!iz3:£i - DigiFind-It"Lullabc" by Brahms, and "My Bonny Lassl She Smtleth" by Thlman by the...

CRANFORD. N. I.. THURSDAY. MAY II. 1933 publican Club Hears Many Candidates embly and Freeholder As- pirants Tell Members Their Story and Have a Very Pleasant Reception. ' .' t The regular May meeting of trie He- >lican Club last night again was ily a andidates' night, nineteen . aklng short tilks in which they told iwliy they should be nominated atid how l%e!l they will serve.,Uie public when (Sleeted. f The first' speaker was Alan Bruce KConJln of Westfleld, candidate for the I Assembly, who gave ''a 'stralahtforward | talk on his qualifications and what he j hoped to accomplish In U'e "Legisla- ture. Herbert'J. Pasco*. now In th.e- Assemblyr-told of legislaticJi^jUJiJWtfd^ ^p..ani..under.»'ayjjrtd ojjjS* iiecsl ~Q¥ CxptH^jicj&tf"• reprtfscojsftwo*• m^ Trenton.- .He and. Assemblyman Thom- as! M MuJr are candidates for' renom- lnatlon. ' Assemblymen Otto and Ward retiring this year. Robert O. suckles, candidate for the Asscmblv, also gave a very interesting short talk on lite 'candidacy. Edward Bauer, County Register, seek- ing rcnominatlon. gave -a very luter- esUng talk on the work of tliat office and on his experience in handling same: He put his candidacy on the simple platform tliat he had done Itis work well In the past and-could assure good service to the people In 'ills im- portant office In the future. C. W. Oollln3, who is an avowed can- didate for County Chairman, talked a 1 teiv minutes in the situation in the party wlUi regard to the Chairman- ship. He. said'every elforl had been made to brlna about harmony and a compromise on chairman witu no suc- \aU y for t lt to a ,.;-, opponent's election must be the basis' of * compromise. . Former, nlhyor Aldrich spike for the nominees for Township Committee Messrs. MfcCullough and Oslerheldl Though unopposed In the primary, Mr AUrich said they should ha\j hearty Alu$; unanimous support from their work on the Township " proved of the utmost ._d. Tax Collector C . r, candidate for renomlnatlon, U L. Loveland were called made a few remarks Ider candidates! were heard speeches. These Included C W l e s of Union; LeRoy o/Hocslcy ide. member of '/he-' present] James O. Brokaw/ot Elizabeth, member of.^the Blfard; J&rne* O. of Westueid, aM> a member ol •er.i Board; JCharles A Bauer J Decker of Lmded; Mayor David of OarwOod, and Edward . Emmons.' who is a candidate ei. Mr. Emmons' chief ar- i was that the present Register that office long enough and ) should be a change. OatneM' t e i s l o n of the meeting with President LuU presid- ' Besides reports of officers, two ; members were elected. Secretary r repcrtcd proposed amendments the by-laws. Discussion on these was referred until Uie. next meeting. Prasidenl Lutz had to )«rve early and at the close of the business nes«lo;i fie called V.ce-Presldent Stanger to the chair to Introduce candidates who wished to speak. ;' •• : • .. . "' Italian-American* tip Lutz, Warner, Mayor Oeorge A. Luta was the prin- cipal speaker at a meeting of the Cran- fdroriWiaa^Sawr^^bbJa^i day night in the clubs headquarters,'6 North avenue, West. Mayor Lutz dis- cussed the natlonateconomlc problem. Other speakers Included Jamei E. •Warner, who explained, conditions In the Township at> th" present time, and EdwiTC C McMahon, Republican can- rhdate for;the Small Boardfof Freehol- ders. ' TH5 dui>-endorsed-.'Mr.. Mc- Mahcm's'candidacy. . • ' ' •-;• Refreshments were served-alter the meeting by a committee rn charge of 'EiT«rMli« PilJlNi Poudoro presided. "' COMMITTEE TO MEET - Final., plans for- the Memorial Day obsenrance In Cranford will be made at a. meeting' of the Memorial Day committee at 8 o'clock tomorrow night --In the Township Rooms, according: to Herbert R. Winckler general chairman. All membexs ot '^fae—coUUnltrte f|ave been urgvd tcr^tttend. COLOKEO Q. OrT. CLUB TO MEET The Cranford Colored Republican d u b will meet at 8 o'clock Friday nigh: at the home of Uie president, A. Cox, 10S High street All member? a n rajuerted t o attctKL I'- Fiike Port Will rUve Spaghetti Dinner Tonight Capt, Newell Rodney^Ute. Post. No. 33S V. P; W.. wili.hold a spaghetti din- ner for members and Its aUftllary and friends at 7. o'clock tonight In the V. F\ W. headquarters on north Onion avenue. Alarge crowd Is expected. Dancing wilt be held after the dinner with music by Dannie Heyburn's" "or- chestra. . ' At the regular meeting Friday night. William A. Sclmlti. who was with the 33rd Division, und John W. bane, who was with the air [om-s, wen Initiated as members of the post. Both were wounded in actiou. An application for membership was received from Phillip Brady. Announcement has been made tliat the pcist and auxiliary will attend in body a memorial., service In .the First Presbyterian Church at. 8 p. m. May 28 A delegation from the local post ,,ilt,tj will attend the banquet in the t««rtrn..Uk&:.CUaj. ( Mtty-.13-in honor of Uie, m ._rjntlorjal r _eornriiander, Admiral Cflr'" " ''"' T -f"'-^ : <:'*S""'~Ti~ Trinity Choristers To Present Concert Program -rls Announced for Musical May 19 in Roose- velt School; Noted Tenor. Pianist to Be Featured. The concert to be'given In Roose- velt School at B:15 o'clock Friday ev- ening. May 19, by the Chorister Boys of Trinity Church Is attracting much interest, according to.those In charge. Tickets which were placed on sale re- cently are going rapidly. ; . Edouard Orobe, tenor, who recently made nis'"6peratlc"debilt-over-8tatton W. O. H. opposite Luella Mellus, sing- ing' the role of Alfredo In Verdi's "Tra- viava.' will be tfic gues*»BrUst. Oran- ville English, composer-pianist, will ac- company Uw, singer, and also play a number of hi) own compositions. , The. Chorister Boys will open Uie concert with a group of three selec- tions, "Marching Song""by Channlng Lefebvre, "Row Beautiful Are the Feat," by. Handel, and "But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell" by Handel. Mr. probe will sing "Plalslr d'Amour' by Martini". ''Where 'erYou Walk" by Handel. "Passing By" by PurcelTand T h e Cossack and His Horse" by Four. drata,.. .[ .. ;' ( J pthcr selections.will b«: "Par In Ui« lley So Dear" by Scarlatti, "Fairest e" by Purcetl and "Jack Orost" by fcaul. by the' chorister Boys'; "On Wings ol Song" by Mendelssohn, "The Room" by'KenneUi "Knlth, .."I "Love The*"'-by Cecil Cowles, and "At End" by cowles, by Mr. Orobe; "Valse Co- quette" by English arid "Papsage" also "CT Let Me iiream",,by Ipiwnlnij, -"Sfte Stoops to Conquer" by_RViecker| "Whis- pering wfetcrs;' by English and "If I date You a Rose" by English, all by Mr. Orobe: "Little Indian" by Webbe, "Lullabc" by Brahms, and "My Bonny Lassl She Smtleth" by Thlman by the Chorister Boys. . , Tickets may be secured at Wa Ool- denberg Stationery' store 1 on North Va- or at the door. McMahon U Elected President of Lions Edward. C. McMahon was unani- mously elected . president of Cranford Ubns Club at the regular meeting Fri- day night' in the Rostrevor. Other officers presented by the nominating committee also were" chosen unani- mously. They are: Vlce-prealdent, A. T. Baker; ^secretary, J. A." Strong; Clarence Frltir' tall twister, Thomas McLaugtilin, and -.trustees, August Thermann and Jerry Jensen. ; O. K. Warner and President Mc- MShoi(. expressed the appreciation of the cjao', to the outgoing otBcera for their fine services rendered during the past y/ar. ". '• A series of card parties will be held by the members' during, the, summer, the proceeds tc be donated to aid the blind, of the State. ! ..!••• a . ' D. W. tqwner orUie~aB«nslon~divl ROr^ra-Pnhrerslty-spoke ot-the- benefits ot extension education. ' / Several Important' business matters are to come before the dub Uimmiow night and every member, has- been re- quested to attend. The meeting will be held at 6:30 o'clock in the Rostmror. SCHOOL TMSfJBXS TO MEET - Tiie Board of Educatldn;wlll meet at 8 o'clock. Monday night In the Orant School to consider further,.. reductions in the school budget. The problem of orercrowdednes* anticipated in the second erades of Orant School and the Joseph ipper grades of Roosevelt School also " will be dJjcuaed M ti» meeting IIOB- daj. Notice of Water Rate Redaction Received Township Committee'Official- ly Notified of Elimination of Water Surcharge of 10 Per Cent by Utilities Board; Central R. R. Cannot Qper- ate Station Elevators. The, Township Committee received formal notice Tuesday night of the decision ^y the State Board'of Public Utilities in. the action brought by the Joint munlctnallUei to eliminate the ten per cent surcharge on water bills This Is that sfych surcharge >h»U be, eliminated fromTfcpril 1. Tlie drrl^nn la subject to appeal, however, «nd whether or not the Sompany wilt take the matter to the courts is not known. Building Inspector Strelr reporti*! two submitted applications for".seven i>er- nuts which were granted; aisoMwo Oil burner permits. \ Btreet Commissioner McCullouitlv im- ported the completion of i\ short piece of sewer^ln Orchard'itreet with uneinv ployed labor ond that road patching is nearly, done. Streets are about rnids for the yearly sealing coah Mr. Me- Cullough also stated, that letters had been sent to various municipalities and to the county and state authorities with regard to the extension of Michi- gan avenue but with no developments as yet Police Commissioner Bcitgs reported »30 fines collected in-April, PlskePost. No. 335. V. P. W., pre- sented a resolution asking the Town ship Committee to help secure a mem In Assembly Race Blue and Gold Nine Blanks Pingry Team - * / Grimes Strikes Out Twelv* Elizabeth Ratters its Mntei lp'9 to 0 Victory. vrrl!i-ht |>llr)iln( "11 l l l f (iart 11 Triit-Oriinrt, toc'rlhrt with line at! [primml nlHyitK^^ntl i'Mtinir iivtu I If anim»tmv ' Vnablnt rft^cA Cnfti><-' : Cranluixl lituh .«etiot)t tune to Jltit ipingo' «l Eltwbrth yrtlrrday *ltrr- jiiuiMi un"ilir lattvrj atsniomt. Th Ww tit'l.dtnR anil.« liirKr number *rrwa wrri 1 p;utlv n*5i>mnifolc. tur 1 downfall nl the JEllriibi'irr nmi\ .Pliiury hail t«'pll (lefr'Attfi niily oiH-r JH : l<tf .In UVdnriwlnv'R Imiiii* ' - Thr Illur nnd i'liihl luiilrr Mruck mi t^flvt* ot tti* 1 KllVatk-tli baiti'is, whlli : KldrldK**. the .IMlltfry pitcher. rHtrrri 'oiil'v six n( thi 1 Crimti.rri. butters'by thr lirld tu ti lolit,l'>jnulpV'.: r ,;"'""." mini; (Wo.i-iiiM In bHIIi'iiii" Dili i mid ImiKli minntfv the. Crnhfiinl nim Lhulii u "(If hi ilny" tn thr but frnuir full nvc'ninn iirnw* trio homo c.'lmrky Orlinttia, Hutlrr. niu rs li-i) tllt> nltlKlrlllu iltllllk <)[ (in i. Tllf'Y i'llrll klliM'liiHl nut !l twu- Are CliniiK e< l "I An-iimw int. ... ./ . ;- . _ College Club Re-elects All Present Officers rhinl Dinner tusrol Country tustpl day at 15nl- C'lub Moh-S \ \r. Mic t'inntoril iuit^mniiily lo-r-le AH ofncprs Club-weic.. uiuil^lmniiHly lo-r-lertrd. lit the iimiua! mct'lhw mul bunijutrt MfWi-- day night at ihAHnltusrijl Country Club.- Mrs. Frniik. N\HprotF wiui ;i«iun in ttic llnrui* yi-ftprtlny. Co.irh (.'nlTif will hike IIIM tenui [11 MlUhutn tomorrow iitt^rnoon und lii Noriil t'hilnni'li! 'rili'Mlay itftrrtKHin *'tC(*hitnurt tm tout p«(/e/ p p orlal to Juan Bargos. the rrsolutlon be-ichost'ti. prc'MdiMit HIHI\AVIH linltl ufllr. Ing as' follows: Whereas. Juan Daritos. as a cltbvn Of.. Cranford, .was ;t oiie. of _the first 1 to answer the call to'trie Colon:; and'*_ "" "Whereas, Said Juan Bargos' death and burial at sea while on the way to France was the first casually in Crun- ford's overseas contingent; and Whereas, Such burial at sea dudes proper tribute by memorial marking of the location of the final resting place of Juan Bargos, who paM the supreme sacrifice for world democ- racy; and "Whereas. There is oportpunlty pres- ent to provide) a suitable and perman- ent memorial to Juan Bargos- dovotton and sacrifice for his country; "Be It Resolved by the members of papt. Newell Rodney IPlske Post No. 33S. V, P. W., In i meeting assembled this 21st day of April, 1033. that they go on record and recommend to the Township Committee of Cranford. that said Township Committee request and petition Uie Union' County Park Com- mission, or other proper authority, to have the ball Meld section or Unarnl ParX that lies within the Townsjilp limits of Cranford' named and properly marked.as a permanent. tesUrnOhlallo Uie. memory, devotion and sacrifice of Juan Bargos, and be. It "Further resolved that a copy of this resolution be forwarded tothe Union County Park Commission, or other proper authority, along, with such recommendation, peUtlon; etc. "Signed. Committee of Resolution. ' THOMAS A. ALBANS. . ' .' AdluUht. HOWELL EVANS, : . •. ; Commander," This was approved by the comrnU'ee and ordered forwarded, to the County Park Commission. At Uie last meeting of the commit- tee, the V. LA:-asked that effort be made to secure the operation-of the elevators at the Central TUllroaB-'sla- tion for passengers. Trje'cirnpeny does not see its way clear to do this, as Is t forth' In the following letter to Township Clerk Derurian: ... "Mr, A. R. Denman, . „ " .. •• ;J. "Dear Mr. -Dtnman: .._•. "I have received your letter of April 28th, submltUng copy of letter from Miss' Alice - Lakey, Chairman. Street^ and Stations, village.Improvement As- regard to operating our freight elevators at Cranford, station. "As you are aware. In- the last few years we have spent approximately 12,000,000 at Cranford under orders of PubUc Utility Commission and at the soildt»i^pf_ttjie^Usens-of Cranford to eliminate croaalngs. When this last came b«rd?eThT7PutB(rTnflttr r COBS^ mlssloners of New Jersey we made no obiecUons to it, and- went alotig with the project. We have made a big con- tribution to the public interests In this neighborhood. We feel that we 'have made all of the expenditures at Cran- ford that we' can be expected to make. -To operate the freight elevators at Cranford would Involve Uie employ- ment; of xtHtlonsl men to operate them, and our financial condition Is such that v we are not able to spenda stogie dollar that can possibly be •raided. If we Instituted such an ar- rangement at Cranford. we would hate g at otter painta along i fnr thr ni'Xt two vrnn the following iv-ch 1 vico-prrMdi'iil, Mrs. ^toyi'thfM' with lirciv Ill-lit M, Purk; socfind vli r i'-|ii'eMdrnt^MIM"AK^* M n t h - cw»; recordhiK Mt-ri't'iry. Mra.NJo'lm' Pant; tiorrr-spondiiiK .VMrrptnry.- ,E»ther Hiiiiiiau ; iiiul nuil William Sixrry, 2nd. Mrs; DuimlU tilnnls, MlM was ulso iiuinnl the coming year. An cMlon nt latter office-Ir, held anmially.. Mrs, Robert Pndrn, Mrs, Floyd Hhnn- non und Mm. L. II Honard were clect- ril us mnhibervUt-lftrju.' tri tin; Uounl of dlrecUirn and Miil Rrrvo for utiv y i n The Klrtte WRR preMiited liy Mtu, W. S.'-Opo,- chairmriita «f- tlm iiainlnnUiiK cominltte**, lullowliitr trio I'fiidlny ol tip' revl»«l mintltutlunaiid liy laws Mrs Fast ns.fc.fcri'tary of tin- im-rtiriK ICH'I the ri'vliioiu In the ron.slil.utlu>) :iiid by-la-;vn whlrh -fhanuc thr. nlrKibility of membrrs from women liiivim' OIR* year of collf v n<> training to two yciirs til collide work. .(Xhor chulim", iilTrrtliiK tllo i-lpctloil of olllcrrs und up|n'int- ments of cluiiriiii'ii to minimi tiiV-wi-n; niso read. The ncw'ronstltiitloii mid by-laws were'passed on by ail.tncfnlKTs of the oi banquet and nirrtiiiK witlcii. was u- ranged by Mrs. P. Hnmllion Tny. rlriit- man of tht* prottrnm coirunlt'r*'. Dur- ing the dlnuf-r Mrv'G. .O. PTiink nuve a tpiist thanking thr? offirxr* iind iiifiu- bers for 'their supiKirl of tin* tint) dur- ing''1U first yrar :imi also u tiiiinkln4 Mrs. A. 1 C. Ony and. Mrv Ftist "A-ho wme the orliilnal" orgRiilrcm irf the Cranford unit. : Mrs. Day, -M-)io wiii> present at-lhc* dlnm-r, Is.'n .former we- rctary, of. the dub but hay .irtubyrd from Cranford. Following Hie dinner. J.i|«: !1 -H. l.y- don sariK a Kroup ofi thn:c wprnno solos. She was liccompaiiicd by Mm: Eugene D. Towler. ' .*'"'" Miss Alice MntliowK '*a* in. r:harKe of t short meiodrnma of IllltO which wns given as the concluding .number of' the evening's entertainment. Takjnjf part tn "TJie Reunion" were:' Mrs. P. H Fay, Mrs. D. R. Neal/Mlss Enllwr liln- man, Royd Shunnoii. Donuld MiOln- Randolph. companljcr Tliir cast' throuilibiit performance with appropriate' piano Klectlona. •'.:"• • ' '.",'".•• •Monday night's niifftlnpr ended'the club's activities until SeptemberV. '*.<• '- '•»"• '.'.-'. . '•.•"' 1-- - W«ge Dispute I. Settled, ^ Cranford Theatre Re-opens The Cranford Theatre was reJopened biVlnB elexfd frir 9!ve days becauseqt wa«e dlsputeswtth operalors ol the local Lhiatrr anathree other Warner. Brothers' trwalri In Union County. Settlement was reached early Friday.'morning after the' oper- ators reluctantly agree!} to accept •» twenty per cent wage Slash. The m u and Regent house* In EUza- beth also re-opened Friday *s did the Union theatre, although operator* of" the latter houw wrr» not affeeted by trie wage cut, It was said. The Cranford theatre was "cleaned and a part of the Interior was redec- orated during the five days the theatre was closed/ E. J. Kane is manager of. the local houM. Prominent G. O. P. Women Work for Mrs. Lovell Nfm MJUWI 11 I^ivr^-^tio ftim<Hinci*(, 'her rntutldacy Tor IIw* Aiwrmbiy. In rr HXtiilVrti-1iC-t|ir^i«fg<*IVt'J X**'W****- **{ P.' lin l y Woni^n's Rrpubllrun orttunlxntU him .»•**» an active* iind^mrlrin workrr Hi 'civic and (xtllticftl ullftirn ilu'rlnv the (nurtf^n yVurs dlw-' him M^JitdiKi |t» Oranfurd. \ • ' Mm. Lovdl wiu* tiorn inLyiut.MaAs 'sind was gmduatod tnnn Uw public KchooU of her nuttve city. wt»r« »h« begAti to teftch ftt the nne of- npv«m U-en. She early beennu* intrirAt^d In rivlcfl and politics' Ummitr. tiAWxlution wltli'hfr faUicr, and living HI O lurit** inanufiicturlnK ctty, u>ok ptuticular If 1 tcrf«t-ln Ifttxir- Iaw«-Hiicl Icifisltttlpn 4f tcctlna ^(iiiifn and rlilldn-n. . Wlwn wuiiMU worn Ktvt<t. Itie [irivtlt'KP til v«»UlrK Mit? beenmc uctlvr In Wom- m'ii Ilc[Jtitjli<:nn orKainlKaLlutu. Hheflfl u.'nirmbrr uf the Winncnn ItrpubltcHU Club und liaa bven JUi prt*«id«nt 'Un thn.** 1 yi'unt, Blw Ix.'loniu t» Uvc Unlun County CouiKil ol lU-publlcBii Wbmcu it'nd the .Wonstin'* fitnt* 1 Ilrpubllcftii Club _ If>k-cU-cl U) UK Awmbly. Mm * jConttHutd on taitpuggf Two Youths !Confe«i. Th»t Holdup Wa. "F«ke" ^oon Ftrhrrenlikowll, nen 17, uf Ml! mter avenue, mid Jlflymond fjrlck* <>W«lci,< IIKC 17. of 10 Ni-w micet. lant night iwnfpwd to police that n hold- up In which the tortner reported that hi* had been rVibbcd of.13,40 Tuesday nlilht, wMflctlclous, nnd that prWloun KtaU'inirnts that fjchercshkowff had made to the police were false; .They wid they had iipent the' money fnr beor. • • .' • " . ' Tlie two youths were am-nted about H:30 ladt nlttht by'officers Ot^orge Ito- midale and Thmnu Woods, Jr., on simpicion. After a Kliart grilling, the two young men confessed and signed statement*! to Uie effect. Arraigned be- fore JudKo-I,. U Loveland on a cliargr of vniaklng fajv) italcnitnU, the pair was dismissed with a .Warning. , " Bchermhkowff rp'porttd V>thti police Wednesday murnlng that two colored re .WSSSa 'on SoiHfi i W«i. where tie 14 employed, and asked -film for five, cents to buy food. Tin- two men attacked him slid took the 13.40 which he had In his posMadorr and ran towards Oarwood.' He" «Ut*d that he gave chase but could not catch them JUKI returned and closed house, tie Rave detailed of the .two hold-up men. Molay* Will Honor Mothers Hare Tonight Ijmnner Chapter, Order 'of DeMoIay. wll pay tribute to thflr mothers at Jhelr regular meeting to- night In the Masonic Tempte on South ayenne. Patriot's Day also will be ob- served tonight- -r—-' -. '. ' The meeting win be opened to the Dubllc and a special Invitation has been ^tended to each member's mother to attend the service. All Masons' also have been Invited, On Sunday . evening, "Max 1«. the members of the Cranford chapter and the Advisory Board will attend Moth' er't. Day Krvlces in St. Luke's Church, Roselle. Three Contests in Republican Primary Iitterest Centers on Tax Collector and F n t and Eighth District , County Committee RghU; Many Battle* * *. .. in Democratic Ranks. ' ' * . * . - •;—:-.•••• ~i_; •• ' •__Wth onlj DIRECTORS VISIT ii»»nngM, n CRANFORD CAMP tn. l o 1* wrnvrtts an- ,«marT avmi rrom A n n , . l l.n.j O»mp f..r *°«<intv IndlraU. < Last Himiiay nwmlirrs "I tlw Hoard il Triutwii uf thr Grahford 1 Camp A»- lorlatlon. lnu , lnude Uinr Annual umr it. l!!*i>fi'ttt>u of the ramp At tUlwr jCur ui Wfcrtiii Ciiunty. on tl» ««> l»r, llallanW iJiTWiook troiip .*• «f |,a,»in i «rufh *»'«e«)ta»>«»awi«» Uir ib*llut for itm. rjfi* j«j«i iod Uie A»- arnitiiy f.dntni Us nbMtj 4cn,i«ui<lldJiw« t^,^ ri«htln« tor stir (oar nxmnaUdni i tor .riie K**put>iu.a£! up firr a.lwu-day untlim Tllu u w i u m- j Cuunlf O>»u«nt»»*««iai> -Itwn Uir ilvi'doit Snluidny uiut made i»mp for [first Utabwc. *rw>» ,W» - r J l*>llrr iwo.tlay* uHurnlim it) CrttiifoTil'UuiidayitlK'.irurmiijbirnt. u .^M«»ia ti 3Ur». Ar- IllaCll't. ' ' j " lur n t)<J «W. *"» "ft » " WnwiUl UU- •n«. lril«U-r, found the .'ami> H> ' » - | lrUl ' ***** A%JR««.»'t l.-*l«U« •I'leiil I'umlllHin'and'wlUi vvry little U. •» .""nil tantnu* b, Annacd Van Ofl- !»• dmin to.put it in »hai»! fur Ui« I W , * ' . [lllnurnl. TIIP >liarkn uu the hill Uip Itrpubikiuu '*f»> tsr unmiutit In n< luiind Ui havo wlntrml euvptluii-, Ui» 1'runaii in l^sek MiOuiluufii ally well. Hie pump houae, Ixtrluc and• ana timir«e E •kdrtwUli Jii Toraalun two Blimkn Wrni tllllll Jllst plrvloiu (<>jCimmlW; l.tma^, t, JA-FTT1«JII1 an1 limiting Uie OBIIU> hut yar and [>rov«ilrj,yln / Church tar Jvatnr «I Uir i bi>HiTOiifly ntlractlvr/ u> the boyip,,,*; Oiun» ctaavw* n'ni'Uls- iifiiurrs. I'IIB i»liiii|i h»u«e w u 6«Ul| uici-'-'Jajwis E irum, s.<w,fl l)u- ns'tHe-'resultof.a drinanU nir prol*cUon|tjict'~l l to«»iK« K SVanm»i m l Hun- liir tlw runnwia when wuhlnu ilp ""Juei (| ttiiit. Tfu»4 ;; iJSs4»-t-l»abrll« 1 nlny day» and to |rn>tcct them fiom: w Tagirart Mid Ektanawl P swlllvmn. il,« hot nun at ..Uiw lline^ '11» main ,.IUI..« w M . 1 * , found to tar.ll i«,» although «.me »u« had » ^ I. Itoxuid «ud »,«!. UU- «iatd will rnolulkmj lirovldliut for liwlde lucks uu all w " l * n iiw ,u. w«leom« Urn ol th» NWdracb.-iwntun Uraa/iri. MM«-I 11 n»fith ' Otu'ituv—Hann T 'tea-wsssaw.Kr rwt, ( !iz3:£i.SoXkS the cf»Hip property, clcisnlin up ^ ^ I v , ^ ^ tJTItlt «« - Mslng tt and locking *U doort «nd wtii* SSJST- " nd " turn " >i; ""*"*!«•»'«•»•«—»• «^-*-. a* Tlw niimml iiHittinii »f Uw a»«Klatli>n ' Jj •*•*>***'" e"***"*!* *<*Aaswn- wlll bo held- tonight ai tho liomt of, . ' . Charles E. Oreen, lilt I'rmprct slrMt.f niawimii n h n | , at wlilcli oflkern [or the "insulin yearj A'numo«r of oxtfaau Kmm on UIB will lie elected, Wports of i olncerare-P»mocr»tJ«—Praawr S»Uot County ill be elected, jreporta of 1 olr elvod nud oUii-r butlnoM ijertalnlng to he ro,ulpmcnt ai|d inaliilenaiux of tn* :«»iD will be (wewinted. At 'Uits meet- nil the annual budget will bo pruenUd ml plaiui will txi made forraisingUu lunounl nvceuary to curry 011 this sum- .er v On "aewjunt of'^genural condltloni!. Uie ruatccn fm|-tlwt ttw inalntenaiice i»f lit camp thUvyvar U more important han In any prevlOuTyear as Uwre will oubtleas In a great ihany boys who ot al!«rd tin coif "otprivat* J carnp»." No chargi; is madii' for Crar.foid buys Uendtug Uie.carnp, Uw'only coil tWing irw dollar a day (or food and auy Cran- ord boy may remain as lone as "he l the minimum period btlng on« ' ' w«k.- first boys VP occiipi il Ui» camp will In U» Junior. Police who- go up trwre In advance o^ UM regular was- n'» ouenUig.' Ttiey tpnut^n dij« In amp Immediately after (lie cum of icll'uol;. When they .leava the camp manager tlien proceeds "Co gel It In VnadliWM for UH> first contingent of ampers for the Mason which c pen* un ruly »th and closeaXabor Day. ' Sam East Is Armtad By Woods, Rot«ndale Bam East, ag« 28, wanted by Cran- ord police sine* April 8, for atrocious arrested-Friday afternoon try OfBcen Oeorge Rosendal* and Tlioipai.Woods. Jr., hear OonwrvUIt.. ,,. ' . • ; East U.alleged to have .tabbed John- wn several times during* a quafrtl on Johnson avehut. He escaped lmmed- iatelr following the fight. Pollowlnt his return to Cranlord. East was .arraigned before Judge L. L U««Und'arjd then taken to BUabeth where h* will os bald for grand jury f Commltuj* a s p u i u u i mtm t » u > It out In tht (tint.'incaoL Uaird, uilh at>d l lictnocrat* udmiuiaUuii n ht lwrv*ntt> ! ant nMktnc ifc*t»i.'paJijfY for the oOtc* Jam» A..'ittau *»J n>ld ar»thir a. War- for Tai Collec- tor, Thowr rtmriwtiiiir^ s«r Ctiurilr Coni- mltt»» Ert»«tJ tnurk-V-Jantrs l>w)'lr: Swund District—Ida Unmn. H i t . K. Lyi'icli, William II rjArsy vu&4*j»» w. Qar- rotti. Thlrif Outmt — KaUxrirw . L Walter C. Oncan: auili . I«»trtct~ Kjuhryn* Jna Scar^ra. Uia U. nel- nwr, Petnr H ffautlb «M rraacU J Qoftcy; evwnui OuarJci (ifBourke awl BOa U- <>«rtiao. .iUnoppoans Dnxxnuc ay*: WsKm'lfc Owt«» Sauer cawilijatci Ororge a. ConauiLtpc. j«- «ph Thcwa* tor JmOot (4 the Ppiot, tor County pxwuuwi-nrKt DMrlct, Edwwit W. DQTIV. iwa cdttrlct, Car- ol V. Mca ||ao4 Unls T Welerabadi. Sevehtb DtsUicl. Kl<tiUt rjtstrktt. Thomw A. M- UuyJe, ajjd A. Craig and Kindergarten to Bcac£t - Fran Lp£al Fasisioo Show tfS stfte itaaw u> be field Friday aruimaocn, OMY i». «t J o'clock at th* «tho la**. Qomerj Club will be Aldrich, charrawji tt. tbe oonuntttoe In Chart*. Th« faeds are us^d or the aaMctation.ta anp «gmi ttaoenpirten. In ettl«» and tamxm ntom Use •efatwmiic stress haa frand cniacst. Mrs. Al- drtch. locaJ UmthmBL is *i«U<u «ltli charrmtn from WfsUMd andjnknfield - to make am ttttDfB, tOtm «success. " The elsctas art to be'iixnrn bjr a Un York i»fpairt«in»'.«ti»e auid will' . '. ." . .--de- butactea and oalnoa. oMalo*4 fnaa Mra. Aldtkli-«r inpn- bcrs of Uie oanaxaec an dsautc As- atatln* Mrs. Aldricii « S t c : *Sa. C. P. Butkle*. Mrs.'Jaaas W. Bmmu. Mrs. WfllDiKiiMElKtion UwalknTonifbt Fred Zler, cbalnnan of the Onion county Board of Elections, will give an addres*. on "IBM Election Laws as They Effect th* Voter, Candidate* Challengers and Election Officers,* at meeting ot the Cranford Democratic Club, Ituu, at • : » o'clock tonight in the. club rooms, It Onion avenue; Sorth. All Democrats and their friend* i t . nnWuswi. Knu-JL C. Oaaa.' Jfrs. ive been Invited to attend the meet-jWrnlaBi WMff 1 mot Mrs. r. J. Deflrr. Kat Walter a. Oee. Un. Rogtr W. AMrtdi. Wss Aclae Oatcs. ICISB ITHaisiitt Hoc Idas Paul- ine OaU, X n . AiUar C. Bonklas. Mrs. Charter K. ralfmhaWi. Ma Herman Kablmbroct: Mrs. WBHam-*. PJnm- mn. ;Mn...Rstakk & amttb. Mrs. H. A. THW.I Mts-H. t .

Transcript of !iz3:£i - DigiFind-It"Lullabc" by Brahms, and "My Bonny Lassl She Smtleth" by Thlman by the...

Page 1: !iz3:£i - DigiFind-It"Lullabc" by Brahms, and "My Bonny Lassl She Smtleth" by Thlman by the Chorister Boys. . , Tickets may be secured at Wa Ool-denberg Stationery' store1 on North

C R A N F O R D . N. I.. T H U R S D A Y . M A Y I I . 1 9 3 3

publican Club HearsMany Candidates

embly and Freeholder As-pirants Tell Members TheirStory and Have a VeryPleasant Reception.

' .' t

The regular May meeting of trie He->lican Club last night again was

ily a andidates' night, nineteen. aklng short tilks in which they told

iwliy they should be nominated atid howl%e!l they will serve.,Uie public when(Sleeted.f The first' speaker was Alan BruceKConJln of Westfleld, candidate for theI Assembly, who gave ''a 'stralahtforward| talk on his qualifications and what hej hoped to accomplish In U'e "Legisla-

ture. Herbert'J. Pasco*. now In th.e-Assemblyr-told of legislaticJi jUJiJWtfd

^p..ani..under.»'ayjjrtd ojjjS*iiecsl ~Q¥ CxptH jicj&tf"• reprtfscojsftwo*• m^Trenton.- .He and. Assemblyman Thom-as! M MuJr are candidates for' renom-lnatlon. ' Assemblymen Otto and Wardretiring this year. Robert O. suckles,candidate for the Asscmblv, also gavea very interesting short talk on lite

'candidacy.• Edward Bauer, County Register, seek-ing rcnominatlon. gave -a very luter-esUng talk on the work of tliat officeand o n his experience in handlingsame: He put his candidacy on thesimple platform tliat he had done Itiswork well In the past and-could assuregood service to the people In 'ills im-portant office In the future.

C. W. Oollln3, who is an avowed can-didate for County Chairman, talked a

1 teiv minutes i n the situation in theparty wlUi regard to the Chairman-ship. He. said'every elforl had beenmade to brlna about harmony and acompromise on chairman witu no suc-



lt toa


opponent's election must be the basis'of * compromise. .

Former, nlhyor Aldrich spike for thenominees for Township CommitteeMessrs. MfcCullough and OslerheldlThough unopposed In the primary, MrAUrich said they should h a \ j heartyAlu$; unanimous support fromtheir work on the Township

" proved of the utmost. _ d . Tax Collector C .r, candidate for renomlnatlon,

U L. Loveland were calledm a d e a few remarksIder candidates! were heard

speeches. These Included C W l e sof Union; LeRoy o /Hocs lcy

ide. member of '/he-' present]James O. Brokaw/ot Elizabeth,

member of.^the Blfard; J&rne* O.of Westueid, aM> a member ol

•er.i Board; JCharles A BauerJ

Decker of Lmded; Mayor Davidof OarwOod, and Edward

. Emmons.' who is a candidateei. Mr. Emmons' chief ar-

i was that the present Registerthat office long enough and

) should be a change.OatneM' teislon of the meeting

with President LuU presid-' Besides reports of officers, two

; members were elected. Secretaryr repcrtcd proposed amendments

the by-laws. Discussion on thesewas referred until Uie. next meeting.Prasidenl Lutz had to )«rve early anda t the close of the business nes«lo;i fiecalled V.ce-Presldent Stanger to thechair to Introduce candidates whowished to speak. ;' •• : • .. . "'

Italian-American* tipLutz, Warner,

Mayor Oeorge A. Luta was the prin-cipal speaker at a meeting of the Cran-fdroriWiaa^Sawr^^bbJa^iday night in the clubs headquarters,'6North avenue, West. Mayor Lutz dis-cussed the natlonateconomlc problem.

Other speakers Included Jamei E.•Warner, who explained, conditions Inthe Township at> th" present time, andEdwiTC C McMahon, Republican can-rhdate for;the Small Boardfof Freehol-ders. ' TH5 dui>-endorsed-.'Mr.. M c -Mahcm's'candidacy. . • ' ' •-;•

Refreshments were served-alter themeeting by a committee rn charge of

' E i T « r M l i « P i l J l N iPoudoro presided. "'


Final., plans for- the Memorial Dayobsenrance In Cranford will be madeat a. meeting' of the Memorial Daycommittee at 8 o'clock tomorrow night

--In the Township Rooms, according: toHerbert R. Winckler general chairman.All membexs ot '^fae—coUUnltrte f|avebeen urgvd tcr^tttend.

COLOKEO Q. OrT. CLUB TO MEETThe Cranford Colored Republican

d u b will meet a t 8 o'clock Friday nigh:a t the home of Uie president,A. Cox, 10S High street All member?a n rajuerted to attctKL


Fiike Port Will rUveSpaghetti Dinner Tonight

Capt, Newell Rodney^Ute. Post. No.33S V. P; W.. wili.hold a spaghetti din-ner for members and Its aUftllary andfriends at 7. o'clock tonight In theV. F\ W. headquarters on north Onionavenue. A large crowd Is expected.Dancing wilt be held after the dinnerwith music by Dannie Heyburn's" "or-chestra. . '

At the regular meeting Friday night.William A. Sclmlti. who was with the33rd Division, und John W. bane, whowas with the air [om-s, wen Initiatedas members of the post. Both werewounded in actiou. An application formembership was received from PhillipBrady.• Announcement has been made tliatthe pcist and auxiliary will attend inbody a memorial., service In .the FirstPresbyterian Church at. 8 p. m. May28 A delegation from the local post,,ilt,tj will attend the banquet in thet««rtrn..Uk&:.CUaj.(Mtty-.13-in honor ofUie,m._rjntlorjalr_eornriiander, AdmiralC f l r ' " " ''"' T-f"'-^ :<:'*S""'~Ti~

Trinity ChoristersTo Present Concert

Program -rls • Announced forMusical May 19 in Roose-velt School; Noted Tenor.Pianist to Be Featured.

The concert to be'given In Roose-velt School at B:15 o'clock Friday ev-ening. May 19, by the Chorister Boysof Trinity Church Is attracting muchinterest, according to.those In charge.Tickets which were placed on sale re-cently are going rapidly. ; .

Edouard Orobe, tenor, who recentlymade nis'"6peratlc"debilt-over-8tattonW. O. H. opposite Luella Mellus, sing-ing' the role of Alfredo In Verdi's "Tra-viava.' will be tfic gues*»BrUst. Oran-ville English, composer-pianist, will ac-company Uw, singer, and also play anumber of hi) own compositions. ,

The. Chorister Boys will open Uieconcert with a group of three selec-tions, "Marching Song""by ChannlngLefebvre, "Row Beautiful Are the Feat,"by. Handel, and "But Thou Didst NotLeave His Soul In Hell" by Handel.

Mr. probe will sing "Plalslr d'Amour'by Martini". ''Where ' erYou Walk" byHandel. "Passing By" by PurcelTandT h e Cossack and His Horse" by Four.drata,.. • .[ .. ;' ( J

pthcr selections.will b«: "Par In Ui«lley So Dear" by Scarlatti, "Faireste" by Purcetl and "Jack Orost" by

fcaul. by the' chorister Boys'; "OnWings ol Song" by Mendelssohn, "TheRoom" by'KenneUi "Knlth, .."I "LoveThe*"'-by Cecil Cowles, and "At End"by cowles, by Mr. Orobe; "Valse Co-quette" by English arid "Papsage" also

"CT Let Me iiream",,by Ipiwnlnij, -"SfteStoops to Conquer" by_RViecker| "Whis-pering wfetcrs;' by English and "If Idate You a Rose" by English, all byMr. Orobe: "Little Indian" by Webbe,"Lullabc" by Brahms, and "My BonnyLassl She Smtleth" by Thlman by theChorister Boys. . ,

Tickets may be secured at Wa Ool-denberg Stationery' store1 on North Va-

or at the door.

