IO mmesmm - NYS Historic...

IO ^^^^."^•^Sp^Swsi'B ^^^^^{tWS^'i^y'''*} ^J w:«mim .vx iff ^^^^^' mmesmm . >„ i Hi it'll #?*i vf &yl Bsfi Kf' 1 P *.'* }'- F 1? Ijf TEST11WONT? rBOltit FRANCE AND p R r«s»A. »«(TBI TwJE» **»» op .. Th. fcmo Kf t f i W ^ j i ^ f ^ » i W « a m f l n i * to tho limit. mknwlm^mwnm .mm BR BY T H E QfHSJBS'S PATENT* JM*p£M,f WAtLHWftf iuefeeuftiuy Into drtTor- ontnumtrieain' ^e fulWing um.ilicitrd totii (.nil cntinp dll«W«, f O H E A T ->*^ ••^•i 1 n s t : MlENTt»»r 1.346-~THBGREATAMF.H NiRipTic, fiiXTUJaie.-^Thi9 universal Pai.»i'#»o 9 tmw hftiitg iutru4ncpit ii*to Em-opt*, the K-i*i a i i d W<hst~ IiX<H^'Bji^Sflb|li A i n e i i c a , nml oil utlvi p°uU o f t h e ff™BBPpn**i'e Hi«fnse .'XiMn in an> torm* *£&* Ul^Hptaier* and the h*\r f**f the |>(\M 'hrof* ypHiti *j«*ej>l> lasted ihe v n - tuef> w h t c h Hie j»rnpriPtor, upon ihe inlro.l'utiKi. ^>f Jhis rot*'.en.e, lip-iu'rd not io *ay il poo-**"- IMM: In i t . h M , « . i c n . ^ f».i** GREAT VEGKTJ 3SIE REVF.DY, rh* moot iMrtling proim^* HrVt-r^ m i')« j • ' the pati of the m^tlicin^—<-o »•«»* - •el u'.i-i [.it* : fBpry—the pij-.ctplp—upnii uhich thf* f.i:- < w^fpti. |»e«»ple t ' r e u u p th'»*r 1 '.VM!« -IIMJ cripj, " Wlial n-'XiV" Kvc.i ciwl'-hti- -Mril-il with 8urprt«e, and 'tie *>o ra'I- .! " F»< -iMy" ma<le them>t»lvf»» IIMTI v over The 4 * nf« hum :•..£." B'it marl? th** rp-ul'—ih<*ttire vein h^vrt pa«9**tl au ay— public -piiiion, am! th" v \c** of million* onii mure o\ oh--pniit« in- •l:vtd'i *?, h m e s U n . p e d fl>ig Rr.MtDY IJV in"*? sin-j'tl .*•„ \rn'Miprf»»l,incoinpiphph».u r .unl mir.ic II 1 ."]* ci.r |tj\*> p o w e r PVPJ- prtnl'K p.l Tit** O X K G«r.\r DISEASE, which »h^ fjmpiif'or of th.- mp hcuift hn.i ih» t>'P«tiiDpM(>u i.» «,\v **xi^t**(t ami t'ifl! all vnrinaa (lii.MBpfi WPIP but -ernmUn h i< nn\V fn 1 i<>n« of hplifveM, 'I'li.\ M i - T !><• Iipvp. for thpv havp witnppspd fh** ri!«tfof ihi- fpitoraivp. It hi-a co'.q'iPiPcl ;i!l CI-H, bv *= i rn jvly ronq*iPriii^ tho ONK. Thp •• OM School" now onpri thptr py*'9. Thpir nld d.^^mH". liU Ihp mn**rin» ml«t, fly befure Ihp liifht of trntn. WMI fiiijitinii sens*' nnw necfe 4 a road t»> h» altl* it* n\n Uiiv, inst**a'l of c!f>-*if"tj if* PVP 8 , and hpinj If*H. Thp truth of thp principle itpor- w h ' d i thi«» .irticle C'i r P?. \s p«'abli»h»*d. find thp *tfltPrnp»t 14 iij.iin h'-Idtv, inn » rmphnticilly mo-t dpcidp.lly rt»-itpialnd : Thh ntrtitcuie wil Jyii* fynm fh"fro-f»/cvenj divrnp whuk ban <i mnnf •every *1's<n jnni;.Ttfan of the systi m which ri/n exi^t. If bo'ip tin I mu-cle remmu, this medicine luUl restore to f>.*rfcl nt'itr. Tbi* old calom*-! hlpp 'm^. bti*fpiina eyiTpin i<: t\bn>,\ to f.ill, TIIP p . -I d m l v p-p-fp. tme ii-elf of the truth o f O u n TH»OHV, it a prop out of thp obi j»fnictiirf ; u hieh \vill aoo'i (iimMp d^n-n, a Bhdppless inn** of igirrant't' a-,i| do(pptii.n. Inv.ibti-* '^3-irt a: njipp to this nipdicint*.. If a itneMv/ VKGI.T \BI.K HKMKPV, HIP piod"C o! our f«-M vinii—.i of i^^nty*! \xo (idf» ent i'ta f*!i-i,n. I'.ich ruot has U« fariinilnr pa t of t h e -v-'""! 'o acf «i[inn} and this artion \- llrtdV'S pio.l'rpp-l Its **(Fe - ! it;'On ihf ii A«7» n«'M| 14 u,i IP -i itt-iv* .1,'ipare' t '1V*'!II:HI •. ol thtt ht-.'h( ,- t «'h ir.icr*»» rs d a i l y comi'<<? '» iff j»rn- priPtor. Titll id' t u»h. and vnu will nhinv 11 IOP*' mipt"5. pl;»c» j '». »'.d i!a ? p-. N'"t n p »rf ic!p of ( I-r* »\ i l o n c p i t i>'F**ri' I i>:i th*» p.nt "f fhijd'RKA'i CCJIUTIVK 'Pie ino.-t en pf'il o f i h ^ p.i np'ib-r i-fl dp-irt'd. Il HIVP-* Ihp chai.uipr ol aM 'IIP-"con l:jrv c'iinv'a'n f •* v^hic'i prpvdii, ain\ wb'i-li I) i»- P bp'-i. r-i" p.l bv tin- iirtirlp. Hviilenc** of cii'"* >n »(iin»» ••!' llip ino^l dr^.iiluil fu<P" of liriiiPr.ii^ ro -1 pl*»'nt •* uhtch it h-T. bppu HIP f->r- tuiieof anv m"lu-ipe lo fupp v\ i t h , i s found - ca«P9 uli »*'i ha.'* b fii 1 —t*t to »'i»». IlnndrPiU ill PVPIV .i'ij** <"i'v o f c o r fj'iintt and thp Cana- ilc», h.n p Ni ih.r k tt> ** a> i i c > fni th**ir livp«. aiul so do ' I v y . n* Inrtcg in Mil* pu>se-sinti of thi* propriprn will -how.- Thi-J (f' ."Vl-lioine «'i|| fur« Onnpsv, in ei-ery *t i;r --(,'rt > vrr.. in..) *"l 1*' i N o f .liffjuiJ* v io ihp (J. i mv <) ^'rt'i- ; ni-i.ji'.itiits of thp Knl* J nr*v a ; tv^'ilf »IP»* of thp ^ACU ; F<*inalp Irrp^ufari j tit»<j 'i-> II.HHIV rhpcl{"d, an/I a h e a l t h y ton** give i 1-1 f ' i p sy^p-n. I.PI P\PTV f»!fjil M at onc*- 'i/*c mffT-nr nri I u-.» g o olhpf. 1 . t i j . • >;•. H« ('.HliplaOit-, mtiTiial»fromjtWivWuKJiiof t h * highest roppecttbility show in the molt ctmclU*We and uythfncurv mnnnef. Thommo hopny •ucr«f4'tt(i» ultended JU thora, winch has always rnniK^d il? Ctjvfw wherever edoptwl. and ditentin botro yielttert to ttsn-Mlth tctturlng influence which A cdicol M*n of profoundi|lt,illhad pri»ndtmrod in«ur«l>le. 1 he mo«t po- tent tiibpICA ortho vegetable kingdum ore united in this pre- hnpTttvet the cthof, and unoVr thn nmne <T S'«ndi' Sawapn* rillo 1» presented n compnund diifb-iiigeniuely in itsrhnrac- tor nnd propoities fmtn nny i>ther prej-nrntiori, and unrivaled in Its f»perntlou i<n the trxtcm whun lub -ooff under diiease. Itaappr-.viii by PbvstcianB nnd Men i-f ScIenC", and the uaisu. f-rm surcccB whirh l»i» mnikprf Iti use, fitrniftuu proof s«ffi- ciont to convince any candid Cad diicoming mind of iu great superiority sad value. tBOATton T r |f1TBP PiTwTEi. Berlin, Prussia, Jtyrit 8, 1846* Mc*s-*. A. B, tfc D. SAKPS. Cc iile-non—Hnvinc seon vonr Sarsaparilld used til thfi C<ts with inoat ajfect in a »e\-oro caio of ScanpptA, lhaVO bopn rpq lifted to rrcter tlt»pe dozen bwtrles. which pleow ,seid, <'d the iinvmentff 'the enoh'ied draft on Me>sn. Hfn- t-hm &. Unhlwrt with tho least possible delay- X am ItlBpir- c\ i.nlv bv a feeling ..f pbflanthropy, la hiding yn« In pub- Imh this tin.inked testimony to the valnoof o modirine which, wnlflv ns it is known, is nut il ought to bo. I am, gentiemon, RoipMrfolIy your*. &e. ^ TIlEOrORE S. FAT, T h n f .lit/wing is nn nrtrnrtfroma totter recolved ffcoffl Mr Nf nop, whose wife had been afflicted with a serufuloul qftViivn . f thq nose, which botnedthenktllif tlm fittt'phvr sicians in Ffanre. It oimmetidf itself ti the nlMntion of all. BfciitfKa, EKPABTMK.^T OP ILLC AND VILA IN*. tYancc, July 17,1645. Th** Sors-ji .n Indent hns been ro-eived. nnd fho great be- nefit mv w ifi* hns derived fr-m its use upon n short trial, as w-*l! th«hi«h rpcorametidatit-ns wo hoye roooived, givci i cr^'i hnr-ca pf hetrif» ali> to cure with tbismedtefne adis> cfi»e 'hot ihe m *Z ce'pbn.tod phyi'cians «'f France have not hp<") ihV 11 ofTrrt. Mv wife i« fu U- rtrtormined tn continue 4* im« until t pnrfrft 19 piToi'tnd. nnd roaring whut we n. w hivouil!n*'t bn eijtfioto*it. pleose »'nil us norno more \i thiM.t Jolnr, nml bo (i"iiirf*d. ff^n'Iomen, wc iha'l tnke pioo* I.M* in mlnj known it- virtu*** to our friend" nml tho p'lb* he; a n d I d..uht nut th-it it will soon be extemive'v used - n d all < vot tho w.-rld. and thit mnnv o/tlirtod sutTerort will h-iil with j .v tho kn.iwlcdffo that there is n vo^elnblo "r*«orMi .i •:i:tl(*tontlv |i iwcrfji tj eradicate thoir diseases. I h'i\ o the hon< t to remain. "' Yours respectfully. 3. MArp, No. ] R u e LOUIB Phihnpe. r.'ir f ;rth°r p*irtieu!nTa and cuncMinivo ovtdoncaof its «u« pp'ir r vili o a n d Pififnev, see pamphlet*, winch m a y b e o b - tnl'ied i f Ajrentspfitis. Prernredand surd t>v A. B . & P. PAXES, Drupgists, 300 FVton-st, Ci r n e r «<f V\*!lilim. New V,<rk. S Ma'wby I*. KELLY & CO. nene»vn : H. O. II ATS, Cflnandnijn'*; B, P. B R A n D S L H Y . t ' n t o n v i l l n ; aff<»nt9 in ercrv town m t h e State, a n d b y Druggists genorolly througb- .n.f tlic Tni'od . c t.ite«. r. N. THTTIJ!, General Agent. Prim SI PPT b. ftlo. Six bolt es for $S. 0^*Tho pnbiic are respectfallv reqncsted to Tom ember ihnt it is Panda' Sarsaparilia that his been nnd is constantlv fhievinuBiirh r^nmrkablo cures rf the most dtfflen't o'ass of 'i'tf'iipi t-< which the humon f'nrpe subject; thetefure oek frSantls* girsapariHa, and tube no other, 6m?g COASUI»lPTIOI¥ HAS BKEN CURBD BY BRANDS •<••• PULMONABY BALSAM^ THE GREAT AMEBlCJtN T HE UJfBOUNUfcD AND TplUMI'HANT 8UCCE3H Which has resuted from the ose of this Great Healing and Purifying medicine, in the cure of Colds, Coughs, JHetA- ma and Corntumptwn, « anants tbb aisertion. -that, it is the Vw»t infallible remedy in the world, for auy form ojr stage of Orwwftj>tt(m-rthe tr.-rai und most hopeless cases Man* Physicians sov tbat the human lungs when once ot- cerattm never can t><' hen led and cured; but if experience, and the testimony ^1' many jiersons of the highest standing and titiittttbter for veracity oao be relied on, BrauCs JnMan Pulmonary Balsam has cured malty decided cases of j/Ueera- tedoQd diseased lungs—-such cuses us were called Consump- tion by^fhamost ski.tut Physicians, some of the most strong- ly marked and indicuted cases vf ulcerated lungs—suoh dis,- eaues Mm6ny periunp die in consequence of, every day. The infallible nnd mmt wonderlul HEALiiNG ANI» PUBEfl'ING qualities of this best of nil remedies gives to it curative vir- tues which no other Cough remedy p«;sseFses. Tt also possess- «s all the necessary qualities for facilitating expectoration, smthiug.anS removing pain, and subduing cough,that other cough medic!n£$.h* v o* Thus, then, by its compound healing virtues (its absorbent, itspo <*er of equalizing the circulation and ieoretiona, its qualities of cleausing and purifyitie the blood, of subduing Cuugh and easing pain,) it beats and cures ulcers in.the lungs, as certainly a» it neverhas failed to heal and care ulcers and Scrofula, ta the legs or arms, or uay other part of tho body. -, IT CITREB SCROFULA ! By "Purifying tho Blood*' without foil. In any Instance; and olio, many other Chronic diseases, which are caused b? the derangement in the secretions and impurity of the blood. tjjfz.. Erysipelas, Scald Head, Chrome and InjUmvtiatory 3$heumatis , m, llceratcd Sore Mouth and Throat, Nursing Sore Mouth, VUcrs, Piles. Satt Rheum, Boils, Liver Com- plaint, Mercurial and all Skin diseases. And also, by e- quaiizing the circulation and secretions, it fas proved to bod specific in coring all debilitating weaknesses and other de- rangements incidental to females- This great Indian Hemedy is compounded and prepared exclusively from vegetable euletmccs, end its wonderful elK- cicv tn alf nulmonitrv compluints. and nn a. purifier of the lih * - . - - - - -- • • i'd". is tho result pf practical Indiun experiment. .Vtfinjn- hns ever been done to nny nf the many whodiaie used it, cither constitutionally or otherwise. RiiAI) THE EVIHENCE. We here give a few of the nmny nimea*>t well known and rPBueCtriu'o persons who huvo used this mod.cmo, and who tinve voluntarily «tv©n eertittcaips nnd stntcmentsuf impor- tfint cures.. For lull pnrttcolnrfl of every case here named. nnd i.ther wonderful cures, rend the pim pit lets. Kvery agent his them. Got um, nnd you,\wll bo convinced, if bumon ierti:n.Miv con convince you, th-l tho above is all a true statement of facts. We refer, in tho first place, to persons who have btcn them- selves cured bv tho use of this Medicine of tho several disea- ses mantioned m cmacxioii with their names. We therefore refrr to General John, Dunning. Ballstoo Spa, M. iY., who was fir many yours Sheriff of the County, cure! of Consumption. Mr. Giiman D&kcy, fanner and wool merchant, Elba, Cfnnsfe Co., N. Y . Inflamation of the Lunga, which toimi- natnd In Consumption rpftort To * t n P-.PI.H) L-V. P»«i»- >-• a ••- 4t** , ;ir.i 1 K*I a! v i i 1 ' 'i d r. C, , •, . .•- .-i if it i >\ ... - I'M* .< I- • P.; P ' I.i. H',C Ml. l'l -It,, ( JtJI|l. nC th- hi., id, will f ."I'HJ 4 . f*(»U /11, t»l ft, M t- ^,.\ then .r.p.!- ! h.- b'-»-.. fi.'.-.l bv I aM IV.ij.t \e DM •ifl wniti:itn*n ••(' thp IIH.I.I. S . k }\PA '- 1 AiJ-li*— lltP l ^ 'od*» -e. k tin" RKMEDY : 3-1 -->/. h o t i i ' e - at S2 ; 12 oz. bmtl TH \T .I'|H tl voir Af-r. MiT IMPO«FO ^:hp"— *' Vatujtin'- iit;i'io ^liv' .IP " h'o'« ii up."! , n ' t p . *ii t ;i l ,tt«iri ) of '• (i C. lnt*rli..i «. .*n I G. C VviL'hn. on ihe co'le. N*o;.e o t h - r nip'i'j I J in bu v n > i»'V r P-.' ., . i>, at $1 p.. h. lie. C \nKPirr rr*-s F.;-'»r\ '» - V. JM - 'ihU l*ii!i«) ih- .•'-.->—th- Va-i^-it," ' i - i h o B'lftY ', srainp ! gett IOIP. P.'MM p-l ] »v Dr. G. C Vaughn, ami snl.l nt Ihp p n.**ip il Au^, \r\.\ Ma ti-t B-itTiln nt whol*».ili* nod i-ptaiU *•» \vhnui a ; l coinin'imci- tion* mii»t I«"»«IP po*t o.od. < y/i ' dec lie-i crrlwioelij to the *•»//» nf //it* Mprfiriv, nt wli. lt*«rtlp n" 1 "-idi 1 —\*»w. Y'HU Ci'v. 132 \.»«.vi •' H. M I..i'^; ^i'prn. M.T« 29I E--PV- Th"« P. f'tii-p; rturinnsTi O^llO. J IT Ri'U". DM Thl'il.U 2-1 d o - T frnm Wali.<r ; Sr !,o i,-s. M » J. Walker—General A^ei-ti. ^t'lp .i^e;it9 lur Gpnp*-a. L KKLLY .'t CO. Also* (or sale by [lv63] Th^o. ITcClinfAc'; F.iU«; <5 C \". I.aif--iiv, O-i H Monrmt; J. Pt.ATT &. SlMP<t >V, LAWRENCE & B^^NF.p, Qpnpvn. , Wfllptlro; .1 O-'inrnp S. , K. ViPttnn ; H O Hav^s Cnnaiid,u"-in ; ft D Mc MrCn-n. P U W>Hinrn« & M I.tiphAfn. P''iin Y i n ; K. W. il S i - e m . , L v O n « . * k JL?t s!9 Works praise it." 5>r. JeiTery'sLHivevsal KHEUMATIC LOTSOH. T O E ftillouing are taken from nmoiig liun- Uifd" o| cetttticates whuh the pmpiifrior rpcpiv*ri, ol Hie ffiicory ol ihe active Medi* i II.P^, lyi ihe cure of the Diseases for which 'h-y ate rei'oiuiiiei dedj Dn S. JEKKERY—Dear Sir: A s an instance o jn-lut*lo you a'.d for the information of the putdtt.*, I HOUJI> Ma'e ibn! 1 bate used your Fam- ily ()ititiiiei<t for more lhaii tuplvf vi-niB in my l.iuoly fur thp cme of h u m s , scahft*, bnn*e*f and cil.ei accidents to Ihe flpsh, and hate found it m* variably clffL'tiiie I lie d*-$ued lesull—a speedy and souiftiine:* toirarulou? due. I hove had d<i- niifj tine l-'i>^ p e n o d frequent oppoituiiides fur iti ti^p and application, arid such u«e as madp irn faith -till 8tn»nrrer in iti power and effirary. NM l.irinlv should be without it. 'p«ppciaHy one composed ol children u ho aie almost daily m- j'iipd hv burns, rralds, or othpj arcidpnls. An •nnnediatp (ipplicatinn of if to thp pait burned or «(*a'<lptl w i l l d r a w out the pain, nlh-i iatf the «uf- IVIHIS;* ofj the person, and what is «till rnoit- Mundprful. it « ill prevent the burn from leaving a scar. | This has bepn exernplifipd in tny own family, one nf whom was spfttHisly hun.ed in Ihp f.icp with a .fifff hall saturatpil with fiirpprifme At fir-t I wa« afraid that he WB* fitchtf-.I'y dinfit*- iTp<itl»i,t the apf>hcation of ynut F-tmi'v Omt- mi'iif PI» c n i p j him Ipavmg not the pli^h'est fr.irp nf thp burn. Yours ip-pprtfiilly, Cfpurx*. rVov. 23, lft-15. I. PRKSCOTT. Dr. JtKKKRV—Dear Sir: I havp u«pd your ''Family Oiiitrnpi.t,'' for cetera! years in m v family with gr*-M Micfeoc: and SPvrral c-PP9 of ii.n.uiiPil ey*-H hrt\p Com* 1 undpf fny ob«prva« inui, w h i r h w p r e Piiliicly cui»-d hy it afl*-r all "thur rnndiruip*. had failed, n d t'XpPi ipnrpii phy- -tcians* skill ha<! pioved (utile. But thp main •iiJHft i* hich { ' a\p in vi. w in ihis coinmu' 'ca- 'inii, i» i n brine bpf-.rp the puhlic yotir ** Hhpti- tnnue Liiiioi-,*' not so geriprally known a«\our v.» 'td!»i»» On.tni*-!-!, hut t-qtiril y as • ffirannif. in Wo'iiiiig; cttri 3 of all il>eitmaiic complaifii«. I h.»d a tumor mi my l«»wpr lip about a y«*« r since, %\hicti u a- pxtrpinnlv painful, nnd at <>IIP (imp *h pofpupd to coitfinp tup, and on rontmltjug: 'he lurtiHS. itiev advSPi! me to havp it r u t out—giv- i"C it a** th ir opinion 'hat it uaq the only way i'i winch any ipiipfcouM be afforded me. About 'his tune, I heanl of v n .ur l^otinn. and recoHpil to tr\ it. I pinouipd a bottlp, and uopd if a« d t - ipi-tp.l O L thp d «.P<I-*P ! hp, ami ht-fo r r one ho'tle \A .tn n<*ed up mv I• (> was pprf-'cMv cured I o w e it to \ o o tha' I ivaq i.nt di-ahlpd fr«»m pnf«iiioo; 'nv .iri utt'- no" 1 b i H i n e « J , ninl to ihe afflirtpd piliiu to UHIIP them acquaimpil with *o \ahia hip n fptneilv. I foiiffive it to he a me-hnn* of -"c'» irrip-ntarirp. that t*vt*tv man ol a family «h 'uld alwaic Ufi prt»udei| « h h »t. Yo..r..&c. JOHN FARGO. Geneva,January, 1816. Miiiiif.irluiptl bv SA^inrr. J*TFE"V, irid aolH wln-h^alp a»d rPta,| hv R H LAWRFA'CR, '/'•nrril afi-Phi, Henpta. N Y to whom all orders f om f)*-ab'ri fthnuld he nddr*ftse<l. fin Id h v R D f.undv. Wnfprlnn; T K Rrnivn. ^pi.prn F.rl»: W. C. FJv, C'v^e; Dpfprpaux & r . f . F l i t C . ^ k ; M O F-Mvlpr. Annum; F. W l,p*\ i«. JPITP'RUII • T. R ("ovill Klmun ; Ov- ~* k rtiplpp, Ccmr^; H P. Bad^pr, Pao »p I P-^t. * Ji«4 TOnTMPHANT SUCCESS Of BUOHAN'S HUNGARIAN BAI/SAM OF LIFE, TUK oagAT KROLUn RtHXDV FOR Colds, Coughs, Astluna and Con- sumptioul ~- ' H U E molt celebrated one! infallible remedy, foe COLDS, t Cuaglu. Arthmo, «ad every form of Pulra..oary CON- 8UMPT(OS. i> llie UWOAHMtf PAlSJlMg 1.1FF, •discovered by thnt emln»nt Mediral C'bemhh W- BUCHAN of London. Enrinnd, ond extensively known u tho " Greet English Romodtt". . . _ . _ , It ho» been testiffl for upwerdj of seven yeor» in Orent Bn- toin and on the Continont of Europe, where it « onivcnolly , considered the greet tad onlv remedy lor this awful oialndy. ' and Is now lotr.duped Into the United gtotes under ibe im- I medinto.up'rintenilonoeoftheinVentor. Within throe years It Iws been distributed Irom Mnine to Florida, and fr..m C'ao- ada to Wlseonitn. and it, offerts ore every where alike I AST0MISH1N0 ANIJTBITJMPHANT! < \ A" a preventive medicine, nnd an nntidoto against tho i Consumptive tendoncios of the olimote. It Is invaluable. As a remedy fur severe and obsthmto i'oogbs. Inflnmroation uf tho I.nnns. Crnop. & c . It Is unrivalled. But the Amorirnn Agerot i» so confident of thoroerifuf this great Beroedy. In the wnrst forms of Consumption, that he prolan to bavo it used bv tho DTIWCl INVALID ! rithcr thin by rerson. allirti-d «iih >»m« simple snd less don?or...l. tli'rrders i.f tho Thrnnt and LunCl. This may seem atnug lan»ange; but iris the result i.f expnrioneo in thoiisanrls . f ensos. siMtunod bv Ihe mnit intelllRent and nn- imiieoehi b 6 to^ti onv. \Vo do ni>t pronouoco it an infol- liblorotnody in nil ca.efl, bBt .t is , THE MOST INFALLIBLE Hcmodv known i..lS»civili2i>d w. r'A. It is the best prevent- ive .TI.en.d.'orv r.-nsumi-tion—it iBtliebestdefenderaeftinst j the influenroa orclim.ite^—it is the best remedy f->r incipient Consumption—and it is tho great and only remedy for tbat refill Softening of lbeLongs-tnflammation of <ho Mem- orane-and Toberoulonf Decay! Whirh nro the Inst eiferts of that awful .courge and which 1 oro ermneons'v siipp.-Bed to bo bevond the roach of mediral aid. The airent in- Pr..|ir*tor» of other medieinca. dare not claim f.r their pmi.nmtions a power like this. The, know thrt I N M > CAPE have su.:h eflects Leon |.r..d..ced. The 1 ffrnrid ohioct and puri tse of tbo common Temedios* is sim- . plv t. mio xo'lof—net to cure. Thi. is ens.'y done, bv nov Mr. J. Tavmtmd. Merchant, Ovid, Seneca Co., %. Y., In- I intellimnt Plivaiclnn nr flrngjrlst—but while dallying with oipipot Con>umJ; ti..n. , , . . « . , . thesu fiEl.t'SIVE COMPOUNLS. the patient rapidly da- .Wa* Poticr. Pia-ni.Forte Teacher, 23IIubertst., t,.\ ol.nes, nnd every day plaro. him fiirther and farther Consumpfton of soverdl years* BS701.D THE BEACH OE HOPE ! o f ^ i i , ^ ' """**"• M.«'Heh«ry.\...longdifliclty Such ia t r t t h e caso with the Hungnrnin Balsam. It is ol- „y r . John. R, Smith, olerchant, Leo, Ms. Chronic Rheuma- tvevs snlittary in it* Directs—never Injurious. Tt is not on tiim. Opiate—it n o t o Tonic—it is not a mere Expectorant. It jn>. R. jy.. Stimpson, J- Ibing Merchant. 22 Wilii&m-st, la nut tntended, to lull thp invrtlitt into a futnl senrntv. It is N. Y., Scrufala in the Neclt. a (jrpit r«medy—a grund healing nnd cnrative compnuml. the Mr. J, Craig, Merchant, Medma* Orleans C e . N . Y . Soil grfflt and only remedy which medical science ond skill has Rheum. \ yet produced for the treatment of this hitherto unennqaored .Capt. Ezra Knap. W Willow Street,Brooklyn. N.T. Scruf- maiady. It in. i n fuel, tho I uloiis Erysipelas, m buth Iep from the knees ty the onrlesf BEST REMEDY I N T H E WORLD.' \ Mrs. Sarah Barlow, BalistonSpa, 4 iV. Y. Salt Rheum,u, I And n.» person, arUirteil with this Urend N A T J u N A L PIS- / lo/cars, in tnefaceund ejes. ! EASE, will b? just t.thimcelf and bis friends, if he g o d ^ w n | . A n d w e farther refer in the accood plye, to the following ! t o t h e grave without testinir iu virtues. A single bar'*?, in resppctable persons who are bnotrfng to. and have stated th»L modt fi^es. will produce a fa v.-ruble 'change In the condition they h«ve seen the hoppy results of the use «f thia medicine in 1 of any pittent however iow, though there arc c a s e s , w e a d m t « lts effecting euros on other persons of such complaints and ' brv. n-t if* "'Wfr to cur^' dl«eaBes, are mer'uned in cunnertion with their names— I The Wricnn Xaent.'.f the Great English Remedy, hovinp , W r refer, therefurf. for sueh pm..f, fn'l confidenco in its extraordinary efficacy io the " " B FOSGATE'8 ANODYNE CORDIAL * ,Ar« ammncrvkt »»u»»t »O»TTH 8VK9XB& eOBSPZiAXIVVftl, Viz DUirrhaa and Cfiolera Morbiu} nUo, Flatulent and Spasmodic Cholvc*. T HIS invaluable medicine lor the above^mplalntj, snr- aoy other remedy now in use Hundred, of caaei. h.vo'conie to the knowledge of the proorieto,.where ayeo dy euro ha. been enacted by the use of .lis Cordjol i^fter a resort tu the common remedies hod proved onovaihng. It to. I«e« extensively o»d throughout State an^ehe- where, for many years-has been approved,^aod is used .u practice by a groat number of the •""•Owpactable.jbn.ctar.s as may be sceii by their certiucate. and recommendation, ac- CO ffiTe^Hne h i. b d"covered to be a certain and effectual remedy for the intestine diieoses. produced by the driukiog ot thb waters of the rivers in the southern and southwestern States, wbirb renders it of luestininble value to those who re- side or travel in, tboso sections of the country. N B To soenro the public against deception, the extoraaj labei of oncb bottle is secured by a copy right, which W»s en- tered (according to net nf Congiess) in tho Northern District of New York, on the 9th day of November, Anno Domini, 1840 A fno simile of tho proprietor", signature will be louna on the outer label of each bottle, if genuine. Price 31 ct». ForB a,„by fe;[i E rJ:tec-E & | C -- B. P. BEARPSLEY, Uoionville. J. BURT, Vienna. Iy5 DK. GRIDLEY'S CELEBRATED BALSAJtt OP rst fur ma of Pulm nory ilisense, b.