INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT TO ATTEiND MICHIGAN DISTR ICT ... · international president to atteind...


Transcript of INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT TO ATTEiND MICHIGAN DISTR ICT ... · international president to atteind...

Page 1: INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT TO ATTEiND MICHIGAN DISTR ICT ... · international president to atteind michigan distr ict convention battle creek michiga 1n octo i er 8-9-10





OCTO I ER 8-9-10

Page 2: INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT TO ATTEiND MICHIGAN DISTR ICT ... · international president to atteind michigan distr ict convention battle creek michiga 1n octo i er 8-9-10

r., 11ichigan Troubadour

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Septemt ... r 1965 Vol. 15 No. 7

~t;llff~ ~tt.

0~111 Qkay ... \".tl i •11 is m•er. Let's sit up and take a look

around. For l n 1St in our minds must he mE.'mbership. How does it s•.t· k up? Glad you asked.

As of DcCf·• t.s>r 1964, when we as a district had our number of C" • •P< ling quartets reduced from three to tv.•o bv the E\'Crf r• , ' District, we had a membership total­it~ 1485. Ew·' _reen had edged us out of a third quartet by 15 membE'I.., They totaled 1500. The Michigan DIS­

trict member • • as of August 31, 1965 totals 1327. Evergreen 1 .. 1 r' ,1chcd 1503. Enough said? I really don't think 5(• • ' I have said it len times in the 16 issues of TroubadC'ur ll I havt> had the pkasurv of edittn!r, with no resu.• I'll say it again anyv.1ay. If we v..'Ould each sign up • new member this year we ~·vuld have the third Jar, • · · •hstrict in the Soriet). So darn casv ... one new merr l from each old one. A couple of phone calls is all t• • tld take.

I might also add that while we look at E\·crgreen as the dtstrlct to overtakr:! during thl'Se next few months the Southwestern District, during the month of Au~st, ha.:; also passed us by se-vt>n mcmix'rs. Dc-ccmlx>r, 1964 they were some 140 mE'mbers behind us. Ho hum .. . may­bP n£'Xl year? \\.'dl, you Rtr, the fellow th:it has got to du somr:thmg about n 1I ao\lhing is to be d?ne'. Some

men in the stale of MtC'higan are awaitin~ your call. ++1-+t+-1-+·

Pictured on the C'Over of lhts issu(' of the Troubadour is our International President Elect, "R('edw'' Wnght. Mr. Wright will atlt'nd ou1· district ronvenlion in Battle Creek this Octobt>r B- 9-10. He is cunentl:~o SHYing as 1st ncf' president and will takf' O\'f>r the Presidency of our thirty-thousand member orgam7.<Jtion on January 1 . 1966.

He is a long timP barbershoppcr and has held mar.y chaptC"r, district and lntE'rnational offices. A mC'mber of the Pasadena Chapter, he has sun~:: with a number of quartets as well as lhco chapter chorus.

In business life, Wright is manager of the sp<>cial products diviston of Arden F:u·ms Company. Born in .)klahoma, he is now a proud Californian and lives with his ~·tfe "Dude" in Altedena .

Theo line-up of events for the distriC'l com·enuon and contest to b£' held October 8-9-10 in Battle Creek are as follows: friday, October 8, will lind the registration desk open at 5:00 p.m. The House of Delegates M:<'ling will begin at 8:30 p.m. and the pre glo will commenc= at 10:00 p.m. All of these f'\'ents Will f<~l<e place at the Post Tavern Motor [nn, which is the Ht.>adauartets Hotel fur the com·c:;ntJon. ~turdav morning wlll find tht> regi-.tra­tion desl opcu at 8:00a.m. The C}uarlel preliminary <.·ont£'st will take place at 10:00 a.m. at the Kellog; Audi­torium. The chorus contest is scheduled for 2:15p.m. at thf' same plact>. The quartt>t fina ls will he held at 8:00 p.m. at this !me singmg auditorium. The after glo will be held at the Elk's Lodge at 11:00 p.m. Sunday morniug will lind the aspirin breakfast ~111d tht.> clintc going on at the Post Tavern at 9:00 a.m.

Housing is being taken care of by Roger Lewb. His address is 405 Boyes Dr., Battle CrE>cl<, Michigan 49017. Registrations are being handeled by Lowell Wolfe and hts address is 88 '\"endell St., Battle Creek, Mkhigan. You should mail vour ticket reouests and check to him. Both hnusing and' ticket requests will be awarded on a first come. first sen·e basis.


The Michigan DistriC't can stand straight and proud. AftFr hours nnd hours of hard work, alter hundreds of words, after diligent planning and completion of certain <'\'ents, after the fabulous Logopedic show m Bat­tle Creek, after many chapter and persona l contributions we would like to introduce c\·cry member of the district to Nora, a 22 year old gtrl from the Michigan District.

-continued on next page -

Page 3: INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT TO ATTEiND MICHIGAN DISTR ICT ... · international president to atteind michigan distr ict convention battle creek michiga 1n octo i er 8-9-10

who is trying earnestly to salvage her and make it useful at the lnsutule of LDgopedics in Wichita, Kansas. Nora sufiers a serious speech defecc as a result of a brain injury.