McMahon U ElectedPresident of Lions

Edward. C. McMahon was unani-mously elected . president of CranfordUbns Club at the regular meeting Fri-day night' in the Rostrevor. Otherofficers presented by the nominatingcommittee also were" chosen unani-mously. They are: Vlce-prealdent, A.T. Baker; ^secretary, J. A." Strong;

Clarence Frltir' tall twister, ThomasMcLaugtilin, and -.trustees, AugustThermann and Jerry Jensen.; O. K. Warner and President Mc-

MShoi(. expressed the appreciation ofthe cjao', to the outgoing otBcera fortheir fine services rendered during thepast y/ar. ". '•

A series of card parties will be heldby the members' during, the, summer,the proceeds tc be donated to aid theblind, of the State.! ..!••• a . ' •

D. W. tqwner orUie~aB«nslon~divlROr^ra-Pnhrerslty-spoke ot-the-

benefits ot extension education. ' /Several Important' business matters

are to come before the dub Uimmiownight and every member, has- been re-quested to attend. The meeting willbe held at 6:30 o'clock in the Rostmror.

SCHOOL TMSfJBXS TO MEET -Tiie Board of Educatldn;wlll meet at

8 o'clock. Monday night In the OrantSchool to consider further,.. reductionsin the school budget. The problem oforercrowdednes* anticipated in thesecond erades of Orant School and the

Joseph ipper grades of Roosevelt School also" will be dJjcuaed M ti» meeting IIOB-


Notice of Water RateRedaction Received

Township Committee'Official-ly Notified of Eliminationof Water Surcharge of 10Per Cent by Utilities Board;Central R. R. Cannot Qper-ate Station Elevators.

The, Township Committee receivedformal notice Tuesday night of thedecision ^y the State Board'of PublicUtilities in. the action brought by theJoint munlctnallUei to eliminate theten per cent surcharge on water billsThis Is that sfych surcharge >h»U be,eliminated fromTfcpril 1. Tlie drrl^nnla subject to appeal, however, «ndwhether or not the Sompany wilt takethe matter to the courts is not known.

Building Inspector Strelr reporti*!

twosubmitted applications for".seven i>er-nuts which were granted; aisoMwo Oilburner permits. \

Btreet Commissioner McCullouitlv im-ported the completion of i\ short pieceof sewer ln Orchard'itreet with uneinvployed labor ond that road patching isnearly, done. Streets are about rnidsfor the yearly sealing coah Mr. Me-Cullough also stated, that letters hadbeen sent to various municipalities andto the county and state authoritieswith regard to the extension of Michi-gan avenue but with no developmentsas yet

Police Commissioner Bcitgs reported»30 fines collected in-April,

PlskePost. No. 335. V. P. W., pre-sented a resolution asking the Township Committee to help secure a mem

In Assembly Race Blue and Gold NineBlanks Pingry Team

• - * /

Grimes Strikes Out Twelv*Elizabeth Ratters its Mntei

lp'9 to 0 Victory.

vrrl!i-ht |>llr)iln( "11 lllf (iart 11Triit-Oriinrt, toc'rlhrt with line at!

[primml nlHyitK^^ntl i'Mtinir i i v t uI If anim»tmv ' Vnablnt rft^cA Cnfti><-': Cranluixl lituh .«etiot)t tune to Jltitipingo' «l Eltwbrth yrtlrrday *ltrr-jiiuiMi un"ilir lattvrj atsniomt. Th

Ww tit'l.dtnR anil.« liirKr number*rrwa wrri1 p;utlv n*5i>mnifolc. tur 1downfall nl the JEllriibi'irr nmi\ .Pliiuryhail t«'pll (lefr'Attfi niily oiH-r JH:l<tf .InUVdnriwlnv'R Imiiii* ' -

Thr Illur nnd i'liihl luiilrr Mruck mit^flvt* ot tti*1 KllVatk-tli baiti'is, whlli

: KldrldK**. the .IMlltfry pitcher. rHtrrri'oiil'v six n( thi1 Crimti.rri. butters'by thr

lirld tu ti lolit,l'>jnulpV'.:r,;"'""."mini; (Wo.i-iiiM In bHIIi'iiii" Dili i

mid ImiKli minntfv the. Crnhfiinl nimLhulii u "(If hi ilny" tn thr but frnuir

full nvc 'n inn iirnw* trio homoc.'lmrky Orlinttia, Hutlrr. niu

rs li-i) tllt> nltlKlrlllu iltllllk <)[ (ini. Tllf'Y i'llrll klliM'liiHl nut !l twu-

Are CliniiKe<l "I An-iimw int.

. . . . / . ;- . _

College Club Re-electsAll Present Officers

rhinl Dinnertusrol Countrytustplday

at 15nl-C'lub Moh-S

• \

\ r . Mic t'inntoriliuit^mniiily lo-r-le

AH ofncprsClub-weic.. uiuil^lmniiHly lo-r-lertrd. litthe iimiua! mct'lhw mul bunijutrt MfWi--day night at ihAHnltusrijl CountryClub.- Mrs. Frniik. N\HprotF wiui ;i«iun

in ttic llnrui* yi-ftprtlny.Co.irh (.'nlTif will hike IIIM tenui [11

MlUhutn tomorrow iitt^rnoon und liiNoriil t'hilnni'li! 'rili'Mlay itftrrtKHin

*'tC(*hitnurt tm tout p«(/e/

p porlal to Juan Bargos. the rrsolutlon be-ichost'ti. prc'MdiMit HIHI\AVIH linltl ufllr.Ing as' follows:

Whereas. Juan Daritos. as a cltbvnOf.. Cranford, .was;toiie. of _the first1 toanswer the call to'trie Colon:; and'*_ ""

"Whereas, Said Juan Bargos' deathand burial at sea while on the way toFrance was the first casually in Crun-ford's overseas contingent; and

Whereas, Such burial at seadudes proper tribute by memorialmarking of the location of the finalresting place of Juan Bargos, who paMthe supreme sacrifice for world democ-racy; and

"Whereas. There is oportpunlty pres-ent to provide) a suitable and perman-ent memorial to Juan Bargos- dovottonand sacrifice for his country;

"Be It Resolved by the members ofpapt. Newell Rodney IPlske Post No.33S. V, P. W., In i meeting assembledthis 21st day of April, 1033. that theygo on record and recommend to theTownship Committee of Cranford. thatsaid Township Committee request andpetition Uie Union' County Park Com-mission, or other proper authority, tohave the ball Meld section or UnarnlParX that lies within the Townsjilplimits of Cranford' named and properlymarked.as a permanent. tesUrnOhlalloUie. memory, devotion and sacrifice ofJuan Bargos, and be. It

"Further resolved that a copy of thisresolution be forwarded to the UnionCounty Park Commission, or otherproper authority, along, with suchrecommendation, peUtlon; etc.

"Signed. Committee of Resolution.' THOMAS A. ALBANS. . '

. ' • AdluUht.• HOWELL EVANS,

: . •. ; Commander,"This was approved by the comrnU'ee

and ordered forwarded, to the CountyPark Commission. •

At Uie last meeting of the commit-tee, the V. L A : - a s k e d that effort bemade to • secure the operation-of theelevators at the Central TUllroaB-'sla-tion for passengers. Trje'cirnpeny doesnot see its way clear to do this, as Is

t forth' In the following letter toTownship Clerk Derurian: . . ."Mr, A. R. Denman, . „ " . . ••

;J."Dear Mr. -Dtnman: .._•.

"I have received your letter of April28th, submltUng copy of letter fromMiss' Alice - Lakey, Chairman. Street^and Stations, village.Improvement As-

regard to operating ourfreight elevators at Cranford, station.

"As you are aware. In- the last fewyears we have spent approximately12,000,000 at Cranford under orders ofPubUc Utility Commission and at thesoildt»i^pf_ttjie^Usens-of Cranfordto eliminate croaalngs. When this lastcame b«rd?eThT7PutB(rTnflttrrCOBS^mlssloners of New Jersey we made noobiecUons to it, and- went alotig withthe project. We have made a big con-tribution to the public interests In thisneighborhood. We feel that we 'havemade all of the expenditures at Cran-ford that we' can be expected to make.

-To operate the freight elevators atCranford would Involve Uie employ-ment; of xtHtlonsl men to operatethem, and our financial condition Issuch thatvwe are not able to spend astogie dollar that can possibly be•raided. If we Instituted such an ar-rangement at Cranford. we would hate

gat otter painta along


fnr thr ni'Xt two vrnnthe following iv-ch1

vico-prrMdi'iil, Mrs.

toyi'thfM' withl irc iv Ill-lit

M, Purk;socfind vliri'-|ii'eMdrnt^MIM"AK^* Mnth-cw»; recordhiK Mt-ri't'iry. Mra.NJo'lm'Pant; tiorrr-spondiiiK .VMrrptnry.-,E»ther Hiiiiiiau ; iiiul nuilWilliam Sixrry, 2nd. Mrs; DuimlUtilnnls,

M l M

was ulso iiuinnlthe coming year. An c M l o n ntlatter office-Ir, held anmially..

Mrs, Robert Pndrn, Mrs, Floyd Hhnn-non und Mm. L. II Honard were clect-ril us mnhibervUt-lftrju.' tri tin; Uounlof dlrecUirn and Miil Rrrvo for utiv y i n

The Klrtte WRR preMiited liy Mtu, W.S.'-Opo,- chairmriita «f- tlm iiainlnnUiiKcominltte**, lullowliitr trio I'fiidlny ol tip'revl»«l mintltutlunaiid liy laws MrsFast ns.fc.fcri'tary of tin- im-rtiriK ICH'Ithe ri'vliioiu In the ron.slil.utlu>) :iiidby-la-;vn whlrh -fhanuc thr. nlrKibilityof membrrs from women liiivim' OIR*year of collfvn<> training to two yciirs tilcollide work. .(Xhor chulim", iilTrrtliiKtllo i-lpctloil of olllcrrs und up|n'int-ments of cluiiriiii'ii to minimi tiiV-wi-n;niso read. The ncw'ronstltiitloii midby-laws were'passed on by ail.tncfnlKTsof the oi

banquet and nirrtiiiK witlcii. was u -ranged by Mrs. P. Hnmllion Tny. rlriit-man of tht* prottrnm coirunlt'r*'. Dur-ing the dlnuf-r Mrv'G. .O. PTiink nuvea tpiist thanking thr? offirxr* iind iiifiu-bers for 'their supiKirl of tin* tint) dur-ing''1U first yrar :imi also utiiiinkln4Mrs. A.1 C. Ony and. Mrv Ftist "A-howme the orliilnal" orgRiilrcm irf theCranford unit. : Mrs. Day, -M-)io wiii>present at-lhc* dlnm-r, Is.'n .former w e -rctary, of. the dub but hay .irtubyrdfrom Cranford.

Following Hie dinner. J.i|«: !1 -H. l.y-don sariK a Kroup ofi thn:c wprnnosolos. She was liccompaiiicd by Mm:Eugene D. Towler. ' . * ' " ' "

Miss Alice MntliowK '*a* in. r:harKeof t short meiodrnma of IllltO which wnsgiven as the concluding .number of' theevening's entertainment. Takjnjf parttn "TJie Reunion" were:' Mrs. P. HFay, Mrs. D. R. Neal/Mlss Enllwr liln-man, Royd Shunnoii. Donuld MiOln-

Randolph.companljcr Tliir cast' throuilibiitperformance with appropriate' pianoKlectlona. • ' . :"• • ' '.",'".••

•Monday night's niifftlnpr ended'theclub's activities until SeptemberV. '*.<•'- ' • » " • ' . ' . - ' . . ' • . • " ' 1 - - -

W«ge Dispute I. Settled, ^Cranford Theatre Re-opens

The Cranford Theatre was reJopenedbiVlnB elexfd frir

9!ve days becauseqt wa«e dlsputeswtthoperalors ol the local Lhiatrr anathreeother Warner. Brothers' trwalri InUnion County. Settlement was reachedearly Friday.'morning after the' oper-ators reluctantly agree!} to accept •»twenty per cent wage Slash.

The m u and Regent house* In EUza-beth also re-opened Friday *s did theUnion theatre, although operator* of"the latter houw wrr» not affeeted bytrie wage cut, It was said.

The Cranford theatre was "cleanedand a part of the Interior was redec-orated during the five days the theatrewas closed/ E. J. Kane is manager of.the local houM.

Prominent G. O. P. WomenWork for Mrs. Lovell

Nfm MJUWI 11 I^ivr^-^tio ftim<Hinci*(,'her rntutldacy Tor IIw* Aiwrmbiy. In rrHXtiilVrti-1 iC-t|ir i«fg<*IVt'J X**'W****- **{ P . ' l i n l y

Woni^n's Rrpubllrun orttunlxntUhim .»•**» an active* iind^mrlrin workrrHi 'civic and (xtllticftl ullftirn ilu'rlnv the(nurtf^n yVurs dlw-' him M JitdiKi |t»Oranfurd. \ • '

Mm. Lovdl wiu* tiorn inLyiut.MaAs'sind was gmduatod tnnn Uw publicKchooU of her nuttve city. wt»r« »h«begAti to teftch ftt the nne of- npv«mU-en. She early beennu* intrirAt^d Inrivlcfl and politics' Ummitr. tiAWxlutionwltli'hfr faUicr, and living HI O lurit**inanufiicturlnK ctty, u>ok ptuticular If 1 •tcrf«t-ln Ifttxir- Iaw«-Hiicl Icifisltttlpn 4ftcctlna ^(iiiifn and rlilldn-n.

. Wlwn wuiiMU worn Ktvt<t. Itie [irivtlt'KPtil v«»UlrK Mit? beenmc uctlvr In Wom-m'ii Ilc[Jtitjli<:nn orKainlKaLlutu. Hheflflu.'nirmbrr uf the Winncnn ItrpubltcHUClub und liaa bven JUi prt*«id«nt 'Unthn.**1 yi'unt, B lw Ix.'loniu t» Uvc UnlunCounty CouiKil ol lU-publlcBii Wbmcuit'nd the .Wonstin'* fitnt*1 IlrpubllcftiiClub _ If>k-cU-cl U) UK A w m b l y . Mm

* jConttHutd on taitpuggf

Two Youths !Confe«i.Th»t Holdup Wa. "F«ke"

^oon Ftrhrrenlikowll, nen 17, uf Ml!mter avenue, mid Jlflymond fjrlck*

<>W«lci,< IIKC 17. of 10 Ni-w micet. lantnight iwnfpwd to police that n hold-up In which the tortner reported thathi* had been rVibbcd of.13,40 Tuesdaynlilht, wMflctlclous, nnd that prWlounKtaU'inirnts that fjchercshkowff hadmade to the police were false; .Theywid they had iipent the' money fnrb e o r . • • • .' • " . '

Tlie two youths were am-nted aboutH:30 ladt nlttht by'officers Ot^orge Ito-midale and Thmnu Woods, Jr., onsimpicion. After a Kliart grilling, thetwo young men confessed and signedstatement*! to Uie effect. Arraigned be-fore JudKo-I,. U Loveland on a cliargrof vniaklng fajv) italcnitnU, the pairwas dismissed with a .Warning. , "• Bchermhkowff rp'porttd V>thti police

Wednesday murnlng that two colored

re .WSSSa 'on SoiHfi iW«i. where tie 14 employed, and asked-film for five, cents to buy food. Tin-two men attacked him slid took the13.40 which he had In his posMadorrand ran towards Oarwood.' He" «Ut*dthat he gave chase but could not catchthem JUKI returned and closedhouse, tie Rave detailedof the .two hold-up men.

D« Molay* Will HonorMothers Hare Tonight

Ijmnner Chapter, Order'of DeMoIay. wll pay tribute to thflrmothers at Jhelr regular meeting to-night In the Masonic Tempte on Southayenne. Patriot's Day also will be ob-served tonight- -r—-' • -. ' . '

The meeting win be opened to theDubllc and a special Invitation has been^tended to each member's mother toattend the service. All Masons' alsohave been Invited,

On Sunday . evening, "Max 1«. themembers of the Cranford chapter andthe Advisory Board will attend Moth'er't. Day Krvlces in St. Luke's Church,Roselle.

Three Contests inRepublican Primary

Iitterest Centers on Tax Collector and F n t and Eighth District, County Committee RghU; Many Battle** * . .. in Democratic Ranks.

• ' • ' • • • * . * . -

•;—:-.•••• ~ i _ ; •• ' •__Wth onlj



tn. lo 1*

wrnvrtts an-,«marT

a v m i rrom

Ann,. l l.n.jO»mp f..r



< Last Himiiay nwmlirrs "I tlw Hoardil Triutwii uf thr Grahford1 Camp A»-lorlatlon. lnu , lnude Uinr Annual umrit. l!!*i>fi'ttt>u of the ramp At tUlwrjCur ui Wfcrtiii Ciiunty. o n t l » « « >l»r, l l a l l a n W iJiTWiook troiip .*• «f

| , a , » i n i « r u f h *»'«e«)ta»>«»awi«» Uirib*llut for itm. rjfi* j«j« i i o d Uie A»-arnitiiy f.dntni Us nbMtj 4cn,i«ui<lldJiw«

t^,^ ri«htln« tor stir (oar nxmnaUdnii

tor .riie K**put>iu.a£!

up firr a.lwu-day untlim Tllu u w i u m- j Cuunlf O>»u«nt»»*««iai> -Itwn Uirilvi'doit Snluidny uiut made i»mp for [ f irst Utabwc. *rw>» ,W» - r J l*>llrriwo.tlay* uHurnlim it) CrttiifoTil'UuiidayitlK'.irurmiijbirnt. u .^M«»ia t i 3Ur». Ar-

IllaCll't. ' ' j " l u r n t)<J«W. *"» "ft » " WnwiUl UU-•n«. lril«U-r, found the .'ami> H> ' » - | l r U l ' ***** A%JR««.»'t l . - * l « U «

•I'leiil I'umlllHin'and'wlUi vvry little U. • •» .""nil tantnu* b , Annacd Van O f l -!»• dmin to.put it in »hai»! fur Ui« I W , * ' .

[lllnurnl. TIIP >liarkn uu the hill Uip Itrpubikiuu '*f»> tsr u n m i u t i t Inn< luiind Ui havo wlntrml euvptluii- , Ui» 1'runaii i n l^sek MiOuiluufii

ally well. Hie pump houae, Ixtrluc and• ana timir«e E •kdrtwUli J i i Toraaluntwo Blimkn Wrni tllllll Jllst plrvloiu (<>jCimmlW; l.tma^, t , JA-FTT1«JII1 an1limiting Uie OBIIU> hut y a r and [>rov«ilrj,yln / Church tar Jvatnr «I Uiri bi>HiTOiifly ntlractlvr/ u> the b o y i p , , , * ; O i u n » c t a a v w * n ' n i ' U l s -iifiiurrs. I'IIB i»liiii|i h»u«e w u 6«Ul| uici-'-'Jajwis E i r u m , s.<w,fl l ) u -

ns'tHe-'resultof.a drinanU nir prol*cUon|tjict'~l lto«»iK« K SVanm»i m l Hun-liir tlw runnwia when wuhlnu ilp ""Juei ( | ttiiit. Tfu»4;;iJSs4»-t-l»abrll«1

nlny day» and to |rn>tcct them fiom: w Tagirart Mid Ektanawl P swlllvmn.il,« hot nun at ..Uiw lline^ '11» main

,.IUI..« w M . 1 * , found to tar.lli«,» although «.me »u« had »

^ I. I toxu id «ud

»,«!. UU-

«iatd will rnolulkmjlirovldliut for liwlde lucks uu all w " l * niiw,u.

w«leom« Urn ol th»

NWdracb.- iwntun Uraa/iri. • MM«-I 11n»fith ' Otu'ituv—Hann T'tea-wsssaw.Kr


(!iz3:£i.SoXkSthe cf»Hip property, clcisnlin up ^ ^ I v , ^ ^ t J T I t l t

«« -

Mslng tt and locking *U doort «nd wtii*

SSJST- "nd " turn">i ;""*"*!«•»'«•»•«—»• « ^ - * - . a *Tlw niimml iiHittinii »f Uw a»«Klatli>n ' Jj •*•*>***'" e"***"*!* *<* Aaswn-

wlll bo held- tonight ai tho liomt of, . ' .Charles E. Oreen, lilt I'rmprct slrMt.f niawimii n h n | ,at wlilcli oflkern [or the "insulin yearj A'numo«r of oxtfaau Kmm on UIBwill lie elected, Wports of i olncera re- P»mocr»tJ«—Praawr S»Uot Countyill be elected, jreporta of 1 o l relvod nud oUii-r butlnoM ijertalnlng tohe ro,ulpmcnt ai|d inaliilenaiux of tn*:«»iD will be (wewinted. At 'Uits meet-nil the annual budget will bo pruenUdml plaiui will txi made for raising Uu

lunounl nvceuary to curry 011 this sum-.erv

On "aewjunt of' genural condltloni!. Uieruatccn fm|-tlwt ttw inalntenaiice i»flit camp thUvyvar U more importanthan In any prevlOuTyear as Uwre willoubtleas In a great ihany boys who

ot al!«rd tin coif "otprivat* Jcarnp»."No chargi; is madii' for Crar.foid buysUendtug Uie.carnp, Uw'only coil tWing

irw dollar a day (or food and auy Cran-ord boy may remain as lone as "hel the minimum period btlng on«

' 'w«k.-first boys VP occiipiil Ui» camp

will In U» Junior. Police who- go uptrwre In advance o^ UM regular was-n'» ouenUig.' Ttiey tpnut^n dij« Inamp Immediately after (lie cum of

icll'uol;. When they .leava the campmanager tlien proceeds "Co gel It InVnadliWM for UH> first contingent ofampers for the Mason which c pen* unruly »th and closeaXabor Day. '

Sam East Is ArmtadBy Woods, Rot«ndale

Bam East, ag« 28, wanted by Cran-ord police sine* April 8, for atrocious

arrested-Friday afternoon try OfBcenOeorge Rosendal* and Tlioipai.Woods.Jr., hear OonwrvUIt.. , , . ' . • ;

East U.alleged to have .tabbed John-wn several times during* a quafrtl onJohnson avehut. He escaped lmmed-iatelr following the fight.

Pollowlnt his return to Cranlord.East was .arraigned before Judge L. LU««Und'arjd then taken to BUabethwhere h* will os bald for grand jury

fCommltuj* aspuiuui mtm t » u > It outIn tht (tint. ' incaoL Uaird, u i l h at>dl lictnocrat*


n htlwrv*ntt>!

ant nMktnc ifc*t»i.'paJijfYfor the oOtc* o«

Jam» A..'ittau *»Jn>ld ar»thir

a. War-for Tai Collec-

tor, Thowr rtmriwtiiiir s«r Ctiurilr Coni-mltt»»

Ert»«tJtnurk-V-Jantrsl>w)'lr: Swund

District— Ida Unmn. H i t . K. Lyi'icli,William II rjArsy vu& 4*j»» w. Qar-rotti. Thlrif Outmt — KaUxrirw . L

Walter C. Oncan: auili . I«»trtct~Kjuhryn* Jna Scar^ra. U ia U. nel-nwr, Petnr H ffautlb «M rraacU JQoftcy; evwnui OuarJci(ifBourke awl BOa U- <>«rtiao..iUnoppoans D n x x n u cay*: WsKm'lfc Owt«»Sauer

cawilijatciOrorge a.

ConauiLtpc. j « -«ph Thcwa* tor JmOot (4 the Ppiot,tor County pxwuuwi-nrKt DMrlct,Edwwit W. DQTIV. i w a cdttrlct, Car-ol V. Mca ||ao4 Unls T Welerabadi.Sevehtb DtsUicl.Kl<tiUt rjtstrktt.Thomw A.

M- UuyJe, ajjdA. Craig and

Kindergarten to Bcac£t -Fran Lp£al Fasisioo Show

tfS stfte itaaw u> be fieldFriday aruimaocn, OMY i». «t J o'clockat th* «tho la**. Qomerj Club will be

Aldrich, charrawji tt. tbe oonuntttoe InChart*. Th« faeds are us^d or theaaMctation.ta a n p «gmi ttaoenpirten.In ettl«» and tamxm ntom Use •efatwmiicstress haa frand cniacst. Mrs. Al-drtch. locaJ UmthmBL is *i«U<u «ltlicharrmtn from WfsUMd andjnknfield -to make am ttttDfB, tOtm « success." The elsctas art to be'iixnrn bjr aUn York i»fpairt«in»'.«ti»e auid will'

. ' . ." . . - - d e -butactea and oalnoa.

oMalo*4 fnaa Mra. Aldtkli-«r inpn-bcrs of Uie oanaxaec an dsautc As-atatln* Mrs. Aldricii « S tc: *Sa. C. P.Butkle*. Mrs.'Jaaas W. Bmmu. Mrs.


Fred Zler, cbalnnan of the Onioncounty Board of Elections, will give anaddres*. on "IBM Election Laws asThey Effect th* Voter, Candidate*Challengers and Election Officers,* at

meeting ot the Cranford DemocraticClub, Ituu, at • : » o'clock tonight inthe. club rooms, It Onion avenue;Sorth. All Democrats and their friend* i t . nnWuswi. Knu-JL C. Oaaa.' Jfrs.

ive been Invited to attend the meet-jWrnlaBi WMff1 mot

Mrs. r. J. Deflrr. Kat Walter a. Oee.Un. • Rogtr W. AMrtdi. Wss AclaeOatcs. ICISB ITHaisiitt Hoc Idas Paul-ine OaU, X n . AiUar C. Bonklas. Mrs.Charter K. ralfmhaWi. Ma HermanKablmbroct: Mrs. WBHam-*. PJnm-mn. ;Mn...Rstakk & amttb. Mrs. H.A. THW.I Mts-H.

t .

Page 2: !iz3:£i - DigiFind-It"Lullabc" by Brahms, and "My Bonny Lassl She Smtleth" by Thlman by the Chorister Boys. . , Tickets may be secured at Wa Ool-denberg Stationery' store1 on North

. : : , • • • - • /

P»RT Eipht „

Revised P


Thewill .taorvlcd.lBt ^

will bthn tlport" ;Memceivp -.-,the I

Th i.-:noun .••Layttrict

'New, •...prlnLin*—-dlstl imen..past


mor 'Ou'i .

sentliein T.~.D a •••'•'




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PaCf Two T H E CRANFORD CITIZEN A N D CHRONICLE, T H U R S D A Y . M A Y , 1 1 . - 1 9 3 5


n i l caAKrna.ii c i n i L ifaUkll.bM.INI .


• CuaUnad oodar Iha aaaui ^

la 1111•UIUSHIO i v i n THUMDAT

Uaias Avaasa. CrlsTa''. M. I

THURSDAY. MAY 11. 1W3Mltor and PuMiaaar

Term* Two DeHars •' T t uBOISTMI at th« CTKnrnf<1 rptt Oflr* M

, .Bstcrmd Claim M*tl#r\

The most important matter to be deelded at the primary next Tuesday lathe election of delegate* to the StateConvention., which will decide whetlieror not New Jersey will approve the re-pel) o( the ltlh (Prohibition) Amend-incnt o( the Oohilltutlon of the UnitedBUtM. This should brine out everyvoter for It I* not necessary to vote IAthe primary of either party In order tovote for delegates. A separate ballotIs provided and a separate poll list kept.The.ballot for delegates U arranged Inthree column* "the delegate* .-favoringrepeal being In the first.column andthose against repeal In the second col-umh. -The *lhlrd column In for person

Otto, Ward EndorsePa«coe, Muir for Asaembl

Charles A Otto. Jr. speaker of UsHouse, of Assembly, and AMernblyroaiClarenre A. Ward, two of Union. Our.

- W-.!ri i 5K'f"f:S^™-P™~.' ^wP-iV<>tT..er,7i vot«Hh the large box at the;.'top'of the list of delegate* at large wiltbe a vote for UM- whole list or (13 and a-vote III the large box at the top of tlieDistrict delegates will be a vote for allten' in this list. Every voter shouldgive expreasjon to his belief, on HitsImportant matter. •

nlhg for re-election, present the follow-ing., endorsement of their colleagues,Herbert'"jr." Pa*cov~ahd ~ Thomas Muir,wlw arc selling the Republican nornlnatlon for re-election:

"We heartily endorseof ouj- colleagues, Herbert J. PaxcoeElizabeth, oiid Thomas M. MuirPjalnfleld, for re-norrllnatlon iu mem-bers ot the OvrirTe*! Assembly fromUnion County.

"Mr. "Muir Is the Deon of'the As-sembly—has had wide experience andhas proven his ability as a Ltgljlatar

"Mr. Pftucoe, Is also, anmember of .the present Assembly. }U

a wlcje knowledge of the affairs at'our-'State Odvernment. Is an expert,enced irRlslatoi: and an able debater

"We urge the Republican voters o!Union County lo rcnomlnaie -thesemen f«r the offlce of members cif tieOcneral Assembly as. tlie Interest* oour rounty enn best be served by harInn experienced representation in theSUitc Leiclslatufe!"

Pualih*a TwUi f6r Smmm.A peraon can be Irlnl aiul punlslix}

twice fur the. Mine arfenw. The Unit-ed Btates (;<]*n«llluliun says "nor abalany penum be subject fur Ib* same of-


tn the Republican primary Tuesday,George. Q. Teller Is a. candidate for re-nomlnatlon for Tax Collector. Mr.Teller ha* an opponent but we take Itthe people of Oranford will wish to re-tain In this most Important post a manwho Hu proved most capable snrl em-clfnt. Under Mr. teller the records ofUila offloe Have been systematised andIt'has frequently been stated by thosewho wish to look up tax matters thatOranford lias the best kept records ofany municipality in the County andthat probably would go for tlie State aswell. Mr. Teller has served Cranford

•w*ll..and should/be-lwpt;ln'U>e*ofHoehe has handled ao efBclently.

Oeorge E. Ostertieldt and Prank Me-OuUough are also oandldalea for re-nomrnttlon. They are. unopposedbut nevertheless should have thevole of every one In the Re-publican primary. They hsve Workedhard for Oranford and Have producedresults that must meet with general ap-proval. It is not likely they havepleased every one but they would havebeen superhuman II they had. Messrs.McCulough and Osterheldt hsve provedtheir ability to serve the communitywell and will be retained In that ser-r i c e . ' ' •-• • - • >

' • • • . * i ' '

For Assembly we believe Oranford. .Republicans generally will-give their- vote-feTMra. tovell, president of the

Woman* Republican Club. Mrs. Loy-ell lias been an earnest worker for theparty and pcoseases all the require-ments ti) make a good representativeat Trenton. If nominated, Mrs. Lovell

_ w | N. b e - u * B flrst. woman to be sent to

ever, that tli|» means onlj that tb*United Btales cannot punish' a per-aon twice for the same offense. Thequestion was decided In 1022, whennvn cltliens at the state of Washlactoo, having been convicted la a statecourt on a charge of violating a Inw,were tried In the Pederal tnurt forthe Mm* olTense.. The'oplplun m iwritten by Chief Justice Tn«. and nutaloeil the double ronvlctloa

Englsasi Publl.kts Most Bwk.Tilt most books In the English l»n

gusie are iiulilUhnt In Rngland U»tyear Bngllsh—)iuhllshers brought nut1S,U(W new books, comparml with O.in.1In the United Hlutes. In 11K1I Emclumlpublished 14,IW) new toliinien. r..mpared with 10,.HUT In the United NtsmIt Is estlniate.il (list, through use oflibraries and purchased tfonkn. ih»EllgHsh people, although numlM-rlng'only bnfrttiird aa'niniiy 'aii'ine' iCicans, read oO.IWO.OUO Imut* m yrar.Circulating llbrarlii are popular. Tinfigures do not Include the ICngMah Isnguage books published Id Oinaila. Au»trails and other! parts^of the Itrltlkbempire.

Prisoneirs Wall Protectedby Law Whoa Befarei Court

Those woo harbor tbe Idea that pris-ons .are largely. populated_by the Innc-cenj^or-1 ibarTinfortunatMwho hatecommitted no crime are frequentlyclaimed Dy the executioner—such as

I-SIlo America lnr)u3<-> all th'<se porttoni* of tii* a^fiUj.ti^e, to the southor thr laJl*-3 Sut.^. In olilrli onr or•B<j|t«r • • li» IJUU |sn(uaE«s' Is Ihoutt 'e tocrv. , 11 JiiclUifMi llnull,•hlcst oi^ats ivnvcurae: .'llaltl:

i-ti"; ruert«r'ltlc«;Sl tMs;!<!!t itl&dt'fii;'j> of, <!iit'nlteif C;it«, mil '. tlie I1*' "Sporilalr

i!rtr.r> lo I'.;*- lli.ri, l i . Is'iri.it ><,i,,.: the Kuril

H*»«*«*t..,JR«!*>Ull *n London

1»1T. «im"«>< u. «u« on June ill.

i" Hie arre fell

; C r » « Vield Anci.nl GrainICx-uviiiions' j[4 Srhinleriau, . Her

mm.)'. In tlie^ffffvernnientiil district ofFlnruw, whlrli laid tin re 88 prehistoricgrave*, riiw'UiH**! .vitN^ls with variedcontents. ' Amunji them were kernels,of n ifraIII allied lo wlifiil. The gravesdiite from Hie trn DHII jotin I - (HTIOC) fromMIR .SIOIM-.'to tin. lin<iir.e utce and arethus iioun; i!A*f-yrnr* of aije. The

In the Provincial i.uu*vl.mf'.liS;miilil,'...-.'..'

Ctainii io Africa '.Knincf.cuvi'nis ?M of-every 1,000

wjuare. IIIIICH In Africa ttnliiy Oreatlirli;ilii l» "il.'M with .'US nnd Hi'lKlnm

ivrtliKiil at. ItKlj W. and31. r»lli'iw In or.ler.

rseeing moving pictures and readingdetective novels, snd go Instead to witnes« some real trials, says a writer lo

j Scribner's ifagailDe.| Actually, the prisoner Is protected' by s set of safegnardsadiaiiy of whichj were, devised -under/ the theory that! KIHK James I Is around the corner,{ ready to destroy our Ures and liber-

ties. The figure of Justice ought tobe represented not by a woman, blind-folded and holding a sword, but'as adoddering crone, blind, deaf and fool-lah, and armed with a pop-squirt. |Ier opponents, the attorneys for the

defense, on the other hand, come*against her supplied with all the weap-ons of science, as well as poison gas,and a liberal supply of mud, to sprin-kle anywherer but especially upon thereputation of the. person who was so-foollsh as to get murdered or robbedby. the prisoner.

Classified AdvertisementsRead for Profits

sarsraati. Onr 1* ssmkv is a «era.

The Wilt. El.ph.sit SymbolAmong tlw Burmese, the possession

of s .white elephant-stands as a,signsnd symbol of universal sovereignty,ftvery Burmese kins; Ibugs for the cap-ture of such a • treasure during hisreign, as a token that bis legitimate

• * ...*» j .wi-*~M>' .* ' f . >~«J^.'T " ' . -4- . . ' . . . .

if mitaflt'mlgiiriiaVebeen secured, buigueslnstesd to thosewhom he reininls as his enemies, the'slgp Is all thfe other way. .

Psssports Is Msslcs «»<l CaaastaA passport Is not required for ad

American citlien for direct travel toMexico and Canada. A certificate ofIdentity will serve- Instead.

U A L DTAIV FOB S A UTWO Caooa or Auto Lota. » I 1 » ; 11 i 91

IIS. Caatar or knra. Alrnd Lord. KnrordAvvnut, Craaford. ; . . 1

a rou waat to buj, rtal or sail, call CstbcanItsllr Co.. CJUaJonl S-M1L Niw loesUoDSI I tlum SUML. . a

rUsWIBtUD BOOMS TO BENTTWO UlM bouMjMpuif rooms, funUsbtd, wllb

prlval* bsth and aauasct; mar suiloo, SSllouia Unloo Attniu. .

ONK or Iwo rhawfull) furnbhad pooma; AjatU daslrad. Prlvau hosae. utalkaian. omcar israff. Ml MapU PUca.

FOB WXT—Two Una, all? rooms. ruraUbri,vlth or wllhoul.board, it Toraal A>anua.Ptiooa CBanorrd t-ISDt-al,

TWO or thn* fumUhad roosn tor bouaakefpIns-. Very reuouaM.. fonr.nlnil all uanspor-Utl«. Pluma CBsatom OtMl VI. 1»1 NorthAvmuf, Bast . • '

ri'UNIDUID room for nut, board if daslrad.Waldsbuu, l i t North Atanua, West, Ursafold. -. . u

FOB BENTrmMBHSD housa, lam. .acramad porrh. ilna

locatloa. so Barkalar rtut. If

HOUHI for ran. all rooms and bala. all lm-proiamanu, garasl. Baasoaabla. tn IU1

APABTMSNT, 6 rouiu jod-bstli: all Brat'clasaInproTamanu, latsia. H«nt rauonaUa; uoSuruca.Annua. (larwood. bmulra on pramIsss -: iH

FOB SALE OB BENT .'Ant I'BICB—ComfotlibU aad allrartlrtl*fumlVwd aUht-room housa, tiro talhs,doubls taraxs. Or^n front snd roroar.*>""' L« |I«. luiulM Mrs. A. \ . V. lllbaon,3la tllsabath Araaus.

Ra.l.l.g OM M.a.aari.lWheu writing or oid umuuscrlpt hss

become fitdetl uud Illegible It can fr<-

men Muir and Paiooe should be re-nomlnaled for .experience is a greatasset In. the State legislature and theyhave made a splendid record.

• - ' ' • - • . ' . * i ' • * - " • , "

The Republican Freeholder race U s .bewildering proposition: fifty-four can-didates. In all, divided Into tlie threegroups, one-, two-, and three-yearterms. The Editor bis been asked bya number of people to pick a list ofthose to vote for as most of the candi-dates are. practically "unknown to" thevoters here. We will hot do this butwe do heartily recommend to Cranfordvoters that, they Sack Samuel H, Toolfor the three-year term and Edward C.MtMahon for the two-year term. Ml-.Tool U an old time resident and hasnudecood to public' offices be hasJieid.

l l t h was bom here and prac-all his: business life haj been

spent in Cranford. : Both are *Slknown throughput the. County and

-• b o U l w U ' "*** *>!* JWeholdem•.•"••

SJi««Mn.P.^r.A. to Have•...'• . . . '".. fatarha-gundi Party

: A Balamsiguhdi Party will be given•;• by the Sherman School Parent-Teach-

__: , en* Association tonight at a o'clock at' the.Cranford Republican dub. All

'' ' . games will be played including bridge,balloon , ball, hopscotch, and peanut

• • / . t a o e a . • • " • • - . • . - " ; • • • • " - . > • ' , • " • •

• EefreshmenU, attractive prises, en• tertalnmtnt and dancing will sbxrbe

ojv-U>e-*«ntHf »-program~The. tickets

as poiclcku

l>y the following[)U' part'htnent Is

iture. hut fre»b:ry on ordinary

^ iu piiper as nitdampen It evenly with

liter. Ilrush (Itjrr the writ-log with u Hal camel.hair brush dippedIII a solutliiii uf sulplililo or aiuuiuula.

TJlleS'lire""wfltiiijf wlinhimediately apl>e«r-plulii. amr n<nilnlili<.

"Cottosi la K l a | " ' 'j

The e«|ires»lou 'Cotton Is King-was first used by Seua'tor James U.li t«r_

*'iMarch, IW8.

SUMMER SCHOOL Jii ,"inucNcu-8PA>ri8U /

.Adult 1st. a Aa>. Caaraaa la I U S M *** ICaas. Tatarlas far a . * . 4 C. I I SJ*yta.

Ecole Franoaiie de WettfkU»»J N. Chaatoat 8 t


'Phone Cnoferd «-MU


Plumbing and Heating, . AlteraUoasana Bessttn


Repub 1 ican PrimaryTUESDAY, MAY 16, 1933

POIXS OPEN • A. BL TO I P. M.••. . . . :..-... (Daytifht Saving Tlmel

.Edward C. McMahon. CANDIDATE FOR

Board of Chosen Freeholder*8 D C m IN TWO YaMB^ OKOOP


Bars la CrasfsN. saw rasMTas Is g l l s s M s ^ a Nto-featmMaal at Uataa Caoaly. A • araaarty miaar aao" aanrsta« ssaate of tks avarso*1tests swasr. Hssiksr af PtalsatstTifaasrasaKal UaUsl H. J. Frisian Sttta Lssssst Osortgl l isMa laetMMsat Onlsr st Fanatan, aas Hkjs Via*--Calat Itaasaf t » l » a Start: Vlaa-Fml«sat t l tka Orsataes -Ltasa Glaai^TMMsst at Cluasata City •ewllee L S S S M I ^•aaiBar .Vaiia* Maa'a Flaxisllsaa Cl»a al Uatoa Gwaty. L

For by •. a HeUslvHi. Casuwlia Maassw.

