i. ~tuitw - Greenbelt News Reviewgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19550303.pdf · i. ~tuitw AN...

i. AN INDEPENDENT Vol. ] 9, No. 30 Published fverv Thursdav By The GrP.Pnn ... lt Coopcat1ve Publishing Association. Inc., 9 Parkway, Greenbelt, Maryland Greenbelt, Maryland, Thursday. March 3, 1955 GVHC Election 14 Candidates For Boar-d OJ 2 For Audit WHAT GOES ON 5 Pairs & Spar<·s PaJ"ty, Soci•:u Hall, Corr.- munJty Church. 8:30 p.m. 10 Cent..,. 100 Prt,sent It Co-op Reception As City' Welcomes Puerto Rican Five B.v Glenn Burrows The annual me..·ting of the Greenbelt Vf'teran Houfling C(·q•>!- ation to be held Thursday. March J 0, at 8:15 in TJ:, .. ater will open the polls for tht> election of nine din·etrn H n'i t h ,,., · members of the audit committee of the corporation, all to H·rYt· fr,r 1 year. According to Ralph G. Miller Nominations ;md J.lf"r:i, •ns Committee Chairman, six of the fourteen candidate-s for the ho;n·d of directors are incumbent.!!: Edward Burgoon, Acting Prel'idf·n t: Bruce Bowman, Secretary; Hans Jorgensen, Sponsor of t h•· k:1d- scaPf' program for GVHC and the city; Frank Kriby, Cha.irman Main- tenance Committee; A. C. Long and Frank Perey Andros, member of boa.rd (1953-54), 1s also a candidate this )ocar. New nomint•es are Henlt>y Goodt>. 8r .• Leland U?asla, John Phariss, Hal Silvers, Herma...'l Sirlln a.nd RJch- ard 0. Taylor. Th<> aliJO a.nzv·un-:1'<1 two nominees for the audit eommlt· te-e: Leonard Baron and F'n..nk t ... Parle. Mu8t Be WWIJlc Nomination ot any membe-r au;.• ported by signatures of 10 or mot'f! members and a. written of willingness tc• serve, if submitted to the GVHC o1Bce or to SE>cretary before 5 p,m. Mm, day, March 7, 'A'ill appear toJrE>UJer with an accomp•!l.nying biowaphieul material on mimeographed relea8- cs to be distributed at the moot:>t· in g. Election is by s1mple Dll\lorlty vote. Vote-s may be cast at time during the meeting, and wiU be opf.'n fron1 7 a.m.. to 7 p.m. Friday, March lL Members of the corporation may vote by proxy, subject to the lfmJ, tation that only a mcmtwr rnav serve as proxy, that no m<'mhf"r liliall vote more than on<' proxv. and that a member may vote by at a gi;'en mcctmg only if he has notitkd thr in writing at l('ast fivp days In :.clvance of thP. Troop 202 Enjoys Outing, Basketball City Gives $JOO To Clean-Up Lalc.e MembPrs of the IO<'al haak \\'·, 1- ton Leag!J<' N>qtJ(·St<>d · from the city to hf'lp dean 11 p the la.ke bottom. at thf· SJ>t"C'ial citv r.lf"''ting last Monday night. Roy h:. Da,.;s. INtgtw cha.ptPr :' t. disP)OS('d that th<' group is attE-mpt- ing to clean up ttM! lalc:e bottom of b<:>tUf'S. ca.ns and othf'r debris b,. April 1. in o rner t0 sllltisfy St 'H•· F"ishcrif'R rf'quirt•mf·nb;. On that d1\te the lak(• wiiJ be re-stocked with g&mc flsh. Thr lake is Jll'('S4•ntl:v bf'ing drai.n- until a of 25 fN>t from thf' 1:t:,orelinc iR rt:·ach.-d. Da•.;s &!'<kt'<l for stricter er,fort'('mr.nt of ordt n- Hncrs to prew·nt th(' contir.uNJ lit- of t!lc lake bottom. "Th(•re 15 large tr:uh carts in that lake," Davis declared. "and thP bottom is filthy with <k!bris th.Lt ha.s been thrown thf"r<' in th<' la!;t years. F:vel')"thing not ti.-d dm,.·n ends up in the rTwo yf'ars ag-o th<: lakP wa.s drRint'cl ancl cleaned cc.mpktr-ly.' Dr..\·is <Jl- s•> reporte<i that large ston<·s fr0n the dnm breastworks hw••· bn ., !(losr-nrd and rnllf'd into th• Iakr·. :\lost 84-autiful ''Pop'' B<>ll. also of th•· \'i''<lln:l L(•ag-uP, stated that state officials tonsiclf·r t'1P ];,k" rh .. n'"s! h··,;;•_'· ful fishing SJH:>t in t!:,. ;; r·· distrcssr-d that it is not k•·pt ill lwttPr sha JH•. Sat u rd.<y. :\{arch 5 - .JCC Merr.- h• rship mf•eting. 8:3{) p.m. Sc- c.al Room. Ccntt·r s.:hool. ElPc- tion o: ()fficers :-;undr1y. 6 - Billy Grahan·, !ilm "()ilt:>wn. l'SA." Centt·r hool Audito1·ium. 2:30 p.m. \Ionday. :\{arch 7 - Fa.mil:,: Cnn r•·d Di:m Supper. Communi· ty (-n,JrL"h. 6:30 p.m.: 7:30 p.m. :\{oving picture "The Beginning"; S p.m . Annual Business \Iond:cty, :\far<·h 7 -Greenbelt Chor· :d Group. f;:30 p.m .. Room 201 CPntPr &hc-ol .\!onday. 7- Girl &o·Lit Adul1 Tra.ini:- g C<i·urse. 7:30 p.m .. Cen · t"r Scrool .\lnnday. Marc·h 7 - "Open House" Boy &.:>uts ·of America. 7:30-9:30 p.m. CC>uncil Office, 400 Sixth St., X\\·., \Vashing1:on. D. C. \Ionday. March 7 - City Council m('('tin!'. 8 p.m., City Office Thun:day Ma.rc-h 10 - Woman's Club. Sodal Room. Community Church. Fl p.m. PR.nel Discussion, R<'''· B:·aund. moderator. Public i:l\'itf'd. Saturday. Mar·cll 12 - JCC Purim Ball. 8:30-12:30. Featuring RosPI'l'tx rg Dancers. Friday, 1-L'l.:-C'h 18 - High Point Hi-gh Sch()()J. 1st Scif'nce Fair, 8- 10 p.m. Saturday, Mllrch 19, 9 :1 .m. to 12 n()(>n. Cub Pc1ck 202 Dinner Attended By 250 Th• RltJ<· and Gold Dinm·r ,,f Cuh Sl'()nt Pa.cl< 202 W<lS attendPd hv "ppr0x1mau 250. r.:ach Dt·n work• .. -: during- tt:<· mon!h .. ·ly dt>corat.--d r' Ih::Tt;-l ... '-'t"·r (-)hl- rn:l«·ht··r ,l!:c his 1-\:.·ty -."·'- rr- ·· ....... : . ..:. r :J. ThP · :· g v:as op-_·n····i ,., I' <··k C'nmmittr·o· e:1air- ... ·" ... :ding th•· fr,!lo,\·.ng for · ,,, :r '\ 1.,.;. t!1t' Po1.1'i-: ar. :cr· I 1 : :hq,•: r. .r . .:.:1 •·. ;1::d \\·;Llt•·r \.· ·· < . ..:. F:rlc J::-·, .. , ,; ··rt c·n:n!nlt- . .' \\'!·::tt·, I C:o!'e to e>ne hundred Greenbclters joned in grE"<'ting five Puerto f!.ium Conp£'r·ative trainf'es at a reception held in the Social Hall of :he Gn•enhelt Commt.:nity Church last Friday evening. The five Puertn Ric:ms. nr>w C'mploy£·d in the three shopping centers or Greenuelt Services, Jose GUZ:!1an, Manuc! Santana, R.af-· ;tel Da\·ila. Luis Riestra and Enrique Abruna, were joined in the receiving line by Dr. and Mrs. Fernando Chavez, Dr. and Mrs. Santiago Ortiz and Dr. and Mrs. Beryl Frank, of the Organization of American States. Dr. F·rank Jlt Chif'f of the Division of Labor aud Social Affairs of the OAS. Mayor- James \Volfe and City Charles MacDonald as welt zs .. Councilmen Ben GQldfaden, Rob-- crt Hurst. and James Smith greet- ed the visitors w!tb MacDonaJd' acting as spokesman for the city ill:. his message of wclcomP, WSSC 'Will Service Fut:ure ,Waterlines Final appro\';'11 to give the Wash- ington Suburban Sanitar,Y' Com- mission rights to service future de- \'doped areas in Greenbelt was g'rante<i by the city council last night at a SJ>f)cial (adver- tised 1 meeting. City ll'lf.l.nager Charles :'\{cDonald will meet with \VSSC engineers to determ.ine di- \iding lines of authority, based on natu raJ "waterta.JJ'' lines. Chief reasons for the action were cited in the re.solution: the WSSC could "more efl'ectively serve those a.n:-d.S," a mu::ticipal bond issue nt"Ccssary to finance improvCJnents on the dty utiLity "might serious- ly impair the rnunicipalities finan- cial standing," and the city's "in- ability to proc('ed with the neces- sary utilities might seriously delay these proposed developments and thus retard the improvement of the municipality's assessable bBse." Petitions by ;;cvcral large prop- Prty owners in Greenbelt to have t h<' WSSC scrV<! th<>sc areas werP JXlrtly rcll]X>hsible for the move, it was disclosed. McDonald also de- clared that '.VSSC permission might be needed by the .::ity utility to expand. r:1nd this might not be ;::-h·{'n. 'The city of Rockviile is •·xperienc-ing thi!: difficulty at pres- •·nt. l Approv:ll by tr(• State legislature> i.< TN!Uir•·ci befcre the movf' bc- •·o:ne,; a reality. S)H"aks for t::tt:v MacDonald recalled that we wcr"- in the midst of our observance ot· Brotherhood Week and that in that. spirit welcomed our fellow Amen- cans of the Island Sam Ashelman, general manager Qf: GCS. expressed tbe expcr.tation that. our own COOJ)('rators would Jea.n1 much from those who had come tn learn from us, thus demonstrating- that cooperation and technical as- sistance was a two-way street.. GCS President 'Valter Bierwagon de-- clared that it was with understand- pride that we welcomed theSf"- tra.inecs since it demonstrated that the value of the Greenbelt Consum- Pr Services were felt far beyond our immediate scene. Spe-aking In behalf of the Organ- ization of AmPriean States, Dr. Frank described the satlstaction which the VAS felt that a Consum- {'r Cooperative Technical Assistance Program was functioning. The OAS considered this program of great-. importance and significance and· looked for an expansion of it. ":Se,·er Forget It'' A giY>up of 20 Boy Scouts of Troop 202 enjoyed an overnight trip to First George Wa.shington M: on u me 11 t State near Boon(·Sboro, Maryland. this past WPekend. Leaving early Saturday morning with high hopes and hea- vy thC'y r£'turn<>d on Sund·:ty aftPrnoon - minus th<> heavy bulk r•Jan:-:: :-i tn p.tr· ti••iprttf• in l!p tht• d{i· 'If fl \'01tJllt<·t•r ba!->is \"'*'iS ')·'' lJ:IYis. II•· 'tsk•·r! that 'I!! "•·oul i.n tO\':n bf• pr,·sf·t1t "'" that priz•·s wrm!d o·· t• t!H• .. tiY:g t!1,· n1r•:--.t Tlw c:t_v coJJnci) aprropr·:at•d Sl·''' tow:1rds payn1ent of r:ity •·mploye.·-< \Vho \\-iii hPJp in thf' •I t··,: I) 11!1(' l!: r)t·n Present homes in Greenbelt will n·nwicl in the city-owned system: al."o future de,·dopment in the and \V•Jodlanll areas can !w indudrd in the city system. Mc- [lo!l :1 !d d This additional !0ad \\·ould bring the city utility to ::\fanucl Santana. as spokes1nan for the trainees. replied to thf! greetings with thanks for the portunity presented and voiced his and his groups' deep appreciation for the kindness shown and for the genuin(' warmth and friend- ship which they have experienced. "\Vc shall ncvPr forget it; it shall n·main among our most prccion.-; nwmorics. \Yp shall work hard and learn as much as we can so that we can go back and help our people- all the bctt('r in trying to build a . ful!cr life.'' ich was th•· rntions - and with 3 s:ight look of weariness from slc-t·ping out all night. F'rom th(' tower overlook in thl' park, they enjoyed the view of thrPf' stRtC'S Maryland. Virginia and W<>st Vir- ginia. Nfa<.'k Walden, scoutmaster, hact th(• finl' cooper,<ttion of Messrs. Cra- dy and de Gagne in sp(_•nding th,.. weekend with the boys. On F'Pbruary 23. approximately 10 Boy Scouts of Troop 202 att<'nd · ed a basketball game between Wil- liam and Mary and George \Vash- ington. The game was played at Ulinc Arena. 'T'iekets were tht' of George \Vashing- ton University. Billy Graham Fil• "Oillown USA" Sunday The Billy (-;raham film, "Oiltown, U.S.A." in natural color. will be shown this Sunday. March 6. in the CentPr school auditorium. ThP do<'l"s of tlw school opPn at :!:30 p.m. and thP program will b<·t-.'in at 3. T!wn• will h•• frp" st'ats avail- ahl'"• hut thmw who plan to attend arriv<· <'ar:y so that they will I><· s11n· to g<'t a S<'at. Mnny pt•op)(' fron1 JH·ighboring towns are o•xpPct('d to come and a ca;>acity crowd is <'XP<'<'ll•d. This film is spo nson'd by tlw Greenbelt Baptist Chapd. Junior High 'See' ,rere For A4 Spell Thf' (;n·f'n!wlt jur..ior h:gh m•·m- ht· rs ol thP StudPnt Council fro:-q thp SP\'f'nth and Pighth gra<'iPs ar•· spor.soring a .-;p<·llin,g· bt'(· for .".t•.l· <l<·nts of thf'i r n:sp.:·ctiv(' graclf's. Plans are now being mad£· for th•· fin;d bee which will br- hP;d :March 16 in t.hP school caf(_·tf'ria. Thrt'P committ(·es have bC'en or· ):::,'UiiZt'<:1; th.:· publicity <.'Om·mittl'''· tlw planning committPe. and a committP<' for th•" usf'. &-ating ar- rangPm<·nt. and OJX•rattons of th·· bee. Th(' ri('s a r.· b.·ing hdd in l.hP English ck'lS."PS. Two stu- a winnPr and an 1"\JternatP. \\'ill bf' chos<m from Pa.rh S<'('l.Jon \'\'o:rds from th .. hook. "\Vords c•f tlw Champions.·· :1n· h•·ing us-ci:l for prnctict•. Tbcrt· arp 18 hom•room,; mal<:ing 36 eompPtitors. A r•Pht·ar- "al will ht· hdd to d{'termin<· th•· l<'ngth of tlw eontr-st. Junior H:g;, m<>mb<>rs of thr- StudPnt Council art_• making post('rs t(, publiciZP th·· s pd ling bt-·r-. SCIENCE FAIR H.gh 1'nint High School .,,,,]] hold first .tnr.:h<l Srio.·::.·•· F.·1 0:-1 Friday an,i Satu:-d'-1:"•- ].!;;r •. ·h 1'1 and Th •. will b•· o;'•-·n tro.:n I' p.m. to 1·• p.rr .. on Fr:day. :tnd from 9 a.rr: t.) :1onu (•n .\! .. Eob,·rt :.\f1·,-_ .-..; 1;,."-,rge C'linc- . \l:·.' \ndn··.1· Du:1<.111. \l:r<. 1! :.· :-,·,,·.-:. ltor'q·rt 1-lU!"st . ,, Lcq; .< .\fo.:>d):. ChairnL•n nf . ; ' .. . r. r art·rf'l'i;t- .. f( r :!-.• !:,·'p f'00pt r'ttion ·,·,,m :h•· fn:!c.wing: Tlwodor" DaJ- , ..• ·.c \:C,· , ""·· B:-a·!l'ri . .\Ti,s F:!;::-.- ;-, ·::· :t- ..... \_t =-•·tt \"..hittH·cK. ar- :i:..... .. A..:-·:hur r;r•·•·:-:. 1 r. h·1.-.. r .. t: .\!r:--;. F:.trl . :;.;_:-: .'.Tr-.:. th I")n\\.f·1:. coffpf• I t. c·:1rnje H..:t.:-pr·r \\·as on ! ·1·1·i to S(·rvt' cofft·{· ' ·i ';:.' r S(·r- ·, : I . !-- rt.t :·r·., for· th·· t \.t ni!1· . .;: pron<i .... l hy c•.n 'lccordion solo hv Al>:: :-;,:.·c,,..;c tlut•· d\H·t hv An- ·11-:d f{ic.'Hl:-d Bif·ni:l ·1 · 1;; ..... mo\'if"'.·· .\! Fr-a!l·- ;;.; \\'h:te. who 1s re- .'" :C):: f:-c•r:1 R:.; a 01 n .\{otb- '... ·· . ..:. !1'·\ a C'"-·rt:tl(·:ttc of ). L r t .r,-. r High Point I.oses To Fredericlr: 76-67 7 :,l:"t 1\';·d:--.• lf·tch P "T't .. ,., .J n;1 \.t':-1 t• rn1:.- k t:l :ir:-.t q ;;d·tf :- 2•)-ltl. tt:t· :.oJ q:.a;-t, r Fr•·dcrick n:::-phy• d H:;.:h c.:1d I• d at h-!lf-tim•· F•- i1ack and ::arrn·.-.·t:".J :<t.'Uf" !A)¥.;:? 'fht• fi:-.. \vas :nr H - 75, l-l1gh - 67. !ts capacity. Pack Featu1·es Awards Pack 228 hdd its annual Blue and , ;old B:c.nq:J•'t laH Thursday. F(:b- ·u:•n· ::?·t. :;t th•· L.uthPran Church. ·' mo.ng c>thcr de!i;;hts. the menu in- ··lti<kd fri• <1 salads. ice •'r<·am and cupcakes. Dick Orton l•·d group si:1ging after dinner. Pa.stnr Bi rn(·r. who offered a J.•rayPr !Jefon· dinner. Frank Comp- 1 )if'r. and -:\Ir. 1\-Irs. Cornett \':<·re ;.;pedal guc:;ts of the Pack. C'omploit'r. Xt'ighl:lorhood Scout Commission,·r. p!·esentl:'d ···1rn, d by r 229 for its work during th(' G<>odwill 1ndustriPs Coi- l• <'ti0n and the 1\l(:mbcr- ship Fund Dri\'<'. PRck CommittPe Chairman Ler- Lea:;ia. accepting th<' a·.••arcts. poi.nted out that the Pact< h vi collectr-d from 120 Sus- tLining Members. Sandy Cornett, fc·r:onr-r Cubmast('r·, was given a l• atht·r walkt a.s a token of ap- pn·ciation for his OJOP cte,·ot•'d sPrvice to thP Pack. :\Irs. Bridge made the pr•·sn:tation. then prPs•·nt- ··c a gift to Stan Goldberg for his ·····)l'k as t !':" Banquet :\laster of C•·r•·m0::1•·s Th., gift consisted of :t r-.nttk with R !:'Ub::n•r snak•· which .n•mp(·d out wh•·n tht> bottle ·vas r•;'l·r:,·d. Th,• :.\·as (·njoyed b.v ;cjJ. v•·nlf nt a\\.C::.!"d!'\ given t0 th·· fnl:owing Cubs: Bobcat - C. !:rid;:•·: Two YPar Pin - S. Bridge :.::d K r: ·,\'o!f and Gold .\r::v.,· - U. ::'isco; \Volf- T. Leasia. l\Irs. Rosalie Sirlin, concert pi- anist presented thre(• Latin-A!IWri- r·an compo;.itions by the contempor- ary composer. Villa-Lobos . Every religious group in the com- munity was n presented. The R<:\'. and Mrs. Braund. reprcsent{'d the Greenbelt Community Church. which graciously offered its Soda! Hall for the occasion. St. Hugh's sent a d<'legation from the Sodalit.Y under the chairmanship of Mrs. James Flynn. The Jewish Commu- nity Center. the Baptist Chapel, the · Methodist ChurclJ and others were· rperesented as were GCS and GV HC. The Greenbelt Citizens Asso- ciation, the League of '\\'omen Vot- ers, members of the Lion's Club .. American Legion and the Veterans Committee \vere also prc11-. <'nt. Refreshnwnts were disper..s('d by ::\Irs. Carnit• Harper and Mrs. Kath- ryn Beeb<'. Al Stoughton. public relations director of GCS furnish- ed the background music fo!' the occasion and mad{' a phvtograpnie record of the event. Albert K HPrling, membf•r of th(: GCS FAu- eation CommittPe ctetPd :\last of Ceremonies. Keep public places Spic and Span Don't scatter' litter. But usc this can. l su bmittcd by: F:Jn..<m uel Dondy f.-K Ridge -

