Italian 123 - summer 2017 copy.docx  · Web viewHow to...

University of Tennessee Summer 2017 Online Italian 123 Beginners 111-112 Intensive Instructor: Renée D’Elia- Zunino E-Mail: [email protected] Zoom Live Session: M-F 9:45-11:15 am ET (you must attend at least 3 sessions a week) Office Hours: M-F 11:15 am-12:00 pm ET Please note : Latest update : 05/06/2017 Overview Italian 123 is a two-semester, beginners-level language course for students who are starting with the beginners-level Italian sequence at UT. This course is therefore intended for students who wish to learn the Italian language and gain oral proficiency. In particular, you will accomplish course milestones by expressing yourself via a variety of genres in the fields of the educational system and higher education, family life, clothing, food and table etiquette, the media and television. Vocabulary sets and core grammatical concepts will be introduced through authentic cultural texts, and this course will incorporate a broad range of learning activities that require your active participation. Emphasis will be placed on developing strong listening and oral communication skills as well as reinforce reading ability and acquire some facility in written composition. To that end, this course entails a fair amount of self-instruction through the accompanying online workbook. Workbook activities are corrected automatically at which point the answers are revealed, and these activities can be completed multiple times. In this way, answers are available, but it 1

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University of TennesseeSummer 2017 Online

Italian 123Beginners 111-112 Intensive

Instructor: Renée D’Elia-ZuninoE-Mail: [email protected] Live Session:M-F 9:45-11:15 am ET(you must attend at least 3 sessions a week)Office Hours:M-F 11:15 am-12:00 pm ETPlease note : Latest update : 05/06/2017

OverviewItalian 123 is a two-semester, beginners-level language course for students who are starting with the beginners-level Italian sequence at UT. This course is therefore intended for students who wish to learn the Italian language and gain oral proficiency. In particular, you will accomplish course milestones by expressing yourself via a variety of genres in the fields of the educational system and higher education, family life, clothing, food and table etiquette, the media and television.

Vocabulary sets and core grammatical concepts will be introduced through authentic cultural texts, and this course will incorporate a broad range of learning activities that require your active participation. Emphasis will be placed on developing strong listening and oral communication skills as well as reinforce reading ability and acquire some facility in written composition. To that end, this course entails a fair amount of self-instruction through the accompanying online workbook. Workbook activities are corrected automatically at which point the answers are revealed, and these activities can be completed multiple times. In this way, answers are available, but it would be very detrimental to rely on the answers rather than do the work yourself.

The textbook that we will use for this class is Ciao! 8th edition, accompanied by a video and online activities. Overall, all activities in the curriculum will allow you to engage with the Italian culture.

Student Learning Objectives:At the end of the course, successful students should be able to:

1. spell and count in Italian; situate yourself in time (date and time); handle gender (masculine vs. feminine) and number (singular vs. plural); describe people, places, and things using adjectives (including nationalities and geographical origins); ask simple questions; talk about school and your studies; conjugate verbs in the present tense; discuss university life; discuss foods and meals; make simple purchases; go grocery shopping; talk about yourself and your family; describe your daily routine; narrate and describe events in the past; describe your house (rooms and furniture); discuss clothing and fashion; give and receive commands;


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discuss your habits present and past; develop a perspective on the similarities and differences between Italian and American cultures.

Student Learning Outcomes:Successful students will:

Possess listening skills equivalent at least to the Beginners level, with ability to understand main ideas and some facts from interactive exchanges and aural texts.

Possess speaking skills equivalent at least to the Beginners level, with the ability to handle a variety of uncomplicated communicative tasks in straightforward social situations.

Possess reading skills equivalent at least to the Beginners level, with the ability to read consistently with increased understanding simple, connected texts, dealing with a variety of basic and social topics.

Possess writing skills equivalent at least to the Beginners level, with the ability to write short, simple communications, descriptions, and request for information in loosely connected texts that are based on personal preferences, daily routines, common events, and other topics related to personal experience and immediate surroundings.

