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Oleh: RAGIL PRATIWI GEOSERVICES Introduction to Petroleum Geochemistry and its Significance in Hydrocarbon Exploration and How to Get Your Scholarships Abroad? UNDIP SHARING SESSION Semarang, 20 th June 2015

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Introduction to Petroleum Geochemistry and its Significance in Hydrocarbon Exploration and How to Get Your Scholarships Abroad?


Semarang, 20th June 2015

How to Get Your Scholarships Abroad?


You need to PLAN! 1. Why do you want to gain higher education? Is it for your professional carrer? Or for being a lecturer? Or other


2. What subjects are you really interesting at? Do you want to enhance your skill in structural geology, or petroleum

geochemistry, petroleum geoscience, etc.?

3. Where will you obtain your higher education?

in UK (ICL, UCL, Aberdeen, RHUL, etc.), US (CSM, UoM, Penn State,

UCLA, ect.), Kanada, Australia, Norway, Holland, etc?

4. When will you have this degree? 2016/2017/2018/5 years later?


You need to PLAN!

But the most important question is :

How and what will you do to reach your higher education and get your scholarships?


The First Step You Need to do

• You’ll gonna need an agenda and a square calendar to mark the application deadlines

• Do research about your master degree’s outline courses, the syllabus, duration, employment rate, graduate satisfaction rate, etc.


The First Step You Need to do

• After you decided your dream campus, you need to look for the scholarships which available.


• There are a lot of scholarships for us, but basically can be divided into 3 scholarships, such as :

- government

- organisation

- campus scholarship

The First Step You Need to do

• You’ll gonna need an agenda and a square calendar to mark the application deadlines

• Do research about your master degree’s outline courses, the syllabus, duration, employment rate, graduate satisfaction rate, etc.

• After you decided your dream campus, you need to look for the scholarships which available.

• There are a lot of scholarships for us, but basically can be divided into 3 scholarships, such as : government, organisation and campus scholarships.


The First Step You Need to do

Some scholarships provide a partial fund, and some of them give a full sponsor (LPDP, Chavening, Erasmus, NufficNESO, etc.)

You need to make sure whether the scholarship which you’ll apply, covers all the costs.

For example :

1. LPDP covers all costs, at cost, but

2. Chavening scholarship covers all costs, but the tuition fees will be payed maximum of GBP 15,000. Petroleum Geoscience’s fees in UK reach GBP 27,100

so you need to be very careful on which kind of scholarship you’ll apply.


After you decided 9

Scholarship Application

Selection Process for scholarship

Campus Application

Scholarship Application

1. In this process you really need to be very patient, you have to work very hard for this!

2. Make yourself deserve this scholarship, because it is, indeed very competitive and such a stiff competition. You have to compete with thousands other applicants.

3. Because…success is build everyday, buddy. Make yourself unique than others.

4. But everything will fall in its place, don’t worry.

5. If you fail, try again and again. God knows the best for you


Scholarship Application

I am a LPDP awardee, I don’t know much about other scholarships, so I’ll share about my LPDP’s

selection process only, is that okay?


Scholarship Application

Administration (Document)


Leaderless Group

Discussion (LGD)

Interview On the spot



Scholarship Application (I just co-pas from LPDP’s web. This is last year’s requirements. Seems it is changed this year. Check on LPDP’s web)

Metode Pendaftaran

• Pendaftaran dilaksanakan secara online dengan mengunggah dokumen-dokumen pendukung dan mengisi formulir sesuai format yang diberikan. (Semua dokumen dapat dilihat pada dokumen petunjuk beasiswa)

• Seluruh dokumen pendukung (asli) dan cetak formulir harus dibawa pada tahap seleksi wawancara.


Scholarship Application (I just co-pas from LPDP’s web. This is last year’s requirements. Seems it is changed this year. Check on LPDP’s web)

Formulir dan Dokumen Pendukung :

• Cetak Formulir Pendaftaran On Line

• Ijazah dan Transkrip Asli

• Sertifikat TOEFL/IELTS/TOAFL dan yang setara

• Sertifikat Prestasi

• Surat Pernyataan Tidak Pernah Terlibat Tindakan Melanggar Hukum

• Surat Pernyataan Tidak Pernah Terlibat Tindakan Melanggar Kode Etik Akademik

• Surat Pernyataan mengabdi Kepada Kepentingan Bangsa Indonesia

• Surat Pernyataan Tidak Menerima Beasiswa dari Sumber lain

• Surat Ijin Belajar dari atasan bagi yang sedang bekerja

• Surat Keterangan dari tokoh masyarakat bagi yang belum/tidak sedang bekerja

• Essay : 3


Scholarship Application (I just co-pas from LPDP’s web. This is last year’s requirements. Seems it is changed this year. Check on LPDP’s web)

Persyaratan Umum

• Warga negara Indonesia yang ditunjukkan dengan identitas kependudukan yang sah;

• Lulusan program studi :

– Perguruan Tinggi dalam negeri yang terakreditasi oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi atau lulusan Perguruan Tinggi kedinasan yang diakui oleh pemerintah Indonesia.

