J THE GOUVERNEUR HEftALO Offdenttmrg Adi X L ~r-if I...

THE GOUVERNEUR HEftALO -in. .iln r. i^^i^Mii&^U k ki ml i wlii ^trrrr- ir J ' ! •*- , -^-^---- *- •' [&« LI Oil: (H« Wort* wkl) fhrcrlt* If tho THIAUEHOFftTR PREHfEEKTS. I ' n«r^«r. if ir«li it, 1*77. !f*^nmmBmnwNPrwnm»"« I.AItlKT SF.W*. ftxl6rl< k IXnigUaa' nnftilfmlloii 1*1 Mftr.hut U ronllrnmil; aovorul I 3 ! . : ' iv I I')- P. J it <! /. > I^moomu foted nir h|m. ()*n. fIrani will jr* adiro&d In M«v tn'reftmln for fW«» ream. . f l m nfTklra of the C'fTiitTnotiffil T.lfr Ift^nmnre: Company uliow Unit It* »t*riftg<tfn*"t WM not only lonae hut Vloloiifl. Hen. tleorjfe It, MVrbdluii lift* boon nominated HttperintendnM of Public Work* of tho Htate of Now York, Tha adjournment of (hi Menulr foftVet Vivo President WhJeler frvc io h*ftd thii fioffiiiiUnloii ur vMf the I «nt*ltled Htatea, of which ft K<>n<l I drnl hut born mlil, and wlth-li la llkeh ' 0oofi to lie made opt j The Will of tho Uln .Toarph i,c\vta ( Of llohokcii, who lelf ii nilltloii to tin jorerntnent, U belnjf contented by * KOmin claiming to bo hta nloeev 4 1ft ikf ruti* of Mnry K* Oliver T*rlO« t i l t e d Htadea HMIittor Minion ttentftrttii »t Waahingfon, tor iirench of prom Wo, defendant hmtf filed u plea Iliad bo n)ever tirotnlted ft* alleged* Vnw Vtkk v\ty ofllrUlt nro In ro tiilpl of |a|fnr« from Kutopo Htnttny ! lml Hh«rkoy t Urn mtinlort'r, wbt» U«l frmtl Madrid lifter thftoitm<1ltlot» tuf Twaed frtttn Vigo, U In AH 'Knro |Mfaf) ttatu flom whit h bo ran b# , tetradUDd, bo bavlng been IdentIrtnl t'# m portrait i^iit on In atuwor to |»ejnv|oti« nommniil* iitlon, I>#l#fatlofia fejife«eiitln|f Oof. <!tiaml>orlaln ami Wado llaitipton i^lliMt Ml tba President yo^tero^ay to iifffi lb* olalmA of tho rival Hover- ii#r«« i W|tl¥. fV~k»rd Ii fo^rulllntf troop* Iff New Orleans, ami tbroaton* to tt^t« ftlrelltla pnaaeMlon of tlio Ktuti U|»v«rnment. tlov. NbdiolU ba« ai^ra«ted M>maof h U r e m i l t l n g oflb or» ai(d haa Inigoo legal titdAmiro* foi ill|i|HNMfia«lng bho. *Tha l*emoerat* In the Ohio l.e/l* lalttra Were finable to fiinko a notnl nation ftrir r i i l ^ d Htato* Mounter, itof reHolfo<l to vote blank It) opoi aa^aloiu tfttA Hr:^I^M or <OMJI<;I:MH. } With I be pra< tlral rnrUlnfV tbiit an| e i t r a ae««lort of t'ortfrrn** will o< oa|lod ( rumor* ara living iilmm W^Uilililgtoii of a rotilltloti bot\vr*'i th# Itepobllrafi* ami tbo Hoot ben iMfnoorat* looking to tho oigtuiUu tbfn of the I lot no'. Tito <*oh<<«poii dalit of The l'hlladolpbtt% TIMIOM tolo ||r$pb* to that paper a* follow*: "Ii I* |»elng wbl*porod that tbo Admin titration party aro mnklng overture* to the I'oiiioorut* of tlio Mouth t<* pofmlt a lto|iiiblbMin orgitnl/utlofi <>i tba nefct llon«o f ondor tbo !i'iidomh'|» cif tlarfleld, In return lor<il«olf govern tlHitit, and river and harbor, levee, railroad, and intermit Improvement appropriation*. If, U iMMfaln that many ttotftharn ttieti take kindly to thU proposition. Whether they will I reJialn In that attitude nfler llaye" < has withdrawn tbo troop* Iff Mouth Carolina ami LouUlAna remain* yH to ha •eon* llaye* hn* ooitnlnlv th< vantage ground now. WLII bo hivo It after be Mltall h a v e permitted lot nl government to bo re«t<irollf" TKH »nrtrio*. Col. Rt»berf ltiger*oll dellyofed * t#e I nro In Mlelnwuv Hull, Now Ymk. Thni^day ovotilng, wbbb ha* ut trailed wblo vpreail iitfontloii and rip pi oval. Wo wUh wo hud *paee for It entire, and regret w o m^i ohly glvo tho <1o*lug appoul for a rotVllul union td the whole nation- whb It w a * a t fotlnwa, Hpeaklng of Provident llaye*' ontirno bo «tild ; III tba pollthii! liMprVof Ilio Wdtld there ha* boon no grander, no nubll itier art, Itomombor, now, Hint thU waa done In tbo mbUt of pollttiul rx i ttemetit, when tfov«a«rm of hittowri* id Ita doroont ; whin tho democrat t< |»Afly of tbo North \vu* ilenoiiiirliig the pre*li1eot ua n Auud mid ihoit , when It waa domandi d tbut Mr, Tit den take the oath of otllro ami tin heath the hoMorou* «wotd of < Ivll War. Iln<<ollo< i tbU Wit* w h e n (hot teaolVod III eongio*< th»t t ho tlo< h>b»n <»f t b o H i g h t 'oiiimUtilon wan llb'gkl atld Vohtf wlOMt iM'iiiitoia lit thrh idaeaa were obarglng Judge* of tin* Hliproito Com f with porjurv, willful OAd eOrrupt. ; when toon In hij?h plaoo* worn pmlhtlng the ilownfili cf tbo Itopuolb' ; wlnn tbo <b'iuo rratlo portion of tho logUbituro ot Ohio puhlMy iriiotim«<l ill ronil tfoitoo In Hod, the proHldnit, rising ahoVO the pttM*loii4, pro|u«lho«^ an<l hatred* of the liour, ubuve every *'on •Uleratlon e^rept the honor, theglorv and |irO«pe*ilty of tho whole rountrv, aaltl i " l«ol tl« bn biolhvr* , b t HM tor got tliO p4*tt ; lot u*t toilet o v o i > t Ii I l i a Otiopt the debt w o o w e t o t h e brave men Who waved our nation. | \ p plauae. | hot ti* illg a grave, ami «lig It Wide, a n d d i g It diW|i f nml let U* throw Into thl* *epulober tho t IIUIIIH and whip* ami an. Hon bio* k*t ; let u* leave there Our • prejudhe*, the hatred*, and bout bunting* of tho year* that are dond, ami let ni bury them out of the "Ight of men, ami over them all 1^* u* write |bU opl taph f i I barred to forgeifttlrie**. 1 I We havo fought, and hated enough. Our rountrv UproMtialn; labor U In r*g* ; enorgv b a* e m p t y h a n d ; t ln> , Wbeol* of the tin tot y at" «tlll ; In t)te * T j fafb of pnidenee money lie*, lorkrd 1 by the key of fear. Contldeme U what we need ; ^oufldenrn In eaeb ethor \ ernlldeiieo In our hint itut Ion*,; lit our form of \(fiveruiiienl # in t bej 1 ' great nilure; eonlldeneo In law ; roit ^ * lidetteo In liberty, In progre**, and In ^ the grand de*tlny of tbo groat repub ••\ Ho, I aiteinl to yon, eaeb and all, v * the tillvo iNPtneli uf peare. Mllow cltlfeuaor tlfti Houtli, I ho- Oeix h you to take It. Uy the memory »< < L of tlUNMt who died for naught, by tho eltarTed remain* of your remembered * » home*, by the a*be* of your Mate* «" •! men dea«l, for tlio «akn of your lotia mid your daughter*, and their fair s children yet to \H\ I Implore you to * t ' tok# t* w,Ul ,ov,,, « ••^ wUh ,or,l, "* 1^» bands, H will rultlvate y«n;r waated , \ n V laid* i It will robulld your towna and * / oUUa | II will fill youreotrem with ^ ')$ $»M l ** wUl •^ M0I||# l,r ^tilhlreii ; #* t i IIWlU twall tba aallt of your oom- Yit% IMIW} II Will ••u«« tba rvtat ! • Jay V '.! tt tfaabif *»* ^>ln |k #ttr iht brvfcan It; ttl* Mortl will fbrglte If tho Hontft will forgjnt. i Take It; the nogro will wlpoftrorathe} tablet of memory the *troke* and th^ *<**t* of two hun- ilred yeara^ anf hli^rwlth happy tear* the record of bI* wrong*. Take It ; it will untto o'b* lUtion ; it will make u* brotherionrje aglAln. Take it; and ju*t lee will *ll|lft {your rent re un<ler the out«pread White wing* of peaoe. Take If,; and t|io l^niln and tho lip* of the future wjlll l>o free. Take it; It. will bud fcnd blo**om in your hand*, and till lyoi^r bind with fnig- rum o and wUh jhy. Take it; and wo have pa«*ed tint midnight of our polltlool hUtorV, a|id the *tarofbopo herald* again tiho t*l*lng *un« I-- I - I - One of the ijio*f; di*itMiroii* ludler explosion* on ifee(uf<J, In thlaeouutry, took plaee at a|«ii\V mill in Worthing- ton, Indtaart, Irriil-ty. v\ n e w net of tnaohirtory \vn«< beifig ttiofl, mid nine- teen pervclti* iVQio, i n ' t h e huildiiig watt blnjf the f operation.j Suddenly Ibe boiler of |l|o i^ill tixii'loded, kill- ing twelve of tlijo *piritator* nm\ hand*, and iWf^>d«ly u'<ouuling tho other *eveli, L I ' I ti.rtf- 1—. Kli Mil, MWItVH M < K* THIAUEHOFdVR PREHIEEHT^ Goh. Or^iit waa otfe of tho thrco prealdentu iff tho United Btatea who hare pa««ed their Oft loth birthday In the elenitive ofllce; the other two Indng Mr. iVllc, who hntered the of- fice iilwiit ociven montlli before he wan fifty year* old, and General Pierce* who became pr<**ident ih bis forty- ninth year, j General Washington ftv-e p; ~w *'. C •- i |. UfeSKRALTIEvTS. During tlie yeAr 187« the United Sqkte* yielded 420,1)00,000 poundfe of rokln. ... j » - . .V It Ii «aid the demand for Itory in England cause* tho death of 50,000 el- phAntfl annually. . / ''}: .ili* '^ V'i T" fHfc GAjJibWS IH HOI TH CAEO- U*A. 1 - r*>Jv 'Bfigrolea Hanged for marker arid Araon!»4 Companion Respited ^yj Gov. Hamp^fou. K>%, ha* a spring of water 1.5 feet in diameter, whom* bottom na* nev.er |ope«'M)0foot long havo been lowered into it. « , wa* In his flfty-e gbt rear when be i , , ,A. , , l4 , 4 . . . . . . . nof, n reaebod, although weight* with, became preRidenl ; John Adams wa* ' Ip hi* sixtv-Hoeoihd ; .Ie0er*on in bin flfly^iohth; Maili*on in hi* Hftv- eighth; Moni**e| in his fifty-ninth; John Cjuiti({y Adams In hi* fifty- eighth; General Jaek*on )n hla*itty- *econd ; V ni(i Hul-en in bis iifty-fiflh \ fjienernl llaijrison in hi* nixty-ninth ; Tyler in IIIK lifty-^ecoml ; General J Taylor in hi* aUty-fif'th ; Iiineoln in Id* fifty-third^ and Johnson in his ilfly»*cvonth year, fleneral HariiKon WftM the oldest man ever eleetetl tc» the pro*hloticy anil fieneral (irant wa* tin* youngest. Washington, Jetler- *otb Madison and John (Juincy Ad- IIIII* were |n their llfly-eigbtb years X The evident tendency of Mr. Hayes' policy l$ito make elections hereafter, what thy>y have often failed (to be in the paatj* a real indication of the pop- ular preference*. At the Hotitb he is AIIKKX, S. C\, March 10.—0ji the id | endeavoring to do away with bayo- of November last two quiet German*, \ net campaigns and false counting ; at _^ named- Houscmann and i'ortmann, . the North be purpo*e* to disjiense Thomad M. Butler, of Frodonia, j , ivi ^ R f o u r m i ,; M f m n | t h i R }%H , W(M „< wi(h fhr h i MH v'oi' po.t otiieoivand m i Offdenttmrg Adi 1 877. 1S7»T ;1 C&: *p-r Fmridtmre. pu RNITUEE. murdered, their house robbed, set <,n j uruager^ in *'<ir«r.»ni/.imr vlef'UT ,% fi IT J and burned. Suspieion attn:*h* -ii Hrdu rj to t^eliiJist oNpresrion i!,e JDKt G O O D S ] J3.feVonlHiaee&CSo. tC? "ifi ^ % V 'f^\ L ARGE8T STOCK OF ~r-if >-m V :^:U^ wl|en they and Mr. M ninth year entered the presidency; on roe completed hi« liffy- onlv flftv-llve day* after "It U HaVnV* htck,' 1 My* an ml- j ho heeamA president, and Jolmtoti mlr^r. f)n f|ie who|e f no, Those J wa* in his 1 lif>y-*l\th year when he who boliovo ln| lliek a* lie Kupei In- | miereeded | > re*ldent Lincoln. Four tetullng IVovldeiffe 'of t)io UIIIVOMO I preahleiitx ivent mil of oftVr* I n - t h e i r tre u*uaily |^r«oh* w|it» have not • *ixty-sl\th Tear, namely Washington, to five negroes named .Nelson ilmwu, ! l vin reforiOH whi-li he i* bringing | Lucius Thomas, Adam Joljusnii. John | in, !t:m t in )i;:s.d. Ui*-nii iiothin*; more [ lleijry I>epti4s t and Sti»phen An lor- ,, t - } t *^ tVm \ t e«.,!i j : f »f, undisturbed Tlo^ proposed Mardi («raa festival J n(m \ who were arrested. Proofs ae- hv oiH< ial inMueii Ciuilulated that they were the right * jrovernod by the parties^ ainl tliey finally niad*»confes-| i-it-ber t\ vin by tjo? p^>lit ft*u <»r t l u siou, and also <*onfe-:-ed to' buvnin^ ; eti-totn-|iou*e. If tle'r*- is arty p.»rt\ CARPETS, irnKi' TMI? IM New York, which was not to boon <% Fat Tuesday*' at all, but to c o m e oil* "out of due time'* on April I, after Master, ha* been postponed until IH, to give further time for prepara- tions. This is vejry m u c h l i k e cole*- brating (Miristmis on tho Fourth of July. - I «'s. a i d a IV" count u!e<* of arithmetie 'I- the Baptist cburrh at Aiken, fir.irder- ! b) the i'lnted .Staf ingia whiie man named Li-vin* arid ! ^orf of reform, hv Otluir crimes. On January Mb Ihev ,l! ' ,(r i^siduit Mr weIIP tried bv •^ oppo^-d to this I all tm .un let it L^O ! \e*. i The Xevada LrWi-daturo has passec a l»ill which the uovornor has aignei i jurv eompo.^i of j Hew'AdvoitisbideiitH. WANTI.W n twidve negroon, eonrieted. and ven- provblinjr that men convi"ted <d a s - s a u l t s u|>jo|n w o m e n , m a y , fd the dis- tem|cd tc» be ham/od on the l»Ith of SKMXM) A* it WALL PAPERS! J. H, AUSTIN, Ogdensburg. \ LARGEST STOCK CA R PET 6 \\ VOKTlfKRV SV.W ViiUK AT Campbbl!, Famjl! & Co.'s 51 ?*'- < mm ft i •*• MatMia Vf^ferdav Gov. \ f\runptefn i ' . e r-spit,.,! An.!ni-«.", for tl.j-ly .!:,,-. j ft 0 3ft £ ll E D ^ L A i T D , This moriiifi;^ the cxeeutpm of the eretion ojfltho judge, be sentenced to j four others tocdv pla«'e in the presence J . rOVTSH ^iijT-l^, ? stand a certain length' of" Time iti a I of about 5.0U0 persons. The Sherill*, lln* nperte<t the I-ifK^^tftn<tB^-^t Stock of s IN NORTHERN NEW YORK, Dry Goods andCirpet House, I * ' ' ' • • ' ' ' ' Atmo-f rnt?u«ry of their awn m»kr. * .Vo iV f *ohri Sf t , WtrUrfotrH* X. Y\ SP'TR.l NO SfiiCK J S*; I TIIOT ^»il1 pot 1>r nnilcrpoM hv *nr >olrrnt ei^ * ft tnl»li«)irnctii N. V iiiihheUoto lijwtih 4 their hope*. I'he •• luck" of MrJllaves In t h e result of teuuluo mnnh^od, ttuMinehlne; eour- »ijre f «ter)lti)( luteirrlty, and a noble fidelity to hl^h ami hotloriihlo mo- tive*. It wn* not luuki with Mr. HtowarL It ^a* a rai^ elombliuiilon »f enterprise,i^acf, and integrity. It wa* n o t fu. U with Ueti. <4riwit ; hi* vlctorle* wer«| truly won, In war and •IINO In poacoj for bo bod ojualltiot rarely ada|\teol to the popular demand at the time. /\ later time and riper publle oplnloti f(aye u* a rres,idont John AdamK Jellerson and Mad icon. President Jhckson was the oldest of our retiring! president*, a* he went out of office K>nly eleven days before tho completion of bis seventh th year ntft" oi Ttii| public thoroughfare with the words 4 'Woman Heater" ii> larjre letters fas- tened around them. The first loaded Ir.^m passed over tbo Niagara railwti.v su fc peiHion bri Ijjo March sth, Hr>;*». It extended from shore to shorn, ami w e i g h e d II2f» toiM of '2,000 poinds earb. , T h e weight, reMjltin<r Irom tttin tension Mr. Uoeldin^ estimated at T>'J0, ton*!, to which adding permaneiM \vid^ht and tension, amoijintine; to l,H10ton*, Mr. HuchaiiAn left ofllce fifty day*Tie- i V nV{X H t o t a ! o l * 2 m) tonp torn be bee ante seventy years old. Thh pre*ii|ei|t who lived longest was John Adanio, who tiled In hi* ninety- flftlli year. The next oldest was >fa«l- l*<»^i, who dped in hi* eighty-sixth year; Jelferion died in his eighty- fourth year; John (Julnoy Adaujs in hi* tM^bty-first year; Van Hureii in had a posno <d* I'M) armed rij-"n ;ruard- i injrithe ^allows. The pri c 0nT-'s were • A!I attcjidf,*d by ministers **( t|hii* own color. All addressed thc'TOwd, e«ui. , fe«sinp tlie murder, and ackliowlod;?- ' in<r the ju*dnc.<oi t^t' the^r «ent»*nci\ . Johnson insisted upon t!»e\von of hi* j owner during s|,-»very «tnndiii*jr l»y I him to the la-t. No eiforts wet-'j' made hv the friend* «if the eoiidouiurd j hum t*> re-i'te* tlfin, alllpoi^ri; f!:ri»afs j \yere previously made. Krtrh con- I fessod his Mb a re in the mortler. Tlrr* j tn TTi-iko sure *rf i», | »tin!l ••fTt*r my entire i roil SIXTIV OAII ••I GSEAi'LY REDUCE)) PRIDES! ; rJQfrv^i.rNT? FOR fAsiT Oft IT! wRo owe* »otilnjrt«Miill(larv genius, oij^hf loth yijar ; (general Jackson in iiothinjr t«i thj* grtititfldej of a nation, j hf< s.iventy-jiinth vear. The > onnjr mdhln^ to tl|e ItnporhXu* habit f j o«f rotirlng j pre|iidont was tienera couimaml forlnedi In *famps; but everything t o fi public chtilldeneo In htM solid maiil^oiMli lofty |>urpo*<\ and sterllnjf bone«(y. At <jvery I'llltlcal moi|ieut In the [ eareer *>( Mr. |laye> lam| he ha* *een tuany-bi* personal * tdnaracter ha» turned the »< ado. He w^* not notui- uateil liecausol he WHS mbre l^rlltbint than a!) other eandobite*. or more , uperlcnced, or more popular. I bit no hud precisely tlioso(|iu|litie* which people ttu4f when they w 4 fint real and thorough reform. WheH nominated, he wa* beaten, if hi* hrajve letter,of icceptanco bad not j/iven the people in id** fif It|M poi'Mona| eharader. Kven af\or tho elec|hyi,| he would luivo failed If he had rlsorted In ^a *lu>(h> It|*t4ince to the t methtul* by which Mr. Tildou'a cirso i^a* pre**ed. lie I* I'rt'ldcnt to-ilay, it^ a (very pe- •Miliar l^ctnso, because hej ha* given imple pmof, during a content which ti led tho souls of tho strdn^st men, that ho WAK deserving i of. public trust] , . ; T h u s fitr lh tpe dl*t b»Vri|o of Presl- ieiitlal duties he has met with won- derful Nttfc***, Hut there! I* no trace of luck about Iff It wa* Hot luck, but rovul iniuibOod, and high Aovotion to duty, whieli, mkido bis Inaugural im- pre«« the who!* rouutry so Nfriyigly. Not luck but wisdom, and'a keen un- derstanding of characterj made hi* selection of a Cabinet aro^«o *ueh en- thu*la«m» It vfa* not blsj good for- tune, but the Mutftihir excellence of hU nelecf lorr*. tjuit caused ithat Henu- torlal oppoilt bm whhh called forth tho real (Voljlt^of the p(>ophr>. A Weak man would have wavered. I A strong but uubaldnccd man would have Pierce, wh<i> wefcit o u t <»f otllce not •pilte four diontls after he bad com- pleted his flftvi-wecnnd year* Mr. Polk retired in ais fifty fourth year, and died in'a iit|le more than three t\ at the ajfe of fifty-three rboihthsntid thirteen days f of all our pi'^nidents in m o u t h s Intel years, «overt tho t voiui£< deatfi. r\\v tH,.,.li<..K.