Transcript of i. ~tuitw - Greenbelt News Reviewgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19550303.pdf · i. ~tuitw AN...

Page 1: i. ~tuitw - Greenbelt News Reviewgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19550303.pdf · i. ~tuitw AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPJ~PER Vol. ] 9, No. 30 Published fverv Thursdav By The GrP.Pnn ...

~. i.


Vol. ] 9, No. 30 Published fverv Thursdav By The GrP.Pnn ... lt Coopcat1ve Publishing Association. Inc., 9 Parkway, Greenbelt, Maryland

Greenbelt, Maryland, Thursday. March 3, 1955

GVHC Election Fea~ures 14 Candidates For Boar-d OJ Direci~ors; 2 For Audit

WHAT GOES ON ~·,t:.;rde~y. ~[ar<:h 5 Pairs &

Spar<·s PaJ"ty, Soci•:u Hall, Corr.­munJty Church. 8:30 p.m.

10 Cent..,.

100 Prt,sent It Co-op Reception As City' Welcomes Puerto Rican Five B.v Glenn Burrows

The annual me..·ting of the Greenbelt Vf'teran Houfling C(·q•>!­ation to be held Thursday. March J 0, at 8:15 in th~ (;n~r-n!>(·l: TJ:, .. ater will open the polls for tht> election of nine din·etrn H n'i t h ,,., · members of the audit committee of the corporation, all to H·rYt· fr,r 1 year. According to Ralph G. Miller Nominations ;md J.lf"r:i, •ns Committee Chairman, six of the fourteen candidate-s for the ho;n·d of directors are incumbent.!!: Edward Burgoon, Acting Prel'idf·n t: Bruce Bowman, Secretary; Hans Jorgensen, Sponsor of t h•· k:1d­scaPf' program for GVHC and the city; Frank Kriby, Cha.irman Main­tenance Committee; A. C. Long and Frank Lastr~er. Perey Andros, member of thf~ boa.rd (1953-54), 1s also a candidate this )ocar. New nomint•es are Henlt>y Goodt>. 8r .• Leland U?asla, John Phariss, Hal Silvers, Herma...'l Sirlln a.nd RJch­ard 0. Taylor.

Th<> committe~ aliJO a.nzv·un-:1'<1 two nominees for the audit eommlt· te-e: Leonard Baron and F'n..nk t ... Parle.

Mu8t Be WWIJlc Nomination ot any membe-r au;.•

ported by signatures of 10 or mot'f! members and a. written ~ement of willingness tc• serve, if submitted to the GVHC o1Bce or to SE>cretary ~Bowman before 5 p,m. Mm, day, March 7, 'A'ill appear toJrE>UJer with an accomp•!l.nying biowaphieul material on mimeographed relea8-cs to be distributed at the moot:>t· in g.

Election is by s1mple Dll\lorlty vote. Vote-s may be cast at an:~­time during the meeting, and pollo~ wiU be opf.'n fron1 7 a.m.. to 7 p.m. Friday, March lL

Members of the corporation may vote by proxy, subject to the lfmJ, tation that only a mcmtwr rnav serve as proxy, that no m<'mhf"r liliall vote more than on<' proxv. and that a member may vote by pro~:y at a gi;'en mcctmg only if he has notitkd thr Sccro~tary in writing at l('ast fivp days In :.clvance of thP.

Troop 202 Enjoys Outing, Basketball

City Gives $JOO To Clean-Up Lalc.e

MembPrs of the IO<'al haak \\'·, 1-

ton Leag!J<' N>qtJ(·St<>d as~istanc• · from the city to hf'lp dean 11 p the la.ke bottom. at thf· SJ>t"C'ial citv r.lf"''ting last Monday night. Roy h:. Da,.;s. INtgtw cha.ptPr prf'-Sitl~: :' t. disP)OS('d that th<' group is attE-mpt­ing to clean up ttM! lalc:e bottom of b<:>tUf'S. ca.ns and othf'r debris b,. April 1. in o rner t0 sllltisfy St 'H•· F"ishcrif'R rf'quirt•mf·nb;. On that d1\te the lak(• wiiJ be re-stocked with g&mc flsh.

Thr lake is Jll'('S4•ntl:v bf'ing drai.n­·~d until a I~\·(') of 25 fN>t from thf' 1:t:,orelinc iR rt:·ach.-d. Da•.;s &!'<kt'<l for stricter er,fort'('mr.nt of ordt n­Hncrs to prew·nt th(' contir.uNJ lit­t~ring of t!lc lake bottom. "Th(•re ~~.re 15 large city-own~d tr:uh carts in that lake," Davis declared. "and thP bottom is filthy with <k!bris th.Lt ha.s been thrown thf"r<' in th<' la!;t t~·o years. F:vel')"thing not ti.-d dm,.·n ends up in the la.k(.·~" rTwo yf'ars ag-o th<: lakP wa.s drRint'cl ancl cleaned cc.mpktr-ly.' Dr..\·is <Jl­s•> reporte<i that large ston<·s fr0n the dnm breastworks hw••· bn ., !(losr-nrd and rnllf'd into th• Iakr·.

:\lost 84-autiful ''Pop'' B<>ll. also of th•· \'i''<lln:l

L(•ag-uP, stated that state officials tonsiclf·r t'1P ];,k" rh .. n'"s! h··,;;•_'·

ful fishing SJH:>t in t!:,. :~n·'f ~•·Hl ;; r·· distrcssr-d that it is not k•·pt ill lwttPr sha JH•.

Sat u rd.<y. :\{arch 5 - .JCC Merr.­h• rship mf•eting. 8:3{) p.m. Sc­c.al Room. Ccntt·r s.:hool. ElPc­tion o: ()fficers

:-;undr1y. ~farch 6 - Billy Grahan·, !ilm "()ilt:>wn. l'SA." Centt·r :'-'-·~ hool Audito1·ium. 2:30 p.m.

\Ionday. :\{arch 7 - Fa.mil:,: Sty]!~ Cnn r•·d Di:m Supper. Communi· ty (-n,JrL"h. 6:30 p.m.: 7:30 p.m. :\{oving picture "The Beginning"; S p.m . Annual Business mcetinf~

\Iond:cty, :\far<·h 7 -Greenbelt Chor· :d Group. f;:30 p.m .. Room 201 CPntPr &hc-ol

.\!onday. ~{Hrch 7- Girl &o·Lit Adul1 Tra.ini:- g C<i·urse. 7:30 p.m .. Cen · t"r Scrool

.\lnnday. Marc·h 7 - "Open House" Boy &.:>uts ·of America. 7:30-9:30 p.m. CC>uncil Office, 400 Sixth St., X\\·., \Vashing1:on. D. C.

\Ionday. March 7 - City Council m('('tin!'. 8 p.m., City Office

Thun:day Ma.rc-h 10 - Woman's Club. Sodal Room. Community Church. Fl p.m. PR.nel Discussion, R<'''· B:·aund. moderator. Public i:l\'itf'd.

Saturday. Mar·cll 12 - JCC Purim Ball. 8:30-12:30. Featuring Da~ RosPI'l'tx rg Dancers.

Friday, 1-L'l.:-C'h 18 - High Point Hi-gh Sch()()J. 1st Scif'nce Fair, 8-10 p.m. Saturday, Mllrch 19, 9 :1 .m. to 12 n()(>n.

Cub Pc1ck 202 Dinner Attended By 250

Th• RltJ<· and Gold Dinm·r ,,f Cuh Sl'()nt Pa.cl< 202 W<lS attendPd hv "ppr0x1mau :~· 250. r.:ach Dt·n '~:1d work• .. -: !~'·.rd during- tt:<· mon!h tt~ h~1v•· .tttr;~ct:v .. ·ly dt>corat.--d

F'(,rr1•·~ r' Ih::Tt;-l ... '-'t"·r .l0h!~ (-)hl-

rn:l«·ht··r ,l!:c his \~t,:if•· 1-\:.·ty -."·'- rr-·· ....... : . ..:. r ~ :J. ·r~or. ThP 1~1·.; · :· g v:as op-_·n····i h~· l~r•r-

,\r~·;: ,., I' <··k C'nmmittr·o· e:1air­... ·" ... • :ding th•· fr,!lo,\·.ng for · ,,, :r '\ 1.,.;. t!1t' Po1.1'i-: ti-::~ y~ ar. ·;·~:', :cr· I 1 : :hq,•: ('"·_;:>r.·.:~~t' r.

i·~·>· .r . .:-~· .:.:1 •·. ;1::d \\·;Llt•·r I~;:.·nia. \.· ·· .·~t·c~~ < ·:i>r.1ast.~·rs: ~·1:-- . ..:. F:rlc

J::-·, :·~: t· .. , ,; ~. ··rt tJ.r~· c·n:n!nlt-

I·~~·:~~ll . .' \\'!·::tt·, I ;t'O!'.L!'~' ('"~i!1t.·-

C:o!'e to e>ne hundred Greenbclters joned in grE"<'ting five Puerto f!.ium Conp£'r·ative trainf'es at a reception held in the Social Hall of :he Gn•enhelt Commt.:nity Church last Friday evening. The five Puertn Ric:ms. nr>w C'mploy£·d in the three shopping centers or Greenuelt Consumt.~rs Services, Jose GUZ:!1an, Manuc! Santana, R.af-· ;tel Da\·ila. Luis Riestra and Enrique Abruna, were joined in the receiving line by Dr. and Mrs. Fernando Chavez, Dr. and Mrs. Santiago Ortiz and Dr. and Mrs. Beryl Frank, of the Organization

of American States. Dr. F·rank Jlt

Chif'f of the Division of Labor aud Social Affairs of the OAS. Mayor­James \Volfe and City mana~l<"ll' Charles MacDonald as welt zs .. Councilmen Ben GQldfaden, Rob-­crt Hurst. and James Smith greet­ed the visitors w!tb MacDonaJd' acting as spokesman for the city ill:. his message of wclcomP,

WSSC 'Will Service Fut:ure ,Waterlines

Final appro\';'11 to give the Wash­ington Suburban Sanitar,Y' Com­mission rights to service future de­\'doped areas in Greenbelt was g'rante<i by the city council last ~Ionday night at a SJ>f)cial (adver­tised 1 meeting. City ll'lf.l.nager Charles :'\{cDonald will meet with \VSSC engineers to determ.ine di­\iding lines of authority, based on natu raJ "waterta.JJ'' lines.

Chief reasons for the action were cited in the re.solution: the WSSC could "more efl'ectively serve those a.n:-d.S," a mu::ticipal bond issue nt"Ccssary to finance improvCJnents on the dty utiLity "might serious­ly impair the rnunicipalities finan­cial standing," and the city's "in­ability to proc('ed with the neces­sary utilities might seriously delay these proposed developments and thus retard the improvement of the municipality's assessable bBse."

Petitions by ;;cvcral large prop­Prty owners in Greenbelt to have t h<' WSSC scrV<! th<>sc areas werP JXlrtly rcll]X>hsible for the move, it was disclosed. McDonald also de­clared that '.VSSC permission might be needed by the .::ity utility to expand. r:1nd this might not be ;::-h·{'n. 'The city of Rockviile is •·xperienc-ing thi!: difficulty at pres-•·nt. l

Approv:ll by tr(• State legislature> i.< TN!Uir•·ci befcre the movf' bc­•·o:ne,; a reality.

