Ironies and dots...Friends of Ewelme Inc Te Manaaki Society Inc Spina Bifida Association of Auckland...

weekender viewpoint Ironies and dots '' J' Ill . .. 1• ... . ! :·· It'll.• t ' ur l• 11 1"'•' 1 """II'"'' lht-uptumrcl hUll' \' fnr thf" nr t hl' .l unr 1!'1:\M ;,.IIUP.I'I f ·' •· linn Cumic,. , in 1 11 1\·nrth ahnut to rolll!('tnr,.. Rut 1\l'lHI.I" :10 .•·ra NI ,;n,·c rrporttr Cl11rk Krnt . nth,rwiAc tht man of at,.,.l "'ilh a flJil'Ainn to rilrhtthc \\'l'llhll"l'nf thrl\ ·nrld. lilforkM hi" maJi c In fii\"Cmr nf hil' trf'atorl' . "I 'r-.••" wo• ' l' : •> nn:o l r rmnd 1111 "'"" l'h'l.• ' '' .,,,:·· l'nrllr nlAi r : ''Pil l' '11' 1' '11 ' <'11'1 1:"' .• l•lh;. nf WI' rlluld'n• '1111 l hr,.,. ' :,nolo·•! 1:'111111' "f f..:t·ht mll · l i fln 111l1fk llf'i"' '" fnr Hlnr. •· !IIIIi rur h·. f. nrl nf Enrl nf r olll!"il' •• f ,.,·hn h.11ri hrt·n .unu•• •l fnr ::.1 Tht,l' 110ld thr charuler to a tOlmtWiny anti . 'A'i th nther tartonniata and writcrthe atrip. hai'C lo•t nut nn cnu rt dahna for a ahlllll'l' nf thf' Superman millil'ln•. Ruth n,..n "''" 61. Rtlth art l'ltd tn lof' and .,..nrritfi ahout hn'll' thr 1·' ll l'Utlf)nrl thf"m•f'h" t" in thf'ir nld a(Jf'. Tha• "' II• ( .. r•mvht l'lrdinn dill', \\hlll t " "i lh hill' tilln:! 110d 110011\f'r, ft ·" 1"'"1'1" ""'h'r. l "h•·n Blur aool f' nrl !lh"l 'rloe J)ll rl: nl." J!:t i." "•-• .. mf' nl .. r!ll olf' .l ht•urh lhl· '11" 11:< \ l'!lt.• al nf a •Into !h:t t)r .. l<' lllr<'><wl fi <'al to( i-1 II 111'1\f' . narlknl:orh had• i!l th .. Wnrlrl War II .uwl It •·•·• I rlinlwm A•: -.j,. ''"" dr..r .rt i• t• t•.,•kiiH'r"- ht n it • tn'atnr. AI#\ (;,,ml'\", rltM tn !!I;:;: ,. It "illlw Snm,. a r,. a l\·fnllr hard ' " ""'m• ""' \\",. "'all r 1-'rank Ha"'pMn k•w"·• hft"· thcr,.,.J. l.a"t mc'lnth 'J' Internat ional t:xhibition of t'nmk" and Anim..tNI in flair w1ttd him the 'll'nrltl'" J'(l!ltn·ar Mmit illulltra- tnr. Tht- ritalk.on. jndRtll from tlw l'nittd Statca, Europe and Amrrita. calltd him t he m11Htro"" ""hll hall re•·nlutionbrd tM r artonn and turned it into a art . ,\ •k JcrT}· 1111d Jl"t A•k ,.-r .onk fur that mattrr. All lhn¥ hnf" botP.I)"IOHn ,.·inklM IMit nf ha nt- ' Tfl hf'rOf'A thcy in,·rntM man.- \l';u·• AJ:"" arf" l' tlll r('rttrmlof'.-..d. And ,, m noai.P. nthcr Ytt 15 \' U"' " inrt hf' did otriP-Oan Oart. r il11t of the Ea Rle rnmit , Dan D11re wa.• thr nf fr11m l!l'il until t he f'llmit fnldcd in 1961. Pup Art !lA.•· Hamp.•nn lt."al in'-'""''"" In 193-1. II tnok t htm th·c to find a Democratic Anyway,Bu Is It Art? ( By Grammaticus ) Befort we le(l St Peter'• vut basilica, I (illed and •ind arain u full a1 they oukt hold witll Mithelanrelo'• wonderful Pieta. lti• badl ydi5played,lost il1 tht expanse o( the t hapel.and dlffiaaltlotet lr11m 1 p!'OJitl' point ol de .. ·. butllw aJor1 fll lbe • ·Mtrannotbelllddea. lmaline thl task. Tbat trtmendoustcUiptorMdtCI combi.w t-o tllui• marilla ltlt- tnt•- aroup alld lulp.,._WIIhelap olateated-. 1r -•v-adelllpailltlle turned and btnl U.-'- IM!til MOl fiiUta C:OIIIbine hollb- bl&nllll ... ,,h - ., lilt ..... IIP• ·atds and the !lead u kmely faUin&bad: . Sen11iti\·ity lttlft mJii l hltohl-r'. Htr horahe iii'MI nnhnary molher. but her drnop•n• lrft hand, hall c11rrits all the el< .. quri!C"f' uf helpltsl aritf. Tlw lukb of the rlTapery, .:uttoeatchtbt liJhtlnd ,.ltaminlbuut ilull)',ltt i'O ahouttomo•·t . Suc:h • ·as art Ill t he Art requi"" lloiCtobefwndW! any I"'O'IIernflhtlown. tile "llr'k If tt.. haunted him u plain to othtrsultwutoblm. H•ve tholie wile! ..,rlnl• plleof junk · toctthe-rand a wlltel on a pitt of lop and caU lor admiration, - ,U.,...t U. !lither edfeolwbal.- •in rulartllt'smilld! A a.u.rr tuc1a m , .. . -wutldled_,-"" unf"lllilhed blocQdl\lbrir t--atnl llmbl _. faca. ,.,. ...-..eO •• him,, revtal U. artilt, tba RliM -.itll a put , burnin& ktu. a CO!aptlf"'N)'wtlith lia ...... te diMfttlfllle ,,..,. hit ..-n hurt a!MI and vllibitlnltont. Ke paid tbt .-. pleu· ant of eompllll'ltflla. " You llava lilltned," he did. " and UllderMood. I hate And '11-hy ahould who hou!lt ugtlnen 1101 haYe mtff)' arid lmpriion It within? Ukt tht Madonna within ez. m r c !: find dotlsin1 In wor-cb. linn. eolours. -*· It is. •Ctwiltu.lci. " Wiofthe fullntnol'thehe•r1." tllal it, out ol .-bat K Jtond intldt. tNt "the IIMMII tpeakl " t hf' firJit tn paint tht full .'llpectrum fo r phot ORra•·urf'. Ht ""Ill tht hero.., , And he wu thr. firat tn introrlut'f' ci nematie to thf' tom it. allrmatinR enonnou" cln,..· UPfl wi th lon1r Atter hia Easrlr. he illu,.trat cd t hiklrcn' liiJMb until hf' liUfftrf'll a Jltriou• illnr•"· 50, a tl'<'hnieilln Gr1111rlr 1"ff·o. he dnca drawin1r1 to fnr at ·a tf'fhnital MIICII'f', Thf' nthrr •l11r hr an eum nn thl' hi,.tnn· nf art in lhf' hnrc oft: ctli!Ura lwtttr jnh in T.lh Jnc S hm•lrr. n. .. ·,. ••·art nf cf'rtain iron it!. Cnlll'<' tnrll rar hill' fnr h iJ. nl.t from piratl'l'l ,.,.,.inn"l. ll r ta n t f'C'all . tno, when t .. arhtr!' tff"mmrnrlrd Dan to rarf'nlll a nd rhilllre n. T hrr "''"' a hlt: tn ltad "- two had IKititf'rlthc play ofliJ(hl ati"P!!.'II lb mpMn'.11 fatc•. nn tn an int" "'"' in He"''" a nother iron)', You 'II'M'l find !'hu,.ltr and mf"ntionrd in hi,_ toriu nf art . Bu t a pop .irt illt lib IM-htf'ftl<tf'ia. . whn t•kl'• hi" im•RC" fr'f'm rnmic ""'' hiRh hiJ" m"M,·-frnm nf '"thf" nc•· rul il1m." Licht.-nllt ti n'" itnrntitln,., fn ,,. o nf' rminrnt a rt 11imilar In t hn,;f' nf 'll' hl'l bi\11 of Junk for thf'ir l f"ftt'dnllrnf' · ar1."' wrale <on1N111' u•tl!.: Dallr Ttlt- t r -'ph ,., t .. I!ICiollt lw U)' "" lf'r. ... .,. at ll!ast dtrnoot'ritUt Anybody cu of l)ecay loft,...-MIIal)' . f.- all 1M palpabile menatt ., drear. ,._ porttnts oll-.blt . th.alked 111 t'llmmuniodr threats on anritnc walb., •·isible 1n ........ ,... ,.. m , UOM'III , pllrcl pll'f· mellts, In a",--ic:al liltuta In Wflrthltu (Ut· ......_.,. furatoe . ap11rol •t.n· f.. . a pint Tht ltahanseotN'Iinallfour ,..,..,,...,._,r.,.....,.. tWanurr.u.lh:os!Pf'lll lui i1CIIII o\l'(' fi",..IIIIJ 1!11' an mol all ul ;111'1. lk- ...,..., \" •a. ....... .. , """" •• 111 ,. tW poonll •. .mrl nnd· and call It R:t!Pp.o<V.-r• ' l' tttl!e."' and ... unrn-Uif'· "l ll !JI""lll .. flf • ·h.a1" Kc- llu\\l"'"l l•,.-""""'ltd .<n.l •tithe "' 1 1111'\ok·d }l'":<n• "'II m ... E:<-"Cnl ia l Trut h ll l·ltho.· tlr mlt'l " llf' '"''urn for»nlt y. .... .. ... .... ..,,_.ttnot ll from "lut · ,., ,.r "''''·u:t'• ,,.. 11 lt.- ...- oo!o-<"'"" IMAl "'·"""' ,-:..-.. In t loor,.......,. l l'lfn- ltr'O! ..... , ...... by tlvo of O.rr.-1 :;and tlvo .... ....,.,, '" ho: "'nit/• ... ... "" ""' , .......... ,, .. , ,o{tlw' m .. r!.lt "hll'h ..,..,. i.lln·•hP-n Sunil' ..... ""ll'r>!llod.,,.. 1'11- ,...""pl•ll· mono.! ,,· ·" ht- lron r ., ,.:, h:.mnH'f dn...-1 ''' ........ • .... _ •..; 11\h•' •.! ""·"'" "h"h At the Lt1111antoda Vlnrt 11i111011 . -. inchrd for· wardl. "'hh loo11 1'1 rl'..:l aptlll'ltl '" allfNI. '' M'f\J('T. \nul tO aMIIO'IIHI)'of thl.- "all. II miKhl ' mean 1 .. sl!nuldPfM't im!lfnlnrnt I pasM'd 1n m) AI Trt Avw. four houn talff, it did 11111 appear Somf'OI'If' 111 tohl'l'll I mlt'tl nul "' omllr11uwnl . IIOid lillme-- .. tho.-,_. until the b:lnd N ..,....-...,,.,a1iM I t"""' 1n !;ott . '" and up •ll h"""l<w>li;'"'""""-''" .. J,.-.,.,.k· nl ' """'"" l.,.tr II h."! 1" ;li'tff qua rt"' <>I" m•ll- nt I ••'l'l"l<f' tw'•ll'<'l ""' ••· It\ .. •tiKI! il .... ne<fi,. ... l'yl• ,... •• potl ........ ill an ""iil) r-n -' lhrtr ,_UIC •1111 Ulr lll't u1 an "" ll'lal midil '-' 11 bd Nord t .. t:•b a! thr Art Gllltry lomnrr"" and ll'• " unlol 1-fi>W \\wk"nhl rt··h '''"''" Jrf"'h <tul) ,,. ... hill!' ,.; 1111· .. . n 1,. \l,.,,ti"C. 1'·"\-tlnW ar1•" nl li nt· to-:ldiN ro• l•o!' 1" • tiiH<'• WI• ... .-l,.ron.ohull<" '·" •• •hr.-.. · .. , .. urho u trutinn,. . Hr'" '""' tnn fllr in "rtrit f rnm 'A"hl' <'f'hlri\" f'fl thf' jumhlf' "alf' thP. t ;,. th<' "wnrk nf art" nn l'h nw at the Au(kland Ar l r.llllf'ty, w .. thf' all!\ D11 n !):OI 'I' wnuld 'milt rurfuJI .•· IIII I w_ hat '"""ll!i n. 111•'" rnntnll'ndf'tl lhc "' II' hi' l'nlarstr" a nll'anl fnr aQ arra nf ahnut ,;s im· h"" tn unr nn If'"" t !Utll :::. '6l im·hr• . What Jln•lol"n"' : " " "'" · f•>r f' SIIm\'llf'. tn rlf'll\\" thf' """" J.n it w11nld lnnk in tf'rm•. "''' hnw tn thf' rn\l•urrd Mt an th,., 1\" I>U\d hal'f' thl' fl"IT'f'l" 'Af'i!f hl in rf'h•IIO!t tn the It ma•· nr n1111" ""' -Hand hal hf'makl'"""-refortMfirllt tinlr-''f' tht r iJl'id o·ntl\'f'ntion" nf !hl' lr '"· If'."'" firmh· 1oet anrl » rrmnt f' from lir .. nf Rn•nt i ne art . Hn"· ill it pn:oo• ihlf' fnr imaRe!l ,;( thi" anrt tn two 1111 in.ltantl,· arr t hf't" an .. ,.,.., .. tn nf fii'Onlc Arr intf' r,.,tinl! quf'•tinn• . "" 1!11...,_. _ fm- art In f":Cplnrl! 11111 ltillurt . ,..,mebnrl,l' ahould 11'11 Clark 1\ent hr"" a !fond fllnQ', -llal'id for ..... , .. ....... v ... ., ......... ...,. ••••.a•.. r••..-- ... _._.,."'"' ,_ ...... _ .._._._.,.c_. l o• 6I· IIS Nt•l oo, .... ,.._ optetly ,.. Corso ., ... , .... _ .,.n ut T ••-•"• dian, . . .. ,., ,.,.._ ... ... ::r!:.:""".,::.-:: .,......., ,..,_.,.nto. 100.1 ..... .. MI .. «MIO .... "' ......... _ :::'.::-""' .... ., ,.. .. ·- ·•hrlpco- ·-· _ ..... ... lllwtoon •• ••• • e• •• ._.,wo•lwllll...,.l•o- .t .................... _.. .... _ .. _ .. ,l .. . ... ..... ,,. ""tllr (<I\"" ,,.,, ,_ ......... , .... Un:T•kr'"l:

Transcript of Ironies and dots...Friends of Ewelme Inc Te Manaaki Society Inc Spina Bifida Association of Auckland...

Page 1: Ironies and dots...Friends of Ewelme Inc Te Manaaki Society Inc Spina Bifida Association of Auckland Auckland Alcoholism Trust Board N.Z. Rationalist Association Inc Community Volunteers

weekender viewpoint Ironies and dots ' 'J'Ill ... 1• ... . ! :·· K l .,r~ It'll.• t 'ur l• ;~ult 11

1"'•' 1 """II'"'' lht-uptumrcl tllnth~-. hUll' \' fnr thf" ~ lrlfl. Thr~l' "·~- ~ . Ctl~· nr t hl' .lunr 1!'1:\M ;,.IIUP.I'If ·' •· l inn Cumic,. , in 1\' h id•thrl\rl't~upr:rn•antpiMotltat~aN'd . 111 1\·nrth ahnut ~:100u to rolll!('tnr,.. Rut it'~ 1\l'lHI.I" :10 .•·ra NI ,;n,·c rrporttr Cl11rk Krnt . nth,rwiAc tht man of at,.,.l "'ilh a flJil'Ainn to rilrhtthc \\'l'llhll"l'nf thrl\·nrld. lilforkM hi" maJic In fii\"Cmr nf hil' trf'atorl' .

" I •'r-.••" wo• 'l' :, ~I,. : •> nn:o l r rmnd 1111 ~nmf'­

"'"" l'h'l.• ' '' .,,,:·· l'nrllr n lAi r : ''Pi l l' '11' 1' '11 ' <'11'1 1:"' .• l•lh;. nf r 11 r< l ~: WI' rlluld'n• '1111 ~ l hr,.,. ':,nolo·•! 1:'111111' "f l'url·u~ : :· · f..:t ·ht m ll · l i fln 111l1fk llf'i"' '" fnr Hlnr.•· !IIIIi rurh·. f.nrl nf ~Ifill Enrl nf :~ r olll!"il' ••f har~ l <'ll~"'' ,.,·hn h.11ri hrt·n .unu•••l fnr ::.1 n•ar~ .

Tht,l' 110ld thr charuler to a puhliahin~ tOlmtWiny anti . 'A'ith nther tartonniata and writcr• dnln~r the atrip. hai'C lo•t nut nn cnu rt dahna for a ahlllll'l' nf thf' Superman millil'ln•. Ruth n,..n "''" 61. Rtlth art l'ltd tn lof' nf':~rh· tl~•t i llltr a nd .,..nrr itfi ahout hn'll' thr1·' ll l'Utlf)nrl thf"m•f'h"t" in thf'ir nld a(Jf'.