-.i v.iic. «mml.-.l ho -i ,,r,, ,V " »»• # '- " V! ' >,k - ' ,t " 1 ""• m,,r fween Uosttiu and Providence last Saturday night. ( t.'onversafion was carrie«l on in modei'ateiy loud tones, and the notes of tlie cornet were cur- ried over 43 mile* of wire.' Prof. Pell says that the incidental condi- tions of relays, atmospheric density derers expired aln:<Nt without a Htrugerle. The crowd then dNp«»rsed # Perfect onler prevailed. ' .... , ..•_.,, i..: - -i The nomination ot <«£ii. (Inn. Ii. Mot'lcllan for S:ip4*rintcud«-ut ot Puh. l^c Worlc* i^» et'iierally 4ippro\id by in tkv 2Z \vr re«i!. nniln a».'1 '••>it'h\pint; f \tr Tn ? Dei r mtl •or CAKI'RTS.. irro Now V«utk; Fivo T»>ii>* Xrfr 1 w tlh'i' Tiiii» ATX PAPF.rt^. . ! * •, .. i ! Ilorders, . i Prencb Panels* j WaiiiHcotinjr, j Statuary, In This or Jefierson County..! tu<f rerf»h#*t.< Xew «Ic-»1f^« In *tA . i • ; l t«M <!/i*!i ru«t'nmi»ri* r«> ir »j'>iM'\ taking the A>//* i'uttoftx. Xrw Prihh % (*nmhric* f J'inv Ih'txx Uuutl* % Hntry (}tn>*l* ; .'< flutton hits, fl.&l; SO fit me mffrt Shirt*, #1 i tlo, •''imujewlrtjr M»ireh Ittli ri|iu.i<: ori.Mi^i, The I'resldent has done what no scheming Hecoiiil-ho|w man would have dared |o think ot. Me has nict tba ring of 1 'ruling .politician*, who wanted to dlehilo ti* him and broke it all to bitH.-*-[ IndtatiapolH Xcws, find.) ^ , i r ^he . only emHarrasament with wUichtlio President U now threat- etupl comes from the mult itude of his friends. The woodm are full of them. Tliere are no irreconcilable* on the Uepublican side.—-| lioston Advertiser (Uep.) j | We sustain the president's policy as a national goodiand political ne- ces«ity The most, ilispussiouate and canclid survey of tlu> field enforces the conclusion that it 1*1 n* wi^e in a po- litical point ot vieui as It is just and sound in tin* broad*!'.t national sense. —{Albany Journal (Kep.) There are I hose who desire to «tand bristling like a hedge hog, repelling tho Administration at all points, showing for it only contempt, award- ing it only denunciation, or standing aside with only ley reserve ami an unyielding hostility without regard tost he merit of measures if m a y pro- pose; Since, of whatever kind, or however It came, it*s the (tovernment we cannot urge that kind of treat- the Republican , prcts of the State. and the Intermingling of wires, inter-1 Thf , Albany Journal savK Thenomi. fere with tlie instrument, and he j ||IlMo|| ,„ MO ,- rtif . in IX p0IW ii;i! }f oint of I ^„ w „„.,.] h / w rU]K thinks he can do better wPhiin ocean | x ^ w - |l||( , KO Ilt .. i r | v ( V ) I l U n ( M i , lir , ll0 Ul . * cable td* perfect insulation than with ! i( ^ jr^nera! impression with Hue Ktai,- ' liu.-'r-. T.-.I C I . U any hind wire. - ' _ | ^ ^ of|l|0 Jr| | ro |||:l| i( willjdoubt. | •- j A temperance cam paigfi has bee^i be-j b»s^ be well received." The Pticaj ', | gun in Philadtdphia, under the lead Ilcr^hl comment* as follov, s: 4, T»il of Mr. Kranciw Murph\ f v who has just j our mind, the selection by the far \ completed a work in Pittsburgh, Pa., ; the he*d. (iov. KobiiMofi ifndd have ' which proves that he has astonishing ' made, in view of the limited material power as an orator and a special at his command." The Kochodcr pleader. Ii is converts to teujperance \ Democrat and t'hronich* j^ o<|ually in that city iiiimbi)r tt*nsof thmisandf. i c<irdial in this iiidor^etiumt-: ^ , 'T!m The Philadelphia Bulletin doubts It I uominalionhvii! be favorably received An«1 a tli«*' ll)C)lti<M). ntnl <»thf r Artiole» teo itntnereu^ t^ For **»l ilii'H fonn «l;i*c. f««; %-uhii» ri <*Hvr«I, I i ill the «;I»«M|« Ihev I l-s. \ ui{ (A-lf. ' Winn. \ r s i.iiY low |ru r.)|ie% \t\\U, M.irrh i:t, P. K,-- ! l > * , rtio, Imvln^f i ftle.ve ai-k ulf»iit fhem. !4>M ment, bid only candid, lawful opposi- threatenod, said harsh thing*, and in-j f||||| of . ||f||| moftaitn% nml ftup port for volvod himself In a quarrel. |t n t Mr. j x onrM ._ [Na ,, lvi 0 American » i llayei i aimly waited, neither storm- ing, nor urging, nor bargaining, nor yielding, until the people had been hoatd ami tho Senate had idt. yed. There wa* a gnpil deal of character In lid* victory, but not a trace of luck, llh appointments f him' far, and hi« refusiilN to appoint, have been Judici- ous V* t h e stars never hurry, there ban been no haste in *e|tht delicate rpiestlou* until there had beoti full time for lm|ulrf. A(^ this hour the new Administration is stronger than any other ha4 been for many your*, but it« popuhtiity is tho result of proof that grcH\t colifldenee I* <le- •erved. There Is n o luck about it* There U goml reason fo believe that tbo 4jimo high Qualities of character MO well tilting the demand* of the people at this time may make the Administration a complete MUCCCRR. T h o r r o x h h i i i t Mi.-tv m a k e s o m e blun- deif, of r<>ut'Hf« Hit I ho staunch manhood, of which there !* m msich promise, will not hesitate to « errrci them, t/rith isi*n will eome, perhaps |u*t and perhaps un|us-t. Hut if Mr. Ilayi%* {* the Mian he seems to be, calm and modest, Intrenched In recti- tude of purpose, and faithful to the public Interest,; criticism will only prove a lamp io guide his ntep« f whether It eom<|* from friend or f«»e. It wa* mtn of thl* greatest weaknesses of PreUhJeiit. tyrant that he could neither profit (>y criticism nor en- dure It. IflntUat respect President Hayes does not prove more wise, he will disappoint thosn who have watched hi* career thn* far. The people know thod ho has to dibit with problem* of eifhioi dinarv <lifbcultv, but ho ha*glven| them great faith that h o tuoiMi* t o d o ills host ; that he him much wisdom of hi* own, and a rare faculty of *eekln^r good counsel ; that he I* not too impatient to bear criti- cUrn, nor too va(n to correct any mis- take, and t h a t ' h e IN c o o l e n o u g h to (Dern.) any man since Father Matthew-, hits done so much for the cause wjhcii the limits of his sphere of action are eon*, sidered. j If in estimateil tl»tf eight or ten percent, of our ngricuiniral products are annually lost by attacks of inject*. The grasshoppers cost tluj West #50,- tMMi.000 a yean; the i-otton worm de- stnn}. #r>0,<H)0,<IOf. w o r t h of cotton an- nually. In IH17 tiie estimated hiss by chincba bugsdn Illinois was about $<'<i,O00,O09iiiid in Wiwronsin^Hl.ootN t»00. These enormous losses are a national ralamnity, and our general government, should approjiriate the funds.^irM scieutUlo commission to exinrtne cfinse* and remedies. '* % j Statiiev In Africa, Illenrv M. Sranlev. the famous Af- rican explorer of the ffarad!, is' once more heard from,, after a silence of several months. At that date the in- trepid explorer was bearing the American and British flags into tho wildernesses of Africa, and carrying that emblem of civilization, the shot- gun, into the bowels of inhospitable regions. Since then Mr. Stanley lias done* work which ha* cost great la- bor, but which will have much value; ami Father Adam couid scarcely have had a more serious undertaking in naming the beasts and birds, than has fallen «o the lot of Mr. Stanley in bestowing appellations on I ho numer- ous lakes, gulfs and rivers which he has discovered. Mr. Stanley claims to have discovered the important river lingeera, which flows into the Victoria Nyan/a froifi the southwest ; but Speke saw tt, and frequently ! . mentions it, as w*ell as the expansion of it, which Stanley 1ms named Lake Windermere* by the people of the State. tren. Meridian's pergonal integrity is un- n^sailahle, and bis executive ability is thoroughly recognized."' To these expressions can he added the follow- ing from The K'tmira Adverser : '•Politics aside, the nomination is proOablv the bet select ion 11, at could have been made for the important position/* ' I ' - ' - - - ' - - The era of good feeling certain!? Upon uf. Advices from'Washington state that Fred Douglass will not only In* confirmed as marshal of the dis- trict, by Democratic votes, but M t'olumbus A!cxandcr,a lending Wash-j iiigfou Democrat, has o|lered to go on Mr. Douglass'bond. Me -'ays he [.stands ready to accept the situation as made by President Mayes, and to prove his consistency he will become Fred's best man. T IMK! UMi:?! I.IML Tlio vul-rra-Pirr wnuM He-ij piihlic tlj.K lie i- nomine, fth^ .sTVPK Id Ml) KILN I nml fill fu, Hrsf (htithhf nj nil the m » ^ iv.'i^oituljio it Is } /It f ftr; If/trr t i ••' e.iu'lHiy at lt*ur- f»i o«fjh. < »aic*rs )»y m:iii pmmpilT fliled. * M J. If. ArfiTTX. OK*len#.h«nr. V. Y. 1r>fIOT<H;nAl v IIH CIIKAP AT , DOW'S PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIOS, oi;t)KSsnrRo. v Y. ' PHiCKS HAVK BKEN GREATLY llhnVCKI) Tit SlMt TIIK TIMFM. PARLOR SPITS, rilAMMKK SKTTS. Tapestry Brussels, T.uxjstry Ip* , + -\f'' j grains. Three PVs, I.t well and. /, .".j•': * 11 lit lord lv\tra ;uul SUJXT In-f \- i ^nin^ t CM},on and Woit)l In--\v.-4 grains. U\- An«l n full ttnp#»f diM^^f jtfvV*A f«-*in IWeiitr <**•..:« j»rr vrnf t*».* . «>' ; IMXIXi; SKTTS^; PIKR MiRROUS, . ' ' ' ; i [y i t * . \ \* A full assortment of Looking) r ^ V " <^cs. j Mattings, Oil PA lw> Ills, Etc., Marble and Wood Top Center! .1 lhfll , j ,.,, rH .„ ( ,„ Iables. * • , T n J . r« . , ' ' | rAMIMlEMr.TAHWi.LLJtCri.t/ li (extension Iables at 90 cts. par] H«VI wateriowR, x. r., j TTavinir «ymnM r»A oxp«*nFe In obiainln^ «rv| mitinf.niiiiiK ih«» Hw»'t exi»«*iu*ive »nH Ki^*-»tr**i variety <»I fi|i)»ti4in*«^ f«»» «! >n.j; FIRSTd LASS WORK, *v hro e *U vhled not to lir iitnlerr oM. t#nt lo t»ak«} J: iiowi.Avn. Superior Work for less money than N11V iifttiib)U)miriit Mn'rtHem New Ynrfc. f'firtl riic»ti*h u<iiial1v |!I.O0nr.w 11..VJ t»rr d o r m . fM»«J HrTMiuntM v. ill J Very l»«'*t Kii|>]ii«<l IMIIMIIV ^A.Hilnovi f:tWpr<tf, flif j TliiftMyli* wr tfiutrftiiKM! to «M|iuit tht* tlni'rti worIC in Hn- lnrt(P*\ «'iti|M. ( aMtK'l I'heto* ne^ontnif; lo f*izt-, from f ft to $H €**-ifullv ("ff-rm the H\io riiotfM i»*»r ffii/pn. .coming Ui '•tylr, from tl.50 to |3J 1 •!.<• S^'mr Linn I Ml i;o!iVrrn«titr, M.n<-!t H,J1 S T TTAWJV lANCi;!! < $p-irk'* Stmt aniji .uj 1 I !|K. iri*t X'rrit, AHA. Jb*. In. to (tlM OTTAWA, i'A C'/I.Vr'AV^ >7 7VA7> rty a Nrv, 1ml Orluiij, SU«>«M|V and N«»:nlv J'amlc«*> I'I-H'••-.jini't wii'lmiit lh«* I '•»!• of tliM* K n i f e . ' Wo would r«ull Hpocjr.l atUiitiOn to oiir iint ! rqiialU'd \ CONVKX GLASS T'KTOES j'ori«l?'rtt %V)lh 111. T h r dtiniliilitv of thin ntvlo i MHiTHiitod, Wr.'ilHoniiikoHtl llM'tlifl'fn'iit M v W I «»f 1 IrONVliX OLASS PArXTItnS, ^ f , PHOTO (MIHOMOS, I \ ; <I:RI:(;RAPMS. &e. t The adjournment of the Semite nut I ^ ^ r t ^ ' X ^ le eoime«inent relation: of A jrooi! I I'^'tiMn^ni pure The tlie eon sequent relation oi ft jr<>< «lenl of political intrigue'lit the eiipi- 4 , , , 1% . . . . ) ! II* at llrM, iiormiv Minjiilant or tohtr lo fcc««p up t u l l e a v e s t h e I resident tree fo earryj | my nymem; *w\ yet myth«Alih per fret, and j T>oN M n i ' M , o c i o h e i id, l«Tri. <;. Wntir», KM- , M U \t>*nr ItiK\ft>f, ••Vmi mjjnirrd >»flr»r niv lip.dtli I view* rel.'inve to xoJn iM'tiimi'iif of the r»n- r»r e.irtei;roii% rtllrfMiin it» \%\\- Mp-.riow jliit ••^pvcii ^t'.ii'" Ht/o—m rcf|'!«'iH <• to ttliif'ti, I ttnvo cvpte-- m\ -;i nitiiid«* tiMin o\ --I 1 ulmir rrovi- ll'.-tl I Mih |ei| t^> :iu jieipiniiitniK v \\\\\\ \tfu, sind |M«VIMM' ,1 ftiihjcjM of inMtlincnl b\ > on. Mjv lip ttal tn'en *on- al ii*a*.l *v\ ««fi ( 7 j \ »'*»v| #«\- i*de tuvgl painful,-ui-l fHr Hvo or tliree \ ear* IM I - foH-o \oii to«)k it in IKITIIU, iilnto«( iine!idtir«hte. All •«orl»' of r\p(*i IUH'HN had heen vnhrtiitt««l to l»> mi*, eml'i'iti'iug rmmileii, e\«*o»4jitiori— everv- lli'hif: Indeed hut tlie "iir^diriil kni/e—and in valii; for it .IIWUVH reiuriied, Tiiid worno thitti before. I |i npiMsl , complete an«l cNiieenMi.4 JHIIHOT »e«niM j ihorotijrhly ekptirKiited m*oui mv hlood. I have j now for a l/m* time UMI| nothing afftAironUtir f>Mt his plan** of retorm without the interfereneo of ^politieiaiiH. Ueforej ronjrre«*s meetK nghiu he niftV proh:i4 bly phree the AdtniiiiHtration upon a new f o o t i n <£ ami nhow the worhl a | new act of government. n ^ * y TKLKttUAINI .NKW'S. .Tlra. lln)'<*«^ H e r e o f I OHM. WA^IIINHPIN, I Miirrh 1T.--Mre. Ilnyes gave her .«eeoml reception thin afternoon a m i It w i s frilly alti»h<l< a >l. many »enatoiv taking t^c'^pp'trtuiii. I lit alnv^t one half onr inrial prlre. \Ve are Enlarging Old Pictures . i TO foot, and all hard wood. \A\tjgc assortment of Chairs. wniTixt; hksijs. M \Tj| RArKsj Ifancv ntnl Fol<lipg r | | . \ l l < S i ' \ A tfooj %s^irlment of | j I. I 1 HI'K|N*G'-nEns.| • j MATTT.ASsKS AVI> - HKATHKHS, - ' ! rge assortment of llnder- taiking (irxxls. " I ' • " i - WALL X* r n n w i x PAPrTu; ; SHADES Si FIXTVIU:** i x ! • : ' " CLASS, PAIXTS & OILS, HASH, D4ORS, RMXDS,. . t MrMLt)IXhS f BRArKKTS, , i I SrllOOC DKSKS. Jtr. I) nv i;4>oi>s A. BUSHNELL, X<i. S> li-fm Ifrprk; IVtitcfiown* X. } \ or run* 2 5 }*sc k yg y \ >f bleached and H. r o\wi Cotton Goods bought^ UJif)r«» r-».-v?nt advance, ^t less tin r-nr^infartutv;-s' present Alsrt 200 ] ie^cs Hamburg Em- broideries at '3^ 4, 5, 6^8, ICK mcl upwards. *s* h ^ M 1 ~ t 15. 20, 25c: 1 --.-„ -, » anxnp ' a* at llrM, nor any HtimuUnt or lonte to k< myKVfitem; and yet myjh^nllh \* perfeer viifor wi v lalH>ri nt ilw a^eof •W, I urn laboVlna: vrtth n vltrore<nial if not superior to anv »ih^r pari of mv lalH>ri<nM lite. 1 Yon are at liberty (o m a k e n«»r of thl« n* r*^ jti<iK« p i o f ^ r . lourt* jtr^tefiHtr, 4oi|N TAKWOI.T/.- elyl W e n i e u m M^MKMlirt M i n u t e r , X KUVOF8 T»KIHI.ITY. The Vlee-Pre»ilileiit. 'Terley/' the Washington rorre^ pontlent of the Ronton Journal writer: "Heretofore the Vice President hft«» Mlmply, heen the llgure hea<l of th^ Senate, without the right to partiei- pite In their ileliherationa, or even to aaMlgn IIIM reason for giving or east- ing a vote. When Mr. t'tilfav was eleete<l Vlre Pre^iilent he vainly amight admiaMiou to the eauens of Rnpuhli<'i>!i aenatora, ami Henry Wil- aoira pmtlers ofailviee were rejml^eil j M»nfi' extent the previom explora- , : l , r :l " Uf}inl P">»'in ter will |-.vei\ with even rmlenews nil II<MI*JTII lien, tiorm of Lieutenant Camerori in that " » P r »">»'»*'»< P'»^iMon in Hie «hv;ir:- ttrunt eoiihl not have had a im»re HI- J Quarter, ami naming a tqiaeious gulf »» ,% »L . 1 Vital Wenknen^ or I>npn»P«lon, a 'weak ex- luui^U^d feeling* no rnerjc? i>r eotira>fe; the re- fill* of Mentid liver-work, In<li-»rreilon or Kx- rv««i*A t 01 rtome drain upon the Hjrlum \* nlwnvi •ured hy Hnmplircy's Homeopathic Specific No. 28. It tone*, up and invi;?oi «!••/• tlir *-y-tem, di-pelh "!«• ^lootn and dr-pondenev, iinpitriH -tfriijrth and enciyv .^iupp* Un« «|inin .-md »< Ju\ e n a l o i the iti I ire man. Itcen u«*ed t\st'tit\ jear-' with |»er- < •• li r.»«,- ] t \ tlioii-ani!H. Sol«l 1*5 dialer-. I'ri e .IKK hIZK AM) LKSH, PLAIV OH IX* INK, WATKK OK t'llAVoS, \\ for one-third let* than any fluent that travelnj tVe have |tn*»nrVa«^ed faH|p|<»* for e^rrecth 4 i Please call bnd examine our tatiiiff Kaniiiy4;roiip»,Theatrical Tronps.s^hoolia &(*.., takin^xiM inant H« FIFTY AT A SITT1XO, I«xl0 *\tr* fnrf* JO lo HO ponlorrn. i Larirer *\ten at K^atly rfNtneed pric**.- CaJl and a^e ea *hfcn yon come toO^denubnrtc and you will not ro awav withgut leaving rour order. pl.VivIJ* J.M.DOW.-, S p KIN<; oooi>nt 4.4, £.4, 9-4 and 10-4 Bleached S stock, befote j^urehasing as we are ^selling low for Cash and arc sure M make it an object to all wanting goods in our line to give us their patronage, j dilt n. B. VAN D r i E F A CO* « .if ETTLED AT f^AST. Sj>eciciil bargih* in Black Cash^jJ^*' c \ncres tt 62*, 65; 75, 85^95^^ $1.00 and upwards. 5 pieces 1 of $1.25 46 inch Cashmere>1 for $1.00. - ;- ft* I iLf ty to |/ay their re-perN tt> riv^iih-nf f | L , h , ,„. r , inr |e %•.-• i : o," $r..ii) P ,. r parka K e of •Ul<! Mr**. Havt^. t * ' llv '" * ,;l,s -0n'l ^J JH> viu» of. powder >eni hv Civil Srr»tri> Re for/it; WASHINGTON, March 17.-—^peiVl.u\v Sehurz Hayn th#* ruh's of the civil s r mad on ne.'ipi of iniee. A<ldre-n- Ifnmj hrev'a ! Moineop.itliie Medi<Miie Company, .Vi2 liroml. «;i' , New Voik. elv I 1 1 ATX rATtTlf^ A l i K l T TIC A T Lewi, Henricli & Hounds, At No. 20 1 Public Square, ^"TTavinjf made ftrraniretnenU with one of the larger 8hLrt Manufla*> turer« of Troy, N. Y.. for tb* a^ncy ot an unUtuodrled SHIRT warranted Warasutta BlMched, and pure linen front, made in tb* ' beft manner poaaible mild perfect fitting at a price leaastban facta!" wholeaale ratea, $12.00 |>6r doion * or ti.00 each In aiiy quantity. , " A. BU8IIHELU Waterlovni. X. T, i?'i VJ^.