InTrans Juni 2010

Visiting address: Visiting address: Visiting address: Visiting address: Erasmus University Rotterdam Room H12-05 Burgemeester Oudlaan 50 Postal address: Postal address: Postal address: Postal address: Room H12-07 P.O. box 1738 3000 DR Rotterdam Year 2009/ 2010 - Number 4– June, 2010 Mobility Leasing From the president What have we done? page 2 page 3 InTrans Tunnel vision page 5 How are you doing ? page 8 Fuel tourism– the case of Luxembourg page 9 Mobility Leasing page 6 Mobility Leasing as a solution to traffic jams? page 11


InTrans Juni 2010

Transcript of InTrans Juni 2010

Page 1: InTrans Juni 2010

Visiting address:Visiting address:Visiting address:Visiting address:

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Room H12-05

Burgemeester Oudlaan 50

Postal address:Postal address:Postal address:Postal address:

Room H12-07

P.O. box 1738

3000 DR Rotterdam

Year 2009/ 2010 - Number 4– June, 2010

Mobility Leasing

From the president

What have we done?

page 2

page 3


Tunnel vision page 5

How are you doing ? page 8

Fuel tourism– the case of Luxembourg page 9

Mobility Leasing page 6

Mobility Leasing as a solution to traffic jams? page 11

Page 2: InTrans Juni 2010

From the president….

Pagina 2 InTrans, June 2010

By: Paul Blijs

We have reached a point in this study year which is marked by challenges for everyone. We have finished our courses, or are about to finish the last ones by taking exams and are focussing on our theses. These last steps seem to be minor steps but include major challenges. Getting ready and being prepared for those last exams seems easier than done of course, searching for that last grasp of motivation this year. Besides these exams, many of us face their main challenge of this year, working on their theses. It is a challenge to come up with a decent subject, completing it into a degree is even tougher for us all. Especially this time of the year when there is the op-portunity to be distracted by the World Cup for a whole month and by the Tour de France which will start off in Rotterdam. The challenge is to plan everything in order that secures a Master’s degree without missing too much of other events that are going on in the world.

Hopefully you all get some time to enjoy your upcoming vacations as well. The next half year will probably evolve around a new phase in life. When finished with our masters it is time to find a job and to set our first footsteps in our professional careers. Some of you might decide to go travelling first or even pick up another study, change is on your path. We are all at the verge of a challenging experience. It will not be the same anymore, as it was the last couple of years. Looking at the upcoming period with all challenges included I can only conclude that this period must be very exiting for us all.

In times where looking ahead is crucial we should also not forget to look back at the past year. As president of Transito I really enjoyed the past year because of our Master and all the activities and drinks we have arranged for. I hope all of you enjoyed it as well, and if not, let us know, we might learn something from it in order to improve for next year. Our challenge these upcoming months is to prepare Transito for the upcoming study year. If you are interested in joining the board do not hesitate to approach one of us with your questions. If you have any other comments or remarks we are open for those as well.

This leaves me with only one last remark; I wish you all the best and good luck in the upcoming challenging times!


Page 3: InTrans Juni 2010

Pagina 3 InTrans, March 2010

What have we done? In this topic we would like to tell you what we, as Transito, have done.

On Monday the 25th of April study association Transito and its members were invited by the OBR (Ontwikkelingsbedrijf Rotterdam) to visit the Rotterdam-The Hague airport. The day started off with an interesting presentation by Desiree Breedveld, marketing manager at the Rotterdam-The Hague airport. Ms Breedveld enlightened us about the importance of a regional airport for a regional economy. The Rot-terdam-The Hague airport emphasizes its business character and with its changed name it is able to attract more international visitors destined for either The Hague or Rotterdam and its regions. Ms Breed-veld also mentioned a nice comparison between the national airports as a division between supermarkets in a shopping street. Amsterdam Schiphol airport can be seen as a large retailer, Eindhoven airport as a discounter and Rotterdam-The Hague airport as the deli specialist of that shopping street of airports.

