Interior journal (Stanford, Ky. : 1905). (Stanford, KY...

r to New Plaid Silks ti > j jti Wo mvojuttrcccivcil n new lino of vory swell plaid silks fur wnUte Something not shown in this market before Ono ciiL Tqa pattern of each klnd75c 81 and 8135 per yard I r r > STANFORD KY lro 2 J 1005 1 INSPECT tlio fine of Christmas Good at Pennys Drug Store I = PERSONALS W S Ranch Is improving C0I T P HlU Is considerably Im proved EH BBAZLKYs condition remain unchanged FRED COOK ts at homo front Harri man Tenn MR AND MRS JAMBS GIHONKV or Danville were hero Tuesday t < MIKH ILA HOIDAM of Crab Orchard Is with Mrs John II Shanks MRS It D CARTER and son Carl aro visiting relatives in Boyle I ATTORNEY I H HUGHES was In Ixulsvlllo yesterday on business I R H COY Is assisting In Dr W I I N Craigs during the busy season MRS W IL DIIUON of London Is with her sister Mrs Joseph Coffey I Alas J II YKAOKR of Kansas City is with her mother Mrs Woodfo Hale Miss KATE PENCE left this morning to visit Miss Allcno Curren of Cincin- nati A MRS HOBKRT IANIIAIIor Casey was the guest or Lan ham MiBsJKNNiu LYNN is the guest ot Iher slater Mm W Logan Wood In i l DanvilleMRS M O WINFREY of Middles boro was on Wednesdays train bound for Louisville o Miss SUE PAWIJNO of Greenville- J has been the guest of her relative Mr W P Grimes MRS I C SMITH and Miss Annie lIronaugh nf Crab Orchard were hen t shopping yesterday MR F M WARS of McKinney will entertain a number of his friends at a oclock dinner Monday MRS J H BROWN and daughter 1G Dora Brown of Casey wen Ul at Col Lanhams MRS L M WESTIRKIEU and chil- dren of Livingston arc at Mr M D 1 Elmoroa for Ida8 T K WATSON of Lexington passel Wednesday to Xmas with the homcfolks at Orchard Mn J L MINKS of Wayne county has rented and moved to the J Wesley Eubnnks farm near Hubble HILLY WADSWORTH schoolmate am friend of John Owslcy Reid spent sev era days with him this week HUBERT CARPENTER who has beer school at Lexington is will t the homefolks for the holidays BORN to tho wlfo of Mr C AL 1cn I nybarkcr of Somerset a girl The mother was Miss Katie Mershon Miss NELLIE MURPHY will probably visit her sister Miss Whltlyo i at Staunton Vn during the holidays Mil ANn MRS 12 T CARTER nm baby of Evansville Ind are hero to spend tho holidays with their parents MRS Jour STEELI CARPENTER if critically Ill at Joseph Price Infirmarj and her doctor thinks she cant hvt I lone MRS GARNBTT and daughter Miss Mary Garnctt of Cavo Cify ar rivo tomorrow to spend Christmas with Mr and Mrs J S MBSDAMIM W K SIIUOARS of Bred- illsncnd of Middlosltoro tho hoI with Miss Flor enco Tanner at McKinney Miss DENIIAM who is attending col I o at Loretto como up yesterday to spend tho holidays with I Mr and Mrs W It Denham Mils E P OWSIKV and Miss Mattii Hays Owslcy arrived from Columbus Ga Wednesday toapcnd the holidays with Mrs Conner and Pearl Burn aido Mn S D EADS has rented the J S Hockerfl farm in tho West End and moved to It Mr Arthur Rarnott and wife now tho cottage on tho Dnnvillo plko they vacated MR AND Mns E A Kotchenliach of tho Mt Salem section took Tuesdays train for Uutavllle where they t e the winter They will likely go- to Montana in the Spring with n view Dit locating P W LOGAN wife and Miss 1to LoRan arrived from Martinsville yesterday to visit tho family of S Mrs J Mrs Logan Is 1 greatly troubled is to walk at Mn D MACK PHELIS has bought tho farm of 200 acres four miles from Richmond for 10000 and will re much to the to Madison county ti turn many friends ho has short sojourn in Lin coin LOCALS FINE assortment of fancy and mixed candles G Dllupper- SEE our lino of fresh fruits and nuts for Christmas G D Hopper r assortment on our 6 and- 10ccountcr SEE the new L M Bum yCo C SEE Wll Muellers big selection of jewel fioxea brushes combs mirrors 4 4 etc t- I n LOOK nt Higgtna fruit window COME and see my line of cook stoves T D Newland OVSTKUS celery cranberries Satur day George 11 Farris ill tutlEUI line of pocket knives just received P G Warner Sop BRING your prescriptions to Dr W N Craig for low prices and best ser ¬ vice r JUST received n now lino of fancy side and buck combs at L M gluey S Cos I