It powerpoint presentation

Software: Off the Shelf and Custom Designed Thomas Diorio & Josh Spilewski



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Software: Off the Shelf and Custom Designed

Thomas Diorio&

Josh Spilewski

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• Off-the-shelf software refers to software that is mass-produced for use by the general public and made available through online outlets and retail stores.

• Many computers come with software pre-installed, but users typically have needs that require additional software programs.

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• This type of software provides convenient and fast access to high-quality and thoroughly tested software.

• Off-the-shelf software is used for common computing activities.

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• Off-the-shelf software gets its name from being available on store shelves. Stores such as Best Buy, Staples, and Wal-Mart provide dozens of software titles in their physical stores.

• These and many other stores stock thousands of software titles in their online stores as well.

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• Many software applications can be downloaded directly from the retailer, developer, or distributor, and put immediately to use.

• By being able to download directly, avoid going to a store, and compare online prices, many consumers are choosing to shop online and not in a physical location.

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• When buying software, it is highly important to make sure that the computer you own meets the storage, processor, and memory requirements.

• This information is called the system requirements and can either be found on the box of the product or the website where it is being downloaded.

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• The downfall to almost all store-bought software is that it cannot be returned.

• Once the box is opened or the software is downloaded from online, there is no way for it to be exchanged, despite any circumstances.

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• Shareware is a marketing method that allows customers to use software free of charge for a limited time in order to evaluate the software and decide if they wish to purchase it.

• This “try before you buy” model typically allows the consumer 30 days of use before a registration fee is required to continue.

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• A new model for software distribution is the subscription model.

• With a subscription, instead of purchasing the software for a one-time fee, there is an annual payment for as long the consumer wishes to use the software.

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• Examples:• Microsoft Office 2010• Norton Internet Security 2011• Adobe Photoshop Elements Version 8

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Custom-Designed Software

So what is Custom-Designed Software?

• Custom-designed software is software created to meet a unique need.

Where is Custom-Designed Software used?

• It is typically used in business and it also can give a business a competitive advantage.

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Custom-Designed SoftwareSo why not use “off the shelf software”?

• When a company decides that it has a need that is not addressed by any commercial off-the-shelf software, it is time to turn to a custom solution.

• An example:

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Custom-Designed Software

So where do you get Custom-Designed Software?

• In some cases in-house software development occurs and the organization’s computer personnel develop the necessary programs.

• A third-party software firm, called a value-added software vendor, may develop or modify a software program to meet the company's needs.

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Custom-Designed Software

For many businesses and organizations, software acquisition involves a combination of purchasing off-the-shelf software, Altering some off-the-shelf software and creating some custom software.

Example: Microsoft Share point

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Custom-Designed Software

So what is happening today?

• Increasingly, companies are turning to a service oriented architecture for custom-designed software

• Service-oriented architecture or “SOA” is a flexible set of design principles used during the phases of systems development and integration in computing

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Custom-Designed Software

• SOA focuses on business processes and software services that communicate with each other, sharing data and activities to accomplish business tasks. SOA is an object-oriented approach to software development that provides businesses with savings and flexibility.

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Custom-Designed Software

• Although custom-designed software can help businesses and institutions to be more efficient and effective, some companies develop software to provide their primary service to the public.

• Companies such as Google, Facebook, Hulu, Twitter, eBay, and the thousands of other online businesses

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Custom-Designed Software

• For these companies, custom-designed software does not just support their products or services, it is their service and product.

• The software is not purchased or installed. • The software provides a service that is accessed over

the Web.

Example• You don’t buy Facebook software; you use Facebook

software on the Web.

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Custom-Designed Software

Why is it so Important?• There are thousands of off-the-shelf software

products out there, but there are many times more custom-designed software packages.

• The world economy depends on innovation in custom-designed software as businesses depend on it to grow, improve services, and work more efficiently.

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