-; ' •. A>ca*a>r Paprr-ftUkwa ' '. CblbrM sukl' JWIKIKW p»lxra com-pooed i f paper-making fibers peculiarto the Otleoi and saM to date back lotae Fotmeottb crotury ha»e beenfooad tst aa exccUeot state of pr«e-•naUca.' , , ' • • S-

" itiktea3 ot • films

catiooal aaasVidieriislng tmruuses areclaimed tn their^inTeutor to be sub-sUntlar eswatti u be ihoara 10,000UISM arttaast damage.

* * P»P ••< ~ Ssuao .'' ' ''The tfihal colBma," with iu assocl•'

ated njwete* asJ Ufaments and bonesattached dirtrtlj anj indirectly, gives

piwrt t» tke r«« «f the body. Alliho .tial otsiB*, anil fspecUUj theabdutnloal onac*. ml bt be said to be

penjed m>m ite «[>!Mr if the spinet» not erert. the** organs" sooo begin'.<> sag. aotl trosbte ensoea. If theupper spiae it t'ijuttni is besd and tlw

nldWtTs to «* . prrtunire Is "eiert«d apoo the heart .and Innjts. as well'as the abdtmrin*! Aretiti« '

.": J- S-

are U cenU andrmar be secured at thedoor.

Mrs. Paul Slkora Is chairman of thecommittee In charge and will.be as-sisted by Mr* a E, Crosby. Urs HarryHeckendom, Mrs E. Kiesllng, Mrs. R.W. Kuhnle; Mrs. C. A. Lansing, MlaiCorai Wakefleld" and Mrs. A. W. An-dersii. '

Cranford Council, No. IMS. RoyalArcanum, will meet tomorrow night attt» Masonic Temple, South avenue aad

• t t e n a a j t t M i a t which Umt U» new-

ft^^^*a.*^as«, AS oembenlt^S

If you want LUXURIOUS Flowcts,Gardens, and L*«

: PLAIN, DRIED COW MANURE(roni cowa that are fed high protein rations.

— A-HATURAL I»LANT FOOD-combining the CHEMICAL VALVES of fertutstr sritlt the PHrsiCALVAIiUBB of manure. It contain*

. . _ All Necessary Organic Matter and Humusfor soil Improvement and vigorous plant growth.


CAN B l OBSD FIU0O.T—VSTTH HHUVCT SAPBTTBOVUNG U put up in coinretuent form and b MOST

ECONOMICAL in priceasmdsBy

WALBSB-aOROOat LABORATORT CO, Inc.• FUUMBBORtX If. J.and can be, parcbased trosn




oriTueaday, May 16, for :


Shipping Executive, U. S. Naval "Service in' World"War,

EXPERIENCED — EFFICIENT — TRUSTWORTHY• Paid for by Campaign Committee

BOUSE WANTEDWANTCD—DU-nom hiiuaa ana ssrata,' all

awdarn lmptovcmaou; len mlnutaa vslk rromauUiui. Hual b. rraamablp unL AMnuBoa A-114, can of Cruronl CltKan aad

. Caroalda, . . •, . . . . 3.is

WORK WANTEO-Femala>WOMEN wlahas Imuaaclaaiilar. aad. lauadrr.

Bast rararancaa ilian. atra. Joha Uokuaa.71 rourtn Af.nu>. (lararood, N. I.'

WOMAN wlsbas housawork bj las dsr. full orpart lima, no Uundrr. Talnibona Caaaford


BO0U8 Paparad ConplaU I1.0I. o8« lacludaa'_, laatatUl-aadJuuislas I» rolh wall, a walls-Mlln», II yards border. Uood salactlon pasara

at this pries. IM us aaUalila Jour l.alolln,and dacoraUns. Ualaaii, II bstrnaa Blre.1.flwat CEauford I . int . . u

•XTEBSa. MOVING. TKUCKINO*M. W. AvntN-IInlas . BUran, trutalns.

Waaaly abora trips. Irnuito, Esttsst. a £All MUmalaa chaarnuiy glasaTTfi sj«sacross Iks ball or across Us coottasat. Tbsdm lo UM awdara Ian aqulpnunt. tfully asrtlaf Craatonl fcr sarsa yas' W P * ! at all USHS.•-UM, i l l Nona Aiaatn,

yasrs. TUsHie.. CKaahrt

l s t u

BOBBINS a ALLISON, Inc-lloFlof, Btoras*,rscklai. Bhlpplof. Cartlns truoks. bauajarrHshl. ate Agaals AUIsd Vaa UaaaTBo.Wa hara aanrad Cnofard aad Tldaltr for II. ' U l i l l J *""" k"-l *• p h 0 M «»aafordS-lltS. J-- ' . . . .. . I i | |


pUc« Urlai ruom aullr. I 1 | ; , .food cocdlllon. KeiaonaW,. r,CBaaford 8-US5.

uu>».r i ration, rurdaoo Ira.im ,Uaehlaarj. Xnr u d Ua«d; iiir«, „.. °AppiJ BMs'Tlgsr CV. Uladatont.

B1CH lop n i l tor aala. dfUttr^ I,Call Uus Drayer, . ralrrlett iUTt'lapaoaa CKantonl U-1UI-J.

BOTTIO or lialr-rottad cow m.i,u,r „ a ,:soU for aala. Dalliarad anj»h«r, u j qaa^a.l u iua>o I»''MI " lv

aant.- "rwoUksd Suona*Clllsas u a Cknaias ooVo..


NICK Boustkatpliit apirtiaaat "foralnaia and dbubla rooms; (julrt 1aurloa sad uolley. 114 Nartli Ai

TWO aparuaaou for ram. tlirn ,nwrns. Bant I3J.00, balh and i ,i.Norm A'rtiua, Wast.

APABTUENT, thrao rooma aad Uili.Haparsu antrsnea. I l l North AirTalcpboM CBaaford 8.J03IW.

UABWOOD-Naar Craoford. ibodan. „- annmenf: brrakfaai nimk «nil , . ,

arata* eatranca. tow .Teuiui; . \ jJ » t < ' r i ' c j i f l a w

APABTMsWT for rant at-Ska iVnltiii ,uua. All Improramenta, hut luiluaaonabla .rtnt Inuulra at Jdu L.IAraaga, or call CBaaford S.M57.

APAKTSIKNT for reol st 15 Noob I'uto, Annut. l ira rooma sad bath, «IQi all linim,,•aaota. Nawlr uacorsUd. HnlurnlCaatar of town, ail acrommoUtUui •P. BalU. CBanford S.IS53.J.

CARPENTER JOBBINGCAJUMCNTDH work, rapalra, allarall n w

Saras'*: low eaUmalra. G. Iloi 1 *Waat Houtb Ava'nua, near Waluui vCranford, ,N. J.. .

UPHOtSTEEY—CHAIsVCANINOBUHU Uiuom "aaats a specialty. \ 1 »

suaraataad. Called for sad drlhrrn •-Voros. 101 Wuialow Placo. (n.«r \Aranuaf Usrwood. ' Telephone IV r-.iArI-3I35-W. '- . • ', I

8MAIX 8BOF FOB BENTaHALL. shop. suluUa for IUIII mn

Work. Central locatloa.. Kelt rr»Bos A-M. e n ClUssn and CBronlil.

INVKSTMENTSAJt» JOU aiUUad wllh al» per cam m •

money I larssUnaat Of uiiauaiUuuLj 1and security. |10« sad up. Blrlclni h 1(atloa laoilad. Sacurlly. cars LlllunCbnalda, Cranford. N. J.

LOADS WANTEDWanted—Load or part load or bouaannlit a»TBOU—nirlimond. Vs. „ Ma>

Chlcaso, III , Mm 1

arvllle or *>fic4ont

i n n MO*.•ruaawlck.

WASHINO HACHINK8 BEFAIREDILXCTUC.Waahars rapalnd. r a d o n ir.lurf

aarrloa oa Bssy Waabtrs. Kxpvrt aervlce nall aUtar makes. Washars, used, lor ule•orr raasooabla, ilotors, used, 1/1 anil VIAll aukaa tor .sals. Iss> Waaher Hr.J

3uariaca. TulUa Brothers. Itone CBaalord-!««. • • ' , . " U


Household SpecialsC U R T A I N S

Plain,Per Pair :


SLIP COVERS.Set 8 Pieces,; "((•> Ah

Reg. $4.50 ._.?*..UU

Consisting of'2 Chain 1 Settee

Odd PiecesReduced Equally as LOW





Feet)$fM PAPERS ROOMfThis offer Includes Material and waging <X I t e Single Rolls Sldcwall,

- Sir Rolls Celling and 18 Yards BorderQood Selection of Papers at This price.


(All Cetera)

90c Qt; 50c PL



PAINTS .MATZiENPaints—Wallpaper—Decoratins


Michael Di FabiQ aitcPBrother

Single ..Double .75C


- • , • ' • ! •

P O R T I E R E SSingle Faced ___$! JS IDouble Faced [



s aasi taaUartal Oaaraatas*. Ossr Priosa WB Meet Year Paefcetbect


D R A P E SSummer or Win-

95 Bonuide Avenue Cranford. N. J.

p latttam of U>a Past*A sula aad a raauls nrabar or Ifca BamibU

RUGS> x 12 (Dometticj,' Regular $5.40 _ $2.75CRANFORD CLEANERS


Your Garment* are brand at ALL l a m sWerCill

"Am Aa to aUsalaU nartlooa (Istlalaa orIMS)," psasad l i a j Ua. i n * ; at assaoil-SMSU UHrtto, satin la ksnbj tltaa that toa


la sad tar Uaa TWniaalp at Craafartf. willswat la th. placas fcartaadac dsalsaataa. Iantw«aa las h a m at s i n (T) A. H. tat S s s tIS) P. >L. asstaaa SUadsra Tlaat, oa

TCSWJAT, MAT M, 1SU,- - ' a t rasl-arbf UU

raadMslaa (sr Iks M M t a .

of Iks Saswnl a»sa»M> s«tsa Btaia of Hsw tew trass tb* Ostsafip of

o " * - ' > ^ ..:

A atafMor at Deads sad stortisfas far Ikstmatj >t nslsa.

Hbs SMSissn at UM stars at Cksaaa IM*.koldera rar la* GMsOf of Caiaa rtkrw farIj*ar tatss, laraa tar t >*ar fans ss4 i s m

4 ciSS-"-?'!*. Cmmo of VUsa,

• > ^ ^ ^ w )« *as> «*•* ^^JBSS>st. . Beawaaa

Tewiaalo ofCranlofiKoUsa sb» Ja. slraa that pnrstiaaL to too

proTttlaas or Cbaatec 71. P. U of Itll , sdoptodHarct a. HU, deletalaa al larsa aad districtddesataa will ba alsclad f IktCaannloa toact 11b th* aaisnrHiaeil to rawsl la* lSthlaniila\aiit to a * .CooaUholon ot Is* Dalisd"lataa; ' ' w -• • . " • • '

n a t U o - i f taiaHof *f IBs said Boards ofSetiatrr aad Section tad lbs polllaa' plaeaa toe•aek of ts» ssraral BacUoa Dkanctt axe:

mat DUtrlct, Store U J . I W«i»ot AnsosiBaeawt District. TtanahQi •ooaas. tad Door.

DaJoar-Aisatat aad Aldan StreetI k H DaaUlci. dSTslaS School, HaRfc •

rjslos) Anaaw. -•Iwattk Daantet, Osaat SiSnl, fttj Street.n s k nstrlcT lasesca •Ssas, (tptssaUal

Page 3: !iz3:£i - DigiFind-It"Lullabc" by Brahms, and "My Bonny Lassl She Smtleth" by Thlman by the Chorister Boys. . , Tickets may be secured at Wa Ool-denberg Stationery' store1 on North


: CUV t-tf IQlubctli,' V 1 . a••-'—•'•'. *D,II Bnalc HulnUrrg.

tav Tor aale wf UM>rt-

aiuc of t*>* aWwe-»U*Ml W*lt; uf Orrlr dlrrcUd 1 aUalt tli-oa* fwf Ml* by

tb* IHrtrtrt Court K-vm. la-tli* CHy <A Eltubetli,

The** ut 4u* aWuxiauUi j SV*M.U, ilnt*T-f9t frwrn M«nrt» 3rd, l » i i . aad «••**.


Cukw Tlllr »»JV i ' A

|4r«ll*l withi*H» 141 1 ' « l

And Mrtltrl

UUDUIT9 UUJt-bi Clu>t«n *t N«* >«*v|A*MMKt Xm UM» Cltj|«C M > * t t M

t Tl»«; ta* th* - afternoon ' wf aald Uay.M fulUivtng ti-at-t-'or w w * ! «f laud anda. JHctvllufUr partlvularly ilfacrltw-d. ell-' \ aud twin* la tb* Ctly ur KlU*bt-tb

iy. of Union and riutv oi \ r »

„,,( i t a point la t) t eairtrrly lib* of. Afenuc dlataot Drt>-iuu* l i l i [ n li) incb« southerlj fntM tb* aoutbraatrrtr

fvt M&Umn Avenue and Luubc Su**t:aoulhcrlj aloUf »*ld raaictly

_ j , . ^ , - , , ^ AvVnu* fifty rUa C*M) tvtt;p , «M*rcrty: lb a line at right atuftea to

Atcnue One l.uudml IM-MII} (1291 i<wtt drawn l»aralltl with Madtaun Atviiue

t Atrnur and equally dlalaut there-along tha aald iatt

tnrd Unp and i*ralM with the, Af*nue Hfty-n** <«» '

itt Uttla tint

uUw vtndun. In the Btttrfct O w n -^ —i« i\na\ )<•«» In/Urt City at liUatarth.

'\VBDSESUAV' TU1 S4TU DAY *>»MAY, A. U. 1IU, . .

l ,»n* oyiock.Slasdard tt*« a'the* Uajtl*ht4*tug} T»'*iv In thf .aftHTsouO ot a«ld day.

All the UU««UiC trafU ur parrel* <rf t»Mnd wrote*! tHrrt-ufW D«xlteuU*lj deacrttpd.UuAt* lying ami t*»ng ua HIM Tuwaablp ol•tmtoti, M the Coubij of l n w » , awl 8t*le,f Ny4 J«tr**j - '

Wl.uti a n man partk-ularly l*W «*>*»• **•**'t^fed.-aod UUttni^Uatml on a rwfiala • * » *«•w*tf*d md Ul

Ut!.->!: >Dr.at I'ranturd"

on k cwrtals i u » wI'lot of BmUdtn< Lotsd |mru »C lots M b !

Ut!.->!: >Dr. LwuiwUrvi Ilot of BmUdtn< Lotsat I'ranturd". Mid kita *od |mru »C lots M b !

nukiuK a plot of n n * (i»i f*«t rrvttit d M d QtV (liB) ( W U d

twfeihcr nukiuK a plot of n n * (i»i f*«»i..l Une tmndrM and QtV (liB) ( W U


-t MAL.K—In Chancery of Saw J«r**y.n fit-urge W. II, Ilotre, I'omplmtnant,mlu I'li-aro. et at*., defendant*. H. fa.nf tnurKtag1*! |»r*nitteA.Hue uf Ihe auur*-atatnl writ uf fieri' me dlr-K'Lvd 1 thall *tpoae (ur sal* ttyrttdiie,. In tit* IHMtlil Cuurt lltwiu. U.

t Court Him** In the City ut KlixaU-lU,I mi • ."- "

WfciDNKHUAY, TUK !IT1I DAY OF .,' M.AV, A. 1>.. IU33,

f v i i i iiVlwfc ritandard UWu' u'llm'k llayllglitpvliig) tlm*", lit tlm, arterniMJirur u i d Uar

llic {iilliiwlngoiravta or paneli uf landrtiilit-a h-FfPlnarter i>«ttii'Ulatiy drirrll-«d,

luatv. lying and Iwliig In tt». TuttiiBhltt vtrkiifurdT'ln the Ciiimij; of. t'ntoo, ttvi Wtal*


UttHlKt^a M.\LK—I'nlon County Couawf1'IvaK Cuurt. Anna Matu**, plaintiff, la

«le i Climnrr. drfviidaiit. ¥\. ta. d*. tw. rt UrAtlUtn at U « . . ,.

l l f d n u * of th« abnre-Hatrd larrt Jrf fierifai-laa t«» in* Jlrwtp4j.t..»iiill *u*»* fur aale byUut.lW v«t^Itie. in ttiP\|ttatrlct Court UIMMB. Inih« Cnurt lluut* la Vie flty uT Kllut *N. J.. «n \

WKUSKHIiA'V.'TllEMltH »AY OYMAY. A; D . . \ l S 3 . t

F. IIKNUKH, > in.it

i 115 M

atlu ih* al\fln tra -t" ur

(in-nlar** tirrrliiaftvr rmrtlrulariy

;b* Court

prtauart b*r»uaauaW, 1}1B« l a d I

( M tw ta^ BwtHt •» »Ur» *t *rt «tU.Ina tha sawat KmtimMrty ««••

N«- II. lH ftU-k U « a M t ) itttI'mri au4 M»*iM»*« >ttr««u a» UMttiatod a>*4 4 1 ^ 1 K | « W > ^ I .*• a I-«UA

•tlU*d ' KiUMX. fr*M> Ha» «C W iatlott In Cttntvlhywrt, %•« i«f«rT*

All lit* f<»Ua«tftf Umc% «t i**"iU^ltts dr

VI** (VUIt IlirUlW tb tlH« 4 it) i.t

W »iUMt>l»AY, TUK UHT U.VV• M*V, A t> ,'IK.J.I. . '

run* •t'rliM'k MamUnt i l i i i ' v l ' " 1 1

utmi) Ttmr, lit l>>* .(iniKKHi ..f »«Ail ibv h>lU**tii« l»a»t ur )-arc*l ••<

WM t ll «tt> f

*«ilaffs bfrvteana* p«xuW. l>lnt ami ferial m "

Utl Cwmt)> ^ L'liaatr J« C

H HALK^rn'ThaitrWv'of New —l Anna li. l>imran. limit*laInant. * l t J

d lletiliiiniivnl Cumiiany, vt *!., •*'«•I'l. fa. fur s«U*-ut murlgaged -preiu-

tue nf llitr ahtte.itatcd writ i>f Her!gfaclXj tu me (Urn-Ufl I thall expose fur nil* by|'tuibllVY->nilu<*, In thy IHatrlct Court Ibiuni, In| the C>Wt IIUUH In Hie City t>( KlUabelli,

WfKHDAY. TUB 21X>» DAY l i tMAY, A. U-, hU3.[, Hlaudard (two u'clotk Uayltght

caiiug- ••M.v.Vtirttl-* RftertltnHi u(-aald-da>.All tlio fi>lh\lng U . L U ur Dtrcela ut laiid

arm iium itvi i-BAiprljr from Cedar Htr»*t,ifapuce luirthrrly itarallel with. C*dar mra*t.one hmnJrwj nuti utly c(l5»> fert: tbmueKtiU'rlT t'lmDel wiUi North (funnfrty rtnt)AVi-nue On* tiundml llftfl) feet; tlMUir* auulb-erly inralM with Hie Drat itiurte' mi* hundredand nrty 1150) fr*i i» the iiurtrterly tin* «>rNnrtti~(f<trtnerlr Flrat) A*ii*ue; thence weaUfly

II In HUxk tmimard H, WatKaale Htn«U

nil* parviiularly d«rrilt»d.i l T w n h i p «'arviiularly d«rrilin tlii Townahip «'

..f Untou aud Htat« ul

aud |aHuate, IjlimCtanri.nl. In |li« CNew Jera«y.

Bflni luld d<mn,Ui^u'iiaUtl »nd Ji*rti nt) a certain map \ \ i l i l r d : 'MaliInKtm HHi;hi». CranfordXs, J., Hni

uf which map !• &\'lllv In tlI t i ' umf

&\lllv In tli« Cnltmnd\|lralKhaUrd on uldU l V l l (>3) and

"in, itr HllKlllKrM HALK— In Cltam-try nf New

vn Tim I'rudcitUuI litnuiaiict> Cf of Anierlra, '* Nt-w Jersey (-»rp»ratloa. . . .I iUiiiant. nnd Ttttii' U<H-», t-t al.. dvfvndanf- >1. (a. fur sale of inutUttgnl premlMB.f fly virtu* of Hie aUjV0-*UU'd. writ of .fieri• facial to run illfetUnJ I nliall «t|>ua« fur Milit 1'F

public -Tfiulue, In itic itlstrU-t (jjurt Uuvra, laUit Court lluu** lu th« City ttf KlluUlti\ J on'."

W-Kp.\KBtfAY. THE. 21TI1 WAV OK* • ' " MAY. A. t».; 1WJ3 •

d' .at'. MAY. A. t».; 1WJ3, • (i'rlork Standaid ttwu u'flwk 'DaylightTt I It arivmoott uf Mid day .

them* wraUflyudrM tl««)' fvwt loBa tltt »**«al dlm*a-

_. . . aatd tin*Hie point uf Itrslnnilima more or Iraa. - •- • -.-••

Thefe ti due anprnllrnatelT ITK 1«. wlttafriim * CXIotm 11th. 11*31. ' be«ld<r»

fe« . -• • - •0, WKrtLRY COLUNB, HaertlT.

TVH.i\ NAHU, 8«t'r..... . Pee* HIM


KllKlllr'»"8 HALK—V V k r

nvrrj Dr Saw J*T M JL *nAbi^iu ui«<«c, „. . . _

. „ , „ . . , . VVorkninra liulljtng and.Latn Aaw l i l M i ur tlie fity .>r Kllxabetlt. N, J . fti<r[><>raUiin, euini>!aluaiit, aitd Will Ian Uarg.t ui., .1 al.,;d*rrndaHta. VI. fa. fur Mil ofiKirifcagt-d [>r«tnlm, , '

Mr ilniif- »r thr alnve-ttalvd writ or fieriit-la* to m* Ulrei'Ud 1 atiall vipo** fur tale byM<l-I1'- wiidui-. In Ihe IMalrlrt CuuH Ihiuiii, Inhe Ctiurt IluiiMt i In lh« CUr. ot Kllzauetb.•i.-l . i m " . - - . . . - . . . , . ^

" WEItNKHDAV, TllK,t*TH HAY Of» MAY. A. l»-. r»J3.

it one ti'rtnck HturuUfil (two o'clock DajllghKoine- Time, In I tie ifirrnoaii ur aatd day.

All the .follnwing trad ur (.larrel ut land indl-reiul**-* hrrclnaficr purtlvularljr ileat-rtbed. alt'm u \ l>Ang and It Ing In ll-e Cttr "' KllubethIn lli« County <>t Union and Hut* ur N««

HKiilNMNti at a (Mjlnt In Die WeaUily linef Majilt; Afcuue distant une hundred Din* and>vi>nty-lnindrwltrui (Hov.tbl f«et Ttam ,Ui«

tr formed by the lnt«r>ertton of, tbe tnutbline (if Nutnmrr Him* with tn» wevterlrif M«(ilc ATfnu*; thrnce rtuinlng aauth-

' ' MapU ATtnu*, forty-nine and>1« Avtrtu,lu) fwt u> a

lna an; thenc*


» IIP (irlork StanH*flnill .TtiUf, In It

All lti«'fulu(H|ii|l l H

aid ttwu uflwk Dayliarivmoott uf Mid day.

trtct ur parrtt of land andl b L U

: uaie, lying" and 'being In "tile Towntlily of Cr»n-": furd,' In Hie c.'uuntji uf -I.'nluu and Hlate o(

BKUINNLNU at a iwlut In the auutiiwrjirrlrI nlde <>r Llniolu Aienue tliiUoi Nunlmctwrl)', almig the, lama one hundred (lt)U| f**l from'•, tliei JuttnerUoil ot-Mtt muthwealrrU line of: Lloroln Ati-nue Vl lh tlte .N(irtliw.trattTirvlLi*t uf,' lletf-ird Aviiiue Iptydutcil) ; tlu'luo U) uiuttv

thirty-vl ght (:i»l -di'lirrea fonr - l « l inlnutcawent «t right tnglca-. to Lincoln Avenue unehuudrrd w*tn (lUt) tent lu . a point; th«Ur«

B0& (S| -Nortli flfty-t-ne . ( i l l ilegms. tweuty (.»)i 1 /^ - - minute* We*t wralltl t*r Uncotn Avenue fiftyi—,_., , . , „ , „ , ,„ « J M 1 i n l . in#1,CB o ) North'ililrty-

rty [10) itnutea KaatdcMtlptlon

-Arenue; - them*twrtity it9

! the nne uf Liu.the votiit ur l-late of. itfc".

Ilelng the northrrly fjftjf

(41 .Houlh Httyoii*inlnuiea Ra«t aloftf

CO f t Ui-nue fitly (001 feet t<>, n ; i v v i S ( i .

fi*t of lota

fwt u> a twlnt; thenit at rlffht atifl** to *i1d altpl

lumdr«l (!«*) fut to .a point. and jarallfl to aald Mapl<

t Tnrty-humlredUia Ut.4«Kaatert)i and at right

lmin*frdi\point or |ila«-c ur JIBULSMWiw\ . aa Hu**t number* ton-IT

In the Wraiwly I In.UVItl T*rt fruw tnr

Uoa of Uie Houtrtttrt

.line ot Maule ,along Hie slid . » - . . - - - • - -

I'aud atruj. . . . reft to a I -.aid M«ple Aranu

n*lnt:"Mapl«Mapl« A>n»uJnaralW with aald Maplv A T «

point; thenw Kaat i t right

, the commonIiremllea

, jiUlinVnerpiuaiiui* d«Krib*d -r.

• Oil .Mapl« Avrnu*. referred ._ruenrcd In the ilci-d glvrn by Mai Kotier \Jen Die - Kottet. Ma wife, to John Plul»,

(It HHttlttrlrAt*«u* 51 r / t

" ' " !HlT " TTTTi

i frtxlanta - V\ fa. lot . ia)* »>f m.trl«iI M*tHl»*a „i It> tlitur »r ill* *Utv* aialnl wilt ur! rarUa to IH* iUrnl*»t 1 >hatl ri |»«* |.tV

l-» I'tililV- tc«itti*;~'m Ihf IH«ltlflI In-Tl>» «i»irri Hutia* lu tha CU)




-* Hn»tl a| • . imtnl t tMfl i i i1ll a l t t i ffrt and <tliht»-wtwi l>t«.| OMilliwt-Mftlt t t .ni i - l l i* Inl

ti r

i tb*

nd<4 UultOlun irAv«t;4 lUl t l> ItH141!


»3iT>»» a..oUiiJ»*!• Utf-wiirtliwin«lttl-. II* itiwUt'1»tUi~r (uiinlug > o f th

*tllrt v-f I U • _fU du* • a|H*t»*la»a

l»»m Mar-h i w h .

V U . t i N K H t m , TIIB JTII•ICM;: A I» i".i

„,-• i . V l i . a H U m l a i d M " « " , l..i h Onof *al<l

fESLKT CWLUN». KbrtUT MAhTlN 1IL. M l . • Klli i itV' . * . ' • ' ***m f 14 41 1 —-r—*r—

HAl.K In » lia'«Ja<-y'"ll'" J«UU«

By TtrttM »( tb* abm*-aat*4 »rtt -« lirtat tu HW directed I »t*U «itMM f«vr public *rtMlu«. t» tb* Mkrkl *V*w»t I

j Un Courl U9ue* It (b* Cttj «* O l *


on* orhvk MwHia«4 tteh* -<W*. 1>*t*lng> TtBM, In th# at1*rtMMMii ••< **'Hl »All the f<ilKi*U>« traxt <>r t*rr*4 of Ui*

» . MBH^I • ' » t.f « . HI' i ia i r . tM- ia* *»* : » '»

Mlat i l i t C"'iH li"""*

itat*. lyli*m tt» t»

MfU« frajUfttiat*tsc ta tb*f t' auii*.

lent*. . J •Lot number (••atj On** 191 aj»d I»M •*•**

iriy b*tf trf M bu»b*r tw**>l» .Jo«i t i l t <«

Ion. Mkh*«l W Ho)It ae<S U w "-or**,Rtnb*4ti, S J ' ^rMfltoU H . M h t i : '

BrglaalBC al • fatal ta ib* wndWilr Use.if Huutta Mtr*at dUaa«A t^rtrriy fifty i'~t| fr*tfrooi liw rursa* fa*w>aw .fc». Ih* Mierewrtlw «Tthe auuUiMlr Mo* »f Month Mr«<( wltli in*•matfflr tin* tti ta*# BUI 1"U«: U * m nm-

hundrvderiy p*faU«land ont-badf

rly p»rglUIllMt f#*t.

ttln H< 3 T U |

kand ont-badf <3TU| f«**. UIOTMV . nttt«nh«riy Mralfctl "ttk BOM HUI liat* **»dred U*fl frft to tb# a»«.tlMily »14* oTHtnet; ibd th*nr* **at*ttjr 4taa« ito* a^Htnet;ltn* vt

r* a j a^OMtlyrc«4 ihlrtj-a****-**-* i4i*-tiatf

( 3 i m / K" »taf« ••( B««»ei«« (WJA

Ther* la due apvrtmvat*** | 4*s l 13, y i t i IoI term rrm« D*<«a>btr Ink. 1*.S. a«d >4*ta.

C. WgHUtT COLUM). AbrrtS.LOKIS I" LOM^BAXUt. M i . :

C V*«a t l MnMirrf l l BALI;- to Ch«Jae*f; of >«nlkt«*e*B Muiul tUflica N a t U u i

srp.. roalpUlaant. aad r*t*r- Trte*<rtrUI , tUtm^uam. n. fa. tat- a*te, rf ortBlkeet. , tH* *lftu* a Xhm atwte-tUU4 writ

farl«» Li me «Ur»cU4 I »h«il •!»—•V*tWTr-«i*ne---l»-»Jfc*.-U»lrtCl. ( . ^

... 'itw'TtttrV H«WM* ! • ' » » -Ot»: U *N. J.. <rt . . .


at <

KMAY, T•Jf>K, A.

I >.nr o i l t ka«lngl Tlur, IDAll tt># folliwl

•uult-radrilr fnlla>* uf t1»!*lm

4th » rtrir*«i «- nil-IT* (V Vaialltl withClarwwnt IMa« ••uii

Tlte, Blwvr d**il | ' lU,h I«ur*iry tua-W !•» C. II

liirrr. <tal*d i*-uA-rt tiIlrlt.g OM» r*n«. |itHitl«

; fllt<t«r<l and Harry f*. * * i d . »'* •!••«' " " * ' W I 1 U

At . i l U MrMat»rt.r I.ia -|M<r 6. 1^31, I" l l r « l 1

• I«H8

i li) iraUc K HIM't.rr )Ki«Ut>«. <"

nrai,(l li*ti>tW.llU t'olo

l r IUIHIM* « I{ii< t'>r I'fiimi

C VVr.Ml.K^ * IPLLINM, HlnNUHTHKI'l*. **.»tf.

l l U ilng Unit i.i i>nn-f| uf landrlnaf ln (uMllcuUrlr i1rii-r|1<cdIKI: U I I I V lli.1t>« Uxinngh i-rf I unlit ^ <.t t'lilon «liil Htal*

l.it iirnl^\


nv ; l n f l»


i i r ; t » l i l , h i a .

lof AtUlilUHM At

<>t Initflrlit Airriu* .ly •li-iij liiv ttUaltthl IHIP

H'llit; whli-tV In llilrly tUlv-i.iiif litHi-tmlthi 'CtlfiSl fr»l fr.lhC |n Mlr)il£>'i Atroo*, xhli h IM• t

l .titt In nun to fttlr mid i n n i l r hi>andlhi O i « t t ) f^*l from' ('alirifld

roniilug Ni>ri)iwmli>r1y flftj tuili'llli4 {'•* »I3I frft inof* >iril Atrtiur «t a i - l m lln-rHti u

{•<A d.im iliv i><ilnt «r f la ir of luftimine winit-ily nl.ing Kwlrfl'M A If.fl Ut lit* i-'lnl ttf I'Uif of


U t t . I N ' I t

| M » i n aim v " > n - . " ' " ' , " r

1'•'•"• ^' "t '*&lL *^XIS». iMCHMI.AK A ! - n i M A H ^ M l , iHul'rKI)J*C< f : * •'' '""*

Kll>;illt nf Nrw lrr»#


' W K I l N K H t M V ,• '. J I N K ,

foit>. fI iur»ll«l Miili

I tll.MSH Hl-vtlff( i MV

| J t « A l i NOTICJKH

IN CHANtlNV Ur NIW JtHItTi ) ; . Vl ixMit M*.«a. Ivriia rtfiimr, r r i i lrm, li*r Litaltand.

! liftAitlulurtia-UiKi. AHtliimyMtia i*'ul anil Mr Van).

A m r t l a n l •of an'uriUr of III

lCn-irt »r lliantin ilav «f Ih*

. . . l r ,,r.r,-l. In a !•'••« wliwicln i|*r«<H»l m *•itena HtIM AMiM-iailuii, a ft*m J*ri».y t'»r-

IIII. I* ioni|ilalH*nl. aiiil l^mifnlm Mm»ahrra ai* itefn-iUnH. (mi ir* ri>i|ulf*it

•' -i^far aitd »ii«w*f Hi* hill uf ••UI I»M .>l»|n«li(, jiw-nc^ifnlw ih* IKth liar "f Jttno,>••). H l j , ^ M h l bill will lie U U M a a n m -

a»»d^afamM Jim, • ••;".TTi-i l a i d Mil It fltml to fiirt-iloe* a im.rt-

igi;*-rM-iir»1«1-rit' tlonlr • « » • rf- M"»»«««« totnluii Couiilr al !-••? H* he,, i-uiirltia lit*iti|<»iiy fcmiwji^ii NIL It't >'>nirtliaw«md7^5»«J»i»«'y. ami m u , V|tii-«ifun rlpiira*, Atilo Lit tillia ttiada dtfMulaWa- tw.>it«« |ny er*

Ui»u 'aml Anna l'"il .bll<lr(

if leu* In Hi*

rtTm "fiTTnuW Ui ih- aii, rrwl H*iVa*. a«« mail, tml are >ha tmtWt.d .Walut.la- I,B»> U«,-;lilil.7*ii

i<r*mti*a meiilltititil. •««! >'«».

No loiiaM* ti fur • ri«p*iHtrr of KMI*•fin*.' Till- fart la hHnj tirmlJadttimufhuut tilt' tti'irl'I of fMUUia wllbuttmUlKknbie f*itt|ihiRU, for ne*«r hnr«uprliiic-atyln 1n*t»n mom UvUhly furrwl(hti» lliry «T» tiili -r-i-."n. Of ctiur««WH nr» not r>iii*ctr>tl to himrtl furfrom • utility »uiid|H)lnt -«lnii •iiriiicCOMMI mul. •tmnitr^r ! • not fur awftf,but -wfi'iirr fWlHlnl* Wing" IITBQ to.HIipnH'iiilv the ctmt-in'of ftir.whrn tttf>- •1>1U»«M1. i»urwly nlul ifirtply m a tlocprci-.'tUk rcmurr. Ymi will DDMC# In nl-limit.uv»r.y -tnntnitc* tliKt'<1(«l^n»rt utm ..

filr OHi ;tji«- iw'w- "ITltH diilta nml co i t ilo kt»**(t It ttwny frum lit* fitc« aitU th«tlimnt. ,'l'hln tmi Itwn tr>r* ntr«l» *c- •rcinitilJiilii**!. hi Dm hnmlauine Worth 'cent litTi) MIIOWII, In Itiat the 1)1 u* fo itiurili-rlni tttopi nt (ht nt-iiuldsn ofthin umcvfullr riipnl wrap whrcb by .Ilin wny I" uf llgtit drown vvlvst, forl'nrli mt(>r«*ii vrtvM tit* wtiolt yur:

throiifii. Tho mt>_t<*Uife__toi.u«ji:.Particularly intlttworthr. -

Doe* Nat Refl.tl AM.*tu«ti|ki ' .Thn mtHiri" rr>lltii*|i only nln'mt on*

fniirtrrnili nf iho iiinilftht fnlltni on It.

HOTicr or iKriuaitMT* la )4*f»l>? ght-n, Dial Hi* al« . l l l *r« , ~ * '

\vmi*Iw.7<'11(Tra'i ! I i

,..,!. will U Mii.ll|alf . «htl r*l<"l,»,«• cunt «r in-

,t\fNI> 4>AY Of JI'Nft

l ttiaillHM Ha»lni Ttm*|.iiltll Tltt'HT COMI'ANY,


Aulliuiiy Cfm, ma made a fl«f*iiile,nt t*»i_ale . the InuUtHl t.f Atilotntll* |fr»u an<1

it1 In ha-r* tha ilgJit__!if_twrt#tTil> Ih* |it*m>wrm[i<>ixm±r~'nrir~yitu, Mr. 1'iul, »tf madf

a ili'f*inlifit_l>M<iuB4r"ti>u er t Hi* Itualtantl nfAnna l'*yl ^*«rt">Utn- In In** Ihe ilgtil uf

~'~' •• - '(jit'iulHa m*itllonnl(AHlUll . l , K HKLI.tUH,Hoiifiinr -of cumiilaltiftiil, .

^Xik^A'Ual i i i i -Ai i t iu i , • •Crahfurd, Ntw Jera«|r,

llrtn* B II


IIKAItP,lvId,. H. "J.

frea l ( 1ft

*' . Firri Er«glaat«a - — -HditiT iticrm\«!iiil>4«t«<<1 how to m»g-

iilfy writtriin^l)ii»i'i |( N >f||mtint ofB up Here uf RIH«\'HJ tint bunk wilii IIIplun^ aide I1UWM,\I liU Opin MBjuiIn l MI. A portrait nf ritnlltul pgbanIn « fr*»rxi^ln. B.cliunli i t TrvvtBUimiiitwl h j:ir.7, f'iftniwiir.twir ni»Mul«ileiiaM wHfrtfmtr liiiiiilttii rltiftiMj Ipgvihw, mill tlnu^lM frtitit i»f MB riNi.

N* Cvmplat* Vkcuvm•A cuniplftlii vii(\iMn wotilil iMiitnliidliH-iliitclr iiothliiK, hut it' coinpUtt)vinuiiiu IIBR uevvr ln-«n obuihwl

Mnxt m Cill(n| VHCUIItiill, Hilcll • * Alt It

friw iituhlii of ttif* iMBTrrtnilViiidti 1-oiM" :

NOTItr or RKTTLCMKNr *Vulli* h Wtfl-t.nh*n, that l|i*:*rnmr-+'ef

Ih* »ijt*ftn*r, Ailailntilralnr nt Ilia M U U T «frrrd II. Jahii, itwcuaivd, Mill U auilllwj anilkUt*4i liy Ih- HurtKgate, and rtpvrtiil fnf«*lll**H»l(i U» W«^>f^hjui«t_i^jUli.j>f;4hM'tiMtt«f»f INIII.II, ml '

riilllAY.' Tllg «N|1 tPAY OK . .nftlt. m I >0 f M "(lUfMlC'l Ha.ln

ntANHHIlt THIIHT COM. „ . . . ,A'lmlriUUaU-r,

NII.HIHJ4 A HNnvtliY.' I'rwtura,- W**|f|ild, N. J,-

ating Time),COMI'ANV,

l U


UpholstererFred Kantner

43 South Union Ave. 'High Grade Furniture


Telephone Cranford 64)893

Tlie^Gun Went Off-With the


Regular Week-day Dinner

Special Week-day Dinner(with bottl* beer) 8 5 c

Luncfons ^>«2 6 0 cSunday Dinner 9 0 c

. : > • . . . . u t o 3 :.. y - :

h y | & &(with $ottle beer)-


GHOW MEIN, .to take home '

Telepbooe CRanford 6MM37^ AVB,-AT HUM BI. i

^ c?aANToap. w. J. -^IliUMW^v.' "'"•- V » TOTI.