HAVE received consignment of tho genuine Virginia saddles J C Mc ¬ Clary T B CULTON oI Crab Orchard has sold three bird dogs in tho lost few weeks at 20 to 00 T To FARMERS Please return our sacks or call and sottlo for them J II liaughman Co WILL run two ago today and to- morrow Phone your orders for prompt delivery W H Higglns A CU > AK suit skirt furs bought at our December clean up sale means a saving Severance Son Tin christmas and entertain ¬ ment at tho Christian church last night was very enjoyable especially to the little ones WHEN It comes to lidaygifts a sel- ection of high class jewelry in rich de ¬ signs is found at Muellers in abun- dance ¬ and at right prices NICE lino of teary pictures wagons sleds carts rocking horses tricycles velocipedes and handcars nil for Xmas trade Tribble Pence IN order to close our stock of ladies jackets nnd misses cloaks by JanI wo have made n 2A per cent reduction in prices W E Perkins Crab Orchard TllEHH will bo a box supper at thoI court room Tuesday night Dec 26 for tho benefit of the Christian church Ev erybody invited to come and help in n good cause writes Mrs Curtis Cover of Crati Orchard n splendid worker in that church DEPOT HoniiKi cash drawer in the C N 0 T P ticket oflico at the Junction City depot was broken open about 1 oclock Tuesday momingj nnd 7950 secured by the entrance was gained by prizing open the door that lends from tho ticket once to the mens waiting room A small yel ¬ J S Rice Tuesday noon MAUKStiUKV After lingering many weeks U A U Mnrksbury one of tho most prominent mon in Lancaster died Tuesday For 25 years ho conducted aII hemp and wheat business buying all the adjoining counties Ho is sur ¬ vived by his widow and several grown children among whom are Mrs How¬ ard Rice of Louisville Mrs Louis Lan dram of Lancaster and Mrs Dr Stnughton of Covington Mr Marks bury was a good man nnd he will be sadly missed in Gnrrard county The burial occurred in Lancaster Cemetery Thursday after services at tho Chris ¬ tian church conducted by Rovs F M Tinder and C S Ellis THE present fiscal court held its last sitting this week when tho balance due hose who had furnished rock and gray el for tho plkos was allowed A fran hiso for a traction or interurban line to- O run through this county was ordered to bo sold next county court day Jan 8th It was nt Mr James I Whites olumn Several members of the court undo short talks including County At orney Helm who spoke nt length on tho good feeling existing between tho members and the work dono by them The court is entitled to no little praise lor tho good service it has rendered luring tho past four years Tho affairs of tho county have been carefully and udiciously managed and tho retiring members can feel that they have nc cptably served their constituency Tho present court is composed of tho allowing gentlemen Judge James P Bailey Hnrvey Helm Magistrates W D Wallln C L Hensley J A Dudderar F R r Dud dernr is only hold over In the lot SILK LINED KID GLOVES j t + For Ladies and Gentlemen These nro something new are serviceable and comfortable The kid weara well and the silk J lining makes them warm Como let ua tdiovv you Tho prices arc 1 8125 gild 160r iim SEVERANCE SON STANFORD KENTUCKY madcduVinghis purIchascd allnjn STANFORD souvenir spoons at Muol lerB CARRIAGE heaters robes horse blank- ets etc J C McClary FULL line of useful and ornamental Xmas gifts Tribblo Pence FOR best oranges bananas gropes fruits etc go to Ceo H Ferris DROWN Leghorn roosters thorough- bred for sale Mrs W F Dishon Stanford Fon SALE Second handed Radian Homo heating stove In good order E C Walton FOR candles fruits nuts and other good things for Christmas call at P G Warner Sons FOR SALE Jersey cow with youn calf strictly firstclass W D McKin- ney Stanford Ky COME nnd get your Lowneys and Wescotts chocolate for the least mon eyat G > toppers WANTED To buy or lease n desira blo lot in Stanford to build n broom fac tory on Address S P Gray Stanford Ky FOR SALE OR RENTDr J K Van Andalos residence Possession givei at onco Apply to L R Hughes Stan ford Ky TilE enterprising of Cummins d McClary are giving their customers