Examination al lhe Inslitute of Logopedics revealed that she had dilliculty talk ing and her expressive writing was poor in construction and spelling even though she had attended school to about fourth grade le,•el. She spoke in a monoton~. • -ora was a pleasant person and palheli­cally eager to receive help with problems which had pla!!lled her all her life. She scored high in \'erbal com­prehension and visual t•ecognition. but low in verbal out­put and eye-hand coordination.

Examiners recommended a year's trial tra in ing period for Nora and her pr ogres s has been better than a nticipated . ')he has made excellent academic gain and advanced one full grade i.n word knowledge, discriminatiOn, reading and laM;uage in a sL"':-month period. Additional Lraining time for Nora is definitely warrented.

The cost: ;;:.;.so.32 per month. );ora's father, an insurance. is presen ly paying $180.32

per month toward her habilitath·e cost. The additional ~250.00 must come from olher sources .

A complete habililative program is ava ila ble to her at the Institute Logopedics, a progranl whirh provides all needed sen"ices undPr ' one roof, a completely integrated 24-hour program planned specifically to meet Nora's needs.

All these facilities are a>.1ilable to Nora, all under the supervision of experts in their field. We Will help gi\"P.

Nora the speech she needs to take her ri,hlful place as a worthwhile happy cllizen.

"We Shall Sing; .. . Tha l Nora Shall Speak." • * * • * *

Late word. just received as we were going to press. Irom our nominati~ committee gives me Lhe opportunity to pass on along to you the slate the • have chosen.

The men they have selected to lead our district through the nexr critical year are: Pre ident. Eric Schultz: \"ice presidents: Pat Ryan, Zone I: Elton "Van" Zanrle, Zone IT: Don Lucas, Zone Ul; Genl~ G1llem, Zone TV. Louis Harr ington will continue as secretary anr! ~like Scheid as Treasurer. Al Burgess will replace Bill Hansen as International Representath·e. Troubadour wi.llcarrystories and pictures of the men who are voted into office in a later .1ssue.

• • .. • V'hile most of us were pleasantly wasting away Lhe

summer months. a few barbershoppers were hard at work laying groundwork for a new Michigan DiStr ict chapter. Among those workers was Chel Fox, In terna­tional F1eld Representative. who spent three days in B1g Rap1cls trsing to piece to_ether the loose ends. By the time the n!"xt issue of Troubadour reaches your mail box we should ha\·e a definite picture :>f just where we stand in our quest for our dis rict's newest chapter.

* • • • • Not being able to attend the convention in Boston, I

have askec1 Presid en t Al to use his column to give you his \'iews of the contest. I. like vou, th r ough the paj;es of rhe Harmoni zer ha\•e kept informed. To our entries a ~rreat big "job well done".



Saturday, Nov. 6th, 1965 at 8:15P.M.


ALL-STAR MUSICALE A Solid Evening of Solid Singing

FEATURING TOPNOTCH _,a~~ !hilt lft!ll~~ wo,-,. ,..7~ ~~~n~J ~r ~J~~~ 3~J~

16th Annual Conttrt and Parad,. of Barbershop Quaneb ptaented by Detroit Chaoler of The ·a.-t>

for the PreSt-rvabon and Encouragement of Barbe-rshop Quartet Smgmg in Americ-a, Inc.

a.t the Henry and Edsel Ford Auditorium

Woodward a t Jelfe:rson

* FOUR RENEGADES Oak Pua and Skolrit Valley,

Illinoia and GIIJ, Indiana I~ l"l•rruhor.ol Cllampoon•

SCHMITT BROTHERS TREBLE SHOOTERS Detroit, !\1ichigul Two Rivera,

19!>1 lnft111lb!Nl 19!.1-1'!55 M : s!n:!

SOUTHERN ARJSTOCRATS Greensboro, North wolim ~~~ ft'!k1'11t.ottaJ Qu--*f''' F1n•f1rtS


Bill Butlu


j T. k t~ $2.00, $3.00 & &·~0 at Grinnell's IC e Sj 1516 Woodwa.rd .. or m;\il coupon below · - Allo £, Upton VE 6-2335

H.I.Rf!'l' aon GElNlil:!.1 "S Tlettr ornc:t UU WOOOWI\IIll AVDro"E. Dt:li!X7, JGCBlGAii

l'l.- - ~ following b ~ qua!Ul1f i..:> ~ ... ~. ~· ~

MAIN fL.OOR 0 ~.00 0 3.00

IIAI.CONY 0 3.00 0 1 00



Page 4: INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT TO ATTEiND MICHIGAN DISTR ICT ... · international president to atteind michigan distr ict convention battle creek michiga 1n octo i er 8-9-10

.follOW'il)g tlf Lea~


For a m1hcr of years the song, "Seems .Like Old Times". h,l.., been the tlwme song Ior the Arthur Godfro\' show li l nMy, I'd like Lo us;: this song title to point up some of thr acti\'ilies and C\'Cnts of this past lntcrnatton­al cont<.~" •. r.d convention at Boston.

it tru!· .hd seem like old times havmg a Mictugan District q .... rlet in the medalist catagory. The Auto­Tovmer~ !:hr a superb job of singing as lhey stormed into fourth 1 lace. Congratulations go to .AI, Glenn, Chnt and Carl. 7•• liH' Aire Mlles and the Motor Cily Chorus we extcncl r >~lgrat ulat ions for fine district representa­tion. Tht. ~ltl·higan I'istl·ict can lw proud of C\'Cryone of our ( TUJ • titors.