-ldly solicits f..r treniriipnt, ni t the r mmoi andord,nnry maes of simple CJds ur lnilamrnatiun, b»t whit n?6 coneirternil the m. s» cppilttne cas^s of Confirmed and Incurable Tuberculous Disease ! If there is a reinedv m the world, it is to be luTind in T!r. Biicbon's Hungarian Bnluam. It has cured cases supn- sprfto bo past nil hope. Jt h"3 nused invalids, as it wore, from the vorv crave. It has • urfd after nil other systems, medicines, and methods of trentmeit have fnilpd. It 's found tu bo su- p-T*..T to nil the effect* <>f m'-dtf*ntc*d Baths. Inhnluti. n,rhnn<jo of climate, or any «-f tho thousand experiments that wealth n pros. ! Mr. -. J Van Vechtcn, Merrhnnt, Catskill, N . F . for cures of Chronic Congh nnd Consumj>tton. Doct. W. JT.Shelton Dtugg^t, Bridgeport, Conn for Con- sumption. Rev. R. Dunning, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church, at Adnm's Basin, Monroe Co. N . Y . Consumption, Fover Sure and Srufuhb Doet. Rossman, 133 Henry at. Brooklyn, N . Y . for Nurs- ing Sore Bf^ufh, Doet. SalmPn Skinner, corner of Cranberry and Hioks Ptrocts Brook(vn. N. Y. for Hrrnfu?n and Erysipelas o f the Eves, and Scrpfn'fsiis'Ervsipelns in the logs. Doct: T. M Jfunt, Ifruggist, Auburn. N . Y . fnr cure of A kinds ot r O M H . E T E re-n-dv f r 0 irm. SfiMv .-I.i'His. 8»r!m.i Silt Bh-i-i. F- •.pO Hands. Son Li t is. Chf.b atns. ?c Cuts. Bru an», Ffccr ,"* res. Head, aad ul To TOcrrhanfs «% Teachers. S CHOOL U(iOfis.;,t VVHOIPSIIP. K,w as \ e w V-'-U pure* ai D-'t^v'a B'->ok fl 'nrp, On iac-l ,, i»'- i' P-.b'i-hPi« p-nS'o I|8 Miv *O .' i..ii .HI "i-'•<>«• I Jw-ou*, Hfl a n y H'^iap m tl>.- (' ion ..ioI f nn-p i»,ti,.ri sivPil' Mi'kfhat' I rii'! - .% j: : f'.. ;.., ,| iM 1/ r^;- q < m I lie- : tvi.: A'i:lm^t:c9 i .! GH Mi.e'rv ai..! Ke.. ond inscnuitv hove ever attempted. Ir stands alone nnd un-. Chronic Cough and Eruptions, a n d a case of Hcrofula i n t h e riv tiled, as tlic/»7*ear'i»( and best of all remedies. Tho i b»tncle* which even tho well founded incredulity <>f mnnkindhiaoppfjspd t>. the surrpss »f the Hungarian Ba ; sam nro n-'w fni-t disappenrtng. as its ttoimphs m. re wid"- l\ spread over the land ; and it is rapidly reaching tho on via bio position of a STANDARD MEDICINE, uhifh may be found m Q!1 reapfrtuble Medicine Stores nn,l A,« therarc Ph ,ns i > the r.mntu— r«*ron»'ii<*ided hv I'hvsi fan*, wh-rc ih'or t.wn ireit'ne'it f-iils—ami kept m numer- ous reaiicclab'o fdm-ies, on a preventive medicine, tu be used upon t ' e first ap[ en ranee of tl\i* fearful destroyer. P.iM by McDonald &, Sn-ith. S»lo Aocnts t-.r tho Umtcit Kingtlom. at the Iti'ian Wnrehouse Kefii'tit Street, London, in Bottles and Cnses. for Ships. Hi.sinta.s, &c. By Specal .lppomtm<ni~l>h\W V HRADI.ER. 1J9 Court street. Bosts.n. 3Vl«ss. S-le Agent fur t h e United State* and British A'i'eri'-nn Pr vmren. Americno price. SI per boLtJe, with full directions fur tbt rest rotn.n of Heo th Prim,'!]lets, containing a mass of KnpVh and American fertififiites and other wvidenee. showing tho nnnqimileH mer •ta .f thisf.reat English Remedy, may bo obtained uf tho A !jpnts. prntnt. None genuine, without the written signature of the A mer i<-on Agent, no a gold and bronze label, tj counterfeit which ujf .rj-rtf. /WEN'TP.—S TOT'PRV. Svrncnse. N . 7 . . Genorol \gent for New £orJ£,£ftAGVttlO Wi-sUrn. W i t e s . 9-ld bir* JpisKpj36*li V & C o . , Geneva, and by agent* thr .n?h >iirth>5?nHntv (Jen^vn. Jun*^t1 1840. Iy78 A rVRE FOR LIFE SECURED Dr. Upliam's Internal Remedy For the cure of Piles, Ii-flauiiria'.iiiii ol thp Live' niid Spleen; Inflammation, Soreness and Ul- ceration nt the Siomacli, B wels, ICiilr ey*, and Biad.ler; Infljinmaiorv ami Merci .al Hheumansm ; Impurity of blood ; Weaknes» nnd IiifldiumatiiMi of ihe Spine; and for the relief nf tnnrlied Ladies. % The Vegetable Pile Electuary, Invented by Dr. A (Jpliam, a d.-linginstied phv.ic.aii ol New Yn-k, in Ihe only eallj «icce^sfnl foi IIMI ilangeroiif 1 and dtshes* ins roinplai-.t, the PILES, ever offered to Ibe American public. Mark thi-.: it i- ^n INTERNAL REMEDY neck. Mr. Milo He&th, Merchant. Enston, I.a. Scrofulous Erup- tions of lornr standing, on b.s r. n Mr. 8. J. Striker. Merrhout •J'i John Bt. N . Y , aggravated Kni|, oohis ^hild, which u '.olebrated SarsajiarilTacould not cure. Doct. Get. B-anch, Druggist, Middlotown, Conn. Erysip- •!n» - f the Ev^». Mr. Wm. B Iltrris. ShcrllTof Saratoga C o . N . Y . h i s >n|V oureil of'^pneiimi'tnn. Mr. John Wait. Merchant. Bnllston Spa, N. Y „ fur Hoop ".iiffl'nojjh and Cnsuniptii n. Mmirs. J. (Iiriatopher. W W. Howell, R. V. UowM. ind Wm. havghltn. Uont'emcn. well known ot Rochester iitv. N. Y , ihr ('•msnropticn nml Liver Complaint. We could thm gaun and refer to hundreds of other per- «'.ns as respectnl.'o a s t h e above named, from whom we have received certificates nnd statements, Init if ihoao be nut sufS- ^ipnr tn provolall we hive said respecting tho hoaling and purifying virifli's of this tTrca. Indian Remedy, then thnu- r.nds nf other; references won'd bo equally B7 unsticrissful For tale by . PLAIT & 8IMH-*OA', Geneva. 1 P r J . BT.'HT Pholps. W. O H A Y E P & Co.. Cannndoigua. A- P. WirKI.V-'ON. Victor. A.J IIOVKY. Lvona. HALSTEAD &. C L A R K . H y d e Geneva, M a r c h 2 7 . 3**4fi. n65 DH. H. F. PEERY'S Vcrnail^c or " Dead-Shot," FOR WORMS. A highly valuable preparation, capable from the prompt Und*- of its action, of clearing the sys- Urn \n afito hours of every worm. 'PHH .r pin. deielopmont, and support of worms in the I h iiT-iu 8 ; « ^ m , ar^ to be attributed tu n depraved and deb I.i ••i-'\ rotuiitimi of the stomach and bowels; it being an (ntiM'the.! fact, that where Uie digestion is unimpnircd. end thogpnTfit powers - f t h e system in a health) state, they find no hab'ttiion. This preparation h a s t h e peculiar advantage ,of noi ,. v, destroying e\erv wurm, but also of producing a Ht-a tlu -iff., n of tho stnmnch and other i.rgans of digesti«in, therebv re .eving nmny complnmts arising from n dernnge- digestive organs. Although prompt and certain mont i t t in 'is o.'iit' not unpleasant to the taste, it Is perfectly safe an.I n.:i,.t«J t. tho tendere^t ago- Thf> f .il..uinj5 certificate was nd.lressed toMessra. A . B . & I). Bund*, general agoat a t N e w Y/irk. IVKW Yoas. May S. 1846. GE\TLEME« : I iWl ii t^ bo both a doty and a pleasure, to make known the CT-P-' » "Oicinni value of Ur. ['fi&itv's VERMIFUOB, as .„»_.„... i „ , ,• i II ' proved b\ >u <*gecrs on two of my '•hitdreo. buth of whom -not M, evte, r,.i appl.rati,..,, ai.d w ill en.e any | '„Cre m„r h .flijctad. an»lh-lr health <,...» impmred ,n c. n- ca.H of Pile-", either B^rding nr Blind. L.le rridl * BOquencu "i u.irmi. For mno mouths previous to using tht »>r External; and pmh.ibly the only Ihinjj that i !;BAH SH ->T \ EnmrroE. wo bad res.rte.i to ranoos w-rm will. There is n o rni^'dltf about it. I t i« a p u s - • mei! " ' " Vi ' b produced but jmrtial relief, their sleep ,tivP cn—ipeea-y ant permanent. Il ta a U o a \ Tu hr V r i, v ^ srmt A fr ?*" ]Wf *; " n<l .l' a " lS '•» tf »« "t.-rnnch. . ' ,. * r * " c " • , »' "»«* « i itching . f tlip nose and other ports, and wo were unnbe tn rohVPfitett nipdicine to tnkp, and improves the ret at n-ijt obliged to wait upon and rehete them nil (iPnprgl hra^h in a rpm-irkahh' manner. j w< ; r <" '' ' ••drnmiatered to h>m a a< so ot the HEAD SSIIOT, of wtrmi in o deoimposod \ second d isc etfertunr T.»«i INFLAMED SOitES- P-s-oi^s IT fl'l Coiil'liois ol" lilo a r e o t - I! ' ; •"*. -t 1 \\- t't !*••* nb'»e r.tnir.lnifit'j It is t'lorei" t< , pr .rt ' - -u.d r."'ii ..'i hn-ol. :qh!eto!o t!i«d 'v r„dv f r an- n ie*7in»v. A REMEDY t'nt is *"t[snblrt of ^om-n-in; th" sn f.irt'ig -itto id * it -n these very troub'esomo companions Those w 1 ! i bn-e used Tousey's Universal Ointment, OOOd n o t b " t ;d lirt *t is a n-v >st r o m o l - ' t e r e m P ' t v , A PBBrEOr MASTER OT PA1DT, an-I th» »peedy r«m <ver of INFI.AMATIOX e\*ir dis civr*?l The flsponenco of «nrh p nr i-npt thf»m t t k««>,» it ilwnv* "fi hnn.l Ki nv v i.o-ih'e lu-ps m 1 llmh&linve hrin «ip..l. ' CVL C'J.VQUt-ROt nfn(limed and uv fii *s. hie. SLC. I* i is'fntiy 'I'M i nf i.r.f w i ig f h-it nn V tins M \(.i 'f-s, )l in a f 11," T-VPf^l k o.l, n n l pMventii alt K"ir. JVO frnili BIIO-I 1 ! b*» w i h mt n. «n an fmmpdi<ito appl'cntion «»f it m f ' " o o f hnn« <-r ''<i!.l» tnnM -J > m .re 2 -oil wlo'o wnting f r in* 1 ' * ' ''•>"•* hr c ui.l »Io wlf9i •irnvod. b^i'le-* prcvontm- Innjr hour* >(* ih- 1 vt n •>' ifTirrg which might pais before a physician c mid be • »t»r (iT»d. It pios'<i«e» control nvpr the severest injuries by fire, over mortific ;ti"n.'pv«?r i tfl'trnmiti -a, incl bv its cornbrn^U vnint« It a B '* i« ''ni(-«••,.t> n^rv 'i" 1 . onti-spasmodio. anodyne, emol- leot uO't h"il'-"7. n n d m l " -n i9t O3\IPI, ITS EzreawAL REMEDY niwio i'» n . Th'uoaml* !nv<« tried andthmisnniis prai>o ft It Is wnr.rii . j i!» w a y in' - pob'ic fu- .r with a'rapidity bore tof^re onki-wnin thoh'Btnrv "f rn*-il!nne«i. All w h o n e e , Reoommond ft. A'TIO wesiy, noloiii'ii nil, HI Id b* -nth iut it. Trtonycnt" will "I'-rVitSf nnh'lc « R \ T I S>i/,kido)^nbin'' tin* ft"* n«-.?. ^.'y" 1£ .'-h li *\ i f t'.to jr^iiunio TI>C8K%'*8 t'^j V«TtH\I, n*MLV '^IVTMBVT. ^"" IS" iHfnitiir* of » '\'nv 8D7 i6r*t*pn On f'f oittai'lp tub-1 in b h r k ihfe. IVpor ni,r c.'jise b x l ,I* stjfnriture c\n b* 1 t<Qnn. Prire "iH ct» pnr. f> * , r <i\c h \"%f r - n o -I illor. Prnpnred hv. EttAnrr ft T. ftfl • ', ' ' ! " • '•. « r v ii/», \ , Y . , a n d SJM by.ngerifi thr II • • f «'»** T T " "*t«t-|pi .-wM i :;n .TV \ u, i,. fffc^Hv A? f Al| nnii b v A 7" !u ' r •!•'>• f *'i • r ii ,:r.\ .in', H PV \vH\ \ l.\R i.' otlit-r £«l4i)liflb I No* v:il'lcl V >r r e t n l , •3t, hy «.r Srlmnl I?,., li« i-liorip ns at W. 11 SMITH, •t 31 Seo8«*.«t. any ReaJeis, I, 2. and 3; .ilso Pj-ellerud l*i Uo.iU. r..-w.'-i Annlvi. 3n.l \Vriglit's Orthography. S.i...'ei' s ll»ade.3 1 , 2 , 3 & 4 } a n d Sai.dei' S|.Hl|,.ie San-ier'8 Ycimg Choir, and Young Choi.'s Ciiinpa*..ori M '» an'I Ml rheli'. Ceography. R.i « n ' - . tn.lliin '-. & KirUhntii's" Grammar*. A larrif * D a n e s / & . ("..Ib.irn's Ar ithmrtics Pic: ial Prim rs. Child's Physiology and PVilu.ophy ' C.. tn-idf It's &. Olm>ied'a Philosophies and PhysinVgie..'s Geography of (he Heavens. 8cbool PppHk-r. Aii'ln-n'it. Bullion's anif Andrews' Latin and f. c. k Bo"k». Fieiu-h f? .ok?, al! Ihe Jtind. in uif. n,ivie<i,' Da}'s and Pet kins' Malhemaiical W.-rti«. R.iinlall'' anil Porter'? series of Deadine. Sufi Ma pp. all pizer , While Sla'e Pencils, fnlt. Quill., Pens, (ilnho.. Outline Mnp«, Wii- ling finoTiS. BnokUcppiiig, Blank W o k, for sale ^hnle^ale and retail, by DERBY &. C O . _Ori 91 fliiido to Family Devotion, ( "idM'AINIKO a Hymn, a poilion of Scrip- J hue with refleclion«J and a Piay«*r fnr lhs> in'.inint: anil evening of evpry day iri the year, with an Append x nf Piaye." and Hymns, on variona Buhjecti—By R»v. Alex. Fletcher of I'm h .rv Cl.-ipel, l.end in. The fir.i 3 Nos. of Ihe work are now on hand .nnl Co, sal-by DERBY & C O . Oct ?y ^l^TB*]J>.—Ton thnusRml fepi f con.l half inch, fi\e-eiglil, and one- mrh l.t'^inr-'Rj nl«n, inilcord«M pr.od WOOD fi.r ivliicli the innrkei price will he paid—in ex- fur Cuhinel \Va reanrl ("hair-. A so. a good fwo-linrse I.UMBKR WAGON, for o nlp for Wood or gi ml Jn'n'r Ifi.jSlfl ,['>5] C R SIt.SBE. Tobacco! Snvff!! Cigars!!! "\(\ nrtrt CHOICE I'fC A RS. of the various •lU.tFUV brands. ANo, Firp Cnl and Srao- kt"tr Tnhacco and Snuffs of pt'Pty vdrietj-for -nlc rhe.ip for rn«h, al ihp fioneva Tobacco and f'i£nr SI<IK>, Mgn uf the Indian. WM. DOUGLASS. .Tin. SO IR-Ifi. 67 iqjre'orrtA siiA-Wfcs--A inr K< . won- manner. Kmh Dnv ron'ains twelve dn^es, at 8J els. per ilfup. Ii is very mild in iis operation, and m.iv he taken in fa-es of II.e ino-t acute infl.nn- rnati.'ii wi' dancer. AH exlprnal applica- ti.ina art* in the highest (h'gtee di-apreeahle, in- cn-up.-ient. and nlTi-nsive ; and fr.nn ihe Pery na- ture of Ihe di«e.ia*-, t.-tnri^rdrv in iheir effects.—. Tins m-'l•.-:• p at'arks the di.-ed-e at i!s «oorrP, .ii. I mn :i-i .• :he cuuse, len.ieis the cure certain an.I nrrm/ni.Ti/ Inflammatory Diseases. Al'.hinigli Hie l.leilnaiv was on^n.dlly pre- pan-il loi .lie c u e ol PILI-.S, yel it ha- proved it- self Io he a loeilicine (ar superior io all other", in all di-ea-.- n| d n l.,ll.imm.itorv rhararler, with a dpierininatmii of bhuil Io any particular part or organ In I nfl immatinn ami Congestion of the Liver and Spleen; Inflammation, Soreness and ('lc.-r.iii.mot the Siomach, RovteU, Ki'lnevs, find Kla.l.ler j in Inflammatory and and Mercuri- al Rlienm:iii<in, it is the BEST MeJicine ever discovereil Impurities of tlio Blood. F"r nil Iinpijiitie- of Hie Hloo.l, aiising from the imprudent u«e of Mercury, or other pauses j for all ili«ea-ie9 of the Skin and ^crofuloii- Alfec- lion- 5 iu all ca«e« where the hlood powerful- ly dplermined Io Hi" He.'d; producing dizzmpss and distress, Dr. Upham's Electuary is etiltrely nnrivaHpil. To !tf arried Ladies. Married I.adi.s nre almost invariably subjpcl lothat painlul r.nd injntious ilispasp. Hie PILES, with rnn.eqi.ent Inftainmntiou of the Stomach, Bowela and Spinp, weakness of HIP b.ick, flow of bio, ri In the Head, &.C Ti.e Eleciuaiy is perfectly safe f.>r Piegnant Ladies, and Ihe most whirh b r - i: -M o.rny lurpe stntn. niil c' a n v re IPVP.1 th^in ^ spfond n i$e ettertunlly rotn .oil 1,1! .f n^insnf w..rni9. nn.) tlmr hc-i'th since, .vhicfi IB nuw nver threo months, hns bpen entirely rest.irerl. ! mih^ this slnlo-iiant. that oil h'lvmg children sullermg frum o caus- mil. res irt t.» th*.simo means f ir rcnef RICHARD HAI.I.ORAN'. No 3Cr>,sby^t. The f..Ilnivnc isorirestr^i-t from a letter addressed to A. B. • ond.. f> .M. -,ie Qgont at Derby Liae. l.E^l LBUgN 1 " -...>.;.„. %. of " I^e^id Shi.l ' Vermu'o^e oboot liftsan ^ ' " -^ m.| haro h o w o t ' y Q f<*w d<«zen left on honJ, whirl, u .|i lj- f ..IP In ti»BStlliin tp-i flov". It -onn., t , d-- t h e word t tlio , ..f.. t sotisfnrtnin of oil who use it. I hear s •"- .;-- il A- '.nmof it. where it has urj.itired tlieejtpul- »' n f f- I", i : 2dto 115 w ( ns ft on on.- ;icr-..n, and neiir- W th( . a..-ip n i -.'.or ft im s m f - *...J:on. Of course y..u will tlunk w,.im. enp nf Uie prevailing diseases m Canada nnd Vermont P-i-use senil me aaother supply as soon as .conven- ient. Re.,e.:fu..i, T. C. DLTLEU. Trice 25 -^ Is per Vial. M'AL18¥iMfc.''J0 ALLHEALING OINTMENT. the discba CUtE A moBt vitiuable owcogejvy t«r of Deafness, Painsj and the dii matter from noises, like the a boiling kettle, of leaves, and frequently a -Beajfrigvjioise in 'i'h? Ears corresponding to the pulse*; all of v,hkk are indjeatjons of approaclfing Deafjiesst and I nipst; geBera|3^accoinpany that diaea?e. Although *ejjantiot hold out ericofirageineni or hope to those unfortunate persons affiiehJl with Deafness arising trow ah tmperCeclion i„ •the internal structure, of the Ear, and. which i, generally cpnrjected with dumbness } ye.t to u IOs . laboring; under what is called tMer&ft/deafnu, ' and which is induced by a varfetyiDf carise, *' offer in,the use of this mediojne-a prompt 'and - <R - t -»t re;medy in nine case.sont ottett, not on i (storing fully the sense of hearing, but a' eflcjflnt re;medy in nine case.sont often, not ( *-~ fistoring fully the sense of hearing, but „, iroduclng such a be^nby^state of ihe rT F OR Poujtis, Arthma, Palna (n the Side. Affections of the J,i?er, Ppitting of Blind, Brnocbml Afibrtions, Night Sweuta. Hertic Fovor, Woettngof the Flesh, &c. &.C., ond the first ond only romedy vet discovered for that hitherto fatal disease, Lie ration of Vis Lungs, or Tubercular Consumption. The unfa-ling ood wonderful efficacy of this Medicine, has nstonish&i every person who hns ever used it or witnessed its operntmn upon fithocs— although in thefirstinstance prepared snlelv fir the pnvute practice of the inventor, yet so remark- able has been its success* and so great the demand for it from every quarter, that be has been cum pelf ed to make arrange- ments fi.r its circu'dtion on theraos$extensive spate, and it is now nflered to ihe afflicted of the whole country, as a remedy in Pulmonary Affections* unequalled by any other 'inedicfoe uf trie present dny. It is a it alone hi the ordinary cases of Coughs, Asthma. &.c . that its greet virtues ore manifested but avon in those of the most alarming and hopeless character— in coses that .re- sist all the known remedies of the dny beside, anil exhibit the T HE dav will come whonthra medicine will be pronounced, |y» capableof doing more good, than any five remedies before a(J™ various departments of aietaess BUJ disease; when ite woo-. C o m p l J M ^ | derfnl virtues shall be developed; its puwer over tha mala ThisnrlMfWhiCll has received the Dame off/,/, dies of men, seen and felt, then it will he acknowledged that I ,., CommUnd-Ethereal Oil. is nreh'umJ f J. fi 0 ' I M'MUter's MlHeblins Ointment ba« power to cure more , " « ^""WSSWIS.^MSCTOB.^VI*,IH prepared tromtfis diseases than any five remedies before theworld. Thi. will -I recipe of an aged and eminently>ncces?fnl.p rnot : appear plain oponaraoraonts reflection. The are two prom- j d o n e r 111 the diseases 01 the eye and ear,-who li a< inent reasons for this ossortion. used if for a long Series of VeaVs With'tho m„ ! 1st. That bv openhig the pores of the sktn, It removes all . • - .... is. -„,i .u»» M./I'™,°,I.I ' . e mos t hindrance to the fair Ind free discharges of the Imenaibl* happy results, and that the great blessing to be Per8ntratxan, and thus tenths of the diseases in " plicable to one disease.! Consumption anal Dyspepm .^rnfli'i the face, or to tht . a -, - .^^.^.^ Bowel Complaints, as the Quincy Sore Throat; Bronehittts- and although it is npt pretended that it will nov and; thoy ore, all caused hy checkina the Itaomi- f a n, VP | ; n the grr-at majority of cases it I , „ : . tic rermiratton, in othet words, in "taking cold.' . . j <_ v . „?._~x—r.:V ir*nftiili n 5 " ls . w ar. 2d. Thut for almost every disease, there is a specific reme- dy ; and although there are a legion of them recommended for the cure of the snroe particular diseases, yet how seldom it is that ono out of a hundred do any good whatever. In stead, therefore of being under the necessity of applying a great variety' of euros, the success In each of which is doubt- ful, tho Mil-Heating Ointment takes tho place of all, sup- pose a person is QaTic-ted with a Cough, or a Cold or Con- sumption, or ZiitKT Complaint ? Boseeks a variety-of reward remedies, but iu noono does he Und relief, unless it is capable of forcihg ofT.perspiratiun, which is bat a momentary relief, as the pores again eloso the moment the effect of the medicine has censed. It rnoy be said with truth, that all- inward remedies fall of curing these complaints sis if not eight times in ten. the world over; and yet a medicino that will not cure at least half the cases it is applied to, we call a poor remedy. Now what is the cause, of the.nbove complaints ? We an- rl c '""" ? nd <""r«"'r"«a marks of that fearfufryondiuon of 1 < ^----^^ pitiaoB ia o t h e r w o r d s ' .. catc hi ns cold.' the Lungs known as The )Un theUi an( f not , ho i„ torno i „„„„,, j, „„, af ordor , TnbercnlOnS Decay* - And we assert that unless the skin is broughUnto healthy Consumption has ever, hitherto, been considered on incu ^ il} ''rp d ir»% to .l. d .Wm!Sl^^frti-^m^ rable disease, and under ever, mode of treatment, ond after « 1 and f"'^. «•>< all the medicines in tho world wiilinutt tctm.- the virtues of everv e/vertfsed medicine, the result is ^ consumptive from the grave. To mnkoour words true, still the same. Consumption is an incurable disease, Tho "' ° 8 q uote from a eetob-ateil soutJiern doctor, who wrote a most that knowledge arid skill has been able to accomplish, I laboreif treatise on Pulmonary Commmplton. Ho says' hns been only to alleviate for a time the urgent ovmptojns of " But lot us return to the consideration of tho inBicatton. of thocomnlairit; under the benign infliunaThowev«, of th,. """VniV.'iTSi rr\ri t; ? restoration of the U.SL.NS1 J - - & ? . . ! BLE PERSPIUATION. In other words, to excite a natural healthy action in the skin, ' ' '" ' curb of 909 oases opt of a, case where the true prin and Ibe result, to he produced in sickness und disease, and yef not knowing any other agent than. Inward medicines to effect it. Physicians begin to see this, acknowledge it in thoir own writings, deplore iL-with much feeling, but know of no prescription that will apply to the hufnau cutido to re- store it tn healthy activity, and hence their necessity of still itny action in tne sum. This is all thut is required for the a 01909 oases opt of a thousand." Hero, then; is another case where the true principle of physiology is understood. ' ' * sickm tru'y celebrated remedy, our great nali-nnl disense is invari nblv suhdued. and permanent carl lasting cures aro daily ef- fected, and no person that is afflicted will be just lo himself who fails to test promptly nnd fully ft. Health Restoring Virtues. As indicated by its name, this Healing Balsam is enmpoun ded principally of the Oil of Xaptha, (or Pvroaeuiic Spirit.) as prepared bv Pr. Ohilsnn. of WolveorhamptoiK in tlngland. and combined with the Eitract of the Indian VVnu-a hoo of "ore it tn jionlthy activity, and hence trreir necessity of still this oonntry. together with other Ingredients, Liming a Bal- administering inwardi remedies It is from this very fact thaf soinic nreparotion of UNTOLD VAI.L'E. l T nliko most patent thedicinesof the present dny. this inval- uable r^raedv is the dinroverv rf a regular Phjsicinn nowUo- inff. and a gradwiteof the Medical School Rt Yale College. and cannot thorefore be^ustlv siibjectfd to the imputation of Qu»ckerv ; it is nut us such attempted to bo palmed upon tho afflicted, but it is tn ho offered to them as a remedy in tho n- bnve mentioned diseases, suporinr to all others—a medicine if faithfully used will, in all crises, effert radical and perma nent cures - n medicine that is destined to do^nre good and live longer in tbe»estcem of the world, than any which has preceded it, • In nddition tn theextonsivo uso of thisBsIsnm. in private practice during the two past years, it has been recently intro- duced into several of our largest Hospitals in different parts of the countrv. with a success in Cnu?hs, Asthma, &c. &c, unparalleled in the history of any Mediciee. Important Caution AGAINST COUNTERFEITS. As a preventive, see that lt.e bottles have on them the words DR. GIUDl.riY'S I1AL- f AM OP NAPTHA AND VVAU-A lino, nml each outsido label bearing the signature of J. G. G1UU1.EV M. D. Price SI per bottle, six bottles for $5. OCT For solo In Oenevnhy Pi ^TT & SIMPSON, and L KEI.I.Y & CO., and by Druggists generally. November 6. 