the prettiest Christmas card wo havo seen for along time SEND in your order for Christmas Coal Flour Etc today nnd tomor row Wo will be closed down Monday J H Doughmnn Co WANTED Bright honest young man from Stanford to prepare for paying position in Government Mall Service Box One Cedar Rapids la EXCHANGE OR S ALl8aacro goo Improved farm in Mercer county for n farm near Hustonvillc W T Ewing real estate agency Harrodsburg Ky Fort SALE CHEAP tho one who applies quickly almost new rubber tire buggy and organ with plain Walnu case but a splendid instrument Apply at this olllce EDITOR BAKEJI T the Somerset Mountaineer and Miss Lelia Carter formerly of the Moreland section but now of Somerset were married at Som crset yesterday 4 W 0 SrEEu got part of the big pur chase of brandy mado by George D Weathcrford of Hustonville of a Rus sellcounty distiller and those who have tasted it say it is fine Gov BBCKHAM appointed lion J S Owsley Jr Special Judge Wednesday of the Knox circuit court to sit in n civilcase in which the regular judgi was barred from sitting The govern last week appointed Mr Owsloy to sit in a murder case in the Oldham district but ho had to decline Tie practice mewdfclno the coun- try should be divided as it is In all cit ies Into surgery and medicine This will give tho physician that branch of medicine he is most proficient in and at tho same time give the people better service I have gradually year alter year as my practice Increased and I be came moro interested in medical discu- ss ¬ given UP surgery and female discus ¬ es I shall therefore in the future limit to medical diseases and midwife cases and not do surgery or exeeppIon ¬ I have formerly done L B Cook Tilt Christmas Recite by Miss Ellen Ballous music class at the Graded Wednesday evening was heartily but poorly attended on account of which fell in torrents Allof those who took part did well but the vooal solo of Prof Ireland and tho whistling solo of Miss Berta Jean Pen- ny ¬ were so good that they were culled VirginiaUourne which were loudly Miss LeGrando readingTho Lin fields Christmas Dinner was most creditable as was the recitation of Miss Annio Lewis Gentry The others who took part in tho splendid entertain ¬ MarySheppard Albert Katherine Mc MahonyMnry Crow Vanhook Miss Ballou had splendidlass mid her by those who saw and heard her pupils play rp t Ji I MR JAMES C FLORENCE The many friends of our clever and efficient postmaster Mr James C Florence will bo glad to know thai Postmaster General Cortelyou has de for reappoint ment as postmaster at this place Th decision suits us to a t CALL and see our line of Xmas pres- ents Tribble Pence yesterdaylor Tuesday Jan 2nd Tim round rate to Louisville is 435 beginning today and until day continuingI IN order that wo may enjoya little Christmas we will skip ono issue next week moro likely TuesdayI IF it is your tenthonto pay fat your INTERmIt JOURNAL before old year is gone you had better get a move on yourself SARA daughter Mr and Mrs Thomas Hurley of Lebanon June tion died of pneumonia The remain were taken to yesterday fat interment In thv District Court iiftlio United stnto For the Knitvrn District of Kentucky III the nmttur of HII Hlmpson- Htiinforil Ky Dec II 106 A meeting IIf the of the 11000 nninril who lint glen mljuilRtMl ItimUrupt will Ion held lit till olllco of tho Ittfvrce ut Hln nfunl Ky on therlttl of I tecvm l er nla truitiv for Il- islnteorhudtlkutkruptund t for the trims lie I 011 of other ImnlneM II may eotie IK torn the meeting Comply with section 87ol the llnnkrupt tot coucrrnliiK proof al clnlinn otherwise your cliilm cnn not Iw nl liiwett JN HAIIMIKKH Iteferoo In Hunk ruptey Sale of Franch ise For Traction Railway Jan 8 1906 HiMtliillVrni IJiicolnruiinty FUcolOour hrlil mc IS 1100 Hun JIIIIIOH l illllel- Judgelttsldlagwithth following Juot- sus of thw Pence town V D Will II II J- AIludderurMItCumptuuCfIiii I Icy I Thin ilny Jiunon I Whlto CIIIIM Into cour mid npplttHl for n franchise permlttliiK tin coiihtmctlonof n Trnrtlun or J line of rnilwny over the turnpike romU of Lincoln county the court Ixlng addled unon loll 0 W D WiiltlnKniuMComl iu