1\1~ S)H"aks for t::tt:v MacDonald recalled that we wcr"­

in the midst of our observance ot· Brotherhood Week and that in that. spirit welcomed our fellow Amen­cans of the Island Commonwe~ Sam Ashelman, general manager Qf:

GCS. expressed tbe expcr.tation that. our own COOJ)('rators would Jea.n1 much from those who had come tn learn from us, thus demonstrating­that cooperation and technical as­sistance was a two-way street.. GCS President 'Valter Bierwagon de-­clared that it was with understand­ab~c pride that we welcomed theSf"­tra.inecs since it demonstrated that the value of the Greenbelt Consum­Pr Services were felt far beyond our immediate scene.

Spe-aking In behalf of the Organ­ization of AmPriean States, Dr. Frank described the satlstaction which the VAS felt that a Consum­{'r Cooperative Technical Assistance Program was functioning. The OAS considered this program of great-. importance and significance and· looked for an expansion of it.

":Se,·er Forget It''

A giY>up of 20 Boy Scouts of Troop 202 enjoyed an overnight trip to First George Wa.shington M: on u me 11 t State P.~rk near Boon(·Sboro, Maryland. this past WPekend. Leaving early Saturday morning with high hopes and hea­vy pa~k:,;, thC'y r£'turn<>d on Sund·:ty aftPrnoon - minus th<> heavy bulk

r•Jan:-:: t~ (•rt:ani::~· :-i g:--n~tt.t tn p.tr· ti••iprttf• in (>ll':t!~:,,r= l!p tht• ~ d{i· 'If

fl \'01tJllt<·t•r ba!->is \"'*'iS (~~sc:ns~·d ')·'' lJ:IYis. II•· 'tsk•·r! that 'I!! "•·oul gToup~.: i.n tO\':n bf• pr,·sf·t1t ::-~~~d ~tat·

"'" that priz•·s wrm!d o·· ~:i\·•·:1 t• t!H• ~-r-oup prtrLcip~ .. tiY:g t!1,· n1r•:--.t Tlw c:t_v coJJnci) aprropr·:at•d Sl·''' tow:1rds payn1ent of r:ity •·mploye.·-< \Vho \\-iii hPJp in thf' c·~··:t!1ir:~. •I t··,: .\l~·~r·•H: I)11!1(' l!: r)t·n

Present homes in Greenbelt will n·nwicl in the city-owned system: al."o future de,·dopment in the Llk•·~;idp and \V•Jodlanll areas can !w indudrd in the city system. Mc­[lo!l :1 !d d i:-clo~ed. This additional !0ad \\·ould bring the city utility to

::\fanucl Santana. as spokes1nan for the trainees. replied to thf! greetings with thanks for the op~ portunity presented and voiced his and his groups' deep appreciation for the kindness shown th~m. and for the genuin(' warmth and friend­ship which they have experienced. "\Vc shall ncvPr forget it; it shall n·main among our most prccion.-; nwmorics. \Yp shall work hard and learn as much as we can so that we can go back and help our people­all the bctt('r in trying to build a . ful!cr life.''

• ich was th•· rntions - and with 3 s:ight look of weariness from slc-t·ping out all night. F'rom th(' tower overlook in thl' park, they enjoyed the view of thrPf' stRtC'S Maryland. Virginia and W<>st Vir­ginia.

Nfa<.'k Walden, scoutmaster, hact th(• finl' cooper,<ttion of Messrs. Cra­dy and de Gagne in sp(_•nding th,.. weekend with the boys.

On F'Pbruary 23. approximately 10 Boy Scouts of Troop 202 att<'nd · ed a basketball game between Wil­liam and Mary and George \Vash­ington. The game was played at Ulinc Arena. 'T'iekets were tht' e<:~mpliment." of George \Vashing­ton University.

Billy Graham Fil• "Oillown USA" Sunday

The Billy (-;raham film, "Oiltown, U.S.A." in natural color. will be shown this Sunday. March 6. in the CentPr school auditorium. ThP do<'l"s of tlw school opPn at :!:30 p.m. and thP program will b<·t-.'in at 3.

T!wn• will h•• !'i~W frp" st'ats avail­ahl'"• hut thmw who plan to attend .~hould arriv<· <'ar:y so that they will I><· s11n· to g<'t a S<'at. Mnny pt•op)(' fron1 JH·ighboring towns are o•xpPct('d to come and a ca;>acity crowd is <'XP<'<'ll•d.

This film is spo nson'd by tlw Greenbelt Baptist Chapd.

Junior High 'See' ,rere For A4 Spell

Thf' (;n·f'n!wlt jur..ior h:gh m•·m­ht· rs ol thP StudPnt Council fro:-q thp SP\'f'nth and Pighth gra<'iPs ar•· spor.soring a .-;p<·llin,g· bt'(· for .".t•.l· <l<·nts of thf'i r n:sp.:·ctiv(' graclf's. Plans are now being mad£· for th•· fin;d bee which will br- hP;d :March 16 in t.hP school caf(_·tf'ria.

Thrt'P committ(·es have bC'en or· ):::,'UiiZt'<:1; th.:· publicity <.'Om·mittl'''· tlw planning committPe. and a committP<' for th•" usf'. &-ating ar­rangPm<·nt. and OJX•rattons of th·· bee.

Th(' prdimin;c~ ri('s a r.· b.·ing hdd in l.hP English ck'lS."PS. Two stu­dPnL~. a winnPr and an 1"\JternatP. \\'ill bf' chos<m from Pa.rh S<'('l.Jon \'\'o:rds from th .. hook. "\Vords c•f tlw Champions.·· :1n· h•·ing us-ci:l for prnctict•. Tbcrt· arp 18 hom•room,; mal<:ing 36 eompPtitors. A r•Pht·ar­"al will ht· hdd to d{'termin<· th•· l<'ngth of tlw eontr-st. Junior H:g;, m<>mb<>rs of thr- StudPnt Council art_• making post('rs t(, publiciZP th·· s pd ling bt-·r-.

SCIENCE FAIR H.gh 1'nint High School .,,,,]]

hold it.~ first .tnr.:h<l Srio.·::.·•· F.·1 ~ 0:-1 Friday an,i Satu:-d'-1:"•­].!;;r •. ·h 1'1 and l~. Th •. • door~ will b•· o;'•-·n tro.:n I' p.m. to 1·• p.rr .. on Fr:day. :tnd from 9 a.rr: t.) :1onu (•n Sat~lrd·ty.

.\! .. ~. Eob,·rt e:~::::·-:. :.\f1·,-_ .-..; \\·~:1:.-. ~lr.~: 1;,."-,rge C'linc­. \l:·.' \ndn··.1· Du:1<.111. \l:r<.

1! r· :.· :-,·,,·.-:. Y~r~ ltor'q·rt 1-lU!"st . ~.,..r. ~ ,, ~·I ~r!':1't11 ~.!~'1 ~{r...:.

~'r-<. Lcq; .< .\fo.:>d):. ChairnL•n nf . ; ' .. :· . ··.:··~1d.-·d r. r art·rf'l'i;t­

.. ~··1 f( r :!-.• !:,·'p :-!~d f'00pt r'ttion ·,·,,m :h•· fn:!c.wing: Tlwodor" DaJ­, ..• ·.c \:C,· , ""·· B:-a·!l'ri . .\Ti,s F:!;::-.-~:,:-- ;-, ·::· :t-..... \_t =-•·tt \"..hittH·cK. ar-;;Jr.~~ ·1~, :i:..... ~-!r!--.. A..:-·:hur r;r•·•·:-:. ~ 1 r. h·1.-.. r .. t: .\!r:--;. F:.trl ~n:r~h. ~··r-. :;.;_:-: .'.Tr-.:. I~t·nnt. th I")n\\.f·1:. coffpf• I o'J!:l;;-:~t~t t. c·:1rnje H..:t.:-pr·r \\·as on

! ·1·1·i t~~:t::1 to S(·rvt' cofft·{· fu~ni~h­' ·i ~~:"· ';:.' :~bi·lt C"or.~llmt r S(·r-·, : ~~ I . !--

~~r.t, rt.t :·r·., ··~ for· th·· t \.t ni!1· . .;:

···~ts pron<i .... l hy c•.n 'lccordion solo hv Al>:: :-;,:.·c,,..;c tlut•· d\H·t hv An­·hn:~~: J~r!k'i7/fJ ·11-:d f{ic.'Hl:-d Bif·ni:l ·~~~ ~ ·1 · 1;; ..... ~!~· mo\'if"'.··

.\! r~. Fr-a!l·- ;;.; \\'h:te. who 1s re­.'" :C):: f:-c•r:1 !V·n·~llJi; R:.; a 01 n .\{otb­'... ·,~. ·· . ..:. !1'·\ :-Jrr~t·d a C'"-·rt:tl(·:ttc of ). L r t .r,-. r ~-..

•.'f-!n:r~ 1 ·:~

High Point I.oses To Fredericlr: 76-67

7 :,l:"t 1\';·d:--.• ~ri··~· lf·tch P "T't p· .. ,., .J

n;1 • \.t':-1 t• rn1:.- .~,·i':h !·~:-· d~·;-i( k t:l

:~~, :ir:-.t q ;;d·tf :- 2•)-ltl. I:-~ tt:t· :~t·,·. • :.oJ q:.a;-t, r Fr•·dcrick n:::-phy• d H:;.:h l'c•:r.~ c.:1d I• d at h-!lf-tim•· F•-

':tn~t' i1ack ~trr,r.g and ::arrn·.-.·t:".J !h•~, :<t.'Uf" !A)¥.;:? 'fht• fi:-.. ~oJ :_;.;~,·nrP \vas F;r•_ci~ :nr H - 75, l-l1gh f_)o:~·-t - 67.

!ts capacity.

Pack 22~~8anquet Featu1·es Awards

Pack 228 hdd its annual Blue and , ;old B:c.nq:J•'t laH Thursday. F(:b­·u:•n· ::?·t. :;t th•· L.uthPran Church. ·' mo.ng c>thcr de!i;;hts. the menu in­··lti<kd fri• <1 chi~k•·r:. salads. ice •'r<·am and cupcakes. Dick Orton l•·d group si:1ging after dinner.

Pa.stnr Bi rn(·r. who offered a J.•rayPr !Jefon· dinner. Frank Comp-1 )if'r. and -:\Ir. a~d 1\-Irs. Cornett \':<·re ;.;pedal guc:;ts of the Pack. C'omploit'r. Xt'ighl:lorhood Scout Commission,·r. p!·esentl:'d award.~ ···1rn, d by r ~ck 229 for its work during th(' G<>odwill 1ndustriPs Coi­l• <'ti0n and the Su~:taining 1\l(:mbcr­ship Fund Dri\'<'. PRck CommittPe Chairman Ler- Lea:;ia. accepting th<' a·.••arcts. poi.nted out that the Pact< h vi collectr-d $13~· from 120 Sus­tLining Members. Sandy Cornett, fc·r:onr-r Cubmast('r·, was given a l• atht·r walkt a.s a token of ap-pn·ciation for his OJOP

cte,·ot•'d sPrvice NI~E

to thP Pack. :\Irs. Bridge made the pr•·sn:tation. Lf.·a~;a then prPs•·nt­··c a gift to Stan Goldberg for his ·····)l'k as t !':" Banquet :\laster of C•·r•·m0::1•·s Th., gift consisted of :t r-.nttk with R !:'Ub::n•r snak•· which .n•mp(·d out wh•·n tht> bottle ·vas r•;'l·r:,·d. Th,• ~:-:ft :.\·as (·njoyed b.v ;cjJ.

·\•'h!~ v•·nlf nt a\\.C::.!"d!'\ v..·~·rt) given t0 th·· fnl:owing Cubs: Bobcat - C. !:rid;:•·: Two YPar Pin - S. Bridge :.::d K Kr<~m< r: ·,\'o!f and Gold .\r::v.,· - U. ::'isco; \Volf- T. Leasia.

l\Irs. Rosalie Sirlin, concert pi­anist presented thre(• Latin-A!IWri­r·an compo;.itions by the contempor­ary composer. Villa-Lobos .

Every religious group in the com­munity was n presented. The R<:\'. and Mrs. E~ric Braund. reprcsent{'d the Greenbelt Community Church. which graciously offered its Soda! Hall for the occasion. St. Hugh's sent a d<'legation from the Sodalit.Y under the chairmanship of Mrs. James Flynn. The Jewish Commu­nity Center. the Baptist Chapel, the · Methodist ChurclJ and others were· rperesented as were GCS and GV HC. The Greenbelt Citizens Asso­ciation, the League of '\\'omen Vot­ers, members of the Lion's Club .. American Legion and the Americ~n· Veterans Committee \vere also prc11-. <'nt.

Refreshnwnts were disper..s('d by ::\Irs. Carnit• Harper and Mrs. Kath­ryn Beeb<'. Al Stoughton. public relations director of GCS furnish­ed the background music fo!' the occasion and mad{' a phvtograpnie record of the event. Albert K HPrling, membf•r of th(: GCS FAu­eation CommittPe ctetPd <~s :\last ~·r of Ceremonies.

Keep public places Spic and Span Don't scatter' litter.

But usc this can. l su bmittcd by: F:Jn..<m uel Dondy

f.-K Ridge


Page 2: i. ~tuitw - Greenbelt News Reviewgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19550303.pdf · i. ~tuitw AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPJ~PER Vol. ] 9, No. 30 Published fverv Thursdav By The GrP.Pnn ...


I. J. Parker, A880Ciate Editor, 6551

Geor-ge Bloom. Bwriness Mgr., 2151 Jim. O'Neill, otrcuJaUon .M.gr., 2<&3i Paul Kasko, Photogra.pher, 8921



i t: .. , GEORGiA L££ RALPH WARD

l~,~~r~,n~L~ . ::.·~:~:: ::. ~.~:·:~ ... " %·?-:~1~.$':! -,;;i~, .... -~~ ""'"' .; : ~.'


Center Premiere

S•chool Tltis Sunday March 6

2:30 - Doors open

3:00- Program b1~gins

Sponsored by


GCA Sponsors

Open ---~Forum --- ... ;


8:30 Ma:rch P.IV11.



To Hear Candidates FOR

500 Free




Ample time for candidatrs to r:rptTss lhr·ii· ,·w·,·.,

Ample time for members to osl; fj11estio11s.

.)elt: Cit:iz~~ns

.\la.rut :t HaJlt<J n - :i25 1

.\L:u;,~ and i;e.r.ald Boisvert. of -; -r: C; •·:>cc·n ::. proudly an.nouncl· th•· •rr:·.-.d o~ Jon Andre on Feb­L;.,ry !4 •V:ul'ntine's Day:• ,Ton ·'·•·:~h"j '" .lL St'VI:l1 pounds 15 ''l'~··c-;.- at Pr;nc•· G~arges Hospital cc:•l J"!II~s " .;istPr, Lynnette, 18

n:ont..i-]=-' old.

Do vou complain that you drive a long. distance to work every day? ~top romplaining and meet a new nPighhor who tnM•els 50 miles to work! He is Oa:lvin C. Fox who i•: a carptontt"r, :md he and hi"l family hail from Sleepy Creek, Wt·st Virginia. The Fox family and tht-ir two childrt"n, Jaunt, 9, a 1HI Dwight. 11'1 months, livt> at 15-D l.aurl'! Hill ((i-R -l-H81'12). Mrs. I ox ('On!-id••rs ht'I'S<'lf very fortu­n:\1•·--.h(•'s fwt•n marrie-d tE-n y~ "rul tit is i., tht•ir ltrst nK>ve. Fur-

.\1 lf•·rlin~o:: wa!o onf" n·r;~· su.r­pri ... ,.,, man _,Jonday niKht. FPhru­" r_, '!.~. Th·· Choral C; roup ar­"-'"<.:-•·d a hirthda_,. party in hi!- hon­or and it ''a-. :l rt·lll .,urpri.,,. to hi111. Tl11· ~.roUJl Jli"l"•t'lllt•tl hiLl '.lith '"'' haton..; l.o n1.ark tht· oc­' ,,•.i••IL 'On•· to h••at tinlt' and th•• • 1fl ,. t • :,;·:;t-·,,}lf>In·.,!~

~ I J .••• :, • ..:..

( l~:tl• '· Jil' tl, ll.t:lJ!;( l~t-'f"tl/:~. J >;-; ,;i.,:.:··. "11 .. Jo .. t IH·r f·.tl..-r· o11

···hrtLtr.' ··'·

·I .< ' ..