%. C ^O TO GEO. r. TAITT»8 %i r . r i J TO BUY YOf?k Itloreft^tid Hosiery, Scar^'ft NttblapV •i» . : o. r. TAI^T. a < ' ; Dauchy &, Co. 4-^L WATEIITOWN.N. Y., X" ir - TINE. 1 i . , , ( .... ... I VKfJKTfNit Llh VieViir failed to effort « etirt», Mr. S t a n l e y Wft«i nNd :»I»le \6 take n , %lC{% iXV < % n,,t ) v { '''>mplH«'. I ip-y Will , K irinj: -tone Mj.t iim^ih «.. tl^ ^finn dehdi- urvev of LtikeTrtnjranvikii in his r x - f l»fohihil political jis.rwnoiit ^ti gov- j lllU * ,h> '^^jf Tj rsT i W r , T ilorinjr hoat Lady Aliee, verifying to j ^ n m e n l etrtpSoyee-. Mr. MfiiNlmll j * ^, uth ^ 1: 1 M,\nt'u mc '• % - : 4 "" f * : " '*• Mr. IK,*. Steven-,; 1 Mrar lir~| have I ?rown Cottons, IS ALE THE EKADlNti MAKES. *J k HAvr ox iiAvp I have iie^n •*h-k t\vo TMr-* w i t h the h\tt « ompldnt, ami d i i r i i i ^ Mi it linn* have t,»krn i ^reai many (jiit'etviir ti|eilieim>-« im Iheni did nte |Hi\ I;I»*M|. I w.i-t rroiifUN in^u iiit the northern end of the like after ! irticiouajl rotitist^or. President llnyoR haa dnpliiyed more HH^ncity hy avail- | Ihirtoit, a brother explorer. Mi Injf hltimelf of the advice an.l eo-oper- ! Manle\ nmles a shrewd ami impor-'that the Minite h^ adjotirni-d, ve \ ut Ion of Yirg President Whe* -ler. taut inference from the puriiv and' important e-ibhiet meeiiirr^ will ie Prealdlng over the deliberations of J c o l o r «>f the water of the river Kn-i hHd. Tlie Pre-i.|em will hrin- i«c 't il •»''»'. i n i l u i . ! • II 1 " ^ e i l 1) iei>i did nt'e im\ >II»*M|. I w.if* it»-t!ei»H III^I'- - * tlie. Siiue lnkhiL r ihe Ve^ iltl'l iiMd ie ami leer in fipiietiie. Siu<e InkhiL' Ihe Vf^enue Important r.iliinef TOeefing*. I re-i widl aiitl j-eliM|| my fi»».|. t an ruef>nniM>nd I VL'i^invi'T.iv \l .... I i- V, . l ' M ' v *T«dln«| fol wli :t il li.v d o n e for m e . | \V AMIIN4.ION, M:iivh , h.-Vuv, Vo.i.Mruk, Mux AI.IIKKI UlcKKIt. ' 1 Wiine-* ( .f t h e jilw>\«- Mr. lie.i. M. Viiu.uline, M VEGET5WE. the Senate, that gclitlemnn will nl-t p»era aho\ v e tu< n t i o m s l , namely—i (oiv tlm OI!)UI. ; I vi r t waVM he thoroughly "pouted" on the j that ii rises either far to the we-t- terajeoneeri.i:):.: ici-i!-ia:»ii vieWHofthe Senator^, and ean ena- ward of Lake Tanganyika, or that il^j ('^rolina. ( T l ^ n !<• d j \v In' ,i !* | Int.oi i jtti't do it > •!• niCiit j! hie the President ti>. vice" of that body in t IOIIR which mpiiru U al«»o asserted that when thc^periil aeaaion almll hare \)vt*\\ vmlvA, Mr. Wheeler will visit tlje southern states and tfive such lulvicir td ?uci\ of both parties na will hartnoni/.e existinj: dltllcultien. Two yi|ars ay;o he pad* lied the rival partiesjat Xe\V OrleaiiM and prevential a bhiody outbreak and it ia n o w lipped that hin prejecti d peace miasi^n will iieeomplish won tlera. ^ii'f S'with tin* ad- | course i*» internt]it«*d by a lake, where making noininu- j the watera are pui*iiie<| as in a «rr<*at t*4 "consent." it I set tin"; basin. To Jh \4 posnibh* Jatce, the existence of which, it is to |»e hoped, Mr. Stanleymay art tie before hi-* return, he has jjjlven the name" of AlevihdHa, in honor of the Princes <»l W a l e « , and the nativ«»s aasure him that il is two day** canal H.iilhi"; in width, and lies beyond the mountains of IVufu, beiii"; called hy them Ny- an/a (*hu Ntroimi. These various St. PotrlekV T*i\y lu Neir York. Nr.w ^'ol,•^, M.-'(•.-.i li.-^Tiie auni- versarv of Si, P.ttri.-IA !Vi . w a* <»';- f'i C Vi'ri'iinc i •> thi- l>e-t iiH-dieal eoiu- I (do v\ \*>'t"if ll|i< pil!>)tr for ieno\«t nerved hi*re i -n iv'dli all the lii.li'.fs 11 l i o p i j - * ' r: b- > ojj | )»e ,i | •- an di «eoverie«, though of no striking; (ilTCU Xieekt i l»t)||s l)<V;|l||i' walks and in (he hoiNc-car-; a: early hour, and the 'f^u.d HMUIIMT •»: s h r i l l - v o i c e d <fin ill IKIVS did an »• t:ve bueiness in the s:.-ih» ot ' s p r i g s ol >h nn- roek and of mihi it ur«» Iri-h and \ mer- ican llaifs. > f'he suvets t Ti r* »M «»-!i jH.nmMei pre e<l l<'*|ore tlie pitl*]irfor M-IHIVAI- eiu r and bin in in;: the M Il, eradie:tliti|r fill hntn- >•' , Hi ;4 ,l ' h - " I J * •' " 'lto|» * i"« 'fl'ef in 'l* f f i-tii I ho -^ arm, jnvicot .I'III; and -»lrenj:lhen^ the K* h- j •em < I* 11 -M^d \*\ (»i e ; in f o t M I-, a* »n mv lit\« «• ilje I il, " The «.fe H 11<* i! t !i Itettorer." ' ' \\ri; A\N SPKK. Ma. II ill- s i i \ its ; ir . \ l't lw 7l* > -eh \ <•• r'ine va« yrr trntnendr*! fo inc. jyj.i \ icli.ii. •• « i ),«• | . :'.;in-|.»ii- of ii ft lend, f <',,,!> c|i"i't| |<> t»' >\, \ Uf* little, J Via-* -O.J- h':in+* ffoth i<i.i "il ,1 lr:li|; apo! tiirvt-M- fn »>- *-•-*- .i •, »ii{ tenr>tli; t <! I- <>\ *-rw > t U and ii le^n- 1 ; * *" Vrfn'l -trr vlhenieir and" a r a ; i \ e proijfj-iM 1 - ^e« med lo afleel, in\ dehili- C«M| ^ -M'nj from i l,r : i H <lo««v and under »t «* ;-ei-i*lent i} e | rap:dl> *<'e»\««n'd. jLaininy- iirni' Hi in in-ii.il I. i'. Uli a i d 1,0 <l leelie # r. >ltii , r tloai J ha\ e hot iif«|f Hied |»» c n e Ve^ofinem\ m< d imi|Ua|]iled indoi^e'^i til *•* IM HI," -a.'e, ^III«' and p«rfv\^M fid a^enl 10 pi« inol inr he.tl h nd r«'-|or»njr I'he ua-led -j«-tem to new hfeaod fiit-tjiv. \'ej!i'i»ne ;- U.ijot.!. tnedp-ine 1 n-e, and «s lop;; ;|- J live I ucpi' r.xpecf to lind n teller. Vimr-inin, W. II. rl.AlMi, tia I tr liaUi eiiruii \»' pn 1 U%jn. UrntiP* Tottr. fJeri. and Mra, Ursiiit will leave Wftshin^toii dtirhifr I he present we**k for the Wrd, Accompanied by their yoimejest sop now in college, they t.iportance. add an interc>tin;r chap-1 wUWU Ml,, \»yw**«" VW* "** t \ j , M M ,,,,, ^' Mr< ""' "Ww- ^ \ er to the hUtoiy of ^fpieim explore j ••|'»wiled with people of l.-.ih^i-x..*. ^ ,... V E G E T I I N E - iun.jind once more evliibit Mr. Stan- I T,M% demon dratboi w i< a complete vrra;JfMMi,,Mi ; -ij> . t . u r , . « evor^ kn|l \Vill nail Un llurope in May. They f expect t o be) absent from the country at least two)years, and it IM General <«rant's dr*i|re to travel as any other private citiicn of thel'iilted States, without piijdle ilemoiistrations by the ley in the litfht o| a shrewd, skill- ful, and adventurous traveler.--'/'/**' Amvri''iin. 1 mike haale alowjv.. In that ffillh the V|%r|1||||%|| 4 lu «thoritie« of the roim- people will Hot ^e Impatient, nordla-V^ ( t [ fll t , A fI M ti tiuHllul, nor b^ tuHte to condemn. AM lontf tia h e d«tcs not wnver In hon- [ eat idiot t to do fyt* dut>% the better men of both pprtre* will wall with patience and Wl^h a kindly hope that he nmv mieeoeVl.j-~Vy?'oMwti •"»• v 1 1 i.- >omlnAttoi|N 1>T tee Prrsldent. Iho Preablenthna sent In the fol- lowing iiomlmi|ioim; Prederlek W Y em PIUS(>\AL. Michael Zinjr, ajred f>0, died in Buf- falo, I'ridav from the inllation of move j(iw. His wife 1* not expected to re- cover. The foriuhe left hv Mie bile Oliver A me*, of Kaston, estimated at from Feven to tlfteen million dollars. . U is IIOW'NIIIII that Wm. dl. Vaii- drrbitt paid a million and a hajf ilol- ! hirs to buv oil* the oontestants to the I ea he will I visit, He recall* the I barra«M«ciit of Pranklin Pierce dnriti«r bin lour abroad, after the ex- plratlona o|f hi* Presidential term. A Her 11 profusion of public attention, J Commodore's will., he at last f^md refuse in a are.lnded T, » (1 rtielireo'MiimiAiehirlnjr ^om- vilhijce in IhVSwiasmounlnlna, where! pn«y at Dover, N. H. t propose to he enioyed liimnelf for about three \ ••>v«-t a new mill of 10,0tH» spinilles, daya before bis identify WAS di*eov- ! wli'udu. il U thou^hl. will mfd 1!,000 ered. Then the people turned olit en | to H»e popiiltif ion of the vicinity. The <hM. N. 1leti|iupj Gt|neirta« The uonjlmtlotn of ljl«tiHU teward, Ty- o«r and JatHM hkr% b*«n 1 conflrrntd. 9 f wtr| tt w ^^ ^ tm< ' l,,fl | Tha Wow Yoi4 \W\WQ iKMiiTnt*«ton- **> eibUii of Hit fr^^'niim with light, I ert, Friday*- depnuled four WHII AlUl olollm th6 W»»k Jrt W** 1 ^.*M|»tiwl ilela^llrra^opiitrtdmeiib6o»tiae of mavll, and wr*p tlio poor and tbolr tor?Itm #on> worthlorfi and m Mi % Hkk l»--WI success. '1 he <erviccs it tlh were largely attended. , * chUl'elT ' ° ' hnn'iof, al.d iciloii-- ll.<| «tCire nisien fo A Peter II. NivcrJIT XKVV VuHK t Mar. h 17.- etrr P- henllhv »I The fol ii.:d, foi ipi p -t < inn i:> l,o\^*H o: t i- u«t.| • nd;M IOI wpijj 1et'»r fr« ijii tie* «;. W. M.'-n* > pa a.,i- i llvli- !*.»* •a I fl e i- i\ I In i il|. Mefl."di«t Kpe«-o. t.jt al pie«eut -elll* d \ fi\ oi;r wfo> read* i< d, ui-er and pin HIT of 'NTew l?Hnts! The he ft «Hsorltnenf in the ritv* Now Dtvss Crmhrics, I'oulnrds White Piques* / i i [ArKONFT'MiS, 'I'Am.K LlNI-NS, % Napkins and Towels, ! AT IIOTTOM rillCKS FOlt C\SH C.y"l!\Siiiiiie f»l1i <-t*x*k before purrha*ing A HOME AND FARM of Vol y OWN. On the line of n <; r **i Uaflmud with irowl ma,r- k e u >Mt«i 1^.4 nmi We»u SDv.ls.Tli'! Tis lo SecnfB Ik Miit ruinfl'f. r. »• ,.e- r-r»il. i^4t Cnnmlry f«r M«»e» h'.ii^inj? in 0 ; e l"«tl|c*«t . < **at*»« t # ftn.k»«. M.t;- Kul informa?|on 4 nUti 1 ?Hft ' KI'JM » H" .- ie i.•«•.. i.• aM r*xn* of tiie tirrld. .. Add:e„. .<> K. |l.\Vh, I.' i ! I nn. I'. I*. o\ n . i tVirLiiics - 1- :/i m Laricsl. Best ail CLeapest Stock Wi-ily'^rJM^e'fcibFots A ieN ie»:« ;« f... I ..JI^J,,. ai» | «|JT ,f ( iu' i" ••»•-.e. 1,'tt • ^, t . f»| ;.n.l * **fi|4» : \****c* tut w+\4 ||ra^ « »:i i n w \ I'M i* '»vi v i\ , * i/>. w*xi'*. r» n> .> t.». i>«o;<,«.T-»rs, ^:x It \» e. # \rw Yurk. OK 'V. ! '-*' r V < MH>^ |*i »fv|/»/ v.^tti .it.ntn>. 13 c '' «*•».• t* -... ...it. .;. 15. II!'HT> U. NAMAMH' \ I ri?vf: wo r,ivcr M lATIV!-; lirMNESJ?.-. ,v;o it 1.1 i »tv I;I>' e.t.^ ><^Hhn| e i O in.-** #.| i*fier|f.- n R<l •t 1*1, *••,) fjit \f»rvin^ H * ( . i. r » nr*t «^;i i l i i l m . : „ '.•. ' .e.;' i ••». \iifieei*i* ^ h r ' * n ee < I 'lean* .'»IM 4 ,' URNITURE l ; A Ii M s '.:: nr^.. vr .,'^y.^:S «••: ••«!-. Ii J!. t ; ., ..,-. : ,,j -. n v .ttei iii\tir'r>. I K'i. ".. ; ' i in am! p-!«••• I, ••. :d"«:.«i*f .iiiii.i 4 ).^ 4 j « «' <u « « ' ii •«. i. '••. \l.'. tt:\4 I TKR orri:i:t:v iv Tiitf * KTV. o SweeiU'v ha«5 n-«>t cmirte I iiuhli.-itv the iii..od ,. ' i IIS l a Pxiuv. MAf since |uq i*eturu li'«»tn Lurope. On ! >ir. il. it. »rr.> I.N.-: I Tu..« i..,. . : i * i i' « • «i i i I'cn "»ii'-- \l.» if 'en ven-« n r i m\* heahli I hur*'dfiy m;,'ht he *-!•• i»* in the Inoi^* » f ,.,„,, ,»„„„.,„•„,«- d-p-.-iit,- rir. .-^ ..rMv-pep.1 of hi. hrothcr-hvdnw John J. |tr,d-.. X S U ^ 'uVn^, 1 r."m . n ' ^ U e d !n ^ f lev, \ o , I-It) West lllth street. >'es- »»aid. ainl i..o) % the f'>riii of n lan-e di-pp--e a ted j * - a'l-ee- , t» i>d'h wa- lUiei-n nion!h«» in xnthetinp. I terdav he paid a visit to one ot hi* iiudm Mp^'H-ai opei in m % i.v the he^t •'Kill . . , i w 11 i' i • in Hie Stan* Ipu r«r»',\id no p#»rtii:iiieiu run*, f! fimters, who llns III Harlt-ni. H I* t fcU irrre.l #rre ; ,t pai:. at Urtie- and «.1- Coin^tanllv nr«h<Lhle that he will ivninin in r|l . !"•*•**««aiei| i,| :| ,irofii*«« d i - e h - n ^ . I al«o lod pi«o.iiue inai n.i. A\ III nuinui in H- ,.„,.,,, vU . rv< ,,« i, otM . Jlt ,nOereni HUM,. ttremenf nntil the Ix^rini.in^ .of hi^ '\, M, ! 0 I: ••«»« OI/IIMM ai.ne Mm Tear*, till ^ M e . I^TI, ttbtlu M'f.i'Mel •er.oiiuii.-ti leil m** in trial. Ills i'Oini^eh .luhO Mc|\eo|| I K*» f '» ^'"i «•!>> nnd t;.ik wiih *oti e( the virtue . . w . . l% , , * . . . i»f Veifetiie.'' | did ro. and 1»f •, our* Hindne-ji « H l d V e ^ t e r d a v that he knew nothm*( pi» . , e d tl,i'.t(-!i wnir matnif»e*otv. noilnjr the alHMtt any proposed eornpromi-e h{ . \l»x^ : ^. v<r. t Uy «uiru w,„ r ief,»edj i* pro- . tween Mr. Swe< n e v a n 1 he >n:'rr«l i l x ' ^ h n ! l paw nnd Meant I /rained mrr\r enn- j , hdeiiei- in \ o^eene. j t\)V till* peoph 1 . ' , I iviiiitiii*ii<ei| taking i 4 -nrtn itfrer, hliT felt 4 . * ! nor<e from im I'di-ff*; r-lill I p"» severed and ; vomi fe|! i{ ti.i- henetUtinK l"*'m other re-preln. , Vet I did II »i -re the rrinllH I de-*ired t till I had ! laken jr ia^ildullv Jor a little more Than a M'«r, ! win n the (Ml>i< ,(!• in the hnek wa^ eured, «nd j for nine InoniliH I have enJo\«*d the In*it of ' heahh. I dl. m i I i ••»:»•. IMV' i'\ ev\ '»!!• who rcui* ( u-w ••*" | J « f ti e won. VI'MI « urate e Mna!in#»* of I'IMMVIII'IV. K%er\ thli.)? ir frt:<di and new. ».»i;:h N. Y\ t Wr w ill open a ftjll tine of WALL PAPERS ^ifi n«Tjlr«l TlYe Coiiialftnii Refitrnliiff sun nt work. March IT. ATI old named sprm-nia., euine to y-^ iMI|£if tlmP ^ fm ,dt W enh:flre pound, j illlfton VeatCl'daV t o h e iliaU« r U- *d t1e-h v lielii|{ loa\ier than ever I efore In mv , f -- ". . I. .'• . *\ I life, and I wan never n)ore aide in j>eiforin lalM»r tfH President, lie vaid that he j than now. j iitntciit*. l o t h e i v uoualn of Mr*. Ilayea, f Sweeney, mild Friday evening Hint Who canjt abtindantly recommended , he h u n l doubt Sweeney U in town, for A Unittt} State* tnarthnlshlp in < hut he ifii not «etn hi in. Rumors Illinois the President aaya : * 4 The iv are agaiji current that negotiations is one Inaupeiable objection lo your ( are in pmgrcss to compro/uise all the ippohHineut to any federal odlee—; ring sulti aiiuV it i» be lei red Tweed that in, your (rvifo is a fkvorilo cousin ; will ere diuny days walk out of Lud- ^ ^ VA of Mrs, Hajref w lowitrttftJilU H mtw AiLilt WASHINGTON, man named Wnshii rated had document* from the Louisiana Returning Hoard, showing that he ahouhll have i)oen counted \n. Jle \viil beJacnt to the insane a>\ luui, to- day, making the sixth that ha» come thus far to be inaugurated. . Frodn«# for ruaopf. KEWYOUK, March f7.—Fourff^am- ships left for F.urope to-diy ? t:.kin»: 0(K) tons of fresh href and hir^e ipian* titles of oyster, apples, cheeae, liuttcr Md other produce- ' ronai.ilinjr In part i»t ' I ' line Pat ho Suil>* ( f'hattjlyer and I>ininj: Room Seffe t Pier (;lav*e«. Mirror-*. Marble Top Tables, Library and K\tension Table*-, Ot!l"*|, Library and Parlor l>e*ks 1 Piitent Rocker«. ('ouchea, j Hall Rneki, ' ; ' )• in-v. Ktdtling nn<I tamp ('hnir«, Foot Re^ta,. niackimr Roxec, Librarv. Oiliee and l>iniu« I*li}iir4 9 Cornices aci Lsmbreauins i <n i . II \ i, •.«. \fe. wuMii.tti n , -i f *.i.^*: ^> t oqo <«f dm (liNTKN.MALK.VI'OSITlON * l»I.M .11'.! I> \% i ll.Ll>i |{ v*J>.!>. S>i'.d n. u»«; .* •» It i tiin-i the otd" e niolete lew prfe#v 0 rk .;:npt?i»-*hiiiv ti M>'. » : e a n V | r o f the ••ml re h -.or . |.« ; d tout ioStf«, u -o-derfiil exh;- •I»I«, fiiM eie ;-.«.• d«' -. e-r ; Hti ' med, und *|eh«ji'« •••anai ICM TVIV' 1CK1. wan*** i*. <eie rew ..•-•.• <•! . . « • • t.'Ci* IM t W-.-M *<,H|W Ve.i- e ••% » » -»- i «' 'jim «! • !>»' p^o.4 of ftlH»\e, i p:»d" d .-.',. s fU «|i. -r. fc.i | |i r «- k . r tmple ,aj..- f...' Ie-.e>,i**i .it, .H J ..tirevii » $erm*. Jli ioi A ro I'.ctTif»im. I'ii*i i-i er^. >atK«*m -»rrei. r:et;;d.-:o!i;;,. I\ lt ft% 4 ( * V I " I III l \ * »••'*<«* "f fid r!TlVn.n!'if. **.o,.t /., r ,,.«. ,J4 ^0,'tn V ,r •"•! N"'* WAMI honour WwVv i l l ! I K M.'l.AV t'2 liiMtdA^. 1 |;» STORY CF Cr-Af?LEY ^ 0 8 3 . \f.d!ie«oti ;. i I,I «,uat M\.» er\, w *iifenbv I j - t 1 lo r. U T . I . 1<M| m OK <rn-m« in thtCiinjr inten#-t. •• huiirnnil M.tr.d ' 4*A to nil §{«•- li^4»t •. n < • ujp «:.<- A<« "in j « f ail iltfM mlna* :.i»iif and ... ."/v II n-|U4* or>. Al o tie hnlif>* medieal ^rni-l . ;»•. 1> . IVin'.mM, *0D II- i*rhi, In-, ration* Ti,. e !.o*k- -e>! ind ! • m 'e Ag 1.1- ;•«.;!• m o n e - • w heiTr IteiiJ t f* li-i-« . !'.'»»>- h- nie I > •* c rf . :*OMI huiv 1 r o l l IK A 1 .»., Pail*. *H?e I'tr- \ : 1 A'" •' R:t7iki-wp(. Sale! P £ ri T U M ERY, r.urxr !"»•: \ \M» I"XTllAt. 1^. > ' WINDOW A Sperialitr. hnrinu the pa^t few' neeK* T hadrf*«*rofnl«u« \ nuellinir a** Ittricc i s mv iNt KNlixr «»n nnother p«rt of mv 1J.H1\. . i ! I i*M»k Vnicalhie f^ltiifnil<- nttdl tt rentfivod It ; le\pl wjtlrthf* MirfiMM m a nemih. I thinL t' nhonld h.Oe heen eured of mv main Imithlea j j ^n«aier If I had taken larger done-, nflni having , I lM»eome ai)<"iMienie*l In MH eilee.tji. I Let your patleniH imtthle^t with Hfcroful* or t Hdnev'divarte undetidnnd lha'f It tnken tiina in j 1 rure chronic di»eH«e«, «nd if they will take 1 V«fallua f It will, tn in* tndgment, cure thara. ! Wltb ffraat nhlljprtoni I am, innr.f verr iriil^. ' ti w, MASHFI^I.TI, I'aHlnr of the Mfttliftdtrti K. i hure.h. lint iPrcpJtreil tr>- U. n. STKVKXft, ilntton, Ma»i. YEftBflHEIl 8ott"liT 111 Dnmuli. •I SHADES Plain Furniture !! About M&rcli 16th, 1877, (h?e ThousimJ Dollars Worth •f l'» nr. MU.li AT I.KHH T M A ' r One-Half Actual Valtie!' I h e * e >r»»i» u i.-.ve !»«••• r tureed ot er fo mc tn' j>v\h and hin*t !n»riftM*<l otii lo ini»ot tyonev ohli- "Vi«tK»n»» Kxuiiiirie the ir.i^l- ;«nd ><»a w i l l ha , riovinred nt a rlnnee thht thev ate irorih twlf« ^ ,' v | what I «<k foi lit hi. " > , ' \ ^ ' r A M>I,K\(»II> rnAvn: TO CUT A ^- \ Spring Ifedi, Mattre«^ k Feather* CHRIS |>t A > pjgKSKXT CHEKK 1 also oflor .t Mrire annorliomt of imeftit ; Fancy Dry Goods 1 Notions <m V.A A. .UrCUI'tlRt M T*T* lt f OffdfttaMl?, If. T . Alwara on hand AT ? o . 1?0 ri'iu.ie ^f'ATTr., HVhrre all arr tnrit«il in fall and examine out }:\** % * and itticvn. t ftic. i.KwiH, K. iiK\i?icn. K, vr. Uovxm 1 i •WitWiow^ f *«f. tJ. lit*. •*• ^*- At cjoar yricf for die HrtlMav*. -: «Mf t. » v ^MMMM^'hm^M^m M^jki