byl I HenKlcy It h orilereil mid ml Judged t y tIIe court that a frnnelilw for tin par poop heretofore Miitnl IM iiniiileil 11111 soul on tlir niiciiitir it Htnnfonl turnplki roiultroiu the Onrniril und Lincoln line to tilt rnriKinitu HmltMOf the Htanfon and nlMion tin HlnnfonlDIx lUvrarrnn County A Whlto Oak turnpike road to tin corporate limits of tin town of 1 tow In ml iilsoon tin Htiintord rriib Urrlniril turn plktr rand oil Unit portion of tin raid Ik the towuo of InwlRIIlI nlll Htunfuni iiUoon tin1 HtunforiK llusionvllletuniplk rood from the cor ornU limit of tin city 01 Htnnfonl lo tin coritoriite limits of tin tows of ilintonvllle tiUo on tin Hiistonvnlu t llrnilfonljvllle turnplki road from tin cor leItiu0w iiirt Cunllnhr8lrk turnpike rood froii tar corporate limit of town of llunton vlllt to tin Oiisev county hut nlro over tau- TurtersIIIMeKlnneyR Mt Hiilrm turn pike rand anil the Iliutouvlllo t Corfuy1 Mill turnplki road from Mt Stili m to the Onsoy rounty lino 11100 over till Btniifonl A llullHdiip turnliikurund front the corporate limits of lo tint armor tvrmlmuof Iasi rat tthenceorrtlieIIigh InnilA turnpike month to the rlulitofwiiy of tliKnincliiinttlXow AlVxin INnIIU Hiillronil at Vaynelmrn iilnu over tin taunts maul nt or near Iteulx n IurtIstoflueiiimt k1cooatvIlnentorear KulmnkK Tin friinrlilsi hercliy granted NIIIIIIoohlllM an entirety or whole at pule court hotsO door In the of Htnnfonl Ky tot ciish to the high IIIhrll11Ih 0111I coln ronnlvi pnee Intf the tlllhot sale of mild fraiichUe and by printed nolle posted nt the courthoiue door by tin Irk of the Uncotn county court Hn id inle to I > imidi nt tIlt vitnliir Juutuiry term IKO of tin rincoin county court I M I HK th xthihiy of Jminary UOli ntl oclock r ti tnlidnixl linn It In ozprviKly tinili ritiHNl tint tilt purchawr or of l liU franchise shall lwgil work IlIIrdrM within lMHOithsfrom tar dub of Mile null Iroscultuuu with diligence III cood faith to tin completion of the work and to complete inline wlthlu I yearn from tutu of stile son the fnlluro of tin pur rlm or or purcimVur of sold friuiclilxe to complete sold road an lose ktnttd nolil flllllhill to beeomn null iintl void bet U furthermore expressed and muU ritoo l Hurt If the piirchnserorpiirchiiier of lilt frnn 11190 JI iipttOiil consiriietlon tlf line of ra0lnnd hire wimo In oxra > MIItelIlltO1 of rond on any or till of tho routes herein ilealKtintcd shall not olwntto ai u forfeiture of a frniiPhlMi over till lines or routes on which a hut of road had torn cotutructeil Hald wilt fihnll Iw tmidu Itluclerk of thU court who U directed to report hU action to tin next term of this court BOooiKU clerk Lincoln County Kltcnl Court ByK rennlngton IM Fine Linen Covers Scarfs t These will appeal to the lovers of fine hand tlrnwn linen goods Table corers at 8175 8250 U and SlGO Dress scarfs at dl75 to 84 Tho work is done by Japanese artists and it is well done + t I Gift Certificates a help you sensibly to decide what to give You buy the beautifullyengraved Certificate and present it as a gift The person receiving it nay come in at her convenience be fitted with just the style and size which best suits her and exchange the Certificate see below for the shoes What can give a woman more genuine pleasure than perfectly fitted stylish boots And what can be more stylish than theshoc that sets the style npcn Oualitv boots come in all leithcnor dress for street for skating for all other services Let your choice be a sensible one Queen Quality Gift Certificates 350 A 300 Cummins l McC- laryIkTCOST We will sell our entire stock of Japanese ware consisting of a splendid assortment of Chocolate Sets Cups and Saucers Cream and t Sugar Sets Vases Dinner Sets Puffs Boxes Hair Re ¬ ceivers Punch Bowls and Numerous other articles suitable for Christmas Presents ex ¬ actly AT COST on Friday And Saturday Also our large Stock of Furs consisting of the Newest Styles and Best Qualities at prices ranging from 225 to 20 Buy now and save money as our stock at these prices will not last long L M HUBY CO lR < I Dry Goods and Notions f Opera House Block opp CourtHouse Stanford Kentucky st

