International Yoga Day- Editorial


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a short article about yoga day, an initiative by Modi.

Transcript of International Yoga Day- Editorial


We live in a busy world where its nearly impossible for people to make time to do yoga, but the initiation of the International Yoga Day has given the people the deliberate purpose and a plausible reason for the commencement of such practices. The International Yoga Day, which is declared to be celebrated on June 19th, was inaugurated by Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India. This effort was addressed by Modi to the UN General Assembly wherein he stated Yoga as an invaluable gift and as Indias ancient tradition dating back to many centuries. He also suggested June 19th as it is the longest day of the year according to Indian astrology.It is after 26,000 years that the importance of yoga has been injected into the reluctant minds of some people. A forgotten tradition was brought back to light, as a need of the hour. To inscribe into people the idea of Proper relaxation, Proper exercise, Proper breathing, Proper diet, Positive thinking and meditation. Though the yoga day initiative was majoritively accepted, the idea was not much welcomed by the Muslim community. The origin of yoga is found in the oldest-existing text in the Vedas. Thus they believed that it was promoting Hinduism, their prayer and divine power. The AIMPLB immediately relucted to the idea of yoga day, saying it's a violation of the secular Constitution to promote religious practises. However the misinterpretation of the idea was cleared when, a 32 paged book Titled 'Yoga and Islam', by the Muslim Rashtriya Manch (MRM), was launched by AYUSH Minister Shripad Naik. The book draws parallels connections between some yoga exercises and namaaz. It also explains that the yoga is not un-known to the Muslims and its objective is not to spread Hinduism. However, the government has clarified that it was not compulsory for them to say 'slokas' nor was 'surya namashkar' part of the common yoga protocol for June 21.The entire nation with all its differences, came to unison to bring back the practise that was lost. Around tens of thousands of gathered people spread their mats at New Delhis thoroughfare that was transformed into a sprawling exercise ground. It was a rare sight to see thousands of people congregated together to promote the practice of yoga.After bending and twisting for a 35 minutes session in unison with an army of more than 35,000 people who participated, most of them in white tee shirts identically, the people were found to be supportive to the tremendous initiative taken by the Indian Government to upraise the awareness and significance of practicing yoga. Not just in the countrys capital, yoga day was celebrated all across in every city. Yoga is more than just mastering postures and increasing your flexibility and strength. Its meant to be remembered and followed withstanding the dust of time. Although people always knew the importance of yoga, this measure taken by the government gives that one extra push to carry on our ancient legacy.