..It^K! - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031979/1875-04-17/ed-1/seq-1.pdf ·...

•*H6*«5" !!Ii: UEPrBIJCWN. »\t M''IO'N. MATTERS AND THINGS was ',!1T. ItlisllPii -. :•! Wafr il»t .1- l.la.- *T in N-" Y.vk !*<, fa:.. < p»>.t«. nations. Ar. They will Sel cuads at prices I" s'.iif <*n«u>iner*. iwr.rni nest week. sr.K Isham, Xichois A Cu.'s new card. Ti.l? company sncceeds that of Lend*. I-ham A Co., it being composed simply oi the fltl firm, with tbf addition of Col Gee. F Nichols. Tbe excellent quality of work tuit.fJ "it by tliis establishment in the past i» th.- be«t suarantee which the pnbHtr can ! at* if the future. A nn.i. has been introduced in the Aa> ?.. m'.ly which does away with the old fWjm-, . fO> ka> SO- ! :i S'f. : !:2 nip:riv " ; ( i.t hi.. i'..e>ai> t< m of «c!io<4 commissioners bgjgV*tfi<!tA, and simrtHti U* o n , ^ ' . . p e r i n J g J J j ^ ^ ^ to each county, with a salary cc;>t in those counties which have 3, fine member of Aaeaa>bly. where =tb« laiarft .•ball b#»l,i00. ", Tn«r!l*ettfre W* • * * . ] > - Hepworth Wt alluded last week to a man named AdserfTlurke *W went into a sakmw lB; B sVm)« tady and drankitbvee pints and a-balfXpaa* Whiskey, which was the means of killing him. The liquar wM-brmigfct't* him I*} two imps In kutnswfe'm.ftvem took this method of est* «nf Wm dron*. 1tH^»«9«r'». JilQf sw^ffY- ed * simple vardhXwTdeatb by dilukhsg' test soW It ired by ibejury. Dk- .•>ir- s}.p!tfi! !> rti»iii«bin{ c , flaee to get atn'.i ; !i;<i. - ,• I'jlii'crV Hatl to-niclit. '• .1\* H M<wm?:. aitoronr at law. hangs i - - -- trid *I**;.vi!it «•.;:! '-n hi* outer wail. !'•!,< " j : \ T m x PAY wit! he observed this. %• v ..n Mori lay. May I51»t. THF F n:e f•>. at Belmont ha* tie timber out t,., , .jp^steaiuerVbewsertiwjIrJwia. | very effective sjei*er and tbowt SMMteJ|Bx«" ?r j wte» ere fortiinatii enough tp ^ d W j $ * j * r £ I his I been some es^JeW'jfttgart"* THFRK Ims weather .luring the jpast, week., j ji TIIFI>I»»KK TH.TOS bait been U»tite4 V:..f r. TlK-r^'s n o a o ^ i i u U ^ r ^ i H l i a . ^ ACVMOCS Tin Fit-U-her Free Llbtwtj THE «"a»?»tft-rnn evwespmwJeSS. of^Hjfr. *»»<•« the Srst trip ef the 1\Viin«> fay iiTr atis; at T^nlmer's Hall !*%f «a fe s^vs'ra*^^ the b«.t:iff'f|^^ M. A.««r»eofUM-S. Dr. HtpWUfc H> *itfM»<Ua*»«* i|Hls i ail! WyWw,Uiuliit in81cte««n the . MH^tS* ea'ua* of ti* «00f .»i(s , . «nr vran IMIII«-«wwjH4Wi* 4 J *s«itei»*i}ibs*If, prbetdedb* «Bttnw was fiJt 'i*&e**»Ul,tl,e.c**e» bilhisll ^111 H"« ' * *--!«dfct'''*>iwB*.T K'tchrMer Exprrm a*fa ibat rae law Fiilanii weakens bis purtrb witb hot wbtskey. KIAVARO lM.m>RT otfers bU boose ami ••<: on Miiter street for sak. See adrerttse- nsent. THE Quarterly MUsionary Concert of the M. E. CbowSi Satrtmth-Sfcbwol, will take niaee on<6abbatb evening. April 18th. SWALU>*8 made Uteri- appearance last '^^wSyTfaaanai ^^*^ ^^'T^^T^f^r'^^^^: l^t p«™ > M«« *rtirmiumpmtjmJCTmn-i*imi.w** mi*** * m VHie. Jn tbc.'.lear 192< the RepTeaetitatrM of Gttntfjn County in Uw 8tau UjUiiimtib. o f . b e A b £ 3 > \ F t ! i^rtr.'sbonndini; in itoHinl wiirprifB Sent «w4|9oficbajM TnrBplkt>,a work wWel **» •wkjapttewUy oairted ont and wbtcti 4WAt ielwel •noOBtflf ttawk woas what was than th* t wlileli exfecwasn nrxMifli ' fasWitertoww. As early as 178 . _ im its i ||||t|aj!a by ' .".It^K! / W/ i j.*%h''%^\ «• Au- .K^|*%, •fflW . gajst'*MsiAMtf, i of tbiwa.fsBea. and after was no uacomsoa tWiif bso KeWtffi^-a-ft oter wwkb paswd ttobwfh Ointon- sjswi thsww aeroas the cawtry to^tWrV. ••ahdy, in wrwkreoe* to Ibe fkf»er Hid or* the fett fualiiy of tk* laUer, teptttor with the bearjr cost of separaUn* by mstmu. 4aade it ousch satve- aapeastre the foraser bWngiOabnodanttlat the ore which re- quired separsiini WM not tttcti it all. Bat. •m i * lh ^wt» r * , ^ s^ted. '«• *f^V*°, FT 00 "* 8 of 8< "^ atallia, by water.eliwM into uae when tbe PalBtr.Hin.ora A" leal l l H M H w M rot> www% iwwJ-»W« raised ami Hsibiwbte Use iMwewf^wMihslw) wmpry auiwt*. . On tawum Badjaww fiwww «M •'»«•-. ttoSM basing been in the «np*B» oftti* ensa- 1 paayfar tfyew^MMMtsthnsii who knew* ; bis buseMM twtn—hly and si tends ' • » . faiilifultr. AVftnt serentr mew areem^!-*"*! here, «lxty A V R Vt ko » '"!'»• }«-•.•'.-.- «S •• ,.()'\|,<lo«*Ut. \f>-.! I* U* ! a^r«>*»<i«: <v»rfim.s'«- 1>" positi'*. < Tita-j.1 - !».-• «iji. Siorrnz -i>- '• of «fwmi are miner*, and »«<*; J,,t„, p H*tc'.. J.I. rurpf*". At itbis tisM-th* swppfy- of * to B6G0BW of more ( **k»antof DI* raiwil per <!s* seeraar* fmm *»OT of which wa« doubt- j 40 to -TO tons tthhh yield* »Wrt SO per <+*% grwUir wiwMtjr of r»p-l«f|pmi ; lfrom th* tnromit of ttw hill i* » ingthe ArnokJ6re t onaocouatorili«infr«a»- fins monmain tliw M wan he «e«n in tMs >i|fidepth of the saine. Althls tlsse seams j whole section, Mt'» Marcy. f.SJen. M.ln- ••e^iiraptr bteltdd dotrn loto ib« pAimtr, tsrt «n« tie G<ihk» Wd£ ritik^, «hW#tw* ri*» *" W|iHi*e> awd tae Wtkaiimpoa Xotch IS'owe-of "the beet w4»»*:«m»"*>e: \Vi(,ri>«".»'-'. M- 11 hasJiiboMe dkwHat tesa the Arnold and fwmr. y t ^ i w ^ w t t atwwwt-wtaW aH»Cbmawsry Vail MSW. Tim a¥a«sfewafo» paid •utmum wwMishoat $12 |» P 'siwiik,a>4osi; UsMlhof of tlm jB^ #***"'> L : mwMBm»mHmWw>ft'ls»wmwMiil of theexisten«*^«i-wiukt4s known ies in. swe property., Subsequently b^ refuted, to folfiU the terms of Uieeoatraflt and,in 1S» aaoit was cotiwiecd agsiBit hhsv thw d r litigton to Plattsburt.li, Aprii «th, line boats eommeneeO the leregomr trip* one week lataCivABsy VtU " Of «uir»e Wtc learn that Mr. L Fmnkflekl, has rented the store now occupied by L. Shulman, two doors south of tbe Cumberland Borne, and will on the first of May open for sale * fijjl line of millinery, fancy goods and notions of Sunday. But "me swallow dees not make \ the latest and]test Styles. Of wMMwt the a summer.*' j goods will be sold at the lowest cash prices. WITH toochinf «i« affection an agrieuf- i Mr. Frank-field is well known to man? of the turai paper remarks: "Make manure ofi people \broagbout tbe county, bavins; been w ( (if nhkh wwftci frDmpftmm tn 'ifslMiilii your old todder.** in the eaa|ioy 4rfMeasrs.UJdAC^e.sy the^ ^bmsteaet. This anft'hls ! ferW itrijjini rOTsnm Jr»«i6N' tta» catrsbt the : '«»ft'^JWellJ^i^/^lw^rlpiil,^ n mania, got ashamed of its' name, and wants | ww * so l>e caHed "JTorwood." "SKS» me tbe EarruucAN,''says a new; ORDERS haw been received at Ogdens- sabscriber,"I hvh watched its course for the last two years with interest, and admire its independence on all .jnestieBS, political and otherwise, while the efforts of its propri- etors to make sl.«a interesting bnsQy nens- paper are abundant!) successful." Our read- ers will pardon na if the publkatkM vf th* above does appear a little egotistical, bus it is only a specimen of the many letters «ft; deatiaed to be settled at no dlsmws ley t *On^ ceited thbtTesig^ofereHIni a sawmill on . , ,, .. , , j..,,.,.. m .,the rapids just above the lower bridge in pbmk road eomfmrted l»»t JbmmNjtmAmafBni* Qmmmto'm> season from Saranac ,,„„, ^ '&*+**&& b i a A l b e re^fcs m ated made a sontract wi which he > jt^ti^ U>te am< trHbeohJ burg to stop all work on the Northern" Transportation boats. THE Continental tea party at Keesetille iast week was { a,-sWes*. *The proceeds nmomtted te.4fffi. ' THE m V l i o ^ m W t of April sliowrrs ar- rived Ir^KVniornlng—snow and rain half and half.' O.Tfcofthe»%nsoi'«ppKaehtng summer I » re WW*** 1 *°» wee * *«***» : *»«* :s the resaniftion ot street sprinkling, which took place last- Wednesday. P. T. BJUMI-U, Use great abowmau. was elected Majef «£ Brithjrport ^pril 5tU, but it ••) undersfoow rtmt rfcto wtrinot in the least interfere with bia fstataiiow. IT is wnder&tood that the litigaUon con cerniiig tbe Chateaugay ore bed has been sel- Ued, tbe prssent oeeunants remaining In pos- sesion. TfKPikAT, May 4th is the lime set apart for the elfction of President, Trusteet, Treasurer and Clerk for onr village eorpora- tifin. T. E. FrrzpATKtcK of Peru, W. II. tior- dfin, Eiienbiirgh Tentf. entered, and Ii. E. n«Mitlfy of Peru, grnduut^il from the Troy Business Coiiege lait week. TBK steamboat, J. B. Schuyler, mad.- tbe far*! trip of tlte seasoe from Xew Yoik to Albany last Monday evening. A •juiinlity of fltatingice was encnunteied. THE ict; wtiij out of tbe lower mill pond I :.isi Sunday, and according to tbe average i heretofore it oualit to disappear from the : i i .'• a wfck or ten days from that time. HON. A. WIUJAWR lias just sold 13001 t.njs of i.-on ajadc from the Chatraogay ore t> parties in Pittsbursb, Pa, to be mad>* ::•.: > >t.-c!, tor which it is well a<iapt«sl. A fuMPAXV has been organized in Can .<.' i with a capita! of*10©.0tM> for the m.imi- ;. i-. ;ie oi cdotttchouc. or india rubber, from :!••• iniCKuf milk weed. A rirKKUtt. was rati-Lt in Aujiur I'oml; . . : urt-k. neighing 21 ibs and raea*ijjmj; 3, ; •• " ::icJu>s it: length. It »;is scut by <*x- ; *i> ui.f oi the tnembtrs ot the Peru *• ' Hi'. Irr-n Co., in Xcw Yt;rU. i u A>' wi-iit out of the Ausable tirtrlast v :.:.•. Lvi:iioiit doing any serious iii-Kiace, i' I :!.»• dttfiiers t**ide that wayward and ' ••• : . i - -'itaui noir ri:t moit- *ecurc!j ..:!.• > d'.4 a \v<,-<-k or t«»n d a y s aeo. ; H; ..«: *ji:a:t*Tly Jleeiing of the ^!. K. :•. In ;!,:« \ii;*s<-. i«r this eons^rem-e .: i v - r.!.ic<- to-mi'rp>w morning, April . .' •!.(• rr-y.il^r hour for service. Love . '. .*. • I.I:I; jiu^t '.Mi'cKn.-iv A. M. of course are very gratifying. j WE have reeetVed from the bavmwt *»ub- ; lishing Society, 0 Warren street, X. Y., tbe 1 following pamphlets: "Kt. Rev. Herbert ] Tangliest, D. D , on Mr. Gbtdstone^' fb* , Syllabus for the People," by the authoi oT j The Vatican Decrees and CatfmBe Altegi- j auce; and "Mr. Gladstone's ExpostuUtien : Unravelled," by Bishop Ulliithorne. These. } are all able documents, and no' one who length along until toRifithlM fa tlw first part of tsm pwssnt nmn^w^sesi tt waa termlnafd 'and a new- contract entased into between Edmund Law Rogers and his wife Cbaiiotte M. T. Bogets murtiea «« tiae first part and %n>tU M. Wee4, A. W ll * n * l**&. C. V. Norton, parties of the, second part, the, conditions of which are in brief as fyjlows: Mr. Kossrs leases the Co., Iota 257. 2I|, 272. !73,874, K6,8». Sit «8, m 26., 281, W, 88S, 2S4, in tewnsWp So. A military IrbpC; each, lot containing 213 IS acre* aafd lot 3Jo 100 in towiiaUav S o . 5^ «hl stiiibary tract r^ttbiiBa WOacotf,ft*a utisi ottof- ty years from April 10 187^. on ceudjshma that the Co^ pay him dining the first 15 •viry foncTseptfaledore or of pig iron wnTch they may produce from saU traet, andforthe neaainfawi M yeiia »e«««»pei*on am) aaw tbie taaea.on the tract durim; the time «f the lease. '* * *'"* the Cto^ has by the terms of the wishes to-fcee|r-p*eted' wMh regard to the . . ._- s ». . * . , .» . great reliqroas discussion which is now going j *~ + * T ' S ^ S ^ i i ^ ^ S ^ on should neglect to read th.m. Thw pHce *£."££!£SZ3Stt£ttZ!* of etch is ° j ceut<! ' * ^ «"lP» U POO tmi » M | p e | W WaWstS, men that" We^Imvel Ipetlmg Schoof STPa1-T* nn of the ' eM V^ i™ 1 ^' "MamaSam mer s Hall. It U also suggested that an ad- ***** ?«> *l^%t>h« Sjrilcturea mission be charged aJ that the fund* so »«f V * nm0 '* «** Mr / »*"«•» ' heirs should elect; WTeta% the* /at afi *p- praised value; and if he leases the property S r the expiration of this lease, then this ipany or their helm shall have the pref- wUt aarte!, ( raised be appropriated for the "Home of the | friendless." A good idea. Who will take lur'e ' ,,1C matter In hand and make the ea|l$ ! Later,»«wlii be seen ebeubere the eaR ba» ! been made and tbe time fixed for to-night Turn out to the spelling school. There will be loads of fun, anij the moon a ctwrftah1 t r^p^>-T > ' > -#*», TIIKRK was a false alarm of fire last Satur- day evening which sent several hose carts to the dock ou the double quick. Tina alarm was evidently a malicious one, aud whoever gave it or has any inclination to repeat tbe offense would do well to ponder the following ordinance passed by the Trustees in 1813 and which is still in force: See. 1, Any par- son who shall knowingly give a false alarm of tire, or alter an alarm has been given,shall maliciously ami falsely proclaim tbe fire to be extinguished, shall lie liable to a penalty of twenty dolUrs tor each oflense. THE Burlington Sentinel says that about one o'clock this (Saturday April 10.) after- noon John Lynch, aged lit years, who was i-:i!i.ioycd to run a small machine for inak- iiii; snools in Ilolt's manufactory over Mat- t!i--v.s & Divis' box factory, was caught in a. shaft am) almost instantly killed. It aa»» pened on the outside of the building just be- !'• n- the whistles were sounded for work t» i smali | ence; and no (allure to pay .royalty shall the forfeiture ofl^asetiMrHlx months If the company shall Csil to usi' bjast fitrnaces or other structures which may have been destroyed by fire or other casualty, then the lease may be>declared'forfeited hyMr. Kogers who may then retake pos- sessieit of the property. * • " ' Thus this vexed question has been finally settled, probably to the satisfaction ofall par- ties cotic^iTieJ f the feses certainty mayireH' cougratulate themstrces Upon the fctvettAte terms which they have secured—far more favorable in some respects as it would seem, than the original contract would have given them. TJwwlwleb^tehAawh; ttebsnd and this alone constitutes a bine of wealth to say noUung of Uksore bed, wltieb is pro- bably 0fi*«rU)».miMt «MiiaiwMBttV.faitaswC ones in this whole sectiost; Lively times may be expected in that region between' this and A.DU9& i'->-} H.. .1 hi.: -!l^ ,<!.