T ha• " ' II• • ( .. r•mvht IIi!"~. l'lrdinn dill', \\hlll t " "i lh hill' t illn:! 110d 110011\f'r, ft ·" 1"'"1'1" ""'h'r. l "h•·n Blur aool f ' nrl !lh"l 1hrnn~h . 'rloe J)ll rl: nl." J!:t i." "•-• ~ .. :ar•·o·l~ mf'nl .. r!ll olf'.l ht•urh lhl· \\f~IIC"~• '11"11:< \ l' !lt.•al nf a •Into !h:tt)r .. l<' lllr<'><wl fi<'al to( pi••••••~"" i-1 II • 111'1\f' . narlknl:orh had• i!l t h .. Wnrlrl War II .uwl •mnll'lli:ot~ po~hur ~·rar• . It r~ma •·•·• I rlinlwm A•:-.j,. ''"" dr..r "'h~r .rt i• t• t•.,•kiiH'r"-htn it • tn'atnr. AI#\ (;,,ml'\", rltM tn !!I;:;:,. It " illlw rf'm~ml..,rPtl . Snm,. N~nut-.!llrir rh•r•rt~~ a r,. a l\·fnllr hard ' " f•orJ'~ t.

~~ ~~;:,'':!:~.'_'.!' ""'m• ""' i rot~ir . \\",. "'allr

1-'rank Ha"'pMn k•w"·• hft"· thc1· r,.,.J. l.a"t mc'lnth 'J' Internat ional t:xhibition of t'nmk" and Anim..tNI ~'ilm in flair w1ttd him the 'll'nrltl '" ~~ J'(l!ltn·ar Mmit illulltra­tnr . Tht- ritalk.on. b~- jndRtll from tlw l'nittd Statca, Europe and ~nut h Amrrita. calltd him t he Mprl!f.t i~ m11Htro"" ""hll hall re•·nlutionbrd tM ~trip r artonn and turned it into a \'Cmat~lla r art .

,\ •k JcrT}· ~if'J"tl 1111d Jl"t ~hu~tf"r. A•k ,.-r .onk ll•m~n. fur t hat mattrr. All lhn¥ hnf" botP.I)"IOHn ,.·inklM IMit nf hant­' Tfl t>h:"f"u rit ~· hf-t-11n~ hf'rOf'A thcy in,·rntM man.- \l';u· • AJ:"" arf" l' tlll r('rttrmlof'.-..d. And ,,m noai.P. mn111·~·--fnr nt hcr prf~Jll#.

Ytt it'~ 15 \'U"' " inrt hf' Ia~! did h i ~ otriP-Oan Oart. r il11t of the 1-'utu~for Ea Rle rnmit , Dan D11re wa.• thr ~tar nf t:a~rlr fr11m l!l'il until t he f'llmit fnldcd in 1961. Pup Art h i~ t nrians !lA.•· Ha mp.•nn lt."al

~i"l'""lan•l !o; hu~ltr in'-'""''"" ~uPtmlan In 193-1. II tnok t htm th·c ~-uno to find a

Democratic Anyway,Bu

Is It Art? ( By Grammaticus )

Befort we le(l St Peter'• vut basilica, I (illed eye~ and •ind arain u full a1 they "·oukt hold witll Mithelanrelo'• wonderful Pieta.

lti• badlydi5played,lost il1 tht expanse o( the t hapel.and dlffiaaltlotet lr11m 1 p!'OJitl' point ol de .. ·. butllw aJor1 fll lbe • ·Mtrannotbelllddea.

lmaline thl task. Tbat trtmendoustcUiptorMdtCI combi.w t-o tllui• marilla ltlt- tnt•­aroup alld p~~~telbeblllr-' • lulp.,._WIIhelap olateated-. 1r -•v-adelllpailltlle turned and btnl U.-'­IM!til MOl fiiUta C:OIIIbine Wi Jklriaou:shar~. ~.,. hollb- bl&nllll

... ,,h - ., lilt ..... ~~hn.lsl~tr IIP•·atds and the !lead u kmely faUin&bad:.

Sen11iti\·ity lttlftmJii l hltohl-r'. Htr

I~ i~calm horahe iii'MI nnhnary molher. but her drnop•n• lrft hand, hall u~n . c11rrits all the el< .. quri!C"f' uf helpltsl aritf. Tlw lukb of the rlTapery, .:uttoeatchtbt liJhtlnd ,.ltaminlbuut ilull)',ltt i'O ahouttomo•·t .

Suc:h • ·as art Ill the ('mq~lllo.. Art requi"" IMiouc:holwnJ~tiri.r aiMI Jt'nt~. ;\rtbaare'*wand lloiCtobefwndW! any I"'O'IIernflhtlown.

~IH' ·~ tile "llr'k If tt.. trueart~!V)IM~


haunted him u plain to othtrsultwutoblm.

H•ve tholie wile! ..,rlnl• plleof junk · toctthe-rand eaUit~t~tlpllll"l!, orllalulcf­a wlltel on a pitt of lop and caU lor admiration, - ,U.,...t U. !lither edfeolwbal.- •in • rulartllt'smilld!

A a.u.rr tuc1a m , ... -wutldled_,-"" unf"lllilhed blocQdl\lbrir t--atnl llmbl _. faca. ,.,. ...-..eO •• him,, revtal U. artilt , tba RliM

-.itll a put, burnin& ktu. a CO!aptlf"'N)'wtlith lia ...... te diMfttlfllle ,,..,. hit ..-n hurt a!MI mlndalldn~ahpl'tmanefll

and vllibitlnltont. Ke paid tbt .-. pleu·

ant of eompllll'ltflla. " You llava lilltned," he did. " and UllderMood. I hate livtn~~ofmyltlf

~ :u~: ~ ~:ri~ ~~ theb lrt hoflovellnt~l .

And '11-hy ahould t~ who hou!lt ugtlnen 1101 haYe mtff)' arid lmpriion It within?

Ukt tht Madonna within

~:e-..: ez. mr c!: find dotlsin1 In wor-cb. linn. eolours. -*· It is. •Ctwiltu.lci. "Wiofthe fullntnol'thehe•r1 ." tllal it, out ol .-bat K Jtond intldt. tNt "the IIMMII tpeakl "

t hf' firJit illu ~tratnr tn paint a••rnll~ tht full .'llpectrum fo r photORra•·urf' . Ht ""Ill tht fiMittou~ modcl,.fnr hill.llflal'f l'h ip!lllnrl hero.., , And he wu thr. firat tn in trorlut'f' cinematie monta~r• to thf' tom it. allrmatinR enonnou" cln,..· UPfl wi th lon1r J*nnum~~-

Atter hia Easrlr. da~· ,. , he illu,.tratcd t hiklrcn' liiJMb until hf' liUfft rf'll a Jltriou• illnr•"· ~nw 50, •~ a tl'<'hnieilln Gr1111rlr 1"ff·o. he dnca drawin1r1 to 'lt~ler fnr 1-f'c- t url'r~ a t

· a tf'fhnital MIICII'f', Thf' nthrr •l11 r hr a n eum nn thl' hi,.tnn· nf art in lhf' hnrc oft: ctli!Ura lwtttr jnh in ~rraphit.-dll(:ltinn .

T.lh Jnc S hm•lrr. n. .. ·,. ••·art nf cf'rtain iron it!. Cnlll'<' tnrll rar hill' ml\nr~· fnr h iJ. nl.t ~tri ll"' (~~t~mc from piratl'l'l ,.,.,.inn"l. ll r tan t f'C'all . tno, when t .. arhtr!' tff"mmrnrlrd Dan O:~rc to rarf'n lll a nd rhilllren. T hrr "''"' a hlt: tn ltad p~unJl',o fel1' . "-two had IKititf'rlthc play ofliJ(hl ati"P!!.'II lb mpMn'.11 fatc•. nn tn an int""'"' in da~itall\llintinR -

He"''" a nother iron)', You 'II'M'l find !'hu,.ltr and lt.m~n mf"ntionrd in hi,_ toriu nf art . Bu t a pop .irt illt lib Ro~· IM-htf'ftl<tf'ia. . whn t•kl'• hi" im•RC" fr'f'm rnmic lllri J~<'~ . ""'' hiRh prai~ hiJ" m"M,·-frnm admi ~l'!' nf '"thf" nc•· rul il1m."

Licht.-nllt ti n'" itnrntitln,., fn ,,. ~- onf' rminrnt jud~t . a rt 11imilar In t hn,;f' nf aculptor~ 'll' hl'l u .~ bi\11 of Junk for thf' ir

l f"ftt'dnllrnf' · ~Ioden! ar1."' wrale

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Page 2: Ironies and dots...Friends of Ewelme Inc Te Manaaki Society Inc Spina Bifida Association of Auckland Auckland Alcoholism Trust Board N.Z. Rationalist Association Inc Community Volunteers

Jumble Sale/A Marketplace

Project Programme 1975

Auckland City Art Gallery

David Mealing

Page 3: Ironies and dots...Friends of Ewelme Inc Te Manaaki Society Inc Spina Bifida Association of Auckland Auckland Alcoholism Trust Board N.Z. Rationalist Association Inc Community Volunteers


With special thanks to Bronwyn, John Maynard, Ernest Smith,

John Daley, Tim Garrity, Ross, Dorothy, Jackie, Alison, Brenda,

Paul, John, Peter and to all the groups/organisations and

individuals who took part in the project.

