Intro for Posterrr

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  • 7/24/2019 Intro for Posterrr


    The textile and dye industries use a tremendous amount of organic dyes for theproduction of various dyed products. These dyes end up in the wastewater and aresubsequently discharged into bodies of water, becoming a major contributor to thegrowing problem in water contamination. Photocatalysis has the greatest potentialto organic contaminants present in wastewater euents[!. "mong allphotocatalysts, titanium dioxide #Ti$%&, also 'nown as titania, is 'nown to be the

    most e(ective. Ti$% is a stable photocatalyst and can resist chemical corrosion.Previous studies have proven its e(ectiveness under )* light, however, industrialapplication of this process as is seems to be impractical due to several factors, thebiggest of which is the cost of operation[%! especially since titanium dioxide canonly be activated under )*+light[!. -ue to this drawbac', modifying the propertiesof titania via doping was conducted to allow visible light irradiation, which is presentin enormous amounts in sunlight, to activate Ti$%and allow it to serve as a catalystfor the degradation of tartraine using visible light irradiation. The objective of thisstudy is to synthesie iron+doped titanium dioxide nanoparticles, determine itscrystallie phase, and identify the optimum process parameters that governphotocatalytic e/ciency, namely p0, solution concentration, and catalyst loading.

    [! "l+-awery, 1. 2. #%3&. Photo+catalyst degradation of tartraine compound inwastewater using Ti$% and )* light. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology,8(6&, 45647.

    [%! 1egneanu, "., 8aau, 9., $rbeci, 9., *laan, P., :andas, 9., ; aste >ater Treatment ?ethods. =n >ater Treatment. Intech.

    [! @ales'a, ". #%335&. -oped+Ti$%A " Beview. Recent Patents on Engineering ENG, ,CD+4E.

    Tartraine is a synthetic yellow dye that is one of the numerous coloredcontaminants present in wastewater euents from the dye industry. Thephotodegradation of such was investigated using iron+doped titanium dioxidenanoparticles as photocatalyst under visible light. Titanium dioxide can only beactivated on )*+light. To circumvent this impediment, narrowing the bandgapenergy by doping was done and the optimum condition of e(ective processparameters was studied by employing Besponse 1urface ?ethodology #B1?&in order to increase the e/ciency of the photocatalytic process.9haracteriation showed that the synthesied catalyst contains 75F anataseand %F iron, proving that iron was successfully impregnated to the catalyst.The optimum values of the parameters to achieve the highest degradation oftartraine are % for initial p0, 3.EC gG8 for catalyst loading, and 5.74 ppm for

    initial concentration. The optimum process parameters were then applied inthe photocatalytic runs under sunlight irradiation and showed 33Fdegradation of the contaminant after %3. minutes.