Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas...

Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat in SemCArid Areas of Syria by JINAN HAFFAR A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Macdonald Campus of McGill University Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, Canada March 1997 O JINAN HAFFAR, March 17,1997

Transcript of Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas...

Page 1: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat in SemCArid Areas of Syria



A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, in partial fulfilment

of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science

Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Macdonald Campus of McGill University Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, Canada

March 1997

O JINAN HAFFAR, March 17,1997

Page 2: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

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Page 3: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux


A field study was conducted for two yean in three semi-and regions of Syria

in order to define. under field conditions. the wheat (Triticum aestivium L.) yield

response function to imgation water salinity and to study aie process of soi1 salt

accumulation. The three regions experience sirnilar climatic conditions (semi-arid

Mediterranean dimate) but have different soi1 textures, varying from sandy barn to

clay. The study involved 74 farms al1 of which had been imgating for more than 3

years prior to this study, with well water of different salinity values (0.44 to 14.1

dç/m).All of these farms operated with similar cultural pracüces.

Results indicate that the Hiheat yield response function to irrigation water

salinity differs between the three regions.The imgation water threshold salinity

value beyond which wheat yield started to decline. was found to be 6.5 d S h , 3.5

dçlm and 1.2 dS/m in the Khabur low plains, Aleppo south plains and Shedadeh

area respectively. Wheat was more salt tolerant to imgation water salinity in sandy

loam soils than clay loam soils. The three threshold values obtained in this study

are different from the 'universal" value of 4 dS/m which is proposed in current

l iterature. The 'universaln value was obtained from artificially salinized field plots

seeded under non-saline conditions.

In addition, it was found that salt accumulation in the soi1 profile increases

as sail clay content increases.

The resuits deronstrate the necessity of establishing regional water quality critena

when planning the use of saline water sources for imgation in serni-and regions.

Page 4: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux


Une étude auchamps a été réalisée dans trois régions semi-arides de la

Syrie pour déterminer la réponse de la productivité du blé (Triticurn aestivium L.)

à la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation et pour étudier le phénornéne de l'accumulation du

sel dans le sol.. Les trois régions étaient sous les mêmes conditions climatiques

mais avaient une texture de sol différente qui variaient entre sableux-limoneux à

argileux. L'étude couvrait 65 fermes utilisant pour plus de trois ans de I'eau

souterraine saline variant entre 0.44 dam et 14.4 dS/m et qui appliquaient les

mêmes pratiques agricoles.

Les resuitats indiquent que la réponse de la productivité du blé à la salinité

de I'eau d'irrigation diffère largement entre les trois régions. Le blé était plus

tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux que dans

le sol argileux. La valeur limite de la salinité de l'eau au-dessus de laquelle la

productivité commence à décroitre était de 6.5 dS/m et 1.2 d a m respectivement.

La plus faible valeur était dans le sol argileux. Ces trois valeurs limites sont

différentes de la valeur universelle de 4 dSim qui est proposée dans la litérature et

qui est obtenu à partir des essais sur des parcelles artificellement salinisées.

En plus, il a étè trouvé que le degré de la salinisation du sol est relie au

nuveau d'argile existant dans le sol, augmentant avec l'augmentation du

pourcentage d'argile.

Ces résultats démontrent la nécessité d'établir un critere régional pour la

qualité de I'eau pour l'exploitation des nappes aquifères salines en irrigation.

Page 5: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

I would first like to present rny appreciation and thanks to my thesis supervisor, Dr.

Robert üonnell, for the assistance, advice and support he has provided throughout

this thesis.

I would also, at this time, like to thank Professor R. Broughton for his continuous

advice and encouragement during my study.

Very special thanks are owed to my husband Professor Michel Wakil for his help

and to rny children Georges, Naji and Suzanne Wakil for their support, patience and

encouragement during this study.

Acknowledgment is also extended to Mt. Molrnajid Liaghat for his assistance and

advice. Thanks as well to al1 rny colleagues Humberto PizarroGarbone and Leif

Trenholrn. Kamran Davary, Mohamed Moussavizadeh, Sandra Ibara, Bano Mehdi,

Kathy Senecal, Manuel Mejia and the Administration staff for their encouragement.

I would like to thanks also Mr. Ante Rokov for his help in the computer center, and

Mrs. France Papineau for her help. I also wish to thank Mr. lskandar Debs for his

help. The author would also like to appreciate Mr. Georges Dodds for his English


The project was sponsored by the International Centre for Agricultural Research

in the Dry Areas (ICARDA). I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Mike Jones,

leader of the Fam Resource Management Program. and Dr.Thieb Oweis, Water

Management Specialist, for their help and assistance and to all CARDA

technicians who participated in soi1 end well water sample collection . I owe a big thanks to rny parents for their support. Finally I would like to thank Dr.

S. Kermasha as an extemal examiner for an invaluable review of the Thesis.

Page 6: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

Tenns and Abbreviations Used

O C temperature degree, Celsius

Ca calcium

B boron

~oule/crn~/h r Joule/per square centirneter/per hour


centimeter(of water pressure) per centimeter

cubic centimeter (of water) per gram

depth of irrigation application

deciSiemen per rneter

soi1 salinity, electrical conductivity of saturated extract

irrigation water salinity, electrical conductivity

irrigation water salinity threshold value

potential evapotranspiration

crop water requirements


soi1 water holding capacity (cmlcm)

sprinkler intensity (mmhr)

kilogram per hectare

crop coefficient

soif infiltration capacity at saturation (mmhr)

Page 7: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux















e t



kiloPascal (kPa)

leaching fraction




mil l i meter/day


rainfall (mm)

effective rainfall (mm)

acidity index

percent yield reduction per unit salinity increase

sodium absorption ratio

soi1 salinity threshold value

tonlper hectare

water potential (Pa)

water content (cm3/g)

water content at saturation (cm3/g)

yield (of wheat ma)

relative yield

Page 8: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . INTRODUCTION 1

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 1 Objectives 3

1.2scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 . LITERATURE REVlEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.2 Crop sait toknnce of some crops as obtained under field


2.3 Field factors affecting crop salinity response . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.1 Initial seed bed salinity 10

2.3.2 Use of saline water during germination and early seedling

stages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.3 Leaching fraction 15

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.4 Irrigation interval 17

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.5 Soil texture 18

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.6 Climatic conditions 20

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.7 Irrigation method 21

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4Summary 23

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3 . MATERIALS AND METHODS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3.1 Site description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3.1.1 Site locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3.1.2 Climate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3.1.3 Soil characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

a) Soil texture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b) Physical characteristics 30

3.1.4 Saline aquifers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.5 Agricultural practices 35

3.1.6 Irrigation methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.7 W heat irrigation water requirement 37

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Fam selection 38

3.3 The general approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

3.4 Data collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

3.4.1 Well water salinity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.2 Wheat yield 43

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.3 Soil samples 44

4 . RESULTS AND DlSCUSSlON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

4.1 Statistical analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Salinity threshold values 46

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Analysis of results 51


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4.3.1 Effect of soi1 texture and structure on irrigation water salinity

thresholdvalue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Development of salinity profiles in the three

locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

a . Soi1 salinity development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

b . Regression analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

. . . . . . . . . . . . . Seed bed salinity at sowing time 78

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Natural leaching 81 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

4.3.2 The discrepancy between the obtained irrigation water

. . . . . . . salinity limits and the universal guidelines value 86 Use of saline water during early growth stages . . 87

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leaching fraction 89 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . SUMMARY AND CONCLUSlONS 92

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1 Summary 92

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Conclusions 93

6 . RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99


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APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I l l

Appendix A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

Appendix 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix C 129

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W heat production function, (Mass&Hoffman) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Location of the studied areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Texture of typical soi! profile at Khabur valley plains,

Aleppo south plains & Shedadeh area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

3.3, a Soil water characteristic, Khabur valley plains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

3.3, b Soil water characteristic, Aleppo south plains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 3.3, c Soil water characteristic, Shedadeh area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3.4 Monthly distribution of rainfall (P) andwheat water requirernents

(EtJln Khabur valley plains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Monthly distribution of rainfall (P) & water requirements (Etc)

In Aleppo south plains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

The relationship between irrigation water salinity and wheat

relative yield, for two irrigation seasons in Khabur low plains . . . 47

The relationship bwtween irrigation water salinity and

relative yield, for two irrigation seasons in Aleppo south plains . 48

The relationship between irrigation water salinity and wheat

relative yield, for two irrigation seasons in Shedade area . . . . . 49

Soil salinity profile in Smehan and Nasserieh farms for rainfed

conditions, Khabur low plains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

soi1 salinity profile in Nasserieh-l and Nasserieh-2 f a m , Khabur

Page 13: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

lowplains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Soil salinity profile in Halelieh and Nasserieh-3 farms, Khabur low

plains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Soil salinity profile in Thamad-2 and Bough-1 farms, Khabur low

plains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Soil salinity profile in Thamad-1 and Bougha-3 farms, Khabur low

plains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Soil salinity profile in JemAbiad and Dabbagieh farms, Khabur

lowplains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Soil salinity profile in Smehan Sharki and Smehan Gharbi fams,

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Khabur low plains 59

Soil salinity profile in Abou-Arzala and OumHajra farms, Khabur

low plains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Soil salinity profile in Twahinieh and Eslamin farms for rainfed

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . conditions, Aleppo south plains 61

Soil salinity profile in Eslamin and Al-Sharaf famis, Aleppo

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . south plains 62

Soit salinity profile in Tel-Tokan and Om Jran farms, Aleppo south

plains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Soil salinity profile in Om-gharaph-1 and Om-Gharaph-2 fams,

Aleppo south plains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Soil salinity profile in Om-Gharaph and Tel-Aran fanns, Aleppo

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south plains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

Soil salinity profile in Hawawieh and Al-Raheb f a m , Aleppo

south plains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Soil salinity profile in Khanasset and Qurbatieh famis, Aleppo

south plains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Soil salinity profile in Shedadeh (for rainfed) and Al-Siha farms,

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shedadeh area 68

Soil salinity profile in Om Hajara-1 and Om Hajara-2 farms,

Shedadeharea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 9

Relationship between average Ece of the soi1 upper layer

(080crn) with the Ecw of the irrigation water in Khabur low

plains (clay) and Aleppo south plains (clay IoanJloam) . . . . . . . 72

Soil salinity-irrigation water salinity regression function in Khabur

basin and Aleppo basin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ïï

Soil salinity profile at the end of the irrigation seasons in three

f a m at Khabur low plains (clay soil), Aleppo south plains

(clay loadioam soil) And Shedadeh area (loamlsandy loarn soil) 79

Soil salinity profile at the end of irrigation seasons and after

winter rainfall in a fam using water salinity of 14.1 d m ,

Aleppo south plains (clay loarrrcloam soil) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

Reduction of soi1 salinity profile resulting from natural leaching in

Bougha farm, Khabur low plains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

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Table (2-1) Typical Salinity threshold values 'Y found in the literature . . . . . . 11

Table( 3-1 a). Meteorological data . Hassakeh station. Khabur basin . . . . . . . . 28

Table (3-1 b). Meteorological data. Boueider station. Aleppo basin . . . . . . . . . 29

Table(3-2) Groundwater quality analysis frorn some wells in the three regions .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Table (4-1) Results of statistical analysis for the year 1993/1994 . . . . . . . . . . 46

Table (4-2) Results of statistical analysis for the year 1994/1995 . . . . . . . . . . 46

Table (4.3). Irrigation water salinity (ECJ and average soi1 salinity ( ECe ) of 0-80

cm in the studied fanns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Table (4-4) Wheat yield for various seeding rate. Shedadeh area . . . . . . . . . 81

Table (4 -5) Estimation of the applied leaching fraction in Khabur basin and

Aleppobasins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90


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Due to an ever growing demand for water to satisfy the increasing need for

food production, saline [(with an electrical conductivity (EC) higher than 0.7 dSIm]

aquifers in Syna (Figure 3.1), a semi-and meditenanean country of limited water

resources (547m3/yr/person of available water), are becorning progressively

exploiteci for irrigation. During the last ten yean, approximately 150 000 ha. of new

land, about 20% of th9 current total inigated area in the country, have been brought

under irrigation using saline groundwater.