••. .- «..i.ts hin salary '•• ll"- innme of 'i,e :•> cotitmudlly de- ; ti..- 2"it!iz i i e i m . up in this section if hertise- \V.\i; • .-1/ indication. I:I i the I'.Ki-t'i > i^.i vvii.ch ti> i •i r i n IIKH f di.r Now is the, !.K A\ ii '.hf l it. liCluirt! IliS, .y l:Ut Tuesday, which laated sniff d •>!•. 1 fie en»»i esam- . 4bi* »^~t-Mr^^r.ii »i.ts-*. 'i U'* !-iV. .il;l- iti. Cli*-«J. ! : i .ii.ii •• i..-- :l.»: Junes ,. hreti .-ir.lf ill if. s im- .-• ; sfiritiv >i\ hi-' <t m^tiier. .of P.^i^.k*; •*'>'. N.V . is v«:t-vi .tti i Ii 'I'•- '" l> .ib'tr To lie eominenced in the afternoon. A shaft sets out from tbe building, the collar t.f which caught bis coat and whirled him violently aronnil, his head and Other parti of Uic hi*!}' striking against a boa, beating his liie out. The body was terribly mangled. H e wit* the only son of a widowed mother. Tin: village of Clintonville has sufitfed greatfy from fires during the past few years, ainl slrfing suspicions ha»e been entertained tin; they were to a great extent of inceudl ary oricin. On the first of April certain reir:i«-$ were arrested for some offence, and one if tl.ein confessed that he had belonged t.. a JJ.HI;; whk-h bad entered into a conspir- a.y t. —t Hie lo property for the purposesof oluni.V; • tin-cxauiiuatiou betore the magis- trate a?!e>i uiiti!,twi>w'ck«* nexnaoiwr in;.'. »b«u UK Wiui^irua iiou tbe clMi^a.a£ SwUmt BMstb. Lml Weduesuay evening a man by the name of John Frye, about fifty years of age, came iaiothe Park EFou>e,on ttieer streeS, kept by T. W. Knowles. and applied for lodging for tb*r***»rVHe>f#^t^3ed about 10 o'clock, and remained in his room sll'the next day, eomphtinlnc offewtin'g;no- tetl au4 aapaariM to be stupj4. 0i\ If W« mornin^aHut. bsjf-pasl si^ ociock, the! bar, tender, John Donovan, heard a groaning . in built THE FinsT Hocaassa Kwajtw. II ILLS, a loghut nrju- wherje^he raundry now sUndS) •here he Uved^wmt twafded bis help uirtil the dam was completed. > Ab0U| * « » * # 3 f a I «>i fe » *«««»J«»* made openlo|s in the region above, oo the Little Ausable as hfeb as where Fern "village as* stands and «eea- farther along nit the Itnicrn slope of tbat MMOI ts> QM Ticinlty of Arnold Bill; while On the Great Ausabie i&eT a, tew. aeatteted settlers had estahUabed themseWsas Mgh up at the town of ilay. *,Among these waarampn Jb» the. name,of George Griswoti who, probably about the year 1810 erected a dun on the Ausabie Ri*er ««..wii*t 1* now known as puasonvilte whet»'fniui^r dam Is now located. ' ' Bore he built a forge of two Ores and a '•wtf&wiU. TJssjsreiowthJsfergowawsob^ etj'-at what is known as the "Winter Ore BM" situated about a mile and a half west. JErpm wbic^i|ampfi^usa^tM8<|fs|alsMe r r% abandoned. This forge at- Clintonrille is believed to have been the 1TBST ronGK KBECttl) ON THE AUSABLB ,'f >f ' M ,»W**» .-''-'' > though it is not absolutely certain, as there a deplorable absence of .pumiahad/Ceco^da relaUn|;tothbiearb; v njeriod and much baa to be trastei to 'tin iSwastalisawetttiM waaiy: inhabltanhswihieh aHhou^i of inestiaaable worth are ho* ialways strictly accurate. The next actor upoa the scene here at we have to do cbieiy in.thia paper—was a man by the name oi Samuel fallen who est- igrated frowllfewHampadQw^to region probably about the year 1811 or 1812. "•' THE FJBOT HUU8K8 built in tbe village.were astpre,which isnow occupied as si dwelling bonse by Mr. Lacy; and a dweWag house whfeh is now worked, hern trnvingheesi Snowand Sptnx A few yearn Jeter Mr. Bullen who toh.M^As^werkwticbnsinemaaaaHwaa accidentally kj|at,wj>lle on a visit (o Ver- mont by his horse* running away, and the nest pEopsietar: whicb appeared waa Joshoa AMrin who probably continued in pawn—ion until Nov. 11,1824 when "'"'*• . 'kBRTsmr/lBbit COMPASV 'w'as organized, ot which he was made PresU dealt and in which emee be seems to wave ve- maineatinUI 18g6. * <Qtl th* j t l » hnd im of » r «y of that year t ttnditbe record ot meetings of the Direc- :tn» or Trustees of the,l*eru Iron Co.,at which a resolution was paaeed "tbat J. Aikin _._, , anAprfl ikh,18S5. FwmthiS we learnwwe* tlie two Hast furisawe* were fibtshad .and. a%to. rustssmg. « k s t their capaett^ was, Sbere a ^ to he J ^ o f detirwrfciniintt H btnSDwntttliStS^ were charged with wood and ihssrwaf awd blown by,». cold blaat of ctMaseJMsmliA thtag as a hot bmat bad not Uien bewat tnooght of, and that hollow and other iiwn ware wa* east here as weH as pig iron, the eastmgpiMfeaKwsm made di- rect front tlm furnaces. These fiu-nacea stood lite present —Wag asill and the foundry. On the »h ef January, 1828 A CASUS FACTOBT ordered to be built and an AKCOOB WOMG* had also already been some time in opera* lion. Here She largest ship anchors and iron cables were manufactured of the Arnold Hill iron' which seems to nave been well adapted to the purpose. Some time in 1829 the aauiFACiuav #asei»xb^,anddnrintthesasneor the fol- lowing year a freshet swept the 'forges away on the east side of the river, wbereapon tbe company built the lower daas, together with Mm present canal, whlctt h) nearly half a jwfle in length, by which they get a Call ot laliaatxS met at the lower end. Here at tbe lower t * « tW caeattbey hnft a Urge. forge, the building being of wood. This stood until Sunday, July 31, 1836, when it waa barasd'»» dsv grownd. Bet th* same atwaon the verge now standing waa erected— building about 300 x 75 lee^ with 16fires—undoubtedlyone of the finest bloomer forges on the continent to-day. 1 About this Ume a great change seems to »*e been made. The lease of the Arnold Ore Bed having expired, it was found neces- aary to k>ok elsewhen ior ore. Previously to this tiwie a considerable quantity bad been obtained from the Palmer Hill mine, Pfybably &r the fbrges, while it is presumed (bat used iu tbe blast furnaces was taken from Arnold Hill, as was also doubtless some for the forget, ibis being so rich that it needed no separating; Previously' to about this timf; such f vhfna aaj separatlm; one t y sr* taftnown 1f! Afe seetlon, but at I^V*^»*»*wl^l£s»«3S - - ._., _ WAORXTtC eB7aJtA90R loklel/ tmdfoTalongUmebeeb^holieratlori. This t i e room occupied by Frye, and on goiug in _ dtecofeied him lying across tbe bed, his head 'i^^Jj^ ^ y to gnbu,er7rhey afc. hanatnis A v n e t k n »SIIA fiinAron •••sasnswi^isitsl C " _ .. . _. -l* J - 7 prole"t :i»S ^l'> j'ia. and banging over tbe side- Donovan immediate' iy raised him uo and calling Mr. Snowies ran for Dr. Low who arrived a few moments laler, but the man waa already hi hie last agqny and about 7 o'clock he died, Deceased U a masuii by trtuie wid worked last T i w U y tor -Mr. Srntib, who lives on tl»« F*aa*-tt pL»cre HUei Bi.yntua uutil papers ceNtd be mad»| 0ln t |, e state rosd. Ou the night that he ar- L,<-h «..uid have seui. bba to jail to i rived at Knowles* he called lor some , brandy :h.- acticu of the gi^djuty; butdur-., of wbicn i^ drankA.ainall portion-ordering the nialit he escaped;M||pber with tbe-i vnTt ^ w | w t w a » poured out tor nun to be. .-. « :.i,U^-h l.ate In-.!; pri'WIiU'i' ,,u i.rc»d.. i-,. ttna coutitry." : >!a - -. wh.cl. li.i> became ;iie . I :'...'. ;.-.: ; ^ the m--:!r.rj ••! ,i. i!.-- '.*'-• rtb*ili'»ii. full** oa .:. !: i- ..h-.nt lime that i' ;« i'.s .uai'*'.>raUti l>) appro- ;• ! ..!. i '. '.I-I.:;. iiu- ineli an- il jtt .Le i>«Jiii"iil U->i£r and Ms iui^e> are ruutaiiit:: cast- ,- v:..u;ni !'-r -«t moie,afid lil- - u ' < *.» :- r < " ' -'. •'*'>* l' ! - '>}H-r ,i» i. t ih'- ilaj Cvuit will he .-.- i- '.'im!.. A sti.id opinirtu- '.'. i lui t'i il.-vc who intend to :IE. * .,r»? in arrear* f^»r t h e K*:- 1< .ii diifing the »efiMim and arrouii!?? ii!) <»ne !!««'• tli>- s»»!»t!;n2 «ch*«J at •- Ha!i t.»-t.^h: Uvu. Ii. S. Ak&la*- •s « , <>»s«'tite«l !'» act as Prrsideiit and t alone h «trffiei*ijt to guarantee a - .'-ceM. The Judge STM ot.ee a (tebool- i i.iruMstf aud will »«e to it that there is ay all .dciuolin superb rest ol the gang, and there tint among the ciiuens ki If I itidigua- uence. a:.>ijody wants to stpt'wv,|(wllmg con- Ivst here uo Thursday while. In bis roam lie also oalled for some liquor and a little was given to hint <t.ll .i*> " up ! ahuuts, we will p»* them * few Tlte deceased well known to base been 'jaw breakers" to comnsasce^.on. At a-^j icte j to t|, e use'of liquor at periodical m.'ch in Soratoga Thursday n«J^. a S*"-] times, when it was h> habit to get lodging tleman <Jfirred a $166 febrary to anybody somewhere and keep poesysslim of bis room who wouid spell corr»«ly|aif fttlowinf six tfcrddys in succeasiou, refusing ail opera of tten *otd»: *| 4Jood, but drinking vstf freely, Baa, Llama, Eteve. (Alj(aw>ed), JEu»S«te,i lureen. Demesnial, Sa«jefc'^vie. BanisUr, iieirrhositj, Puarmae«g<iSilNtthmfe|piee- w«,yuary, Oa>.uW*o«<%jCfel»stylar, ageeac- ua-.ia, Tie doiiloujygjt. j ^ ' % ^ ;y' The worst efTort W c spe#rhe*» read as fol- !. isvs: -j liaah. Latmt. Aleve, Bswite, Dcii:'-.-- in..! O Dive, IlaniiUter, c Skirro»city, Pharmaeopia, A<<skiM,Hlemiw^ry,Coeei' •JI.-, Seiciistila, Epicacqana^flVdelaroo. IHK Natioosj Puouijf*^ Auodiimvl it to hold it» next annum* STlimlsiSsrs* the city of San Franciscu, CaL, dorhkg t»e month of July, and the pbotographera 'i%. to be favored b* one-half flstes^fcrihe trip. By Howard's "fine Art $«t!e»V to help along the shew. Be e a ^ g n s s i fair duremenu in tbe way * f « « * wf the ;ta«wf deiicate and SeantiJul ef"^ 5 " " *"*''' 1 ' m " ji * Picturer-t* ti»sae.«««9(^tp«tea^i|i|i|, the Hssml is an IndoceiBsent ••mi.. ... maids, old rrml^.—f y-n^' TSaJsw, w' If' cure one of these' ..."" * " * ? * "' s i i t ails'a«nilapavBss'smist'"* ^'ir Before dseay's atTjsvnwUasmstv^,.«... "^j-f'fft discretion to/cowtraf» for the ptwehase of any lands in which fore) bade may have been discovered, to any amount not exceediee -$1,000." ' At tbe same meeting it was' voted' that WUliams be allowed to erect a dwell tag bouse either of brick or stone at an expense not tax exceed §890. It <*»s also resolved '•that $S00 be applied to paying balauee due for baiMmg churchy U)d lIlftiawMsTfc AJiuB MdlriamMWrwmitB conveyances Of pews to that amount |n be- |atfoftbeC'empauy." > fi-Vbis was a Presbyterian Church and was probably the flrstuoe baflt OB ^te Anaable ftiver. But it seems that one good act, of veiy start to tbe. old proverb, "Cerporations have no soul*?fortoe neat retoluiion author iced the appropriation of '•oW hundred dol- larsper'aiiriuut towards su^foiUng a miins- ter of the gospel to da stated duty hi the SBeetiugbowe-/' and, this was Wlowed by still another, "that one hundered dollars be appmpiiaied towards erecting a auiuww uulldiug for a school boiiae on the ground of «be Coiupwdy, providad the residue be acst putback n^toto^&w^l^lifiK^y^JHii, «/ tie/sSilitltj ^ eompleteand paint; and that the President be autbertaed, to execute a permanent lease of sufficient ground for its erection." So we aaa that at this early period the Cesn^sr i « ^ eare »imiride for U.et4uca- tlou and religious tnasnaetion of tbe com- munity which they 'wav«rijimw«1a«. s»waw« them. Frommi/satnewhcient record we| get aeme kieawf U^pagwJlmlF of the estab- lislime^whjAbarfalivaarygT^ apattbis *^' ^wads et)U- Fork-: City via. A coroner's jury was ausfsaoned on Fri- day morning by C^ronw LaT<mtain«, which rendered a verdict t» the effect that deoaaaed unknown, Indueeu by « » greai^mdnhjawto jaoaieohottc stimulants, together with vetun- tisjt no person couM properly be cbarged year or two mf^r. vVes*}ielaswl^ mivfa^ aja^e-aavii maatingas-Jnly, tm ,la3o»ia^lttvim]iv^ 'mrWot indfyiduals to get hold of a portion of th* sonlitwest corner ot Peru on whirl, is a **¥* consisted of a hollow cylinder about, the size of a hogshead, having an axle running through its e»> -u"-• longitudinally, and fur- nishetf'on the Inside with a great number of small home shoe, magnets. This cylinder, the ends of which were both open, was ar- ranged with one 1 end* raised a little higher man the other, and as it revolved upon iu axis by horse power, tbe ore, which bad pre- viously been roasted and stamped fine, was shoveled into the upper end, and as it eras tumbled around by the motion, tbe particles of ore would adhere to tbe magnets, from whicb it was then removed by stationary brushes, and carried away by a system of elevators, srhBe the particles of stone would apparatus teing required. ahoo,. the year'1H2S or 1628 Palmer sold or sam-lgaged tbree^elghtt of the hBI te tbePaaulsoni Co^ while Amen was andtttere hi a tradition that the ion WMdh the Go. salt u^staua* thw inoTe rwas «wa of tk»cstiem to AltaSaw r e l s o v i d ' ; ^ afl|-er-. But the preperty steadily JntisaaH tn value uUmexceaeW^bt* tbe <Jre:*iidihe extedt of tb» japoi»thejfmtw> **muM* "^^*mmjm m M^«"»JtmJim* to av^-efsi 0, Bvmw4waw*mswfsva>. iBt^oos sprang great desire b y o i f t«.f. vVilUio«.n. Vtiititomn I! i : U.