1840. lyil7 Preparn.l hu.lir H. T. PBERT. and sold wholesale ond re- tail by A n & Il SANDS. Druggists. 100 Fult,.n-st., Corner of W'tllinm. .New Vort. S,.ldbvl. KKI.(.VfeCo.C.eievn; H O. H i v s , r n o n n - daiffua: II. I* REARDSLEV. Unlonvillc; offents In every town In tho Pt-itp, nnd hy Druggists gcnernlly throoghout t h e I ' m tod States , fc'.jv;. I I T r i . r . r t n e r a l A e e n t . fW7<"> PL'KIF't 1'OHB BLOODJ GEORGE W. MERCHANT'S IMPOVPB C O M P O U N D F L U I D BXTKACTOF S^L^SArARILLA Fnr Rcmovihg Diseases of the Bludd, Arising from an itbiwc of Fever Sores, obsUnale Mcniry, oil Sorts of nil kinds, Ch'onie. and conilitttlio. Scald bead, Sail Rheum, nal Diseases, tvehas. JRing W-rm, and other Scrofula vr Kinj-'t Ecil, Disrates anting from Secondary Sy/.hUui or ve- on impure stale of the _ ___ verial, Blood; also, tipplnl Cathartic that can po««iblv bp IKPII, ns it Vtctralionslt Corrosions Habitual Cuslivencss, will not only rpmme HIP Pilpp onrl all inflamma- °f ,!le Throat, Nose, Piles, t.iry ilnpasp?, tcilhovt n.iin or irritation, bill will Ch-rtu. /.i/>«. Ears, Chronic Affections of the irimirp nn pnoy time, n safp dplivery, and asoimd on ' olner farts of Uie Lioer, Lungs 4/ Chest, constitution in the'iiT-iprihg. body, Pain in the Stomach and Pimples or poslnles on' "Sides, the face, seahj patches, flight Sweats, ojre. 4/c, on'/ ol/ier e Tvptkas of His likewise mmh recom the skin, mended as a Cleausing Biles. Scurry, and other Spring JUedieme, ana Scorbutic ajfctions, in general Debility. White Su-tlling.i, Pains in the bones and joints, This rpmedy is prepared from the choicest pe- IPCIPH material? lie active properties of which are exiracleil by an improved piocess, without IIPBI ; on account of which it is preferred by Phy»irinn« ns being more unifoim and active '• t Ii ii 11 any other row before the public Cure for Life Secured. The Eleel'iniv ronlaim NO Medicine ; no .Voe», Colocynlh, tiautbage, or older poueiful nnd irnlalinv putfjalivp. I\„ |Var of taking cold whilp IIHIIPI ils intloeiicP, no change in diet ne- cp«».ny. II lultpn acconlinp lo the directions a cure for life is guarantied. Pamplilpt=, eiviiie valuable informatinTi re- sppciii e 'his Medicine, tiMy be obtained of A- fjpnts. erali". S TOUSFY, Svranup, N Y., Genpral Agent. Sold by 1^. Kelly & Co., Geneva, and by Agent" tho'ighoiil the County. Geneva, June 26 1846. ly"8 1 O K C u (lends and Gray. ,,„* ipuipny, m a variety 01 ca9»s ot me most ag T VBtAN Hair O v e , a warranted ir tide for gravoted intnre. m a y h e seer, by calling on the coloring Ihp Hair a beautiful brown or jet proprietor or bis agento» ; black, il will rot wear off. soil thp linen, or col- A? most good medicines are counterfeited, be nr the akin, a? hundred* can tpniifr. stTBE.arid call for "Merchant's Sarsaparrilla," Ii lias also been used successfully In coloring and see that th>«e weirds are blown in the glass, Furs. '• From the I.ahratory. o f G e o . W . Merchant) Beware of the counterfeit, and be sure yon get Chemist-, Lorkpoit^jf-Y-..- the gpnuinp, preparpil only hy Geo. Vv Mer- IC?" Almnsl pvery pedlar in the roiinliy is now chant, chemist. Lockpnrt, N. Y. Samplp. of pulling up ar^l i pflsjne on Ihe public; an arti. Hair may be seen ot ihe slore of the proprietor cleihey call Sarsaparrilla. Therefore, BEWAHE I or his agent.. Prire 50 cent.. Sold hy PI,ATT& SIMPSON and A. MKS- 8old b y P L ATT & SIMPSON and A. MF.S- SER, Geneva ; H. Q. Hayes i Co., Cennmlai. Hunt NOO, Port Gibson} S. E. Norton, . Norton, 1 Phelps. Plmlpi, may IS, 1846. ly7J | G»neva. may 13, JMft. iy72 IfcKM'lrtfOtlffcWIII -.. X J*.**.Vsii S-OUItfD A & So siiys ihe consumptive who bag been loburinj? under o distrewinf? Cnugh. Pain in the Side and Chest, and dcbintaUDgntght sweats, nnd could notfindany relief. 8b eaya tho Jltthmatie, whoso diffi- culty of breathing was suoh that bo could not lay duivo ot night. So says the j.orson \<\u% has boon bleeding nttJie lung*, and «^ whit failed day by day until ho mat with this invaluable help. Would you know its name! SHERMAN'S 0L0SAONIAN, OR ALL-HEALING SALAMI Is this Invalut.hie troosure. whtnli has done nioro during the past six months, in rolipvinc the above diieases, than any nlhor remedy in tho world. This is no bumhug, nor is any doceitmn practiced,as the testimonials ere.left nt the offico for tho inspection of oli who fliny wish to sco tbom. Over Three thousand Persons Mme used this greot remedy in tho city of New York atono snice the tiUih of JMarcb last, a n d n o complaint has ever yet befii mode cc.nrermng its etfer'.a . tm the contrary, nil who hi'-c rver u«ed it B(.eak uf it u> terms wf unuool.tied praise, nnd nm-'ng the number nf CBSPS which hove beon treated by Uie Olosaoaian aro to bo found many of tho > JUosl astonishing: Cares on record- Bead .tlie fo'l >winp. and some vf your doubU d-o-erning the efficacy of this rempdy m a y be remnved. Mrs IViihy. the wife of F Wilbv. Esq. residmff nt IM Wr«t l*tb stities. was g..fQu t >by the twu p'-jmicians w h o j ottcndPd hsr nn.) tefl t » d e J><*rv 'Inv w tis PUperted t-. bo l>er ln«t H«*r d i s e n s o wna pronounced r..nMim; tivo. nnd dn ric» U"T s-ck'.oiis sho ro^ed rp f y lorgp quontttios nl bluod. Her Coogh wne incessant her weakness and cmnciatfon verr great. ArU-r u.-tng the iH.^.m-nn. ur Ail-Healing Balaam n sn-rt frof, she was!, Tv..«veA., and in o.*w attend- ee t«> her fnmily duties about tho hmiso, where thnsewh.. d..ul>t can call and eeo her if tber f-el sufficiently intBresten, Arteroas Rovmond, wborestd-d during hissicftness ot 369 Madiscn sfeet, but has since remmed to Providence, H . I , WAS nttemled bv 7 »f the best fihvMrj Qns in tho city. They nttended h i m t h e hotter part ..f three mootbB ond jfave up bis race as hopeless. They pronounced his disease nn .tbseess <T Itcera'ion of Lha Ltvtr and Scrofula of the Cvng*.~ 1 hey toid him they could not help him. had thnt ho must die as bi« lungs wereentirely gone. lie hnd o rhonstrouttumour in the side, which was opmed and dtschor^ed over three pints «.f matter from tlio Liver, exactly resembling .thnt rniBed fr.-tn the Lungs. He was pr-nuoded by his friends to try the ()lo«nnnmn. ond after usmgtwn bottles was entirely restored. Wo would refer nllwhodonbt the authenticity of tbis coso to Mr hine t+abagh, t Tt Norfolk Btreet, who visited Mr. Itaymond.durtng hi8 rtchoess, and was fainillor with his treatment. A hundred Cases equally as unpromising in their commencement, have been cured ortbctonHy by this greot Remedy. Have you a iroublesume Co UGH 1 D o y o u RAISE DLOoD ? we clniai from the SU-Hcalvng Ointment u superiority over all other remedies yet discovered. Physicians Jtnow of no other article, tbo World nt large know uf no other—indeed there is no other artiole that has such power over the humon akin. And it ia this power to open the pores bv'rcstnriug the nervous energy, quickening the vital fluid is an instrument or curing mure diseases than any five or ten rem- edies we are acquainted with. And in regard to Consump- tion and Liver Complaint, wo-will make ono remark, and we wish it to sink deep fnto every man's heart; it is this:— Thot upon a proper and a, fair trial nf^tho JIU-Healing Oint' menu no good results from Its cure* that persons may as well cense nil efforts at once V for not all the Balma, BalsoiDB. Pills. Syrups, &c. &c. under Honvens will ever restore such a per- sun t«i health. W? would bo slow tu mrxKe this remark. >f we did not possess the evidence to establish it. Now ttsmopt other diseases are caused in the same manner, it follows that the speodiest cure should be the so mo. Bronchittis, Quhicy, $orc Throat and Jnjtuenia\ are NEVKR caused hut hy chocking tlio IN8ENSUJLE TER^ PHIATION. Jgucin the hace. Headache, Earache, ' and frequently Toothache are produced in the same way, viz: *• takmg cold." JFlvcrs, also, and nearly every case of Infiamation of tlie Bowels, or of the StomacJi or Lungs, is the direct result of cherked perspiration. Besides these, wo may name diseases of the,Spine and of the JVerow. Rfieumattsm, Fever, Sores; diseases of the CAes£,ouchas jSsthma. Tightness of Brcattt: Pains, Weakness. Dys$rpsiata\io Constipation of the Rem , els. Croup, Cutaneous, Eruptions, ond all disease uf tho Shtn ; in short; nine-tenths uf the diseases ip our country, are produ- ced by this one thing—checked perspiration., if'it is ootaer rious at first, it finally settles upon some vital organs when it is almost certain to resolt in death, unless it Is removed. Tho only advantage tho All-Heating Ointment has over other remedies, lies tu this one thing^-tlio restorutioi> of the Insensible Perspiration. When this is done, tho humors and impuritieslieyer remain to do injury. This will be seen by*contemplating the following facts: 1st. That five>eighths of all we receive into tho stomach, pass off through the pores of the akin, in Insensible Portpi- ratton* 2d Thnt evacuates maro matter than Uje Lungs. Kidneys and Bowels put together. 3d. That the Skin discharges mow rentier in twenty-four hours, than tlie Bowels do in fourteen days !• and that by se- vere exorcise, a man will loose three, four aad even five pounds in one hour. -*-*"-* ' . -• -• --- Rros 5"0 rented to Ve successful if faithniDy used, nhd thonpands nnw in despondency will .'be made u rejoice in tbe truly great and valuable Wessinp ofhearinsr. Januarv 10, 1845. ijj For sale by PLATT& SIMPSON, Geneva. 4th. That the Crootor plerood tho human cuticle with ..r small openins to tho olmnst inrreitlbl* number c MILLION, making this tho GRAND OUT-LET of nil the b oF' redundant mnttcr of the budy. 5th. Thot through theso pores are constantly o«uding ? the old. altered and loom out particle of the blood, tbo humors of tho body and tho rorcrtB of the system. 6th. That to stop up these pores, twenty-four hours would causo Instant death.- ' Till. Tbat sndddn changes of weathor and expostiro tn cold, close these pores in part, and henco tho long cataluguo of diseases over tho land. 8tb. That ns tho skin i. the modium for evacuating all tho humors of tho body, wo see the piofouml fully and absurdity of resorting to pills, drugs onit'othot mixtures, to euro the great majority of diseases produced by chocking parsptrntion. Wh. That'until September, 1844, there was nu medicino be- fore tlie public thot hnd power to restore tho Insensible Per- spiration, by impartiog vitality and nervous energy to tbo 10th. That M'ALtSTEE'S ALL-IrEALINC OI.YTSIE.VT is that medicine, and whicb,: by possessing this power, is eff- ecting morejruod than any, five or avon ten remodies in this country. Price, 25 nnd SO cents. J. M'ALISTKK& CO., 168 South street, Now York, Solo Proprietors. Sold wholesalo and retail bv L. KELLV & CO., Geneva January 83. 1846. lySfi Arf von troubled with ASTHM*. or difficulty und shor!ne«s I BTeathiDgt Haio you NIOBT t3w«A-ra? Beruulious Uo not bo deceived in tbo mean, vou m-te use of for relief Here is the Remedy. L. KELLY & CO., and E. II. LAWRENCE, Asenu fur Geneva. " j-, Annuals. T HE Opal, Friendship's Offering, Rose of Sharon, Christian's Annual, May Flower, Hynciiilh, JiivenilP Gem, Rosette, Forget-me- not, and Drawing Room Annual. .Novj_4 W. H. HMITH. FOB SALET^ T WO village lots, in Geneva, situated on Ihe smith side of Catharine street—each 50 feel front hy about 200 feet in d-pth. For sale low en <\'-ire of A. H. BRADT, ' 27 Water street. Geneva, Angafi^S^JMe^ [3m87] ITIusic Books. T HE Carmina Sacra, Psalmodist, Psaltery, Songs of Sacred Praise, Sacred .,,-. , ..,- , .,. _ I'ai-p, Musica Sacra, Younp Choir, Young A full account of the remarkable efficacy of Choir's Companion, and Juveoile Choir. Ihi« remedy, in a varieiy of casos of (lie most ae Nov 14 W. H. SMITH, 31 Seneca-sf. UIP I received lhi» day at (COBB'S, from I SER, Geneva; H. O. Haye. & Co., Cananilai- gua: H $:>, to $40. irna s H. Huttoon. Port Gib«on j 9. E. Norton.' Pheli 0»l. 16, JSM. NOW IS THE TIME I TO BUY SUMMER CLOTHING CHEAP! X TWoodrnfl's Rochester City Cloth- ,,I K 8 *<»* e « I shall sell my stock of train clothing from this date at greatly reduced prices, in or3erlo make room for a large and splendid stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS, which «vil be received early Jn the Falf, and which I shall sell at my usual lots; prices. Mytorknow on hand is large ami desirable, and will be sold low i-no mistake. Call and be convinced. * . .„•'•- S B . WOODRUFF, Aug. 7,1846. Jty, to, B«IM» it. S C H E J V C K ' S P C U I O I V I C SVBVP, F OIt the cure of Cough's. Colds. Consumpjion, Dyspepsio. Lirerromplalnt. JLC:. is the bast remedy eter discovered, as tho following conitlcnte from the number cured will .how Certificate of RICH.tliD I. COX. a man of high nan ding inJVcw Jersey. S TJ TE OFPEJWS yf. VAXIS. City of Philaditphia, ss. On the 3d day of May. A. O. J84S, befuro me.tba-suu scriber, ono of tbo Aldermen of. the city of, Ppilndelnbta. of!-. -n'K »w«or...l Riisj»i> L. Cox, u ciUonof Esraham, nor'in|t,. n C.nntv. Ftajc ,,( \cw Jnrsoy. who, on his suj. j coin affirmation 'I'd deposo nnilsay—Tbot for .ajjriut - twelvo , m.inih. jiasi ho w-ns aitackt>d b) a short dry,cough—with a <.. itp of >n t h e palms uf his hands and soles i f h i s IV-i. t.^'iiiT u.lh dn.tre«!<ing nighl sweats. This state of i ih.nn i-..nimiu?d net.I .N.-vembcr Inst, when he tros sudde. J seized with a severe pain in tho right side and breast. 1 fiimi;. plivt.cian then informed him that his longs woro ,. n dispo^eif state, end ho became- gradually weaker und weak- er, emocintcd and wasted in Hbsh.uhtil-.roduc.ed almost too sUVti.n. his breathing was short and laborious, aod the leost exertion led to'.extremo exhaustion, for it wn. with the great- est difficulty and pain thnt oriy change could bo mndo In his rlothes. or even in making up tlio bed iu winch ho lay. At thu period, his physician, family and friends, indeed all who sow hiim considered his case beyond'the reach of hope. For two days his appetite,"had entirety forsaken Inm. and he took no nourishment,during that, timer-wben he determined to try •; Pchenck's Pulmonic Syrhp." That he hnd taken but abont-teb bottles of the snid syrup, when o large gathering form=d In his left side, which soon ripened under the sooth- ing influence of tlio syrup. He had given up the use of oil other medioinet ot this time, and strictly followed tho direotions nccorananylntf tho Pulmonic Syrup—that ho discharged in the presence of his wifennd brother at least a quart ,f thiok greenish matter of so offensive a nature that bis friends oouldscarcely remain in flip room with him,that attliistimohBwasunablotoraisohf. head from the pillow in consequence of bis woniness- but ho continued the uso of the medicine, having .known that Mr. Schonck himself hnd been cored by tho same medicine in the-lowest stage of Consumption, after oil other incail. had loilel-tlmt for several weeks ho continued to b*r)BCtor«to r w l y - n h i r h prmli ally iiminisbod In qudrit|tyrand chang- ed to fim nf n henltliv rlmrocter—that his appetlto bogan 5> improve—his strength to return, olid ID a short tifco ffi was able to sit op in h i . chamber. Tho period intervening be- tween taking the first buttle and his reoovory was about ten weeks- thnt the rapid changes in his condition created.unh o surprise and wonder in nil who sow hira during his: llliies. that friends nitd neighbors flocked oonllnSolly to serj, as it were, inn risen from the grave That as tbo syrup stiil »irt-njjtbcnod and improved tho system, ho continued ujin^ it until be hnd taken 85 bottles. That he now bofiWos Mm- sdf n sound man ; nnd is in the enjoymOht of good benlth tlmt ho !• able to attend to all his duties, anil to lulflltheui ns n township officer as well as at any period of 111. lift •— tbat he hns hnd bis long, examined, fiot] that tbay ate pro- nounced to ho in a nerfoctly .ootid condition* ' [fum-d) 'ntctitxmFtj. cox.' Afflrmeil'to and subscribed, this 3d,doy of May, 1845, be- fore me, [SignedJ CHADNGEY BfiLKLEY, Aldetrwi.. ' Ev«s8*B, Br/Ri.i»of OK Oouunr, N . J.'» April 22d. 1845. : ; j We, tlio subscribers, residents of tho township of Evc». bam. do horeby certify that wo are well acquainted with Mr. Jo d ''• < '°*''""' f requerjtly visited blm In tbo tort stage, of Pulmonary Consumption, which we believe was cured by tho nw of Pchenck's Pnlmonnry fvrup, and feel it our du'tr to recommend it to the Consumptive id the strongest pnssi t ble terms, hnvlng been eye witnesses, to ono of tbo groats cores ever performed in this, section of country, . BrNj.Hin BroHMAri, JOHN LKEJOS, JR. Glilt. W. .>»^Wv.M^.«'iil*^».i»«i&lt<,A'«ltI GAKGHKG OIL, . N invaluable Bemedyior Uorses, Clattle and iber domestic animals, in thfi cure of the following diseases.; > •. , " Fresh Wounds, Fishtta, Sil/itst; Gulls of all kinds, Strains, Laments*, Sprains, Bruises? Sayud Cracks,. - Cracked Heels, Foundered Feet, Singbo'ne, WinSgalls, Scratches,or Grease, Poll Evil, Callus, Mange, Spavins^, Sweeney, Horn DisteinpeK tt is also a valuable Embrocation for Diseases o. Ihe Human Flesh';.' > /" Since the virtues of the (ptigljftg/Qil Ijave be come so extensively audfavqralily ]ii\oivn to th. farmers ofthe United State? and .Gdi^isix^ a c u rattve oil in diseases-of anirjial? 5 'aiid qs .a oense quence, its demand becQtning gjrenl^t^ere bat not been wanting tjiose, wliose cufyd^v nas sug- gested to them that if thej conrdctjjicocisj'oine- thi g as neatly;resembling in appbarii^fie'.tis triev could GUESS, with any thine for a-nasitV they might urge it upon unsuspecting.•elistojrjets as ? substitute for the true Garglmj* Oili-»Tbe propn- etor would thereforeCAtmoK tliose wlio piucha*e to be sure the nam* of 6. W. MeRohant isijluun on the side of the bottle. All others-nf«iSan AT- TEMST at ttnjtation, and are therefore an imposi- tion MORE TESTIMONY FOR T H E PABMCltfrM " Sir—You will please send rr.e 11)01%" of ynur truly Infallible Gargling Oil. Our farmers here- abouts bold it in high estimation, belie^fiigit 'o possess all the MedtcalproperHes, atirl certajr. in producing ALL tlio effects setforth iriyotlf feenm- mendations. The medtcin&w^Jj sell teti' its' own merits. There is no need of *'fie<fs^kpSr puff, or. any other special notice. . Please/ stirid by packet the first Qpppoftnnitv. Yours, &c. F. M. ^MITH, Driiggist. Palmyra, May 17, 1844. : .' ; ? ^- To Mr. Geo. W. Merchant.'* Beware of the counterfeit article, and; he sure the iia'ire of the SOLE pnopaiEflfft. G. Vf\. Mer- chant, Lockpori, isblown in (he bojllei ' ID" For testimonials, synopsisordjseSsrs.and mode of treatment, see pamphlet wlhjeh Wconi- panies each bottle. ' 5 - /-:••''* Sold hy PLATT& 81MPS0N and "». rrlES- SERGeneva? H. O:"Hajes&0o. Cattahrlaleuaj H. Hifntoon. Pi. Gibsonj,8. B..Notten^oWps; may 15, 1846. •*& •iy72s Important l»ledical Wdtice. P ERSONS afflicted wlHviiriySf \ti fdtt&iffng diseajsea may find^g^cerjatp and sovereign and immediate rrmedy in thip> ..,-,- .-. : -. -. GREEN MO^tftArN VteGE-TABfiE OINTMENT. •->*•'v.'-v GlandularSwelllngs, Aime In the factS'sw/lIed breasts, and sore nipples of nursing- women, bronchitis, felorwandi /ingworrns, sftjr rhenm, scald head, and is an: invtlu^JtXfJressirjg.-for burrs, scalds, and drawn bn£ferV'>^Jt£i!Hi erysipelas, pile«, inflatBTnatrqjoof of 'ijjjf%$&, a't brnioe? and > fresh cot .wownds, [fyfjRi'fvm and ecrofnIonssqrjyi. ,: ' . '>,'',.. This ointment nas MootT.l^a fe$f ot/.cienfiirles among the Indian tribes of i^Hli Am«§au; tind of more than fpr"!/^ea&afeofcgj)Jie \^^€^Mb- worrderful crifes'. ... ... . rfl , <- The princiffle upon wh!cl|li^^esjbiji|r« Ihi above diseases is f... • ' ".".':'/^fi's^'/'- To rcdnee Inflammafi<»q. t -. . and ! tit cure, if applied accbtatng;! . The proprietors are orepare&fo ^Kow;«ertifj* cates to tbis effee •, signed by personi qpJljB very highest respectjbjljtj^, iaw. lising the, city of fiew <¥ork nnd al>»k^».?31i*!5«t»!ifi- cates are not -old; one?, ^igiird ty-persons whole names, ate not Mnowiv, bur by rnerchaii,l»>-h ot «l keepers, ttfecbariicSi ciergymtn,ite. f Yr^^^ wellkho#nr ' ' V';:^5f Th» present proprietors of thi* Ommmlf/iiiu induced to purchase the right to m'sfcs' ant^fiftia it, not front Ihe represemaiidri» tff ittr%te«' fm tue» siii ply, buflrom fare* of ihe mp'M•kxlHStf dinary nature that fell under then oWjiidrJijOnal observation; • • ,••*•', This Oijulmejit is incomparably .gijfetintfo any and every ointment before tbeplbjiij^ana all persens raboring Under any of thetibove dis- eases, no tnafter how extreme thekMtf, vj?,(,|» be speedily cured by this Ptnlment.; ,t$fjsu0)i visit the general depot, No, 38t Conrliahtjt at. and they wilt be satisfied; perfectly satisfiedv?thl}( this isjill tt4k6 to theJatter- ••„.- ... -«4?r |rj- 8tate f Country, Git^antJ iljpwjrji Agfenf* are wanted IbfoligbbufWe Uiu'dii. Pfe^ps will No. 38Courflaiiraf%i". find if their interest to applyfora Addresstbe subecr'ber* hrwf r^f VVlLLUM I.. BrtOWH, FRANKLIN B. Cos, JOBH B.Cox. L "• THOM.B fl.'Httwt.risop, JOSEPH E. Hfewtrooa, Jons H. Eitts, Annnilnr tinisrnH, •wttiuM rr»MM«Tr. Josera EMjisi -.. JiCOO (irWLlNOS. ,. .Wo M.RtTos. New Jersov Mav 8th, J84S- ; MB. J. H.SiBBNOK-rBir: I am pasoir uf the, Babtirt Oharch at Marlton N. J. 8ome three or four m .nibs .incet war taken bv one ot the doncons to see one of his neighbor.. Mr. Richard L. Cm, then Iving to all onpearanBe M'JMtlft dbor by qon»ump«on. My distinct irnprtulon wn.y HjnJ t h e « h - tloman would not live one week. To mv surprise I ««w bim jn my congregntlon lost Kahbnth, a healthy lookfoe man.— To-day I have been at hl»;hoaise, and rtrCeHed front hfnttlia' ntnir«nce that your Syrup wu iho m<(irl«Bf Khrini: Wsilfer . I am respectfully yonr. . i:•., J A ^ ^ j M . ' . l ^ 3 4 d ( 8 , For .ale by R. H^ L-AWRBNCE, where nir»i)Metii 4«- MrijitiTi or # 0WOmR iM|fr^%4-«^*.^»i ymfo- ' •../' -J&M .••• •'."- V> -t TttPr? y' ' 6m8t For saleattheFstprt*" GO. AgentftvrGetfevai'* Geneva. Jiiiyty,!l846i Diseases of the fcrjirary Organs. D ISEASE? of.the.liRlKARy. OBOAJIS-cuirfid by tbe WX&h.m OF BCCHtfvov.A rjjtsj, and o»BE»s>aa<Sh4!s*broni»l afldaeutediBeaSes of the , • !-•* '-' 1'^/- ''i.-v -'--' -- -'.' Bladder, :.,:.'• l* a Also, Chronic ~.Urethra; I. Oonorrhte. Prostrate«l«iW.u- j 'Gleets, Whites, « Kidneys, and';'-•> . j: Stricture*, : Loins I Diabetes-. •..•:, .- This valuable medicine is prepared r)inIy*IM! Oeo. W. Merchant, Operative Chemist «te. 'Iiockporf, N. Y. Full and ample instructions, testimonial!! $*,«" aCcoinpallvine each boille. •'., .• : ---\ .,'• .^old by PLATT tk. SIMPSON im3Ai'MlS« SEE Genevaj: H. 0. Hayer&Ca. CiaaxMmv-; H. Hdntoo,i,PortGhW; 8. -fjjotibljl Wm iQmm, njay-15, J840, •- •$$• ^ i f l W m •^ .*? ^n.