Transcript of J THE GOUVERNEUR HEftALO Offdenttmrg Adi X L ~r-if I...

THE GOUVERNEUR HEftALO -in. .iln r. i^^ i^Mi i&^U k ki ml i wlii ^trrrr- irJ ' ! •*- ,- - ---- *- •' [&«

LI O i l : (H« Wort* wkl) fhrcrlt* If tho THIAUEHOFftTR PREHfEEKTS. I '

n « r ^ « r . if ir«li i t , 1*77. !f*^nmmBmnwNPrwnm»"«

I.AItlKT SF.W*. ftxl6rl< k IXnigUaa' nnftilfmlloii

1*1 Mftr.hut U ronllrnmil; aovorul I 3

! . : ' • • •




P. J it


/ .

• >

I^moomu foted nir h|m. ()*n. fIrani will jr* adiro&d In M«v

tn'reftmln for fW«» ream. . f lm nfTklra of the C'fTiitTnotiffil T.lfr

Ift^nmnre: Company uliow Unit It* »t*riftg<tfn*"t WM not only lonae hut Vloloiifl.

H e n . t leorjfe It, MVrbdluii lift* boon n o m i n a t e d HttperintendnM of Publ ic W o r k * of tho Htate of N o w York,

Tha adjournment of (hi Menulr foftVet Vivo P r e s i d e n t WhJe ler frvc

i o h*ftd thii fioffiiiiUnloii ur v M f the I « n t * l t l e d Htatea, of w h i c h ft K<>n<l

I drnl hut born ml i l , and wlth-li la l l k e h

' 0oofi to lie m a d e opt

j T h e Will of tho Uln .Toarph i,c\vta (

Of l l o h o k c i i , w h o lelf ii nilltloii to tin

j o r e r n t n e n t , U belnjf contented by *

K O m i n c l a i m i n g to bo hta nloeev 4 1ft ikf ruti* of Mnry K* Oliver

T*rlO« t i l t e d Htadea HMIittor Minion ttentftrttii »t Waahingfon, tor iirench of prom Wo, defendant hmtf filed u plea Iliad bo n)ever tirotnlted ft* alleged*

Vnw Vtkk v\ty ofllrUlt nro In ro tiilpl of |a|fnr« from Kutopo Htnttny


lml Hh«rkoyt Urn mtinlort'r, wbt» U«l frmtl Madrid lifter thftoitm<1ltlot»

tuf Twaed frtttn Vigo, U In AH 'Knro |Mfaf) ttatu flom whit h bo ran b#

, tetradUDd, bo bavlng been IdentIrtnl t'# m portrait i^iit on In atuwor to i» |»ejnv|oti« nommniil* iitlon,

I>#l#fatlofia fejife«eiitln|f Oof . <!tiaml>orlaln ami Wado llaitipton i^lliMt Ml tba President yo^tero^ay to i i f f f i l b * olalmA of tho rival Hover-ii#r«« • i

W|tl¥. fV~k»rd I i fo^rulllntf troop* Iff New Orleans, ami tbroaton* to tt^t« ftlrelltla pnaaeMlon of tlio Ktuti U|»v«rnment. tlov. NbdiolU ba« ai^ra«ted M>maof h U r e m i l t l n g oflb or» a i (d haa I n i goo l ega l t i tdAmi ro* fo i

ill|i|HNMfia«lng b h o .