The major saline aquifers in Syria are located in two basins: the Khabur river

basin in the north east and the Aleppo basin in the central north. In both basins,

isolated confined aquifers contain saline groundwater.

In the Khabur basin, large saline aquifers exkt in the lower fiver valley plains

and in the plateau plains. It is estimated that more than 100 000 ha (Wakil, 1993)

in this basin are irrigated using saline groundwater. The saline aquifers in the

Aleppo basin are located in the southem part of the basin where about 12 000 ha

are irrigated with saline water. Saline groundwater in this area is used mainly to

irrigate winter crops (wheat) as an irrigation water source to supplement rainfall.

The use of saline water for irrigation under the semi-and and sub-desertic

climatic conditions prevailing in noraiern Syria affects the soil-plant system. The

climate in these areas is characterised by a short humid and rainy season

(November to February) followed by a long hot and dry summer (May to

Page 17: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

September). The large annual excess of potential evapotranspiration (2500 mmlyr)

above rainfall (250 miJLr) resuits in a progressive build up of salts in the root zone.

This in tum leads to soi1 degradation and crop yield reduction, and to the

destruction of the local agro-ecosystem. Signs of soi1 deterioration have been noted

in several locations in the two basins.

Some of the first guidelines concerning the response of wheat to salinity were

developed at the US Safinity Laboratory Riverside, California by Ayers et al. (1 952)

and reported by Richards (1954), Maas and Hoffman (1977) and by Ayers and

Westcot (1 985). In Syria, these repoits pertaining to the tolerance of wheat and

other crops to salinity generally provide the guidelines used for the evaluation of the

use of saline groundwater for irrigation.

The upper limit value of water salinity for wheat (dunirn), that is the maximum

allowable water salinity without crop yield reduction, was reported by Ayers and

Westcot (1985) to be 4dSlm. This value was obtained from experiments performed

on artificially salinized field plots (silty-clay soil), seeded under non-saline

conditions and frequently irrigated (to rninimize the matric potential).

Current field research from a variety of agro-clirnatic regions in the world

indicate that, under local field conditions, wheat does not exhibit the degree of salt .

tolerance repoited by Ayen and Westcot (1 985). These reports show that different

factors, inctuding soi1 texture and structure, climate, irrigation water management

and agricultural practices affect wheat salt tolerance.

This dissertation examines wheat salt tolerance with respect to irrigation

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water salinity and the developrnent of soi1 salt accumulation in the root zone, in

three ragions in northem Syrh where saline aquifers are intensively used for

irrigation. These regions are: the low valley plains of the Khabur river basin, the

Shedadeh plains in the Kahbur basin plateau and the southem plains of the Aleppo

basin. Soils in these regions Vary between clay and sandy loam.

This research project was sponsored by the International Centre for

Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) in order to assess, under arid

conditions, the effects of using saline groundwater on soi1 salt accumulation and

crop yield and to define water quality criteria. This work is considered a first step

towards further research airned at developing suitable strategies for the safe use

of saline water for sustainable supplernental irrigation in the three regions.

1 .l Objectives

The objectives of this research project were to:

1. Deterrnine the wheat yield response to irrigation water salinity under local

field conditions of three regions located in semi-arid northem Syria. Define

the value of the irrigation water salinity limit (threshold value) for wheat in

each of these regions.

2. Assess the effect of soi1 texture and structure on the development of salinity

in the root zone. Relate the observed soi1 salinity to irrigation water salinity.

3. Assess the effect of soi1 texture and structure on the irrigation water salinity

limit for wheat (durum).

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4. Assess the effect of irrigation water management on the irrigation water

salinity limit.

1.2 scope

This study examines the effect of using saline ground water on the soil-plant

system in three locations in Syna where a Mediterranean semi-arid climate prevails.

F A 0 (Ayers and Westcot, 1985) quality criteria for evaluation of saline water

are considered in this study. According to these criteria, water having an electical

conductivity higher than 0.7 dSlm is considered saline.

The results are only relevant to the conditions of this region:

- Mediterranean climate with an average annual rainfall of 250 mm;

- wheat (dunim) crop grown under supplemental irrigation conditions;

- traditional surface irrigation method (furrow basin);

- no surface or sub-surface drainage networks; and

- saline aquifers as the sole source of irrigation water.

The research work is based on field data collected from 74 fams selected

in the three regions during two agflcultural seasons (1 993-1 994 and 1994-1 995).

The data includes well water salinity and farm wheat (grain) yield. In addition, soi1

samples for salinity analysis were collected from 34 fams in the second year.

All the selected farms were using saline water for more than three yean prior to the

study. All farms applied similar irrigation water management and cultural practices.

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2.1 Introduction

The conventional guidelines for crop salt tolerance evaluation reported by

Ayers and Westcot (1976 and 1985) and ASCE (1993), are based on two


on threshold salinity" ( t ). This value represents the maximum allowable soi1

root zone salinity for which there is no crop yield reduction; and

- percent yield decline per unit of salinity increase beyond the threshold

value "su.

The relative crop yield ( Y,) for soi1 salinities ECe (electrical conductivity of

the saturated-soi1 extract) beyond the threshold value of "1" ( EC, > t ), can be

estimated using "the production function " model, (Figure 2.1). as presented by

Maas and Hoffman (1 9TI):

Yr- 100-s(EC,-t)

where €Ce is the mean electrkal conductivity (dS/m) of a saturated extract

taken from the root zone.

Salt tolerance data ( "s" and "tu ), for different crops. are given in

conventional guidelines (Maas and Hoffman, 1977). These data were generally

obtained from artificially salinized field plot techniques. Planting in these plots was

under non-saline conditions including non-saline seedbeds (soil of the experimental

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Figure 2.1 Wheat production function in relation to irrigation water salinity (Mass & Hoffman, 1977)

plots was leached with fresh water before sowing) and irrigation with fresh water

during the early growth stages (germination and early seedling stages). Then

differential salination treatments (with water at a given salt concentration) were

gradually implernented after seedling establishment (François et al., 1 986). In

addition, in order ta eliminate soi1 water stress as an experimental factor and to

rnaintain soi1 salinity and soi1 water content relatively unifomi in the soi1 profile,

frequent irrigations with a high leaching fraction of about 0.5 were applied. Crop

yields were then conehted with the rnean salinity (EC,) of the crop root zone at the

end of the growing season.

In practice, under realistic field conditions, unifomiity is the exception rather

Page 22: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

than the nile, and salinity may be present before the crop is established.

Furthemore, crops may have different sensitivities to salinity at different stages of


Available reports from a variety of agro-dimatic regions in the worid indicate

that under local field conditions crops do not exhibit the degree of sait tolerance

reported by conventional guidelines. Due to field factors including agricultural and

irrigation practices in addition to soif characteristics, crops seem to have a much

lower salt tolerance than that suggested by the data presented by Ayers and

Westcot (1 985) and Maas and Hoffman (1 97ï) as "universal guidelines".

The objective of this chapter is to review various reports conceming field

studies of crop salt tolerance and to evaluate the effects of different practical

factors, related to field management and field conditions on crop salt tolerance.

These factors include : initial seedbed salinity, use of saline water during early crop

growth stages, leaching fraction levels, irrigation intervals, soi1 texture, climatic

conditions and irrigation methods.

2.2 Crop sall tolerance of some crops as obtained under field


The conditions under which the "universal guidelines" data were obtained *

were, as outlined above, very ideal. In addition to the fact that salination treatments

were initiated in the late seedling stage, frequent irrigations with a high leaching

fraction were applied, which create steady state like conditions for both water and

salt soi1 solution flow (no change with time in sa1 and water content in the soi1 and

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equal distribution of soil-water salinity in the root zone). The above conditions are

seldom realized in normal field operations.

Under efficient imgation conditions, where a low leaching fraction is applied,

and irrigation application infrequent, a steady state is not easily achieved. The

cornnon field condition, therefore, is the transient case where gradua! salinization

takes place duting the irrigation season (Rhoades. 1972) and where leaching may

occur abruptly and outside imgation season. Under such conditions, large spatial

and temporal variations in salinity in the root zone may be expected.

There are other factors in addition to spatial and temporal variability which

may influence the crop response to salinity. Among them are growth stages ( Maas

and Grieve, 1994; François et al., 1994; Van Hom, l99l), initial bed salinity ( Van

Hom ,199 1 ; François et al., 1 986), leaching fraction ( Bresler, 1 982; Rhoades, 1 972;

Bower, 1969) and soi1 texture ( Van Hom et al. 1993 ; Bhurnbla. 1976 ).

Therefore, under local field conditions (including agricultural and irrigation

management, climate, soi1 texture and structure). crop salinity response is largely

affected by the combined effect of al1 or soma of these factors. Reports are

available in the literature which indicate that crops under field conditions, are much

less tolerant to salinity than is presented by Ayers and Westcot (1985).

ûallantyne (1962) indicated that wheat in Saskatchewan (Canada) produced

a good yield with soi1 salinity values up to 3 dS/m and its yield was reduced by 50%

when exposed to soi1 salinity levels of 6.6 dSm. These values are rnuch lower than

the threshold value reported in the conventional guidelines (EC. of 6 dS/m for a

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relative yield value of 100%). A field study conducted in the delta of Egypt showed

a threshold soi1 salinity value for wheat of 2.5 dS/m (Abdel Dayem et al.. 1989).

Measurernents of wheat yield and soi1 salinity from 86 farms in Haryana, India,

indicated that the threshold value averaged 3.5 dSlm (Osterbaan et a1.1991).

Resula from other agrodirnatic regions of lndia (Indore and Siniguppa) showed that

even under rnonsoon rain conditions, a reduction in yield of wheat in heavy textured

soils occunad when imgation water salinity exceeded 2 dS/m (Bhumbla, 1976). In

a recent study Minhas (1 996) reported that in the serni-and areas of India, threshold

irrigation water salinity has a value of 1 dS/m in a silty clay loam soil. In Pakistan,

H u m d i et al. 1980) and Makhdoom et al. (1 986) obtained maximum wheat grain

yield at an €Ce of 4 dSm, beyond which any increase in salinity had adverse effects

on yield. In a semi-and region of Syna (Al-Khabur region), Wakil and Bonnell

(1 996) reported that wheat in clay loamy soi1 has a threshold salinity value of 1.8

dWm. In the and region of Iraq, Hardan (19ï7) indicated that the threshold irrigation

water salinity level of wheat was 4 dS/m in a sandy loam soil.

McKenzie et al., (1 983) show that barley yield was reduced on average

8.8% per unit increase in EC., above an initial EC, of 2.2 dSfm. Fowler and Hamm

(1980), in a dryland experiment in Saskatchewan (Canada), found that the

reduction in barley yield averaged 10.1 % per unit increase in EC, above an initial

value of 3.6 dS/m. This rate of change in yield on saline soils in Saskatchewan is

similar to the data of Holm (1 978) which showed a 50% yield of bariey at an EC,

value of 7.8 dS/m. Wakil (1994) reported that in a sandy loam soi1 of a semi-and

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region of Syria, barley yield started to decrease at an €Ce value of 4.5 dS/m. These

values are much lower than those reported by the conventional guidelines: "tU=8

dS/m and "s"-L;%.

ûther crops present the same trend of exhibiting lower Y' values in the field

compared to the universal guidlines values cited in the literature. This is the case

with mustard in India, (Minhas, 1996); soybean in Murrumbidgee Valley, Australia

(BeecherJ994); perenial pasture in Gulburn Valeey, Australia (Mehanni and

Respys,1986); and Cotton in Texas, U.S.A. (Thomas, 1980); China (Fang et

al., 1978); Uzbekistan ( Bressler, 1 979) and Pakistan (Ahmad et al., 1 991 ). Some of

these findings are surnmarized in Table (2-1).