Transcript of IO mmesmm - NYS Historic...


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TEST11WONT? rBOltit FRANCE AND p R r«s»A. »«(TBI TwJE» **»» op ..

Th. fcmo Kf t f i W ^ j i ^ f ^ » i W « a m f l n i * to tho limit.

mknwlm^mwnm .mm BR BY T H E QfHSJBS'S PATENT*

JM*p£M,f WAtLHWftf iuefeeuftiuy Into drtTor-ontnumtrieain' ^ e fu lWing um.ilicitrd totii (.nil cntinp dll«W«,

f OH E A T

- > * ^ • • ^ • i 1

n s t : MlENTt»»r 1 . 3 4 6 - ~ T H B G R E A T A M F . H

N i R i p T i c , fiiXTUJaie.-^Thi9 un iversa l Pai.»i'#»o 9 tmw hftiitg iu tru4ncpi t ii*to Em-opt*, the K-i*i

a i i d W<hst~ IiX<H^'Bji^Sflb|li A i n e i i c a , nml oil u t l v i p ° u U o f t h e ff™BBPpn**i'e Hi«fnse .'XiMn in an> t o r m * *£&* U l ^ H p t a i e r * and the h*\r f**f t h e |>(\M 'hrof* ypHiti *j«*ej>l> la s ted ihe v n -tuef> w h t c h Hie j»rnpriPtor, upon i h e in lro . l 'ut iKi . ^>f Jhis rot*'.en.e, l i p - i u ' r d not io *ay il poo-**"-IMM: In it .hM,«.icn.^ f».i** GREAT VEGKTJ 3SIE REVF.DY, rh* moot i M r t l i n g p r o i m ^ * HrVt-r m i')«j • ' the pati o f t h e m^tlicin^—<-o »•«»* -•el u'.i-i [.it* : fBpry—the p i j - . c t p l p — u p n i i u h i c h thf* f.i:- < w^fpt i . b e e f f p c i e i l . l h . i l |»e«»ple t ' r e u u p th'»*r 1'.VM!« -IIMJ c r i p j , " Wlia l n-'XiV" Kvc . i c iwl ' -h t i - -Mril-il w i t h 8urprt«e , and 'tie *>o ra ' I -€.! " F»< -iMy" ma<le them>t»lvf»» IIMTI v over The 4* nf« h u m :•. .£." B'it marl? th** r p - u l ' — i h < * t t i r e v e i n h^vrt pa«9**tl au a y — publ ic - p i i i i o n , a m ! t h " v \c** o f m i l l i o n * onii mure o\ oh--pniit« i n -•l:vtd'i *?, h m e s U n . p e d fl>ig Rr.MtDY IJV in"*? sin-j'tl .*•„ \rn'Miprf»»l,incoinpiphph».u r .unl mir . ic II1."]* c i .r |tj\*> p o w e r PVPJ- prtnl'K p.l Tit** O X K G « r . \ r D I S E A S E , which »h^ fjmpiif 'or of th.-mp hcuift hn.i ih» t>'P«tiiDpM(>u i.» «,\v **xi t**(t ami t'ifl! a l l vnrinaa (lii.MBpfi W P I P but - e r n m U n h i< nn\V fn 1 i<>n« o f hpl i fveM, 'I ' l i . \ M i - T !><• Iipvp. f o r thpv h a v p witnppspd fh** r i ! « t f o f ihi-f p i t o r a i v p . It hi-a co'.q'iPiPcl ;i!l C I - H , bv *= i rn jvly ronq*iPriii^ t h o O N K . Thp •• O M S c h o o l " n o w onpri thptr py*'9. T h p i r nld d.^^mH". liU Ihp mn**rin» ml«t , fly be fure Ihp liifht of t r n t n . WMI f i i i j i t ini i sens*' nnw necfe4 a road t»> h» altl* it* n\n U i iv , inst**a'l o f c!f>-*if"tj if* P V P 8 , and h p i n j If*H. T h p truth o f thp pr inc ip l e itpor-w h ' d i thi«» .irticle C'irP?. \s p«'abli»h»*d. find thp *tfltPrnp»t 14 iij . i in h'-Idtv, inn » r m p h n t i c i l l y m o - t dpcidp. l ly rt»-itpialnd : Thh ntrtitcuie wil Jyii* fynm fh" fro-f»/ cvenj divrnp whuk ban <i mnnf

•every *1's<n jnni;.Ttfan of the systi m which ri/n exi^t. If bo'ip tin I mu-cle remmu, this medicine luUl restore to .» f>.*rfcl nt'itr. Tbi* o l d calom*-! hlpp 'm^. bti*fpiina eyiTpin i<: t\bn>,\ t o f.ill, T I I P p . -I d m l v p-p-fp. t m e i i -e l f o f the t ruth of O u n T H » O H V , it a p r o p out o f thp o b i j»fnictiirf ;

u hieh \v i l l aoo'i ( i imMp d^n-n , a Bhdppless inn** o f ig irrant ' t ' a-,i| d o ( p p t i i . n .

