print names of all members of your immediate family' over six yean of alii (inc: lading :rounelf) who are to rec:ei'fl pauea. CbildreD uruler 6 muat be accompanied b:r an adult and an admitted free. •FAMILY: Peraona who realde at the•aaae addnaa who are related by blood or ~rrlaee or for wblc:h a family type of reationabip ,hi• been eatebllahed by court of law. NON-RESIDENT SEASON PASSES will be oft'ered w thoae living outaide the Greenbelt c:lty llmlta. The Non-Reaident Family Season pauea will be limited to 1&0 famlllea per aea-aon. GUEST CHILD BEASON PASSES are limited w houae guests under 18 years of age of a naident family. pass holder. Apoplicationa muat be submitted to the City Manager for ap­pl'Oval.


Compare and Save - Purebue of -aon pa11e1 provide aubatantlal aavinga w uaan over continued payment of daily adml .. alons.

Greenllelt NOD-Cit:r Realdent RMident

Adult (18 yean .t over) $2.00 fl..&o Child (6- 17 yean) .1.2& '1.711

Under 6 years FREE FREE

Senior Citisen (62 yean and over) FREE •2.00

PASSES AVAILABLE BY MAIL AND AT THE CITY FINANCE OFFICE: Pleue ftll out the application below. Make c:heeka payable to CITY OF GREENBELT.; mall with application to: City of Greenbelt, Fi­,.nc:e Department - Pool Pau, Ill Creeeent Road, Greenbelt, Maryland 20770. Pauea will be aent to you by mall.

SEASON PASSES may be purehaaed at the Finance Oft\ee (first floor of Munlelpal Build­ing Addition), Monday thru Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Brochures, with complete listing of the 1984 season Aquatics Prolfl'am Guide, are available at the Municipal Buildine and Recreation Cen­ters.



Addr ....



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Age .... Home Phone ..

Office Phone

Emergency Phone

1 hereby apply for a GrHnbelt Pool Pau. Paym~nt for membershJp ill encloeed.

(PMaN check tM membership lor whi~h yo '.l quallty)





J'lnt Name

$80.00 (

pue c > Free ( )

SilO ( )

Lut Na.e

NON...ct'l"'' BI'.IIIDitJf'r




'1" ( ) ... ( )

. ............................................................................................................................................................................................... --····-· ..


...................................................... _ .................................................................................................................................. -............. ..

....................................................................................................................................................................................... -................... .. ....................................... \ .. ,., ............................................................................................................ ~ ................................................. .. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Maire c:heck pa)'llble to Clt:r of Greenbelt •Family: Penona who realde at the aame addreu who are related b:r blood or IIUU'ri&l'l • lor which a family type c!A relatlonahlp haa tH-en e•hbll•hrd by court of law. Falalftcatlon of tbla Mnaberahlp Application will result In canc:ellatlon o1. the ae•MIIdaip .ad forfeiture of all monlea received.

l'bursday, May 10, 1984

,ubllc Worb luclget Review ac:hool Hll4llDc it aequln4, f10a ftnaDelall7 atrapped Prince Qeor. ,.. co.m• (at •la&.al OMt). Inability to have pri'Yite clcillan help pa:r for the faelltt,'l NIIO­va\lon eoald make keepmr part or all r4 the wblte. elephant PfO­blbftivel:r _,_m.· 1'lle ett:r would atill have the 11 aerea oa whlc:h the balldlnr alta.

(Colltiaaed frela pap 1) . aa county landftll fen have been raised by 26 percent and the number of euawmera for the aer­viee baa rlaen. At aome point more bualnua will nec:naltete hlrlnr more workera.

Capitol lapro'f-enta Moat noticeable w rnidenta ia

the work undertaken with funda from the Capite! Improvement• Reae"e. Counc:ll baa for yean set aaide a conatant ll'mount in each budret - now 7c of the tax rate - for rec:onatruetlon and resurfaelnr of streeta, aldewalka, curb• and cutters and mlac:ella­neoua other projeeta not funded over the lonrer period of time through a bond laaue. Next year's 7c wlll net $187,600, to be com­bined with $68,000 budgeted in prior yean but not yet spent (see box for llat of propoaed pro­jecta).

Miaeellaneoaa Cemetery - geta limited main­tenance. Council and atatr ex­preased concern about what etrec:t