BRENN AN & TQXEnumbing, HaVtinfc-^nunr,

IM »OUTH AVE, a, cmaHnftD ;


Page 4: !iz3:£i - DigiFind-It"Lullabc" by Brahms, and "My Bonny Lassl She Smtleth" by Thlman by the Chorister Boys. . , Tickets may be secured at Wa Ool-denberg Stationery' store1 on North

Pare Eight

Revised Pi Psge Pour C R A N F O R D C I T I Z E N A N D C H R O N I C L E , T H U R S D A Y ^ M A Y I I . 1933

At the udjthe First Iweek. . A C .

-. the bos.rd ol -:'v ivd budKi'tt'xplalntnK t* .a numbrr of

. been made I ,.

HtlllMMIMII IIKIIIIMIMIII iiimiiiiiiiiiiiiMM

K e 11 i I wo f t h P a g e• hers who h(U'

they an- »l!II the roiigi

~~:rcmamdtT~cCranlonl Tl

- The plun. the debt to.~4iall5" wat. a

th*1, trustee:'raising theplet<- budpewas nlw> ttf'Stewart ril:

• plan M*ns c"be in iiii"Y~"' rial (.'ondlt

laiM Sun ,lam R HIJMIIHII. 40-Lord Mud!thr rvrnirfirst ol ri

»00000000»000000000*00000000000000* 000000000p00000000000,00000000000000000000000000000000000-00000*00»0*00*00*0000000*0*» 000-00-0*0***0 t ««• t « «i »• « m « ».

"How WrAnnoun

DlBt H SIAlC «'III I*Exrept f(tllf HTVlichoir ajitner, orgdlircl Hi

Tl«' fitorating

"•"Ft. >» •=Brown, fHnrriutt'F Kluw /l< * Is t'thri M'

• Miller/motifl' 1Mr^LoBt^wurtTnnp

And |Mi1. II.

loanedlor the

Meth '

ionOf Tax Sale/This Year

Council, Will/Act on. MatterTuesday /Night; Clean-Up


Plans fn/ the possible elimination ofa lax sale in tlie.. Borough of Kenll-worth this year Were brought out byCouncilman John Graf at the reg.ularlnn-l/uK of the Mayor and CouncilTut/day evening in Uie Ilorough Hall.r^/irir-iltynit; f^inr)^ VHffi|« i|ph*l<1 tltffflfi this attitude', declaring that a tax

/sale was lield last .year, and only, one

Herman Deck, from Uie audience,

Chris Lohman. past president.of theKenllw'jrth Republican Club, Inc.. isreeking' the Republican nomination forthe lftri-»y<-trr*tterm us Mayor of-the

Pupils To GiveOperetta Friday Night

Children of MicKiriley, Hard-

Borough CollecU $4328In '33 Taxes in April

noruuuh of Kenllwoiih He Is runningunder the birnner of the Regular Re-publican _Ucktt. Mr^ Lohman-Isswdthe following »t*ti-mriit today regard-ing his candidacy ' ' ' . " ' '

'In-serkuig. th<J,,nfnc-e of Mayor. I dowell1 knowing the difficulties and

Jljiems. that have confronted thepresent and iiast adinlnlstratJon*. IfrloctMl, I pledite to gtve'iny.best efforts

-t-lie benefit of all concerned.

SrhnoN Will Prpsent,^ T J

T1}e_Borpu8h of Kenllworth receivedM.82812 In 1933 taxes during themonth of April, according to the re-p<i!t of Tax Collector John E. Butler

t, at the regular meeting otP1 . . ^ . T J i . t n c M«»or o n d Counc" Tuesday night.

The Maid and the Golden .Additional moneys received Included11.61544 from 1933 taies; $533.21. 1931taxes: I3D301, Installments; I138.M,Interest-and ci»H: 130.01, bus line tax:


I'u'plti of McKlnley «nd Harding 12 15. tax searches; 133023. 1932 special

"I believe • thnt 1 huve-the executivenblllty and experience needed to guide I children, will be given thU afternoon at

tomorrow night In ttie Harding Hchoolauditorium. . The production Is underthe direction of Mlu Olm NtUon.

A special matinef presentation forul b i thl ft t

/ 'Mated itiut, In hta opinion, Kenllworlh 'citizensi)i.\l\(l have a Ux sale. He doclarrdIi<qual

- that persons, who'are paying taxes now, j all.'through fear of' losing Uielr prujierty,

°. would nrit continue to dj> S5>.__.TJie .cryof the Iiorough would .be, according to

^ Bjjck,-"IMie can^get away_wlth iCf_.why

the" Borough ' through there .times ofstress. 1 will strive to give my fellow

Thewilt- tMTVlCdlittMntc)will bthr.t).ixirtMrmreh pthe I

Til„ nBUn


A- .,.::moi ' •Clu "~.'j"chu.. t;

T*cn 4thV- : i

' in i• t to . •<-•>Ha ":Vtal t


t n - • ' : :

' h i ' - • - . ' • } - : 'm ;B •;•

D .••[.s • i •.

' . -It was decided1 .-to-hold the matter ov-, r er to «n advisory meeting to be held

Tuesday night

Couni'l)iniin Vltalc was of Uie opinionthat kenllworth slimild be-ronsolldateii

... under one telephone branch. He point-ed out that some residents have Cronford phones, while others have Rosellephones. Mayor NiUchk* reported.thathe had taken the matter up with theTelephone Company, but thut .nothing

- . could be done abtnil.lt because -of theunwillingness of Kenllworth resident*

' U) change. Mayor Nltschkc appointeda committee of Councllmcn Vltalc,Kocrner and Falklnburg to look Intothe matter _ _ . '

Prank Mcqullough, chairman of theroad committee of Cranford TownshipCotmnllteo. and former Mayor.C Aldrlch requested, by letter, that

. . Michigan avenue be extended from Itsprexent Intersection with Kenllwortli

' Boulevard to meet Route 9. The com-munication pointed out that this high-way would soon offer a direct entranceto the tubes leading to New York forCranford, Oarwood. Kentlworth and theupper part of Roselle Park, The letter

. stated that Cranford would make ev-ery effort U> push thejnatterj ancUwai

-wTHIngTJie jSlai* Highway Commission.as w c i n r u i e Board of Freeholders.The letter was referred to the highwaycommittee. > • ,

Councilman WlllUm Rowan1 reporU*d

200 Attend Republican

a squnre deal and to have I row .iilght will be thirty-five cents, am)taxation and representation for 'will Include dancing. .-_ -' • ' . • • j The cast Includes Claire Palkln-

: burgh as the godmother; Cupid- Da.n-;!lel Kerf; Cinderella, Lois Leschlnsky;' Belinda, Veronica Kelly;' Henrietta,

s'Sep-im{Lummlno; 'I'rlnce. Melville Gnughan:

.The. lamest and bent attended card , B'lieWd. blah Henderson, and Rag-parly ever-held In the Borough was jKedy-Aim, Ruth Blrlnner. : . •Prldoy iihtht In the W. O. W,HaIli un-1 The dances are under the direction

Schools will prev-nt a two-art .operetta, j tax; W3. fines; W7. dog licenses: |13.2S.sundries; 1123.CH, ten per cent cut ofemployees 'salaries,, making, a total of~' I. The balance on-hand was

;; for a grand total of 110.296 78.Disbursements included S425.87 for

general' Dorough; fuel and- Boroughsupplies, 127.50; Emergency Relief,$177; police. ,7990fl; Fire Department,S34.60: roods, 110; hydrants; W2.19:scavenger. $123 75; reserve bills,. $50.50;Interest on sewer account, 11,907.1$;Interest on temporay loans, 127861; tindiscounts, $85 M. for a total of t3.972.49.

3 o'clock. A fee of ten. cents will becharged.

Republican PrimaryIs Center of Interest

G. O. P. Factions to Clash inContests'for Mayor, Coun-cil, County

Posts. •:•••


der Uie sponsonihlp of the Kenllwotrh [of Mi« NeUon and Miss Pramk: stage' t U MiItepubllcan Club. Inc. More than 20o'a«tUng,

persons intended Ihe-games. necessl-[Ebbets;Miss Newcomb and \Vordenstudent UMlstanl*. Charles

the use of.the back room of.Jthchull Hever l Count) nnd Htate candl-d [were present, including EdwardC. McMahon, candidate /or,the two-year term on the Smafl Board ofChosen Freeholders.

Dancing followed the card party,music being furnished by a NewarkOrchestra. Refreshments were servedby Mrs. Walter Venlent and membersof the refreshment committee.

lU>a0U»l! BRIEFS

Lohman. Alfred HHe and Walter Beritln; eodtumes. Miss Kounson, supfr-vlwir, the Misses Ochrafft, Volkacrts,Wolfe. Lynch. l>owderly%mf>Pessarofl;scenery and posters. Uie. Misses John-son, Ray, Mergottand Newcomb; pub-licity, Miss Swanberg and Miss Antro-bus.-

. MljHV.Austln will be tiir accompanist,and Orace Ca steUIne will act asprompter. ; ' *.

MM Urcella Bernmanu will render asolo bet«*n the two acts. Music for

tees-to succeed John J. Cordner, nhoremoved from the Borough Bailerwas nlso appointed to Oordner't plareon the by-law "committee The fullcommittee Is now1 rompcaed of VoncentBailey.' Mrs Katie Stein and W JDeans. '

At a recent mretlnc ol Uie Mayorand,. Council a! KwiUrorth. O»udeMutler quoted a pnoe on tires for thffire trurk si H0.M per tire. Four tireswere purchawd lrom a Newark concem b.r John QraJ. chairman of the

Uiat Clean-Up Wleek had been held ov-er through (his week. ' .

Councilman Vltale reported that theroad scraper had been-tatjen off the]oilier, roads ito work on Uie. repair o l ' ,30Ui street. Hr. rejiorted thmihe Mfgiupiwr surface of the present paring <•<':

20tli street was being pressed awn tl IUie side of Uie road. This will, to umi 'harden, and make Uie laying of aful-^ler nearly Imiwuible. He o>cl»r«e Uivii ~Uie Borough sliould look to U» Sutijn."and fill in Uie side of the ruui vitii i.'

hii«<-_m.trialjh.ifmjifn] }*' ttn^u-tf.;•.'.that this n)*cadam «>u;d 6t -UUHK-I; u.j. -«llal*rKT'f^CT«sr^eiitt'ii!Ji13ia''ti i'"u[er parts of Uie Borputh lit UT« u taken on the fcaeiwartj^:'

Counllnian' Ora? r*-;»c»rMtf ih»t acheck.', for W.OOO h±l i « iret theBoard of- Kduoaixa Tuii- ir£J pay onemonth's taJajnei u> tiit u-ixtrm.

It was dec:o>d Una .lint* *omt money• as »valla.b» a> f»j tbe Plalnfleld-Union. WateffCOB^Wjj- a bill-of over a>Tar"s stoixUni . '. •-. -.." j

•uppij committet. lor (69JO

laaahlunts of Moscow art)

rWeber b Awarded ^

•<»,i High War Honor

Alfred Weber, of 1'aMalr su.«mu<quartennasiTr of Kenllworth Tasi Un2£jQ. Veterans* of Foreign Wan. ?raarecently' awnrded the Ord*r at. tb*Purple Heart for meritorious vertyjt to•he World War; Weber raduring the war, J**' •

• Cliief of r^Jce Ot-orge Conklln; irasmade an honorary member- of the-or

tOHKKi u» actual hwxwoo*(M-bfta fognd b taaminatioa pa-P-t. awn. Mt, br Uuhtn.

fTkit M u r n a M irtarAH.t«« rut at thmm.


awards^ were' made by. CotnmauderEdwin L."8arldge "' : •*'


Part . f Ubr.rt . f Glblw.Two thouiuitiil ,>gl3We». part of Iht

library ,<|f Glbboji. the hl»lurl«n. eachbearing bis prirjitt book plate, havetweo discovered at Geoeva. tiibbon'aold-collese~at'-1(Jrford.;—MnpnitennJI'•efklng to acquire them.

M»de QuicWyKaasy • imall aaaaot




TIM pistil of a dowrf Is.Its onljr pro-UOSao afaloat loMcts. :

^ - - : ~ ; • ' • m *

. A v'argoyl*. Is aomeihlng you swal-l»« *b«o yo« ht»t a tore tlirost.

^••.'' , ' : - . - . ' * ' a * .» • . • '

Ona of th« chlaf ch«ract«risUft oflit whin uian i t hit color. *

- Geiirje Mendel was ah Austria*prlawt l i t , grew peat and studiedthem. Also he cross-pollinated them.'He wrott * f«w pamphltta about whatha had .iMrned. -finally ht laarntdthat plsntt and animals are dttctndtdfrom their psreiila. , - '

• . • • • . • • • . • ' - ' "

-—Nsiaea^flTe-lttterTirord miviirinf'•"bMrenly body with a long, luminoustall , • •./ - , •'. • ' . - : -"•"ABfsl, ' '• : 'r ':-

«!•><• BaU Sradlaala.—WNU Santos

Try t classified advertisement.

during the performance.Beside the main characters, there

are several choruses. They Include:' Fiilrlci and Elves: Esther Kralcr,

Virginia Kelly. Cnrmelln Alabise. MainSnyder. Louise Morris. Virginia Oil-man. Edgar Knudmn. Allan Nocbcrg,Lucy Vcrsllllo, Helen Holoboski; TonyClrllln. Doinlnlck Alnliistl... Otto Roi»mondl. "Carmei Ventre. Orncc DacU.Margaret Kerr, David' Coppola, Bar-bars . Kogbcrgh. Herbert Arlt. Betty8mith, Amedeo Innocent!, Edward Cul-ver. Mary Meyers, Anna Rica, HaydenInfantlno,- Oertrude Loessel, Pred We-slgah.! Robert Lohman, Virginia Kelly,Ralph Wusthoff, Orace Panarjlan,Martin Schmltt, Ralph Ocorges, Ana-belle Miller. Hat-old Scheldegger, RoseIca^ramtuzini.' Lillian Amoroso, Paultendon. Fred Davey, Josephine Espo-

(Uto, BUly Conklln and Margaret Nolan.Rose Fairies: Marion Conlln, Kath-

ryn Hoagland, Janice Karwky, Blta-beth WVsolousky, Lucy Coppola^ MamieLuca. Rose Lummlno, Wanda Perlow-ikl. Blanche Cozens, .Coheetta" Davis,lletty Knudson. Jjieellna.ilipoaito.-Kv-

Klng Oole and Fiddlers: Ralph Rog-ers, Herbert Qatlagher, Edward Rusin-lak. Roeco MalMpina. . ,,

Blackbirds: Roger Birlnger, JoeVerUllo. Evelyn1 Brown. Vera Young.Antoinette Onofri, Anna' Caiillet, Dor-

lj)lhy Done, Alemena Clrlllo, Anna Den-son, Thomas Eskln. Mary Benlnatl.Rose Lugara. Lillian Lugara, MaryMalasplno, Vincent Luca. Agnes Kin-ney, Josephine ScaramuzzInU RuthTucker. Jack McClusky and RalphMerrlt. ' . • . ' • • • . •' ..

Raggedy Anns: Ruth Buinger. Jen-nie Zampagllone, Virginia Scott. AlmaKalAar,- Charlotte Loessel. OlsdysOrsnger. E»ttier Bareness, Emma'Knudson, Oladys Ocores and MsbleMuehleisen, *.'Bluebeard's Wives: Diana Pltten.Molly qriofri. Vlnce Clrlllo. Elsa Scliel-degger. Edith Paterson. Clara Crow-hurst and Dolly Danelln., - j

'<flrdj and Ladies: John McAloon,

John Bona, nicliord Infantine. RobertCollins. Peter Malasplno, Edward John-sdh". Charles Kramer. Garret Maney,Walter WesolotBky. MJchael Ciravolo,Patsy DeOlono, SLanloy Bingtiam, VHam Plucek, Alfonso Rlzzl, RalmondiRizzl. Everett AltofTJ Frank Mascara,Ralph Vltalc, Katharine Klnney, MaryCouklln. Row Clrlllo. Florence. Vltale,Gwendolyn Curtis, Caroline Wcsolous-ky, Josephine Lugara, Mabel Smith,Marguerite Parker, Mary Jonas, SarahAmoroso. Aiirlenne Madden, AnnaSchmlth. Frieda Uatit. Ruth Downey,Lillian Smith. Lawrence Vltale, SophieAiling. Alfred Izzo, Emil Holoboski,Eugene Coppolo, Jean Arthur, HarryCozens, Jean Scsramiuilnl, WilliamLlflter. Marlon Coulette,. August Wesch,Mary Lummlno, Equllla Young, Dom-inlck Trlpodl,.Margaret Bahl, TyreeVoung, Frank Seale, Arthur Klnneyand Clarence Maneyp

Gavotte: Vlnce Cirlllo, Elsa Scheidegger, Molly Onofrl, Clara Oraf, Vir-ginia Mascara Florence Uachrone, El-inor Walter and Helen BattagUa.

Two candidates are In the field forthe Republican mayoralty nominationIn the Primary election to be heldTuesday. Former Mayor Charles A.Kosmutat Is seeking to re-establishhimself In the post. His nomination isopposed by Charles A. Lohman, formerpresident of Uie Kenllworth Republi-can Club, Inc. No Democratic nomln-lition for mayor was filed.

Four men are In the field for, thethree-year term a>- councilman, forwhich there are two vacancies. BothCharles Vltale and Theodora Koerner,present members of the Council; are

' . DIED - -Mra. Edith J. Hogan

-MrtTffltn~j:B6gtarsrMlchigan"BndUnion avenues, wife of Joseph T.Hogan. died. Tuesday morning at theSt. Elizabeths Hospital following abrief lUness.« Bom In Bayonrie thirty-two yearsago, sho had resided In Kenllworth forthe last three years. . Before coming tothe Borough she was a resident ofCranford. She was a communicant ofthe Church of t/ve Assumption in Ro-selle Park. -^

Surviving besides the husband arefive children. Laura, Joseph. Jr., Ed-Jward. John and James; her father,Walter Bromby-of Roselle Park, and abrother. Prank Brqrhby, also- of RoselleParkV" . • . .' "'

Funeral serylceiijfUL be._he,!d_.at_10_|6'cIocl[~Frlday morning, ..torn.,, theChiiirch;o|-!the 'X'ssumptl6n'i:in'«:RbselfePark. A High Mass:for the- respose ofher soul .will be said by the Rev. 8. J;Lovccchlo. Interment will be in St.Mary's Cemetery. Plalnfleld.

Hoe' for" the 'tKree^year term are JuliusAlthofl. Jr., and Charles D. Innocentl.

Three men. are seeking the one-yearunexplred. term of Carl Oeores, whoresigned recently. Harry 8. Liindln,who Is at present serving' on the Coun-cil, Is opposed by former Borough clerkEsrl I. Pollack and William Wakefleid.Recorder Anthony orippo is seekingre-election for the flve-yesr term as

{.justice of the peace. 'Anthony Orippo and William L.

Rhode win battle for the post ofcounty committeeman In the first, dis-trict. Mrs. Nancy Battagjia Veltre Isseeking the post of county committee-woman In the same district. In thesecond district, Frank Kflnger Is gp-posed by Daniel P. Kerr for Republi-can county committeeman, and Mrs.Anna Baliey Is opposing Mrs. Marie B:Pltten for the post of county commlt-teewoman. \ ' .

The Democratic candidates for coun-ty committee in the first district areHenry L. Flnkel and Mrs. BarbaraFlnkel.

The polls will be open Tuesday from7 a. m. to 8 p. m. The polling placefor the first district is In the FireHouse on Washington avenue, and forttl?_.Kcoiid._dlstrict-at-45-SouUi-31ststreet. . .

jThree Croups to Sponsor"gj l>Mce, Ord Pwrty Saturdiy

MOTICC or «f enrrnr ana ranuar• ' • • tUCtUM

I'unuant » Ita pmlakaal at as IArt la bnlau i i i i t m | |

An oM-fsriiloned get-to-gethe:be stdged S«vj.-Hi;

Ibe Keyitcme Auditorium. :;-• n j s lne l . under the auspices of the K K«-iO*ortJi Volunteer Fta: Depart^-"'

Ktnllitorth Post. No. 2230. V. P s

lU UiarfU, MClca la HanojDiaruCTBOAUw or _

AMD ( u c n t nIn and for Ua Banuga afOMat la tha eiaeaa* oanbuEfai. ,t«an> Uia aaun at *><m rt| A » . _—t*l P. SL. Castara 8Iaadaa4 THW. a>

TCXIDAT. HAT IS. ISO.far ma pMDuaa at ngbttf lu «aaSand coaduatiog a Trimmnomiiiauoa 1 caMMalasoOcaa. ?U:

rour mamban of IS* Caaaral Hi «Hi arU» H I M ot Xvm Jaraar B a s Out CmmaCnlon.

sod the Matbew Miller Awo.-.:rTiie mOair is scheduled to start

Ctiuntr ~of Caioa.Ntoa Mtmbtn at Uw Ba*M at nmm'Wtmt- ,

boldara bar UW Couatr a t 'Cata tlSna tar.)1 raar tana. Ihrea for 2 jaarfor 3 tnr Una).

A Coranar for Uyt Cenur afTwo araban of

tana.Ooa aambar of

Una.Ona Juallca of IS* _A aula and • faaute _ .A Add of tba DaaUK^*lur Ceastj

from .nch BacUoa DUBtct i* tkaKanllwortti. • < '

Nouca al*a la s«"o UU> m a rproftalona of Ckanar T3, r. L -at -istSJL

Tbe oommiUee on arrangemt-n:.<<.""I'—'' of Joseph Fuller of the F

Department, Edwin Savidge of <>,)-F. W, and Tnden Falkenburg of :afsilirs Mffler AssocUtion.

for «<anrtng will be tumuli•tr Joe SSngertln«o Majestic Orcl.rsiuI Both daocmg and card games- MI:I •„,•'held continuously from 8:30, u;::::1 oTJock. .

H a n i XX. 3*13. oVtafatca at Urfr nucl d:iin !<da(UBa "HI bm daclMl U Urn Con'rulum •tn* « • Uw - iwicniiwfat .to ,rim*i • tu isu,

u Qu Conatllutioii or lli^ thtra

II tint t«rt ul :qt Uw raaUa- UI.


-uoqcm * rnrco


] f RHvlttic e r Mt(f Uf»nt* ,t~a m j and EbMtlaB.*aad U * IWIIIIIK pla^i

• a W-aa roUnn: ' . .m WtojOT. U Uw Flra b a u . - Wuliiiic

• a Amnie.DBlrtrt. at <". RouUi :i*l Hir,..,

WU.UAU BRiniKUBurouiili I lrr>


Fawar Malta! af Aalot' Durlun tiit- past thlrtv yean, 200

mifkes nf iimttir cars have beea!* of-fereil to Ilia American public; toclsjtllHB'" i » " •> ' I ' W


WOOLS BYVSo Tliim I.^AlTiai!>-


25 35


No. 29 Highly


SATURDAY'-. ':'--• J D A Y S 0

' •'•':'•• • 1 B E R T - -•



,. with . " ' • • ;


. and -'"• '- ...

W M J « f f « o « s M a i d e n .1 : t ' » ~~~ " "• ;

Kenilworth Teacher*To Get Month's Pay

Kenllworth teachers will receive amonth's salary; It was reported at theregular monthly meeting of the Boardof Education Monday evenink In theHarding School The Boardf has re-ceived 13.000 from the Borough andwill utilize this money In paying sal-aries as well as all small bills up to thefirst of the year,

June 20 was set a« the graduationdate. This date was agreed upon sothat.the_Boeetl«r Park High School_Or-cncslra would be ible to furnish music:fW:tht'^rai^?i^i:™;,s™™^tE-i>~

A special meeting! *U1 be; held nextweek, to .'consider the re-hiring of theteachers1 for the coming school year. -

Spoo'.blllt About ExtlactHunlors, hare killed off so many

of the picturesque anjiqnlillU of Flor-ida, ror both food and rjattert, thatlets th»n Vt»O of these birds are leftthere. • -

MOTHERS DAYaolgastMl by Conprffi

Uw aceend SBDday inu * dedicated to -The

«f the bei* mother in thratv noUier . . . to be

nit Uu—tti a » act of kind-That, letter, gift or tribute" . . .t Gaafta fiswst gift . . . her

flOTren . . . the flower «rl»mt.mtthcr lores best .

0r\« liedrl' Wuls twsr\ktn otkert. One Fritnjit uourt come wk*4 n t »On* loue is ^feacSFiMf1

foreuer ^orfiti nark• ijdur mother this dau.7

. . . . * * • "Srely arrangementsat»*t mat fracnuu . . . a n»e

- - hjaanngtav . . .-or other» W i will) bloamna Just•art. perfection . . . rases in

. . snap-Barren to bring hack

to mother,•rill cherish the


Jptkstfielctjtower CjroumsmmtuiuDmn


:.•'..., P L.U'S' •S E L E C T E D

- C R O V P O FS H O R T S ""•'•

RIALTOKreaings »:»•

. Today, Tomotrow * gaterday


MANHATTAN'*, '.;••••(-. : M M -

Biuui- KeOon/, "... smi;_r|r'r;

•- Schnonle Duninte'•'~'-

• . ' " • ta ; • • : ' ' • '




The Tiasil pictm ol A3 t*ae».




St« Ukilnri | j. O n e «ntfc speed and



Moodaj, T«e«lay. Ma,




Page 5: !iz3:£i - DigiFind-It"Lullabc" by Brahms, and "My Bonny Lassl She Smtleth" by Thlman by the Chorister Boys. . , Tickets may be secured at Wa Ool-denberg Stationery' store1 on North


T H E ' C R A N F O R D C I T I Z E N A N D CHRONICLE. 7 T H U R S D A Y . M A Y I I . 1 9 3 ? 1 Page Five





•'" I""-'"'- S i » . H . p . U f t '•' ' "•••;According to m» warden of the

CUh state penitentiary. 90 p*r rent oftbe eonrlcta nlwwi) (ran stat» pent-teotlarles become law«bldlne citliena,

Knar Birrnr Cmnai' too Hlf h Street

»:U A. It—Sunday School. 11:00 AM.— Morning Worship, 6:«5.P. M.—a-Y. P..U. 1:00 P. at—Evening 8er-rtee.

: |

II• i

P 1

George G. Teller, former director of the Board of Freeholder* under_ whom Jame* O. Brokaw servedas a Freeholder a few year* ago, en-

dorse* Brokaw and recommends hi* nomination and election. Thepresent Freeholder from Cranford, S. R. Droescher, also recommendsBrokaw. • " ' " .•" '" [ .' \ : . '• . .. .'

WHY NOT--?WHY NOT elect a Freeholder from Elizabeth to near

Cranford that if your candidates from CranfordI and I are elected we can work together to give

• . . L-ranfjord whatever County improvement* Cran-ford needs? • ".:

WHY NOT elect two or three candidates with experi-ence? I have had it as a former Freeholder, beingelected five different terms from Elizabeth torepresent Union County.

WHY NOT give me a vote at the coming Primary withyour Cranford candidate? . -

JAMES 0. BROKAW(Republican and a Former "Freeholder) • -


(Not a member of the Present Board of Freeholder*)



Paid tor by Clarence Oa tea. Campaign Manager.

The ^Sunday Calendar of -Cranford Churches

.FBOTKSTANTMmtoom J5rtsonr«t.

Ke». Matrbett V»:» A: M—Bible School. 11:00 A.M.

—Public Worship. 1:00 I1 'M—Ep-WOTUJ League, -a:*) IV M.~Evening;Worship.

C*iNrou> GosMo. TMBMICLC'Retlord Avenue ••

IU'V. K. W. RichardsBunday service*—Sunday i$ehool...l>:45

a, m.; morning aervu* H -a, in,;- «vcning service, 7.45 \t. \i\ .' >ounu j>ea|)I*'!i'inc«lliui. 1 p .iii.

Prayer and pruist' nH'evening, 1p.m. All are

ALf U T EV'ANCUa.irAL LlJTHHIAN* ClIUSI'I110 Eaitman 8trect

• Err. WUlUm F. ptferehaB 4 5 A . M-Sunday School.. 11 00

A, M—The Service. .. "' ~ . • /

F1R3T PRrstBT.TCTIJIN CllUtCII.:Cornrr of Rpiing'flelit Aid North

Union Avenue* . , •K n . W m . l l Mloan

tM A. M - C h u r c h Hcnool n.OO'AM —Morning Worship -7 .00 I" M —.Christian Endeavor. «:00 P M —Evrn-Ins Worehlp. • • ' •••'*

: TRINJTY. KriscxirAt t'MVKcii •ConiVr o f .NaiOi Ayv.-aiid fWmt . Aye

H ii. nv:- HoIJ" Ctinmiunion.~ 1M9 a. Jiv. •Olltjrch Bclii»"l ..•

M-T8V»1- -Muttiihg piiiyt-t1 "iimltnun <Holy CtvmmuiUim Mw tiiftt tdi»y ot tlui iiiiuiUll. - - •

S p. in. idrosa.

n»l KvrnsiiiiH iinii

FIRST CHURCH or CHRIST,Cornrr Springfield -Avenui

• •7!=I'MIIII Street /9:45 A. M- Hunday gcluafl. 11/00 A

M.- Hervlie. ''-Wednesday service not)I". M.. Heading loimi/Opeu Ortily -1 KiI P. M., excepting Hundays/und Hull-lays

Si." MASK'S A. M.J6 . I'HUBCH/ i s High r)(reet/

• -/ 1U». W. U. IllclOiMKA. M.-vHu

A. MC—PublicEpworth I<UMIue/

MUay HCIKHII. 11:00llp. 0 00 P. M.—00 P M. -Evening

St. M)Cii»ri.'s-ltrO. Ciiotii - - -Mllll Htrrt't

r, McDonald, ItmlurHer/John M. Nutari, AatUtant

Buuuuy Moucs: 7 u. m.,. K w. >u.,Chliart'ii's Mass, 0:30 a. in., (ullowtd b)Handisy BWiomr-nigtmtsss; io^tr srm~lollowvd by benediction.

Tuesday, 7:45 p. m., 8t. Anne's Devotlona.

A Born KingHo that.can work u ii Imrn kluc'of





• The G-E Monitor Top mecbanismis built to last alifetime. It is sealed in steel, recMjfres. no attention,

•• not e»eri oiling. In use" in 1 jout/bf every 3 homes


is iini«er sally recognized as thevltsndsrdpf ex . . . .. . . and pnvides I hi world's Aowat corf nJriftTalkmstrike. • .The New 10* G-E freezes.more ice faster;consumes less current jndbasiftrn star features.. All-steel cabinet isporcelaminside'andout, with stainlesssteel freezing chamber^ adjustable;sliding shelve*,automatic interior lighting, foot pedal door opener,semi-automatic.'defining and temperature control,

"^'comptetelf'equippedwiih-food cpntainers.-By-sltmeans-see it .before yon select your refrigerator*• As little as *7 down and »7 Q month bays a General,JElectric Monitor Top refrigerator. New,G-E flat top,models priced as low M>99JO plus tax and d*lirery<

; - • & ' -




io , nsy i" n rtrawAtajR. .ii

C Illl.'wJIuJn

Leuon for May 14


V Klon; .Cit JwrmmliVn; bohnt.l, ihy Klntf

. wonoli th» foul vt *n *••


I. J.ius OfficiallyJtwlih Nation as111).

It Is liurdlv tmitier tu

•o lootitwunl Biipwiruuvt*, iV*n< riiiliIT i!i,. pfiPinUfil M^-iiali puMUly of

friK hlhtxHf to tKr Ji>nlhli n\tlun AirtllM K.

T l / ' U V <vv., Tw i l / l '

ii<lt' (vv. 'l-j^.'Mcwin (iilitIn Jun( |t untl

Ii.(vv, 4/1). Wtrtimii nakliig tlie

y wt'iit' Hi l'lirl>l> bidding,' i l l / iiiiniiinnd ''limy lutve MIVIIHMI

mill nnri'iiMiiiinlili1. Imt Iheyexpllt'lt olHMtlelii'u. . .

':. Th" entry Jiity Jerimnieni (»».T I M ) . • • • ' • • '

11, Tim ilUrlpli's put Ihi'lr gnrn'ientaupnlj 111.' mil. HIM! .limns'ailI unnn It(v. 71. Tills nclii'll 'wliuweil-Itielr rer• igilltl'iill n'r ili'Mia. IIS Ihi'lr Messiah, I 111'King i l l Kluirn Utl'O.

Ii. The ni'tloli itt tlm inllllltiiuV Ivv.H. U). Some apri'nd their itrtntieltts illthe wily, nlhw-s who tinil no Kiirluelitstu Hiitir'i' ihrew linwn hnilu'hes.' Thiseiiiry wim in fulfillment of a "pr'tpliii'ytlttl'Nil' IU1I1111 five Illlllilretl Years tieforo (Keen. li:0). They uttered thevery cry which the prophi't pn^llrted.KillCD the preilli'tliill of the flrar mill-ing wilft IhllN Illernlty rtliniti'il, we .'-mihit nvHiiriHl t.hnt-iliusii cniireriiltig Uin'niviiiiil roinltiK will liki'wlae. linve lit-i-rnlSiinilnient. The prophecy nf-itiKb.11 Mil will h« Juat ns llternlly ml.

e. Tli» i i i i lon/i . f Menus (r, II).Upon entering the tentplfi III' lookeiirofinii upon t\]\ things, Imt na It wm

IM-llftliuny, *,. . . —-•-•^II. Jeiui KKtrclaingKfnflty Authority

(vV. 12 IU),_:._1, T1i« tmrrpii OK- ireo enrm-'l (rr.

i:1 II). Tim tin irmrtK tyi.lrili of thvJC\V|H|I tiiitlftii. Tho fruit tinruinlly

vu II

piirnhlr< uf ftut prili'iini

-fig th'S nlii'iid o fri'Mt'iii'i* of the lenvei

fruit. TKrlnl'st J

its wns'iiii nrliiit

y. Tho temple. 4'li>ntiM>«l Ur. 1ft-IK).Foe tho TIIrlouH nncriU''i|N huiiiy men,flhi'ep, IIIKI <lnT(*«f were iiceiicd. It wn»TIniiinieliriiMit fnr p'Hiphi Ttmn dlitfintjmrU lo ..lirliiff (lit'lr n«TrinrVii_ withthem, TJiey hrotitfht iH<niey, Wwrvtnrn,rwni: lumttlit Urn Hiilinulii ^I*JW.IH1. Thin

••xVhiiriur was' ni-rciniiry. IIOW«VIT.wli,<ri ovll men. until tt as ti'n uinmr-tunlly' for-Kliiri, It ln'ruftm «n utTvtitmto flnil. It f1>>fllt>fl hia IIIJIIX!. Jfsual»n<]u a iiroNrjcu of rnrils; Hiiti .tlrovaourTTin ini>n"yy 'clutnKi'rs- (John 2:lfiKo'vcFtltrowliiK thMr* tntftcR nnd p«nir-

,'lng gut -thnlr raonif/. ItjLJhls ai l ii)>^Iwlnrwl hlin»f]Ft(i hci the l.onl ofjlisti'iriiih', nml nil? with Ooil. Tin" arrlliinarnV rhl^f prii'flta grnniwil 4hi» liitiin-'Irtir thi'ri'of, for the/ wi'riviirotiscil tri

"nitirtl<\ou* hnte ami souiWJ" iip«in>xhim:, \ ^ ...

111. Jaaua/ Authority Chsll.ng.d (>r.« . : O ) . \ ' . - . - . .• • . • ;

I. I); wliojn (»». 27. 2S), Thit clil«fprli-tta. •' Om -serft»*»«. BIM! Hit!' eldera(Ifuisndcl UinVU"? shjow" liy what au-thority ll« BfCI'p^lI tH«'liulioxa Of th«McMlnli ami bjr ,wholn h« •»«, »I»MIUI« rl«lil to rnn'l out 111* moil*)!

V : ,2.'J«ius' answw (jtr; at, 'Ml),•• Hi

rffsponfle*) to liielr riialWtiKt? b y i

irniiia,. hUiica J.ohn wns Ills forenm.nfr, tiiff ,cMii»ilasl"n of Jottfi arxl Jesus"had -(hn. fta/n^sriurcii,. if 'jolin's toiu-inliwlon was^Tronf heaven, fihri«t'aoxmiulsslon waa from b « m llk«wls«.If they had sccnj^wl John's ni<-ssa(«,(hi-y would hutrit hi^n rtmlf to a«»pthis. Th»»7 wt?r« poifr rlpJis (o (JimtroyJ t I K

piohn as having been sent from

.'I The. jantwer of the -cblat p'rlestt"and srrjhei(_tyi. SI-33). Perceiving thetirrctf-nt lUti dlje'wma-In "w ilrh they.

they co'nfftai•11(1 mit know tha :aourc« of Jolin'sroniiiliMlon. Theaa rulers had DO at-faction for Jt*ut m Ihtj rejectnl hit

sought to dMtroj. him.

.....". IMmg Omr B.1I.IThe Chinese, whose quaint eoofea-

•Ion of faith, was;'"I a'Oi readluc theI Illlile naw and behaving It." had a bef-1 f*r ciiuteptloD.of what Is iar«lred~iit

Irtliiit-s Clirlsiirn.thanmany profeaaadbelievers of Uitnt' ataD'Uat>—Outlook. ..

tlir1 nuiniRf «-i>1'» (hr("!ruaj*: Holt

vlcf l"rliti iiml trlinclv at » «* .)«(-~«*-i« i lw

Casual Ka«f Us • I*Kaun mar build a b*d(s about oa,

and fencR as In, and hinder our mova-meutt, but be cannot root w la,' andprereot our lix»kiu» AXtflor.

Directs Chqir | Presbyterian GboirIn Concert Sunday

Church Musicians, Under Di-crctiori of L. V. Dilsner, toPresent Progrnm of SncredMusic. • " . '

The rtmir of the Ftrfit PresbyterianChurrh will present .1* lu-nuram nf •

iisic Hundsy rvr.nhig, May 14.at a o'ciiwk: 'Hie pronrnnt will be c«n-din-ted by LaKTenie V. I.^lisiwr. dlrre- 't«r and iireanlitt, and yi-ill tnke placeat -tlie rrvular- tvrnin« .service. Tlie

,«lll Inrlude n ruprllu us wi'llaixompanled st-lprtlniis. l i lts will

be the ii«t"ronrrri'nr the-ehnlr. fiir the

. Ttie .nut iwrt. i it ' lhe piivriim In iw ."wm, "I Am Aiphn nnd (imrgii" liy

Stalner: J=J1ie Twilight- aiindimii Rill"Wood; "O Rir the Wlnm of n

I>ive" by MriiilMiumhii, - ( )IK| IS Ourand mrr'iujih " By liertlelt: "(i_v.

(lladamir Uglit ' by SlillRiiiiruVili "IIIitkeph's Ijtn-ely dnrden" by Oli-klnjinu.

ii half nt Ihe prnurtint will'IK'the ratiella and. will Inrhulir "Hrt'iik


t hulr Irtiiko HraptraiM ll^uvi'my i.usTTT" b y ~

: (Vmie. U'l • Us. \Vmi>ill|l" liyltia; ri Holy. Jesii" hy I'.viirr:

lie Ve the Nliine lit thH. Uirrt" Hylioiiul. '"'Illru TI1011 Hie Nnd" by.

i'liyllU TtuimA f.lujtwJli H'««l. Mr.Hid Mrn J K Itona Mr ..iiirl Mr. iWIt. llunimll. • « * * t i u l M i i l l n b mM, llascr At tlV ««iil>i! m » « TThrmliirr KJfld %r.»gri*,n Mil'm[UtfKS l.'ittiicioti aiul 4tKlf^>nl MUt^N/jHlirtK1 wrre <t»kRri llit^ tl.r c?sunh *»nlt'iitben. \ -

Mrs. W I) iteel Jr !ljtt\ <lw KullwiAlii »Hi-Kite-. » h«ne lai\li! muvlealMay JJ

Mundny night !h» VnuiniV»'""iniMlsnlonary AusilMry <iv»i a! i\<rI Mr^ Jiune« Wili»«i of

lesa meeting. Mr* i i E LiifAl. ad<lieiuied the mr'llfttf >/«i "IndiaiV «l

very imirrstlnf mid i»te

lave seen nrrvlce wttti '.heI'larw lor the -Hct» »liwll »IU be

ii-lil on the ^KirMiiUiffr U*»i Jtuw tl.Ai-re ni»i(»- Fr'4ay tiiulit a', a m**tiigf

tile jmrvjtiaue liiwtef li^ *Xim\l"jitIf F I.". ...Matthitrl Mr 'M»»iiwl •»

! (!•:.- ('41'lfKl a f'llMr.II. W.''lire* Mrs !• J\1r mill Mm. W 1) lt»»i. Jl . M M.

l.,iin.d. .Ml"s [ko'luthr liii»»i<t. M(> JK- r«««); II K Wi/rrt: LiJI 'J IIletjini'jtt and ;Miw Ai'lc' IV'KUL ' .'