It seEn. I likE' old times to hear as much woodsh("d­ding as I t . rd. I've not sung that much sincE.' the 1958 com·enu- Columbus. Ohi::». The chords wf>rc drJpptnr, all O\ er •t • place.

lt seen.~_ l like old times to seE' nnd hear once agam the netro. r.tggers ... complt'te with ";okes" .. rwrrywher(' they went. B ll>, Cecil, Tom, complet<> with red l~m. and Grandpa ;., ; ll,Jr th-: umpteenth time) <>ntPrlainPd in regal style. A1 r •• those zaney HJrmony Hounds from B:lttie Creek Cw1" hnueffcur Vande Zandt:L..lugged all thAt stuff up a ... • 1wn tn those hote!s, drh·in' E'\'<'n·onc nuts with thei,. "' m's on.

Anct •. ,. •;( t>m£>d like old ttmes to see Mr. and :Mrs. Carroll Ac ms, who asked about so many of thE.'tr Mtt•hi­gan Distru lrlE'nds. lnc~identally, Carroll was in charge of thP. we •dshNI room ... EVERY NIGHT.

NOW. ;p• s Luke a look at the old times ... I mf>an the real ole! urn• s ... remember:

1. wher. \ u last attend£>d an International com·ention'> 1966 11' s in your backyard •..<'r take rna and tht' k!ds I"• the buggy.

2. when ttw Michigan District had a hospitalttv room? \

1 'hy " l? T'm fer ll. 3. the L'•'lrolt <'Ontest?

\1'ould '>('Clll like old ttmes havin' another. How maq·, l tmes have you heard il said that t•onven­

tions ancl c .~tests JUSt aren't the fun the} used to be? I han ;. l •meback for this one now .. If anyone-

more fun. t more singmg, talked mQrP barb::>rsh'lpand just enjr)\ '..d hemseh·es being among the finest frtPnds in the \\urld •han l did ... l'd call him some ktnd of a nut era "KOOK" t-\'en.

It's \O.J •r d n Iotta other guys that mal~:e l'om•entions ·•seem Llki old Timt-s". See yuh ln Battle CrPek, Hol­land anr C' ll'o~go ... and in that order.



OCTOBER 8-9-10

MiJford (:horus Named Huron Valley Chorus Hnt ~rP sonw ripplt>s from the Mtlford pond of bar­

b"rstwp. Julie 19 was President El'Oil• Rkhmoll(rs annual fish

fry. \l'hat a night of barber . .,;hop and food. We certamly had a ball and thf' festivities WE're magnified with the pusenre of the ForTune Tellers and the Smithtonians. It was Indeed a night to rem£mber. Our spectal thanks go to Mtllif' and Sue who asststed Ernie and Sweeney in 01tching all those deliciou.:; fish. A great barber.shopper Ermc provf'd to one and all that he can fry fish with the bt'st of them.

Milford is still proceeding with plans to attend par­ticip<~te tn the Dastrict connmt10n. Our cho!"us Is all decked out with a new name ... The Huron Valley Chorus. WE' fe£'1 the ll('W name cm£'rs the area we now ser\'e.

Frtda~, .Tuly 30, we jourmed north and had a wonder­ful night nsittng the Sagmaw chapter. Just to see the look m their eyes v.e know every mPmbcr there \1.-as on cloud ntne while blending chords . Every time 1 looked up lhcn was a new group woud-shedding. The Note Trumps and the Delta Ait•es lead lhc way with som<! wonde>rful songs. W"' from Milford are looking forward to rcturnmg to Sagtnaw.

Hem;:mt>~:-r all ... acc~ntuate the posttlVt-... and we'll grow grow gro1a..

r~;porter: tom ;hull

Windsor Announces New 1\feeting Place lllc Windsor ch.lptt>r has had n quiet summer uaroer­

shop wiSP, but now that fall ts here we are ready to roll ag;llll.

Our Julv dmn< r meeting \\J.S \·ery sul"C<>Ssful with abc;ut 50 bartJt: rshoppt>rs tn attendance. The highlight of the nemng was tht: fmc performance gH·en by the ProgrC"ssnre Four. This terrific quartet along wnh the Sun Parlour chorus f'mertamed members or the Yacht Club ~mtil tllC' wei.' small hours.

Windsor has lost thetr Troubadour reporter, Fred Sorrell, to a better job opportunity with R.K.O. lele\·ision in Toronto. So far he's t·ommuting b.'lck and forth from Toronto to Windsor, so basically ht>'s still with us.

Our pnsid£>nt, Doran McTaggart, attended thp HEP Sc huol at Harntlt • .n,Ontarto last month and is vonund up like a two dollar watch to get Windsor rollin~ again. From what Doran Tells m£' this school is a must for every barbershopper.

ThE Windsor ehapter will start ils fa II \'is ita lions wllh a trip to Redford September 24, so all Michigan Dtstrtet chapters look out ... en use here we come.


The \l indsor ch:lpter has a new mectim~ place. Start­ing C)eptembl:'r 10 the Windsor chapter wtll mc:et th<' 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month at the Drop In Tavern on TPcumseh Road Easi. It's easy to find ... just ask any­bodv lr t Windsor.