Inv.ibti-* '^3-irt a: njipp to th i s nipdicint*.. If a itneMv/ V K G I . T \ B I . K H K M K P V , H I P p i o d " C o !

o u r f«-M vinii—.i co-npf. ir . i l of i ^ ^ n t y * ! \xo (idf» e n t i'ta f* ! i - i ,n . I'.ich ruot has U« f a r i i n i l n r p a t of t h e -v - '""! ' o acf «i[inn} and this ar t ion \- llrtdV'S pio.l'rpp-l Its **(Fe-! it;'On ihf ii A«7» n « ' M | 14 u,i IP -i itt-iv* .1,'ipare' t '1V*'!II:HI •. o l thtt ht-.'h( , -t «'h ir.icr*»» rs da i ly comi'<<? '» i f f j»rn-priPtor. Titll id' t u»h. and vnu w i l l nhinv 1 1 IOP*' mipt"5. pl;»c»j'». »' .d i!a?p-. N'"t n p »rf ic!p of ( I-r* »\ i l o n c p i t i>'F**ri' I i>:i th*» p.nt "f fhijd'RKA'i C C J I U T I V K ' P i e i n o . - t e n p f ' i l p p n i M . i l o f i h ^

p.i np'ib-r i-fl dp-irt'd. Il HIVP-* Ihp c h a i . u i p r o l aM ' I I P - " c o n l:jrv c'iinv'a'n f•* v^hic'i prpvdii, ain\ wb'i- l i I) i»- P bp'-i. r-i" p.l bv t i n - iirtirlp. Hviilenc** o f cii'"* >n »(iin»» ••!' llip ino^l dr^.iiluil fu<P" o f liriiiPr.ii^ r o - 1 pl*»'nt •* u h t c h it h-T. bppu HIP f->r-t u i i e o f a n v m " l u - i p e lo f u p p v\ i th , i s found -ca«P9 u l i »*'i ha.'* b fii 1 —t*t to »'i»». IlnndrPiU i l l PVPIV • .i'ij** <"i'v of c o r fj'iintt and thp Cana-i l c» , h.n p Ni ih.r k tt> ** a> i i c > fni th**ir livp«. aiul s o do ' I v y . n* I n r t c g in Mil* pu>se-sinti of thi* propriprn wi l l - h o w . -

Thi-J (f' ."Vl-lioine « ' i | | fur« O n n p s v , in ei-ery *t i;r --(,'rt > v r r . . in..) *"l 1*' i N o f .liffjuiJ* v i o ihp (J. i mv <) ^'rt'i- ; ni-i.ji' . itiits o f thp Knl* J nr*v a ; tv^'ilf »IP»* of t h p ^ACU ; F<*inalp Irrp^ufari j tit»<j 'i-> II.HHIV rhpcl{"d, an/I a h e a l t h y ton** g i v e i 1-1 f'ip sy^p-n. I.PI P \ P T V f»!fjilM at onc*-

'i/*c mffT-nr nri I u-.» g o olhpf. 1 . t i j . • >;•. H l l . n u « ( ' . H l i p l a O i t - ,

mtiTiial»fromjtWivWuKJiiof th* highest roppecttbility show in the molt ctmclU*We and uythfncurv mnnnef. Thommo hopny •ucr«f4'tt(i» ultended JU u » thora, winch has always rnniK^d il? Ctjvfw wherever edoptwl. and ditentin botro yielttert t o ttsn-Mlth tctturlng influence which A cdicol M*n of profoundi|lt,illhad pri»ndtmrod in«ur«l>le. 1 he mo«t po­tent tiibpICA ortho vegetable kingdum ore united in this pre-

hnpTttvet the cthof, and unoVr thn nmne <T S'«ndi' Sawapn* rillo 1» presented n compnund diifb-iiigeniuely in itsrhnrac-tor nnd propoities fmtn nny i>ther prej-nrntiori, and unrivaled in Its f»perntlou i<n the trxtcm whun lub -ooff under diiease. Itaappr-.viii by PbvstcianB nnd Men i-f ScIenC", and the uaisu. f-rm surcccB whirh l»i» mnikprf Iti use, fitrniftuu proof s«ffi-ciont to convince any candid Cad diicoming mind o f iu great superiority sad value.

tBOATton Tr|f1TBP PiTwTEi. Berlin, Prussia, Jtyrit 8, 1846*

Mc*s-*. A. B, tfc D. SAKPS. Cc iile-non—Hnvinc seon vonr Sarsaparilld used til thfi

C<ts with inoat ajfect in a »e\-oro caio of ScanpptA, lhaVO bopn rpq lifted to rrcter tlt»pe dozen bwtrles. which pleow

,seid, <'d the iinvmentff 'the enoh'ied draft on Me>sn. Hfn-t-hm &. Unhlwrt with tho least possible delay- X am ItlBpir-c\ i.nlv bv a feeling ..f pbflanthropy, la h id ing yn« In pub-Imh this tin.inked testimony to the valnoof o modirine which, wnlflv ns it is known, is nut il ought to bo. I am, gentiemon,

RoipMrfolIy your*. &e. ^ TIlEOrORE S. F A T ,

T h n f .lit/wing is nn nrtrnrtfroma totter recolved ffcoffl Mr Nf nop, whose wife had been afflicted with a serufuloul qftViivn . f thq nose, which botnedthenktllif tlm fittt'phvr sicians in Ffanre. It oimmetidf itself t i the nlMntion of all.

BfciitfKa, EKPABTMK.^T OP ILLC AND VILA I N * . tYancc, July 17,1645.

Th** Sors-ji .n Indent hns been ro-eived. nnd fho great be­nefit mv w ifi* hns derived fr-m its use upon n short trial, as w-*l! i« th«hi«h rpcorametidatit-ns wo hoye roooived, givci • i cr^'i hnr-ca pf hetrif» ali> to cure with tbismedtefne adis> cfi»e 'hot ihe m *Z ce'pbn.tod phyi'cians «'f France have not hp<") i h V 11 ofTrrt. Mv wife i« fu U- rtrtormined tn continue 4* im« un t i l t pnr f r f t fi .ro 19 piToi'tnd. n n d roar ing w h u t w e n. w h i v o u i l ! n * ' t bn eijtfioto*it. pleose » ' n i l us norno m o r e \i thiM.t J o l n r , n m l bo (i"iiirf*d. ff^n'Iomen, w c i h a ' l t n k e pioo*

• I.M* i n m l n j k n o w n it- virtu*** to our f r i end" nml t h o p ' lb* h e ; a n d I d. .uht nut th-it it w i l l soon b e e x t e m i v e ' v used h . ro . - n d all < vot t h o w.-rld. a n d t h i t m n n v o/tlirtod sutTerort will h- i i l with j .v t h o kn.iwlcdffo t h a t t h e r e is n v o ^ e l n b l o " r*«orMi . i •:i:tl(*tontlv |i i w c r f j i t j e r a d i c a t e thoir d i s e a s e s . I h'i\ o t h e hon< t t o r e m a i n . "'

Y o u r s r e spec t fu l ly . 3. M A r p , N o . ] R u e L O U I B P h i h n p e .

r . ' i r f ; r th°r p*irtieu!nTa a n d cuncMinivo o v t d o n c a o f i t s «u« pp'ir r v i l i o a n d Pififnev, s e e pamphle t* , w i n c h m a y b e o b -tn l ' i ed i f A j r e n t s p f i t i s .

P r e r n r e d a n d surd t>v A . B . & P. P A X E S , Drupgis t s , 300 F V t o n - s t , Ci r n e r «<f V\*!li l im. N e w V,<rk.

S M a ' w b y I*. K E L L Y & C O . nene»vn : H . O . I I A T S , Cf lnandn i jn ' * ; B , P . B R A n D S L H Y . t ' n t o n v i l l n ; aff<»nt9 in e r c r v t o w n m t h e S t a t e , a n d b y Drugg i s t s genorol ly t h r o u g b -.n.f t l i c T n i ' o d . c t . i t e« .

r . N . T H T T I J ! , G e n e r a l A g e n t . P r i m S I PPT b . f t l o . S i x b o l t es for $ S . 0 ^ * T h o p n b i i c a r e r e s p e c t f a l l v r e q n c s t e d t o Tom e m b e r

ihnt i t is Panda ' S a r s a p a r i l i a t h a t h i s b e e n nnd is c o n s t a n t l v f h i e v i n u B i i r h r ^ n m r k a b l o c u r e s r f t h e m o s t dtfflen't o ' a s s of ' i ' t f ' i i p i t-< w h i c h t h e h u m o n f ' n rpe f« s u b j e c t ; the te fure oek f r S a n t l s * g i r s a p a r i H a , a n d t u b e n o o t h e r , 6 m ? g



TH E UJfBOUNUfcD AND TplUMI'HANT 8UCCE3H Which has resuted from the ose of this Great Healing

and Purifying medicine, in the cure of Colds, Coughs, JHetA-ma and Corntumptwn, « anants tbb aisertion. -that, i t is the Vw»t infallible remedy in the world, for auy form ojr stage of Orwwftj>tt(m-rthe tr.-rai und most hopeless cases

Man* Physicians sov tbat the human lungs when once ot-cerattm never can t><' hen led and cured; but if experience, and the testimony ^1' many jiersons of the highest standing and titiittttbter for veracity oao be relied on, BrauCs JnMan Pulmonary Balsam has cured malty decided cases of j/Ueera-tedoQd diseased lungs—-such cuses us were called Consump­tion by^fhamost ski.tut Physicians, some of the most strong­ly marked and indicuted cases vf ulcerated lungs—suoh dis,-eaues Mm6ny periunp die in consequence of, every day.

The infallible nnd mmt wonderlul HEALiiNG ANI» PUBEfl'ING

qualities of this best of nil remedies gives to it curative vir­tues which no other Cough remedy p«;sseFses. Tt also possess-«s all the necessary qualities for facilitating expectoration, smthiug.anS removing pain, and subduing cough,that other cough medic!n£$.h*vo* Thus, then, by its compound healing virtues (its absorbent, itspo <*er of equalizing the circulation and ieoretiona, its qualities of cleausing and purifyitie the blood, of subduing Cuugh and easing pain,) it beats and cures ulcers in.the lungs, as certainly a» it neverhas failed to heal and care ulcers and Scrofula, ta the legs or arms, or uay other part of tho body.

-, IT CITREB SCROFULA ! By "Purifying tho Blood*' without foil. In any Instance;

and olio, many other Chronic diseases, which are caused b? the derangement in the secretions and impurity of the blood. tjjfz.. Erysipelas, Scald Head, Chrome and InjUmvtiatory 3$heumatis,m, llceratcd Sore Mouth and Throat, Nursing Sore Mouth, VUcrs, Piles. Satt Rheum, Boils, Liver Com­plaint, Mercurial and all Skin diseases. And also, by e-quaiizing the circulation and secretions, it fas proved to bod specific in coring all debilitating weaknesses and other de­rangements incidental to females-

This great Indian Hemedy is compounded and prepared exclusively from vegetable euletmccs, end its wonderful elK-cicv tn alf nulmonitrv compluints. and nn a. purifier of the l i h * • - . - - - - - - • • i'd". is tho result pf practical Indiun experiment. .Vtfinjn-

hns ever been done to nny nf the many whodiaie used it, cither constitutionally or otherwise.

RiiAI) THE EVIHENCE. We here give a few of the nmny nimea*>t well known and

rPBueCtriu'o persons who huvo used this mod.cmo, and who tinve voluntarily «tv©n eertittcaips nnd stntcmentsuf impor-tfint cures.. For lull pnrttcolnrfl of every case here named. nnd i.ther wonderful cures, rend the pim pit lets. Kvery agent his them. Got um, nnd you,\wll bo convinced, if bumon ierti:n.Miv con convince you, th-l tho above is all a true statement of facts.

We refer, in tho first place, to persons who have btcn them­selves cured bv tho use of this Medicine of tho several disea­ses mantioned m cmacxioii with their names. We therefore refrr to

General John, Dunning. Ballstoo Spa, M. iY., who was fir many yours Sheriff of the County, cure! of Consumption.

Mr. Giiman D&kcy, fanner and wool merchant, Elba, Cfnnsfe Co., N. Y . Inflamation of the Lunga, which toimi-natnd In Consumption

r p f t o r t To * t n

P - . P I . H ) L - V .

P » « i » - >-• a ••-4t** , ; i r . i 1 K * I

a ! v i i 1 ' 'i d r.

C , , •, . .•- .-i

i f i t i >\ . . . -

I ' M * .< I- •

P.; P '

I . i .

H ' , C Ml. l ' l -It,, ( J t J I | l .

nC th- hi., id, wi l l f . " I 'HJ 4 . f*(»U / 1 1 , t»l ft,

M t - ^,.\ t h e n . r .p . ! -

! h . - b'-»-.. fi.'.-.l bv I aM IV.ij.t \ e D M

•ifl wniti:itn*n ••(' thp I I H . I . I . S . k }\PA ' -

1 AiJ - l i*— l l t P l^ 'od*»

- e . k tin" R K M E D Y :

3-1 -->/. hoti i 'e- at S 2 ; 12 o z . bmtl

T H \T . I ' | H tl

voir Af-r. MiT I M P O « F O

^:hp wn. i t"— *' Vatujtin'-i i t ; i ' io ^ l iv ' . I P " h'o'« ii up."! , n ' t p . * i i t ; i l , t t« i r i ) o f ' • (i C.

lnt*rli. .i «. .*n I G. C VviL'hn. o n i h e c o ' l e . N*o;.e o t h - r nip

c . t t . i ' i ' j I J i n

bu v n > i»'V r P-.' ., . i>,

at $ 1 p . . h. lie. C \nKPirr

r r * - s F.;-'»r\ '» -V . J M - ' i h U l * i i ! i « )

i h - . • ' - . ->—th-V a - i ^ - i t , " ' i - i h o

B'lftY ', s ra inp • ! g e t t I O I P .

P.'MM p-l ]»v Dr. G. C V a u g h n , ami snl.l nt Ihp p n.**ip il Au^i . cv , \r\.\ M a t i - t B-itTiln nt whol*».ili* n o d i-ptaiU *•» \vhnui a;l c o i n i n ' i m c i -t i o n * mii»t I«"»«IP po*t o .od .

<y/i' dec lie-i crrlwioelij to the *•»//» nf //it* Mprfiriv, nt wli. lt*«rtlp n" 1 "-idi1—\*»w. Y ' H U C i ' v . 132 \ . » « . v i •' H . M I . . i ' ^ ; ^ i 'prn . M . T « 2 9 I E - - P V - t - .pt . T h " « P . f ' t i i - p ; r tur innsTi O ^ l l O . J IT R i ' U " . DM T h l ' i l . U 2-1 d o - T f r n m

Wali.<r ; Sr !,o i,-s. M » J. Walker—General A^ei-ti. ^t'lp .i^e;it9 lur Gpnp*-a.

L KKLLY .'t CO. Also* (or sale by


Th^o. ITcClinfAc'; F.iU«; <5 C \ . . . to".

I .ai f - - i iv , O - i

H Monrmt; J.

Pt.ATT &. SlMP<t >V, L A W R E N C E & B^^NF.p,

Qpnpvn. , W f l l p t l r o ; .1 O - ' i n r n p S .

, K. ViPttnn ; H O Hav^s Cnnaiid,u"-in ; ft D Mc MrCn-n . P U W>Hinrn« &

M I.tiphAfn. P''iin Y i n ; K. W . i l S i - e m . , L v O n « .

*kJL?t s!9 Works praise it."

5>r. JeiTery'sLHivevsal


TO E f t i l l o u i n g are taken from nmoiig l i u n -U i f d " o | c e t t t t i c a t e s w h u h t h e pmpi i fr ior rpcpiv*ri, o l Hie f f i i cory ol i h e active Medi* i II.P^, lyi ihe cure of the D i s e a s e s for w h i c h 'h-y a t e rei'oiuiiiei d e d j

Dn S. J E K K E R Y — D e a r S i r : A s an i n s t a n c e o j n - l u t * l o you a'.d for the in format ion o f the putdtt.*, I HOUJI> Ma'e i b n ! 1 b a t e u s e d your F a m ­ily ()ititiiiei<t for more lhai i t u p l v f vi-niB in m y l.iuoly fur thp cme o f h u m s , scahft*, bnn*e*f and cil.ei a c c i d e n t s to Ihe f lpsh, and h a t e found it m* variably clffL'tiiie I lie d*-$ued l e s u l l — a s p e e d y and souiftiine:* to irarulou? d u e . I hove had d<i-niifj t ine l-'i>^ p e n o d frequent o p p o i t u i i i d e s fur iti ti^p and a p p l i c a t i o n , arid such u«e as madp irn fai th -til l 8tn»nrrer in i t i p o w e r and eff irary. NM l.irinlv s h o u l d be w i t h o u t i t . 'p«ppciaHy o n e c o m p o s e d ol ch i ldren u h o a ie a l m o s t da i ly m -j'iipd h v burns, rra lds , o r othpj arc idpnl s . A n •nnnediatp ( ippl icat inn o f if to thp pa i t burned or «(*a'<lptl wil l d r a w out t h e pain, nlh-i iatf the «uf-IVIHIS;* o f j the person , and what is «till rnoit-Mundprful. it « ill prevent the burn from l e a v i n g a scar.

| T h i s has bepn exernplifipd in tny o w n f a m i l y , one nf w h o m w a s spfttHisly h u n . e d in Ihp f.icp with a .fifff hall saturatpil wi th fiirpprifme At fir-t I w a « afraid that h e W B * fitchtf- .I'y dinfit*-• iTp<itl»i,t the apf>hcation of ynut F-tmi'v O m t -mi'iif PI» c n i p j h i m Ipavmg not the pl i^h'est fr.irp n f thp b u r n . Y o u r s ip-pprt f i i l ly ,

Cfpurx*. rVov. 2 3 , lft-15. I. P R K S C O T T . Dr. J t K K K R V — D e a r S i r : I havp u«pd y o u r

' ' F a m i l y Oiiitrnpi.t,'' for ce tera! y e a r s in m v family w i t h gr*-M Micfeoc: and SPvrral c - P P 9 of ii.n.uiiPil ey*-H hrt\p Com*1 undpf fny ob«prva« i n u i , w h i r h w p r e P i i l i i c l y c u i » - d h y i t afl*-r a l l

" t h u r r n n d i r u i p * . h a d f a i l e d , n d t ' X p P i i p n r p i i p h y -

-tcians* s k i l l ha<! p ioved (ut i le . But thp m a i n •iiJHft i* hich { ' a \ p in vi. w in ih i s c o i n m u ' ' c a -'inii, i» in brine bpf-.rp t h e puhlic yo t i r ** Hhpti-tnnue Liiiioi-,*' not so geriprally k n o w n a « \ o u r v.» 'td!»i»» On.tni*-!-!, hut t-qtiril y as • f f irannif . in Wo'iiiiig; cttri 3 of all i l>eitmaiic compla i f i i« . I h.»d a t u m o r mi m y l«»wpr l ip about a y«*«r s i n c e , %\hicti u a- pxtrpinnlv p a i n f u l , nnd at <>IIP ( imp *h pofpupd to coitfinp tup, and on rontmltjug: ' h e • lurtiHS. i t iev advSPi ! me t o havp it r u t o u t — g i v -i"C it a** t h ir o p i n i o n ' h a t it uaq t h e only w a y i'i w i n c h any i p i i p f c o u M b e afforded m e . A b o u t 'h i s t u n e , I h e a n l of vn.ur l^otinn. and recoHpil to tr\ i t . I p i n o u i p d a b o t t l p , and uopd if a« d t -ipi-tp.l O L thp d «.P<I-*P ! h p , ami ht-forr one h o ' t l e \A .tn n<*ed up mv I• (> w a s pprf-'cMv c u r e d I o w e it to \ o o tha' I ivaq i.nt d i -ahlpd fr«»m pnf«iiioo; 'nv .iri utt'- no" 1 b iHine« J , ninl to i h e afflirtpd p i l i i u t o UHIIP t h e m acquaimpi l w i t h *o \ a h i a hip n fptneilv. I f o i i f f i v e it to he a m e - h n n * o f -"c'» irrip-ntarirp. that t*vt*tv man o l a fami ly «h 'uld a l w a i c Ufi prt»udei | « h h »t.

Y o . . r . . & c . J O H N FARGO. G e n e v a , J a n u a r y , 1816 .

Miii i i f . irluiptl b v SA^inrr. J * T F E " V , irid aolH wln-h^a lp a»d rPta , | hv R H L A W R F A ' C R , '/'•nrril afi-Phi, H e n p t a . N Y to w h o m all orders f om f)*-ab'ri fthnuld he nddr*ftse<l.

fin Id h v R D f .undv . W n f p r l n n ; T K Rrn ivn . ^pi.prn F . r l » : W . C . FJv , C ' v ^ e ; Dpfprpaux & r . f . F l i t C . ^ k ; M O F-Mvlpr. A n n u m ; F. W l,p*\ i«. JPITP'RUII • T. R ("ovill K l m u n ; O v -~* k r t ip lpp , C c m r ^ ; H P. Bad^pr, Pao »p I P-^t. * J i « 4


B A I / S A M OF L I F E , TUK o a g A T K R O L U n R t H X D V FOR

Colds, Coughs, Astluna and Con-sumptioul ~-

' H U E molt celebrated one! infallible remedy, foe COLDS, t Cuaglu. Arthmo, «ad every form of Pulra..oary CON-

8UMPT(OS. i> llie UWOAHMtf PAlSJlMg 1.1FF, •discovered by thnt emln»nt Mediral C'bemhh W- BUCHAN of London. Enrinnd, ond extensively known u tho " Greet English Romodtt". . . • _ . _ ,

It ho» been testiffl for upwerdj of seven yeor» in Orent Bn-toin and on the Continont of Europe, where it « onivcnolly

, considered the greet tad onlv remedy lor this awful oialndy. ' and Is now lotr.duped Into the United gtotes under ibe im-I medinto.up'rintenilonoeoftheinVentor. Within throe years

It Iws been distributed Irom Mnine to Florida, and fr..m C'ao-ada to Wlseonitn. and it, offerts ore every where alike

I A S T 0 M I S H 1 N 0 A N I J T B I T J M P H A N T ! < \ A" a preventive medicine, nnd an nntidoto against tho i Consumptive tendoncios of the olimote. It Is invaluable. As

a remedy fur severe and obsthmto i'oogbs. Inflnmroation uf tho I.nnns. Crnop. & c . It Is unrivalled. But the Amorirnn Agerot i» so confident of thoroerifuf this great Beroedy. In the wnrst forms of Consumption, that he prolan to bavo it used bv tho

DTIWCl I N V A L I D ! rithcr thin by rerson. allirti-d «i ih >»m« simple snd less d o n ? o r . . . l . t l i ' r r d e r s i.f tho T h r n n t and L u n C l . T h i s may seem atnug lan»ange; but iris the result i.f expnrioneo in t ho i i san r l s . f e n s o s . s iMtunod bv I h e m n i t in te l l lRent a n d nn-imiieoehi b 6 to^ti onv. \Vo do ni>t pronouoco it an infol-liblorotnody in nil ca.efl, bBt .t is

, T H E M O S T I N F A L L I B L E Hcmodv known i..lS»civili2i>d w. r'A. It is the best prevent-

• ive .TI.en.d.'orv r.-nsumi-tion—it iBtliebestdefenderaeftinst j the influenroa orclim.ite^—it is the best remedy f->r incipient

Consumption—and it is tho great and only remedy for tbat re f i l l S o f t e n i n g o f l b e L o n g s - t n f l a m m a t i o n o f < h o M e m -

o r a n e - a n d T o b e r o u l o n f D e c a y !

