Introduction to Verilog

GWU – ECE 2140 Spring 2012 Revised by Scott Trocchia


Introduction to Verilog. GWU – ECE 2140 Spring 2012 Revised by Scott Trocchia. Contents of this mini-lecture. What are FPGAs? What ’ s inside them? Brief Verilog History What is Verilog? Levels of Verilog Coding Modules Lots of Operators Verilog Modeling Always blocks - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Introduction to Verilog

Page 1: Introduction to  Verilog

GWU – ECE 2140 Spring 2012

Revised by Scott Trocchia

Page 2: Introduction to  Verilog

What are FPGAs? What’s inside them? Brief Verilog History What is Verilog? Levels of Verilog Coding Modules Lots of Operators Verilog Modeling

◦ Always blocks◦ Continuous assignments

Page 3: Introduction to  Verilog

FPGA = Field-Programmable Gate Array◦ Include space for lots of logic gates◦ Can be programmed…

…and reprogrammed ~100,000 times◦ Benefits include:

Cheap Easy to program (barring errors) Short amount of time for commercialization etc.

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A: This

Let’s go back to 1984…

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A world without Verilog…◦ … was boring

In 1984, the language was created by Gateway Design Automation, Inc.

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Hardware Description Language◦ Not meant to be understood for your operating

system (Windows, Mac, Linux)

Used to describe digital systems, such as◦ Register (memory)◦ CPU◦ Network switch

Built-in functions: not, and, nand, nor, or, xor, xnor, buf, …

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Behavioral level◦ A functional representation◦ How does my circuit work?

Register-Transfer Level (RTL)◦ How is data transferred from inputs to outputs?

Gate Level◦ What gates are contained within my circuit?

Page 8: Introduction to  Verilog

module half_adder(x, y, sum, carry);

input x;input y;output sum;output carry;

assign sum = x ^ y;assign carry = x & y;


module half_adder(A, B, Sum, C_out);

input A;input B;output Sum;output C_out;

xor(Sum, A, B);and(C_out, A, B);


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module Multiplexer(In, Select, Out);

input [3:0] In;input [1:0] Select;output reg Out;

always @ (*) begincase (Select)

2'b00: Out <= In[0];2'b01: Out <= In[1];2'b10: Out <= In[2];2'b11: Out <= In[3];


Verilog is case-sensitive, so be mindful!

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reg – register – stores a value wire – used for connecting logic

Number representation◦ Typical format is: (#bits)’(RADIX)(number)

RADIX: b=binary, h=hex, d=decimal◦ Example: 4’b1110 = 4’hE = 4’d14◦ Negative numbers in 2’s complement

Page 11: Introduction to  Verilog

• Arithmetic• Logical• Relational• Equality• Reduction• Shift• Concatenation• Conditional

Page 12: Introduction to  Verilog


Arithmetic operation

* Multiply

/ Divide

+ Add

- Subtract

% Modulus

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Relational operators◦ Same as C◦ a < b, a > b, a <= b, a >= b◦ 1-bit result: 0 if false, 1 if true

Equality operators◦ a == b◦ a != b◦ Compared bit-by-bit◦ 1-bit result: 0 (false), 1 (true)

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Logical operators

Bit-wise operators



! Logical negation

&& Logical and

|| Logical or

operator Description



| OR


^~ or ~^ XNOR

Page 15: Introduction to  Verilog

• Shift– Left shift <<– Right shift >>

• Concatenation– {2’b10, 2’b01} equals 4’b1001

– reg A,B,C;A = 1'b0;B = 2'b11;C = {B,A};C = {A,B}; Will these operations give different results?

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Conditional Operators◦ Conditional_expression ? True_expr : false expr

Example:◦ x = 0; q = 0◦ (if x < 0) ? (q = 0) : (q = 1);

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Part 2

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• Executes loop over and over• Can only assign to registers in always

blocks• 2 types

– Level triggered - latch– Edge triggered – flip-flop

always @ (posedge Clk) beginif (Reset) begin

data <= 0;end else begin

data <= q_in;end


Page 19: Introduction to  Verilog

• Always blocks can be used for combinational logic too

always @ (*) begincase (Select)

2'b00: out <= A;2'b01: out <= B;2'b10: out <= C;2'b11: out <= D;


Page 20: Introduction to  Verilog

Sequential assignment inside block◦ Remember, this is HARDWARE◦ Example:

assume A=B=0 before always block executesalways @ (posedge Clk) beginA <= 1;B <= A;

end What will B equal after always block execution?

Page 21: Introduction to  Verilog

Can only be assigned to wires

assign A = B^Y;

assign C = Sel ? TrueVal : FalseVal;

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? ? ?

Page 23: Introduction to  Verilog “Verilog – Representation of Number Literal