Harm:Jny Lnne; radio program featuring our barber ­shop quartets and choruses will be broadcast agatn start­ing irt OctobE'r on•r radio station C.B.E. (1550kc). The dav and ttmt:! has !\<)t yet been established but will let \' :.~u kno\\r m the October publicat10n of thE' Troubadour.

reporter: oaul ehf.rweir

Page 5: INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT TO ATTEiND MICHIGAN DISTR ICT ... · international president to atteind michigan distr ict convention battle creek michiga 1n octo i er 8-9-10

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Page 6: INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT TO ATTEiND MICHIGAN DISTR ICT ... · international president to atteind michigan distr ict convention battle creek michiga 1n octo i er 8-9-10

& ~Irs. Rarbershopper TO THE


CTOIC.ER 8-9- 0



SUNI'A Y, lOth

Mail Ticket Requests And Money To:

5:00p.m. 8:30p.m. 10:00 p.m.

8:00a.m. 10:00 a.m. 2:15p.m. 8:00p.m. 11:00 p.m.

9:00a.m. 9:00-11:00

Lowell E. Wolfe 88 Wendell St. B1ttle Creek, Michigan

Registration House Of Delegates Pre Glo

Registration Quartet Preliminaries Chorus Comest Quartet Finals After Gl0

Clinic Aspirin Breakfast

Post Ta\'ern Post Ta,·ern Post Tavern

Post Ta\·ern KellogCT Auditorium Kellogg Auditorium K~llogg Auditorium Elks Lodge

Post Tavern Post Ta,·ern

Quartet PrelirninariE'S - S1.50

ALL EVENTS TICKET - $5.00 Chorus Contest - $1.50 Finals - 52.00 After Glo - $2.00

Page 7: INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT TO ATTEiND MICHIGAN DISTR ICT ... · international president to atteind michigan distr ict convention battle creek michiga 1n octo i er 8-9-10




- i,

lleadquarte ~.<..:. 1 0te

We come

Michigan District


To YotJr District Corntehtion OUR HOSPITALITY \\'ILL HELP INSURE A FL rE Til\fE


Page 8: INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT TO ATTEiND MICHIGAN DISTR ICT ... · international president to atteind michigan distr ict convention battle creek michiga 1n octo i er 8-9-10



Attention now focuses on thE District contest and con­v-ention to~ held 111 Battle Creek, Oc ober 8-10, 1965. Those who att£>nd d tht> recent Logopedics benefii show know what wond riJl hosts Battle Creek Boasts. Head­quartets will ag. 1 1 by the Post Tavern Hotel and the House of Delegates m(tt r J will be held there Friday night, Octo~r 8th. C r •f sl sessions will be held at·the nearby Kellog!! Auditort n. begtnning saturday with the prelim­inariP.S at 10:00 d.m .• the chorus contest at 2:15p.m. to cJetermine whtch ·horus will represent us in International compe Uion next 'ar in Chicago, and the finals at 8:00 p.m. Clinics WI I: t>P held Sunday ~'"llorning.

Entry blaru•s I \i? been mailed to all registered quar­tets and chorus £ • try blanks to chapter secretaries. Newly organiZHI quartets may obtain entry blanks by wirting to my oil l•

• • * • * The District B. trd awarded the 1956 District contest

to the Holland d·..tpter, but the 1966 International Prelim­inaries haven t .. ts yet, been awarded. International has now assigned dalt•" lor our future contests as follows; International Prt·l minarles -April 29-May l, 1966, April 14-16, 1967, Ap11' 26-28, 1968 Aprilll-13, 1969 and Dis­trict contests - Octu bet· 13-15, 1967 and October 18-20, 1968. Chapters 1nu•resled in bidding are urged to send their bids to nw of fie e for consideration by the Board.

• .. • * • * Chapters are r. minded that elections of chapters of­

fleers should lw 11 ld in the month of Odoller, and the re­sults reported JH'',J·tplly tu the Distrir.t Secretary's office so that the new uf!H·ers can be advised of the lime and place of the Chc~nr.~r Offl!.:ers' Training S<:hool.

++++-r++ ...

Jont"s Gear ~ Greenville For Contest Green villi? k wkl d off the fall barhershopping season

with an Open H · Sl' and Gue~t Night on September 13. We needed a boost a! .ur membership and this night produc­ed several go~.~d pruspet•ts. Entertainment for the e•·en­in~ centered ar Jr d Ute fabulous Extension Chords from G;and Rapids. !so on had to help us get things going was a bus load •I . Iuskegonitcs ... all barbers hoppers of course.

Our chorus s r,., on a float in the Danish Festival parade and also 'h<> Belding Labor Day this past month. .A 1 Reinhardt and J.1ck Wood were co-chairmen oi pre­paring the float

Di;ector Fr 1. runes has begun chorus rehearsals for engagements n Octobe-r 2 in Big Rapids, October 8 for the Eastern • .1 r in Greenville and the- bi~est one- of all, October 9 11 ..tltle Creek. Sure would enjoy a tr1p to Chicago.

reporter: bob hansen 8

tu~kegon Barberhopper Dies Suddenly ''The .shouUng and the tumult dies ... Thf' captains and

the hings depart ... " In the ensuing days since the sudden passing of Wil­

son Hislop. we have had time to reflect on the truly great loss it was ... to his family, to his many friends and to all or us who were privileged to "barbershop" with him, for "Wlll!e" was a de\·oted barbers hopper.