Karsten Schipperheijn provided us with a presentation about the area development of the airport. Of course growth encompasses a large part of the development of the airport, especially with the Randstad rail connection to the airport. What might sound strange is that nature also plays a large role in the area development of the airport. Bike and walking lanes are constructed to provide green zones surrounding the airport. These green zones are connected to each other. During the second presentation we were pro-vided with an very nice lunch, which also prepared us for the second part of the day.

In the afternoon we started off with a guided tour through the terminal. Ms Anita Wadman took us behind customs where we were driven around by a bus showing us another side of the airport. We got to see the hangar with the private aircrafts, the bus driver took the bus to its maximum by driving over the landing strip and the firemen showed us how to spill 1200 liters of water in one minute.

After this guided tour we were given a presentation by Broer Duursma about the Rotterdam Climate Ini-tiative. The Rotterdam Climate Initiative is an unique collaboration between the municipality of Rotter-dam, the Port Authority, the Environmental Service Rijnmond and Deltalinqs aimed at reducing CO2 emis-sions with 50% in 2025 compared to the levels of 1990.

The presentation of the Rotterdam Climate Initiative was the ending of our visit to the Rotterdam-The Hague airport. As a board we had a great day and we hope that the students who participated had a great day as well. We would like to thank Bianca Dumay of OBR Rotterdam for arranging this day for us. Also we would like to thank Ms Breedveld, Mr Schipperheijn, Ms Wadman and Mr Duursma for their inter-esting presentations. This day showed us some of the different aspects the OBR is working on, providing us students with an interesting experience.

By: Paul Blijs

Page 4: InTrans Juni 2010

Page 4 InTrans, June 2010

What have we done, part two By: Noortje van de Burgt

On the 30th of March we were invited at Rijkswaterstaat in the Maas in Rotterdam. Rijkswaterstaat presented us several cases by which we had to finish our seminar advanced Port and Transport econom-ics. That day we brainstormed together with Rijkswaterstaat about solving the cases, received additional information and data. At the end of the day each of us presented their initial ideas and plans to tackle Rijkswaterstaat’s cases.

After two weeks of hard work we had to go back to Rijkswaterstaat to present them our end-reports. This time, we were invited at their office in Dordrecht. Six groups were asked to present their case that day. Many employees from Rijkswaterstaat joined these presentations. We heard they were very pleased with the ideas we came up with in such a short period of time. Some of which were very innovative and will be researched further in the future, other ideas could be implemented the next day. The presentations and cases can thus be summarized as interesting for us and for Rijkswaterstaat.

The group that gave the best presentation that day received a special price. They were invited to take a trip with the fastest boat of Rijkswaterstaat. The rest of us were able to watch the traffic control centre of Rijkswaterstaat and see what is happening over there. The traffic control centre has direct contact with the shippers and oversees the whole area. They are a coordinating centre for accidents, water pollution and de-icing.

After this, Rijkswaterstaat together with Transito arranged a diner at Humphreys in Dordrecht. Since, this was the last day we as group were together it became a very special evening. After the dinner some of us partied on in Rotterdam.

We would like to thank Rijkswaterstaat and especially Marianne Bos for presenting us the nice cases we were able to work on and arranging the diner for us in Dordrecht.

Page 5: InTrans Juni 2010

Page 5 InTrans, June 2010

Tunnel Vision

By: Maarten van der Westen

This morning I went to work by bike, and as I was waiting for a red traffic light, a scooter pulled up next to me. The guy stood there next to me, heng-heng-heng, you know how it goes.

When the light turned green, the guy drove away, and he was barely faster than me. But still he managed to produce a big cloud of blue smoke. It smelled terrible too. So much for biking is healthy!

