Jack Colasanti 21 st Century Skills Period 6A. Overpopulation of the earth can have many affects...

Overpopulation Jack Colasanti 21 st Century Skills Period 6A

Transcript of Jack Colasanti 21 st Century Skills Period 6A. Overpopulation of the earth can have many affects...

OverpopulationJack Colasanti21st Century SkillsPeriod 6A


Overpopulation is a major topic that badly hurts our environment today. Overpopulation results in major pollution, overcrowding of certain areas and all of the people take up too many natural resources. Doing these things does hurt the environment badly. There are also many more affects from overpopulation. Many people are concerned with this today. “Look at the large problems that we face- that would be overpopulation, water shortages, global warming and AIDS, I suppose- all of that needs international cooperation to be solved,” this quote was said by Molly Ivans, an American newspaper columnist and author. She is saying that everyone needs to help out if we want things in our world to get better. Overpopulation of the earth can have many affects such as starvation of people, usage of natural resources, pollution and overcrowding of certain areas which can be severely bad for our environment today.




of Wildlife

General Effect:



Effect:Loss of natural





Effect: Shortage

of resources,

pollution, and

issues in the


QuoteO "The hungry world cannot be fed until and unless

the growth of its resources and the growth of its population come into balance. Each man and woman - and each nation - must make decisions of conscience and policy in the face of this great problem," said Lyndon B. Johnson (Population Elephant, 2014). Johnson was the 36th president of the United States of America after President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. This quote basically states that us, the United States of America, have to come together to face this problem. We need to be united and try to fix this problem together, as a nation.

ETHNOGRAPHY I started by speaking to my Mom.

Q: Are you aware of our overly populated population?A: Yes, yes I am.Q:Are you aware of the results of overpopulation?A: Yes, I am aware. Some of the results that I know are: fewer resources and fewer jobs for people.Q: Are you aware of the affects of overpopulation on the environment?A: Yes, things such as: air pollution and smog.

ETHNOGRAPHY Next, I started to ask my Dad some questions

Q: Are you aware of the affects of overpopulation?A: Yes. Some of the affects are: shortage of food, poverty, and shortage of jobs.Q: Are you aware of the affects of overpopulation on the animals?A: Yes, because we take over their habitats, and their habitats will become smaller and smaller.Q: Do you know the current population of the earth?A: No. I do not know the current population. But I do think that it is about 7 billion.


As of January 2014, there are about 7,205,419,981 people in the whole entire world.

About 3,600,000 children have been born this year so far.

There have been about 1,500,000 deaths this year.

Population ChartThis chart states that around 2014, we have about 7 billion people in the whole entire world. Around 2040, we are supposed to have about 9 billion people in the world. So, in the next 26 years, our population is supposed to go up about 2 billion people.

Population Chart• Over the past

couple of years, many people have immigrated to the U.S. About 13.5 million people have immigrated here. In the 1800s, the least people immigrated here. From 1931-1940, not many people immigrated here. Less people immigrated here because of problems in their home countries.

The most water that we use in the world is for agriculture, industry and domestic water uses are the least. The world uses a lot of water, and many people do not know this.

Water Chart

Suggestions for the Future

Overpopulation is sort of a new topic that is coming around. There are many different ways that people can help with this topic. Because of overpopulation, many animals are being affected, many forests are being chopped down, and many people are homeless and are living on the streets. If I could research more, I would probably start to research the Endangered Species Act. I would research this because overpopulation can cause these problems. As the population rapidly grows, there are new needs for more resources, such as trees, for paper. When these trees are cut down, we are cutting down the habitats of animals. To help save all of the animals, we can create reservations so that the animals can get the right amount of food and a good habitat. Also, I would try to research what other countries are doing for the major topic, overpopulation. I would probably try to research what China’s law was to let each family only have one child. This helped their population. There are many ways to help the major topic, overpopulation.

Works Cited PageWORKS CITED PAGE 1. (Population Elephant. The Best Quotes on Overpopulation. N.p.: n.p.,

2014. Web. 21 Jan. 2014)

2. (Conserve Energy Future. Overpopulation. N.p.: n.p., 2013. Web. 13 Jan. 2014.)

3. (Saracino, Adria. Care2. N.p., 8 Apr. 2012. Web. 21 Jan. 2014.)

4. (Einsphen, Andrew. The Environment: Overpopulation. New York, New York: Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., 2013. N. pag. Print.)

5. (The Population Institute. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2014.)

6. (Audubon. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2014.)

7. (WorldoMeters. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2013.)