Wil~on l.Jecame a member of the Muskegon chapter in 1953 and the Port City Chorus soon after . To mar.y 01 us he will he remembered best in the chorus at back row center with his pilch pipe ready . Others will re­memher Wilson singing !earl with the Cord-Cutters quar­tet in 1957-58, with Bob Hart, Tom Garzclloni and Wall 1falstrom. Slnce 1960 he has sung with the Warb-Elairs wilh Web Scrivnor, Al Martin and Bob Hart.

Wilson loved barbershop harmony. In addition to his quartet and chorus work, he was always ready to wood­shed a few or quile a few. He always fulfilled his bar­bershop obligations. When the chorus had a job to do, Willie was there.

He was appointed to the chapter board in 1964 and was subsequently elected program vice president for 1965 and to the board for 1965 and · 66. Wilson repre­sented the Muskegon chapter as a delegate to District conv ntions in 1964-65.

We will miss him. reporter: gordon guun

++ -r+--~

.liE.' OF NOTE

The Troubadour congratulates the following men of note:

Dr. Robert Marth~ and Loton Wilson, Boyne City; Ray­land St:hied, Flint: Douglas Webb. Gratiot County: Louis Herman. Grosse Pointe; Glen Loveland, Clayton Martin, Sam Cushman, Jackson; Lyle Rapp and Howard Strong, Kalamazoo, Reese Olger, Lansing: Bill Whippen and Ron Haw ·mson, Monroe; Tom Garzelloni, Delmer Doctor, Robert Alexander and Lloyd Carter. Muskegon; Herb "RPniam ... , Saginaw and Jim St. Amand, Utica -Rochester.

Page 9: INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT TO ATTEiND MICHIGAN DISTR ICT ... · international president to atteind michigan distr ict convention battle creek michiga 1n octo i er 8-9-10



The follov•ing action was taken bv the International Board during the convention m Bo..•non:

App!"0\'31 >as given to a ..,.300,000 sin •I hmit, public liabilny and property d mag , with a .,1,000 mEdical co\·crage, blanket inSurance policy to cowr every chap­ter nd di::;trict. Individual chapter meetings nnd chap­ter sponsvrcd shows arP CO\"t?recl. IF A PPHOVED I3Y A MAJORITY OF THE DISTRIC f HOUSES OF DELE­GATES THIS FALL. THE COVER-\GE BECOMES EF-f ECTIVE JANUARY 1. 1966. The co:sl prr chapter and diMtrtct will 1 ~25.00 each n .m annual basis. Full de­talls ·ill bE: furmsh d in th n ar futur .

Apprm.'3l was gtvt:n to the formation of an InternatiOn­al Dtstnct to accomociate chapters in foreik!"n countr>cs. Countries will he assigned to specific Districts. thus providing :.1 medium for contest participation. Twenty­fivl' chapters ar€ required in an) one country before a separare District can be formed

Ltcensin procedures were re\"tsed to the e ·tent of mcrea">ing th licensed chap r fee to 5.00, v:fth a re­commended pay-as-you g;o plan, incteased services and olHce manuals, etc. Only one SIX-month extension will be allowed beyon~ lhe license period. Also, "Associate Status·· chapters are now allowed one six-month e.·ten­sion be;Tond a full y r as an" Associat" chap er bt:for a re\·oca i n of charter take plaC'e.

The Bo:u·d strongl• reaffirmed lh ociety's policy of dt-apprO\>al in th u:.c of any alcoholic beverages dur-1ng ehaptcr r.ll:etings. All offi("ers at every Soci ty level ::tre asked to aid in sl rc>ssin~ adherence to this pol icy.

The 1969 lnlel·nalional Com•ention and Conlests were awarded to t. Louis. Mtssourl.

The mclusion or the District secrctartcs. or other Di rtct offlc ·!' as d signated bv the District president, at h anr.uaJ DIStricts prestdent's conference at Kenosha wa;;: appro\' d on a on vear trial ba:sis.

The S ri tv's legal docum~mts ( International By- Laws, Standdrd Dislriet Cunstilut.ion, Standarcl Chapter By-Laws and Society Articles or Incorporation ) were slightly rc­\'t5t:>d to r fleet the n C€'ssarv changes making the So-ctet ·'s apphcalion for a blanket (c) 3 tax-exempt s·a us with the Internal Re\·enue Ser\•tc€ eligible for immediate and favorable action. All chapt rs and Dtstrkts will re­cetve additional informatlOn as to the a~tion required by th_m.

The lnternaticma l 00a1·d recci\·ed a report from the lnt rna tiona! ERVIC E Committe+> which reveal ·d that m r than 31,000 has been contributed to our SER\tlCE proj ct. V'E SING ... THAT THEY SHALL SPEAK smce Jun • 19 -· It was al ore •ealed that thE> Ontarto. Far \1 ('SIE'rn eneca :Umd, lllinoi--, Johnny Applcsccd and

Michic:an Districts hn\'e all raised sufficient money to undertake the sponsorship of their District's child.