It is strange. These scooters and mopeds carry only one person, sometimes two. There are quite a lot of them around. They make a lot of noise, are nor-mally not that fast and leave a trail of bluish-white smoke wherever they go. Yet, you don't hear Groen- Links complaining about them. Or Greenpeace. Or anybody.

Dr. Jan-Anne Annema of the Technical University (TU) Delft has calculated that a modernday truck, with the Euro5 standard, has about the same emis-sion of dangerous gasses as a moped or scooter. In 2013, when the standard will be Euro6, the truck will even have the advantage.

Yes, a 40-ton truck with the same amount as a moped! Today! That puts the entire focus on trucks a strange perspective, doesn't it? Trucks are still seen as giant polluters, when actually such a huge truck has the same emission as a tiny moped.

Okay, to be honest, they are not exactly the same of course. A truck produces more CO2-gas obvi-ously, because of its size. But the main focus of the discussion about the environment is on NOx and fine dust and for these two, A Euro5 trucks has the same emission as a moped.

It is a strange situa-tion. You can won-der: why is there so much push to get the trucking indus-try to produce envi-ronmentally friendly trucks? Well, this is obvious: we need cleaner trucks. But given the progress

the trucking industry has made, from Euro1 in 1992 to Euro6 in 2013: why is there still so much focus on the trucking industry, when trucks are about as envi-ronmentally friendly as mopeds?

Better even: why is there nobody complaining about the stinky scooters and mopeds, that are just as pol-luting as a big truck?

It’s a classic case of tunnel vision. Politicians and en-vironmental groups look at the most obvious of vic-tims: the large, dangerous, stinky trucks. Everybody is hammering down at them to do the impossible – even when the trucking industry is actually making the impossible into a reality. And there is absolutely nobody out there that looks at the bigger picture.

Trucks nowadays are incredibly efficient with energy and they produce hardly any waste, in the form of fine dust and gasses. This is amazing, especially given the fact that they carry huge loads and have a long lifespan. What little progress can there be made from here? Euro7? Euro8? Euro9 when trucks only produce live butterflies as waste?

And at the same time, thousands of little mopeds and scooters are driving around in their big clouds of smoke. There is so much to be won in this group. The environment would gain a lot more when some-body would actually stop picking on trucks and look what else is out there.

It is sad really, that nobody REALLY seems to care.

Page 6: InTrans Juni 2010

InTrans, June 2010

Page 6

Mobility leasing is a new concept that aims to solve a part of the congestion problems and is developed by Dhr. R. Galjaard from Ecorys. Mobility leasing targets the users of lease cars and tries to give them incentives to use alternatives, such as public transport, park and ride facilities, working at home, or flexi-ble working hours. The users of lease cars get a mobility budget and they can choose themselves how they use it. A trip with the car will use more of the budget than a trip by train or by bike. The surplus that is left at the end is for the employee. The negative side of the concept is that there are no conse-quences when the car is always used.

The concept of mobility leasing is to change the arrangements for car leasing. The current arrangements give users the opportunity to drive as much kilometers as possible. The com-panies do not limit this to keep the employees satisfied or the employer does not have an incentive to limit this because he is paying a fixed amount. Most companies also discourage em-ployees who want to make use of other modes of transportation as for

example a train. The cost of the train tickets has to be paid by the employees themselves or it takes a lot of time and paperwork to get the reimbursement. Therefore this project aims at an increase in usage of alternative modes of transportation of 10—20% [Ecorys].

Mobility leasing is a regional concept. Where there is problem with accessibility, different parties can choose to work together to try to solve this problem with mobility leasing. Lease cars have been chosen because Rijkswaterstaat estimated that in the rush hours 35 to 50 % of all the cars on the highways are leased. This is a very high percentage. The total share of lease cars in the Netherlands is 8% [Ecorys]. The conclusion is that the drivers of lease cars can be seen as a target group. They can be identified via the leasing companies and a package of incentives can be offered to them. There is also another reason to choose this group of car users. The lease car drivers are often employed in the service sector, which means that most of them have the ability to be flexible in their working hours. The car users who do not have such flexibility will probably never leave the car during rush hour.