Page 4: Ironies and dots...Friends of Ewelme Inc Te Manaaki Society Inc Spina Bifida Association of Auckland Auckland Alcoholism Trust Board N.Z. Rationalist Association Inc Community Volunteers

"My concept of organisation 1s an artistic one insofar as

it must come to fruition within the laws of organisms and

in organic form. A total work of art is only possible

within the context of the whole of society. Everyone will

be necessarily a co-creator of a social architecture, and,

so long as anyone cannot participate, the ideal form of

democracy has not been reached."

Joseph Beuys

Page 5: Ironies and dots...Friends of Ewelme Inc Te Manaaki Society Inc Spina Bifida Association of Auckland Auckland Alcoholism Trust Board N.Z. Rationalist Association Inc Community Volunteers



Friends of Ewelme Inc

N. Z. Historic Places Trust

Disabled Citizens Society Inc

Te Matakite 0 Te Roopu

N.Z. League for the Hard of Hearing

Lynfield Kindergarten

Hari Nava Seva (Hare Krishna)

Crippled Childrens Society

Te Manaaki Society Inc

Yoga International Schools N.Z.

Spina Bifida Association of Auckland

International Meditation Society

Cancer Society

Auckland Alcoholism Trust Board

Laura Fergusson Trust

N.Z. Rationalist Association Inc

International Society for Krishna Consciousness

Divine Light Mission

Community Volunteers Inc

Auckland Sheltered Workshop and Training Centre Inc

Waitakerere Ranges Protection Society

Plunket Society

Windyridge Playcentre

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament N.Z. Greenpeace Foundation

Foundation for the Protection of the Unborn Child

Pregnancy Help

Society for Research on Women

St Georges Fellowship

Harbour Lights Guild (Flying Angel Mission to Seamen)

Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society

Save the Children Fund

St Vincent de Paul Conference, Takapuna

Auckland Embroiderers Guild

Friends of the Earth N.Z.

Civic Trust, Auckland

Auckland Carnation and Gerbera Society

North Shore Old Peoples Welfare Council

Intellectually Handicapped Childrens Society Inc

Auckland Sun Club Inc


Auckland Centre N.Z. Red Cross Society Inc

International Womens Year

RNZ Foundation for the Blind

Ecology Action Auckland



Halfway House

All Animal Welfare in Auckland:


Humane Society of N.Z.

Dog Protection Society

British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection

Beauty without Cruelty

Bronwyns Stall

Presbyterian Social Service Association

N.Z. Family Planning Association


Page 6: Ironies and dots...Friends of Ewelme Inc Te Manaaki Society Inc Spina Bifida Association of Auckland Auckland Alcoholism Trust Board N.Z. Rationalist Association Inc Community Volunteers

The Friends of Ewelme Inc

Address: 14 Ayr Street, Parnell, Auckland

Telephone: 370-202


Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:



Daily 10.30 a . m.

1.30 p . m.

12.30 p.m .

4.30 p.m.

John Webster (Curator)

Cottage and garden open to the public as

one of the New Zealand Historic Places

Trust properties.

The preservation of a colonial cottage

with its original contents as an example

of mid-19th century Auckland home. The

cottage was built by the Rev. Vicesimus

Lush and was lived in by members of his

family until 1968

Secretary/Treasurer: Brenda Gamble - 599-608

Chairman: John Crisp - 496-587

New Zealand Historic Places Trust

Address: C/- L. Sutcliffe, Secretary,

Auckland Regional Committee,



Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:



70 St Andrews Road, Epson, Auckland


Check with curator of building concerned

L. Sutcliffe

Auckland Regional area


Auckland Regional Committee (as above)

Disabled Citizens' Society Incorporated

Address: 421 Dominion Road (Head Office)

421-423 Dominion Road (Workshop)

304-306 Dominion Road (Stationery and

Gift Shop), Auckland



Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:



688-153 (after Hours) 27-86569

8.30 a.m. - 5 . 00 p.m. Monday to Thursday

8.30 a . m. - 9.00 p.m. Friday

(Secretary is on call all the time for

urgent matters.)

Mr Chas. L. Weber, Secretary Manager

Auckland, Hamilton, New Plymouth , Dunedin

and Invercargill

Sells goods made by disabled members.

Sheltered workshop provides limited work

on quota system for pensioners to enable

them to earn up to $10 per week.

To help and benefit disabled persons,

provide sheltered Wo r kshops , to rehabilitate,

gain employment, organise activities,

retail goods manufactured by members,

establish holiday camps, gain relief and

concessions for disabled, provide and sell

wheelchairs and aids.

Auckland Supporters of Matakite Land March

Address: 30 Albany Road, Herne Bay, Auckland

761-620 or 768-162

Page 7: Ironies and dots...Friends of Ewelme Inc Te Manaaki Society Inc Spina Bifida Association of Auckland Auckland Alcoholism Trust Board N.Z. Rationalist Association Inc Community Volunteers


Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:



24 hours a day

Betty Wark or Pat Hammond

Particularly Ponsonby-Grey Lynn area, but

all of Auckland

To serve the Maori people in their struggle

for survival and freedom as a communal culture .

Embassy in Wellington, Land March, Newspaper,

assist tenancy struggles, land disputes and

all problems relating ~o rural and urban

Maories - Food and employment co-ops, medical

and legal aid, support for Maoris in prison

and for fostering of Maoritanga and communal

living and land ownership .

(See page 4 of Matakite newspaper for further

details . )

Hard of Hearing (New Zealand League for the)




Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:



8 St Vincent Avenue , Remuera, Auckland 5


9.00 a . m. - 4.00 p . m.

Mrs Jeanne Pattison (Public Relations Officer)

All Auckland District excluding North Shore

Teaching lipreading to Hard of Hearing, and

Social activities for same.

Visiting Welfare Officer- Hobbies,

Gardening, Bridge and Bowls groups.

Lynfield Kindergarten Establishment Committee

Building Site: Halsey Drive

Telephone: 675-868 (Secretary)

Person to Contact:

Area of Operation :



Hari Nama Seva Inc



Hours :

Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:

Function :


Secretary, Brenda Price, 23 Athenic Avenue ,



Education of pre-schoolers

As a committee is to raise sufficient

finances to have Kindergarten built in our

area . With and under the Constitution of

Auckland Kindergarten Association

39 Victoria Street, Auckland


Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 7 p . m.

Desk worker on duty

New Zealand

To distribute the message of Lord Chaitanya

through the teachins of Bhagavad Gita and

Srimad Bhagavatam

Restaurant, weekly feasts, daily yoga classes,

Retreats, Book Distribution.

Page 8: Ironies and dots...Friends of Ewelme Inc Te Manaaki Society Inc Spina Bifida Association of Auckland Auckland Alcoholism Trust Board N.Z. Rationalist Association Inc Community Volunteers

Crippled Children Society (Incorporated) Auckland




Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:



9 Mount Street, Auckland 1

P.O. Box 399, Auckland


8.30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.

Mr S.I. Rowley (Secretary/Manager)

Auckland Metropolitan Area, Whakatane,

Opotiki, Northland and Rotorua.

To co-ordinate and if practicable, provide

all services, medical para medical,

professional and others for the crippled


Medical supervision of programmes

Field Officer Counselling

Occupational Therapy


A.D.L. Assessment and Training

Pre Vocational Assessment

Vocational evaluation

Placement and follow up counselling

Hostel accommodation

Transport subsidies

Provision of Welfare equipment

Recreational and Therapeutic Swimming


Gymnasium Facilities

Financial assistance

Recreational and social activities

Te Manaaki Society Inc

Address: P.O. Box 47-114 Ponsonby

Telephone: 764-868


Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:


Yoga International




Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:



9.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m . (After hours) phone


Fred Ellis or Irene Thompson


To house, clothe, and provide for

families in need

128 Victoria Street West, Auckland, also

42 Andrews Road, Henderson

Day - 378-993

Night - HSN 63034

Daily classes

Daily duty

Auckland city and suburbs

Our creed: Serve, Love, Meditate, Purify,


Yoga for Health and Realisation by Yoga

classes - 20 weekly in Auckland

Spina Bifida Association of Auckland (means "Split Spine")

P.O. Box 68-454 Newton

Page 9: Ironies and dots...Friends of Ewelme Inc Te Manaaki Society Inc Spina Bifida Association of Auckland Auckland Alcoholism Trust Board N.Z. Rationalist Association Inc Community Volunteers

Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:



Secretary - phone POP 48290

All of Auckland area

To help multi-handicapped children and


Supply equipment. Parent relief

International Meditation Society

Address: National Office -P.O. Box 67, Wellington

Auckland World Plan Centre - 42 Customs

Street East



Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:



Auckland 374-175

10 a.m. - 5.30 p.m. Monday to Friday

Public Lectures - 12.10 p.m. Wednesday

8 . 00 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday

Desk worker on duty

World Wide

To teach the Science of Creative

Intelligence and its practical aspect,

Transcendental Meditation, thus allowing

every individual to be responsible for the

improvement of the quality of life for both

himself and society

Free public lectures on T.M.