2.3 Field factors affecting crop salinity nsponse

2.3.1 Initial seed bed salinity

In arid and semi-arid areas, where saline water is used for irrigation, an

initially saline seedbed is usually the result of salt accumulation from previous

irrigation seasons. The amount and extent of salt accumulated in the soi1 profile is

related to irrigation water salinity and soi1 texture and structure. Salt accumulation

in the soi1 profile increases as the irrigation water salinity increases (Hoffman et al.,

1983, 1989). In addition, for the same water salinity value, soi1 salt accumulation

increases as the clay component in the soi1 increases (Bhumbla, 1976).

Reports in the literature indicate that a saline seedbed adversely influences

germination percentage, crop establishment and ultimately crop yield.

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Tabk (2-1) Typical Salinity threshold values "t" found in the literature

- Crop Y (dSlm) (1) T (dS/m) (2) Reference

W heat 6.00 1 -6 AICRP, 1994

4.0 Bhumbla, 1976

2.5 A.Dayem et al., 1989

3.0 Ballantyne. 1 962

1osterbaan et al., 1 99 1

4.0 Hummadi et ai., 1980

4.0 Makhdoorn et al., 1986

1.8 Wakil and Bonnell, 1996

I - - - .-

Mckenzie et al., 1983

3.5 Fowfer and Hamm, 1980

Cotton 7.7 2.0 Thomas, 1980

5 .O Bresler et al., 1 979

1 Pasture 1 1.8 ( 1.2 1 Mehanni and Repsys, 1986 I 1 1 1

(1) as given by Ayers and Westcot (1976) and F A 0 publication (1985).

(2) as obtained under field conditions.

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Van Horn (1991) showed that saline seedbed delays germination. In the

case of sandy soil, the germination percentage of wheat decreases gradually as

seeâbed saiinity increases. (Germination percentage was 68% ,54% and 34% for

EC, seed bed salinity levels of 3.3, 6.6 and 10 dWm. respectively . In addition, he

indicated that plant root growth and activity is dramatically affected by seedbed

salinity. The actual evapotranspiration (ET,) of the seedling was greatly decreased

by increasing levels of initial soi1 salinity. As a result, plant growth during the early

seedling stage was greatly reduced: the relative growth of wheat and sorghum (salt

tolerant crops) declined by 32% and 47% respectively when planted in a sandy

saline seed bed with an €Ce of 3.3 dS/m. In general. his study concludes that

during earîy seedling growth, wheat and sorghum appear to be less tolerant than

during later growth stages.

Similar results have been obtained by François et al. (1 986). Their results

showed an average reduction of wheat seed germination of about 50% for an €Ce

seed bed salinity value of 8.8 dS/m, h i l e at 12.9 dWm, the germination percentage

dropped to only 8%.

Saline seedbd conditions adversely influence crop productbity (Minhas and

Gupta, 1993; Naresh et al., 1993; Beecher, 1991 ; Rains et al., 1 987; and Bernstein

et al., 1974). Minhas and Gupta (1993) showed a 30% decrease of wheat yield

when seedbed salinity increased from 3 to 8 dS/m.

Meiri (1 990) reports that cotton production function in response to salinity

depends on initial seedbed salinity. His study found specific yield functions for each

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seedbed salinity value. The lowest yield corresponds with the highest seedbed

salinity value. In addition, Meiri's study indicated that the cotton salinity threshold

value ( t ) depends on initial seedbed salinity level.

2.3.2 Use of saline mer during germination and eady seedling stages.

Germination, emergence and early seedling growth are the most critical

periods for a crop to obtain a good stand. Losses in plant density during this penod

cannot be cornpensated for and will cause an equivalent loss in production. Under

saline irrigation conditions, either with saline water or on saline soil, the crop

generally encounters more problems dunng germination. emergence and early

seedling growth than during later growth stages and may even fail to get

established. In fact, failure to obtain a good stand of plants is often the factor that

most limits crop production in saline areas. Once the stand is established.

management risks are generally substantially reduced (Rhoades and Loveday,

1990). The essential difficulty is the high salinity in the top layer of the soi1 profile.

This exposes the gerrninating seed and seedling to a much higher salt

concentration than at later growth stages.The high sait concentration in the top

layer occurs because during germination and emergence almost al1 water loss is

caused by evaporation from bare soi1 and that during the young seedling stage the

root system is still shallow and water uptake by the plant is rnainly limited to this top

layer. The water loss from the top layer causes high salt concentrations. partly

through a sharply reduced moisture content and partly through an increase of the

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salt content due to salt solution capillary transpoit from the underlying layers.

An extensive field study on soi1 salt distribution resulting from the use of

saline irrigation water was made by Bernstein et al. (1 955), Bernstein and François

(1973, a), Miyamoto (1985,1989) and van Hom (1991). They showed the formation

of an excessive localized salinity in the seed bed ( soi1 top layer ) which exceeded

by more than twenty fold the irrigation water salinity applied on the soi1 surface.

Bernstein and François (1973,a) indicate that even when using low salinity

water (EC,= 0.6 dS/m). salt concentration on furrow-imgated fields may reach as

high as 10-25 dS/m in the top layer of soi1 (O - 10 cm).

Van Hom (1 991) shows that during germination and eariy seedling stages

salt concentration in a sandy soi1 top layer ( 0-5 cm ) may reach a value ten times

more than the initial salt concentration. His study also showed that this problern was

amplified by increasing initial seedbed salinity.

Salt accumulation in the soi1 top layer during germination and early seedling

stages adversely influences crop establishment. In fact, obtaining a good stand of

plants is often the major factor which limits crop production in saline areas. The

problem of reduced seedlings establishment is also due in part to the generally

lower salt tolerance of seedling compared to established plants (Miyamoto et

al., 1985,1989). The problem is enhanced because the seeds or small seedlings are

exposed to excessive localized selinity in the seeâ bed. Pasternak (1 975), reported

that under field conditions, only 29% of alfalfa seedlings and 17% of onion

seedlings were established when using irrigation water of low salinity (1 dS/m).

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These seedling percentages decrease to 24% and 14% respectively when using

saline water of 4 dS/m.

Maas and Poss (1989 ) and Maas and Grieve (1 994) indicate that wheat is

vety sensitive to salt during germination and early seedling growth. Its yield is

reduced dramatically by salt stress imposed during these stages. A water salinity

threshold value of 2.2 dS/m during the vegetative growth stage has been suggested

2.3.3 Leaching fraction

Leaching fraction (LF) can be defined as the ratio of the sum of irrigation

water applied (Di) pl us effective rain (Pe) to the total crop water requirements (ETC) :

LF = [ (Di + Pe)/ETc] -1

The value of the leaching fraction applied influences salt distribution in the

soi1 profile. Depending on the value of the LF employed, salinity profiles may be

rather uniform with depth, or they rnay be highly non-unifon, with salinities varying

from a concentration approxirnating that of the irrigation water near the soi1 surface

to many times higher at the bottom of the root zone. As a result of

evapotranspiration and drainage, the salt concentration in the soi1 profi le changes

with time between irrigations.

Bower et al. (1969) indicate that the interaction between salt concentration

of the irrigation water, irrigation frequency and leaching fraction, determines the

concentration and the distribution of soi1 salinity within the root zone. They showed

that soi1 salinity of the root zone increased sharply as the irrigation water salinity

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increased and the leaching fraction decreased. Bernstein and François (1973)

report that for a given value of water salinity , crop yield decreased with the

decreasing values of the leaching fraction. This effect of leaching fraction was

enhanced by the increase of the salinity of aie irrigation water. The sarne trend was

confinned by Van Hom et al. (1993) .

The value of the leaching fraction applied has been shown to affect the

threshold value. Reporls show that the threshold value decreases sharply with a

decrease in leaching fraction (Prendergast, 1993;Bresler et al., 1982 and Hoffman

et a1.,1979). Van Hom et aL(1993) show that for a leaching fraction of 0.25 the

wheat threshold value was less than 3 dS/m.The results of Bresler et al. (1982),

showed that when the arnount of leaching fraction was higher than 0.5 a

relationship betwwn relative yieM and soi1 salinity like that descnbed by Mass and

Hoffman (19ï7) was obtained; when irrigation water supply was limited to a

leaching fraction of less than 0.5, the Mass and Hoffman mode1 was inaccurate.

Prendergast (1993), presented a linear relationship between threshold

salinity values and leaching fractions. He showed that the production function

equation between irrigation water salinity and relative yield depends on the

leaching fraction value.

In and and semi-arid areas, due to water scarcity, irrigation water is generally

applied with a low leaching fraction (in general LF is less than 0.3). In addition, in

some areas. the low natural drainability of the sub-soi1 limits the value of the

leaching fraction that could be applied (Beecher, 1991). This could be due to an the

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increase of clay percentage with depth or to the existence of a clay horizon in the

lower part of the soi1 profile.

2.3.4 irrigation interval

The common recomnendation for coping with saline soils and saline waters

is to increase imgation frequency. Little evidence exists, however to support this

recommendation ( Ayers and Westcott, 1 976).

As the soi1 dries between irrigations as a result of evapo-transpiration (ET),

both the matric potential and the osmotic potential decrease. The rate at which

these processes occur depends upon the rate of (ET) and the relationship between

the matric potential (yr) and the soi1 water content (8). The rate of soi1 drying

decreases. however, as the osmotic potential decreases, thereby causing a higher

value of rnatric potential at the next irrigation. As a consequence the water uptake

by crops is reduced and hence, crop yield is expected to suffer.

Therefore, it is usually considered that irrigation of saline soils should be

more frequent because it reduces the cumulative effect of both matric and osmotic

potentials between irrigation cycles. However such an opinion is still controversial

as srnall imgation intervals subsequently induce more wetting of the top soi1 layers

and thus more losses by ET and more salt accumulation in the shallow soi1 layers.

This process has been shown by van Schilfgaarde et al. (1974) from model

calculations and experimentally by Bernstein and François (1 973). Their findings

indicate that increased irrigation frequency results in an upward shift of the peak in

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the salt distribution profile thereby increasing the mean salt concentration in the

upper portion of the root zone. Furthemore, irrigating more frequently increases

soi1 evaporation, leading to additional water applications and an increase in the

arnount of the total sait applied. Consequently, shortening the irrigation interval to

overcome the salt concentrating effect of soi1 drying may result in an overall

increase in soi1 salinity.

On the other hand. extended irrigation intervals usually result in deeper

roots and larger extraction of water frorn a larger soi1 zone, resulting in a better

salinity distribution in the soi1 profile (Minhas, 1996).

The bulk of evidence in the literature shows either no advantage to

increasing irrigation frequency when irrigating with saline water ( Shalhevet et

a1 .,W83; Hoffman et a1.J 983; Bernstein and François, 1973 b;) or increased

damage ( Wagnet et al., 1980; Ayoub, 1977; Goldberg and Shmueli, 1971).

2.3.5 Soil texture

Soil propetties, mainly texture and structure, in addition to the drainability

characteristics of the soi1 profile, play a role in altering crop salinity response

through their influence on the infiltration capacity and water holding capacity.

The water holding capacity of a soi1 depends upon soi1 texture and structure.

It increases as a soi1 becornes heavier; the water holding capacity of a sandy sail

is lower than that of a medium textured soil, which in tum is lower than a fine

textured soil.

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Infiltration capacity and intemal drainage properties have opposing effects

on soi1 solution concentrations. Both may decrease as the clay proportion increases

in a soil. Bhumbla (1976) and Wakil (1993) report that lack of intemal drainage

resulted in rapid salinity build-up in a clay soi1 even with the use of low salinity

water. Singh and Bhumbla (1968) indicate that accumulation of sait in the soi1

profile depends upon the clay content of the soil, and increases as the soi1 clay

content increases. They found. in fields irrigated with saline water for a period of 5 - 20 yeas in Hissar, India, that soi1 salinity was less than half of the imgation water

salinity in light texhmd soils (1 0 % clay), but, more than 1.5 times that of irrigation

water,in soils with more than (20%clay).