«» !>>lter. X. V. UoyMton. Frank Muffler. H. M. M»nM. Wmetie«f« V. V . Mr. WtiiH"}! weirs Uw rhih hv^ ^isw — Tbe weailwr *a«e!^»r sn.l pl«»*an*~. wnh .-» mwiierate wind {rajs the ft»ttth-ea«i. Th * Asm ahy point. The quattty «f- th* ««> j **sh wj«M beajestml. tixntugh iliQcoiitmn* produced here is so well known that Uwre is ! ofymmstwhtabip ?pat»r. hereafter «« make no necaswRy-of spawiain|t*S- a. » c»«i»ri«H> «t "eoen with any .tthrr r» a liwwM^s^smmwEWawWrast sts^itr«uw> tarty <wganiacd ciab,made on HKH nznut exeeHed and for this reason if »lwav« com-1 wwekly practice day. r •Oh. tMUrasA'gonu bhc*.- rr»; '. * ' „11»e eovtrpsay owua the jis|e:i.w» Lake t. :» n*ck) r bs- far tbe latges* iveevoswew tbe riv- ( er, with She eaxUwive priviiege ref svwig i t a t , wiU. ib this piseeaslao h***ug a decide* L : jidiniaajsvcw?rsiUrlsaienrnoaatiesw on thai - rl>«r. jTwty alio own hwtd in ali directkajs | withlu-ss eirtni»fO< t4>a»ilaa ftom i wWob,a"J smswmmw^fc^gmmwm mmm^BwHw^H|F^mmf^swwwm'^mw i *Xmmm^s^mmw« •^•> y which % th#j use abMtt OOUO b^h^to per day j wliea iu fill) uperalicu. They bare 11 lots •> Morn %wm Ua,>'XBU.'» TAMKH. M the property, and the final consequent was that Palmer found himself dispossessed ol his property by. sharper parties, and was driven to the n nastily of laboring by the day hi his dd at« upon the Vary bill and for the very-men who had become enriched by bis fortunate discovery. He left several sons, one of whom is ex-Governor Palmer, of Illinois, and it is said he died and was bur i«d near the mou|h of the Ausabie Biver, about fifteen years ago, while the body of his father lies in a neglected spot under a pine tree in or near the village of Ausabie Forks. Palmer Hill is now in the joint, undivided possession of the Messrs. J. A J. Rocers, of Ausabie Forks, and of the Peru Steel and Iron Company, of Clintonrille, the former company working the opening on the south side, and the latter that ou the east or north- east aide. Tbe works at Clintonville re- mained under the management of the old Peru iron Company, until 1865, when the present company was organiised under tbe name of the PKBtT STKtX AUD IBOH CO. Francis Saltus, the old President, bad died several years before this, and the business had during the later portion- of this period been managed by his sons, of whom he had four, Theodore having been the one who made the transfer of tbe property. The President of the present company Is Charles Blivin; Prancia J. Dotniuick u Vice President and Secretary; aud Edward Dodge is Treasurer. The trustees are H. A Hardy Win. Henry Gunther and- Mr. Hurlbut, all these omeers having other business of vari- ous kinds in New York ciiy. The present resident manager is D. Cady who has filled this office since the fall of 1672. The condi- tion of the works as we found them last Monday is much a« it has been for a num- ber of years past. At the upper dam is a saw mill, gristmill, rolling mill with three trains of rolls besides a slitting machine, a foundry, wheelwright's shop, carpenter's and btacksmilh's, shop, *c This company •As iitim the finit depended mainly upon its own nwmttwea, having, It is presumed, done this at first from necessity and after having bffceestablished the habit kept it up ever since They make their own wagons, throughout. deptait^ jtiumbago; about 30 lots in l«wia , where xbere is. another rich vein uf plumbago from which sumo 000 tons have been raised; about i u lot* in Chesterfield and many iu other localities. On Uusir tract in Peru are three square, brick coal kilns; near Poke <>" I Mooushine arc three kilns of tbe beehive , pattern; in lllack Brook four,square; iu An- ; sable are two,beehive; in .lay three, beehive; in Lnwis thirteen, fjiare; in Chesterfield the Wrisly kliu; two beehive kilns at Trout Pond and at Anger Pond two beehive kilns, j These kilns are all within a distance of 14 miles ' and the culling uf wood aud manufacture ol I charcoal in theni turuiali employment to a small army of men as it has done for over forty years. The Winter ore bed, named for its former owner. Judge Winter ol of New York., which probably determined the location of the works at Clintonville, it it being withiu a short distance, is ou lot 210 Spelling School. The undersigned, in compliance with lb.- I snggfstioae ofrsmny riiisens, aiid tbe necs i sity of tbe tsase*, wbk* obviously rrouire I some decided action, to meet tlie great tidal i wave now sweeping over the land: wou.it I respectfully aunounce thai there wiU be a j "spelling match," between tlte students of I tbe liraded School, and the citizen" of Piattt burgh, at Palmer's Hail, Saturday the 17tl> i n s l . a t T:.W l> u. A suitable prize will be awaided, and an adiuiiunce fee of a ww- whl tie charged u> defray the necessary «-»- penses, and all surplus fuuds handed oter t>> the ladies for tlie beuefit of the 'Home i'ji the Friendles*." Plattsburgb, April 14th, 1&75. -*-*•<*'' ••<*%' '..« I ." ). », -•**• ' ' . •' ll« "»-' * 4' - ' , '• ' 1 . .1 ' t . c i .-!-. ;• ^h •• - . - **il *^| *hf ^ *t*% '1 ' ' •- ' t--"'i ,'. a,i* i-oti*f!>"f-"'l * ! ity f- * i 5 1 ai .i >**•« u, t* "i.e f.;!.," ' ',•'.' « • H«i'tt.'d . •: •« ",",'• \ - i * ' S^iJ (»•»!>!* !« <•! Hi I. . .- ,. «rrv#" IWI Gold SUmmtmt I'nwwi,.- th* •war fe.i t«, tt i»»W \\ IfS-ii !<*' V '(*• \'ll>-f i< i- V>.. «..:-.' •.«- >-,: •..„.. • . tin- f - ! - >.,.-: ., - <•> : h -j S ,, ti»->, J»'i.^.,t «' (!li,, H •"..;•> i<> '.. 'Hrj .-.^u- , ... < . in,* , ,,i,iv i . . 1 M . ' , i\ »l I'am !-".', <•• . . ' , •. - •, . c _.\g»nt!( mi.'; i ii . i i u , !»•>• rt'jK,'*. »-,. ,i . . \ , „ n | tl*'», U i * e - » e \ p ^ i ' - i i . t ' in- ti ( .i 1*k- c!i ir k ,- ..f I .,.--, . . i , , ' , IVr »f""n»« !«!»•«•» 1 ti Maist„'^r 1'^s '»<r r.*n« -««SBma> ' * i •* , ^ U : *«*»*** * W!«** ** IS' ' \\ t : I. »-,. \ i x ~. i . • • ii i»» * * 4. t ttl ^ A *-** t . . %f f XK * > .*t £>4 'Uf J. ^ Woa«lerf^9 Svaceest.* S F Vtlas. John Lvude, J II Myers. fJ»o. H Webb. K O Btrber. -liilni M«rti». O A'W<KKI, J U. Vitas. tleuiy Orris. Maule's patent. Au iinmctise quauity ot ore lias been taken out Iron this bed whk-ta is i Geo. F. B>xby, probably tbe oldest iron mine in this parti *« B - P ¥.""**"',. of the country. A tuunel lot) It. in length | j ^ . J ^ ; has been constructed here Into the »ide j \,_ yy. Fierce, ol the mountain wbleh-greatty facllltales the , raising of the ore as Well as pumping out the CsUigw, water. The quality ol this ore is abuui the j _y r(ua .. Editor* • same as that of the Arnold ore bed. Ai-! „-„ ,„ Hi< . e , h(U «s. ntoh)# ,-'wriu^emiieiliin-. though abandoned lor the present it is nut • in Urn Srutittrl abtuit lh-- St-luiol Eal.iUtM.i Improbable that it »ill be agaiu worked ex-j Hut did not quite suit a certain |e-r»«>n i< our town. »t he writes a coHitmmtcatioii l 'I I>r«* years aa>» I»i. ll-wf nr* « «>*I,>I »•» | N\I:I i- na§ tntriMliii«-.l in Ui- I n.t-.l v ,,», » . rt»*n <»-*rman> f..r ?t'.« ,-ijr*- <ii f --^. i.. --i * i tl'tildi o-ttleit «>n t'i>» lir".»«f. I', *i.i»,t« ,• I oi.l »U»«r IIKI'IK nt !!.«• Tlifia: vt I I. ,<, j \it n*t.**hx-iiii*^v.-f ft*.* *ircfi * »iiiC''r-»?*- ,i«Ki,i»*! >a»np ! '- It -ttlen ii4«" t>--' n (!•-'! .I'll "4 ,-%,-t \ ' i^ir t«»r thfw \^ar. I. » l>r -i^j:-> m *i! t .»,i. •1 the Ii itr-d S; »>*,,,.,.! »,e«t:i )<»>•> V't^r* | i<om l>iug^i»tsa-e ti-** >m u<n tne«. «avtiiii ; tiial no ot.,.-i |jr.-pir4' —n u< Mivn -'•»«-., t«-j I iatt* such <*xrvt!..ti' «t<.-.!*t"i,.i> ,\" « tv ^ jw tor jon U» go to lour IM!*s;S»J. r' I." j IIAN'IS. I'i»iti.b.ir<l,. V V . •» J. « ] filLLEtPJE. Atw*b-f F <tk\ ,\ V . st. I & • ! « Si.mpf- tt.lt>.- !"•! Jo cit.lt si. i " liejuiar str«- 7» out* , 5 i r<» Oealora iu tttttito rtn<i Shiwintfeei-'*. >!(««.•"• 3!l>f tensively iu the future as the ore is tar trotn beiusexhausted in it. To lorecast the luluie puliCy of Ibis cwuipauy would be »difficult task to undertake. The natural leudeucy for the iron, as well as all other kinds of business is to fall into the hands uf Ur a e corpora- tions. The time was when any man who cdukl raise means to start a lor^e fire on Us own accoun^coldd work it with advantage {lboua , D ,„ pro^Wy, - Allt „tn*~ ma * t ,ke and profit. But that lime las long since pass- back .|j he wrote, and may write it iu iansu ed. The great expense attending the opera- age that will be apt f. suit "Anloiiiett." tienoftuiuiu2.ow.ng to iucrt'ssed depth fruin , *™7 M *' l m,il u * a . , " , •" tr , ,! "" " ,rt " r "' " » * | up for the KKrtsUins in mv estimaii-m «- which the ore must be raised and the water , jt g ,„ M| j ( | DH> wr j|iii'4 ll only as' my «pmi<m «i i.»». puiu(ie>l, as Well as the introduction of exp-n- ' the majority. The ex^rei»es coii-i-u-il sive machinery, makes it impossible for any ' declamations e«*ys, tablea«i«,chaja.le»,d I tbv .Sftt'tnef over the signature ufAntoiurll" | aa*! u-lls "Anioiit*-'" what lae nliowM in*t ma\ I aud «4MI language be sitould not use m th. dracripiiou. Petliaps Iw is tlie f.llifr of a ; little b.v Him relidetet! Ilia M |ilece." "llari i had : • " , tin his estimation! in splendtd style and h I did not want it said I fiat said little t«iy »•« stirp.ts-e<I by any otl»*r'«, ereti som- of fh^ W.- afi* ii'.w r^-i-uiiic'iiu '.Ot»U 'or «'!i.4"«ii' u „!,' t„ rfi»- .-it4**n«*.m .»f .t-tt-rs U'« are pr«-|i*re.f to fiii ..|.', tti our Hxt**.*a,*l ijurf.i»iit. ..-j.ri he suite ijitaa!;. «»! ,'-"<.U ;.. ,, any nl'i.k*-*. W>- IWlt SflfJH'M-VS.-!* ! " <- ., oar iiue stock of l..**li«r su.| • * «.,i ai'i ) .1 . ! ;-f i? •i. «• S |^1 little h*nili, M ttr ?'nn»- *Vufa»ry llli*n»e i w^ • lai'a to t**- aif i^.?-! iii-iai. we wilt-u-ll 4 ^ |.,n i« t!(•-»• ,i . ( . , • >, W* k<-ep *m Uanit t r»-n, i, an t ; «a!t B o i l i>|«-is.<'iii>>|i.-ii *>,-iriit, ••111 front lilt' W-t St«» H t;,i |, A •• tT.lt 11 yoim^ men who participated. IVrtinN • v ' J '*•« |Mi«f-> .*"•«<.«RIH ««.i (iwin,«-k - - 411't f.i|<i. n', iu Mut,.«- j , i u , ., r i., (j,.. ,|. Hll I I t 4-< A «f> t t N-* "• M.-llfti!, , -ip. :, Call, ,u,,,' % i.ttllimi r.. v. t in ?. is f arid E Wuilams ha aiAbiiaedm their>iuti^ the lower end. A large pile of coarse sanifmarks the spotwhere this stood, and near by are the remains of tbe barn in .which about 30 horses were kept for work- ing the separator!. But iu the proeesa of time tbe belief grew stronger and stronger that there might be soum improvement upon this slow, wasteful aud expensive method, aud finally about tbe year 1835 the company e^nmeuced separating ore by the water pro- vtts. Their first separator was buUt on llie brook wbick run* wtrirom Palmer HUh Tbe Sieves were worked by baud for tlie first year or two, and miany men are living who can recollect working at this laborious employ- ment, Joggtug the sieves up and down. But I iu 1837 the preseut separator was built at fiearlng^ahave given the lie direct at ttarjijeiiutonvilie, on the canal already mentioned, about half way from the lower daiu to tbe forge below, and here improvements were auaUfafcerwards made by which hand Uoor'^ias trt ii great extent df«penseil with. This period, from 1820 to l&tt). aud p.-rbap* kttrr, was prubaMy the most prosperous one wtiich tbe Ausabie valley has ever seen. At Bbck Rrook liie Rogers's had coiuiueuced making hym in'1833, aud five years later at Aitaable Forks; there waa a large iron man- ii4aesnrj at Kew Steeden, two mik-s above tliutonviMe; tbete were forges at Wdmiug- Squ, on Lake Placid, and other points above; •ear the Arnold Ore Bed there was the Itatty torge of two fires, and a ebort distance above wag Batty's upper forge and separator, wba^ OA the Pbsoe now owned by Eiisiia Altetl.tmrhe west slope of tbe LftUe Atna 4ile, ww* dm F ^ a blaM funsace, which was bulk in 1888 by Ketcbum, Hart A Frencb, under* the name of Use "Few Smelling Company;" and » abort distance further north waa another blast furnace, which had •II*^ht#Uratt»bytV-«tson*Dniry. Tbe *T|ithavtlMtwf.|>w like digging •If tlm nmslni nf •nrTqiifijr, and of an ex- yS9snse ? twe miSjWS^Sm^estjsvsmBe' orwncn an otberthatt WealUtycorpuratiunstoembaik iu aud prosecute it succesfu]!}'- The great need of this region steins to be tfOw, manufacto- ries in which the iron can l>e converted into : merchantable goods: edge tools, axles, liar!