W h i r h nro t h e Inst e ifer ts o f t h a t awfu l . c o u r g e a n d w h i c h 1 oro e r m n e o n s ' v siipp.-Bed t o b o b e v o n d t h e roach of m e d i r a l

a i d . T h e airent in- P r . . | i r* to r» o f o the r med ie inca . d a r e not c l a i m f . r t he i r p m i . n m t i o n s a p o w e r l ike t h i s . T h e , k n o w t h r t I N M > C A P E h a v e su . :h ef lects Leon | . r . .d. .ced. T h e

1 ffrnrid ohioct a n d pur i t s e o f t b o c o m m o n Temedios* is s im- . plv t . mio xo ' l o f—ne t to c u r e . T h i . is ens . 'y d o n e , bv nov Mr. J. Tavmtmd. M e r c h a n t , O v i d , S e n e c a C o . , %. Y . , In-

I i n t e l l i m n t P l i va i c lnn nr f l rng j r l s t—but w h i l e d a l l y i n g w i t h oipipot C o n > u m J ; t i . . n . „ , „ , . . « . , . thesu f i E l . t ' S I V E C O M P O U N L S . t h e p a t i e n t r ap id ly da- . W a * P o t i c r . P i a - n i . F o r t e T e a c h e r , 2 3 I I u b e r t s t . , t , . \ ol .nes , nnd e v e r y d a y p l a r o . h i m fiirther a n d far ther • C o n s u m p f t o n o f soverdl y e a r s *

B S 7 0 1 . D T H E B E A C H O E H O P E ! o f ^ i i , ^ ™ ' """**"• M . « ' H e h « r y . \ . . . l o n g d i f l i c l t y

S u c h ia t r t t h e caso w i t h t h e H u n g n r n i n B a l s a m . I t is ol- „ y r . John. R, Smith, o l e r c h a n t , L e o , Ms . C h r o n i c R h e u m a -tvevs sn l i t t a ry in it* Directs—never I n j u r i o u s . Tt is no t on t i i m . O p i a t e — i t 1« n o t o T o n i c — i t i s n o t a m e r e E x p e c t o r a n t . I t j n > . R. j y . . Stimpson, J- I b i n g M e r c h a n t . 2 2 W i l i i & m - s t , la n u t tn tended, t o lu l l thp invrtlitt i n to a futnl s e n r n t v . I t is N . Y . , S c r u f a l a in t h e N e c l t . a ( j rp i t r « m e d y — a grund h e a l i n g nnd c n r a t i v e c o m p n u m l . t h e Mr. J, Craig, M e r c h a n t , M e d m a * O r l e a n s C e . N . Y . Soi l grffl t a n d only r e m e d y w h i c h m e d i c a l s c i e n c e ond sk i l l h a s R h e u m . \ yet p r o d u c e d for t h e t r e a t m e n t o f this h i t h e r t o u n e n n q a o r e d .Capt. Ezra Knap. W W i l l o w S t r e e t , B r o o k l y n . N . T . Scruf-m a i a d y . I t in. i n fuel, tho I uloi is E r y s i p e l a s , m b u t h I e p f rom t h e knees ty t h e o n r l e s f

B E S T R E M E D Y I N T H E W O R L D . ' \ Mrs. Sarah Barlow, B a l i s t o n S p a , 4 i V . Y . S a l t R h e u m , u , I A n d n.» person, arUirteil w i t h t h i s Urend N A T J u N A L P I S - / l o / c a r s , i n t n e f a c e u n d e j e s . ! E A S E , wi l l b? j u s t t . t h i m c e l f a n d bis fr iends, if he g o d ^ w n | . A n d w e f a r t h e r refer in t h e a c c o o d p l y e , t o t h e fo l lowing ! to t h e g r a v e w i t h o u t testinir i u v i r t u e s . A single bar '*?, in r e sppc tab le pe r sons w h o a r e b n o t r f n g t o . a n d h a v e s t a t e d th»L

modt f i ^ e s . will p r o d u c e a fa v.-ruble ' c h a n g e In the cond i t i on t h e y h « v e s e e n the h o p p y resu l t s of t h e use « f th ia m e d i c i n e in 1 of any pittent however iow, t h o u g h t he r e a r c cases, w e a d m t « l t s e f fec t ing eu ros on o t h e r pe r sons o f such c o m p l a i n t s a n d ' b rv . n-t if* " ' W f r to cur^' dl«eaBes, a r e m e r ' u n e d in c u n n e r t i o n w i t h t he i r n a m e s — I T h e W r i c n n Xaent. ' .f t h e G r e a t E n g l i s h R e m e d y , h o v i n p , W r refer, therefur f . for s u e h pm..f,

fn'l conf idenco in i ts e x t r a o r d i n a r y efficacy io t h e " "

B FOSGATE'8 ANODYNE CORDIAL * ,Ar« ammncrvkt »»u»»t »O»TTH

8VK9XB& eOBSPZiAXIVVftl, Viz • DUirrhaa and Cfiolera Morbiu} nUo,

Flatulent and Spasmodic Cholvc*.

THIS invaluable medicine lor the above^mplalntj, aoy other remedy now in use Hundred, of caaei.

h.vo'conie to the knowledge of the proorieto,.where a y e o dy euro ha. been enacted by the use of .lis Cordjol i fter a resort tu the common remedies hod proved onovaihng. It to. I«e« extensively o » d throughout * » State an^ehe-where, for many years-has been approved,^aod is used .u practice by a groat number of the •""•Owpactable.jbn.ctar.s as may be sceii by their certiucate. and recommendation, ac-C OffiTe^Hneh i .bd"covered to be a certain and effectual remedy for the intestine diieoses. produced by the driukiog ot thb waters of the rivers in the southern and southwestern States, wbirb renders it of luestininble value to those who re­side or travel in, tboso sections of the country. •

N B To soenro the public against deception, the extoraaj labei of oncb bottle is secured by a copy right, which W»s en­tered (according to net nf Congiess) in tho Northern District of New York, on the 9th day of November, Anno Domini, 1840 A fno simile of tho proprietor", signature will be louna on the outer label of each bottle, if genuine. Price 31 ct».

F o r B a , „ b y fe;[iErJ:tec-E

&|C--B. P. BEARPSLEY, Uoionville. J. BURT, Vienna. Iy5


rst fur ma of P u l m nory i l i sense , b.-ldly so l i c i t s f..r t renir i ipnt , ni t the r m m o i a n d o r d , n n r y maes of s i m p l e C J d s ur l n i l a m r n a t i u n , b»t w h i t n?6 coneirternil t h e m. s» cppilttne cas^s o f Confirmed and Incurable T u b e r c u l o u s D i s e a s e ! If there is a reinedv m the world, it is to be luTind in T!r.

B i i c b o n ' s H u n g a r i a n Bnluam. I t h a s cured cases supn- sprf to bo p a s t nil h o p e . J t h"3 n u s e d inva l id s , a s i t wore , f rom t h e vorv c r a v e . I t h a s • urfd after nil o t h e r sys t ems , m e d i c i n e s , and m e t h o d s of t r e n t m e i t h a v e fnilpd. It ' s found tu bo su-p-T*..T t o nil the effect* <>f m'-dtf*ntc*d B a t h s . Inhnlu t i . n,rhnn<jo of c l i m a t e , or a n y «-f tho t h o u s a n d e x p e r i m e n t s t h a t w e a l t h

n pros. ! Mr. - . J Van Vechtcn, M e r r h n n t , Ca t sk i l l , N . F . for cures

of C h r o n i c C o n g h nnd Consumj> t ton . Doct. W. JT.Shelton D t u g g ^ t , B r i d g e p o r t , C o n n fo r Con­

s u m p t i o n . Rev. R. Dunning, P a s t o r o f t h e P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h , a t

A d n m ' s B a s i n , M o n r o e Co. N . Y . C o n s u m p t i o n , F o v e r Su re and S r u f u h b

Doet. Rossman, 133 H e n r y at . B r o o k l y n , N . Y . for N u r s ­ing S o r e Bf^ufh,

Doet. SalmPn Skinner, c o r n e r of C r a n b e r r y and H i o k s Ptrocts B r o o k ( v n . N . Y . for Hrrnfu?n a n d Erys ipe l a s o f the Eves , a n d Scrpfn ' f s i i s 'Ervs ipe lns in t h e logs.

Doct: T. M Jfunt, I f ruggis t , A u b u r n . N . Y . fnr c u r e of

A k i n d s o t

r O M H . E T E re-n-dv f r 0 irm. SfiMv . - I . i 'His . 8 » r ! m . i S i l t B h - i - i . F-

• . p O H a n d s . S o n L i t i s . Chf .b a t n s . ? c

C u t s . Bru an», F f c c r ,"* res. Head, aad ul

T o TOcrrhanfs «% T e a c h e r s .

SC H O O L U ( i O f i s . ; , t V V H O I P S I I P . K,w as \ e w V-'-U pure* ai D-'t^v'a B'->okfl'nrp,

O n iac- l , , i» ' - i ' P-.b'i-hPi« p -nS 'o I|8 Miv *O .' i..ii .HI "i-'•<>«• I Jw-ou*, Hfl any H'^iap m tl>.-

( ' i o n . . i o I f n n - p i » , t i , . r i s i v P i l ' M i ' k f h a t ' —

I r i i ' ! - .% j : : f ' . . ;.., ,| iM 1/ r ;- q < m I l i e - :

tvi.: A ' i : lm^t :c9 i .! GH Mi.e'rv ai..! Ke . .

ond i n s c n u i t v h o v e ever a t t e m p t e d . Ir s t a n d s a lone nnd u n - . C h r o n i c C o u g h a n d E r u p t i o n s , a n d a c a s e of Hcrofula i n the riv t i l ed , as tlic/»7*ear'i»( and best of all remedies.

T h o i b»tncle* w h i c h even t h o wel l f o u n d e d i n c r e d u l i t y <>f m n n k i n d h i a o p p f j s p d t>. the s u r r p s s »f the H u n g a r i a n B a ; s a m nro n-'w fni-t d i s a p p e n r t n g . as its t t o i m p h s bee- .me m. re wid" -l\ s p r e a d over t h e l a n d ; and i t is r ap id ly r e a c h i n g t h o on v i a bio p o s i t i o n of a

S T A N D A R D M E D I C I N E , u h i f h m a y be f o u n d m Q!1 r e a p f r t u b l e M e d i c i n e S t o r e s nn,l A,« t h e r a r c Ph ,ns i > the r . m n t u — r«*ron»'ii<*ided hv I 'hvsi f a n * , w h - r c ih 'o r t .wn i r e i t ' n e ' i t f-iils—ami kept m numer ­ous rea i i cc lab 'o f d m - i e s , on a p r e v e n t i v e m e d i c i n e , tu b e used upon t ' e first ap[ en r a n e e of tl\i* fearful destroyer.

P.iM by M c D o n a l d &, Sn- i th . S » l o Aocn t s t-.r tho U m t c i t K i n g t l o m . a t t h e I t i ' i a n W n r e h o u s e Kefii'tit S t r e e t , L o n d o n , in B o t t l e s and C n s e s . for Sh ips . Hi . s in ta . s , & c .

By Specal .lppomtm<ni~l>h\W V H R A D I . E R . 1J9 C o u r t s t r ee t . Bosts .n . 3Vl«ss. S - l e A g e n t fur t h e U n i t e d S t a t e * and B r i t i s h A ' i ' e r i ' - n n Pr v m r e n .

A m e r i c n o p r i ce . S I per boLtJe, w i t h full d i r e c t i o n s fur t b t rest r o t n . n o f H e o th

Prim, ' !] lets , c o n t a i n i n g a mass o f K n p V h a n d A m e r i c a n fert if if i i tes and o t h e r wvidenee. s h o w i n g tho nnnqimileH mer •ta . f t h i s f . r e a t E n g l i s h R e m e d y , m a y bo o b t a i n e d uf t h o A !jpnts. prntn t .

N o n e g e n u i n e , w i t h o u t the w r i t t e n s i g n a t u r e o f t h e A m e r i<-on A g e n t , no a gold a n d b r o n z e l a b e l , t j c o u n t e r f e i t w h i c h u j f . r j -r t f .

/ W E N ' T P . — S T O T ' P R V . S v r n c n s e . N . 7 . . Geno ro l \ g e n t for N e w £orJ£,£ftAGVttlO Wi-sUrn. W i t e s .

9-ld bir* JpisKpj36*li V & C o . , Geneva, and by agent* thr .n?h >iirth>5?nHntv

(Jen^vn. Jun*^t1 1840. Iy78

A rVRE FOR LIFE SECURED Dr. Upliam's Internal Remedy

For the cure of Piles, Ii-flauiiria'.iiiii ol thp L ive ' niid Sp leen ; Inflammation, Soreness and Ul­ceration nt the Siomacli, B wels, ICiilr ey*, and Biad. ler ; Infljinmaiorv ami Merc i .al Hheumansm ; Impurity of blood ; Weaknes» nnd IiifldiumatiiMi of ihe Sp ine ; and for the relief nf tnnrlied Ladies. % The Vegetable Pile Electuary, Invented by Dr. A (Jp l iam, a d . - l ing ins t i ed

p h v . i c . a i i ol N e w Yn-k c . l v , in Ihe on ly e a l l j « i cce^s fn l iPine . ly foi IIMI ilangeroiif1 and d t s h e s * • ins ro inp la i - . t , the P I L E S , ever offered to Ibe A m e r i c a n p u b l i c .

Mark thi- . : it i- ^n I N T E R N A L R E M E D Y

neck. Mr. Milo He&th, Merchant. Enston, I.a. Scrofulous Erup­

tions of lornr standing, on b.s r. n Mr. 8. J. Striker. M e r r h o u t •J'i J o h n Bt. N . Y , a g g r a v a t e d

Kni | . t i . tn , o o h i s ^hi ld , w h i c h u ' .o lebrated Sa r sa j i a r i lTacou ld not cure. •

Doct. Get. B-anch, Druggist, Middlotown, Conn. Erysip-•!n» - f t h e E v ^ » .

Mr. Wm. B Iltrris. S h c r l l T o f S a r a t o g a C o . N . Y . his >n|V ourei l o f ' ^ p n e i i m i ' t n n .

Mr. John Wait. M e r c h a n t . Bn l l s ton S p a , N . Y „ fur H o o p ".iiffl 'nojjh a n d C n s u n i p t i i n .

Mmirs. J. (Iiriatopher. W W. Howell, R. V. UowM. i n d Wm. havghltn. U o n t ' e m c n . w e l l k n o w n o t R o c h e s t e r i i tv . N. Y , ihr ('•msnropticn nml Liver Complaint.

We could thm gaun and refer to hundreds of other per-«'.ns a s respec tn l . ' o as t h e a b o v e n a m e d , from w h o m w e h a v e rece ived ce r t i f i ca t e s n n d s t a t e m e n t s , In i t if ihoao b e nu t su fS -^ipnr tn p rovo la l l w e h i v e sa id r e spec t i ng tho hoaling a n d purifying virifli's o f th i s tTrca. Indian Remedy, then thnu-r.nds nf other; references w o n ' d bo e q u a l l y B 7 unst icr issful

F o r t a l e b y . P L A I T & 8IMH-*OA' , G e n e v a . 1 P r J . BT. 'HT Pholps .

W. O H A Y E P & Co.. C a n n n d o i g u a . A- P . W i r K I . V - ' O N . V i c t o r . A . J I I O V K Y . Lvona . H A L S T E A D &. C L A R K . H y d e

G e n e v a , M a r c h 2 7 . 3**4fi. n 6 5


Vcrnail^c or " Dead-Shot," FOR W O R M S .

A highly valuable preparation, capable from the prompt Und*- of its action, of clearing the sys-Urn \n afito hours of every worm.

' P H H . r p in . d e i e l o p m o n t , and s u p p o r t of w o r m s in t h e I h iiT-iu 8 ; « ^ m , ar^ t o be a t t r i b u t e d tu n d e p r a v e d a n d

d e b I.i ••i-'\ r o tu i i t im i of t h e s t o m a c h a n d b o w e l s ; it b e i n g a n (n t iM ' the . ! f ac t , t h a t w h e r e Uie d i g e s t i o n is u n i m p n i r c d . e n d thogpnTf i t p o w e r s - f t h e s y s t e m in a h e a l t h ) s t a t e , they find n o h a b ' t t i i o n . T h i s p r e p a r a t i o n h a s t h e p e c u l i a r a d v a n t a g e

,of noi ,. v, d e s t r o y i n g e\erv w u r m , b u t also of p r o d u c i n g a Ht-a t l u -iff., n o f tho s t n m n c h a n d o t h e r i . rgans o f digesti«in, t h e r e b v re . e v i n g n m n y c o m p l n m t s a r i s i n g from n d e r n n g e -

d ige s t i ve o r g a n s . A l t h o u g h p r o m p t a n d c e r t a i n mont i t t in ' is o . ' i i t ' i i n . an . J n o t u n p l e a s a n t t o t h e t a s te , it Is pe r f ec t ly safe an.I n . : i , . t « J t . tho t endere^ t ago-

Thf> f .il . .uinj5 ce r t i f i ca te w a s nd. l ressed t o M e s s r a . A . B . & I). Bund*, g e n e r a l agoa t a t N e w Y / i r k .

I V K W Y o a s . M a y S. 1846. G E \ T L E M E « :

I iWl ii t^ bo bo th a d o t y a n d a p l e a s u r e , to m a k e k n o w n t h e CT-P-' » "Oicinni v a l u e o f Ur. [ ' f i&itv 's V E R M I F U O B , a s

. „ » _ . „ . . . i „ , , • i I I ' proved b\ >u <*gecrs on t w o of m y ' •h i td reo . buth of w h o m - n o t M , e v t e , r,.i appl .rat i , . . , , ai.d w ill e n . e any | '„Cre m „ r h .flijctad. an»lh-lr health <,...» impmred ,n c. n-ca.H of Pile-", e i ther B^ rd ing nr Blind. L.le r r i d l * BOquencu "i u . i r m i . F o r m n o m o u t h s p rev ious t o us ing t h t

»>r E x t e r n a l ; and pmh. ib ly the on ly Ihinjj that i !;BAH SH ->T \ EnmrroE. wo bad res.rte.i to ranoos w-rm w i l l . T h e r e i s n o r n i ^ ' d l t f a b o u t i t . I t i« a p u s - • m e i ! " ' " V i ' • b p r o d u c e d b u t jmr t i a l re l ief , t he i r s l e e p ,tivP cn—ipeea-y ant permanent. Il ta a U o a \ Tu h r Vr i , v ^ srmt

A fr?*"]Wf*; "n<l .l'a"lS '•» tf»« "t.-rnnch.

. ' ,. * r * " c " • , »' "»«* « i itching . f tlip nose and other ports, and wo were unnbe tn rohVPfitett n ipdic ine to tnkp , and i m p r o v e s the ret at n-ijt obliged to wait upon and rehete them nil (iPnprgl hra^h in a rpm-irkahh' m a n n e r . j w<; r<" '' ' ••drnmiatered to h>m a a< so ot the HEAD SSIIOT,

of wtrmi in o deoimposod \ second d isc etfertunr


I N F L A M E D S O i t E S -P-s-o i^s I T fl'l C o i i l ' l i o i s ol" lilo a r e ot - I! ' ;

•"*. -t 1 \\- t't !*••* n b ' » e r.tnir.lnifit 'j It is t'lorei" t< , pr . r t ' - -u.d r . " ' i i ..'i hn-ol.

: q h ! e t o ! o t ! i«d 'v r „ d v f r

a n - n ie*7in»v. A R E M E D Y t ' n t is *"t[snblrt of ^ o m - n - i n ; th" sn f.irt'ig -itto id * it -n these very troub'esomo companions — Those w1! i bn-e used

T o u s e y ' s U n i v e r s a l O i n t m e n t , OOOd n o t b " t ;d l i r t *t is a n-v >st r omol - ' t e remP'tv,

A P B B r E O r M A S T E R O T P A 1 D T , an-I t h » » p e e d y r«m <ver of I N F I . A M A T I O X e\*ir dis c i v r * ? l The flsponenco o f «nrh p nr i -np t thf»m t t k««>,» it i l w n v * "fi hnn.l K i n v v i .o- ih 'e lu-ps m 1 l lmh&l inve h r i n « i p . . l . ' C V L C ' J . V Q U t - R O t n f n ( l i m e d a n d u v f i i *s. hie. SLC. I* i i s ' f n t iy 'I'M i nf

i.r.f w i ig f h-it nn V t ins M \(.i

• ' f - s , )l i n a f 11," T-VPf^l

k o.l, n n l pMvent i i alt K"ir. JVO f r n i l i B I I O - I 1 ! b*» w i h mt n . «n a n fmmpdi<ito a p p l ' c n t i o n «»f it m f ' " o of h n n « <-r ''<i!.l» t n n M -J > m .re 2 -oil w l o ' o w n t i n g f r in*1 ' * ' ''•>"•* hr c ui.l »Io wlf9i • i r n v o d . b^ i ' l e -* p r c v o n t m - Innjr h o u r * >(* ih-1

vt n •>' • i f T i r r g w h i c h m i g h t p a i s b e f o r e a p h y s i c i a n c mid be • »t»r (iT»d.

It pios'<i«e» c o n t r o l nvpr t h e seve res t i n ju r i e s by fire, over mort if ic ;ti"n.'pv«?r i t f l ' t rnmit i -a, incl bv i ts cornbrn^U v n i n t « It aB '* i « ' 'ni(-«••, . t> n^rv 'i"1. o n t i - s p a s m o d i o . a n o d y n e , e m o l -l eo t uO't h"i l ' -"7. n n d m l " -n i9t

O3\IPI, ITS EzreawAL REMEDY n i w i o i'»n. T h ' u o a m l * !nv<« tr ied a n d t h m i s n n i i s p ra i>o ft I t Is wnr.rii . j i!» w a y in' - p o b ' i c fu- .r w i t h a ' r a p i d i t y bore tof^re o n k i - w n i n thoh 'Btnrv " f rn*-il!nne«i.

All w h o n e e , R e o o m m o n d ft. A ' T I O w e s i y , n o l o i i i ' i i nil, HI Id b* - n t h i u t i t . T r t o n y c n t "

will " I ' - r V i t S f n n h ' l c « R \ T I S v v . t h > i / , k i d o ) ^ n b i n ' ' tin* ft"* n«-.?. .'y" 1£ .'-h li *\ i f t'.to jr^iiunio TI>C8K%'*8 t'^j V«TtH\I, n*MLV '^IVTMBVT. ^ " " IS" iHfnitiir* o f » '\'nv 8D7 i6r*t*pn On f'f oittai'lp tub-1 in b h r k ihfe. I V p o r ni,r c.'jise b x l ,I* stjfnriture c\n b*1 t<Qnn. P r i r e "iH ct» pnr. f> * , r <i\c h \"%f r - n o -I illor. P r n p n r e d hv. EttAnrr ft T . ftfl • ', ' ' ! " • ' • . « r v ii/», \ , Y . , a n d S J M by.ngerif i thr II • • f «'»** TT" " * t « t - | p i

.-wM i :;n .TV \ u, i,. fffc^Hv A? f A l | nnii b v A 7" !u ' r • ! • ' > • f *'i • r ii , : r . \ . i n ' , H PV \vH\

\ l .\R i . '

otlit-r £«l4i)liflb I N o *

v : i l ' l c l V

>r r e t n l , •3t, hy

«.r S r l m n l I? , . , li« i-liorip ns at W. 11 S M I T H ,

• t 31 Seo8«*.«t.


