irir f'TV of "LtJngrefs....

. Proceedings of "LtJngrefs. S0V3E- - of- - REPRESENTATIVES OF THE Utt'I TED STATES- - p U E S' DA' T, "January 19 Continued. Mr. Smith; (S: C')thsughr thttthi fyefident and enate of the United Sews might appoint those officers, but it was ft the bfedfli of the members of the hhie of repretntatives whether to make pro- vsfion for themi and in case of abue cf their duty and of thofs officers so qppohit ed, would have no other provision than the generosity of the Preftdentt who would be obliged to pay them from his fwn private puri, is he chufe so to do. The txpreffion iifthe Prefident'smef ager admits a doubt', say the committee, and afcile of the perfonrtrbe employer muftfirjl bemide out before a provision tan be ascertained Mr Smith wasagitinft referjing to the Secretary of State becauje.the house in their answer to the President's meffage, had pledged its 'elf totaketto this bufmefs lie was therefore agamfi discharging tlx committee, Mr. Whiteaid the conjlltutim had V together tn tne power o; tyrrc. jiaent ana jenate tne power of (nranrjS nith foreign nations, ana it mtgm tnence be fuotofed that the tower of appointing ambaffadors, &se were equilly withli Iheir province ; but he was aware that it vuld be a bad example tojeml anbaffa dors abroad witlfout tlie coneUt of the honfe, .... is, irir ...,..,. narppd with Mr White j -- s.. ...-.,- - - injome npeSs; but he a.kcdhov it was pvffible to tflal'ilb Maries to thtfeor' cign officers? W cannot suppose that the same sum will support avian at Ver i faiilesor Midridthatwiuidulyanjwer at Genoa, neither would the small sum which would enable a gentleman to live f.,....rt,. , ntivi.' tmv the luilf Fi juu.fjtuwj.j v,....-- , r- -j v -- .. i pWi' ary f fl;rtMri tothe fixinirof faiaiies, where the Mi ntfter or Consul was to be sent, unlejs Jome particular clause was enaSed em powering the Treidcnl Or fczrefarprf State to aB as theypleajed in the appoint- - tinnt of the proper officer. He moved ' to difrharge thefelett committee. Mr, Richard island movsa jgr an trder to include in the proupon a cem penlatkn for those whomay, bi4f pointed W. He was for difebarging thi com mtttte and rtf erring thebufines to slit committee) the vfole hout n thefiate of the Union ; which motion vdtjuppofed 0 bt carried; but; upon reckoning the nembers afecond time, thejptaherjatd itwasto(f. , ; Mr S,nithy o Mirylar.d and Mr. Boudinotfpoke Mr. Boudmot said fome- nting of the buines coming beore the executive department, but concluaedby ihoving that the eleB committee be not difchargid, rliich was carried. , Theeletl committee thereore have to portion, in their report, both alaries Ohd appointments. The petition 0 Dobbyns, praying or leave to purchaje a trdtl 0 land in theweftern territory, was rcadaecontt the. '. - A Inter from thefecretary of the trea- fury tathejpeaker wasread, inclefing his report tipo-- i the petitiono Siidler, fefpeftmg thetinre of his vejfel at Do, ton. Theecretary reported, in obedience to the order of the houe, that except a letter 10m the colleBor of Bofion end'one from the colleBor 0 Charlejlon, 'which 'were atisaBory to the mind 0 the Secretary, on other proofs had been yet afcei tained of ths aBs ; iicr did he think the legijhturc would yet be juftlfied in granting the prayer of the petition, un- til further enquiry be made, whether the perjbns concerned tn thi forfeiture, 'and ether neceary information could be known. Isis report concluded by o'j JesvingtheneceJuyovejiingpoweromc where equil to bufines 0 similar nature. Some"cnnveration took place amoigft the members utton this conclufton l ami r'trtiMi mi uioncd that aSvlicitor Giieral w th orficer toyhomuchbumes.was j ujii.iyr'fitred motler countries ; lut SecTttarfs rtytrt to a c:z mtise of Anes Stone Sturgesand -- . Mr, IVndJwrthmoved, that thefecretary tf the treasury be dinBcd to lay before the houfejuch infer mainin as hehadie- - &n mcreafe of general y fKT n i, ncr. j ' """ oy aDonming tne 0f Lehton ten