*, ISW#SW*M aiidalUasma'llbamsjibinriy^sid |sstu]e«, bridge*..arehitectur»(t omatnentir or anparatus reqdrrett sit the mines Or about ' other' articles of every day use. tbe works. Here are found the remains . ter is here*, tiie cheap labor is here, and above of tbe old blaat furnaces long since destroyed j all, tlie iron is here. by fire and never rebuilt,aud the old cable Perhaps the future will fee this very cont- end anchor factory. Everything is built in ] pauy manufacturing their owit iron info the most massive and substantial style as if; articles of oruatiient or ti5«, ihm utilising with tbe view ol defying the ravages of time itself. Half a mile below is tbe lower dam and from here the water which drives the Purge and Separator below is taken into a canal abont a half a mile hi length. About midway on this canal is the Separator and roasting kilns. The Separator is alter the usual style, the ore being first roasted and stamped and afterwards silted under water, and ample provision is also made fr saying the fine particles of ore whkh in the ordina- ry Separators are carried off by tbe stream and wasted. About a quarter of a mile still further below is tbe forge which lias sixteen fires and four hammers. Everything here is also built in the most the dements which stem to be ready on all hand* to aid them, furnishing emoloy- meet-, lor tetilotd Urn number of hand* substantial manner and seems to be in just i around lb as good a state of preservation as when first , Q^^ „ , , worked forty years ago, although it has been in constant use ever since. Tbe hammers which were constructed here—as indeed was almost everything else^—are of wrought iron aud of a peculiar, curved shape. One ol tbem bas been in constant use ior thirty years and appears as good as new. Near by is a pile of c h a r c o a l c o n t a i n i n g s o m e 30UJUU0 bushels and the immense supply of ore piled up ready for the separator, indicates busi- uessfora long way into the future. lHuru- iug, you notice the new iioti truss bridge between the two d <tns oii-tnicleil a tew years since at an expense of$lS,U00 and ou tlie street of the village which runs al.ng s bluff some lii'y feet above the lotting mi:! ' fl,,. !t , ftw „j j s „,. j we find the company's turn, ime uf the liuesl ; „. uurt .,„, Ulll ^ , Mi , they daw du. and tiu-teasing in the same ratio ' their already c-nnrhious incom?. A survey from the village of «'lintonville ;,» the rail- road track has demons'rated that the dis- tance to the nearest point ou the line is only one mile aad that the grade is less than itJO i it. to the mile. ' It is impose be to overestimate tbe tmuor- j tauce ol such a corporation as an element in ! the prosperity aud development of the regiou ' in which it is located. Their operations have for more than half a century stimulated every branch of industry their money has euiiched ail r influence has always been Cast ou the side of gond u.oi.il? and whole- some reform*. 1' uk<-n ana}, a Oii,ht of all interests, social tuoial and Un tuc.al which they nave have coliuioit!* " l o Uuil'l II(J, would surely loiiow. furiiiey areaCtualiy the. Creators uf wcuiih, di^iti^ <i u p Irotu Uic b*»Weis of thi- ear:!i iUi.i scatt-^iiu^ its Inv s s - in^ on ev,-ry han.l. Beside such cmp'tiatlohs as tin* al.'i ihorm engitged ill iualiti':acltirc., fttr iLiltk'-li Ali'l ! traders ale of auiali ai'C-iiiit^l.i! ; .-y aien ui- | panitirily like elii!dft-u, lm.tr .iu^ t Mreaufi.-. ; or luM.li^. the "iii.l al"»iit wl.a'Ii lie .- in r>- • Stui d j Itiiuw? are c!-atnu '"' 1'icui i:u ; ui'-tis*- tiiiutn - hiv- r«-a i.d'.l 1-, • t:'. ' .o>-i i^irfrived. l-.r .1, U.UJ Ul-lll luglies. A'C. iu!er*J»er>ed with rural and in strutneiiLal music The scholars all »h«wed marked signs ol careful iraiuuii. \Ve shall not undertake to U-ll who did tlie liest. »ui sbotiid we undertake to do so we wu-.tld gut- a list ol all the scholars who participated All acquitted themselves nobly. tVe must Say hwsaesr liuu Use two t;eutlem<u SBL-U- The wa- I tioned in the Seullm.1 of tw>i weeks ago Mr. Karnest Meiritiew as Mr. Ilopeftd. ami Mi. John I/eugfield, Jr., as Mr. Oranviile, I'linoi- pal of Boarding School; tu tbe piay '" oard- im; School Accomplishments," perfunu-d thHrpai ts nearly to perfect ion; ootb betugiK't- leclly at home on tlie stage. Also Miss l.ydu I'lairC and Miss Anniii f'hiihi.lni acted Very well the part of daughters of Mr Hopeful a:- tending 11 larding School. Miss < arr<e Hyde pertortned her p*rt iif the bride in -'l'lie Bridal Wiue (.'up,'* iu a manner that Itrousht t> ars to the eyes ol some <*t the audieuce. We wi.iild a!-. ( ni.il'.-e ihat ail *t thr- •* ImliM did we!! in ili-ciamati'in *-h(iw.i.;t i.it.ia; case ami arad-fttltieis on the »?a^e. n m 1 think it wnuiii n*,t he advisable t'» iiienii.ii, any u.ore uaiws. My reason f u r nii'i.'i-.;,.:.^ Ih'Hi; i do ,s liiat their paits i;.i«e tl.t-iij h-'. ter chances to exhibit their ahimiev 1 !,>• expeclatiiitts ol alt were fully n-ah/ed imi a I Were well saih-ticd. —We expect to haie an t 'id lo!*-' < mcei•. here vn>:i. —The weather s>-eiii> to U- fa>i-ijl. • I »ug»r makers and a lai^i- ij.iantitv I n i. maiie duriiii: tlie part we-K. Mav .' ••••i^ c-iutiniie and "that ut'l,- jwhile" 'I., i*e I ii- duly lieiitie IN-UI^ "ia.d on !he rh> J t.. - a 6ui»' leady In net! seainn. —(fill vitf ii;e si liiHii citiiiiit'-' res ":i M'< •la-, I he tV ll iii«r. Mrs fliarl.-s i la' K WI*: leaili in I he Higher I>-p»ritiiehl an.! M-- X- li." Nltl.'lls Hi III*; i'.iui,l% l* j.*l Wi.. . . * I 'J •*./ \.ii< e. r-«. f - ^ . i r ; - •> ;...• i„. ,.:,„„,. 1 . a , 1 Hal •••J ' «-an i». Ml.- it , \. I ,1 •ra*-t!er at say, il uill lilliif. I! 1% , |. ^ 1 . , /•. .< ' !«ti i J '•<',. Hii I "ii,. . Will -1 ••• S , t re.ti *•*:•- % \\. 1 i n i a.el " * . \ 1 ivm-'ly l.» -...,•'.»• ft,. Hll"..«.,i •if *•— p., r W f !»!• X l-« !| ,n. / ( 11.11 »!.- .- the r«;sl file) '!«*- •rt "' fei 't * *• "ft- i . r <• 'Hie,! t ii.i *n ii .i* s| l; IftMl j •If u a * «l«i t ft iruil ".•» 111 S'l- .1 . ,-,, 1- St .*! tl ,r„-'r -. ' V ' •«>•• . l~.«. l<""> t h e » t ii«t»Miine"« Pt»i» T»f ** >tf» -km i» nut ir.< 11 ~.k,Ill*e,| "'!.. ir, i »: . Ill il .S l?e (> N " t a . II tlrt- ll :.. -. -v.. I.. tef - an .1 !• i i»> neri«^iti« arr m ll..- ! , - ( . ( , . . 'l-.t Willi * '-.' r > •. - K'"I'. .'1-1: I i •.! 1 1 li •• I . r: i k !.< I'f .1 -.-,'. IM. - i '..» !-i..t-r i. ;.. t i .- ., fl.e [ .- . .»'f«>T -•!, i' ••! l..s !.• i 1< . * - ' i . >all>ii of «) » .11- >:i"i! I .1- I ^;. .-:•! f MI i.iin, -1 i i . • i. . ., - t.. l: H to rtlv N M- ~ t II- - * t ••< , ,- . .rt. * « / ' « , . I . •• ».-«s. !*--« » 1 ' H I 1 .1 . ..1 W f Is • . it- i. *- f • • I . :- ... 1 . 1» ' -- ->- \, j,l .. 1 ! . 11-1 . •• . tt».*f», ot*. i. - '' V, i , . . l°.i i.'f! t ! 1 \l : Wi- ^'•e-t. «l„. : -.f ti.*.. ' -I...» '-. A ..sll ,, .Ulj. f.,1 «, I .- » | 'Hi II I It- It • •Is.- \)„ W I I I I \ -I I 11 -• in sch. f'ot. he, W>>4 * It * 1 .ti'* ol !s . Mr \\ ex.-el !t|«'C! fi te ferefK-e Wllf >hl .. le- .V. T \.ar. . . . , - ll M..I . ii- 11 •- n,\ iei,: «}. mr Ills 1'1A> l - . l 1 - * . 1 M a. ii .- .,.-, K (.- : eat I-' / 111 I'l .... l-a- *h-. \\ ,. M M t Itlti AfiKS I MM Peru Li.;a.i3. •il, and iiiiU<; :hiii, iiiuncitiie t Phoebe Maria Fla-rer Mrs l*..Ui'e- M.*l! A/nnall II. FiaiU. dl H>7o a', her r.—i'l.'i West T... ni) Iliad ill this whole secimu, i.iietiu r Willi a hand some store and office; the latter* t-oiitaimn£ a large vault iu which is stored away the - books and papeis of the present and L.tTii-r | owners which cover a period of almost Ihr. e \ quarters ol a century. Here is a fine view : up the valley, with Whitrfaee an i the Keeue j Mounlaiiis in the background, while, iiii.ci- ly to tbe east rises a high elevation known as "bog-back " About five miles to the south- «e»t is tbe lamous Palmer lull which has for years been such a prolific souiceof wealth j g;>i,i to this whole section of country, aud which this company has for many years j uub'ers. H-r maiden n.ui supplied themselves with ore to feed their j sbi dropped lor that of h immense works. A plank road has been constructed tbe whole distance tat the miues across tbe sand plains on which is growing fhe third crop of Umbei, tbe first having been a heavy" growth of white pine. This road passes along on the divide lying between the 4Abatable river and the basin which lies at the very head of the LiUle Ausabie. li to- U ti Ili-1 fi I,. Irf j.'!!*.. A5 ! a;a F. .4i.*i,l.w ••I .il 111.. •) l re ,'. L...I. lie. '.H'-*l I'.-, KeW Yolk, ill liie N Vehl) igh'u le.if ' a:e. Sle was h-ru at f u'uh i «n.| 11. PUltsbur^h, New Voik, in 17"s, n »i BllllS l i l l U'.» .t ii M o. t'i- I.. M I la ti. . I Here we see the flrtt road ever construct-' WW ti»« » r Uie **>rtn aar, and u»w ie- - ed across this country leading uoui Peru to i »"' ius m p" isessi " n o f l " e °"'r ««"!t.a.g mMI Jay, Wilmington and Keene, nearly a mile 1 *"«>nher of the family. Mrs. Flag- removed west of t h e river and running about parallel . * « * her husband to Xew Turk In 1 M \ and i irith IC Just before reaching Painter Hill , nas made her residence there up »o the time W« fswa a new school bouse which would be ! "f her death. She has never heeu eonspicu ;]^ credit to any vtUage, erected partly by tax ! ous as a member of society, but has, with un ihe two ! swerving fidelity aiul lucreasing devotion, ap in nie I itiiini- h> tin from | the famous difcuce of th- Uuitrd MI-IH-I V -1 w is ('."-, * i ich hus'.iaii'l ahrli Out Id year? old, October '.ftt-i. l-il. au.i fi t twe months before [>eaee was declare.I. Mr. Flagg was one of the sevciiteru aim weicjirt- sented with rifles by sjiecla! act .•!' f'ongttss for gallantry at Platjsbuigli, i.t.,?*.!.•- I.iavy old-fashiofitd tliiit lock, »i;h t'n* ;I.M;;ji!,''i:i engraved uponariiyerufaiesi-tikintf.'- it<jck, has been proudly preserved as a relic of tl e l.-a . AT, I .ii. Hie lirau . v i: s . i j l». I'- ll. S. i.l»- Willi!. 1. • \ 1. lu.t- 1 1 1. i'. 11 ,t v e 1.1 h'M-i ie I.!..' ft- rlaee iii ll,. ie»i . I I. >'» comeamhw, the esapwyyers in botli the- Bog- ers astd t*««w Steet A Itwa Go's, mine usMig H AntUeferthtfeflasharprlseLencoiui teev4 whtrw vawawaone wonder why a tram- WSw^'Islis iHff ;i 4ffiig'tisff> been costatructed some ^l^pja^'igii^^^y^j,, -tt the grade plied herself to tbe cultivation of her home , ithick b spoken of by all who entered her do mastic circle as a marvel of sweeturss and peace. Forfifteenyears she knew no duty *M perior to the comfort of iter blind tiutban J, to arhuse alfliciton she miuHtered with uuretuit- iiag pathmee to the end. She has baeu poor m beaiiii sluos the death of her husband, Xutr i -r..-.t.a., - I--- •• . - . 1 • Weri. wa- the -il- ••<• !«. K II • '«' lui ?|ts;i OIL-tun. 'ltd doll tis |»i aie. WaS ;...!. ilaAi'.! h> M. Saaiu. . 1.- ii .r. I . Ches-^e lacl.ily .» . n i . . 1 ..* li, i ! *i . ,* rteit .it the l.ila^e. A S'jt.ierranean tUea'u, if'. !"«•; -.,i. its .tyiieA! »:«-e on tie I west pail ol the town, .u i< erai.i'.'» IMI. l.nus.', as..I Mi "v i f «:.l ••.,•* lUi I'th.me of water i, »,.lTii •• i." ' - .; : . 1 two r thiee elaerw l<ei».i>-» I'L « '>'••• •>•••'- ««•*:. li undoobt«isliy Jn« i*» '.if .t,r.; .. -•: liie j llt/S". U.r Jlillt WlllUS a l e ! t. >t|lt.i'.Al» J.fe-, sate. Ill regard to ?»• "»:I.J: • • .••.' I was a spleitdl-l aff.fr li. ; Itijj financially Tnefr toan-lt paid the im'.. . fswhistoti the next'.inn !:•- i>... It a r... it-il lo a-lverilse a "injtser »ii.-a «•,.! It- wii! jrl * f«4l House. — MM* tt- v l A".i«« »e et-t seii^ot duMd ! last *•»*. and aid U"*c>i'.uui -it -• a^t u -i . j ul the nrsl of .Sepiemijej. M , s A , i e , . , A i •uecessftii teacher and lis* hern at *i jutf i I iscd by »»tt»«or«tl« tHwt faBtilwi hi v.tit V. 1 t. 1 »* as a *a Inir W..1..-1 «'H.»^ Mi vtl.-.. , ^ *t-11 3 ti . •tii lh* -il day*, w«m Jaw. l u t , s» ihi rtaaVSwetsdoarw i^e/t**wm )OWS saMSSSjaa,' - "^^^^ ^^mwsasw^^wapF ' m •y^|a^^4 ,*t. which took pfass a year aud Bve moBtlts ago, wt wW listf> we-Andi *•* On Monday'abe became naconscious and ; _ A n-wel pfoee ot maHi'.iier* ea.i i-- i m i ' IsTe HilHuSlllIf II If fjpwwifttl •*•* «ttt« tt* ftfWMlI «f tmt «•*•••« •"• •*«•««- *• «»« »»«|*- «* a uutoto- tTirrJaVr^TT^?*. f ^si,- ihe'dhul 's*a»>ter; it w calcutatel «... b-nit \M. *U» „-,-••• ,--.- — ; ^ if^iUV^^ ^T WS* ***~*y fTr***? 1 * I -—Bev. J. W.Ttiowipsou «*>«*d Uw fao-i* banttwesd m mM\THMtl^ l J^^*u»im*»-^f0<f»Uat, k0n . u* K.Wntli- next VatAa-j, he will , fj« btisaaU frkaad. of t i l family using praae. at iteei- ' Mtt."' TlMkamy VM* tuebasM to a l»-a*- ^audvust awtstoy'a, aatd Uaa* Jtdta l»*t« i^^4&gmM*m^tMefrmt#* m ***** «* »**«***, te, '.-"H^^MS-f •• -...,..« i WfeHuth*} Were uiut-4 at H»v r n n t c h I! t 1 . tybauvh, U- -e*e«Ui«. .... -w^istwl h s m at mr eossmtwttty awod, ISvwawtowBavitisvamrwnws aensyemunaus ' _yT 1|i| i|^)i|aa^a-a>^_e-| ,mMgma«ai; 0 m**_%s §hm M Mi «gT^"w*wfB|w»w«-5WF?'mwwW' ^www^aT^™ *m^rWS° -*^^ "^r*^ ... .ifcssw**.. Ifc* „1?*-T««~- i rtjn/i. iu- ll.il- I ff ••-*< ... * i. •»'.«,-.' , ., kjtfi 1 l-:..:n ?tiii t . . t * - l . S i n ( S- . i.»" », IK.*>'^..".t 1 . . . ,|". . . »I . 11- s . i .. «*!*• i iiltgro. tt t*» '4 .»t,i.»j..|I,i^ % ., ; \XK*U* ul itialitit^tl ii .wi., ...j ,a.'i.,i., *&u*JitUn. U.it m Ji*t »m ill w^ ..... - , '.. u>^ .eaUSUnaur •hV.USUn *|«*<t u «Ui. s..».. ..WS.it 4«^*th ' J«-'*e.l nsi^i^4 1*. i " W. .. ItafltKtniMfciff*? % liny ,•» iw.. brl.'l,- !.. i^-t-afU, »l»tl«-, **.m**ji*zs*Llf ^;«t*t<^g ...I., ti ... .*^in Wot til. she »,it-t I aer it sit, -i.! i «Jf t,> » •-».-. tttet a*^c*a." Sl«« feiati^x t i a t . l i , -tt, ts i-..*i Saute %o »«tw ttits »**««ls- >^*t ' **t- *."*.ata^ .1 n^ Itiinf wtth this evadtHMtknt, a*d rv«w>.t «i»4*-t ty . 4Sit tlttttUiV tat** »&*<" .-UK^I at»« %|^.a.e ^1 ^.-^ tug a braa'iful river, ain't rm iW- ..Ui'-i' »i. r- tnw mummmttmi mwt luei. !«-*•«» ».-«. " baaww ajitfti. mvlf* tft "i* ittxs --kn-u.-i .nffli;i : . $ tevai M *• b»»«tmj." ah* » aiat. re«l - Mse^an - -V ail., tjetl«, iii. sttsweatwit" IWSMN f -&*a,» m^mMM -<i*b.,.,.:'(ljN»!»i,S)l»*