*Tha l*emoerat* In the Ohio l . e / l * lalttra Were finable to fiinko a notnl nation ftrir r i i l ^ d Htato* Mounter, itof reHolfo<l to vote blank It) opoi aa^aloiu

t f t t A Hr:^I^M or <OMJI<;I:MH. }

W i t h I be pra< tlral rnrUlnfV tbiit an| e i t r a ae««lort of t'ortfrrn** wi l l o< oa | lod ( rumor* ara l iv ing iilmm W^Uilililgtoii of a rotil lt loti bot\vr*'i th# Itepobllrafi* ami tbo Hoot b e n iMfnoorat* l o o k i n g to tho o i g t u i U u tbfn of the I lot no'. Tito <*oh<<«poii dal i t o f T h e l'hlladolpbtt% TIMIOM tolo | | r $ p b * to that paper a* follow*: "Ii I* |»elng wbl*porod that tbo A d m i n t i t r a t i o n party aro m n k l n g overture* t o t h e I'oiiioorut* of tlio Mouth t<* pofml t a lto|iiiblbMin orgitnl /ut lof i <>i tba nefct l lon«o f ondor tbo !i'iidomh'|» cif t lar f le ld , In return lor<il«olf g o v e r n tlHitit, and r iver and harbor, levee, ra i lroad, and intermit Improvement appropr ia t ion* . If, U iMMfaln that m a n y ttotftharn ttieti take k i n d l y to t h U propos i t i on . W h e t h e r they wil l

I reJia ln In that a t t i t u d e nfler l l aye" < has w i t h d r a w n tbo troop* Iff Mouth

Caro l ina ami LouUlAna remain* yH to ha •eon* l l a y e * hn* oo i tn ln lv th< v a n t a g e g r o u n d n o w . WLII bo h i v o It after be Mltall have p e r m i t t e d lot nl g o v e r n m e n t to bo re«t<irollf"

TKH »nr t r io* . Col. Rt»berf lt iger*oll de l l yo fed *

t#e I nro In Mlelnwuv Hull, N o w Y m k . T h n i ^ d a y ovoti lng, w b b b ha* ut t r a i l e d w b l o vpreail i itfontloii and rip pi oval . Wo w U h wo hud *paee for It e n t i r e , and regret wo m^i oh ly g l v o tho <1o*lug appoul for a rotVllul union td the w h o l e nation- w h b It wa* at fotlnwa, Hpeaklng of Provident l l aye* ' ontirno bo «tild ;

III tba po l l th i i ! l i M p r V o f Ilio Wdtld there ha* boon n o g r a n d e r , n o nubll itier art, I tomombor, n o w , Hint thU waa d o n e In tbo mbUt of pol l t t iul rx i t temeti t , w h e n tfov«a«rm of hittowri* id Ita doroont ; w h i n tho democrat t< |»Afly o f tbo North \vu* i lenoii i irl i ig t h e pre*li1eot ua n Auud mid i h o i t , w h e n It waa domandi d tbut Mr, Tit d e n take the oath of otllro ami tin • heath the h o M o r o u * « w o t d of < Ivll War. Iln<<ollo< i t b U Wit* w h e n (hot teaolVod III eongio*< th»t t ho tlo< h>b»n <»f tbo H i g h t 'oiiimUtilon wan llb'gkl a t l d V o h t f wlOMt iM' i i i i to ia l i t t h r h

idaeaa w e r e o b a r g l n g J u d g e * of tin* Hl iproi to C o m f w i t h porjurv, wil lful OAd eOrrupt. ; w h e n toon In hij?h plaoo* worn p m l h t l n g the i l o w n f i l i c f tbo Itopuolb' ; w l n n tbo <b'iuo rrat lo port ion of tho logUbituro ot O h i o p u h l M y iriiotim«<l i l l ronil tfoitoo In H o d , the proHldnit, r is ing ahoVO the pttM*loii4, pro|u«lho«^ an<l h a t r e d * of the l iour, ubuve every *'on •Ulerat lon e^rept the honor , t h e g l o r v and |irO«pe*ilty of tho w h o l e r o u n t r v , a a l t l i " l « o l tl« b n b i o l h v r * , b t HM t o r

g o t t l iO p4*tt ; lo t u*t t o i l e t o v o i > t Ii I l i a

O t i o p t t h e d e b t w o o w e t o t h e b r a v e

m e n Who waved our nat ion. | \ p plauae. | hot ti* i l lg a g r a v e , ami «lig It Wide, and d i g It diW|if nml let U* t h r o w Into thl* *epulober tho t IIUIIIH

and w h i p * ami an. Hon bio* k*t ; let u* leave there Our • p r e j u d h e * , the hatred*, and b o u t b u n t i n g * of tho year* that are dond, ami let n i bury t h e m out of the "Ight of men , ami o v e r t h e m all 1 * u* w r i t e | b U opl

taph f i I b a r r e d to forgeifttlrie**.1

I W e havo fought, and hated e n o u g h . Our rountrv U p r o M t i a l n ; labor U In r*g* ; enorgv b a* e m p t y h a n d ; t ln>

, Wbeol* of the tin tot y at" «tlll ; In t)te *T j fafb of p n i d e n e e m o n e y lie*, lorkrd 1 by the k e y of fear. C o n t l d e m e U

w h a t w e need ; ^oufldenrn In eaeb e t h o r \ ernl lde i ieo In our hint itut Ion*,; lit our form of \(fiveruiiienl# in t bej

1 ' g r e a t n i l u r e ; eon l ldeneo In law ; roit ^ * lidetteo In l iber ty , In progre**, and In ^ t h e g r a n d de*t lny of tbo groat repub

••\ Ho, I a i t e i n l to yon , eaeb and all,

v * t h e tillvo iNPtneli uf peare . M l l o w c l t l f e u a o r tlfti Houtli, I ho-

Oeix h y o u to take It. Uy the m e m o r y

»< <L o f tlUNMt w h o died for naught , by tho e l ta rTed r e m a i n * o f y o u r r e m e m b e r e d

* » home* , by the a*be* of your Mate* «" •! m e n dea«l, for tlio «akn of your lotia

mid your daughter*, and their fair s children yet to \H\ I Implore you to

* t ' tok# t* w , U l ,ov, , ,« ••^ w U h , o r , l ,

"* 1» bands, H will rultlvate y«n;r waated , \ nV laid* i It will robulld your towna and * / oUUa | II will fill youreotrem with ^ ')$ $»M l ** w U l •^M 0 I | | # y ° l , r ^tilhlreii ; #* t i IIWlU twall tba aallt of your oom-Yit% IMIW} II Will ••u«« tba rvtat ! • Jay

V '.! t t tfaabif *»* ^>ln|k # t t r i h t brvfcan

It; ttl* Mortl will fbrglte If tho Hontft will forgjnt. i Take It; the nogro will wlpo ftrora the} tablet of memory the *troke* and th^ *<**t* of two hun-ilred yeara^ anf hli^rwlth happy tear* the record of bI* wrong*. Take It ; it will untto o'b* lUtion ; it will make u* brother ionrje aglAln. T a k e i t ; and ju*t lee wi l l *l l | l ft {your rent re un<ler the out«pread White w i n g * of peaoe. Take If,; and t|io l^niln and tho l ip*

of the future wjlll l>o free. T a k e i t ; It. wi l l bud fcnd blo**om in your hand*, and till lyoi^r bind w i t h fnig­rum o and w U h jhy . T a k e i t ; and wo have pa«*ed tint m i d n i g h t of our polltlool hUtorV, a|id the * t a r o f b o p o herald* aga in tiho t*l*lng *un«

I-- I - I -O n e o f the ijio*f; di*itMiroii* ludler

e x p l o s i o n * on ifee(uf<J, In t h l a e o u u t r y , took plaee at a|«ii\V mill in W o r t h i n g -ton, Indtaart, Irriil-ty. v\ n e w net of tnaohirtory \vn«< beifig ttiofl , mid nine-teen pervclti* iVQio, i n ' t h e hui ld i i ig watt blnjf the f operat ion. j S u d d e n l y Ibe bo i ler o f | l | o i^ill tixii'loded, kil l ­ing t w e l v e of tlijo *piritator* nm\

hand*, and iWf^>d«ly u'<ouuling tho o ther *eveli, L I ' I

t i . r t f - 1—. K l i Mil, MWItVH M < K*

THIAUEHOFdVR PREHIEEHT^ Goh. Or^iit waa otfe of tho thrco

prealdentu iff tho United Btatea who hare pa««ed their Oft loth birthday In the elenitive ofllce; the other two Indng Mr. iVllc, who hntered the of­fice iilwiit ociven montlli before he wan fifty year* old, and General Pierce* who became pr<**ident ih bis forty-ninth year, j General Washington


p; ~w

*'. C • -

i | . UfeSKRALTIEvTS. During tlie yeAr 187« the United

Sqkte* yielded 420,1)00,000 poundfe of rokln. ... j » - . .V

It Ii «aid the demand for Itory in England cause* tho death of 50,000 el-phAntfl annually. . /

''}: .ili* ' ^ V'i T"


1 -r*>Jv 'Bfigrolea H a n g e d f o r m a r k e r

arid Araon!»4 C o m p a n i o n R e s p i t e d ^yj G o v . Hamp^fou.

K>%, ha* a spring of water 1.5 feet in diameter, whom* bottom na* nev.er

|ope« 'M)0 foot long havo been lowered in to it. « ,

wa* In his flfty-e g b t r e a r w h e n be i , , ,A. , , l 4 , 4 . . . . . . . n o f , n reaebod, a l t h o u g h w e i g h t * w i t h , became preRidenl ; J o h n A d a m s wa* ' Ip hi* sixtv-Hoeoihd ; . Ie0er*on in bin f l f l y ^ i o h t h ; Maili*on in hi* Hftv-e i g h t h ; Moni**e| in his f i f t y - n i n t h ; J o h n Cjuiti({y A d a m s In hi* fifty-e i g h t h ; General Jaek*on )n h l a * i t t y -*econd ; V ni(i Hul-en in b i s iifty-fiflh \

fjienernl l laijrison in hi* n ixty-n inth ; T y l e r in IIIK lifty-^ecoml ; General

J T a y l o r in hi* aUty-fif'th ; I i ineoln in Id* fifty-third^ and J o h n s o n in his ilfly»*cvonth year, f leneral HariiKon WftM the oldest man ever eleetetl tc» the pro*hloticy anil f i eneral ( irant wa* tin* y o u n g e s t . W a s h i n g t o n , Je t l er -*otb Madison and J o h n (Juincy A d -IIIII* w e r e |n the i r l l f ly -e igbtb years

X The evident tendency of Mr. Hayes'

policy l$ito make elections hereafter, what thy>y have often failed (to be in the paatj* a real indication of the pop­ular preference*. At the Hotitb he is

AIIKKX, S. C\, March 10.—0ji the id | endeavoring to do away with bayo-of November last two quiet German*, \ net campaigns and false counting ; at

_ named- Houscmann and i'ortmann, . the North be purpo*e* to disjiense Thomad M. Butler, of Frodonia, j , i v i ^ R f o u r m i ,;M f m n | t h i R }%H„, W ( M „ < w i ( h f h r h iM Hv'oi' po.t otiieoivand

m i Offdenttmrg Adi

1 877. 1S7»T

;1 C&:


Fmridtmre. pu RNITUEE.

m u r d e r e d , the ir house robbed, set <,n j uruager^ in *'<ir«r.»ni/.imr vlef'UT ,%

fi IT J and burned. Susp ie ion attn:*h* -ii Hrdu r j to t^el i iJ i s t oNpresrion i!,e

J D K t GOODS] J3.feVonlHiaee&CSo.

tC? "ifi ^ % V 'f^\

L ARGE8T STOCK OF ~r-if >-m V:^:U^

wl |en they

and Mr. M

n i n t h year

entered the p r e s i d e n c y ; on roe c o m p l e t e d hi« liffy-onlv flftv-llve day* after

" I t U HaVnV* htck,'1 My* an ml- j ho heeamA pres ident , and Jo lmtot i

mlr^r. f)n f | ie w h o | e f no , T h o s e J wa* in his 1 l i f>y-*l \th year w h e n he

w h o boliovo ln| lliek a* lie Kupei In- | miereeded |>re*ldent Linco ln . Four

te tu l lng IVov lde i f f e 'of t)io UIIIVOMO I preahleiitx ivent mil of oftVr* In- the ir

tre u*uaily |^r«oh* w|it» have not • * i x t y - s l \ t h Tear, namely W a s h i n g t o n ,

to five n e g r o e s named .Nelson i l m w u , ! l vin reforiOH whi - l i he i* b r i n g i n g | • Luc ius T h o m a s , A d a m Joljusnii . J o h n | in, !t:m t in )i;:s.d. Ui*-nii iiothin*; more [

l le i jry I>epti4st and Sti»phen An lor- ,,t- } t * ^ tVm \ t e«.,!i j :f»f, undis turbed Tlo^ proposed Mardi («raa festival J n(m\ w h o w e r e arrested. Proofs ae- hv oiH< ial inMueii

Ciuilulated that they were the right * jrovernod by the

parties^ ainl tliey finally niad*»confes- | i-it-ber t\vin by tjo? p^>lit ft*u <»r tlu s iou , and also <*onfe-:-ed to' buvnin^ ; eti-totn-| iou*e. If tle'r*- is arty p.»rt\

CARPETS, irnKi' T M I ?

IM N e w York , w h i c h was not to b o o n <%Fat Tuesday*' at all, but to c o m e oil* "out of due time'* on Apri l I, after Master, ha* been pos tponed unti l IH, to g i v e further t ime for prepara­t ions . T h i s is vejry m u c h l i k e cole*-brat ing (Miristmis on tho Fourth of J u l y . - I

«'s. a i d a IV" count

u!e<* of ar i thmet i e

'I-the Baptist cburrh at A i k e n , fir.irder- ! b) the i ' l n t e d .Staf ingia w h i i e man named Li-vin* arid ! orf of reform, hv Otluir cr imes . On J a n u a r y Mb Ihev , l ! ' , ( r i ^ s i d u i t Mr weIIP tried bv

•^ o p p o ^ - d t o t h i s I al l tm . u n let i t L^O ! \ e * . • i

T h e X e v a d a LrWi-daturo has passec

a l»ill w h i c h the u o v o r n o r has aignei

i jurv eompo.^i of j Hew'AdvoitisbideiitH. W A N T I . W n

twidve negroon, e o n r i e t e d . and ven-

provblinjr that m e n convi"ted <d as­saults u|>jo|n w o m e n , m a y , fd the d i s -

tem|cd tc» be ham/od on the l»Ith of SKMXM)

A* it


J. H, AUSTIN, Ogdensburg.\


C A R P E T 6


Campbbl!, Famjl! & Co.'s

51 ?*'-


mm ft

i •*•

MatMia Vf^ferdav Gov. \ f\runptefn i ' . e

r-spit, . ,! An.!ni-«.", for t l . j - ly . ! : , , - . j ft 0 3ft £ l l E D ^ L A i T D , T h i s moriiifi;^ the c x e e u t p m of the

ere t ion ojfltho j u d g e , be sentenced to j four others tocdv pla«'e in the presence J . rOVTSH ^iijT-l^, ? stand a cer ta in length' of" Time iti a I of about 5.0U0 persons. T h e Sherill*,

lln* nperte<t the I-ifK^ t ftn<t B - t Stock of s

IN NORTHERN NEW YORK, Dry Goods andCirpet House, I * ' ' ' • • ' ' ' '

Atmo-f rnt?u«ry of the i r a w n m » k r . * .Vo iV f *ohri Sft, WtrUrfotrH* X. Y\

SP'TR.l NO S f i i C K

J S*; I

TIIOT ^»il1 pot 1>r nnilcrpoM hv *nr >o lrrnt e i^ *



N. V

i i i i h h e U o t o lijwtih4 the i r hope*. I'he •• luck" of M r J l l a v e s In the result of teuuluo mnnh^od , ttuMinehlne; eour-»ijref «ter)lti)( luteirrlty, and a noble f idelity to h l^h ami hotloriihlo m o ­tive*. It wn* n o t luuki w i t h Mr. HtowarL It ^ a * a ra i^ elombliuii lon • »f enterprise, i^acf, and i n t e g r i t y . It wa* n o t fu. U w i t h Ueti. <4riwit ; hi* vlctor le* wer«| tru ly w o n , In w a r and •IINO In poacoj for bo bod ojualltiot rarely ada|\teol to the popular d e m a n d at the t i m e . /\ later t i m e and r iper publle oplnlot i f(aye u* a rres,idont

J o h n AdamK Je l l er son and Mad icon. Pres ident Jhckson w a s the oldest of our retiring! president*, a* he went out of office K>nly e l even d a y s before tho c o m p l e t i o n of b i s s eventh th year

ntft" oi Ttii| public thoroughfare w i t h the w o r d s 4 ' W o m a n Heater" ii> larjre let ters fas­tened around them.

T h e first loaded Ir.^m passed over tbo N i a g a r a railwti.v su f cpeiHion bri Ijjo March s t h , Hr>;*». It e x t e n d e d from shore to shorn, ami w e i g h e d II2f» toiM of '2,000 p o i n d s earb. , T h e weight, reMjltin<r Irom tttin tens ion Mr. U o e l d i n ^ e s t imated at T>'J0, ton*!, to which a d d i n g permaneiM \vid^ht and tens ion , amoijintine; to l ,H10ton*,

Mr. HuchaiiAn left ofllce fifty day*Tie- i VnV{X H t o t a ! ol*2 m) t o n p

torn be bee ante seventy years old. Thh pre*ii|ei|t who lived longest was John Adanio, who tiled In hi* ninety-flftlli year. The next oldest was >fa«l-l*<» i, who dped in hi* eighty-sixth year; Jelferion died in his eighty-fourth year; John (Julnoy Adaujs in hi* tM^bty-first year; Van Hureii in

had a posno <d* I'M) armed rij-"n ;ruard- i injrithe ^a l lows . T h e pric0nT-'s were • A!I

attcjidf,*d by min i s ters **( t |hii* o w n color . All addressed t h c ' T O w d , e«ui. , fe«sinp tlie murder , and ackliowlod;?- ' in<r the ju*dnc.<oi t^t' the^r «ent»*nci\ . J o h n s o n insisted upon t!»e\von of hi* j o w n e r d u r i n g s|,-»very «tnndiii*jr l»y I h im to the la-t. N o eiforts w e t - ' j ' made hv the friend* «if the eoi idouiurd j hum t*> re-i'te* t l f i n , alllpoi^ri; f!:ri»afs j \yere previous ly made . Krtrh con- I fessod his Mb a re in the mortler. Tlrr* j

tn TTi-iko sure *rf i», | »tin!l ••fTt*r my entire i

r o i l S I X T I V O A I I


rJQfrv^i.rNT? FOR f A s i T Oft IT!

wRo o w e * »ot i lnjr t«Mii l l ( larv g e n i u s , • oij^hf loth yijar ; (general J a c k s o n in iiothinjr t«i thj* grtititfldej of a na t ion , j hf< s . iventy-j i inth vear . T h e > onnjr m d h l n ^ t o t l |e ItnporhXu* habit i»fj o«f rot ir lng j pre|iidont was t i enera cou imaml forlnedi In *famps; but e v e r y t h i n g to fi publ ic chti l ldeneo In

htM sol id maiil^oiMli lofty |>urpo*<\ and

sterllnjf bone«(y.