Transcript of Interior journal (Stanford, Ky. : 1905). (Stanford, KY...


New Plaid Silks

ti> j

jti Wo mvojuttrcccivcil n new lino of vory swell plaid silks

fur wnUte Something not shown in this market before OnociiL

Tqa pattern of each klnd75c 81 and 8135 per yard



STANFORD KY lro 2 J 10051

INSPECT tlio fine of Christmas Good

at Pennys Drug Store


W S Ranch Is improvingC0I T P HlU Is considerably Im

provedEH BBAZLKYs condition remain

unchangedFRED COOK ts at homo front Harri


Danville were hero Tuesdayt < MIKH ILA HOIDAM of Crab Orchard

Is with Mrs John II ShanksMRS It D CARTER and son Carl

aro visiting relatives in Boyle

I ATTORNEY I H HUGHES was InIxulsvlllo yesterday on business

I R H COY Is assisting In Dr W

II N Craigs during the busy season

MRS W IL DIIUON of London Is

with her sister Mrs Joseph CoffeyI

Alas J II YKAOKR of Kansas Cityis with her mother Mrs Woodfo Hale

Miss KATE PENCE left this morningto visit Miss Allcno Curren of Cincin-


was the guest or Lanham

MiBsJKNNiu LYNN is the guest ot

Iher slater Mm W Logan Wood Ini

l DanvilleMRSM O WINFREY of Middles

boro was on Wednesdays train boundfor Louisville

o Miss SUE PAWIJNO of Greenville-

J has been the guest of her relative MrW P Grimes

MRS I C SMITH and Miss AnnielIronaugh nf Crab Orchard were hen

t shopping yesterdayMR F M WARS of McKinney will

entertain a number of his friends at aoclock dinner MondayMRS J H BROWN and daughter1G Dora Brown of Casey wen

Ul at Col LanhamsMRS L M WESTIRKIEU and chil-

dren of Livingston arc at Mr M D

1 Elmoroa for Ida8T K WATSON of Lexington passel

Wednesday to Xmas with thehomcfolks at Orchard

Mn J L MINKS of Wayne countyhas rented and moved to the J WesleyEubnnks farm near Hubble

HILLY WADSWORTH schoolmate amfriend of John Owslcy Reid spent severa days with him this week

HUBERT CARPENTER who has beerschool at Lexington is will

t the homefolks for the holidaysBORN to tho wlfo of Mr C AL 1cn

Inybarkcr of Somerset a girl Themother was Miss Katie Mershon

Miss NELLIE MURPHY will probablyvisit her sister Miss Whltlyoi at Staunton Vn during the holidays

Mil ANn MRS 12 T CARTER nmbaby of Evansville Ind are hero tospend tho holidays with their parents

MRS Jour STEELI CARPENTER ifcritically Ill at Joseph Price Infirmarjand her doctor thinks she cant hvt

I loneMRS GARNBTT and daughter Miss

Mary Garnctt of Cavo Cify arrivo tomorrow to spend Christmas with


illsncndof Middlosltoro

tho hoI with Miss Florenco Tanner at McKinney

Miss DENIIAM who is attending colI o at Loretto como up yesterday tospend tho holidays with

I Mr and Mrs W It DenhamMils E P OWSIKV and Miss Mattii

Hays Owslcy arrived from ColumbusGa Wednesday toapcnd the holidayswith Mrs Conner and Pearl Burnaido

Mn S D EADS has rented the J S

Hockerfl farm in tho West End andmoved to It Mr Arthur Rarnott andwife now tho cottage on thoDnnvillo plko they vacated

MR AND Mns E A Kotchenliach oftho Mt Salem section took Tuesdaystrain for Uutavllle where they

t e the winter They will likely go-

to Montana in the Spring with n view


P W LOGAN wife and Miss1to LoRan arrived from Martinsvilleyesterday to visit tho family of

S Mrs J Mrs Logan Is

1 greatly troubledis to walk at

Mn D MACK PHELIS has bought thofarm of 200 acres four miles

from Richmond for 10000 and will remuch to theto Madison countyti turn many friends ho has

short sojourn in Lin



FINE assortment of fancy and mixed

candles G Dllupper-

SEE our lino of fresh fruits and nuts

for Christmas G D Hopperr

assortment on our 6 and-

10ccountcrSEE the new

L M BumyCoCSEE Wll Muellers big selection of

jewel fioxea brushes combs mirrors

4 4 etc t-



LOOK nt Higgtna fruit window

COME and see my line of cook stovesT D Newland

OVSTKUS celery cranberries Saturday George 11 Farris

ill tutlEUI line of pocket knives justreceived P G Warner Sop

BRING your prescriptions to Dr WN Craig for low prices and best ser¬


JUST received n now lino of fancyside and buck combs at L M gluey S


I HAVE received consignment of thogenuine Virginia saddles J C Mc ¬


T B CULTON oICrab Orchard hassold three bird dogs in tho lost fewweeks at 20 to 00