~ ' ) :... ! ! I ' ' l ' I I. ' l :

;, ! ~-: •. '] ::•· ·.~f,h!:J ··. r

: ~~~- \r,·~Ll '!'ht·~!.~,·r .t!l i >.1'.1;

.< r 1- .i :. , _ \;. 1 1- •• ~ :1 . 1. ~ •• i : t .• :.· :, •

• • i r 1 ~ '_\. I :] • ' ':•.' ' i 1 f. \ I ':· ·, • I Jl j l

J;.lf :L1LI .... lilltl\i('l-;. 1.-·-P Hld~t·. j....,

'''t''lfJ··r-..Hin~ \t····' nieeJ.\ frnrn a ,,,n .. ilk('toJ,,\ pt·rforr:J<•tl _,lan·!; 1.

\\. 'tl L r :. ~11 a.ll U1....- r-:J.in :.-; !"!It!:.: !!tJ:n·· Tilt_· lat~· ..... t r••p.,r!.

. · ':ut .\lr <':.\ .\ir,:. Ft:et-~in. tht·1,. 1 l j~htt·z- ·u: J ~,:-Lt:ndscn hr,·,ught it

11p ! rtJill I·-~ur.d·L \\'ith th,·n1: ~fht· .. · •!'' · .. ·i:..:Jt::: __ ! ~ht·ir Cl)USlf1!-1 Soni·t 1:.\..i ~·\l~·:x~tr;.Jt·r ~•J\'a.k, :2-.-\ \\'"t•.<.­

.. ,."Y· .,,·hom th•·y h.J.Vt'n't .Sl'l'!l in a Y<':tr. T~,. F.L<>gins stop;x·d nff nn their Wcty ll~>mt• to Flttshing-. Lo:1;; 1.-iar.d.

It'.., 1,..,.11 ""fully quit·t around tht• Bar·nf'lt hou-..•hold latt-I;~o·, but it lliU•.t h.· prt•tt;~o· rusddening to J-:yf'l~·n. .En• I.' 11, -1;)-t' HidgP, h:ul a ruinnr thrc•at "lM"I"Ution this wt..-•k alld won't ht• ahi .. tu htlk fnr twn \\ •·•·k-.. llop•· ht•J· writing arrn hold .... up t _, r 1 '' o ";ct•Ji.s!

ei:l d~:d i: ,, ';oddanl havt· dC'­-..,j·rtt•t! u~r r _ill" t·J·.,·n foi· \"irginia. J'.Jt'l!" I>_··,•; Hirtrt·:--s i~ 4().09 SoEtl)

:uth P.u lJ .. \rl:ngton. Virginia. Tlw Ht·rlw·rt Ht-rt:z hOoU..,.•hold

ha-. a Itt'\\ phont· ntunllt'r-(irRanit,. :·:-t;;;~ I. ;\JaJ.<o· a nott· of it. plt•a..o;.t>.

J~:tr~J:1r 1 1 ~r.u1in1s. 2-S Plateau. ·' rw·.\· hurn•· n·• up('rating fron1 an tppi·r:dt·,·tun.y :tnd ;-..·anL<..; to s;•~"·

... 1.:1·u1;{:-'., t,, tt1• r·:~<i.ny fri.-nd:' ~"\!ld

::t·:...:ht;u:-:-; f,,;· :h~·:r eards and gift:::;. >r:•· •·.-...pt:•·i.tl:y ·,\·:l:1l.S to thank tht.' r :1:·1 ,:--:.L....(•i..~t ::·t,np.-.. ,tnd their ]paders.

Thank... to tlw ldnd ••tlorts of l. it.' 'lana~Pr ( 'harlt•.. :\II'Donal•1 and th .. '•·r.' •·ourtf-ous driH•r, tht> 1, rPPnlwlt ( ·oopt•notin• Xu.rst'l"). "'"huol "hiltlrPn •·nj<o;~o·.-d a bus trill "round to\nJ on Thursda;~o· rrH>rning. Fo·l.ru:.LT,\' '!4. \\'hat a thrill to tho• •·hilllrt•n-sonw of "horn hud nt-\'t't' ht·•·n 011 a hu ... hPfort-!

Hiippy birthda~· to Dicky Klein who w•ts nin•" yPars old on Ft"br.t­;,ry 26. H<· l'l'lt>brated with a party :n his :1o1n.. :2-F :-;-orth·~·ay.

\'t·r;~o happ~ to ht"a:r that Sat -...·h<·in. ol 6-(~ RidK••, is impro•.-ing­nic•·l). 11 .. thinks thrp pt"'plE' in I; rt•t•nh~·lt <tr•· ju ... t wondt-rfuL (Just

•·ontlrmin14 what WE' al.rt"ad,y hnow:)

'.! r. '-'nd .\! r' . .J c>h:1 E~h n•n.s. 9-A f~,.,;,·al·L'I1. pr'J'.:diy .'U\nounce lh•• . nt'i\:t; of '1 boy r1n February 13 to

•·\·~·:! l.ip tht· .-..~.ort·. He '-\'J...;

nan1•·d .\Ll~k .T""'·ph and bow•·d in it J 'r1r:~·t· < ;t·ur~t·~ Ho..;pit .. al. Ar;,­

;...:•·Ll .Ju:l~-.. ·4'. and .Jt')h!"'' '2' ·.• .• :t'•J:-11t·t! t;1•· :~.~·-.\·t·omt·~.

"tanlt·) 1-:d\\anl-. <1.-.t-r\t·s a pat on tho• k11·k 1"1· a job "·,.Jt <lou ... JJ,. \\;~ .. ('hairlllall of th•· l'rin<·p I ·•·orl!;o·-, t-:,plor.·r ~'<'out Hall Ja ... t '<It ~:rei a.'.

1·.): . ..:: ~- ;. tt.,,:,."' td li:~tJt rt \.J. .,,

f: l

- t< r-~:.i.:..: ·~-.·ho h .. L ... :1•···.1

t 'J. ; ~ J '::: 1 ~ 'Y : hI • ~ i ~ 1 II!'., d ~ :: . ..:.~ .t ::t;· 1 ·f \\~.:t..~h:r~gt···:~.

tlwrrll'>r~>. th•• fantily LOVE:'; <, rt·Pnh .. Jt. 1 That's what we IHu• 1 (I :u·.ar.l

:\:"!fJthr:r coupl~" ! hat !l...t.S cor..1P :.1

:(Jl~~ ·.,::ty to sr-ttl(• in our fair to·~vn ~ ~' I·:•·n!H:t!1 \~anl•~lt:••t fctrnily.

T ,,, \' lnFlPl'ts are from Rockland . . \~ l.~1•· .tL!! ::l~iH.il gh th1•:; [!tl.d :-t

: i ~ :n·· .'-.t·t~ in;; ~:-~l·d to our eli-

·_,,;, :. 'Tb,·y h t\'\' 1. .~0:1 1·!obPrt _:.t•·:::·i:--: lht· l~n(\'t.•:·~it:.y v:·

."'.I t!~·i.1:~·J li\ ing v,·ith th~:nl :tt ~~­

! P.,·L:·· t I ~f:. !-~.)1:!.1. ~·lr. \""{.t:1-

[·· t , L ·.-.- .. r}.: . .; tc~r · :!1} T.'".S. _-\!.'ITl)

:\11·. and :\Jr,.,. \\'illiam E. \\'intt•r­hc k and thl'ir tw11 grand(•hildr,'H l1a'.. rP<'Pilti,Y 1no H'd into ;)8-~1

Cn·s<·•·nt I(;J:. ·1-88~'1). Bohhy 1101

a11d Billy (";) rf"'d::Jy 1iiH· Grl'<"n· IH·It .

:\r~otitt·r i:·ltt·n•,.,ting family is that ,.f .!.11·oh L. \Vo'lnter. 4-D South­._.,. v '1 :1-L 4-85.')1 >. They are orig­inally from Kentucky, althoug~

th· ·y ha...-e Jived in this area for fn Jl' ytnr;;. They have two chi!­'~' ·n Ht'lt>n •20 months> and D:l.­

vid · 2 'c month>. :\r[r. \Varner is a Pr :vsic·;st with th•: Xaval Ord­n.Lr'l'" Laboratory.

\1~. :o;arah Hiortda.hl is a rww n.-ighbor· who ('(•rtainly should not lw n· difficult~· m.-etinK pt>ople. Sht> li\ l's at 7-B Rt'SI"IU<'h l<i-R. 4-7-l66l ju .t n .. ,t door to a. son, and also ha .. a dan~ht .. r. ;\Irs .. Janw-s Tur­kt'lt•·. a gr.uuldaughtt·r. )lr>.. Roh­•-n B•·ndt•r, and t ,,·o niN~t's, thP :\l•..,...•lanw .. Da,.·id Lt•hnuln and liar­'·" I inld.~ "·ort h_v liYir: g in town. Stw al•.u has a daugh':er in ()oiJ.-gt> Park 1md a ..;on in I:Uvt>rdale. Ht>r rif::h c•hild is a s(•n in tht> .-\ir FoN·.. in lcP'Iand. Urs. Hiortdahl ha .. a hunil~· !-ht> C'an WE'll lJt" proud nf totalling tiYt- l'hildrt"n, l"ight ~r:uukhildn·n, und thrl"t> gn-at­g-randct.ildrt'n.

On Tut-sda;~o·. Ft>hruary 22. tht> .J(_'(' \'onth tiroup Iunder the lt"ad­.. ,·,hip o!' )Irs. Ht•IPn Dondy) st>­

h·l' lPd a dub namE>. Tht> group will 110'\' h•• known as tht> ,JCC'ers.

I · .. hruar;~o 16 the ,JCC'ers toul't"tl J'ri Ill'<· tii"'rges County Hospital, un<lt-r th .. guidance of tht> Assist­aut :o;u(k•rintende-nt of the hospi­tal. .-\U ITN"mbers and chaperon.., r••ct'i\'f'd frE-t- chest X-ra.)"S. Th<" vi~ t pro\'t"d t-ducati()nal as we-ll B-'i int••rt">ting.

Tht· Choral Group land everyone •.·b;· in Greenbelt. o:' course) will l>~ very happy to hE-ar that Jerry Ptr.es. of 13-D Hilhide, is hozr.e from the hospital. .Terry is doing well and would app1·eciate visitors

-music,'l.l or otherw:se. Seriously though, the Choral Group need~ mo ~l' male voices .

:'llr. and :\Irs. Arthur Robinson a.r•· h.dlab:Jo·ing a n·~w baby girL ( .vnth~a .-\nn, who n:.ade hf'r debut at Prinn· Cit-org..,. Hospital 00 Feb­nc• r~ I:~. is the Robinson's fir..t ··hi ltl.

Coll£:r-Hulations to Robert Han­~•·n {;r,•Pn. 48-C Ridge, whQ re­' ··!n·u hh E'.'l.cheior of Arts degree.• :n \nwnean Thought and Civili­;·.lt.i'm trom Gecrge \\'ashington r·n:v,·rsity on FebruGry 22.

lola.! to lu·ar· lhat littlt• .Jinunv h.····n·· .,r .-.-;\( I •ardt·nwa~· i .. honlt· lr·u111. lh•· lw••pital. r<"<'up.-ratin~ frorn .t IJt·rn~t oJ>o·ration. .Jinuny i ... on!~ lnur Y•"-tr .. old!

T ~n:. ks fni· the> wonderful ,.,. _ · p·:o::., •. but plea:<t• continue to c-all • n : IJ, .. nt>w:; to me at 3251. W·: ,:,., .. I t:1P cooperation of EVERY o:-.o:;:. -

fi, r·· Lrt• .-...un1,• !d''-'· nt.·ighbor.-; v.,·t...•

·;:u•.:;d .:k. l•.> ,,·dcomp to "Our ).'•:io.:hoor~· Juh:1 J. '~Vilson of 62-F P.1dg.•: .lnd l~;·..o. :-c·"ce A. \\'eisd of :·;-!> RiJg,,

TV RADIO REPAIRS on Your own honlt>

CALL "'n<· LEE., GR. 4-S.U~

AuU.orize<J Electror. ·~~ E . · ._ n~tnPer

7~ t4 tJ.~tt, fJ~~e

Veteran's Liquors

11620 Baltimore Ave.


WEbster 5-5990


90 Proof Blended Whiskey $3.59 a fifth - 2 for $6..99

CORBY'S RESERVE 86 Proof Blended \Vhiskey

S3.:m a fifth at stort" DPiin•rf'd ;;;;3.-l!l a tifth - '!/$6.69

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88 Proof $3.<)9 a fifth - 2 fol" $6.99

MONOGRAM REILLY'S 100 Proof - Botl:led in Bond $3.69 a fifth - \Vhat a buy!

MARYLAND RARE RYE 6 years old - This fine rye whiskey was distilled under. an old time formula-and aged ill new charred c.ak barrels giving it rich and nlPilow bouquet.

S3.19 a fifth - 2 for $6;19

OLD CLASSIC .-\ Blt-nd of Straight \Vhiskie~o;

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A V E>ry Special Bti~·!

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istilled & Blended in Scotland $!.39 a fifth

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Table Wines Ruby Red - Sinfandel

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$3.19 a case in cans at ~..ore s:us a case delivered New York State Beer

GOEBEL'S BEER Nationally Famous

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7 for 98c at store or deli\·ered in cans - 6 for 98c

Must Get Volume

To Continue These


Page 3: i. ~tuitw - Greenbelt News Reviewgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19550303.pdf · i. ~tuitw AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPJ~PER Vol. ] 9, No. 30 Published fverv Thursdav By The GrP.Pnn ...

JC::C Folk-Dance Party Sl4trs Dave Rosenburg

A gala folk d.'l.ncing party und•·r dynamic direction of Dave Rosen­berg, WPII-known \Vashington folk dance IPadf·r, will he held by thf:' Jewish Community Cent.<:r Satur·­day, March 12, in the Cent~>r Sc:hOf>l auditorium from R:30 to 12:30, in celebration of Purim.

Gue>sts will not only s•·e •1 l•·m­onstration of t radition,<ll danc•·s r,f xnany different countri<:s by m•·m­bcrs of Rosen h1•rg's Wash i ngtrm Folk Dane., (;roup but will partici­pate in th•·sc dann·s th•:msdvc·s. Traditional Scandinavian dane·•:~. the lively Austrian "Schuhpl.·Lttl•·s," unusuai linf~ dancf.•s from (;i.,.,..." and Isral'l, the g-ay and spiritc·d "TaJ:ant .. lla" of Jta.ly, and a f:t~t­moving quadrill•· from GPnn.u,y will bl' among th•· auth•·nli<· ll1J~n­b('rs pprformr.•d by the group.

A srwl'ial f<·atur•· of UH: <l:inc" is that t ... nn-agPrs will be admittPd at re<iU('!'U nLt•·s. While JWasant •·os­tum•:s will IJ!' the appropriatP d r•·ss for thP ev<·ning, •'.lny kind of in­formal clothing will he acceptable. Comfort,·Lble shoes an• also advisP•! sine<: dancing will ))(! liv•dy and contir.uous.

DPe&.w•r Purpose Tiw \Vashington Folk I>an<"P

Group, whil'h mt•Pts rPgularly at Cardozo C1•nter to practice the tr.'t­ditJOnal dances of lands around th': world, is part of the adult recn~a­tion program of the• I>ist rict of Co­lumbia Hecreation Department. Th" purpm;p is to combine Uw fun of folk dancing with Uw det·pi'r pnrpose (Jf hl'lping to build lwttl•r

'"'W<h•rstanding o.rr.ong all P~'O}Jll'.; by mutual appreciation of eultural expn•s:;ions in the folk arts.

l>ave Rosenberg. the lPader of th•· nroup, is a nationally-known 'luthority on the folk art;;. Rt•cpnt­ly ht! M•rvNl as Dane!' CIL'l.irman <Jf

!1e Commitll:P for th~· Arts of tlw Christmas Pageant of Pt·acl' hPld on the Ellipse bl:hind the \\'hi!:f' House and was a Chainnan of tlH• Dance Commit ~<·c for th•~ Washing­ton Festiva! of Arts and Int<•rests. He is abo Director of the N,'l.tional Cap',tal':-; Annual FPstivt'tl of All .:;o.;ations and is Trustt•P of the \Vac:hington Mo<krn Dance Coun­cil. He has held out-of-town work­shops and institutes in D•·troit, Pitt.>burgh, Wheeling, New Yo1·k, Boston, Chic~ago, and Cornell Uni­V<"rsity.