Yards of ancouni or ten per cent, allow- - ,,i,- - j .;.., c ceived refpeBing the operation" tin iawofttonuutMtate,mpofygduttet. Mr Lawrence moved that an addition be made to the motion, and to retort what remedy would be befi to provide againji dedeiences, &c which ivas carried, at was IdUwife the motion cf Mr init:, that the . jecretary report his opinion of any difficulties which may have at crued in the execution of the said law Mr. nouatnn men jaia, mat n ipyi tjfary the different committees (boutd be allowed tine to make cut their, reports theresor: he moved that the house ad- journ. Tiny adjourned accordingly till it o'clock to morrow. WEDNESDAY, January 23. Sundry petitions were read from C. Huffman, oflVel Qhefier copiity,' frori Ryan, and ethers, invalid M '; , . will occasion an augmentation tThe the committee whoxf J? to hadbeen referred 0 -- Vs th,e r7enue of two Dobbyn was read, and debated, wrrH?,unilred thouf-m- dollars. it (bould be referred to the Jecetary oj A" additional duty on im-th- e treasury to report thereon, and r. ported sugars. Sugars are art fieBmg (he uniform fyflcm for the Jaleo -- 'Z'.Z'TlZ . '...., p. w;... t icrmo, jc. tane ofjc .nmemipre. vailed amonefl the mmbti s; and Mr. Srntt Afr Ktr.H nnri nthfitt fhnlefl !.. thUMjjB, and amendments were pro. PJ- C f Mr.Whitt wifbed to encourage emi. gmion, and laid is none but natives we're to settle uton the weliem territory, it ' ' . would be yery long before it Would-b- e f peopled lhat altho'he-'wxfhe- for a regular and general planHb be foimed yet he thought no untenal danger would arijej rem pmg attenuonto (he part,., cular application 0 Mr. Ijobbyn; fa wis thereore or referring his petition to' therecritarvofthffrralurv tHrrnivih l , r V, 7 7 - Mr. Biud-netv- agamfi any amend- - meats, and althoueh he was m faicr cf Jelling the lands, yet he wiledcr a J'- - tematier'an. Thefecretary of the irea sun might converje vith Mr Dobbyn, aW r.ter into propofali He wifhffttlts secretary to repqjt M- - fiid there were one comraSs wttnuui aianswmcumujt tie jettiiCj and he wbed to get the jecretary s le port upon this bultnejs, as veil as on the bujinejsof the Jaleof the land Mi edgvlck was for an uniform plait- - for the dijojalef the lands 0 the UiiitFd Stater. , Mi , 'Page th'o'ughi it tit ome degrtt improper for the Jecretary to report in the orm and manner which had been mentioned: Hi made ome other remarks but ipone J 10 low as not to be heard dijlinCi- - li, Mr. Stone, hid. it the ferret of the treasury was obliged to report this kind 0 bumejs he might as well open a landoffice, &c. ; Mr R. B Lee wifbed to lease c dif- - cmionary powerful, theecretary m the mode of treating wit 1 pwchajers, as to credits and payments. Mr. Shermanaid hswasfond'ofen' eouraoing foreigners, and yttberfer rati ti btjoms danger 0 dung it in too - r,,dde,i nnutnner- - he therefore nUlieA ...,.., '. . ' .........j... Biv.ff w W7ij in Huejwn imo town- - fbipst. To continued & W frra &&'&$'& TREASURY DEPAWMENY, 1 Afi 4. 1790. N . In obedience 'the orafir 'cf ihtHoitfe 0 Repreentatiyes, th- - iitftint.t - RepeBulryreportt. ' HAT in opinion, the the fir!rir?rrariceJ requisite towards the 0f the dbts of t le the fSodmcations proposed by in his iepott of4he 9U1 of January past, may be ob- tained from the folio ..vine ob the, thepetnion jects : cd by the 5ili se&ion of the 3 for laying a duy goods warcs and merc,andl2csD . . . Pr, 'into th& "tetl Sratts '' reipect to goods imported 111 American DOttoms, 2nd Ud. ding ten per cent, to the ratesNS fpeched in refpedt to goods? imported in foreign bottoms. with certain exceptions and rjifa- - list cations ; I his cl'ange, with out impairing the commercial plicy of theregulanon, or ma king inconvenient addition m the erenral rates of the duties. ob e(cv of general' confum'ptidn and yet confute" a small pro;. portion of the expence of famf- - lies. A moderate additoh rt .! Kvnrur ...iton .n.U . U set Frorn the bulkinelkof the orhlr-l- a -- nn fnr-- ir)A