Transcript of ..It^K! - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031979/1875-04-17/ed-1/seq-1.pdf ·...


!!Ii: UEPrBIJCWN. » \ t M''IO'N.



' , ! 1 T .


-. :•! Wafr


. 1 - l.la.-

*T in N-" Y.vk !*<,

fa:.. < p»>.t«. nations. Ar. They will Sel cuads at prices I" s'.iif <*n«u>iner*. iwr .rni nest week.

sr.K Isham, Xichois A Cu.'s new card. Ti.l? company sncceeds that of Lend*. I-ham A Co., it being composed simply oi the fltl firm, with tbf addition of Col Gee. F Nichols. Tbe excellent quality of work tuit.fJ "it by tliis establishment in the past i» th.- be«t suarantee which the pnbHtr can ! at* i f the future.

A nn.i. has been introduced in the Aa> ?.. m'.ly which does away with the old fWjm-, . fO> ka>


! :i S'f. :!:2

• n i p : r i v "

; ( i.t h i . . i'..e>ai>

t< m o f «c!io<4 commiss ioners bgjgV*tfi<!tA, and simrtHti U* o n , ^ ' . . p e r i n J g J J j ^ ^ ^ to each county, with a salary cc;>t in those counties which have3,

fine member of Aaeaa>bly. where =tb« laiarft .•ball b#»l , i00 . ",

Tn«r!l*ettfre W* • * * . ] > - Hepworth

W t alluded last week to a man named AdserfTlurke * W went into a sakmw lB;BsVm)«

tady and drankitbvee pints and a-balfXpaa* Whiskey, which was the means of killing him. The liquar wM-brmigfct't* him I*} two imps In kutnswfe'm.ftvem took this method of est*

«nf Wm dron*. 1tH^»«9«r'». JilQf sw^ffY-ed * simple vardhXwTdeatb by dilukhsg' test

soW It ired by ibejury. Dk-

.•>ir- s}.p!tfi! !> rti»iii«bin{ c

, flaee to get atn'.i;!i;<i. - ,• I'jlii'crV Hatl to-niclit.

'• . 1 \ * H M<wm?:. aitoronr at law. hangs i - - -- trid *I**;.vi!it «•.;:! '-n hi* outer wail.

!'•!,< "j:\Tmx P A Y wit! he observed this. %• v ..n Mori lay. May I51»t.

T H F F n:e f•>. at Belmont ha* t i e timber out t,., , .jp^steaiuerVbewsertiwjIrJwia. | very effective sjei*er and tbowt SMMteJ|Bx«"

? r j wte» ere fortiinatii enough tp ^ d W j $ * j * r £

I his I

been some es^JeW'jfttgart"* THFRK Ims

weather .luring the jpast, week., j ji TIIFI>I»»KK TH.TOS bait been U»tite4

V:..f r. TlK-r^'s n o a o ^ i i u U ^ r ^ i H l i a . ^ A C V M O C S Tin Fit-U-her Free Llbtwtj

T H E «"a»?»tft-rnn evwespmwJeSS. of^Hjfr. *»»<•« the Srst trip e f the

1\Viin«> fay i iTratis; at T^nlmer's Hall

!*%f « a fe s^vs'ra*^^ the b« . t : i f f ' f |^^ M. A.««r»eofUM-S. Dr. HtpWUfc H>

*itfM»<Ua*»«* i|Hls i ail!

WyWw,Uiuliit in81cte««n the

. MH^tS* ea'ua* of t i * «00f .»i(s , .

«nr vran IMIII«-«wwjH4 Wi*4 J *s«itei»*i}ibs*If, prbetdedb*

«Bttnw was fiJt ' i*&e**»Ul,tl ,e.c**e»

b i l h i s l l ^111 H " «

' * *--!«dfct'''*>iwB*.T

K'tchrMer Exprrm a*fa ibat rae law Fiilanii weakens bis purtrb witb hot wbtskey.

KIAVARO lM.m>RT otfers bU boose ami ••<: on Miiter street for sak. See adrerttse-nsent.

T H E Quarterly MUsionary Concert of the M. E. CbowSi Satrtmth-Sfcbwol, will take niaee on<6abbatb evening. April 18th.

S W A L U > * 8 made Uteri- appearance last

' ^wSyTfaaanai

^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ ' T ^ ^ T ^ f ^ r ' ^ ^ ^ ^ : l^t

p«™>M«« *rtirmiumpmtjmJCTmn-i*imi.w** mi*** * m VHie.

J n tbc.'.lear 192< the RepTeaetitatrM o f Gttntfjn County in Uw 8 t a u UjUiiimtib.

o f . b e A b £ 3 > \ F t !

i^rtr.'sbonndini; in i t o H i n l wiirprifB

Sent «w4|9oficbajM TnrBplkt>,a work wWel **» •wkjapttewUy oairted ont and wbtcti r»

4 W A t ielwel •noOBtflf ttawk woas what was than th*

t wlileli exfecwasn nrxMifli ' fasWitertoww.

As early as 178 . _ im its i

| | | | t | a j ! a by ' .".It^K! /W/ij.*%h''%^\

«• A u -

.K |*%,

•fflW . gajst'*MsiAMtf,

i of tbiwa.fsBea. and after was no uacomsoa tWiif

b s o KeWtf f i^-a- f t oter wwkb paswd ttobwfh Ointon-

sjswi thsww aeroas the cawtry to^tWrV.

••ahdy, in wrwkreoe* to Ibe fkf»er Hid or* the fett fualiiy of tk* laUer, teptttor with the bearjr cost of separaUn* by m s t m u . 4aade it ousch satve- aapeastre the foraser bWngiOabnodanttlat the ore which re­quired separsiini WM not tttcti it all. Bat.

• m i * l h ^ w t » r * , ^ s^ted. '«• *f^V*°, FT00"*8 o f 8<"^ atallia, by water.eliwM into uae when tbe PalBtr.Hin.ora

A" leal l l H M H w M

rot> www% iwwJ-»W« raised ami Hsibiwbte Use iMwewf^wMihslw) wmpry auiwt*. .

On tawum Badjaww fiwww «M • ' » « • - . ttoSM basing been in the «np*B» oftti* ensa-1 paayfar tfyew^MMMtsthnsii who knew* ;

bis buseMM twtn—hly and si tends ' • » . faiilifultr. AVftnt serentr mew areem^!-*"*!

here, «lxty

A V R Vt ko » '" ! '» • }«-•.•'.-.- «S ••

, . ( ) ' \ | , < l o « * U t . \f>-.! I* U* !

a^r«>*»<i«: <v»rf im.s '«- 1>" p o s i t i ' * . < T i ta - j .1 - !».-• «i j i .

Siorrnz -i>- ' •

of «fwmi are miner*, and »«<*; J,,t„, p H*tc'.. J . I . rurpf*".

At itbis tisM-th* swppfy- of * •

to B6G0BW of more ( **k»antof DI* raiwil per <!s* seeraar* fmm *»OT of which wa« doubt- j 40 to -TO tons tthhh yield* »Wrt SO per <+*% grwUir wiwMtjr of r»p-l«f |pmi ; lfrom th* tnromit of ttw hill i* »

ingthe ArnokJ6retonaocouatorili«infr«a»- fins monmain t l iw M wan he «e«n in tMs >i|fidepth of the saine. Al thls tlsse seams j whole section, Mt'» Marcy. f.SJen. M.ln-

••e^iiraptr bteltdd dotrn loto ib« pAimtr, tsrt «n« tie G<ihk» Wd£ ritik^, «hW#tw* ri*» *" W|iHi*e> awd tae Wtkaiimpoa Xotch IS'owe-of "the beet w4»»*:«m»"*>e:

\Vi(,ri>«".»'-'. M-


hasJiiboMe dkwHat tesa the Arnold and fwmr. y t ^ i w ^ w t t atwwwt-wtaW aH»Cbmawsry Vail

MSW. Tim a¥a«sfewafo» paid •utmum wwMishoat $12 |»P 's iwiik,a>4osi; UsMlhof

of tlm

j B ^ # * * * " ' >

L :mwMBm»mHmWw>ft' ls»wmwMiil

of theexisten«*^«i-wiukt4s known

ies in.

swe property., Subsequently b^ refuted, to folfiU the terms of Uieeoatraflt and,in 1 S » aaoit was c o t i w i e c d agsiBit hhsv thw d r

litigton to Plattsburt.li, Aprii «th, line boats eommeneeO the leregomr trip* one week lataCivABsy VtU " Of «uir»e

Wtc learn that Mr. L Fmnkflekl, has rented the store now occupied by L. Shulman, two doors south of tbe Cumberland Borne, and will on the first of May open for sale * fijjl line of millinery, fancy goods and notions of

Sunday. But " m e swallow dees not make \ the latest and]test Styles. Of wMMwt the a summer.*' j goods will be sold at the lowest cash prices.

W I T H toochinf « i « affection an agrieuf- i Mr. Frank-field is well known to man? of the turai paper remarks: "Make manure ofi people \broagbout tbe county, bavins; been w ( (if nhkh wwftci frDmpftmm tn 'ifslMiilii your old todder.** in the eaa|ioy 4rfMeasrs .UJdAC^e.sy the^ ^ b m s t e a e t . This anft'hls !ferW itrijjini

rOTsnm Jr»«i6N' tta» catrsbt the:'«»ft'^JWellJ^i^/^lw^rlpiil,^ n mania, got ashamed of its' name, and wants | w w * so l>e caHed "JTorwood." " S K S » me tbe EarruucAN,''says a new;

ORDERS h a w been received at Ogdens- sabscriber,"I hvh watched its course for the last two years with interest, and admire its independence on all .jnestieBS, political and otherwise, while the efforts of its propri­etors to make sl.«a interesting bnsQy nens-paper are abundant!) successful." Our read­ers will pardon na if the publkatkM vf th* above does appear a little egotistical, bus it is only a specimen of the many letters «ft;

deatiaed to be settled at no dlsmws ley t*On^ ceited thbtTesig^ofereHIni a sawmill on

. , , , . . , , j . . , , . , . . m .,the rapids just above the lower bridge in pbmk road w « eomfmrted l»»t JbmmNjtmAmafBni* Qmmmto'm>

season from Saranac , , „ „ , ^ '&*+**&& biaAlbe re^fcs m

ated made a sontract wi which he > j t ^ t i ^ U>te am<


burg to stop all work on the Northern" Transportation boats.

T H E Continental tea party at Keesetille iast week was {a,-sWes*. *The proceeds nmomtted te.4fffi. '

THE m V l i o ^ m W t of April sliowrrs ar-rived o» Ir^KVniornlng—snow and rain half and half.'

O.Tfcofthe»%nsoi'«ppKaehtng summer I » r e WW***1 * ° » w e e * *° *«***» : * » « * :s the resaniftion ot street sprinkling, which took place last- Wednesday.

P. T. B J U M I - U , Use great abowmau. was elected Majef «£ Brithjrport ^pril 5tU, but it ••) undersfoow rtmt rfcto wtrinot in the least interfere with bia fstataiiow.

IT is wnder&tood that the litigaUon con cerniiig tbe Chateaugay ore bed has been sel-Ued, tbe prssent oeeunants remaining In pos­sesion.

TfKPikAT, May 4th is the lime set apart for the elfction of President, Trusteet, Treasurer and Clerk for onr village eorpora-tifin.

T. E. FrrzpATKtcK of Peru, W. II. tior-dfin, Eiienbiirgh Tent f . entered, and Ii. E. n«Mitlfy of Peru, grnduut^il from the Troy Business Coiiege lait week.

T B K steamboat, J. B. Schuyler, mad.- tbe far*! trip of tlte seasoe from Xew Yoik to Albany last Monday evening. A •juiinlity of fltatingice was encnunteied.

T H E ict; wtiij out of tbe lower mill pond I :.isi Sunday, and according to tbe average i heretofore it oualit to disappear from the : i i .'• a wfck or ten days from that time.

HON. A. W I U J A W R lias just sold 13001 t.njs of i.-on ajadc from the Chatraogay ore t> parties in Pittsbursb, P a , to be mad>* ::•.: > >t.-c!, tor which it is well a<iapt«sl.

A fuMPAXV has been organized in Can .<.' i with a capita! of*10©.0tM> for the m.imi-;. i-. ;ie oi cdotttchouc. or india rubber, from • :!••• iniCKuf milk weed.

A rirKKUtt. was rati-Lt in Aujiur I'oml; . . : urt-k. neighing 21 ibs and raea*ijjmj; 3 , ; •• " ::icJu>s it: length. It »;is scut by <*x-; *i> ui.f oi the tnembtrs ot the Peru *• • ' Hi'. Irr-n Co., in Xcw Yt;rU.

i u A>' wi-iit out of the Ausable tirtrlast v :.:.•. Lvi:iioiit doing any serious iii-Kiace, i' I :!.»• dttf i iers t**ide that wayward and '

• ••• : . i - - ' i t a u i noir r i : t moit- *ecurc!j . . : ! . • > d'.4 a \v<,-<-k or t«»n days aeo . ; H; . . « : *ji:a:t*Tly J l e e i i n g of the ^!. K.

• :•. In ;!,:« \ii;*s<-. i«r this eons^rem-e .: • iv - r.!.ic<- to-mi'rp>w morning, April

. .' •!.(• rr-y.il^r hour for service. Love . '. .*. • I . I : I ; jiu t '.Mi'cKn.-iv A. M.

of course are very gratifying. j W E have reeetVed from the bavmwt *»ub-; lishing Society, 0 Warren street, X . Y., tbe 1 following pamphlets: "Kt. Rev. Herbert ] Tangliest, D . D , on Mr. Gbtdstone^' f b * , Syllabus for the People," by the authoi oT j The Vatican Decrees and CatfmBe Altegi-j auce; and "Mr. Gladstone's ExpostuUtien : Unravelled," by Bishop Ulliithorne. These. } are all able documents, and no' one who

length along until toRifithlM fa tlw first part of tsm pwssnt nmn^w^sesi tt waa termlnafd 'and a new- contract entased into between Edmund Law Rogers and his wife Cbaiiotte M. T. Bogets murtiea « « tiae first part and %n>tU M. Wee4, A . W l l * n * l**&. C. V. Norton, parties of the, second part, the, conditions of which are in brief as fyjlows: Mr. Kossrs leases the Co., Iota 257. 2 I | , 272. !73,874, K6,8». Sit «8, m 26., 281, W, 88S, 2S4, in tewnsWp So. A o « military IrbpC; each, lot containing 213 I S acre* aafd lot 3Jo 100 in towiiaUav So. 5 «hl stiiibary tract r^ttbiiBa WOacotf, ft* a utisi ot tof -ty years from April 10 187^. on ceudjshma that the Co^ pay him dining the first 15

•viry foncT septfaledore or of pig iron wnTch they may produce from saU traet, and for the neaainfawi M yeiia »e«««»pei*on am) aaw tbie taaea.on the tract durim; the time «f the lease. '* * *'"*

the Cto has by the terms of the wishes to-fcee|r-p*eted' wMh regard to the . . ._-s». . * . , .» . great reliqroas discussion which is now going j *~ + * T ' S ^ S ^ i i ^ ^ S ^ on should neglect to read th .m. Thw pHce * £ . " £ £ ! £ S Z 3 S t t £ t t Z ! * of etch is ° j ceut<! ' * ^ «"lP» UPOO tmi » M | p e | W WaWstS,

men that" We^Imvel Ipetlmg Schoof S T P a 1 - T * n n o f t h e ' e M V ^ i™1^' "MamaSam mer s Hall. It U also suggested that an ad- ***** ? « > * l ^ % t > h « Sjrilcturea

mission be charged a J that the fund* so »«f V * nm0'* « * * Mr/ » * " « • » ' heirs should elect; WTeta% t h e * /at afi *p-

praised value; and if he leases the property

Sr the expiration of this lease, then this ipany or their helm shall have the pref-

wUt aarte!,

( raised be appropriated for the "Home of the | friendless." A good idea. Who will take

lur'e ' , , 1 C matter In hand and make the ea| l$ ! Later,»«wlii be seen ebeubere the eaR ba» ! been made and tbe time fixed for to-night

Turn out to the spelling school. There will be loads of fun, anij the moon a c t w r f t a h 1 t r ^ p ^ > - T > ' > - # * » ,

TIIKRK was a false alarm of fire last Satur­day evening which sent several hose carts to the dock ou the double quick. Tina alarm was evidently a malicious one, aud whoever gave it or has any inclination to repeat tbe offense would do well to ponder the following ordinance passed by the Trustees in 1813 and which is still in force: See. 1, Any par­son who shall knowingly give a false alarm of tire, or alter an alarm has been given,shall maliciously ami falsely proclaim tbe fire to be extinguished, shall lie liable to a penalty of twenty dolUrs tor each oflense.