++->- +-t-..L.+


Meet the

Spar-Tone-A irs contact Stuart Palmer 1503 Plainfield N.E. Grand Rapids

Mee1 the

HARMONY HOUNDS contact Dr. Wm. Clone -421 E. Minges Rd. BoHle Creek


M~et the


Doug Stephens 1403 Cooper Ave. lansing

Meet the



Bill Grumbley .4545 Two Mile Road Boy City


Meet lhe

FOREMASTERS We make other quartets look good

contact Tam Damm 181.48 lovell Rd. !\nrina lake


Page 10: INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT TO ATTEiND MICHIGAN DISTR ICT ... · international president to atteind michigan distr ict convention battle creek michiga 1n octo i er 8-9-10

Dear Michti!M Bar ,_,.rshopper~:

It is with d ep regret that 1 announce the death of Dr. iartin F. Palmer, founder and head of th~ Institute of

Logopedics. His Jove of music was esceeded only by his lm·e or chlldn n, and one of the proudest moments of his life came in n Antonio in 1964 with thF wedding of S.P.E.B.S.Q . . A. and the Institute ... "We Sing ... That They Sha 11 Sp a~ ...

I am sur< that as a Soc-iety Wo.: will increase our effort: to carry on til•' ~real work of a greal man.


fi~ Barrie Best, Executi\·e Director

Flint chedules Film On Boston Finals \ elcome !};.lck to barber:.hoppm!! auye woo n:1ve neea­

ed the calJ f sun and surf. Le •::. put all Lhai accumu­lated vim an \ 1gor into making the: •!lowing sea­son the m o <> t acti\•e in chapter and .:•tstrict his­tory.

Flint had :1.n active summer with regular meetings and many guests from other chapters, which has pro\ (•n to us that we can not <~fford to discontinue mPelings during the summer.

In JunC>, !.}(S ides regular meetings, we attended Beans for Boston. nwstpry night and the Utica-Rochester show.

July saw .1 special birthday party, Bob-Lo moonlight excursion, H 1Lv-Fenion Raft Ride and party at Neil 1 orman'c;.

A1.1gust. lll l' haprer meeting at Saginaw, Pontiac Korn Roa t. Ham tlt ' Hep School and Flint picnic.

Septemb< r's calendar tncludes Holly-Fenton picnic, Pontiac Ladle.::> Night and joint chapter chorus.

Our Car.·l"lLc'1 friends certainly were gracio-qs hosts at the Ham1l' •U Hep School and it truly was one of those experiences •nly barber shoppers are privileged. to enjoy. Imagine s ingtr in a chorus of a hundred voices, which included 13 •L .. .lnized quartets. Bob Johnson surely ,. _____________________ ....,

IMPORTANT· All address changes should be J!I\'E n to your chapter secre-61 tary. M:tkc sure your chapter secre- _ tary forwards this info to Inte.rnational · ~~ ~·/ (source oi u.JJ' mailing labels). THEN ~- 1 0 you can b.e .sure the Troubadour will I (;. h f be mailed to !.he correct address. ~


spent that week end in the overtones. The Flint chapter is starting something a little dif­

ferent this [all at chapter meetings. At each meeting a name will be drawn for Stage hand who will be respon~ sible for setting up the chairs and stage complete with barber poles, speak r's table and display rable on which the bulletin editor will put current bulletins from other chapters, area event ac · h·iti .s. news releases and anv-thing else or interest to th me-mbers. •

The meetin,. wdl start with chorus practice follov.•ed by a short break. then the president or vice president will call thf: m,;,eting back to order and make necessarv announcements, followed by singing the welcome song • for guests. The the meeting will bl" turned over to the program chairman, who will put on a short program.

Programs are to be put on bv a difierent member each meeting to gh·e everyone a chance to participate, followed by singing "Keep America Singing". Then lunch and woodshedding until'?'!? The program wi 11 be put on eomplete wilh stage presence jusl like a regular show. This gives everyone some experience in this area and in spile of what some members may say, sing-outs and quartet appearances in public are "show biz" and where can anrone get better expcrie11ce than at chapter meet­ings. The program chairman will also see that every­one present participates in the activ1ties. round robin or whatever.

How about more joint area events and chapter \'isi­tallons? Maybe some chapter visitation ladies ni~ht?


Tuesday, October 26. 1965 at Croatian Hall, 529 S. Dart Hwy. Flint is the night ior showing the tilm on the finals of the Boston Com·ention from 9:00 to 10:00 p.m. Door fee is $1.00 and stag only.

Let's not forget how fortunate most of us are to be able to be contributors instead 01 recipients of Logo­pedics and continue to "Sing That They Shall Speak".

reporter: les Lanl-{ ++++++++

Holly· F enten Choru Appears In Centennial Acti\'ities slowed up a bit during July and August. We

held no special chorus reht-ai·sal nights during these two months but with September 6 we will meet every Tues­day night as before.

Besides appearing in the Holly Centennial two days. entering a float in the fen­ton 4th of July parade, hav­inl! our annual L:lke Fenton Raft Ride and attendmg the Area meeting m Sa~inaw, we ha\·en't been too busy.

All members arc worki~ toward a bigger and better Har\·est of Harmony show on November 27. ThP\' want to make it the best yet. ·

This c.hapter has bf'en approached concerning a bar­bershop night in conjunction wilh the Fenton Living Theatre Series. Nothing definite yet. This would be one of lhe best pieces of publicity we could ask for. Mt~re about this in the future.

reporter: art burnett

Page 11: INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT TO ATTEiND MICHIGAN DISTR ICT ... · international president to atteind michigan distr ict convention battle creek michiga 1n octo i er 8-9-10





Following a round o1 fund-raising Hents and parties, lhe ~ummer i)ar·l>ershop seas n was t"limaxC'd by Lhe ln­tE'rna ionnl contest and com· n ion in Boston.

