IST: Adressing the challenges of providing language and integration courses for migrants

Grundtvig - In service Training Reference : IT-2013-944-002


the 4th edition of our IST courses begans now! Join us in Bologna in November!

Transcript of IST: Adressing the challenges of providing language and integration courses for migrants

  • Grundtvig - In service Training

    Reference : IT-2013-944-002

  • This structured course aims to empower practical and teaching skills of

    those active or interested in supporting the integration process of mi-


    The general objective of this course is to improve the quality

    and the accessibility of language and integration courses and

    laboratories to adult migrants by examining the EU policy

    background, exploring challenges and techniques, sharing a a-

    nalyzing real experiences and case studies and investigating

    the role that ICT can have in this field.

  • Thanks to this project the participants will:

    - Improve teaching and training skills directly linked to language and

    integration courses for migrant

    - Get to know and analyze best practices, case studies and successful e-

    xperiences at EU level

    - Develop a better knowledge on the role that ICT can play to support

    language and integration courses for migrant

    - Increase, share and exploit practical know-how on intercultural educa-


    - Learn, discuss and cooperate with people from all over Europe active

    or interested in the field of migration

    - Develop a deeper understanding on EU policy and law background on


    - Get to know and bring back home supporting materials and tool to de-

    velop high quality language and integration courses

    - Learn and get guidance on the preparation, management and funding

    of language and integration courses.

  • The confirmed participants will have the right to access a well-structured pre-

    departure programme that will help them to make the most of their attendance.

    The core of the preparation phase will go around the E-learning portal of the

    course. The participants will have a personal account and a guide to access the

    portal. Through it they will access the relevant introduction reading materials

    for the course (including EU publications, programme guides, ad hoc slide).

    The training will be in English



    Date of Start: 17/11/2013 Time of start: 18.00

    Date of End: 23/11/2013 Time of end: 10.00

    DEADLINE for the application: 29th of April


  • Bologna - Italy

    A city rich in art and Story, it is the most ancient

    university of the world. Bologna offers its visitors

    incredible attractions and a stunning artistic heritage.

    The medieval old town is full of 16th century

    medieval palaces, edifices and churches. Bologna is

    the city that has more arcades in the world: just over

    40 km in the city center. It also has the longest arcade

    in the world: one that leads to St. Luke. It is

    a labyrinth made of many different architectu-

    ral solutions, and that creates original and fascina-

    ting views and perspectives. With these scenes even

    an amateur can do a wonderful album of photos col-


    Bologna is located in the center-north of Italy, the

    main junction for all the links in the Peninsula, from

    North to South, and also in a International le-

    v e l , t h a n k s t o i t s a i r p o r t .

    Th e c i t y o f f e r s f u n s f o r a l l n e -

    eds: disco, pubs, restaurants, library and bookstores;

    but you can also find comfort in nature, as it is in one

    of the greenest regions of the country.

    So participants will enjoy tasteful and natural

    food, from the nearby farmers.

    This is why students and tourists from all the world

    every year choose Bologna!

    The view from San Luca Basilic on the hill

  • The methodology is highly practical and

    concrete, evidence-based examples and


    Every day there is a 2-hour daily session

    dedicated to cooperative design and wri-

    ting simulation in team. With the support

    of the trainers at the end of the course each

    team will have developed a first draft of a

    European learning project.

    The morning session lasts from 9.30 till

    13.00, the afternoon one from 15.00 till

    18.30. Restorative short breaks (with

    coffee, tea, juice and relax) are foreseen.

    The training and staff team will be multi-

    national thus giving a full European di-

    mension to the course. The last day of the

    course there is a comprehensive evalua-

    tion to wrap-up the course and gather feed-

    back for the follow-up phase and for future

    courses.The class-based course is comple-

    ted by the support of the E-learning portal

    that is a great support both before and after

    the attendance in Italy. This practical-

    oriented methodology is aimed to concre-

    tely enable the participants to design and

    develop learning projects.

  • Day 1 Preparation phase wrap-up and course introduction

    Policy background at EU level and language policies in the EU27 mem-

    ber states

    Case study: the experience L2 schools for migrants and foreigners in Bo-


    Day 2 Europe and its cultural diversity, language diversity as a consequence of

    international migration and minorization

    Addressing the challenges of providing L2/integration courses to adult

    migrants (migrants heterogeneous needs, adapting content to the full

    fan of migrants' skills, providing flexible delivery of courses, intercultu-

    ral communication, involving the host society in the integration pro-

    cess)- Case study: the FLAM (Feel like a migrant) project, handbook

    and case studies

    Day 3 Visit to Bologna and meeting with local NGO and institutions involved

    in L2 and integration course

    Visit to Zonarelli Intercultural Centre (ZIC) aggregating more than 100

    NGO active on the the field of migrants

    Case study: the ZIC multiyear experience in working with/for migrants

    Day 4 How can ICT-based resources address L2 learning challenges? Opportu-

    nities offered by L2 learning through ICT, main types of ICT-based re-

    sources for l2 learning , benefits from ICT use in L2 education, ICT limi-

    tations for L2 education, challenges to ICT implementation in L2 provi-

    sion - Case study: inventory of ICT projects from all across EU

    Day 5 The value of culture beside grammar and syntax: cultural activities to

    support integration and language learning

    Organizing cultural/ludic/lab activities to foster L2 proficiency and inte-


    Case study: Culturlab, a 5-month language and integration European

    project (IT)

    Day 6 European opportunities and programmes to fund L2/Integration corse

    Collaborative design and developing of L2/integration courses in groups

    and with the assistance of the trainers, concrete usage of course mate-

    rials and concepts

    Course final evaluation

    Certificate award and closing ceremony

    Day 7 Departure

  • Both the course and accomodation fee

    (including accomodation and food for the

    whole duration of the course) and your tra-

    vel expenses are fully covered by a Grun-

    dtvig grants from the LLP National A-

    gency of your country!!!

    How to apply for a Grundtvig Grants:

    Candidates can apply for a grant through their Na-

    tional Agency of Lifelong Learning Programme. Each candidates application will be individually as-sess by the relative National Agency. Here all LLP

    National Agencies websites:



    1. Search the application form in Lifelong Lear-ning Programme - Action Grundtvig Subac-tion In service Training. Youll find the appli-cation form on the national agency website.

    2. Fill, stamp and send the completed application

    form to your National Agency.

    DEADLINE: 29th of April

    3. Wait for approval and contact us!

    For more informations: Visit the LLP training database: https://


    Our website:

    Direct contacts:

    Tel. +393284597057 Fax: +390510544845

    [email protected]

  • Via De Carracci 69/6 40129 Bologna - Italy

    tel. +393284597057

    fax +390510544845

    [email protected]