"Penzance" Features Prt~ Performance

By ·'likP LittlPton Tlw ::l.fontgom<'ry Light Opero

Company provided two vPry en­joy.-Ible p<·rformancps of <;ilbert and Sullivan's "The Pirates of Pen­zance" on F(·bruary 4 and !>, at th•~

'w:nter school auditorium. The op­eretta was pt·ofessionally done down to the smallest detail.

Worthwhile Work ,,.,,., Ho",io•w -.tafT lllt'lllht•J·-. H11-.-. (•l'•'t'llhatrrn, Ellit> Hitchit• (]pft)

anti Ra ... \IL:"azo·. pit~·h in and lr..tp put out th•· pap•·r. nut WI' ... till lli'Pd

"illiug- \':oriH·r.... \\·,. •·an u-.o• r•·1"'rt •·r-.. ,.,,,,_,. rl':ulo·r..,, )ll'oofr••adPr..,, lay­out lll<'n, rPwrilo• 1!11'1., t,vp!-.t .... lilt· ,.;,·rl.-., ad\o·rti"'ill~ ~.a)o•..,Jno·n, 1'((', :So

t·xp•·rit'lH'f' JH'!'P..,..,ar.v. \\ o·'ll l•·:wh ·' ou all ·' ou h:l\ ,. tn know. This io; an "IJIJOrtunit.\· to partic-ip:tl;· in :r \\ orth\\ hill' <'OillllHinity .wti\ it;\·, nnd

at flu• -.all!!' ti11u·. g-ain .... ,. ... u ... ·ful anti illl•·ro· ... ting ,.·~rH·rio·n<·•·· Con1t>

on tlown to our nlfit•t• an~ Tuo·-.day nil:lrt alt•·r x:;>u and Wt•'IJ put ;\'OU tn \l·ork.

\ . .''I' ,, .:::JLa!Jnz.alu "Z. -

( {{.lll_L~uzJiujfL,<-llll

:\Yr. and )lr:;. Ho·s:ud A. Shy­maJ.:Pr announce the nl:J.rriHge nf thl'ir dHHght•·r. Elois :\laP. to :"gt. J,C :\Iaurice 0. V:1nlandingh tm.

l'h•· \':•:dding- will tnl<•· phc •· n'J Saturda>. :\Luch .-, at 3 p.m. in til•' Commu~ity Church. ThPrP will t,.. ,i r••(•(•ption imm•·diat.l'!y followi:1g in the :;oc:ial room of the Church.

Sgt. Vanlandingham i~ from Evans\'ille. Indiana. and is l''ll'­

rt·ntly station•·d olt Ft. Bdvoi:r, Vi,._ ginia. Tte couplP '.':ill n.-side in Alo·xandria.

Junior High PTA

Scout "Open House" At Washington HQ

:..: ' .. l ~ -~

• ; •. : _, ·' 1 '; ... ~ :·j,·t "( )po•n H<Jll:'P.,

: .• :1 .•. 'I : ,. !w::l ,,( tht· Council

!'''' ;-;,,:tll St...:".\\' .. in \\"a.-;h-; ;.: tr " ''\ (•ning,

.\!d. •·, -:. :r,.m 1:1() to !•:3:'i p.m.

·;·':> .. , '!·· :1 Hou~•·" ,,·ill f•·atur('

• f : i:.· :lt·ad-:juartr·rs building

E':; ;-:,.o,lts nf An1•·ril'a. with • mJ·h~t.'~~ <·:1 thl' Sf'r\'icP:< r~'ndl'r<'d t:J• rr'. t{, fr• .<Jm('::lts ·.,·i:l be ~l'n·­• d :~:.d mu,·j,.,_ will bt' :-hown for

"'~.·~ .. -- .... ~· ....


grace, ·'•·m•· fr,lk.> in .ooks take so much pridf:

T:,,•·y don't thirtk much on what's in.-ido•.

·,\···11. as for me I know my face, •::m n,_.·, r hi:' rr.ade a thing of

and so I'd rathf'r think 1'11 see how I can fix the iP.side of me,

So folks will say. "he looks like sin. . hut ain't he b£'>':Iutiful within."

.J. K. Bangs.

1----·-----------------: RESTORFF MOTORS t



Car Painting-- Body Work \l210 BALTI:VlORE A vr:l'Wl';

RiverdalP. Md. APpleton 7-5100

publisher of the

Greenbelt News Review


Display Advertising ST.-\XD.-\RD R.-\TE

S1.25 per column inch COXTRACT RATE $1.00 per col. i;r:Jch

• The contr<'Lct rate calls for a minimum of 65 column inches of actvf•rtisi•1g over a 13 week period. This c.'l.n be done all in one Wf'ek or spread out at the rate of 5 column inches ppr week for 1:: weeks>

.llat Serrice is available for display advertisers . The Advertiser is billed for the cost of engrarings, if any. Advertisers are billed monthly with 2% discount for payment in 10 days.

Classified Advertising ThreE: cents (3c) per word. minimum fifty cents.

Advertising copy may be mailed to the News Review, P.O. Box 68, Greenbelt, Md., or left at the Greenbelt Tobacco Store. or br:mght to the News Review office at 9 Parkway, no later than the Tuesday evening preceding publication. Payment m~.1st accompany all classified ads, except those which are t 3.ken on a monthly basis. For any further in-formation, nil the News Review office, GR. 3-3131, or Harry Zubkoff, GR. 3-5801.


! .

I i l t

The singers' words came through admi r.'.l.bly wdl c with the exception ot t.he tongue-twister "I Am a Very Mode·l of a Modern Major Gener­al"), and in general the solo work was pleasant to the ear. Especial­ly outstanding was the resonant b9.ss of the Pirate King, Om.ar Pan­coast. The chorus was in top form, singing with fine diction, true in­tonation, and lusty enthusiasm. The entire cast enjoyed its work in that spirit which enables a com­petent company to com.:rr.and an an­awering enthusiasm from the audi­ence.

All in ,!1.11 this performance war­rantE!d a full house and not neces­sariiv of children; Gilbert and Sul­liv~ is for children in the same way that "Alice in Wonderland" ls. Charming but often. over their heaas.

A regular n~eeting of the Gre<.-n­bPit .Junior High School PTA will bP held \Vednesday, !\!arch 9, at: 8:30 p.m. at t:he High School. /\. short business meeting will pre .. cedP the progm.m. featuring e. Gymkhana. This will be directed hy ::'.fiss Mary Amoss and ~fr. Bor­owitz. Parents are cordially in­vited to attend.


LAN~~~.!~~'~'~I!RE~ Annual Meeting

Thi.~ Wo·k Special ~ Flowering Shrubs

98c § Tnt> Scout mcn•ements of eight ~-

nations are directed by native 19-E HILL"'IDt.: lt:itcJl!rs whn wl•re trained at ~h~ (.OR. 4-9286

Boy Scouts of America's school for \\':\rfif"ld 7-247: ~ prot-:·ssio .. naJ k>aders at :\!endham. ~

~ ........ ->~~

N. J_. ----~~--::--:-;-:-;;-----~

1- s I D N ~ y R !J A1(,~NSL'I.TA~-r :

PtJBLIC AC<.,'OUNTANT AND r T ! Federal and State Income ax I

I Returns Pr«~ared t R):public 7-%790 t

()fflt'.f> .. - lfMM> M ~t-. N.W. GR. 4-9364 I 8A BWalde RcL:_------·-----------­f~ ... .....- ................. ----


Ncminations are in order for the follow fig positions: Board of Directors (9), Audit

Committee p), Nominations <~ Elections C Jmittee ( 5). Further Nominations I by pe-

tition of at lea·st ten members) wiH be accepted until 5 p.m., Monday, March 7,1955 by

the secretary,. Bruce Bowman.

Page 4: i. ~tuitw - Greenbelt News Reviewgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19550303.pdf · i. ~tuitw AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPJ~PER Vol. ] 9, No. 30 Published fverv Thursdav By The GrP.Pnn ...

I' \ I II .\ U \. L H T I s J-: ~ E X T


Percy H. AndroK, 2-A Northway.

Graduate of the University of

Uto'l.h, Sc.hool of Mines and Engi­

neering, class of 38. Accepted a position as Cartographic Engin•~er with the United States Coast e.nd Geodetic Survey in January, 1941, and moved to Greenbelt in Febru­ary, 1943, and ha!; lived here since that time. Registen'd in the Dis­trict of Columbio'l. as a Professional F~ngineer. Five children, rang~i;r~g in ages from 8 months to .13 ye;!lJ~. Participant in Church auxiliary o•r­ganizations, chiefly in the field of youth activities. Active in clvic organizations, having had the op­port.unlty to serve •'l.B President ·of the North End School P.T.A., and is at present the President of the Greenbelt Junior High School P.T.A. Pl'lst Vice-President o:>f Greenbelt Community Band, and at present ..:!hairman of Pack OJ'In­m.ittee of Cub Scout Pack ~:02.

GVHC board m(.-mber. 1953-54. If elocted, I will strive to the best of my 1'1-bility in helping to mainblin sound business pmctices, with im­provement of services and, if at e.ll feasible. re< uction in costs to members.

Bruce BownUln, 14-Z-3 Laur•~l

Hill. Resident since Decembe:r, 1944. Charter member of GMHOC, secretary of GVHC since inception, chairman of member-relations committee. Other Greenbelt hous­ing organizations: Greenbelt De­velopment Curp., Greenbelt La:rJd ITnprovement C',.,orp. Other org,'l.ni­:r.ational adivities: V-P State PTA. Community Church, GCS, Scout~.

Rapidan Camp, Grt~enl>elt Citize.:t:~

A:;sn. Background: A.B. Antiodt Colle6e, Navy veteran \Vorld Wa.r ll. Defense Department employ€-c. Platform: Rapid development of ~~ "!-.·danced" community according to M·aster Plan, promote coopera-· tivP principles in operation of our· mutual housing corporation, es .. tablishment of "preventive ntainto~­nance" program, encouragement ()f

more me-mbership participation and better representation·- -~rticu­larly for frame house residents.

nurJ;"OCn, Edward A. 37-K Rldg~.



Greenbelt Veter·an Housing Corporation ice Stations and Garag ... _ ~ry p!:! t­fonn: I b<--liPve tht.~ corporato()n should .-:1t all times he OPf·rat•:d on HOwe~d bu~ines:i principi£>S. If .-!•...-:t­ed. my business {:xp-erir-n·~·· .'houlr) I><! o~~xtremely helpful to th•.· C\'HC boa1~d. If £·1ected I would. a.s in th" pa.st:, work towards economwal o~)­erations in every dt!-part.m•·nt. kc-.~p­mg all c-harges within n·a.''<Jn. y.:t cnotJgh to as.i..<;Ure the umtJnu•...-1 financial soundness o! our c<>rpora­tion. I shall keep the mPm!Jr:rs in­formed .'3-nd in '!.II decisions be f'lir to both the membe!' and th£> corpo­ration.

HIP!n)p;_~o· ~lUton Good!", Sr., 23-P Ridg-.~. .Ha.s lived in the same house since lhe begin:1ing of Greenbelt. He is a member of the Community Church, Lioru~ Club, and ChaJ·ter Member o! Pest 136. American Legion. He is an offi­cial of the United State Treasury Department, was tv.·ice commis­sion(.'d in the U.S. Marine Corps 'Reguhr Service'. holds Perma­nent Certificate valid in thP Pub­lic and Private Secondary Schools of Texas for life. He had combat !iervice in World \\Tar I. receiving nt1merous citations and decoration~ !or distinguished and exceptional gal!i;mtry in action; winner of both the Austin Alumni and Board of Regents Scholarships to the Vn!· versity of Texas. He grew GrePn· belt's pri2:e-winnning he<igP in " dty-widP contest. He a.nd hi.~ wit-: h:1ve trie-d to follow Edgar A. Guest's admonition that: "It takes

.'.r tn i•-<J. two daughters. \'etPran • ( \\'r)rld "'ar II. sPrvcd two yo•ars .co .\,my :\l•dicnl Corps. Elected , '-'t :\Cc\·~"rrlb<:r a,-; Prince Georges Cu:,:~ty Commissioner. Tv.-ice pres­.d•·nt ,,f Citizens A.ssn. Past presi­<i•·nt ';r .. enbdt 0Jnsumer Scrv'ces L:'•.•rd of DirPctors. served 8 ye3.rs. Fo:-rr.•·r AdJutant and member of 'ln .. lrd of r....~gton Home, Inc. Ed:tor •">f L•·gion Xewspapcr, 2 yc irs. .\1•.·mlh'r of advisory board. Res::ue Sq1.nd since it originated. Pa..!tt pn·siri•·nt Prince Georges :\Iunici­pal As.:m. El•·et(•d six times to the City ·~.::ouncil ser...-ing two full nnd one ir.terim turn as Mayor. Se!.:ct­•·d by City Council to negothtc w1th PHA in the recent transiton of ~~\·prnnu·nt property dedicat:ed to the city of Greenbelt amounting to mn re thlin $2.000,000. Salesmo1n in the dent.hl supply business. De­signer of, and supervi9or of bui .. d­i ng. a pprais.ing and inst.9.l.lation of dental offices and professional buildings. ~\!y reasons for a.skie~g

your support are • l! As e. business man. which is essential as a quali­flc.<J.tion to s.erve on a board of di­rector~. I bdieve I will understaild an•! probabiy help with some of the problems that face us in t:te future: 121 Know Greenbelt and is op('ration since its inception and thr.1ugh th<' transition of owner­ship by GVHC; (3> My present sPrvice as County Commissioner shauld bene:rit GVHC as Green~lt becomt·s n1.o;e county affail~s.

integrated in:o

!J. lot of living in a. place to m.'l.ke :\lr. I.RlanCI Lea..'l.ia and Genevieve it home." We inv·ite all members Ll·~tsia havt· lived in Greenbelt to come tc· our home and see what :-;IJH·•· l·'ebru~ry 1%3. They have ·ve haw! clone with grass. flowers. four childre:-~ nnd the family r•?­trees and shrubs. Your votP and .~id<'3 :tt 45-H Ridge. inftuf'nce are respectfully soLcit•:d. :o.r Lea.sia .. is now chairman of P.S. 'Vhile not an attorney hP h,t<; cub par·k 229 in Greenbelt and '1.

studied law, in rcsidcnc<· .1.t the m•·mbo·r of the Lions Club. He : 5 TJniv•·rsity of Texas and by cor­n•sponden<:e !rom the Unin·rsity of Chicago.

llans Jor~tPn...en, 19-E Hillside. :-."orth End resident :nr 11 ye·Hs. Employee of D(·pt. of Agriculture. Attended Co-op Institute at \\'I'IJ,...;­Iey. 1\.ctive in PTA .. Cub ~·c'Otlt:<

and Boy SeoUL<; :J.nd in l ha rgp of l;arden Plots for 3rd year. Chair­man of Uw landso"lpt~ comm:ttcP for t.hP Greenbelt Comm:Jnity Church. .Sponsor of the land~c8.pP program for GVHC and the City. If reelecte<i I will continue to as-sist thP board and m:llnagPment to achieve efficient and Pcon0mical operation. so mem~rs m.'ly rPalize thP best value for the lea.<;t cost. Landscaping of the city. particu­larly the frame house area, is still my special interest.

Frank E. K.rih~· - 3-F Eastv•ay. Resident since 1943; employed at Buro'lu of Engraving and Printing in the Construction and Y....a.inte-

!.nnn•·l f•H' the Ci\·il Service Corr.· n.~"'i"n Ht• is a. membPr of th" :c;cc·o••t:•·s for PPrsonnel and Public AdmJr::.;tration. His participatiorl in L·nnnnunit;• servicPs in St. Paul. ·.•;hii.- •·mploy('d thPre. included the promotion. developme:1t and or­g.tnization of a FPderaJ Employees t ·r,·rlit "l'n!on of ovPr 1.200 mem­b•·rs from sc•\"(•ral Fedt~rnl agencie.;· and assets of more than $1.000.00(•. He was the founder and first treas-ur•·r .111<1 director of that group.