Under the same climatic and irrigation water management conditions, crop

response to salinity is largely affected by soi1 characteristics (Meiri, 1990). Reports

on the effect of soi1 texture on the toletance of wheat to water salinity are

inconsistent. Amimelech and Eden's (1 970) results indicate that wheat is more

tolerant for water salinity in clay soils than in sandy loam soils. Shahlavet (1 994)

argue that due to the lower water holding capacity of medium textured soils

compared to fine textured soils (clay), for the same evapotranspiration rate, sandy

soi1 will loose propoitionately more water than a clay soil, resulting in a more rapid

increase of soi1 solution concentration and hence more damage to the crops. Van

Hom's (1991) laboratory study indicates that wheat seedling emergence and

developrnent in sandy soi1 is higher than in a clay soil. Reports in the literature

indicate that other cmps are more sensitive to salinity in medium textures soils than

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in fine textures soils. In a laboratory study, Kateji et al. (1994) indicate that

sunfiower and maize development dunng seedling growth are more affected by

water salinity in sandy loam than in clay loam soils. Pasternak and De Malach

(1 995) showed that tornato yields (initially planted in field plots under non saline

conditions) in sandy soils are lower than in loarny soils.

These results contradict findings of field studies conducted in lndia which

indicate that wheat is mare tolerant to water salinity in light textured soils than in

heavy textured soils (Abrol, 1990; Pal and Tripathi, 1979; Bhumbla, 1976; and

Vemia, 1973).

2.3.6 Climatic conditions

Aerîal temperature, atmosphere humidity and rainfall significantly influence

crop sait tolerance. In general most crops are more sensitive to salinity under hot.

dry conditions than under cool, humid ones (Hofmian and Rawlins,l971). High

temperatures increase the stress level to which a crop is exposed, either because

of increased transpiration rate or because of the effect of temperature on the

biochemicaî transformations taking place in the leaf. The increase in the stress level

results in changes in the salinity response function.

High temperatures reduce salt tolerance of crops (Ahi and Power, 1938).

(Minhas, 1996) reports that wheat in the cool region of northem lndia (Agra) had

higher salt tolerance (EC, of 3.8 dS/m) than in the southem warm regions

(Dhamard) where ECe was found to be equal to 0.9 dS/m. Research by Pasternak

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and De Ralach (1 995) showed that under Meditenanean climatic conditions yield

of tomato planted in spring (t = 17") was around two times higher than tomato

planted in summer (t = 30') when using the same imgation water of 6.2 dS/m.

High atmspheric humidity alone tends to increase salt tolerance of some

crops by decreasing crop stress levels. thus reducing salt damage (Hoffman et

a1 ., 1 971 ). Salt-sensitive crops benefit more from high humidity than salt tolerant

crops (Hoffman and Jobs, 1983).

Rainfall has no direct effect on the salinity response, except that high rainfall

may increase leaching and reduce soi1 salt concentration, thus permitting the use

of water of higher salinity than otheWse would be possible. Dhir (1 977). reported

that in areas receiving rnonsoon rains in India, wheat has been irrigated using

saline water of 8 dS/m without yield reduction.

2.3.7 Irrigation method

The soi1 salinity profile that develops as water is transpired or evaporated

depends in part, on the water distribution pattern inherent with the irrigation method

used, in addition to hydrological soi1 properties and irrigation management.

In flood-basin and funow-basin irrigation systems (traditional system used

in Syria) the water content profile that is developed in the soi1 profile dunng

infiltration is cornpletely saturated ( Philip, 1957). In the sprinkler imgation method,

as the sprinkler intensity (1) of water application is less than the soi1 infiltration

capacity at saturation (Ic Ks) a non-saturated unifon water content profile is

Page 37: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

usually developed in the soi1 ( Rubin and Steinhardt, 1964). The soi1 water content

in this case does not reach saturation at any point but approaches a limiting value

which depends on the sprinkier intensity. Therefore, the sait accumulated in the soi1

profile in the sprinkler system is less than the salt accumulated in the surface

irrigation systerns (Bernstein and François, 1973 a) leading to higher crop yields.

However, standard sprinkler irrigation is unavoidably accompanied by wetting of

crop foliage. Because salt can be absorbed directly into the leaves, sorne crops

(mainly vegetables, orchard crops, cotton) experience foliar injury and yield

reductions that rnay occur when they are sprinkler imgated with saline water( Maas

et a1.J 982). Sprinkler irrigation can be safely used for other crops such as wheat

and barley (Aggarwal and Khanna. 1983).

Drip irrigation systems have the advantage that high soi1 water content can

be maintained in the root zone by frequent but small water applicatons. Plant roots

tend to proliferate in the leached zone of high salt water content near the water

sources. So the typical pattern of salt distribution is minimum salt concentration

under the drippers due to leaching and a marked accumulation of salts at the

wetting front and the soi1 surface between drippers ( Shalhevet et al., 1983). Also

drip irrigation avoids foliar damage. A cornparison of drip and sprinkler irrigation on

potatoes showed a lower threshold salinity with sprinkler irrigation (Meiri and Plaut,

1 985).

Page 38: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

2.4 Summary

In and and semi-and areas, due to fresh water scarcity and growing water

demands, water of low quality is increasingly used; including saline aquifers and

reuse of drainage water. Different strategies have been developed for the safe use

of saline water, rnainly mixing saline and non-saline water after plant establishment,

using saline and non-saline water sequentally over the growing season, introducing

supplemental irrigation with saline water in areas of high seasonal rainfall, applying

agiicultural rotations with crops of different salinity tolerances, managing irrigation,

including irrigation frequency and amount, rnanaging soi1 including tillage and

fertilizer application. The application of one or more of these strategies necessitates

accurate definition of crop salt tolerance parameters.

Available reports from a variety of agroçlirnatic regions in the world,indicate

that crop salinity response is greatiy influenced by prevailing local factors including

field practices and conditions.These factors differ widely among agricultural

regions. ConsequenHy, the salt tolerance parameters reported by the conventional

guidelines cannot be considered as ' universal".

Therefore, it is of primary importance to establish locally specific criteria

when defining suitable strategies for saline irrigation water use. These criteria have .

to take into consideration local irrigation and agricultural practices (including

irrigation method and timing, practical leaching fraction values and fertlizer use),

and in-situ field conditons including soi1 texture and structure, as well as the local

cfimatic conditions.

Page 39: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux


3.1 Site description

3.1.1 Site locations

The study areas are located in three regions in Syria where saline aquifers

are intensively used for irrigation,( Figure 3.1). These regions are:

- The low valley plains of the Khabur River Basin,

- The southem plains of the Aleppo Basin, and

- The plateau plains of the Khabur River Basin ( Shedadeh area) .

All three of these areas are located in the semi-and region of northem Syria.

3.1.2 Climate

A Mediterranean clirnate prevails in'the semi-and regions of Syria. This

climat8 is characterized by a hurnid rainy winter and a dry hot summer, separated

by two short transitional seasons.

The rainy season in this region lasts between 5 and 6 months. It generally

starts in mid October, reaches its maximum precipitation in December and January

and ends in late April. The mean annual rainfalls in the low valley plains of Khabur

basin, the Shedadeh area and the south plains of Aleppo basin are 275, 195 and

262 mm, respectively.

The monthly mean daily temperature in the region is maximum value

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Page 41: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

in August ( 3S°C), decreases to around (22°C) in October, reaches its minimum

value of (7°C) in December-January and nses back up to (25°C) in June.

As established by a US Class A evaporation pan (set-up within an irrigated

field), mean annual potential evaporation was 2230 mm in the low plains of Khabur

basin. 2450 mm in the Shedadeh area and 2580 mm in the south Aleppo basin.

Tables ( 3 - la and 3-1 4 ) present the main climatic characteristics recorded

at the Hassakeh rneteorological station which is located in the center of the Khabur

Basin and at the Boueider meteorological station which is the nearest

meteorological station to the study area of the southern Aleppo basin.

3.1.3 Soil characteristics

a) Soil textum

Soils at the three locations differ widely in their texture. Typical soi1 texture

profile for the three locations are shown in Figure 3.2, (data are in appendix A,

Table A-1 ).

Soils in the low plains of the Khabur valley are predominantly clay. The clay

proportion increases with depth and may reach, at a depth of one meter, more than

60%. This limits the soils in ternis of intemal drainage, thereby restricting the

arnount of irrigation water that can be infiltrated and the degree of natural leaching

which can take place during the rainy season.

The soils of the southern Aleppo Basin are clay loarn. The soi1 structure is

generally subangular blocky in the surface horizon and prismatic below. Sail

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aggregates contain many fine pores allowing for rapid infiltration.

In the Shedadeh area, the soils are predominantly loarn. The sand portion

generally increases with depth and may reach more than 50% at a depth of one

meter. This improves the soi1 drainability.

b) Physical characteristics

The water retention characteristics of the soils at two sites in each of the

three regions are presented in Figures (3.3 a, b and c).

Soils in the low plains of the Khabur valley have a high water content at

saturation (es) and high water holding capacity (hc). The average value of (es) and

(hc) for a soi1 profile of 120 cm depth are 0.55 cm3/g and 0.28 cmlcm, respectively

(Table A-2 in Appendix A). These characteristics along with the increasing clay

percentage with depth (which limits deep water infiltration), increase the amount of

irrigation water which can be lost by evapotranspiration from the soi1 profile.

In the plains of the southem Aleppo basin, the average value of both

water content at saturation ( 8,) and water holding capacity (hc) for the whole soi1

profile are 0.45 cm3/g and 0.24 crn/cm of soi1 depth, respectively. Therefore,

compatatively to low plains of the Khabur valley, soils in the Aleppo basin have

better drainability

In the Shadadeh area, the average value of (8,) and (hc) are

0.3?cm3/g and 0.2 cmlcm of soi1 depth, respectively. The low values of these two

parameters along with the increasing sand percentage with depth allow for good

Page 46: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux


+, DEPTH (80-100)cm . . . A

:. . . . S . . . . . . . . . . .

O 10 20 30 40 50 60


1600 I I 1

t : OEPTH (O'2O)CM

1400 . . - - - - . 1 .- +DEPTH (100-l2O)CM . h s * 1 9

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . =1200, : : 1 .:. .:. .:. P . 1 ,

. . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ,000 : , .; .: .:. E Z

* l a

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . 0 800 , 4 .I

t; ; 1 :

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - . . . . . 2 600 : .,.: .: .: 2 '

1 : . . . . . . . 400 : . . . : . . . i . . . . . . : . . . . : a s 200 . . . . . . .

0. 1

O 10 20 30 40 50 60


Page 47: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux


1 - Depth (O-2O)cm

1400. . . . . . . . . .i. . *-depth (BO-100)cm h

3 . I . =1200 . . . ; . . . .: . i . .:. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . O S I *

: i : . . . . . . . . . . . 31000 . . . ; , . . . . .;. . . ; . E z ' 1 . . . . . . - . . . . . : . . . : . . . . . 9 8 0 0 . . : .i- ç. O I -

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 600 : 1 . : ' ; 2 1 . : .,. .:. . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . .

200 . . . ; . . .

O l

O 10 20 30 40 50 60 WATER CONTENT (%, WEIGHT)


1600 *

t - DEPTH (O-2O)cm

1400, . . . . . . . . ,. +' DEPTH (100-120)cm h

2 : i : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = 1200. ; ; I : .; .: .~

n * l a u . . . . . . . . . 1 1 :

. . . . : " ' : g 1000~ ' . v - : Z . I .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . C "O0 - i - , 1 . : . O 1 .

. . . . . . . . 2 600 : . . , . ? . : . . . : . . . : : 1 : 2 ' 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . f 400 : : .,. i

B 200. . . . * . . .

O 1

O 10 20 30 40 50 60


Page 48: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux


O 10 20 30 40 50 60


1600, I i - OEPTH (O-2O)CM

- . - . . +. DEPTH ( 8 0 - 9 0 ) C M h

2 =1200.. . . & 1. ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n + C

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I : d . .:. .:. .:. 4

O 10 20 30 40 50 60 WATER CONTENT (%, WEIGHT)

Page 49: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

drainabilty of the soi1 profile. Under these conditions, less irrigation water is

expected to be lost through the soi1 profile by evapotranspiration cornparatively to

the other two locations, and more water can percolate below the root zone.