inn moi, Ua """-"- - "l-'-j " "'V mAde without due regard to the fafetv of collection. Thenuan- - . ' tlty of brown and Other intert - or kmds of ,mp0ned,- - p toexceej m ' - f'TV '? T Wild a. a half aent par pound, would ,m? hundred and ten thouland .... n t- - i i aoiirs: rroponionai irnpou:i- - ons foreln re,fined luSar' and propr clM backs On CXportatl- - (n, ought o'f co'urfe to indemni a ty the manufacturers or ths an-;k- 1 airier utiri 'ips To be continued.' TO BE SOLD m IV ri .f.fl5 rf patented I , Jand- - in R,rhnn x.oun ty , v one tract containing two thousand acres litu.ued on bea- ver creek a branch of the main fork of the other ". tract containing three thouland two hundred siv$ filty acres, about poles North Welt of t jle road leading from K.ddle's a ri - tn tllP lower blue-lick- s ,. . r l ti- - adjoimng a itirvcy 01 i..u.,. B,rooul,s botli or either or the, tra.dls or a smaller quanti- - 'wiH be f0Jd lor C.ittl' Ne- - J d jjj;, or pujj,c s f .T b omoHT a fomeUOre UeCUHtiea gOOdS, - . j,vrr fI1f.u nsrr nR maV be agreed upon, and giving bond and good fecunty lor the balance, or mortgaging the s fecur"y foi particulars app'y to" vinch . DaTivillle Sam -l- lrvine in Danville, Miy 1790- - j , (n the lefr earHWi Ahal crop, in'the right ear a full cropland a half penny eUtlaSovs jmV 'beted iar Apt ..;j . r . urn wnacever was none juouia oe gra- - cuunuy i'kjiu-v- , " " - diial. He tlmtgltt that it might answer horses will be recieved, a rea-ago- od purpose, is the jecretary was :o fonaye credit Will be given Oft bo t to 0 id r TtiESECRETARrOFTHE-TREAi-n2JKKJIulSCTiherliv- mar ' V 1 wtffit'sriSd ab,ut 2 mite - ' ffai LtxihetSi&. lartte wethm mark- - IllS funds'in piynient mcereft on mm on un an produce 0n . - Lickirg PHILIP COLCHEZXR.' May 10 17P0. TfW'd" DO L LARS II' E W A' 11 D" ' " bed- im u w t ai shirt; Whoever finds said goods shall hove the above reward--- uj on delivering, them at ftlr. Col-lius- 's, tavern THO BURBRIDXJE. May 14,173c. '" - . FO- - K D6LLARS REWARDS i - QXraved from the tubfcriBA at Harrodbuunh about the tenth of pril, a black horse five- - yeais old fifteen handa and a half, Ingh, branded- - 06 near ihoulder nearly thus, has a ifo.jrt crooked blize in his sorehead, a snip on hia nole; both hind feet white, had on a pair of old shoe$ wheffi he went away, alfo.a sore on his back. I will pay the above reward for the delivery of the above liorle at this place? and Py ferriages is biought from a A(i.rm T?ernard Game's UirroishuryTl AfjV., II. " " ! '- - : 5 . . ..rf.. r.r... ? '.1 ArZAi. up ay tne in iyMJforJCowiy onW witer?? Greirs creek, alorrclnare, about feet ker ' naj!( ,Jihtr docitJ nor' bJiek , o,t?x OTfipfllIjV jt ,,,,& t0 f j ,: .i.7..i Li .,., td ,hh .'".'. '..-..- ' under her throat a w liit pot ovtr both e)fes, a crop in the Itt ear and' under- - keel in the rirht. n notched bell on. u'sllt leather collar and bras buckle. 1py praised to 3. . tho, trxus Jah 10 fOO- - t 5 x nrAKt.i uu .v 'M luouriher living Ji in Bourbon County on Ttwnend S sun, ared brindled heifer, d'omt ihre'i years old narked withi crop and under-ke- el in the right ear and afwallowork in the let. Appraijcd to 2 10. JOHN HQFPER " Feb 16, 1790. 2&$CQ TAKEN up by the ubferiber Jfvhif eietk a e'lejnut jorref hore, tbout 14 yetkl old, feet 7 or 3" inches high, blind-i- the near (rye, 'a knot on Ins off azti(,ne brand to oejeeit Jma' VeJ UAr .fw,TM w. . jf.. ....H...., -- . W' rpAKFV J by thcubcriber, living 1 in M rcer county, a Bay Sialtfon, y!ars old, about 1 3 hands Ugh, with - flare and slip, the ntu . hind i on . WW!. ,- - ;.pt, 1U i A' I'XANDER- - WALKER. March 27, 1790. t EIGHT DOLLARS REWARD 1 C Trayed from i, a grass about - thcfirllof prii' al,a' bright J bay. gelding-- , fitteen hands one V high, loTlg,tomca,.aiargu head, long tail, with a small flar m his sorehead, fiveeare old, paces a little ai'dtroJs, ? UZ ttrentoway crjv peri n will deliver him to Ben.frmia Stout in Lexington, fhali Lave the above reward. JelTe Hut t