Demonstrate through oral presentations, compositions, and other class assignments a reasonable knowledge of the ways of thinking, behavioral practices, and the cultural products of the country and communities where the target language is spoken.

Course Communications:Please e-mail me at [email protected] for any questions.

Texts/Resources/Materials:Ciao! 8th Edition (Carla Riga e Chiara Dal Martello); PIN for online access; notebook.

All material is available in the VolShop: packet+binder+access pin are put together for UTK students attending this course, at a special, low price. Note: I do not recommend using an online textbook.

Required Equipment:Computer, while headphones/microphone might be an option to consider.

Course Resources: (Canvas) How to mark accents, insert symbols (è, é, ì, etc.) on laptop or tablet. How to change languages in the word processor (Microsoft Word, Pages, OpenOffice, etc.) MLA Format and Style (Purdue OWL: MLA Formatting and Style Guide) For technical issues contact OIT at

Course Requirements and Learning Environment:This course requires a great deal of independent work on the part of the student. Synchronous encounters will be required, although with a flexibility of scheduling. You are required to attend at least 3 zoom meetings a week with the professor, although it is recommended that you attend all 5 sessions . Zoom sessions are recorded and available for access through a video channel posted on Office 365. You will need to coordinate and communicate with classmates and the instructor. You will also need to know how to set


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up and use various online tools. This course will require approximately 2 hours of work a day, besides the synchronous meetings. Consistent and careful preparation of assigned work is especially important as one works to improve communication skills in a second language.

Note: During our Zoom class sessions, you should be appropriately dressed (i.e. no pajama’s, no

bathing suits, etc.), and there should be limited outside distractions (inappropriate posters on walls, animals walking around, or other people.) Stay off your phones, other devices, and social media to respect your instructor and class members while in class. All background noise should be kept to a minimum during a Zoom session (i.e. tv sound, radios, dogs barking, etc.) Try to be in a quiet environment. If necessary, your instructor will ask you to leave the Zoom class session until all distractions in your environment have been taken care of.

You must be logged into Zoom with your video on. Your video must remain on for the entire class session. No screen shots or pictures are to be taken during a Zoom class session without permission of all class members.

When you have a question or something you’d like to say, you can use the hand raise function. When in breakout rooms for partner or group activities, you are expected to be respectful of your

fellow classmates and to work together to complete the activity.

EvaluationYour grade will be based on a percentage, with your goal to reach 100%.What follows here below is a brief overview of the various components of the course and of my expectations with regard to your participation.Grade Scale

Grade Distribution                                                                       

Exams: Online quizzes 30% ; Oral exams via Zoom ( Esamini ) 22%                                                  

Final: Final online quiz   10% ; Final Oral exam(presentation uploaded on Canvas) 8%

Homework assignments including video sheets 15%

Attività (2 Mostra e Racconta and 1 Andiamo in cucina) 9%

Compositions (Tema) 6%

Major Assignments and Exams 1. Homework (Compito) is your key to success! Take the time to do a good job. You must always

post your homework before class on Canvas, under homework assignments for the day. Your deadline to submit the days’ homework is 9:30 am, including any video work sheet or activity assignment. Any work submitted after that time will not receive credit. Homework will


A 94-100% B 84-86.9% C 70-74.9%A- 90-93.9% B- 80-83.9% N/C No creditB+ 87-89.9% C+ 75-79.9%

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be discussed together when we meet live, and answers will always be posted after the class ends. Homework is essential to the successful outcome of your course. Homework is worth 15% of your grade.

2. Oral exams ( esamini ) are 15 minute oral exams, to be taken via a live zoom session. They will be based on material from the textbook, assignments, videos/films, and class discussions. You are allowed to drop 1 of the 4 Esamini. Use the drop as a cushion for an unexpected absence, or I will drop your lowest grade. Be reminded that a missed Esamino after your drop counts zero points. Esamini are worth 22% of your grade.

Online quizzes are written 20-minute quizzes that you take online via Canvas. Be reminded that a missed quiz counts zero points. Quizzes are worth 30% of your grade.