3.1.4 Saline aquifers

Saline aquifers are the only water source for irrigation in the three regions.

Artesian aquifers ( confined aquifer) are the main aquifers which are exploited for

irrigation. The depths of these aquifers Vary between 180 - 240 m and their well

productivity varies between 30 m3/hr to 60 m3/hr. In some areas, unconfined

aquifers are exploited. The depth of these aquifers are usually less than 50 m and

are of lower productivity (20 m3Brto 30 m3/hr). Water salinity in each region differs

among farm locations. It varies as follows:

- in the low plains of the Khabur valley and the south plainsof Aleppo well

water salinity varies between 0.4 dSlm and 14 dSlm;

- in the Shedadeh area, well water salinity ranges between 5 dS/m and 7


Water quality of some representative wells in the three regions are presented in

Table (3 -2).

Page 50: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

3.1.5 Agricultural practices

In al1 three regions wheat is the major irrigated crop. It is grown on about

80% of the irrigated acreage (Waki1.1993). Wheat is wuaily planted in late October

and harvested around rnid June. Various local varieties of both bread and durum

wheat are grown, the varieties most widely planteci are Sham 3 and Djezireh (durum

wheat) and Sham 4 (bread wheat). Seeding rates range between 250 kgha and

300 kgha. In general, crop rotation is limited to wheat.

Fertilizer application is a common practice in the study areas.

Page 51: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

Table@-2) Gioundwater quality a n a m tiom sonm wells in the three regions.

. Fann name


Khabur low plains

Bougha (1)

Bougha (3)


Bougha (3)

Abou Arzala

Smei han G harbie

Oum-Houjei ra

Thamad (2)

Thamad (1)

Aleppo south plains

Tel-Toukan I

Om-Gharraf (3)

Om-Gharraf (4)

Tel-Aran r





Kourbatieh (fami 2)

Shadadeh area

Oum-Hajra (farm 1 )

Oum-Hajra (farm 2)



( d s m

















1 1.55


6.5 1








1 1.4













61 .O





































1 2 4








1 1.23


7.4 1




( P P ~ )



0 .46










1 .O1































Page 52: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

Phosphate ( P , O5 ) is applied at sowing at an average rate of 150 kgha. Nitrate

(N) is applied in two doses of around 80 kgha each. The first application after

sowing and the remainder during early spring tillering.

3.1.6 Irrigation methods

Traditional furrow-basin irrigation is comrnonly used in the thiee regions.

This method consists of dividing the fam irrigated area into small "furrowed" plots

of 50 m2 to 100 m2 depending on land slope. The plots are bounded with earth

ridges of 0.5 m height. For each irrigation application the plot is flooded to a depth

of around 0.1 m height.

The number of irrigation applications and their amount and timing are

govemed by rainfall pattern and by local well yield. In general, wheat receives three

to six irrigations, of which the first occun immediately after planting. The remaining

irrigations are usually given between the beginning of April and the end of May.

The imgated areas in the three regions are not provided with either surface

or subsurface drainage networks.

3.1.7 Wheat irrigation water requimment

Irrigation water requirements for wheat in the low plains of the Khabur valley

and the south Aleppo plains were estimated using the modified Blaney-Criddle

method developed by Doorenbos and Pluitt (1977). The following equation was

applied for the estimation of wheat evapotranspiration (ETC):

Page 53: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

ETc = K, ETo

where: K, is a crop coefficient which varies with crop growth stage;

FT, represents "reference crop evapot raspi rationn.

The rnonthly distribution of rainfall (P) and wheat water requirements ( ET,)

in the two regions, indicate the need for irrigation application in two separates

periods during the wheat growing season (Figure 3.4. 3.5). During these periods

wheat evapotranspiration is higher than rainfall (ET, > P). The first period occurs

after planting, it coincides with the germination and seedling growth stages of

wheat. The second pend extends between February and June, and coincides with

the flowering and grain filling stages.

3.2 Farm selection

Special criteria were developed for selectian of the fams from which to

collect data. These criteria included elements related to irrigation history and,

current imgation and agricultural practices. All the select4 farms were applying the

following practices:

- the wheat variety grown was durum (mainly Sham 3)

- the applied seeding rate was between 250 kgha to 300 kgha ;

- al1 the selected fams had been using saline irrigation water for more than

three years. The end of this three year period (under normal rainfall

conditions and without large seasonal variation), the soi1 salinity profile can

be expected to reach an equilibrium condition. Beecher (1 991), Maas et al.

Page 54: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

160 Rain

Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

I I Figure 3.4 Monthly distribution of rainfall (P) and wheat requirements (ETc) in the low plains of Khabur basin

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(1 988) and Mehanni and Repsys (1 986) al1 found that aie upper soi1 profile attained

an equilibrium after three yean of irrigation with saline water.

- sowing into a dry bed was a common practice in the selected farms.

- the number of irrigation applications practiced on these fams varied

between four and five applications, including the first after sowing. The

remaining irrigations were applied between the beginning of April and the

end of May or into June, as indicated in Figures 3.4 and 3.5.

- the total amount of irrigation water applied during the growing season

varied between 320 mm and 400 mm.

- al1 the farms have an area varying between 5 and 10 ha

3.3 The general approach

In order to define the " in-field " wheat yield production function with regard

to irrigation water salinity and the threshold irrigation water salinity value in the

three regions, a field survey covering 32 farms in the low plains of the Khabur

valley, 30 fans in the southem Aleppo plains and 12 farms in the Khabur plateau

plains (Shedadeh area) was conducted for two growing seasons: 1993/1994 and

19941 995. These f a m were using groundwater of different degrees of salinity and

were applying similar cultural and irrigation practices as described in section 3.2.

The field survey aimed to collect data on fam well water salinity "EC;,

wheat productivity (Y), and soi1 salinity. A total of 74 fams were sampled.

AU74 f a m were sampled for water salinity (ECJ and yield. but due to economic

Page 57: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

limitations only 29 famis in the second year were sampled for soi1 salinity (ECJ for

a control, an additional five fams practiced rainfed agriculture were sampled.

In order to eliminate the effect of seasonal climatic variation on wheat

productivity, the relative wheat yield Y: of each fam was then determined by

dividing the farm's wheat yield by the average yield of five famis in the some reg ion

irngating with non-saline water (having an EC less than 0.7 dç/m). The two

parameters, relative yield "Y," and irrigation water salinity EC,, were correlated to

obtain wheat yield response functions to irrigation water salinity for each location

and hence to define graphically the corresponding threshold water salinity value.

This Yield approach" for defining the 'in-fieldu crop yield response function

to irrigation water salinity and consequently crop sa1 tolerance threshold values

has been used by various researchers (AICRP, 1994; Oosterbaan et al., 1991 ;

Abrol, 1990; Abdel Dayem et al., 1989; Nijland and El-Guindi, 1984; and Bhurnbla,

1976). This appmach has the advantage of better reflecting to the local

environment and to the real field conditions than the experimental methods applied

in different conventional crop salt tolerance studies. These experiments were

executed either in small lysirneters (which are constituted of an artificial soi1 media)

in a greenhouse environment (Kate ji et al., 1994, van Hom et al., 1993; van Hom,

1991, Maas and Gtieve, 1990 ) or in small field plots artificially salinised (Francois

et al., 1994; Beecher 1994; François et a1.J 986; Maas and HoffmanJ Sn; Ayers

et al., 1 952). Therefore the results obtained f rom the" field approach ' method are

more representative of the field conditions.

Page 58: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

In addition, the graphieal methoci for defining crop threshold salinity value is

the only method commonly used for studying crop salt tolerance (Maas and

Hoffman, 1 977; François et al., 1 986 ) .

3.4 Data collection

3.4.1 WeII water salinity

Well water was collected from al1 74 f a m for (ECJ analysis. In addition,

well water from 21 f a m were collected for chernical analysis which included EC,

pH, Ca, Na, Mg and Boron (Table 3-2). using the methods of US salinity laboratory

(Richards, 1 954).

3.4.2 Whrat yield

Average wheat (grain) productivity was obtained by monitoring the number

of 125 kg 'bag' of dry grain received per unl area of the farm for the two agricultural

seasons was detenined by dividing total wheat production of the fam by the

cultivated area.

In addition, relative yield ( Y, ) of each farm was detennined as indicated in section


Appendix A, Table (A-1) presents the value of wheat productivity in five

farms in Khabur basin and Aleppo south plains using non-saline water, in addition

to well water salinity, wheat productivity and wheat relative yield in the studied

farms for the two growing seasons 1993/1994 and 1994/1996.

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3.4.3 Soil samples

At harvest time (JuneJuly) of the second year soi1 samples were collected

from fourteen f a m from the Khabur low plains, twelve farrns from Afeppo south

plains and three f a m from the Shedadeh area. Two representative sarnpling sites

were selected at each farm, in a central flat area of the field. Soil samples were

obtained (using auger) at 20 cm intervals to a depth of 120cm. Samples were

analyzed for physical properties and for electrical conductivity of the saturation

extract (ECJ using the method of the US Salinity Laboratory (Richards, 1954), (see

Appendix C).

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4.1 Statistical analysis

The "One Way Classification Methodw was chosen to study the effect of soi1

type and irrigation water salinity on wheat yield. In applying this method, soi1 type

(sandy, clay, clay loam) was considered as a class, EC, as the independent

variable and relative yield as the dependent variable. The cornputer "Statistical

Analysis Systemn (SAS) was used to analyse the data obtained dunng the two

growing seasons of 1993/1994 and 1994/1995. The results are presented in the

Tables (4-1) and (4-2).

The results of the statistical analysis show that, as expected, both EC, and

soi1 type have a significant effect on wheat yield (k0.01).

In order to evaluate the effect of soi1 type (clay soi1 and clay loam) on yield,

the statistical analysis was performed on yield data obtained from sites with an EC,

less than 4 dS/m, which represents the water salinity threshold value as reported

by the universal guidelines. This limitation was applied in order to evaluate the

effect of soi1 type on yield within the limit of the "universal salt tolerancen and to

eliminate any interference in the obtained data which may result from the use of

high water salinity. The results of this analysis show a significant effect of soi1 type

for the year 1993/1994 of (Pc0.01) and for the year 1994/1995 of (Pc0.08).

In addition, the results of the statistical analysis for the clay soi1 and loarn soi1

show significant effect of soif type on yield (Pe0.01). Simlar results were obtained

Page 61: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

for the clay loam soi1 and loam soi1 (Pq0.05).

Table (4-1) Results of statistical analyrb for the year 1993/1994

Source P r>F 1 Result

Soil r



loam versus clay

Clay versus clay loam 1 0.01 1 significant 1

significant I


0.0003 1 significant

loam versus clay loam

Table (4-2) Results of statistical analysis for the year 1994/1995


1 Source I P ~ > F TReiGt 1

0.01 39 significant

loam versus clay 1 0.0001 1 significant r 1



1 Clay versus clay loam 1 0.08 1 Not significant 1



loam versus clay loam L

4.2 Salinity thieshold values

Figures 4.1,4.2. and 4.3 illustrate the relation between relative wheat yield

and irrigation water salinity for the selected farrns in the three regions. They

indicate that the relationship between the two parameters is somewhat scattered

(Table B-1 to 8-7 in Appendix B). This data scatter is postulated to be caused by

diff erences



0.0002 significant

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Page 65: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

in agricultural inputs and irrigation management practices between famers,

including land preparation, sowing date, irrigation timing and application depth,

fertilizer application and management of various agricultural field works. This data

scatter is a common feature of sirnilar studies (Oosterban et al., 1991 ; Abdel Dayem

et al. 1989; Nijland and El-Guindy, 1 984).