1/WHUMU,—i^niin rr.ri


ipllil the twill*- '/t I>JA .hirKe . Utte.lMUni:e v v .

vmttvi for trie I'linn^iplere Mra. Cr-ine aniThe Itev. Mr:'

lduy Hut the »iference

Inutiers «t Uie rhnlr wlin, will tiiklime Mu« rinience lintier. Mrs.llowmsh. Miuliun It inn lllii«li|nl,

<l K/Danlels, Mr«.J! .1 ivy , .II-.,K"J. 11 Ridrldge, Mrs !•• l(. Miv.

li'oephlni' IJIW. Mrs M A. Martin;.l \ W...M111111I, Miss Hiiliiiie MIs-

(I A. Hiker... Mrs. Tilink,II. f II:Onni™, (I. K. Dun-

l>nw, 1* .1 Heller. J. II.oiifttermnn. J, II: Hath,

i: R IUjplllii.Hinid.il M.'Hi-lllllX'l.

Preabyleristn\Wamen ,. Plan Surnmer Activities

A t^nt«U\'i> pi;nt{Mmi nf MiuuniT itr-tliltlrs <>l tllr WoiiuiiVt Atiuii-lntlon ofthe First l'ie.<ibyterlii)i Cliurrll wanillawn up si ii liliitlii^ll Mll'etlng ofthe rlef'uUvr innilay iiimu at the litime ii(\Mra.'WalterMiller of lleikrley WliA Twentytnenibera ul Ihe rouitnltli'ii-rfjtended.

Atuiuuitremenl was iimdA • nt themeeting that.Mrs. llnttiii Uiikir\liiui lu-vlt«J the exiTUtlve riiinmiiu-i' fo hnvothe nest uieetlng ThuriMhiy, ,hint\l . nther hutnltier hniile ut l'niuL IMeiiVuut. .'Hie orgauiicaiiu'n iinif tilf-of Its tiruii^li^es will tiavc' a plrnlfi kit Hutprlsn LWednesday, June 7.

The IUv willlani H.^loan, jiuuf the cliutch, |iteat:lied (m. 'TullVuiaiiiji of KiUlh." uL tlie iiuirnlng m;r-vKe Hulidsyr^llln trst wua ''MilkingYiAir Culling utid Klrcllon HurK" takenfinny Ihe U11U1 V«TW» ol the flrnl t-hap-t«-r •* SMIMKI |ji«jk by I'eler. In Ihe i•vrnlnjl. the Itev. Mr Hlimn pretir.hed '

the ti-<t>(iil nf n Mt'rlrs !<>f mfrinoim on ,.• Ifow Wi>v o<n Our lllhli"," tilling th« •«t«iiy_uf_tlly tljlrt iililent-Oreik nmnu-

In fammiiiun ol the Chflstlnn ~Chilrtli. liii'y um the UIKIIIX Alcxnn-drlnifS. whjj'ii \ n In iKwtieiKion of the ' -•Eniriisli I'rotenliint Olnirch niid Is "

at Mt. J'eieisburif, . nnd Uie. ._ViiUiiinus iwhlth In liouM-d In ~

- Jenny J«»f^.


t: LukesChurch, Newwa£j.-.'Uisn(i|»'.Pnuaus JMcConnell »a* i|i tKarj« T?m >»»iference." will be. th*r Rn\ miwM.'l*A}t»y uiemberi «nd| ihlnitien w,)i aivtid

The United 3»i»totu will. iuri tixla.

r, J.'penning «1U aitend aifaw <*«n-•focd iWrgate. jiwl O" K. Wamrr. asalternate. • . . • .' . ; , *" ••

Yesterday's tensuiQ' naa'tr.yerAary rjf tht Wom^ns Hottlonary. iincixif iitid maur I'j&d meni^b?r» atCendod. X'/d»)r it the ionlrn-ary5 of Uje" Wotner.'l Fw«*n MlsM'rti-

flijclety 1 and Miss Kou tttl'mr

is speaking. ~r. ., • ' •' .*. Thft .class .of mlni^ert ttn&t't Into

the cenference will be gtddfecsed 8at-urduy mnr-nime brTUie1 bishop. *tto aixo

Sunday «i*stfcMi ar^aA-J^***- * ' ^a. m.. Unt r>a»t. II aJjTr£Jp!353<f wor-ship and sermon by the te-Iiap; 3 p.rn.. ordination of <ie;ticcm& ^ad -eiders,and fijiuerratjon of dnzineuca.- and7 30 p. m. lUIIr t4 MetbwsiMn. -In:harge-at the IRrr. Harry. A. Relyea of

Tuai U»j»tfrThere la •»- fiMindatluo Uir Ux b»

llaj'tnat mmdrn out— wmrtsl

' A »'re*.> B rrltic sajj.oiotiey 1» Inartl*!!?.•; wfcat-of It?don t pretend to lo<c tt fur art's-T«Mo


noon. ,. m. t»3 p-m.

T-JO p. m. to t PL aa.

M-rvlces. lii^hiilliig severulC sclicllonsV by_ihc-. cliinr,

will IM* held Bunday inoriilng in obnerv-a'nee of Mothers, IJuy. Xl the HUliiluy-

«eul(ig wivMe. liie chiilr »lll plpu'iila leMlval of jsacied niUHli, undl r thedlietUon of L, V. Dlliine^ i.hurtll


Lutheran Women'* Guildf•-"•-•• WU1 Honor Mothers

l l ie Women's Guild uf^Uie CnlvnrV.LUUKISJI-Church will riint tomurruw,\

\in Uie chtn-cli at I) oclf)<k for \

UK regular buslnejw meeting f'laria \will also be cumiileUd for the speiliil \nervlce Uw guild will sponsor Bunday ,(nuttilng Itv hoiior- of 'Mother's Day,Mrm. Oeurge Doss, president of lho,,fguild. wUl be If! dial jr and the guild r 'will liave: special floral d'coraUona on •Die, al.Ur THe Itiv. Willlani P Hen- •

tureach a sennuii upproprlolo to thootcislon. Tho guild will attend In abody, f- - ••

Monday night Uie 'Luther League, wills w t In Wlc church. Mint Allna If nin-lund will t* In charge, — .

The j««Uir. Uie lie*-, Mr. Ilehrens..

- . s . . 1*^

at the Oerman Luttie/an Church,EllaU'Ui. In honor of the 15Ui_annl-versary oi-Uie founding, uf Uie' Ellza-Betn church. I

reiu(.ti. Ui. Behreiut-taiso aruiounc-ed~ today that the Bunday evening ser-Hca wltt b> discontinued until fall.


150 Children to Receive i . ,Holy Communion May 30

.Approximately ISO children.of K n -llra-Uj and Cranford will receive tintHoly Communion at Bt. Michael's .CSiurch on Memorial Day, May 30. "...'

May devotions aril] nc held at 7 ii ^o'clock on Tuesday and Friday ve3n-lngi during the remainder of'. the

SL Theresa's Ouild Drill sponaor acant party In the parochial schoolToeaday, May a. Mrs, John J. Sheeny'~ ciijistnmm of tabs coDimittAtt io

Page 6: !iz3:£i - DigiFind-It"Lullabc" by Brahms, and "My Bonny Lassl She Smtleth" by Thlman by the Chorister Boys. . , Tickets may be secured at Wa Ool-denberg Stationery' store1 on North

Meth I-

• \

- \


New Staff to PrepareLast Issue of

Taylor Fra7cr. Henrietta Mil-ler Are Named Editori-in-Chie'f;. Other Appointment*Are Announced. '

Taylor Frailer and Henrietta MUlerwill be editors-in-chief of the trial staffwhich will put out the last Issue of the•Spotlight." the quarterly high schoolmagazine. Members of the special staffwere elected by the present "Spotlight"staffat a'-meeting last week;-The finall/»uo of the magazine will appear the.latter part t>f lhl» month.

Membership «n' the trial staff doesnot Insure membership on-the perma-nent stall for ne»t year. It was pointedout, but if those elected do satisfactory,work on thn last issue this year, theywill be given first consideration nc»tyear. - , • •'

A few changes haw been made in thegeneral line-up of the staff. These In-clude the appointing of two edltors-ln-chief and adding the duties of adver-tising and circulation to those of thebusiness, manager, and business staff.The business, art and news afafl> arelarger than usual, tn . order to . givemore" pupils an opportunity to demon.-

• agate, their ability In .Uie;various; staff

OUIIT members of the trial stall are:Associate editor*—Lucy Taliaterro, Vir-ginia DlFablo and Helen drown; busi-ness manager—Harriet Nick; businessstaff-^Jolm Latane, Jane OUllngsley,Dorothy Lewis. Ruth Mcrkle, PrankMay, Mollle Cornstock. Betty Loveland.William de Brlgurd and Oertrudc Cre-nierlus: art, editor—I'liyl Is HtllrK; artstaff—iaabeJio Franke, OTosvenor Wad-man; Paul Coiiley. Ilosemary Hantoraand KjaUiryn Rauchfuss.

News Editor—ailbcrt A/ifiwrll; news•tall—Anna Hadilnskl, nuth McCor-mlck. Maxwell Vaji Nuvs;" club 'editor—Julia I'avelka; Boys' athletic editors—Walter Itolinqulst and ChestetLanK.Olrls' athletics—Claire Weir uncf CarolOlofson; alumni edltor- -CorlnnV. John-son; exchange editor—Alma Wyiockisenior editor—Grace Orrok; junlpr ed-itor—Betty Munrp; sophomore editor—Billy Quilin.. TryouU will be heldto select a staff for the "Nutty News"section. -'••


Cranford Boy Scout* agawn -»-J =aa»use of Camp Buram at ABaire. UsJiummer, according to Crsxfca-d swatofficials.

The camp Is cootrollKJ by ibe Moo-mouth Council, Boy Stouts of Aawrtca,wnfch Is headed by Btnalo* -W. Waireo!Barbour.- Mr Barbour i


Arthur Brisbane Vr* amtrack of land and the to;

Columbine for N. J. Gmrden*

By *- V. MrlnnS. 3. *»rtr«lt«ral E«teM»on SerrWTfae long Spurred columbine Is a ts"p'*

"Deserted Village of AiUi-e" upon • rally American plant, tracing Its UrUto-which..the camp u jituaxt The win-.critic Uwage back to the wild •--•••—

Madqu»rlers boituats. baai of "Cotofado and Cail are 1«*!«S in UieaeJKjcii 1". thwald !><• irrantei

t#r eampn. theana the mess hailbuilding*.

The bo>» will tamp, dartr* she Jam-mer, in tint .villages scai!«red aboutthe flve hupdred acres ofgnwad own-ed outright by the council Tte scoasawill be permitted to me a nuich U n ntract for hikes and wwxJrraft wort.The large number of boys' attratfic*the camp allows the manaferoras laemploy experts In various. 1

California. Asited a spot in

seed beds carefully' and to- sow Uiem,ir thLi tack hat he* already been taken

I care of. Continue transplanting young; seedlings to avoid thejr becoming1 crowded, and if tiiere are af great manyof them simply thin out the rows In thewed bed. Transplanting generallyproves beneficial 4o seedlings, for whenthe tap roots are broken, the growth of

addition to a stronger root system

to -ttx c.isma'.e"Spotting" Is the gardener's term for

"siast'of Uie long jpurred columbines the transplanting of seedlings from onehave- bwi denred from Uie species bed or box to another. The same re-

raerjk-a and chryantha. i suits are achieved by thinning-out thehaw burn Interbred »nd greatly; seedlings In the seed row until'they are

struct them In woodcrxfL Has aatlaBptwed.- The newer varieties, such; two Inches apart and then running aswimming and life savtcg. rooiinc ai^jaji P»n»n. Emperor and imperial,i long knife under the row to a depth of

ar.a handsome flowers In a: three or four Inches to cut. off the taprath scout at a tow ftgur* Tim year* wide .*n-sji o! colors which Include j roots. The gardener who has an abun-

" cark-i STiSfti. ancfaii shaofs of! dince-of time and small pota -will find' . " • '• . •'..•.-••• rIt more desirable, to plant,each aeed-

y t wnen raip» « ™ U - ««,-'weU estab!is*ied>the'columbine ling Individually In a 314 Inch pot':

only 17 a week. No tsiaSi In adda-op, »pr.ng until it-is fou» or rive years old.) Perennials may. still be planted andto this amount will br aikrd lac Use!TV tn:>' *»> '•*>'propaHate columblhel divided, but more care must be exercls-

reptlle «tud>. and stm'keep tt> ion forjteaeil scout st a tow figure. TMs jr""-thfLcGMto boj* from Cracfcrd «RU•S a week except durlr« the Brat period UJIbeginning July 2. when troops

support of the camp. Uxal uQcm «sud. i ut from Although there have ed when this work Is done late In AprjlTo enable the Cran-'ord Scou: CMo-jowc c»wt where the clumps have been! or during the first week of May than

mittee to make good lu ptrdi* to-*ru<S| dividrd.. it usually liapens that when when It la done earlier In the season,the Bcout from each' troop wtso has o> nmri ruou. are spilf rot is Intro- j It Is late now to plant rose bushes un-made Die nu«t pri^reu :r. St«j:c« Sjrt-d ir.-.o Uie crown. Columbine U less they have been kept dormant andduring the year, to camp for a »e»«. a|rx>t cUfflruH to grow. A number of col-1 neld In storage. Roses may be plant-benefit card party rUl be txia is tijeiortal and iartiy varieties may be raised! cd from pots any time during the year,Masonic ilall W*dwsd»; • M O » « ; ilai-lfr«B...» good strain «f seed, -and by J but -the amateur- gardener con plant17. Tickets, which arttMrty-Cw ceoUleiimiiiiUn* the poorer plants an eicel-. them with much more safety now than

The Dhfon County Extension Serrtee-issues a series of weekly menus, pre-pared by Audrey Orace Adams, HomeDemonstration Agent for a family cftwo adults and three children of three,six and eight years. A marketing listand recipes for menu may be obtainedfrom the Hcyne Demonstration Agent,who has an office In the Court House,Elizabeth. The menu for this week Uas follows: • • •'

: ' FridayBreakfast — Whole wheat cereal,

toast, butter, milk coffee. 'Dinner—Eggs and bacon. scrambled,

creamed potatoes, spinach, bread, choc-olate pudding. , . . '

Supper—Commeafl-grtddle cakes, syrup, butter, stewed rhubarb, milk forchildren, tea. -'« •

i SatardayBreakiast—fltewed prunes, oatmeal

toast, butter, milk, coSee.Dinner—Lima bean- loaf with toma-

to sauce, stewed cabbage, bread, butter.Supper—^Peanut butter sandwiches,

banana salad, milk for children, tea.. - §unday

Breakfast —Oranges, whole . wheatcereal, toast, butter, milk, coffee.'.

Dinner—Pork •boulder roast, browngrayy, baked, potatoes, -raw carrot andcabbage salad, emergency' or'drop bis\cults, cherry fruit gelatto. ;

^8^p*r^Riibirt"--»iiffl^Monday . . ' -

Breakfast—Cornmeal mush, toast,butter, mliki coffee.

Dinner—Spaghetti with' cheese a n dtomato, steamed carrots; bread, butter,sliced banana with custard sauce.

Supper—Peanut butter soup, crou-tons, apples, tea. * .

each, may/e pbtauird fr«n VDJ Scou;!>r.t roUec'Jun is soon built up.official. Bcouts. alw> hate bees offered] Plant the seed a& soon as possible,a week In camp i! they K!I thirty tick- Sune firdenert have obtained good rerU. Table pruea will tx awarded and.refre&lunents wlll'be serted.

"Dick" Hmrrigan, FreeholderCandidate, b Widely Known


The "Oolden O." tlie Cranford highp y

members of the senior class.1 will be offUie press either the latter partor Uie first of June, according to Mar-garet Haynes, editor-in-chief. Thistear's book is expected to equal or sur-paasjuinuala of previous, senior classesfrom tin- standpoint <|t new content,art! work and make-up. : ; .

Other members of Uie staff are: As-sociate editors—l/oveen May and ChrisWitting: business mimmcr—RobertMaxfirld; advertising manager—ArthurBrown; assistant advertising' manager—Oeorge Mlllett; advertising staff—Flora Jatucn, Dolorita Bnrlght, .RobertNorUttutt, . Itaymond OowperUiwalte,Urtty Harris aiidBUl Wallace; club ed-Itor—June Ptttrson; assistant club ed-

~ltor—Mary DlTablo; snapshot editor—

editor—FYances Pcrnaa; art editor—Luclle Lansing; assljtajit art.adltpr—Ellrabetli lx-iiumrle. and joke editor-Alton Ward.

Sports cdltorsr-Frank. Del Qandlo.Benuud Dl Battiita and Mildred An-derson; circulation managers—Ink Dlr-adburlan and Eugene Fperst; typists—Katlwrlne Hashlm. Margaret McMa-

.hon, Clirlillrio Fischer. KU Borodowko.Balne Caruso and, Haxel dates.

Richard J. IUrrt<(an of Plalnfltld-one of the many candMta!** entned toUie .three-year term for the Board ofChosen! Freeholders, is widely knownIn political circles not only In UtdooCounty but throughout the ectttcBute. Mr Harrigan U a member csfthe present Board .of Prwhofders andIs conceded more than aa r m chance

to get the nomination for the tbne-year term at the Primary. Mar ML Be

in bis dlrtuon onthe ballot.

"Dick." as he to better known, baaestablished an enviable record both topolitics and civic welfare, in t i l l hientered the Vntted Bute* Army a« •private, lie saw service oWrseas andbefore- he received hia booirabit dts-'e i boo^Me, d f Jeh«.e-tae - « commlsrioAl to Urff*b*»• "-"Jl* ^,te:rank of lltutenant. Upon hi* rttomhe became yjery active tn pnillica Thir-teen years ago be.ns'cljcM.'by U>epeople or Plaiofleld to rrprnml themon the Board of meboidtrs and Ibeen re-elected to .thattlvely since that time. Never la an bis

h«t-tisi hotstatrr

Phone ORanford 6-01M-R


DECORATORInterior pecorsUn«- a Specialty

. Estimates CSieerfully CHven '

• i


^ lled For and

:-.' A« to Mr? Uarrtgans qualtilcsiaastfor. freeholder, to. quote TJlck.- 1 tmfully aware of the present Unsocialsituation In the country and wtfh myexperience, 1 teel that.I will be abScto govern expenditures so UtaVeor ex-penses will be reduced to meet the In-come. Tills can only be acaxapUahedthrough-active support to oOsrt the de"termlned efforts el orgAnam nnncn-

but IndlscrtmtnaU cuutng at nec-essary acUvitles must t» dsaw only af-ter a careful lurtey. Durln* B V thir-teen years as a member of the Board <stChosen Freeholders. I haw srned enevery committee of th» Board.-- -. He Isantiatedwlth the foUowins; or-

ianliaUons: Nell McUod Asscciation.Regular Republican Veteranston. Republican Vof Union County,-VeteiaSs o/ VfensjnWars/Fourth Dtvtston and arremy-Bghth Division Associations. K P. <X

PlalttfleW Lodf». Loyal Order ofMoose. Red Men of la* Wiirld. KcfcUta



E. P. ChamberlainSU NOBTB ATE. K,



Pltxmbingf Hmiiim, TinnintU* learta Av*, E. :




219 Brood Street


suits by sating-- seeds from thefr ownplants and sowing- them as soon asUttf are ripe In .July. Unless it is care-faBy cultivated, however,. seed that Is

Uie does not produce a plantstrong enouih to bioom the followingspring. By sowing/at this time of the)-e*r and using/Tellable seed, strongpZanta should be produced which williosjs.jn June/next jear.. .•-'-'.The plant ihrives tn both heavy and

light MU. but gives best results In onetbst is not extremely acid. Soil that liInclined to be sour should be tested be-fore the seeds are .sown, and Ume ap-piled If oecosary. Never .plant colum-bine where water is apt to collect dur-izsl 4the,,nintciL, ,_Ths,crojrn .may. decayIf Uie soil becomes too wet. If theseprecautions are taken, the gardener'soil,will have UtUe difficulty In raudng.jhardy plant*. |

Try some of the newer strains, of thesng spisrred s)olumbine, sowing the

and covering them

he could have ,done earlier In thespring.

Cuttings of rock garden plants orhardy perennials that are to be pro-pagated can be rootfcd to excellent ad-vantage at the present time U the newshoots are from two to three Incheslone. Dwarf phlox, arabuv aubretla,and the tall, hardy phlox In Its differ-ent varieties are especially well adapt-ed to this treatment. An establishedclump will hot be Injured U half nshoots are broken off, but they shouldbe taken close to the ground, in orderthat some "51 the underground stemmay be attached to each cutting. Plantthem in a cold frame or under a glassJar. following the w^U-known methodof rooting, rose .cuttings. If the soilIn which they are to be grown Is not*andy~ replace some, o f -u -with; -sand.Cuttings do not root easily In heavy

wilh burlap to keep them moist. Theaeed will germinate jln about three

«*• "«J" "w« &Uaem at kiut four inches apart Strong,faurdy nujAts, that" will bloom profuse-ly next year should result If-tins "care

the s e e d s . - ' ' ' ' ^

Apply fertUUer to the hardy.borderUils week, remembering that Uie borderrequires Just as much feeding as thegarden proper. Bow all seeds, exceptsiicfi tender varieties as Uie zinnia 1 atthis time, too. .Zinnias and dahlias clan

""""*, "re. still be sown in, cold frames, but.tljey5»MPl»nt shomd n o t b,, ^ ( e , , m ^ ' o p e n

ground unUIUje middle of May.

* r e

YtwrGuden This Week

dote Mowing Injures Lawn

W. J.By Dr. U. a Spraiue

—R^ular-mowlns-ol-tJie-bHrn-at-the: .- • •.. siyTA. C5. McLean -.. ~- , a ihr^* ^n t,i ^ K a v r - ^ P - ^ ^ \ - r ^ ( " W n ^ # '*



c^-. i,^

Many old garden' books and maga-linea advise .using the - blooming Umeof rmrioas trees as a guide in planting.Although this method of determiningOie ume to soy.seedJ and set out plantsmay be ..termed quaint and old-fash-koced oy many modern gardeners. It Is . . .aaa reliable today and indicates the »Mh |x*""'O ' « » « i •««» thus——"ear the- season has' made much > m i ' * fine texture and a desirable col-

acciStely from the vlewpomTot; o rh l°i J* ^ A " " ^ of neglect

gardener than a calendar will dO,| "v c r n l l u *"• grassThe apple tree was expected to be lo!fan bloom at about this time of year,!

closely knit turf. Many lawns are ser-iously Injured by failure 'to cut the turfin a suitable,,fashion.- Ordinary lawngrasses are Improved by frequent mow-ing! at a height of one inch or longer.This practice stimulates the production

apd coarse and

brace most • - * • «Md

Is followed by closeproduces an open,


K a Week Menas

oatmeal,Breakfast—'Tomato Juice,toast, butter, milk, coffee.

Dinner-Baked pork croquettes, scal-loped potatoes, apple-cabbage salad,whole, wheat bread, ginger bread withlemon sauce, milk for children.

Supper—Porn chowder, toast, butter,cherry fruit gelatin, tea.

Brcakfa*t~-Btewed": prunes, friedmush, syrup, milk, coffee.

Dinner—Pan-broiled sardines, m a s h -ed potatoes, dandelion salad;, bread,chocolate pudding. '•'<

Supper—Spaghetti . and . eggwhole wheat bread, butter, stewed rhu-barb, milk for children, tea.

I ThursdayBreakfast-Oatmear. ' ' - t o u t , butter,

milk, coffee.-Dinner-iBacon. fried chicken style,

crcam gravy, boiled i»U> tots.In Jackets,stewed tomato, bread,, ginger bread.

Supper—Creole of l ima beans (greenpepper and onion), bread, butter, applesalad, milk for children, tea.

.. Thousands of Know* FlskThe number of named apeclsa of flan

In tlie world Is between M,000;and IB,-OOO. There are undoubtedly manymore which, have. Dot as yet boon de-scribed. This statement appllss lonlyto the true vatebrate lisa and does notInclude all marine fauna.

Caaail. Is Trasickarowft- -The camtlhss the reputation of bs-

tDg''.Uie most s:tnerally IU-tampa}tld..'saod-treRhsroui of all-anlmala domss

n ff IM uM'lfl

M raturaCTor tae'ttiiHM tot: foaw-tt«hand or arm of Its master as for anIntelligent bone Co wbinnj with ploas-nro at his apprmdi, and kind troat-ment and abundant feeding apparent-ly hare little effect on its deposition.

TckpfaoM CRsmford MS08

Standard Lumber & Supply Co.LUMBER FOR ALL USES

Full Line of Storm Sash and' Doors, Porch Enclosures',Insulating Materials, Cedar Closet Lining,

Cedar and Chestnut Posts '




Buys a Fine

The Thor washer does splendid work. It does the

washing and you do the supervising. It washes by the.

force of hot soapy water alone. Eighteen ctifrflnts

keep dashing over and through, tlie clothes. -

You cap operate this washer at a cost of only a few

cents a dajr. If you use the Thor to do your washing,

you will find it easy to have all the clean fresh clothes

snd smooth immaculate linens you want.

THORElectric Ironers

You sit at ease while Touguiile the clothes anilthe ironer presses everything as skilful); asyou could by hand and with far less effort.There is an ironing attachment that fits on the washerwhen the wringer-is removed, or you can have an ironerthat is fastened to a table of its own! Tlie ironer illus-trated is priced 'at $69.50.

You can purchase Thor. Electric equipment" on the part payment plan at a small in-

crease over the caah prices—$3.50 down andeighteen months to pay.


plani«a~to"e*arUent advantage, ac-4*mM:sPe<?'es m a y b e prel*nt-'cordiaf to these old guides. Although I Extremely early or "close clipping ofaa earlier planting Is often desirable, U w average lawn should be avoided,there tt «tfll time now that the apple ' ~ ** "" 'trees are white again for most gardenoperaiioaa to be taken care of.

- . ' - • • . • • •

It s> essential this week to examine




Ico Ctesua k tUe perfect desserttat tt» perfact bosteaa. Bern itte anj hoaoay msoi, or a* the

l i |or any party.

since eltfier of Uicee pracUces greatlyrestricts root growth and the' vigor ofthe-turf.' Experiments conducted bythe New 'Jersey Agricultural Expert-nKnt Station have showtt that a largeproportion of the grass^taot system isregenerated, each spring. Consequently,early close mowing reduces the quan-

enUre season. The lawn, as a result,is made, more senslUve to hot, dryweather and Is less able to endure Com-peUtiori from weeds or Injury due toojLher causes. The tint spring mowingshould be postponed until the grass IsaMrbximately "3 inches, long-In order topermit vigorous root growth. After thatthe lawn may be mowed as treqtKnUyas desired, provided the height of cut-ting is one Inch ortanger, - -,

The lawn enthusiast Is inclined tomow too turf'coiMlitiTahiy i.|«i««r than-

At the Primary May 16thS LNCi

• * > - . : • • (

I Inch. In order.-to practice .dose cut-ting it Is necesary to ptant specie*which tolerate this treatment, such, asone of the bent grasses, and to developa •smooth soil lurface by roUlbg'aridtop-dreaslng Uie sod.' The bent grasseswhich withstand mowing at height* ofV.t»->i inch.are velvet bent, creepingbent, and colonial "bent

Haphazard adjustment"of the lawnmower may prove .disastrous. Aimplemethod of adjusting the height of cutconsists of placing Uie machine-on alevel- floor or sidewalk, setting the rol-ler on the back of UK mow«p- so thatthe bedkolfe^ui the desired height fromUie poor, at each end. The' bedknlfe il

You Can't Go Wrong With a Well Known Tuno!




Bnsrw1sicB«Beiblades on the revoljj|)s« reel cut Per-1lodic .-adjustment of the mower_jrta|»n*J Injury, rroox excesHveij tlaa«




Paid for by B. J. Hanisjw, nsjirsilgn sagr.

Page 7: !iz3:£i - DigiFind-It"Lullabc" by Brahms, and "My Bonny Lassl She Smtleth" by Thlman by the Chorister Boys. . , Tickets may be secured at Wa Ool-denberg Stationery' store1 on North


[So f tba l l "''V ••"'••'• r"-S••Jwtien'Rendano per&iUM a,Jariv*"m»*!Rep<sbaesa'Cli"tf»,_ . _ . ' , . ,'by. M. Tomchak' to get iw»y from Mm'irutUnt tor xt» Ttctartoos nine, get-TeaOU i n T i e for Lead' lor two bases Immediately following' t i l s two homers, a double and a single

I this, joe Jablonski hit-* texaa]

, j e b o n k i h t * t e a t t wrat n e k of t h e softbaU league] over second base wme(i v e n t for t w o

out of Bve trips to the plate. Louis Pe-rusto hit a long triple in the third in-

: the Seneca A. C. In a triple! with the only scon- of the game. Bach base hit • • • . . . - 'fllrst place. Incidentally, this is ptrcher allowed six hits. L. Jablooskl Trw ground was very wet lor ihe op-

order In which last, year's'; and Rendano being tied for rutunf enux game, and the players had trou-Fdosed. The games were plsjtd honors with two safe hits each. jbte keeping their feet on the (roundlofOclai league diamond on thej The Whit? Arrow A. a bowed to the Hone* Wyres sustsined a mean talll o t Third avenue and Cedar Drmocnrtlc Club rait Thursday night' which sprained several ligaments In

I In the last inning after holding the his right arm. and which will keep hime's nosed out the Aluminum lead throughout the -contest. The; out of sofibsul competition for at leas'.

• Friday night ln the most ex- Democrats came up for their last licks the tint halt.-me yet played in the league., three runs behind, but- managed U> .8$. Anne's win meet the DemocraU1 score was 1-0. The game wai-"driveXiut the requisite four runs tot tonight, while Tuesday night Bt.r's battle from Uie opening j the-game. Pirkarski was good on the Anne's will meet the 8enecs> Wed-

[with McDonald on the mound: mound .lor tli? )i*rr», and John Pmn-Alumlnum Company.and Du-;nlng pitched yell for the Democrats.

ling the rubber for the victors: i The final score was. 10-9.team was able to get a man! The Seneca A. C. drew first blood In

base until the sixth inning!the 'league by soundly trouncing th»

Inion County Buick Co,430 NORTH AVE., E.



Visiting next-townne on


"Lots of my friendsare next-town neigh-bors—so near that Idon't write them, buttoo far away to visitoften. So I telephonethem frequently. Ifscheap, easy and con-

Call 24 miles for 20 cents; 30 miles

for 25 cents, anywherj: in New Jersey.!


neMlajr night a political batUe will befought, the Democrat* versus the Re-publicans. whUe Thursday night UirAluminum and the White Arrows willround out the week's schedule. '

The box scores;.gL Anne's

• . R U EBarry, lb . - ;... -0 0 0Jack Dugan. p .......—1_: 0 1 : .0L. Jabiotukl. o — _.....:..O a 0M. Tomchak. ss -....1 1 pJo Dugiu. 3b 0 0 . 2Orerc. cf - ,.— - 0 1 0J. Jablonski. If _.O 1. 0& Tomchak. 2b 0 0 0tiumentk. rf - ;......•...... 6 0' 0

' : . . . - : I • • > • ' « ' -i

A l u a i a a n CotBpaayR -H E

O«k>uikir -35 J.S.—.„ l...~r...O 0 1BWii»r^lte;':-^i.,-.,;r;:';.v.^..^^s^j^r,i>r«c;.« \Mluford . : _._.. , 0 0 0FtohletieUi. Jb ._...!.—_ 0 1 0Rendano . If . . . _ . o . a 0Schmidt, c ....'—. r—0 * 0 0Soltiax. cf ...... 0 .1 0FraUerulla. rf '.. 0 I 0McDonald, p 0 1 ' 0

o oTwo base hits—j Jablonski. M. Tom-

chak: three bass hit—Oreves; struckout—by. McDonald A, by Dugan 4; baseon bails—off McDonald 2, oft Dugan 0.

" ' Detaantig ClabR II

Toth, 3b ... ; . : ;..l 1PfUS, (S :; ;.;;._.... 3 3Parts*. If ; . __ 0 0Jo Banyasx. c .......... . . . I * 3Jo Leonard. 2b ................. 1 ' aPanning, p ...,™. hr. ™.,™. .U0 1r>. Pal ione . rf 1 IVoros, l b „ a 3Birmingham, cf ........... . 1 1J. H. Banyasx, cf : — 1 ' 3

10 -16Whit* t i r n i

J. Casale," c ...- '.—

Maadl. cf .: . . ..:H. Ptekarakl, p ____A. Casale, If !.„Schults. lb -.-.'- :.-W. MsJenchek, JbC. Rieder. rf ,B. Plemlng, rf .... __A. MalerVchek. 2b8. Piekarski. ab .,„„-

' i ' • :



~:...o™ - 0



Two base hit*—Leonard,


' *, 1__33

' 31




- d00II00010


Casale. B> Piekarski snd M. Malon-chek;_ three base hlU-Joe Banyaa;


Board of- Chosen Freeholders3-YEAR TERM


(Number ~12 on Republican Primary Ballot)

MrfBauer StandsrFpr^~^.- ^JReductionof Taxes

^TZconomy in County Government

Paid for by Charles L. Bauer, Jr\, Camp**;

Pag* SeTtn

uruck o u t ^ y P»nnimt », Xl i ; base on balls-oft Panning 3. off

Piekarski 3. • . .- •


Parkas. Ib ..,,C. Soltls, M .......J. Ouerriero, IfB Russel. If ... .Karami. cfEspOBlto, cf ::..:B. Button. 3bJ. Wyres. 2bJ. Chinchar. 2b

Chinchar. rfrf ....... ...

Romano, pWensel, p

Chamberlalii. pBrittaln. c ; ;Darroch. rf .'.Klteman. rfP Colwell, SbDe .acco, 3b :Parkas, ssSmith, ItS. Colwell, cfMoroll. cfNcad, lb- ,


,.i.:...-_., •.-.: 0....',.:. 0'...:....l.'



........ l2tf

:.:.... .-.I-

'. 17,R

...0..,;....:. 0_i 1...........I

-n» Married' Men won their firstgame of the 1»M season by defeating

Gmhfdfd Track Team ^Princeton Meet


Tomcyxk, Griffitlu, Del GandioCapture Firsts.



0: .0

0.„ 0


• 011 . 0 !

1 -Jj2 2\00 00 a1 l

:r,;na;r* t,n"1^"kp < .* . S ^ i Blue .ad Gold Thinly^Iad. Pile Up 68 Point.; Brown, Butler,wood Pleasure Club. 'Speedball".lUuih. who lotd lh« rubber for thewinner*, was In fine feltle, and had U » l - 'yimnyfr men eating - out of his. hand I • . . - . - , ™_™^_-w^_for right innings, lie weakened a bit' ' '". *In the nintli, ami was relieved by WUk-[ Scoring M polnu by Uklivi fl»* <»r»t.performer of the meet, ukfngIrin in lh» fiillowlng Irliitnsi. . DugaalplaMMi In the tHi/Ucn rvenU, cninforri: I'1'"*' l n U l r w events.

startM out on the niound for 111* Bin- |,lgh SCIRMIS tiin.k learn captured nr»l '" • • - -e'.r »,len,.Uut i™t hi . control in t h . , , ' division «r the,sixth iiinlnir, bring relieved by An-;drrwa 1\>dd again led



,• hin?,™i'><'"« !c l ( )n Wnlveralty whola» l lc . . ( r«k | „,,,•u ie n i i u n « , i a m l j ^ ^ m r , t aatuniuy alUrnoon. I UM .

• . . • ' • . ' . ' • 3 . . A ' : • <Two base Iilt«'-^H: 1Wyres.«>,"PeU*,

Sutton; three base hit—rVliislu: homerjins-HSutton (2); struck ouu~by Ro-mano t, by Wenwl 0, by Chamberlain

Wenael 3. oft Chamberlain' 1; hits—olfItorhano 4. oft WVnzcl 1, off Chuinurc-lalp-I5. • ' • ' . • '

Cranford A. C. Drop*Opener to White Sox

Alter'" holdljiit thr ' Unluti-FJtnomWlilte Box 1 to (I until t lw lUlh intiliiK.the Cranford A. C. wcnltt'npd fttul lost

JI.JO 3 Iii,.(|uir.<iiicnlti8 .itninu "in theUnion Otunly ly*:iwiio Bunduy nftcr-nnon nt Uie Blmora pv«L

The While Sox w o t pil live runs in Uipfifth frame lind trwt Krn^ntcr, tlw lo-cal pitcher, out_6f tile KIUIK' In the w v -cnth by t\jtaiiK|K)iindtnit out fh-4< runvIJ 'ii Sniltirs^boy« tnilipil o n e run In tlurMvoncl and two I n . U w t i u h l h .- Uaupr, with three fcliiitk'B, topiwd Umndlvldual scoring for •the rlny. Piiiir

ptrorii" were oharnfd i)Knitu*t' tiir VicuUas compared, wltli two for the.Wli lUiSox. ' - , ; ' •

TIM1 box scori1: • •While Max

A FMrrell. rfHern", rl3. Parrfll. l b

"Reid If.Winters, snMnllnck 3bnoyrr 2bWrisht, cMlUhi-m. p


Torrm. 2b .......,'.i. ctr M

Nfaurey, 3b ..!.'Terpak. lb1'omptllano, If-Candy, rfPlelkln, rfBauer, c ..v .'.:.:Kraomer.p ...............Ryder, p

11 13





Q .1-0 .0 . ' P..0 - 0:i i1 od-~d

Enrlght, .»

Un. Blmora WJilte Sox 000 500 61 x—11Cranford •.:..: : .'..! .,...010000020— 3\

Two bane hits—A. Farrell, Prederlclt-wm; three base l l lLn-Rwd, Malhick;struck iout^-rby Mitchem 7, by.-Kracm«r4; base on balls—^>fl Mltchcm 2. o nKr»«mer 2. off Ryder 3; umplro—Clos.

PONTIACH U)HK,4 TO 3The Pontlac A. C. nine of Krtillworth

dropped a ten inning contest to UicSummit Comets Sunday afternoon.bya 4 to 3 score. The game was playedon the Harding School diamond. 'DieKenllworth nine garnered tcn'hlto to-jthe visitors' five. _ . ' . • . '

HESS BROS.Plumbing, Heating, Tinnina



contuk 0-3. l i i v grniie onlyluninpf, darkneM {letting ,111.. Princepitched 11 good game for Uie winners,allowing only two hits until the IVnalframe. Nol a player op Uie "Ifenpecks"got I>OM kreond base until Henry De<croft nlarted things off in Uie tlllh In-ning .wl th 'a long triple. -Thm* runswere glraned brfore Uie rally could bestopped. Joiin Richardson pitched forthe lining team, and did u conalstenUyBood.Job' of rt, • . - . . • .i.^.-ni«. gnmiv) are ( i ls^d twl«< a week,KtVday .i>(Viuii'Ks and HiiiidnVmofnlims.tut Ihe' tTnaml Ihirk ttumond. - Tho,SiiiKli' Mfn have won two out .UIJUI'DMUnine.K.played. ' . .'

thr . twi'lvc-mntnd (*hol,,..which wrnt U>Mlkr ronicyik; ttic UO-vnul high hur-illni. taken by c lu i l l cy (Ir imtlu, andHut hull mite IUU which uont ^o UelOanUlo. . . ... : .