T H E Burlington Sentinel says that about one o'clock this (Saturday April 10.) after­noon John Lynch, aged lit years, who was i-:i!i.ioycd to run a small machine for inak-iiii; snools in Ilolt's manufactory over Mat-t!i--v.s & Divis' box factory, was caught in a. shaft am) almost instantly killed. It aa»» pened on the outside of the building just be-!'• n- the whistles were sounded for work t» i

smali |

ence; and no (allure to pay .royalty shall the forfeiture ofl^asetiMrHlx months

If the company shall Csil to

usi' bjast fitrnaces or other structures which may have been destroyed by fire or other casualty, then the lease may be>declared'forfeited hyMr. Kogers who may then retake pos-sessieit of the property. * • " '

Thus this vexed question has been finally settled, probably to the satisfaction of all par­ties cotic^iTieJ f the feses certainty mayireH' cougratulate themstrces Upon the fctvettAte terms which they have secured—far more favorable in some respects as it would seem, than the original contract would have given them. T J w w l w l e b ^ t e h A a w h ; t t e b s n d and this alone constitutes a b ine of wealth to say noUung of Uksore bed, wltieb is pro­bably 0fi*«rU)».miMt «MiiaiwMBttV.faitaswC ones in this whole sectiost; Lively times may be expected in that region between' this and A . D U 9 &

i'->-} H..


hi . : - ! l ^


. - «..i.ts hin salary '•• ll"- innme of 'i,e

:•> cotitmudlly de-; t i . . - 2"it!iz i i e i m .

up in this section if



• .-1/ indication. I:I i the I'.Ki-t'i

> i^.i vvi i .ch ti> i

•i r i n IIKH f

di .r N o w is the,

!.K A \ i i '.hf

l it.

liCluirt! IliS, .y l:Ut Tuesday , which laated sniff d •>!•. 1 fie en»»i e s a m -. 4bi* »^~t-Mr^^r.ii »i.ts-*. 'i U'*

t » !- iV. . i l ; l - i t i . Cli*-«J.

! : i .ii.ii •• i..-- : l .»: J u n e s

, . hreti .-ir.lf ill if. s im-.-• ; sfiritiv >i\ hi-' <t m^tiier.

. o f P .^ i^ .k*; •*'>'. N.V . is v«:t-vi .tti i Ii 'I'•- '" l> .ib'tr To

lie eominenced in t h e afternoon. A shaft sets out from tbe bui lding, the collar t.f which caught bis coat and whirled h i m violently aronnil, h is head and Other parti of Uic hi*!}' striking against a boa, beating h is liie ou t . T h e body was terribly mangled. H e wit* the only son of a widowed mother.

Tin: village of Clintonville has sufitfed greatfy from fires during the past few years, ainl slrfing suspicions ha»e been entertained

tin; they were to a great extent of inceudl ary oricin. On the first of April certain reir:i«-$ were arrested for some offence, and one i f tl.ein confessed that he had belonged t.. a JJ.HI;; whk-h bad entered into a conspir-a.y t . —t Hie lo property for the purposesof oluni.V; • tin-cxauiiuatiou betore the magis­trate a?!e>i uiiti!,twi>w'ck«* 0 » nexnaoiwr in;.'. » b « u UK W i u i ^ i r u a i i o u t b e c l M i ^ a . a £

SwUmt BMstb. Lml Weduesuay evening a man by the

name of John Frye, about fifty years of age, came iaiothe Park EFou>e,on ttieer streeS, kept by T. W. Knowles. and applied for lodging for t b * r * * * » r V H e > f # ^ t ^ 3 e d about 10 o'clock, and remained in his room sll'the next day, eomphtinlnc of fewtin'g; no-

tetl au4 aapaariM to be stupj4. 0i\ I f W« mornin^aHut. bsjf-pasl s i^ ociock, the! bar, tender, John Donovan, heard a groaning . in

built THE FinsT Hocaassa Kwajtw. II ILLS,

a loghut nrju- wherje^he raundry now sUndS) •here he Uved^wmt twafded bis help uirtil the dam was completed. >

Ab0U| * « » * # 3 f a I « > i f e » *«««»J«»* made openlo|s in the region above, oo the Little Ausable as hfeb as where Fern "village a s * stands and «eea- farther along nit the Itnicrn slope of tbat M M O I ts> QM Ticinlty of Arnold Bill; while On the Great Ausabie i&eT a, tew. aeatteted settlers had estahUabed themseWsas Mgh u p at the town of ilay.

*,Among these waarampn Jb» the. name,of George Griswoti who, probably about the year 1810 erected a dun on the Ausabie Ri*er ««..wii*t 1* now known as puasonvilte w h e t » ' f n i u i ^ r dam Is now located. ' '

Bore he built a forge of two Ores and a '•wtf&wiU. TJssjsreiowthJsfergowawsob^ etj'-at what is known as the "Winter Ore BM" situated about a mile and a half west. JErpm wbic^i |ampf i^usa^tM8<| fs |a l sMe r

r% abandoned. This forge at- Clintonrille is believed to

have been the 1TBST ronGK KBECttl) ON THE AUSABLB

,'f >f ' M ,»W**» . - ' ' - ' ' > though it is not absolutely certain, as there a deplorable absence of .pumiahad/Ceco^da

relaUn|;tothbiearb;vnjeriod and much baa to be trastei to 'tin iSwastalisawetttiM waaiy: inhabltanhswihieh aHhou^i of inestiaaable worth are ho* ialways strictly accurate. •

The next actor upoa the scene here at

we have to do cbieiy in.thia paper—was a man by the name oi Samuel fallen who est-igrated frowllfewHampadQw^to region probably about the year 1811 or 1812.


built in tbe village.were astpre,which isnow occupied as si dwelling bonse by Mr. Lacy; and a dweWag house whfeh is now

worked, hern trnvingheesi Snowand Sptnx A few yearn Jeter Mr. Bullen who

toh.M^As^werkwticbnsinemaaaaHwaa accidentally kj|at,wj>lle on a visit (o Ver­mont by his horse* running away, and the nest pEopsietar: whicb appeared waa Joshoa AMrin who probably continued in pawn—ion

until Nov. 11,1824 when "'"'*• . 'kBRTsmr/lBbit COMPASV

'w'as organized, ot which he was made PresU dealt and in which emee be seems to wave ve-maineatinUI 18g6. * <Qtl th* j t l » hnd im of »r«y of that year t ttnditbe record ot meetings of the Direc-

:tn» or Trustees of the,l*eru Iron Co.,at which a resolution was paaeed "tbat J. Aikin

_._, , anAprfl ikh ,18S5. FwmthiS we learnwwe* tlie two Hast furisawe* were fibtshad .and. a%to. rustssmg. « k s t their capaett^ was, Sbere a ^ tohe J ^ o f detirwrfciniintt H btnSDwntttliStS^ were charged with wood and ihssrwaf awd blown by,». cold blaat of ctMaseJMsmliA thtag as a hot bmat bad not Uien bewat tnooght of, and that hollow and other iiwn ware wa* east here as weH as pig iron, the eastmgpiMfeaKwsm made di­rect front tlm furnaces. These fiu-nacea stood

lite present —Wag asill and the foundry. On the » h ef January, 1828


ordered to be built and an AKCOOB WOMG*

had also already been some time in opera* lion. Here She largest ship anchors and iron cables were manufactured of the Arnold Hill iron' which seems to nave been well adapted to the purpose. • Some time in 1829 the

aauiFACiuav #asei»xb^,anddnrintthesasneor the fol­lowing year a freshet swept the 'forges away on the east side of the river, wbereapon tbe company built the lower daas, together with Mm present canal, whlctt h) nearly half a jwfle in length, by which they get a Call ot laliaatxS met at the lower end. Here at tbe lower t * « tW caeattbey hnft a Urge. forge, the building being of wood. This stood until Sunday, July 31, 1836, when it waa barasd'»» dsv grownd. Bet th* same atwaon the verge now standing waa erected—

building about 300 x 75 lee^ with 16 fires—undoubtedly one of the finest bloomer forges on the continent to-day.

1 About this Ume a great change seems to »*e been made. The lease of the Arnold

Ore Bed having expired, it was found neces-aary to k>ok else w h e n ior ore. Previously to this tiwie a considerable quantity bad been obtained from the Palmer Hill mine, Pfybably &r the fbrges, while it is presumed (bat used iu tbe blast furnaces was taken from Arnold Hill, as was also doubtless some for the forget, ibis being so rich that it needed no separating; Previously' to about this timf; such f vhfna aaj separatlm; one t y

sr* * » taftnown 1f! A f e seetlon, but at

I ^ V * ^ » * » * w l ^ l £ s » « 3 S - -._., _ WAORXTtC eB7aJtA90R loklel/ tmdfoTalongUmebeeb^holieratlori. This

t i e room occupied by Frye, and on goiug in _

dtecofeied him lying across tbe bed, his head ' i ^ ^ J j ^ ^ y to gnbu,er7rhey afc. h a n a t n i s A v n e t k n » S I I A f i i n A r o n •••sasnswi^isitsl C " _ .. . _. -l*J-

7 prole"t

:i»S ^l'>

j'ia. and

banging over tbe side- Donovan immediate' iy raised him uo and calling Mr. Snowies ran for Dr. Low who arrived a few moments laler, but the man waa already hi hie last agqny and about 7 o'clock he died, Deceased

U a masuii by trtuie wid worked last T i w U y tor -Mr. S r n t i b , w h o l i v e s o n t l»« F*aa*-tt pL»cre

HUei Bi.yntua uutil papers ceNtd be m a d » | 0 l n t | , e state rosd. Ou the night that he ar-L,<-h «..uid have seui. bba to jail to i rived at Knowles* he called lor some , brandy :h.- acticu of the g i ^ d j u t y ; butdur-., o f w b i c n i^ drankA.ainall portion-ordering

the nialit he escaped;M||pber with tbe-i vnTt ^ w | w t w a » poured out tor nun to be.

.-. « :.i,U^-h l . a t e In- . ! ; pri'WIiU'i'

, , u i.rc»d.. i-,. ttna coutitry." : >!a--. wh.cl. li.i> became ;iie . I : '.. .'. ;.-.:;^ the m--:!r.rj ••! ,i. i!.-- '.*'-• rtb*ili'»ii. full** oa • .:. !: i- ..h-.nt l ime that

i' ;« i ' .s .uai'*'.>raUti l>) appro-

;• ! ..!. i '. '.I-I.:;. i iu- ineli an­

il jtt .Le i>«Jiii"iil U->i£r and Ms iui^e> are ruutaiiit:: cast-

,- v:..u;ni !'-r -«t moie ,a f id lil-- u ' < *.» :-r < " ' -'. • '*'>* l'!- ' > } H - r

,i» i. t ih'- i l a j Cvuit will he .-.- i- '.'im!.. A sti.id opinirtu-

'.'. i lu i t'i i l . -vc who intend to :IE. * .,r»? in arrear* f »r the K*:-

1< .ii diifing the »efiMim and arrouii!??

ii!) <»ne !!««'• tli>- s»»!»t!;n2 «ch*«J at •- Ha!i t.»-t.^h: Uvu. Ii. S. Ak&la*-•s «,<>»s«'tite«l !'» act as Prrsideiit and t alone h «trffiei*ijt to guarantee a

- .'-ceM. The Judge STM ot.ee a (tebool-i i.iruMstf aud will »«e to it that there is ay all

.dciuolin superb

rest ol the gang, and there tint among the ciiuens ki


I itidigua-uence.

a:.>ijody wants to stpt'wv, |(wllmg con-Ivst here

u o Thursday while. In bis roam l ie a lso oalled for some liquor and a little was g iven to hint

<t.ll .i*>

" up !

ahuuts, we will p » * them * few Tlte deceased i» well known to base been 'jaw breakers" to comnsasce^.on. At a - ^ j i c t e j to t | ,e use'of liquor at periodical m.'ch in Soratoga Thursday n«J^. a S*"-] times, when it was h> habit to get lodging tleman <Jfirred a $166 febrary t o anybody somewhere and keep poesysslim of bis room who wouid spell corr»«ly|aif fttlowinf six t fcrddys in succeasiou, refusing ail opera of tten *otd»: * | 4Jood, but drinking vstf freely,

Baa, Llama, Eteve. (Alj(aw>ed), JEu»S«te,i lureen. Demesnial, Sa«jefc'^vie. BanisUr, iieirrhositj, Puarmae«g<iSilNtthmfe|piee-w«,yuary, Oa>.uW*o«<%jCfel»stylar, ageeac-ua-.ia, Tie doiiloujygjt. j ^ '% ^ ;y'

The worst efTort W c spe#rhe*» read as fol-!. i svs: -j

liaah. Latmt. Aleve, Bswite, Dcii:'-.-- in..! O Dive, IlaniiUter,cSkirro»city, Pharmaeopia, A<<skiM,Hlemiw^ry,Coeei' •JI.-, Seiciistila, Epicacqana^flVdelaroo.

IHK Natioosj Puouijf*^ Auodiimvl it to hold it» next annum* STlimlsiSsrs* the city of San Franciscu, CaL, dorhkg t»e month of July, and the pbotographera 'i%. to be favored b* one-half flstes^fcrihe trip. By Howard's "fine Art $«t!e»V to help along the shew. B e e a ^ g n s s i fair duremenu in tbe way * f « « * wf the ;ta«wf deiicate and SeantiJul ef"^5" " *"*''' 1'm"ji—* Picturer-t* t i » s a e . « « « 9 ( ^ t p « t e a ^ i | i | i | , the Hssml is an IndoceiBsent ••mi.. ... maids, old rrml^.—f y - n ^ ' TSaJsw, w ' I f ' cure one of these' . . . " " * " *?* "'

s i i t ails'a«nilapavBss'smist'"* ^'ir Before dseay's atTjsvnwUasmstv^,.«... "^j-f'fft

discretion to/cowtraf» for the ptwehase of any lands in which fore) bade may have been discovered, to any amount not exceediee -$1,000." ' At tbe same meeting it was' voted' that WUliams be allowed to erect a dwell tag bouse either of brick or stone at an expense not tax exceed §890.

It <*»s also resolved '•that $S00 be applied to paying balauee due for baiMmg churchy U)d lIlftiawMsTfc AJiuB MdlriamMWrwmitB conveyances Of pews to that amount |n be-

|atfoftbeC'empauy." > fi-Vbis was a Presbyterian Church and was probably the flrstuoe baflt OB ^te Anaable ftiver. But it seems that one good act, of

veiy start to tbe. old proverb, "Cerporations have no soul*? for toe neat retoluiion author iced the appropriation of '•oW hundred dol-larsper'aiiriuut towards su^foiUng a miins-ter of the gospel to da stated duty hi the SBeetiugbowe-/' and, this was Wlowed by still another, "that one hundered dollars be appmpiiaied towards erecting a auiuww uulldiug for a school boiiae on the ground of «be Coiupwdy, providad the residue be acst

p u t b a c k n ^ t o t o ^ & w ^ l ^ l i f i K ^ y ^ J H i i , «/ tie/sSilitltj eompleteand paint; and that the President be autbertaed, to execute a permanent lease of sufficient ground for its erection."