The envelope curves in each figure represent the maximum and minimum

yield. The upper cuwe defines the maximum threshold water salinity value EC,

(point 'Y" on each figure). EC, for each region is:

- 1.2 dSlm for the low plains of the Khabur (clay soils)

- 3.5 dS/m for the south plains of the Aleppo basin (clay loam to loam soils)

- 6.5 dS/m for the Shedadeh area ( barn to sandy loam soil)

These values are very close to what were obtained in a field study for wheat

conducted in India: 1 .O dS/m for silty clay loam, 4.0 dS/m for sandy loam and 6

d S h for loarny sand (AICRP, 1994). In Tunisia, a Mediterranean country, van Hom

(1991) and van? Leven and Haddad (1968) reported that threshold water salinity

values averaged 1.8 dSlm for clay soils and 3.5 dSlm for loamy soils.

For an irrigation water salinity value higher than the threshold value

(EC>ECJ, wheat yield along the upper envelope cuwe (Figures 4.1 , 4.2, and 4.3)

decreases sharply in an 'hyperbolicn form which indicates that under practical field

conditions, the production function (relationship between yield and irrigation water

salinity) is not linear as indicated in th8 Universal guidelines source (Figure 2-1)

and in the Maas and Hoffman model (1977 ). The pattern of yield response

Page 66: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

functions to water salinity for different crops ( pasture, luceme, tomato) obtained by

Prendergast(l993) in Sheparton, Australia,ere similar to the results presented in

Figures 4.1,4.2 and 4.3.

4.3 Aiuilysis of recrults

Analysis of the irrigation water threshold values obtained in our research

work has led to the following conclusions:

a) there is a difference between water salinity limits EC, (threshold value)

for the three regions (see statistical analysis in section 4.1).

Since famlng practices are similar for the three regions, this difference may

be attributed to factors related to the difference in soi1 texture and structure. These

factors affect soi1 infiltration capacity and water retention, and hence salt

accumulation in the soi1 profile.

b) the obtained threshold values are substantially different from the universal

irrigation water salinity limit (threshold value) of 4 dS/m reported in the

literature by Maas (1 990) and Ayers and Westcot (1 985).

This may be due, in addition to the physical soi1 characteristics effects, to the

difference in the agriculhiral and imgation management conditions between the real

practices applied in the field and the artificial salinized experimental

plots.Differences in the latter expenments may include planting under non saline

conditions (saline seed bed and using saline water during eariy growth stages),

inigating frequently and applying high leaching fraction in addition to other factors

Page 67: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

such as climate and soi1 texture.

4.31 Effect of soi1 texturct and structure on irrigation watcr salinity

threshold value.

Differences in soi1 texture and structure between the three regions affected

the rate of salt accumulation in the soi1 profile. which results from the

repeated annual application of saline imgation water.

the level of seedbed salinity present at sowing time (resulting from previous

irrigation seasons)

the extent of "natural leachingn of the soi1 profile which can be acheived

during the rainy season (October to April).

All of these factors affect wheat salt tolerance to irrigation water salinity and

hence the irrigation water salinity threshold value of the crop as is discussed below. Development of salinity profiles in the three locations.

a. Soil salinity development

Figures (4.4 a to 4.4 h ); (4.5 a to 4.5 g) and (4.6 a and 4-6 b) present the

soi1 salinity profiles at the end of the irrigation season for various farms in the low

plains of the Khabur valley, the south plains of Aleppo basin and the Shedadeh

areas respecüvely, resulting from the use of saline water wells of different salinity.

Figures ( 4 4 , (4.5a) and.(4.6a) present the soi1 salinity profile at fans practicing

rainfed faming only, for each of the three regions (yield data are presented in

Appendix C,

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HALELIEH, ECw 1.15 dS/m NASSERIEH-3, ECw 1.1 9 dSlm


Figure (4.4 c) Soil salinity profile in two sites (a,.) at the Halelieh and Nasserieh-3 farrns, low plains of the Khabur basin

Page 71: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

THAMAD-2, ECw 1.2 dS/m BOUGHA-1, ECw 1.62 dSlm

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Figure (4.5 a) Soil salinity profile in two sites (.,A) at the Twahinieh and Eslamin farms for rainfed conditions, south plains of Aleppo basin

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Table (C-1, C-2 and C-3).The above figures show:

in each location ,the amount of salt accumulated in the soi1 profile

increases with increasing salinity of irrigation water. Similar trends in soi1 salinity

development have been obsenred in field experiments (Shanna et al. (1 991), Maas

et a1.(1988), and Hoffmann(l988).

for the sarne irrigation water salinity, large differences in the amount of salt

accumulated in the root zone exists between the three major regions. Salinity

profiles in the low plains of the Khabur basin (clay soil) have attained higher values

compared to the south plains of Aleppo Basin (clay loarny soil) which in tum are

higher than the Shedadeh region (loam to sandy loam).

These results clearly indicate that the level of salt accumulation in the soi1 profile

is a function of the soi1 clay content, increasing with the increasing clay percentage

in the soil. Clay percentage average 56%, 40% and 24% in the low plainsof the

Khabur valley, the south plains of Aleppo and the Shedadeh areas respectively.

This observation is in agreement with findings which indicate that salt accumulation

in soi1 profiles increase with increasing clay soi1 content AICRP,1994; Singh and

Bhumbla (1968); Singh and Kanwar (1 963).

The above results can be explained by the fact that an increase in clay

percentage will likely reduce the infiltration rate of a soi1 and increase its water

retention capability (in Figures 3.3 a, 3.3 b, and 3.3 c). Therefore, for a given

amount of irrigation application, the amount of irrigation water that can percolate

below the root zone is reduced. This situation leads to saline water greater

Page 86: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

retention of which when exposed to evapotranspiration processes in the root zone,

results in more salt accumulation. In lighter textured soils, the amount of irrigation

water that percolates below the root zone is generally higher compared to a fine

textured soil. As a result, less water is retained in the root zone, leading to less salt


The average soi1 salinity (EC,) accumulated in the upper soi1 profile (0-80)

cm and the salinity of the irrigation water (EC,) in the low plains of the Khabur

valley and southem Aleppo plains are presented in the Table (4-3) and Figure (4.7).

Two main observations can be made from this figure:

a) th8re is no significant difference in the soi1 salt levels between rainfed

famis and f a m using irrigation water of less than 0.7 dS/m. This indicates that the

leaching fraction usually applied in the area (average 0.20) in addition to the annual

rainfall are sufficient for maintaining a soil salt balance when using EC,<0.7 dS/m.

Salts start to accumulate in the soi1 profile when the salinity of the irrigation water

exceeds 0.7 dS/rn. This observation is in accordance with the water quality criteria

suggested by the University of California Cornmittee of Consultants (1 974).

b) for the same value of irrigation water salinity, the amount of salt

accumulated in the root zone is higher in the Khabur valley low plains(clay soi1 )

than in Aleppo south plains( Clay loam to loam soi1 ). These results are in

accordance with the findings of Meiri (1 990) and Bhumbla (1 976).

Therefore, for the same level of irrigation water salinity, the crop is grown in

a more saline media when planted in a fine tetured soi1 (clay soil) than in a light

Page 87: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

EC of the irrigation water (dS/m)

Figure 4.7 Relationship between average EC, of th soi1 upper layer (O-8Ocm) with the EC, of the irrigation water in the low plains of the Khabur basin (clay) and the south plains of Aleppo basin (clay loam/loam)

Page 88: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

textureci soi1 (loam or loamy sand soil). This means that crops grown in saline fine

textured soils, generally face more sa1 stress (osrnotic potential). A crop growth

reduction can be expected primariy; because the higher osmotic pressure present

increases the energy that must be expended by the crop to acquire water from the

soi1 of the mot zone and to make the biochemical adjustments necessary to survive

under stress; this energy is diverted from the processes which lead to growth and

yield ( Rhoades, 1990). This fact explains the field results obtained in Our research

and similar results found in other agroclimatic regions of the world (AICRPJ994;

van Hom, 1991 ; Bhurnbla, 1976 and van? Leven and Haddad, 1 968) conceming the

higher yield reduction of wheat grown in saline fine textured soils than light telured


Page 89: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

Table (4-3), Irrigation watei salinity (EC,) and average soi1 salinity ( EC,) of 0-80 cm in the studied ferma

Aleppo south plains ( Shedadeh area

Farm name

Twahinieh (') 1 Smehan Gh. (*)

- 0.35 Om-Hajara (2) 6.50 2.80 Nasserieh (*)

Nasserieh 7

Nasserieh 12

Eslamin (*)

0.43 0.37 Om-Hajara (1) 6.51 3.00 .-


1 Nasserieh (2) Tel-Tokan

Om Jerin

Thamad (2)

Bougha (1)

Om Garraph (1)

Om Garraph (2)

Om Garraph

( Bougha (3) Tel Aran

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b. Regiblrion analysis

In order to evaluate the degree of association of the two dependent

parameters irrigation water salinity (EC,) and the average soi1 salinity (€Cd

accumulated in the upper soi1 profile in the low plains of the Khabur basin and

Aleppo southem plains and to establish the relation between these two variables,

a correlation and regression analysis was undertaken. The analysis aims to

determine the correlation coefficient and the regression equation function which

best describes the relation between these two variables. The regtession analysis

was applied for irrigation water salinity (EC,) values higher than 0.7 dWm (Ayers

and Westcot. 1976).

The two dependent parameters EC, and the resulting EC, are highly

conelated (in both the Khabur basin and Aleppo basin) . The following curvilinear

regression function describes the relation between ECw and EC, with high degree

of correlation:

- in southem Aleppo plains:

Y = 1.86531n(x)+0.338 with R2 = 0.9437

- in Khabur basin:

Y = 1.77731n(x)+1.243 with R2 = 0.9751

These two regression functions are illustrated in Figures 4.8.

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Page 93: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux Seed bed salinity at 8owîng t h e

Differences in the amount of initiai seed bed salinity at sowing tirne between

aie three regions is an additional factor which substantially influences wheat yield.

Due to a la& of rainfall during the summer, the salt accurnulated in the soi1 profile

from the previous irrigation season is still present for the ensuing season's wheat

crop. For the same irrigation water salinity, initial seedbed salinity in light textured

soils (Shedadeh region) is lower than in heavy textured soils (the low plains of the

Khabur valley). Soil salinity profiles at the end of the imgation season at three

farms in each of the three regions confinn this Figure 4.9 The three fams within

each region were chosen such that the well water salinity was approximately equal.

Germination and emergence are crucial to the success of cropping and the

establishment of optimal plant population density.This is a major bottleneck for

succesfuf crop production (Rhoades et a1.1992). Various reports available in the

literature indicate the importance of keeping soi1 salinity levels low during

germination and ernergence of seedlings. A saline seedbed adversily influences

crop establishment and ultimately affects its productivity (Minhas and Gupta, 1993;

Naresh et al., 1993; Beecher, 1991 ; Meirï.1990; Hamdy,1 990: Maas and Poss,

1 989; Rains et al, 1987; and Bernstein ,1974). The results of François et al. (1 994),

Minhas and Gupta,(1993) and Harndy (1 990) indicate that wheat seed germination

decreases as seedbed salinity increases. In a laboratory experiment, François et

al (1 994) found a decrease of wheat seed germination of approximately 50%for an

€Ce seedbed salinity of 8.8 dS/m.

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The reâucüon of seedling establishment is due in part to the lower sait tolerance of

seedlings compared to established plants (van Hom, 1991 and Bernstein et

a1.,1955). Wheat is very sensitive to salt during germination and early seedling

growth and consequently yield is decreased dramatically by salt stress imposed

during these early growth stages Maas and Grieve(1994) and Maas and

Poss(l989) . Maas and Gneve (1994) showed a yield reducüon of around 30% for

an average seedbed salinity of 8 dSlm imposed during these growth stages.

Recent studies performed in lndia on the effect of seeding rate on wheat

yield under saline irrigation (ECw of 8 dS/m) showed 10 -15% improvernents in

wheat grain yield when fields mre seeded with 25% extra seed compared with the

conventional thinning to rnaintain the recommended for n o m l fresh water irrigation

(AICRP, 1994).

Similar results were obsewed in the Shedadeh area. For approximately the

sarne irrigation water salinity and the same cultural practices. wheat yield increases

with increasing seeding rate (Table 4-4). A 30% increase in wheat yield was

obsewed for 50% increase in seeding rate.