A pilot project is currently prepared in Maastricht. In this pilot project the car lease companies, the mu-nicipality and the employers in the Maastricht region are going to work together to reduce the accessibil-ity problems in this region. These accessibility problems are caused by the construction of a tunnel under the A12. When the pilot project will continue, the employers of 1000 employees will exchange the classic lease contract for the mobility lease contract.

All involved parties will benefit from better accessibility of the region. For the car lease companies this concept also means a new product which they can bring onto the market and the lease car drivers will get options for their travel pattern. The companies will be cost neutral and benefit from the better acces-sibility. Most important is that 200 cars will structurally be taken out of the congestion every day in this region. This is 10% of the total cars that need to be taken out of the congestion to let the traffic flow during the construction of the tunnel.

Mobility leasing is a very interesting alternative for road pricing. With the pilot project, the effect of mobility leasing can be measured. If the pilot project is a success, the concept can be introduced on a larger scale and in more regions which can solve a part of the congestion problems all over the country.

Mobility Leasing By: Robert Prins

Traffic jams are still a big problem

Page 7: InTrans Juni 2010

Page 7 InTrans, June 2010

The Rotterdam Climate Initiative has the ambition to reduce CO2 emission, prepare for climate change and at the

same time strengthen the economy of Rotterdam. The Rotterdam Climate Initiative is currently preparing for climate

change, because quality of life is at risk for all of us living in the city. Cities are at risk for ‘heat stress’.[1]

In cities, many buildings are present that absorb the ray of sun that hold on to the heat. At the same time traffic and

asphalt cause more heat, which is also very much present in cities. Open space, water and trees can reduce the

stress level of a city or downtown, but is often not present. Therefore climate change, and higher temperatures in

accordance with this, can result in the so-

called: ‘Urban Heat Island effect’ or simply

‘Heat Stress’. Eventually, this can mean it

is six degrees Celsius hotter in a down-

town than in a rural area, because of an

‘Urban Heat Island’.

In the situation of an ‘Urban Heat Island’

people are really bothered by the heat and

the chance to get health problems in-


Lucky for everyone currently living in Rot-

terdam, the city is testing the existence of

‘Urban Heat Islands’.


We asked a professional in transport economics, Giuliano Mingardo from the Erasmus University, to give

some insight information.

What is your opinion about Mobility Leasing?

It is difficult to say whether the Mobility Leasing will be successful in reducing traffic congestion. The pilot

has to prove if the concept is successful in practice and when the pilot is finished there will be more to tell

about it. However, Mobility Leasing seems to be an innovative mobility management tool.

Is the choice for company-car drivers a good one?

One of the most difficult target groups, when it comes to reducing single-car use, is the company-car driv-ers. This mobility management tool is particularly addressed to this target group. This makes the concept very interesting, because mobility leasing tries to achieve a change in the mobility pattern of this difficult target group.

Therefore it will be interesting to see if the pilot of mobility leasing in Maastricht will be able to change the mobility pattern of this target group and how the concept will develop over time.

Some insight from the professionals: By: Giuliano Mingardo


Rotterdam is currently testing its stresslevel

Did you know that... By: Noortje van de Burgt

Page 8: InTrans Juni 2010

Pagina 8 InTrans, June 2010

How are you doing?

Where did you start working after graduation?

A week after graduation I started working at Ontwik-

kelingsBedrijf Rotterdam (OBR), which is part of the

municipality of Rotterdam. I had written my master

thesis in combination with an internship at the same


During my internship I researched the economic po-

tential of the Rotterdam Healthcare sector. Appar-

ently, the people at the OBR were very pleased with

my and the work I had done. I was asked to assist in

“translating” my research and the result from my

thesis into actual policy. In fact several of my recom-

mendations can be found in the policy program. I’m

not working on this subject any more. But just the

other day the new project manager asked me for a

copy of my thesis. I’m glade that my thesis is still

relevant after all these years.