PropoMCI Capital Improvements

Tennl1 Courta ' 66,000 Centerway 14,000 Attlck Park, entrance

and landac:aplnc Southway-reaarfue Julian Ct.-naarfac:e Youth Center Roof

14,000 68,000 9,000

re•urface 22,000 Lakealde Dr. 8,200 Lakecreat Dr. - from Lake­

creat Clrele w Laknlde Dr. 11,400

W eat way - Rldre Rd. w Unlv. Sq. Apta. 8,000

Total Propoaed $195,600

aurroundlnr development will have on the cemetery, which sits atop a high hill. Public Work• Garare - $5,000 in improvement• will add ll se­curity area for toola and im­proved dor runs for Impounded animals. Another ,2,700 will buy • new chain fall holat. Rec:ydlnr - Council likes he­ine out front In the recycling buslne11. "People come from all around to aee our prolrl'am," commented Smith. The aale of newspapen collected from refuae cuatemera will brine the city treaauty almoat $6,000. Smith apeculatea that 70 percent of the eity'a cuatomera regularly put out paper for collection. Gla1a, aluminum, and oil, which reaidenta must brine to the re­cycling center at the warehouse, will add about t!OO each. Pllaki asked atatr to look at waya to ln­creaae the amount of aluminum collected - perhapa by pieklne It up. White urred better pro­motion of the exlatlnr program. R-nlt Center - llrht polea on the mall will be replaced with a new type. Current polea and ~rlobea advertiaed aa vandal proof are not. Conatant repair and re­placement baa been coatly. Attl~k Park - The State De­partment of Natural Reao."reea ha1 directed the city to repair the apillway at the Greenbelt Lake Dam ($6,000). Alao there Ia aome water romlnr out of the bank

Ronald G. RothgH Member MUIIon Dollar


A,.t for

New York Life Insurance Life, Health, Group, IRA'•

Annultlea and Penalon Plana

ho•e 141-4291 baaineaa 114-1110 .

behind the daaa. ,GleN Ia looldnr for the orlrinaJ plans (about 1936) for conatruetion of the dam; He thinka aome of the early Greenbelt papera an atored at a unlveraity In Teanaeee.

Nerth End C.ter Aequialtlon of North End

School poaea more problema and quntlona than ai!IWen. It'• Uke "rettlnr an inheritulee from an uncle you never ltn- you had," said one member of c:ouneil, "I'd be caning that unc:le," quipped another, only half In jeat. Demo­llahlng the old portion of the ~ehool bulldlnc Ia belnr diac:uas­ed. That Ia where the major phy. aical problema are centered -water leakl and enauing dam­are, old easement windowa that are not energy - eftlcient. But thia Ia also the aec:tion that haa the nic:er amenities.

Cost of repair and renovation would be high. A new county law prohibits citlea like Green­belt from leuinc out apace in a

Pilakl noted that 10111e atate dollan may be aY&IIable w mwal­elpalltlea lntenat.d In proricllftr apace for day c:an c:entera. Whllt two priY&te rroupa have exprau. ed lntereat In loc:atlnr in the North End Center, OleN Ia un­•ure whether the eoun•'• new law would allow any type of lean arranrement.

Major ltema In the t57 ,800 op­eratlnr budget for the Center are '19,000 for atefllnr - rec:n­atlon and maintenance - and $20,000 .for arehlteetural c:onault­lnr feea. Gieae haa also aet a­aide a reaerve fund for major repaln and capite! Improvement• for the Center of $126,000. Baa III'Yic:e - $16,700 with

City of Greenbelt, Maryland


Intention to Increase Tax Rate Above Constant Yield Tax Rate

The City. Council of GrHnbelt, Maryland will hold a public hearing on its intention to consider increasing the property tax rate for the fiscal year starting July 1, 1984, as proposed

in the City Manager's Budget, above the constant yield tax rate. The con­stant yield tax rate is designed to produce for a local government the same dollar amount of property tax revenues every year.

The hearing will take place at 8:00 P.M. on Tuesday, May 15, 1984 in the Council Room, Greenbelt Municipal Building, 25 Crescent Road.· At that time the City Council will hear com­ments regarding any tax increase and explain the reasons for the proposed increase. All interested persons are encouraged to aHend this hearing and present their views. · City Council of Greenbelt, Maryland



The City Council tl ONenbelt, Maryland


TueMiay, May 15, 1914 • laOO p.m. THE PROPOSED BUDGETS FOB


Revenues l.Taxea


2. Licenses and Permit& 3. Revenues from Other Agencies 4. Service Charges for Current Services 6. Fines & Forfeitures 6. Miscellaneous Revenues

Total Revenue Surplus Applied

f2,80'7,000 89,800

91i0,t00 880,000 40,800 59,800

f4.2'1'7 ,800 184,000


Expendlturea H). uenerai Government 11. Public Safety 12. Public Work& 16. Social Service& 18. Recreation & Parks 24. Miscellaneou& 21S. Debt Service 26. Reaervea


• 481,000 1,215,100

B'll,IGO 128,600 749,000 468,500 51,800




1. Bond Redemption $ 46,800 -21,000 2. New Equipment .

8. Word and Data Proeeaaing Equipment and Services for All l)tpartmenta

4. Handicap AccesBibillty Improvements


80,000 1,100

• ,101,100

rhe Hearlq will be held in the Council Room. Mwalolpal q,11ldlng, 26 CrMCent Road, Greenbelt, M&rJlaDcl. PutiUc ntt.rtlcl""tlon antt attendance Ia eneouraaed and aD citi­zen• of Greenbelt ahall have a reuonable opportunltr to 11rovide written and oral commenta and to Uk qutltlou ·oncernlnr the entire budget and the relatlonahtp of NY• •mue ahartnr entitlement fund& thereto. Copt• of the Y)ropoted budret and the City Manager'a budpt m-.. ·ire available at the City Oft\cea, 26 CrtRtot Road, Mon­riay through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:20 p.m~ Por Inform&· 'ion, please call 474-8870 or 474-8000.