Transcript of irir f'TV of "LtJngrefs....

Page 1: irir f'TV of "LtJngrefs. S0V3E--of--REPRESENTATIVESOF THE Utt'I TED STATES- p U E S'DA'T, "January 19 Continued. Mr. Smith;


Proceedings of "LtJngrefs.



p U E S' DA' T, "January 19

Continued.Mr. Smith; (S: C')thsughr thttthi

fyefident and enate of the United Sewsmight appoint those officers, but it was

ft the bfedfli of the members of the hhieof repretntatives whether to make pro-

vsfion for themi and in case of abue cftheir duty and of thofs officers so qppohit

ed, would have no other provision thanthe generosity of the Preftdentt who

would be obliged to pay them from hisfwn private puri, is he chufe so to do.

The txpreffion iifthe Prefident'smefager admits a doubt', say the committee,

and afcile of the perfonrtrbe employermuftfirjl bemide out before a provision

tan be ascertainedMr Smith wasagitinft referjing to the

Secretary of State becauje.the house in

their answer to the President's meffage,had pledged its 'elf totaketto this bufmefs

lie was therefore agamfi discharging tlxcommittee,

Mr. Whiteaid the conjlltutim had

V together tn tne power o; tyrrc.jiaent ana jenate tne power of (nranrjSnith foreign nations, ana it mtgm tnencebe fuotofed that the tower of appointingambaffadors, &se were equilly withliIheir province ; but he was aware that itvuld be a bad example tojeml anbaffadors abroad witlfout tlie coneUt of the

honfe,, irir...,..,. narppd with Mr Whitej --s.. ...-.,- - -

injome npeSs; but he a.kcdhov it was

pvffible to tflal'ilb Maries to thtfeor'cign officers? W cannot suppose thatthe same sum will support avian at Ver i

faiilesor Midridthatwiuidulyanjwerat Genoa, neither would the small sumwhich would enable a gentleman to livef.,....rt,. , ntivi.' tmv the luilf Fi

juu.fjtuwj.j v,....-- , r- -j v -- ..