Where do you work now and what is your


I’m still working at the development corporation. I

switched to the Sector Economy which aims to

stimulate the economy of Rotterdam. We are housed

in the Word Trade Centre at the heart of the city. It’s

a very inspiring location.

I am the account manager for the sub-municipalities

of Hoogvliet and a part of Feijenoord. Within these

areas I am sort of the representative for the munici-

pality. I try to inform entrepreneurs about relevant

policy programs and subsidies arrangements. I have

a lot of contact with representatives of the local

business associations.

In addition I work with a lot of stakeholders, retail-

ers, business associations, real-estate and property

development companies and together we try to cre-

ate the right economic conditions and business envi-

ronment to stimulate the local economy.

In this part of the InTrans, we ask Transito members to tell us something about their job. In this issue: Nancy Addo-


Meet Nancy Addo- Daaku:

I am Nancy Addo-Daaku. I studied the Master in Urban Port and Transport economics with a focus on urban en re-

gional economics. From 2004 till 2005 I was secretary of the board of Transito. I graduated in fall of 2006.

What are the main projects you are currently

working on?

There are several major urban redevelopment pro-

jects in Hoogvliet and Feijenoord. My role in these

developments is to provide all sorts of relevant in-

formation and give advice about the local economy,

commercial real estate market and business com-

munity etc.

In Hoogvliet we are currently working on the exten-

sion of the two shopping centers. We hired a con-

sulting company to analyze the retail sector in

Hoogvliet and the surrounding areas. Through ex-

pansions, adding new functions and contracting

interesting retail shops, we hope to strengthen the

attractiveness of these centers and draw more cus-

tomers from the region to Hoogvliet.

What do you like about working at Rotter-

dam Development Corporation?

It is a great company with lots of interesting and

challenging jobs opportunities. Furthermore Rotter-

dam is a city which is constant in development. I

am proud that I am part of such a company and

that I can make a

contribution to

these develop-


In addition I get

to visit different

kinds of places

you normal ly

wouldn’t go to in

Rotterdam and I

learn new thing

everyday about

the city I live in.

Page 9: InTrans Juni 2010

Pagina 9 InTrans, March 2010

According to the ANWB (the biggest Dutch motoring organization), most Dutch residents will

again go on holiday to France this year. Many of them will drive through Luxembourg to eventu-

ally reach their holiday destination. Most of them will not enjoy the beautiful nature in the coun-

try or anything else than getting cheap gasoline.

Luxembourg is a very popular destination for fuel tourism. For such a country the advantages of

lower gasoline prices are fiscal revenues and an increase in jobs in the gasoline distribution

sector. This even sometimes resulted in unwanted fiscal competition between fuel tourism coun-

tries and its neighboring countries [1].

At the same time fuel taxes are a way to reduce the demand for vehicle transportation. Sterner

concludes that if Europe did not have such a high fuel tax system their gasoline usage would be

much higher [2]. He eventually calls it the most powerful climate policy instrument to date.

As everyone knows one of the aims of the European climate policies is to reduce greenhouse

gasses. Currently, CO2 emissions for transport are measured via the amount of fuel sold. The

IPCC, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, recommends estimating emissions on the

basis of fuel sales data [4]. According to this organization another approach is estimating the

emission on the basis of the distance travelled. This is currently done when measuring the CH4

and N2O emissions.

How does a typical work day at OBR look like?

I like the fact that I don’t have a typical 9- 5 desk

job As an account manager I have a lot of meetings

and I participate in different kinds of projects, vary-

ing from solving problems in a local business asso-

ciation, meeting with the real estate owners of a

shopping centre and giving advice about large urban

development projects.