1 tany of ·he Detroit chorus members and thcrr •wcs traveled by bus, enjo ·ing a sightseemg stop-0\·er at , ·i­ac<u·a Fall~. The ~roup includ~::d Ron DuMonthier, Harv~:-· Frl"emlll, AI Hess, Rohcr·t Hickey, Thw·rnan Hollarlay, D n HO'.I.<lrd, W;1ync Kniffin. Paul Lucht Jr., Paul Lucht Sr. , Ed 1 :Car lr·. Jame.s McCue. Jack P.ltf>, Ralph Ryan, D1c Ryan, . rt Schulze, Ron Sco~~. Wilham Smith, R.<y Sm1th, E• Zurakowski. Ward T~ylor. Bert West, l3oh Wlutledge, Iessrs. ami Mesdame~ Bill Butler, Geurge .~cree. William Amper~e. ~Jan Caldcnvood. Maurice O:wignon, ,'elson Gotshall. Lawren e King, i\rt Lmdt:. Bob Luscombe, Bob 111li!!3n. Jack Rush, Da\'c Russell, Pat R··an, Ralph '3chirmer, G or!:':e • hmidt, Carl Sheffer, Crai~ _herwooct, ·it k 'l to. Lowell Thunas, Otto Vogel, \' ' ilham \\'arner, John Wearing. HPili'V \\'it:choun and B h \>-inters. OlllPr 0f'troit chapt•,r m~mlJ 'l'S in nttend­anc included lr. and trs. Wtlliam F-avinger and ~1r. a!W Mrs. Dune 'a!

S "'" participating in the street parade w re Lowell V'olie, Roger Ll :s, D1. William Clark and Dick Pam:o.· in their Harmon~ Hounds' he:-~rse.

Among hose proudly watching lhe Auto Towners win thc1r medals were Clarence \Venm::ur. Rot!er Knapp, E. A. '.mde Zande-. \l'illiam \"hippen, Charles Sherwood, AI

Burgess. \'.illiam Hansen. Burt Szabo. AI Eason. Ron Sceh·. Ed Conn, -tnd l\l<>ssrs. and Mesdames Georg~ Dyer, Ron Jones. Bert Escott, Carleton Scott. W. A. Diekema, C. D. Sanborn, Robert Stone, Cecil Craig. AI Fricket·. Paul Kernen and ~m·man Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Thomp­son were attt:nding their first International com·ention.

A popular gathering spot for the M1chigan cvm·· nti • -el:'rs was the Wayne chapter suite. Seen there were Tim Qu,c•cn. Des Millican, Jerry Reid. Bud Kepler, Al Maier·. John Lin£.'han. AI Rt>hkop, Clmt Bostick. Carl Dahlke, Glenn Van Tas:.t>II, Roger Craig, Dale C!isby, Tom Pollard, and Bill W1lcox. The Paschers of Pontiac were among the late arri\·als due to c:u trouble.

Heunions werC" enjoyed 'A'ith former MiChig<tn men, Burt Staffc!l and Wes Meir of the west coast and Messrs. and Me~dames Robert Craig. Willioim Rowell. Tom Steele, Carroll Adams, Don Dobson and Ed Jamt= of the east. ,. * • •

Con!!ratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Roben Whitledge oi Detroit on the birth of their son and to :Mr. and Mr·s. Ches­ter Oonk of Holland on the lnrth of their daughter.

• . • .. Barbershoppers were saddened lo learn of the death of

Barney Brooks of Antler fame in Flint. +--+--....;._...J_+•...:..+


Sault Readies For Contest Aucust wasr."t e\:.m o,1,·er when ·-~o·c resur ed t>arbe.r­

shoppln~ for 196S-66. Our first meetin:.. .t s .1 good in­dication that we will pro­bably have a successful vear. · At this meeting Bob TracPy was able to tear himself awa:· from his busy <:chcdule and !\!ack­inaw City :o 1·~-td us In a chorus sing-sonR, and woodshedding. The mirh­tonians from Detroit, you know ... that fabul • · -; family group, entertained us ~i;:h beautifully perf Jl':lled sdec­UO!l:i. We hope they come bac-k again soor. t•. the Sault.

Ever s!nre our Hrsr meNing we havL' iJ •t ~. praeticing fo1· Ballle Cn ekand theOr;toll~r 9-10 wee·l;-,·nct. Looks likt- ht:' :mlt png will be down in full fu1· t. ,; u all other C'ompetitor~ take no·.- .

. j, new swttch this yea:- ..• in.stead of Ma\ .ir ar.nual parao · w 1, >n .~o,·ember 6, at 8:15 p.rn :r~ the Clay-ton auditorium (Sault Collt!glate Institute) \\'e ha\·e some A-1 quartets r Jtninc: for the event uf the sc.tson ... Spar­Tone-Aires and Road Runners (10~5 Inlem ll nat quartet fmahstsl. Let's no rorg:.t the Sault Ste .•. 1 Hle chorus, under the capable direction of C. E. ''Ted'' Spr;· , will "',;, srnb.

See vou in tlw Sault for our November p.Jr.tde fellows. - reporter: murphy

STl~TEME, 'T REQL"'RED BY THE ACT OF AUGUST 24, 1912, A~ AMENDED DY THE ,\CTS OF MARCH 3, 1933, JULY 2. 19-15 AND .lU~E 11, 1960 ( 74 STAT. 208) HOWL 'G TilE ow:-:ER­SHIP, 1'1AI-:AGEriEXT. A~D :'rRCULl. f!ON OF THE .MICHTGAJ.' TROUBADOUR.