JVHcuck, tTiiloii'i tlluky tUI-umundwas (ho oulsumuliiK Individual


llauii i . |>. rfKeymilds, If ..MrOliils. cf .Miller,' Hi ,'

• SuruUy

Wlckk'tll. r f . -p ;.. '....70Ounihrr , .lb .. . ' . . . . . .orfeuren, ss .,... 1

H1NOLKHmdMntw, c .Phtchrr. cf ...1'rtiH.i-, rl i'.I^H>nard, 2b ...DiiKan. p. If .




. 0


Andrews, If, p .,„,... .........v..r

'I' iI1

: a•• 4 -




. 3a15a


tlther. members of Coach Wrekley'sIrani who acoml ven>: Laune, foutUtliuilw 100-yard dash; Latane. fifth In

fdrti dash: MAxfield, Uilrd Inant run'; Zekoll, Uilrd In Ihe

, „ . ruu; WUr. fourth In Uw 130-ion with 37 iBlnu. I-Hiicetun High waa| y n r i , „ „ „ l m t l l l w | . a r i m U u l , n t i W»lr,Ihlrd with ^..l^kewKxl, fourUi, with I ,„„„„ Mili m U l " r^p^tlwiy. in UieM; Claylon sp.ired-». and-Capr May \ ao-yard low hurdle.; Rourke . and

(Irlmes, fourUi aiid llfUl, respectively,hi die hliih Jump; Rourke and Zekoll,fourth nnd fifth, respectively, In thebnmd iump; Itourke, ««coiid ln the|x>l« vault; Tmnnjk, fifth In Uie Jav-elin; lAng, Itourke and Bchlrmcr wonMfoiui. third, and fifth, nvprctlvely, In

lhut> and CVold alhleU^A were first inIhe mile run, taken by Walt.fr Drown;l lw Juvrlm. rapturnl by lluUrr;

Married ...000.031 500 03—IIHlrrglo , 211 000 031 01— »

Two b«*e lilts'—Fluclwr, Uugan; baseon bulls-oft Rauch 3, off Dugan a;(.truck out—ijy.llttueh 10, b* Wickleln 3,by Mufcau &. by Andrews '2.

fhller to PkrkersI liirlecn lnninK* l Piniirrd lo

Decide Winner in InitialCounty Leu){ue . ContentSunday Afternoon. . ;-••'•**

TUv oil-local clurwiKkli-tculu loit.!!.**opelilUM uuili'e Munday lo the ' lloftj'lli-i'ork CarillnnU In n thrilling Ihlttoeii'lining buttle. Thii. ilinU . hctiri) wtu*

7 lo 5. ' . '..'{lie ItH-nl lH>yH t'nl<<ri'4l thr ni i t lhtnn-

Ing a run Iwhliicl I'nul MHIOIIU. <«h<>liail been nvthlT luut:llve ill ihu plntrituringlhn <luy, trrutked H tilnule.to Irlliteld. Hteve tlRliynn, ii l l ihlllg . m e of

liDt^ani, wiU MMII. In to'tiHtch hit lorDIIUHII Hit' I'lectilfled Ihr »piclutu|>iiy iMtllng. a lollh triple ovrr the retlll7?*^'fielder's heud, Amid Ihe Jrern luulMMM of the"M|H.'ctalorn, Ciinlln ilellber-

luly walked liKiiyua mid Ouloiuky, onhe long i l iun ir <•( a, triple play, With

l H l

HINOLEIlrauKhaw, c ..PlKlier,- cf ....Uanyas,. anIx?t>nurdl ab .:WhIU', 3b ......Illoodgood, If.Miller, rf •.Prlni-f, (>McOlnU, lb .

MARRIKHReynolds, 3b -.:Ik'ontft, fi-i'Richardson, p .

' II•...L.i

, 1..;:....;.» a

.,...'. 0• r...;...-.„ 1

;.„.'.,.;•. a

.."..: :..li, 0

R;.t... :.:..,...l'...•„•:,.,'.: ; . . . : . o

;•.;:;, d

llaucli, rrMlllcr.-lb




la• it

Ioo •

- -0 "

2b . '.'1

; • ' • • • • ' . ' • ^ 3 a , -T

Hindle ...:. , 313 30-DMarried . • ,.",:., : 00003—3

Two baao'-hlt—Jfrlnc'e; threoJbase hit•^ijfcrofl; b&M'on balls^-off Prince 3

oft. Rlchardwn 4; struck out^-by IMncc4, l)y Rlchardnon 8,

KENILWOKTII FIREMKN U)»KThe Kcnilworth Pire Department

nliin loot Sunday, afternoon In theirganie with th« Emarion A. C. of Newark.by a 4 to 3 count. Pour errorscaused the defeat, of the Kienilw'orUiugKn?gat|on. Puna pitched an excelsIcrit gartio for Uw liremen whiUiDeTul-Uo waa outstandmg In the field.

BOWMNO AVEBAUE8 COMPItEDindividual averages of members who

participated M tho- Cranford BowlingLeague during Uie past season have

week's Issue, of The Cranford ClUwiiand Chronicle, actordliij ikLpoughu 0.OgUVje, secretary of the I>ague. ;

... Op«n«d on fotr. G M H I ,,' .A four-w'prd ilgm oi a aildget golffours* In <rrt»t r.rnd. Mo,. t«Ils tht«tory-ufjm»iir1llriotlier, Th».ilKn niru:MC)o*«l. .Open«) bj M)slake." ' f.

Loam Are 4**J to BpctmKven thmigli you arc Umpor-arlly strsJosd for money you(.«<] pay bljls and do Ullnf*with a loan tram us of ISO to$300 and pay tu back insmall amount*.

Plnfld Thrift A Lou Co.18 Watches*" A » « I M _

_ =-Tel Pltd. «ftM»

IO out mid the Unsi'ttla Kleplmi. to Ih'ti

fimt vrouiuler l o the

I, Call Hol-mill iVarkrd uittlchrr'n IKIR.

caught Ihn man Koiug home, uiid Ih^catcher wan able to uet the'lmll. \a first111 tllno tor a duiiblo pliiy. Wltli Iwonit, and the winning run on Ihlrd base,Willie Durrow Rinnckcd a hard ground-er to Ilio »lmrtnlo|i... tSflillo MasUirsottilckril'up the ball, hut l|io Impacthrew him olf his fert.. llu'wlilppndltiemll.J.<i (lint from J n<cllnlim ifdaltlon,

and.UiiUJinplre oAlled lliu"inan out, al-Ihough two lmndr<Mj n|H'Clators very,loudly dlnaifrenl wltli him. H Win aclow dMlilou either way, but tho inu-Jorlty urr llm wwc aUjrii lK*ll!*vedj \*ma-ibly because. tliVjr wishisu, u», Unit Iwr-n was .afe. "Ks>»-

Hteve Uanyiu went In>vitli|g of the i/inlh, and wre.ucliiHl hJi

' of-

the I3-|Kumd shot pin, niul Lang won ~M-i-mul In Uie dlscw. , .

Crailfoni's next infet will lie. Mondayultcriioon. May. 15. at Him lU(fg».'

h'ddle Coiitln; local rrnlilcnt and for-:ier->unrwod player, pitched ngaltiH Ills

i 4.. s^w-lbj4ti!a;.'tiikn4:'.ullRl|rd...an...(;x>_VllTO^'"iftine.".-^ilrffi«ii^'w»l!l'tl!lrTeV1fir"His was I'lithiMlnctlcally raz irdby tlw,rr,owd. every time, h;* stepped' to tho

but hr maimgni lo eriuk.oul two •singles. . • • . •. , '

(Hock Murlfri 1111 Iht* nuHindfor the home Irani, und pitched bang-up b.nll for nine. Innings. Oalotiiiky was.

In to pinch lilt ..lor lilni In Ilioninth. •.-.'- ' . . . ' . .

llosrlln I'uik jilayed nlr-.tlgli'l Imll.uolug liiroutih Ihp Kaniv without ttii.error.. Mix* Wrnrs wrre' chulked ..up-imiiliuil llm hoiim ttam*

-'Ilin first liall was thrown out byMayur" David J, JL.Miirrny, und a

.outfit owned by WilliamI'lnirr'o! Ixii'ust iiveium relieved tho•;row'i'« U'dluin before. Uie start of Ihogamo. • (' . • .

i 'he bux, ncorr:

' UAKWOOU (t>>- I t .

Hollls. II ' . - * 'IJtirrow, 3b '. ,1Jon llauyas, 3b ...A , . . ILr4inard, cf * :\ . 0McOlnls. lb ... /......... . 0 /Malerla, rf ....../......, 1/Dugstii; u '..I......... .0John llttnya'sf \r/. .....0niock'rp';^^ /?^r"™-'--''""'- '1'""U. HailpBT^II .'. ™. 0Oalousky, ss : 0 o

J U • .'.• .. '' " ' •' • "".. " Totals .'. ...»

IIOUKU.K PARK 171•*—- ; V. . .; - • • „ , R .'

It. Mastcrsuii. 3ba, MaitciMin, M _.Chapiuall, 21)Hciinarr, <i .-...,'

K. fl.



. 00

pitched iu;o<b»li thrc«ru(wuC"tiie tlij«iliuifngs. Kosclle. I'ark iiianagiid t o

two runs tlutiugtip In .tho thir-teenth, und .(la-rwood waa unable

.duplicate t h e (eat In her section of .thoInning, • ' '-'. •_' ^,.^M.

Linden Nine Bows •To Garwood Junior*

Oar wood Junior High Uchool suc-ceeded In dofcaUrui Uie Linden JuniorHigh School (or UM llrst Umelh sevenyears ITiursday afternoon.on Uto Una*1

mi Park diamond. Anjrcws .toed thsslab for the Konie l«arn, and uHhoughiui was hit safely twtnly-flva Urnet, hopllclied a good game, Messenger »tsrtffd In Uw box tor Uhden, but Was re-lieved by Crocnvt. who, 1u turn, Wasrelieved by Uohll. TIM final sew* was

Novotbif ltd Uw ilugglng for theImait team, Betting a lung triple arid

Uesurneyj^qyed .U» bethe

Conllll, II: Jlase on balls; oft Conlln,% Htolon basei: Holtis 13)-. Twu4ias«hlU: Bollls.'jrM Hanyas, Chapman .131,Mchtiarr, Mastersoti. Tiirne-bane .hits;.C'rhmnluj, HtoyaUanyas, John Uanyas.

U> dome Uirough In tlie ctlllcal places,s c o r e : '•.'-•' ;'.

H '• ' '

(larwood ' ' " .-.- '.• "R II I

OHInlck, Sb "...„•. 1...Dushautk, c

"Novolny,^ lb -..'....•.:.Thomas,, 3b ..,;,...,...,.......Andrews', p ,.Illoodgood, If ..,.„..;.,.Kundr%t, cf ....'... :Tiller, rf »;

Chase, If ....TUxin, cf ...Ilardy, s '

a horn* run in thi sixth inning, Ha alsogot-three otlwrihlU..^; ; _^::.:.-:_..!

Oarwood obUuiwd only UUrleen *af«drives to twenty-five for the visitors.The'horns'team also mad* one moroerror than the Linden aggregation. ThaUnden playtrs kepi Uieir. hits scat-tered,howev«r, whii» Oxrwood was aijl*

TAILORING!;, c . J i


, AlleraUesi— .—'—~— CtasSAifaC "*"Illlhss* Omltti Wes* "•* HuswirKbls

P. J. BindeabergerPainter and Decorator

hoot »p«rleno» and Oareful Work'

Satisfactory 9*trio«





10 U

ab „..:..;„.;...;„.,Dougherty,- fly .-.-.ij..,Stucky, rl ..•„..;Bennettl,/lb iMessenger, p ,..,.'.......'..,.. ...1

0. 0




iri ' i 'V' v - •" : ••» p •' 1-tinien ..i.....'^.-»=.».>.;...»...0000i»1—•*"Oarwood ..................................J03 060 x—10

Two base hits: TUer, Thorns*. Threebase hiUr fiinciny, Stuck/- Horn* rim,PuJsurrny. struck sut,-by Andr«ws, 7;by Messenger, 1; by Crochet, • • b^

off Miossenier, 3; off Crochet, S; offBahll, 0. Double pUy, Hardy to Jakuoto BennetU.. Umpires, W>res, OoUlnsiand Cblnctlar. 1'.-.'.-

iB«l> DMTS C«U r i

Tb» for«t siervlc* Mtluatn ttiat tottrtrj bock kllM by bootsrs In 8l«mnallonal forast lo (,"sllforala H coittlths shoottrs WS. v


from KinnVrgartwi

to Ninth Grade


Page 8: !iz3:£i - DigiFind-It"Lullabc" by Brahms, and "My Bonny Lassl She Smtleth" by Thlman by the Chorister Boys. . , Tickets may be secured at Wa Ool-denberg Stationery' store1 on North



they are T 'if the con| 7

remainder ifCranford "|5

•-'• The'j pla[?

the debt U ..pany was? -

the truntf/raWnn thfj""plete budflj

. was alto i;. Stewart . rT;

phin wasj ,be in an . ;clal condi •','"•

. LaM Hu; ' .Iain H. f"Isaiah. 40Lord sha"

. the cvenlfirst of B • ."How'WiV '

Annoui?that a ».'tic will b; .Except fjj|-

.the servfr ,'.' choir' anjp,

ner. oruT.djrect U;S;

Tlie fit'orating |f. -were / i P j ' ; ' - ;

-"Brwwnr JWw»%.-'"Harriott' . • ' ;

• E. K l a « ' • -Lewis, f . '•they, Mi-.'....:.-...Miller. i>morid ?j:-Mrs. 'Lc.f j : ,Sle-war< &>::'.

T r i p p : . ; ^ . .and M ifi' '

' L. R^'=''loaned i?Sfor Uu j


Thtwill IKTVltdhtMatewlltheport'Mnrcelv«(he




Civic Republican* Cite Reduction* in Local Government CoiU. Since Their Member*, a* Public Official*,

Have Been in Charge.

In CourtcUJRace

In p statement Issued today, thep- Oarwoixi Civic Republican League,

'-. . (Ill(.v. jHilnts out the economies effectedsince .Its members, as public offlclafo,have been In control, of BoroiiKh ofll-rr.i. The statement;' which Is signed

; by Councilman John C Clrlndlay,ehairDiall of t]ie League's campaign(•(immtttet*. layft the blame, of IIIKII

' ..taxes In years Vnne by on previous ad-ministrations. Fallowing U the state-ment:'

."The Oarwood" -Civic RepublicanI«iSiu?r»ic., was organized In 1924 be-aaiiw' we feH Uia't Oarwood needed a'

-.'; clulw>;v...oj.,v:»^ro>h»trat*«iH -At^Ourf]* n lime'we. put a set of-candidates Ip. the!

fk-ld, running on a platform of "Busl-'ne&A - Economy and I'rogresa,-" 'which

^ platform has tiocn used../".ver. since. _ ."What has that platform meant to

elected Civic Republican oflVrtals? Bytlie end of 1032. the Civic o'rganlrjiUon

. had been successful In electing a Clvlrendorsed Mayor and » majority, of thefN'Unclhnen, thereby giving Uie con-trolling vote of the Borough Council,on Jan. I, 1933 to Civic endorsed electedofficials.. Needless to »ay that the reck-leMness of spending, that had been go-

' Ing on In Uie pant, would take Its toll,and that unlev strict economy was ap- .-, _ - ———

be 't'he TimTvord'abie fat*- 'o'" Oarw^t, ;Scott, Council Candidate,' Wv do hot wWi to conceal Uie fact1 » » • • • • • -

Uiat when Civic endorsed officials tookover the affairs' of .(he Borougii, Uilngs

v ie In a deplorable state of affaire.

Statements of CountyCommittee Candidates

it's Representatives fromFour Garwood DistrictFledge to Work for Interesof Party, Voters. .

All candidates for County Commlt-<• from the four Garwood districts to-

day Issued statements regarding theircandidacies. All candidates ore mem-bers and have been endorsed by theOarwood Civic nrpubllain League, Inc.Fallowing arc .the-statements:

Percy Watt. First District—"As .•andldate for re-election for office ofbounty Comtnltfcemun for the FirstMstrlct, I wish to .nay that I have re-Ided In the Borough for 37 years, my

present address being 314 Centre street•luring the past year. ,1 have " been'hairmun of the local-County Com-lHt«.ajia'have.gU'*n.«H. of theM'trrfe:

required of me to 111! Uils position inin "able and efficient manner. There

TC-bwnTriiinyiiieeUngs of the Coun-i ,, Co'mmitu* during the past year arid'"" "««»«•««>"• """"id l >* re-elect-feel that you will be satisfied to know i f ' J P>*ie • «o the Republican voterslat I haye attended all meetings, a s ! t o v ° n U n u e "V b e» l e««>»'ln their be-

:alled, and have always worked for Uie! "•„';• . . . . . . „ . „, ,- ' t Interests of the Republican voters! «<"">« "MSK "«» District-"Be-

the Borough. It was during this -''« »> -«ndldule for the office ofrear, with the co-operation of. the oUi- J^"",** Commlttfewoman for Uie First

County committee members/that "strict.-' would like to say that I re-we were able to have Osrwood g i v e n 6 1 * at 330 South avenue, have been a

ipreseiitaUon on the Executive Com-1 r e 8 l d e n t o f . Ull! ""rough for over M

|- Endorsed by League Freebolder Candidate

niltWe of the Union County Republl-"organization. Should I be re-elect-

d r l H h

David J. H. Murray Advo-cates Cutting County Ex-penses; Reviews Accom;plishments as Councilman.,Mayor.

Civic League tO StageBig Rally Friday Night' ''

Pep Fe*t Will HonorRepublican

A imarler million dollars of temporarynotes coming due every 30 days, -wlUno market iij/wlilch to soil them—UnBorough debt of over 1430,000 alone,and Uie debt limit set by law havingbeen exceeded, thereby dangerously of-lectlim our credit standing—wltll abso-lutely, no financial arrangements hav-ing Ixrn made to cover Uie Improye-

^~-<"~—menpi' o f UiFTrtngs"drsouUf'avenue\ amounting to over 134,000—wlUi ove/ \ 1207,000 invested In Uie Railway Valley-" \ ^ewer and over -1100.000 more needed

'\M> complete the sewer, under Uie sup-/vpl<menial contrail- these are only

/ smite of .the major problems that con'•/. .frthfled y- ' — • "

tills (i" have

your officialst has been done to help relieve

(million? .Tlie lem^joniry notes-tfen bonded. Uie Borough debt

hus beenXreduced to within Uie legallimi( set By law, therefore our creditstanding hol\boen materially strength-

' was paid off on ourreadjustment of

ened Ovrr $debt in 1933 u\idsalaries wus nva




""It1"was also In Vhc—Mayor Mfliray yolidVagalnst the con-

to each of the nine reWescntatlves tothe^Railway;.VatoylSewer Commission,Uiereby saving to these nlue towns, atotal of $9.00(1 p>r year. This we point'to, with pride, u n real CiVlc accom-pitshment, as Uje salaries wenrdlscon-tl|iued by Mayor Murray's vote,we call to your attention, was a jMedgeof the civic Republican platform.'Is true that not. all salaries of all"flclals of Uw Railway Valley'»

Pledges Economy, Progress

Michael J/ Scott, Civic Republicancandidate'foiTUic office of Councilmanfor- the three-year term, today issuedthe following statement regarding'hiscandidacy. "

'Having been prevailed upon, by mymany friends and acquaintances, tobecome a candidnte for the qfllec ofBorough Councilman., for, Uie t!uf,e-year term,, 1 do so, fully Knowing the

lTWf«fflsil)IHtrei~nial'T~wTll^oe~"cialfd'upon to fulfill In that ofllco. I. havellvitl In the florounh for over six yearsand reside at 309 pine avenue. Am amember of the darwood Civic Republi-can League. Inc., also of the. ElizabethLodge, B. P. 0 . E. .

Am affiliated with the ElizabethPrinting Company of Elizabeth. In anexecutive rapudty. Should I be nom-inated and elected to the BoroughCouncil, I will pledge to1 the voters, anhonest and conscientious fulfillment ofmy duties. I am heartily In accordwith the platform of the present administration—'Business, .Economy, and.

Department, $8,730 In 1031 (spent (9485in 1931), $U.3t» In 1033: Fire Depart-ment, $4,000 ill 1031. $3,800 In 1933:Lighting or streets, $5,300 In 1031:$9,000 In 1933. These are only tlie re-ductions eltected In controllable Items.

"What would have happened had theAdministration continued these appro-priations In'" 193a ana 1033 as they werein 1031'and previous? And what wouldbe the results—a tremendous increase

iln .your tax rate. TTAlul no!w what have*you? Air departments strictly on abusiness basin. Economy having been

I applied, the resultV have shown u pro-gressive Administration. This has beenthe_.CJylo_Jlt'PUWtaiu—Jilatforui,.-cx»!-luted iis promised. '•

"Wtien you consider the tremendousloss of taxes from the Aeolian Com-pany, also the one Item of $19,000'forInterest alone for the Railway ValleySewer, lii your tax bill this year, andthen see a 40 point, drop In your taxnito. we fi-el pioud to sushi present to

years, and have'been an ucUv« workerfor Uie Republican party for 15 years,having served as County Committee-woman for two years previously. I.ama member of. the Oarwood Civic Re-

can voters ocan voters of my_ district can be assuredof my best efforts for their Interests atall times." • ' . • ''-•••"

Edward Conlln, Second Dlstrlct^-"Inficllcitthg your support for the office ofCounty Committeeman for the SecondDistrict, I wish Co state that I havebeen u resident of the Borough of Gar-wuod for U years and reside at 341 Hem-lock avenue, am a memberof the Oar-wood 'Civic Republican League,, Inc..HIKI have been un active party,wo_rlcerJnthe' past, . ' thi i be.ing my first ventureas n candidate for public otilce, I wontall (He Republican voters of my dis-trict to know that I will serve them Ina fair and Impartial manner."

Clam Do Fn;Itas. Second District-^would like t k th

16 depressed cond|tiojis._Uie ' krepUilunounLof ccojiuinymual be apiHlMt To

you, Taxpayers, our — •your consideration on Primary | « , .

''What a dllli'rcnl picture this pre-sents from tlint ol a' few yciirs HIwhen valuations were increased aimtlie tax rate dropped to protect Homoand Injure others. We are proud thatthe present Admfnlsfriitl

"I would like to make the followingstatement, relative to my candidacy for

, Uie ofnee- of County Commltieewoman'r I for the Second District: have been u

' I resident of the Borough for 9 years, re-

Advocating greater economy to therunning of the County government andan equal representation to all munici-pajitles, Mayor David J. H. Murray.Republican, candidate for Uie three-year term on the Board of Freeholders,this week Issued Uie following- state-ment regarding his candidacy:

"I was born in' Ireland forty yeanago I was'educated in the publicschools and a technical institute, com-ing, to the United States in 1912." '"ljuringj the'.World.JTsi^'jt. seneapfijfir^yeiirs "irr-th«f Canidiah .Army?, aridva3 wounded seriously and gassed.- andspent two yean in a hospital in B i t -land. Upon my return to Uie tTnltedStates I was employed as foundry su-perintendent, which-posltion I held fortwelve years.

"In 1030, I was elected to Uie CommonCouncil of the Borough of Oarwood.In 1031. I was chosen to Uie.office ofMayor, to -which office I was re-electedIn 1933 for the full term of two yean.

"Through my efforts Oarwood wasthe first municipality in this part ofthe country to* adopt a deducted sal-ary scheme for all municipal employ-ees. Our plan has been copied bynearly every city and town In Uiecountry. ,

"r have been a director of EmergencyRelief in the Borough of Oarwood forthe post two years. We are today car-ing for 100 families in a town with apopulation of 3.300

"I believe I n the only candidateseeking office who has the" unique dis-tinction of having voted himself out ofa salary: of $1,000 yearly, which was

hpald out of public funds. This' I didwhen I became a member of the Rah-way Valley Joint MeeUng.. which was•comprised' of "represehtaUves ot "thenine towns Interested . In Uie . Jointsewer. iThJs statement can easily beproved by calling on officials of West-fU'ld. Rahway, Woodbrldge. Cranford.Clark, Springfield, Kenliworth, RoscllePark or Qarwood).

Candklatesi Endorsed by Civic' >; Free Dance to

mammouth rally for; local rafjii.v endorsed by Uie Oarwood Ci-.;:

i League, Inc. tomciriTmark Uie high spot in ,•.:.-"ies m Oarwood this « K

. ... _ J 1 will be staged In LiiuulnSchool gymnasium starting at e ",s

ei'clock. John C. Orlndlay, cuinpai?:imanager for the Civic League. »ill uic-slde and introduce Uie candidates AllOarwood voters have, been hivi'ul 'uattend.. ' - . , . " •

As the League recently-had

I "I do .not believe that any candidateshould be nominated unless he or sh*lean devote all ot their time to the Job

IJVTilHr i l . I BiiD I lui_buuUltreduced tax rate tii all :m an' 'basis. : 1_...; ^

iiid-progrrssive;BbrOughrJ"In~spilcltllig'lour supiKirt. .might I say that It willbe my earnest desire to help' Id carry3Ut this'plat form during the Uiree-yoar

term." •„••" •• . .

cepu\f u 19 per cent reduction for theyear 1933. , ;

"We feel that we should slate veryilearly our posiUon and acUtude rc-

' flremeni voting Jo»n» the


- . - . - - — . • — H'V"l»i- iu ' » evoters of Oar»x>od, to" continue our,

i prest'Ut record of doing-that which* weI pledge to do in our platform.

"May. we ask you to consider our rec-ord? Consider If Civic Republican en-;dorsed officials have accomplished somegood and wluh doing so. get out yo

ent of the Borough for 9 years, re-1 tiding at 911 East street, and have beenan acUvc Republican worker since Uiewomen were granted the right of suf-frage. Should Uie voters of my dis-

RepuUic^s EodoneKoaopw-k for Council

EUwrd'j Kosopack, Civic Republi-can rsnrllrrite for,Uie offlce of Coun-

lrtim»n for (he three-year term, today'I issued the foUowint statement regard-'ing his csxMlidsciyi y'

"In ,<retrn< the endorsement of Uie• ncpohSScan vowrs of* the,.Borough ofOarwood as a, candidate lor the Bor-

'oujti Counal lor the UirM-year lerm.I herebr >tsh to state that for Uie pastfew yesus I haw tees actively engagedin welfare '•vrk, becoming Deputy Di-rector of tbie Oarwood Etaiergency,Re-Uei Ad^anissratibn in the'year 1931,theretqr prtcf a great deal of my time

iaod eSbct lo aid Hit residents of ourBoroucn. vbA througtr no fault oftheir own. vWe forced to seek aid fromthe|r munkipa'ln-r- Am a member ot

pld>WMte.h*.at:Wriicerairf«;tfi( mjorUy of the Republican candidates liirUie Small Board of Chosen FreehoMere were Introduced to Oarwood votmtomorrow night's meeting will be • -Lo-cal Candidates' Night" and will be c o:ifined to the League's candidates or

S local and County offices, and A< , mbcandidates and Invited guest .spenkrrsFreeholder., candidates- in .attendant1

at the meeting will be introduced, butwill not be permitted to speak, accord'ing to Chairman Grindlny.

The speakers will Include Frwjioii rCandidate David J. H. Murrai C mm tlCandidates Edward J. Konopaik .i::.(Michael J. Scott, and/the • folliwiiii,candidates for -.County CommittirPercy Watt, Florence-Ulrlch Ed« iiConlln, Clara De Preitas, Roger 'r.-ni.i

!Albert GiUyHilda Turner aid t'UReinhardt.- A number of candidate1!for the Assembly also ore expected toattend and give brief talks.yA dance will be held in_the_i\m_naslum following the rally with mu-.iiby Bobby Fontaina's orchestra. No udmission will be charged.

j'ces should any candidate connectedwith any of Uie Public Utilities. In ourCounty be considered.

"I number eight on the RepuhU-

Inc. u d u i H e present tide. aam serv-|ins the Borough as Borough Recorder,which office I reganS with deep respect.buxtoc the part la^years, I have beenan accrre Rejxibiicaa party worker andIsatLjatra/i '

of, Uie Fourth-Li:;im«L.MH.JWWl1l»iitf»>lll«i1"wm«<«»08

l"**" i a t i e m- *» •». e*«uUve capacity.t««-t«ttTc»t»l-hawbeen-ejnpioyed by\.y^Qecaal.B*ilttwialiiewJe

have that platform'curried forward forUi b f i t f U


—.«.. >m.*ubH.-u. wre- ^imiriiuill VO COn*-Uiiue to recelw »2^00 per year as per-

manent Chiilrnuui and the secretary-ireasurer,to receive •JJOO per year. Al-so |Uie attorney to get- his salary untilUie sewer is completed. To close our

j economy program of, 1933, the operat-'' ?'lnu expenses and budget, wree out close

%o 19.000. Let us then go over tiie acUof the. 1933 Council. In December theCivic Republican endorsed Mayor, Dav-id taurray.-called all Oouncllmen to-geUie^.and ri^u«ste^^e.m:to

Uie benefit of. Union County—"Business—Ecohonn-—Progress," - . ,^ -

"For 'BqrougH Council—full 3-yearterms—Miqliacl J. Scott and Edward J.Konouack. ' - '

Re-rengageoras a party worker; for toe pasteight years. This Is Uie first time thatI have sought public office and. if elect-cd. will work diligently for. Uie beoefltof Uie Republican^ voters of my Dis-trict."' ''. ,., | _ - _ . !Albert Olll, Third btstrkt—"In pre-

senting myself as a candidate for the

tag .


iiUelrj. . . . - . - - . ^b^Br^'"S|ure

for the .coming, year. .1B33.. Ai' Uie sdmetlmeThe appointed a Committee of two

. Civic endorsed Councllmen to go beforeUie-Board of Education to demand areduction of $23,000 In their budget lotUie'coming-school year. The Mayor »!-;so asked U/have a reduction ot IS percent on all salaries of all Borough em-ployes for Uie year 1933, and asked the iCouncil, to flghtV through our Freefio)-1

der. Fred w: Ewald.j for reducUons-1; the-CountJi operating expenses.

-'•'By •presenUjigi.Utese" demands for

i in-'tbelr-rcoiioniy program.It Is Hrtie that Mu than 30 votedmjahlst the tut, IC?*as a majority voteof.the firemen present at. that-particrular mreting and sustained, the'opin-ion. After they had voted down thevoluntary reduction, when , all oilierBorougii.. employees had coojieralcd.the' Administration. litimedlatel^Vuro-eeeiled~bEilawrand^i«r through 30' r cent" reduction by ordinance, the

Htlmial ,8 per tent being added on to

••-'., trlct—Kilda Turner-and Albert Oil!;we afe lieodlnf m the Poufth'DUtrtct—Ella ReiBlvordt and

IrlghtdlrecUon.. Do you want a con-! Roger Todd.liiiuatlon of this1 policy? If so. then1 "These candidates will carry out tlwbe sure lo-rote on Tuesday. May 16, be- j Civic Republican- platform In Uie yearstwe*n the hours of 8 a. m. and 9'p. m.i to come. We have, stated our positioniDayilght'Saving Tuuei for Civi<!..RO'!"and will await ,vour repij- on Primary'publican candidates. ':-"• ) Day.. ' • . ;

"Let us send to Uie County Board of i ' *'OARWOOD CIVIC REPUBLI-Fiwholders a Civic Republican by rot- j CAN LEAOUE. Inc...'"liig-for Dojiid J.' H, Murrny, Noc8 on! "John C. Orindlay. Chairman,the liallOl. for lhe.3-lmar_t»»« *"** — " . . - - : : .Hot, for Uie 3-y^r-Wrmr-rAiidT "Campaign Comrnlttee;

past 13 yean. If elected, I pledgeto work for Uie benefit of all Republi-can voters of my district and not forany particular faction."

.' Hilda. Turner. Third District—"As acandidate for the office of County Com-mittee* oman for Uie Third District,wish to sute that I have been an ac-tive worker for Uie Republican party' f "

economy. Uie' ~A,r, ^ . v o)Miir"MirMI""'—muni:

- some enemies and, triet. at times, stiffopposition. But never-the-less, pro-ceeded to carry out.their, program ofeconomy, regardless of Uie after effects.'/"The Council presented its demands

" to the Board of Education, and we arepleased to say, Uie Board gave themtheir co-operation. The demands toUie County have; also produced "conslderable resulU-thls year. r.'.•

"The Street Department, U>e PoliceDepaxtxoe&t in^utf^ig special officers!

.the Board of HealUx, Uie Tux Collec-tor's office, the, Borough. Clerk's office.the Superintendent of the Fin Alarm•yitam, the Borough Attorney, sad all

. jattaar: <a»iliimin •*«. •*- ——"—

'•he . ..-. ,.._reaction from some of the ..- »..rB^»:

Iment members, but when you con-sider -'that all tlie other. Borough em-ployees had hehicoNto reduce expenses,the. A'diiiliustiptluu. in fairness, coulddo nothing else. While the-savingamounted lo only $300 per year, ut thesame time the saving on the s]»k-lalpolice officers only amounted to $125.But when you jxifall Uiesc-smoll Sav-ings together; ailjjl with the rc-adjust-ments-for the, year of 1933, you havetotal saying-of u::— '""' "-•"'•' •

J ^ * r eavenue. Let me

' ' - —"T~—


.-. [laKeresis of all RejjuhUcans of my dls-| trict. and wUl be- rea^_aid w i S * " 7

'am^marriedThav-t«t> saos aoendinK our local

A B a property owner and re>side at 451 Fourth avenue. I feel that1 r*i'cTr rs the r^cessary Qualificationsand fuIXy appreciate the responsibilitythat will be cane, should I be elected.Therefore, permit me u> assure all UiedUsens and taxpayen of the Boroughol Q t r n o l h u t I trill serre. them inazt hooest aixt. faithful manner. Ifirmly beisere. in the platform adoptedby the Garmxiod Civic RepublicanLeague, wh^h is 'Business... Economy

'siid~ Progress* "and. willendeavor .to use: ofSce to execute that platform so

as to derive the. greatest amount ofbenea: %a ill uxpaj«rs and not -to afsiond fe*. Thus IT appeal to! UieRepublican TOUTS of our Borough fortheir sBppen at "Jw coming PrimaryEecuon. Taesijy. May 16th. 1933."

, WaterA.CBlcaaaa is said i» dread

eiir ofIpver

real economy."Let us now make" a comparison be-

twcen.the budget of 1831 and that ofthis year and you will find the follow-ing reductions—Uie 1931 figures ascompiled by Uie previous administra-tion while Uie 1933 .figures were com-piled by the present adninlstratiou:Administrative and Executive-W.70O tn1931. MAW In 1933; Assessment andCollection of "rues , ' M.OO0 InW.500 In 1K3; Repairs" tol^lunlclpalBuUdlng. KM In 1931. $100 In 1933;Board of Health. $3,600 to 1931; $1,000IB 1KB: Streets, $13^40 in 1931. $5^00in l»M: ConUngtnt. $ljoo bs WJ1,ttoo in US»: Shade Tree OmmlMloa.1— to UN, wttdm In list; Mice




any time, to assist^any Republican "vot-er in any capacity" that I can."

- Ella . Reinhai5t, _L Fourth , District—"Having resided in iaie Borough tor ov-er 16 years, anil being an active Repub-lican party worker for over flv» years.I feel, that I a a quaiXfled to serve the

1 BepubUean—voteTs ;or .the Jtourer*Df«jtrict. as County CommitteewonuuC Ireside at 23$ Third avenue and aoi/*member of-the OtCwood'ClTUrRepubr" ; League/Inc. and served that or-

- • ' - - • - - » full term;s

ttw streeo or Cbina., c*n be tubuaed'to« fe«r misstce > r a steady stream.tt cojd water ftoai a lire hose.

/ - jniH, TOLLEX Is shown here about*-> to hit oa» of Us tremendousdrives for which he is famous: Ul8position to the address and at the mc-aent or Impact are practlcaliy thesame. One of the common mistakes

.or golfers generally Is that they fall" keep .their position con.tstentthroughout th. ewlng. A sudden Uftorthe head or.upper part of th«,w>dy can mnekly throw th« whole«wu>g oot; of .line. Vtaualliltig one's~Position at Uupsct and assuming an'•£d«s . ss nearly IdioUcal as pds- .

£ ^J* ?U C h to ""d "i. golferri«e Ue bail accurat.ly with ai»oth swing. Bating the elubhaad* of the ball and placuig th« left,

W ^ b o « t opposite It; .BowingLtoJ

wklta the right SWUM a natural posl-"i^i".^?^' '* " w m -»«t»onder.

IB tUg .way/tle gplf»r\''

. J " * ^ * «iid •• con«d»nt. th«t~ the; -:"" *ot find t)i« ball out

to the stroke.

Secretary. Should rbe elected. I wantto assure all Republican voters ot myDistrict that I will Serve them fatth-fully at all times."

Womra ,C*aa«t Practice LavThe women of the Province of

Quebec are Uie only women'In Canadato whom u denied the privilege of eo-teripg thr> lenl 'profession.

'""• h l f c » n

AoaUlTr Ar(mm«al SttrltitJ,f°ki^* to bm«H«W' accordlas; toItalian bactertoloiiats. wr ' ^ ^

Then, ,

Other People Would See Yours

It Will-Pay to Advartiae in theCRANFORD CITIZEN


f t l l l l l l l

Page 9: !iz3:£i - DigiFind-It"Lullabc" by Brahms, and "My Bonny Lassl She Smtleth" by Thlman by the Chorister Boys. . , Tickets may be secured at Wa Ool-denberg Stationery' store1 on North

"s"T H E C R A N F G R D CITIZEN A N D CHRONICLE, T H U R S D A Y , M A Y • I I . . 9 3 3

Pafe Nine

For aGreater


Engagement It AnnouncednwodD SCHOOL NEWSWin Typing Awards , i the village Itself in the BB class. W«1U

der to win the first award In the Loveland and Robert Bloom are con-Commercial Typing class, a structlng a Japanese bridge for our

nust type for 15 minutes., from sandtable. Tony Materta. Wells. Rob-i>y wprk, and make at. least 25 e r t , a n d occasionally others are making

[per minute with 5 errors or less. , Japanese garden on the sanS table,llowtrig' have made the first other members of the class' are mak-

Tessle Pekanitch, 33 words; \i}g puppets and large paintings. The_.' Tutloch. 35; Berttne Loveland. paintings-of- Stanley Wttsowskl. Frediulda MUkleWlo, 30; Name Wa- petroaello. Henry MarlneUl.Mary 8per-

Emlly KeUerstras5,-29: Mary a n z a and Josephine ChrtUano are veryano. 28; Dorothy Malchow,- 37; g o o d. -

U 21; Venera De Clcco. 27;, . 5A Newsi J'Such, 36; Oenevieve Sadowskl,, xhC lollowing pupils from the 5A class

eph Schak. 26, and Stella Du- a R . On the April Honor Roll: Lillian,26 . •-• '• ."' " ; Buck, Lillian Culmone. LUllaii Fleaher.

Forder to win the second award a 'Josephine. Nerl, Anna Nucifora, JuliaIs required to make at least 35' christman. Richard Sachsel. Frederick

j with 5 errors and less. Marjory ( Rauch and Charles Ertckaen.eh. writing 3« words a minute, re-1 Joseph Mueller of the 5A class has

are aonje ofOnce upon a timeKit lo»t ft dime.Wat found the dime.

that fine?Ml&ko.

Click! Click! Click!Oo the %ooden shoe*

In HotUnd.' . •CUckl -Click! ..Clicki; : _ , . . .Take me off, take me off.

—Dorothy Chrittlant.Farmer* / '

The men work on Urnu.'They get tired in their anna,They plant all kinds of flower*;They grow when there are showers.

' • ^Roae PetrocelU. -Blow! wind, blow 1

; the advanced award.