Gudrn B. KUla, CKC, Clt:J C1ellr


l !

l - I 1


Page 6: Jackson for President 2-B - Greenbelt News Reviewgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19840510.pdf · Panasonic Sport 500 Sale price $154.95 ree. $189 -~-Spring Spec:lala: Tune-up 814.911


I I I l '(


l ' ~ ' I


Pate;;;:.;,..;;l-.o _______ ...,.,lteon.rt laM

.. ,. •• -~ .... 1-..t-.. 'nle GnenMlt Concert Band of - .,...,.. Prince o.c.r..•a County, under

b7 PIP Ap.tl Walker the direction of John DeiHomme, WBBKLY C.ALLB preaented Ita premier concert In

'l'lte o...llelt Voluii&Mr l'lft the 'Utopia Tbea.tre on .April 29. Departa•t . ad Rueae 8qu4 The aeOUitleal quallt7 of the ru a ~ of rr. ealll for the theatre enhanced the livelJ mu­..t dded llaF I, 1184. The eleal number~ that were preaent­b ea1la iMl'Dded: 4 alarm ~. ed.

Enay Contest: Count7 hlrh ~ehool 1enlors are

Invited to enter an e11ay contest 1ponaored by the Prince Georr• County Board of Realtors.


BELTSVILLE, liD. 117-1111

Carpete, Wood ftoera, ~ Floon, Cenmle Floor A Wall Til•. Bandlnr A reAniahlnl Pree Blltlaatea Clark GrHa

c.. to ......... JI.A. SIJIIUIATitW 6 DMliiCI NIDIIITitW ·


... sua

I ~Uuet~aral ftfta, 1 wlddl In, a Hlghlltrhta of the concert In­fuel 1pUl, a transfer, ucl a eaU eluded a anappy rendlton of "Bur­to aulat Ute pollee. Till ftiiU8 ler'a Holldar", by a trumpet trio ..U. lneluded: I 'ftlllcle aeeldate, Including Andy Leech, Kent Hilla 8 Injured people, -II alelc JI80Ple, 8 and Dana Sehwarta. The trom­trouble brutlllnr, I heart at- bone aectlon waa al1o featured taeka, 1 UDCOJliCIOUI piJ'IOil, an In "Canaon • Quartet for Trom­atrwa:r obatruetlon, and a routine bone1", with Don Blad,ett, Pat

The 1,1100-word (or le11) entey muat Interpret the followlnl quotation aa It applie1 to the •tu­dent'• future: '"l'be atrenrth of a nation Ilea In the homei of 1tl people" (Abraham Lincoln).

The wlnnlnr e11ayi1t and ~ehool repreHuted will eac!h receive a cash prise. For information, a atudent should contact the hlrh ~ehool Enrllsh department or call 8110-7700.


tranaporl. Dale1, Harold Ba7e1 and Nleho-Bun.DJNG I'JaB IN laa Roberta u the performers. an exceptionally talented ,roup

of musicians who are well -known throughout the CountJ.


I SYSTEM 345-8330 GET IN II GRBBNBBLT Oil KOBdaJ April 80 at 11:80 Greenbelt reildents aild vi1lton p.m. durlnr a heavr downpour, a will have another opportunity to lal'lt bolt of llptnlnr hit an hear the band on Greenbelt Day, apartment bulldlnr at 7113 Man- Sunday aftemoen, June 2, In the

-dan Road. LuclcilJ, the ftre was RooHvelt Mall In front of the Bingo confined to the root area and waa Utopia Theatre where a apecial extlnrul•hed ahortly after the ftre program will be preaented to department arrived on tha ~eene. celebrate Greenbelt's 47th Birth-While DO .aajor damare ,.

1 done day. There Ia no charge to hear


to the bulldl111, the unlta from r-------------· the Greenbelt Fire Department OJ· DELUXE every Thunday

at were held for appro:rJmatel:r one hour ~ check for poaalble exten­•ion of the ftre. BYB 'I'RA 'UII.A

On Mondap, April 80, at a p.m. an appro:xlmatalJ II Je&r old fe­male -a aaYellDC north bound on the Baltlmon-Wuhlllrton ParkwaJ IIODth of Powder Mill Roacl. Sadd.al7, die ear ehe wu ~ .... hit bJ a whael which ba4 lcnm off a ••r-bJ ear. Ber ar thea blpD to apia aiOUJid and lipped OYer caualnr her face to 1Mb coataci* with the pave­DMilt, aeeordblc to the iafonu­tloa ,me to l'lrtlrhw Tom Jtemp, who wu Ia chaJ'II of the patlat, IID4 C.ptala Jhtt Weber, who wu In eharp at the aeene. An atnam 1DJa17 wae c1oae to the rirM aide of her face ad to her n.ht .,... Beea1111 of the aerio11a aaAire of the inJ1117 the 'U.S. Part PoUee helicopter (•r­Je 0..) waa caned to the eeene and taw the patient to Wuhlnr­toll Boapltal Center 10 tbat abe eould he treated b7 an .,.. ape­•lallet who - ltandl b •

~tern'• SHOE REPAIR leltway , ...


lhee Care Products .... polllhee

Don't Mia This You haven't seen an ad­dition like it. How doea ftnt floor bedroom a n d bath aound 1 And family roo mT And cathedral celliq a n d akyllrhta 1 Call Ken or LU for detana on thla 8 bedroom, 2 bath beauty.