Personal instruction in T.M.

Regular follow-up programme

Courses available in the Science of

Creative Intelligence

Cancer Society




Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:



41 Gillies Avenue, Epsom, Auckland

P.O. Box 1724, Auckland)

540-023 after house (R.N. Stevenson 488-026

379-359 Mrs C.M. Davidson

9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. Monday to Friday

R.N. Stevenson - Managing Secretary

Mrs C.M. Davidson - Headquarters Secretary

North Auckland area and Auckland Metro­

politan area as far south as Mercer,

together with Thames and Coromandel

Peninsula area, Gisborne, and Taumaranui.

Other areas of New Zealand serviced by

the other five divisions of the Cancer


To further the preventation and cure of

cancer, by means of four main avenues:

professional education

public education



Public education - meetings on cancer

education provided on request by groups

of people, i.e., clubs, church groups,

sporting bodies, service organisations.

Welfare - Accommodation, if required, for

radiotherpy patients coming for treatment

at Auckland Hospital, from areas outside

of Auckland.

Research - full time research programme


Page 10: Ironies and dots...Friends of Ewelme Inc Te Manaaki Society Inc Spina Bifida Association of Auckland Auckland Alcoholism Trust Board N.Z. Rationalist Association Inc Community Volunteers

Information - on welfare aspects of cancer


Cancer detection centre - well people can

be examined on referral from their own


Alcohol & Drug Dependence Centre

(Directed by the Auckland Alcoholism Trust Board)

Auckland Branch of the National Society of Alcoholism and

Drug Dependence, New Zealand Inc.

Address: MacFarlane's Building, 57-63 Fort Street,

Auckland, 1.

Telephone: 73-978


Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:



9.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m.

The Director or Caseworkers

Auckland province

Counselling, treatment, education and


Provides counselling in an attempt to

rehabilitate persons or families

experiencing difficulty as a result of

alcoholism or drug dependence. The Centre

maintains close co-operation with doctors,

clinics, hospitals, clergy, Alcoholics

Anomymous, Al-anon and other facilities

and social agencies of the community.

Makes available to the community the

most up to date factual information

regarding alcoholism and drug dependence.

Preventive education is accomplished by

means of seminars and lectures employing

a speakers panel, visual aids and literature.

Anticipates that through the employment

of professional case work practice that

a body of general knowledge can be developed

to provide research material relevant to

the New Zealand situation.

Laura Fergusson Trust Board

Address: 224 Great South Road, Remuera, Auckland

P.O. Box 17045 Greenlane

Telephone: 548-882/540-537 (after hours) 548-882


Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:


9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. Monday to Friday (office)

24 hours daily (home)

Director (office) Matron (Home)

Provision of accommodation for disabled

persons from Auckland, Northland, Waikato

and Bay of Plenty areas.

Provision of accommodation, nursing and

other aid for disabled persons.

New Zealand Rationalist Association (Inc)

Rationalist House

Page 11: Ironies and dots...Friends of Ewelme Inc Te Manaaki Society Inc Spina Bifida Association of Auckland Auckland Alcoholism Trust Board N.Z. Rationalist Association Inc Community Volunteers



Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:


64 Symonds Street, Auckland 1.


.1onday-Friday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Any person on duty at office

Throughout New Zealand

The principles and objects of Rationalism are:

To assert the supremacy of reason over faith

whenever and wherever they conflict.

To provide a constructive alternative to the

religious view of life.

To promote and encourage free and unfettered


To promote the cause of secular education.

To complete the secularisation of the State.

To obtain the complete abolition of all

privileges granted to religious organisations.

To do all such lawful things as are conducive

to such objects.

The International Society for Krishna Consciousness

Address: 67 Gribblehirst Road, Mt Albert, Auckland 3

Telephone: 686-666


Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:


4.00 a.m. - 10.00 p.m. daily

Yasomatinandana Das

All of New Zealand

Headquarters in Auckland

To educate humanity in the science of God

and provide facility in society for every-


Divine Light Mission




Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:


one to attain the perfection of life - love

of God through the sublime process of Krishna

Consciousness. The basis of this process is

the chanting of God's holy names:




Free meals antime. (Transcendental food

offered to Lord Krishna)

Our library of spiritual knowlege and Temple

meditation facilities are open to the public

every day .

Drug Addiction: "Drug Addiction" magazine

in the U.S.A. conducted a recent survey and

found Krishma Consciousness to be 97 per cent

successful in curing persons with drug

habits and mental problems who voluntarily

entered the programme.

24 St Stephens Avenue, Parnell, Auckland


Meetings 7.30p.m. - 9.00 p.m. every night

Information any time



To give people an understanding of life

through meditation

Page 12: Ironies and dots...Friends of Ewelme Inc Te Manaaki Society Inc Spina Bifida Association of Auckland Auckland Alcoholism Trust Board N.Z. Rationalist Association Inc Community Volunteers

Services: Welfare work, food co-operative, visits to


Community Volunteers Inc, Auckland Branch

Address: P . O. Box 39261, Auckland West

Telephone: 73-177


Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:


9-10 a .m.


Auckland Region

The aims of Community Volunteers include:

a) To respond to the welfare needs of

communities within New Zealand by

enabling people to work on a voluntary

basis with local organisations and in

new areas of community development.

b) To ensure opportunities for education

through community service.

c) To encourage an awareness of social

needs and the necessity for social


Auckland Sheltered Workshop and Training Centre Inc




107 Hillsborough Road, Mt Roskill, Auckland


8.30 a.m. - 3.00 p.m.

Person to Contact:

Area of Operation :


Brand Name:


Mr R. Wray (Assistant to Director)

Auckland and suburbs, also trainees from

other New Zealand centres boarding in

Auckland area .

Training centre of multi-handicapped

people. Sheltered workshop facilities for

the multi-handicapped.


Activation and personal hygiene training

if low I.Q. trainees, stimulus to

constructive effort; accomplishment of

rudimentary tasks and operations.

Development of skills and aptitudes

directed toward industrial values,

elementary carpentry, elementary metal

work, sewing, toymaking and assemblies.

Assemblies and packaging for outside

industry, repairs and constructions for

trade, knitwear production, N.Z . gemstone

productions, advanced metalwork, including

solering and welding. Trainees attend

daily, from homes or boarding houses.

Those capable travel independently on

public transport. For those unable to

cope with public transport the Workshop

maintains a fleet of minibuses to bring

trainees to and from the workshop. No

fee is charged to trainees attending

although parents are asked to make a

donation to assist with the transport

(if required) and training facilities,

Page 13: Ironies and dots...Friends of Ewelme Inc Te Manaaki Society Inc Spina Bifida Association of Auckland Auckland Alcoholism Trust Board N.Z. Rationalist Association Inc Community Volunteers

provided by the Centre.

All trainees who attend the Workshop are

Social Welfare beneficiaries. Trainees

are not employed by the Workshop, but a

bonus payment is made each month on a

graded system to each trainee.

Waitakere Ranges Protection Society



Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:



P.O. Box 68 Swanson, Auckland 8

GLE 7816 Barbara Harre

TGN 8259 Dennis Worley

See above

Waitakere Ranges, the largest wilderness area

close to metropolitan Auckland

To seek the preservation of the present

character and beauty of the Waitakere region;

particularly to deal with problems posed by

unsuitable subdivision, destruction of native

bush, concrete power poles and transmission

lines, traffic on beaches, quarrying and


The Society acts through the legal machinery

of various statutes such as Town and Country

Planning. It is involved in investigations for

conservation, education, tree planting and

preservation, and acts as a watchdog for

threats to the environment.

Plunket Society




Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:



96 Symonds Street, Auckland 1

(Administrative Offices and clinics)

Plunket-Karitane Hospital, McLean Street,

Mt Albert, Auckland 3.

(Hospital and Karitane Bureau)

74-365 Auckland Plunket Offices and Clinics

867-740 Karitane Bureau

867-586 Plunket-Karitane Hospital

8.30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m . Offices and Clinics

9.00 a.m. - 4 . 30 p.m. Karitane Bureau

Secretary - Miss M.J . Johnston

Charge Sister - Mrs J . Adams

Karitane Bureau Secretary - Mrs A. Browne

Plunket-Karitane Hospital - Miss L. Leman

Auckland Central and Metropolitan Districts

Voluntary Society for the care of the

Health of Women and children.