So we aaa that at this early period the Cesn^sr i « ^ eare »imiride for U.et4uca-tlou and religious tnasnaetion of tbe com­munity which they 'wav«rijimw«1a«. s»waw« them. Frommi/satnewhcient record w e | get aeme kieawf U^pagwJlmlF of the estab-lislime^whjAbarfalivaarygT^ apattbis

* ^ ' ^wads e t ) U - Fork-: City via.

A coroner's jury was ausfsaoned on Fri­day morning by C^ronw LaT<mtain«, which rendered a verdict t» the effect that deoaaaed

unknown, Indueeu by « » greai^mdnhjawto jaoaieohottc stimulants, together with vetun-

tisjt no person couM properly be cbarged year or two mf^r. vVes*}ielaswl^ mivfa^ a j a ^ e - a a v i i maatingas-Jnly,

tm , l a 3 o » i a ^ l t t v i m ] i v ^ 'mrWot indfyiduals t o g e t hold o f a portion of th* sonl i twest corner ot Peru o n whirl , is a


consisted of a hollow cylinder about, the size of a hogshead, having an axle running through its e»> -u"-• longitudinally, and fur-nishetf'on the Inside with a great number of small home shoe, magnets. This cylinder, the ends of which were both open, was ar­ranged with one1 end* raised a little higher man the other, and as it revolved upon iu axis by horse power, tbe ore, which bad pre­viously been roasted and stamped fine, was shoveled into the upper end, and as it eras tumbled around by the motion, tbe particles of ore would adhere to tbe magnets, from whicb it was then removed by stationary brushes, and carried away by a system of elevators, srhBe the particles of stone would

apparatus teing required. ahoo,. the year'1H2S or 1628

Palmer sold or sam-lgaged tbree^elghtt of the hBI te tbePaaulsoni Co^ while Amen was

andtttere hi a tradition that the ion WMdh the Go. salt u^staua*

thw inoTe rwas «wa of tk»cstiem to AltaSaw r e l s o v i d ' ; ^ afl|-er-.

But the preperty steadily JntisaaH tn value uUmexceaeW^bt* tbe <Jre:*iidihe extedt of tb» japoi»thejfmtw> **muM*





Bvmw4waw*mswfsva>. i B t ^ o o s sprang

great desire by o i f

t « . f . vVilUio«.n. Vtiititomn I! i : U.«» !>>lter.

X. V. UoyMton. Frank Muffler. H. M. M»nM. Wmetie«f« V. V .

Mr. WtiiH"}! weirs Uw rhih hv^ ^isw — Tbe weailwr *a«e!^»r sn.l pl«»*an*~. wnh .-» mwiierate wind {rajs the ft»ttth-ea«i. Th *

Asm ahy point. The quattty «f- th* ««> j **sh wj«M beajestml. tixntugh iliQcoiitmn* produced here is so well known that Uwre is ! ofymmstwhtabip ?pat»r. hereafter «« make no necaswRy-of spawiain|t*S- a. » c»«i»ri«H> «t "eoen with any .tthrr r»a„

liwwM^s^smmwEWawWrast sts^itr«uw> tarty <wganiacd ciab,made on HKH nznut exeeHed and for this reason if »lwav« com-1 wwekly practice day.

r •Oh.

tMUrasA'gonu bhc*.- rr»; '. * ' „11»e eovtrpsay owua the jis|e:i.w» Lake t. :» n*ck)rbs- far tbe latges* iveevoswew tbe riv- ( er, with She eaxUwive priviiege ref svwig i t a t , wiU. ib this piseeaslao h***ug a decide* L :

jidiniaajsvcw?rsiUrlsaienrnoaatiesw on thai -rl>«r. jTwty alio own hwtd in ali directkajs | withlu-ss eirtni»fO< t4>a»ilaa ftomiwWob,a"J smswmmw^fc^gmmwm mmm^BwHw^H|F^mmf^swwwm'^mwi*Xmmm^s^mmw« •^•> y

which %th#j use abMtt OOUO b^h^to per day j wliea iu fill) uperalicu. They bare 11 lots •>

Morn %wm Ua,>'XBU.'» TAMKH.


the property, and the final consequent was that Palmer found himself dispossessed ol his property by. sharper parties, and was driven to the n nastily of laboring by the day hi his d d a t « upon the Vary bill and for the very-men who had become enriched by bis fortunate discovery. He left several sons, one of whom is ex-Governor Palmer, of Illinois, and it is said he died and was bur i«d near the mou|h of the Ausabie Biver, about fifteen years ago, while the body of his father lies in a neglected spot under a pine tree in or near the village of Ausabie Forks.

Palmer Hill is now in the joint, undivided possession of the Messrs. J. A J. Rocers, of

Ausabie Forks, and of the Peru Steel and Iron Company, of Clintonrille, the former company working the opening on the south side, and the latter that ou the east or north­east aide. Tbe works at Clintonville re­mained under the management of the old Peru iron Company, until 1865, when the present company was organiised under tbe name of the

PKBtT STKtX AUD IBOH CO. Francis Saltus, the old President, bad died several years before this, and the business had during the later portion- of this period been managed by his sons, of whom he had four, Theodore having been the one who made the transfer of tbe property.

The President of the present company Is Charles Blivin; Prancia J . Dotniuick u Vice President and Secretary; aud Edward Dodge is Treasurer. The trustees are H. A Hardy Win. Henry Gunther and- Mr. Hurlbut, all these omeers having other business of vari­ous kinds in New York ciiy. The present resident manager is D. Cady who has filled this office since the fall of 1672. The condi­tion of the works as we found them last Monday is much a« it has been for a num­ber of years past. At the upper dam is a saw mill, gristmill, rolling mill with three trains of rolls besides a slitting machine, a foundry, wheelwright's shop, carpenter's and btacksmilh's, shop, * c This company •As iitim the finit depended mainly upon its own nwmttwea, having, It is presumed, done this at first from necessity and after having bffceestablished the habit kept it up ever since They make their own wagons, throughout.

depta i t^ jtiumbago; about 30 lots in l«wia , where xbere is. another rich vein uf plumbago from which sumo 000 tons have been raised; about i u lot* in Chesterfield and many iu other localities. On Uusir tract in Peru are three square, brick coal kilns; near Poke <>" I Mooushine arc three kilns of tbe beehive , pattern; in lllack Brook four,square; iu An- ; sable are two,beehive; in .lay three, beehive; in Lnwis thirteen, f j iare; in Chesterfield the Wrisly kliu; two beehive kilns at Trout Pond and at Anger Pond two beehive kilns, j These kilns are all within a distance of 14 miles ' and the culling uf wood aud manufacture ol I charcoal in theni turuiali employment to a small army of men as it has done for over forty years. The Winter ore bed, named for its former owner. Judge Winter ol of New York., which probably determined the location of the works at Clintonville, it it being withiu a short distance, is ou lot 210

Spelling School.

The undersigned, in compliance with lb.-I snggfstioae ofrsmny riiisens, aiid tbe n e c s i sity of tbe tsase*, wbk* obviously rrouire I some decided action, to meet tlie great tidal i wave now sweeping over the land: wou.it I respectfully aunounce thai there wiU be a j "spelling match," between tlte students of I tbe liraded School, and the citizen" of Piattt

burgh, at Palmer's Hail, Saturday the 17tl> ins l .at T:.W l> u. A suitable prize will be awaided, and an adiuiiunce fee of a ww-whl tie charged u> defray the necessary «-»-penses , and all surplus fuuds handed o t e r t>> the ladies for tlie beuefit of the ' H o m e i'ji the Friendles*."

Plattsburgb, April 14th, 1&75.

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'»<r r.*n« -««SBma>

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Woa«lerf^9 Svaceest.*

S F Vtlas. John Lvude,

J II Myers. fJ»o. H Webb. K O Btrber. - l i i ln i M « r t i » . O A'W<KKI, J U. Vitas. tleuiy Orris.

Maule's patent. Au iinmctise quauity ot ore lias been taken out Iron this bed whk-ta is i Geo. F. B>xby, probably tbe oldest iron mine in this parti *« B - P ¥.""**"',. of the country. A tuunel lot) It. in length | j ^ . J ^ ; has been constructed here Into the »ide j \,_ yy. Fierce, ol the mountain wbleh-greatty facllltales the , raising of the ore as Well as pumping out the CsUigw,

water. The quality ol this ore is abuui the j _yr(ua.. Editor* • same as that of the Arnold ore bed. Ai-! „-„ ,„Hi<.e,h(U«s.ntoh)#,-'wriu^emiieiliin-. though abandoned lor the present it is nut • in Urn Srutittrl abtuit lh-- St-luiol Eal.iUtM.i Improbable that it »ill be agaiu worked ex-j Hut did not quite suit a certain |e-r»«>n i<

our town. »t he writes a coHitmmtcatioii f»

l 'I I>r«* years aa>» I»i. ll-wf nr* « «>*I,>I »•» | N\I:I i- na§ tntriMliii«-.l in Ui- I n.t-.l v ,,», » . rt»*n <»-*rman> f..r ?t'.« ,-ijr*- <ii f --^. i.. --i * i tl'tildi o-ttleit «>n t'i>» lir".»«f. I ' , *i.i»,t« ,• I oi.l »U»«r I I K I ' I K nt !!.«• Tlifia: vt I I. ,<, • j \ i t n*t.**hx-iiii* v.-f ft*.* *ircfi * »iiiC''r-»?*- ,i«Ki,i»*! • >a»np!'- It -ttlen ii4«" t>--' n (!•-'! .I'll "4 ,-%,-t \ ' i^ir t«»r thfw \^ar. I. » l>r -i^j:-> m *i! t.»,i.

• •1 the I i itr-d S; »>*,,,.,.! »,e«t:i )<»>•> V't^r* | i<om l>iug^i»tsa-e ti-** >m u<n tne«. «avtiiii ; tiial no ot.,.-i |jr.-pir4' —n u< Mivn -'•»«-., t«-j I iatt* such <*xrvt!..ti' «t<.-.!*t"i,.i> ,\" « t v^ jw tor jon U» go to lour IM!*s;S»J. r' I." j IIAN'IS. I'i»iti.b.ir<l,. V V . •» J. « ] filLLEtPJE. Atw*b-f F <tk\ ,\ V . st. I & • ! « Si.mpf- tt.lt>.- !"•! Jo c i t . l t si. i " • liejuiar str«- 7» o u t * , 5 i

r<» Oealora iu tttttito rtn<i Shiwintfeei-'*.

>!(««.•"• 3!l>f

tensively iu the future as the ore is tar trotn beiusexhausted in it. To lorecast the luluie puliCy of Ibis cwuipauy would be »difficult task to undertake. The natural leudeucy for the iron, as well as all other kinds of business is to fall into the hands uf Urae corpora­tions. The time was when any man who cdukl raise means to start a lor^e fire on Us

own accoun^coldd work it with advantage {lboua, D ,„ pro^Wy, -A l l t„tn*~ m a * t ,ke and profit. But that lime la s long since pass- back . | j he wrote, and may write it iu iansu ed. The great expense attending the opera- age that will be apt f. suit "Anloiiiett."

tienoftuiuiu2.ow.ng to iucrt'ssed depth fruin , *™7M*'l m , i l u* a. ," , •" t r , , !"" " , r t " r

"' " » * | up for the K K r t s U i n s in mv estimaii-m «-which the ore must be raised and the water , j t g , „ M | j ( | DH> wrj|iii'4 ll only as' my «pmi<m «i i.»». puiu(ie>l, as Well as the introduction of exp-n- ' the majority. The ex^rei»es coii-i-u-il sive machinery, makes it impossible for any ' declamations e«*ys, tablea«i«,chaja.le»,d

I tbv .Sftt'tnef over the signature ufAntoiurll" | aa*! u-lls "Anioiit*-'" what lae nliowM in*t ma\ I aud «4MI language be sitould not use m th.

dracripiiou. Petl iaps Iw is tlie f . l l i fr of a ; little b .v Him relidetet! Ilia M |ilece." " l l a r i i had : • • " , t in his e s t imat ion! in splendtd style and h I

did not want it said I fiat said little t«iy » • « stirp.ts-e<I by any otl»*r'«, ereti s o m - of fh^

W.- afi* ii'.w r^-i-uiiic'iiu '.Ot»U 'or «'!i.4"«ii' u „!,' t„ rfi»- .-it4**n«*.m .»f . t - t t -rs

U'« are pr«-|i*re.f to fiii . . | . ' , tti our Hxt**.*a,*l ijurf.i»iit. ..-j.ri he s u i t e ijitaa!;. «»! ,'-"<.U ;.. , ,

any nl'i.k*-*.

W>- I W l t Sf l fJH'M-VS.- ! * ! " <- . ,

oar iiue stock of l..**li«r su. |

• * «.,i

a i ' i )

.1 . ! ; - f i ?

• i . «• S | ^ 1

little h*nili,M ttr ?'nn»- *Vufa»ry llli*n»e i w^ • lai'a to t**- aif i^.?-! i i i - i a i . we wilt-u-ll 4^ |.,n i« t!(•-»• ,i . ( . , • >,

W* k<-ep *m Uanit t r»-n, i, an t ; «a!t B o i l i>|«-is.<'iii>>|i.-ii *>,-iriit,

••111 f r o n t l i l t ' W - t S t « » H S» t; , i | , A •• t T . l t 11

yo im^ m e n who participated. IVrtinN • v ' J '*•« |Mi«f-> .*"•«<.«RIH ««.i (iwin,«-k - - 411't f . i | < i . n ' , iu Mut,.«- j , i u , . , r i . , ( j , . . ,|.

H l l I I t 4-< A « f > t t N-* "• M.-llfti!, , - i p . :, C a l l , , u , , , ' %

i . t t l l i m i r.. v. t i n ?.

is f

arid E Wuilams ha a iAbi iaedm t h e i r > i u t i ^ the lower end. A large pile of coarse sanifmarks the spotwhere this stood, and near by are the remains of tbe barn in .which about 30 horses were kept for work­ing the separator!. But iu the proeesa of time tbe belief grew stronger and stronger that there might be soum improvement upon this slow, wasteful aud expensive method, aud finally about tbe year 1835 the company e ^ n m e u c e d separating ore by the water pro-

vtts. Their first separator was buUt on llie brook wbick run* wtrirom Palmer HUh Tbe Sieves were worked by baud for tlie first year or two, and miany men are living who can recollect working at this laborious employ­ment, Joggtug the sieves up and down. But

I iu 1837 the preseut separator was built at fiearlng^ahave given the lie direct at ttarjijeiiutonvilie, on the canal already mentioned,

about half way from the lower daiu to tbe forge below, and here improvements were auaUfafcerwards made by which hand Uoor'^ias trt ii great extent df«penseil with.

This period, from 1820 to l&tt). aud p.-rbap* kttrr, was prubaMy the most prosperous one wtiich tbe Ausabie valley has ever seen. At Bbck Rrook liie Rogers's had coiuiueuced making hym in'1833, aud five years later at Aitaable Forks; there waa a large iron man-ii4aesnrj at Kew Steeden, two mik-s above tliutonviMe; tbete were forges at Wdmiug-Squ, on Lake Placid, and other points above; •ear the Arnold Ore Bed there was the Itatty torge of two fires, and a ebort distance above wag Batty's upper forge and separator, wba^ OA the Pbsoe now owned by Eiisiia Altetl.tmrhe west slope of tbe LftUe Atna 4ile, ww* dm F ^ a blaM funsace, which was bulk in 1888 by Ketcbum, Hart A Frencb, under* the name o f Use "Few Smelling Company;" and » abort distance further north waa another blast furnace, which had

• I I * ^ h t # U r a t t » b y t V - « t s o n * D n i r y . Tbe *T|ithavtlMtwf.|>w like digging

•If tlm nmslni nf •nrTqiifijr, and of an ex-

yS9snse?twe miSjWS^Sm^estjsvsmBe' orwncn an

otberthatt WealUtycorpuratiunstoembaik iu aud prosecute it succesfu]!}'- The great need of this region steins to be tfOw, manufacto­ries in which the iron can l>e converted into

: merchantable goods: edge tools, axles, liar!*, ISW#SW*M aiidalUasma'llbamsjibinriy^sid |sstu]e«, bridge*..arehitectur»(t omatnentir or anparatus reqdrrett sit the mines Or about ' other' articles of every day use. tbe works. Here are found the remains . ter is here*, tiie cheap labor is here, and above of tbe old blaat furnaces long since destroyed j all, tlie iron is here. by fire and never rebuilt,aud the old cable Perhaps the future will fee this very cont­end anchor factory. Everything is built in ] pauy manufacturing their owit iron info the most massive and substantial style as i f ; articles of oruatiient or ti5«, ihm utilising with tbe view ol defying the ravages of time itself. Half a mile below is tbe lower dam and from here the water which drives the Purge and Separator below is taken into a canal abont a half a mile hi length. About midway on this canal is the Separator and roasting kilns. The Separator is alter the usual style, the ore being first roasted and stamped and afterwards silted under water, and ample provision is also made f r saying the fine particles of ore whkh in the ordina­ry Separators are carried off by tbe stream and wasted. About a quarter of a mile still further below is tbe forge which lias sixteen fires and four hammers.