:--.rr. L .... -asia wa.o; superintE·ndent ot bu:ldings and grounds in a ~in··

rwsota ~t.'lte College for two years. During that time. the entire main .. tenanc•·· systl•m was modernized. Among h1s inten·sLo; in Greenbelt. h(' has a strong interest in an ef­(r>c·tiv•· and determine<i civil de­fpr.~e action program which ple.ces m,, inr n~spon:stbilit.y on the hea.d eof U1" hou~hold for protection of hi., family. He believes lh."lt such a. program shc·uld be buh•.-a.rkoo by imm(•dzate anll T!'&listic assistance from ('";overnnlent sources.

a business 1 rather than e. coopera­ti\'e ;IOu.;ing movementi for the sole henelit of the members. While I am fairly well satisfied with the housing C·perations of the corpom­tion, I a.rn very much dissatisfied with the way the undeveloped land has been handled and not being ad­dicted to rubber stamping, I will. continue to show my disapproval on tb~ bo3.rd.

John \TilUam Phariss - Born 1918 t'3.t Anadarko, Oklahoma; graduate of University of Okla­homa with B.S. and M.B.A. de­grees; Ce1·tified Pubiic Accountant 'Okla.); served four years in the United States Air Force during World "''ar II (Asiatk-Pacific areal: held high level corporation m.'l.nagement positions in the pe­troleum industry prior to corning too \Ve.shington, P. C. in 1952 to serve as a. Business Analyst with the Economic Stabilization Agen­cy; served as first Comptroller of GVHC ( 1953-54>; presently Secre­tary-Comptroller and a member of the Board of Directors of The Ahrendt Instrument Company and Trustee o! the A!lrendt Employees' Profit Sha1·ing Trust; also t!l. Direc­tor of Copar. Inc. and The Auto­matic Seriograph Corporation.

Hal Sihr•~rs - 25-A Ridge Road. 12 years Defense, 2 month Brick). Married. Four children. World War II ve·:eran. Present employ­ment: February, 1946 to present, :-.lation'J.l S.!cretary, American Vet­eran:;; Corr.mittee, Inc .. Washing­ton, D. C.

Description of work: Office Man­ager. Helped develop and estab­lish standards for employment; working conditions; rules of office b<:>havior: methods and procedures simplificaticon; investigate and pur­chase office equipment, supplies; l~'l.ison b~tween executives and of­fie£> departments: responsible for pPrsonnel. training. Responsible for administrative projects such as job evaluation, office analysis of systems. Custodian of the Seal of the organiz.!tion. Responsible for rr·cord of all proceedings of the Board of Directors .'IJld of the Ad­ministrative Board and of the Na­tional Convention.

Extra-Curricula Activities: (Pre­vious> Organization and creation of: Community Clubroom: Teen Age Progr:3.m: Police Athletic Club: Tennis Group; Ball Cluh 1 Ball Di,'3.mond & Park 1: Theatre Group: Girls Club lsewing, citizen­_,hipl. Editor of newspaper. (Pres­ent) Secret.litry, Greenbelt Demo­cmtic Club; ;\{ember Personnel and Finances Committee, U.C.S. of Washington. D. C.; Publ:~ity Com­mittee, Democratic Party of ?:-ince r.~orges County. Md. MCTnbership in Organizat.ions: Greenbelt Demo­cratic Club: PTA Greenbelt (Cen­ter school J : American Veterans Committee. 'Washington CtM.pter, A VC l; 21st District Democratie

nance Division; previo-usly Pail't­ing and Decorating Contractor in Portland. Maint.-. Assistant ~'uper­intendent of Building:!! and Grounds for 8 years with Wagner Collt>ge, Staten Island, N. Y .. ,'U\d employerl by Federal Housing Authority in D. C. Charter mem'l:>er t~f Green­belt Community Church, Chairman of the building committt~ of Com· munity Ch(Jrch.

:\. C. l.oaa · 7-K Cre-.Jcent. Resi- Club.

Resident since March 1943, char­ter member <:MHOC. active in (;VHC development and progress ,;ince being discharged from the U.S. Army in 19~. member cf GVHC board 1952. vice-president of board since &>ptember 19::J<L S<·rved on the tollowing commit­tees: membership, sales, personne:l, public relations, inventory, electri­city, fuel oil, physical pl.<lnt :md equipment. legal, taxes, parking, newsletter, and other ad hoc com· mittees. Other community activi­ties: charter member Lions Cluh, member of that board, advisory board of the Youth Center. advil:1· ory board of the Youth Center, ad·· visory bo'lrd of the R~scue Squad 14 yrs.>, trustee GCS retirement fund. member American Legion, chainnan Community Betterment. Committee. member Co-ordlnatin~ committee publishing the new GreeR:::.elt directory, member St. Hugh's church, Holy Name Society. Emp\oyed by GCS the past 8 years. At present supervisor of the petro­leum divi:.<ion which require5 op- f'rank J. I.AultnPT - 19-P RidgP. eration of all three of GCS's Serv- Resident s;nce Januery 12. 193.'1.

d<'nt of I; rt.-enbfo!t for the 1&.-.t Il Slrlin. Rl'nnan. 5-L East way. p•,us: wa.'l first president of the Greenbelt resident 2 yrs., familiar ('";repnbl"'t Mu!:!lal Housing Assn. with co-ops ~nee '48 when I help­Have bf'-{'n intere-ste-d In many civic ed organize and run a student co­u:d l·hurch activities such as: St. op at :O.fichigem State. Am a vet­Hugh's church. Health Assn .. PTA. <'ran. Work•~ in the Missouri Amf'riran LE-g-ion an<' the G!:'een- B"!sin 3 year!: d<>ing land classifi­bP:t Crf'd1t t:'n.on. M~~ prim(' con- cation a.~ part. of t he river be.sin .:-.-rn is ~hat G'•'"HC be o~rated as planning. Rt~ceived an M.A. in


Planning frvm the U. of Chicago in '52. Have since ~n a. research Asst. ·on the Program and Techni­cal Review Staffs of the Dept. of Interior. My work bas been in long-range resources planning, but I have always had an intere6t in city planning. ·

Platform: I represent no special housing, social, religious, or other group-we must have greater par­ticipation in the filffairs of G"VHC to reduce costs and build cohesion ........ board membership shoulq be limited to two successive years so that th1!re would ·be a greater shar­ing of responsibility-carefully spread industry would be an asset -in providing facilities for the community (eg. transportation), service is more im.port.'lllt than profits--landscaping is our most immediate problem, and we should consider future redevelopment­regulations should be enfc>;rced or repealed-the community newspa­per should be encouraged--com­munity service should be rendered without monetary reward, and in­tend to serve without ~peasa.­tion. I invite others to run on this ticket.

Bernard Sisco, 5-J Ea.stway, ,'J.

native of Washington, D. C., re­ceived his professional education at Benjamin Frr..nklin University and graduated in 1949 with the De­gree of Bachelor ot Couunercial Sicence. He ~ held a aeries of responsi-ble positions in the field of Financial Management, including those of Chief Accountant. Budget Analyst, Internal R<Weriue Agent, and currently holds the position of Accounting and Control Officer of the Office of Naval Research.

His milit:iry service includes three years in the Navy Subln'Uine Service during World War lL The candidate is married and the fa­ther of four children. Ot!her ac­tivities include the p&.rt time prac~ tice of Public Accounting and membership on the Credit Commit­tee of the Greenbelt Federal Cred­it Union.

Richard 0. Taylor. L and my family, have been residents of Greenbelt since 1938 when we took up residence at 4-F Ridge Ro~. In 1949, we moved to 6-R Ridge Road and, finally, in June 1953 we moved to our present e.ddreis at 9-J Rese~-ch Road.

Our four chil:lren were small when we came to Greenbelt. Three of them are now married, and the other is overseas with the U.S. Armed Forces in Gennany. Two, of those married. have bought homes in Greenbelt.

I am employed at the Walter Reed Army Medical Scbool e.8 Su­pervisor of Biophysicol In-strumen­tal Laboratory.

I was an active member on the Advisory Board of the ·Boy Scouts movement, in tbe early days o! Greenbelt. I served for two years as President o! the Parents Board of the Greenbelt Commun.ity Band; and, one year a.s Band Manager. Also, I served on the Board of Dea­cons in the Greenbelt Conununity Church. for a period of three years. Most recently, I have been for the past year .a mesnbP.r of the GVHC Nominations and Eiections Committee.

J..eonard Baron, 19-M Ridge. University. Mem~r for SP\'t nl Economist. U.S. Bureau of Labor years of Home and Grounds Oom­Statistics. 15 ye-ars permanent gov- mittee, GVHC. Chairman. lJP\'Pl­ernment service. B.S., economics opment Committee. GtE'i'nb<.·lt C'itJ· ~nd sociology, Colh•g(' of the City zens As:wciation. Member 0f th" of New York. January 19-W. Grnd- Gilrd•m Club. ac:tive in religiou.s u .• te study toward Ph.D., Ameri~an at't'l.irs.

Frunk .J. LaParlt-, 20-R Ridg•• P..cnd f{••s!d<·r t -:>! Gr1'1:'nbelt f,r !'< Yt·:t~~ ~femb('r of St. Hugh'~

P... C: Ch:JTch. Employl'd by L'lf> t. :s u.~parlm('nt of Agricultur£>. P•·IJ:lrtmPntsl Administration as a sta~ 1;1d:tor ~I.'I.St('r D.·grPt~s 'n

Commercial Bcience and Fiscal Greenbelt Veteran Rousing Cor­Administratior: from Benjamin poration membership 88 a member Franklin and Columbus Univer-

of their Audit Committee. If sities. \~(ashington, D. C.

p .\ [ f)

I feel that my ba<::kground as an elected, I will endeavor to carry 1.ccounte.nt ar.d auditor will en- out the duties of that office to the :.blc me to serve the best interest of best of my abi!ity.

.\ IJ \' t: R T I S t: ~~ t: S T

Page 5: i. ~tuitw - Greenbelt News Reviewgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19550303.pdf · i. ~tuitw AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPJ~PER Vol. ] 9, No. 30 Published fverv Thursdav By The GrP.Pnn ...

CLASSIFIED T l"PEWRlTER &ervi(:e. Cleaning. 01 ·erhauling, repairing. Electric. st!mdard, portable. R.. F. Poland. GR. 3-2537, nights and weekends.

WANTED - Hous&~ in Greenbelt. Have prospective buyers for hous­es ~nd apartments. wm be glad to ass1st Greenbelters in selling their homes. GREENBEL'l' REAL•ry

COMPANY, 151 Centt~I·way <for­mer Pollee Station), GR 3-4571.

TELEVISION'SERVIdr:: By pre;: fessional electrical eng:ineers USing the finest of modern test equip­ment. RCA Regil:ltered Dealer. Any make, any model. Philco Author­ized Service. GR. 3-4431 or GR. 3-33:•

A Communication

County Health Needs Short 0£ Standards

By Fay lRFPvn> Prince GPorges County public"

health s•,.rvices fall far below thr· recommendt·d minimum ro q·Jir·.-­

ments. Our county has oniv thir­teen public h~:alth nursr·:-; ~r· (,,.-,'y onP nurse for appro:-:imatt-lv , .. ,, rv

19,000 people. Th .. minimu~1 r.•·t·~l has been set at one nurs!' for 1·ach :-i.OOO peop[p; in othr·r word." l':-1nr, Gcorg-ps County .shoul•l haY•· :.r;t

less than 50 public ht·alth :.;;r,:• ·'· Neighboring- ,\.nn" Arundr·I C•>Or:;t.y has a staff of tw<.·ntyfivo· t>IJ!'.'• _-; :ti­though th1·i !' population is rm l ·; in! f as gr(·at as J>rin('P G··or~t'S c·(J!Ir:~:--'~REF.;NBELT MOTORS--8420 Bal­

' 1more Blvd. Used cars and trucks oought and sold. Phone TO. 9-9647.

(;}-U•;r<.::NBELT TV ~J.;RVICE -!·:v<>nings, weekends, holidays. Lo­r·;d Hornp ~ervic<> calls. Charges

'' ·' iOilab:,. Work g"H<'lr:•nlced. i 'r<><' tub<' l"sting sprvi•·<·. l·!·Z-2 l ~:un·(·] Jiili. C':·:t1 r~R. :.!-211:?. o: (._JT~. ·I ;)17fi,

·;·J:f~I-:\;T::Jo.~-:<~:\nr. > Tu:r.;;:.~ '···,,(,•rJ f:·,.,._ I'{''J>l:tc•·r:Jr·nt:-: ,d_ ·I[)';

:Jf"j" !1.-it.. \\~ritt(~~1 ~U·.ll'dl~Li•t· v;jt.h

r•".'t ry 1.1tiJt.·. }{iddi~1g' . ...; S('l'\'~t't·. ] l·.T ~-:i\ 1 :.-··(·. flonrs ~·· ~·t.rn. tu ~) p.n1. (_;r~

1 ) l(r·:ss.:vl A'!=~~ I.N(~--· ; :: -rl · ;-d t. ·:=.,: ;. m.~ .\J r·:-;. I'!.u~s1·]l, 2-F~ \V,··..;:.\·;.t~~. ( ;1-~.

YOlJTH . EEL> and ~··rih ~·· for s:tlr>. 1 ~1-'\SO!i:.thlP. GR. 3-6291.

6.'(3iJ7vn~--ry;j;x--;:;~~~'i'ts pr~·pai: ~·ll l!y <'X)Wrt l..c'lx accountant. HPa­·<unabk. Call GR. 3-21:>1.

:L';\ppy·s ICE CR.E<;A 1\t·-_--::-J.::-.,-)r_p_:-.. r-­l.i"~. fc1· th-at l,ltf' !'mac!{, for family d('~S<'rts - picl{ U!J your phol!P and <"'.I.I.J. "Happy," ( ~R. 3-3231. F'rt"• dP­li~y. Mon.. Tu<>s., '.Ved .. Thurs .. Fri., Sat .. Sun., 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. l'ints, qUluts, half-gallon,;.

IiRfvER to Pentagon wantt•d. il:30 to 5, call 3491.

WANTED: CHAffiS for News Re­vipw offict> to keep thP statT com­fortable •'l.lld the office hospitable. C'all 3131 TueS<L3.ys aft,.r R ·3o p.m.

HELP \V ANTED: Typists. !'('port­ers for the News ReviPw. Apply of­li('(·, 9 Parkway, Tuesday Pvcnings.

HEi' .• P WANTED: Man or woman who driv•·s past Hyattsville about S :30 Thursday mornings to deliver lli~Wsi)aper -copy to print<>r. Phone

.31.31 Tuesday evPnings or 5801. 3491. oth(•r times.

\'V' ANTED: MAN OR WOMAN wrw want;; to make extra money by sP!I­illg uds for th<> NP\\o'.S Review on a l!:i% commission basis. \Vp havP leads. We need the salpsman to go out in their span• time. Apply at office, or phone 3131, or Harry Zub­koft''s at 5801.

T\VO V ACANCIF:::S exL">t in thf' (; rP(•nbPlt Cooperative Kind<>rgart­<'ll iCPnter school campus;_ Intcr­··~tt•d pu n•nts call Mrs. I. Po"irker. GP... 3-6551.

LOST - Blu<> Carter pencil. oe­_....J..wL·eu Eastway and Center schocL "'ntimPntal valuP. Return to 1-A

F;astway, Pvenings. Generous re­ward. GR. 4-5201.

SEWING Machines Rcp'l.ired. Old machines electrified. All work guaranteed. Free estimatPs. Call Stuart at UNion 4-8904 evPnings or Saturdays.

A dr·ntal dinio·. a nl•·nt.;,; f:, .d: h

dinic st:t!T•·ri with a J•:::.·l'h'.:tt ~: .· f'0:11Jll•·t•· !•l:::sir·:ll •·':'on:Jc.·,t;,,, 1•· 0:1 ~-n:_ranr·t· t_., p1:~):i1· ..-·, :v r •.r1 .in~;t a f···.\r of t_;l !!1"1..~:.\' ·' 1;": ,,,.

puhli' h•·:.lth .·· ;·,;i. •. .::. :·· •l

:·~·sidr'.'~~::. Lf .\ ., l•' \ r-·1~· i~ 1 ( • • '··

T 'l':; ~ (".' ( ; • : q·,.. ... , . :...: ( .... ) 1: '1 :.y ,.. ) :"t I ,. ' . I '


1 >:· 'i't .• l.