In brief the Auckland branch administers

the Central City areas - Ponsonby, Grey

Lynn, and is related to 18 sub-branches

each administered by a committee ar:

Avondale, Blockhouse Bay, Ellerslie,

Meadowbank, Mt Albert, Mt Eden, Mt Roskill,

New Lynn, New Windsor, Onehunga, Oranga/

One Tree Hill, Pt Chevalier, Roskill South,

Sandringham, Westmere, Green Bay, Parnell/

Newmarket, Remuera

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Windy Ridge Playcentre




Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:



C/- The Secretary,

Mrs A. Helson, 5 Powrie Street, Flenfield


9.30 a.m. - 12 noon Tuesday, Thursday

Mrs A. Helson

Windy Ridge area - Glenfield

To provide play for pre-school children

Pre-school education

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

Address: P.O. Box 5890, Wellesley St., Auckland

Person to Contact:



Secretary - Raewyn Stone 467-561

President - Richard Northey 760-240

Vice-Presidents: Dr R. Mann 542-949

D. Luckens 39-953

To promote measures aimed at the

attainment of nuclear disarmament and

the reduction of the threat of nuclear

war. This involves - 1) informing and

involving the public on these issues;

2) influencing to

change present policies, and/or adopt

policies to achieve these aims.

Pamphlets, Newsletter, Fact-sheets,

Films, Speakers' Meatings, Correspondence

with politicians and with related overseas

organisations, Protests and vigils.

Greenpeace (N.Z.)




Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:



Private Bage, Wellesley St, Auckland

Wendy Armstrong 695-440

Elaine Shaw 889-334


As above

All New Zealand and affiliated with

Greenpeace International.

Supports and supplies yacht "Fri" on her

Peace Odyssey. The Odyssey is a voyage

to all the nuclear powers, demonstrating

a non-violent alternative to a violent

nuclear world. This being achieved by

delivering messages of peace and goodwill

from the people of New Zealand and

countries on the way.

Joining with others around the Pacific

Basin to work for an end to the dangers

of nuclear weapons and radioacti'V'e

pollution, and ultimately helping to bring

about a Nuclear Free Pacific Zone as a

step towards a Nuclear Free World, By

education, information, through our

Government and the United Nations

Petitioning Government to ban nuclear­

powered ships from New Zealand ports.

Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child

Room 103, Victoria Arcade, Shortland St,

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Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:



Pregnancy Help




Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:



Auckland - P.O. Box 1725


10.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m. Monday to Friday

24 hour AnsaFone service)

The Secretary

Auckland area

To offer counselling and practical help

to any girl or overburdened mother facing

an unwanted pregnancy

To help find accommodation, and to

provide confidential counselling to any

girl facing an unwanted pregnancy. To

give practical aid to any mother who

needs help to cope with another child.

P.O. Box 2534 Auckland


Monday-Friday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Answer phone operates after hours

Telephone Counseller on duty

Auckland and South Auckland areas.

To help pregnant women with any difficulties

associated with the pregnancy

Legal and medical assistance available, plus

practical assistance during the pregnancy and


Society for Research on Women in New Zealand (Inc) (Auckland)

Address: P.O. Box 28314, Auckland 5


Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:


549-241 (Mrs Stewart)

As above, or ask for Secretary's telephone


New Zealand

To establish facts about women and girls on

society so that they can be encouraged to

realise their true potential Carries out

social research in areas of interest to


E.G., employment of women; unmarried mothers;

child care needs; foster care; problems of

families caring for dependent relatives; low

cost housing and family usage; geographical

mobility and its effect on the family.

Publishes the results of this research and

makes submissions to Royal Commissions and

committees, and to individuals, organisations

and Government departments.

St Georges Presbyterian Church Womens Fellowship

Address: 1 Curry Crescent, Takapuna



Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:


24 hours a day

Mrs Margaret Wilkinson

North Shore

To provide an afternoon meeting once a month

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for fellowship

Visit the elderly and sick. Support missions

Community projects - supported with money and


Harbour Lights Guild (Flying Angel Missions to Seamen)




Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:



C/- Flying Angel Mission, Quay Street,



Monday-Friday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. and

6 . 30 p.m.-10.30 p . m.

Saturday 6.30 p.m. - 10.30 p.m .

Sunday 2 . 30 p.m . - 10.30 p . m.

Mrs Lee 698-476 (President)

Mrs Muir 557-776 (Secretary)

Throughout Auckland

Financial assistance and money raising services

to keep Flying Angel Mission operating

Strictly concerned with the welfare of

seamen, e.g., keeping lighthouses supplied

with books. Visits to seamen in hospitals,

disaster fund - money for dependants.

Royal Forest and Bird Protection

Address: P.O. Box 1118, Auckland


Area of Operation:



Head Office: P . O. Box 631, Wellington

Auckland Secretary 594-823


The protection and preservation of flora

and fauna native to New Zealand and all

natural features of the country.

Encouraging appreciation of our natural

resources and outstanding scenery of

dissemination of information. Preservation

of national parks, scenic reserves, fauna

and flora reserves in their natural state.

Arranges regular lectures and field

trips, and maintains private bush reserves

and lodges.

The New Zealand Save the Children Fund Auckland Branch (Inc)

Address: P . O. Box 719 Auckland



Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:




10.00 a.m. - 4 . 00 p.m . Monday to Friday

Mrs M. Foster, Branch Secretary

Throughout the world including New Zealand

The Save the Children Fund is one of the

world/s largest independent, International

voluntary organisations . It exists only

to further the welfare of needy children,

irrespective of nationality or religion .

Hospitals, clinics, orphanges, trade

training centres, schools, pre-schools,

Page 17: Ironies and dots...Friends of Ewelme Inc Te Manaaki Society Inc Spina Bifida Association of Auckland Auckland Alcoholism Trust Board N.Z. Rationalist Association Inc Community Volunteers

nutrition centres, sponsorships of

children and families, and acts in

emergencies resulting from wars or natural


St Vincent de Paul Conference, Takapuna

Address: 12 Rangitoto Terrace, Milford

Telephone: 492-800

Person to Contact:

Area of Operation



Hon Secretary Mrs A. Burns

Takapuna Parish

Visit the sick, the old and the lonely.

North Shore Hospital visits especially.

Assist needy families with groceries etc.

As above

Auckland Embroiderers Guild

Address: Rooms above Jonora Needlework Shop,

2 Great North Road, Auckland

Telephone: 27/57576 (Mrs E. Ellet)


Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:


1st and 2nd Tuesday in the month 10 a.m. to

1 p.m.

Mrs E. Ellet (President)

Auckland including Country membership

To promote the art of embroidery. To

encourage and facilitate the interchange of


ideas between members and other Guilds within

New Zealand and overseas. To encourage and

maintain a high standard of design and

technique in embroidery

To hold meetings for discussion of matters

connected with the art of embroidery. To

provide a centre which can be used as a bureau

of information for the futherance of these


Teaching available and classes arranged.

Friends of the Earth (New Zealand)




Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:



2nd Floor, National Bank Building, Shortland

Street, Auckland (P.O. Box 39-065 Auckland West)

360-821 (After hours TGN 8782)

Monday-Friday 8.30 a.m. - 4.30 p.m.

Lindsay Jeffs

National , Regional and Local

Dedicated to the conservation, restoration and

rational use of the ecosphere.

Lobbying, publishing and conducting research

on environmental matters.

Auckland Carnation and Gerbera Society

Address: 225 St Heliers Bay Road, Auckland

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Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:




Monthly 1eeting - 3rd Honday monthly 7. 45 pm

Auckland Horticultural Headquarters,

57 Symonds Street, Auckland

Treasurer: Mrs R. Manley, 70 Waima Crescent


New Zealand

To promote the culture of carnations and

Gerber as

Annual Show to bring these flowers to the

public of Auckland.

Last Thursday and Friday in November at the

Building Centre, Victoria Street West,


Old Peoples Welfare Council Inc (North Short)




Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:

North Shore Drainage Board Building

Cnr Esmonde and Lake Road, Takapuna

P.O. Box 33047 Auckland

494-975 (after hours) 456-637

Office 9 . 30 a.m. - 3.30 p.m.

Welfare Officer 492-159 Ext 66

Mr R.A.H. Russell (Secretary)

Mr & Mrs G.W. Prescott (Welfare Officers)

Devonport, Takapuna, Northcote, Birkenhead,

East Coast Bays, Glenfield, Albany,

Waitemata County (bounded by Wainui and

Waiwera) Orewa, Whangaparoa, Hibiscus




Assisting elderly citizens of 60 years

of age and over

Emergency services relating to sickness,

age, Home Aid services, care of property,

advice concerning financial problems; help

in obtaining assistance from Department of

Social Welfare and Hospital services .

Assistance in obtaining accommodation and

entry into Rest Homes. Will collect

pensions and pay accounts for bedridden

or unable to leave home . Will assist in

applying for Pensioner Flats. Outings

arranged for small groups of "Shut Ins".

Assistance with bedding and clothing.

Voluntary workers available to visit and

assist the lonely.

Intellectually Handicapped Children's Society




Person to Contact :

Area of Operation:


56 Ranfurly Road, Epsom, Auckland 3

P.O. Box 26-038

603-010 (after hours) 659-651

Office 9.00 a.m. - 4.30 p.m.

Hr R.C. Sandford, Administrator

Auckland City, Howick to Henderson,

excluding North Shore.