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Tabb (44) Wheat yield for various d i n g rate, Shedadeh area Natural leaching

Under the Meditemean climatic conditions prevailing in the three regions,

the effective part of the rainy season extends between December and the end of

February. During this period, approximately 60% of the annual rainfall occurs

(Figures 3.4 and 3.5). On aie other hand, due to relatively low temperatures, higher

relative air humidity and lower evaporation rates, (Tables 3-1 ,a and 3-l,b), the

above period is considered a dormant period for wheat growth. Evapotranspiration

rate is at his lowest value, it averages less than 0.5 mmlday during December and

January as is shown in Figures (3.4) and (3.5). Therefore, during this period, the

amount of rainfall is higher than the rate of evapotranspiraton ( P > ETC).

Farm narne

Um-Hajra, Alawi-1

Al-Siha, Ibrahim

AI-Siha, Alawi Hussein

Um-Hajra, Suleih

Um-Hajra, Suleiman

Um-Hajra, Alawi-2

Seed rate














6.5 1










Yield / seed rate







Page 97: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

This specific clirnatic situation, by reducing (or eliminating) the upward flux

of soi1 water, enhances the natural role of winter rainfall in achieving some leaching

of the upper layers of the soi! profile. In this case. the bulk of the rainfall infiltrates

into the soil, rnoving the salts downward. The extent of this "natural leaching" (ie.

amount of reduction in soi1 salinity in the upper the soi1 layers), depends on soi1

texture and structure as well as the actual rainfall pattern with respect to amount

and temporal distribution.

Natural leaching is more effective in coarse textured soils than in fine

textured soils. Due to their higher permeability and lower water-holding capacity,

changes in salinity in coarse texhired soils are faster than in fi ne textured soils Meiri

(1 990). Figure ( 4-10) illustrates this variation in soi1 salinity profile between the end

of oie irrigation season and the end of winter rainfall on fami in Aleppo south plains

using well water with a salinity of 14.1 dS/m. It shows a high reduction in the salinity

of the soil profile resulting from winter rainfall. Salinity reductions of similar ordrer

of magnitude have been reported by Styliano (1 970) in an area of sandy loam soils

with 150 mm of annual rainfall, in Cypnis.

Figure (4-1 1) presents the reduction of soi1 salinity on farms in the Khabur

low valley plains kept fallow since 1987 to achieve natural leaching of salts

accumulateci through saline irrigation in previous seasons (Wakil, 1993). It shows

slow reduction in soi1 salinity. This result indicates that natural leaching is less

effective in the loamy clay soi1 of the Khabur low plains, compared to the soils of the

Aleppo south plains.

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In the continental monsoon clirnatic areas of India, natural leaching resulting from

monsoon rain (around 1,000 mm during the period of July to September) is more

effective in coarse textured soils than in fine soils (Minhas and Gupta1992). The

amount of rain water needed to remove 80% of the salts accumulated during the

pend preceding monsoon was approximately three times greater in fine textured

soils than in coarse soils.

Reductions in soi1 salinv which result from natural leaching by winter rainfall

have a beneficial effect on the development of the plant during the ensuing growth

stages of flowering and grain filling. Salinity stress imposed at these stages is

known to affect growth and yield components such as kernel number and weight

and can lead to a significant reduction of total grain yield ( François et al., 1994;

Maas and GrieveJ 990; Maas and Poss, 1989). The study of François et al. (1 994)

indicates an average reduction of wheat yield of 30% for an increase in soi1 salinity

from 1.4 dS/m to 10 dS/m.

Page 101: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux Sumrnary

The above results indicate that wheat salt tolerance to water salinity is

affecteci by soi1 texture. They show that due to differences in soi1 salt build-up and

effectiveness of natural leaching which occured during the rainy season. wheat is

less sensitive to irrigation water salinity in light textured soils than in fine textured

soils. The obsenred degree of reduction of water salinity threshold values (ECJ

between the three soif types is of the sarne order of magnitude as reported in field

studies by AlCRP (1 994), Abrol(l99O) and Bhurnbla (1 976). The above concl usion

is contrary to the findings of Pasternak and De Malach (1995), Van Hom(1991),

Kateji et al. (1994). and Amimelech and Eden (1970) who undertook their works

under non saline conditions (including initial non saline seed bed and using fresh

water during sowing and eariy seedling stages), and in experimental lysimeters or

plastic tanks which f o m an artificial soi1 media of limited depth which disturbs the

continuity of downward water flow and hence affects the process and the pattern

of salt accumulation in the soi1 pofile.

4.3.2 The discrepancy between the obtained irrigation water salinity

limita and the univemal guidelines value.

Wheat (durum) salt tolerance data reported in the conventional guidelines

have been obtained from experiments conducted on field plots in a silty clay soi1

(François et al., 1986). This soi1 is of a similar texture as those of the Khabur low

valley plains. However, the value of the irrigation water salinity threshold value

Page 102: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

obtained in our field study (1.2 d S h ) is much lower than the conventional threshold

value reported in the literature (4 dS/m). This may be attributed to the difference in

irrigation water management between actual fam practices and the experirnental

set ups used to develop the guideline.

In addition to the factors related to soi1 texture and to the specific agriclimatic

conditions prevailing in the studied amas, other factors related to on-farm irrigation

management and practices, affect wheat tolerance to irrigation water salinity:

a) use of saline irrigation water during germination and early growth stages

(in salt tolerance experirnental studies, crops are usually irrigated with fresh

water during these stages);and

b) application of a low leaching fraction and less frequent irrigation

compared to the usuai experirnental practices applied in crop salt tolerance


All of these factors contribute to create differences in management

conditions between the experimental procedures applied in the universal salt

tolerance studies and the on-fan practices of using saline water. These

management conditions affect soi1 salinity build-up and plant development. Use of ralim water during early giowth stages

In the three regions studied, saline aquifers are the sole source of irrigation

water. Farmen in the selected f a m usually apply saline water in the various wheat

growth stages, including one after-sowing irrigation which coincides with the

Page 103: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

germination and seedling growth stages and three irrigations dunng the period

extending from April to May. which coincides with the flowenng and grain filling


Sal tolerance of wheat varies mth growth stages (Maas and Grieve. 1994;

Francois et al. 1994; Maas and Grieve. 1990; and Maas and Poss. 1989). Results

of greenhouse expedmenh petformâ by Maas and Poss (1989) indicate that wheat

is most sensitive during the vegetative and eariy reprodutive stages, less sensitive

during flowenng and, least sensitive during the grainalling stage. The results of

these experiments cleariy indicate that the wheat poduction function in response

to ECw depends on the stage during which the saline water is applied. They showed

the existence of specific production functions for saiinity imposed during vegetative.

reproductive and maturation stages. In addition, these results indicate that the

threshold EC, of the production function resulting from the application of saline

water during vegetative growth averages around 1/3 of the threshold salinity value

related to the application of saline water during the maturation stage.

Sinœ organs contributhg to various growth stages and yield components of

wheat develop at different phenological stages (Evans et al., 1 975; Kirby, 1 988),

environmental stresses affect their contribution to total grain yield differently

depending on when they occur (Frank et a1.,1987;Fnendf 1965; Halse and Weir,

1974; Langer and Ampong, 1 970). Maas and Grieve (1 990) reported that salinity

also affected yield components differentty depending on when plants were stressed

in the greenhouse.

Page 104: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

Field experiments conducted on silty clay soi1 indicated that application of

saline irrigation water continuously throughout the growing season significantly

reduced al1 growth and yield conponents François and al. (1 994). Salinity imposed

during the vegetative growth stages reduced the number of spikelets per spike and

the number of tillen per plant; whereas salinity imposed in the flowering and

maturation stages only reduced kemel number and weight. Their results showed

grain yield reductions varying between 30% to more than 50% for wheat irrigated

continuously with saline water, cornpared to wheat irrigated with saline water only

during the flowering and maturation stages.

Under the real field conditions and practices in the amas studied. the effect

of using saline water during germination and early seedling stages on wheat yield

reduction is arnplified by the initial salintty of the seed bed which affects germination

percentage and seedling establishment and development (section 2.1.2). Leaching fraction

The salt tolerance of wheat crop in the study areas is also affected by the low

leaching fraction usually applied. Due to water scarcity and low well productivity in

these semi-and areas, irrigation water is applied spanngly and more efficiently.

A seasonal averaged irrigation water balance an al ysis has been pe rfo rmed

to estimate the value of the seasonal leaching fraction applied in the Khabur and

Aleppo basins. The leaching fraction was computed using the following eguation:

LF = [( Di+Pe)/ETc]- 1

Page 105: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

where Di, Pe and ET, are. respectively, the seasonai value of irrigation water

application, effective rainfall and wheat water requirements for evapotranspiration.

The applied seasonal leaching fraction over the study areas in the Khabur

basin and Aleppo basin averages 0.22 and 0.27 respectively. These values are

substantïally lower than the leaching fraction (LF=0.5) applied in the experimental

universal salt tolerance studies (Ayers and Westcot, 1985).

Table (4 -5) Estimation of the applieâ Ieaching fraction in Khabur basin and

Aleppo basins

Hassakeh (khabur basin) - - - - -

Boueider (Aleppo basin)



Effective rainfall (')

Pe (mm)

Leaching fraction I 0.22 I 0.27

W heat water

requirement (mm)

Irrigation application


') Estimated using U.S. Bureau of Recfamation method (1 970)






450 450

Page 106: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

Various reports available in the literature show that crop threshold water

salinity values decrease sharply with a decrease in leaching fraction (van Hom et

al ., 1 993; PrenderFrost,l993; Hoffman et al., 1983; Bresler et al., 1 982). This is

malnly due to the increase of soi1 salinity in the root zone with the decreasing value

of leaching fraction (Bresler et al. 1982, Bernstein and François, 1973 and Bower et

al., 1 969). Recent experimental findings (van Hom et al., 1 993) show that for a

leaching fraction of 0.25. the wheat threshold value is less than 2 dSlm.

4.32.3 Summary

R is evident from the above discussions that various field conditions including

soi1 texture and structure, climate, irrigation water management and agricultural

practices affect salt tolerance of wheat. Because of inherent problems in integrating

the effeds of al1 of these factors, rigid water-quality standards for universal use are

difficult to develop. Therefore, the safe use of saline water necessitates the

developrnent of specific guidelines for different agro-ecological zones taking into

consideration the above cited factors.

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5.1 Summary

A field research study was conducted in three semi-arid regions in Syria in

order to define, under field conditions, the wheat yield response function to

irrigation water salinity, the effect of soi1 textural and structural characteristics on

the irrigation water salinity threshold. and to compare this value with the

conventional aireshold value reported in the literature.The three reg ions were under

sirnilar climatic conditions (Mediterranean climate) but have different soi1 structure

and textures, varying from sandy loam to clay.

The study involved 74 farrns including 32 fams in the loamy clay/clay sail

area of the Khabur low valley plains, 30 fams in the clay loarn/loarn area of the

Aleppo south plains and 12 farms in the loardioarny sand area of the Shedadeh

area. The farms studied were selected using special cnteria. Namely, the fams had

been irrigating with saline water for more than 3 yean, and applying the same

cultural and irrigation management practices. W el1 water salinity in the selected

farrns varied between 0.44 dS/m and 14.1 dS/m.

The field study included collecting data on fam well water salinity, wheat

productivity and the corresponding relative yield at 74 fams for two agricultural

seasons: 1 99W 994and l994/l99S,soil samples for salinity analysis were collected

in the second year at hanrest time from 34 farms. Relative yield and Ec, (irrigation

water salinity, electrical conductivity) were correlated to obtain a yield response

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function to irrigation water salin@ in each location and the corresponding threshold

water salinity value. Salt accumulation in the soi1 profile was rnonitored and, for

each region, the amount of salt accumulated in the soi1 profile (upper O - 80 cm)

was related to the ECw to assess the relationship between water salinity and the

resulting level of soi1 salt accumulation.