During the day, I have one of two meetings with

colleagues form different departments and business

partners to discuss the progress of a project. At

least once a week there is a meeting with a local

business association. These meetings usually take

place in the evening. I go to these meeting to meet

new entrepreneurs, catch up with old contacts and

broaden my network. Now and then I give a presen-

tation about the plans of the municipality for a spe-

cific area.

Do you have a good advice for the Transito-

members who want to work in the urban sec-


An internship is a very good opportunity to get to

know a company, especially for a large organization

such as a municipality which has a lot of different

disciplines. Nowadays many municipalities have

highly recommend traineeship programs. I would

advice anybody try one of these options. It’s also an

easy way to get a permanent job.

Fuel Tourism– the case of Luxembourg By: Noortje van de Burgt

Page 10: InTrans Juni 2010

Pagina 10 InTrans, June 2010

Fuel Tourism– the case of Luxembourg

This way of measurement of CO2 emissions, via the amount of fuel sold, results in problems in

countries with fuel tourism. Namely, in countries such as Luxembourg the amount of fuel sold is

not the same as the amount of fuel burnt there. The emissions are thus higher in figures about

Luxemburg than they in reality are. Therefore the data about CO2 emissions based on fuel sold

data often do not reflect real emission levels in these countries. This causes an issue on how to

calculate greenhouse gas emissions.

According to the EEA, the European Environment Agency, the relatively high levels of GHG emis-

sions per capita in Luxemburg can be explained by the high levels of road fuel exports or fuel

tourism from Luxembourg to its neighboring countries. The cross border commuting workforce is

for example more than 25% of the resident population [5]. Furthermore Luxembourg estimates

that fuel exports could be responsible for up to 40% of the countries total share of greenhouse

gas emissions [5].

In March 2010, the OECD has impelled Luxemburg to increase fuel taxes. The OECD did this to

discourage fuel tourism and decrease the amount of carbon dioxide emissions in Luxemburg.

This due to the fact that Luxemburg has the highest carbon dioxide level in the EU, see figure 1.

Like all other European countries Luxembourg’s goal is to cut emissions. To achieve this goal the OECD environmental performance review thus recommends an increase in fuel prices, like France, Germany and Belgium [3]. With more equal gas prices the amount of fuel tourism is ex-pected to decrease and the reflection of CO2 emissions might be more accurate indeed. [1] Rietveld P. et al (2001), Spatial graduation of fuel taxes; consequences for cross- border and domestic fuelling, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and practice, Vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 433- 457. [2] Sterner T. (2007), Fuel taxes: An important instrument for climate policy, Energy policy, Vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 3194- 3203. [3] OECD (2010), Environmental performance reviews: highlights, Luxembourg. [4] IPPC (2006), [5] European Environment Agency (2009), Greenhouse gas emission trends and projections in Europe 2009, Tracking progress towards Kyoto targets, report no. 9, Copenhagen.

Figure 1: CO2 per capita, 2007

OECD (2010), Enivronmental performance reviews:

Highlights, Luxembourg

Page 11: InTrans Juni 2010

Pagina 11 InTrans, March 2010

In the Netherlands, a considerable part of the car-owning population actually drives a car owned by a lease-

company. These lease cars are subject to certain fiscal regulations taking away the formerly unlimited benefits of possessing a lease-car. Free private lease-car driving is no longer allowed unlimitedly, but only for 500 kilometres a

year. Driving more than this amount of kilometres a year leads to a percentage of the value of the car being added to the yearly income before tax and subsequently to increased tax payment. At the time this was argued to provide

enough incentive to make drivers more aware of their choices. However, it turns out that this package of measures

provides an incentive to actually use the car more then strictly necessary. Since once the 500 kilometre-limit has been exceeded -which happens in the blink of an eye- free private driving starts. But in contrast to other transport

modes one can use to go to work, work-related-driving is completely free all year long while this is of utmost impor-tance in preventing traffic jams. This smells like unfair competition!