To FARMERS Please return oursacks or call and sottlo for them JII liaughman Co

WILL run two agotoday and to-morrow Phone your orders for promptdelivery W H Higglns

A CU > AK suit skirt furs boughtat our December clean up sale means asaving Severance Son

Tin christmas andentertain ¬

ment at tho Christian church last nightwas very enjoyable especially to thelittle ones

WHEN It comes to lidaygifts a sel-ection of high class jewelry in rich de ¬

signs is found at Muellers in abun-dance


and at right prices

NICE lino of teary pictureswagons sleds carts rocking horsestricycles velocipedes and handcars nilfor Xmas trade Tribble Pence

IN order to close our stock of ladiesjackets nnd misses cloaks by JanI wohave made n 2A per cent reduction inprices W E Perkins Crab Orchard

TllEHH will bo a box supper at thoIcourt room Tuesday night Dec 26 fortho benefit of the Christian church Everybody invited to come and help in ngood cause writes Mrs Curtis Coverof Crati Orchard n splendid worker inthat church

DEPOT HoniiKi cashdrawer inthe C N 0 T P ticket oflico atthe Junction City depot was brokenopen about 1 oclock Tuesday momingjnnd 7950 secured by theentrance was gained by prizing open thedoor that lends from tho ticket once tothe mens waiting room A small yel ¬

J S Rice Tuesday noon

MAUKStiUKV After lingering manyweeks U A U Mnrksbury one of thomost prominent mon in Lancaster diedTuesday For 25 years ho conducted

aIIhemp and wheat business buyingall the adjoining counties Ho is sur¬

vived by his widow and several grownchildren among whom are Mrs How¬

ard Rice of Louisville Mrs Louis Landram of Lancaster and Mrs DrStnughton of Covington Mr Marksbury was a good man nnd he will besadly missed in Gnrrard county Theburial occurred in Lancaster CemeteryThursday after services at tho Chris ¬

tian church conducted by Rovs F M

Tinder and C S Ellis

THE present fiscal court held its lastsitting this week when tho balance duehose who had furnished rock and grayel for tho plkos was allowed A franhiso for a traction or interurban line to-

O run through this county was orderedto bo sold next county court day Jan8th It was nt Mr James I Whites

olumn Several members of the courtundo short talks including County Atorney Helm who spoke nt length on

tho good feeling existing between thomembers and the work dono by themThe court is entitled to no little praiselor tho good service it has renderedluring tho past four years Tho affairsof tho county have been carefully andudiciously managed and tho retiring

members can feel that they have nccptably served their constituencyTho present court is composed of thoallowing gentlemen Judge James P

Bailey Hnrvey Helm MagistratesW D Wallln C L Hensley J ADudderar F R r Duddernr is only hold over In thelot


t +

For Ladies and Gentlemen These nro something new are

serviceable and comfortable The kid weara well and the silkJ

lining makes them warm Como let ua tdiovv you Tho prices





STANFORD souvenir spoons at Muol


CARRIAGE heaters robes horse blank-

ets etc J C McClary

FULL line of useful and ornamentalXmas gifts Tribblo Pence

FOR best oranges bananas gropesfruits etc go to Ceo H Ferris

DROWN Leghorn roosters thorough-bred for sale Mrs W F DishonStanford

Fon SALE Second handed RadianHomo heating stove In good orderE C Walton

FOR candles fruits nuts and othergood things for Christmas call at P G

Warner SonsFOR SALE Jersey cow with youn

calf strictly firstclass W D McKin-ney Stanford Ky

COME nnd get your Lowneys andWescotts chocolate for the least mon

eyat G > toppersWANTED To buy or lease n desira

blo lot in Stanford to build n broom factory on Address S P Gray StanfordKy

FOR SALE OR RENTDr J K VanAndalos residence Possession giveiat onco Apply to L R Hughes Stanford Ky

TilE enterprising of Cummins d

McClary are giving their customers theprettiest Christmas card wo havo seenfor along time

SEND in your order for ChristmasCoal Flour Etc today nnd tomorrow Wo will be closed down MondayJ H Doughmnn Co