5.2 Conclusions

The Wheat yield response function to ECw, and hence the related irrigation

water salinity threshold values differed widely between the three locations; The

threshold value was: 1.2 dS/rn for the Khabur low plains (clay soil), 3.5 dSlm for the

Aleppo basin south plains(clay loam to loam soils) and 6.5 dS/m for the Shedadeh

area (loam to sandy loarn soil). These value are very close to irrigation water

salinity limits obtained in field studies conducted in different regions in the world.

For example, in lndia (1 .O dS/m for silty clay loarn, 4.0 dSIm for sandy loam and 6.0

dS/m for loamy sand) and in Tunisia (1.8 dS/m for clay soi1 and 3.5 dS/m for loamy

soi 1).

The observed discrepancy between water salinity limits for the three

locations rnay be attributed to factors related to difference in soi1 texture and

structure which affects soi1 infiltration capacity and water retention. These soi1

hydrologie characteristics influence salt development in the soi1 profile, which in

turn affects plant growth and yield. Analysis of the obtained soi1 salinity profiles

indicate that these differences in soi1 properties influence :

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a) salt accumulation in the soi1 profile: Due to the good intemal drainability

and relatively low soi1 water retention, salt accumulation in the sandy loam soi1 area

(the Shedadeh region) was much lower than in the clay loam area (the Aleppo

south plains) and in tum even lower in the clay soi1 area (the Khabur valley low

plains). Therefore for the same level of irrigation water salinity, wheat is grown in

a more saline media in fine textured soils than in light textured soils and is exposed

to higher osrnotic potential which reduces its growth.

b) The level of seedbed salinity pressnt at sowing time: in fact, due to a lack

of rainfall during summer (Mediterranean clirnate), the salt accumulated in the soi1

profile during the last irrigation season creates saline seedbed conditions for the

ensuing wheat crop. Results of the analysis of soi1 salinity data indicate that for the

same irrigation water salinity level, initial seedbed salinity in the light textured soif

is around 25 to 50 % lower than in the heavy textured soils. Reports are available

in the fiterature which indicate that wheat is very sensitive to salt during germination

and early seedling growth, they show that increases of seedbed salinity affects

wheat germination and emergence, and adversely influences crop establishment

and productivity

c) The extent of *natural leaching" of the soi1 profile that can be acheived

during the rainy season (which, under the Mediterranean climate, constitutes a

dormant period separating seedling stages from the ensuing growth stages of

flowering and grain filling). Soil salinity profiles obtained at sowing time and after

winter rainfall indicate that due to their higher pemeability, reduction of soi1 salinity

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in light textured soi1 resulting from winter rainfall is much higher than in fine textured

soil.This reduction in soi1 salinity will have a benefecial effect on the development

of the plant during the ensuing vegetative growth stage of flowerintg and grain

filling. Salinity stress at these stages is known to affect kemel number and weight

and can lead to a significant reduction in total grain yield.

Cornparison between imgation water salinity threshold value obtained in the

clay soi1 area of the Khabur valley low plains, (1.2 dS/m) and reported in the

conventional guidelines (4 dSlm) which were obtained from experiments conducted

in field plots on soi1 of same texture, shows large differences. This may be

attributed to the difference in imgation management between the fann real practices

and the experirnents procedures. Planting in the conventional sait tolerance studies

was under non-saline conditions (non-saline seedôed and irrigation with f res h water

during germination and eariy seedling stages) and irrigation water was applied

frequently with high leaching fraction.

Under real field conditions, sowing is done in saline seedbeds, resulting from

a progressive build-up of salinity from previous irrigation seasons. Results of this

study indicate that initial seedbed salinity increases with the increasing salinity of

imgation water. Saline seedbeds adversely influence germination percentage, crop

establishment, and ultimately crop yield. The problem is amplified by the use of

saline irrigation water during the germination and the early seedling stages.

Availble reports in the literature indicate that wheat is very sensitive to sait during

these stages.

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The salt tolerance of a wheat crop under real field conditions is also affected

by the low leaching fraction which is of necessity practised. A seasonally averaged

irrigation water balance indicated that the applied leaching fraction in the Khabur

valley low plains averaged 0.22, which is much lower than the value of the applied

leaching fraction in the conventional wheat salt tolerance studies (LF = 0.5).

Reports show that the threshold value decreases sharply with a decrease in

leaching fraction.

The results of this research work indicate that wheat tolerance for irrigation

water salinity is affected by various real "in-field" conditions including soi1 texture

and structure, climate. irrigation water management and agricultural practices.

These results underline the necessity of establishing regional water quality criteria

when planning the use of saline water sources for irrigation. These criteria are of

prirnary importance for establishing suitable strategies for the safe use of saline

aquifers in Syria and other and and semi-arid regions.

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The large expansion in the use of saline waters in Syria and in other semi-

and countries necessitates the implementation of field research projects aiming to

develop sustainable agricultural and irrigation management for the safe use of

saline aquifers and agricultural drainage water. The present research work has

identif ied the main subjects which could be covered by these research programs.

This includes the following :

a) Effect of leaching fraction in the development of soi1 salinity and crop

yield. This research work could study the effect the (number of irrigation

applications during the various crop growth stages) and the depth of irrigation, on

soi1 salinity and crop productivity.

b) Under the Mediterranean clirnatic conditions, study the effect of "natural

leaching" in the reduction of soi1 salinity. This research rnay study the effect of

integrating a fallow season during which the rainfall can ensure some natural

leaching in the crop rotation, on the soi1 salinity development and crop yield.

c) Effect of seeding rate on crop productivity.

d) In areas where non-saline water sources are available (non-saline

aquifers or surface water), study the effect of sequential use of non-saline water

(during early growth stages) and saline water ( during flowering and maturation

stages) on crop yield.

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e) effect of pre-plant irrigation on reducing seed bed salinity and increasing

seedling emergence and improving crop yield.

f) study, under the field conditions, the salt tolerance of other wheat varieties

and cr ops.

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irrigation frequency, and fertilization effect on barley growth. Agron. J. 72:

1 O9

Page 125: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux


Wakll, M., R. Bonnel1,1996. Salt tolerance of wheat in the semi-arid Khabur basin

plains, Syria. ICI0 journal. 45(1). 1-1 0.

Wakil, M. 1994. Supplemental irrigation in the Aleppo basin using ground water.

lntemational Center for Agriculture Research in Dry Areas. FRMP annual


Wakil, M. 1993. Underground water for supplemental irrigation in Syria: Quantity

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FRMP annual report.

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Page 127: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

Appendix A

Natural data

Page 128: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

List of Tables in Appendix A


A 4 Soil texture in Khabur low plains, Aleppo south plains and Shedadeh area

A-2 Soil-water characteristics in Khabur low plains, Aleppo south plains and

Shedadeh area

Page 129: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

Table(3-2) Soil texture in Khabur low plains, Akppo south plains and

Shedadeh are%



Khabur low plains

Shedadeh area

Aleppo south plains

Soil depth


O - 2 0

20 - 40

40 - 60

60 - 80 80 - 100

0 -20

20 - 40

40 - 60

60 - 80 80 - 100

O -20

20 - 40

40 - 60

60 - 80

80 - IO0

















41 -4







28.8 .




(W I





8.5 I



















Page 130: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

Table (3-3) Soil-watei characteristics in Khabui low plains, Aleppo south

plains and SMadeh area

--------. (% Moisture by weight at MPa)--------


Khabur low plains

Shedaeh area

Aleppo south plains

Soil depth

0 -20

20 - 40

40 - 60

60 - 80



0 -20

20 - 40

40 - 60

60 - 80

80 - 100

100 -120

O -20

20 - 40

40 - 60

60 - 80

80 - 100

100 - 120

111 0



















1 13



















1 .O0

























































Page 131: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

Appendix B

Wheat yidd date

199311 994 and 199M 995

Page 132: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

List of Tables in Appendix B


Wheat yield in farms using non-saline water, Aleppo basin

Wheat yield in farms using non-saline water, Khabur basin

Water salinity(EC,), wheat yield and wheat relative yield of

studied fams. Khabur low plains, 1 994/1995

Water salinity (ECJ, wheat yield and wheat relative yield of

studied fams, Khabur low plains, l993/1994

Water salinity (ECW), wheatyield and wheat relative yield of

studied fams, Aleppo south plains, 1994/1995

Water salinity (ECw), wheat yield and wheat relative yield of

studied fans, Aleppo south plains, 1993/1994

Water salinity (ECJ, wheat yield and wheat relative yield of

studied fams, Shedadeh area, 1994/1995

Water salinity (EC,), wheat yield and wheat relative yield of

studied farms, Shedadeh area, 1993/1994

Page 133: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

Tabk B-la , Wheat yield in farms ushg non-dine water, Aleppo basin

I Yield (ma) 1

1 Sarakeb (1) 1 0.45 1 5.3 1 5.2 1 Sarakeb (2)






( Average 1 5.2



Table B-lb, Wheat yield in famm using non-saline water, Khabur basin



1 F a n name Yield (ma)





1 Bir Issa 1 0.54 1 5.0 1 5.2 1



1 Tel Brak


5.0 5.3

1 Nasserieh

Bir koko

Bir nouh







-- -



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typical application is 10 cm of water











l SLAM l N















3.19 (*) 1st number is the number of irrigation after sowing, 2nd number is the number of irrigations after winter

1 -25











5 .O0

3.90 rainfall. A

1 + 4

1 + 3

1 + 4

1 + 4

1 + 4

0 + 3

2 + 3

1 + 3

1 + 2

1 + 4

1 + 3

1 + 3

1 + 3














Cham 1

Cham 3

Cham 3

Cham 3

Cham 3

Cham 3

Cham 3


Cham 3


Cham 3

Cham 1

Cham 3

0.24 ,

0.4 1








7 .O0

1 .O2



Page 142: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

Table 6-6, Watei salinity (EC,), wheat yield and wheat relative yield of studled farms, Shedadeh area, 1994H995

typical application is 10 cm of water


Farm ECW Yield Irrigation(*) Seed Wheat Relative

5 71 i + n A



y A n l A

6 51 1 + ?

7-44 4 ~ 7 1 + 4 m31

5 9

1 . - 7 3 -

R 6 3-75 n-73 I

R ~ - A 7 . 3 3 _ 6 6 1 R f i m ~

c;Q A GR ? q ~ 13-9 I A G n s ~ - -

(*) 1st number is the number of irrigation after sowing, 2nd number is the nurnber of irrigations after winter rainfall. A

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Page 144: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

Appendix C

Soil salinity data

Page 145: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

List of Tables in Appendir C


Soil salinity (ECJ, Khabur low plains

Soil salinity (ECJ. Aleppo south plains

Soil salinity (ECJ, Shedadeh area

Page 146: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux


S8' 1 r

GO* 1

ZO' 1 I

L'O L ' O 8'0 8.0 8'0 ZÇ'O Z

9'0 Ç'O S*O Ç ' O Ç ' O ÇS'O 1 1

ÇL'O 8'0 Ç9'0 8'0 L ' O ÇL'O 2

Z8'0 €8'0 L'O 8'0 €8'0 0'0 L r

8Ç.0 S9' O LE'O 8P'O LE ' O 1 P'O Z

ÇP'O 9'0 0Ç'O SÇ'O 9Ç.0 ZL'O C






19' 1

6* 1

ÇL' 1

SO' 1


L9' 1

ZÇ' 1

L* 1

ÇÇ' 1

20' 1



L8' 1

L* 1

6' 1

SV* 1


90' 1

9' 1

95' 1

Ç 1'Z

P' 1


GO' 1







Page 147: Irrigation Water Quality Criteria for Wheat Areas · tolérant pour la salinité de I'eau d'irrigation dans le sol sableux-limoneux

Tharnad -1

Bougha -3



Srnehan Sh.

I Smehan Gh.



1 Oum-Hajra

1 L


1 r










1 1
























2.1 1


2 .O5

2 -39










1 3 5























2.9 1















1 .O4

2.1 O


4.1 7
















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1 Om-Gharaph -3 1 1 1 2.02

1 Tal-Aran

1 Al-Raheb 1 1 5.44

l Khanasser

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