St. Hugh's

CHAS MARTEL (101) ''1-2128

135 Crescent Road t...-....... ~ ..... ..,.. ........ ..,...,...

d. Bea80D .............. - ~



SHL Shopping Center - WJ:DDDrQI - ~ Serving Greenbelt

- I'Oa'l'SAII'8 -





for 18 years


345-3433 I

Our Prescription De­l pa.rtment iB ~omputer­

ized for faster a.nd

1 more efficient service.


Attraetlve, large ofllee available for full time rental In Greenbelt.

Near public tran1portatlon, free parklnr, ea1:r aeeeaa to Beltwa7 l and Parkway. Contact Mra. Sullivan at '7'·21641.

... ·;t • :II .. I •

~ i I • 0 ..


GHI M&MBERS The GHI dlacount purehaainr prorram baa berun.

The followinr merchants will rlve GHI dlacounta on a wide variety of producta: ,

Arrow Refrireration ~ Appliance Company A-Z-Sew V ae Mart Builder Kitchens, Inc. Carpet Choice Clinton Fencu Continental Hobbycrafta )llater Appliance Company, Inc. Will's Decorating Center 4: Hardware Store To receive dlacounta, membera must present a GHI

diaeount purchuinr card before purehullng Items. These diaeount purchulnr earda are available for

$1.00 from the GHI Member Services Oftlce. The card• wUl also be available at the GHI Annual Membership Meetfnr.




classified, to work aproximately 40 hours per week. This ia a aix month temporan apointment which may be ex­tended. Salary 16.56 per hour. Work conaists of general cleaning and minor building maintenance. Hours flexible hut generally will be Monday through Friday between the hours of 7 a.m. and S :SO p.m. Appllcatlona will be ac­cepted at the City Oftlces, 26 Crescent Road, 474-8052, until Friday, June 1, 1984. EOE.

. .. ...... , "Ri~" Barber, GRI, CRS

" Nyman Realty, Inc.

Green&elt Propertle1 AYGIIable for ln.,ectlon:

A.) FRAMES: (1) 1 br. top ftoor unit, rood condition and wood17 loeation, CLOSING HELP; '12,900. (2) 2 br. rreat location, wooda and hare field In Nar with man7 uprndn and extraa, CLOSING HELP, pa,900. (a) 2 br. end, remod· eled throurhout, rreat nelrhborhood and rreat condition CLOSING HELP, $81i,OOO. '

Propert,_ Surrounding GreenHir: A) LARGO: 1 br. condo for rent or rent with option to bu71

f'60 par mont.h, and alto for ~ale at $86,1100.

B) OGLETHORPE HOUSE (HyattavUle): top ftoor condo with many uprradea and utrea, beautiful view., CLOSING HELP, $68,900.

C) PARKWAY VILLAGE (Laurel): 2 trailers combined toreth­er and converted Into one. Look1 maplfteentl Blr lot, a br., fenced 7ard, patio, 2 1heda, CLOSING HELP, f20,900.

D) GLENN DALE: 8 br. 1pllt level with manJ uprradea, 1 711r new, beautiful condition, 2 ear prare, rreat location onl)' '118,760 •


Tllere are tkNe UJ eleanta to ....,_1 A) T~ ..... : thln11 JOU poeltmlJ haYe to haft-

B) =-wuta: thlnra :rou'd 1lka to haYe, but dOB't naeellarllJ

C)T .... .-u-t~a.s

1) Toar Initial bmltment (euh to mcrn Ia)

I) Toar total IDOome <rroa• Jearb taeome)

a) your debt aenlee (total lndtlbtedn-)

I would like the opportunitJ to dl~eun with JOU how - eaa combine tbeae three faetou to a••l•t JOU and rour famllJ ln aeklmnr :rour houlnr roal• both within Greenbelt and the metropoUtan area - of oourae with no obllptloa.

441·1010 nY-474-2529 Now Available 474-5700

Plea• au for "Rkk'' ·



Thursday, May 10, 1984

CLASSIFIED: PAINTERS 1: PAINTERS HELPERS we need to hire re1poD1lble and experienced pain­ters .to work fulltime. Call Kim or Paul at Metropolitan Wall­paper & Painting - 982-0660.

FEDERAL.- STATE A Cl'fiL SERVICB JOBS now available in Jour ana. Call 1-(611)-681-880' for Info. IU hn.

CALDWELL'S Al'f'LIANCJ: SEBVICB ·-All ..- .......... Call after~'!!.