At <jvery I'llltlcal m o i | i e u t In the

[ eareer *>( Mr. | l aye> lam| he ha* *een t u a n y - b i * personal * tdnaracter ha» turned the »< ado. He w^* not notu i -uateil liecausol he WHS mbre l^rlltbint than a!) o ther eandobi te* . or more

, u p e r l c n c e d , or more popular. I bit no hud precisely t l ioso( | iu | l i t ie* w h i c h people t tu4 f w h e n they w4fint real and t h o r o u g h reform. WheH n o m i n a t e d , he wa* beaten , if hi* hrajve l e t t e r , o f icceptanco bad not j/ iven the people in id** fif It|M poi'Mona| e h a r a d e r . Kven af\or tho e lec |hy i , | he w o u l d luivo failed If he had r l sor t ed In a *lu>(h> It|*t4ince to the tmethtul* by which Mr. Tildou'a cirso i^a* pre**ed. l i e I* I ' r t ' ldcnt to- i lay, it a (very pe-•Miliar l^ctnso, because hej ha* g i v e n i m p l e pmof , d u r i n g a content w h i c h ti led tho souls o f tho s t r d n ^ s t men , that ho WAK d e s e r v i n g i of . publ ic trust] , . ;

T h u s fitr lh tpe dl*t b»Vri|o of Pres l -ieiitlal dut i e s he has met w i t h w o n ­

derful Nttfc***, Hut there! I* n o trace of luck about Iff It wa* Hot luck, but rovul iniuibOod, and h igh Aovot ion to duty , whieli, mkido b i s Inaugural im-pre«« the w h o ! * rouutry so Nfriyigly. Not luck but w i s d o m , and'a keen un­d e r s t a n d i n g of characterj m a d e hi* se lect ion of a Cabine t aro^«o *ueh en -thu*la«m» It vfa* not blsj g o o d for­tune , but the Mutftihir exce l l ence of hU nelecf lorr*. tjuit caused ithat Henu-torlal o p p o i l t bm w h h h cal led forth tho real (Voljlt^of the p(>ophr>. A Weak man would have w a v e r e d . I A s t r o n g but uubaldnccd man w o u l d have

Pierce , wh<i> wefcit out <»f otllce not •pilte four d i o n t l s after he bad c o m ­pleted h i s flftvi-wecnnd year* Mr. Polk ret ired in a is fifty fourth year, and died in'a i i t | l e more than three

t\ at the ajfe of fifty-three rboihthsntid th ir teen days f o f all our pi'^nidents in

m o u t h s Intel years , «overt tho tvoiui£< deatfi .

r\\v tH,.,.li<..K.-.i v.iic. «mml.-.l ho -i , ,r, ,l» ,V" »»• #'- "V ! '> , k- ',t"1 ""• m , , r

fween Uosttiu and P r o v i d e n c e last Sa turday n i g h t . ( t . 'onversafion was carrie«l on in modei 'ate iy loud tones , and the notes of tlie cornet were cur­ried over 43 m i l e * of w i r e . ' Prof. Pell says that the incidental c o n d i ­t ions of relays, a t m o s p h e r i c dens i ty

derers e x p i r e d aln:<Nt w i t h o u t a

Htrugerle. T h e c r o w d then dNp«»rsed#

Perfect o n l e r prevai led . ' . . . . , . .•_., , i . . : - -i T h e n o m i n a t i o n ot <«£ii. (Inn. Ii.

Mot'lcllan for S:ip4*rintcud«-ut ot Puh.

l c Worlc* i » et'iierally 4 ippro \ id by

in tkv 2Z \vr re«i!. n n i l n

a».'1 '••>it'h\pint; f


Tn ?





irro Now V«utk; Fivo T»>ii>* Xrfr 1


t lh ' i ' T i i i i »

ATX PAPF.rt^. . !

* • •, . . i ! Ilorders, . i

Prencb Panels* j WaiiiHcotinjr,

j Statuary,

In This or Jefierson County..! tu<f rerf»h#*t.< X e w «Ic-»1f^« In


. i • ; l

t«M <!/i*!i ru«t'nmi»ri* r«>

ir »j'>iM'\ l» taking the

A>//* i'uttoftx. Xrw Prihh% (*nmhric*f

J'inv Ih'txx Uuutl*% Hntry (}tn>*l* ; .'< flutton hits, fl.&l; SO fit me

mffrt Shirt*, #1 i

tlo, •''imujewlrtjr M»ireh Ittli

ri|iu.i<: ori.Mi^i, T h e I'resldent has d o n e what no

s c h e m i n g Hecoiiil-ho|w man would have dared | o think ot. Me has nict tba r ing of1 ' ru l ing . p o l i t i c i a n * , w h o w a n t e d to d l eh i lo ti* h im and broke it all to bitH.-*-[ IndtatiapolH X c w s , f ind. ) ^ , i

r^he . o n l y emHarrasament w i t h w U i c h t l i o Pres ident U n o w threa t -etupl c o m e s f ro m the mult i tude of his friends. T h e woodm are full of them. Tl iere are no irreconci lable* on the Uepubl ican side.—-| l ios ton A d v e r t i s e r ( U e p . ) j |

We susta in the pres ident ' s pol icy as a nat ional g o o d i a n d pol i t ical ne-ces«ity T h e most, i l i spuss iouate and canclid survey of tlu> field enforces the conc lus ion that it 1*1 n* wi^e in a po­litical point ot vieui as It is just and sound in tin* broad*!'.t nat ional sense. — { A l b a n y Journa l (Kep.)

T h e r e are I hose w h o des ire to «tand br i s t l ing l ike a h e d g e h o g , repe l l ing tho A d m i n i s t r a t i o n at all po ints , s h o w i n g for it on ly c o n t e m p t , a w a r d ­ing it only d e n u n c i a t i o n , or s t a n d i n g as ide w i t h on ly ley reserve ami an u n y i e l d i n g h o s t i l i t y w i t h o u t regard tost he meri t of measures if m a y pro­pose; S i n c e , of w h a t e v e r k ind , or h o w e v e r It came , it*s the ( t o v e r n m e n t w e cannot u r g e that k ind of treat-

the Republ ican , prcts of the State . and the I n t e r m i n g l i n g o f wires , inter-1 T h f , Albany Journa l savK T h e n o m i . fere w i t h tlie ins trument , and he j | | I l M o | | , „ M O , - r t i f . i n IX p 0 I W i i ; i ! } foint of I „ w „„.,.] h / w rU]K

t h i n k s he can do better w P h i i n ocean | x^w- | l | | ( , KO I l t . . i r | v ( V ) I l U n ( M i , l i r , l l 0 Ul . *

cable td* perfect insulat ion than w i t h ! i (^ jr^nera! impress ion w i t h Hue Ktai,- ' liu.-'r-. T.-.I CI.U any hind wire . - ' _ | ^ ^ o f | l | 0 Jr| | r o | | | : l | i ( w i l l j d o u b t . | •- j

A temperance cam paigfi has bee^i b e - j b»s^ be well rece ived ." T h e P t i c a j ' , | gun in Phi ladtdphia , under the lead Ilcr^hl c o m m e n t * as follov, s : 4 , T » i l of Mr. Kranciw Murph\ f

v w h o has just j our m i n d , the select ion \« by the far \

c o m p l e t e d a work in P i t t s b u r g h , Pa. , ; the he*d. ( i o v . KobiiMofi i fndd have ' w h i c h proves that he has a s t o n i s h i n g ' made, in v iew of the l imi ted materia l p o w e r as an orator and a special at his c o m m a n d . " T h e K o c h o d c r pleader. Ii is convert s to teujperance \ Democrat and t'hronich* j^ o<|ually in that c i ty iiiimbi)r tt*nsof thmisandf. i c<irdial in this iiidor^etiumt-: ^ , 'T!m T h e Ph i lade lph ia Bullet in d o u b t s It I u o m i n a l i o n h v i i ! be favorably received

An«1 a tli«*' ll)C)lti<M).

ntnl <»thf r Artiole» t eo itntnereu^ t^

For **»l ilii'H fonn «l;i*c. f««; %-uhii» ri <*Hvr«I, I i ill the «;I»«M|« Ihev I l -s . \ u i { ( A - l f . ' Winn. \ r s i.iiY low |ru

r.)|ie% \t\\U, M.irrh i:t,

P. K,-- !l>* ,rtio, Imvln^f i

ftle.ve ai-k ulf»iit fhem.


ment, bid only candid, lawful opposi-threatenod, said harsh thing*, and in-j f | | | | | o f . | | f | | | m o f t a i t n % nml ftupport for volvod himself In a quarrel. |tnt Mr. j x o n r M . _ [ N a , , l v i „ 0 American

» i

l l a y e i i a imly w a i t e d , n e i t h e r s torm­ing, nor u r g i n g , nor b a r g a i n i n g , nor y i e l d i n g , unti l the people had been hoatd ami tho S e n a t e had idt. yed . There wa* a gnpi l deal of character In l id* v ic tory , but not a trace of luck, l l h a p p o i n t m e n t s f him' far, and hi« refusiilN to appo in t , have been Judici­o u s V* the stars never hurry, there ban been n o haste in *e|tht de l i ca te rpiestlou* unt i l there had beoti full t ime for l m | u l r f . A(^ this hour the n e w A d m i n i s t r a t i o n is s t ronger than any other ha4 been for m a n y your*, but it« popuht i i ty is tho result of proof that grcH\t col i f ldenee I* <le-•erved . T h e r e Is no luck about it*

T h e r e U g o m l reason fo bel ieve that tbo 4jimo h i g h Qualities of character MO wel l t i l t ing the d e m a n d * of the people at this t i m e may m a k e the A d m i n i s t r a t i o n a c o m p l e t e MUCCCRR.

Tho rroxhhiiit Mi.-tv make s o m e b l u n -dei f , of r<>ut'Hf« Hit I ho s taunch m a n h o o d , of w h i c h there !* m msich promise , wil l not hes i ta te to « errrci them, t /r i th isi*n wil l eome , perhaps |u*t and perhaps un|us-t. Hut if Mr. Ilayi%* {* the Mian he seems to be, calm and modes t , Intrenched In recti­tude of purpose , and faithful to the public Interest,; cr i t i c i sm wi l l on ly prove a l a m p io g u i d e h is ntep«f

w h e t h e r It eom<|* from friend or f«»e. It wa* mtn of thl* greatest weaknesse s of PreUhJeiit. tyrant that he could ne i ther profit (>y c r i t i c i s m nor en­dure It. I f l n t U a t respect Pres ident Hayes does not prove more wi se , he will d i s a p p o i n t thosn w h o have w a t c h e d hi* career thn* far. T h e people k n o w thod ho has to dibit w i t h problem* o f e i f h i o i d inarv <lifbcultv, but ho ha*g lven | t h e m great faith that ho tuoiMi* to d o ills host ; that he him much w i s d o m of hi* o w n , and a rare faculty of *eekln^r g o o d counsel ; that he I* not too impat ient to bear crit i -cUrn, nor too va(n t o correct any mis ­take , and t h a t ' h e IN cool e n o u g h to


any man since Father Matthew-, hits

d o n e so much for the cause wjhcii the

l imi ts of his sphere of act ion are eon*,

s idered. j

If in es t imate i l tl»tf e ight or ten p e r c e n t , of our ngricuiniral products are annual ly lost by at tacks of inject*. T h e grasshoppers cost tluj West #50, -tMMi.000 a y e a n ; the i-otton w o r m de-s t n n } . #r>0,<H)0,<IOf. w o r t h of co t ton an­nual ly . In IH17 tiie e s t i m a t e d hiss by ch incba bugsdn I l l inois was about $<'<i,O00,O09iiiid in Wiwronsin^Hl.ootN t»00. T h e s e e n o r m o u s losses are a nat ional r a l a m n i t y , and our general government , should approj ir iate the f u n d s . ^ i r M scieutUlo c o m m i s s i o n to ex inr tne cfinse* and remedie s .

'* • % j Statiiev In Africa,

Illenrv M. Sranlev . the famous Af­

rican exp lorer of the ffarad!, is' once more heard from,, after a s i lence of several m o n t h s . A t that date the in­trepid e x p l o r e r was bear ing the A m e r i c a n and Brit ish flags i n t o tho wi ldernesse s o f Africa, and c a r r y i n g that e m b l e m of c iv i l i za t ion , the shot ­gun , in to the b o w e l s of inhosp i tab le reg ions . S ince then Mr. Stanley lias done* work w h i c h ha* cos t great la­bor, but w h i c h wil l have much value; ami F a t h e r A d a m couid scarcely have had a more ser ious u n d e r t a k i n g in n a m i n g the beasts and birds , than has fallen «o the lot o f Mr. Stanley in b e s t o w i n g appe l la t ions on I ho numer­ous lakes, gulfs and rivers w h i c h he has d i scovered . Mr. S tan ley c la ims to have d i scovered the important river l ingeera , w h i c h f lows into the Victor ia N y a n / a froifi the southwes t ; but S p e k e s a w tt, and frequently ! . m e n t i o n s it, as w*ell as the expans ion of it, w h i c h Stanley 1ms named Lake Windermere*

by the people of the State . tren. M e r i d i a n ' s pergonal in tegr i ty is un-n^sailahle, and b is e x e c u t i v e abi l i ty is t h o r o u g h l y recogn ized ." ' T o these expres s ions can he added the fol low­ing from The K'tmira A d v e r s e r : ' •Pol i t ics as ide , the n o m i n a t i o n is proOablv the b e t select ion 11, at could have been made for the important p o s i t i o n / * • ' I '

- ' - - - • ' - -

T h e era of g o o d feel ing i« certa in!? Upon uf. A d v i c e s f r o m ' W a s h i n g t o n state that Fred Douglass will not only In* conf irmed as marshal of the d is ­trict , by D e m o c r a t i c votes , but M t 'o lumbus A!cxandcr ,a l ending Wash-j i i igfou D e m o c r a t , has o | lered to go on Mr. D o u g l a s s ' b o n d . Me -'ays he

[.stands ready to accept the s i tuat ion as m a d e by Pres ident Mayes, and to prove his cons i s tency he wil l become Fred's best man.

T IMK! U M i : ? ! I .IML

Tlio vul-rra-Pirr wnuM He-ij piihlic tlj.K lie i- nomine , fth^

.sTVPK Id Ml) KILN I nml f i l l f u ,

Hrsf (htithhf nj nil the m » ^ iv.'i^oituljio it


} /It f ftr; If/trr t


••' e.iu'lHiy at lt*ur-

f»i o«fjh.

< »aic*rs )»y m:iii p m m p i l T fliled. *

M J . If. A r f i T T X . OK*len#.h«nr. V. Y .

1r>f IOT<H;nAl v I IH C I I K A P A T


• ' P H i C K S H A V K B K E N




Tapestry Brussels, T.uxjstry Ip* ,+ -\f'' j grains. Three PVs, I.t well and. /, .".j•': *

11 lit lord lv\tra ;uul SUJXT In-f \-i ^nin^ t CM},on and Woit)l In--\v.-4

grains. U\-

An«l n full ttnp#»f d i M ^ ^ f jtfvV*A f«-*in IWeiitr <**•..:« j»rr vrnf t*».* .

«> '

; I M X I X i ; S K T T S ^ ;

PIKR MiRROUS, . ' • ' ' ; i [y i t * . \ \*

A full assortment of Looking) r ^ V "

<^cs. j Mattings, Oil P A lw> Ills, Etc., Marble and Wood Top Center! .1 lhf l l, j,.,,rH.„(,„

Iables. * • , T n J . r« . , ' ' | rAMIMlEMr.TAHWi.LLJtCri.t/ l i

(extension Iables at 90 cts. par] H«VI wateriowR, x. r . ,

j TTavinir «ymnM r»A oxp«*nFe In ob ia in ln^ «rv| mitinf.niiiiiK ih«» Hw»'t exi»«*iu*ive »nH Ki *-»tr**i variety <»I fi|i)»ti4in*«^ f«»» «! >n.j;

F I R S T d L A S S W O R K ,

*v hro e *U vhled not to lir iitnlerr oM. t#nt lo t»ak«}

J: iiowi.Avn. Superior Work for less money than N11V iifttiib)U)miriit b» Mn'rtHem New Ynrfc.

f'firtl riic»ti*h u<iiial1v |!I.O0nr.w 11..VJ t»rr d o r m . fM»«J HrTMiuntM v. ill J Very l»«'*t Kii|>]ii«<l IMIIMIIV ^A.Hilnovi f : tWpr<tf ,

f l i f j TliiftMyli* w r tfiutrftiiKM! to «M|iuit tht* tlni'rti worIC in Hn- lnrt(P*\ «'iti|M.

( aMtK'l I'heto* ne^ontnif; lo f*izt-, from f ft to $H

€**-ifullv ("ff-rm the H \ i o r i i o t f M

i»*»r ffii/pn. . c o m i n g Ui '•tylr, from t l . 5 0 to | 3 J

1 • ! . < •

S^'mr Linn

I Ml

i;o!iVrrn«titr, M.n<-!t H,J1ST

TTAWJV l A N C i ; ! ! <

$p-irk'* Stmt aniji .uj 1

I ! |K .

iri*t X'rrit,

A H A .



to (tlM

O T T A W A , i 'A

C'/I.Vr'AV^ >7 7VA7> rty a N r v , 1ml O r l u i i j , SU«>«M|V and N«»:nlv

J'amlc«*> I'I-H'••-.jini't wii'lmiit lh«* I '•»!• of tliM* Knife.