General service to intellectually handi­


Opportunity workshop

Page 19: Ironies and dots...Friends of Ewelme Inc Te Manaaki Society Inc Spina Bifida Association of Auckland Auckland Alcoholism Trust Board N.Z. Rationalist Association Inc Community Volunteers

Adult hostel

Short Stay Hostel

Pre-school and special care centres

Senior Special Care Unit

Field Office rs Services

Transport of Trainees and pre-school


Ranfurly Club for young adults

Auckland Sun Club Inc

Address: P.O. Box 15-412, New Lynn, Auckland

Telephone: Henderson 66-463 (Secretary)

Hours: 24 hours per day, 7 days per week

Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:







The Secretary

Metropolitan Auckland

To provide facilitiesfor the development

and maintenance of physical and mental

health and well being through the practice

of naturism.

Club grounds

C/- P.O. Box 5104 Auckland


24 hours

Person to Contact:



Counsellor on duty

To offer counsel and help to people in


Counsel and help over phone. Arrangement

for face to face counselling in depth.

Referral to other helping agencies.

Red Cross Society Inc (New Zealand)




Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:



85 Wakefield Street, Auckland 1

74-175 (after hours) HSN 63-808

8.30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.

R.A. Brill

Kaiwaka - Tuakau

Local and international welfare

General welfare, meals on wheels, emergency

transport, mobile library service, first

aid classes, clothing and disaster relief.

Declaration for International Womens Year




Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:

10 Crown Street, Epsom, Auckland



Mrs A. Cooper

Local and overseas

The need to be fully responsible for the

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well-being of our Nation

Promoting goodwill and unity

Royal New Zealand Foundation for the Blind

Address: 545 Parnell Road, Auckland

Private Bag, Newmarket



Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:




8.30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.

The Director

New Zealand

a) To provide for the care, relief,

education and training of blind persons,

the amelioration of their condition ~nd

the maintenance and promotion of their

general welfare.

b) To provide and maintain such institution

establishments, accommodation, services,

and equipment for the benefit of blind

persons as may be necessary or expedient

from time to time.

Education, Employment, Residential Homes

for the Aged, Talking Book Services,

Braille Library, Welfare Services.

Ecology Action (Auckland)

Address: C/- A.U.S.A.


Person to Contact:







Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:


Auckland University, Private Bag, Auckland


Simon Hayman

Ecology Action (Auckland} is an

environmental group concerned about the

rational use of the worlds limited resources

and the consequences of overpopulation of the


Involvement in national campaigns such as

beverage containers for the National Committee

of Ecology Action. Local areas of work include

commenting on Environmental Impact, Reports on

Rubbish Disposal in Auckland, Motorways in

Auckland. Other topics of concern are the

growth of the Auckland region, the use of the

harbours of the Auckland Province and Water

Classification. The most important project

coming up is Energy in New Zealand.

12a East Street, Newton, Auckland

P.O. Box 68-185, Newton, Auckland

770-934 and 770-933

8.30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. (Monday to Friday)

Mr Joris de Bres, Ms MRrilyn Kohlhase,

Ms Rose Dunlop

Local and International

To foster community action in New Zealand

Page 21: Ironies and dots...Friends of Ewelme Inc Te Manaaki Society Inc Spina Bifida Association of Auckland Auckland Alcoholism Trust Board N.Z. Rationalist Association Inc Community Volunteers


linked to community development and

assistance to countries of the Third World,

and to foster solidarity with Third World

peoples fighting against economic and

political domination and dependence.

Resource Centre on World Development

containing library of information and

booklets for sale.

Community Action Manual (with suggestions

for community activities.

Citizens Association for Racial Equality




Person to Contact:


Halfway House


la Ponsonby Road, Auckland

769-664 (after hours) 288-6725

Monday , \l'ednesday and Friday 12 noon - 3 p.m.

Mrs I.E. Lowry

English classes for new settlers

Samoan) ) Language classes

Maori )

Homework centre

Maori Culture Classes

Action group against racial discrimination

P.O. Box 47-157 Auckland



Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:




24 hours a day

Woman on roster

Auckland City and outlying areas

To provide a positive, supportive

environment for women who have left an

intolerable domestic situation in which

they can learn to have confidence in

themselves and learn to take control of

their own lives and make decisions about

their future . To create an awareness that

there are alternatives for women despite

the fact society does not recognise them

and does nothing to promote those

alternatives. To foster awareness among

women of their opression and second class

status under the system we have now, and

to work towards positive change in people's

attitudes, the law, and the way women are

conditioned to accept the passive, inferior

role they have at present.

Temporary accommodation for women and their

children who have decided to leave an

intolerable domestic situation. Legal and

medical advice, information and help with

obtaining Social Welfare benefits.

Assistance in getting more permanent

accommodation, and a warm supportive

atmosphere in which growth and change are


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S.P.C.A., Auckland (Inc)




Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:



The Humane Society


Person to Contact:

70 New North Road, Auckland 3

78-653 or 370-102

24 hour call service

Greenhithe 687 Mrs Hosie - Ladies Aux.

665-522 Mrs C. Hamilton - Secretary of the

Animal Action Group.

Auckland Province

The object of the Society is to prevent

cruelty and to promote justice and humanity

in the treatment of animals by educating the

public on all matters concerning the sufferings

of animals. In serious cases of cruelty,

offenders are prosecuted, the Society under­

taking all the necessary proceedings.

The Society has a boarding kennel and cattery.

Also a holding kennel for dogs at Papakura.

All these stray dogs are advertised and the

owners can claim them from the S.P.C.A. An

emergency ambulance is kept on a 24 hour

service. "We speak for those that cannot speak

for themselves".

of New Zealand (Inc)

P.O. Box 28-133, Remuera, Auckland

Neil Wells (President)

Brian Poole (Vice-President)

Adele Fincham (Secretary)

Are of Operation:



New Zealand

The HSNZ is a coluntary organisation set up

to educate the public on all aspects of animal

welfare and conservation. Uplifting the Nation's

humane conscience can only come out of the

awakening of the individual's humane principles.

More about the work of HSNZ can be obtained in

a booklet entitled 'Respect for Life'.

Dog Protection Society (Inc)


Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:



P.O. Box 8564 Symonds Street, Auckland

Graham Fitzpatrick (Chairman)

Norma M. Pratt (Secretary)


The Dog Protection Society is the new forum

for dog lovers. Its members' bulletin reveals

the facts about the plight of Auckland's


The Society has established a special Trust

Fund to provide a Dogs Home and Hospital - a

genuine sanctuary for sick, neglected and

unwanted dogs.

British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection

Address: P.O. Box 647, Auckland

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Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:



Hon. Secretary

Full membership $2.00 per annum

Associate $1.00

New Zealand and overseas

We fight vivisection because ...

1) It is wrong. It is wrong to inflict

suffering on helpless unconsenting animals

in the vain hope of finding cures for human


2) It is unscientific. Disease artificially

induced in animals is entirely different from

that which afflects humans.

3) It is dangerous. Treatments based on animal

experiments often kill people instead of curing

them. Vivisection violates the fundamental

laws of nature, therefore it hinders genuine

medical progress.

Literature sent on request. Educating the

public to Vivisection - Its meaning, its

failure and why it should be abolished.

Beauty Without Cruelty (NZ) Inc

Address: P.O. Box 1373 Auckland

Telephone: 500-368 (Secretary)

Man.69789 (Editor) Mrs Stay

Person to Contact: Margaret Lawson (Secretary)

Mrs Lucille Heather (President)

Area of Ope~ation: New Zealand affiliated with B.W.C. Worldwide

Aims and ideals:

Bronwyn's Stall

Beauty Without Cruelty is a worldwide movement

concerned about the mass suffering of animals

which are exploited for clothing, cosmetics

and other products and for 'amusement' or

under the cloak of research. The non-profit

making charitable trust exists for the two­

fold purpose of giving information about the

cruelties involved in obtaining animal skins

and ingredients, and of supplying alternatives

to these immorally derived commodities; thus

giving everyone an opportunity to lessen the

present vast-scale commercial exploitation of

nature and alleviate animal suffering.

A jumble stall attended to by Bronwyn, who was the inspiration

behind the Project

Presbyterian Social Service Association

Address: 75 Khyber Pass Road, Auckland

P.O. Box 8637 Auckland 3



Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:

75-723 (subject to alteration)

8.30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.

The Rev. J.D. Milne (Director)

Auckland Provincial District (excluding

Poverty Bay)

The Association provides a full range of

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social services for all sections of the

community regardless of race or religious

affiliation. Such services incorporate

individual, family and institutional care,

liaison with other agencies and develop­

ment into new areas of social services.

Children's and foster homes, homes for

the aged, care of youth, care of unmarried

mothers, services for families, counselling

and casework, supervision of finances,

hospital and court chaplaincies, social

welfare and community services.