NOTE: For this course you will use the Respondus Lockdown Browser Web Cam for all quizzes/exams. We will have a practice exam session. The webcamera records you as you take the exam, therefore refrain from doing anything but focusing on your computer screen. The lockdown browser will not allow you to access anything else on your computer for the duration of the quiz/exam.

3. Temi are brief compositions, of about 80-100 words. Each Tema must be typed in font size 14, triple spaced, and rewritten after it has been corrected: only then, will you receive a grade. Any missed Tema counts zero points. Temi that are uploaded late will not be accepted for credit. Where to upload your Tema? By due date, got to Canvas Modules Temi select which tema and upload. Each Tema counts 2% of your final grade.

4. Each chapter of your book includes a section called Ascoltiamo. Besides listening to the audio file on via your access pin, and answering the questions in your Ascoltiamo section of the book, I invite you to write a transcription (Italian to Italian) of the recording you hear and upload it with your homework assignments of the day. This transcription will earn you 2 points of extra credit to be added to an upcoming exam.

5. Attività: Mostra e Racconta and Andiamo in cucina are activities aimed to help you improve your language skills. The videos must be uploaded on Canvas via Modules Attività. This is 9% of your grade.

6. Attendance is mandatory. You are required to meet at least 3 times a week in a synchronous class via Zoom. Meetings will be 5 times a week, and I strongly recommend you try to attend all sessions. Keep in mind that the purpose of synchronous meetings is to explain new material, to converse with your instructor, and to receive feedback and build skills in order to continue with your learning practices. Because you have the flexibility of attending 3 meetings out of 5, there is no absence allowance. Should you not attend at least 3 sessions a week, any missed session will deduct 6 points from your final grade. Please note that all Zoom sessions are recorded and available for students on a video channel in Office 365.

7. Your Final exam consists of 1) an oral recorded presentation (8%), and 2) a written online quiz (10%).


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How to Be Successful in This Course:Since acquiring communication skills in Italian is one of the major objectives of this course, class

participation is extremely important, and evaluated accordingly. Class participation is understood to include regular attendance, active participation in class discussions and field experiences, timely completion of all assignments, and thorough preparation for each class session.

This is not a lecture course; quite the contrary! Your mouth should be moving: asking questions, answering questions, collaborating with your classmates, offering your insights to the rest of us. Participation is not only measured in terms of how many words per minute you produce in a given class, but also in terms of your attitude toward the work we do, independently and collaboratively.

Fears of sounding inadequate or ridiculous are understandable in any foreign language, but please remember that you are just starting out, and becoming proficient in Italian will not happen overnight. But if you work at it, this course will get you moving rapidly in the right direction.

The Department of Modern and Foreign Languages and Literatures’ mission statement: The Department of Modern Foreign Languages & Literatures [MFLL] develops language proficiency to foster critical thinking through literary, cinematic, and linguistic analysis and hence to establish incisive perspectives on cultures and civilizations, including our own.

University Policies:

Dear Student,The purpose of this Campus Syllabus is to provide you with important information that is common across courses at UT. Please observe the following policies and familiarize yourself with the university resources listed below. At UT, we are committed to providing you with a high-quality learning experience.

I wish you the best for a successful and productive semester.Provost Susan Martin

Academic Integrity:“An essential feature of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville is a commitment to maintaining an atmosphere of intellectual integrity and academic honesty. As a student of the university, I pledge that I will neither knowingly give nor receive any inappropriate assistance in academic work, thus affirming my own personal commitment to honor and integrity.”

University Civility Statement:Civility is genuine respect and regard for others: politeness, consideration, tact, good manners, graciousness, cordiality, affability, amiability and courteousness. Civility enhances academic freedom and integrity, and is a prerequisite to the free exchange of ideas and knowledge in the learning community. Our community consists of students, faculty, staff, alumni, and campus visitors. Community members affect each other’s well-being and have a shared interest in creating and sustaining an environment where all community members and their points of view are valued and respected. Affirming the value of each


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member of the university community, the campus asks that all its members adhere to the principles of civility and community adopted by the campus:

Disability Services:“Any student who feels he or she may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS) at 865-974-6087 in 2227 Dunford Hall to document their eligibility for services. ODS will work with students and faculty to coordinate reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities.”