' W o would r«ull Hpocjr.l atUiitiOn to oiir iint ! rqiialU'd

\ CONVKX GLASS T'KTOES j'ori«l?'rtt %V)lh 111. T h r dtinil i i l itv of thin ntvlo i MHiTHiitod, Wr.'ilHoniiikoHtl llM'tlifl'fn'iit M v W I «»f 1


T h e a d j o u r n m e n t of the Semite nut I ^ ^ r t ^ ' X ^ le eoime«inent r e l a t i o n : of A jrooi! I I' 'tiMn^ni pure The tlie eon sequent r e l a t i o n oi ft jr<><

«lenl of pol i t ical intr igue' l i t the eiipi-4 , , , 1% . . . . ) ! II* at llrM, i i o r m i v Minjiilant or tohtr lo fcc««p up t u l l e a v e s t h e I r e s i d e n t t r e e f o e a r r y j | my nymem; *w\ yet myth«Alih i« per fret, and

j T>oN M n i ' M , o c i o h e i id , l«Tri. <;. Wntir», K M - , M U

\t>*nr ItiK\ft>f, ••Vmi mjjnirrd >»flr»r niv lip.dtli I v iew* rel.'inve to xoJn iM'tiimi'iif of the r»n-r»r e.irtei;roii% rtllrfMiin it» \%\\- Mp-.riow jliit

••^pvcii ^t'.ii'" Ht/o—m rcf|'!«'iH <• to ttliif'ti, I ttnvo c v p t e - - m \ -;i nitiiid«* tiMin o\ --I 1 ulmir r r o v i -

ll'.-tl I Mih |e i | t > :iu jieipiniiitniK v \\\\\\ \tfu, sind |M«VIMM' ,1 ftiihjcjM of inMtlincnl b\ > on. Mjv l ip ttal tn'en *on- al ii*a*.l *v\ ««fi ( 7 j \ »'*»v| #«\-i*de tuvgl painful,-ui-l fHr Hvo or tl iree \ ear* IMI-foH-o \oi i to«)k it in IKITIIU, iilnto«( iine!idtir«hte. All •«orl»' of r\p(*i I U H ' H N had heen vnhrtiitt««l to l»> mi*, eml'i'iti'iug rmmileii, e\«*o»4jitiori— everv-lli'hif: Indeed hut tlie "iir^diriil kni /e—and in vali i ; for it .IIWUVH reiuri ied, Tiiid worno thitti before.

I |i npiMsl , c o m p l e t e an«l cNiieenMi.4 JHIIHOT »e«niM

j ihorotijrhly ekptirKiited m*oui mv hlood. I have j now for a l /m* t ime U M I | noth ing afftAironUtir

f>Mt his plan** of retorm w i t h o u t the interfereneo of ^politieiaiiH. Ueforej ronjrre«*s meetK nghiu he niftV proh:i4 bly phree the Adtniii iHtration upon a n e w foot in <£ ami n h o w the w o r h l a

| n e w act of g o v e r n m e n t . — n ^ — — * — y


.Tlra. l ln) '<*«^ H e r e o f I O H M .

W A ^ I I I N H P I N , I Miirrh 1T.--Mre.

I lnyes g a v e her .«eeoml recept ion thin

afternoon ami It w i s frilly alti»h<l<a>l.

m a n y »enatoiv tak ing t^c '^pp' tr tu i i i . I

lit a lnv^t one half onr inrial prlre .

\Ve are Enlarging Old Pictures . i


foot, and all hard wood.

\A\tjgc assortment of Chairs.

wniTixt; hksijs.

M \ T j | RArKsj

Ifancv ntnl Fol<lipg r | | . \ l l < S i ' \

A tfooj %s^irlment of | j

• I . I1

HI'K|N*G'-nEns.| • j MATTT.ASsKS AVI> -

HKATHKHS, • - ' !

rge assortment of llnder-taiking (irxxls.

" I ' • " i -

WALL X* r n n w i x PAPrTu; ;


i x ! • : '" CLASS, PAIXTS & OILS,


MrMLt)IXhS f BRArKKTS, , i

I Srl lOOC DKSKS. Jtr.

I) nv i;4>oi>s


X<i. S> li-fm Ifrprk; IVtitcfiown* X. } \

or run*

2 5 }*sc k yg y \ >f bleached and H.ro\wi Cotton Goods bought^ UJif)r«» r-».-v?nt advance, ^t less tin r-nr^infartutv;-s' present

Alsrt 200 ] ie^cs Hamburg Em­broideries at '3^ 4, 5, 6^8, ICK

mcl upwards.

* s * •



M 1 ~t 15. 20, 25c:

1 - - . - „ -, » anxnp ' a* at llrM, nor any HtimuUnt or lonte to k<

myKVfitem; and yet myjh^nllh \* perfeer viifor wi v lalH>ri

nt i lw a^eof •W, I urn laboVlna: vrtth n vltrore<nial if not superior to anv »ih^r pari of mv lalH>ri<nM lite. 1

Yon are at l iberty (o m a k e n«»r of thl« n* r * ^ jti<iK« p io f^r .

lourt* jtr^tefiHtr, 4 o i | N TAKWOI.T/ . - •

e l y l W e n i e u m M^MKMlirt M i n u t e r ,


The Vlee-Pre»ilileiit.

' T e r l e y / ' the W a s h i n g t o n r o r r e ^ pontlent of the Ronton Journa l wr i ter : " H e r e t o f o r e the Vice Pres ident hft«» Mlmply, heen the l lgure hea<l of th^ S e n a t e , w i t h o u t the right to part ie i -p i t e In the ir i le l iherat iona, or even to aaMlgn IIIM reason for g i v i n g or east­ing a vote . W h e n Mr. t'tilfav w a s eleete<l Vlre Pre^iilent he va in ly amight admiaMiou to the eauens of Rnpuhli<'i>!i aenatora, ami Henry Wi l -

aoira p m t l e r s o f a i l v i e e w e r e rejml^eil j M»nfi' e x t e n t the p r e v i o m explora- , : l , r :l" U f } i n l P">»'in ter will | - .vei\

w i t h even rmlenews nil II<MI*JTII l i e n , tiorm of Lieutenant Camerori in that " » P r »">»'»*'»< P'»^iMon in Hie «hv;ir:-

ttrunt eoiihl not have had a im»re HI- J Quarter, ami n a m i n g a tqiaeious gu l f »»,%»L . 1

Vital Wenknen^ or I>npn»P«lon, a 'weak e x -luui^U^d feeling* no rnerjc? i>r eotira>fe; the re­fill* of Mentid l iver -work , In<li-»rreilon or Kx-rv««i*At 01 rtome drain upon the Hjrlum \* n l w n v i • •ured hy

Hnmplircy's Homeopathic Specific No. 28. It tone*, up and invi;?oi «!••/• tlir *-y-tem, di-pelh

"!«• ^lootn and d r - p o n d e n e v , iinpitriH -tfriijrth and enc iyv .^iupp* Un« «|inin .-md »< Ju\ ena lo i the iti I ire man. Itcen u«*ed t\st'tit\ jear-' with |»er-f» < •• l ir.»«,- ]t\ tlioii-ani!H. Sol«l 1*5 d i a l e r - . I'ri e


INK, W A T K K OK t ' l l A V o S , \\

for one-third l e t * than a n y fluent that travelnj

tVe have |tn*»nrVa«^ed faH|p|<»* for e^rrecth4 i Please call bnd examine our tatiiiff Kaniiiy4;roiip»,Theatrical Tronps.s^hoolia &(*.., takin^xiM inant H«

FIFTY AT A SITT1XO, I«xl0 *\tr* fnrf* JO lo HO p o n l o r r n .


Larirer *\ten at K^atly rfNtneed pric**.-CaJl and a e ea *hfcn yon come toO^denubnrtc

and you will not ro awav withgut leaving rour order. pl.VivIJ* J.M.DOW.-,

Sp KIN<; oooi>nt

4 . 4 , £ . 4 , 9-4 a n d 10-4

B l e a c h e d


stock, befote j^urehasing as we are ^selling low for Cash and arc sure M make it an object to all wanting goods in our line to give us their patronage, j

dilt n. B . VAN D r i E F A CO* « .if


Sj>eciciil bargih* in Black Cash^jJ^*'c

\ncres tt 62*, 65; 75, 8 5 ^ 9 5 ^ ^ $1.00 and upwards. 5 pieces 1 of $1.25 46 inch Cashmere>1 for $1 .00 . - ;-

f t * I


t y t o | / a y t h e i r r e - p e r N tt> r i v ^ i i h - n f f | L , h , , „ . r , i n r | e %•.-• i : o," $r..ii) P,.r p a r k a K e of •Ul<! Mr**. H a v t ^ . t * ' l lv'" * , ; l , s - 0 n ' l ^J JH> viu» of. powder >eni hv

C i v i l S r r » t r i > R e f o r / i t ;

W A S H I N G T O N , March 17.-—^peiVl.u\v Sehurz Hayn th#* ruh's of the civi l s r

mad on n e . ' i p i of i n i e e . A<ldre-n- I fnmj hrev'a ! Moineop.itliie Medi<Miie Company , .Vi2 l iroml.

«;i' , New Voik. elv I

1 1 ATX r A T t T l f ^ A l i K l T TIC AT

Lewi, Henricli & Hounds,

At No. 201 Public Square,

^"TTavinjf made ftrraniretnenU with one of the larger 8hLrt Manufla*> turer« of Troy, N. Y.. for tb* a^ncy ot an unUtuodrled SHIRT warranted Warasutta BlMched, and pure linen front, made in tb* ' beft manner poaaible mild perfect fitting at a price leaastban facta!" wholeaale ratea, $12.00 |>6r doion * or t i .00 each In aiiy quantity. , "

A. BU8IIHELU Waterlovni. X. T,



C^ O T O GEO. r . T A I T T » 8 %i r. r i J TO BUY YOf?k

Itloreft^tid Hosiery, Scar^'ft NttblapV •i» . : o. r. TAI^T.

a < ' • ; • •

Dauchy &, Co. 4 - ^ L


X"ir- T I N E .

1 i . , , ( . . . . . . . I VKfJKTfNit Llh VieViir failed to effort « etirt»,

Mr. S t a n l e y Wft«i nNd :»I»le \6 take n , %lC{% iXV<% n , , t ) v { '''>mplH«'. I ip-y Will , Kirinj: -tone Mj.t iim^ih «.. tl^ ^f inn dehdi-

urvev of LtikeTrtnjranvikii in his r x - f l»fohihil polit ical j i s . rwno i i t ^ti gov - j l l l U * , h > ' ^ ^ j f T j r s T i W r , T

ilorinjr hoat Lady Aliee , ver i fy ing to j ^ n m e n l etrtpSoyee-. Mr. MfiiNlmll j * ^ , u t h ^ 1 : 1 M , \ n t ' u mc '• %- : 4""f * : " '*• Mr. IK,* . Steven- , ; 1

Mrar l i r ~ | h a v e I

? r o w n C o t t o n s ,

IS ALE THE EKADlNti MAKES. *Jk HAvr ox iiAvp

— I have iie^n •*h-k t\vo TMr-* with the h \ t t « o m p l d n t , ami diiriii^ Mi it linn* have t,»krn •• i ^reai many (jiit'etviir ti|eilieim>-« im Iheni did nte |Hi\ I;I»*M|. I w.i-t rroiifUN in^u

iiit the northern end of the like after ! irticiouajl rotitist^or. Pres ident llnyoR haa d n p l i i y e d more HH^ncity hy avai l - | Ihirtoit, a brother exp lorer . Mi

Injf hltimelf of the adv ice an.l eo-oper- ! M a n l e \ n m l e s a s h r e w d ami i m p o r - ' t h a t the Minite h ^ adjotirni-d, ve \ ut Ion of Yirg Pres ident Whe* -ler. taut inference from the pur i iv a n d ' important e-ibhiet meeii irr^ will i e P r e a l d l n g over the de l ibera t ions of J color «>f the water of the river Kn-i hHd. Tlie Pre - i . | em will hr in- i«c

'til •»''»'. i n i l ui . ! •

II 1 " ^ e i l 1)

iei>i did nt'e i m \ >II»*M|. I w.if* it»-t!ei»H III^I'- - * t l ie . S i i u e lnkhiLr ihe V e ^ iltl'l iiMd ie ami leer i n fipiietiie. Siu<e InkhiL' Ihe V f ^ e n u e

I m p o r t a n t r . i l i i n e f TOeefing*. I re-i widl aiitl j-eliM|| my fi»».|. t an ruef>nniM>nd I V L ' i ^ i n v i ' T . i v \ l . . . . I i - V , . l'M' v*T«dln«| fol • wli :t il l i .v done for m e . | \V AMIIN4.ION, M : i i v h , h . - V u v , V o . i . M r u k , M u x A I . I I K K I UlcKKIt . ' 1 W i i n e - * (.f the jilw>\«-

Mr. l ie . i . M. Viiu.uline, M

VEGET5WE. the Senate , that gc l i t lemnn will n l - t p»era aho\ve tu< n t i o m s l , n a m e l y — i (o iv tlm OI!)UI . ; I vi rt

waVM he t h o r o u g h l y "pouted" on the j that ii rises e i t h e r far to the w e - t - terajeoneeri.i:):.: ici-i!-ia:»ii v i e W H o f t h e Senator^, and ean ena- ward of Lake T a n g a n y i k a , or that il^j ( '^rolina. (

T l ^ n !<• d j \v In' ,i !* | Int.oi i jtti't do it > •!• niCiit j!

hie the Pres ident ti>. v ice" of that body in t IOIIR w h i c h m p i i r u U al«»o asserted that w h e n t h c ^ p e r i i l aeaaion almll hare \)vt*\\ vmlvA, Mr. W h e e l e r wil l visit tlje southern states and tfive such lulvicir td ?uci\ of both part ies na wil l hartnoni/.e ex i s t in j : dltl lcultien. T w o yi|ars ay;o he p a d * lied the rival partiesjat Xe\V OrleaiiM and prevential a bhiody outbreak and it ia n o w lipped that hin prejecti d peace miasi^n wil l i ieeomplish w o n tlera.

ii'f S'with tin* ad- | course i*» internt]it«*d by a lake, where m a k i n g noininu- j the watera are pui*iiie<| as in a «rr<*at t*4 "consent ." it I set tin"; basin. T o J h \4 posnibh* Jatce,

the ex i s t ence of w h i c h , it is to |»e hoped , Mr. S t a n l e y m a y art tie before hi-* return, he has jjjlven the name" of A l e v i h d H a , in honor of the P r i n c e s <»l Wale«, and the nativ«»s aasure him that il is t w o day** canal H.iilhi"; in w i d t h , and lies beyond the mounta ins of I V u f u , beiii"; called hy them Ny-a n / a (*hu Ntroimi. These var ious

St. P o t r l e k V T*i\y lu Neir Y o r k . Nr.w ^'ol,•^, M.-'(•.-.i l i . - ^ T i i e auni-

versarv of Si , P.ttri.-IA !Vi . w a* <»';-

f'i C V i ' r i ' i i n c i •> thi- l>e-t i iH-dieal eoiu-I ( d o v\ \*>'t"if ll|i< pil!>)tr for i e n o \ « t

nerved hi*re i - n

iv 'dl i a l l t h e l i i . l i ' . f s

11 l i o p i j - * ' r: b-

> o j j | )»e ,i | •-


di «eoverie«, though of no striking;

( i l T C U Xieekt i

l»t) | | s l )<V; | l | | i '

walks and in (he hoiNc-car-; a: early hour, and the 'f^u.d HMUIIMT •»: shri l l -voiced <fin ill IKIVS did an »• t:ve bueiness in the s:.-ih» ot ' spr igs ol >h nn-roek and of mihi it ur«» Iri-h and \ mer-ican llaifs. >f'he s u v e t s t Ti r* »M «»-!i

j H . n m M e i p r e e<l l<'*|ore tl ie p i t l * ] i r f o r M - I H I V A I -eiur and b i n i n in;: the M Il, eradie:t l i t i | r fill hntn->•' , Hi ;4 ,l ' h - " I J * •' " 'lto|» * i"« 'fl'ef in ' l * f f i-tii I ho -^ a r m , jnvicot . I ' I I I ; and -»lrenj:lhen^ the K* h- j •em l« • < • I* 11 -M d \*\ (»i e M» ; in f o t M I-, a* »n mv lit\« «• ilje I il, " The «.fe H 11<* i! t !i I tettorer." ' '

\ \ r i ; A \ N S P K K . Ma. II ill- s i i \ i t s ; ir . \

l't lw7l* •> -eh \ <•• r ' ine v a « yrr trntnendr*! fo inc. jyj.i \ icli.ii. •• « • i ),«• | . :'.;in-|.»ii- of ii ft lend, f <',,,!> c|i"i't| |<> t»' >\, \ Uf* little, J Via-* -O.J-h':in+* ffoth i<i. i "il ,1 lr:li|; apo! tiirvt-M- fn »>-*-•-*- .i •, »ii{ tenr>tli; t <! I- • <>\ *-rw > t U and ii l e^n-

1 ;* *" Vrfn'l -trr v l h e n i e i r and" a r a ; i \ e proijfj-iM1- e« med lo afleel, in\ dehil i -C«M| ^ -M'nj from i l,r : i H <lo««v and under »t «*

; -e i - i* lent i} e | rap:dl> *<'e»\««n'd. jLaininy-i irni' Hi in in-ii.il I. i'. Uli a i d 1,0 <l leelie#r. >ltii ,r tloai J ha\ e hot iif«|f Hied ||»» c n e V e ^ o f i n e m \ m< d imi|Ua|]iled indoi^e'^i til *•* IM HI," -a.'e, ^III«' and p«rfv\ M fid a^enl 10 pi« inol inr he.tl h • nd r«'-|or»njr I'he u a - l e d -j«-tem to new h f e a o d

fiit-tjiv. \'ej!i'i»ne ;- U . i jo t . ! . tnedp-ine 1 n-e, and «s lop;; ;|- J l ive I u c p i ' r.xpecf to lind n t e l l e r . V i m r - i n i n , W. II. r l . A l M i ,

t i a I tr liaUi e i i ru i i \» ' p n 1

U%jn. UrntiP* Tottr.

fJeri. and Mra, Ursiiit wi l l leave Wftshin^toii dtirhifr I he present we**k for the W r d , A c c o m p a n i e d by the ir yoimejest sop n o w in co l lege , they

t . iportance. add an interc>tin;r chap-1 wUWU M l , , \»yw**«" VW* "**t\ j , M M , , , , , ^ ' M r < " " ' "Ww- ^ \ er to the h U t o i y of ^fpieim e x p l o r e j ••|'»wiled w i t h people of l . - . ih^i-x. .*. ^ ,... V E G E T I I N E -

iun.jind once more ev l i ib i t Mr. Stan- I T ,M% d e m o n dratboi w i< a c o m p l e t e vrra;JfMMi,,Mi;-ij> . t . u r , . « evor^ kn|l

\Vill nail Un llurope in May. They f expect to be) absent from the country at least t w o ) y e a r s , and it IM General <«rant's dr*i|re to travel as any o ther private c i t i i c n of t h e l ' i i l t e d Sta tes , w i thout piijdle i l emoi i s trat ions by the

ley in the litfht o | a s h r e w d , skil l­ful, and a d v e n t u r o u s traveler.--'/'/**' Amvri''iin. 1

m i k e haale alowjv. . In that ffillh the V |%r |1 | | | |%| |4 l u «thorit ie« of the ro im-people wi l l Hot ^e Impat ient , nord la -V^ ( t [f l l t ,A f I M ti

tiuHllul, nor b^ tuHte to c o n d e m n .