Publisht;d monihi:.· ex\ ept July and .=-.u;;us· at Zeeland, Michi~an for Ot'(oher, 1905.

The nrtmes and addresses of Lhe publisher. editor. managing editor and business m ma-l; rs are: Jack \1 • Oonk. 526 E. Lim·o ln A\·e .. Zeeland, Mi ·higan 49464.

Thf' n\\·ner: THE M!CHIG.b,l\ DISTRICT OF S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A . tnc. ( Secrclnry: Louis R. Harrington, 2361 First • ·ation:tl Bld~-: .. D!? roit 26, Michi{.!an.)

Kno·v.on bondholders, mortgagees and o ther security holders owning or holding 1 J.lE :rC'ent or more or total amount of bonds, mort:Ph!"s or other securities are: NONE.

A\·eragc number of copies of each issuE- of this publication sold or distributE><~ tht· 1U~h the mails or otherv.ise to paid subscrr l;ers and others durin~ the 12 months preceedln::; the date sll()Wil above was 1500.

Page 12: INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT TO ATTEiND MICHIGAN DISTR ICT ... · international president to atteind michigan distr ict convention battle creek michiga 1n octo i er 8-9-10



A meetin~ uf the Michigan District Board u[ Directors was held on Ju ly 24, 1965, at the Hcl da~ Inn, B: tile Creek. The me ti ng was called to on:ler by Pre ·tdent AI Burge-s a 10:00 a .rr Also present -were immed1ale P<-St pr si­denl "Hansen, Vice president Charles Sherwood, Treasurer Mike Shted. ' t cretarv Louis Harrington and Troubadour ed1 or r ·k Oonk.

The chatr read a le ttr from Bob Johnson relative to his Chorus D ectors School in Michigan to be held Octo­ber 22-23 and 24, and that he would also visit other points in the Distr ic r as follows; Sault Ste. Maire, Ontario on October 25 a1 1 26, Boyne City Oct o=r 27, Windsor on Oc ober 28 and Pontiac on October 29.

A disrussi on then centered on the possibilily of the Dislricl proYiding a seminar and special coaching for chorus direct rs stnctly on a Distrtc level.

The dates of the District c tes·.::. were then discu sed, and the secretary then reproted that the Holland chapter had submitted a bid for the 1966 Fall District contest and com•ention . It was then voted unanimous!: that the said convention l.H? awarded to Holland on the dates of Septem­ber 30 throu!Jh October 2, 1966. A report was then made on the prof!:ress of plans for the 1965 Fall convt!ntion at Battle CreE'k .

Pres dent Burgess then reported on several steps tak ., b· he In ernational Board at the convention in Bos­ton in rune. 11.- announced that the charters of the Ionia and Coldwater chapters were revoked for failure to main­tain the minirr urn membership of 25 as required. He also reported tha t th ' International \"Oted o subscribe for a blanket liabiht bond to Lv ·er each chapter and district, and that each t hapter and district would be billed $25.00 per annum ior this bond. This would be mandatory. This action is subJ ·t to approval b · the \"arious Houses of Delegates.

Bill Hanser then reported that he haa suggested a small brochur be provided b International and given lo all chapters lree or charge to be placed in programs at parades am om·entions to inform the . eneral public of our chart~y

President Burgess then reviewed the membership status of the District, revealing another marked decline.

He also rer ted that Chet Fox o[ International v•ould be 10 the Distr 1ct to work on e. pans ion on September 13 through 17, a nr that Big Rapids is one of the prospects.

A general discussion then ensued regarding District problems and suggestions for membership, extension and more acth·iry ; hin the District.

The meetm • adjourned at 2:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

LOUIS R. HARRINGTON, District Secretary


IF .·aT .... WHY ."OT?



~~..- T:~L "N.t) fiS --.,;[\.~":'!"! 1~~ 0

-.;: ....... ~ ..



Requests for parade date clearance and sanction fee payments should be sent t District secretary, Louis R. Harrington, 2361 First • tat onal Building, Detroit 26.

E)c~ber 2, 1965 October 9, 1965

October 22-23, 1965

ovember 6, 1965 November 6. 1965 •· "ember 13-14 1965 . ·ovember 27, 1965 Jammr~· 22, 1966 February 5, 1966 February 12, 1966 April 2, 1966 April 16, 1966 April 23. 1966

April 29-May 1. 1966

September 30-0ct. 2, 1966

No,•ember 5, 1966 February 11. 1967 April 8, L96'i

April 14-16, 1967

October 13-15,1967

April 26-28. 1968

October 18-20. 1968

Fruit Belt Parade District Contest and Convention, Battle Creek Lansing Pnade &. District Chorus DirPctor's School

Detroit Chapter Parade Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario Parade Chap .er Officers Training School Holly- Fenton Parad Pontiac Parad Monroe Parad~: Greenville Parade Flint Parade Jackson 25th Annuversar • Parade Great Lakes Invitational, Grand Rapids International Preliminaries (ten ative) Disl ict Contest and Com•ention, Holland Detroit Chapter Parade Kalama zoo Parade Great Lakes Invitational, Grand Rapids International Preliminaries (tentative) District contes and convention (tenta ive) International Preliminaries (tentati\•e) District contest and com·e .tion (tentative)