WANTED Bright honest young manfrom Stanford to prepare for payingposition in Government Mall ServiceBox One Cedar Rapids la

EXCHANGE OR SALl8aacro gooImproved farm in Mercer county for nfarm near Hustonvillc W T Ewingreal estate agency Harrodsburg Ky

Fort SALE CHEAP tho one whoapplies quickly almost new rubber tirebuggy and organ with plain Walnucase but a splendid instrument Applyat this olllce


Mountaineer and Miss Lelia Carterformerly of the Moreland section butnow of Somerset were married at Somcrset yesterday


W 0 SrEEu got part of the big purchase of brandy mado by George DWeathcrford of Hustonville of a Russellcounty distiller and those who havetasted it say it is fine

Gov BBCKHAM appointed lion J SOwsley Jr Special Judge Wednesdayof the Knox circuit court to sit in ncivilcase in which the regular judgiwas barred from sitting The governlast week appointed Mr Owsloy to sitin a murder case in the Oldham districtbut ho had to decline

Tie practice mewdfclno the coun-

try should be divided as it is In all cities Into surgery and medicine Thiswill give tho physician that branch of

medicine he is most proficient in and attho same time give the people betterservice I have gradually year alteryear as my practice Increased and I became moro interested in medical discu-ss


given UP surgery and female discus ¬

es I shall therefore in the futurelimit to medical diseasesand midwife cases and not do surgery orexeeppIon ¬

I have formerly done L B Cook

Tilt Christmas Recite by Miss EllenBallous music class at the Graded

Wednesday evening was heartilybut poorly attended on account

of which fell in torrents Allofthose who took part did well but thevooal solo of Prof Ireland and thowhistling solo of Miss Berta Jean Pen-ny


were so good that they were culled

VirginiaUournewhich were loudly MissLeGrando readingTho Linfields Christmas Dinner was mostcreditable as was the recitation of MissAnnio Lewis Gentry The others whotook part in tho splendid entertain ¬

MarySheppardAlbert Katherine Mc

MahonyMnryCrow Vanhook Miss Ballou hadsplendidlassmid her by those who saw and heard

her pupils play


t Ji I


The many friends of our clever andefficient postmaster Mr James CFlorence will bo glad to know thaiPostmaster General Cortelyou has de

for reappointment as postmaster at this place Thdecision suits us to a t

CALL and see our line of Xmas pres-ents Tribble Pence

yesterdaylorTuesday Jan 2nd

Tim round rate to Louisville is435 beginning today and

until day continuingI

IN order that wo may enjoya littleChristmas we will skip ono issue nextweek moro likely TuesdayI

IF it is your tenthonto pay fatyour INTERmIt JOURNAL before oldyear is gone you had better get a moveon yourself

SARA daughter Mr andMrs Thomas Hurley of Lebanon Junetion died of pneumonia The remainwere taken to yesterday fatinterment

In thv District Court iiftlio United stntoFor the Knitvrn District of Kentucky

III the nmttur of HII Hlmpson-Htiinforil Ky Dec II 106

A meeting IIf the of the 11000nninril who lint glen mljuilRtMl ItimUruptwill Ion held lit till olllco of tho Ittfvrce utHln nfunl Ky on therlttl of I tecvm l er nla

truitiv for Il-islnteorhudtlkutkruptundt for the trims

lie I 011 of other ImnlneM II may eotie IKtorn the meeting Comply with section 87olthe llnnkrupt tot coucrrnliiK proof alclnlinn otherwise your cliilm cnn not Iw nlliiwett JN HAIIMIKKH Iteferoo In Hunkruptey

Sale of Franch ise ForTraction Railway

Jan 8 1906HiMtliillVrni IJiicolnruiinty FUcolOour

hrlil mc IS 1100 Hun JIIIIIOH l illllel-Judgelttsldlagwithth following Juot-sus of thw Pence town V D Will II II J-