AM lontf tia he d«tcs not wnver In hon-

[ eat idiot t to do fyt* dut>% the bet ter

men of both pprtre* wil l w a l l w i t h

patience and Wl h a kindly hope that he nmv mieeoeVl.j-~Vy?'oMwti

•"»• v 1 1 i.->omlnAttoi|N 1>T tee Prrsldent.

Iho Preablenthna sent In the fol­lowing iiomlmi|ioim; Prederlek W

Y e m

P I U S ( > \ A L . Michael Zinjr, ajred f>0, d ied in Buf­

falo, I 'r idav from the inl lat ion of move j(iw. His wife 1* not e x p e c t e d to re­cover.

T h e foriuhe left hv Mie bile Ol iver A me*, of Kaston, i« e s t i m a t e d at from Feven to tlfteen mi l l ion dol lars . .

U is IIOW'NIIIII that W m . d l . Vai i -drrbitt paid a mi l l ion and a hajf ilol-

! hirs to buv oil* the oontes tants to the I

ea he will I v is i t , He recall* the I barra«M«ciit of Prankl in Pierce

dnriti«r bin lour abroad, after the e x -plratlona o|f hi* Pres ident ia l term. A Her 11 profusion of public a t t en t ion , J C o m m o d o r e ' s will., •

he at last f ^ m d refuse in a are.lnded T ,» ( 1 rt iel ireo'MiimiAiehirlnjr ^ o m -vilhijce in I h V S w i a s m o u n l n l n a , w h e r e ! pn«y at Dover , N . H . t propose to he e n i o y e d liimnelf for about three \ ••>v«-t a n e w mill of 10,0tH» spini l les , daya before b i s ident i fy WAS di*eov- ! wli'udu. il U t h o u ^ h l . wil l mfd 1!,000 ered. T h e n the people turned olit en | t o H»e popiiltif ion of the v ic in i ty . T h e

<hM. N. 1leti|iupj Gt|neirta« The uonjlmtlotn of ljl«tiHU teward, Ty-o«r and JatHM hkr% b*«n 1 conflrrntd.

9 f w t r | tt w^^ ^tm<' l , , f l | Tha Wow Yoi4 \W\WQ iKMiiTnt*«ton-**> eibUii of Hit fr^^'niim with light, I ert, Friday*- depnuled four WHII

AlUl olollm th6 W»»k Jrt W**1 ^.*M|»tiwl ilela^llrra^opiitrtdmeiib6o»tiae of mavll, and wr*p tlio poor and tbolr tor?Itm #on> worthlorfi and

m Mi % Hkk l»--WI

success. '1 he <erviccs it tlh

were largely a t t e n d e d . , *

c h U l ' e l T ' ° ' hnn'iof, al.d i c i l o i i - - ll.<| «tCire n i s i e n fo A

P e t e r II. NivcrJIT XKVV VuHKt Mar. h 17 . - etrr P-

henllhv »I The fol

i i . :d , foi ipi p -t < inn i:> l,o\^*H o : t i - u«t . |

• nd;M IOI wpijj 1et'»r fr« ijii tie* «;. W. M.'-n*

> pa a.,i-i l l v l i - !*.»*

•a I fl e

i - i\ I In

i il|. Mefl."di«t Kpe«-o. t.jt al pie«eut -elll* d

\ f i \ oi;r wfo> read* i<

d, ui-er and pin HIT of

'NTew l ? H n t s !

The he ft «Hsorltnenf in the ri tv*

Now Dtvss Crmhrics, I'oulnrds

White Piques*

/ i i


• %

Napkins and T o w e l s , !


C.y"l! \Si i i i i ie f»l1i <-t*x*k before purrha*ing


On the line of n <;r**i Uaf lmud w i t h irowl ma,r-k e u >Mt«i 1^.4 nmi W e » u

SDv.ls.Tli'! T i s lo SecnfB Ik • Mi i t ru in f l ' f . r . »• , . e - r-r»il. i^4t Cnnmlry f«r

M«»e» h'.ii^inj? in 0 ; e l"«tl|c*«t .<**at*»«t

# ftn.k»«. M.t;- K u l informa?|on4 n U t i 1 ? H f t ' KI 'JM » H" .- ie i.•«•.. i.• aM r*xn* of tiie t i r r l d .

.. A d d : e „ . .<> K. | l . \ V h , I.' i ! I nn. I'. I*. o\ n .

i t V i r L i i i c s -



m Laricsl. Best ail CLeapest Stock W i - i l y ' ^ r J M ^ e ' f c i b F o t s A ieN ie»:« ;« f... I . .JI^J , , . ai» | «|JT ,f ( iu' i" ••»•-.e. 1,'tt • , t . f » | ;.n.l * **fi|4»:

\****c* tut w+\4 | | ra^

« »:i i n w \ I'M

i* '»vi v i \ ,* i /> . w*xi'*. r» n> .> t.». i>«o;<,«.T-»rs,

^:x It \» e.# \ r w Yurk.

OK 'V. ! ' - * ' r V < MH>^ |*i »fv|/»/ v.^tti .it.ntn>. 13

c ' ' «*•».• t* -... . . . i t . .;. 15. I I ! ' H T > U. NAMAMH'

\ I

ri?vf: w o r , i v c r M

lATIV!-; lirMNESJ?.-. , v ; o it

1 . 1 i »tv I ; I> ' e . t .^ ><^Hhn|

e iO in.-** #.| i*fier|f.- nR < l

•t 1*1, *••,) fjit \f»rvin^ H * ( . i. r »nr*t « ;i i l i i l m . : „

'.•. ' . e . ; ' i ••». \ i i f i e e i * i * ^

h r ' * n e e < I 'lean*

.'»IM 4 ,'

URNITURE l;A Ii M s '.:: nr^.. vr .,'^y.^:S «••: ••«!- . Ii J!. t;., . . , - . : , , j -. n v .ttei i i i \ t ir 'r>.

I K'i. ".. ; ' i in am! p-!«••• I, ••. :d"«:.«i*f .iiiii.i4).^ 4 j « «' <u « « ' ii •«. i. '••. \ l . ' . tt:\4

I TKR orri:i:t:v iv Tiitf * KTV.


S w e e i U ' v ha«5 n-«>t c m i r t e I i i u h l i . - i t v the iii..od , . • ' i IIS l a P x i u v . MAf

s i n c e | u q i * e t u r u li'«»tn L u r o p e . O n ! > i r . i l . it. »rr.> I . N . - : I T u . . « i . . , . . : i * i i' « • «i i i I ' c n "»ii'-- \ l .» if 'en ven-« n r i m\* heahl i I hur*'dfiy m;,'ht he *-!•• i»* in the Inoi^* » f ,.,„,, ,»„„„.,„•„,«- d-p-.-iit,- rir. .-^ ..rMv-pep.1

of h i . hrothcr-hvdnw J o h n J. | t r , d - . . X S U ^ ' u V n ^ , 1 r."m . n ' ^ U e d !n ^ f l e v , \ o , I-It) W e s t l l l t h s t r e e t . > ' e s - »»aid. ainl i..o)% the f'>riii of n lan-e di-pp--e a ted j

* - a ' l -ee- , t» i>d'h wa- lUiei-n nion!h«» in xnthet inp. I terdav he paid a visit to one ot hi* i i u d m Mp 'H-ai opei in m% i.v the he t •'Kill .

. , i w 11 i' i • • in Hie Stan* Ipu r«r»' , \ id no p#»rtii:iiieiu run*, f! f i m t e r s , w h o l l n s III H a r l t - n i . H I* t fcUirrre.l #rre;,t pai:. at Urtie- and «.1- Coin^tanllv n r « h < L h l e t h a t h e w i l l i v n i n i n i n r | l . !"•*•**««aiei| i , | : | ,irofii*«« d i - e h - n ^ . I al«o l o d p i « o . i i u e i n a i n.i. A\ I I I n u i n u i i n H - , . „ , . , , , vU.rv<,,« i,otM . Jlt ,nOereni HUM,. t tremenf nnti l the Ix^rini.in^ .of hi^ ' \ , M , ! 0 I : ••«»« OI/IIMM ai.ne M m Tear*, till

^ M e . I^TI, ttbtlu M'f.i'Mel •er.oiiuii.-ti leil m** in t r i a l . I l l s i ' O i n i ^ e h . l u h O M c | \ e o | | I K*» f'» '" i «•!>> nnd t;.ik wi ih *oti e( the virtue

. . w . . l% , , * . . . i»f Veifeti ie . ' ' | did ro. and 1»f •, our* Hindne-ji « H l d V e ^ t e r d a v t h a t h e k n e w n o t h m * ( pi» . ,ed tl,i'.t(-!i wnir matnif»e*otv. noilnjr the

alHMtt any proposed eornpromi-e h{ . \l»x^:^. v<r.tUy «uiru w , „ r i e f ,»edj i* pro- .

t w e e n M r . S w e < n e v a n 1 h e > n : ' r r « l i lx' ^ h n ! l paw nnd Meant I /rained mrr\r enn- j , hdeiiei- in \ o ^ e e n e . j

t\)V til l* p e o p h 1 . ' , I iviiiitiii*ii<ei| taking i4 -nrtn itfrer, hliT felt 4

. * ! nor<e from im I'di-ff*; r-lill I p"» severed and ; vomi fe|! i{ t i . i - henetUtinK l"*'m other re-preln. ,

Vet I did II »i -re the rrinllH I de-*iredt till I had ! laken jr ia^ildullv Jor a little more Than a M'«r,

! win n the (Ml>i< ,(!• in the hnek wa^ eured, «nd j for nine InoniliH I have enJo\«*d the In*it of ' heahh. I

dl. m i I i ••»:»•. IMV' i'\ ev\ '»!!• w h o rcu i* ( u-w ••*" | J « f ti e won. V I ' M I « u r a t e e Mna!in#»* of I ' I M M V I I I ' I V . K%er\ thli.)? ir frt:<di a n d new.


N. Y\t W r w ill open a ftjll tine of


^ i f i n«Tjlr«l TlYe Coiiialftnii Refitrnli iff

s u n nt work. March IT. — ATI old

named sprm-nia., euine to y - ^ iMI|£if tlmP ^fm,dtWenh:flre pound, j i l l l f t o n V e a t C l ' d a V t o h e i l i a U « r U - *d t1e-hvlielii |{ l o a \ i e r than ever I efore In mv ,

f - - ". . I. . ' • . *\ I life, and I wan never n)ore aide in j>eiforin lalM»r tfH Pres ident , l i e vaid that he j than now. j

iitntciit*. l o the i v

uoualn of Mr*. Ilayea, f Sweeney, mild Friday evening Hint Who canjt abtindantly recommended , he h u n l doubt Sweeney U in town, for A Unittt} State* tnarthnlshlp in < hut he ifii not «etn hi in. Rumors Illinois the President aaya : *4 The iv are agaiji current that negotiations is one Inaupeiable objection lo your ( are in pmgrcss to compro/uise all the ippohHineut to any federal odlee—; ring sulti aiiuV it i» be lei red Tweed that in, your (rvifo is a fkvorilo cousin ; will ere diuny days walk out of Lud-

• ^ ^ VA of Mrs, Hajrefw lowitrttftJilU


mtw AiLilt

W A S H I N G T O N ,

man named Wnshii rated had document* from the Louisiana Returning Hoard, showing that he ahouhll have i)oen counted \n. Jle \viil beJacnt to the insane a>\ luui, to­day, making the sixth that ha» come thus far to be inaugurated.

. Frodn«# for ruaopf. KEWYOUK, March f7.—Fourff^am-

ships left for F.urope to-diy? t:.kin»: 0(K) tons of fresh href and hir^e ipian* titles of oyster, apples, cheeae, liuttcr Md other produce- '

ronai.ilinjr In part i»t

' I ' l i n e Pat ho Suil>*(

f'hattjlyer and I>ininj: R o o m Seffe t

Pier (;lav*e«. Mirror-*.

Marble Top Tables ,

L ibrary and K \ t e n s i o n Table*-,

Ot!l"*|, Library and Parlor l>e*ks 1 Piitent Rocker«.

( 'ouchea, j Hall Rneki, ' ; '

)• i n - v . Ktdtling nn<I t a m p ('hnir«, Foot Re^ta,.

n iackimr Roxec , L ibrarv . Oiliee and l>iniu« I*li}iir49

Cornices aci Lsmbreauins

i <n i . • II \ i, •.«. \ f e .

wuMii.tti n , -i f *.i. *: ^>toqo <«f dm

(liNTKN.MALK.VI'OSITlON * l»I.M .11'.! I> \% i l l . L l > i |{ v*J>.!>. S>i'.d n. u»«; .* •» It i tiin-i the o td" e n i o l e t e l e w p r f e # v 0 r k . ;:npt?i»-*hii iv ti M>'. »:eanV|rof t h e ••ml re h -.or . |.« ; d tout ioStf«, u -o-derfiil e x h ; -•I»I«, f i i M e i e ; - . « . • d«' -. e-r ; Hti ' • med , und * | e h « j i ' « • • • a n a i <» ICM T V I V ' 1CK1. wan*** i*.

<eie rew . . • - • . • <•! ..«•• t.'Ci* IM t W - . - M *<,H|W Ve.i- e ••% » » -»- i «' 'jim «! • !>»' p^o.4 of ftlH»\e,

i p:»d" d .-.',. s fU «|i. -r. fc.i | |ir«- k . r tmple , a j . . - f...' Ie-.e>,i**i .it, .H J . . t i r e v i i » $erm*. Jli io i A r o I ' . c t T i f » i m . I'ii*i i-i er^. : » >atK«*m -»rrei. r:et;;d.-:o!i;;,. I\lt ft% 4 ( * V I " I III l \ * »••'*<«* "f fid r ! T l V n . n ! ' i f . **.o,.t / . , r , , .«. ,J4

^0,'tn V * « , r • • " • ! N"'* W A M I h o n o u r W w V v i l l ! I K M . ' l . A V t'2 liiMtdA^. 1 |;»

S T O R Y C F Cr-Af?LEY ^ 0 8 3 . \ f . d ! i e « o t i ;. i I,I « , u a t M\.» e r \ , w * i i f e n b v

I j - t 1 lo r. U T . I . 1<M| m OK <rn-m« in thtCiinjr inten#-t. T» •• h u i i r n n i l M.tr.d '4*A to nil §{«•-li^4»t •. n < • ujp «:.<- A<« "in j « f ail iltfM mlna* :.i»iif and . . . ."/v II n-|U4* or>. Al o t i e hnlif>* medieal ^rni-l . ;»•. 1> . IVin'.mM, *0D II-

i*rhi, In-, r a t i o n * T i , . e ! . o * k - -e>! i n d ! • m 'e Ag 1.1- ;•«.;!• mone- • w heiTr IteiiJ tf* li-i-« . !'.'»»>- h- nie I > •* c rf .

:*OMI h u i v 1 r o l l IK A 1 .»., Pail*.

*H?e I ' tr-

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A'" •' R:t7iki-wp(. S a l e !

P £ ri T U M E R Y ,


!"»•: \ \M» I"XTllAt. 1^. > • '

WINDOW • A Sper ia l i tr .

h n r i n u the pa^t few' neeK* T had rf *«*rofnl«u« \ nuellinir a** Ittricc i s mv iNt KNlixr «»n nnother p«rt of mv 1J.H1\. . i

! I i*M»k Vnicalhie f^ltiifnil<- nttdl tt rentfivod It ; l e \p l wjtlrthf* MirfiMM m a nemih . I thinL t'

nhonld h.Oe heen eured of mv main Imithlea j j ^n«aier If I had taken larger done-, nflni hav ing , I lM»eome ai)<"iMienie*l In MH eilee.tji. I Let your patleniH imtthle^t with Hfcroful* or t H d n e v ' d i v a r t e undetidnnd lha'f It tnken tiina in j 1 r u r e c h r o n i c di»eH«e«, «nd if they w i l l t a k e 1 V«falluaf It will, tn in* tndgment, cure thara. !

Wltb ffraat nhlljprtoni I am, *» innr.f verr iriil^.

' ti w, MASHFI^I .TI , I'aHlnr of the Mfttliftdtrti K. i hure.h. lint

iPrcpJtreil tr>- U. n. STKVKXft, ilntton, Ma»i.

YEftBflHEIl 8ott"liT 111 Dnmuli.

• I

SHADES Pla in Furniture ! !

About M&rcli 16th, 1877,

(h?e ThousimJ Dollars Worth •f l'» nr. MU.li AT I.KHH T M A ' r

One-Half Actual Valtie!' I he*e >r»»i» u i.-.ve !»«••• r tureed ot er fo m c tn'

j>v\h and hin*t !n»riftM*<l otii l o ini»ot tyonev ohl i -"Vi«tK»n»» Kxuiiiirie the ir.i^l- ;«nd ><»a wil l ha

, r i o v i n r e d nt a r lnnee thht thev a t e irorih t w l f « ^ ,' v | what I «<k foi lit hi. "

> , ' \ ^ ' r A M>I,K\(»II> rnAvn: TO CUT A - \ S p r i n g Ifedi , M a t t r e « ^ k Feather* C H R I S | > t A > p j g K S K X T C H E K K

1 also oflor .t Mrire annorliomt of imeftit ;

Fancy Dry Goods 1 Notions

<m V.A A. .UrCUI' t lRt

M T*T* l t f O f f d f t t a M l ? , If. T .

A l w a r a on hand

AT ? o . 1?0 r i ' i u . i e ^f 'ATTr. ,

• HVhrre all arr tnrit«il in fal l and e x a m i n e out }:\**%* and itticvn.

t ftic. i.KwiH, K. iiK\i?icn. K, vr. Uovxm 1 i •WitWiow^f *«f. tJ. lit*.

• * • ^ * -

At cjoar yricf for die HrtlMav*. -:



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^MMMM^'hm^M^m M^jki