R e a J e i s , I, 2. and 3 ; .ilso P j - e l l e r u d l*i Uo.iU.

r..-w.'-i A n n l v i . 3n.l \Vrigl i t ' s Or thography . S. i . . . 'e i ' s l l » a d e . 3 1 , 2 , 3 & 4 } a n d S a i . d e i '

S | . H l | , . i e

San-ier'8 Ycimg Choir, and Young Choi . ' s C i i i n p a * . . o r i

M '» an'I Ml r h e l i ' . C e o g r a p h y . R.i « n ' - . tn.ll i in '-. & KirUhntii's" Grammar*. A larrif * D a n e s / & . ("..Ib.irn's Ar i t h m r t i c s Pic: i a l Prim rs . C h i l d ' s P h y s i o l o g y and

P V i l u . o p h y ' C.. tn - id f It's &. Olm>ied'a P h i l o s o p h i e s and

P h y s i n V g i e . . B n n . e t ' s G e o g r a p h y of ( h e H e a v e n s . 8 c b o o l

PppHk-r. Aii'ln-n'it. B u l l i o n ' s anif A n d r e w s ' Lat in and

f. • c. k B o " k » . Fieiu-h f? .ok?, a l ! Ihe J t ind . in u i f . n,ivie<i,' D a } ' s and Pet k i n s ' M a l h e m a i i c a l

W.-rti«. R. i inlal l ' ' anil Porter'? s e r i e s of D e a d i n e . Sufi Ma pp. all pizer , W h i l e S l a ' e P e n c i l s ,

fn l t . Q u i l l . , P e n s , ( i l n h o . . Out l ine Mnp« , W i i -l i n g finoTiS. BnokUcppi i ig , Blank W o k, for sa l e ^ h n l e ^ a l e and r e t a i l , by D E R B Y &. CO.

_ O r i 9 1

fliiido to Family Devotion, (" i d M ' A I N I K O a H y m n , a p o i l i o n of Scr ip-

J h u e w i t h refleclion«J and a Piay«*r fnr lhs> in'. inint: ani l e v e n i n g of evpry day iri the year , w i t h an A p p e n d x nf P i a y e . " and H y m n s , o n variona Buhjec t i—By R»v. Alex. Fletcher of I 'm h .rv Cl . - ipel , l . e n d in.

The fir.i 3 N o s . o f Ihe w o r k are n o w on hand .nnl Co, s a l - b y D E R B Y & C O .

Oct ?y

^ l ^ T B * ] J > . — T o n t h n u s R m l f e p i • f con.l h a l f inch , fi\e-eiglil, and o n e -

m r h l . t ' ^ i n r - ' R j nl«n, i n i l c o r d « M pr.od W O O D fi.r ivliicli t h e innrkei price w i l l he p a i d — i n e x -r h a i . g e fur Cuhinel \V a reanrl ("hair-.

A so . a g o o d f w o - l i n r s e I . U M B K R W A G O N , f o r onlp for W o o d or gi ml L. in .her .

Jn'n'r I f i . j S l f l ,['>5] C R S I t . S B E .

Tobacco! Snvff!! Cigars!!! "\(\ n r t r t CHOICE I'fC A RS. of the various • l U . t F U V brands. ANo, Firp Cnl and Srao-kt"tr Tnhacco and Snuffs of pt'Pty vdrietj-for -nlc rhe.ip for rn«h, al ihp fioneva Tobacco and f'i£nr SI<IK>, Mgn uf the Indian.

WM. DOUGLASS. .Tin. SO IR-Ifi. 67

iqjre'orrtA siiA-Wfcs--A inrK<. won-

m a n n e r . K m h Dnv r o n ' a i n s t w e l v e dn^es , at 8J e l s .

per i l fup. Ii i s very mild in i i s o p e r a t i o n , and m.iv h e taken in f a - e s o f II.e ino-t a c u t e infl.nn-rnati.'ii w i 'hn . i t dancer . AH exlprnal a p p l i c a -ti.ina art* in the h ighest (h'gtee d i -apreeahle , in -cn-up . - i ent . and nlTi-nsive ; and fr.nn i h e Pery n a ­ture o f Ihe di«e.ia*-, t.-tnri^rdrv in iheir effects .—. Tins m-'l•.-:• p a t ' a r k s the di.-ed-e at i ! s «oorrP, .ii. I mn :i-i .• :he cuuse, l e n . i e i s the c u r e cer ta in an.I nrrm/ni.Ti/

Inflammatory Diseases. Al'.hinigli Hie l . l e i l n a i v w a s o n ^ n . d l l y pre -

pan-il l o i . l ie c u e o l PILI- .S , ye l it h a - proved i t ­self Io he a loe i l i c ine (ar super ior i o all o ther", in all d i - e a - . - n| d n l. , l l . imm.itorv rharar l er , w i t h a dpierininatmii o f bhuil Io any particular part or organ In I nfl immatinn ami C o n g e s t i o n o f the L i v e r and S p l e e n ; In f lammat ion , S o r e n e s s and ( ' lc . -r . i i i .mot the S i o m a c h , RovteU, K i ' l n e v s , find Kla.l.ler j in Inf lammatory and and Mercur i ­al Rlienm:ii i<in, i t is the B E S T M e J i c i n e e v e r d i scovere i l

Impurities of tlio Blood. F"r nil I inpi j i i t i e - of Hie Hloo.l , a i i s i n g from

the imprudent u«e of M e r c u r y , or o ther pauses j for all ili«ea-ie9 o f the Skin and ^crofuloi i - A l fec -l i o n - 5 iu all ca«e« where the hlood i« p o w e r f u l ­ly dp lermined Io Hi" H e . ' d ; produc ing d i z z m p s s and d i s t r e s s , Dr . U p h a m ' s E l e c t u a r y i s et i l trely nnrivaHpil.

To !tf arried Ladies. Married I . a d i . s nre a lmost invariably subjpcl

l o t h a t painlul r.nd injnt ious il ispasp. Hie P I L E S , w i th r n n . e q i . e n t Inftainmntiou of the S t o m a c h , B o w e l a and S p i n p , w e a k n e s s o f HIP b. ick, flow of bio, ri In the H e a d , &.C T i . e E l e c i u a i y i s per fec t ly safe f.>r Piegnant L a d i e s , and Ihe most

whirh br- i: -M o.rny lurpe stntn. n i i l c'a n v re IPVP.1 t h^ in ^ s p f o n d n i$e e t t e r t u n l l y rotn .oi l 1,1! .f n ^ i n s n f w. . rn i9 . nn.) t l m r hc-i ' th s ince , .vhicfi IB n u w nver t h r e o m o n t h s , hns b p e n en t i r e ly rest. irerl . ! m i h ^ th is slnlo-iiant. t h a t oil h ' l v m g c h i l d r e n s u l l e r m g f r u m o c a u s - m i l . res irt t.» t h * . s i m o m e a n s f ir r c n e f

RICHARD HAI.I.ORAN'. No 3Cr>,sby^t. The f..Ilnivnc isorirestr^i-t from a letter addressed to A.

B. • ond.. f> .M. -,ie Qgont at Derby Liae. l . E ^ l LBUgN 1 " - . . . > . ; . „ . %. o f " I^e^id Shi. l ' V e r m u ' o ^ e o b o o t l i f t san

^ ' " - ^ m . | h a r o h o w o t ' y Q f<*w d<«zen left on h o n J , w h i r l , u .|i l j - f ..IP In ti»BStlliin tp-i flov". It -onn . , t , d-- t h e word t tlio , . .f. . t s o t i s f n r t n i n of o i l w h o use i t . I h e a r s •"- .;-- il A- ' . n m o f i t . w h e r e it h a s u r j . i t i r ed t l i e e j t p u l -»' n f f- I", i : 2 d t o 115 w ( ns ft on on.- ; icr-. .n, a n d ne i i r -W th ( . a..-ip n i -. ' .or ft im s m f - * . . . J :on . Of cou r se y..u w i l l t l u n k w , . i m . enp nf Uie p r e v a i l i n g d i s e a s e s m C a n a d a n n d V e r m o n t P-i-use senil m e a a o t h e r s u p p l y as soon a s . conven ­ient . R e . , e . : f u . . i ,

T . C. D L T L E U . Tr i ce 25 -^ Is per Vial.


the discba

CUtE AmoBt vitiuable owcogejvy t«r of Deafness, Painsj and the dii

matter from noises, like the a boiling kettle, of leaves, and frequently a -Beajfrigvjioise in 'i'h? Ears corresponding to the pulse*; all of v,hkk are indjeatjons of approaclfing Deafjiesst and I nipst; geBera|3^accoinpany that diaea?e.

Although *ejjantiot hold out ericofirageineni or hope to those unfortunate persons affiiehJl with Deafness arising trow ah tmperCeclion i„ •the internal structure, of the Ea r , and. which i, generally cpnrjected with dumbness} ye.t to uIOs. laboring; under what is called tMer&ft/deafnu, ' and which is induced by a varfetyiDf carise, *' offer in,the use of this mediojne-a prompt 'and -< R- t-»t re;medy in nine case.sont ottett, not on i

(storing fully the sense of hearing, but a' eflcjflnt re;medy in nine case.sont often, not ( *-~ fistoring fully t h e s e n s e of hea r ing , but „,

iroduclng such a be^nby^s ta te of ihe r T

FOR Poujtis, Arthma, Palna (n the Side. Affections of the J,i?er, Ppitting of Blind, Brnocbml Afibrtions, Night

Sweuta. Hertic Fovor, Woettngof the Flesh, &c. &.C., ond the first ond only romedy vet discovered for that hitherto fatal disease, Lie ration of Vis Lungs, or

Tubercular Consumption. The unfa-ling ood wonderful efficacy of this Medicine, has

nstonish&i every person who hns ever used it or witnessed its operntmn upon fithocs— although in the first instance prepared snlelv fir the pnvute practice of the inventor, yet so remark­able has been its success* and so great the demand for it from every quarter, that be has been cum pelf ed to make arrange­ments fi.r its circu'dtion on the raos$ extensive spate, and it is now nflered to ihe afflicted of the whole country, as a remedy in Pulmonary Affections* unequalled by any other 'inedicfoe uf trie present dny.

It is a it alone hi the ordinary cases of Coughs, Asthma. &.c . that its greet virtues ore manifested but avon in those of the most alarming and hopeless character— in coses that .re­sist all the known remedies of the dny beside, anil exhibit the

THE dav will come whonthra medicine will be pronounced, | y » capableof doing more good, than any five remedies before a(J™

various departments of aietaess BUJ disease; when ite woo- . C o m p l J M ^ | derfnl virtues shall be developed; its puwer over tha mala T h i s n r l M f W h i C l l h a s r e c e i v e d t h e D a m e off/,/, dies of men, seen and felt, then it will he acknowledged that I , . , CommUnd-Ethereal Oil. i s nreh'umJ f J . fi0' I M'MUter's MlHeblins Ointment ba« power to cure more , " « ^ " " W S S W I S . ^ M S C T O B . ^ V I * , I H prepared tromtfis diseases than any five remedies before theworld. Thi . will -I rec ipe of an aged and eminent ly>ncces?fnl .p r n o t : appear plain oponaraoraonts reflection. The are two prom- j d o n e r 111 t h e d i s e a s e s 0 1 t h e e y e and e a r , - w h o lia< inent reasons for this ossortion. „ u s e d i f f o r a l o n g S e r i e s o f VeaVs W i t h ' t h o m„ !

1st. That bv openhig the pores of the sktn, It removes all . • - . . . . i s . - „ , i .u»» M . / I ' ™ , ° , I . I ' . e m o s t hindrance to the fair Ind free discharges of the Imenaibl* h a p p y r e s u l t s , and t h a t t h e g r e a t b l e s s i n g to be Per8ntratxan, and thus tenths of the diseases in " plicable to one disease.! Consumption anal Dyspepm . ^ r n f l i ' i t h e f a c e , o r t o t h t . a - , - . ^ ^ . ^ . ^ Bowel Complaints, as the Quincy Sore Throat; Bronehittts- and a l t h o u g h it i s npt p r e t e n d e d that i t w i l l nov and; thoy ore, all caused hy checkina the Itaomi- f a n , V P | ; n the grr-at majori ty of cases it I, „ : . tic rermiratton, in othet words, in "taking cold.' . . j <_ v . „?._~x—r.:V ir*nftiili n 5 " l s . w a r .

2d. Thut for almost every disease, there is a specific reme­dy ; and although there are a legion of them recommended for the cure of the snroe particular diseases, yet how seldom it is that ono out of a hundred do any good whatever. In stead, therefore of being under the necessity of applying a great variety' of euros, the success In each of which is doubt­ful, tho Mil-Heating Ointment takes tho place of all, sup­pose a person is QaTic-ted with a Cough, or a Cold or Con­sumption, or ZiitKT Complaint ?

Boseeks a variety-of reward remedies, but iu noono does he Und relief, unless it is capable of forcihg ofT.perspiratiun, which is bat a momentary relief, as the pores again eloso the moment the effect of the medicine has censed.

It rnoy be said with truth, that all- inward remedies fall of curing these complaints sis i f not eight times in ten. the world over; and yet a medicino that will not cure at least half the cases it is applied to, we call a poor remedy.

Now what is the cause, of the.nbove complaints ? W e an-r l c'""" ? n d <""r«"'r"«a marks of that fearfufryondiuon of 1 < ^ - - - - ^ ^ pitiaoB ia o t h e r w o r d s ' . . c a t c h i n s cold.' the Lungs known as • • T h e )Un t h e U i a n ( f n o t , h o i „ t o r n o i „ „ „ „ , , j , „„, a f o r d o r ,

T n b e r c n l O n S D e c a y * - And we assert that unless the skin is broughUnto healthy

Consumption has ever, hitherto, been considered on incu ^ i l } ' ' r p d i r » % t o . l . d . W m ! S l ^ ^ f r t i - ^ m ^ rable disease, and under ever, mode of treatment, ond after « 1 and f"' . «•>< all the medicines in tho world wiilinutt tctm.- the virtues of everv e/vertfsed medicine, the result is ^ consumptive from the grave. To mnkoour words true, still the same. Consumption is an incurable disease, Tho "' °8 q u o t e f r o m a eetob-ateil soutJiern doctor, who wrote a most that knowledge arid skill has been able to accomplish, I laboreif treatise on Pulmonary Commmplton. Ho says' hns been only to alleviate for a time the urgent ovmptojns of " But lot us return to the consideration of tho inBicatton. of thocomnlairit; under the benign infliunaThowev«, of th,. " " " V n i V . ' i T S i rr\rit; ? restoration of the U.SL.NS1

J - - & ? . . ! BLE PERSPIUATION. In other words, to excite a natural healthy action in the skin, ' ' ' " ' curb of 909 oases opt of a, case where the true prin and Ibe result, to he produced in sickness und disease, and yef not knowing any other agent than. Inward medicines to effect it. Physicians begin to see this, acknowledge it in thoir own writings, deplore iL-with much feeling, but know of no prescription that will apply to the hufnau cutido to re­store it tn healthy activity, and hence their necessity of still

itny action in tne sum. This is all thut is required for the a 01909 oases opt of a thousand." Hero, then; is another

case where the true principle of physiology is understood. ' ' * sickm

tru'y celebrated remedy, our great nali-nnl disense is invari nblv suhdued. and permanent carl lasting cures aro daily ef­fected, and no person that is afflicted will be just lo himself who fails to test promptly nnd fully ft.

Health Restoring Virtues. As indicated by its name, this Healing Balsam is enmpoun

ded principally of the Oil of Xaptha, (or Pvroaeuiic Spirit.) as prepared bv Pr. Ohilsnn. of WolveorhamptoiK in tlngland. and combined with the Eitract of the Indian VVnu-a hoo of "ore it tn jionlthy activity, and hence trreir necessity of still this oonntry. together with other Ingredients, Liming a Bal- administering inwardi remedies It is from this very fact thaf soinic nreparotion of UNTOLD VAI.L'E.

lTnliko most patent thedicinesof the present dny. this inval­uable r^raedv is the dinroverv rf a regular Phjsicinn nowUo-inff. and a g r a d w i t e o f t h e Medical School Rt Yale College. and cannot thorefore be^ustlv siibjectfd to the imputation of Qu»ckerv ; it is nut us such attempted to bo palmed upon tho afflicted, but it is tn ho offered to them as a remedy in tho n-bnve mentioned diseases, suporinr to all others—a medicine if faithfully used will, in all crises, effert radical and perma nent cures - n medicine that is destined to do^nre good and live longer in tbe»estcem of the world, than any which has preceded it, •

In nddition tn theextonsivo uso of thisBsIsnm. in private practice during the two past years, it has been recently intro­duced into several of our largest Hospitals in different parts of the countrv. with a success in Cnu?hs, Asthma, &c. & c , unparalleled in the history of any Mediciee.

Important Caution AGAINST COUNTERFEITS. As a preventive, see that l t .e bot t les h a v e on t h e m t h e words D R . G I U D l . r i Y ' S I1AL-f AM OP NAPTHA AND VVAU-A l i n o , nml each outsido label bearing the signature of J. G. G1UU1.EV M. D.

Price SI per bottle, six bottles for $5 . OCT For solo In Oenevnhy P i ^ T T & SIMPSON, and L

KEI.I.Y & CO., and by Druggists generally. November 6. 1840. lyil7

Preparn. l h u . l i r H . T. P B E R T . a n d so ld who lesa le ond r e ­t a i l by A n & I l S A N D S . D r u g g i s t s . 100 Ful t , .n - s t . , Corner of W' t l l inm. .New V o r t .

S , . l d b v l . K K I . ( . V f e C o . C . e i e v n ; H O . H i v s , r n o n n -da i f fua : II. I* R E A R D S L E V . U n l o n v i l l c ; offents In e v e r y t o w n In tho Pt-i tp, nnd hy Druggists gcne rn l ly t h r o o g h o u t the I ' m tod S t a t e s ,

fc'.jv;. I I T r i . r . r t n e r a l A e e n t . fW7<">



B X T K A C T O F S ^ L ^ S A r A R I L L A

Fnr Rcmovihg Diseases of the Bludd,

Arising from an itbiwc of Fever Sores, obsUnale Mcniry, oil Sorts of nil kinds,

Ch'onie. and conilitttlio. Scald bead, Sail Rheum, nal Diseases, tvehas. JRing W-rm, and other

Scrofula vr Kinj-'t Ecil, Disrates anting from Secondary Sy/.hUui or ve- on impure stale of the

_ ___ verial, Blood; also,

tipplnl Cathart i c that can po««iblv bp IKPII , ns it Vtctralionslt Corrosions Habitual Cuslivencss, wil l not o n l y r p m m e HIP Pilpp onrl all inf lamma- °f ,!le Throat, Nose, Piles, t.iry i l n p a s p ? , tcilhovt n.iin or irritation, bill w i l l Ch-rtu. /.i/>«. Ears, Chronic Affections of the irimirp nn pnoy t i m e , n safp dp l ivery , and a s o i m d o n ' olner farts of Uie Lioer, Lungs 4/ Chest, c o n s t i t u t i o n in the'i iT-iprihg. body, Pain in the Stomach and

Pimples or poslnles on' "Sides, the face, seahj patches, flight Sweats, ojre. 4/c, on'/ ol/ier e Tvptkas of His likewise mmh recom the skin, mended as a Cleausing

Biles. Scurry, and other Spring JUedieme, ana Scorbutic ajfctions, in general Debility.

White Su-tlling.i, Pains in the bones and joints, T h i s rpmedy is prepared from t h e c h o i c e s t pe-

IPCIPH material? l i e a c t i v e proper t i e s o f w h i c h are exiracle i l by an i m p r o v e d p i o c e s s , wi thout IIPBI ; on a c c o u n t of w h i c h it i s preferred by Phy»irinn« ns being m o r e u n i f o i m and act ive '• t Ii ii 11 any other r o w be fore the p u b l i c

Cure for Life Secured. T h e E l e e l ' i n i v r o n l a i m NO Medicine ;

no .Voe», Colocynlh, tiautbage, or o lder p o u e i f u l nnd i r n l a l i n v putfjal ivp. I \„ |Var of taking co ld whi lp IIHIIPI ils int loe i icP, n o c h a n g e in diet ne-cp«».ny. II lultpn a c c o n l i n p lo the d irec t ions a cure for life is guarantied.

Pampl i lpt= , e i v i i i e va luable informatinTi re -sppcii i e 'h i s M e d i c i n e , tiMy be obta ined of A -fjpnts. era l i" .

S T O U S F Y , S v r a n u p , N Y . , Genpral A g e n t . Sold by 1^. K e l l y & C o . , G e n e v a , and by Agent" t h o ' i g h o i i l the C o u n t y .

G e n e v a , J u n e 2 6 1846. l y " 8

1 O K C u ( l e n d s a n d G r a y . ,,„* ipuipny, m a var ie ty 01 ca9»s ot m e most ag

TV B t A N Hair O v e , a warranted ir t i d e for gravoted i n t n r e . may h e seer, by ca l l ing on the c o l o r i n g Ihp H a i r a beaut i ful b r o w n or j e t proprietor or b i s a g e n t o » ;

black, il w i l l rot w e a r off. so i l thp l inen , or c o l - A? most g o o d m e d i c i n e s are counter fe i t ed , be nr the a k i n , a? hundred* can tpniifr . stTBE.arid call for " M e r c h a n t ' s Sarsaparri l la ,"

Ii lias a l s o b e e n u s e d s u c c e s s f u l l y In co lor ing and see that th>«e weirds are b l o w n in the g la s s , F u r s . '• From the I.ahratory. o f G e o . W . Merchant)

B e w a r e o f the c o u n t e r f e i t , and be sure y o n get Chemist-, L o r k p o i t ^ j f - Y - . . -t h e g p n u i n p , preparpil on ly hy G e o . Vv Mer- IC?" Almns l pvery ped lar in the r o i i n l i y is now c h a n t , c h e m i s t . L o c k p n r t , N. Y. S a m p l p . of p u l l i n g up ar^l i pflsjne o n Ihe p u b l i c ; an arti . Hair m a y be seen ot i h e s l o r e o f the proprietor c l e i h e y call Sarsaparri l la . T h e r e f o r e , B E W A H E I o r h is a g e n t . . P r i r e 5 0 c e n t . . Sold h y P I , A T T & S I M P S O N and A. M K S -

8 o l d b y P L A T T & S I M P S O N and A . MF.S- S E R , G e n e v a ; H . Q. H a y e s i C o . , Cennmla i .

Hunt NOO, P o r t G i b s o n } S . E . N o r t o n , . N o r t o n , 1 P h e l p s .

Plmlpi, may IS, 1846. ly7J | G»neva. may 13, JMft. iy72

IfcKM'lrtfOtlffcWIII -.. X J*.**.Vsii S-OUItfD A &

So siiys ihe consumptive who bag been loburinj? under o distrewinf? Cnugh. Pain in the Side and Chest, and

dcbintaUDgntght sweats, nnd could not find any relief. 8b eaya tho Jltthmatie, whoso diffi­

culty of breathing was suoh that bo could not lay duivo ot night. So

says the j.orson \<\u% has boon bleeding nttJie lung*, and

« ^ whit failed day by day until ho mat with

this invaluable help. Would you know its name!