i pWi'ary f fl;rtMritothe fixinirof faiaiies, where the Mintfter or Consul was to be sent, unlejs

Jome particular clause was enaSed em

powering the Treidcnl Or fczrefarprfState to aB as theypleajed in the appoint- -

tinnt of the proper officer. He moved'


difrharge thefelett committee.Mr, Richard island movsa jgr an

trder to include in the proupon a cem

penlatkn for those whomay, bi4fpointed

W. He was for difebarging thi com

mtttte and rtferring thebufines to slit

committee) the vfole hout n thefiateof the Union ; which motion vdtjuppofed

0 bt carried; but; upon reckoning the

nembers afecond time, thejptaherjatditwasto(f. , ;

Mr S,nithy o Mirylar.d and Mr.Boudinotfpoke Mr. Boudmot said fome-

nting of the buines coming beore the

executive department, but concluaedby

ihoving that the eleB committee be not

difchargid, rliich was carried., Theeletl committee thereore have to

portion, in their report, both alariesOhd appointments.

The petition 0 Dobbyns, prayingor leave to purchaje a trdtl 0 land in

theweftern territory, was rcadaeconttthe. '.

- A Inter from thefecretary of the trea-

fury tathejpeaker wasread, inclefing his

report tipo-- i the petitiono Siidler,fefpeftmg thetinre of his vejfel at Do,ton.

Theecretary reported, in obedience

to the order of the houe, that except aletter 10m the colleBor of Bofion end'one

from the colleBor 0 Charlejlon, 'which'were atisaBory to the mind 0 theSecretary, on other proofs had been yetafcei tained of ths aBs ; iicr did he think

the legijhturc would yet be juftlfied ingranting the prayer of the petition, un-

til further enquiry be made, whether theperjbns concerned tn thi forfeiture, 'and

ether neceary information could be

known. Isis report concluded by o'j

JesvingtheneceJuyovejiingpoweromcwhere equil tobufines 0 similar nature.

Some"cnnveration took place amoigftthe members utton this conclufton l amir'trtiMi mi uioncd that aSvlicitor Giieral

w th orficer toyhomuchbumes.was jujii.iyr'fitred motler countries ; lut

SecTttarfs rtytrt to a c:z mtise ofAnes Stone Sturgesand -- .

Mr, IVndJwrthmoved, that thefecretarytf the treasury be dinBcd to lay beforethe houfejuch infer mainin as hehadie- -

&n mcreafe of general y fKT n i, ncr. j' """ oy aDonming tne 0f Lehton ten Yards ofancouni or ten per cent, allow- - ,,i,- - j .;.., c

ceived refpeBing the operation" tiniawofttonuutMtate,mpofygduttet.

Mr Lawrence moved that an additionbe made to the motion, and to retort whatremedy would be befi to provide againjidedeiences, &c which ivas carried, atwas IdUwife the motion cf Mr init:,that the . jecretary report his opinionofany difficulties which may have atcrued in the execution of the said law

Mr. nouatnn men jaia, mat n ipyitjfary the different committees (boutd

be allowed tine to make cut their, reportstheresor: he moved that the house ad-

journ.Tiny adjourned accordingly till it

o'clock to morrow.

WEDNESDAY, January 23.Sundry petitions were read from C.

Huffman, oflVel Qhefier copiity,' froriRyan, and ethers, invalid M

'; , . will occasion an augmentationtThe the committee whoxf J?to

hadbeen referred 0--Vs th,e r7enue of two

Dobbyn was read, and debated, wrrH?,unilred thouf-m- (bould be referred to the Jecetary oj A" additional duty on im-th- e

treasury to report thereon, and r. ported sugars. Sugars are artfieBmg (he uniform fyflcmfor the Jaleo--'Z'.Z'TlZ.'...., p. w;... ticrmo, jc. tane ofjc .nmemipre.vailed amonefl the mmbti s ; and Mr.Srntt Afr Ktr.H nnri nthfitt fhnlefl !..