GA N e w * - • ..;;' • '

. pupils have compk't-

movcil to Elizabeth-where he will makehis home.'Joseph. Nerl. R se Cyapak, Pettr oBn.-gtovanni. Virginia Bull. Helen StsiaJ-

! caned out of beaver board for our *""""oncse village. -Among those which'" rffelv'

finished and very well done are. * ! ^

gertect records in-all of last


msualil lu II.« lirurlatuna (if »u a i l i-lillllatlt» llce-tuale Elealuiil ( l l«l»lwi ul

liaMml Alay Olli,-- .1W2U. and amriiil-i-mu, notice la hereby iflvwu UiutUmil'UlCt ilOAItUK Of .aUpiUrrHy.-

ANU KUUTIUSantl rur llie lIvfutiKli ur llnrwuuu, will

-rt In tli<< I'larwe hereinafter tlKtlKniitvd. lw-eeli lli»- Iwura uf Seven IT) A. M.. Ami £l£tll

4B Newa..-.-During the past week we have been

r tor tilt.. IJiupo*and

. MAY 10, 1UW," •t|U*IIQfd

K U l t(or

AiaenlUl ufthe from

lid Murlsages (or JgistiT of Ucut Union,(mmben of tltu iiuard of Cho«m FrM-lur Hie i'outit)' of Lnloit I (IITN furlet in, (hrfe lor •- )u«r


jUia Countj «

of Uotuuglt C


miftl, llir«-je«r

Notice la ht-r*W «lv<Mtaajnelila uf Mil- U

lint In U.e Council IUUIIUIUH. I'eiilet Silt

• in»l. S. J.. oil Ul


Justin- of-lhe I'raif. full Itttu.le 4f.J A ft-malD niuntbcr of llit- lifi»uUl-

uf Inw Uemui'fklli: Cuuuu i.'ummttUtab KWtlluii tUsVWt vl (lie Uorougta of- ' .

nt tu (li«

111 Hie evt-iilm.-Uejfla'nt tt«vlusTiiuif, liir Uw imnHjau uf tirarliiK ell twratmaMen-Miii In llie (idtuwltia linliro'venieut aud In:lit> *ue*»iuei!le lu U iimile. tut laid linpruve.win and fur-iM-tit-nia tor aalil Improvement livri-aiuii or- the following Improvement:

of aii-uullel ur trunk-ae' -

uvi»luiisrcli £3.


iljw la filu-n lliat liurauiof L'liaiiur 7.1. 1". L: ut.lv. .

!3. l»^3. dt-letulea at lari(a and illilrlct»,.'v,W-.i*-el**:u:d'.lu. Uia..l'mi»eillloll I?

lliu Amendment to repeal Uie Urnn-iit to the Cuiiitltutton ur the United

•lace uf meetlm uf U,. Mill Uoardi urand Klecttou: •Ulatrlct—WaalilngUJli Hclloul. Lucuat

I Dlaulci—Bpniiuta Hall. Ctotar Btnwlttitl Suutli Art'4iue.

Ttilrti- lUttrlct—Jtffienou1 U A u

Hchonl, Walnuttrt+i KII<1 H « c U *

Fourth ,l)L»trlci-it« Nurth Avenue. ' ,DKttL'1111'TION OF IllMINOAJUKH OF ,

KLKCTION IHSTH1CT8 \• District 1. All JtiMt pvrilou <if, th« tlurough

I ' o f liarwoiiil l)ltiK VuulW oil ' l bf hCentral |(illfna.d and north

P lt h t l

f| th»'llu« luf th«I uf Hpruce Afeoue.linn of Ills UurouKh

< * I I . I U I ,j...» —u . . . jf Hurucc A^«ou«.'Ublflct 3, All that iMrtiuii of lh» lloroulli

uf tiarwiKxl lyina tiurui ur lh« tine uf theIViilrHl llallruatl and M«at of Cedar Hlrvet. .

.- li |«ukt 4. AIMhal uortlon of tli« lluroufiq

n- Pi strict 2. Alt thatof ^arwovd lying aouth

AH h

and caal of Cedar Hlr««UWALIKE McMAM'S.

Sm«lle»t Cud.Cb*w«rT)u> siimllt>sl of ,llii> Vuiiilnuuls, or

ctnl-rlii'MiiK niHuimnln, U (he. tittlemouse ilrtT found in Bulatmc nearI'nlawnn,: Mntn.vMln. Thin (• a prettyllttlv itnluiul ultlt 4i lu-tKl little largerthan u VHVH and very ^nu-rftilty slisped.It la rtn!tH»h brown In tolur, uiurktMl'with while «Iripen ninhT tht* neck. •

So wlndmlUi will go—Blow, wind, blow!

—Walter .Wasowakl.Away across the aea Is Holland.It has great windmills that go 'round

" and round.They seem to say.MI pump water all day'

-Walter Bmolley.

gAt Tau Beta Sigma Party

A "Depression Party" was*held Sat-urday night In the hcadquartrr^ oil UieGarwood Republican Club, -Inc. onNorth avenue by members of the T»uBeta Sigma Fraternity uf Gurwout.Members and guesth from Oaiwnod.8cotch _ Plains, Fni\miod. Wwitfli'KI.

present. '"*UTIUK the evenlnu the

of MIM Janet LcJiman, daumhtrr ofMr. and Mrs. *C. Lelunan of Centerstreet, to Charles liradshaw. Jr., «mof Mr. nnd Mrs tChurirs HrnoVh^w 'u(Myrtle avenue, was announced,

f tVarious .forms of »s vu'U

Garwood'sFree PublicLibrary To Open Monday1.000 Books to Be Available;

. Membership Cards May Be

Single Contest Looms1 In Democratic

UirOnly oiw oont>«t »j>in*a/s onl>uu>cnntc ballot »l UnrlPrtmar/r Turs-.day. This U tvk ujr oxinly rtnnmtttrc|K«t. in the dUtrier Mrs Will-lam" l*iiiiw. prrsrTiiIs serkins wrlrctlon

byhrr n«.wtitnalton

Sltn* <tm»UlnouJ r.1 rh.tr.

dent of Borough Without | man of tr«.'omntvllVmtvr»tic

.| Club, is seeking rr'-rlrrtHm. snd ts op-Ksvmond V

as dancing were enjoyed by UKXSC tirrn-tut Tlw i oom was dccoraM to tie-plct a Wmtern b»r room. Trw ran-mitre' in chanre Included Kurt U-rkp.clmlrniai); P. J. Prowery, FcW IJnur.Robert Flammer and 'William Srhiiiii.;

The fraternity was onuinlcrd inj.Tnnuary with twelve chiirtPt nicnibi'rs..|Nelson Itadlrr- was rlccknl prf»idi'tit.'Arthur Olsln. vlre-iirrsldrnt unit Will

Monday' uftrmoon at 3:30 o'.-liykWHS definitely_'-«el as thr time of theofficial opfning of thi* Oarwotxl PublicUbiiiry »l a upcfial mretttiiLof thr .U-brar>- committee Thunulay nftFrnonnm Uii- Uncoln Hrhoul. The "ij'branrwill be iorntrd In tl»> nxrni In the i j n -coin KrliiKit furnirrly \\wii AS ttirwhopl- library.-, It 'will llo o|ien Mon-ilftjr-.' Ttiradny. Triurwinv*and Friday at'-U'rnootw [roin.;i:.10 tu 5.30 n-'cioi'k a.ndVtHini'Hday nltihta- from 7 to ti o'clock.

No rUame will .toe nmdn far ii c*r l.

. , Persons itvitiR MI tht* ttutstitrls uf .IliaI l h


N«tl«s i t M H l l n tt B9tr* • (•f Birtmh »f ttarwvt

ii tlial Mt, the Board i•rrniKh uf UarwviMj. «llautuer uf Ibe Mualclpivt and JtuuUl Ateuu

J-itli day i l l " '

JoltU TrunkStwer, fur tlii) iHtitluu of MNir, mUW,fronts pn the following namul auvvU. to wit:

A i f W l u t Blttl tu VVtilfliW

lUttfur tlii) iHtitlu

h f l l i

Vallryof »«U

frum Walnut IStrret tuTuvfu llnu » f Maple -Ktreet: Mjrlle Aieuue/torn Ne» Hlrwt to Kaal mnct . nSiul Ullt l iA\wiue from Cenur Htn-ift lo Hie -WeelfleldTOMII Lino; Third Aveuua from Cedar Htreel

Waliml Htn*tj WUlow Aieuue frtim theuford Towiiahlp, Line-lo N.ew Hiredl. New

^MV-II from Willow Xrernie lo Myrtle Arenue;fnlon (*tre«t frutu »'ouiUl Avenue to tile Weat

-id Tumi UW. »nd all work IntldeoUl there-and neoeaaarr Iherefor; all » provided lit

rdlnance -No. ISO »1ilch waa paaaed andaduMed liy Iliv Majror and Council of tinllorou.ll i.f liamood. on June 11. 1H1; sad-elerred to ua to aaterlaln -|He--BtVmTDBI

Idttermlne the coat, or aald .Improvement.~aald

of Uwee mapa are of.New Jersey, andothers are of the United States. Youwill see them at exhibit Ume.

. Here are a tew poenu that we'wroteyesterday. We hope that you will en-Joy them. ; '

-•••••• . M a y - , • ' •

This is the merry month of MayWith Its flowers all way,With pears, peaches, spies, snd plums,Won't the children say Yum I Yum I

Yum I —Lena Datulla.

• May'Merry month of May,With flowers bright and gay.The grass la getting greener every day.

f.-~ - J o h n Kulha.

Month of MayThere was a tree in the woods,And'rUjht where it stoodThere were many flowers so gay;The children n this garden played.

—Doris D.- F.to May . '.- - ' '

The merry month of MayMakes you-feel so gay, -With flowers smelling all aroundBut nnt falling on Uie ground.They smell llke-perfume,;Oh, htow nice.In the merry month of May,The birds sing so gay.They peep" and not sleep, . .In the merry month of May.

—Ruth Meeks.

Iditertniiiv th» co»t of u l d I m i t n m .Urdlnanoe twltig ontilled "An Urtllnuict. auttiur-lilnit » l « u l ' i i l J J t t t r t w|U» thtftpunlrtptUtlM

k R

g An U r t l l n u t'iil.uraenl»J Jutiit contract , w|U»M rc l i t lng txt t h e Kalmay Vall«y

and UtiP<iMl Workt, s\nd I»to-furtticr l lninclt ig of u l d t n

f l l n U

p u l pTrunk Rcwivimng for Ui» furtticr l n glirurvfflitit. Uie l«-vylnii of a u ^ l a l

d t i f y i g tlie yAiH contralirurvfflitit. Ue vyand j ratifying tlief d fur' said (wpr

u^lal scontract heretofore

l dtfnade fur' aald Improvement,* and Uie olauihorlllng aajd «)ntrat't."_

Boi to i iu i o r ijARwoT. 1'. C«rl»on, Becr«t»rj, ,

- ^ Wm/ lurfoch. Jr.

The ! GulfArctic oewn

Clark Abattoir(Slaughterhouse^ • • , • .

Westfield Avenue — Clark Township ,Phone Rahway 7-0190 '



strmro baa wafroed thail enormuualy In recentl

year* The Arctic ocean Is believed tohave b»»D Ice-free, between 000 A. D.and 1100. A. D. It was during thisperiod that the Norsemen are supposedto ha»» discovered America and found

Jl i^DSrtb^aj^HU^Mj-Sa.4?^, . ' ! '^grape Tinea' grew there, and for thalfreason called It. Vlneland. The factthat Oreealand, rjow~oo»ered~witti-an|

lor u'.III

Drrwe. Frank • l)rrv;v,and Arthur Wf-nz-i'l, ;

The traitrnity linn.state charter, nnd pxiwi-t* to n-crlvuliortty. A sreond ohiMUcr wiut .. .cently Btnrttfi In Kllriibrtli. 'ami nn->''n'1' '»*<*" *™'othrr will won bi4 started In llayuuni'ORIclala plan to spri'ud IIIIUUHIHMII HI.'state, with'Oarwood an the I'i'titrntHeadquarters. '

Meetings arrt-lii'ld tilt* flrnt, llilrtl iimlfifth Mondays of I he niuutii. In Uieorganixatlon's hriidi]Uarl«>i-H In tin* lin. ement of Stk'PatirH Eviinu^llrai Luth-eran. Church on OnU'r utrti^t. , Thi1

Rev. B. W. Tnnnlrr, paMur of thechurch, in the trtmiiH; of Hit* otuanl?;i-tlon. . . . ' • - . . .

Plans nre bring fomiulat«l fur miitciiKive. itthlrtlc. proKrnm iluriiiK tli*1

immcr niDiithiL. Candidate" tor mrm-^rshlu .may jipptoiirh any iiu-inbt'i

the orgunlratlon or coinn t<i iiKclrcahrrii'nts and rntrrtalnnirnt are

txtuka. Ikioks'inay OP ri'iicvr-lonji.ns'llivrp ivrr iio crillsjor

Illrnl. • .Thn library will oven with more Hum

l.(W0 biioks. m«t,i>f .which are Ili-tlon.iltnuiled bv the male

j Library • Gniiiinlsslun, Uw Moi\Utown' Pulilic Library, the Hprlntinrltl MMbllo', Ubrary and llic tJnrwnod lloiml of: Kdurallon. • \j Warrrn W llalwv riMWrtitl Unit »ny!iliina(iuii uf bonk, nnuld be" •rcr.pimlj with'ihaiiks, but tliat only books «ull<»l

tnthp scope "I thr present library'-. would, tw put on'the nhelvra..'

Phair, Dugan Receive. . - Platonic Club Prizes; th<\ nitrnimn

ix*«l bS- lUtmond V FVllrn .Uiuts J. KtrnVni'llt ami Jnhn Hsn*

yaia. Jr. are the IVtnorratw ctudldateHfor council oninty r*Miinittir<r cmio^-J

dates IIICIWIF: nf»t-» dl»irlct, EdwardBerrntnitha'tn and , Nflilt* k IViHli nek':tlilrd illitrtct. Prmifrw-li Miie-Urr andJrimle IVIU. ami tintrth rtiynrC. i oui-i.P>HltrnrlU and Mrs Jtills ihnnte-lirlll.

' Th'e'polls will oi^u ar Ha n j , i iiilwtli rr-main ntien tmUl 9 i |e in Thrpolling- place for the> OrM lUMllrt.which InrljioVn »li -5>n»;vrrtv <unith nfthr rnltumd- Irark* and north ui thr

«;rntrr tlnf rf- flprurf .•*mur. HieMatt; ...uwvuid .district. *hlrh

t«f llne-iif j^pnice..avrniif>, -ii.1 in theWsihinuton tk-hooi. tiiitii' itistrlri: »llprei^rty iH'rTri of lite- tallrtmti tra'clt*Allit Ut*st t\l . Ill** c*-nlrr llnr of Crdirstrcrt. I* thr Jrflrrwm HrJiool. ami |IHtlw liiil'tli ,!l>tn.-l. »hlih In.iiulr. HIIproperty north of tru* lAilrtwii triu-kaami rn»t of tllf rrtltrr lltlr vi Hprtirravinitr. l» In Hrdre-Ii)l> Hturr it 24(1North aTtniir. • • • • . '

"W. D.K." Qub Holds'Housewarming- Party

l i i f "W t> K OUb",-an WBMIIHI-tlon tonUMMi-U rnturly nf lin-a] boy»:hPtd a llmfctrwatmtn/c paltr at lta UPH'{li*H(lqualirrft at AVS tiimicv avi-lltlf

.;, Thp nr „„„„», ,.olumn ,.mlt(,nl ,„f ( i ( w , ;, „, d

:.; „ , ,,„„„„„,„„ IW „•„ ftr>l: r » Thry wrrn Wlll:h,,I»r»i

irrn. Wlllliun I'halr ufPirn* uvpnuP.Avho wroto VftPgitrdlcM ufI'utllli Oplnlun." aritl'johii L. Utiian of

; 408 Locust avrniir, authtir of 'i'laloii-i Irnlly Hpcuklug." Tlw rpmalnlnu prlw

int'inbein ijf t)n> Plntonlc Club ar

lwirh* , randyr»k»! 'tiful kntwiadr » n r w n r d In,addition, t-arh nif/tlipr rwWvtsi a favoruf n bottqurt *rf wild floviTA' TheArlunhmiM* *a» IMIUI tiiUirly Iiy

Olplrrr* of w«**d doird tu. ttiftn. It tonUlim unr rmtm.

U»» all iirtvxjf wood lml animal (urn Tli** mrntiwrMitp U

of iHiys txfwrrn tin- u«r* of


lb.56. With any pnnhuc of i dollar iU.OO) or aitr

except Booked lUmi

BEST CUT STEAkS—Round, Sirloin or" - | £ 2 -

BElT^UT PQTRdAST^fop andBottom Round; per lb.. '......;...„;._

JfEST CUT CHUCK ROAST, 1 Air%*'h ' \ per. lb. . r..^, . ... \i~^j.* JL V«J \*

m : R 0 A S T , ; • - • -••:•;. ..:•..";- V T . - ^ S o e.per lb.":..-. _.....;..!. : ..- _ * fmt\+

RIB AND SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS, -t "jj£±1 * per lb. •C,:J.v._vi_=r.4..:L._-7..:."- . , . . _ 1 4 * C

E ^ ^

FOREQUARTERS ofLAMB,'• . Per Pound 1 I J •...::. ..;


ioornmiu^^UsS^lSurUnt foreit during prehf»torlc_a«Srla. Indicated bj plant foaalla In tht

for F . J , ;oughvwoott la Kenerally worth

about 00 per cent aa much aa coal'ofequal weight lb heating *a|ue, a cordof aeuoned hickory l« equal to n tonof aTerage coal. Other woodfeor blghheating ralue ant whit* oak, hard ma-ple, beech, elm, haekberry and Mh.Dogwood la rerx desirable for une Inopen fireplace* oa account of In at-tractlTe blue flame, atatM rurdue jqnl-veralty foreaten.. . . .

Split wood haii.a lower motaturs con-teut and therefor* a -higher heetlngTalu*.—Prairie Farmer. '•'

In theorj the Prealdent cannot helegmlly arreated for any crime what-

ft murder,, arid hl» psrwinfi1hritt*tinir

H e might b* arreat«<t by" mlatake or hemight tubmlt Toitmtarily tn arrwt;otherwise, the only eoura* In Inipea'chment and remotal, from office •&} enngreat, after which b» could be afreatedIlk* any other p r i m e cltliea •


Schouler ConstructionGpinpanyl| ALTERATIONS

la PortMtsal DaylightTh» Arctic tern, travels from one end

of Ibe earth to the other. Its annualmljTsUon covers 11/J00 mile*, t'srtof~tha-tlme-*tbe?< afe. Ilr^ng .beyond-the Arctic circle where the day last*for's lj roontJis. \ f t e t ^Uils they flyto 111* AiHaiclK iegloia-40-CTnem. ' 'another long day. Trie only darktmsathey enconnter.ls In their ^migrationso>er CBe~troplcal regions." -(

• • • • ' • •• I | . ' . . '

' "~: Baker * M » HI. Breai 'ASLJo«ep'b (Mo.) baker kaowa bli

bread. He placed a loif 'la Uie malto be dellrered by parcel poaL A fewminutes later- be received a telephonecall that the bread .lacked sufflcleotpoatage. Th« n«xt tnortilng ^*_w*nf tthe pott o(Bc« and a»k«l to bar* -theloai weighed, and the poauge mfound anfflcleDt - DQrl&g tnv Dixht tlwbread had ditod <**.

Subway Can«l| of HamburgW r l i

Gcruian.clty Mf Uttmhuri; cinirm^ whatdbly' tho"ntrnnc».itt~i'j'HtHii-of-

urbun trnnnportatlon built by . uuiri?t i l ft RUbway of '(•iinulu, Ktrctrhlnicnobmllea—nn Intrlriitc ni'twurk ofnaTlg&bie atremuti ciMiiitrirnble 4n

th d ' m i n l rnrcupecta to the u,nderK'round rnlirixidstenia of New-York,'l/ilulon and olfi-'' metropolitan (*enti>r«. 1 :Tba "Vetilco" built .liJ-nraUi llain-

burg serveei ancominiiuicstlon, nilsystem 1*. liamiiifrHl by lark of*1 vi>ntl.latioh^ wl i ldrin ttirH-T^mli'rs tli

V t i c oriiunl7jitlim mi^U w r y Huii.-.{la'j^iilternimn; .lourntylllK-ti> itir Wni-


10 Gaiyood PupilsUnion County Band

Ti-'tl pupilswil l bta cnrolk

tho il)arwno<l,Hch(«j|ijIn the Union County

build when 11 holds Its annual conevrt35 at Echo Like I'ark. I Tnry'ln

. . . c'laidfTnobert BwrlW and Vincent Ue-mnirtanijMi'unii " f j o i a z l n , ciifilrt; Jaiwa-Caaale, CharWiliuiigb tOT\.fi»"il |H,.pa«v aiid Walten/Wxlrizlcrl. clarl|ift

Wanat. tromboiit; Hldney Kit*"^"I mai'i. baritone; -ttalpl | \ johnsonln t j m K | v r p

motor bontu iinpriittlrnl lMuU cktta, alto, andl " f

Kjisolliittbfco^ne of pol»onou«'iiuata... ">loi«t"o.f.. t j | m

the many hoat» iu uw on Uie <»nnl» Asre puutiMl from (rfi«~|}o)nt to ahiithcr,

Th« canal system .waft's flrilHliryl nnar;ly ,100 yeera ago. ' In soin« JJIUO-Hworkni'm wi*ttr ruuikH as tt'iireradtlonagainst coilfK.'led KtiseffrtTTil NlghteHi'rsin clad In inouk.llke garb 'tit p'roiJert

!r cloUilng atfallist tnolstute.—nifl-

noon lii Uioy after

thepuinfa tx:lng traiisportf^d %y. MiAs Mar

and Wsrnm W.^Halsey.will rehearse~Vday at 'Uie Vloln

tjchooi and 'T.uesday aV the

' D U G r x k e P l« , FodlballT -. '-The-.'real origin.of footlmil Is nut

definitely det«ruilniMl, liv; JJiej shclcntGreeks had a (jail cutno which n-neiif-bled football fo aomereaiieclstnd t^eold Romana, played a game.Vltb-anInflated biaddjlr. When th« gsnie waafirst Introduced Into England^ therewas no limit as to tjie number of play-ers and t^e ganie"~was played In the

A . W

Mother's Dsy Services

. . .lal Mother'! Day ncrvlce wtl

lx- ifjslCVuSIay jmorn_lng at 11 o'cioclIn at.. '.Paul's _Evafigellcar XutheraiChurch.*-'A Oerman' service wlU -behH(l at D a. m.. Sunday Bchool ata . m . und the'Young Peoplea'at 7:15 p. m. . '•'. . :•'

The Kev. B. W. Tannler, ptatorthe church, will atWnd Uu! U-annuaJ

i5the ground that It

with the the


r tru:

garded ts^nsentlaldafenae. '

yfor tbe.countrj'a.

Fi,b C»» Color

Cjirop«t)/at. aom* of the commonest frHih-waterflkh/lncludlng trout and inlnnowa, cancfiaoge tholr color according to back-ground. ' ;• ••' ••-••'' ... . j _ '

T. ,1*41 vl>reliulDi fi making Ion of _

oever filled any maji'a' pocketa^—Loi

The UdTe?~XloT^a*T]rTrttt7rthis afternocm~ln the parish_nal£

The regular monthly meeting ofMm'.-Club wU! be held Saturday nlghiIn the parish' hall. . -

' - CETS.iAII.TEIX 'Alexander Bolougli m aentencAd

thirty days in the county Jail by Re-corder. Edward Konopack Prlday "dlgnrderly conduct. The compialntmade by hly wife. •- : (

-Try our Claaalfled Want Adi Uto buy or a*IL

4e at thr first tncuUr btt'Siindny nftrrninit In


Republicans To HaveRaise1 Rally Tonight

Active Campnion Not to Close .UntitrMond!^" Night WhenAnother Mnaa IVteeting Is to

holdingwittiing il,


an Rctlve pir-throuitluitit t|ir

Maaji mrfttim InT h n d fymhjw

ntuxHigh, h l d g il, j mthr club tywiw pitcirThunday fym.hjws»hlch rtuHiitlr.t*;i for ICoiinty a;ui Htntv

havp biwn - hrnnt. tORrthrr. will)the IIWTII1 raiiclldairv ftir.riuUllrincyof torm^i. flrr chief Thomna El'rtttuhi

iifitrr him thr1 I'twhirwrnrnt of-the club. '-# ^ ' * '

For Council U(IP fhtta linn rndpnpd,ftlirr Ttiprnp. Mr./Ttifiriu*, 1" n for-

"•\rr hulirilnif initttft'tor In thn'^Vtrtitmh'In 8ii|M*rJhtendrnt uf tlm l*ltt»titirtt

HIrrt Orilili C*mn|mnv')t Onrwond plant.Ho linn been it rt'iitdcml of Uitrwood for

^itli rniutldntm Irnvf* irpfiitrdly unld'thnit th«*y intend tu rl* iiT»rntv all the

-rn, whrthfr or. nnt Ihrlr taurn nrr|wld, or Ihry HTflvo alt) frum tho

ortHiitt). ' ;(•«rw«Mql Uun fotir -rlrrtlnn dtalrtrU

•thin yynr for tho flint tlmt' and the rlubItiu .fiitlorMHl rlfiht CHndldutni for thrComity Coinmittcc. - . ' v

In thr Plrnt Dtstrtrt, Churlm A,mciHlmw, A iticmtMT of the Ikwrd of

Kduriitlon, and Mm Hophl« Ili^fcrkwhsvp IHTI. rndornrd.

'Hit* Mrcnnd OtMrlct rmidlttult^ nrrWiiiimiv Itorriw-ii, Jr.. nnd Mr» 9'ttdyst'olwcll. »lrffrn1; the preaenl.. CiVtiitV "Coninilttcpwoinnn.

In thr Thlui IMitilrt John Onrlc, '">tittlvr mrmbi r of Ihr TnxpnyptV An-

Mlntlon, ttnd Mm, itumiii Mutton uritmnninit, . . -- T h r Fourth IDntrlrt cnndUUtcH nreMlki> dulir.rwukl nnil MIM (Jury Gurr-rlpro. , ~ • _ - . - . •

'Hir platforni of th** rltth dctfn n(rt.* ontnln ttny prtfinUfm sti tux 'rfUurtlmitnit fftr.h rnndldfttr lii* • (mmflMHl Jowork for I lie t>r«t lntrtrnU uf thfl I lor*otikih. 'V)\P Kl6uan IN "llouit Onrwood

The club plartit tiLTntrr ii t«-aiu In.111 tlw l~M-lu.il and x Ml hull Junior

- a|MiflMrrrd', mch yr'ar by Mirfnlon County Park Ofmmiiudon. InlUItlilll. wrrkly til>rtj*lll tx- lir-lil ilur-

fir'^rammfr-winiin: A rjiitipinifIp ilurlug Hir uKftith of AIIHIIKI IA

i»o uiidrr rviutdrrat I«MI f' rT1M» tommUlf* itr ''1 tin?

II. Kv»tW Colvir!l. NPIWIII Oay, Ir^llr (lalhioav. Kirjl II

viil l t « t s ami "H«miiy" litilby.

"rt ))iiuiil—COrtl th ui »ioi;

Iwlii" Hun2|«y

30 .tlclwk

in' .

ntul a\ wlnil'ttp-rally Mmiday-I'vrfilnii." Voters of tlm Mnroudi willIN* wplroilifi at iMith of UlrHr -inrrtlngsand ipfrpahmr>rita- will bn nrrvetl.

Cnndidsten fur C'ohnly. and Mlnteofflceit will bn prrwrrit to slnte tl'irlriiluttiirini and iiuallflcatlons.-J Owing,lorOir Krnil-riumlMr of raiHllditten for'Ibl'iai* rifflOl u larglf attRlldani.r. Is iPX-

Title of "Best Speller", . Goes to Jsne Kamki

aild ircelve HolyIn a.body. Immediately

oUijwinK the Masa. tliry mill n<l)oiArJlo the parish hail wher> a brnkrastvlll be yrvrd by mruibrrs of the !t/>-

Hoclpty. More than a tiuhdrt!dtnrm have so far ' thrlr tnlrn-

dti-oil of ,i[oln({,'ftnt}; Kathrr Walthlarrs tiiHt It will bf bt-ttVr

imn l-AKt yrar. No » *t clw.f«r U.bninifiidp f*>r the meal. If a man U tm-

iRl*? tf*.^lv?_anyUiink,. f*f,'.HM»y retelvphp breakfast fftr- of fJiar«e,

The ttimajy.HiKitrty vlll hold iU r,f-j(-lar montfily me«rt.nj( toniilhU in,

pu-Uh hill. . . • •-. ,"•'The, Oarwood ti<*v» oi Ute Junior

tMthodc DsitighieTK oT/Amtftic* plan Welebrate '"OUST ' W«ku , May 14-1H

Jilght a ipectal Motiier't Daynil) be held,, with a re-

•pUon to themothsTt* of the mctnbvrn,roni Wettftfid, Oarvtood,<.Cran-

:eceptlnn which will b« in 8t._ Aruie'a' ' W 'l«h hall. I

III -• •awllllill-b«rt h»ld.firOiftIJr»»ih'8c:nool'audltrjfIUiiiTwill reprrsent OarwfHxl In ttie^countx-wldi."cimUpiii in thn Italrifleld High.Ichuol May 20. Hirr alternate, AgnesKantcky, tripiml on the word "accl-dpntally." '

AinuMncetri>iiil "I the words on whichthe students missed was made today ^by Warrpfi W. llaliury, iiu|M.'rvlsing prlii- ^rlpal of tlie Oarwood schoffls, wluj also M

picked in)} thi< words. Margaret Hchak,. *"twliinate;" Mary Kuiulrat, "wnvere;"Ef«l Hurid. "womw;" Ixtlls- Kerokcs,"piibllcaUWi'^-jprace llrady, "niece;''1--Aiiiifa l>usl>suiek,' "disaster;" Edward -Konopackf-^-'-^4lioo»e-^_Jieiiry .;—Nefl,_"journal;",- Joe • Money, "grammar;" '•Ariha*"yawylKkj "bouquet;". John Kuch-W/-'-pvibIlst»;':. Oeor-gB Ytotlne, ^'sal-.';•sry^'.-jarat^Hraday, "supply;" Andrew VKuclita, '-doubt'; •;• -Vlrginla-nurr.- " a v e ^ .nue;** rredtrrlck flaurii, %rgumeut;" ' ,Waller Pieaher. "Cjlirislmas;" Iluth r:

WIIMIII, "nelgiibop;" Ivtlldred D/Ktcy,:••

weigfi;" Linda Ouerrlero, ."addition;"

nitiationd prior t

.neW-mein-t ^ii wfll.be held prior to th<- reception;.^ v' U u * in Ue' d l t l t r

Uuup* in'p

' dlatrlct ruu pre-a play to be> urwnU-d in Itie-,hall during tiie week. A'bruse

pn Uie troupt voted Uie best.will be presented Mohdsy.

' "arid Thursday evenings.'The. First Communion Classs will am-

Inue to meet Monday and Wednesdayafternoons. Between SO and « ci)»d-

renjireInfc/V.(h/fr Wi

now enrqllwlJoin these claMci May « e

Walih during the weVk.

ifle, "artlclea;". Wllllarn' Oa>6e»'J_rreg^._-reaent;" Bdward Oilouskl, "wnooth;" 'Itose I'aaco, "resign;': Aita Ouerrlero,"b*ggif;" R O M NVulln. "emigrant;"'snd Josephine Oohtflpvannl, "solemnAi

DEMOCRATIC MEETING TONIOUTA pre-election rally will be held

.Thuraday nbjht by Uw Oarwood Demo-cratic Club, Inc., In club.headquarterson Center atreet. Severai County andStats candidate* will,toe In attendance,including Mr». Sarah V. Ackerrhan,candidate for the Small Board ofChqaoi PTe*hlod«ra. The meeting will

WAftX KOTOBUST8New Jeraey. mototiaU puuuilng trlpa

to Maryland are warned bj Mte Key-atone Automobile Club at New Jeraeyof dntaUc-'penaiUea that may be-Iposed f or rtolatioo of Uie 40-mlle tpeedlimit. Instead of a maximum fine ofISO provided by New Jency law, rnotor-IxU In Marylaild max be fined up toflJIOO, or miprl»op«l for a year, orboth, for drtrlng In. ..ciedw of 89 rnlleaan hour. -Between *0 and SO. the niln-

Imum fine la Oft

-be a Joint meeUng <and Ui« Ltvdlea'.. AusJllarji. It will beopened promptly at • o'clock by Presi-dent John P. Dugan. ' '

FOURTH IN ATTENDANCE. .- .Oariood waa fourth in attendance

In the entire county for Uw month of —Aprtl, according to • r«pott.jrBC«l»ed_l_^___^_i_by Warren W. Halaey from Dr. A. UJohnson,' county superintendent ofschools. Oarwood also ranked third In


U)6 eeiawttyilieri I puJ)CtliaUt)ra tlaV

talaad Uils year.ranlcliia; at-

Page 10: !iz3:£i - DigiFind-It"Lullabc" by Brahms, and "My Bonny Lassl She Smtleth" by Thlman by the Chorister Boys. . , Tickets may be secured at Wa Ool-denberg Stationery' store1 on North

Revised E,

At thr 1U 5the First •,work. A. q .the board o „ .vised bud£«explaining '_a* nunibrr c ~Dmi mad*1 A

N P Bl«w|_~tx rs who ht— ~they are »If the con,rrmalndvr fCrftnford *)4

The pis;the debt (puny wartIhe trust*1:ralMnn tlw,pinto bu<i»"was nlso 1,Rl< wart r ,plan was

..bc.in.nn.4rial condf

Last Kuinni II. £•Isaiah. 40lord shathe w i l lDrat «f t"HoS-Wf

Annouithat n ssic sill1Exceptthe scrvflchoir nil]nrr, ortdliect U >

The flijorating jj•yere In'


Th( >

scrviidintMutevilll I 'tin-1port' 'Mnr .cr-lii ''the


• l * y -tricNe»priiLindlslmepai




Cranford Canoe ( M 20 Boy* Are Initiated

Extenaive Improvements to Bein

Into Cub Scout Pack

Mr.iy buys wrrt* inducted Into theCut Srout. Pack Saturday niglit

tuneting »tt<-fS>-d by a large num-a tutxiim arid fathers) Thaw

Palmar', Alfred Heuiy."

Season's Activities; WesIeyiB-*""- Tutor,.Hubert winkd, RobertStanger, Jr.. I* President ofGroup. .

The anuon's tennis actlrtats of it*Cranford Canoe Club' got under way[with the opening of the courts for ptajilast ftpfk Extensive improvement*, of \Ihe club property are In

HoWrt 'wallers; John Vogel,rater Cooper, Ijcrol Laurion. William

atm/Charlea Jatkle, Billy Bten-Vlin&aJl YrU, Ruswll Hofiinall,

Millrr, David Sterrrtt. Donaldand Robert Miller. :

m-as made that .thed Pack Number

Many °'h e r

eluding a rMonditloning or Uie eoost < =•=***» atao attended the Initiation

-iJ!f3^«.!LMv»ltSfnj«a«I.JaL_Ar :.ffirnr Sdiuluc, Jack Brlneix. andls

surfu.es repair of the backstops.the provi«lon_QL.iii]dJUQriaLjses£itutJtc^rangeinrnta for spectators. Presentplans call for the 'construction cf r i « Hoa«lttnd. Robert Hack.plan* call for the construction of a r i« i« Ru^art Hoa«lttnd. Robert H cbadminton court on the apaor ma«9e <e.rn *i»d GeurEe Kettle. Bear t«itaavaiUble by the removal of thr abt ta»J» J«m pawed by Thomai Olenn

Scanoe storage shed Rrmodrdznt cfthe club haute Interior lnto; Inefcnr

Bdbert Stem-ItT** pack had a surprise visitor In

llut neror lnto; Inefcnr T p p

rooms lor both men awl woro*e «£•>'*!&* Smo oJ »n Indian fortune tellerIs on the program of Improv«o»nts, Wh

At the annual meeting of the« Saturday nKrht's meeting. When

• !£*• i*trt.« were turned on, however,-Itthat the Indian Princethe following offlcen were elected USj-r«*«

Itraup of five constltuUns the Board of ! • « • I* sSol A, DunJee .Truslws President. Wesliw• .etuBf A RjJJWSuneots of Ice cream and cakeJr . Vice-president and chalrnVri f W l 4 U t l i -tennis committee. MairiXm ^secretary. Jean Montenecourt.urer, Santiago Pprcella. anil chalrmaiiof the' grounds committee, D»n*JLoomix. —i=r. fc- . • ' " " ' •

As part of an active drrve for mrir

». ssend 4y thr mothers.' -

Garden d u b Donates: Cherry Trees to Park

Legion Auxiliary Will BeIn Charge of "Poppy Days"

Cranford will observe "Poppy Day"this year on Friday and Saturday,

by Mrs. Anita Miller, chairman of thepoppy committee of .Cranford Unit ofthe American Legion Auxiliary. TheUnit la making extensive preparationslor the observance' of these days andIs hoping for the full cooperation ofall other organizations and individuals.

Memorial popples, to be worn In

them In the support of their families."Poppy Day"-u the day.fof personal

trtbmf totte-men who-kut-their* livesin the country's service, Mrs. Millerexplained. "It is a day when all canshow that they still remember andhonor the sacrifices made by those whodefended America during . the greatwar crisis, and that they are carryingon for America In time of peace. Thepoppy Is a patriotic symbol whict

Blind WO! BenefitFrom Sale of Article*

Under' the auspices of the New Jer-sey state Commission for Uie Blind, aspecial display of articles Is being heldat 315 Broad street, EUzabetii; this

honor of the World War dead, will be ! means honor for the dead and servicemade available to everyone In the city!for ihe living.by volunteer workers from the A u s J ^ N o price will be asked for thelllary Unit. Organization of the work-1 American Legion Auxiliary poppies,ers ls.';'eolng forward rapidly under | The Auxiliary wants everyone to wearMrs.. Mlller'i_.dlrcrtlom»ric!_ thc_UnltMr».. Mlllei»_.dircctlom»ricLr thc_Unl!|a.4Mppy.jind-tajantrlbute_for_Uie_flowexpects to have Its "poppy girls", in all er according' to his means.. All con'parUv of the downtown district duringthe day. The material fof the naif luubeen ordered from headquarters andthe unemployed ex-st*rylce men In thiscommunity will make the popples,thereby curnlru; some money to help

tributinns will be u«cd for relief wor!among the disabled veterans and thefamilies, the bulk of the money goui|to support the relief activities of ouilocal Auxiliary Unit among needy (amtiles In this city," Mrs. Miller said.

juaaounoeroent 'has'been made that

they have decided to mlv t the omml j.'4ocaud > .planting' of Japanwe flow-JritUatlon fee durlrut the esihinit wwert iatm <t<mr jrera In NomalicKUi Park,Annual, dues'for the several' datum, at I.'cnraJurd :, Tlie "cherries, have beenmembership' are H I for crrtme%ur\ifiitxif^ aXn* thr *hore of * the lakeholders, 130 for summer membm »x*&.ms^n^lm6&much beauty to Uie newerU for ladiea and Juniors. The oflkm!-too. tC Uie I*arfc- tysUrm which Is fasthave further extended an Imitation to ,all prospective members to vtutt U»i

vtat tn jiopularttyrAS

rlub become acquainted.wtth.rU.'.s»»svio»««l*-«M*-Conunlsaloi»1..-V4IU Broth.p-i it WrKffirld mbmlttnl the lowestc( scp bid* and wrrr awarded the con-tract *i' IHTnty^tlire* mits per. cubicr u d tm <cMa<aUng and grading ap-pmoaiat'4y t.000 cubic yards IntN- KnmiMhdli Para, Cranfofid'." sec-

a Ubr Railway River . Parkway.

bers and try out the tennis f actnth*The club is looking forward to a nut-

cetsful season as * number of tfi» tir-mJersey Tehnla-League, to which aclub has been added, theHeight* Tennis Club. The .schedule ofLeague matches follows, ail rjutcnn tr-

Man U "Buried Alive"' Near Plainfield

"Billy" Davis Is burled allvel He hasbeen six feet undcroround ^Ince April2] and expects to remain tinder BO or90 days-or until he breaks the presentworld's record. ' • . '. ..