A L L - H E A L I N G S A L A M I Is this Invalut.hie troosure. whtnli has done nioro during the past six months, in rolipvinc the above diieases, than any nlhor remedy in tho world. This is no bumhug, nor is any doceitmn practiced,as the testimonials ere.left nt the offico for tho inspection of oli who fliny wish to sco tbom. Over

Three thousand Persons M m e used t h i s g reo t r e m e d y in tho c i t y o f N e w Y o r k a tono s n i c e t h e tiUih o f JMarcb l a s t , a n d no c o m p l a i n t h a s e v e r yet befi i mode cc .n re rmng its etfer'.a . tm t h e con t r a ry , nil w h o h i ' - c r v e r u«ed it B(.eak uf it u> t e rms wf unuool . t i ed p r a i s e , n n d nm- 'ng t h e n u m b e r n f CBSPS w h i c h h o v e beon t r e a t e d by Uie O l o s a o a i a n a r o t o b o found many o f t h o >

JUosl astonishing: Cares on record- B e a d .tlie fo' l >winp. a n d s o m e vf y o u r d o u b U d - o - e r n i n g t h e efficacy o f th i s rempdy m a y be r e m n v e d .

Mrs IVi ihy . t h e wi f e of F W i l b v . E s q . residmff n t I M W r « t l* tb stities. was g . . f Q u t > b y t h e t w u p ' - jmicians w h o j ot tcndPd h s r nn.) tefl t » d e J><*rv 'Inv w tis PUper ted t-. bo l>er ln«t H«*r disenso wna p ronounced r . .nMim; t ivo . n n d dn r ic» U"T s-ck'.oiis sho r o ^ e d rp fy lorgp quont t t ios n l bluod. Her Coogh wne incessant he r weakness a n d c m n c i a t f o n ve r r g rea t . ArU-r u.-tng the i H . ^ . m - n n . ur A i l - H e a l i n g B a l a a m n s n - r t f r o f , s h e w a s e n t . r e ! , Tv..«veA., and in o.*w a t t e n d ­e e t«> her fnmily d u t i e s a b o u t tho h m i s o , where t h n s e w h . . d..ul>t can call a n d eeo h e r if t be r f-el sufficiently in tBres ten ,

A r t e r o a s R o v m o n d , w b o r e s t d - d d u r i n g h i s s i c f t n e s s o t 369 Madi scn s f e e t , b u t has s i n c e r e m m e d t o P r o v i d e n c e , H. I , WAS n t t emled bv 7 » f t h e best fihvMrjQns in tho c i t y . T h e y n t t ended h i m t h e hot ter p a r t ..f th ree m o o t b B ond j f a v e u p bis r a c e as hope less . T h e y p ronounced h i s d isease nn .tbseess <T Itcera'ion of Lha Ltvtr and Scrofula of the Cvng*.~ 1 h e y toid h im t h e y could no t help h im. had thnt ho m u s t d ie as bi« lungs w e r e e n t i r e l y g o n e . l i e hnd o r h o n s t r o u t t u m o u r in t h e side, w h i c h w a s o p m e d and d t s c h o r ^ e d o v e r t h r e e p in ts «.f m a t t e r f rom tlio L i v e r , exact ly r e s e m b l i n g . thn t rniBed fr.-tn t h e L u n g s . H e w a s pr -nuoded b y h i s friends t o t ry t h e ( ) lo«nnnmn. ond af ter u s m g t w n bott les w a s ent i rely r e s t o r e d .

W o w o u l d refer n l l w h o d o n b t the a u t h e n t i c i t y o f t b i s coso to Mr hine t+abagh,tTt Norfolk Btreet , who v i s i t e d Mr . I t a y m o n d . d u r t n g hi8 rtchoess, a n d w a s fainil lor w i t h h i s treatment.

A hundred Cases e q u a l l y as u n p r o m i s i n g in t h e i r c o m m e n c e m e n t , h a v e been cu red ortbctonHy by this g r e o t R e m e d y .

H a v e you a i r oub l e sume C o U G H 1 D o y o u R A I S E DLOoD ?

we clniai from the SU-Hcalvng Ointment u superiority over all other remedies yet discovered. Physicians Jtnow of no other article, tbo World nt large know uf no other—indeed there is no other artiole that has such power over the humon akin. And it ia this power to open the pores bv'rcstnriug the nervous energy, quickening the vital fluid is an instrument or curing mure diseases than any five or ten rem­edies we are acquainted with. And in regard to Consump­tion and Liver Complaint, wo-will make ono remark, and we wish it to sink deep fnto every man's heart; it is this:— Thot upon a proper and a, fair trial nf^tho JIU-Healing Oint' menu no good results from Its cure* that persons may as well cense nil efforts at once V for not all the Balma, BalsoiDB. Pills. Syrups, &c. &c. under Honvens will ever restore such a per-sun t«i health. W? would bo slow tu mrxKe this remark. >f we did not possess the evidence to establish it. Now ttsmopt other diseases are caused in the same manner, it follows that the speodiest cure should be the so mo.

Bronchittis, Quhicy, $orc Throat and Jnjtuenia\ are NEVKR caused hut hy chocking tlio IN8ENSUJLE TER^ PHIATION. Jgucin the hace. Headache, Earache, ' and frequently Toothache are produced in the same way, viz: *• takmg cold."

JFlvcrs, also, and nearly every case of Infiamation of tlie Bowels, or of the StomacJi or Lungs, is the direct result of cherked perspiration. Besides these, wo may name diseases of the,Spine and of the JVerow. Rfieumattsm, Fever, Sores; diseases of the CAes£,ouchas jSsthma. Tightness of Brcattt: Pains, Weakness. Dys$rpsiata\io Constipation of the Rem , els. Croup, Cutaneous, Eruptions, ond all disease uf tho Shtn ; in short; nine-tenths uf the diseases ip our country, are produ­ced by this one thing—checked perspiration., if'it is ootaer rious at first, it finally settles upon some vital organs when it is almost certain to resolt in death, unless it Is removed.

Tho only advantage tho All-Heating Ointment has over other remedies, lies tu this one thing^-tlio restorutioi> of the Insensible Perspiration. When this is done, tho humors and impuritieslieyer remain to do injury. This will be seen by*contemplating the following facts:

1st. That five>eighths of all we receive into tho stomach, pass off through the pores of the akin, in Insensible Portpi-ratton*

2d Thnt the .skin evacuates maro matter than Uje Lungs. Kidneys and Bowels put together.

3d. That the Skin discharges mow rentier in twenty-four hours, than tlie Bowels do in fourteen days !• and that by se­vere exorcise, a man will loose three, four aad even five pounds in one hour.

-*-*"-* ' . -• • -• --- Rros 5 " 0

rented to Ve successful if faithniDy used, nhd thonpands nnw in despondency will .'be made u rejoice in tbe truly great and valuable Wessinp ofhearinsr. Januarv 10, 1845. i j j

For sale by PLATT& SIMPSON, Geneva.

4th. That the Crootor plerood tho human cuticle with ..r small openins to tho olmnst inrreitlbl* number c MILLION, making this tho GRAND OUT-LET of nil the

boF' redundant mnttcr of the budy.

5th. Thot through theso pores are constantly o«uding?the old. altered and loom out particle of the blood, tbo humors of tho body and tho rorcrtB of the system.

6th. That to stop up these pores, twenty-four hours would causo Instant death.- '

Till. Tbat sndddn changes of weathor and expostiro tn cold, close these pores in part, and henco tho long cataluguo of diseases over tho land.

8tb. That ns tho skin i . the modium for evacuating all tho humors of tho body, wo see the piofouml fully and absurdity of resorting to pills, drugs onit'othot mixtures, to euro the great majority of diseases produced by chocking parsptrntion.

Wh. That'until September, 1844, there was nu medicino be­fore tlie public thot hnd power to restore tho Insensible Per­spiration, by impartiog vitality and nervous energy to tbo

10th. That M'ALtSTEE'S ALL-IrEALINC OI.YTSIE.VT is that medicine, and whicb,: by possessing this power, is eff­ecting morejruod than any, five or avon ten remodies in this country. Price, 25 nnd SO cents.

J. M'ALISTKK& CO., 168 South street, Now York, Solo Proprietors. Sold wholesalo and retail bv

L. KELLV & CO., Geneva January 83. 1846. lySfi

Arf von troubled with A S T H M * . or difficulty und shor!ne«s • I BTeathiDgt Haio you N I O B T t3w«A-ra? Beruulious Uo not bo deceived in tbo mean, vou m - t e use of for relief

Here is the Remedy. L. KELLY & CO., and E. II. LAWRENCE, Asenu fur

Geneva. " j - ,

Annuals. TH E Opal , Friendship 's Offering, Rose of

Sharon, Chris t ian 's Annual , May F l o w e r , Hynciiilh, JiivenilP Gem, Rose t te , Forget-me-not, and Drawing Room Annual .

.Novj_4 W. H . H M I T H .


TWO village lots, in Geneva, situated on Ihe smith side of Catharine street—each 50 feel

front hy about 200 feet in d-pth. For sale low en<\'-ire of A. H. B R A D T , '

27 Water street. Geneva, Angafi^S^JMe^ [3m87]

ITIusic Books.

TH E Carmina Sacra , Psalmodis t , Psaltery, Songs of Sacred Praise, Sacred

. , , - . , . . , - , . , . _ I'ai-p, Musica Sacra, Younp Choir, Young A full account of the remarkable efficacy of Choir's Companion, and Juveoile Choir. Ihi« remedy, in a varieiy of casos of (lie most ae

Nov 14 W. H. SMITH,

31 Seneca-sf.

UIP I received lhi» day at ( C O B B ' S , from I SER, Geneva; H. O. Haye. & Co., Cananilai- gua: H $:>, to $40. irna s H. Huttoon. Port Gib«on j 9. E. Norton.' Pheli

0»l. 16, JSM.

N O W I S T H E T I M E I TO BUY S U M M E R C L O T H I N G C H E A P ! X TWoodrnfl's Rochester City Cloth-,,I • K 8*<»*e« I shall sell my stock of train

clothing from this date at greatly reduced prices, in or3erlo make room for a large and splendid stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS, which «vil be received early Jn the Falf, and which I shall sell at my usual lots; prices. Mytorknow on hand is large ami desirable, and will be sold low i-no mistake. Call and be convinced.

* . . „ • ' • - S B . WOODRUFF, Aug. 7,1846. Jty, to, B « I M » i t .

S C H E J V C K ' S P C U I O I V I C S V B V P ,

FOIt the cure of Cough's. Colds. Consumpjion, Dyspepsio. L i r e r r o m p l a l n t . JLC: . is the bast r e m e d y e t e r d i scove red ,

as tho following conitlcnte from the number cured will .how Certificate of RICH.tliD I. COX. a man of high nan

ding inJVcw Jersey. S TJ TE OFPEJWS yf. VAXIS. City of Philaditphia, ss.

On the 3d day of May. A. O. J84S, befuro me.tba-suu scriber, ono of tbo Aldermen of. the city of, Ppilndelnbta. of!-. -n'K »w«or...l Ri isj»i> L. Cox, u c iUonof Esraham, n o r ' i n | t , . n C . n n t v . F t a j c ,,( \ c w Jnrsoy . w h o , on his s u j .

j c o i n aff i rmation ' I 'd deposo n n i l s a y — T b o t for .ajjriut - t w e l v o , m . i n i h . jiasi ho w-ns ai tackt>d b ) a s h o r t d r y , c o u g h — w i t h a

<.. i t p of h . i rn .ng >n t h e p a l m s uf h i s h a n d s a n d soles i f h i s IV-i. t . ^ ' i i i T u . l h dn.tre«!<ing n ighl s w e a t s . T h i s s t a t e o f

i ih .nn i-..nimiu?d net.I .N.-vembcr Inst, when he tros sudde. J seized with a severe pain in tho right side and breast. 1

fiimi;. plivt.cian then informed him that his longs woro ,. n dispo^eif state, end ho became- gradually weaker und weak­er, emocintcd and wasted in Hbsh.uhtil-.roduc.ed almost t o o sUVti.n. his breathing was short and laborious, aod the leost exertion led to'.extremo exhaustion, for it wn. with the great­est difficulty and pain thnt oriy change could bo mndo In his rlothes. or even in making up tlio bed iu winch ho lay. At thu period, his physician, family and friends, indeed all who sow hiim considered his case beyond'the reach of hope. For two days his appetite,"had entirety forsaken Inm. and he took no nourishment,during that, timer-wben he determined to try •; Pchenck's Pulmonic Syrhp." That he hnd taken but abont-teb bottles of the snid syrup, when o large gathering form=d In his left side, which soon ripened under the sooth­ing influence of tlio syrup.

He had given up the use of oil other medioinet ot this time, and strictly followed tho direotions nccorananylntf tho Pulmonic Syrup—that ho discharged in the presence of his wifennd brother at least a quart , f thiok greenish matter of so offensive a nature that bis friends oouldscarcely remain in flip room with him,that attliistimohBwasunablotoraisohf. head from the pillow in consequence of bis woniness- but ho cont inued the uso of the medicine, having .known that Mr. Schonck himself hnd been cored by tho same medicine in the-lowest stage of Consumption, after oil other incail. had loi le l-t lmt for several weeks ho continued to b*r)BCtor«to r w l y - n h i r h prmli ally iiminisbod In qudrit|tyrand chang­ed to fim nf n henltliv rlmrocter—that his appetlto bogan 5> improve—his strength to return, olid ID a short tifco ffi was able to sit op in hi . chamber. Tho period intervening be­tween taking the first buttle and his reoovory was about ten weeks- thnt the rapid changes in his condition created.unh o surprise and wonder in nil who sow hira during his: llliies. that friends nitd neighbors flocked oonllnSolly to serj, as it were, i n n risen from the grave That as tbo syrup stiil »irt-njjtbcnod and improved tho system, ho continued ujin^ it until be hnd taken 85 bottles. That he now bofiWos Mm-sdf n sound man ; nnd is in the enjoymOht of good benlth • tlmt ho !• able to attend to all his duties, anil to lulflltheui ns n township officer as well as at any period of 111. lift •— tbat he hns hnd bis long, examined, fiot] that tbay ate pro­nounced to ho in a nerfoctly .ootid condition* '

[fum-d) 'ntctitxmFtj. cox.' Afflrmeil'to and subscribed, this 3d,doy of May, 1845, be­

fore me, [SignedJ CHADNGEY BfiLKLEY, Aldetrwi.. '

Ev«s8*B , Br/Ri.i»of OK Oouunr, N . J.'» April 22d. 1845. : ; j

We, tlio subscribers, residents of tho township of Evc». bam. do horeby certify that wo are well acquainted with Mr. J o d ''• < ' °* ' '""' frequerjtly visited blm In tbo tort stage,

of Pulmonary Consumption, which we believe was cured by tho nw of Pchenck's Pnlmonnry fvrup, and feel it our du'tr to recommend it to the Consumptive id the strongest pnssi t ble terms, hnvlng been eye witnesses, to ono of tbo groats cores ever performed in this, section of country, .


G l i l t . W . . > » ^ W v . M ^ . « ' i i l * ^ » . i » « i & l t < , A ' « l t I

G A K G H K G O I L , . N invaluable Bemedyior Uorses, Clattle and

iber domestic animals, in thfi cure of the following diseases.; > •. , "

Fresh Wounds, Fishtta, Sil/itst; Gulls of all kinds, Strains, Laments*, Sprains, Bruises? Sayud Cracks,. -Cracked Heels, Foundered Feet, Singbo'ne, WinSgalls, Scratches,or Grease, Poll Evil, Callus, Mange, Spavins^, Sweeney, Horn DisteinpeK

tt is also a valuable Embrocation for Diseases o. Ihe Human Flesh';.' > /"

Since the virtues of the (ptigljftg/Qil Ijave be come so extensively audfavqralily ]ii\oivn to th. farmers ofthe United State? and .Gdi^isix^ a c u

rattve oil in diseases-of anirjial?5'aiid qs .a oense quence, its demand becQtning gjrenl^t^ere bat not been wanting tjiose, wliose cufyd^v nas sug­gested to them that if thej conrdctjjicocisj'oine-thi g as neatly;resembling in appbarii^fie'.tis triev could GUESS, with any thine for a-nasitV they might urge it upon unsuspecting.•elistojrjets as ? substitute for the true Garglmj* Oili-»Tbe propn-etor would thereforeCAtmoK tliose wlio piucha*e to be sure the nam* of 6. W. MeRohant isijluun on the side of the bottle. All others-nf«iSan AT-TEMST at ttnjtation, and are therefore an imposi­tion


" Sir—You will please send rr.e 11)01%" of ynur truly Infallible Gargling Oil. Our farmers here­abouts bold it in high estimation, belie^fiigit 'o possess all the MedtcalproperHes, atirl certajr. in producing ALL tlio effects setforth iriyotlf feenm-mendations. The medtcin&w^Jj sell teti' its' own merits. There is no need of *'fie<fs^kpSr puff, or. any other special notice. . Please/ stirid by packet the first Qpppoftnnitv.

Yours, &c. F. M. ^MITH, Driiggist. Palmyra, May 17, 1844. : . ' ; ? ^ -

To Mr. Geo. W. Merchant.'* Beware of the counterfeit article, and; he sure

the iia'ire of the SOLE pnopaiEflfft. G. Vf\. Mer­chant, Lockpori, isblown in (he bojllei '

ID" For testimonials, synopsisordjseSsrs.and mode of treatment, see pamphlet wlhjeh Wconi-panies each bottle. ' 5 - /-:••''*

Sold hy PLATT& 81MPS0N and "». rrlES-SERGeneva? H. O:"Hajes&0o. Cattahrlaleuaj H. Hifntoon. Pi. Gibsonj,8. B..Notten^oWps;

may 15, 1846. • * &


Important l»ledical Wdtice.

PERSONS afflicted wlHviiriySf\ti fdtt&iffng diseajsea may find^g^cerjatp and sovereign

and immediate rrmedy in thip> . . ,- ,- .-.:-. -. • GREEN MO^t f tArN VteGE-TABfiE

OINTMENT. •->*•'v.'-v GlandularSwelllngs, Aime In the factS'sw/lIed

breasts, and sore nipples of nursing- women, bronchitis, felorwandi /ingworrns, sftjr rhenm, scald head, and is an: invtlu^JtXfJressirjg.-for burrs, scalds, and drawn bn£ferV'>^Jt£i!Hi erysipelas, pile«, inflatBTnatrqjoof of 'ijjjf%$&, a't brnioe? and> fresh cot .wownds, [fyfjRi'fvm and ecrofnIonssqrjyi. ,: ' . ' > , ' ' , . . This ointment nas MootT.l^a fe$f ot/.cienfiirles

among the Indian tribes of i ^Hl i Am«§au; tind of more than fpr"!/^ea&afeofcgj)Jie \ ^ ^ € ^ M b -

worrderful crifes'. . . . ... . rfl, <-The princiffle upon wh!cl | l i^^esjbi j i | r« 1«

Ihi above diseases is f... • ' ".".':'/^fi's^'/'- —

To rcdnee Inflammafi<»q. t -. . and ! tit cure, if applied accbtatng;! .

The proprietors are orepare&fo ^Kow;«ertifj* cates to tbis effee •, signed by personi qpJljB very highest respectjbjljtj^, i aw . lising i» the, city of fiew <¥ork nnd al>»k^».?31i*!5«t»!ifi-cates are not -old; one?, ^igiird ty-persons whole names, ate not Mnowiv, bur by rnerchaii,l»>-hot«l keepers, ttfecbariicSi ciergymtn,ite.fYr^^^ w e l l k h o # n r ' ' V ' ; : ^ 5 f

Th» present proprietors of thi* Ommmlf/iiiu induced to purchase the right to m'sfcs' ant^fiftia it, not front Ihe represemaiidri» tff ittr%te«' fm tue» siii ply, buflrom fare* of ihe mp'M•kxlHStf dinary nature that fell under then oWjiidrJijOnal observation; • • ,••*•',

Th i s Oijulmejit is incomparably .g i j fe t in t fo any and every ointment before tbeplbjiij^ana all persens raboring Under any of thetibove dis­eases, no tnafter how extreme thekMtf , vj?,(,|» be speedily cured by this Ptnlment.; ,t$fjsu0)i visit the general depot, No, 38t Conrliahtjt at. and they wilt be satisfied; perfectly satisfiedv?thl}( this isjill tt4k6 to theJat ter- ••„.- . . . -«4?r

| r j - 8tatef Country, Git^antJ iljpwjrji Agfenf* are wanted IbfoligbbufWe Uiu'dii. Pfe^ps will

No. 38Courflaiiraf%i".

find if their interest to apply for a Addresstbe subecr'ber* hrwf r f

VVlLLUM I . . BrtOWH, FRANKLIN B. C o s , J O B H B.Cox. •L"• T H O M . B fl.'Httwt.risop, JOSEPH E. Hfewtrooa,

Jons H. E i t t s , Annnilnr tinisrnH, • w t t i u M rr»MM«Tr. Josera EMjisi -.. J iCOO ( i r W L l N O S .

, . . W o M.RtTos. New Jersov Mav 8th, J84S- ;

M B . J . H.SiBBNOK-rBir: I am pasoir uf the, Babtirt Oharch at Marlton N. J. 8ome three or four m .nibs . i n c e t war taken bv one ot the doncons to see one of his neighbor.. Mr. Richard L. Cm, then Iving to all onpearanBe M'JMtlft dbor by qon»ump«on. My distinct irnprtulon wn.y HjnJ t h e « h -tloman would not live one week. To mv surprise I ««w bim jn my congregntlon lost Kahbnth, a healthy lookfoe man.— To-day I have been at hl»;hoaise, and rtrCeHed front hfnttlia' ntnir«nce that your Syrup w u iho m<(irl«Bf Khrini: Wsilfer . I am respectfully yonr. . i:•., J A ^ ^ j M . ' . l ^ 3 4 d ( 8 ,

For .ale by R. H^ L-AWRBNCE, where nir»i)Metii 4«-

MrijitiTi or #0WOmRiM|fr^%4-«^*.^»i ymfo-' •../' -J&M .••• •'."- V> -t TttPr? • y ' '

6m8t For saleattheFstprt*"

GO. Agent ftvr Getfevai'* Geneva. Jiiiyty,!l846i

Diseases of the fcrjirary Organs.

DISEASE? of.the.liRlKARy. OBOAJIS-cuirfid by tbe WX&h.m OF BCCHtfvov.A rjjtsj,

and o»BE»s>aa<Sh4!s*broni»l afldaeutediBeaSes o f t h e , • !-•* '-' 1'^/- ''i.-v -'--' - - -' . '

• Bladder, • :.,:.'• l*a Also, Chronic ~.Urethra; I. Oonorrhte.

Prostrate«l«iW.u- j 'Gleets, Whites, « Kidneys, and';'-•> . j : Stricture*,

: Loins I Diabetes-. • . . • : , .-This valuable medicine is prepared r)inIy*IM!

Oeo. W. Merchant, Operative Chemist « t e . 'Iiockporf, N. Y.

Full and ample instructions, testimonial!! $*,«" aCcoinpallvine each boille. • ' . , .• :---\ .,'• .^old by PLATT tk. SIMPSON i m 3 A i ' M l S «

SEE Genevaj: H. 0. Hayer&Ca. CiaaxMmv-; H. Hdntoo, i ,Por tGhW; 8. - f j j o t i b l j l W m

iQmm, njay-15, • J840, •- •$$• ^ i f l W


• ^

. *?