thUMjjB, and amendments were pro.PJ- C f

Mr.Whitt wifbed to encourage emi.gmion, and laid is none but natives we're

to settle uton the weliem territory, it' ' .would be yery long before it Would-b-e


peopled lhat altho'he-'wxfhe- for aregular and general planHb be foimedyet he thought no untenal danger wouldarijejrem pmg attenuonto (he part,.,cular application 0 Mr. Ijobbyn; fawis thereore or referring his petition to'therecritarvofthffrralurv tHrrnivih

l , r V, 7 7 -

Mr. Biud-netv- agamfi any amend- -

meats, and althoueh he was m faicr cfJelling the lands, yet he wiledcr a J'--

tematier'an. Thefecretary of the ireasun might converje vith Mr Dobbyn,aW r.ter into propofali He wifhffttltssecretary to repqjt

M- - fiid there were one comraSswttnuui aianswmcumujt tie jettiiCjand he wbed to get the jecretary s leport upon this bultnejs, as veil as on thebujinejsof the Jaleof the land

Mi edgvlck was for an uniform plait- -for the dijojalef the lands 0 the UiiitFdStater. ,

Mi , 'Page th'o'ughi it tit ome degrttimproper for the Jecretary to report inthe orm and manner which had beenmentioned: Hi made ome other remarksbut iponeJ10 low as not to be heard dijlinCi- -li,

Mr. Stone, hid. it the ferret ofthe treasury was obliged to report thiskind 0 bumejs he might as well open alandoffice, &c. ;

Mr R. B Lee wifbed to lease c dif--

cmionary powerful, theecretary mthe mode of treating wit 1 pwchajers, asto credits and payments.

Mr. Shermanaid hswasfond'ofen'eouraoing foreigners, and yttberferrati ti btjoms danger 0 dung it in too -

r,,dde,i nnutnner- - he therefore nUlieA...,..,'. . ' .........j...

Biv.ff w W7ij in Huejwn imo town- -

fbipst.To continued

& W frra &&'&$'&


In obedience 'the orafir 'cf ihtHoitfe0 Repreentatiyes, th- - iitftint.t

- RepeBulryreportt. 'HAT in opinion, the

the fir!rir?rrariceJrequisite towards the0f the dbts of t le

the fSodmcations proposed byin his iepott of4he 9U1

of January past, may be ob-

tained from the folio ..vine ob



jects :

cd by the 5ili se&ion of the3 for laying a duy goodswarcs and merc,andl2csD

. . .Pr, 'into th& "tetl Sratts'' reipect to goods imported111 American DOttoms, 2nd Ud.ding ten per cent, to the ratesNS

fpeched in refpedt to goods?imported in foreign bottoms.with certain exceptions and rjifa- -list cations ; I his cl'ange, without impairing the commercialplicy of theregulanon, or making inconvenient additionm the erenral rates of the duties.

ob e(cv of general' confum'ptidnand yet confute" a small pro;.portion of the expence of famf- -

lies. A moderate additohrt .! Kvnrur ...iton .n.U . U

set Frorn the bulkinelkof theorhlr-l- a -- nn fnr-- ir)A inn moi, Ua"""-"- - "l-'-j " "'VmAde without due regard to thefafetv of collection. Thenuan- -

. 'tlty of brown and Other intert


or kmds of ,mp0ned,- - ptoexceej m ' -f'TV '? T

Wild a. a halfaent par pound, would,m? hundred and ten thouland

....n t- - i iaoiirs: rroponionai irnpou:i- -

ons foreln re,fined luSar' andpropr clM backs On CXportatl- -

(n, ought o'f co'urfe to indemni a

ty the manufacturers or ths an-;k- 1

airier utiri 'ipsTo be continued.'