AIludderurMItCumptuuCfIiiiI IcyI Thin ilny Jiunon I Whlto CIIIIM Into courmid npplttHl for n franchise permlttliiK tincoiihtmctlonof n Trnrtlun or J

line of rnilwny over the turnpike romU ofLincoln county the court Ixlng addledunon loll 0 W D WiiltlnKniuMComliu byl I HenKlcy It h orilereil mid mlJudged t y tIIe court that a frnnelilw for tinpar poop heretofore Miitnl IM iiniiileil 11111

soul on tlir niiciiitir it Htnnfonl turnplkiroiultroiu the Onrniril und Lincoln line totilt rnriKinitu HmltMOf the Htanfonand nlMion tin HlnnfonlDIx lUvrarrnnCounty A Whlto Oak turnpike road to tincorporate limits of tin town of 1 tow In mliilsoon tin Htiintord rriib Urrlniril turnplktr rand oil Unit portion of tin raid Ik

the towuo of InwlRIIlI nlll HtunfuniiiUoon tin1 HtunforiK llusionvllletuniplkrood from the cor ornU limit of tin city 01Htnnfonl lo tin coritoriite limits of tin towsof ilintonvllle tiUo on tin Hiistonvnlu tllrnilfonljvllle turnplki road from tin corleItiu0wiiirt Cunllnhr8lrk turnpike rood froiitar corporate limit of town of lluntonvlllt to tin Oiisev county hut nlro over tau-TurtersIIIMeKlnneyR Mt Hiilrm turnpike rand anil the Iliutouvlllo t Corfuy1Mill turnplki road from Mt Stili m to theOnsoy rounty lino 11100 over till Btniifonl AllullHdiip turnliikurund front the corporatelimits of lo tint armortvrmlmuof Iasi rat tthenceorrtlieIIighInnilA turnpike month to therlulitofwiiy of tliKnincliiinttlXowAlVxin INnIIU Hiillronil at Vaynelmrniilnu over tin taunts maul nt or near Iteulx nIurtIstoflueiiimt k1cooatvIlnentorearKulmnkK Tin friinrlilsi hercliy grantedNIIIIIIoohlllM an entirety or whole at pule

court hotsO door In theof Htnnfonl Ky tot ciish to the highIIIhrll11Ih0111Icoln ronnlvi pnee

Intf the tlllhot sale of mild fraiichUe and byprinted nolle posted nt the courthoiuedoor by tin Irk of the Uncotncounty court Hn id inle to I > imidi nt tIltvitnliir Juutuiry term IKO of tin rincoincounty court I M I HK th xthihiy of JminaryUOli ntl oclock r ti tnlidnixl linn It InozprviKly tinili ritiHNl tint tilt purchawr or

of l liU franchise shall lwgil workIlIIrdrM within lMHOithsfrom tar dubof Mile null Iroscultuuu with diligence IIIcood faith to tin completion of the workand to complete inline wlthlu I yearn fromtutu of stile son the fnlluro of tin purrlm or or purcimVur of sold friuiclilxe tocomplete sold road an lose ktnttd nolilflllllhill to beeomn null iintl void bet Ufurthermore expressed and muU ritoo l HurtIf the piirchnserorpiirchiiier of lilt frnn

11190 JI iipttOiil consiriietlontlf line of ra0lnnd hire wimo In oxra >

MIItelIlltO1of rond on any or till of tho routes hereinilealKtintcd shall not olwntto ai u forfeitureof a frniiPhlMi over till lines or routes onwhich a hut of road had torn cotutructeil

Hald wilt fihnll Iw tmiduItluclerk of thU court who U directed toreport hU action to tin next term of thiscourt BOooiKU

clerk Lincoln County Kltcnl CourtByK rennlngton IM

Fine Linen Covers Scarfs


These will appeal to the lovers of fine hand tlrnwn linen

goods Table corers at 8175 8250 U and SlGO Dress

scarfs at dl75 to 84 Tho work is done by Japanese artists

and it is well done




Gift Certificatesa

help you sensibly to decide what to give You buy thebeautifullyengraved Certificate and present it as a gift

The person receiving it nay come in at her conveniencebe fitted with just the style and size which best suits her

and exchange the Certificate see below for the shoes

What can give a womanmore genuine pleasure thanperfectly fitted stylish bootsAnd what can be more stylishthan theshoc that sets the style

npcn Oualitv boots comein all leithcnordress for street forskating for all otherservices Let yourchoice be a sensibleone Queen QualityGift Certificates

350 A 300

Cummins l McC-

laryIkTCOSTWe will sell our entire stock of Japanese

ware consisting of a splendid assortment of

Chocolate Sets Cups andSaucers Cream and


Sugar SetsVases Dinner Sets Puffs Boxes Hair Re ¬

ceivers Punch Bowls and Numerous otherarticles suitable for Christmas Presents ex¬

actly AT COST on

Friday And SaturdayAlso our large Stock of Furs consisting of theNewest Styles and Best Qualities at pricesranging from 225 to 20 Buy now andsave money as our stock at these prices willnot last long



Dry Goods and Notionsf

Opera House Block opp CourtHouseStanford Kentucky