•:Dlliys" Giirlal spot Is ori. the Somer-uiuotiviiuir IUrxi»-.«i«noMt*,30, .one--half mile cast'' of Mountain avenue,Plulliflcld. ' lie is In a cofftn'seven feetlong, two feetinlne Inches wide andthe same depth. A foot square peris-cope over his head provides the onlymeans by which he can contact withthose bn the surface.

mifUng of'Uie Union.. At the time "Billy" went down, hni h d 1« d H t t

ing payed on the courts of th» « - , . „ * , 6a!uiiaa „, U l lrtmi acrea to theMay

May St-ahort Hills Tennis Club. M»r \ 1,30—Ilderan Outing Club, Rahwav, Jtawj:3—Orange Lawn Tennis Club. June tn4—Bast Orange Tennis Club. _Jur*f_tT—f_ _Canoe Brook Country Club. Somme IJun* »—Berktley Heights Tratual •*Club, July 1—Westfleld tennis Ctufc \ *«M.a

cbnaitlonal on this

U«*» ««< suai . W«>»«« > » • isiio niiiln-wives trarri

" * <"»• niH»d-lsn^0o miles a

Thane WntfleM M M


vntsTrnto. K. x

Believe It or "NuU"

We>e Crowing Bigger and



1<-Inch HlaiW High It-lark



'Broiue SeremVire, lCiniet^per^

»q. ft, by the roO „! .

Plumbing Supplies,

Cranford Paint 4 BartSore108 South Ave. Cranford

Phone 6-1870


•£r. at a

Aorurdlnj; to the«f ilclit. their wares srs

in kind and licht as in elec-ieii*>iiii<iiitii. Tfae apeed

rm <>f *<iund varies. In dryfemitersture, souod

fret a •eeond. lo glass, 4ML««U t~* otMl tn ipr <7<KI feet

«lW Uly•tor KlaaaUi Indians o s d to utlllw

ft» waida of Uie.common fellow waterHSr Ur (ooO, Tto squaws would go outS* taw tUy (airtoa lo canoes to gatherU**»«J pads. One method tiitj used•• cstract Car aoods from the poils was•» kasj u>e irods. la tol««-lii Uie groundssr iM Dtesn «tsy there'Until thrj, fer-• n i s i l «a * mucllaglnuus mass froui.

smds «.uld be frenl byTaw svrda were ttieu usnl

«r tan-hod whole.

: tk C » Failly 'T>tfTe SJI*. Jwp rarletlfs.or U>* do-

«««ss*r»v;Ui'Jfce''14po*ll i'hs

lan: j i t la^Uu-most4 ^ «IM>re<>tls and U also

as Un- An*nr«, from tbi tow»t€ Una oane in JLsla Minor. Is tbaafcm itaiiwd < lnu rosj bt mentionedla* M*«> « i (unities) and the Keys!V*t tt sum. »hlcti h«j black facs,earn, toil anil f~ , '

A*. AJ i . .' A cainrra tltat can use any photo-'

t n t U r y.flr from • by 9 Inches to 4ST « ! « t Is « » tias t * « constructedr«r 11* r»u<4 States geological sur-

. - • : : •

weighed 1« pounds. He expects tolose about eight pounds during thethree month's stay Jn the ground. Hela examined verbally by a doctor everyother day. Food Is lowered throughthe perloscbpe hole:, "Billy's"' manager is Fred Bettlngrrand his publicity man Is'Maurice Auj-enblick of Plalnfleld. Several Cranfordpeople .have visited the "burial ground.''

Rar« South Amerion Bird. A JBoUlhAiuerltan blrdJaitli cuutlitIn Nagykata. Huniiary, Is the sice ufa spsrrow. tins the rolnrlng "' s swal-low, and trslls H InlTniore than WInches limic. ' • :

PlumbingPhso* CKanford I-1IM

WM,E.M Ketferd Ar*_ Craiirwd


WiU Receive HolyCommunion Sunda;

The Junior Holy Naine Society olSt. Michael's Church will receive com-munion In a body at the 8 o'clock meSunday, morplng... PrtsYdBir'fJffOTl'liWtarkln Snnouined this week that, the next .regularweear^SBF^«*Wc1SStonight In'-the.'parochial...school' hall.Qebrgc James has been appointed mar-shal by President Lnrkln.

Sbat|an>'J'lio llrnt prnMlful duuble-barreied,

Ur«nii liiiiilln't! Hliotguii was made InlAJn hy a Kreucli KIHMIIIIIII. Cssliulrl.vruuilifiii (U0V2M). Althuugb thliwas a crude weapon IQ'most respects,It Is a reiunrkiihlu fnrt that Its Inven-tor UIIIIUHI for Hie first tlm«Jthe plinclple nf imvliiK tlm biirrcls tip ilown-nunl from a hlngu near tile beech, aform wlik'lL-trtMpui'nr liee/i Improvedupon IIII.I Is used toiluy by llll l

Crow Quilli Cut fur P.mWta'ii qullla were tiat.l luticli more

ertelisiviily tlian theyTirs"n6w to"of pens those of the crow wert Saidto be th« best for Dn» writing Idrawing.



E V E R Y 8 VND A Tf r o m

. tirkeli" suwl golnir un ill r»giil»r triiiuflundaxi 'rum 5-roo A.M:unttl noon

S»« U. SOTAL SCOT. f l« .» .trails •• Hklkntoa all tn SI Ntairi,•rasa SI tutlia. !>»<•». SUj 141k.

The quick, comfortableway to go at LOWESTCOST! Travel by train-avoid ~traffic~ congestion.

' rw l«r.r«lll«. saa IMiMt, >>••>CrastorS «U7I i t w lltkU Mtit



TWa YEAR TERM V' . -' . •• :-••: , ELEVENTH Ntune on

FEARlJciS^-ElTiaEI^: of Governmental Affair*

H S i i i u l & u , C A R R Y r r T H R O , • > • • ' • • • ' •H«Dn>fC*KBiiawx mEWTiiPok YOU. " * - • ' - . - •


HsT8FATJB; B S W JOBT MB) HT8 SKN8TBU TOOI . ' 'anrs n « r - r a B sTjcarr CAKOtOATc worn .^-—-: . —•-•••

_ ^ _ _ r-." .: " Y O U • . • " ' • • • • . > • •1 MY GOAL IS YOUR VOTE

P a i d i o r b y A l f r e d C B r o o k * ' • . ' •• ', :; . ' , . . ' . . ,...:., I ; . - . ' • • ' . - ^ T - - - H - ? . J '

Hats are becoming mor* and mor*brim-conscious its th* leason ssVvances. Just becaut»»th* seaso* I*still young brims are carrying omrathtr timidly but wait and se* whatthe sunnier .will bring tn th* ways*wld*7 picturesque brims:' Th* char^acterlstlc thing about lmmedlat* brimsIs their way.o.f dipping flirtatiouslyover the right eye. Each of ths bateshown ther* perform' (h* ."trick" withs gesture'of ultra chic. The model at

whloh has been silorer stitched withbrown In s sort of raJlallng-from-ih*-center moreraeiit • A garniture p'. vel-vet floweri encircles the cjrowa- -Th*other chapeau Is of blaJk looselywoven; straw of satiny slteen. It hasa draped band, of capdclne velvet rlb-

cjbon set Info th* crown ending at th*'side over snd under th* brim withsprightly twin bows. The moral ofthis story Is that It behoove* fashion'*followers to see to It that tbelr springhats.are trlmmecTWTIli a touch of val-vet. either velvet flower* orsneb. .

made by blind persons throughout theState and proceeds from the sale ofthe articles will go for the welfare ofthe blind.

Various church and civic . groupshave attended the display this week.Saturday, the concluding day, has beendesignated as "Suburban Day." .Mrs.James W. Barrett of Cranford Is chair-man.of the committee In charge of ar-rangements on that dsy. She has ex-tended i n Invitation to church, socisland civic groups of Cranford to at?tend the exhibit and luncheon. 81*Cranford Olrl Scouts will assist Inserving the luncheon Saturday. '

James O. Brokaw SeeksFreeholder Noniinaiion

James O. Brokaw of Elisabeth. Isseeking one of the three-year Republi-can nominations for the Small Boardof Chosen Freeholders. Mr. BrokawJi well-known .In Cranford. The tol-lowlng. sUUment concerning Mr. Brc~kawt candidacy wa* released by hiscampaign manager:

"The Board of Freeholders Is an tin-. srtant tounty' body,.,and only menwith broad and .fair minds-ihould be

be depended upon to legislate for thewhole county and not for any partic-ular section or municipality. Of courseIt Is impossible for the voters to knowwhat a man will do after he Is elected.Therefore, before voting for any can'dldate, the Voter should consider thecandidates' standing In his own com-munity and his psst performances ssa public official-, If this is done thenis no doubt that former FreeholderJames O. Brokaw win, be elected as tmember of the new Board of Free,holders.

"The fact that air. Brokaw a Repub-lican, has been elected from a city thatIs overwhelmingly Democratic, andserved for eight years as • freeholder.Is proof of- the high esteem In which heis held by his home-townen. Besideshe Is.the only Republican commendedby a Democratic City Council In Hlrs-beth for nil untiring efforts In bring-ing about the construction of the8taten Island lOoethali) bridge.

"Being capable, honest, experiencedand broad minded, municipalities out-side of Elizabeth need not be alarmedthat they will not receive *> fair dealfrom Mr. Brokaw. While serving siFreeholder snd a member of the RoadCommittee he eonstrtsmtly iaristed~naand voted for good roads and otherneeded Improvements for the wholecounty. Besides. Mr.. Brokaw never de-viated from his policy that all con-tracts and work ihould be given to resi-dents of the county. A record like thatshould not go unrewarded at the pri-mary and,on election day. •

kaah aadFiU ' ' ' 'There Is s notion that th* -rank" Is

th* officers sod the "Ale" to* men. butthai Isn't th* ess*. Bank refers to 1row of soldiers sldi by side; HI* to sfow' ths other way. Ths rank and

Judge deary to SpeakAt Holy Name Breakfast

Judge Frank- U Cleary, Circuit CourtJudge, will be the principal speaker atth* siinuaT Communion Breakfiut* ofthe Holy Name Society of St. Mlenael'iQiuirch,at.8_o'clQck.flurry, morningIn the f »^w*i iHTrnx>l' - Members ofthe Society win receive communion Ina body at the S o'clock mass.

The Society's bridge- and pinochleprizes will be awarded to James Woodsand Edward Keller, respectively, dur-ing the breakfast.

The committee In charge of the.breakfast Includes Fred Shearns, chair-man; James Lynch, Bernard Crowley,John Donahue. Sam Ray, Peter1 Reimer,Sun Canning*', Thomas Hsrford. Mat-thew Whlt.tlng, James O. Beggs, OeorgeKomer. Walter SchulU.WUllam-Web-er, Daniel Arnold, Martin DonneUy,

•dwird dsffney snd Robert ic iac- I/The regular monthly meeAig ,

Society win be held Monday e>at 8.30 o'clock in the recreation'of the parochial schtot Compaq Iwill be resumed' In the7 haridM i Tnament. .'. . .. / '• . •. . '

n»v»—no ehsum


All Kinds of AlterationiSTOREFRONTS

At Lowest Cottj . Work Guaranteed

jCall O . 6-205S-W

-ii«^^tir^iii-^T*sl*sWri-i.-.:ci«^<u—Toreador Is a Spanish nametot btillfighter, particularly 6ns who lights onhorseback." It-Is r derived "fr«ai th*Greek word Tsuros," meaning * boll,snd th* Spanish ending "dor," Dug.Ing "on* who engage* lo so occupa-tion,"

' Wk«a S I M I P . . I W«r« CesUfTba 1890 steal pens cost a shilling

•ach la London, and in those dsys ssnllUsg was a shilling. Though a quill«oold b* bought for a halfpanny, tin*t**l u«n soon ousted It becaus* of Itslongw Ufa. Th* steel pea la now be-ing shelved by the. fountain pea, . /


Because of the beauty of the thought on Mother's Day

/ -. we strive to put extra effort into our creations.

3 3 1 l

South Ave.OppositeStation

' ' \ •

\ '

Our popular prices are

Tele-phone /


give satisfaction to a,




an estlmat* onW* will make ansuggest changes

without any. obUgtflon to you.PBoatrrAfTOnT


E. FRED SULZERT*t Catenfar* •-«••• :

FmrmmReal Estate and



CaUNFOBO M m (Oppsaite BtatssB) COB. ALDEN 8T. '.' • ' ' . ' . " ' • ' ' • ' • / •


Rffident Control of County ExpendHures,

THE ABOVE %ME IN^LAST RAGEPrimary, Tuesday, May 16th .

' POLLSOPKNIA.M.TO*P. M,(Doytsxht Bavla« Itee) . • . . ~ ;

^ S • . - • - T!Z—^,-

With your VotePaid for Iry WUIUm L McManeJ ; r

the Last—shall be First- . — . .-I



Page 11: !iz3:£i - DigiFind-It"Lullabc" by Brahms, and "My Bonny Lassl She Smtleth" by Thlman by the Chorister Boys. . , Tickets may be secured at Wa Ool-denberg Stationery' store1 on North


• /

. /

• • / . ' .

^> .

, .a; •

• ' . •


If the WeekIn and About Town

County HlstOTkal Societyat 8 o'cloq

room of-In

hf Court Honm



LfortT pblW

MrvTurekU Elected

atrraben of u » WomanVChoral of

D.D.S., son of

m o u rtxsox*JLJt i . & ( J U a r f a! Washington

Place b_t PKarat'd to her .faonw- afterbe_»* *v>**+y*~i -is —t EBxabetb. Oen-erai " ~ r * J ' Jammer,- t nervous

S. Human of 102 Union ;•in- office at II- _ a # -»l>b

fore*.Woods .last riht. turned to nis ! name*

handcuflj. taphemalia. '.!|

Ibelt and

the Ur-danCe Sat

r Winfiela ScottT? _ _ Dorothyr Wakroeld. MlM_ t s s Aglae Oates.

o _ e r j . _te»--_i_>is_»,.<Sr*roe.- leader of: Girt Seces e x ; came, was hostess toI eigfcs *ecv£s far *he week-end at. the

_ i Hlbson «asi:ln charge of toe , Girt-Seoul esses' «t Surprise l a k eChristian Endeavor of trw; j _ » \ _ c p r « i at&tn. Jlrst lieutenant.

[Presbyterian |Church SujK—yf.a—ateii.'SCJ— CSntur TJw girls whoHer topic wa|| "Choosing' CMr\ipra,Ox *w*-«na s i tbr camp were-

' • - - ' - Ocraua _>u Butcher.wtnifred Crocket.

Brlggs of $ Spruce street y _ r u _ Cc—L' SU—rrt Schubei Anna1 a broken collar bone Turscfcyf Flrrnrapr- m a Bnoxice Varsac.

, when he fell ftorn I h e bandita bicycle oh «Me*> he snu/ruJ .. i a t . ^ . - .^

luartersa^rott«/H»rTT.i^ripf P' F- t™1011-

' . • ; • - h * "••

B«cJ:hft(r..iB.tte-yon50 <* V:

_e5£n tff * BpnJ; lire" late Tuesday night but was

hed Withodtjj damage to trieA. ligWejf cifarette wan

ht to tov/rau^|dthenl._...,TlMi were called 01^ at 11:40 o'clock ] fMi-e-

Mrs.Mrs. Charl

Staler^.. Mrs E A'. Crliikshank andJtr . gpirtajir- .Etajnon left this morning

s_*. 3orty-«iehta '

a i i a i s ; being held todiy,Siiairflay to the Bellevue-

qireS Bata sn nhfladelphia. Mr«.s* w tiriach pmaoent of the

t'poUce arere during \operating

Officer ArchW. One car wa|of 504 Burnt

, N, J-. and the

holding; two cms;He latter part ofrlth 1933 UcaueBird made boch

./ owned by Rayt avenue. VamIther- by- Mlldrrt

it of 1221 A«ri street. Wlnnetka, 111.

lilts Alice Lakey. vrho U' a founderhe League of Insurance Women cfi V.ork and has served as Its Brest-it tor the lust two years resigned

sspw presidency recency and ha» beta•js-fpilmed. honorary president of. the ot -

^ ^ Emerson BaU., bott at CrxS.Tri Tom l£tnen of Hir

catariei fvyer ol East Oranirtf. wtS e&furrta n liie fRmlllen andbientt. ei j r g i r a . Babtric KeamyWorks <s^Ccv» ml the spring socialn*n«ftt•- Owrpe^SUk* -el Cranlord.dttKtor.'k tbr «3» <4ub. will be InchiUTre erf c^s •filming. Dancing will

McKenney jot 19kway Is chairman

meeting of theWorks Sport

In charge of to^jWestern Electrickner/« d u b - Mr.

arranged (phrm Harry M.itrong. New Jersejihlssloncr. addre«

y of-.tho.club..^/...

/ F i s h and Oamea the 800 mem-

louncemei! Cranlord(ty piece/. ... which ._...,

first/year orcheiUras of the Statelest at Battin Htjh School In

recently, rertlved a rating ofj f e n f ' ^ r 1U pej^fotjmance In the

.11' contest. The local orchestra had^ Ughest rating In its group .

mrsSieJ! n n i i » feventh. secondand ei]f&£e?cA3i ScmfiTxB. among themthe *j*t.©!Mt:ire from Titus, an eight

Ivt? p""-^. "TCie Wedding March"from cr^ IC&snace of Figaro. T h e lifeoC Manz'. « x t lac subjret of the paper»rtlti-t: t 7 MTK. Firderick Cattanach.Mrs. G a S&rasraiid « g s the hostessfor

. been made thatfth S<hool orchestra of

corapieted with

ibeth Ummer.In RooseveltUed first prlie ii

ilth Poster contesiArnbastador r H

1 pupil of Oradeslfhool, has been

the New Jerseyheld recently at

tl. Atlantic City.

Council on MeIllc Instruction IrrAHenr^relMMl,---Uth "DepartmenC

schoolJDtnmer was .t a t special enr-

ol Monday.


th Hygiene andcooperation wtxii

U S t a t e

Tit* ffrnt ed the Base Vina lastn i irrj- larfejy attccided& a*- rcttnpoter studied, and

l d

Lincoln P-T. A. Honor.Mrs. Chester A. Marr

home of Mrs. i.•'_. ._.field-avenue for Uie annualand elrcti™ or officers.' Mrs. I. HPatterson, retiring president, was Incharge of the meeting and called forannual reports of the various officers.The report ol the treasurer.. MissPrances Parkins, showed a substantialbalance. . - '

The new officers elected are: Presi-dent. Mrs. 1, 3. Turek: first vtce-presl-

I dent, MrHrWarenee Schindlef: secrtstary, Mrs. V. M. Seeley;. correapondtngsecretary, Miss Dorothy HUyard: treas-urer. Miss T.; Parkins; historian, Mrs.Prank Shaw, and librarian, Mn. O KWarner.

Pottowinc the election and greetinnof of&cers. Mrs. Shsw gave an Interest-ing and entertaining history of thi'choral.

At the conclusion of the entertain-ment, Mrs, Patterson was presentedwith a vase as a token of appcechrtlonof the work she has done for the group.Miss Florence Bansom, accompanist,was presented with a pair of silvercandlesticks. After Uie presentation ofthe «Uts. relreshmeiiu were SeWea byMiss Mjuianna Thermahn. - chairman'of the refreshment. committee.. Thiswas the last meeting of the year, ant!rehearsals wll| be resumed the firstTuesday'In October." Mlsa Lillian Ari-

president of the Lincoln School' Pur- j for the Cranford Hone Show, which^m^twe^wT^asnr ta tWir i^^thfcau^^nual meeting Monday arterrioon m Ihp : grounds - of. the Kensington. RldUJg,school cmleterta. Other officers elected i School. Ktmlworth, under the ausptceajwere: vice-president, Mrs. J. E. IU*>d,!oI the Cranford Riding Club. Inc.. In jand treasurer. Mrs. qraff. The office -co-opeTettori with the Crmnford Juniorof secretary reWalns vacant: • • • ' Service teague. There will be nineteen

I classes. Including two sweepstake*, oneiid the' other for

M r i Chester A. Mart <m clecti'd

Expect Many Entries - • ; jt'In Cranford Hone Show

A large list of entries from' Union ^and. neighboring eounttes Is expected

PoUowlng the election rrtxirts of

fnSnJS hT<Z^reoort of j '»~- •»<»«M«»--R- 8. Blgtow. H 8prtn«-iX

Tunner. feUrmg secretary, read theminutes ol the lait meeting. Her report wasMrs..O. 4 . -Jans« i , -*ho Iws held the Ioffice of treasurer tor. the past three j 0 1 •"• ""**• .. Iyears. Mrs. Jansens .Sftemenl show,M i The pru* lUt *hedules srt dasst«a balance on hand of « S 0 2 Mr». ; ' o r mMt* h o r « « - Including local sad-Stelgerwalt, as rellrlr« ''prealdlhg offl- j d l « h o r ** * n d » d a l « h o r * » '1(l<1"»cer, gsve a shorti report of 0w m I « " " "1 **«"«> <« " » "P/

h b th " » n d > Cup class, of the Amerlcan'So. .h P f C l 1

accompuslied during the year by* tho |unit. Mrs. James'A'. Barrett slfo rr - 'ported on the work done for ChildWelfare. .

An Interesting nnd Instructive Utlk

y for the Prevention ot Cruelly to '.Ahimals,' thre horitmanship evrnu tor.cliildren are listed. Six classes are for;!Jumpers, with one for children and an- \;other for amateurs. A trooper'* mount,'',

come, supervisor. Qlrla of tliv .seventh


c Pand. eighth grades exhibited clothes

d d Mi W l

folll)wl „ „ offlcU1, JU<UM.!L . u make otConvenU saddle hor-;c t a i w i . rjonald Perkins of Falrlkldj


Mn. O L. Oriswold of 5 BoerlngWay Is in Atlantic City this week at-tending the convention of the New Jer-sey State Federation of Women's Clubsas a delegate from the Village Im-provement Association, of. Cranford.Mrs. P. W: Tompkins o! 15 TuxedoPlace In an alternate to the. cohven-Uon which started Tuesday and laststhrough Friday. •

Bummer la coming, and warm breeaeswill blow. Everyone go to the FashionShow, glve*n by courtesy of Best andCo.lEast Orangerfor benefit of NationalKindergarten Association, at Echo LakeCountry Club. Friday, May It, at 3o'clock. Tickets are (0 cent* and maybe...obtained from local committeenamed In special article. (Adv.)

which they had made under Miss Wrlcomes direction. At the. conclusion P t ! p ^ j u m p t r , r M r , . B. u . oonlonwood, ithe talk •M'.r»sliliii>ymTOTIi(!,mipils|JJ:-p1(|lnflr-w:-hblWi|rilhi|lil and Ueu-Iserved tea and cookies whld) (My l i a t t . ; . ^ ^ A l w o n & m l n o( W«,toeld.nwdeaa part ot their domesUc «Uuce : t r00 | ) fr> . m o l ) n U .wor'1- . " ' . * • ' • . • . ' ' I The executive camrnluec Is he»d<-d by

~~- ~r~- I o,H,rgp. R |>iant of Wcstneld. president. I nf Ute Cranford Riding Club. Assisting

WiU Sponsor Lecture '| Mrs. p. U Rlcharda'and Mrs. II 8.• • I'lllglow ot Crunfprd, Miss DorU V. La- |

J. c.'Massre o[ Atl»nt«. j Ing of HlalnrteioSnd William Jr-Maekeyi

Cimso's Beatty PariorA M * - ' • •

Barber Shop1(7 WAUiUT »¥g- 0«AlirOIIO

MAC ROHRKR. Beaatr S»ee—Us*For App<>intme-at—Cr.6M)345




. Tile Rev, _. _- _da., formerly of tiro Tremont Ti'rtiplo,! of EUaabrth.Doston, will' tlt'llviT an address on1"'*"' -••"Women an'd.the'Lnrgrr'Llorrty" m-morrow, night at a o'clpi'k In tlu1 f*rrs-byUTtun Church under thi' nuaplet'i utthe M&rKai'Ct Grerne Oulld. Tin1 pru-

wlll include s "soln by Mrs. I. a .Adam. All oruanlwtlons uf Crunlonlhave been invited to tutend.

Precmllng.-the--address-by. Uie...Uev..|Mr. Massee, the liulld will imrt fordinner at 6:4& o'clock In tlurroi-reallonrooms. The. dinner will bo In cliari***of tho followlnit.:. Mrs. 15 wnilli, Mrs.A. Ooeti., Mrs a . Thompson. Mm. Ar-nold Vrerland nnd Mrs. P. II. Contra.The provram [ollowlnii the dinner willbe In charge of Mrs. R M. Beach, Mrs.W. a. Hlgbte. Mlsn Hdriv Kluje. MluAnn Tliompson nnd Mrs. C. L. Hrarli'v

Mn. John F. Daley,'chairman,- and Mrs. II. M. Park, as-vlce-chalrman. head the co-operallngrotrunltU-e of the Cranford Junior Ser-vice Irftuifup, -- -

A box luncheon will be served on thegrounds by the Junior Service League,iind sublime accommodations may besecured for horses. '

Woman'* Club Completes,- Plan* for Card Party

'— At n nipcilnjr Tinrwlny nflernoiin ofthe Womnn'n Club at the home of Mrs.C. 8 V«>rlil» of North avenue. Enst,platui were completed for the ctintparry which Is to be hrlct Mny X at2 p. m. nt the.hoinr nf Mrs. J AnntuKnowlt.'*) of Casino Avenue. JMn. F J.


/ • " . . • - ' ^ o f - t h e . ' , ' : . ' • •"• • .• -•'•;•

Cranford Trust CompanyCloses Monday Evening,

May 15, 1933

Please hnve your paymenti completed on or before

Ihnt date. -'

Checlu will be niniled Monday,'May. 22, 1933.

. Join (he new Club which starts May 22nd and have

.motiey ^m'MytV/-'. :.-' ; .''






Buy NOW while prices are so low1e'rcliandl*e''o"iV''iiiHnd'~'~Ti''''

B o y » ' W a i h SuiU

AsMrted Hlylca, Fast I M m "I to 10 vnk—Me la I I M

Golf Sock*, i y . Gulf Hocks, 19c op

1 New rialn nhides 0 MeIjwie Hlse Wool UaUs « fl.M

Boy*' Toggery.„: Hncekers, 11.00 up .

' Everhut36 In. VOIIM, DlmjUes, rrinls,

Plqim, Hnnuckir, 2$P to itr jrd.• Fercalt*. HHc yd. and up .

Children'* Sock»Also AnklKin, lbti to 39c ca. 7

GlrU'WashDrewet' ' 3 yrs. Ui 14 -jrra,

Htylw. 59c to 11.25 ra.

"."• tileeveles—-I'ttff _Khert - W w w ,)MisSei5a«rjaiiiiaE~

tl.M.to *1J»

ManicureEye Brow


Shampoo and. Wav(EitHpr Marcel

Permanent Waves —


r__fis_l-9_ltoir i^-^-(Reg.$10)^7.5a

dHotOUTreaOnent 50cManicure 50c

^-Hair-Cut 5QcHeraa Packs 75t?



U UNION AVE, liiIt'saRoal Bargain the Cranford Beauty'Studb Offer* It"

Wats, White and Colors, f 1.9* ea.Apron*

Nhori PanU,; 4S« upI1JW to t i t * e«-

Wool for Swatter*


Haaoni Weights—WhIU a r t U _ lKnllUng Naedtea

DAYMOTHER'S_ Lidie*' SOk Hosiery -, ,

raU-Paahionrd. All Reliable, HUndsrd Makes Only Carrl»d—09c, Me, Itt. t te f• '• •" Sheer or Ikryke—»1.00 to ll .oi'pr. ' "

. ' . . ' - . Kiddie.* Underwear. Foundation Garment*—Girdles—Side Hooka—Step In* t

•-••- (2 Way Stretch)—Bancloe»—Bra**iere», Etc.10 UNIONAVE.* CRANFORD . PHONE 64)805


Here>are the OUI-Fasliioned Plant* Your Mother• . "j Loves So Well'




i <• ••• ' i • soa ateor Others ' -- -! Baskets of Blooming PlanU Filled with Ivy and Ferns.- ' i " ' • : Japanese Rock Gardens.!' '-- • '". ArUstfcallj arraagtd In Imported bowh Uiat tfa wsll In aiir b s o p


aU S h a _ « | . ANEMONHS, LACE IXOWER8, GLAIHOLA8, KU.P L E" A S E O K U E > E A K L Y ','

m* Delherr AU Over Union an^ MiiMlssra COnUm.-..iLHT A WORD ABOUT OUR . , ' ' . .

."'";•' rTorut Telegraph Delivery Service 1 -As Uw Rahrnr BepmcntaUv* ot the Florists' Telegraph OcUrat.'Aa*-esaUon. ire cap tfejlver flowers la 'any CUj In Uw Unl—« StaUi umt,'Caaada <ta shoHnoslec JCST USE OUR. FLOWKBFHOKK—



JOHN R. BAUMANNGreenhouses—St George and rb-erwood Aves.

^ RAHW AY> N. J. _ J




Viler U in charge of tlie gamrc.Tile rommltlee suuiiiilng Mrs., Drllericiudcii: Mrs. Knuwles. Mrs. Voorlils.in." Wllllsin r>rrw,' M n Lfe I'rlci-,rs Jmrph Uvy. Mn Fjlwunl Clour-r, Mrs. Rtlwaril Orau. Mrs; Jsrul)Irln, .Mrs. James A. McMahmi. Mrs.W llarrett ond M n M. M 'Iliuniiu,

Ickets nmy be «Mitalned fnnn thoDimnlllre aiul are ,10 criiU.Mrs. Ilarrptl was immftl Tuemlsy an

rhalrmsn of the nunttlialilltf iium-.ilttxe which win prnu'iit a nlatn oftfneers for the cqmjqg^yeiir to l)o pro-

ntrd to llie-group nl ll» next meetliiK,

First Pretty terian ChurchSunday, May 14th

(Mother'* Day)Marninf Hervtm, 11 o'ekwa.

vmtlni, I o'clock—A -Festival of Haers4Muslo by t h . tTwtr.

Friday, May 12th, 8 P. M.Dr. Ma**ee.

Tramont TMnpIs, Boston"Woman and tit* Larger



Your Mother, old or young, will

appreciate a practical gift. She will

like one of our dreimes. . : . . : . . : ,

Summer Print*

luar-nteed Wtahable Sflla

Special Thu Week


The DOROTHY GABBEH SHOPPE? 11 North Ave., Open Evening*

Annotificement!Wt nave ju«^aineiea^rroFiWHI«burner has received one of the highest reeonuMndatlon* ever glvtn titUie DnderwrlMrs'Association. 'The lUrward Burner U th* latest type oil burner, designed to eilmlnst*

"Taraefttl*ur mtiiluusuH-bamer*; ' * ' ••': ' • JLET KAYWAHD UtAD Tr*B WAV TO

8Anmr — - ECONOMYfor-Particulars Phone

/prd>0505f o r P a r tCrari/p

S' GENERAL SUPPLY COMPANYAvenue ;•• T ' Cranford, N. J. ' /•",


Cranford Window iShkde Co^M B—tCREST AVR, CRANTORD T*X. CSANFORD *-U*t,


lMDas_At«.H«1h . lH.f-«f i CBAKTOBA It oV

• Y--

Page 12: !iz3:£i - DigiFind-It"Lullabc" by Brahms, and "My Bonny Lassl She Smtleth" by Thlman by the Chorister Boys. . , Tickets may be secured at Wa Ool-denberg Stationery' store1 on North


Reviled F

.-41At tlir arf* ,

Ihi' First • '» erk, A Cthe board o '\ Uc d budgeexplaining ,

, a nuinbf r CjDf un nudr v

ber* uho hith(\ arr «

. If ths- core,rrmalndf r' tCranJord \ '

The pla.Ihi drbl tpam wasIhi Irusle'rnLOnt, tlflfp]rt< tiurtgU.LS nWi rStiuart f (

plan wintx 111 an jrial (nndl

lam K fiBolnh 40

the M (Miflrtt of a-Him Wr "

Annomthat a sUonll l

" • . «

choir nn'nrr orp

- d l i r c t UTin



that u 5U o n l l l b"uExirpt ft*HIP si-rtfj.

PROMINENT C O . P.tConttnued from page one) • ''

I/well Is pledged to work W honestynndeconoihyr In government a n d c o n -.vqiient reduction In costs to the U \ -

tl»- list or^Asoembty candidates on theItcpubllcatt Primary ballot.

* Mrs. U)vtH announced today theconunitu-r^ of- leading women throughout' t h e ' County assisting her In hercimpuiifii. The commltW- me

•follow: Mrs O. L. A. Thomson. PreU-tii;nt of Elizabeth Women's Republican.Club; Mrs Prank L Hedge*, Mr«. Mah-K n \forey, Dr. Joanna Leary, ' MissGladys Doctor,,Mrs. H. B. Younglove.Mrs. J. F. McMillan, Mrs. H e n r y - a .Nulton, Mrs. R O. Maxwell, Mrs. P. EWallace, Mr* Edmund p. Weston, Mrs.O nartrotn Woodruff, Mre. Nell p . He I-u-l of Hillside!

Prom the Union County League ofllcpubllcan Women,-Mr« Kalhertnc,V ixat ty of Elubcth, President uraBtate OommltU-eioinan; Mrs. Helen

, M. Olaeser, Klrst Vice Pres ident /Mrs.i Gertrude Somervllle (if P!ain,f)eld. Mrs.. Jami-k V Mulrhcad of K u / l i e Park,

Mr». CIrare h. Wat«m of j i lnden, Mr».Alice h Dcl.ler of Cranford, Mrs-Katl i-ryu fipence of O n i o n /' ,Mn\ll. J.tibttUtyh! Westfkld. Presi-dent of the Uniofi County Council;

Aspires to be Mayor

• ClOlff) LOIIMANW>i« is "'a/tu-publlran candidate for

tbe norragh of Kenltworth '

Fran* I., lleers of Mountainside. Mrs.Smith and._Mrs George II. lr-

PaTk. Mrs: Stephen B.Ilaiuiom of Itotelle and Mrs.1 WalterCole of .Ellrabrlb, . . . ,

Prom Crariford.-!-*sr«, t<. D. Haraard.Mrs. O II Ilukrr. Mri. O , II. Orlswoid,





CranfordCoal Company

;._?y5Ci»gO!l,TO _.__..


Telephone Cranford 6-0012

hell, Mrs. II. •#. IVrrel, Mrs.' chancyPorter, Mrs W. B. Batcholder, Mrs.C. W. Orumin, Mrs. Walter 8. Clee, Mnj.Lane McLanc, Mrs Roy Von Hofen,Mrs. J. It. Oarrctt, Mrs. F. 8. Frank-""• M^"- w - B- Wll lo iM, Mrs, J. C.Toinllnson, Mrs. Fred F. Fay. Mrs. II. V.Barrow, M l « 'Alice Lakey and Mrs.D. C. N. Oolllm.

HE MOI.AY IIOWI.ER8 LOSEnrrmner Chapter's hop<» of wlnnliiK

the sectlonul t>eN1oluy Bowllnif cham-pionship ladi-d-lnst Friday when tlirpowerful Woodbrldue DeMolay ttamdrfcattd the locali two to one. NalBernstein was high for the winnerswith IK, while Art Boertmnnn kcoml200 lor the Cranford teoni.

WOODHIUDOE Dr.MOLAY (3)N, Bernitien" 148 191 IflO

High!Pike Charge of Town

As i / fpature of •:youth»> W*ek' ''ord. slJ pupils of Cranford High

_'ownshlp--Commlttee Prlday/nlghta meetlbn In the munlcipaj^rooms. We-ports were subrnltu-dj relative to th<actufties of the varlouloral government. /Cnrttnt^problem;»ere rtlmiMef and acted upon ancrenmnmendatlpfii were mads to thimunicipal official.

At the/conciuslon of the. meetlrujwhich xWat-attended by many pnrenttand Idwmpeople, Road Commission/-;Kriink McCullpugh. speaking for MayoiOiiirge A. LuU. complimented thicommittee. ••--••-.—

Those who- served o n . the "YouthsWeek" committee were: Arthur Drownmayor; Vincent Orlmra. police com-missioner; Jack Naifle, 'road commisnloncr; Chris Witting, finance chairman; Alan Dadd, fire cpmmUsloneand Miss June Peterson, clerk..

AT THE ROTARV CI.UB8 l i visitors from Westfleld. Sumnj

and the Rosellni were at the Muncmeeting at Hayashl's today. .' .

Charles Sklllman, chairman of1 tlxcommute reported- on - activities—ol"Youths' Week," sponsored by . th(c l u b . . • • . . " . ' • • •-Th¥. speaker- was R. L. rjoWnson.olCranford Lions Clab who l« a con-struction engineer of wide experience.

his; first Job as an emtlnerr wiputting In the foundaUons for thepower house oh South avenue bock fn.901. . His talk l u of great Interes

particularly with rnitird to the Qoethall bridge and the Baypnne archbridge on.both of which he hud churiji

said, Is ono.of tht* finest archlie wdrrdrtlie uiiniU Sidney. N. 3

W., being a bit lonjer, •;—pfY—

Wilier -, '. -,.'...J3J 14SShod :. ,„.,........05J...Herq»tlei[ 171B. Bernstlen Mb. 100Lcc—,- m...,»™,™109 -188

' liotals '..........I.IOI B55 '831C R A N F O R D D l M O L A Y II)

Dlmmlck ......: 148 147 17HTreelike „ ; 134 140 103JJntord-™«---.r.«-.M-.r.™-.|ai 4 0 1 - - 1 2 4Hoertmonn 173 300 157dhurch 167 1S3 . 104

.740 801





J.H.McMAHON— High-Grmde Grocer—-Phones CBuford e-ltOS—«-lNl

- ^BLUE AND GOLD ^> (Continued from page one)

T h f local squad Is showing Improve-ment with each.game.; . .

Lineup and ,nummary:

Mulfordl lb 0... 0 0Hill, ss.:. . . .: :.....".:......-..o o - 5Cody, rf 0 0 0.Wlllever. rf • ."- ft 0 0Keep, cf .._•...- : .._..'....i.O 0 Dthmahan; cf ....•• . . . »—» 0Tucker. 2b •... •.. 0 0 0HavUand. -c '.... , JT • 0 0Lowden, U .,...„...,.. 0 0 0Oldrldge, p 0 0 1


K. Olifllths, 3bA, Dadd. MC. Qrimths, 2bButler, If-Nemeth. lbOiimes, pKorner, cf1

Haddad. rfC. Dadd, cAshwell, SBHarris. 3bDavis, 2b

Totals. ,


i,i i2 22 10 00 10 00 00 0

, APPOINTS ESCORTCapk. H. C. Taylor1 and Capt. C. j .

Chrlstin -were'apiioTnted as escSrts forJud"ge Richard Hartshorn, of Newark.

canTiegi6n..^hcn^ tfic"latter speaiu InCranford an Memorial D a y . T h e ap-pointments were announced at a' meet-Ing of Cranford Post Wo. 2)2, AmericanLcKi™. Tuesday night. Lieut. P. W.Lofstrom was. appointed officer of theday and will be In charge of the4'Klon's pnrt of. the - program. ; :

.WATER RATE T<fContinued Irom page one) ~-

w line, and where we do hot haveIcvator service we would be asked toirovldt! It, or rome other machinery.hat was comparable. to It. Obviously,he Btatc of our finances w o u l d - n o tjermlt this.

"There are many points along., theIne where those passing from one side

the track to another must use un-irground stalrwayi or overhead at

vays to bridges, such as Van NostraruJPlace, OreenvlUe, Aldene, Oarwood,Fanwood, etc. . . .

"While we .a lways like to serve our:trona and satisfy them, yet there are'

ome things because of financial rea-10ns we cannot do, and I (eel it shouldM appreciated by the people of Cran-[ord that niter the vast sum of moneywe have spent at -that point, we arenot prepared under present-oonoU^

incur any additional expense.,, • "Very truly yours,

" ^ "O. H . B T E I N ,









COAL CO.. INC&0900


f •?

t i

• f l

& i_ -




SMOKED* » • • • . • . . , - - -









I M A ' IDS.





1933SRRI^fl-LAMB5^2—7^ lbt. ,





. ' . * SWEET JUICY ,



3 lbs. for

't '

BEERKreuger'iSpeckl .92.00 Old Stock Pale Beer 2J2SKreuger't Finest 225 ScfcmidrtPM^. 2^0

. TUm PspssU He

Rheingold 225 BudwdMrBeer 3.2.5Ufht and Dsuk n


2 Large Head* for

15cFre«h CIe«n Spinach