Your Role in Improving Teaching and Learning Through Course Assessment:At UT, it is our collective responsibility to improve the state of teaching and learning. During the semester, you may be requested to assess aspects of this course either during class or at the completion of the class. You are encouraged to respond to these various forms of assessment as a means of continuing to improve the quality of the UT learning experience.

Key Campus Resources For Students: Undergraduate Catalog : (Listing of academic programs, courses, and policies) Graduate Catalog Hilltopics : (Campus and academic policies, procedures and standards of conduct) Course Timetable : (Schedule of classes) Academic Planning : (Advising resources, course requirements, and major guides) Student Success Center : (Academic support resources) Library : (Access to library resources, databases, course reserves, and services) Career Services : (Career counseling and resources; HIRE-A-VOL job search system)

Course Outline/Assignments/Units of Instruction/Clinic Schedule:NOTE: This is a tentative class schedule. The program could be modified slightly if needed. It is your responsibility to check on Canvas for any announcements. The instructor reserves the right to revise, alter, or amend this syllabus as necessary. Students will be notified in writing / email of any such changes.

Settimana 1Data Compiti: esercizi e pagine

What assignments to post on canvasZoom session e attività

What to expect when we meet livePagine

10 luglio This first class is mandatoryYou must familiarize beforehand with the syllabus and the assignments, as well as your textbook and Cengagebrain web access.During this first zoom session we will not go over these details, but start our regular language class. If you still have questions about your textbook, setting up, etc. we can talk about it during my office hour that follows the zoom session.Zoom session/In classe:9:45-11:15 am EST Welcome!Pronunciation; Primo Incontro con saluti;(C p. 11; A p. 12; A p. 13; A p. 14;)Incontri p. 15;Capitolo 1- La Città: In centro a Bologna Comprensione p. 22Essere, c’è - ci sono, ecco p. 25; D p. 27


11 luglio Homework/Compiti: Zoom session/In classe: 9:45-11:15 am 28-33


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Upload on Canvas under Syllabus. Compiti must be posted by 9:30 am EST or they will not count for a grade!

1. C p. 15 2. A, B p. 24

3. Ascoltiamo p. 24 (listen to the audio file on the website and answer the questions in the purple box in writing. If you feel up to it, write a transcription of what you hear, and I will give you 2 points of extra credit!) 4. A p. 27

ESTIl nome: A p. 29;articoli determinativi: A p. 31;Espressioni interrogative: A p. 33

12 luglio

Quiz I

Homework/Compiti:Upload on Canvas under Syllabus the following exercises. They must be posted by 9:30 am EST or they will not count for a grade!

1. B p. 29; C p. 31; B p. 33;

2. Watch slides il Piemonte- Canvas3. On Canvas, submit Presentatevi:

record and post a short introduction about yourself in Italian (3-4 sentences). Post a picture if you wish.

Zoom session/In classe: 9:45-11:15 am ESTReading and comprehensionIncontri: B p. 34;Capitolo 2- Persone e Personalità:Com’è il tuo compagno di stanza? Comprensione p. 46;Studio di parole, Aparliamo di aggettivi


13 luglio Homework/Compiti:Upload on Canvas under Syllabus the following exercises. They must be posted by 9:30 am EST or they will not count for a grade!

1. RIPASSO- p. 40-41

2. Ascoltiamo p. 49 (listen to the audio file on the website and answer the questions in the purple box in writing. If you feel up to it, write a transcription of what you hear, and I will give you 2 points of extra credit!)

3. B, D p. 52-53

Zoom session/In classe: 9:45-11:15 am ESTB p. 49;Buono e Bello: A, B p. 55Avere p. 56: A p.56 e A p. 58Nota linguistica


14 luglio Homework/Compiti:Upload on Canvas under Syllabus the following exercises. They must be posted by 9:30 am EST or they will not count for a grade!