$2.00 minimum for tell words, 10c each adclitional word. No charre for liatinc itema that are· found. Submit ad with pa,.ment to the NeWB Rnlew oftlce between 8 and 10 p.m. of the TueadaJ preced:ng publication, or to the Newa Re~ 'fiew drop box in the Greenbelt Coop rrocerJ atore before 7 p.m. 'fueadaJ, or mail to P.O. Box 68, Greenbelt, Maeyland 20770. BOXED: ,3.711/column inch. Mini­mum 1t,i incbea ('US). GREENBELT WINDOW COM­PANY- Replacement windows, storm windows & doors '7'·9434. XEROX COPIES 7c each for II 111! x 11, Greenbelt Grap:·i~s, Mary­land Trade Center, Room liO. Mon - Fri. 9-4:30. ~~4-2,,&0. DEAR LORD AND ST. JUDE~ thank you for their healing. I BUY BROKEN Zenith color TV portables. Call 261-6398 with model and chassis #s. FEDERAL AND STATE TAX preparation - Computer accuracy and speed of service aasured. RON TOUSIGNANT: 441-1033. ELLERS TYPEWlt!TER RE. PAIR - Electric, standard and portable. Call 474-0594.



Kitchen 1: Batha Painting Tub Kita Carpentey Additlona Gutter• Repairs Conaultation Free Eat. Lie.,· Ina. & Bonded MHIC 12842 'U-8699

GHI or t.ownhouH bedrOom.. '-'o plue paint coata. Offer expire• June 1. Call 301-767-6188 collect after 7 ·p.m. Tom Doremus. P"liorooilAPH:Ic:-eoinpiete dark room. Omega eniarrer, timer, traya, etc. '1711. 474-8280. ,=~---=---- . -II FRANK GOMEZ _ _,I,

I * * * ! PAINTING



,\Ceramic Tile Dry Wall, . Tub Kit Installation \\

LIJht Carpentry ; , Excellent Greenbelt References :\ 'I GltEENBELT/OOMEZ I

!They go Together) 11

: * 474-3814.* :! MOTORCYCLE. HONDA. 1976 CB 200T. 3000 mi, luggage rack, crash bar. Excellent condition. $376. 474-.;;.8,;:.:23;,::.0:_. ---,---­GUITAR LESSONS - Scales, chorda, theory, reading. Full time instructor. 937-8370.

LIVE WHEAT GRASS for we. 261-6398. How to Leatonl avail­able.

TYPING 8lllr •· Qlail* ud accurate. WDI edit. Reaaonable n~tea. 4&1-17"-

COPIES·- 1'0c each at l'ia,ional VIdeo in Greenway Center. 3411-0466. PIANO LESSONS: Peabody Conservatory Graduate. !Jelrin­nen - Advanced. 9113-7094. I BUY USED Puah Button Tele­phonea. ("ATI:T"' and "Bell" only). 261-6898. HELP WANTED - MOVERS -Experience preferred. Kuat be strong, conscientious, and willinl to do hard physical work. Driver and helper poaitiona available. Call John Kretachmer, '4-1-3846. Jobs Overseas - Big money fast. ' 20.000 to $ 60,000 plua per yeal'. Call 1-716·842-6000, Ext. 28665 PIANO LESSONS - In Green­belt. Serious or recreational. :146-5148. FITNESS: PARTTIME - In­structors for Aerobic stretch M/F; P.G. Co. Day & eve.; D.C. - days. Must have car & be willing to train. 474-3327. · QUALITY SUNDECKS & HOKE IMPROVEMENTS - Bonded-li­censed ( # 19296), free estimates, area references, 953-2798, ask for Steve. _______ ....,..__, FOUND: A set of keys was found in the parkway in front of 106 Greenhill Rd. last week. They are on an oval leather ring and can be picked up at the police station. LOST between Braden Field I; Hamilton Ct., Spaulding ba11ball glove. Reward. 474-4969, even­

Profeulonal ~ bJ PfallkJ,N...._

100-1150 4xlia Ia albaa tl'fl. ~ with 10 Ialiie ....

Low L!Pt VWeo Weddblc A MeePUoa oa

VHS or !*& - +-all other lhooUna' $80/hour DupU..t.-•· .._...a

GIRLS BIKE • 10" - uecl. Ex­cellent conditloa. •· 41U'f11. A NEW POLITICAL PARTY: The Nll'tionsl 'UnitJ Par\7, John Anderson's new part)t, le o$Jlls­ing In Karylancl. If JOU want to help build a progreulve new po­llticlll partJ frcim the rround up and to create a more demoeratlc political 171tem, then contact: N-ational Unlt7 PartJ/WSG, P.O. Box 666, Collece Park, MD 207,0. Pioneer stereo -8-traeJE-With speakers and stand, '100, 3411-3934. FOR-SALE-;-Cinderllloeka, piain and fancy. Flaptonea. Cheap. 474-8662, eveninga. VOICE:-i:ESSONS'-.'""1...-n"""G_..ree-nbe..-.-:lt area from qualified teaeher. Nll-1882. CHARLESTOWNE VILLAGE-:,-8 B.R. townhouse, 1 f.b. * 2t,i baths, C.A.O,, W·W CU1)8tlng, $67,600. &: eloainr help, 262-9860 after 6:00 p.m. &: weekenda . Two beautiful, well eared tor eati available for adoption. Intalli­gent, affectionate, neutered, with current rabiea ahota. Am moving and unable to take them. Plea••

You've come a wrong way bab7l SKOQUI'l"''ERS 981-0141

ANIMAL LOVERS SPECIAL: Free klttena, uaed to dot:~ A lclda. Sweet, affectionate, and rentle



Lewia Merritt 441·1•

All brenda & Stylea at REA· ~ONABLE Prlcea. Call f11r Appointment AnJtbne. If DO

anawer, pi- call back. 1'111 out aelllnc to JOUr neiJhboN ·

Yard Sales YARD-SALE. MULTI-PAIIILY SAT MAY 11, 9 a.m. t.o I p.m., corner of Lekeaide and Lekeeftlt Drive. Cbildren clotbel, c1r1e bike ,toy•, and houaehold alae. items.

LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED­Fast, expert aervice. 474-8261. WORD PROCESSING: LetterH, labels, mailing lists, T:: ESES. reports, or any word processing requirements you may necJ. C11'l UON TOUSIGNANT · 441-IO:r~,

Own your own Jean-Sportawear, Laliea Apparel, Combination, Ac­ceasories, Large Size stor. Na­tional branls: Jordache, Chic, Lee, Levi, Vanderbilt, Izod, Gunne Sax, Esprit, Brlttania, Calvin Klein, Sergio Velente, Evan Picone, Claiborne, Members Only, Bill Blass, Organically G r o w n, Healthtex, 800 othen. ,7,900 to '24,900, inventory, airfare, train­ing, fixtures, grend opening, etc. Mr. Keenan (306) 678-8689. DRESSMAKING-AND ALTERA­TIONS. Very reaaonabie rate1. 474-2038. PIANO TflNfNG AND REPA11t Expert and Reliable Piano Ser­vice to Greenbelt. Benjamin Ber­

Ings. RA!cordil)l ~retary to take mln­u~a tor Bo..-d of Dii'8Cltors. Please call 441-1070 between 8:80 am and ':30 pm. GREENBRIAR CONDO. FOR RENT: 1 BR w/den; completely furnished; avail. June 9 - for one­two month rental. Suaan, 346-8481 (days); 474-0620 (eves.).

adopt them ¥4-•ve their lives.

YARD SALE - 1-D W~J· Rain or shine, Sat., Ma1 1t, 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Furniture, toJ'I, bouaehold ltema. Mll-01!89.

• BONDRD • J'llfAtTRI'D 0

LIC111'r8BO ~llleRatea Free Batl•atea AU Werll G8raataeil

Plante A Shruba Tree Senioa

, Lawn Can Cutom KitoMnl • S,.oicii'V



TELEPHONE EXTENSIONS added, new telephones for ~ale (2 year warranty). Greenbelt Phone 47,-1011. Computer Mini Floppy Disks. 5% inch with hub rings, soft sec­tored. Elephant at '23 for 10 or Verbatim Data Life, Double DenaitJ, 10 in plaatic box at ,28. Plaatic boxes, '8 ea. or 60 diak flip-top box, ,23. '41-2662. QUALITY CARE SERVW~S -Profeaaional hou1eeleaners serv­ing the Greenbelt area. We clean anything Very reuonable ratea, free eatlmatea. 262-8216/677-9426. Lester uprlrbt piano and-bench for •le - '100 -Oall 846-8608. MUSIC LESSONS - YOUR HOME - Plano, violin, guitar, woodwinds, drums, voice. Patient teachers. Learn for your own enjoJment. Travelling teachers Asaoelatlon. 666-0894. BABYSITTER - Experlen<"ed mother will love and · care for your children In mJ Sprln~rhlll Lake home. Monday - FridAy. Call 801-,41-8618. WANTED: Deek, max. width 34" but adult helrht. 474-MOI.



-- 8_~-~~_32_10_ ---

kofsky. 474-6894. GOVERNMENT JOBS. $16,559-,60,653/year. Now Hirlnlf. Your Area. Call 805-687-6000, Ext. R-4!'97.

SPECIAL $5.00 off on all

TV & Stereo Repair Work With This Ad

CAU 441-9116

Ed•e•·tMHI T\~ A .\udln

Dependable Guaranteed Service ten EOUEWOOD RD.

OOLLEOE PARK. MD. M'r4e We ...... r ATAi\1 ...-e

Llcenlled I< Bonded ·===···-:a


4x4JC6; 8x4x6; 7x5x7Va; 8x6x8; atarting at $17.00 per month


MOVING? SERVING THE ENTIRE METRO AREA e Eaptft Moving & Peclklnl ........ e CCIUIPIIIIM AMea e &MOB. ,. Equipped.

Padded v­eFreee........



Carpentry Addition• Porehea Sundecka Paintinr Storm Doora Wlndo'tl'l Ceramic TOe

II.II.LC. t1iW1 lob WUhW. US .. ,..


BotoTlllar, CoDcretA

Btorare 8beda ~ Qattara

Gree•elt Gutter Service SPRINGIS .. ElE


AND DOWN SPOUTS u--1 ...... ' .......