''·· 'lt. : .:.• (' - .. . !t" ,, ('


I t l I, !J '' ., •'

Youth Center !ceds Own Home, Adult Head

1•h,· Yoi..th (\·nt•·r i.-1 1;r, '"':lt)t·> .--:pun:..;ort·d by Lh~· .-.·c·rt·:tt , .;. d~·:;· l~··

rnt·nt for all t1·•·n-ag•·r.~ :. .. ;·: ..... · ,. a night uf ·.•;hol4· . ...;onl• r·1' I"t' :; •

""lhis r(•cn·ation i:-: int' r~t!··d !:.··,··

for hoy=-' ~Jnd gir!~ ~o t·!:.!oy ·1 I'

quit-t ganlt'3. ..rh, 1:ow nH·•·ts in th ..

, .. ()~:1 h (', 11 t• :·

•·ach \\"i·dn••s,!ay. Fridav :,nd .~:l.l­.1 rday. Th• ,,. on•_.,. !Ltd tlwr r ".,,_. n

building twhind th•· food -;tor•· th• '·nrollmt·nt \"--:1.:~ ov•·r thf· HHt rn:ir\: tllltiJ thf'y TI10Vf'd to thP r•·nt•·r S('hool. Att .. ndanc.· has J>n·.•; f:dl•·:: lwhw th•· !1}0 m'<rk \\"lH·n t by had tlH·ir o-.vn budding. tiH·r· ·.v t.~ a <'l.·rtain pridPvf own•·t'~hip. \\', f1·d by adding a n•·w program "f Jnur•· ('uJtur.. l~•'<'ro·ation ·",." dS huhhi.-,. p~ 1~ a ro!l~·r-:-dcd.in·: program. th•· att•·lldan•··· will l'i• '' tip. ~ow thi>' c:tn only ;H. don•· f

.somt· of tho· )JilrP:lts that h:.v·· ~ , 1-•·nts in certain activitit·s Wollld lJ, <willing to give ~omP tim.- •·ach week to the youth to act as supPr­visors in thP cultun• activities. If you would likP to work .,,_.ith Y"ll'.h that needs your hl'!p in variou;.; hobbiPs. pl•,:•s" stop in any \\' ··ci­

rH'sday. Friday <•1· :-'atur<.J.ay night.' to talk to tlw councilors in d!'Lrg.·.

The Youth C<>ntPr is govPrn£-d by an Adlllt Advisory board :qJ­pointed by tJr,. city •·oun1·il. .1nd rrtPPts oncl' a month in the c·it:: council chamb<rr on thP fir.;.'t Tup,;­d.ay of the month. The youth ctr.• r•·prf'sented b,:.." their own advisor:.· board which plans th•· diff•·n·nt a•·­tivitil·s l'ach month. \V•· nt·•·d yu:1:· help to makt" this Youth CPnt•·r :1

wholesome placP for youth to m• ··t

Y,eager G!"ade Pupils Incubate "Chick" Ideas

·~rhcre is much activity in Mrs. DRIVER \vanted to and from B<J.l­timore. 8:30 to 5. Call Gr. 3-5616.

WOULD I.IKE small baby or small child to care for in my home for working mother. ExcPJlent rcfer­t•nc~·s. GR. 3-384.2.

fo'OR SALE: Used chromPbird cage and 6-foot stAnd, baths, SPPd. ett:. All for $12. GR. 4-8106.

Y•~a.ger's l!econd-third. grade com­bilvttion at Cent!?r school since the chicks hatched from the eggs. For <'X:l.lnple. the boys and girls have been busy writing stories about the importance of the thermostat in the incubator, turning the egg:<;,

and the chicks hat<.'hing. They ar•• also making a muM.! about this.

SHOP AT THE ~TORE that comPs to your ctoor. &•p our smart nt:>w ii!w of Nationally AclvPrtisPd Spring clothPs. Tots to Te<>ns. Boys and Cirls. \\'omt•n's drPSSt'S. skirts, blousPs. Lil SchutT. 31-D Ridgt· Rd. GR 3-!:i-831.

FOH SALE - Bal:>y Grand Piano. Gnod eondi lion. Rt•<'<'ll tly t t!!Wrl.

Call Gf~. 4-9366.

FIRST DAY COVER.S. Compll't(• Sl't uv.'lil:.tblt•. RP~son.Jblt·. CH .. ,-2151.

H:f.~LP \V Al\,'TED FEMALE - P:ut tim" ~rocpry clt•rk Nortll End -;tort· .$1.50; hr. 6 mornings a Wt·ek. Som•· stol'k work rt'<}uirec~. Apply Co-op Office.

DRESSMAKING and alterations. ~rs. RussPII, 2-F Westway. GR. 4-8956.

Also at O.•nter School. the teach­f·rs are having a farewell party on Thtlrsday afternoon for Mrs. Mar­ton·~. who bas bPCn v•orkin.g in thc cnfd<>ria. :.\Irs. ::\fartone is going to Italy to join h•·r husband who wa• transft•rn·d thcrt• with th•· C.S. .. State D•·p,Lrtment.

FO!-! SALE - \\-rist A'.arm \V.ltch · Hr:; nd n.-w. Swi,;s. \\'ill '"';1 for S Vi Canwr-ls: R('tina II-A. Krxl:lk Bar;­Llm Sp•·,·ial. :t:1d Ikotl••x. All h1g':' lJII:!lity with rnany :tutomatio· f,- ,. tirr.·,;. Audi,> .ltld Radio EquipmPnt · 1 a:n selling out a large quantity of ..Io.•ctronies and radio p::u1:s. Ca.!J c;r.. -l-9233 t'V•·nings or WPek,•nds.

T.V. AND RADIO - Tube~~ h•st~·~J and replaced. Bring yours and save Lar:~y Miller, 21-:-J Ridge. GR. 3-5466.



Prepared By Tax Accoun~ant

t Rt-a~nabll:" GEORGE BL00!\1 OB. 3-2151

Five S('n.;c~·s they fpp) shoull'i be offere-d county rt>Sidents. Requests ha.-e lwt·n made fo:~ funds to hire eight add:tiona! nu:-sps including a muPh di'f·dt·d Pl.:blic hen.lth nursing super­n~or. Also includpd i.n th<> new !llt•J,;,·t 'I'•' i't·qut•sts to pro.,;dt' me:l­tal h··:d~h clinic .>1·n.·ic• s and thP :,, ·rvrc·•·s rJf a h-Pal th {'d ucator. The!'~ budgo·t proposals will soon bt· cotr­s:d.-r.·J by o:1r county commission­•·rs :.t ·.,.,-hich tirne ~hPre will be an C•PJX•rtunity for tht· public to tr• h<·ard.


This Week At The Community Bldg.

Attention- § G V H C ~

Apartment Owners -~ ~ ~·i;j ',i}:·~:~:;:~l~l~~~~,·~·;,~:~:::.:~ :i • r • l (> .. \\' . 'v ~ ~t•~J~ <tLt.t~y 0:"t-\: ."

-\I· .~ .. ~ ·:~;::<~ .-.: v!· :1•·:"!)1· ()·;:!~··:· . ..., 'r ·~ . !.>'•, (,

§ W. A. SNYDE~ i~ ~llv'E ~-:'.4.770 WE 5-5J8i~; / ... ..;r/-·~·'Y"-"../_/ ... •.lj-,-..;:"/ .... ~..,...,.-:;r.~..r/ .. ,....,_,..,..,...,_;.,~ \ ........-_........ -.-:-/ ·~ ';r.·-'l··~.-.· ... -; .... ·.ij.·_,..:;r.-~.·..ij-.·/,/''')r -. ,... RIS ' I !\' ·~ ~ s ·~ k ~ R ~; L Lit~ S ~) ~ ·· ~ ,~.... Boy ~>

::_:r:i .. < :,.'·.;r ~) ~ ! I -.c:t~e 8;,k·:·cl Bre;td ') ~ ',~ Lk:·~S • Pi(.)S ~~ ~ ·;: fr; .\nn:tp·.lli-.: l<tl. , ' ,, ~ '.;,. ,_. , •.. ::,, ,. •.:. ,,~c:-·.~ ~ \.. • ' • ,· I J ) l) ~ Jl ~-: l . I . ;""). t I > !"' ~ ~ ,\, 1· ·• -;.-, ·""~~! t:'" \\~-~ . ...::1-F-:Lllt. ~ ~' I);-\.·,,·_v.) ~

~ i:J-:t: Jl>ELI\'ERY ~ \;· {':'\Oirm -l-:!f~l+; ~ ~...t!';r/.J"';>-;_//'~-b'" ... ~.../...,.,~ ..... .q-..... ~..,r ... ~~

! ~-~;~~-~~-:~:s· -~ ~;~ -~ ~ ~. -~ MACHINE


S I ill • ..:. t>JT i ng G rccn belt


Frid:ly, ::.V.:acrch 4. Auditorium Arts & Crafts Room Hom.• Ec Room =li::ing Room

Satttr<.lay, :\Iarch 5 .\uditorium . -\udttor·ium A.•.uiitorium I >i:::::g Rm & KitchPn

~-n:d.ly. ::\Lu·ch 0 .-\:tolitr>:·ium A•·:, ._\:: C:-:tft;; & HumP >~~· ... (: c·::t;--;s F!...>on1.s

('. ; l.

f {OJ:ll Ec Room ::•)1

' ........ i. j: .\ ~' J :·· : l '""

-\ ; : ; :: z··! .\: l1 ~11, ,

\ ' • ~- i' I :11

't!. ;_; :1: ' . . \. .. ~· l :· :. :­

i !. :;>• i·:l· ~ l_:lir~;~ I·:.Jonl r ~~ ,on1 1~ 1

\\'nil~•·.-;dcty :.\lrJ.I'\'h 1

. -\ ud · :.r 1 !'i urn

. \ tt<:L tr.·rium

. \ r·t.-; & Crafts, Arts &: Crafts, Home Ec & Dining Room Home Ec P.oorn ~::!:i

Thursday. ::\-!arch 10 ,\uditorium .-\rt,; & Crafts Hom•• Ec r'!oom 124 1-!.00I":l :224 l:->om ·1:22

7 p.m. - 11 p.m. 3:45 p.m. - 5 p.m. 8 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. at 9:30 p.m.

9 a.m. - 12 noon 1 p.m. - -l p.m . 7 p.m. - 11 p.m. at 8:30 p.m.

2 p.m. - ;):30 p.m.

·::;"'' p.r:L - ~~ p.!::.

., t;j p.m. - s·;);_; :'.!:L

7 :.J p.:-1:. - ~-:>_, ·.·~·"'

,'. ~-) p.rn - :OJ::;.\ 11.~·n .. ·' .,.,n. 10 p.m.

.. ~;-, p.!n. - 6 :;).1"!:.

., p.m. - 7 }).nl. :;.n1. - 9 p. n1.

... ;:-; pr!L - ~ :~~-j ~ .L·:

'"'": :~!) lJ.fl1.

:;: !;) p.nl.. - o:;~u p.rn.

G p.m. - 3 p.m . s p.m. - 10 p.m . 3:45 p.m. - 5 p.m . 6:45 pm. - 8:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. - 10 p.m.

8 p.m. - 10 p.m.

S p.m. - 10:30 p.m. 3:45 p.m. - 5 p.m . 6:45 p.m. - 8:30 p.n:. 3:45 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.:n. S :00 p.m. - 10 p.m.

Your Investment Greenbelt Home

Youth Center Junior Choir J~ Services Bridge Club

Boys Cluh Youth Recreation Youth Center JCC Membership meet.

Baptist showing of "Oil Town USA" R :ligimts Servke~

(";r~'t:nbPH f3a~1..l

(;ir~ Scout!--(;irl Scnuts Chor·al Group )'I'd hodist Grou;>

U .. r:•·,. 1 ;:-onp PTA :'.Ltj·J:··.·t:• -~ r:0y~' Chb ( ; i ~.-1 Scc1Ll t::

Cirl Sec:1ts Grel'nb.-it Cit. Ass'n

JCC Boys Club Youth Center Girl Scouts Girl Scouts Girl Scouts Meeting l\IPthodist Group

1\-[en',; Gym Girl Scouts Girl Scouts JCC Baptist Group Methodist Group

In The Coming Election MemiM~rs of the Board of Directors

of GVHC • He has live·d in the same house since the beginning of Greenbelt.

• ·He hM proper educational attainments, fiscal ability and experience in real property mana!':ement.

• •

Ht~ is a memt-(·r of the Community Church and charter member of Post 136, A:mE"ric.an Legion.

HE· is an official of the U.S. Treasury Department, was twice commissioned in the U.S. Marine Corps (Regular Service), holds permanent certificate valid in the public a:1d private schools of Texas for life.

He had combat service in World w·ar One, receiving numerous citations and de-corations for dist :nguished and exceptional gallantry in action; winner of both the Austin Alumni and Board of Regents scholarships to the Uni~ versity of Texas.

He gn·w Greenbelt's prize winning hedge in a city wide contest .

He and his wift> hav~ tried to follow Edgar A. Guest's admoniton that, ''It talws a lot of living n a place to make it home".

/>.,.;;;_ - H'hilc not an af1ornry. he has stlldierJ laze at the Unirersity of Texas7 irz resid~"I!'.'C. ami li.'l cr.>rrespondcnce from the enit'ersity of Ch·icago.

\\",. in\'ic•: ;.!I nt•·mber::; tv comp to our home and see what we have done with grass, flowers. trees awl shrubs.

Your Vote and lnftuence Are Respectfully Solicited

Page 6: i. ~tuitw - Greenbelt News Reviewgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19550303.pdf · i. ~tuitw AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPJ~PER Vol. ] 9, No. 30 Published fverv Thursdav By The GrP.Pnn ...

~ {? -· • ...- •• -

CLASSJJ~IED T t"PEW'fiiTER sezvt~. CJeaitJn o,·erhauling, repairing. Eleetri~ s~!Uldard, portable. R. F. PoJanci' GR. 3-2537, nights and Weekends WANTED .

A Communication

CountyHe~thNeeds Short Of Standards

S('r...-ic.-.s tbt.>y fed should be ofJ'er-ed county resi·:it!Dts. Requests have be>.·n made :!or tunds to hire eight ·•dditiona; nJI"Ses including a mu-:h '"·•d•·•J public hf'tllth nursing SUP€r­,-;c.o:- .-\!so inciud .. d in thl' ntw ··:Jdg.-t ·•r·· n·qu•.•sL<; to pnnidt· mPn­r.al hu1l~h cli:~ic s•·r-vic•·s and t!w :.o·n"i•·•·;; c,f a .hl•alth ('ducator. The.5t' IJudg.-t pro~:Nia.ls will soon be co~-

March 3, 1955 : GREENBELT NEWS RE.'VI~W Five

- Houses in Gr~nbelt. ~ave prospective buye,rs for hous-€S and apartments Will b I

By Fay lA> .-~ • ..,..,.... Prine<: Cf'orges County 1Jt:bhc

health St'l"Vices fall far b<'!o· ... · thc­recomm•·ndt'd minim·Jm r• q·J:r·:­mcnts. Our county has only thir-


· · egadto assist Greenbeltf'rs in selUn~ theu homes. GREE!-

Prepared Rt.>asonablt.>

By Tax Accountant

COMPANY, 151 mer Police Stati< TELEVISIONSi fessionaJ elect.ric~ the finest of m. ment. RCA RegiJ: make. any modE ized Service. GR 38~·· ..

( ;REENBELT M 'Jmorp Blvd. Use iJOllght and sold.

I ;I{};f..:NB.E:LT Jo:vpn ings, we(,ke t·;d Homp ~ervi :-•·a:;onabl,•. w i·'rr'f' tulw f.<>>:tir 1 ,:>nrt·l Hill. C:t! .; ,-,·176,

·:· J :i-:-1-:\·;~J:.~-::~ · ...... t,·d r:·,.,. r~··n

.~r: ~; . ..;t. \':r~tlPl , . ._., r:: 1 t1;)1·. J{idd

~:;l 1 J'('. ffrJ:n·s ~~ l'

::- :~ l K~~.

: >!(!·;s:--,.\1 Af;: !.'<"< ;· \! r~. J!r-~:-:;(·ll. ~-I­r >-1!~:--/j.