Since rush hour traffic consists of lease-car-drivers for about 33% to 50%, this group of drivers, not having an incentive to analyse costs and benefits of various modes, can be targeted by mobility leasing (ML). ML is an up-

coming subject and possible solution in thinking about and reducing traffic jams. A concept emphasizing the incentives lease-car users do and don't have or should and shouldn't have. Since ML will give lease-car drivers the

ability to do cost-benefit analysis again, will they leave their car standing? And evenly important, will this positively

influence rush-hours or traffic jams?

While several arguments can be considered in this case, one of the

most important -and systematically overseen- statistics in fighting traffic jams is their cause. The sign in the photo shown on the right

tells us much about the greatest cause of traffic jams: accidents or other incidents. So, does ML decrease the risks of incidents? Possibly,

but indirectly. And while indirect measures usually work less efficient then direct measures, I wouldn't bet on this effect to be too strong.

Next to the cause of traffic jams is the fact that people use their car for a certain reason. True, there will be employees using their lease

car to drive to their office, sit there all day, and drive back. But,

another part of the employees will actually need their car throughout the day to visit people on other locations than their office. Other companies that in the most ideal situation are all

located near high-speed train stations, but in reality are sometimes located on the most remote locations in the country. So there will always be a certain demand for cars during a working day, making it impossible to leave all

lease-cars standing.

The effectiveness of mobility leasing seems to come from the fact that a budget can be spend on mobility and

certain left-overs will be given to the employee. I like this idea and in fact I think it might work. However, don't we

have this already? If we look at wage in relation to gasoline prices, can't it be stated that the fewer kilometres we drive, the more we save per month? But in fact we all still drive too much. So, maybe we like mobility and driving

more than we like the money. Or we like paying to be able to be lazy. Isn't mobility a strange product?

Now, before anybody gets me wrong, creating a level playing field between

various modes of transport seems only logical. However, since only 33-50% of all rush hour traffic are lease cars and only 10% of the traffic that needs to be

vanished from the roads in order for traffic to flow smoothly will do so as a result of mobility leasing (ECORYS), does this justify the necessary investments

(consisting of various registrative/administrative systems etc.)? And -assuming

that various levels of governments will have to co-invest given the absence of market parties to do so- won't there be some better investment opportunities?

We are still dealing with this humongous economic crisis, the size of which we still can't realize. And the market parties will be the ones benefiting the most,

so at least make the investment within a PPP. Combining this with the

seemingly limited effect the ML concept is expected to have on traffic volumes, my guess for mobility leasing in the near future is this: good concept, wrong


Mobility leasing as solution to traffic jams?

By: Redans InTrans



Page 12: InTrans Juni 2010

InTrans, June 2010

We’re on the web!We’re on the web!We’re on the web!We’re on the web!

Visit us @ www.transito.nuVisit us @ www.transito.nuVisit us @ www.transito.nuVisit us @

The editors of the InTrans are:

Noortje van de Burgt

Robert Prins

Ewa Paluszkiewicz

The next InTrans is coming out in June 2010.

Would you like to write something for the

intrans? You are invited to send us your input?

[email protected]

The editors would like to thank for this issue:

Paul Blijs

Maarten van der Westen

Redans InTrans

Nancy Addo Daaku

Giuliano Mingardo

Page 12

Transito is a study association for the students of Urban, Port and Transport Economics. Transito tries to

bring the theory of the classes alive in practice. That can be by visiting companies and institutions ‘in the

field’, but also via the articles in the

InTrans. If you would like to be a

member, please visit us at H12-05. If

you would like more information about

us, you can contact us at our addresses

that are stated on the right.

Visitor address

Room H12-5

Burgemeester Oudlaan 50

3062 PA Rotterdam

T: 010 - 408 2070

Mail address

Room H12-7

P.O. Box 1738

3000 DR Rotterdam

[email protected]

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