1. RIPASSO p. 66-67

2. Video: Persone e personalità: watch this video and fill out worksheet

Zoom session/In classe: 9:45-11:15 am ESTIncontri p. 60 Due compagni di stanza: comprensione B

Attività pratica per l’esame



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posted on Canvas under Video+Worksheet on the Home page.

3. Watch slides la Valle D’Aosta- Canvas

Settimana 2Data Compiti: esercizi e pagine Zoom session e attività Pagine

17 luglio

Quiz II

There is no homework to post for today, just review for your test Log in to take your test at 9:45 ESTTake Esamino Orale I (15 minutes)

Zoom session/In classe:10:15 to 11:15 am EST is today’s session:we meet after you take your exam

In classe: Capitolo 3- All’università:Oggi studio per gli esami-Comprensione p. 72;Studio di parole;A p. 74


18 luglio Homework/Compiti:Upload on Canvas under Syllabus the following exercises. They must be posted by 9:30 am EST or they will not count for a grade!

1. B p. 74C, D p. 75

2. Ascoltiamo p. 76 (listen to the audio file on the website and answer the questions in the purple box in writing. If you feel up to it, write a transcription of what you hear, and I will give you 2 points of extra credit!)

3. Watch slides la Lombardia- Canvas

Zoom session/In classe: 9:45-11:15 am ESTVerbi regolari in –are: A, B p. 78; Preposizioni A, B p. 82Preposizioni avverbiali A p. 84Quale e Che


19 luglio

Quiz III

Homework/Compiti:Upload on Canvas under Syllabus the following exercises. They must be posted by 9:30 am EST or they will not count for a grade!

1. C p. 79 D p. 80 C p. 83 B p. 84

2. Attività 1: Mostra e racconta (Show and Tell): choose an object and share information about it. Record your 1-minute presentation and post on Canvas. Points for pronunciation!

Zoom session/In classe: 9:45-11:15 am ESTIncontri: Una stanza per MariellaB comprensioneRIPASSO 92-93;Capitolo 4- A Tavola;Al ristorante- Comprensione p. 98Studio di parole


20 luglio Homework/Compiti:Upload on Canvas under Syllabus the following exercises. They must be posted by 9:30 am EST or they will not count for a grade!

Zoom session/In classe: 9:45-11:15 am ESTverbi in –ere e –ire, -iscA p. 104; B p. 106Il partitivo:



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1. A, B p. 100 Informazioni p. 102 (read) F p. 102

2. Ascoltiamo p. 102 (listen to the audio file on the website and answer the questions in the purple box in writing. If you feel up to it, write a transcription of what you hear, and I will give you 2 points of extra credit!)

3. Watch slides il Trentino Alto Adige- Canvas

C p. 109A p. 110

21 luglio

Quiz IV

Homework/Compiti:Upload on Canvas under Syllabus the following exercises. They must be posted by 9:30 am EST or they will not count for a grade!

1. B p. 104 C p. 106 A p. 108 C p. 111

2. Video: A tavola. Watch this video and fill out worksheet posted on Canvas under Video+Worksheet on the Home page.

3. Attività 2: Andiamo tutti in cucina! Prepara un piatto italiano semplice e parla degli ingredienti che usi- Record your presentation and post on Canvas. Points for pronunciation!

Zoom session/In classe: 9:45-11:15 am EST

RIPASSO p. 118-119Capitolo 5- Tempi Moderni:Pronto, chi parla?Comprensione p. 124;Studio di Parole;A p. 126.


Settimana 3Data Compiti: esercizi e pagine Zoom session e attività Pagine

24 luglio There is no homework to post for today, just review for your test Log in to take your test at 9:45 ESTTake Esamino Orale II (15 minutes)

Zoom session/In classe:10:15 to 11:15 am EST is today’s session:we meet after you take your exam

Verbi irregolari D p. 130;I giorni della settimana C p. 132;



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Quanto? A p. 134.I mesi e la data: A p. 135

25 luglio

Quiz V

Homework/Compiti:Upload on Canvas under Syllabus the following exercises. They must be posted by 9:30 am EST or they will not count for a grade!