Everything here is also built in the most

the dements which stem to be ready on all hand* to aid them, furnishing emoloy-meet-, lor tetilotd Urn number of hand*

substantial manner and seems to be in just i around lb as good a state of preservation as when first , Q^^ „ , , worked forty years ago, although it has been in constant use ever since. Tbe hammers which were constructed here—as indeed was almost everything else^—are of wrought

iron aud of a peculiar, curved shape. One ol tbem bas been in constant use ior thirty years and appears as good as new. N e a r by is a pile of charcoal conta in ing some 30UJUU0 bushels a n d the immense supply of ore piled up ready for the separator, indicates busi-uess for a long way into the future. lHuru-iug, you notice the new iioti truss bridge between the two d <tns oii-tnicleil a tew years since at an expense of$lS,U00 and ou tlie street of the village which runs al.ng s bluff some lii'y feet above the lotting mi:! ' fl,,. ! t , f t w„j j s „,. j

we find the company's turn, ime uf the liuesl ; „. u u r t . , „ , U l l l ^ ,Mi,

they daw du. and tiu-teasing in the same ratio ' their already c-nnrhious incom?. A survey

from the village of «'lintonville ;,» the rail­road track has demons'rated that the dis­tance to the nearest point ou the line is only one mile aad that the grade is less than itJO

i it. to the mile.

' It is impose be to overestimate tbe tmuor-j tauce ol such a corporation as an element in ! the prosperity aud development of the regiou ' in which it is located.

Their operations have for more than half a century stimulated every branch of industry

their money has euiiched ail r influence has always been

Cast ou the side of gond u.oi.il? and whole-some reform*. 1' uk<-n ana}, a Oii,ht of all interests, social tuoial and Un tuc.al which t h e y n a v e h a v e c o l i u i o i t ! * " l o Uuil' l II(J,

would surely loiiow. furiiiey areaCtualiy the. Creators uf wcui ih, d i ^ i t i ^ <i up Irotu Uic b*»Weis o f thi- ear:!i iUi.i scatt-^iiu^ its Inv ss -in^ on ev,-ry han.l.

Beside such cmp'tiatlohs as tin* al.'i ihorm e n g i t g e d i l l iua l i t i ' : ac l t i r c . , f t t r iLi l tk ' - l i Ali'l

! traders a le of auiali ai'C-iiiit^l.i! ; .-y a i e n ui-| panitiri ly like elii!dft-u, lm.tr . iu^ t Mreaufi.-. ; or luM.li^. the "iii.l al"»iit wl.a'Ii l ie .- in r>-• St u i d j Itiiuw? are c ! - a t n u '"' 1'icui i:u ; ui'-tis*- tiiiutn - hiv- r«-a i .d' . l 1-, • t:'. ' .o>-i

i^irfrived. l-.r . 1 , U . U J U l - l l l

luglies. A'C. iu!er*J»er>ed with rural and in strutneiiLal music T h e scholars all »h«wed marked s igns o l careful i ra iuui i . \Ve shall n o t undertake to U-ll who did tlie liest. »ui sbotiid we undertake to do so we wu-.tld gut-a list ol all t h e scholars w h o participated All acquitted themse lves nobly. tVe mus t Say h w s a e s r l i u u Use t w o t;eutlem<u SBL-U-

T h e wa- I t ioned in t h e Seullm.1 of tw>i weeks ago Mr. Karnest Meiritiew as Mr. Ilopeftd. ami Mi . J o h n I/eugfield, Jr., as Mr. Oranviile, I'linoi-pal of Boarding Schoo l ; tu tbe piay '" oard-im; School Accomplishments ," perfunu-d thHrpai ts nearly to perfect i o n ; ootb betugiK't-leclly at home on tlie stage. Also Miss l . y d u I'lairC and Miss Anniii f 'hiihi . lni acted Very well the part o f daughters of Mr Hopeful a:-tending 11 larding School . Miss < arr<e Hyde pertortned her p*rt iif the bride in -'l'lie Bridal Wiue (.'up,'* iu a manner that Itrousht t> ars to t h e eyes ol some <*t the audieuce. We wi.iild a!-.( ni.il'.-e ihat ail *t thr- •* ImliM did we!! in ili-ciamati'in *-h(iw.i.;t i . i t . i a ; case ami arad-fttltieis on the »?a^e. nm 1 think it wnuiii n*,t he advisable t'» iiienii.ii, any u.ore u a i w s . My reason fur nii'i.'i-.;,.:.^ Ih'Hi; i do ,s liiat their paits i;.i«e tl.t-iij h-'. ter chances to exhibit their ah imiev 1 !,>• expeclatiiitts o l alt were fully n-ah/ed imi a I Were well saih-ticd.

—We expect to h a i e an t 'id l o ! * - ' < mcei•. here vn>:i.

—The weather s>-eiii> to U- fa>i-ijl. • I »ug»r makers and a lai^i- ij.iantitv I n t» • i. maiie duriiii: tlie part we-K. Mav .' ••••i^ c-iutiniie and "that ut'l,- jwhi le" 'I., i*e I i i-duly lieiitie IN-UI^ "ia.d on !he rh> J t.. - a 6ui»' leady In n e t ! seainn.

—(fill vitf ii;e si liiHii citiiiiit'-' res ":i M'< •la-, I he tV ll iii«r. Mrs fl iarl .-s i la' K WI*: leai l i in I he Higher I>-p»ritiiehl an.! M - -X - l i . " N l t l . ' l l s Hi III*; i ' . i u i , l % l * j . * l Wi. . . .

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t I t l t i A f i K S


Peru Li.;a.i3.

•il, and iiiiU<; :hiii, iiiuncitiie t

Phoebe Maria Fla-rer Mrs l*..Ui'e- M.*l!

A/nnall II. FiaiU. dl H>7o a', her r.—i'l.'i West T.. . ni) Iliad

ill this whole secimu, i.iietiu r Willi a hand some store and office; the latter* t-oiitaimn£ a large vault iu which is stored away the -books and papeis of the present and L.tTii-r | owners which cover a period of almost Ihr. e \ quarters ol a century. Here is a fine view : up the valley, with Whitrfaee an i the Keeue j Mounlaiiis in the background, while, iiii.ci-ly to tbe east rises a high elevation known as "bog-back " About five miles to the south-«e»t is tbe lamous Palmer lull which has for years been such a prolific souiceof wealth j g;>i,i to this whole section of country, aud which this company has for many years j uub'ers. H-r maiden n.ui supplied themselves with ore to feed their j sbi dropped lor that of h immense works. A plank road has been constructed tbe whole distance tat the miues across tbe sand plains on which is growing fhe third crop of Umbei, tbe first having been a heavy" growth of white pine. This road passes along on the divide lying between the

4Abatable river and the basin which lies at the very head of the LiUle Ausabie.

l i to- U ti

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F. . 4 i . * i , l . w

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KeW Y o l k , ill liie N Vehl) • igh'u le.if ' a:e . S l e was h-ru at f u'uh i «n.| 11. PUltsbur^h, New Voik, in 17"s, n »i

B l l l l S l i l l U'.»

.t i i M o. t ' i - I.. M I la

ti. . I

Here we see the flrtt road ever construct-' WW t i » « »r Uie **>rtn aar, and u»w ie- -ed across this country leading uoui Peru to i »"' i u s m p " i s e s s i " n o f l " e °"'r ««"!t.a.g m M I

J a y , Wi lmington and K e e n e , nearly a mile 1 *"«>nher o f the family. Mrs. F l a g - removed west o f t h e river and running about parallel . * « * her husband t o X e w Turk In 1 M \ and

i irith IC J u s t before reaching Painter Hill , nas made her residence there up »o the t ime W« fswa a n e w school bouse which would be ! "f her death. S h e has never heeu eonspicu

; ] ^ credit t o a n y vtUage, erected partly by tax ! o u s as a member o f society, but has, with un i h e t w o ! swerving fidelity aiul lucreasing devot ion, ap

in nie I itiiini- h> tin from | the famous d i fcuce of t h - Uuitrd MI-IH-I V -1

w is ('."-, * i ich hus'.iaii'l ahr l i

Out Id year? old, October '.ftt-i. l - i l . au.i fi t t w e months before [>eaee was declare.I. Mr. Flagg was o n e of the sevciiteru a i m weicjirt-sented with rifles by sjiecla! act .•!' f 'ongttss for gallantry at Platjsbuigli , i.t.,?*.!.•- I.iavy old-fashiofitd tliiit lock, » i ; h t'n* ;I.M;;ji!,''i:i engraved uponari iyerufaies i - t ikintf . ' - it<jck, has been proudly preserved as a relic of tl e

l . - a . AT, I . i i .

Hie l i rau . v i: s . i j l». I'­

l l .

S . i . l » -

W i l l i ! . 1. • \ 1.

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11 ,t v e

1.1 h ' M - i i e I . ! . . '

ft- rlaee iii ll,. i e » i . I I. > ' »

comeamhw, the esapwyyers in botli the- Bog-ers astd t*««w Steet A Itwa Go's, mine usMig H AntUeferthtfeflasharprlseLencoiui teev4 whtrw vawawaone wonder why a tram-WSw 'Islis iHff;i4ffiig'tisff> been costatructed some

^ l ^ p j a ^ ' i g i i ^ ^ ^ y ^ j , , - t t the grade

plied herself to tbe cultivation of her home , ithick b spoken of by all who entered her do mastic circle as a marvel of sweeturss and peace. For fifteen years she knew no duty *M perior to the comfort of iter blind tiutban J, to arhuse alfliciton she miuHtered with uuretuit-iiag pathmee to the end. She has baeu poor m beaiiii sluos the death of her husband,

Xutr i - r . . - . t . a . , - I--- •• . - . 1 •

Weri. wa- the - i l - ••<• !«. K II • '«' lui ?|ts;i OIL-tun. ' l td doll t is | » i a i e . WaS ;...!. ilaAi'.! h> M. Saaiu. . 1.- ii . r . I . Ches-^e lacl.ily .» . n i . . 1 ..* li, i !*i . , * rteit .it the l. i la^e.

— A S'jt.ierranean tUea'u, if'. !"«•; -.,i. its .tyiieA! »:«-e on tie

I west pa i l ol the town, .u i< • erai.i'.'» I M I . l.nus.', as..I Mi "v i f «:.l ••.,•* lUi I'th.me of water i , »,.lTii •• i." ' - .; : .

1 two r th iee elaerw l<ei».i>-» I'L « '>'••• •>•••'-««•*:. l i undoobt«isliy Jn« i*» '.if .t,r.; .. -•: liie

j l lt /S". U . r J l i l l t W l l l U S a l e ! t. > t | l t . i ' . A l » J . f e - ,

• s a t e .

— Ill regard to ?»• " » : I . J : • • . • • . ' I w a s a sp le i td l - l af f . fr l i . ; Itijj financially Tnefr

toan-lt paid the im'.. . fswhistoti the next' . inn !:•- i>... It a r... it-il

lo a-lverilse a "injtser »ii.-a «•,.! It- wii! j r l * f«4l House.

— M M * tt- v l A".i«« »e et-t seii^ot duMd ! last * • » * . and a id U"*c>i'.uui -it -• a^t u -i . j ul the nrsl of .Sepiemijej. M , s A , i e , . , A i •uecessftii teacher and l is* hern at *i jutf i I iscd by »»tt»«or«tl« tHwt faBtilwi hi v . t i t

V . 1 t . 1

»* as a *a Inir — W..1. .-1 « ' H . » ^ M i

vtl.-.. , ^ *t-11 3

ti . •tii lh*

-il day*, w«m Jaw. lu t , s» ihi rtaaVSwetsdoarw i ^ e / t * * w m )OWS saMSSSjaa,' -" ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^mwsasw^^wapF ' m

• y ^ | a ^ ^ 4


which took pfass a year aud Bve moBtlts ago, wt wW listf> we-Andi *•* On Monday'abe became naconscious and ; _ A n-wel pfoee ot maHi'.iier* ea.i i-- i m i ' IsTe HilHuSlllIf II If fjpwwifttl • * • * «ttt« tt* ftfWMlI «f tmt «•*•••« •"• • * « • « « - *• «»« »»«|*- «* a uutoto-

tTirrJaVr^TT^?*. f s i , - ihe'dhul 's*a»>ter; it w calcutatel «... b-nit \M. *U»

„-,-••• ,--.- — ; i f ^ i U V ^ ^ ^ T WS* ***~*y fTr***?1* I -—Bev. J. W.Ttiowipsou «*>«*d Uw fao-i* banttwesd mmM\THMtl^lJ^^*u»im*»-^f0<f»Uat, k0n. u* K.Wntli- next VatAa-j, he will

, fj« btisaaU frkaad. of t i l family using praae. at i t e e i - ' Mtt."' TlMkamy VM* tuebasM to a l»-a*- ^audvust awtstoy'a, aatd Uaa* Jtdta l»*t«

i^^4&gmM*m^tMefrmt#* m ***** «* »**«***, te, '.-"H^^MS-f •• - . . . , . . « i WfeHuth*} Were u iut -4 at H»v rnntch I! t 1

. tybauvh, U- -e*e«Ui«. . . . . -w^istwl h s m at mr eossmtwttty awod, ISvwawtowBavitisvamrwnws aensyemunaus

' _yT 1| i | i|^)i|aa^a-a>^_e-| ,mMgma«ai; 0m**_%s §hm M M i «gT^"w*wfB|w»w«-5WF?'mwwW' ^www^aT^™ *m^rWS° - * ^ ^ " ^ r * ^

... .ifcssw**.. Ifc* „1?*-T««~-i

rtjn/i. i u - l l . i l - I f f • • -*< . . . * i . • » ' . « , - . ' , ., kjtfi 1

l - : . . : n ? t i i i t . . t * - l . S i n ( S- . i . » " » , I K . * > ' ^ . . " . t 1 . . . ,|". . . »I . 11- s . i . . «*!*• i i i l t g r o . t t t*» ' 4 . » t , i . » j . . | I , i ^ % ., ; \XK*U* ul i t i a l i t i t^ t l i i . w i . , ...j , a . ' i . , i . , *&u*JitUn. U.it m Ji*t »m i l l w ^ ..... - , '.. u>^ .eaUSUnaur • h V . U S U n * |«*<t u «Ui. s . .» . . . .WS.i t 4«^*th ' J«-'*e.l n s i ^ i ^ 4 1*. i " W. .. ItafltKtniMfciff*? % l iny ,•» i w . . brl . ' l , - !.. i^-t-afU, »l»tl«-, **.m**ji*zs*Llf ;«t*t<^g . . . I . , ti... .*^in Wot til. s h e »,it-t I a e r i t s i t , - i . ! i «Jf t,> » •-».-. tttet a*^c*a." Sl«« feiati^x t i a t . l i , -tt, t s i-..*i Saute %o »«tw ttits »**««ls- > *t ' **t- *."*.ata .1 n^ It i inf wtth th i s evadtHMtknt, a*d rv«w>.t «i»4*-t ty . 4Sit tlttttUiV tat** »&*<" .-UK^I at»« %|^.a.e ^1 .-^ tug a braa'iful river, ain't rm iW- ..Ui'-i' »i. r-tnw mummmttmi mwt luei. !«-*•«» ».-«.

" baaww ajitfti. mvlf* t f t "i* ittxs --kn-u.-i .nffli;i:. $ tevai M * • b»»«tmj." ah* » aiat. re«l - Mse^an -

-V ail., t j e t l « , i i i . sttsweatwit" IWSMN

f - & * a , »

m^mMM -<i*b.,.,.:'(ljN»!»i,S)l»*