YOUTH . g)<;J) a1 1 ~t··tson:.tu1P. ( ;R.

r:::<:<>lVn:T/~x---;:;t •·u by •·:-..p<·rt ta:--: ::tma.bk. G·liJ CR.

frAr>Pv·s-:rc~ li•·s. for t.h,tt lat.~ ti•·ss<>rt.s - pick UI :"'-.WJ. "Happy," nR. l<~y. .:\-Ton.. TuE f·'ri., Sat.. Sun .. 9 f 'ints. quarts, hal

T3'R'"'IVER to Penb ·~o 5, call 3491.

WANTED: CHAT •·ipw offict' to kPe l'ortable •'l.lld the Call 3131 TtwS<L<ty

HELP WANTED: ers for tht' News F 1i<•<·. 9 Parkway, 'I i:.:rB::LP W .AN'iJ<~D; who dl'iv•·s past J H::lO 'l'hursday mo tH:wspaper copy t :31~H Tuesday I'VPni r:th1·r times. WA'l'.-rED: MAN ( wan L> to make ext: ing ads for tht> N1 15~; commission 1 leads. Wt> nt'f'd th out in tht'ir span• offic(', or phone 31:" lwti"s at 5801.

TWO VACANCI C r<·t>n twit Cooper a e.1 ICt•nter school ••,;tl•d parents <"all CP.. 3-6551.

LOST - Blue Ca _ ... J,..ween Eas~way an -li!JifntimPntal value.

Ea.stway. evening~ ward. GR. 4-5201.

S:!:iJWING Machine machines electrifi guaranteed. Free Stuart at UNion 4-: Sa.tu;·days.

D'l~IVER Wanted t timorE'. 8:30 to 5. (

WObLo LlKE sm~ chiid to care for i working mother. ('lWf~S. GR. 3-3842.

!-'OR SALE: U~c ~:age 8nd 6-foot st.<: Nc. All for $12. \,

SHOP AT THE STOKI!.l tllat comes to your door. &•e our sm:1rt new iim· of :.'~utionally AdvcrtisPd Sp1·ing clothPs. Tots to TN'ns. Bo:rs and (~iris. \\'omen's dressr•s. skirts, blot::-H's. Lil S<"hurr. 31-D F!.idg.· Rd. nn. :3-r,'l31.

r'Of{ SALE - Baby Grand Piano. c,,od condition. Rec•·ntl~· t t1 n•·'l. Cal I <a{. 4-9366

I<,Ift~T DAY COVER...-5. C'omph·l•• s .. t av.·tilablt·. Hl':'lsonablt•. c;n .. ,. :::?151'

H f:·;-L-;-:P:-::-,\\:-:-' A--:--=-N=:-T::cF.:::.-=o--=I<,:-:E::::.M::---:-c_o\1,-,..,. t-=":""'---::Pa rt

tim•• groc<'ry dt•rk XortJ1 End ·;turt· - $1.fi0. hr. 6 mornings a Wt.'d1:. Som•· stock work rt'<juirl'c~. Apply Co-op Office.

OOESSMAKING and alteratiOIL'i. .VJ:rs. Russt>ll, 2-F ~·(·.stway. GR. 4-8956.

t GEORGE BLOO~I GR. 3-2151 ---------------------------

To All Members of GVHC Protect In Your


Y (•ur Investment (ireenbelt Home

For Voting

HENLEY M. GOODE, Sr. In The C·oming Election

For Membera of the Board of Dire<:tors of GVHC

• He has liv•·d in the ~:lllw lwuse ~:ince tlw beginning of Greenbelt.

He h:·1s prc•J•<·r ··du(':~ti<•nal att:'.inments. fiscal ability and experience in real )JI'OJwrl y m:1nagt"nwnt.

He is a nwmbvr 11f the l't~mmunity Church and charter mcmb~r of Post 136, Amer;can Lf'gi .. ;-~,

H(' is an otlici:ll ,,r the l·.~- Treasury Department. was twice commissioned in tht~ C .S. ~brine l't •rps ( RPgular Service). holds permanent certificate \'alid in the publie and j•rivatt• schools of Texas for life.

He had combat service in \\', •rid \\'ar OnP. rece1vmg numerous citations and dt'Corations fur· distinguislwd and t·xceptional gallantry in action; winner of both the Attstin Alumni and Board of Regents scholarships to the Uni­versity of Texas.

He grew Gr<·(:nbelt's prize winning hedge in a city wide contest.

He and llls wift• ha-..·e trit·d to follow Edgar A. Guest's admoniton that, "It take-s a lot uf living in a plan· to make it home".

P.S. - l~'hilr nr,/ 1111 llltonl('/. hr has .~f11dicd laze at the Uniz·ersity of Te:~;as, in residetzn·. and f,_IJ cr,ru spmzdniC{' from the Unit·crsity of Chicago.

\V(• invite all nH mbers to t.:(>me to our home and see what we have done with grass. flowers. trees and shrubs.

Vote· and Influence Your Are Respectfully Solicited

...... ...__ -"' '-""-' ... ,.,'11;;& ~~ u•t• t.eH.(_·n-§ § ~ ~

• Ht• had eombat senice in '.Vorld War One, rece1vmg numerous citations and d<·-corations for distinguished and exceptional gallantry in action· ·wianer of both the Austin Alumni and Board of Regents scholarships to the Uni­Vt>rstty of Texas.



r 8

!ation ~r

rship meet.

ving of JSA" ~rvices

.p rnup

1 - 'PTA

t. Ass'n

\!eeting ·oup

p ·oup


c·r~l are having .a farewell party on Th11~day afternoon for Mrs. Mar­toni', who ha.s bpen Y,"Orking in the <Yl.l'•·t('ria. ::'\frs. Marton!' 1s going t_o Italy to join h•·r husband .... -tt•> wa.~ transf.·rr•·d thpro• \'l-ith t!-;,­{'.S. Stat<' DPp,,rtr.1Pnt.

!-'Of! ~ALE - \\'rist A:.trm \V;lkh · l~t-lnd nt·\a.·. ~ ... ,.i.'-'~. \Vi!l :-:o;p~J for $1.S

C'anwr.ts: Rt·tina ri-A_ Ko<:i:d-< Bac;­l tm ~lW<'iaL a:.d Tk0tl•·x. All hi;::':' tjll:tlity ··•·ith m.u:y :<utnrn;1tic f,., lllr-,·~- Audi·> .t!ld RHdio r'Ajt;ipment

§ • Ht• gn:w Crt'enbelt's prize winning he<Jge in a city wide contest. ~~ ~ ~ • Ht• ~U1d his wift> have tried to follow Edgar A. Guest's ndmoniton that, •·rt ~ tai<es a lot c,f living in :• plact• to make it homt:"". §

1 am ;;elling out .1 iarge quantity nf .-~ .. .-tronic_-; and radio parts. Ca:J (;R -1-9233 <"Vt•nings or WCI'iu·nds.

T.V. AXD RAIJIO - Tubt·;;t·;:st~-d and n•placed. Bring yours a.:1d ~-aV•' Larry Miller. 21-:-1 Ridge. GR. 3-~J46tl.

~ l-'' H'hii,- 111Jt wz attorn~·.u. he has studied laH· at the UHiPersity of Texas, §

~ 1•1 res1dr·ncf'. an,f i1y • '-'rn·sprJnrh·n,·e from the C'nit·ersity of Chicago. · § ~ \\',· in\·it•: :.!! m. mb.:·r:; tu cume to our home and see what we have done i y with gra...;s, ftowt>r·s. trees and shrubs. -~

§ § ~ Your Vote and Influence ~ f Are Respectfully Solicited ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Page 7: i. ~tuitw - Greenbelt News Reviewgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19550303.pdf · i. ~tuitw AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPJ~PER Vol. ] 9, No. 30 Published fverv Thursdav By The GrP.Pnn ...

/~----·­,~~/ - ~x--'. \ I ,.l.j- I '·· ·· • GREENBELT NEWS REV1EW March 3, 1955

CATHOLIC CHURCH itLJI ~~~~ Training Course Girl S<:out.s Adll;t

COMMUNITY CHURCH ,~ \ ~TELEVISION SER"VIC:E \ ~ t\. GU.81'anteecl TV Repetn ', "Y

. - § Any Make 0·n Any Model

cour."'' i>Pginning :\fare.'"! i Ht 7:30 in the Cent£'r s~·hool

Fnd:l)·. ~!areh4: F"i~t Fridoy of th, nwnth - }.fa_<.~ at 7 a.m. with Hr.Jy Communion r..:-!ng. d.ist.ributc<.l !.,-,th lwfort: al"d during till' Mass. Df'votions in honor of tile !'>acn;J Hr'6rt following thP Ma.~o;;. Sta· t JOn.s of the Cross: 2 p.m. fo1· chil­d re:1 and parcn ts. 8 p.m. for the o·n tiN' pvish.

.:':aturday, March 5, 8:30, Pairs and Spares Party, Social Bali.

Sunday, Ma:-ch 6: :Morning Wor­ship at 9 and 11; &rmon by Mr. Braund "Lord, Teach us to Pray." Participating in the .servic~ will be the &v. Paul McCleave home tbi.s week from the Ecumenical Col­kg<' of the World Council of Churches. Geneva. Switzerland; he is tht' brother-in-law of Mrs. El­len Llr:son. Church School ,'J.S fol­iows: 8 and 11 Nursery, Primary, Kin<krgartcn; 10 .Tuniors, Junior and Scm.ior High, College Age, AduiL'>. 6 p.m., Junior High FeJ­Io-.,·ship; 7 p.m. &nior H.igh Fel­lowship. 7:30 p.m. Second Sunday in Lent evening service: speaker will he the Rev. Stanley Knock of th;· Mel:hodist Church.

dime banks to be given to all who arc enrolled in S•mday School. The Chapel is growing and there is an urgent need for a chu:-ch building. A slogan that will be used in this property fund drive wiU be "Give a lot to buy a lot."



' (

I /

~ by l'rotestrioD&I Eleetnt.~


RCA Registered Dealers Philco Authorized Sales

&&rvice Sales on Tclevbdoa. RadJo,

Electric ~ ~I'll

Call GR 3-4431

GR. 3-3811 TO. 9-6026


Bernard's Adelphi Beauty Salon

r,onrv.!rly 'A;th Ant.oin"'s of Gal'tlnckel's


2422 l'nh·PJ'!IIib L:uw Arlf'lphi Shopping C(·nt•·r

Open daily 9 to 6 Wed. and Fri. to 9

Phone HArrison 2-3275 for appointment

C~:>nff'l!sions: Saturday a.!tc moon frrm 3:~:0 tn 5:30 p.m. a.nd in th·~ o·v•·::ing from 7 to 9 p.m. O>nf('-5-"'n:-.~ will be hei\rd aftt-r tho> Nc­,.,.llit :w-rvic{'S or; V>P<!n(>Sd.ay e\·e­ni,.gs during Lr-nt.

:,,,nday: Masst'.s: 7:30. S:30. 9:30 Hnd ll a.m. 'This i.s Oonurnnion !';:nday for memlH-rs of tlle S.>dB.Ii· ty itt thf' 7:30 Ma..~. Tl'f'n-ag:o So­da !:sts will r€'~'l'ive at th£' S :30 .\fa .. '<s.


N'>rth Eod School Stanlf'y F. Knock, Jr.. Minister

4.2-1, JUdge Rd. - Phone 9410 Sunday, Mar~h 6 - 9:30 a.m., Sun­

day School &rvice. Classes for d.ll ages. Mr. Herbert Irvin, Super­intendent. 11 a.m., Morning Wor­ship, conduct,ed by Rev. Knock. This is the third Le11ten Service. A n:Jrsery is provided for smaller children. T e!evislon Service Compan v

~~.q..~~ .....

'-----------------~----------Hapti.!lms · Sunday, J p.m. Pl(·a~•·

"·':-:t;H:-t 1-'atlwr Dowgiallo bcfon·· h.<nd

:\-[ondHy, ::.\{arch7: 6:30 p.m. Fam­ily St.)1c CovPrcd Dish Supper; 7:30 p.m. Moving picture ""The Begin­ning"; !'! p.m. AnnuaJ Busint-s~ :\fPPting of the Congrf'gation.

nunda;o;·. M<lrch 6 - 6 p.m., MYF, at the Bailey residence, 21-P Ridge.

May we su,ggest that: every-

• 1ft Greenbelt one consider

advertising in your home-town

newspaper, th•~ Greenbelt News

Review, ao that it may grow

into a bigger and better news-

paper to benefit us aiL

A friend[ of GreE~nbelt

\\', dn .. s<lay · 1< p.m.. Mirac11Jou,; \!o·rj;tJ :,",;o)\"£'lln follm.n•d by :Jlort .. , rn:<•n •'Uld B<·nr-diction of U1•• .\l"~t Blr>t;sr·d Sacramrnt. Confes. ''"~'~ following tho· s,.rvkcs. 8:31) 1 • m . Rf"gula r mon lhly r:-,p(•tin ;;- of tho SodaLty with a Question Box • rmductt'd by Fatht•r Dowg'iallo.

GREENBELT LUTHERA~ foAiwanl H. Birnf'T, Pa&tor

PllOI'N": GRanite 3-US3 Sunday, March 6: 9:45 a..m., Sun·

chy School and adult Bible Class. Cla:<.s.-s are held for aJI age groups. Raymond Carriere, Superintcnd•?nt. 8:~ lUld 11 a.m .. Church Servi.~cs. &onnon by tht· pastor. Visitors are R.!w::ty.'l wc•lcomc. A nursery is maintl'l.ine-d during the 11 o'cl)Ck '-<'nice for the- lx>nclit of parents ,,·ith <mall childrf'"Tl. 4 p.m., \\'al· thf'r IA"ague mCE"ts.

\\'f'(lnt'sdl!ly, March 9: 8p.m.,Serv­ice of wor~hip in obsf>rvancc of the sr·;\.SQn of I..ent. ~rmon topic: The Pf'ace of God. Sermon by Pa1<tor Birnrr.

HEBREW SERVICES Ho·bn·w So!'I"Vic(•:; "ill 1x> hl'ld in

tht• Homt- ·Ekonomic_.. Rcotn at R p m.. Friday. Mazx:h -4. 0\nd:c­lightin;~ tim•'. 5 31 p.m.


GIN!n W. Samn4'>1son. Pastor ~-E FUU..<;ide - HP..anite 4-!M.U

Sunday, March 6 - 9:45a.m., Sun­day Sch•>ol. Classes for all ages. .:":u1's<"ry for infants and toddlers. J. S. Stc~wart. Jr., .superintendent. 11 .-:-~..m., Morning Worship. Pastor Sa.muelsc•n will preach on the subject "A True Witness.'• The Lord's Supper will be observed

during this service. 2:30 p.m., Doo.rs of Center School will be opened tor the s h o w i n g ol the B!lly Graham film. "Oiltown, U.S.A." 6 p.m., Tm..ining Union for all a.g('s. 7 p.m. to 7:45 p.m., Eve­ning Worship. The pastor will use "Peace \\'ith God" as his rnessagf' theme.

Monday, March 7 - 7:45, Sunday School Associational meeting at the Centennial Baptist Church. Wash­ington. D. C. Cars will leave the parsonage at 7 p.m.

Thursd.<Jy, March 10 - 7:30 p.m., Prayer &·rvice at the Parsona.ge. 8:30 p.m., Choir Rehearsal.

Plans a:re underway to promote the "Chapel Property Fund" using

MondGy, March 7 - 4-:30 p.m .. .\fembcrship Training class, at the Parsonn.~e. 42-L Ridge. 8 p.m., \VSCS 1\f~ting, Room 225, Center ~ehool. The topic will >be "Our .!'l"eighbor·· and Mrs. Meade will be in cl:nrge of the meeting.

Wl'dnesday, March 9 • 4:30 p.m., ·''lcmbershi!> Training Cla.'JS.

Thursday, March 10 • 8 p.m , Choir Rehearsal at the Center school, Room 122.

St. J-lugh's Mission Starts March 20

A Mission. "1.\iU be held in St. Hugh's parish beginning on March .20 and continuing for two weeks to April 3. Rev. Laurence P. Sul­li'\:an, a Holy Cross father, will con­duct the Mission. By the ww ''Mission'' is meant that Cathoiks assist in~ set of spiritual exerc~cs including prayers, listening to ser­mons and hymns with the in ten· tion of increuing or enriching their faith in God. The Lenten season is considered an especially appropriate time for such acts of spiritual dcvot.;on.

The first week of the lV""...isSkm will be for men and the second week for men.

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