1. Ascoltiamo p. 127 (listen to the audio file on the website and answer the questions in the purple box in writing. If you feel up to it, write a transcription of what you hear, and I will give you 2 points of extra credit!)

2. B, D p. 129 D p. 132 B p. 134 B, D p. 135-6

3. Watch slides il Veneto- Canvas

Zoom session/In classe: 9:45-11:15 am ESTCapitolo 6- In Famiglia:Comprensione p. 148;Studio di paroleA p. 150.Aggettivi e pronomi possessivi A p. 152.


26 luglio Homework/Compiti:Upload on Canvas under Syllabus the following exercises. They must be posted by 9:30 am EST or they will not count for a grade!

1. RIPASSO p. 1432. C p. 1503. Ascoltiamo p. 150 (listen to the audio

file on the website and answer the questions in the purple box in writing. If you feel up to it, write a transcription of what you hear, and I will give you 2 points of extra credit!)

4. H p. 1535. Tema I: p. 163, La descrizione di

una famiglia- 70 words, posted on Canvas.

6. Watch slides il Friuli Venezia Giulia- Canvas

Zoom session/In classe: 9:45-11:15 am ESTverbi irregolari -ere-ireA p. 155C p. 155Sapere e Conoscere;pronomi diretti A p. 160.


27 luglio

Quiz VI

Homework/Compiti:Upload on Canvas under Syllabus the following exercises. They must be posted by 9:30 am EST or they will not count for a grade!

1. B p. 1552. A, B p. 1583. C p. 1604. Attività 3: Mostra e racconta: show

a picture of your family and talk about it. Post video on Canvas (90 seconds max)

Zoom session/In classe: 9:45-11:15 am ESTCapitolo 7- Buon Viaggio!Comprensione p. 174;Studio di paroleB p. 176.Passato prossimo:A, C p. 180;A, B p. 182



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28 luglio Homework/Compiti:Upload on Canvas under Syllabus the following exercises. They must be posted by 9:30 am EST or they will not count for a grade!

1. RIPASSO p. 1692. B p. 176;3. Ascoltiamo p. 177; (listen to the

audio file on the website and answer the questions in the purple box in writing. If you feel up to it, write a transcription of what you hear, and I will give you 2 points of extra credit!)

4. F p. 181; C p. 1835. Watch slides la Liguria- Canvas

Zoom session/In classe: 9:45-11:15 am ESTL’ora p. 184: E p. 187Preposizioni a, in, da, per p. 187: A p. 188Ripasso p. 196-7: 1 through 5


Settimana 4Data Compiti: esercizi e pagine Zoom session e attività Pagine

31 luglio

Quiz VII

Homework/Compiti:Upload on Canvas under Syllabus the following exercises. They must be posted by 9:30 am EST or they will not count for a grade!

1. A p. 1862. D p. 1893. Tema II: p. 191, Un viaggio

interessante- 80 words posted on Canvas

Zoom session/In classe: 9:45-11:15 am ESTCapitolo 8- Il mondo degli affari; Comprensione p. 202;Studio di paroleA p. 204verbi riflessivi e reciprociA p. 207;A, B p. 209.


1 agosto Homework/Compiti:Upload on Canvas under Syllabus the following exercises. They must be posted by 9:30 am EST or they will not count for a grade!

1. B p. 204;2. Ascoltiamo p. 204; (listen to the

audio file on the website and answer the questions in the purple box in writing. If you feel up to it, write a transcription of what you hear, and I will give you 2 points of extra credit!)

3. G p. 208 C p. 210

4. Watch slides l’Emilia-Romagna- Canvas

Zoom session/In classe: 9:45-11:15 am ESTPronomi indirettiA, C p. 212Incontri: A Milano per affari B p. 215


2 agosto Homework/Compiti:Upload on Canvas under Syllabus the following exercises. They must be posted by 9:30 am or they will not count for a grade!

Zoom session/In classe: 9:45-11:15 am ESTCapitolo 9- Mezzi di diffusione:Comprensione p. 226;



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Quiz VIII 1. E p. 2132. Ripasso: n.4 p. 220; n.5 p. 221; n.8

p. 221

Studio di paroleA p. 228.