TO BE SOLDm IV ri .f.fl5 rf patentedI ,

Jand- - in R,rhnn x.oun ty,

v one tract containing twothousand acres litu.ued on bea-

ver creek a branch of the mainfork of the other

".tract containing three thoulandtwo hundred siv$ filty acres,about poles North Welt of

t jle road leading from K.ddle's a

ri - tn tllP lower blue-lick- s

,. . r l ti- -

adjoimng a itirvcy 01 i..u.,.B,rooul,s botli or either or

the, tra.dls or a smaller quanti- -'wiH be f0Jd lor C.ittl' Ne--

J d jjj;, or pujj,c s

f .T b omoHT afomeUOreUeCUHtiea gOOdS,-

. j,vrr fI1f.u nsrr nR maV

be agreed upon, and givingbond and good fecunty lor thebalance, or mortgaging the

s fecur"y foi particulars

app'y to" vinch. DaTivillleSam -l- lrvine in

Danville, Miy 1790- -

j ,

(n the lefr earHWi Ahal crop, in'theright ear a full cropland a half pennyeUtlaSovs jmV 'beted iar Apt..;j . r .

urn wnacever was none juouia oe gra- - cuunuy i'kjiu-v- , " " -diial. He tlmtgltt that it might answer horses will be recieved, a rea-ago- od

purpose, is the jecretary was :o fonaye credit Will be given Oft




0 id



mar' V 1 wtffit'sriSd ab,ut 2 mite

- ' ffai LtxihetSi&. lartte wethm mark- -



mcereft on










May 10 17P0.


DO L LARSII' E W A' 11 D" ' "

bed-imu w t ai

shirt; Whoever finds said goodsshall hove the above reward--- ujon delivering, them at ftlr. Col-lius- 's,


May 14,173c. '"- .FO- - K D6LLARS REWARDS

i -

QXraved from the tubfcriBAat Harrodbuunh about the

tenth of pril, a black horsefive- - yeais old fifteen handaand a half, Ingh, branded- - 06near ihoulder nearly thus,has a ifo.jrt crooked blizein his sorehead, a snip on hianole; both hind feet white, hadon a pair of old shoe$ wheffihe went away, alfo.a sore onhis back. I will pay the abovereward for the delivery of theabove liorle at this place? andPy ferriages is biought from aA(i.rm

T?ernard Game'sUirroishuryTl AfjV., II." "

! '-- : 5

. ...rf.. r.r... ?'.1 ArZAi. up ay tne in

iyMJforJCowiy onW witer??Greirs creek, alorrclnare, about feet

ker'naj!( ,Jihtr docitJ nor'bJiek ,o,t?x

OTfipfllIjVjt ,,,,& t0 fj ,: .i.7..i Li .,., td ,hh.'".'. '..-..- 'under her throat a w liit pot ovtr bothe)fes, a crop in the Itt ear and' under- -

keel in the rirht. n notched bell on. u'sllt

leather collar and bras buckle. 1py

praised to 3.. tho, trxus

Jah 10 fOO- -

t 5 xnrAKt.i uu .v 'M luouriher living

Ji in Bourbon County on Ttwnend Ssun, ared brindled heifer, d'omt ihre'iyears old narked withi crop and under-ke- el

in the right ear and afwalloworkin the let. Appraijcd to 2 10.


Feb 16, 1790.

2&$CQTAKEN up by the ubferiber Jfvhif

eietk a e'lejnut jorrefhore, tbout 14 yetkl old, feet 7 or 3"

inches high, blind-i- the near (rye, 'aknot on Ins off azti(,ne brand to oejeeit

Jma' VeJ UAr.fw,TM w. . jf......H...., -- . W'

rpAKFV J by thcubcriber, living1 in M rcer county, a Bay Sialtfon,

y!ars old, about 1 3 hands Ugh, with

-flare andslip, the ntu. hind i on.WW!.

,- -;.pt, 1U iA' I'XANDER-- WALKER.

March 27, 1790. t


C Trayed from i, a grass about- thcfirllof prii' al,a' bright J

bay. gelding-- , fitteen hands one Vhigh, loTlg,tomca,.aiargu

head, long tail, with a smallflar m his sorehead, fiveeareold, paces a little ai'dtroJs,

? UZttrentoway crjv peri n

will deliver him to Ben.frmiaStout in Lexington, fhali Lave

the above reward.JelTe Hut