Family Planning Association (Inc)

Address: La Gonda Building, 203 Karangahape Road,


Telephone: 74-447 - 74-460 (after hours)

Ansaphone on line 74-448


Person to Contact:

Area of Operation:


8.45 a.m. - 4.30 p.m. 1onday to Friday

Mrs W. Mills, Clinic Secretary or

Mrs V. Clayton

Clinics are held in La Gonda as above,

Birkenhead, Otahuhu, Otara, Mangere,

Henderson, New Lynn, Te Atatu North,

Sandringham, Grey Lynn.

To ensure babies are spaced according to

the desires of the parents based on social

and economic conditions.


Clinic Addresses:

Youthline Inc




Person to Contact:

Contraceptive advice and treatment

Pregnancy Tests

Infertility advice

Available to all women

Sterilisation discussions and advice for men

Psycho-sexual counselling

1st Floor, La Gonda Bldg, 203 Karangehape

Road, Auckland

Otahuhu Clinic - 13 Station Road, Otahuhu

New Lynn Clinic - Suite 71, Lynmall, New Lynn

Birkenhead Clinic - Birnkenhead Borough

Council Chambers, Highbury

Otara Clinic - Citizens Advice Bureau, Otara

Henderson Clinic - Health Dept Rooms, Rata

Street, Henderson

Te Atatu North - 578 Te Atatu Road, Te Atatu

Sandringham Clinic - 160 Sandringham Road,

Auckland 3

Grey Lynn Clinic - 26 Surrey Crescent, Grey


Mangere Clinic - 1 Valiant Street, Mangere

30 Park Avenue, Grafton, Auckland

P . O. Box 3118, Auckland

73-170/73-171 (Office 373-701)

10.00 a.m. - 12 midnight

F. Donnelly (Chairman) and

Page 25: Ironies and dots...Friends of Ewelme Inc Te Manaaki Society Inc Spina Bifida Association of Auckland Auckland Alcoholism Trust Board N.Z. Rationalist Association Inc Community Volunteers

Area of Ope·ration:


Auckland Rose Society

P . Firkin (Co-ordinator)


Emergency telephone and face to face

interview service.

The Society did not participate because the Committee decided

the Project was degrading

Page 26: Ironies and dots...Friends of Ewelme Inc Te Manaaki Society Inc Spina Bifida Association of Auckland Auckland Alcoholism Trust Board N.Z. Rationalist Association Inc Community Volunteers

The ordinary man's art critic GARTH GILMOUR laalcs at the trendy vogue in art.

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Too mony o~cts wpon o t ime, there was all cmperar of aft owant ·garde gallery wftfcft special ized in brilliant nftibi· t ions of u:ulpture and painting and pctterJ.

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rt Public Can't Buy But Will They Like It?

Wh•n the Billy Apple exhibition dost-d at the .\ut·kland City Art t:allery in August, the artist left hi~t workA behind him.

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T•o-rt·iltt-lll"ttwt "'• ••rl.•·ho••tt.Jwhldii!rtp-1 ... 1thtp .. h!'htr .. m~llo• u""'"''"'' ffnlrtef -

~;: "'-t;~~~~:E .:.Jirr~ , ...... lol&lftlr ~ ·~ l ho••,.h•.olldn-tllllll

Tho- f;o('l tll:ol Applr ll'ft h" ,. . ......,. t.lund htm did "'" 11or.1ntil;ot htttli""-'1'1 "'" .,, '"" ..._.., Kr ,...,.., lo•nn.otllro·. ht.•t•u•nrkl ,,,.,1-d ~~~ hr -.Md. '-"t tlw l,fuol'o·n t :t,.; II \ rU , ·,"'""'' ..... 1 thr -:~~Lio•rr P.lll'lll -••.ott'f' fo,...t'l'rahllll

'"''"' \:.,.w • .. ·h.-11HI.II r lltt lu· .on ""'tahl •. •nr<l l"l"pul:t·

""" 111 •~ .... uro..,o •hrn• "'"

:.·.t;.;~!o~·:; ~~r;;~:-.~~~~ ' """ '' .~ on \f•" i'.t•:tl~ olo l ••••·r~··•• ~~11.-ror~ h.optoll~· I'·" hun lt'i" f.,r h11 , .......... , .... ·~ ........ ""''·'"'' 1 ~ \Jthnllt:ll ho• ••orl.• r .. n-

11'11 I• · ... ~ ,.., u llr.-..,. ' "~ ................... "tt_ . "'" ' l""'oh,oh:~ on..t.o• ;o 1.-.11 1'

tr"m• .. ,.on c·har l(('o. ·""' trnlll tho- •:ok-"' · ~ ..-unk'lll~ll"" 1111 ltor .......... ,.

Kill •11;11 .o!10o111 'io·•· ,.,.,.,.,,.,_.,,.,, ~ho•pur-

" '''"' .... lo:w- ........... 1\ . ·-· t•r-.hlr , . ....,. ,..,. ;..,..

i'A· .• t.onot ~ •• u ....... • pcot.l ,,· ·~ 11<1\.olr ,._.,, ,otlt~nl •,. •' 11111 .. 1 ...... ~. lh.ll t"lllll"~ •• ..,,,,,, ,._,,, .. ,h .. . Oitolrol

,., - po-rm.o:•'fl: ... ~~ro,,.,.,,_

' '"' ' ............ 1 ......... ~ . .. ~~ ~ l•'i"ll .-lu<-.olrd .. ~ .. '"'~'ttl: _.., n.,:orl~ I') lb

·• ... ·nnll'lll·"'"" .,.,\~~.:~·:; .. :.~·~.! .. ~~~i':".t '" .••. , : 1~·· ............. .

~~~s:~~~~:.:·::~::::~~::\:A ~~~::~ ·• ·~I .~1\o~ •lo•1 .n•• - UM'fr . .,,J.,,.t. ·tlll•lralo'fl !•·· ,.,,., .... ,:, .. ·kmcuoll'rn.o:M>fi:O! ,.,, • ., .•• ~ .... thr~ ......... .c ·not ·" ~ • .,,.. •:lhnt '" o•\h,h I 1ho•u llt.r\.~ ,,nd '" r;~t .. ~. ....... ,.,.. lh.ll pm •

Art Gallery Use 'A Disgrace'

And 'a Success'

l Tha av.nt.p.rde • ·ill rail it

~; the -u-,- •. ;n ull it

l*nw.' But ·.,·hat .,.ill the onlin­felklw- in-the..o~trett maka of it

n ubibitioa that ror a .. -~k n•form• the Auc:kl.nd City Art }tory into a Pettit'olt Lane! To be sure, M kno•• what he

H . He alto kno'll'a that a «:n.

f ap works which 'WOUld ha,·e .

n refuaed wall ~ce in any f-rupectlni p.Uery are taday

mmonly accepted u maeter· ...... · He nrMmben, too, the con­~ersy that eurrounded Tor110 II -the toa-e:alled "bo¥ine buttock'"-

tly 1:! ,..,.. ap. Jt he thinU of at .culpture today, it ia, per­pi!, to ~eknowkdp that. Auck·


land ..... furtunatt In acquirlna- tt • ·bm it d id.

The man-ID--the-1\red hirtll profaAiortllil to help him . 1lw profft.oliotwl artll admini~<tn.lur ca n point out validly enooth thAt aunt-.-arde 1'\ew Z«aiMnd arti,ot ~ are e~ttabl illhin.- l"ltJkltatklllll in t:(IUII lriet • ·hOM arti1tk taot(I'IO are fu rDOn hitchlr de,·elul"-"' than our own. Are t he,- to hr. denied opportunity in their 01'1-' n land!

By all nte&nll let t he loc.w.J art i1\ ha,·a a kQ. If h il'l wor\.. PQII!J<eNC:I an,~o· re.w.l merit, h "' Ill endure one • ·ay or another : ir it ia aimply a cruy fad. thett it will

:eqt.:·k~'efO:·=~~A~he··~!;;:~;: ence ! Of courM not.

............... -........ t.P'.--..tJ .. tlta .... fltlta =: ........... _.. ..!~-::- .. ·::: , .. ..-;.,.,.trir .... ~ .. ~~.-1. -n.,... .. , ... "" .... Ja*'al.-1111 '"" """"'r"Holllo" eflhr •wlt ... - ,...... ....... .... ... ,..,.._~ rirr"' ... ,_ .. ~)"-•

.............. Mwt ... ..,M._.,.....,.tlll .. ,_ . ...,.,.... .... '- Jilt .. ____., ...... _..,...~-

\lr '"" ,,.,,..,..,.,. ,,._ 11;.• '"''"' .... ... ~ ........... 1

, .. r. :ltt.· ........... n ..... o~ '' •• n n.. l••'l•'r '" to· """ ....... ~ '"''* \.., ·-"" ....... ~. ~., ·~·

n .... '"' ln•l· ~~~ ~ ..... t4 ,.,, ... mol• ·'-"" " "' '"' . .rt ~: .• llrn -s,.n '" ;ot~"'"'~ tho • '''"''"'~ ... ~ ... I'INIC lho I

.. ,.,,. '" 1>'1' .... ~·~~~· ..... .: ... """~' 1l10·1 , 1\;1 I