3 agosto There is no homework to post for today, just review for your test Log in to take your test at 9:45 am ESTTake Esamino Orale III (15 minutes)

Zoom session/In classe:10:15 to 11:15 am EST is today’s session:we meet after you take your examIn classe:Imperfetto A p. 230Imperfetto e passato prossimo:A, B p. 233


4 agosto

Quiz IX

Homework/Compiti:Upload on Canvas under Syllabus the following exercises. They must be posted by 9:30 am EST or they will not count for a grade!

1. Ascoltiamo p. 229 (listen to the audio file on the website and answer the questions in the purple box in writing. If you feel up to it, write a transcription of what you hear, and I will give you 2 points of extra credit!)

2. B p. 231; C p.2333. Watch slides La Toscana- Canvas

Zoom session/In classe: 9:45-11:15 am ESTAvverbi A p. 236;Da quanto/quando? A p. 237Capitolo 10- La Moda;Comprensione p. 250;Studio di paroleA p. 252


Settimana 5Data Compiti: esercizi e pagine Zoom session e attività Pagine

7 agosto Homework/Compiti:Upload on Canvas under Syllabus the following exercises. They must be posted by 9:30 am EST or they will not count for a grade!

1. Ripasso N.1, 2, 3, 6, 7 p. 244-52. D p. 2533. Ascoltiamo p. 253; (listen to the audio

file on the website and answer the questions in the purple box in writing. If you feel up to it, write a transcription of what you hear, and I will give you 2 points of extra credit!)

4. Watch slides l’Umbria- Canvas

Zoom session/In classe: 9:45-11:15 am ESTImperativo A p. 255Aggettivi e pronomi dimostrativi:A, B p. 259;le stagioni e il tempo:A, B p. 261.


8 agosto

Quiz X

Homework/Compiti:Upload on Canvas under Syllabus the following exercises. They must be posted by 9:30 am EST or they will not count for a grade!

1. Tema III: Consigli per un amico, p. 263- 90 words posted on Canvas

2. Video: La moda. Watch this video and fill out worksheet posted in Canvas under Video+Worksheet on home

Zoom session/In classe: 9:45-11:15 am ESTCap. 11- le vacanze;Comprensione p.274B p. 276Il futuro



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page9 agosto Homework/Compiti:

Upload on Canvas under Syllabus the following exercises. They must be posted by 9:30 am EST or they will not count for a grade!

1. Ascoltiamo p. 277; (listen to the audio file on the website and answer the questions in the purple box in writing. If you feel up to it, write a transcription of what you hear, and I will give you 2 points of extra credit!)

2. A p. 2803. Watch slides Le Marche e la

Repubblica di San Marino- Canvas

Zoom session/In classe: 9:45-11:15 am ESTPiacere: A p.284Si impersonale: C p.287Vacanze in Sicilia p.288B p.289


10 agosto

Quiz XI

There is no homework to post for today, just review for your test Log in to take your test at 9:45 am ESTTake Esamino Orale IV (15 minutes)

Zoom session/In classe:10:15 to 11:15 am EST is today’s session:we meet after you take your examIn classe:Parliamo dell’esame finale

11 agostolast day-


Esame finale scritto:Log in to take your last test in the form of a quiz, that will be available from 7 am to Noon on canvas. This test is comprehensive, therefore includes material from every chapter.

Esame orale: presenta una delle regioni d’Italia che abbiamo studiato con power point. Submit a presentation of one of the regions we studied, or one of the topics discussed in Ciao. Use pictures. Presentation should be 2 minutes long. You will be graded for your pronunciation, use of grammar, and fluency.This assignment is due posted by 3:00 pm EST August 11.

Final examScritto e orale

OpportunitiesBecome a member of the Italian Club at and check out on our webpage extracurricular activities such as:

*Italian Language Table     

*Travel Abroad: Università di Bologna


*Opera events     

* Check out The UTK Italian Club Facebook Page and become a friend!


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