– Perguruan Tinggi diluar negeri yang berkategori baik sesuai daftar pada Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan;

• Mempunyai jiwa kepemimpinan yang ditunjukkan dengan pengalaman memimpin sebuah organisasi atau lembaga yang ditunjukkan dengan bukti dokumen yang relevan;

• Aktif dalam kegiatan sosial kemasyarakatan yang ditunjukkan dengan bukti dokumen yang relevan;

• Menandatangani Surat Pernyataan tidak pernah terlibat tindakan melanggar hukum;

• Menandatangani Surat Pernyataan tidak pernah terlibat dalam tindak pelanggaran kode etik akademik;


Scholarship Application (I just co-pas from LPDP’s web. This is last year’s requirements. Seems it is changed this year. Check on LPDP’s web)

Persyaratan Umum

• Menandatangani Surat Pernyataan mengabdi pada kepentingan bangsa Indonesia;

• Menandatangani Surat Pernyataan tidak menerima beasiswa dari sumber lain;

• Mendapatkan Surat Tugas Belajar dari atasan bagi yang sedang bekerja;

• Memiliki Surat Keterangan dari tokoh masyarakat bagi yang belum/tidak sedang bekerja;

• Memilih program studi dan/atau perguruan tinggi yang direkomendasikan oleh LPDP.

• Mengupload Essay dengan tema :

– Peranku bagi Indonesia

– Sukses terbesar dalam hidupku

• Rencana Studi untuk program Magister

*Semua dokumen dapat dilihat pada dokumen petunjuk beasiswa


Scholarship Application : Administration Selection


1. Don’t be lazy to prepare those documents

2. Ask the successful applicants for their guidance, advice, and do not hesitate to ask them to review your documents, in particular, your essays. They know that to do

3. Reduce the errors of your writing

4. Prepare them very well from a long time, not just a one-night-essays. Hey success is not an instant, mate!

5. Submit them ontime

6. Take an English course if you need it,

I took my IELTS preparation in IDP, about IDR 2.4k,

It is quite expensive, so do savings from now,

IELTS UKVI test costs USD 310 now, fyi.


Scholarship Application

Administration (Document)


Leaderless Group

Discussion (LGD)

Interview On the spot



Scholarship Application : Leaderless Group Discussion (LGD)


a. LGD is a discussion session, followed by 6-7 applicants

b. The issue is about the current hot news, for instance I got the low cost flight

c. The discussion runs about 30 minutes, and there are 2 judge who monitor your discussion process

d. You guys have to make a conclution(s) and a suggestion(s) relating to this issue

Scholarship Application : Leaderless Group Discussion (LGD)


Tips :

1. Become the first speaker, or moderator

2. Don’t cut, or make a true/false of the other’s statement. Respect them.

3. Speak in a proper time, don’t too controlling the discussion (hey, this is a discussion, not a debate)

4. Speak confidently, use your eye contact, good gesture, and without hesitation.

Scholarship Application

Administration (Document)


Leaderless Group

Discussion (LGD)

Interview On the spot



Scholarship Application : Interview 22

• Each applicant will be interviewed by 2 lecturers and 1 psycologist

• It lasts about 30-60 minutes, depends on the interviewers

• Interview uses Bahasa or English depend on the interviewers, but mostly in English, mine was about 75% English

Scholarship Application : Interview 23

Tips :

a. Be honest, show the real you, you don’t have to be someone else

b. Speak carefully, and clear

c. Respect them, but always be calm and don’t be panic

d. Show your strong opinion about something, but don’t too show off

e. Show that you have a taugh and strong personality

f. Show how unique you are that make you different with other applicants

g. In the end, you need to pray to God! Now it is on His’s


Scholarship Application

Administration (Document)


Leaderless Group

Discussion (LGD)

Interview On the spot



Campus Application 25

• Make sure you have already knew the syllabus, and the course outline

• Research for your campus’s requirements, application process in its web, application deadline, and soon

• Fill all the requirements

• Mostly overseas campuses ask ONLY documents, but several campuses need interview, psychology and other tests

Campus Application 26

Several documents needed are :

1) personal statement/motivation letter

2) recommendation letters


(mostly campuses in UK, US, Australia, EU ask 6.5 overall score with no score less than 6.0, but the bigger campuses, like Oxford, Cambridge, UCLA, etc. ask higher score)

Campus Application 27


(International English Language Testing System)

1. I presume this is the most difficult requirement

2. But if you study everyday, I’m sure you’ll get a good mark

3. My experience, I bought several books, and studied, exercised the questions, at least 4 hours/day in work days and 8 hours on weekends for about 7 months before take the IELTS.

4. Hey it is harsh and difficult but not that difficult, nor that easy. You just need to STUDY.

5. Once you get 6.5, the whole world is yours!


Campus Application 29

• Mostly campuses in EU ask online application, but several campuses in EU or other countries like US, Japan, ask other tests; like calculus (-_-) or other tests.

• Several documents needed, such as ;

– Motivation letter/personal statement

– Recommendation letters

– IELTS certificate

– Transcript, and degree certificate, etc.

Campus Application 30

We are a living proofs that miracles indeed happen to

hard working people –Tatha –

Good luck


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