- CALL TODAY -fraltlr Gomez . Paul .....aMck

4744814 441·1699



•· JOHNSON OP 1N-HOMI rv uava ••

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f. \


~ ·~

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Page 7: Jackson for President 2-B - Greenbelt News Reviewgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19840510.pdf · Panasonic Sport 500 Sale price $154.95 ree. $189 -~-Spring Spec:lala: Tune-up 814.911

. ·,


Pap18 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, May 10, 1984

. Ill Ieard lisoasses 111111 leetiag Apnda (C.tla ... Ina ,._. ... ) utet for tM board of dlrecton•· elear ~ltlon aplnat the mo- port the preeent eonftlet of In- of "a former boUd president'•

board of dlncton voted t.o plaee ...Una- by lm~lfta a etrengent tion. Lewis abatalned. tereat policies of the board. home". Sinee only two more • on the agenda two bylaw amend- deadiiDI on the board. Under thla The seeond of these tlwee pet!- By a 6-1 vote (Lewis opposed) units exl1t whieh have the eom-matl (requlrlq a two-thirda aiiMIIICbnat, lllinutea would have tlo1111 would require any board th bolrd voted to recommend pulaory buy-baek provialona and, maJority t.o pall) and a r11olu- t.o be apprvnd no later than the member who mleht face a conftlct aplnat the fourth of these pet!- u HocenJen pointed out, an un­tlon whleh, if all pua, would .-nd-n.X\ board llleetlq. By of Interest (deacribed In the pet!. tlonl, which would dictate to reallatle appralul ._.. the basic enable GRI to partle~pate hi the 11·1 tM boal'll voted to take no tlon u a "direetor-ln-conftlet") future bolrds the time achedule eauae of the 1011-& eonMquenee MW. venture. . poaiUon · oa the petition but to to a tate explleitly any potential to be uled . in cues of c:ompul- the board .can avoid In another

One of the byla-.r. ' ell~ explain the • reaaon for delap conftiet of Interest In eonnectlon SOI'J' buy-back of a member's eu-tbe board'• vote rellec:ted would make It poaalb~.for GHI which do oceur. Volk opposed with any acenda item. Futther, unit. It also refen to lo-• 1uf- ita onw!Ubalftiaa .to tie a future to •,.. acquire *'~". or the motion, a.,.ulq that the each bolrd member at each fered bJ' GHI on the buy-back bolrd'a haDdl In neh, a matter. lnterutl in non-Proftt tortora· board ahould oppoae the petition. meetinl' would have to atate any tiona or aaaoeiatlcma wbleh may The nmalnlq three petition• potential eonftlet of interest promote the weifan aDd In- were alpH 11r the ume ten mem- whleh did not relate to an agenda teNita of the memben of the ban. The ftnt would requin In- item or to'&tftrm that there was Corpontlon." The other would ltlatlon of a "New Board Mem- none. At this point, Lewis aaked authoriH expenditure of the ber Educ:at1011 Prornm to As- the other board memben whether fuM. to acquire ,aaeh .member- sure lllnimlhll Competency In any bolrd member had ever ask­ahlp. The third .-tbla motion, Board . Procldures and Opera- ed any of them to reconalder a reaolutlon, apeelfteaUJ' elves tiona." The petition would require any action taken by the board. the bolrd authoflty to. uae land a report by the Audit Committee The bolrd memben Indicated reaerve fundi to pay for ltock of aucceaatul eompletlori of thia that they had never been appro­In the new eooperatlve mortcage course. Aa Audit Committee ached with aueh a request by eompany. member Katherine Keene point- any board member.

Projected Beaefttl ed out, thia provision would give Gervasi, a local builder, indi-Accordlne to a memo prepared the Audit Committee the power cated that he thought the peti­

for board members before the to pass or fall a board member. tion was aimed at him. He stat­April 24 meetlne, participation By a 4-1-0 vote, the board pass- ed that he had signed the board's in the new cooperative would ed a motion objecting to the im- eonftlct of interest statement, that bring the fonowtng benefits to plication against present or past he withdraws from diacusaiona OHI: 1) In retum for a f200,000 board memben and substituted whenever his interestl are in any lnveatment In votlnt: atocll: In the another motion which generally way involved with the item under new toopentlve, GHI would have supported the idea of training for dlacusslon and abstains from aceeaa to at leut $2.8 million new board members. As some voting in these cases. The board in resale ftnanelnr money at board members pointed out, such then passed a motion 6-1 (Lewis affordable, competitive ntea du- training Is, in fact, now given opposed) objecting to the state­ring the ftnt year of partlelpa- on an Informal basis. Volk caRt ment directed against preaent tlon. The eooperatlve Ia also ex- the dissenting vote on the grounds and past board members and peeted to be a atable a.ource of that the board ahould take a urging the membership to sup-competitively prleed mortea~:e money In the J'e&l'l to come; 2) GBI would receive feea of 1 'il of the loana placed In GHI for proceulne the loan.-ln effect, for doln1r work that Ia lartrely already being done: 3) The prin­cipal of the NOOB rehab loan to GHI would be redueed at close-out by about $200,000. This reduction In principal, extended over the life of ihe rehab loan, would result In a aavlnar of about $1170,000 In members charll'ell for principal and interest over the ned 20 yeara.

College Park Schwinn Your Mountain Bike Headquarten Featuring

Schwinn Ross

Panasonlc For all-terrain cycling


Schwinn High Sierra only (Top Rate)

Mon.-Fri. 10-'7, Sat. 10-8 ....

5003 GrHnbelt Road



At the April 24 meetlnp:, the board approved several other arenda Items. One of theM Is old bualnen-a relaxation of reatrlc­tlona placed by the membership laat year on the dlaposal of amall boiler plants adjacent to some

AMERICAN CANCER SOCIEfY frame homes. Sinte few of the plants have been dlapoaed of 'On· der laat year'a rules, the mem­bership. will be aaked to allow the board to aell theae unlta to GHI members not llvinll' adjacent to the planta.

One of the ltema of new bual­neaa alao concern• boiler rooma which are no longer uaed. If ap­proved aix maaonry duplex boi­ler rooma could be aold to mem­bera In adjacent unite for llvln« apace. The board voted unanl .. moualy to recommend theae ltema to the memberahlp.

Alao unanlmoua waa a poal­tlon taken on a «roup of "tech­nical" chanp:es to the bylawa that had been r.s;,ommended by an Ad H~ Bylaw Review Commi­ttee .. The committee chair, mem· ber Tony McCarthy, appearrrl before the board at the April 12 m .. tln1 to explain the com· mlttee'a recommendation•. The board voted to "packall'e" aa a ll'roup amendmenta which de .. ! with vammar, rlariftratlon or updating to. conform to curre.lt clrcumatancea; they a lao YotA!d to rerommend two amendmtntl that would expand somewhat the lnvutment vehlclea GHI eould use for Ita funda.

In addition to the ltema piaeed on the a~nda by the board, ihe memberablp will be aaked to vote on four petltlona originated b)' membera and preunted bJ ln&lllber Steve Curtla. One of the petltlona, with 18 alrnaturea, aeeka to end the perennial pro­blem of lata preparation of 111in-

The Greenbelt Recreation Department joins with the American Cancer Society to present WALK FOR HOPE- a walkathon for funds to aid in the ftght against cancer. Marking the second year The Walk has been hosted in Greenbelt, this year it will be held in memory of Joanne Capotosto. Joanne lived in Greenbelt all her life. She waR active in sports programs and participated In county leagues and Boys' and Girl11' Club softball, basketball and soccer teams. Joanne earned a varsity letter in softball at the Eleanor Roosevelt High School and also played in the the Greenbelt Co-ed and Women's softball leagues. She also worked part­time at the Greenbelt Youth Center.






Saturday, May 12, 1984. · Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. The Walk commences at 10 a.m. sharp. Both regi11tratlon and the Walk start at the Greenbelt Youth Center, 99 Centerway Road, Greenbelt.

The Walk Route is ten (10) kilometers, going three time around Greenbelt Lake.

PainterR hats will be ativen to all walkerR who register. WalkerR who raiRe $50 in pledges will receive T-shlrts. Those who raise $100 will receive gym bags. Individual prizes will be presented to one walker in each al(e catl(ory who raiRes the greateRt amount of money. The prlzeR will be awarded at an awardR ceremony; the date and tir,Pe of the awards preRentation will be announced the day of the Walk. ' · · ._,r.:


Open w males and female11 of all aves. Age categories include: 7-12; 18-20; 2land over. A

Further information and Spon11or Sheet can be obtained by contacting the Greenbelt Rec­reation Department, 474-6878.

The event will be held rain or shine. Bring the family and join in the WALK FOR HOPE ! I !


.... ·~~

.. ·"., ... ..

~. ~ ~ ' , ..,.r:. 0 f ' ·-· f .

Monday, ., 21, 1914 .laOO P.M.



ORGANIZATION 1. CaU' tli Older­a.:a.uc.n J. :a\41·- ' -· ......

Pledp 111 Allqlance k the Fla&'

'· Kiautaa cd Couneil IIMtlqa

11. Addition• to Agenda b, Council and llanager



.'7, P-'!Uena aad Requ..U 8. Admlnlantiw Jt.porta 9. Committee a.porta

III. OLD BUSINESS 10. Site Plan-llai'J'land

Trade Center III (Advl­IOI'J' Planniq Board Report No. 816)

11. ReYIHcl She Plan-Capi­tol CadlUae.Qoldea Trl· aqle (Actvlaoi'J' Plann­mr Board Report No, 1111)

U. Site Plaa-Glaa Ora ~loll I

(Aclviloi'J'~ loud Report No. 117)



18. Btol'lll Water llaaace­.-nt Prorrsa

1'- c-IUnr lertiell • GI'HIIbeh Caree Ycnath ....,... .....

11. Tna. .,_tOil Mate ....,..,.

18 ......... of .... lond • Panalt No. 1U a..r.. ..,..ooct Lane l:xtadtd

1'7. llai'J'land lluielpal Learue IAttalatlve Prv­rram. 11111

18. WaiYII' of ll'"'t Cee­atruetlon RequireiiMinta. Hanover ParkwaJ' aouth of Greenbelt Road.


NOTE : Ttda Ia a prellml11&1'J' ..-Ia - aubjec:t to ehaap

~··. (In the core of Greenlaelt) Hne..,...... hours.,. ....... 'rhunllay evenlnll'

Work well with children aget I and up? Want to make a contribution te your • ....,,...,., The News leview needs you newt ,_....._ call441·2662 or 654-7423 I

